吉川  洋 研究業績

吉川 洋 (YOSHIKAWA, Hiroshi)
2003 年
Macroeconomics and the Japanese Economy, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995
『高度成長』読売新聞社,1997 年
『マクロ経済学(第 2 版)
Comparing Economic Systems Italy and Japan, London: Palgrave, 2001 (ed.with Andrea Boltho and
Alessandro Vercelli).
Japan’s Lost Decade, Tokyo: The International House of Japan, 2002
“High Economic Growth and Its End in Japan: An Explanation by a Model of Demand-led Growth,” in
M.Okabe ed., the Structure of the Japanese Economy, London: Macmillan, 1995.
“The Great Depression in Japan: Why Was It So Short?” in Trevor Dick ed., Business Cycles since 1820:
New International Perspectives from Historical Evidence, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 1998 (with T.
Iwami and T. Okazaki).
“Causes of the Long Stagnation of Japan during the 1990’s: Financial or Real?” Journal of the Japanese and
International Economies, vol.13 p.118-200, 1999 (with T. Motonishi).
“Economic Growth: The Italian and Japanese Experiences,” Economic Systems, 23(11), 1999 (with Di
“Technical Progress and the Growth of the Japanese Economy- Past and Future” Oxford Review of Economic
Policy, Vol.16, No.2, p.34-45, 2000.
“La Politique Économique Face À La Stagnation De L’Économie” Economie internationale, 84-4, p.13-34,
“Growth and Fluctuations: The Post-war Japanese Experience” in Lionello f. Punzo ed. Cycles, Growth and
Structural Change: Theories and Empirical Evidence, p.27-46, London and New York: Routledge, 2001.
p. 71-78,2002.
“Demand Saturation - Creation and Economic Growth,” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 48,
p.127-154, 2002(with Masanao Aoki).
“The Role of Demand in Macroeconomics,” Japanese Economic Review Vol. 54, No. 1,p.1-27, 2003.
『経済研究』50 巻 3 号,228-237 頁,1999 年 7 月
『社会科学研究』東京大学社会科学研究所,51 巻 2 号,43-69 頁,2000
金融システム』東京大学出版会,1-22 頁,2000 年
会,1-23 頁,2000 年
印刷局,58 号,121-138 頁,2001 年
II)1995 年以前(主要業績)
『マクロ経済学研究』東京大学出版会,1984 年
『日本経済とマクロ経済学』東洋経済新報社,1992 年
“On the “q” Theory of Investment,” American Economic Review, 70(4), September 1980
“Alternative Monetary Policies and Stability in a Stochastic Keynesian Model,” International Economic
Review, 22(3), October 1981
“On the Firms Short-run Quantity Adjustment: “q” Theory of Goods in Process,” Economica, 49(195),
August 1982
“Demand-Supply Constraints and Inventory Stock in Macroeconomic Analysis,” Economic Studies Quarterly,
35(3), December 1984
“Financial Volatility and the q Theory of Investment,” Economica, 53(209), February 1986 (with K. Ueda)
“Postwar Business Cycles in Japan: A Quest for the Right Explanation,” Journal of Japanese and
International Economies, 1(4), December 1987 (with F. Ohtake)
“An Analysis of Female Labor Supply, Housing Demand and the Saving Rate in Japan,” European Economic
Review, 33, 1989 (with F. Ohtake)
“On the Equilibrium Yen Dollar Rate,” American Economic Review, 80(3), June 1990