Classified Staff Association General Meeting Minutes: Friday, January 30, 2015

Classified Staff Association General Meeting
Minutes: Friday, January 30, 2015
10:00 a.m. / MDP A134
Committee Members Present:
Jennifer Campbell, Christina Garza, Laura Gonzalez, Mary Jáuregui, Cecilia Montoya,
Marisol Negrete, Clara Topete
Absent: Jessie Arellano, Gina Chavez, Elvira Fernandez, Laura Gaither, Robbie
Kitchen, Cynthia Madrid, Barbara Moreno, Rosario Pulido, Evangelina Rangel
Quorum present? Yes
Non-Members Present: None
Call to Order- Mary Jáuregui, President
Meeting called to order at 10:10 a.m. Welcome made by Mary Jáuregui. Mary
thanked everybody for taking the time to attend the meeting.
Approval of October General Meeting Minutes
Approval of October General Minutes was tabled.
Financial Report
A breakdown of the revenue and expenses was discussed by Mary Jáuregui.
As of January 30, 2015 The Employee Relief Fund has a present balance of
$22,566.54. The Fundraising Account has a balance of $3,521.39. The
Operational (Institutional) Account has a current balance of $3,199.17.
United Way Presentation by Vanessa Leon
United Way of El Paso is a local nonprofit organization that has been bringing our
community together for more than 90 years to focus resources on the most
critical needs in our community. Telephone number is 915-533-2434 e-mail:
United Way aims to have an impact within our community by focusing on
collaborations, initiatives, and funded community-based programs that
positively affect El Pasoans lives by making a measureable change in three
1. Education
--Education is a goal to give every child the skills they need to be
successful in school, graduate on time, and become a valuable
member of the workforce and society.
2. Basic Needs
--The United Way is committed to ensuring that El Paso families are
stable, healthy, and live in a safe environment.
3. Income
--Working with various local resources and organizations, the United
Way strives to ensure that El Paso families become financially stable
and economically independent.
The EPCC United Way Fundraising Drive is currently underway during the
month of February. Individuals can select a specific non-profit to receive their
donations. All donations are pre-taxed and may be appropriated through
payroll deduction. Donation forms were provided to all attendees. Officers
were ask to promote this drive at their individual campuses.
1. Christmas Dance 2014
Annual Christmas Dance Results/Issues:
 Out of 225 tickets, 201 were sold
 Door prizes were provided by CSA officers and were not paid for with
fund raising monies
 A profit of just over $18 was made
 Feedback regarding the DJ services was not favorable
o Fog was too thick
o Playlist was not well accepted by attendees
o Did not play requests
o Video was a distraction
o Did not have a customer service based attitude
 May wish to provide our own DJ services next year or ask hall
management to not utilize the same individual
 We may still consider other venues if the can provide comparable
services at a lower price
2. Employee of the Year
The Classified Staff Association is now accepting applications for Employee of
the Year. This award is important recognition of the contributions that these
individuals have made to the betterment of the quality and the advancement of
the El Paso Community College. Nomination form is available online. Any Full-
time or Part-time employees are eligible. Full-time award recipients will receive
an engraved plaque and a $250 award benefit. Part-time award recipients will
receive an award benefit of $150 and an engraved plaque. There will be an
independent Review Committee. Your Employees of the Year will be recognized
at the 2015 Annual College Recognition Dinner to be held on Friday, April 24,
2015 at The El Paso Club, located on the 18th Floor of the Chase Building, 201
East Main, beginning at 5:30 pm. Please submit your nominee to the Selection
Committee no later than 5:00pm Friday, February 27th. You may send your forms
via inner campus mail to our nomination review committee chairman, Al
Lawrence of Grants Management, at the Rio Grande Campus. You may also
send your nominations as email attachments to
3. Items form 01/28/15 Board of Trustees Meeting
Issues concerning extension of appointments and noncompetitive appointments
were addressed. It was noted that many personnel actions do not comply with Section VII of Board Policy. Some positions affect instruction, which
per faculty representation, could prove detrimental to the students. Two positions
were not approved: Leticia Guerra Dual Credit, and a faculty position. Dr. OlivasGraham questioned status of the review of the current grievance procedure and
asked when the issue would be resolved. Dr. Serrata advised that a subcommittee, which Dr. Olivas-Graham is a member of, is in place to oversee the
process and a decision had been made to seek an outside consultant to assist.
Dr. Olivas-Graham asked for a definitive timeline to which Dr. Serrata replied that
the consultant will be on board by the spring of 2015 and approved
recommendations to the policy will be in place by summer 2015.
It was stressed that the details of formal grievances are classified. Any
personnel action resulting in any type of disciplinary action taken against an
administrator is strictly confidential and as such is not for public knowledge.
The next CSA General Meeting is scheduled for February 27, 2015 at TM 10 am.
Meeting was adjourned at 12:00 p.m.