INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS EMPLOYEES OF THE MONTH BY SITE Nominations are governed by College Procedure For info. contact Institutional Effectiveness: (915) 831-2614. Omitted months indicate that no one was selected. The campus is not necessarily the employee's home campus. 2015-2016 Mission del Paso Campus Month Employee Phone Title Classification Area/Dept. Represented P/T Supervisor Supervisor's Phone September Bluth, Mr. Michael 7051 ISC Technician Classified Instructional Service Center Jennifer Campbell 7051 October Loya, Ms. Elizabeth 7057 Supervisor, Public Services Classified Library Norma Ballenger 7052 November Rodriguez, Ms. Monica 7056 Library Clerk Classified Library Elizabeth Loya 7057 December Garcia, Ms. Lucy 7051 ISC Technician Classified Instructional Service Center Laura Rosales 2329 January Gonzalez, Ms. Daniela 7165 Academic Tutor Classified Math Vera I. Araiza 7086 February Fang, Mr. Gerardo 7165 Math Tutor Classified Math Vera I. Araiza/Maria Gutierrez 7086 March Garcia, Ms. Susana 7049 Lab Assistant Classified Academic Computing Services Monica Montenegro 2232 April Llamas, Mr. Jesus 7024 Student Services Assistant I Classified Center for Students with Disabilities Juan Segovia 7024 May Polanco, Ms. Jocelyn 7005 Administrative Office Assistant Classified Law Enforcement Training Academy Barry Bogle/Lupe Noriega 7117 Rio Grande Campus Month Employee Phone Title Classification P/T Area/Dept. Represented Supervisor Supervisor's Phone September Gutierrez, Officer Brandon 2200 Peace Officer I Classified Police Department Chief Jose Ramirez 2634 October Fulton Slavin, Ms. Ysella 4420 Instructor Faculty English Dr. Eileen Conklin 4432 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND ACCOUNTABILITY rptEOMRpt 6/6/2016 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS EMPLOYEES OF THE MONTH BY SITE Omitted months indicate that no one was selected. The campus is not necessarily the employee's home campus. November Casas, Mr. Juan 4166 ISC Technician Classified Instructional Service Center Elda Shahabi 4013 December Diaz, Ms. Sandra 4421 Administrative Office Assistant Classified CE Health Administration Marta de la Fuente 4029 January Villalpando, Ms. Veronica 4010 Lab Assistant II Classified Nursing Pat Chavez Montes 4010 February Mejia, Mr. Carlos 4235 Academic Advisor Professional Counseling Robert Pandy 4064 Transmountain Campus Month Employee Phone Title Classification P/T Area/Dept. Represented Supervisor Supervisor's Phone September Ramos, Ms. Perla 5059 Library Clerk Classified Library Yolanda Puente 5059 October Molina, Ms. Laura 5208 Academic Advisor Professional Counseling Lolo Mercado 5144 November Guerra, Officer Javier 5048 Peace Officer I Classified Police Department David R. Leslie 4024 December Pufal, Ms. Carolyn 5146 Counselor Faculty Counseling Jan Eveler 5202 January Araujo, Mr. Juan Carlos 6440 Technical Support Specialist Professional Information Technology Armando Torres 6487 February Gonzalez, Mr. Saul 5087 Audiovisual Assistant Classified Instructional Media Services Jessie Salas 5087 March Olgin, Mr. John 5225 Instructor Faculty Physics/Astronomy Rick Webb 5051 April Syed, Mr. Mansur 5042 Lab Assistant Classified Academic Computing Services Guadalupe Davila 5042 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND ACCOUNTABILITY rptEOMRpt 6/6/2016 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS EMPLOYEES OF THE MONTH BY SITE Omitted months indicate that no one was selected. The campus is not necessarily the employee's home campus. 2014-2015 Administrative Services Center Month Employee Phone Title Classification P/T Area/Dept. Represented Supervisor Supervisor's Phone October Blanco, Ms. Laura 6603 Accountant Professional Accounting Services Pat Melendez 6350 November Jones, Ms. Leticia 6531 Administrative Associate Classified Marketing and Community Relations Joyce Cordell 6530 January Gamboa, Ms. Maria 2594 Housekeeping Non-EPCC Personnel GCA/Housekeeping Ruben Chavez 2594 January Pasilla, Ms. Marina 2594 Housekeeping Non-EPCC Personnel GCA/Housekeeping Ruben Chavez 2594 January Rodriguez, Ms. Leticia 2594 Housekeeping Non-EPCC Personnel GCA/Housekeeping Ruben Chavez 2594 January Santoyo, Ms. Angelica 2594 Housekeeping Non-EPCC Personnel GCA/Housekeeping Ruben Chavez 2594 February Alarcon, Mr. Julio 7879 Campus Maintenance Technician Classified Physical Plant Rick Lobato 3391 April Salazar, Ms. Maria Elena 7737 CE Registration Assistant Classified Workforce/Economic Development and Continuing Education Margie Pavia 7781 June Powell, Ms. Manuelita 7782 Administrative Assistant Classified Workplace Literacy Maria del Carmen Casavantes 7807 July Casavantes, Ms. Luz Elena 7792 Instructor Faculty Workplace Literacy Sara Martinez 7792 Mission del Paso Campus Month Employee Phone Title OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Classification rptEOMRpt P/T Area/Dept. Represented 1/13/2016 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity Supervisor Supervisor's Phone INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS EMPLOYEES OF THE MONTH BY SITE Omitted months indicate that no one was selected. The campus is not necessarily the employee's home campus. September Ortiz, Ms. Claudia 7086 Reading Lab Assistant Classified Reading Dr. Julie Penley 7001 October Campbell, Ms. Jennifer 7051 ISC Technician Classified Instructional Services Center Laura Rosales 2329 November Salas, Mr. Guillermo 7106 Instructor Faculty Biology Dr. Julie Penley 7001 December Gutierrez, Ms. Maria 7002 Academic Office Assistant Classified Campus Dean, Instructional Programs Dr. Julie Penley 7001 January Linder, Mr. Renato 2589 Campus Cashier Classified Accounting Services Arturo Vasquez 2589 February Maese, Ms. Juanita 7019 Financial Aid Specialist Classified Financial Aid Roy Tuberville 2584 March Moreno, Ms. Frances 7059 Counselor Faculty Counseling Pat Duran 7092 April Cordova, Ms. Enid 7004 Administrative Assistant Classified Campus Dean, Instructional Programs Dr. Julie Penley 7001 May Caldera, Mr. Ricardo 7053 Maintenance Worker Classified Physical Plant Pascual Martinez 3102 June Bradley, Ms. Gisella 7024 Student Services Assistant I Classified Center for Students with Disabilities Juan Segovia 7024 July Varela, Ms. Elvia 7038 Testing Services Clerk Classified Testing Services Clara Topete 7038 August Alvarez, Ms. Monica 7122 Administrative Office Assistant Classified Law Enforcement Training Academy Barry Bogle 7116 Northwest Campus Month Employee Phone Title Classification P/T Area/Dept. Represented Supervisor Supervisor's Phone October Miramontes, Ms. Veronica 8912 Campus Coordinator Classified Testing Services Marissa Pierce 7836 November Hernandez, Mr. Rodolfo 8903 Instructor Faculty Psychology Dr. Lydia Tena 8818 December Luevano, Ms. Lucia 8897 Counselor Faculty Counseling Dr. Lydia Tena 8818 February Enriquez, Mr. John 8836 Instructor Faculty Chemistry Dr. Lydia Tena 8818 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptEOMRpt 1/13/2016 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS EMPLOYEES OF THE MONTH BY SITE Omitted months indicate that no one was selected. The campus is not necessarily the employee's home campus. March Flores, Ms. Crystal 8815 Student Services Assistant I Classified Center for Students with Disabilities Gerard Perez 8815 April Alvarez, Ms. Belinda 8905 Lab Assistant Classified Geology Debbie Caskey 8905 Rio Grande Campus Month August Employee Valles, Ms. Shanan Phone 4062 Title Classification Instructor P/T Faculty Area/Dept. Represented Psychology Supervisor Dr. Eileen Conklin Supervisor's Phone 4433 Transmountain Campus Month Employee Phone Title Classification P/T Area/Dept. Represented Supervisor Supervisor's Phone September Sotelo, Ms. Anita 5183 Academic Advisor Professional Counseling Lolo Mercado 5144 October Quinones, Ms. Belinda 5071 Admissions & Registration Assistant Classified Admissions/Registrar's Oscar Gil 4191 November Pelko, Ms. Sandra 5129 Admissions & Registration Assistant Classified Admissions/Registrar's Leticia Urenda 5070 December Leon Guerrero, Ms. Maria 5039 Financial Aid Veterans Affairs Specialist Classified Veteran's Affairs Francisco Guerra 2162 January Burks, Ms. Teresa 5134 Campus Cashier Classified Accounting Services Lillian Woon 2146 February Sanchez, Ms. Irma 5191 Admissions & Registration Assistant Classified Admissions/Registrar's Leticia Urenda 5070 March Orduno, Ms. Rosa 5149 Occupational Ed. Lab Assistant Classified Occupational Education Rick Webb 5051 April Bryant, Mr. Gerald (Jay) 5100 Campus Maintenance Technician Classified Physical Plant Richard Lobato 3391 Valle Verde Campus Month Employee Phone Title OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Classification rptEOMRpt P/T Area/Dept. Represented 1/13/2016 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity Supervisor Supervisor's Phone INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS EMPLOYEES OF THE MONTH BY SITE Omitted months indicate that no one was selected. The campus is not necessarily the employee's home campus. Fall Semester Perez, Mr. Antonio 2280 Maintenance Worker I Classified Physical Plant Rick Lobato 3391 Spring Semester Montes, Ms. Astrid 3252 Library Assistant Classified Library Samuel Ruiz 2645 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptEOMRpt 1/13/2016 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS EMPLOYEES OF THE MONTH BY SITE Nominations are governed by College Procedure For info. contact Institutional Effectiveness: (915) 831-2614. Omitted months indicate that no one was selected. The campus is not necessarily the employee's home campus. 2013-2014 Administrative Services Center Month Title Classification Area/Dept. Represented P/T Supervisor Supervisor's Phone Employee Phone October Jauregui, Ms. Mary 6305 Bid Specialist Classified Accounting Services Pat Melendez 6350 January Wages, Ms. Carmen 6348 Accountant Professional Accounting Services Thelma Monge 6345 February Jauregui, Ms. Mary 6305 Bid Specialist Classified Accounting Services Pat Melendez 6350 March Navarro, Ms. Vickie 7788 CE Registration Clerk Classified VP Workforce/Economic Dev & CE Margie Pavia 7781 April Anchondo, Mr. Art 7710 Business Development Advisor Professional Small Business Development Center Joseph Ferguson 7730 May Rodriguez, Mr. Jaime 6535 CD Media Services Professional Media Services Nancy Gamez 2120 Mission del Paso Campus Month Employee Phone Title Classification Area/Dept. Represented P/T Supervisor Supervisor's Phone September Aguilar, Dr. Elvira (Kelli) 7002 Instructor Faculty ESOL Dr. Julie Penley 7001 October Falcon, Mr. Fernando 7002 Instructor Faculty Math Dr. Julie Penley 7001 November Cano, Ms. Rosa 7002 Instructor Faculty Educational Psychology Dr. Julie Penley 7001 December Garcia, Ms. Cecile 7002 Instructor Faculty Reading Dr. Julie Penley 7001 January Valdiviezo, Ms. Alejandra 7009 STS Peer Trainer Student Counseling Rene Chavez 7009 March Jimenez, Ms. Laura 7093 LVN Coordinator Faculty Nursing Gail Meagher 4530 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND ACOUNTABILITY rptEOMRpt EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS EMPLOYEES OF THE MONTH BY SITE Omitted months indicate that no one was selected. The campus is not necessarily the employee's home campus. April Potter, Mr. William 2280 Maintenance Worker II Classified Physical Plant Rick Lobato 3391 May Ortiz, Mr. Jesus (Chuy) 7053 Campus Maintenance Technician Classified Physical Plant Pascual Martinez 3102 June Loya, Ms. Guadalupe 7118 Clerk III Classified Law Enforcement Barry Bogle 7116 July Jimenez, Mr. Ramon 7067 Counselor Faculty Counseling Dr. Julie Penley 7001 August Rodela, Mr. Gabriel 7015 Admissions & Registration Assistant Classified Admissions and Registration Mercy Dominguez 7018 Northwest Campus Month Employee Phone Title Classification P/T Area/Dept. Represented Supervisor Supervisor's Phone November Gonzalez, Mr. Tommy 6671 PC Systems Technician Professional Information Technology Marco Fernandez 6498 March Iniguez, Mr. Ivan 8872 Instructor Faculty Biology Dr. Lydia Tena 8818 June Pacheco-Lucero, Dr. Jose 8836 Instructor Faculty Biology Dr. Lydia Tena 8818 Transmountain Campus Month Employee Phone Title Classification P/T Area/Dept. Represented Supervisor Supervisor's Phone September Jauregui, Ms. Berenice 5087 Audiovisual Assistant Classified Media Services Jessie Salas 5087 October Foster, Ms. Deborah (Debbie) 2007 Student Services Assistant Classified Center for Students with Disabilities Jan Lockhart 2676 November Chavez, Mr. Benjamin 5034 Campus Life Representative Classified Student Leadership & Campus Life Arvis C. Jones 2290 December Aguirre, Ms. Maria 2594 Housekeeping Staff Non-EPCC Personnel GCA/Housekeeping Octavio Gonzalez 2594 January Renteria, Mr. German 5088 ISC Technician Classified Instructional Service Center Mary Suarez 5089 February Silva, Ms. Yolanda 5094 Academic Tutor Classified Academic Resources Roger Graham 5094 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND ACOUNTABILITY rptEOMRpt EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS EMPLOYEES OF THE MONTH BY SITE Omitted months indicate that no one was selected. The campus is not necessarily the employee's home campus. March Bretado, Ms. Vanessa 5807 Counselor Faculty Counseling Lolo Mercado 5144 April Olmeda, Ms. Amber 2077 Student Services Assistant Classified Center for Students with Disabilities Jan Lockhart 2676 May Calderon, Ms. Michelle 2077 Notetaker Classified Center for Students with Disabilities Jan Lockhart 2676 Valle Verde Campus Month Title P/T Supervisor Supervisor's Phone Phone Spring Semester Knapp, Ms. Deborah 2419 Counselor Faculty Counseling Susana Rodarte 2085 Spring Semester Macedo, Mr. Oscar 3185 Instructor Faculty Mathematics Tonie Badillo 2164 Spring Semester Serna, Ms. Mary 2426 Sign Language Interpreter Classified Center for Students with Disabilities Jan Lockhart 2676 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND ACOUNTABILITY Classification Area/Dept. Represented Employee rptEOMRpt EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS EMPLOYEES OF THE MONTH BY SITE Omitted months indicate that no one was selected. The campus is not necessarily the employee's home campus. 2012-2013 Administrative Services Center Month Employee Phone Title Classification P/T Area/Dept. Represented Supervisor Supervisor's Phone October Marin, Ms. Elizabeth 7801 Administrative Assistant Classified Senior Adult Program Mary Yanez 7803 February Perkins, Ms. Jennifer 6379 Employment Specialist Classified Human Resources Albert Yanez 6319 March Delgado, Ms. Terry 7721 Administrative Assistant Classified VP Workforce/Economic Dev & CE Yolanda Ahner 7724 April Heiney, Mr. James 6441 Marketing Specialist Professional Marketing & Community Relations Joyce Cordell 6530 Mission del Paso Campus Title P/T Supervisor Supervisor's Phone Employee Phone September Ochoa, Ms. Lourdes 7011 Counselor Faculty Counseling Rene Chavez 7009 October Martinez, Mr. Jimmy 7116 Instructor Faculty Driver's Education Barry Bogle 7116 November Linder, Mr. Renato 2589 Campus Cashier Classified Accounting Services Arturo Vasquez 2589 December Taylor, Mr. Jason 7079 EMSP Lab Assistant Classified Emergency Medical Services Program Angel Carrillo, Tony Ayub 7079 January Chavez, Mr. Benjamin 7045 Campus Life Representative Classified Student Leadership & Campus Life Arvis C. Jones 2290 February Martinez, Ms. Iantha 7048 Academic Tutor Classified Student Success Support Services Cecilia Hines 7048 March Marquez, Ms. Elizabeth 7016 Admissions and Registration Assistant Classified Admissions and Registration Leticia Urenda 7018 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND ACOUNTABILITY Classification Area/Dept. Represented Month rptEOMRpt EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS EMPLOYEES OF THE MONTH BY SITE Omitted months indicate that no one was selected. The campus is not necessarily the employee's home campus. April Ballenger, Ms. Norma 7052 Head Librarian Faculty MdP Library Dr. Julie Penley 7001 May Pacheco, Ms. Veronica 7149 Academic Tutor Classified English Language Learning Center Miguel Contreras 7149 June Raley, Dr. David 7146 Instructor Faculty History Dr. Julie Penley 7001 July Polocek, Mr. Edward 7002 Instructor Faculty Music Dr. Julie Penley 7001 August Villarreal, Mr. Armando 7033 Instructor Faculty Biology Dr. Julie Penley 7001 Northwest Campus Month Employee Phone Title Classification P/T Area/Dept. Represented Supervisor Supervisor's Phone March McBroom, Ms. Kimberly S. 8865 Campus Cashier Classified Accounting Services Arturo Vasquez 2589 April Olivares, Ms. Marta 8839 Counselor Faculty Counseling Dub Satterfield 8817 May Guerrero, Ms. Ana 8807 Student Services Assistant Classified Counseling Dub Satterfield 8817 Rio Grande Campus Title P/T Supervisor Supervisor's Phone Employee Phone September Sosa, Mr. Armando 4063 Instructor Faculty Nursing Gail Meagher 4530 October Esparza, Ms. Consuelo 2594 Housekeeping Staff Non-EPCC Personnel GCA/Housekeeping Octavio Gonzalez 2590 November Valadez, Ms. Maria 4166 ISC Technician Classified Instructional Service Center Elda Shahabi 4013 December Cieslik, Ms. Donna 4067 Instructor Faculty Nursing Gail Meagher 4530 January Quintero, Mr. Gerardo 4624 Academic Tutor Classified Student Success Support Services Cynthia Velasco 2590 February Casas, Mr. Juan 4166 ISC Technician Classified Instructional Service Center Elda Shahabi 4013 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND ACOUNTABILITY Classification Area/Dept. Represented Month rptEOMRpt EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS EMPLOYEES OF THE MONTH BY SITE Omitted months indicate that no one was selected. The campus is not necessarily the employee's home campus. March Avila, Ms. Maria 2594 Housekeeping Staff Non-EPCC Personnel GCA/Housekeeping Octavio Gonzalez 2594 April Fulton, Ms. Veronica 4608 Counselor Faculty Counseling Ruben Villalobos 4620 May Lerma, Ms. Elvia 4636 Student Services Assistant II Classified Counseling Ruben Villalobos 4020 June Montoya, Ms. Cecilia 4050 Testing Services Clerk Classified Testing Services Olga L. Porras 5035 Transmountain Campus Month Employee Phone Title Classification P/T Area/Dept. Represented Supervisor Supervisor's Phone September Yakubovsky, Mr. Charles 5808 Campus Representative Classified Center for Students with Disabilities Jan Lockhart 2676 October Juarez, Mr. Luis 5048 Peace Officer I Classified Police Department Officer Michael Guzman 5040 November Lira, Ms. Sylvia 5042 Lab Assistant Classified Academic Computing Services Guadalupe Davila 2409 December Barrientos, Ms. Patricia 5015 Instructor Faculty Mathematics Ernest Webb 5051 January Mercado, Mr. Lolo 5144 Counselor Coordinator Faculty Counseling Jan Eveler 5202 February De La Paz, Mr. Bruce 5094 Academic Tutor Classified Student Success Support Services Roger Graham 5094 March Coles, Mr. Jeffrey 5019 Instructor Faculty English Jan Eveler 5202 April Marquez, Ms. Pat 5186 Student Services Assistant Classified Counseling Lolo Mercado 5144 May Williams, Mr. Isaiah 5087 Audiovisual Assistant Classified Media Services Jessie Salas 5087 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND ACOUNTABILITY rptEOMRpt EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS EMPLOYEES OF THE MONTH BY SITE Omitted months indicate that no one was selected. The campus is not necessarily the employee's home campus. 2011-2012 Administrative Services Center Month Employee Phone Title Classification P/T Area/Dept. Represented Supervisor Supervisor's Phone October Mendoza, Ms. Mireya 7611 Instructor Faculty Contract Opportunity Center Joe Conway 7748 November Ortega, Ms. Mary 6395 Administrative Office Assistant Classified VP Information Technology/CIO Dr. Jenny Giron 6571 January Kaplowitz, Ms. Karen 1305 Manager Professional Student Culinary Services Ernest Webb II 1305 February Ferguson, Mr. Joseph 7738 Associate Director Professional Small Business Development Center Olga Tavarez 7736 March Martinez, Ms. Juanita 6453 Administrative Assistant Classified AVP Budget & Financial Services Josette Shaughnessy 6401 April Diaz, Ms. Hilda 7824 Administrative Assistant Classified Workforce Development Luz Taboada 7796 May Romero, Mr. Ernie 2280 Head Maintenance WorkerGrounds Classified Physical Plant Raul Lucero 3171 June Espinoza, Ms. Debbie 6309 Bid Specialist Professional Purchasing and Contract Management Ruben Gallardo 6306 July Perez, Ms. Carolina 6560 Administrative Assistant Classified EPCC-TV Dr. Jenny Giron 6571 August Contreras, Ms. Maria 1302 Lab Assistant Classified Culinary Arts Jesus Lugo 1302 Mission del Paso Campus Month September Employee Campos, Mr. Antonio Phone 7051 Title Classification ISC Technician OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Classified rptEOMRpt P/T Area/Dept. Represented Instructional Service Center Supervisor Yolanda Aguilar 6/6/2013 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity Supervisor's Phone 2608 Page 4 of 13 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS EMPLOYEES OF THE MONTH BY SITE Omitted months indicate that no one was selected. The campus is not necessarily the employee's home campus. October Nevarez, Ms. Maria 7048 Tutor Classified Mathematics Cecilia Hines 7048 November Contreras, Ms. Denice 7099 Admissions & Registration Assistant Classified Admissions & Registration Mercy Dominguez 7018 December Ramos, Ms. Brenda 7052 Library Clerk Classified Library Norma Ballenger 7052 January Ovalles, Ms. Teresa 7149 ESL Tutor Classified ESL Miguel Contreras 7149 February Peregrino, Dr. Sylvia 7139 Instructor Faculty Government Santiago Rodriguez 7001 March Ornelas, Mr. Josue 7167 Athletic Assistant Classified Kinesiology Santiago Rodriguez 7001 April Villalobos, Mr. Joshua 7144 Instructor Faculty Geology Santiago Rodriguez 7001 June Akhtar, Mr. Muhammad 7035 Instructor Faculty Mathematics Santiago Rodriguez 7001 July Arnal de Pratts, Ms. Lourdes 7089 Instructor Faculty Education Santiago Rodriguez 7001 August Avila, Ms. Patricia 7136 Instructor Faculty Reading Irma Hoy 7136 Northwest Campus Month Title Classification P/T Area/Dept. Represented Supervisor Supervisor's Phone Employee Phone October Guzman, Ms. Elvia 8859 Administrative Associate Classified Dean, Instructional Programs Dr. Lydia Tena 8818 November Cereceres, Ms. Marilu 2594 Housekeeping Staff Non-EPCC Personnel GCA/Housekeeping Ruben Chavez 2594 January Conklin, Ms. Michelle 8813 Instructor Faculty Education Dr. Lydia Tena 8818 Rio Grande Campus Month September Employee Shanaberger, Ms. Patricia Phone 4495 Title Classification Instructor OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Faculty rptEOMRpt P/T Area/Dept. Represented Nursing Supervisor Gail Meagher 6/6/2013 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity Supervisor's Phone 4530 Page 5 of 13 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS EMPLOYEES OF THE MONTH BY SITE Omitted months indicate that no one was selected. The campus is not necessarily the employee's home campus. October Rodriguez, Mr. Ignacio 4198 CSD Note Taker Classified Center for Students with Disabilities Martha Sanchez 4136 November Torres, Ms. Ariana 4529 Administrative Assistant Classified Nursing Gail Meagher 4530 December Fulton Slavin, Ms. Ysella 4420 Instructor Faculty English Dr. Eileen Conklin 4432 January Armengol, Ms. Graciela 4624 Student Assistant Classified Student Success Support Services Cynthia Velasco 2650 February Garcia, Mr. Jassiel 4624 Student Assistant Classified Student Success Support Services Cynthia Velasco 2650 March Islas, Ms. Patricia 4183 Instructor Faculty Speech Dr. Eileen Conklin 4432 April Perales, Ms. Becky 4149 Librarian Faculty RG Library Charlotte Hollis 4019 May Castillo, Mr. Lorenzo 4624 Academic Tutor Classified Student Success Support Services Cynthia Velasco 2650 June Salazar, Ms. Anabel 4624 Academic Tutor Classified Student Success Support Services Cynthia Velasco 2650 July Arguelles, Ms. Patricia 2594 Housekeeping Staff Non-EPCC Personnel GCA/Housekeeping Octavio Gonzalez 2590 Transmountain Campus Month Employee Phone Title Classification Area/Dept. Represented P/T Supervisor Supervisor's Phone September Salas, Ms. Jessie 5087 Coordinator Media Services Professional Instructional Media Services Nancy Gamez 2120 October Prospero, Ms. Maria 5045 Instructor Faculty Interior Design Joyce Ritchey 5202 November Valadez, Ms. Alma D. 5823 Counselor Faculty Counseling Lolo Mercado 5144 December Crisafulli, Ms. Zaira 5082 Instructor Faculty English Joyce Ritchey 5202 January Miller, Ms. Lisa 5061 Instructor Faculty Art Joyce Ritchey 5202 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptEOMRpt 6/6/2013 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity Page 6 of 13 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS EMPLOYEES OF THE MONTH BY SITE Omitted months indicate that no one was selected. The campus is not necessarily the employee's home campus. February Tonish-Martinez, Ms. Stephanie 5117 Instructor Faculty Math Joyce Ritchey 5202 March Peeples, Dr. Joanne 5047 Instructor Faculty Mathematics Joyce Ritchey 5202 April Lemos, Mr. Steve 5089 ISC Technician Classified Instructional Service Center Mary Suarez 5089 May Armengol, Ms. Maria 5090 ISC Technician Classified Instructional Service Center Mary Suarez 5089 June Gibson, Mr. Travis 5089 Work Study Student Instructional Service Center Mary Suarez 5089 July Salas, Mr. John 5092 Library Assistant Classified Library Joyce Ritchey 5202 August Humphreys, Mr. Carlos 5210 Librarian Faculty Library Ernest Webb 5051 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptEOMRpt 6/6/2013 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity Page 7 of 13 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS EMPLOYEES OF THE MONTH BY SITE Omitted months indicate that no one was selected. The campus is not necessarily the employee's home campus. 2010-2011 Administrative Services Center Month Title Classification P/T Area/Dept. Represented Supervisor Supervisor's Phone Employee Phone October Collins, Ms. Melissa 6358 Payroll Clerk Classified Accounting Services Irene Nunez 6354 November Alvarez, Ms. Guadalupe 7710 Administrative Assistant Classified Small Business Development Center Olga Tavarez 7736 December Fabela, Mr. Pedro 6540 Account Clerk Classified Comptroller Fernando Flores 6391 January Tuberville, Ms. Abigail 7795 Administrative Assistant Classified Workforce Economic Development and Continuing Education Yolanda Ahner 7724 February Armendariz, Mr. Pablo 7747 Procurement Specialist Professional Contract Opportunities Joe Conway 7748 March Houston, Ms. Michelle 6524 Coord. Special Events Professional Marketing Joyce Cordell 6530 April Moncayo, Ms. Sara 6557 Media Scheduling Specialist Classified EPCC TV Dr. Jenny Giron 6571 May Fraley, Mr. Matthew 6406 STS Peer Trainer Classified Student Technology Services (STS) Debbie Aguilera 6331 June Vasquez, Mr. Lee 7830 Program Guidance Assistant Professional GEAR UP Marisa Pierce 7836 July Licano, Mr. David 6341 Systems Administrator Professional Information Technology Dr. Jenny Giron 6571 August Hernandez, Ms. Bernice 6408 Sr. Administrative Associate Classified Human Resources Liz Olguin-Ryan 6325 Mission del Paso Campus Month September Employee Hacker, Mr. Fred Phone 7002 Title Classification Instructor OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Faculty rptEOMRpt P/T Area/Dept. Represented History Supervisor Santiago Rodriguez 6/7/2013 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity Supervisor's Phone 7001 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS EMPLOYEES OF THE MONTH BY SITE Omitted months indicate that no one was selected. The campus is not necessarily the employee's home campus. October Estrada, Ms. Gloria 7047 Instructor Faculty English Santiago Rodriguez 7001 November Rodriguez, Mr. Osvaldo 7032 Instructor Faculty Chemistry Santiago Rodriguez 7001 December Coates, Dr. Marvin 7034 Instructor Faculty ESL Santiago Rodriguez 7001 January Aguirre, Ms. Edith 7145 Instructor Faculty Mathematics Santiago Rodriguez 7001 February Nava, Mr. Duffy 7072 Instructor Faculty Computer Information Systems Santiago Rodriguez 7001 March Hoy, Ms. Irma 7136 Instructor Faculty Reading Santiago Rodriguez 7001 April Velez, Ms. Patricia 7051 Instructor Faculty ESL Tracy Von Maluski 7044 June Carrasco, Mr. Manny 7112 Instructor Faculty Driver's Education Barry Bogle 7116 July Navarrete, Ms. Cintya 7006 Office Clerk Classified Police Department Seta Stansbury 2212 August Jimenez, Ms. Laura 7093 Instructor Faculty Nursing Kim Golucke 7081 Northwest Campus Month Employee Phone Title Classification P/T Area/Dept. Represented Supervisor Supervisor's Phone October Kalantarian, Dr. Enayatallah 8932 Instructor Faculty Mathematics Dr. Lydia Tena 8818 November Taylor, Dr. Hilda 8943 Instructor Faculty Biology Dr. Lydia Tena 8818 December Perez, Dr. Sandra 8902 Instructor Faculty Biology Dr. Lydia Tena 8818 January Perez, Dr. Sandra 8902 Instructor Faculty Biology Dr. Lydia Tena 8818 February Aguilar, Mr. Robert 8864 Early College High School Facilitator Faculty Dean of Instructional Programs Dr. Lydia Tena 8859 March Barley, Mr. Juan 8870 Testing Services Clerk Classified Testing Services Carolyn Buntyn 2224 April Lopez, Ms. Julieta 8825 ACS Lab Assistant Classified Academic Computing Services Raymundo Vilca 2819 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptEOMRpt 6/7/2013 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS EMPLOYEES OF THE MONTH BY SITE Omitted months indicate that no one was selected. The campus is not necessarily the employee's home campus. May Jaramillo, Ms. Claudia 8833 Financial Aid Specialist Classified Financial Aid Office Roy Tuberville 2584 June Olsen, Ms. Sharon 6415 PC Systems Specialist Professional Information Technology Marco Fernandez 6498 July Perez, Mr. Gerard 8815 Campus Representative Professional Center for Students with Disabilities Jan Lockhart 8818 August Martinez, Mr. Danny 2280 Maintenance Worker Classified Physical Plant Rick Lobato 3391 Rio Grande Campus Month Employee Phone Title Classification P/T Area/Dept. Represented Supervisor Supervisor's Phone September Luna, Mr. Osvaldo 4042 Audiovisual Specialist Classified Instructional Media Services Nancy Gamez 2120 October Olivares, Ms. Marta 4198 Counselor Faculty Counseling Ruben Villalobos 4636 November Estrada, Mr. Isaac 4136 Academic Tutor Classified Student Success Support Services Martha Sanchez 4136 December Saenz, Dr. Roswitha 4178 Instructor Faculty Biology Dr. Paula Mitchell 4030 January Meagher, Ms. Gail 4530 Dean of Nursing Administrator School of Nursing Dr. Dennis Brown 6471 February Steele, Ms. Elizabeth 4467 Manager Professional Grants Management Al Lawrence 4463 March Ortiz, Mr. Jesus (Chuy) 4071 Campus Maintenance Technician Classified Physical Plant Pascual Martinez 3391 April Olsakovsky, Ms. Elaine 4055 Instructor Faculty Health Services Dr. Paula Mitchell 4030 May Gomez, Ms. Sylvia 4014 ISC Technician Classified Instructional Service Center Elda Shahabi 4013 June Olivas, Ms. Cynthia 4177 Instructor Faculty Nursing Gail Meagher 4530 July Maldonado, Ms. Frances 4607 Lab Assistant III Classified Health, Careers and Technical Education, Math and Science Dr. Paula Mitchell 4030 August Villademoros, Mr. Joel 4080 Instructor Faculty Sociology Dr. Eileen Conklin 4432 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptEOMRpt 6/7/2013 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS EMPLOYEES OF THE MONTH BY SITE Omitted months indicate that no one was selected. The campus is not necessarily the employee's home campus. Transmountain Campus Month Employee Phone Title Classification Area/Dept. Represented P/T Supervisor Supervisor's Phone September Konings-Dudin, Dr. Gertrud 5182 Instructor Faculty Biology Rick Webb 5051 October Farrelly, Ms. Debra 5830 Instructor Faculty Administrative Assistant Rick Webb 5051 November Samaniego, Mr. Frank 5042 ACS Lab Specialist Classified Academic Computing Services Raymundo Vilca 2819 December Torres, Mr. Manuel 5043 Instructor Faculty HVAC Steve Smith 5051 January Garcia, Ms. Laura 5058 Academic Assistant Classified Math, Science and Career & Tech. Edu Steve Smith 5051 February Crook, Ms. Raina 5808 Student Assistant Classified Center for Students with Dissabilities Jan Lockhart 2676 March Silva, Mr. Ed 5027 Instructor Faculty Sociology Joyce Ritchey 5202 April Alvarez, Dr. Maria 5074 Instructor Faculty Biology Steve Smith 5051 May Dominguez, Ms. Silvia 5111 Career Services Specialist Classified Career Services Carla Cardoza 2638 June Zubiate, Ms. Bertha 5120 Occupational Ed. Lab Assistant Classified Administrative Assistant Steve Smith 5051 July Frost, Ms. Judy 5202 Instructor Faculty Speech Joyce Ritchey 5202 August Mares, Ms. Maria 5801 Certification Specialist Classified Veterans Affairs Frank Guerra 2162 Valle Verde Campus Month Employee Phone Title Classification P/T Area/Dept. Represented Supervisor Supervisor's Phone September Solis, Ms. Maria Isela 4196 Financial Aid Specialist Classified Financial Aid Office Ray Tuberville 2584 October Frescas, Ms. Christina 2531 Research Associate Professional Institutional Research Dr. Carol Kay 2854 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptEOMRpt 6/7/2013 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS EMPLOYEES OF THE MONTH BY SITE Omitted months indicate that no one was selected. The campus is not necessarily the employee's home campus. November Vaughn, Ms. Grace 3345 Instructor Faculty Business Management Dr. Jaime Farias 2394 December Ochotorena, Mr. Ruben 3214 Director Administrator Title V Irma Camacho 2848 February Lopez, Ms. Maria 2160 Assistant Director Professional Center for Students with Disabilities Jan Lockhart 2676 March Mendoza, Ms. Lorena 2307 Accounts Receivable Clerk Classified Accounts Receivable Lillian Woon 2146 April Gonzalez, Ms. Sylvia 3111 Program Assistant Classified Distance Education Bob Jones 3112 May Garcia, Ms. Aurea 2636 Career Services Assistant Classified Career Services Carla Cardoza 2638 June Guerra, Mr. Francisco 2162 Veterans Affairs Manager Professional Veterans Affairs Linda GonzalezHensgen 2640 July Palomino, Ms. Laura 2324 Clerk III Classified Testing Services Armando Gomez 3297 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptEOMRpt 6/7/2013 EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS EMPLOYEES OF THE MONTH BY SITE Omitted months indicate that no one was selected. The campus is not necessarily the employee's home campus. 2009-2010 Administrative Services Center Title Classification P/T Area/Dept. Represented Supervisor Supervisor's Phone Month Employee Phone September Sano, Ms. Angelica 6472 Sr. Administrative Associate Classified VP, Instruction Dr. Dennis Brown 6471 October Monreal, Mr. David 6440 PC Support Specialist II Professional Information Technology Marco Fernandez 6498 November Ontiveros, Ms. Maria (Yoli) 7817 Clerk III Classified GED Testing Cynthia Compean 7815 December Flores, Mr. Luis 6327 Project Graphics Designer Classified Marketing & Community Relations Joyce Cordell 6530 January Apple, Ms. Lu 7840 Administrative Assistant Classified Customized Training Uwe Agness 7773 February Ramirez, Mr. Angel 2760 Coord., Special Events & Moving Classified Operation & Maintenance Richard Chavez 2557 March Salcedo, Ms. Alicia 7751 Procurement Program Assistant Classified Contract Opportunity Center Joseph Conway 7748 April Barraza, Ms. Maria (Lupe) 6355 Payroll Clerk Classified Payroll Irene Nunez 6354 May Mares, Mr. Carlos 6440 Help Desk Clerk Classified Information Technology Charles Morgan 6439 June Flores, Ms. Isabel 6505 Purchasing Customer Service Specialist Classified Purchasing and Contract Management Ruben Gallardo 6306 July Lara, Mr. Marco 6555 Media Producer Professional EPCC TV Patrick Ebert 6553 August Silva, Ms. Guadalupe (Lupe) 6473 Administrative Associate Classified Vice President of Instruction Dr. Dennis Brown 6471 Mission del Paso Campus Month December Employee Gomez, Mr. Ruben Phone 7141 Title Counselor Classification Faculty OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT P/T Area/Dept. Represented Counseling Supervisor Rene Chavez rptEOMRpt EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age or disability. Supervisor's Phone 7009 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS EMPLOYEES OF THE MONTH BY SITE Omitted months indicate that no one was selected. The campus is not necessarily the employee's home campus. January Loya, Ms. Guadalupe 7118 Clerk III Classified Law Enforcement Barry Bogle 7116 February Gomez, Ms. Jessica 7006 Clerk Classified Police Department Jose Ramirez 2634 March Carrillo, Mr. Angel 7131 Lab Facilities Coordinator Classified Emergency Medical Services Marta de la Fuente 4029 April Orozco, Ms. Connie 7049 Lab Assistant Classified Academic Computing Services Dr. Jenny Giron 6571 May Valles, Mr. Jesus 7048 Academic Tutor Classified Student Success Cecilia Hines 7048 June Gil, Mr. Oscar 7018 Manager Professional Student Services Santiago Rodriguez 7001 July Chavira, Ms. Isabel 7056 Library Clerk Classified Library Norma Ballenger 7052 August Chavarria, Mr. Adrian 7086 Lab Assistant Classified Student Success Vera Araiza 7086 Northwest Campus Month Employee Phone Title Classification P/T Area/Dept. Represented Supervisor Supervisor's Phone October Laroche, Ms. Allyson 8815 Student Services Assistant III Classified Center for Students with Disabilities Gerard Perez 8815 November Satterfield, Mr. Dub 8817 Counselor Faculty Counseling Dr. Lydia Tena 8818 December Sandoval, Mr. Robert 8883 Library Assistant Classified Library Monica Wong 8909 January Sandoval, Mr. Robert 8883 Library Assistant Classified Library Monica Wong 8909 February Ortiz, Ms. Patricia 8860 Lab Assistant III Classified Court Reporting Lucretia Thomas 8834 March Martinez, Mr. Ramy 8850 Counselor Faculty Counseling Dr. Lydia Tena 8818 April Luevano, Ms. Lucia 8897 Counselor Faculty Counseling Dr. Lydia Tena 8818 May Booth, Ms. Marye 8933 ISC Technician Classified Instructional Service Center Mary Suarez 5089 June Chavez, Ms. Gina 8803 Admissions Assistant Classified Admissions/Registrar's Juan Pineda 8832 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptEOMRpt EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age or disability. INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS EMPLOYEES OF THE MONTH BY SITE Omitted months indicate that no one was selected. The campus is not necessarily the employee's home campus. July Gutierrez, Dr. Daniel 8858 Instructor Faculty Government Dr. Lydia Tena 8818 August Scott, Ms. Elizabeth 8869 Clerk II Classified Dean's Office Dr. Lydia Tena 8818 Rio Grande Campus Month Employee Phone Title Classification P/T Area/Dept. Represented Supervisor Supervisor's Phone September Rodriguez, Ms. Roberta 4026 Academic Assistant Classified Dean, Health, Career & Technical Education, Math & Science Dr. Paula Mitchell 4030 October Cortinas, Mr. Luis 4401 Audiovisual Assistant Classified Instructional Media Services Nancy Gamez 2120 November Flores, Ms. Maria 7888 Food Services Staff Non-EPCC Personnel Food Services Carol Adams 2280 December Lerma, Ms. Elvia 4636 Student Services Assistant II Classified Counseling Ruben Villalobos 4020 January Ramirez, Ms. Olga 2280 Janitor Non-EPCC Personnel Janitorial Services Octavio Gonzalez 2280 February Urrutia, Ms. Rosario (Rosie) 6440 PC Systems Technician Professional Information Technology Luis Ojeda 6455 March Guerra, Mr. Javier 2220 Peace Officer I Classified Police Department Lt. Della Williams 4024 April Norbeck, Mr. Mark 4215 Instructor Faculty History Dr. Eileen Conklin 4432 May Mitchell, Dr. Paula 4030 Dean Administrator Health, Career & Technical Education, Math and Science Dr. Dennis Brown 6471 June Olivas, Ms. Magdalena 4014 ISC Technician Classified Instructional Services Center Elda Shahabi 4013 July Curiel, Ms. Elvia 4600 Academic Office Assistant Classified Health, Career & Technical Education, Math & Science Dr. Paula Mitchell 4030 August Hollis, Ms. Charlotte 4019 Head Librarian Faculty RG Library Dr. Paula Mitchell 4030 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptEOMRpt EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age or disability. INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS EMPLOYEES OF THE MONTH BY SITE Omitted months indicate that no one was selected. The campus is not necessarily the employee's home campus. Transmountain Campus Month Title Classification P/T Area/Dept. Represented Supervisor Supervisor's Phone Employee Phone October Ortega, Ms. Patricia 5143 Counselor Faculty Counseling Joyce Ritchey 5202 November Pelko, Ms. Sandra 5129 Admissions & Registration Clerk Classified Admissions/Registrar Mercy Dominguez 5070 December Bryant, Mr. Gerald 5100 Campus Maintenance Technician Classified Physical Plant Richard Lobato 3391 January Villegas, Mr. Alberto 5198 Librarian Faculty Library Steve Smith 5051 February Ocon, Mr. Mario 2280 Maintenance Worker Classified Physical Plant Richard Lobato 3391 March Escobar, Mr. Rodolfo (Paco) 5088 ISC Technician Classified Instructional Services Center Mary Suarez 5089 April Varela, Mr. Ramon (Ray) 5088 ISC Technician Classified Instructional Services Center Mary Suarez 5089 May Hougham, Mr. Dale 5395 Enrollment Manager Professional Instruction Dr. Dennis Brown 6471 June Price, Mr. Alex 5094 Academic Tutor Classified Student Success Roger Graham 5094 July Graham, Mr. Roger 5094 Academic Resource Specialist Classified Student Success Irma Camacho 2848 August Lopez, Mr. Javier 5069 Lab Assistant Classified Kinesiology Steve Smith 5051 Valle Verde Campus Month Employee Phone Title Classification P/T Area/Dept. Represented Supervisor Supervisor's Phone October Rodriguez, Mr. Andrew 3309 Clerk I Classified Financial Aid Roy Tuberville 2584 November Gomez, Ms. Esperanza 2893 Administrative Assistant Classified Institutional Effectiveness Dr. Ron Stroud 2614 December Cisneros, Ms. Connie 2305 Testing Services Specialist Classified Testing Services Carolyn Buntyn 2224 January Lockhart, Ms. Jan 2676 Director Administrator Center for Students with Disabilities Linda GonzalezHensgen 2566 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptEOMRpt EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age or disability. INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS EMPLOYEES OF THE MONTH BY SITE Omitted months indicate that no one was selected. The campus is not necessarily the employee's home campus. February Escalante, Ms. Irene 3385 Administrative Office Assistant Classified Student Success Irma Camacho 2848 March Saldana, Ms. Rosa 2865 Academic Office Assistant Classified Education & Career and Technical Education Dr. Jaime Farias 2394 April Pando, Ms. Rita 2106 Financial Aid Clerk Classified Financial Aid Norma Urias 2230 May Terrones, Ms. Luz 2177 Security Specialist Classified Police Department William McGlothin 2147 June Muniz, Ms. Nancy 2575 Administrative Assistant Classified Office of Recruitment & School Relations Angie Ruiz 2573 July Rivera, Mr. Pablo 2639 Career Services Specialist Classified Career Services Lucy Flores 2637 August Muro, Ms. Maricruz 3332 Clerk III Classified Recruitment & School Relations Nancy Muniz 2575 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptEOMRpt EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age or disability. INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS EMPLOYEES OF THE MONTH BY SITE Omitted months indicate that no one was selected. The campus is not necessarily the employee's home campus. 2008-2009 Administrative Services Center Month Employee Phone Title Classification P/T Area/Dept. Represented Supervisor Supervisor's Phone September Aguilar, Mr. Ray 6551 TV Production Technician Classified Center for Instructional Telecommunications Pat Ebert 6553 November Ferrer, Mr. Teofilo 6381 Personnel Pay Systems Manager Professional Personnel Services Elizabeth Olguin-Ryan 6325 January Ornelas, Mr. Alfredo (Fred) 6548 Senior Program Analyst Professional Information Technology Gary Chacon 6413 March Negrete, Mr. Mark 6558 Media Producer Professional EPCC TV Pat Ebert 6553 April Pierce, Ms. Marisa 7836 Manager Professional GEAR UP Program Dr. Tammie Campos 2408 May Sada, Mr. Carlos 6361 Accounting Specialist Classified General Accounting Thelma Monge 6345 June Morgan, Mr. Charles 6439 Manager, Support Center Professional Information Technology Marco Fernandez 6498 July Reyes, Ms. Edith 6407 Manager, STS Student Instruction Debbie Aguilera 6331 August Lipscomb, Ms. Victoria 6458 Coordinator Professional Employee Relations Nancy Nelson 6630 Mission del Paso Campus Month Employee Phone Title Classification P/T Area/Dept. Represented Supervisor Supervisor's Phone October Akhtar, Mr. Muhammed 7035 Instructor Faculty Mathematics Santiago Rodriguez 7001 November Valadez, Mr. Jaime 7050 Media Technician Classified Instructional Media Services Gilbert Garcia 7050 January Dominguez, Mr. Henry 7133 Lab Assistant II Classified Nursing Pat Marioni 4010 February Garcia, Mr. Gilbert 7050 Audiovisual Specialist Classified Instructional Media Services Nancy Gamez 2120 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptEOMRpt EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age or disability. INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS EMPLOYEES OF THE MONTH BY SITE Omitted months indicate that no one was selected. The campus is not necessarily the employee's home campus. March Araiza, Ms. Vera 7086 Lab Assistant Classified Student Success/Reading Irma Camacho 2848 April Altieri, Ms. Rebecca 7045 Student Leadership & Campus Life Representative Classified Student Leadership & Campus Life Arvis C. Jones 2712 May Davila, Mr. Alan 7055 Academic Tutor Classified ESL Lab Miguel Contreras 7149 June Yanez, Ms. Belinda 7055 Lab Assistant Classified ESL Lab Miguel Contreras 7149 Northwest Campus Title P/T Supervisor Supervisor's Phone Employee Phone September Lambrinos, Mr. Jim 8843 Instructor Faculty Reading Dr. Lydia Tena 8818 October Gaither, Ms. Laura 8875 ISC Technician Classified Instructional Services Center Mary Suarez 5089 November Vise, Ms. Ruth 8841 Instructor Faculty English Dr. Lydia Tena 8818 December Gleason, Ms. Maria 2000 ESAL Speech Faculty ESAL Speech Dr. Lydia Tena 8818 January Gleason, Ms. Maria 2000 ESAL Speech Faculty ESAL Speech Dr. Lydia Tena 8818 February Thomas, Ms. Lucretia 8834 Instructor Faculty Court & Conference Reporting Dr. Lydia Tena 8818 March Avila, Ms. Sally 8898 Academic Advisor Professional Counseling Dub Satterfield 8817 April Juarez, Mr. Luis 8911 Police Officer I Classified Police Department Lt. Apolinar Fernandez 4024 May Acosta, Ms. Patricia 8909 Work Study Student Library Monica Wong 8909 June Elenes, Mr. Arturo 2280 Maintenance Worker II Classified Physical Plant Rick Lobato 3391 July McBroom, Ms. Kimberly S. 8865 Campus Cashier Classified Accounting Services Darlina Nazario 2226 August Wong, Ms. Monica 8840 Librarian Faculty NW Library Dr. Lydia Tena 8818 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Classification Area/Dept. Represented Month rptEOMRpt EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age or disability. INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS EMPLOYEES OF THE MONTH BY SITE Omitted months indicate that no one was selected. The campus is not necessarily the employee's home campus. Rio Grande Campus Month Employee Phone Title Classification P/T Area/Dept. Represented Supervisor Supervisor's Phone September Carrasco, Mr. Richard 4077 PC Systems Specialist Professional Information Technology Luis Ojeda 6455 October Gonzalez, Mr. Roberto 4132 Science Lab Assistant Classified Chemistry Dr. Paula Mitchell 4030 November Torres, Mr. Fred 4422 Instructor Faculty Respiratory Technical Evangelina de Luna 4120 December Ortiz, Mr. Jesus (Chuy) 2280 Campus Maintenance Technician Classified Physical Plant Rick Lobato 3391 January Corona, Ms. Cecilia 4035 Registration Clerk Classified Admissions & Registrar Abraham Mejia 4191 February Dominguez, Ms. Mary 4015 Supervisor Non-EPCC Personnel Bookstore Patricia Rodriguez 2629 March Chavez, Ms. Mary 4198 Campus Representative Classified Center for Students with Disabilities Jan Lockhart 2676 April Cabrales, Mr. Joe 4521 Lab Technician Classified Health & Science David Brown 4435 May Ortiz, Ms. Monica 2007 Student Services Assistant I Classified Center for Students with Disabilities Marta Olivares 8939 June Sustaita, Ms. Silvia 4011 ISC Technician Classified Instructional Services Center Elda Shahabi 4013 July Rosales, Ms. Sylvia 2280 Janitor Non-EPCC Personnel Janitorial Services Octavio Gonzalez 2280 August Gamboa, Ms. Erika 4220 Academic Assistant Classified Nursing Gail Meagher 4530 Transmountain Campus Month Employee Phone Title Classification P/T Area/Dept. Represented Supervisor Supervisor's Phone September Pulido, Ms. Rosie 5127 Student Services Assistant Classified Counseling Lolo Mercado 5144 October Webb, Chef Rick 1301 Instructor Faculty Culinary Arts Steve Smith 5051 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptEOMRpt EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age or disability. INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS EMPLOYEES OF THE MONTH BY SITE Omitted months indicate that no one was selected. The campus is not necessarily the employee's home campus. November White, Mr. Ray 6670 PC Systems Specialist Professional Information Tech Support Services Gary Chacon 6413 December Montoya, Ms. Cecilia 7014 Testing Services Clerk Classified Testing Services Christina Garza 5181 January Vallender, Ms. Juliette 5192 ESL Lab Assistant Classified ESL Joyce Ritchey 5202 February Reyes, Ms. Socorro 5154 Audiovisual Assistant Classified Instructional Media Services Maria Ramirez 5154 March Garcia, Mr. Rafael 5089 ISC Technician Classified Instructional Services Center Mary Suarez 5089 April Strosser, Ms. Charla 5135 Instructor Faculty English Joyce Ritchey 5202 May Ramirez, Ms. Belia 5204 Academic Assistant Classified Arts, Basic Skills, Communications & Social Sciences Joyce Ritchey 5202 Valle Verde Campus Month Employee Phone Title Classification P/T Area/Dept. Represented Supervisor Supervisor's Phone October Alvarado, Ms. Guadalupe 2727 Processing Clerk Classified Registrar Janet Taylor 2586 October Maldonado, Mr. Jose 3154 Instructor Faculty Biology Bobby Ortega 2164 October Vasquez, Ms. Maria (Marie) 2264 Records Clerk Classified Records Mary Gil 3234 November Rodriguez, Ms. Guadalupe 2646 Audiovisual Assistant Classified Instructional Media Services Sergio Ramos 2649 January Castillo, Ms. Dolores 2757 Processing Clerk Classified Registrar Janet Taylor 2586 January Rodriguez, Ms. Sandra 2426 Clerk II Classified Center for Students with Disabilities Alma Valadez 2115 February Campuzano, Ms. Carlota 2591 Processing Clerk Classified Registrar Janet Taylor 2586 February Elizalde, Ms. Imelda 2873 Institutional Research Assistant Classified Institutional Research Art Gonzalez 2239 March Galindo, Ms. Roselia 3366 Instructor Faculty Reading Susana Rodarte 2018 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptEOMRpt EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age or disability. INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS EMPLOYEES OF THE MONTH BY SITE Omitted months indicate that no one was selected. The campus is not necessarily the employee's home campus. April Oropeza, Ms. Mary 2172 Program Specialist Classified Upward Bound Eduardo Servin 3214 May Mendoza, Ms. Maria Carmen 2753 Clerk III Classified Center for Students with Disabilities Maria E. Lopez 2160 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptEOMRpt EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age or disability. INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS EMPLOYEES OF THE MONTH BY SITE Omitted months indicate that no one was selected. The campus is not necessarily the employee's home campus. 2007-2008 Administrative Services Center Month Title Classification Area/Dept. Represented P/T Supervisor Supervisor's Phone Employee Phone October Monge, Ms. Thelma 6345 Asst. Comptroller Professional General Accounting Fernie Flores 6391 November McHale, Ms. Sandra 6330 Administrative Associate Classified AVP, Budget & Financial Aid Office Josette Shaughnessy 6401 January Beltran, Ms. Michelle 6412 Clerk Classified Marketing & External Affairs Maria Amaya 6531 February Navarro, Mr. Argelio (AJ) 6521 Webmaster Professional Information Technology Debbie Aguilera 6331 March Mendoza, Ms. Roxana 6687 PBX Operator Classified Information Technology Charles Morgan 6439 April Garcia, Mr. Fernie 6443 Photographer Classified Marketing & External Affairs Joyce Cordell 6619 May Jones, Ms. Glinda 6344 Administrative Assistant Classified Comptroller's Office Fernie Flores 6391 June Cazares, Ms. Olaya 7722 Sr. Administrative Associate Classified Workforce Development & Lifelong Learning Yolanda Ahner 7724 July Mendoza, Mr. Efrain 6387 Staff Analyst Classified Budget Office Jerry Fulton 6359 Mission del Paso Campus Month September Employee Portillo, Ms. Isabel Phone 7051 Title Classification ISC Technician OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Classified Area/Dept. Represented P/T ISC rptEOMRpt EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age or disability. Supervisor Yolanda Aguilar Supervisor's Phone 2608 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS EMPLOYEES OF THE MONTH BY SITE Omitted months indicate that no one was selected. The campus is not necessarily the employee's home campus. October Gomez, Ms. Priscilla 7017 Registration Aide Classified Registrar's Office Rosa Arroyo 7017 November Primozich, Mr. Blayne 7139 Instructor Faculty Government Santiago Rodriguez 7001 December Melo, Ms. Maria Lourdes 7039 Lab Assistant I Classified Biology Guillermo Salas 7106 January Loya, Ms. Guadalupe 7118 Clerk III Classified Law Enforcement Barry Bogle 7116 February Almaguer, Ms. Eunice 7004 Academic Office Assistant Classified Campus Dean, Instructional Programs Santiago Rodriguez 7001 March Erivez, Ms. Grace 7008 Employment Specialist Classified Co-op Education and Job Placement Dr. Olga Valerio 2825 April Ramirez, Ms. Elizabeth 7107 Academic Advisor Professional Office of Recruitment Rene Chavez 7009 May Samaniego, Mr. Clemente 7017 Work Study Student Registrar Rosa Arroyo 7017 June Reyes-Posas, Mr. Joel 7045 Work Study Student Student Leadership & Campus Life Monica Robinson 7045 August Pullen, Ms. Lesley 7052 Librarian Faculty MdP Library Santiago Rodriguez 7001 Northwest Campus Month Employee Phone Title Classification P/T Area/Dept. Represented Supervisor Supervisor's Phone September Rassaei, Mr. Nader 8836 Coordinator/Instructor Faculty Pharmacy Technology Dr. Lydia Tena 8818 October Quezada, Dr. Timothy 8932 Coordinator/Instructor Faculty Education Dr. Lydia Tena 8818 November Bell, Ms. Helen 8909 Reference Librarian PT Faculty Library Monica Wong 8909 December Perez, Mr. Gerard 8815 Campus Representative Classified Center for Students with Disabilities Dr. Lydia Tena 8818 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptEOMRpt EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age or disability. INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS EMPLOYEES OF THE MONTH BY SITE Omitted months indicate that no one was selected. The campus is not necessarily the employee's home campus. February Zarate, Ms. Terry 8884 Public Services Supervisor Classified Library Monica Wong 8909 March Ambriz, Ms. Lourdes 8819 Lab Assistant Classified ESL Dr. Lydia Tena 8818 April Rodarte, Mr. Hugo 8868 Audiovisual Assistant Classified Instructional Media Services Dr. Jenny Giron 6571 May Ortiz, Ms. Julie 8927 Academic Tutor Student Student Success Center Della Truman 8854 June Ramirez, Mr. Jesse 8825 Lab Specialist Classified Academic Computer Services Raymundo Vilca 2819 July Porras, Ms. Karina 8870 Testing Center Specialist Classified Testing Center Veronica Miramontes 8912 August Miller, Ms. Mary 8871 Career Education Specialist Classified Career Counseling Center Dr. Lydia Tena 8818 Rio Grande Campus Month Employee Phone Title Classification P/T Area/Dept. Represented Supervisor Supervisor's Phone September Lopez de Lara, Mr. Ricardo 4447 Academic Advisor Professional Counseling Ruben Villalobos 4020 October Alanis, Ms. Mary 4403 Instructor Faculty Mathematics Dr. Paula Mitchell 4030 November Rangel, Ms. Eva 4155 Student Services Assistant II Classified Counseling Ruben Villalobos 4020 December Santacruz, Ms. Elva 4421 Clerk II Classified Continuing Education for Health & Fitness Marta de la Fuente 4029 January Pandy, Mr. Robert 4064 Counselor Faculty Counseling Ruben Villalobos 4020 March Robles, Ms. Dolores 4036 Student Assistant II Classified Counseling Ruben Villalobos 4020 April Trimble, Ms. Margarita 4456 Instructor Faculty Nursing Dr. Lydia Tena 8818 May Dominguez, Ms. Veronica 4085 Instructor Faculty Biology Program Director Glenda Hill 2533 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptEOMRpt EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age or disability. INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS EMPLOYEES OF THE MONTH BY SITE Omitted months indicate that no one was selected. The campus is not necessarily the employee's home campus. June Sanchez, Ms. Martha 4136 Academic Resource Specialist Classified Tutorial Support Services -Student Success RG Irma Camacho 2848 July Khattab, Ms. Randa 4521 Computer Lab Assistant Classified Health & Science David Brown 4435 August Pichardo, Ms. Lizbeth 4016 Office Clerk Classified Border Health Clinic Souraya Hajjar 4143 Transmountain Campus Month Employee Phone Title Classification P/T Area/Dept. Represented Supervisor Supervisor's Phone September Puente, Ms. Yolanda 5059 Public Services Supervisor Classified Library Alberto Villegas 5198 October Quiroz, Ms. Beatrice 5062 Academic Office Assistant Classified Arts, Basic Skills, Communications & Social Sciences Joyce Ritchey 5202 November Ruiz, Ms. Thania 5006 Clerk Classified Testing Center Christina Garza 5181 December Avila, Ms. Sally 5183 Academic Advisor Professional Counseling Lolo Mercado 5144 January Padilla, Ms. Sandra 5054 Instructor Faculty Reading Joyce Ritchey 5202 February Arellanes-Nunez, Ms. Angelina 5212 Instructor Faculty Developmental English Joyce Ritchey 5202 March Sanchez, Ms. Irma 5194 Clerk Classified Registrar's Office Christina Olivares 5070 April Olivo, Ms. Heather 5125 Academic Tutor Classified English David Henry 5028 May Devaney, Dr. Kathleen 5161 Instructor Faculty Geology Steve Smith 5051 June Henry, Mr. David 5028 Instructor Faculty English Joyce Ritchey 5202 July Holden, Ms. Sandra 5129 Clerk Classified Registrar Chris Olivares 5070 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptEOMRpt EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age or disability. INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS EMPLOYEES OF THE MONTH BY SITE Omitted months indicate that no one was selected. The campus is not necessarily the employee's home campus. August Whitman, Ms. Melissa 5034 Campus Life Representative Classified Student Leadership & Campus Life Arvis Jones 2712 Valle Verde Campus Month Employee Phone Title Classification P/T Area/Dept. Represented Supervisor Supervisor's Phone September Garcia, Mr. Christopher 2439 Lab Assistant I Classified Center for Students with Disabilities Maria Lopez 2160 September Hinojos, Ms. Norma 2016 Academic Office Assistant Classified Architecture, Arts, Math and Science Bobby Ortega 2164 October Sanchez, Ms. Jessabel 2144 Academic Resource Specialist Classified Tutorial Support Services Olga Thurman 2740 November Flores, Ms. Lucy 2637 Employment Specialist Classified Career Services Carla Cardoza 2638 November Mendoza, Ms. Hilda 2513 Scheduling Assistant Classified CE Registrar Robert Walker 2303 December Castaneda, Ms. Edna 2169 CE Registration Assistant Classified CE Registrar Robert Walker 2303 December Munguia, Ms. Teresita 2046 Instructor Classified Chemistry Dr. Jawad Mahmoud 2046 December Prieto, Mr. Jose 2432 Sign Lab Assistant II Classified SIGN Lab Program Mary Mooney 2432 January Ontiveros, Ms. Elizabeth 2198 CE Registration Clerk Classified CE Registrar Robert Walker 2303 February Chavez, Ms. Paula 2024 Manager Professional Admissions Daryle Hendry 2580 March Gaytan, Mr. Gabriel 6554 Media Producer Professional EPCC TV Dr. Jenny Giron 6571 April Garcia, Ms. Lucia 2561 Processing Clerk Classified Admissions/Registrar Janet Taylor 2586 May Marquez, Ms. Amada 3217 CSD Interpreter Classified Center for Students with Disabilities Jan Lockhart 2676 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptEOMRpt EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age or disability. INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS EMPLOYEES OF THE MONTH BY SITE Omitted months indicate that no one was selected. The campus is not necessarily the employee's home campus. May Silva, Ms. Susan 3365 Instructor Faculty Reading Susana Rodarte 2018 June Aguilar, Ms. Desiree 2364 Registration Clerk Classified CE Registrar Robert Walker 2303 June Aguilar, Ms. Vickie 2129 CE Registration Clerk Classified CE Registrar Robert Walker 2303 July Fasolino, Ms. Jenette 2415 Processing Clerk Classified Admissions/Registrar Janet Taylor 2586 July Saavedra, Ms. Margaret 2657 Testing Services Clerk Classified Testing Services Barbara Hicks 2306 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptEOMRpt EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age or disability. INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS EMPLOYEES OF THE MONTH BY SITE Omitted months indicate that no one was selected. The campus is not necessarily the employee's home campus. 2006-2007 Administrative Services Center Month Employee Phone Title Classification P/T Area/Dept. Represented Supervisor Supervisor's Phone September Fulton, Mr. Jerome 6359 Director Administrator Budget Office Josette Shaughnessy 6330 October Martinez, Ms. Josie 6440 Operator Classified Information Technology Debbie Aguilera 6331 November Velez, Ms. Irma 6572 Administrative Associate Classified Instructional Resources & Technology Dr. Jenny Giron 6571 January Willmarth, Ms. Brenda 6517 Administrative Associate Classified President's Office Dr. Ernst Roberts 6593 February Martinez, Ms. Vira 6631 Administrative Associate Classified Employee Relations Nancy Nelson 6630 March Barraza, Ms. Angelina 6348 Accounting Clerk Classified Accounting Services Thelma Monge 6345 April Reyes, Ms. Maria 6386 Administrative Assistant Classified Human Resources Development Alex Hernandez 6383 July Loera, Ms. Mayela 6424 Payroll Clerk Classified Payroll Irene Nunez 6354 August Quiroz, Ms. Norma 6497 Administrative Assistant Classified Information Technology Debbie Aguilera 6331 Mission del Paso Campus Month Employee Phone Title Classification P/T Area/Dept. Represented Supervisor Supervisor's Phone September Gutierrez, Ms. Maria 7002 Academic Office Assistant Classified Campus Dean, Instructional Programs Santiago Rodriguez 7001 October Gamez, Ms. Raquel 7127 Student Services Assistant Classified Transfer/Career Center Carmen Garcia 3223 November Vargas, Ms. Araceli 7004 Academic Office Assistant Classified Campus Dean, Instructional Programs Santiago Rodriguez 7001 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptEOMRpt EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age or disability. INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS EMPLOYEES OF THE MONTH BY SITE Omitted months indicate that no one was selected. The campus is not necessarily the employee's home campus. December Martinez, Mr. Jose Omar 7049 ACS Lab Student Academic Computing Services Cristobal Montano 7049 January Badillo, Ms. Tonie 7111 Instructor Faculty ESOL Santiago Rodriguez 7001 February Clancy, Ms. Dolores 7039 Science Lab Assistant Classified Biology Lab Armando Villareal 7033 March Scott, Ms. Esther 7032 Lab Assistant Classified Math Santiago Rodriguez 7001 April Escalante, Ms. Elvira 7017 Registration Clerk II Classified Admissions & Registrations Office Daryle Hendry 2580 May Minnie, Ms. Jeanette 7111 Instructor Faculty ESL Santiago Rodriguez 7001 June Syed, Mr. Mansur 7049 Instructor Faculty ASC Dr. Jenny Giron 6571 July Estrada, Ms. Evelyn 7132 Title V Program Specialist Classified Title V Dr. Eduardo Servin 3214 August Castillo, Ms. Dolores 7142 Student Services Assistant Classified Counseling Rene Chavez 7009 Northwest Campus Month Employee Phone Title Classification P/T Area/Dept. Represented Supervisor Supervisor's Phone September Yancy-Tooks, Ms. Barbara 8942 Instructor Faculty Speech Dr. Lydia Tena 8901 November Ortega, Ms. Becky 8859 Academic Office Assistant Classified Campus Dean, Instructional Programs Dr. Lydia Tena 8818 December Juliano, Ms. Lisa 8804 Instructor Faculty Mathematics/Physics Dr. Lydia Tena 8818 January Juliano, Ms. Lisa 8804 Instructor Faculty Mathematics/Physics Dr. Lydia Tena 8818 February Silva, Mr. Manfred 8838 Instructor Faculty History Dr. Lydia Tena 8818 March Hernandez, Ms. Ana 8909 Librarian Faculty Library Monica Wong 8909 April Maese, Ms. Juanita 8833 Financial Aid Specialist Classified Financial Aid Norma Urias 5113 May Avila, Ms. Margarita 8879 Lab Assistant Classified Court Reporting Lucretia Thomas 8834 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptEOMRpt EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age or disability. INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS EMPLOYEES OF THE MONTH BY SITE Omitted months indicate that no one was selected. The campus is not necessarily the employee's home campus. June Melendez, Ms. Isabelle 8844 Food Services Staff Non-EPCC Personnel Food Services -- NW Conchita Perez 8844 July Melendez, Ms. Isabelle 8844 Food Services Staff Non-EPCC Personnel Food Services -- NW Conchita Perez 8844 August Rassaei, Dr. Nader 8836 Instructor Faculty Pharmacy Technology Dr. Lydia Tena 8818 Rio Grande Campus Title Classification P/T Area/Dept. Represented Supervisor Supervisor's Phone Month Employee Phone September Guerrero, Ms. Maria 4022 Counselor Faculty Counseling Ruben Villalobos 4020 October Prado, Mr. Carlos 7078 Instructor Faculty EMSP Department Dr. Paula Mitchell 4030 November Soto, Ms. Dora 4529 Academic Office Assistant Classified Dean of Nursing Anita Kelley 4530 December Zavala, Ms. Graciella 4519 Instructor Faculty Phlebotomy Marta de la Fuente 4029 March Mejia, Mr. Abraham 4191 Coordinator Professional Student Services Martha Arvizo 2026 March Rosales, Ms. Pat 4433 Academic Assistant Classified Arts, Basic Skills, Communications, Occ. Educ. & Social Sciences Dr. Eileen Conklin 4432 March Sanchez, Ms. Martha 4136 Academic Resource Specialist Classified Student Success Irma Camacho 2848 April Juarez, Mr. Luis 4024 Police Officer Classified Police Department Lt. Apolinar Fernandez 4024 May Saenz, Ms. Lourdes 4137 Sandwich Artist Non-EPCC Personnel Subway Maria Flores August Deras, Ms. Margarita 4034 Career Education Specialist Classified Career Services Carla Cardoza 2638 Transmountain Campus Month Employee Phone Title OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Classification P/T Area/Dept. Represented rptEOMRpt EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age or disability. Supervisor Supervisor's Phone INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS EMPLOYEES OF THE MONTH BY SITE Omitted months indicate that no one was selected. The campus is not necessarily the employee's home campus. September Traffansted, Ms. Darcy 2077 SGA President Student Student Government Association Arvis C. Jones 2712 October Cortez, Ms. Martha 5120 Occupational Ed. Lab Assistant Classified Professional Admin. Assistant TM Steve Smith 5051 November Woods, Ms. Sarah 5808 Student Assistant Classified Center for Students with Disabilities Charles Yakubovsky 5808 January Pufal, Ms. Carolyn 5146 Counselor Faculty Counseling Joyce Ritchey 5202 February Chaslus-Cuartas, Ms. Beatriz 5215 Instructor Faculty Government Joyce Ritchey 5202 March Chavez, Mr. Javier 5040 Peace Officer Law Enforcement Police Department Chief J. R. Grijalva 2634 April Orrantia, Ms. Diana 5095 Instructor Faculty Mathematics Steve Smith 5051 May Navarrete, Ms. Magdalena 5093 Testing Clerk Classified Testing Services Christina Garza 5181 June Bryant, Mr. Gerald 5100 Senior Painter Classified Physical Plant David Mena 2736 July Holcomb, Ms. Suzi 5156 Culinary Arts Lab Assistant Classified Culinary Arts Rick Webb 5148 August Moreno, Ms. Frances 2195 Counselor Faculty Center for Students with Disabilities Joyce Ritchey 5202 Valle Verde Campus Month Title P/T October Macias, Ms. Teresa 2662 Administrative Assistant Classified Counseling Jose Baltazar 2085 November Jacobo, Ms. Leticia 2576 Account Clerk Classified Accounts Receivable Leticia Urenda 2609 December Toynes, Ms. Debbie 2012 Telecommunications Specialist Classified Technology Resource Center Cheryl Bowman 2012 January Hernandez, Ms. Patricia 2304 Scheduling Coordinator Classified Admissions/Registrar Robert Walker 2303 January Wallace, Mr. Leo 2164 Instructor Faculty Physics Bobby Ortega 2164 February Ortega, Ms. Rachel 2538 Curriculum Monitoring Specialist Classified Curriculum Office Dr. Katherine Kelley 2654 rptEOMRpt EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age or disability. Supervisor Supervisor's Phone Phone OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Classification Area/Dept. Represented Employee INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS EMPLOYEES OF THE MONTH BY SITE Omitted months indicate that no one was selected. The campus is not necessarily the employee's home campus. February Scott, Ms. Mary 2460 Instructor Faculty Art Bobby Ortega 2164 March Arriola, Mr. Hector 2256 Testing Services Assistant Classified Testing Services Barbara Hicks 2306 April Dominguez, Ms. Eva 2027 Registration Assistant Classified Registrar's Office Hazel Silva 3121 April Myers, Ms. Joy 2018 Instructor Faculty Anthropology/ Geography Susana Rodarte 2868 May Gonzalez, Ms. Laura 2423 Student Assistant II Classified Counseling Jose Baltazar 2085 May Kelley, Dr. Katherine 2654 Curriculum and Instructional Development Manager Professional Curriculum Office Dr. Dennis Brown 6471 June Garcia, Mr. Juan 2568 PREP Manager Professional Pretesting Retesting Educational Program Irma Camacho 2848 June Varela, Mr. Roberto 2494 Lab Assistant Classified Student Success Irma Camacho 3377 July Escalante, Mr. Lorenzo 2579 Registrar Service Worker Classified Admissions/Registrar Daryle Hendry 2150 OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT rptEOMRpt EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age or disability.