Planning Process El Paso Community College Effectiveness Planning Guide Dept/Discipline Directo r/Dean Annual AVP Annual President/Cabinet/Boa rd • • • • Missio n Strategic Goals Critical Priorities Ope rational Process Annual Effective ness Plan With Budge t El Paso Communi ty College Dis tri ct d oes no t dis cri mina te on th e basis of race, color, n ati onal origin, religion, gender, age or disabili ty. Institutional & Community Planning Budget Office Contents The EPCC Effectiveness planning guide was designed as an aid toward producing plans that effectively accomplish the District=s mission. “ Institutional Effectiveness Definition .......... ........... ........... ........... ........... ......... 2 “ Planning Process Components ......... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ......... 3 “ EPCC Effectiveness Planning Process Area Effectiveness Planning Site Improvement Plans via Special Allocation 555 “ Definitions .... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ...... 6,7 “ Planning Instructions ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ......... 8 “ EPCC Effectiveness Planning Form (Multi-Purpose) ......... ........... ........... ......... 9 “ Budget Building Worksheet Format ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ....... 10 “ EPCC Effectiveness Planning Form Instructions .... ........... ........... ........... ...... 11, 12 “ Planning Calendars .. ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ...... 13, 14 “ Budget Development Steps & Calendar ...... ........... ........... ........... ........... ...... 15, 16 “ Sample Budget Forms 1 & 2 ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ...... 17, 18 “ Examples of Planning Objectives .... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ...... 19, 20 Rev0203PlanningGuide.doc 1/31/03 1 THE FOUNDATION OF PLANNING IS INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS All areas must keep institutional effectiveness central to the College’s Mission by documenting how their planning and assessment continuously improves programs and operations.* *Adapted from SACS 1998 Criteria, Section III Rev0203PlanningGuide.doc 1/31/03 2 EPCC=s Comprehensive and Systematic Planning Components ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Planning Comprehensively (all College areas plan) 2. Utilizing a Standard Format (formative assessment is described on a common planning documents; EPCC Effectiveness Plans) 3. Data and Reporting Coordination is Centralized (College=s planning office coordinates planning and assessment) 4. Distributed monitoring and self-assessment (monitoring and assessment done at the unit level) 5. Documenting Continuous Improvement (documentation preserved at the unit level) 6. Developing Analytic Assessment Capacity (database updated continuously) 7. Articulating and Distributing Assessment Information (electronic and personal distribution of assessments/outcomes) Rev0203PlanningGuide.doc 1/31/03 3 EPCC Planning Process ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Introduction Mandates, demands and technological changes placed upon the College require this institution to stress efficiency, resourcefulness, and prioritization when deciding where to budget its resources. Planning is the responsibility of every unit, and all College employees must be involved. Inherent in the process is the Asetting of priorities@ within each area. Realistically, only those objectives/plans that are identified as of highest priority may be funded. Nonetheless, every objective/plan or need must be recorded and reported. This guide is prepared to help College offices with the EPCC Effectiveness Planning Process and its integration with the budget. EPCC Effectiveness Planning Planning Process/Processes Assessment To begin the Annual EPCC Effectiveness Planning Process, the initiator/administrator will review his/her “planning profile”. The planning profile provides assessment information specifically tailored to the department/discipline. Additionally, a review of previous years planning outcomes (use of results) must be conducted before proceeding to plan. Mandatory: Area Effectiveness Area Effectiveness Pla nning is pervasive and involves the linking of institutional budgets with Strategic Goals. Area Effectiveness plans consist of written objectives for improvement and focus on the District Mission. Every budget except overhead budgets and budgets for less than $5,000 must have at least one objective written on an Effectiveness Planning form. Grant funded programs, once awarded, must also have at least one objective written on an EPCC Effectiveness Planning form. All plans are then referred to as AArea Effectiveness Plans@. Optional: Site Improvement Plans via Special Allocation The Site Improvement Plans via Special Allocation process was developed to address the funding of needed improvements via a competitive process separate from the institutional/operational process. It is linked to the College=s goals with implementation based on the selection of plans by a representative group of employees which form campus/area EPCC Effectiveness Teams. Participation in this process is optional. Site Improvement Plans are submitted utilizing the same approval process in place for Area Effectiveness planning, and are filed at the Planning office. The same form (EPCC Effectiveness Planning) is used for this process. The resulting plans are referred to as ASite Improvement Plans via Special Allocation@. Rev0203PlanningGuide.doc 1/31/03 4 Budget EPCC primarily rolls over its budgets and reallocates funding within areas. This has proven to be the most effective, stable, budgeting strategy. Where new money or a new budget is needed to support approved objectives, the College process is as follows: 1. 2. 3. Plans must be prioritized The Area=s Supervisory chain of command must make the request for new funding The President of the College will have the final approval Evaluation Evaluation and the use of findings are critical processes. Officially, a mid-term evaluation may be required by your supervisor, and an end of year evaluation is a Adistrict mandate@ for all planning (due April 30th). Documentation is also critical. It is recommended that you keep all Area Effectiveness Plans on file. The file should include documentation backing up achievements directly pertaining to your Area Effectiveness Plans. You especially need to keep documentation that demonstrates how planning and outcomes impact the Area/Program. Please keep files for eight years. Mandatory: Strategic Planning EPCC reviews the Strategic Plan/ Mission on a yearly basis. This process involves the internal college community as opposed to comprehensive involvement from external stakeholders. Every five years, a comprehensive review is undertaken. All college stakeholders, internal and external join in mutual dialog to produce major revisions or adopt entirely new Strategic Goals and College Mission. Rev0203PlanningGuide.doc 1/31/03 5 Definitions ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Area: Clearly identified organizational structure, e.g. Vice President=s Office; Dean=s Office; Philosophy discipline, etc. EPCC Effectiveness A congruent, integrated process guiding College units toward the Planning: accomplishment of the College District=s Mission. Mission Statement: Statement of why the unit exists e.g. to enroll students, vs. a vis ion statement, which states how the unit wants to do more than it has to do (e.g. to enroll students online). Goal: Statement of the desired future status of something (e.g. enrollment) and must be: • Specific: • Measurable: • Challenging: • Realistic: • Time-Bound: Specific, identifiable future status (e.g. stable enrollment). Assessable completion (e.g. numerically targeted enrollment). Significant undertaking requiring discipline and ingenuity (e.g. using cross-District means). Attainable (e.g. modest change in enrollment). Stated completion date, two or more years away (e.g. by 2004); time frames 1 year or less suggest that the goal is really an objective. Measure: Means of assessing whether the goal has been reached. Standard: Numerical or yes/no target for either a goal or objective; level of acceptance performance to be met (e.g. average semester-to-semester enrollment varies by 100 students or fewer). Baseline: The baseline identifies or states the current situation as a value for measurement or comparison. Objective: Intermediate milestones leading to the goal (e.g. stabilizing enrollment in certain programs, incrementally in order to stabilize overall enrollment). Strategy: What is done to realize the objective (e.g. actively recruit students). Results: (found on EPCC Check appropriate: The objective was met, not met, withdrawn, in Effectiveness Planning progress (give estimated completion date). Form) Use of Results (found on (Critically important) Final assessment, reporting on how the results of EPCC Effectiveness the objective improved the unit, or how the results are to be used in future Planning Form) planning efforts. Budget: The District budget represents the approved educational plan of the District for the academic year stated in the fiscal terms. Rev0203PlanningGuide.doc 1/31/03 6 Area Effectiveness Plan An Area=s Effectiveness Plan for improvement which requires money not Requiring New Money: found in its current budget nor available from reallocation. Area Effectiveness Plan: Annual plan for improvement prepared for every unit with a budget. (All budgets except for overhead and those under $5,000 must have objective/purpose). Site Improvement Plans via A competitive process coordinated through the campus/area Effectiveness Special Allocation: Teams and the District Effectiveness Committee, to improve a unit or program. Budget Building Worksheet: A worksheet used to detail a new budget, or request additional funding. BF1 & BF2: Budget forms 1 & 2, prepared by the budget office detailing a unit=s operating budget. Overhead: The operating expenses that cannot be attributed to any one department or unit (e.g. rent, light, heat, etc.). Planning Profiles: Documentation prepared for assessment of departments and disciplines to be utilized as a precursor to planning. Operational Planning (Area Yearly planning efforts consisting of the following Assessment: Plans): • • • Rev0203PlanningGuide.doc 1/31/03 Planning (Annual Plans) Implementation Outcomes Evaluation (Use of Results) 7 Planning Instructions ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The following pages contain copies of the following forms which are used in the planning process: (1) EPCC Effectiveness Planning Form and (2) Budget Building Worksheet. Also included are Sample Budget Forms 1 & 2 and Examples of Objectives. The EPCC Effectiveness Planning Form This form is designed as a multi-purpose planning form to facilitate the following pla nning needs: (1) Area Effectiveness Planning for Improvement (2) Area Effectiveness Planning when a New Budget is Created or New Money is Needed (3) Site Improvement Plans via Special Allocation To appropriately complete the form the initiator must identify the area(s) impacted, write measurable objectives, link objectives to the College Mission, obtain accurate price quotes and or secure specialized advice on the feasibility of the objective, and obtain appropriate approvals by the supervisory chain of command. The approved plan will become the evaluation instrument for each planned objective, closing the accountability loop. Using the EPCC Effectiveness Form (write one objective per page) For Area Effectiveness Planning with the roll-over budget For Area Effectiveness Planning with the roll-over budget, attach the units= Budget Forms 1 & 2 (check the appropriate boxes on the form). Every College budget (except for overhead or accounts with less than $5,000) must have an objective; please write one objective per page. The approved plan will become the evaluation instrument for each planned objective, closing the accountability loop. For AreaFor Effectiveness Area Effectiveness Planning where a new budget or new money is required, attach a Budget Planning where Building Worksheet a new(check budgetthe appropriate boxes on the form). The Budget Office will generate Budget Forms & 2. The approved plan will become the evaluation instrument for each planned objective, closing or new 1money the accountability loop. For Unit Improvement Plans For Site Improvement Plans via Special Allocation, attach a Budget Building Worksheet (check the via Special Allocation appropriate boxes on the form). The Budget Office will generate a Budget Form 1. The approved plan will become the evaluation instrument for each planned objective, closing the accountability loop. Rev0203PlanningGuide.doc 1/31/03 8 EPCC EFFECTIVENESS PLANNING College Mission: The mission of El Paso County Community College District is to provide educational opportunities and support services that prepare individuals to improve their personal quality of life and to contribute to their economically and culturally diverse community. (1) Type of Plan (check 1 box): O Area Effectiveness Plan (Roll over Budget: Attach BF1 & BF2) O Site Improvement Plan via Special Allocation (Attach “Budget Building Worksheet”) O Area Effectiveness Plan (New Money/Budget: Attach “Budget Building Worksheet”) Due Dates Site Improvement Plan: January 10 to Dean/Director (2) Written for FY: Area Effectiveness Plan: March 1 to Planning Office All Evaluations: April 30 Project Name: (3) EXECUTIVE AREA: Preparation Date: DEPT/DISCIPLINE: (4) Budget Account No.: INITIATOR: ADMINISTRATOR: Total $ Requested (Only for Site Improvement Plan, or Area Effectiveness Plan needing new money): $ Campus/Site : (5) Area Mission: (6) Check ONE College Priority Goal Addressed: O 1.1 Improve retention, graduation, and completion rates O 2.1 Increase Enrollment O 5.1 Attract, develop and retain a quality workforce O 6.1 Expand the College’s technological capability O 7.1 Ensure quality and effectiveness of all College operations O 8.1 Enhance the College’s image (7) Other Goal, as needed to fulfill area mission: (8) OBJECTIVE/PROJECT DESCRIPTION (1 Objective per Plan) PRIORITY (1=Highest): _________ (9) MEASURE, STANDARD & BASELINE Measure (Before & after comparison: whether something is done, developed, completed, put in place, increased, stable): (10) STRATEGIES & PROJECTED COSTS Strategies (What will be done to achieve standard): Complete between April 1 & April 30 of the FY given above (12) ASSESSMENT (13) USE OF RESULTS (How was the Dept./Discipline/Program improved? What will you do with results? E.g. Will do plan again, change something due to results, send report, recommend action to (X) superior) Objective is: Met: Not Met: Withdrawn: Standard (Expected future status at a specified time): (11) REVIEW/ ESTIMATES (Please Initial and Date) Rev0203PlanningGuide.doc 1/31/03 Baseline (Status quo now): Facilities: Personnel Services: Projected Costs: I.T.: In Progress: (Est. Completion Date: Purchasing: ) Administrator President/VP 9 Budget Building Worksheet ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ FORMAT Please use this format, continuing as needed. 9 Area Effectiveness Plan requiring New Budget/New Money (Due March 1st at Planning Office) 9 Site Improvement Plan via Special Allocation (Due January 10th at Dean=s & Director= s Office) Fiscal Year: _____________________ Project Name: ___________________________________ Executive Area: ______________________ Area: _____________________ Acct.# ______________ Objective: Budget Detail: NEW FUNDS ONLY. Personnel (Use a row for each position proposed.) POSITION DESCRIPTION use object code: 6000 etc., List FULL-TIME/ PART-TIME REGULAR/ TEMPORARY ESTIMATED SALARY Total Amount Needed $________ Supplies, Duplicating, Postage, Other costs: ITEM DESCRIPTION FUNDS NEEDED use object code: 7000, List Total Amount Needed $________ Travel Costs: ITEM DESCRIPTION FUNDS NEEDED use object code: 7000 (Travel), List Total Amount Needed $________ Equipment/Furniture Needed: ITEM DESCRIPTION use object code: 7000 (Furniture & Equipment), FUNDS NEEDED List Budget Total Amount Needed: $________ Space Needed: NUMBER OF OFFICES, LIST Rev0203PlanningGuide.doc 1/31/03 SQ. FT. LOCATION 10 EPCC Effectiveness Planning Form Instructions ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ USE THIS FORM FOR: (1) (2) (3) Area Effectiveness Plans (Begin Feb. 1 st, due March 1 st at Planning Office) Area Effectiveness Plans requiring new budget, or new money (Begin Feb. 1 st, due March 1 st at Planning Office) Site Improvement Plans via Special Allocation (Begin Oct. 1 st , due January 10th at Dean’s/Director’s Office) THE FORM SERVES THE FOLLOWING PURPOSES: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) It helps areas plan by completing objectives to improve and addresses critical priorities. The form serves as the assessment document to be submitted at the end of the fiscal year. It identifies District-Wide needs. It identifies yearly Facility/Capital Improvement needs. Connects Planning with Budgeting. Focuses on District Goals as per the District Strategic Plan. Keeps the College on track towards its mission via planning. Self-assessment Identifies Outcomes and documents best practices If you have questions, please contact the Director of Institutional and Community Planning at 831-2122. HOW TO COMPLETE THE AREA EFFECTIVENESS PLANNING FORM (Note: Item numbers correspond to the numbers on the form) --WRITE ONE OBJECTIVE PER PLAN-(1) Please mark: Type of Plan (e.g. Area Effectiveness Plan, Site Improvement Plan via Special Allocation, etc.) (2) Provide: Fiscal Year, Project Name (if a Site Improvement Plan or Remodeling), and Date. (3) Executive Area: Please fill in your Vice President=s Executive Area. Dept/Discipline: Fill in your department or office name. Initiator: Identify Author/Administrator: Is the budget head for the Unit who will be responsible for ensuring that the objective listed in the form is achieved and evaluated. (4) Budget: Banner Budget Account number; total $ requested (only if new money or for Site Improvement); and campus location. (5) Area Mission: Fill in your unit=s mission statement. (6) Goals: Check one of the College=s Priority Goals that you are going to address through your objectives. Note: For every budget you must address at least one College=s Priority Goal on an Area Effectiveness Plan. (7) Other Goal : If you need to address other goals to meet your area=s mission, use separate pages for each and write-in the Goal you are addressing. (8) Objective : Please fill in a specific measurable objective that you will use to address the College=s Priority Goal or other Goal you have identified on the form. Assign priority: 1=highest (9) Measures, Standards & Baseline: This refers to the measurement you will be using to gauge your success, and the standard you are using to compare your measure to. The baseline identifies or states the current situation as a value for measurement or comparison. (Submit IR request for help with baseline information to the office of Institutional Research.) (10) Strategies: What is done to realize the objective (e.g. faculty in certain programs actively recruit students), and how much will it cost. (11) Sign off for Cost Estimates for construction, computer networking, personnel positions and all other materials and supplies must be obtained, (you may attach quotes); or a review for feasibility may be appropriate. Supervisory chain review and approval. Rev0203PlanningGuide.doc 1/31/03 11 You are finished with the EPCC Effectiveness Planning form at this time. DO NOT FILL IN COLUMNS 12 AND 13. Please send: (1) Area Effecti veness Pl ans (2) A copy of your BF 1's/BF 2's (3) Worksheets To: 1) The Offi ce of Insti tuti onal and Communi ty Planning and 2) Y our Area Vi ce President. Do not send plans to the Budget Office. The Budget Office requires BF1, BF2 and their Budget Worksheet. (See Budget Development Instructions). Evaluation: (Begin Evaluation April 1st , due April 30 th at Planning Office) To assess your Plans, you will: Fill in Column 12 labeled AResults @. Check one of the following: (12) Objective: Met Not Met Withdrawn In progress Est. Completion date: Column 13 labeled AUse of Results @, tell us: < How the results were used to improve your unit. Provide specific examples. < How are you going to use these results in future planning efforts? < What were the results of your objective? < Did you meet or exceed your standard? < What adjustments did you need to make to achieve your objective? < Was it done within projected costs? < If not met, Why? < If withdrawn explain the circumstances. (Note: Documentation must be complete; this is critical) (13) Finally: • By April 30th , complete your evaluation and remember, meet with your supervisor, and send a copy to the Planning Office. A copy must be sent to your Vice President via the chain of command after agreement has been reached on the results. • Your Vice President will review results and may meet with you to validate your results. • Please keep All Plans and documentation for at least eight years. Rev0203PlanningGuide.doc 1/31/03 12 Planning Calendars ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ AREA EFFECTIVENESS PLANNING February 1 st < Begin Planning/Budget Process for the upcoming fiscal year March 1st < Area Effectiveness Plans due at Planning Office April 1st < Begin Evaluation of current year Area Effectiveness Plans April 30th < Final Assessment of current year=s Area Effectiveness Plans due at Planning Office September 1 st < College AAnnual Effectiveness Plan@ distributed (Planning Office) SITE IMPROVEMENT PLANS VIA SPECIAL ALLOCATION October 1st < Begin/Distribute Site Improvement Plans via Special Allocation Planning Forms (SIP=s) and Instructions for next year (Planning Office) January 10th < SIP=s are submitted to the Deans/Directors January 21st < SIP=s are sent to the site IE Team chairs by Deans/Directors January 28th < Site IE Teams discuss and decide on 3 SIP=s and send selections to the Planning Office and to the appropriate VP February 11th < SIP=s go from the Planning Office to the IE Committee February 18th < IE Committee votes on SIP=s March 1 st < Site Improvement Plan selections due at Planning Office Rev0203PlanningGuide.doc 1/31/03 13 April 1 st < Begin Evaluation of current year=s Site Improvement Plans April 30th < Current year’s Site Improvement Plans Evaluations due at Planning Office September 1 st < Begin submitting requisitions to Planning Office October 30th < Requisitions for Approved Site Improvement Plans due at Planning Office STRATEGIC PLAN REVIEW November 1-30 < Reviews by Administration-Support Services and Instructional Areas. January 30th < Strategic Plan revised as needed November 1-30, 2006 < Comprehensive Review by College and College Community (internal and external) Rev0203PlanningGuide.doc 1/31/03 14 Budget Development Steps ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. The planning process should be reviewed and completed. (See EPCC Effectiveness Planning Guide and Budget Instructions). 2. Review Budget Form 1 (Expenditure Detail by Fund/Org) and Budget Form 2 (Salary Detail by Fund/Org). 3. Review the Ayear to date activity@ column reflected on the Banner Budget Status Report (FGRBDSC) on your most recent report. This may serve as a basis for your year-end expenditure projections and developing the budget for FY 2003-2004. This process should be consistent with any guidelines set forth by your respective executive area=s Vice President and current allocation. 4. Note any changes to Budget Forms 1 and 2 in red ink. If there are no budget changes, budget heads should initial Budget Forms 1 and 2 to acknowledge that the forms were reviewed and indicate no changes. 5. Contact the Assistant Comptroller=s Office at extension 6345 to set up any new Banner organization numbers for fiscal year 2003-2004. Then complete a blank Budget Form 1 and 2. 6. Make copies for your files and submit all originals to your executive area Vice President=s office. 7. The Vice President=s office will collect and compile all budget data and summarize it on the worksheet provided on the diskette for their executive area. All budget forms and diskettes must be submitted to the Budget Office by March 1st, 2003. 8. The Budget Office will set-up meetings with each Vice President and review their budget. 9. Requests over current budget allocation (requiring new money) should be submitted separately and justified utilizing the EPCC Effectiveness form with the appropriate information and completed worksheet on the diskette provided by the Budget Office. 10. Please insert the budget development instructions into this year=s planning guide. Rev0203PlanningGuide.doc 1/31/03 15 Budget Development Calendar ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ October 15 Budget Office sends out Budget Forms 1 & 2 to budget heads. November 3 Budget Office distributes budget preparation packets to budget heads. November 18 Budget Office conducts Budget Workshops. March 1 Budget requests and diskettes, due to the Budget Office. April 7-9 AVP of Budget & Financial Services and the Budget Director meet with the President and Vice Presidents. April 15 Budget Office provides Vice President of Resource Management with budget request update. May 3 Vice President of Resource Management, AVP of Budget & Financial Services and the Budget Director review the preliminary budget with the President. May 6 Vice President of Resource Management reviews the budget requests for new requests with the other Vice Presidents. June 9 Regular Board Meeting. Budget workshop provided for Board of Trustees on preliminary budget. July 14 Regular Board Meeting. Budget workshop provided for Board of Trustees on preliminary budget. August 11 Regular Board Meeting. Approval of Certified Appraisal Roll by Board of Trustees. August 18 or 25 Special Board Meeting. Approval of budget and adoption of tax rate. September 1 New Fiscal Year begins. Rev0203PlanningGuide.doc 1/31/03 16 EL PASO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT: EXPENDITURE DETAIL BY EXECUTIVE 2002-03 BUDGET BUDGET FORM 1 LOCATION ACCOUNT ACCOUNT NO. ORG: FUND: - VALLE VERDE EXECUTIVE - XX (sample only) - 00000 - 00000 - 11000 OBJECT CODE 2002-03 ADOPTED BUDGET FTE 1062 1205 1300 1301 1600 1605 1700 1716 1718 1800 1900 INSTR P/T N/C N/I SP ADMINISTRATOR FT PROF STAFF POOL PROF STAFF PT CLASS STAFF POOL CLASSIFIED STAFF FT STUDENT WAGE POOL FED W/S 2 5% INST FED W/S 25% INST VACATION ACCRUAL OVERTIME .17 $ 4,206 .08 $ 1.00 $ $ 2,179 21,482 1,500 $ 500 1.25 $ 29,867 $ 8,829 MATERIALS, SERVICES, & SUPPLIES TOTALS $ 8,829 4000 4100 4200 $ 3,000 TRAVEL SUBTOTAL $ 3,000 5100 $ 3,000 $ 3,000 1.25 $ 44,696 SALARIES SUBTOTAL 3000 3120 3151 3170 3172 3173 3210 3228 3320 3330 3420 3440 SUPPLIES/SERV (B.P.) OFFICE SUPPLIES PAPER- PRINTING CMPT SPPL EXCPT PAPE CMPT INTERCON CABLES CMPT RIBBONS CARTRDG POSTAGE COMM AIR TIME AUDIO VISUAL EXPENSE PRINT/DUPL-INTERNAL SUBSCRIPTIONS HOSPITALITY TRAVEL (BUDGET POOL) IN-TOWN TRAVEL OUT-OF- TOWN TRAVEL FURN & EQUIP > 3000 FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT TOTALS ACCOUNT TOTALS Rev0203PlanningGuide.doc 1/31/03 17 EL PASO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT SALARY DETAIL BY EXECUTIVE 2002-2003 BUDGET BUDGET FORM 2 EXECUTIVE TITLE - XX sample only ACCOUNT NAME ACCOUNT NUMBER ORG: FUND: - 00000 - 00000 - 11000 -----------2002-2003 PLANNING-----------------------------------POSITION CONTROL NUMBERS FULL/ PART TIME OBJECT CODE 001-205 P 1300 002-205 301-205 P F 1600 1605 TOTAL Rev0203PlanningGuide.doc 1/31/03 POSITION TITLE EMPLOYEE NAME RATE RATE CODE HOURS BGTD MONTHS BGTD BUDGETED FTE’S AMOUNT REQUIRED CD COMMUNITY PLANNING PT CLASS CLERK ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT POOL P. $11.65 H 361 12 .17 $ 4,206.00 POOL P. $11.65 H 187 12 .08 $ 2,179.00 S. $21,482 A 12 1.00 $ 21,482.00 1.25 $ 27,867.00 18 EXAMPLES OF PLANNING COMPONENTS (8) OBJECTIVE/PROJECT DESCRIPTION (1 Objective per Plan) PRIORITY (1=Highest): 1 Complete between April 1 & April 30 of the FY given above (9) MEASURE, STANDARD & BASELINE Increased student enrollment in the XYZ Measure (Before & after comparison: program over the next 2 fiscal years whether something is done, developed, completed, put in place, increased, stable): (10) STRATEGIES & PROJECTED COSTS Strategies (What will be done to achieve standard): Increase recruitment outreach by Increase of students in each of the fall & attending at least 6 job fairs spring semesters Standard (Expected future status at a specified time): 200 students by next fall and spring semesters (12) ASSESSMENT (13) USE OF RESULTS Objective is: (How was the Dept./Discipline/Program improved? What will you do with results? E.g. Will do plan again, change something due to results, send report, recommend action to superior) Met: Not Met: Withdrawn: (X) X Standard exceeded: 85 additional students enrolled. The strategy of visiting job fairs will be continued. In Progress: Projected Costs: (Est. Completion Date: ) None Baseline (Status quo now): 120 students enrolled in previous fall semester and 116 in current spring semester (8) OBJECTIVE/PROJECT DESCRIPTION (1 Objective per Plan) PRIORITY (1=Highest): 3 Increased number of full-time faculty teaching power pack courses (9) MEASURE, STANDARD & BASELINE Measure (Before & after comparison: whether something is done, developed, completed, put in place, increased, stable): Number of full-time faculty members teaching powerpack courses Standard (Expected future status at a specified time): (10) STRATEGIES & PROJECTED COSTS Strategies (What will be done to achieve standard): Present workshop at faculty/staff development about benefits of teaching in powerpacks Give faculty greater control of powerpack syllabus development Increase by 10% by next fall Projected Costs: Baseline (Status quo now): None Complete between April 1 & April 30 of the FY given above (12) ASSESSMENT (13) USE OF RESULTS Objective is: (How was the Dept./Discipline/Program improved? What will you do with results? E.g. Will do plan again, change something due to results, send report, recommend action to superior) (X) Met: Not Met: Withdrawn: No increase in full-time faculty participation. There is currently no way to adjust salaries or provide other incentives to increase participation X In Progress: (Est. Completion Date: ) 2 people teach the course Rev0203PlanningGuide.doc 1/31/03 19 (8) OBJECTIVE/PROJECT DESCRIPTION (1 Objective per Plan) PRIORITY (1=Highest): 2 Development of a database of topperforming faculty Complete between April 1 & April 30 of the FY given above (9) MEASURE, STANDARD & BASELINE Measure (Before & after comparison: whether something is done, developed, completed, put in place, increased, stable): (10) STRATEGIES & PROJECTED COSTS Strategies (What will be done to achieve standard): Send professional staff member to database creation seminar Whether database is completed Standard (Expected future status at a specified time): (12) ASSESSMENT (13) USE OF RESULTS Objective is: (How was the Dept./Discipline/Program improved? What will you do with results? E.g. Will do plan again, change something due to results, send report, recommend action to superior) (X) The faculty opposed the effort. Hence, funds originally budgeted were transferred to other accounts. Met: Not Met: Withdrawn: X In Progress: Completion by next fall semester Projected Costs: (Est. Completion Date: ) Baseline (Status quo now): $250 for 3-day workshop No database exists (8) OBJECTIVE/PROJECT DESCRIPTION (1 Objective per Plan) PRIORITY (1=Highest): 3 Online text book ordering for students (9) MEASURE, STANDARD & BASELINE Measure (Before & after comparison: whether something is done, developed, completed, put in place, increased, stable): (10) STRATEGIES & PROJECTED COSTS Strategies (What will be done to achieve standard): Library staff person implements computer software module for Creation of automated textbook ordering ZYX program service for all full- and part-time students, with delivery at campus within 3 days of order Standard (Expected future status at a specified time): Projected Costs: Complete between April 1 & April 30 of the FY given above (12) ASSESSMENT (13) USE OF RESULTS Objective is: (How was the Dept./Discipline/Program improved? What will you do with results? E.g. Will do plan again, change something due to results, send report, recommend action to superior) (X) Failure of book distributors to agree to the 3-day delivery goal has delayed online book ordering until this coming summer. We will continue to work to ensure the cooperation of the distributors. Actual Cost: None. We will inform students and faculty of the new service when it becomes available. Met: Not Met: Withdrawn: In Progress: (Est. Completion Date: June 1 X ) None (Software owned by College) Available at the beginning of the next fall semester Baseline (Status quo now): No such service exists Rev0203PlanningGuide.doc 1/31/03 20