—Enrolled Students CSM ACCREDITATION SURVEY Fall 2005 “Please share

Fall 2005
Verbatim Responses to Open-Ended Question: “Please share
any other comments you would like to make….”
Students should have more time to pay student fees! It takes time to
earn enough money to pay one's school bills.
I love going to csm, and now my husband takes classes with me. We
consider our yoga and dance classes to be good quality time
together, exercising and learning. The only drawback is parking. The
visitor parking stalls near the gym should be made available to
students at night, as well as the faculty parking near the gym/pool.
The student parking is usually full, and the visitor and staff parking
are empty after the daytime crowd leaves. It would make for safer
parking for the women who take yoga, since they wouldn't have to
walk as far in the dark when classes let out at 9pm.
Not enough computers in library. I have waited in line for 10 minutes
only to have a thug cut in front of me. Computers are not wellmaintained. There is little adherence to rules (cell phones, noise) in
the library.
Overall, I find my experience at CSM to superb. That said, I have a
serious complaint regarding difficulty getting a particular math
course which I need desperately. During the spring semester of 2005,
I took Math 111 from Professor XXXX: it is the only time in my whole
life to date (I am almost 28) that I have found a human being that
could make math make sense to me - I mean EVER! So, I patiently
waited for the fall semester so I could enroll in Math 112 (the second
half to Math 111). It is critical that I take the second half before I
forget all that I learned. . .fall came, and no Math 112 for XXXX. So I
waited again. . .and now, to my disappointment and disbelief, you
have not given her Math 112 for the Spring semester of 2006. I
cannot believe it, and I have no earthly idea what to do because I
know that I am forgetting what I learned. I do not have time to retake
the entire course again. XXXX LOVES Math 112, and she is what we
need. Please, I beg you, give her and early morning (M, W, F OR T, Th)
112 class for the spring. This is very important to me - I liked math
for the first time in my life, and I need these skills to fly planes, and
do payroll, and make all sorts of other calculations. If I can get
through Math 112, I will take the rest of XXXX courses as well. Thank
you for your time. Sincerely, XXXXX
The only difficulty I have had at CSM is in a class that I withdrew
from. I was taking health science from Professor XXXX, and I missed
a class due to having to go into work at the last minute. I approached
her after class the next session and asked her what the homework
was, and she told me that normally you get the homework from other
students. I explained to her that I didn't know any other students and
she said, " well you better start making some friends." She did not
end up giving me the assignment, and I left the class quite pissed off
and taken aback. I am 26 years old, and not at CSM to make friends, I
am there to continue my education. I pay money for these classes,
and if I miss a class I expect the teacher to be able to let me know
what I missed. I do not appreciate a teacher telling me that if I can't
make friends, I can't find out what the homework is. Personally I
thought this was very unprofessional, and shortly after withdrew
from her class. I would rather take it next semester from a professor
that is willing to help me and give me the assignments that I missed.
Canada is a Great sister to CSM would rather go to Canada then CSM.
Although at times I register for classes at skyline or city college,
CSM is where I end up going every time because they have more to
offer. Only problem I've had is with the counselors. I've seen my
share of various ones and none have been helpful in helping me
Many of your questions couldn't be answered properly as they
deserved comments. I am a 66 year old, high school graduate. It was
great to be back in school. I even enjoyed the long walk from parking
lot to class. I was never a very good student and I suspect that if the
diagnoses of Attention Deficit Disorder and hyperactivity were
known in the 1950's, I would have been labeled as such and perhaps
received some help. So, 48 years later, I registered at CSM for a
course in Mandarin and dropped out after five weeks. I was
overwhelmed and somewhat intimidated. I think I needed
encouragement. I really wanted to learn Mandarin. I did learn some
basics, still have the CDs and books that I purchased at the CSM
bookstore and will study at home. It was a fun experience although it
appeared to me that people were too serious. Thanks for the
I took classes twenty years ago at Skyline and found them very
helpful in a career change. I now only take sculpture at CSM and find
the class excellent. Some of my responses make more sense in light
of my prior experience at Skyline and some make more sense in light
of my current class. Sorry if it seems confusing. I feel my community
college experiences in general, from the 1960s 1980s and now have
been both transforming and excellent. I have always felt fortunate to
live in a state that values higher education, subsidizes is costs, and
makes it so accessible to anyone. Even us older adults who use it for
personal enrichment. I really feel that this access to education has
made this State one of the economic powerhouses of the world. It is
a wonder to me that more people don't take lifelong advantage of it.
I would like to see better lighting at night along the sidewalk going
from Parking Lot 5 to Parking Lot 2. There are some very dark areas
along the sidewalk.
I took only one course, BUSW383 on-line PowerPoint. The Instructor,
XXXX, was an hour late to the first and only class. I submitted my
first lesson, waited a week and got no response, so I left him a phone
message. I received a phone message vback that said merely "It was
OK". I submitted all remaining lessons and final project on time, but I
have heard nothing from Mr. XXXX. I have received three requests to
enroll in to enroll in Busw 681 W2, but I will not do so because of the
above unsatisfactory experience. The two classes do not even use
the same text book.
XXXX and the staff w/ Disabled Student Services have been
extremely helpful.
Overall, CSM has been great to me. Although CSM has a good
connection with 4-year universities in Northern California, CSM
doesn't have a strong relationship with the other 4-yr colleges in
Southern California. For instance, the UC campuses in Southern
California don't send and rarely attend the transfer workshops, etc. It
is very inconvenient for students interested in transferring to those
schools. Another negative input I have: Food service is terrible and
overpriced, not to mention the very limited options. Academically,
CSM has been great.
I am in the process of training for the Police Reserve Program and
the classes and training have been extremely productive,
encouraging, and a wonderful experience. A great deal of credit
should go directly to the instructors because of their well trained
background providing some of the best real life situations directly
correlating to the Administrative of Justice curriculum. Thank you.
When rating "Gains and No Gains", most of what I put was "No
Gains" because I'm a graduate student taking prerequisites for Notre
Dame, so my view of what I have gained is skewed...just thought you
should know. :-) I also wish there were more telecourses for people
like me who don't want to come to school 3 days a week for an hour;
but I realize you have to have a population of folks who want that
before you can offer it with any financial efficacy. Thanks.
Long ago I took the Building Inspection series which was great. Now
I am taking the prerequisites for RN (took time out to take an Lic.
Vocational Nurse program because of the lack of spaces for RN
program and my age) Now. I graduate as LVN and am continuing my
quest for RN prerequisites. I have enjoyed all my classes on the
three campuses in the system. Canada and CSM being the more
pleasant. There is a huge difference in the condition and cleanliness
of the campuses in the CSM system vs. that of SF City College where
I have studied the past 18 mos. Coming into the CSM system
buildings is a joy!!! Thank you for a great place to learn.
It would be extremely helpful to have link where students can rate
CSM teachers individually. Having a good teacher helps students
lots. (2) Bookstore is outrageously expensive. There are students
that live on the minimum wage, parents are poor or are single
parents. Having to buy old books at the book store can be very
painful. The same books on e-bay costs less that 1/3rd of a price. I
have paid over $100 for a used book, which has been sold on e-bay
for $25 - 30.00. Selling books at an outrageously high price only
encourage students to look for books outside the CSM book store. (3)
I have had poor experience with the counseling service. Despite
explaining clearly that I'm a single parent, working parent, I'm
looking for 2 classes, one moderately extensive reading, one very
less complicated class. I was recommended 2 classes that were
exceptionally difficult and both required extensive reading.
Counselors don't pay attention to your situation or they think that
you are supposed to know what to take and make any random
recommendation. Not very reliable and positive experience that I
have had with the counseling service, needs improvement - sorry to
say this.
I take only an occasional class, and I already have an advanced
degree, so many of the questions do not apply. However, on
everything that I can comment on, CSM continues to be wonderful! I
learn in the classes I take, and it is an enjoyable experience.
Previously, Gertrude, in the admissions office, was especially helpful
in assisting our son enroll in classes as a high school student. She
deserves special praise for going beyond the call.
CSM is my favorite campus out of all 3 SMCCD! Very relaxed and
friendly atmosphere! I also enjoy the fountains! Good job!
in observation, I feel that the older students are more motivated in
learning and feel the college have to address to the disrespectful,
poorly motivated younger students more effectively.
I already have a Social Science Degree from C.S.M. and I have always
gained so much knowledge and assistance from teachers and
counselors. I am now enrolled in the Alcohol and Other Drug Studies
Cert. Program. So, most of the questions do not pertain to me. I
know that once the campus is finished with its repairs, it will look
Although I have enjoyed my return to college, something I find rather
ironic is that C.S.M encourages diversity, tolerance etc. but allows
liberal bias to permeate the faculty who don't have a problem voicing
their political views and trying to influence students' decisions.
I think it would be a good idea to let students fill out a feedback
survey about the instructor towards the end of the semester. the
hardest part about completing this survey was the fact that most
instructors were very good educators, but one (in my experience)
was just awful.
Parking is hideous at night. It is too dark and there is little security
will do for you when you have a medical issue. I was told I couldn't
park in handicap or have special privileges during my recuperation
from spinal injury. It was 2 weeks of leaving my bag unattended at
the stairs of building 14 while I drove back to park my car and walk
painfully to campus to hope my bag was still there. The parking area
at night is dark and my class gets out just before 10 pm and goes
overtime when we have questions. The instructor does not have
office hours before class, so the only time to speak to the instructor
is after l0pm. It's dangerous and dark - campus police still gave me a
ticket even though I explained to them I had parked in visitors lot
during the 1st 2 weeks of classes because of my uncertain feeling of
safety walking on campus past 10pm.
I would like to see sometimes smiling instructors, especially from
Nursing Dept.
I think there are lot homework. Some homework it is ok, but lots and
lots, it doesn't help the student. My opinion. I m a Lawyer and a
Journalist in my country. Maybe different way to learn. I have to get
I find my time in class very educational and stimulating. I have
attended ESL 400 and I was impressed for how well I have been
helped. Thank you I think College of San Mateo is a very good
example of how to treat foreign students.
I think the Electronics program is excellent because of XXXX, and
there is a desperate need to support this program!! Also, if there is
any way of bringing back the Aircraft Maintenance program it would
be great!! XXXX is an excellent instructor and we need more
instructors like him!!
Overall, I've had a great experience with CSM. Would like to see more
'patrolling' of security, especially in the evening, but, overall, I feel
pretty safe. The grounds improvement/maintenance is good. Most of
teachers are prepared, eager to teach, and always open and
receptive to the students. Thank you!
My experience at CSM has been very interesting. I have been out of
school for 9 years prior to enrolling in the Fall 2005 semester. I fully
intend on continuing my studies here at CSM. Everyone has been
very helpful.
I have applied and was accepted but missed the deadline to enroll for
last semester. I will try to get the classes I want for the coming term
but there is little offered in my desired area of interest. The
admissions went smoothly for me on line and this gives me
confidence that SMC is a well run institution where I can fulfill my
educational goals.
The listed courses needed to achieve the certificates should be
consistent each year with minimal changes. The academic
counselors should be knowledgeable about the requirements and of
the changes as well so that correct information is given to students
who seek advice.
Although I am enrolled for 19.5 units, only 3 units are at CSM. The
other 16.5 units are at Canada College.
My experience at CSM has been extraordinarily great! I love the
classes I am taking, think the instruction is outstanding, and enjoy
the diversity on campus. The staff is doing a superb job in every way.
Thank you for providing such a quality environment!
Would be nice to have a broad placement tests that can include other
knowledge not just English and Math. (i.e.: Computing, History, etc).
2) The bookstore should post more information about the texts to be
used in the courses, such as ISBN or edition number, and be done in
advance, not 5 days before classes starts. 3) All the courses should
post their syllabus on line (web site), as well as reference texts
needed, and should be posted at least 2 weeks before classes start.
4) CSM should have strong presence in county high schools,
specially in the last months of H.S. classes to encourage senior year
kids to come to college or even better to have junior students to try
advanced placement. 5) And finally, I would like to thank CSM for all
the work that are doing for us.
The parking situation (especially at night) needs to be fixed. I have
been going to CSM off and on since 1995 and it’s the same thing; not
enough student parking. During the day, if you are running late, you
are guaranteed no parking space anywhere near your class, but the
closest staff parking has a BUNCH of open spots available. If the
students are the reason school even operating, then why not give a
little more to the students. More parking closer to classes. Especially
at night. I DO NOT feel safe at night on CSM's campus. The lighting is
poor and I have never seen a security guard outside at night EVER.
Rarely have I even seen a security car driving around patrolling for
safety. Is there anyone checking the campus at night? This is
something which really needs attention. Please do SOMETHING.
I'm very concerned that while student evaluations of their instructors
are given in some cases. For long-term or tenured professors this
seems not to be the case. I'm had some very bad experiences with
tenured professors who, and my vocabulary failed me, are simply
extremely lazy and do strive to do as little as possible to get by. I'm a
student of your new Computer Forensics programs and I consider it
a disaster, it has been a complete waste of my time and money.
Other than the final class, CIS491, which was excellent, the other
classes where of little or no value. Simply put, the program was NOT
ready, it should not have been offered until better facility was in
place. I'm pursuing another program, electronics, and it is excellent.
Apparently because of the constant work of one long-time very hard
working professor. My recommendation is that evaluations should
be given for all classes, each semester. If that is not possible then
evaluations need to be given for all new classes and/or programs,
regardless of their status. Thank you for providing this chance to
Some teachers like to make things harder for students.
Some procedures, such as changing from letter grade to credit/no
credit, could and should be made available thru WebSMART rather
than having to wait in a long line to do this! I can't believe no one has
suggested this before. More input should be actively solicited from
students on how to make their educational life work better at CSM.
I've often gotten the feeling that the 'rules' are made more for the
convenience of the administration rather than to serve the students
My experience has only been based on one class, and my generally
negative reviews are related to my experience with the one professor,
so it would be difficult to use my answers as a good gauge for
general student opinion. However, I would like to express my overall
disappointment in the course I have taken here; the environment
encourages high-school type disrespect for higher learning and
allows inappropriate behavior. Honestly, I had much higher
expectations, especially when comparing my experience here with
that at other local community colleges (which have proved much
more intellectually challenging).
The college greatly exceeded my expectations! I thought the grounds
were really well done, esp. the fountains and ponds, with a killer view
of the bay from the library. I originally came on campus to try out a
quiet nice place to work with a wireless hotspot - I liked it so much
that I signed up for an online programming course. I think I get
incredible educational value for the money - I had no idea. This
experience has made very appreciative of community colleges and
the work you have done. Online registration was easy and efficient - I
hate standing in lines. I do wish there was tighter integration
between the student services office (photo ID) and the cashier's
office (fees, parking permits.) It took three trips - cashier's office was
closed, etc. I'd prefer a one-stop experience - get the student ID,
parking permit, and pay any extra fees as needed in one place.
Online registration website could give the option to pay extra student
ID fees and/or parking permit fees, with the permit mailed to you, so
that all one has to do is to stop in for a photo for the student ID.
Facilities management was puzzling. I took a midterm with a fire
alarm going off every few minutes. I understood that the problem had
been going on for weeks. Why? The Linux server I did my
assignment on was pokey at times. Maybe you could throw some
more horsepower at that. Ducks around the ponds would be nice -
but I guess that's up to them. It'd soften the place up a bit. The
cafeteria seemed cavernous and a little impersonal with long bench
tables. Round tables of varying sizes seem more appealing to me.
The video game consoles were never seen to be used and seem out
of place at a college. I liked the coffee shop but wireless is spotty. All
in all, very happy with the school, and I think it's an amazing value.
Many of the questions did not apply to be because I am taking
Physical Fitness. I strongly encourage CSM to do individual course
evaluations -- they need to be short and focused.
I love CSM, and I have recommended it to all my friends. I would love
to come back after I'm done with college, if even just for fun - so I
can take all the classes I haven't had yet!
I had trouble paying fees via internet. It wouldn't accept my credit
card and I don't understand why. I just didn't pay my fees and figured
the college would catch up with me.
XXXX, human physiology instructor, knows very little about
physiology, gets easily confused, displays serious gaps in
knowledge of basic biology concepts, hands out study guides for
exams and then tests on unrelated topics, makes inappropriate
sexual remarks, is generally incompetent and should not be allowed
to teach physiology.
Walking from park lot #10 at night is scary. The lighting is poor. I
realize CSM is undergoing renovation. I hope once the construction
is over, the lighting will be much improved. In fact, I think the night
time lighting could be improved over the entire campus.
Please bring back etching and other print making to the art
I think the college and faculty are excellent. I would like more on-line
its a cool place 2 hang out with my hommies
It is exceedingly difficult for a Concurrent Enrollment student such
as me to get into the classes that my counselor and the admissions
department have signed off for me, even when everything was turned
in on-time or early. The card that I was supposed to receive to tell me
that I could register for my classes was two weeks late and as a
result I was not placed in the class that I was supposed to take. On
top of that, I went to the first meeting of the class to ask the
professor if I could add it to my schedule and he told me flat out, no.
A day later I found out that a student had dropped the course and I
proceeded to send the professor an email asking to add the class,
yet again I received a very short response. The email I received back
was one word with no explanation or, in my opinion, courtesy; "no"
was the response to terrible assistance in a student's attempt to
going to class. I feel that situations such as these give CSM a terrible
reputation within the community of my high school and as such, any
student moving on to CSM from graduating high school is not seen
as very progressive, but rather as too lazy to go to a "real" college. I
am very disappointed in what I know can be a better, more useful,
and more helpful institution.
You need to have more online services available. You are way behind
when it comes to this.
CSM is a good school and all my teachers love teaching their
The only major complaint is the lack of help by the counseling
For my areas of study, there are some excellent instructors who have
made my experience of study at CSM a great pleasure. I am very
appreciative of this.
Need a night bus 115 class, a piano beginning class at night, more
classes at night
I am only taking a one specific class.
I am taking only one telecourse and consequently have not been
exposed to many of the things you ask about.
Class times offered are difficult for a working adult that is also a
single parent. Night and weekend classes don't work as I have a
child. I need to have more classes available on a two day basis (MW
or T/TH). Perhaps adding a few afternoon class options or alternating
class days and times semester to semester. Some of the new
classrooms are really nice.... but the old classrooms need cleaned up
and the campus has more litter then any campus I’ve been on. Staff
is amazing.
I don't feel my professor is a good teacher. He doesn't understand
alternate teaching methods and he doesn't seem to realize or care
that not all students can learn from his scientific, fairly cursory
explanation of intricate concepts. Also, I take night classes, and
often the path lights are turned off after dark to accommodate an
astronomy class that does outdoor observations. This means that
some of us have to walk a 100-yard stretch of campus in absolute
darkens. This is unsafe physically as we have no idea what's on the
path in front of us (or even where the path is), but also can lead to
security issues. I have spoken to 2 representatives of campus
security to let them know how dark and unsafe this is, and nothing
has been done.
I would feel safer if I knew how to get in touch with security at night
when I have to walk to my car alone so they could escort me. The
counselors that advise people about the nursing program are really
bad. All the counselors give contradicting advice and INCORRECT
information when it comes to the nursing program. They act like they
don't care about us and like they are doing us a favor. If it weren't for
us then they wouldn't have jobs. They are in need of re-training in
regards to the nursing program. It also seems like we are bugging
them when we go and ask questions. Otherwise, CSM has been good
for me.
This is my first time on a campus since high school and I have been
impressed and pleased with both the facilities and the instructors I
have experienced.
I appreciate the educational opportunities CSM affords me. I have
had several excellent instructors. CSM enriches our community.
Keep up the good work!
I would recommend CSM for ease of passing and completing a
curriculum or certification. However, I would not recommend CSM if
one is interested in learning or acquiring information. The instructors
rely on materials supplied by 'course.com' in the technology
department. The books are poorly written, PowerPoint presentations
and tests are supplied so that the instructor has little commitment to
the class apart from showing up. The automated tests are so far
removed from real life experience they are laughable. In my personal
experience I am satisfied with attaining a computer forensics
certification but I have not learned one piece of information that
would assist me in my duties as a network administrator - which is a
sad statement to have to make about the technology department.
I think the campus could use more lighting along pathways to the
parking lots. Thank You
There are not a lot of choices for the night classes. I can't take lasses
during the day and I don't like TV or on-line classes (I don't own a TV
(my choice) nor have a phone land-line for the internet). There are no
business math classes at night, and the science and technical
classes are limited too. I had an issue w/a teacher marking scantron
test answers wrong if the machine marked them wrong thinking that
the students "could" be cheating (not giving credit for right answers)
and I wrote a letter to the dean and never got an answer back. Also
when I went to the dean about getting credit for classes I took at
Foothill, there wasn't a lot of effort made to contact the appropriate
deans to find out if the class is comparable to get credit for the CSM
degree. I went down and spoke to a dean in person at Foothill,
submitted the appropriate paperwork WEEKS ago and have yet to
hear a response and I need to know to be able to schedule the right
classes for this semester. Unless I make a nuisance of myself and
plant myself in front of someone, the response for getting answers is
poor. I'd like to see some architectural drawing and design classes
(not just CAD drawing classes; real building plan drawing and
reviewing) at night and it would be nice if CSM started offering
programs for Bachelor Degrees. Can't I just take enough classes that
they add up to something? Why should we have to transfer for a
Bachelor's Degree? It doesn't mean you learn any better going to a
more expensive program.
To be perfectly honest with you this was my first experience at CSM.
I decided to take guitar lessons and signed up. All of my interactions
with the staff of CSM, from online registration to paying for parking
pass, getting a student identification, paying registration fees and
purchasing my class required books were FANTASTIC, EASY but
most important were the CSM staff's attitude at making me feel
welcome. I was only able to attend three classes then had to drop the
class but plan on trying again when I have more free time.
Please provide more lighting along pathways to parking lots at
nights. Campus grounds are very dark (pitch black at portions)
which is a security & safety issue.
Excellent location. Sunny.
XXXX is a marvelous instructor! He provides great insight into real
estate with practical experience and humor. I would highly
recommend his courses to others.
I'm taking ceramics and have gotten hooked on it. The Canada
campus is closer to me, but does not offer ceramics, so I am at CSM.
I found the campus to be convenient and am glad to have the
opportunity to be at this site. The ceramics program is great by the
way and the instructor is inspiring. thanks
I have completely enjoyed my classes at CSM. The course work,
teachers and environment have all been conducive in providing me
with an exceptional start for college level studies. CSM is the best
college I have ever been to and I've attended 4 different colleges. I
wish you granted BA's and BS's there so I could continue at CSM.
Thanks for the wonderful years.
XXXX for HIST 100 does not seem excited to teach his class. many
students, present and past, dislike him for his inefficiency.
The people in the bookstore are very rude. I try to go elsewhere to
get my books and supplies, but unfortunately sometimes I have to
shop there. when will the construction be finished? I am
immunosuppressed and the fungus in the exposed dirt can kill me.
The College should re-evaluate the units on SOSC 315 & 316. Not
only is the class hard... the student has to put in many hours as an
intern which, in my case, exceeded the hours of a full time semester.
If we're not to get paid for this work... there should be some sort of
break? Perhaps not taking the same exams three times because we
aren't getting "A's".
There is not enough library hours available and study areas
especially on the weekend. Some instructors don't return exams. I
don't if it's because they are lazy and don't want to make new exams,
but it's a trend I am seeing. The return of exams would be helpful,
particularly to the student who got answers wrong on it. And if the
final is cumulative, and I did poorly on one of the exams, it would be
extremely beneficial to have that previous exam for studying and
reviewing the material I got wrong.
I enrolled in Italian 121 last semester and Italian 122 this semester, in
both cases the classes were conducted simultaneously the same day
and hour in the same classroom. This type of set up was very
disruptive to both classes 121 and 122 students as well to the
instructor. My recommendation is: if there are not enough students
for one course, offer the courses on a yearly basis, but not subject
the students and instructor to this type of arrangement. This type of
arrangement is not beneficial to anyone, it is rather distracting and
disturbing, students or instructor. Please, review your policies and
change accordingly to provide a better learning environment for the
students and work environment for the instructors. Of course taking
in consideration budgetary constraints. Thank You.
It would be nice to have more engineering and computer science
classes at CSM, particularly night classes. Also more higher level
math classes, particularly at night. It would be helpful to have a more
extensive public transportation system for getting people to CSM in
a timely manner from a variety of locations. Also, when working
people have to drop a class halfway through, it would be nice if they
were permitted to continue in the class, without credit, to the end of
the class. After all--they paid for it. The object should be enabling
people to eventually master the material. I took an XML class that I
had to drop partway through, but the teacher said I could not
continue in the class (without credit) due to school rules.
Admissions at the College of Nursing should be based on
credentials or merits not lottery. Also, please increase the allotted
number for this course... as nursing is one of the most in demand
professions that will never be outsourced. Thank you for any future
attention to this matter.
I enjoy attending CSM; however, I feel that in non-honors classes,
the teachers do not challenge the students enough, and for people
who kill themselves studying for tests, it is disappointing to get a
very easy test after putting in allot of effort. I miss doing group
activities and presentations like in high school which built up mine
and other students confidence and presentation skills. College is a
lot more unstructured than high school, and it was kind of nice
having structure. Thank-you
Please continue to offer advanced Spanish classes!
I have repeatedly taken the night creative writing class, which I love,
however the professor is very unprofessional. I feel she is a good
teacher but let's her own personal stuff interfere. She holds her class
captive while she rants and raves about her personal suffering,
imagined or real. She crosses the line of professionalism with her
students. She talks at us about random personal things that have no
relevance to the class. She uses the class as her personal therapy. I
already have a BS in a college and am a working professional, and
am careful to make such accusations. Most of the repeat students
feel as I do that we want to take the class, it's a nice atmosphere and
we like to learn from each other, but the teacher is a hindrance and
one that is hard to put up with for the things we get out of the class
in the end. I have taken this class 4 times as well as another from the
same professor (only offered with her in the times I can come) and
she has been the same in all classes. I'm sorry to report this, but feel
someone should look into it. Perhaps there is a survey that can be
done in class (last day) and turned in anonymously where people are
not afraid to be "punished" by the teacher for stating their truths.
Math Tutorial Center and Library have hours that make these
resources unavailable to students that work 9-5 jobs.
As my attendance at CSM was only for two nights, I don't think my
answers to this survey would be very helpful. I do, however, have to
comment as to why my attendance was only for two nights. It was
because of the instructor. I think XXXX is a very poor college
instructor. I found her behavior to the class to be highly insulting.
The comments she made, the way they were said, were very
demeaning. I had the impression that she didn't want to be bothered
with having to review Algebra for the Pre-Calculus class, yet that is
what she did for both nights. I also felt that my time was being
wasted due to her lack of instruction since she chose to use at least
two out of the three hours of class time each night to have the
students work on book problems independently ?something that
should have been assigned as homework. Furthermore, I felt as if
she expected us to behave as if we were in a high school classroom,
going so far as to insinuate that the class was going to cheat, and
that she would have to take pre-emptive measures against it. As an
adult, many years out of high school, I found the whole environment
that she created in the classroom to be an especially hostile way to
learn. Given the low attendance in her class, I don't feel that I am
alone in my opinions. Now, because of this one instructor, the
probability that I will return to CSM is very low. Please take that into
consideration when considering her future employment.
One counselor was very rude to me.
I'm retired. At the end of the day, when I walk into class, my
footsteps are lighter. I get to listen to instructors like XXXX who
freely share their love of what they do. Their expectations are clear,
and they inspire us to do our best. The mix of technical information,
art, and humor creates a wonderful learning environment.
Need more lighting on campus at night - parking lots are dark and
unsafe. Dangerous to walk past construction sites when the road is
unlit and parking lots are dark too. Need more call boxes/ways to
contact security on campus if needed in an emergency. There should
be at least one in each parking lot and also clearly located beside
Regarding CSM's multimedia department. XXXX, excellent teacher.
Final Cut Pro teacher XXXX? No background in subject matter, poor
teacher. XXXX, no degree of any type! What criteria is there
regarding teacher hiring? XXXX, marginal teacher with
condescending attitude. I feel better now.
I have not taken a class in almost 25 years so this was an exciting
(and a bit frightening!) experience. I plan on enrolling in another
class next semester. My only concern is the parking lot
situation...especially at night and especially for old ladies such as
myself. With the hiking I had to do, I should have received some P.E.
credits. It would be nice if some of the parking lots closest to the
buildings were available for students instead of being designated for
instructors only. That's my only complaint, though. It was a
wonderful class with a great instructor!
The evening instructors really need to become sensitive to adult
student. The majority of evening students are adults and racing
though the lessons as if we are just out of high school or 20
something's is wrong. Many adults drop because they cannot
process information like a younger student and become discouraged.
With tuition + books at $300 per class these days, there should be a
greater emphasis on the evening adult student to keep them
motivated. In addition, the math lab is the most crass and belittling
place on the campus. The head of the math lab should just where a
button that says, "What, are you stupid or something?" Several of
the "Tutors" are just students working on their homework and act as
if you are bothering them when you ask for assistance. Most of the
other students I spoke with go to the Canada math lab (even though
they attend CSM). These are a couple of real deficiencies at CSM.
However, with the right evening faculty who are mindful of the adult
student. I believe CSM could become a real adult leaning magnet.
There should not be a limit on the number of times you can take a
particular physical education class, to stay in shape. This should
apply to graduates, undergraduates, etc...
Most people at the bookstore and the counselor I have been seen
twice were rude and seemed indifferent about helping me.
The only problem that I have with CSM is the parking. I'm sure it will
get better when the construction is finished. Are any of the existing
buildings going to be renovated? That would be nice at some point.
For those who come after me, please schedule some Italian 121 and
122 classes during the daytime. Night classes, especially when they
pertain to a foreign language, are extremely challenging. Thank you
for your consideration.
CSM is an excellent college, but I met some professors who are kind
of too remote to me.
Improve the History department. Get better instructors!
I enjoyed the abnormal psychology class taken in the evening with
XXXX. I just wish that there were more psychology classes offered
during the evenings like Major theory of personality and statistics.
Keep up the good work.
I have found the counselors to be rude and uncaring at times. The
bookstore staff needs a lesson in customer service. They seem to
think we are bothering them when we have questions or need help of
any kind. Especially rude when trying to return unopened / unused
College need more major programs i.e.: Dental Hygiene. Security is
not available in the evening and the campus is not well lighted. How
about having a campus weekend clean up? Get the students
involved in the process since they are the once that make the mess.
It is disgusting to walk around and you see garbage all over the
place. Cigarette butts is very disgusting. Smoking should not be
allowed where students are exposed...it affects my health too. I do
not like second hand smoke do you?
My only qualms would be with the security and enforcing traffic laws
around campus. I think most student worry more about forgetting to
hang their parking permit from their mirror than stopping at stop
signs. I do not feel safe having to cross the road on foot, especially
at the intersection behind the admin building. Other than that, the
people and instructors are interesting and engaging, and I have
enjoyed my time at CSM.
Have the security guards carry weapons. There are lots of goons on
campus who look violent.
I've often visited the campus during the day and have observed
groups of students standing around/hanging out; cussing, being
vulgar, being overly loud and making a scene. This shouldn't be
allowed because it's an eye-sore and a disappointment to the
campus culture and its atmosphere. And in many areas of the
campus there is litter and unkempt landscaping, it looks terrible and
run-down and causes the campus to have a "slum" feeling.
I would like to see more campus security around when the night
classes end. It is a long, dark walk to the parking lot and I rarely if
ever have seen security in the two semesters that I have attended
CSM. I think tardiness policies should be adhered to by the
its feels as if people at csm are judgmental and sometimes makes
me feel uncomfortable and like I do not belong there, it feels like rich
little kids look down on others and make them feel low and harassed.
I am an average person and I hate when girls give dirty and hateful
looks that make you feel threatened.
After four years of college, I could have not picked a better place to
become lost...I would have rather been in a four year college,
however, cash is tight these days; 45 thousand a year is a bit steep. I
did realize that community college was meant to allow for an easier
transition from high school to college. Unfortunately, the standards
of our current high-school students are far below the expectation of
the college of san Mateo. The real point of college is to gain an
education. I feel that in coming students are at a loss due to their
unsatisfactory high-school educations. The standard must rise again.
Make California a great State again with Great institutions: lets begin
early and work our ways up the latter. The world is ignorant, and csm
is no exception. The brashness of some staff members alarms
several students a day. Except for the parking, nothing was
worthless at csm...I found each day to be fulfilling as well as
interesting...everyday is a gift, that’s why its called the present.
There was no Spanish tutoring and NO outside help to further my
learning and helping me succeed!
Thank you for reducing the size of parking tag” sticker." the book
store should give more money for the buyback books. I think they
rip-off every student at csm. Every student think the same thing but
not buddy does anything about it! thank you.
Thank you CSM for making me feel part of your family.
I take classes at both CSM and Canada, and both locations are not
conducive for learning. The acoustics are terrible, especially at
Canada. The temp of the rooms is stifling in the early Fall and late
Spring. Also, many of the instructors (that I have come in contact at
both schools) are not open to other viewpoints.
There is much room for improvement in the 'overall cleanliness of
campus' category. Especially in the bathrooms... With the current
global health concerns, I would like to see steps taken to increase
awareness of 'hand washing' CAMPUS WIDE!!!
It should be easier to find information on how to transfer to colleges.
They should have to make a person run around trying to figure out
what classes to take or to find out that they are still missing
classes....Also counselors should make sure they aren’t making
students take classes they don't need. Just don't print out the assist
page and hand it a student, because assist doesn't help with private
colleges. I have wasted a semester taking classes that I absolutely
don't need for my major and for the college I am going to. Also
counselors should ask a student if they have gone to any of the
other colleges in the district, because the IGETCs are not the same
and it causes a lot of confusion for student who have taken classes
in the other colleges, and some end up taking classes that they have
already taken.
CSM has been a great place for me to study English as a second
language. I am so pleased with most of my instructors, especially
XXXX. I will always remember my time in CSM as one of the most
rewarding times in my life.
CSM is a Good school. Good place to attend, not too bad, not too
excellent... Thanks. I love you so much, more than Tabasco. LOL. =)
and stronger than a bulldozer..LOL. -pacific ocean
A very friendly place to attend class!
I received my AS degree from CSM many years ago and have
returned to school to receive a degree in a different area. CSM has
always been my first choice in Community Colleges. It just feels
good to be at this particular campus. I have received a lot of support
from staff and instructors and as an older student this is most
I think the upgrades to the CSM campus this past year have made a
huge difference in the effectiveness of the school, good job! I would
like to see a little more work done to improve safety issues ... ex. the
staircase behind the greenhouses that doesn't have a hand rail and
the lights are often not working during my night time classes, makes
for a very scary decent down the stairs to the parking lot. Several
places where the pavement is uneven by 2-3 inches, tripping hazard.
I never see security around the buildings at night, only driving
around the parking lots. It might be nice to see their presence
walking around campus and in the buildings. All in all, CSM is a great
place to attend classes, diverse and fun!
When I come to school a bit early, I would like to study outdoors
when the weather is nice--but there's really no place comfortable to
sit. Everywhere there's concrete. CSM needs more benches that are
comfortable. Also, the lighting in the student center is horrible. It's a
definite strain on the old peepers. Thanks for hearing me out.
I love CSM
Please keep bathrooms clean!
Overall CSM and SMCCD are very good two year colleges. I am
pleased with the classes I have taken, but wish to express concern
with regard to what appears to be shrinking computer programming
classes. This is an awesome field of study and should be continued
and expanded - both as a primary field of study for transfer and as a
resource for continued professional development. You have
excellent instructors - XXXX, XXXX, and XXXX.
My biggest complaint about this school and the reason I wouldn't
recommend it is the lack of parking. I live 10 minutes away but I have
to leave my house 2 hours before my first class just so I can get a
parking place. This is terrible and it has a huge impact on a single
mother that already doesn't have enough hours in the day.
I came to the College of San Mateo once only to follow my Italian
instructor from Skyline, XXXX. If my answers seem contradictory,
Tiziana is an amazing teacher, so I can only say positive things about
her class. In contrast, I find the campus incredibly depressing and
impersonal. In future, I plan to take all my classes at prettier and
pleasanter Skyline, or elsewhere.
The parking officers are truly Nazis... I am still battling a ticket I
received over a year ago. Classes were NOT in session and I parked
in the wrong area for 45 seconds. Again, I received another ticket
when I had a dispenser issued ticket on my dashboard. So, as far as
feeling secure on campus, I would probably have to change my mind
on that issue since security is too busy issuing parking tickets.
Again, for that same reason I have warned people about attending
My overall experience has been a good one, except for one class.
That class was Managerial Accounting. The instructor did not teach
the subject, but instead talked more about life's personal matters.
Which in turn I did not do well. I got a "C" in the course. I still feel
that I should be able to retake this course since I know that I would
do well if I were taught well.
I strongly dislike the noisy dj's on campus. Also, I think that the
councilors need to be more informed about transferring to 4 year
universities. I have gone to the counseling center many many many
times and for some reason I am still unclear about the classes that I
need to take.
The social science instructors put down any student who disagrees
with what they say. I thought college was supposed to be open to
free exchange of ideas.
More classes, especially around 2 - 5pm time frame
CSM is an excellent school and I would recommend anyone to go
here. However, I think CSM should expand their nursing program in
order to accommodate the majority of the people applying for it. I
have been going to CSM for about three years now, acquired a very
good GPA, and am almost finished with my prerequisites for the
nursing program. I would be devastated to find out that when I do
apply, find out I did not get accepted and have to wait another year to
re-apply. And that still wouldn't be guaranteed.
In section 1, questions 3-10 are skills which I already possess. The
same comment also applies to questions 13-20. Furthermore, in
Section 5, questions 19 and 24 were inadequate for me to continue at
CSM. Finally, in the Section marked "Other Information", my gender
and ethnicity are none of your business.
I feel I haven't taken enough classes yet to really have experienced
all facets of CSM. Anything I rated as less than excellent or if I didn't
respond it may be because I didn't have any experiences with that
area, like security, but I see their presence during the evenings,
when it comforts me greatly to see them. I'm excited about my
education at CSM and beyond and I feel the disabilities office has
been exactly what I needed and has made the hugest difference in
my success. I also feel that I'm being challenged but not stressed. I
have had warm, understanding, effective teachers that make me want
to come to class every week. Because of this environment and the
support of the disabilities office, I am enthusiastic and excited about
reaching goals I had given up on years ago. I know now that I can do
it! Thank you, CSM!
If I was attending just CSM, I am sure that there would be less
confusion. However, since the district is set up for students to
receive their education through all 3 schools, knowing who to talk to
and where to go in finding information on support services is
incrediblity confusing. Also, being a night student, I find that the
support services hard to access because of the time of being at work
having to travel to campus and the time in which classes start does
not make it very easy to get food in between. The food court has slim
hours, and instructors do not always give breaks before the food
stands have closed. This sometimes leaves some students starving
all the way through a 3 hour class. The food stands do not offer food
that is either inviting or healthy leaving very few choices when we do
get out in time to get food from the food stands. There could be a lot
more effort on the part of the school with extra-curricular activities to
include evening students to give a feeling that we are attending a
place of higher education, and that we are not just extra students. I
have noticed that there are activities during the day that offer a
variety of experiences that I would be very interested in attending,
some even include free food. But they are scheduled for the hours of
11-1, with nothing for the night students. Night students are a hard
working bunch of student, and I would like to see a little reward from
the school for attending despite all the difficulties these students
face. I suspect that many night students feel the same as I do, yet
they are too busy to advocate for themselves. Despite all my
complaints, I have to end with an encouraging note. The level of
education I have received while attending the SMCCD has been
excellent. Educators care and are interested in their students
excelling. They work hard at preparing the information for instruction
and being available for students even if it means a lot of extra effort
on their part. They have gone the distance. I just wish the
administration and other activities would put half the effort the
educators put in for the night students.
I have taken classes at DeAnza and West Valley, I feel SMC staff
people are friendlier and more helpful. My instructor for German
language is outstanding. I have been told in my other language class
that only German would be spoken, which normally it is not. Here at
SMC it is only German, a difficult class, but feel I have learned the
most. I had only one bad experience, I made a special trip to the
bookstore for a req CD for class, it was not in stock, this is the only
neg thing I can say about this college, it is great find.
Great school. I wish there was more lightening at night. I have yet to
see a security officer on campus at night, which I am aware of.
CSM Has ben very rewarding for me as a single mother of a baby it
has been a success to my education. Thanks
I think that it is sad and unfortunate that the general attitude of this
school is to "cater" to the under motivated and lazy majority of the
student population. Expectations should be raised NOT lowered to
produce better graduate or transfer students. College is supposed to
be a time of intellectual growth and challenge... I am ashamed to be
achieving straight A's w/o any effort!!!!
Can you PLEASE do something about the parking permit machines
in the parking lots?! The technology involved with those machines if
about 30 years old!! They only seem to work once every three weeks
and there are certainly not enough of them in the biggest parking lot
on campus. The biggest, main lot near the front part of campus
(where the busses pull in) has only ONE permit machine. There
should be at least 3 or 4 in that one lot. I'm sure you are aware of the
technical problems that machine has . . . but, think about the money
you are losing every time it doesn't work and you have to put a hand
scribble note on it that says, "free parking today"!! This has been the
situation every since I began taking night classes here 3 years ago.
Same machine . . . same problems . . . same graffiti . . . same rude
security people . . . same lame CSM.
Administration is hardly around and difficult to contact, they never
respond to voice messages I leave. That’s my biggest complaint.
About a year ago I went to see a counselor and it was the worst
experience ever!!! Instead of helping me look at my educational
goals she told me she didn't know why I received a letter from CSM
and in her words "I don't know, you need to do good in these
classes". She also mentioned how bad my transcript was from a
previous school and how she would have never transferred it to this
school. This was very discouraging and it made me uncomfortable
about talking to counselors.
I was NOT impressed by my instructors teaching methods, I
expected to have text books and a well thought out syllabus with a
constant learning path. I experienced a hap-hazard teaching style
with lecture and lab time. this is not conducive to learning a
programming language. I am looking elsewhere for my instruction of
Flash and Actionscript.
I think some of the program structure in the technical classes is out
dated for the times. Maybe it is because the United States
government and major businesses are interested in cheaper labor
south of the border and over seas so they can boost their short term
profits. I see where a new science building is being built ( I have
been a California tax payer since 1984 with no kids and I have always
voted for pro school initiatives) while the welding department does
not have a decent ventilation system for its students. Go figure that
one out. Thanks!
I am only taking 1 evening foreign language class, therefore don't
need to access many of the programs offered at CSM. I have no
complaints about anything. The instructor is great and I have learned
a tremendous amount in this first semester. I plan to continue my
language studies at CSM. I have taken many day classes here in the
past, and still found the college very comfortable.
Too many classes are only available at night.
Trying to get classes is hard, all the classes I usually want to take are
always on the same nights. That’s my only complaint, maybe you
need more classes in Math and Science classes.
I would have given CSM a higher rating except for one of my
teachers who kept slacking on her work. She was absent most of the
I think this survey is a long time coming and a wonderful idea. I think
it will show some of the deep dissatisfaction of students with their
experience at CSM. As an adult student I'm amazed at the lack of
interest, respect and concern many "educators" have shown me
during my time here...I have noticed some improvement especially
with some staff in the admissions and records office who have been
more kind and helpful. It makes me you feel like somebody cares.
Thank You.
CSM has the best variety of literature classes out of all the
community colleges in the area. I've liked all my literature classes
taken so far.
A lot of my answers are probably not what you're looking for since I
am primarily a Canada College student. I come to CSM every few
Fridays for a health science class and so I have not used a lot of the
services provided here.
I always ask my CSM classmates and check out the website
ratemyprofessor.com before selecting an instructor. There are a lot
of teachers at CSM that are just working to earn a paycheck and are
not there to teach the students. Because of this I am very careful
weeding out those teachers and find the ones that have my best
interest at heart. I pay to take classes at CSM and expect to be taught
something. CSM has made my return to school a successful one and
I thank you for that!!!
You need to put more internet computers in the library. It doesn't
have to be state-of-the-art, it just has to work with internet. Your
counselors do not know things involving transfer and general
education requirements that they should know. Your bathrooms are
in many cases unsanitary. Your weight-lifting facilities are full of flies
that tend to get in your ear when lifting a lot of weight. You put too
many restrictions on school club posting. There appears to be no
traffic enforcement near the construction sites. You are taking
forever to complete construction on the track and field. The food you
sell is in some cases moldy. Your instructors pile sometimes up to
five essays and books to be read in a ridiculously short amount of
time. Your admissions people tend to be lazy and hostile. Your
locker-room lockers need anti-theft devices on the latches and
hinges. I even heard you restricted an atheists’ right to free speech
on world religion day recently. You merge too many classes together,
pack too many people in the same rooms, and still expect them to
learn objectively. You need air conditioning in the main part of the
library. You need to replace the bathroom fixtures, which are worn
out, leak, and are severely corroded. Other than everything on the
list above, you are doing an adequate job. Please try to fix the
problems listed above in a timely fashion, students like me are not
getting any younger.
I am an alumni of the College of San Mateo, and I truly feel that the
college serves all students of every situation. I am grateful to have
had a great experience while I attended CSM. It's really a "family-like"
college where every one (faculty and students) help one another.
Really, it's true!
Thank you for your services.
Everything is great with csm and the SMCCCD, but my biggest
concern is the grading system...it is ridiculous that + and - are not
distributed!!!!! ridiculous!!!
As someone who has spent many years at some of the finest
universities in higher education, I had fairly low expectations for
CSM, a community college. I was pleasantly surprised at the very
high quality of education at CSM, from facilities to counselors to
instructors. I was also very impressed by the generally high level of
commitment and focus on the students' part. Overall, I rate my
experience at CSM as very favorable. I would recommend CSM to
anyone (and, indeed, have already done so). Keep up the good work!
Most of the instructor in the Nursing department are very informative
and encourage students to learn, but there are few who are not so
nice to work with, sometimes they forgot that once in their lifetime
they became a student too and encouragement is a very big factor in
any student's success, I just hope that instead of putting down a
student for having a simple mistake, they will rather explain why it
happened in a nice, calm way rather than the opposite way. Because
everybody knew how hard it is to be able to stay in the nursing
program, most of the students came here to study and succeed and
not to be humiliated nor having a trauma just for a simple mistake
nor just a misunderstanding, 'cause the program was so intense and
the facing was so fast that you'll have to be dedicated in order for
you to stay in the program. I hope this will help in a positive way....
you mentioned food service. the people are wonderful, but the food
is greasy. non salad healthy foods are hard to find.
Great School
Classrooms are too cold. Bldg %, Room 121, has no heat source;
Building 14, Rm 218 has its thermostat set at 58. Signs on campus
for Farmers’ Market, but no large sign for Building locations.
Some areas of the parking lots are still too dark in the evening when
leaving the campus for classes ending at 10PM.
I am very glad CSM helped me pursue my ed. at my age. Thank you.
I would appreciate less gum under the desk. Some of it seems to
have been in place since the 1950's.
CSM is a really good school and does a great job preparing students
for transfer. Services and class are awesome, but librarians are often
Counselors need to be more readily available for new and returning
students and helping them with their transfer plan.
My French teacher, XXXX is superb. I come a long way to get her
instruction and she is worth every mile.
Some questions need a Don't Know choice.
I feel that my best teacher was XXXX for English. She was great. In
Psychology XXXX was also a great teacher. XXXX for Stats was
probably my least favorite. He was hard to understand and sorry to
say but he smells. Macro Econ XXXX was ok.
I feel there should be questionnaires filled out by students of their
classes taken...this can give an honest teacher evaluation.
Great experience. It is definitely worth the 30 mile drive to classes.
The Graphic Design department is excellent.
The number of clubs should be increased. CSM has so few club to
join in terms of variety and selection.
Got my AA with Epeel my teacher's are on their job!
Books are way too expensive, make more books available in the
library, so students who don't qualify for financial aid still get a
break . On the book prices I spent $400 for 4 books, that is
RIDICULOUS, maybe do a rent system with a down payment, and
students must return books or else, they will not pass their classes.
The campus is great but more access to computers would be great.
There are very good professor who easily show their knowledge of
the class. Many of these good professionals prepare their classes
ahead of time. But there are some teachers who are totally the
opposite. Many of these teachers do not follow any syllabus that has
to do with the class. That is the case of XXXX who make a joke of
Ethnic studies. I encourage the Dean of every division who hear the
complains and do nothing to hire better professionals.
Clean bathrooms!
The majority of professors that I have had have been knowledgeable
and friendly. The classrooms are somewhat rundown and outdated
in the older buildings. The bathrooms in the older buildings,
specifically Bldg 14, are disgusting. I think with better
equipment/facilities CSM would be much nicer.
The faculty parking in Lot2 seems to be never filled.
I'm thankful for the education and services offered and grateful that I
can take advantage of it.
Parking- I have taken evening classes before and there is a lot of
staff parking available in the evening, and there is only an parking lot
where student can park in the staff parking lot. I would feel a lot safer
if I didn't have to walk a long way in the night to get to my car,
especially when there are no security in site, Also when it's winter
it's cold and raining. Everything else I have no complaint about.
For the past 2 1/2 years I have been gland to attend CSM. I enjoy my
instructors and the open spread of the campus.
I have enjoyed going to CSM for the past 2 and a half years. I will be
transferring 2006 (Jan - Spring) to San Jose State University. I have
had some amazing teachers from CSM and I thank them for doing
their job!!!
awesome experience!
CSM has been a great place for me to grow as a student. Now going
to transfer to SJSU I feel prepared and ready for higher learning.
My years at CSM have been very positive. I have had a lot of smart
and passionate teachers. They have taught me how to analyze ideas.
I am grateful to them because they have given me a wider
prospective on a variety of subjects from anthropology to
oceanography. CSM had provided me a high quality/low cost
The financial aid department is horrible. It takes forever to get their
stuff together to help students that are really in need and people
should take action to change their process because students need
We need men's basketball
Why aren't the rules for smokers enforced better? I step out of every
building into a cloud of smoke, as these people gather right outside,
not even close to the twenty feet limit posted. It is very disgusting,
please help. I don't smoke for a reason. I do not need others to
contaminate me as well.
For spring semester 2006, the architecture class and the drafting
class should not be at the same time. What if you want to take both??
I have enjoyed attending CSM. The professors are obviously very
knowledgeable, as well as helpful in assisting their students. My only
complaint is that ASCSM does not represent the students well
because they do a horrible job of telling people about election and
spend too much time on frivolous items like throwing parties.
Do the football players ever go to class?
My English Prof XXXX was very helpful. She took the time to really
help me with my writing. Give her a raise. If possible, more parking.
CSM is a good school, I enjoy learning at this college. Place more
trash cans around campus to cut down on trash+litter. Encourage
more car pooling. There was a problem early on in the semester
where there were not enough desk in the classroom and too many
students registered. Make sure that doesn't happen again. Place
ISBN# for school text book online so students can purchase same
books at cheaper website like ebay or Amazon. I called book store
and they would not give me an ISBN number.
Fire tech courses have the best teachers! great program
Counselors could be more helpful. Not very knowledgeable.
Make faculty parking areas smaller since a lot of the space provided
for the faculty are never full. CSM should expand student lots.
Overall I think that CSM is very good providing education to a wide
range of students (from cosmetology to general education) Also
CSM offers many different kinds of programs and services. Its just
up to students to use them- which most didn't.
Teachers are not as helpful for student to get their goal.
I am taking History.
On overall my experience at CSM has not been a positive one. On all
accounts I have not done poorly, but parts of the school and many
instructors do not make this task easy at all. Sometimes it feels like it
is opposite, however, I have found a few exceptional faculty
members who have made this experience bearable.
I absolutely love CSM. I have had nothing but a positive experience.
All of my instructors are excellent.
The Math Lab should be bigger and there should be more helpers on
hand. In my experience there are too many students than helpers,
and the waiting period id long. More study Areas, the library can get
pretty crowded and sometimes noisy.
The counseling is very poor, and was never any help. In all three
years I was there I saw a counselor twice, b/c they never gave me the
right classes. I also have done all my transferring on my own. Maybe
having better counselors CSM would have a better success rate for
transfer students.
Why does my gender, age, and ethnicity matter? What does that
have to do with how I feel about the school? That make no sense to
me. Those last 3 questions should be removes. I thought racial
profiling was eliminated in the United States, especially in an area as
diverse as the Bay Area.
need to expand the child care services and ages
XXXX is an excellent teacher. He keeps the subject real. He make
sure we understand. He is one of the best instructors I have had.
I attended a 4 year college last year and was not challenged as much
as I am here. I like the fact that I am learning so much more here at
I have been enrolled in all of the San Mateo community colleges and I
believe that CSM is helping me to move further with my education.
The counselors here (XXXX in particular) really helped me to weigh
out options while giving me further resources to investigate.
I always draw pardas on my tests, yet I have not once received extra
credit for it.
CSM is a cheap alternative to four-year colleges; please try to keep it
that way.
Good school Good teachers Need more English online classes for
English majors
I feel as if there are less available classes to choose from based on
the number of students attending. Parking is also very difficult and
If CSM is supportive of all students- regardless of ethnicity, gender,
religious, beliefs, lifestyle, or sexual orientation, why does this
survey ask how old I am, and my ethnicity? And also, I do not believe
white is considered an appropriate description, such as African
American, well I guess I am other.
I think ground is clean, but the buildings aren't attractive. There
should be more spirit or events in school.
Traffic sucks and is dangerous….trucks speed. There was an AfroAmerican custodian who was hitting on the café student workers.
Where do students go to complain about this. Otherwise, CSM is
International students to not get much support here.
Instructors here are not open to alternative ideas different than their