Banner NAVIGATION Prepared by Technology Resource Center El Paso Community College Spring 2007 BANNER NAVIGATION TABLE OF CONTENTS WHAT IS BANNER? ................................................................................................. 1 LOGGING ON TO BANNER .................................................................................. 1 GENERAL MENU...................................................................................................... 3 Direct Access ........................................................................................................................ 4 Object Search ....................................................................................................................... 4 My Links............................................................................................................................... 5 Banner Broadcast Messages ............................................................................................... 6 BANNER FORMS ...................................................................................................... 7 Components of a Form ........................................................................................................ 7 Tabbed Forms ...................................................................................................................... 9 Form Naming Conventions ............................................................................................... 10 Types of Forms................................................................................................................... 11 QUERYING THE DATABASE ............................................................................... 13 Wildcard Characters ......................................................................................................... 13 Query Functions................................................................................................................. 13 Perform a Basic Query ...................................................................................................... 14 MULTIPLE METHODS TO PERFORM FUNCTIONS AND TASKS.............. 15 Keystrokes .......................................................................................................................... 15 Iconic Buttons..................................................................................................................... 15 Horizontal Toolbar and Menu Bar .................................................................................. 16 FEATURES DISTINCTIVE TO BANNER ............................................................ 19 List of Values (LOV).......................................................................................................... 19 QuickFlows ......................................................................................................................... 19 Rollback .............................................................................................................................. 20 APPENDIX A – FORM NAMING CONVENTIONS .................................................A-1 BANNER NAVIGATION PAGE 21 WHAT IS BANNER? SunGard Higher Education is the company from which EPCC purchased Banner to manage our information processing needs. This Oracle-based software solution consists of several products: Student, Human Resources, Finance, Financial Aid, and General. Banner allows the user to perform functions or activities related to the product areas by utilizing online, interactive forms to enter and maintain data or to produce reports. This guide is designed to assist you in learning how to locate and use Banner menus and forms. According to SunGard HE, over 900 institutions of higher education use Banner. Many of those institutions are located in the State of Texas, including the University of Texas at El Paso. LOGGING ON TO BANNER To log on to Banner: 1. Double-click the Banner icon on your Windows Desktop. 2. In the Logon window, type your username, password, and the database name (usually EPCC) in the appropriate text boxes. or click with the mouse to move from one Be sure to press text box to the next. 3. Press server. BANNER NAVIGATION or click the Connect button to log on to the Banner PAGE 1 PAGE 2 BANNER NAVIGATION GENERAL MENU Your starting point for navigating through the Banner system is the General Menu, the first window you see after logging on to Banner. The General Menu utilizes a menu tree structure that provides access to available submenus and forms. Double-clicking the folder icon or name of a menu will expand it to display its contents. Double-clicking an already open folder icon or menu name will cause it to collapse. When you first logon to the EPCC Banner system, the Banner menu is expanded by default, displaying the available product menus (Student, Financial, Human Resources, Financial Aid, and General). To quickly expand a product menu, double-click the folder or select it from the Products pull-down menu (located to the left of the My Links area). Direct Access & Object Search Product Menus My Links Banner Broadcast Messages Banner General Menu The menu tree may be used to access Banner objects (menus, forms, jobs, or QuickFlows). This method of accessing Banner objects is called “drilling down.” 1. Double-click a folder in order to view its contents. BANNER NAVIGATION PAGE 3 2. Continue to expand subfolders by double-clicking them. Eventually, you will “drill down” to the subfolder containing the object you wish to open. 3. Open the target form by double-clicking the form name. Direct Access If the short name of a form is known, access it directly from the General Menu by typing the form name in the Direct Access box (labeled “Go To…”) and pressing . Object Search If you know part of the short name or part of the descriptive name of a form, menu, job, or QuickFlow, you can search for it by using Object Search. 1. Start Object Search by clicking the Search button ( double-clicking in the Direct Access box. ) or 2. On the Object Search form (GUIOBJS), enter the partial name you are searching for: type partial short names in the Name box; type partial descriptive names in the Description box. Use the Banner wildcard characters % and _ as needed. You can further refine your search by also selecting an object type from the drop-down menu in the Type box. This will limit search results to forms, menus, jobs, or QuickFlows. 3. PAGE 4 Use the menu bar at the top of the screen to click Query/Execute. BANNER NAVIGATION 4. Once you find the name of the desired object in the search results, double-click the name or highlight the name and click the Start button. My Links The My Links section of the General Menu (right side) provides quick access to several functions. Menu: This link returns you to the General Menu from the Site Map. If you click this link while you have a product menu or submenu open on the General Menu, your cursor will be repositioned to the Banner folder. Site Map: Displays a window that lists links to all top-level menus and all submenus one level below. Double-click a menu link, and you will be transported back to the General Menu with the selected menu expanded. Site Map Help Center: Currently not active at EPCC. BANNER NAVIGATION PAGE 5 Change Banner Password: Click this link to open the Oracle Password Change Form (GUAPSWD), where you can change your password. Check Banner Message: If a checkmark appears next to this link, you have received a Banner message. Click the link to open the General Message form (GUAMESG) and display any Banner messages you have received. Personal Links 1-6: Configurable links that allow you to create a link from the General Menu to any frequently-used external web site or Banner object (form, menu, job, or QuickFlow). Click on a Personal Link and then click the My Links tab to create the link. My Institution: Another configurable link designed to permit access to the local institution’s home page. Banner Broadcast Messages Banner has the ability to display broadcast messages sent to all Banner users in this area at the bottom of the General Menu. When there is a new broadcast message, the Broadcast Message button ( ) on the horizontal toolbar becomes active, and takes you to the General Menu when clicked. PAGE 6 BANNER NAVIGATION BANNER FORMS Banner utilizes online documents, called forms, which allow the user to enter new data and look up or modify existing data in the database. These forms organize and display the data in fields, thus making it easier to enter and read data. Once information has been input to the database using a form, that information can be used repeatedly by other Banner forms, jobs, and reports. Different forms serve different functions. Eight types of forms are used within the Banner system, and are described in the section named Types of Forms. Each Banner form has a unique, 7-character name and a long descriptive name (Description). Forms can be accessed directly by typing the 7-character name in the Direct Access box. If only part of the form name or description is known, you can search for the form by typing the partial name and a wildcard character in the Object Search function. Both of these functions are available on the General Menu. Components of a Form A typical Banner form is made up of the following components: Menu Bar There is a menu bar at the top of each form, just as there is with most Windows programs. It grants access to pull-down menus that allow you to perform most Banner functions. Any menu or menu option that is grayed-out is inactive. Horizontal Toolbar Located directly beneath the Menu Bar, this toolbar contains icons that allow quick access to commonlyused Banner functions, such as Save, Exit, Next Block, Execute Query, etc. Resting the cursor on top of an icon causes tool tip to appear with a brief description of the function of the icon. BANNER NAVIGATION PAGE 7 Form Title Bar The Form Title Bar displays the descriptive name, the 7-character name, and the version number of the form. The name of the database you have open is also displayed here. Key Block Most forms have a Key Block, which is located directly beneath the Form Title Bar. This block determines what kind of data will be entered or displayed in the Information Block(s) of the form. It is impossible to view existing data or create new records in the form until the appropriate information has been entered in the Key Block. Information Block The Information Block appears below the Key Block. This is the area of the form that displays data or allows data input/modification. If there is more than one Information Block for a form, the blocks are separated by beveled boxes with their own title bars. Options Window The Options Window can be accessed by rightclicking anywhere on the form that is not a field. This window lists all available options based on the form you have open, just as clicking the Options pull-down menu on the Menu Bar does. Auto Hint Line Located at the bottom of the form, the Auto Hint Line displays any error or processing messages. A brief description of the field the cursor is sitting in will also be shown here. Status Line The Status Line is directly under the Auto Hint Line. One or more of the following messages may be displayed here: Record n/n Number of the record currently selected followed by the total number of records. List of Values Advises that the currently selected field has an associated List of Values. Enter Query Indicates the form is in query mode only. In addition to the components described above, forms contain fields and records. Fields are areas on a form in which you can enter, PAGE 8 BANNER NAVIGATION query, modify, or display information. Each field is labeled. If the label is printed in blue text, this indicates the field is restricted to codes from a defined List of Values (LOV). Records are related fields that are grouped together. For example, an address record would consist of four fields: street, city, state, and zip code. Menu Bar Horizontal Toolbar Form Title Bar Key Block Options Window Information Block Document History Form Diagramming Typical Form Components Tabbed Forms Some Banner forms display tabs that arrange groups or blocks of information in a meaningful way. These tabs also facilitate navigation between the different blocks of information. Each tab has a title that indicates the content of that window. You are able to move from one tab to the next by clicking the tab. BANNER NAVIGATION PAGE 9 Requisition Form with Tabs Form Naming Conventions The 7-character name of each form provides an abundance of information about the function of the form if you understand the naming conventions used in Banner. PAGE 10 Position 1 The letter in the first position of the form name represents the primary system that owns the form: S=Student, F=Finance, P=Human Resources, R=Financial Aid, and G=General. For example, any form that begins with the letter “F” is owned by the Finance system. Position 2 The second letter of a form name is based on the module the form belongs to. The same letter represents different modules depending on the primary system. For example, the letter “P” signifies the Person module in the Student system, but denotes the Procurement module in the Finance system. Position 3 The third letter of a form name represents the function of the form. This is consistent between systems: A= Application, I=Inquiry, V=Validation, etc. See the section named Types of Forms for a more detailed explanation. BANNER NAVIGATION Positions 4-7 The last four letters of a form name are used to uniquely identify the form and they frequently give a clue as to its purpose. For example, a form ending in IDEN is a form used for IDENtifying information; a form ending in REQN has something to do with a REQuisitioN. The purpose of the FPAREQN form can be determined by the following analysis of its form name: Position 1 F This form belongs to the Finance system Position 2 P It is part of the Procurement module of the Finance system Position 3 A Application form, meaning you can use it to add or update procurement-related information in the Finance system Positions 4-7 R REQN is an abbreviation for REQuisitioN E Q N FPAREQN is the short name of the Requisition form. This form is used to create and modify requisitions in the Banner Finance system. More detailed information about Banner form naming conventions is contained in Appendix A of this manual. Types of Forms The Banner system utilizes eight types of forms, each serving a different function. General (Main) Menu The first window you see upon logging on to Banner is the General Menu. This form provides access to all product menus, submenus, forms, jobs, and QuickFlows in Banner. Application Forms The most common type of form is the Application form. These forms are used to enter, update, or query information. BANNER NAVIGATION PAGE 11 PAGE 12 Validation Forms Validation forms define those values that can be entered in specific fields on Application forms. A List of Values (LOV) is contained in a Validation form. Query Forms Query forms permit searching for existing data and returning that data to the calling form. Query forms can only be accessed from another form; they may not be directly accessed from the Direct Access box or via Object Search. Inquiry Forms Like Query forms, Inquiry forms permit searching for existing data and returning that data to the calling form. Additionally, they may also be accessed directly from the General Menu, the Direct Access box, or via Object Search. Rule Forms Rule forms specify calculations and parameters that affect processing on other forms, reports, or jobs. Control Forms Control forms define processing rules for Application and Validation forms at the system level. BANNER NAVIGATION QUERYING THE DATABASE To look up information in a database, you perform a query. In Banner, this is accomplished by entering the search criteria into a form and executing the query. Inquiry and query forms are designed for this purpose, but you can also execute a query from most of the application forms. Wildcard Characters Wildcard characters can be useful when performing queries. A wildcard is a special symbol that represents one or more characters. This enables you to enter search criteria in a query form without having to type the entire word or phrase you are searching for. Wildcards will also allow you to find multiple records with a single query. Banner allows the use of two wildcard characters: the percent sign (%) and the underscore (_). The % represents any combination of characters. The _ represents a single occurrence of any character. To obtain these search results Enter this as your search criteria All entries containing the characters ha %ha% Entries beginning with the characters ha ha% Entries ending with ha %ha Entries where h is the second character _h% Query Functions The following functions are used to perform queries in Banner. The Enter, Execute, and Cancel functions are available via icons on the Horizontal Toolbar. They are also available on the Query pull-down menu, along with the rest of the Query functions. Enter BANNER NAVIGATION Erases any search results that may already be displayed in the form and allows you to “enter” your search criteria. The phrase “Enter Query“ appears in the status line. PAGE 13 Execute Used after you have entered your search criteria, this function searches the database and displays the results of the query. Last Criteria Causes the search criteria from your last search to be entered in the form. Any of the criteria can be changed prior to executing the query. Cancel Cancels the query if the form is in query mode or exits the form (if not in query mode). Count Hits Counts the number of records that will be returned by the search criteria. This number is displayed in the Auto Hint Line. Fetch Next Set Replaces records currently displayed in the window with the next set of records that match the search criteria. Perform a Basic Query 1. Open the form you will use to execute the query. 2. If the form opens in query mode (i.e., the form contains no search results, and the phrase “Enter Query” is displayed in the status line), go to step 3. If the form opens already displaying search results, click Query/Enter or the Enter Query button on the Horizontal Toolbar. PAGE 14 3. Input the search criteria. It is possible to search for information in any field that you can access. It is unnecessary to type the complete search criteria if you use the Banner wildcard characters % and _. Queries in Banner are usually casesensitive, so enter your search criteria according to the way the data you are searching has been input. 4. Click Query/Execute or the Execute Query button on the Horizontal Toolbar. All records that match the search criteria will be displayed on the form. BANNER NAVIGATION MULTIPLE METHODS TO PERFORM FUNCTIONS AND TASKS A function or task is an activity performed on a Banner form. There are a variety of different ways to perform functions or tasks: click an icon/button, click a pull-down menu selection, or press a keystroke combination. The method used to perform actions in Banner is entirely up to the user. The correct keystroke combination will afford the same end result as clicking an iconic button or a pull-down menu. While many functions or tasks can be accomplished with a choice of three techniques to perform them, not every action has all three choices (corresponding buttons, keystrokes, and pull-down menus). Keystrokes Keystrokes used to perform functions or tasks can be found by clicking Help/Show Keys or pressing Ctrl+F1 keys. Iconic Buttons In addition to the standard Windows response buttons (Yes, No, OK, Cancel, Exit, etc.), Banner utilizes iconic buttons that are unique to the Banner system. Iconic buttons are simply small squares that contain a picture (icon). These buttons are not displayed on the Horizontal Toolbar. They are displayed within the forms as you navigate through the Banner system. Iconic Button BANNER NAVIGATION Function/ Task Description Approve Indicate the process is approved. Disapprove Indicate the process is not approved. Calculate Perform a calculation on data in the current field. Calendar Open the Banner Calendar window. PAGE 15 Comments Open a freeform text box to enter comments regarding the current record. Complete Indicate the process is completed. In Process Indicate the process is started but not yet complete. Copy Copy the current record(s). Data Indicate that data is available for the current field. No Data Indicate that no data is available for the current field. Detail Display detailed information for the current record. Summary Display summary information for the current record. Maintenance Update information in the database. Search Display a query form or window that allows a search for information associated with the current field. Horizontal Toolbar and Menu Bar The Horizontal Toolbar contains icons that allow quick access to commonly-used Banner functions. Each of these functions can also be accessed from a pull-down menu on the Menu Bar. The following table lists functions and tasks available on the pull-down menus of the Menu Bar along with their matching icons on the Horizontal Toolbar (if available). PAGE 16 BANNER NAVIGATION Menu Name File Pull-Down Menu Choices Button Menu Name Direct Access Duplicate Object Search Previous QuickFlow Record Scroll Up Rollback Scroll Down Save Clear Refresh Remove Insert Exit Duplicate Exit QuickFlow Lock Query Exit Banner Enter Execute Return to Menu Last Criteria Preferences Cancel A list of up to ten recently accessed forms Count Hits Copy Fetch Next Set Banner Xtender Solutions Paste Workflow Cut Edit Tools Help Online Help Item Previous Dynamic Help Query Dynamic Help Edit SCT Banner Bookshelf Help (Item Properties) (Field) Next Show Keys Clear List Options Lists available links Block Previous Next Clear BANNER NAVIGATION Button Next Select Print Edit Pull-Down Menu Choices * PAGE 17 Menu Name Pull-Down Menu Choices Button Display ID Image Calculator Extract Data with Key Pull-Down Menu Choices Button Extract Data No Key Technical Support Display Error Calendar Menu Name * About Banner View/Send Message (only available on Horizontal Toolbar) *These buttons are located within a form, not on the Horizontal Toolbar PAGE 18 BANNER NAVIGATION FEATURES DISTINCTIVE TO BANNER List of Values (LOV) As you create or modify records in the Banner database, you will encounter fields that accept only specific codes or values. These fields display a Search button ( ) immediately to the right. The Search button is an indicator that the field may have an associated List of Values (LOV). The LOV for the field contains all possible values that are acceptable for the field. These values are stored in a Banner Validation form, and the entire LOV can be viewed by clicking the Search button or double-clicking in the field box itself. To input the correct value in a field controlled by a LOV, use one of the following methods: ¾ Type the value or code in the field box, if known. ¾ Type as much as you know of the desired value and use the Banner wildcard characters % or _ to search for the code. ¾ Click the Search button ( ) next to the field or double-click in the field box to view the entire LOV. Scroll through the LOV to find and select the desired value. QuickFlows QuickFlow is the Banner term that refers to a group of forms linked together in a chain. Linking forms allows the user to be automatically directed to the next form in the chain once they have finished with the previous form. This ensures that no steps are missed in a process, and eliminates the need for the user to remember which form should be used in what order. QuickFlows, like other Banner forms, have a short name (usually 3-4 characters) and a Description. To start a QuickFlow, the short name can be entered in the Direct Access box on the General Menu. If the short name is not known, use Object Search to locate the QuickFlow with a partial short name or Description, combined with the Banner wildcard character (%). To see a list of all QuickFlows, go the QuickFlow Form (GUAQFLW) form and click the search button to view the list. BANNER NAVIGATION PAGE 19 Rollback Rollback clears all information displayed in the information block and allows you to return to the Key Block. Once in the Key Block, you are able to search for and select a different record to work with or display in the form. The Rollback button ( ) is available on the Horizontal Toolbar, or you may click Rollback on any Options window or the File pull-down menu. If modifications to data have not been saved prior to returning to the Key Block, Banner will prompt you to save your changes. PAGE 20 BANNER NAVIGATION BANNER NAVIGATION APPENDIX A FORM NAMING CONVENTIONS FORM NAMING CONVENTIONS Banner forms, reports, jobs, and tables are given long descriptive names and short 7-character names. Knowing how to decipher the 7-character name can tell you a lot about the purpose of a form. The naming conventions for the Banner products purchased by EPCC are included in this appendix: Student, Finance, Human Resources, Financial Aid, and General. BANNER NAVIGATION PAGE A-1 Student Position 1 Identifies the primary system that owns the form, report, job, or table. Position 2 Identifies the module within the primary system that owns the form, report, job, or table. S A Admissions C Catalog E Support Services F Registration/Fee Assessmnt. G General Student H Grades/Academic History I Faculty Load L Location Management M CAPP O Overall P Person R Recruiting S Schedule T Validation Form/Table U Utility W Y Z Reserved for clientdeveloped forms or modules. (Character in position 1 not = W, Y,Z.) Student Position 3 Identifies the type of form, report, job, or table. A Application Form B Base Table I Inquiry Form P Process Q Query Form R Rule Table Repeating Table Report or Process V Validation Form/Table View Positions 4, 5, 6, 7 Identifies a unique, fourcharacter name for the form, report, job, or table. EXAMPLES: Form Name Letter Position S P A IDEN S P A I D E N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Student Person Application Identification Description: General Person Identification Form PAGE A-2 Form Name Letter Position S H R ROLL S H R R O L L 1 2 3 4 5 7 6 Student Grades/Academic History Report Grade Roll Description: Grade Roll to Academic History Report BANNER NAVIGATION Finance Position 1 Identifies the primary system that owns the form, report, job, or table. Position 2 Identifies the module within the primary system that owns the form, report, job, or table. F A Accounts Payable B Budget Development C Cost Accounting E Electronic Data Interchange F Fixed Assets G General Ledger I Investment Management N Endowment Management O Operations P Purchasing/Procurement R Research Accounting S Stores Inventory T Validation Form/Table U Utilities X Archive/Purge W Y Z Reserved for clientdeveloped forms or modules. (Character in position 1 not = W, Y,Z.) Finance Position 3 Identifies the type of form, report, job, or table. A Application Form B Base Table I Inquiry Form M Maintenance Form Q Query Form R Rule Table Repeating Table Report or Process V Validation Form/Table View Positions 4, 5, 6, 7 Identifies a unique, fourcharacter name for the form, report, job, or table. EXAMPLES: Form Name Letter Position F O I DOCH F O I D O C H 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Finance Operations Inquiry Document History Description: Document History Form BANNER NAVIGATION Form Name Letter Position F G R ACTH F G R E N C B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Finance General Ledger Report Account Hierarchy Description: Account Hierarchy Report PAGE A-3 Human Resources Position 1 Identifies the primary system that owns the form, report, job, or table. Position 2 Identifies the module within the primary system that owns the form, report, job, or table. N Position Control A Application P Human Resources/ Payroll/Personnel B Budget C COBRA D Benefits/Deductions E Employee H Time Reporting/History O Overall P General Person R Electronic Approvals S Security T Table (Validation or Rule) U Utility X Tax Administration W Y Z Reserved for clientdeveloped forms or modules. (Character in position 1 not = W, Y, Z.) Position 3 Identifies the type of form, report, job, or table. A Application Form B Base Table Batch COBOL Process I Inquiry Form P Process R Rule Table Repeating Table Report or Process V Validation Form/Table Positions 4, 5, 6, 7 Identifies a unique, fourcharacter name for the form, report, job, or table. EXAMPLES: Form Name Letter Position P H R DIRD P H R D I R D 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Personnel Time Reporting/History Report Direct Deposit Description: Direct Deposit Distribution Report PAGE A-4 Form Name Letter Position N B A POSN N B A P O S N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Position Control Budget Application Position Definition Description: Position Definition Form BANNER NAVIGATION Financial Aid Position 1 Identifies the primary system that owns the form, report, job, or table. Position 2 Identifies the module within the primary system that owns the form, report, job, or table. R B Budgeting C Record Creation E Electronic Data Exchange F Funds Management H History and Transcripts J Student Employment L Logging N Need Analysis O Common Functions P Packaging and Disbursements R Requirements Tracking S Student System Shared Data T Validation Form/Table U Utility W Y Z Reserved for clientdeveloped forms or modules. (Character in position 1 not = W, Y,Z.) Financial Aid Position 3 Identifies the type of form, report, job, or table. A Application Form B Base Table I Inquiry Form P Process/Report R Rule Form Repeating Rules Table Report T Temporary Table V Validation Form/Table View Positions 4, 5, 6, 7 Identifies a unique, fourcharacter name for the form, report, job, or table. EXAMPLES: Form Name Letter Position R O A INST R O A I N S T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Financial Aid Common Functions Application Institutional Options Description: Institution Financial Aid Options Form BANNER NAVIGATION Form Name Letter Position R T V AWST R T V A W S T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Financial Aid Table Validation Award Status Description: Award Status Validation Form PAGE A-5 General Position 1 Identifies the primary system that owns the form, report, job, or table. Position 2 Identifies the module within the primary system that owns the form, report, job, or table. G E Event Management J Job Submission L Letter Generation O Overall P Purge S Security T Validation Form/Table U Utility X Cross Product General Position 3 Identifies the type of form, report, job, or table. A Application Form B Base Table Batch COBOL Process I Inquiry Form O On-Line COBOL Process Q Query Form R Rule Table Repeating Table Report or Process T W Reserved for clientY developed forms or modules. Z (Character in position 1 not = W, Y,Z.) General Maintenance Temporary Table V Validation Form/Table View Positions 4, 5, 6, 7 Identifies a unique, fourcharacter name for the form, report, job, or table. EXAMPLES: Form Name Letter Position G U A UPRF G U A U P R F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 General Utility Application User Preferences Description: General User Preferences Maintenance Form PAGE A-6 Form Name Letter Position G T V CURR G T V C U R R 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 General Validation Form/Table Validation Form/Table Currency Description: Currency Codes Validation Table BANNER NAVIGATION