Course: EDUC 170-01 T@3:45PM-5:25PM Credit Hours: 2.0 Professor: Mr. Ervin M. Howard Office: Willie & Jacqueline Gilchrist Education & Psychology New Complex, Room 235 on MWF@10:00AM-10:50AM; TTH @ 9:00-9:50AM Phone: 252-335-3848 Email: Course Location: Willie & Jacqueline Gilchrist New Complex, Room 104: Computer lab Required Text(s) and Materials: Course Description: Praxis I Math course will meet the needs of those students wishing to become teacher education candidates who require additional support as they prepare to enter the profession. Students will have the opportunity to participate in math activities. Upon completion of the course, the student will demonstrate: 1. Comprehension of the types of test questions in math by scoring at least 80% on a proctored test. 2. Test-taking strategies in passing a math test by scoring 60% or higher on a math assessment. 3. Using Learning Express and NorthStar Learning math resources in strengthening the students' mathematical skills and knowledge development. Learning Outcomes: 1. The student will focus on cumulative knowledge of math and reasoning ability with 80% accuracy. 2. The student will suggested approaches for computations and problem solving with 80% accuracy. 3. The student will discuss methods for successful results in attaining successful mathematical knowledge at the end of this course. Course Grading Components: Assignment (Examples of Assignments) Assignments 1. Mathematics Review: Part 1 2. Mathematics Review: Part 2 3. Mathematics Review: Part 3 4. Mathematics Review: Part 4 5. Mathematics Review: Part 5 6. Mathematics Review: Part 6 7. Mathematics Review: Part 7 Total Assignments Percentage Examinations Mid-Term Exam Final Exam Total Percentage Due Date Number of Points for Assignment TBA N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A TBA TBA TBA TBA Percent of Final Grade N/A N/A N/A N/A 40% 30% 30% 100% Textbook Readings covering topics Pre-test Praxis I Exam using LearningExpress Mathematics Review: Part 1 (Pages 101-106) -Understanding and ordering whole numbers -Whole Number Computation -Positive Exponents -Square Roots -Order of Operations NorthStar Learning Assignment Weekly Schedule 1st-2nd Weeks Mathematics Review: Part 2: (Pages 107-114) -Understanding and Ordering Decimals -Rounding Whole Numbers and Decimals -Add, Subtract, Multiply, and Divide Decimals -Understanding and Ordering Fractions -Multiply, Divide, Add, and Subtract Fractions NorthStar Learning Assignment 3rd-4th Weeks Mathematics Review: Part 3 (Pages 114-122) -Number Theory (Factors, Prime and Composite numbers, LCM, GCF, and Divisibility Rules) -Ratio and Proportion -Percent 5th-6th Weeks Mathematics Review: Part 4 (Pages 122-130) -Probability -Statistics (mean, median, and mode) - Permutations, Combinations, and the Fundamental counting principle -Integers (add & subtract) NorthStar Learning Assignment Mathematics Review: Part 5 (Pages 131-140) -Scientific Notation - Equations -Geometry -Coordinate Grid -Measurement -Weight and Mass -Metric System NorthStar Learning Assignment Mathematics Review: Part 6 (Pages 140-149) -Formulas -Distance and Area (Perimeter & Area) -Volume -Time and Temperature Graphs (pictograph, bar, line, and circle) -Stem-and-Leaf and Box-and-Whisker plots -Flowcharts -Logic NorthStar Learning Assignment Mathematics Review: Part 7 (Pages 152-165) -Problem-solving -Finding and interpreting patterns (sequences and relationships) -Estimation problems -Frequency table problems -Formula problems -Interpreting remainder problems NorthStar Learning Assignment Final Exam Preparation (Post Praxis I Exam using Learning Express) 7th-8th Weeks 9th Week-10th Weeks 11th Week-12th Weeks 13th-14th Weeks 15th-16th Weeks Grading Scale: The Grading Scale is consistent with University policy and is as follows: This is an ECSU academic policy. Your final grade will be based on the usual 10-point scale: 90100 (A), 80-89 (B), 70-79 (C), 60-69 (D) and 0-59 (F). Requirements Computer Login: You must have a login account. Your email address is your computer login account. For instance if your email is, then your login account is: jcsmith and the password remains the same. Communication: It is your responsibility to seek out the course information. You should visit the Blackboard page at least three times a week. Visit the course web page, and requests will be made from time to time for you to respond to certain announcement within given time. You are responsible for knowing about all course related matters announced on the Blackboard. Login requirements for Learning Express: Your Banner Number is your username and password is your Banner Password. Your instructor will give instructions to accessing the Pre-test and Post-test assessments for this course. Login requirements for NorthStarLearning: Your login account to the NorthStar Learning is ECSU@Your Banner Number- Example: ECSU@97#######. Your Password is VIKING and the last two digits of the current year. Technology: Hardware Requirements Desktop or Laptop with 1GHz CPU Monitor, 800 X 600 resolution (1024 X 768 required for Office 2007) 2 GB RAM (4 GB recommended) 64 MB video RAM 10 GB of free space on hard drive 56K Modem (DSL or cable modem recommended) Sound card and speakers Printer Operating System and Software Requirements Operating System: Windows 2000/XP/Vista, Macintosh OS 9 or higher Microsoft Office 2003, 2007 or 2010 Virus protection Browser Configuration (View this website: Internet Browser Plug-Ins (Latest Versions) RealPlayer QuickTime Player Adobe Flash Player Windows Media Player Adobe Reader Shockwave Java Runtime Environment Satisfactory Academic Progress: Completion Rate (Quantitative) Students must complete a minimum of 66 percent of coursework attempted each semester. Failure to complete this minimum percentage will result in a student being placed on financial aid probation during the following semester of attendance. If the student completes 66 percent of the coursework attempted during the probationary semester, then the student will be taken off financial aid probation. If the student completes less than 66 percent of coursework is completed during the probationary semester, then the student will be placed on financial aid suspension for the next attending semester. Course Assessment Paper & Pencil based assessments Blackboard online tests with multiple-choice and short-answer type questions. Other Classroom Policies: Attendance Policy: Students are not required to attend class on-campus for online courses. The instructor may hold class sessions via other distance technologies such as interactive videoconferencing. Some online programs may have on-campus residency requirements. Please check with program for more details. Drop Policy: [Refer to university drop policy] Missed Assignments / Make-up Work: All assignments must be completed before or on the targeted due date. This is a policy where everyone must comply. The course requires students to do considerable work so you must plan the necessary time in your daily schedule in completing all assignments. Please follow the directions in class completing assignments on a timely basis. A student will receive a "0" if he or she misses the final exam. The student can be excused from the final exam unless a family emergency, death, or sickness. The student must provide proper documentation to receive consent from the instructor to excuse them and schedule a make-up final exam. After I give the lecture, you do the appropriate assignment. What is very important in this course (actually, in any course) that YOU COMPLETE ALL REQUIRED ASSIGNMENTS. Note: The instructor announces all assignments in a week in advance. A determined date for the final exam will be announced by the instructor from the Fall 2012 Semester Final Exam Schedule. You must submit all assignments through the Blackboard as the main electronic delivery. Submitting assignments via e-mail serve as a secondary electronic delivery should the former fails. Banner Attendance Verification Policy This process is designed to verify that registered students did attend class at least one day during the first two weeks of the semester. This will resolve issues of students receiving financial aid that registered but did not attend classes. If the students did attend class and meet other eligibility requirements, they are eligible to receive financial aid. Any student that will need to be added back to the class roster will need written permission from you for the Registrar’s Office to process the request. Policy on Academic Honesty: As members of the academic community, students are expected to recognize and uphold standards of intellectual and academic integrity. The examples and definitions given below are intended to clarify the standards by which academic honesty and academically honorable conduct are to be judged. The following list is merely illustrative and is not intended to be exhaustive. PLAGIARISM. Plagiarism is presenting another person’s work as one’s own. It includes paraphrasing or summarizing the works of another person without acknowledgement, including submitting another student’s work as one’s own. CHEATING. This involves giving or receiving unauthorized assistance before, during or after an examination. UNAUTHORIZED COLLABORATION. Submission for academic credit for a work, product or a part thereof, represented as being one’s own effort that has been developed in substantial collaboration with or without assistance from another person or source is a violation. FALSIFICATION. It is a violation to misrepresent material or fabricate information in an academic exercise or assignment. MULTIPLE SUBMISSIONS. It is a violation of academic honesty to submit substantial portions of the same work for credit more than once without the explicit consent of the instructor(s) to whom the material is submitted for additional credit. In cases where there is a natural development of research or knowledge in a sequence of courses, use of prior work may be desirable or even required. Accommodation Statement: ECSU is on record as being committed to both the spirit and letter of federal equal opportunity legislation; reference Public Law 92-112 - The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended. With the passage of federal legislation entitled Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), pursuant to section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, there is renewed focus on providing this population with the same opportunities enjoyed by all citizens. The university is required by law to provide "reasonable accommodations" to students with disabilities, so as not to discriminate on the basis of that disability. Student responsibility primarily rests with informing faculty of their need for accommodation and in providing authorized documentation through designated administrative channels. Any student in the class who has a disability that may prevent full demonstration of ability should contact the instructor personally before the end of the first week of classes so that a discussion can be held regarding accommodations necessary to ensure full participation and facilitate individual educational opportunities.