CSM ACCREDITATION SURVEY--Faculty and Administration Fall 2005 1. CSM actively works toward fulfilling its vision and mission. (N) (%) Agree Strongly 50 40.3% Agree 57 46.0% Disagree 6 4.8% Disagree Strongly 4 3.2% Don't Know or N/A 7 5.6% Total 124 100.0% 2. CSM's mission statement guides institutional planning and decision-making. (N) (%) Agree Strongly 34 27.9% Agree 56 45.9% Disagree 12 9.8% Disagree Strongly 3 2.5% Don't Know or N/A 17 13.9% Total 122 100.0% 3. CSM's mission statement is reviewed and updated regularly. (N) (%) Agree Strongly 39 32.5% Agree 47 39.2% Disagree 6 5.0% Disagree Strongly 2 1.7% Don't Know or N/A 26 21.7% Total 120 100.0% 4. Faculty have adequate opportunity to participate in the development of financial plans and budgets. (N) (%) Agree Strongly 8 6.4% Agree 60 48.0% Disagree 25 20.0% Disagree Strongly 13 10.4% Don't Know or N/A 19 15.2% Total 125 100.0% 5. The role of faculty in shared governance is clearly stated and publicized. (N) (%) Agree Strongly 34 27.2% Agree 64 51.2% Disagree 14 11.2% Disagree Strongly 5 4.0% Don't Know or N/A 8 6.4% Total 125 100.0% 6. Faculty have a substantive and clearly defined role in institutional governance. (N) (%) Agree Strongly 31 24.8% Agree 61 48.8% Disagree 16 12.8% Disagree Strongly 7 5.6% Don't Know or N/A 10 8.0% Total 125 100.0% 7. All constituency groups work collaboratively towards the achievement of College goals. (N) (%) Agree Strongly 23 18.4% Agree 59 47.2% Disagree 14 11.2% Disagree Strongly 14 11.2% Don't Know or N/A 15 12.0% Total 125 100.0% 8. CSM actively encourages faculty participation in the decision-making process. (N) (%) Agree Strongly 31 25.0% Agree 61 49.2% Disagree 14 11.3% Disagree Strongly 10 8.1% Don't Know or N/A 8 6.5% Total 124 100.0% 9. College goals are regularly assessed and results shared with campus constituencies. (N) (%) Agree Strongly 27 21.8% Agree 55 44.4% Disagree 19 15.3% Disagree Strongly 5 4.0% Don't Know or N/A 18 14.5% Total 124 100.0% 10. Strategic planning is used to identify needed areas of improvement and set goals for institutional change. (N) (%) Agree Strongly 27 21.4% Agree 56 44.4% Disagree 18 14.3% Disagree Strongly 6 4.8% Don't Know or N/A 19 15.1% Total 126 100.0% 11. CSM seeks input from all constituencies when reviewing instructional programs and student services. (N) (%) Agree Strongly 21 16.7% Agree 60 47.6% Disagree 19 15.1% Disagree Strongly 13 10.3% Don't Know or N/A 13 10.3% Total 126 100.0% 12. College budget decisions are based upon input from all college constituencies. (N) (%) Agree Strongly 8 6.4% Agree 48 38.4% Disagree 26 20.8% Disagree Strongly 19 15.2% Don't Know or N/A 24 19.2% Total 125 100.0% 13. Appropriate and timely financial information is provided regularly throughout CSM. (N) (%) Agree Strongly 3 2.4% Agree 49 39.2% Disagree 33 26.4% Disagree Strongly 18 14.4% Don't Know or N/A 22 17.6% Total 125 100.0% 14. Overall, the shared governance process is working well at CSM. (N) (%) Agree Strongly 18 14.6% Agree 58 47.2% Disagree 18 14.6% Disagree Strongly 12 9.8% Don't Know or N/A 17 13.8% Total 123 100.0% 15. Overall, college administrators listen and respond to faculty concerns. (N) (%) Agree Strongly 34 27.2% Agree 56 44.8% Disagree 13 10.4% Disagree Strongly 12 9.6% Don't Know or N/A 10 8.0% Total 125 100.0% 16. Overall, there is a climate of mutual trust and respect among faculty and administrators. (N) (%) Agree Strongly 29 23.2% Agree 60 48.0% Disagree 16 12.8% Disagree Strongly 13 10.4% Don't Know or N/A 7 5.6% Total 125 100.0% 17. Campus facilities (i.e., classrooms, washrooms, offices) are adequately maintained. (N) (%) Agree Strongly 3 2.4% Agree 41 32.8% Disagree 46 36.8% Disagree Strongly 32 25.6% Don't Know or N/A 3 2.4% Total 125 100.0% 18. Campus landscaping is adequately maintained. Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Disagree Strongly Don't Know or N/A Total (N) 11 72 29 12 2 126 (%) 8.7% 57.1% 23.0% 9.5% 1.6% 100.0% (N) 11 65 26 6 17 125 (%) 8.8% 52.0% 20.8% 4.8% 13.6% 100.0% 19. Campus safety hazards are removed promptly. Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Disagree Strongly Don't Know or N/A Total 20. Procedures and policies for hiring faculty are clearly stated. (N) (%) Agree Strongly 40 32.0% Agree 64 51.2% Disagree 10 8.0% Disagree Strongly 5 4.0% Don't Know or N/A 6 4.8% Total 125 100.0% 21. The tenure review process for faculty is systematic, timely, and fair. (N) (%) Agree Strongly 29 23.0% Agree 50 39.7% Disagree 14 11.1% Disagree Strongly 13 10.3% Don't Know or N/A 20 15.9% Total 126 100.0% 22. Instructional programs are assessed, reviewed, and modified regularly. (N) (%) Agree Strongly 24 19.5% Agree 72 58.5% Disagree 12 9.8% Disagree Strongly 6 4.9% Don't Know or N/A 9 7.3% Total 123 100.0% 23. Instructional programs reflect the educational needs of students and surrounding communities. (N) (%) Agree Strongly 23 18.3% Agree 70 55.6% Disagree 21 16.7% Disagree Strongly 7 5.6% Don't Know or N/A 5 4.0% Total 126 100.0% 24. Courses are offered regularly to provide students the opportunity to complete their program of study within a reasonable time. (N) (%) Agree Strongly 25 20.0% Agree 76 60.8% Disagree 13 10.4% Disagree Strongly 4 3.2% Don't Know or N/A 7 5.6% Total 125 100.0% 25. CSM encourages the use of various teaching methodologies to accommodate the different learning styles of students. (N) (%) Agree Strongly 33 26.2% Agree 69 54.8% Disagree 13 10.3% Disagree Strongly 5 4.0% Don't Know or N/A 6 4.8% Total 126 100.0% 26. CSM assesses Student Learning Outcomes and uses the results to make improvements. (N) (%) Agree Strongly 16 12.7% Agree 54 42.9% Disagree 18 14.3% Disagree Strongly 7 5.6% Don't Know or N/A 31 24.6% Total 126 100.0% 27. Instructional programs are consistent with the goals of CSM’s mission statement. (N) (%) Agree Strongly 25 19.8% Agree 74 58.7% Disagree 11 8.7% Disagree Strongly 3 2.4% Don't Know or N/A 13 10.3% Total 126 100.0% 28. Curricular and instructional innovations can be readily initiated. (N) (%) Agree Strongly 19 15.2% Agree 64 51.2% Disagree 24 19.2% Disagree Strongly 7 5.6% Don't Know or N/A 11 8.8% Total 125 100.0% 29. Faculty are evaluated in an appropriate and reasonable manner. (N) (%) Agree Strongly 22 17.6% Agree 69 55.2% Disagree 15 12.0% Disagree Strongly 8 6.4% Don't Know or N/A 11 8.8% Total 125 100.0% 30. Overall, I feel informed and aware of College matters that affect me. (N) (%) Agree Strongly 34 27.2% Agree 65 52.0% Disagree 20 16.0% Disagree Strongly 2 1.6% Don't Know or N/A 4 3.2% Total 125 100.0% 31. I have opportunities to attend conferences, workshops, or training. (N) (%) Agree Strongly 36 28.8% Agree 63 50.4% Disagree 15 12.0% Disagree Strongly 8 6.4% Don't Know or N/A 3 2.4% Total 125 100.0% 32. Faculty are provided with flexible leave and unit banking opportunities. (N) (%) Agree Strongly 35 28.0% Agree 51 40.8% Disagree 9 7.2% Disagree Strongly 5 4.0% Don't Know or N/A 25 20.0% Total 125 100.0% 33. The college maintains and upgrades technology and equipment to meet instructional needs. (N) (%) Agree Strongly 13 10.3% Agree 66 52.4% Disagree 34 27.0% Disagree Strongly 10 7.9% Don't Know or N/A 3 2.4% Total 126 100.0% 34. Computer equipment provided is adequate to meet my needs. (N) (%) Agree Strongly 26 20.8% Agree 68 54.4% Disagree 20 16.0% Disagree Strongly 8 6.4% Don't Know or N/A 3 2.4% Total 125 100.0% 35. The college plans for and supports technology innovation. (N) (%) Agree Strongly 28 22.2% Agree 73 57.9% Disagree 15 11.9% Disagree Strongly 5 4.0% Don't Know or N/A 5 4.0% Total 126 100.0% 36. CSM supports technology services to ensure that instructional needs are being met. (N) (%) Agree Strongly 28 22.4% Agree 64 51.2% Disagree 22 17.6% Disagree Strongly 4 3.2% Don't Know or N/A 7 5.6% Total 125 100.0% 37. I feel safe on campus during daylight hours. Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Disagree Strongly Don't Know or N/A Total (N) 68 49 2 3 3 125 38. I feel safe on campus during the evening or at night. (N) Agree Strongly 29 Agree 63 Disagree 20 Disagree Strongly 4 Don't Know or N/A 8 Total 124 (%) 54.4% 39.2% 1.6% 2.4% 2.4% 100.0% (%) 23.4% 50.8% 16.1% 3.2% 6.5% 100.0% 39. Overall, Campus Security provides high quality services to the CSM community. (N) (%) Agree Strongly 34 27.2% Agree 59 47.2% Disagree 14 11.2% Disagree Strongly 6 4.8% Don't Know or N/A 12 9.6% Total 125 100.0% 40. I feel that excellence in teaching on my part is acknowledged. (N) (%) Agree Strongly 29 23.2% Agree 51 40.8% Disagree 17 13.6% Disagree Strongly 13 10.4% Don't Know or N/A 15 12.0% Total 125 100.0% 41. The College has provided me with opportunities to increase my understanding of diverse groups (i.e., different ethnicities, disabled, gender, alternative life styles, etc.). (N) (%) Agree Strongly 35 28.2% Agree 70 56.5% Disagree 10 8.1% Disagree Strongly 3 2.4% Don't Know or N/A 6 4.8% Total 124 100.0% 42. The library has an adequate collection (books, periodicals, and electronic resources) to provide for faculty professional and course development research. (N) (%) Agree Strongly 12 9.7% Agree 48 38.7% Disagree 21 16.9% Disagree Strongly 16 12.9% Don't Know or N/A 27 21.8% Total 124 100.0% 43. The library has an adequate collection (books, periodicals, and electronic resources) to provide for student research. (N) (%) Agree Strongly 12 9.6% Agree 57 45.6% Disagree 20 16.0% Disagree Strongly 11 8.8% Don't Know or N/A 25 20.0% Total 125 100.0% 44. The library maintains sufficient operating hours for faculty and student access. (N) (%) Agree Strongly 8 6.4% Agree 58 46.4% Disagree 32 25.6% Disagree Strongly 11 8.8% Don't Know or N/A 16 12.8% Total 125 100.0% 45. CSM maintains educational equipment and materials in good working condition. (N) (%) Agree Strongly 8 6.5% Agree 71 57.3% Disagree 32 25.8% Disagree Strongly 8 6.5% Don't Know or N/A 5 4.0% Total 124 100.0% 46. The college relies on faculty expertise to acquire educational equipment and materials that support instruction. (N) (%) Agree Strongly 24 19.2% Agree 69 55.2% Disagree 13 10.4% Disagree Strongly 5 4.0% Don't Know or N/A 14 11.2% Total 125 100.0% 47. Adequate tutorial services are provided to meet the needs of students. (N) (%) Agree Strongly 9 7.3% Agree 37 29.8% Disagree 37 29.8% Disagree Strongly 19 15.3% Don't Know or N/A 22 17.7% Total 124 100.0% 48. Computer labs maintain sufficient operating hours to meet the needs of students. (N) (%) Agree Strongly 7 5.6% Agree 55 44.4% Disagree 26 21.0% Disagree Strongly 7 5.6% Don't Know or N/A 29 23.4% Total 124 100.0% 49. The right of faculty to present unpopular or controversial ideas in the classroom is valued and respected. (N) (%) Agree Strongly 20 16.0% Agree 60 48.0% Disagree 9 7.2% Disagree Strongly 7 5.6% Don't Know or N/A 29 23.2% Total 125 100.0% 50. Excellence as a classroom instructor is acknowledged by the College. (N) (%) Agree Strongly 19 15.2% Agree 52 41.6% Disagree 29 23.2% Disagree Strongly 10 8.0% Don't Know or N/A 15 12.0% Total 125 100.0% 51. Overall, I am satisfied with my job. Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Disagree Strongly Don't Know or N/A Total (N) 46 63 7 6 2 124 (%) 37.1% 50.8% 5.6% 4.8% 1.6% 100.0% 52. Overall, CSM provides a high quality learning experience for students. (N) (%) Agree Strongly 42 33.6% Agree 69 55.2% Disagree 9 7.2% Disagree Strongly 2 1.6% Don't Know or N/A 3 2.4% Total 125 100.0% 53. Overall, CSM provides high quality student support services (e.g., counseling, financial aid, health services, EOPS, etc.). (N) (%) Agree Strongly 33 26.4% Agree 72 57.6% Disagree 6 4.8% Disagree Strongly 3 2.4% Don't Know or N/A 11 8.8% Total 125 100.0% 54. If necessary, I know where to refer students for various campus support services. (N) (%) Agree Strongly 49 39.5% Agree 67 54.0% Disagree 4 3.2% Disagree Strongly 1 0.8% Don't Know or N/A 3 2.4% Total 124 100.0% 55. CSM regularly reviews all policies, procedures, and publications to assure accurate representation of its services. (N) (%) Agree Strongly 25 20.0% Agree 48 38.4% Disagree 12 9.6% Disagree Strongly 2 1.6% Don't Know or N/A 38 30.4% Total 125 100.0% 56. District policies provide effective management of campus programs and services. (N) (%) Agree Strongly 8 6.4% Agree 49 39.2% Disagree 19 15.2% Disagree Strongly 6 4.8% Don't Know or N/A 43 34.4% Total 125 100.0% 57. The District Office adheres to clearly defined policies consistent with the District mission statement. (N) (%) Agree Strongly 9 7.3% Agree 45 36.3% Disagree 10 8.1% Disagree Strongly 6 4.8% Don't Know or N/A 54 43.5% Total 124 100.0% 58. The District Office acts in a manner consistent with Board Policies, statutes, and regulations. (N) (%) Agree Strongly 11 8.9% Agree 47 37.9% Disagree 11 8.9% Disagree Strongly 5 4.0% Don't Know or N/A 50 40.3% Total 124 100.0% 59. There are clear divisions of authority and responsibility between and among the District Office, Governing Board, and CSM. (N) (%) Agree Strongly 12 9.6% Agree 49 39.2% Disagree 13 10.4% Disagree Strongly 5 4.0% Don't Know or N/A 46 36.8% Total 125 100.0% 60. The District Office distributes resources fairly. Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Disagree Strongly Don't Know or N/A Total (N) 6 40 15 6 56 123 (%) 4.9% 32.5% 12.2% 4.9% 45.5% 100.0% 61. The SMCCCD Board of Trustees, the District Office, and the College function as mutually supporting yet independent self-governing units. (N) (%) Agree Strongly 12 9.5% Agree 56 44.4% Disagree 7 5.6% Disagree Strongly 5 4.0% Don't Know or N/A 46 36.5% Total 126 100.0% 62. The SMCCCD Board of Trustees and the District consider the needs of the College’s instructional programs when making budget decisions. (N) (%) Agree Strongly 15 12.2% Agree 34 27.6% Disagree 18 14.6% Disagree Strongly 7 5.7% Don't Know or N/A 49 39.8% Total 123 100.0% 63. Overall, I believe the SMCCCD Board of Trustees and the District provide effective leadership and management. (N) (%) Agree Strongly 17 13.6% Agree 56 44.8% Disagree 11 8.8% Disagree Strongly 9 7.2% Don't Know or N/A 32 25.6% Total 125 100.0% 64. I feel CSM has a culturally diverse curriculum. Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Disagree Strongly Don't Know or N/A Total (N) 16 73 21 3 12 125 (%) 12.8% 58.4% 16.8% 2.4% 9.6% 100.0% 65. I believe faculty are willing, when appropriate, to incorporate racial, ethnic, and gender perspective into their courses. (N) (%) Agree Strongly 24 19.0% Agree 77 61.1% Disagree 6 4.8% Disagree Strongly 7 5.6% Don't Know or N/A 12 9.5% Total 126 100.0% 66. Diversity (in regard to gender, ethnicity, and age) is actively promoted on campus. (N) (%) Agree Strongly 40 31.7% Agree 60 47.6% Disagree 13 10.3% Disagree Strongly 4 3.2% Don't Know or N/A 9 7.1% Total 126 100.0% 67. The campus is equally supportive of men and women. (N) (%) Agree Strongly 41 32.3% Agree 66 52.0% Disagree 6 4.7% Disagree Strongly 5 3.9% Don't Know or N/A 9 7.1% Total 127 100.0% 68. The campus is equally supportive of all racial/ethnic groups. (N) (%) Agree Strongly 37 29.1% Agree 62 48.8% Disagree 14 11.0% Disagree Strongly 6 4.7% Don't Know or N/A 8 6.3% Total 127 100.0% 69. The campus is equally supportive of all lifestyles. (N) Agree Strongly 33 Agree 69 Disagree 11 Disagree Strongly 3 Don't Know or N/A 11 Total 127 (%) 26.0% 54.3% 8.7% 2.4% 8.7% 100.0% Survey Respondent Characteristics 70. Employment Status Full-time Faculty Part-time Faculty Administrator Administrator [District Office] Total (N) 84 23 11 4 122 (%) 68.9% 18.9% 9.0% 3.3% 100.0% (N) 8 15 21 79 123 (%) 6.5% 12.2% 17.1% 64.2% 100.0% (N) 38 84 122 (%) 31.1% 68.9% 100.0% (N) 3 4 4 6 1 94 5 117 (%) 2.6% 3.4% 3.4% 5.1% 0.9% 80.3% 4.3% 100.0% 71. Years Employed Less than 3 years 3 to 5 years 6 to 10 years More than 10 years Total 72. Gender Male Female Total 73. Ethnicity African American/Black Asian Filipino Hispanic Pacific Islander White Other Total