Candidate Descriptions as stated in Article VII of the Constitution... Government Association of El Paso County Community College District

Candidate Descriptions as stated in Article VII of the Constitution of the Student
Government Association of El Paso County Community College District
Positions and Duties
Section - 1
The President shall be the presiding officer of the SGA without the right to vote except in the case of a
tie. The President is the official student representative of the College and shall act as such when the
occasion arises. It shall be the President’s duty to appoint senators to committees and dissolve such
committees. The President shall appoint members to vacancies within the Executive Council with the
approval of two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Senate. All appointments must meet election code
Section - 2
The Vice-President of the SGA shall act as assistant to the President and carry out the responsibilities
of the President in the President’s absence.
Section – 3
The Secretary shall be responsible for keeping accurate minutes, records, and all SGA correspondence.
Section – 4
The Parliamentarian shall assist the presiding officer in conducting the meetings of the Senate in
accordance with the articles of the Constitution and By-Laws of the SGA of the EPCCCD and Robert’s
Rules of Order Newly Revised. The Parliamentarian shall have in their possession at all meetings:
copies of the Constitution, “Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised,” and any standing rules the SGA
may adopt.
Section – 5
The Treasurer shall maintain a budget of the SGA funds. The Treasurer will give an informal report of
the finances at each meeting of the SGA and will make a full financial report annually. This report
will include the total funds available, spent and encumbered. The EPCCCD Business Office shall
monitor the funds and finances of the SGA and the official records shall be maintained by the College
Accounting Department.
The SGA Advisor’s office shall provide copies to the Treasurer of all transactions from all the entities
that are funded with SGA program funds. A general ledger shall be kept by the Treasurer so that all
financial transactions can be recorded accurately. All purchasing procedures of the College will be
adhered to.
Section – 6
The Historian maintains all records of the El Paso Community College Student Government
Association (EPCC SGA) events through written words, this is to include but not limited to all
newspaper articles, flyers, brochures, videos, and pictures. The historian submits these descriptions and
pictures to the administration or another designated body to preserve the accomplishments of the
EPCC SGA when necessary.
These items will be used towards the Texas Junior College Student Government Association
(TJCSGA) state competitions, to include but not limited to the development of the scrapbook, essays,
and video of the year, as well as a presentation during the annual SGA Banquet at the end of the year.
Revised 9/22/2014 Section - 7
The Campus Representative shall be the official representative of Senators at their respective campus.
They shall be the official liaison between the Executive Council and the campus senators. The
Campus Representative shall conduct meetings with their Senators at least every two weeks and report
the results to the full Senate at the General Session.
Section – 8
The Senator shall assist in the organization of events and activities and attend all assigned committee
meetings. Each Senator shall report on all business and activities conducted to their respective
Campus Representative.
Section – 9
The term of office for all elected/appointed positions shall be one (1) year from the date of the
installation banquet.
Revised 9/22/2014 