USER EXPERIENCE TASK FORCE Meeting Minutes Date: February 14, 2014 Time: 9:00 AM Place: Larson Building, Room 116 Next Meeting: February 24, 2014 Time: 10:00 AM Place: Larson Building, Room 116 Task force members attending: Appointed by Governor Rick Scott Jason Allison, Information Technology Policy Advisor, Executive Office of the Governor (Chair) Appointed by Chief Financial Officer Jeff Atwater Charles Ghini, Chief Information Officer, Department of Financial Services (Vice Chair) Appointed by Speaker of the House Will Weatherford Jordan Raynor, Co-founder, Citizinvestor - via telephone Absent: Appointed by Senate President Don Gaetz Barbara A. Petersen, President, First Amendment Foundation Meeting began at 9:00 AM 1. Call to Order Chair Allison began the meeting by welcoming all User Experience Task Force members and all members of the public in attendance. 2. Roll Call The Administrative Assistant called the roll. All Task Force members were in attendance except for Barbara Petersen who was ill. Agenda item #2 was closed. 3. Chairman’s Opening Remarks - Chair Allison asked if anyone had any comments or questions from the last meeting. None were presented. Agenda item #3 was closed. 4. Discussion of Completed Tasks From Last Meeting Chair Allison asked Dawn Creamer to provide an update on Action Items listed on the Action Items document. Ms. Creamer stated that all items had been completed except for Item #1 – assigned to Barbara Petersen. As she was absent from the meeting, and Susan Wilson had no knowledge of the task’s progress, this item was deferred to the next meeting. Item #2 was assigned to Susan Wilson after the January 30th meeting, and Ms. Wilson continues to build the PowerPoint presentation. Agenda item #4 was closed. 5. Discussion of 7.1 – Creating final design recommendation including results from items 1.0-6.0 and proposed changes to website mockup Chair Allison asked if everyone had reviewed the document and if they had any questions – all members answered “no.” Staff asked if the members would like to take the task numbers out of the section headers for readability. Chair Allison stated that because there was no table of contents, he had no problem with it. No other members disagreed. Chair Allison moved to review the website mock-up. He confirmed that all changes proposed at the last meeting were completed. Chair Allison asked Jordan Raynor for his opinion of the usability of the mock-up. Mr. Raynor stated that as long as it is being used for conceptual purposes, it serves the purpose. Agenda item #5 was closed 6. Discussion of 7.2 - Results of the impact analysis by state website managers Chair Allison asked Vice Chair Ghini and Dawn Creamer to speak about participation in the survey. Ms. Creamer stated that all website managers surveyed responded, but one manager did not provide adequate answers to the questions. Maureen Olson had sent a follow-up e-mail, but to date had not received a response. The survey response would be documented as-is. Chair Allison asked when the draft of 7.2 would be available for posting. Ms. Creamer stated that 7.2 would be incorporated into the final chapter (7.0), and all documents would be posted by close of business Monday, February 17, 2014. Agenda item #6 was closed 7. Discussion of 7.3 - Approval of the Cost Estimating Methodology options Chair Allison asked if the UETF members had any questions regarding the methodologies. Vice Chair Ghini clarified that the survey results would be included in 7.4. Chair Allison asked how the costs would be included in 7.4. Susan Wilson and Vice Chair Ghini discussed the plan - that, using the survey results and the U.S. PIRG Costs, staff would present a range of costs for the potential start-up. UETF members discussed the viability of different methodologies used by other states, and how similar or different the UETF methodology is to those. Vice Chair Ghini asked a question about how the sections would be incorporated into the final document. He revisited the decision to remove the item numbers from the chapters. UETF members approved the return of the item numbers, reversing the decision in item 5 of the agenda. Agenda item #7 was closed. 8. Other Discussion – Chair Allison asked to review the Work Plan Schedule to get an update of the progress so far. He asked more questions about what the final chapter would incorporate. Chair Allison also asked about delivery method of the final recommendation. Susan Wilson asked about whether sections 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3 were approved by the UETF members. Chair Allison made a motion to approve them, Jordan Raynor seconded the motion. Vice Chair Ghini asked what staff envisioned the format of presentation of the costs would be. Susan Wilson stated that, not having started it, she anticipated for approach 1, a range of the costs from the responses to the survey, and then for approach 2, an average of other states of similar size and scope. Chair Allison asked a few questions about how PIRG requests data. Vice Chair Ghini suggested tabling the discussion until they members see the final cost estimate. Chair Allison stressed that the discussion of the cost is important, and members should come to the next meeting ready to discuss and make final changes. Agenda item #8 was closed. 9. Public Comment No public comments were presented. Agenda item # 9 was closed. 10. Adjourn - Chair Allison requested that all UETF members re-read all items carefully and come to the next meeting, which will be the last UETF meeting, with any changes. The meeting adjourned at 9:26 AM.