Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 " . Page 88 Bills Series V Box 1 76th Congress 1st Session 1939 76th Congress H. R. 7405 3rd Session 1940 77th Congress 2758 1st Session 1941 H. R. 1350 Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series V Bills (con't) Box 1 (con't) 77th Congress H. R. Box 2 1st Session 1941 (con'tl Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 ..- Page 90 Series V Bills (con't) Box 2 (con't) 77th Congress H. R. 6060 1st Session 1941 Box 3 H. Resolution 119 H. Joint Resolutions 252 77th Congress H. R. 6283 2nd Session 1942 (con't) Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 - - -- .-- Page 91 Series V Bills (con't) Box 3 (con't) 77th Congress H. R. 7241 2nd Session 1942 H . Res. 520 H. Joint Resolution 289 78th Congress H. R. 66 1st Session 1943 (con't) Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series V Bills (con't) Box 4 (con't) 78th Congress H. R. 251 1st Session 1943 Box 5 H. Joint 9 78th Congress H. R. solutions 2nd Session 1944 (con't) Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 ~ ~ Page 93 Series V Bills (con't) Box 6 79th Congress H. R. 4 56 456 456 456 4 57 458 459 460 4 61 462 463 464 Box 7 465 466 468 469 470 471 472 473 . 474 475 934 1st Session 1945 Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series V Bills (con't) Box 7 (con't) 79th Congress H. R. 1751 1st Session 1945 H. Resolutions 237 H. Joint Resolutions 31 H. Concurrent Resolution 33 Box 8 79th Congress H. R. 456 2nd Session H. Resolutions 483 1946 (con't) Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series V Bills (con't) Box 8 (con't) 79th Congress H. R. 373 2nd Session 1946 H. Concurrent Resolutions 128 80th Congress H. R. Box 9 1st Session 1947 '(con't) Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series V Bills (con't) Box 9 (con't) 80th Congress H. R. 1281 1st Session 1947 Box 10 H. Joint Resolution 16 80th Congress H. R. 456 2nd Session 1948 (con't) Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Page 97 Series V Bills (const) Box 10 (con't) 80th Congress H. R. 6626 2nd Session 1948 81sk Congress 1st Session Miscellaneous Bills l949 (con't) Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series V Bills (con't) Box 10 (con't) 81st Congress H. R. 657 1190 1683 Box 11 1684 2246 2273 3226 3391 1st Session 1949 (conrt) Page 99 Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series V Bills (con't) Box 11 (con't) 81st Congress 1st Session H. Resolutions 19 1949 H. Joint Resolutions 81st Congress H. R. 6751 2nd Session Box 12 8689 8732 8900 8998 9217 9316 9694 H. Joint Resolution 386 431 1950 (con't) Page 100 Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series V Bills (con't) Box 12 (con't) 82nd Congress H. R. 62 1st Session 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 . 114 BOX 13 115 116 117 118 119 Part I 119 Part I1 119 Part I11 1951 Page 101 Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series V Bills (can't) BOX 14 (can't) 82x16 Congress H. R. 124 1st Session 1951 (con't) Page 102 Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series V Bills (con't) Box 15 82nd Congress H. R. 725 1st Session 1951 (con'tf Page 103 Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series V Bills (con't) BOX 15 (con't) 82nd Congress H. R. 3195 Box 16 BOX 17 Box 18 1st Session 1951 (con't) Page 104 Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series V Bills (con't) Box 18 (con't) 82nd Congress H. R. 4871 1st Session Box 19 H. Resolutions 29 H. Joint Resolutions 25 1951 (con't) Page 105 Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series V Bills (con't) Box 19 (con't) .. 82nd Congress 2nd Session 1952 Bills Reported by Ways and Means Committee Box 20 8071 8077 8384 8490 Box 21 8390 8390 8437 8515 Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series V Bills (can't)' Box 21 (con't) 82nd Congress 2nd Session H. Joint Resolutions 364 1952 457 83rd Congress 1st Session E.J.K1s Private Bills 1953 E.J.K1s Public Bills Requests for Committee Reports H. R. 11 H. R. 11 Box 22 H 11 57 58 59 (con't) Page 107 Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series V B i l l s (can't) BOX 23 8 3 r d Congress H. R. 74 Box 2 4 798 799 1st S e s s i o n 1953 (con't) raqe s u o Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series V Bills (con't) Box 24 (con't) 83rd Congress H. R. 800 1st Session 1953 (con't) rage L U Y Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series V Bills (con't) Box 25 83rd Congress H. R. 4060 4061 4145 4184 4245 4331 4515 4516 4517 4566 4704 4749 5035 5057 5079 5080 5081 5082 5124 5266 5322 5366 5421 5464 5465 5816 1st Session 1953 (con't) rage u u Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series V Bills (con't) Box 25 (con't) 83rd Congress H.R. 5965 1st Session 1953 H. Joint Resolution 47 83rd Congress 2nd Session 1954 Private Bills, M&scellaneous fcon't) Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series V Bills (can't) BOX 27 (can't) 83rd Congress H. R. 9115 H. 2nd Session 1954 Joint Resolution 331 84th Congress 1st Session 1955 Private Bills - Miscellaneous (con't) Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series V Bills (con't) Box 29 (con't) 84th Congress H. R. 673 807 808 809 81 0 811 812 813 814 815 816 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 Box 30 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1st Session 1955 (can't) Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series V Bills (con't) Box 30 (const) 84th Congress 1st Session 1955 (con't) Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series V Bills (con't) Box 31 (con't) 84th Congress H. R. 4392 1st Session Box 32 6382 Box 33 H. Resolution 239 i H . Joint Resolution H. Concurrent Resolution 173 1955 (con't) Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series V B i l l s (can't) BOX 3 3 (can't) 84th C o n g r e s s H. BOX 34 BOX 35 2nd S e s s i o n 1956 Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series V Bills (con't) BOX 36 84th Congress H.R. 9971 2nd Session 1956 85th Congress 1st Session EJK's Pending Bills .. 1957 BOX 37 11892 private Bills Public Bills (can't) Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 series V . Bills (can't) BOX 37 (can't) 85th Congress H. R. 730 Box 38 1152 1162 BOX 39 ' 1st Session 1957 (can't) Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series B Bills (con't) BOX 39 (con't) 85th Congress H. R. Box 40 1st Session 1957 (con't) rage L L Y Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series V Bills (can't) BOX 40 (can't) 85th Congress H. R. 7739 1st Session 1957 H. Concurrent Resolution 58 Box 41 85th Congress H. R. 9786 2nd Session 1958 (con't) Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series V Bills (const) BOX 41 (con't) 85th Congress 2nd Session 1958 H. Joint Resolution 471 86th Congress H. R. 10 Box 4 3 1st Session 1959 (can't) Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series V Bills (~0n't) Box 44 86th Congress H. R. 131 132 133 134 135 Box 45 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 14 5 146 147 147 1st Session 1959 (con't) Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series V Bills (con't) Box 46 (con't) 86th Congress H. R. 156 BOX 47 1522 1st Session 1959 (con't) Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series V Bills (conit) BOX 47 (con't) 86th Congress H. R. 7487 1st Session 1959 2nd Session 1960 Box 48 7648 86th Congress (con't) Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series V sills (con't) BOX 48 (con'tf 86th Congress 2nd Session H. Joing Resolution 739 1960 Box 49 87th Congress Bills 1st Session 1961 (con't) Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series V Bills (con't) Box 50 (can't) 87th Congress H. R. 1549 1st Session 1961 (con't) Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series V B i l l s (c0n1t3 Box 52 8 7 t h Congress H. R. 7345 BOX 1st S e s s i o n H. Resoluf i o n 280 H. J o i n t 'Resolution 550 H. Concurrent Resolution 270 1961 53 8 7 t h Congress H. R. 9626 2nd S e s s i o n 1962 (con't) Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series V Bills (con't) BOX 53 (con't) 87th Congress 2nd Session 1962 H. Joint ~esolution ' 712 Box 54 88th Congress 1st Session Private Bills Public Bills Ways and Meank Bills 1963 (con't) Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series V Bills (con't) Box 55 88th Congress H. R. 367 368 424 424 498 498 780 Box 56 781 781 782 783 784 785 785 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 Box 57 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 . 1st Session 1963 (c0n't) Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series V Bills (con't) BOX 57 (con't) 88th Congress H. R. 1658 Box 59 -- - - - 1st Session 1963 (can't)! Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series V Bills (can't) BOX 59 (can't) 88th Congress H. R. 7101 1st Session 1963 H. Joint Resolution 859 Box 60 88th Congress 2nd Session 1964 (~0n't) Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series V Bills (con't) Box 60 Con't) 88th Congress H. R. 12171 2nd Session 1964 12422 Box 61 Duplicates of published material (con't) ray= .La& Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh.Commission Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Advisory on Inter-Governmental Affairs Series VI Box 1 ~istoricalMaterial of the Commission 1961: Published Material 1962: Correspondence - February - December Published Material: January, February BOX 2 - March May Box 3 - June August Box 4 September Box 5 October - November Box 6 December Box 7 1963: Correspondence - January Published Material: Box 8 April - June Box 9 June - October Box 10 November - December - December Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series VI Advisory Commission (conit) BOX 11 1964: Correspondence - January - December Published Material: January ! Box 12 - February May Box 13 June - July 30x 14 - ~ugust October Box 15 October - December Box 16 1965: Correspondence - February - December Published Material: January = May Box 17 June - October Box 18 November - December Box 19 Research Institute of America January Box 20 1966: Correspondence - January published Material: February January - - October - December Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series VI ~dvisoryCommission (con't) BOX 21 1966: published Material: March April - May - September October - November Duplicates: Published Material - 1962 Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Herter Committee on Foreign Aid Series V I I Box 1 correspondence: JULY-August 1947 Sept.-Nov. 1947, March, April 1948 Subject File: Belgium Box 2 Bills and Receipts France France, Photographs Box 3 Germany Italy and Trieste Luxembourg The Netherlands BOX 4 Notes Papers - Paris, Madrid, London 1949 Schedules Switzerland United Kingdom Box 5 Published Material: Government Publications Newspaper Clippings Press Releases Reports, General Box 6 Reports, ~oreignAid 1947 Reports, Foreign Aid 1948 Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Service Academies Series VIII Box 1 Air Force Acadmey: 1954-1955 Appointments Nominations 1957: Applicants Appointments 1959 - Applicants Appointments 1961 Applicants and Nominations Miscellaneous ~ n n a p 1ois 1952: Applicants Appointments 1953: Applicants Appointments 1954: Appointments 1955: Applicants Appointments Page 136 Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series VIII Service Academies (con't) Box 2 (con't) Annapolis: (con't) 1956: Applicants Appointments 1957: Applicants Appointments 1958: Applicants Appointments 1959: Applicants Appointments Box 3 1960: Applicants Appointments Miscellaneous 1961: Applicants Appointments Merchant Marine Academy: 1957 Appointments 1958 - Applicants and Appointments 1959 - Applicants and Appointments 1959 - Applicants and Appointments 1960 - Applicants and Appointments 1961 - ~pplicantsand Appointments Box 4 West Point: 1949-1951 page is 1 Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series VIII Service Academies (con't) Box 4 (con't) West Point: (con't) 1952: Applicants Appointments 1953: Applicants 1954: Applicants Appointments 1955: Applicants Appointments 1956 : Appointments Miscellaneous Box 5 Appointments 1958: Applicants Appointments 1959: Appointments 1960: Applicants Appointments 1961: Applicants Appointments Miscellaneous Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Published Material Series IX (Paige Boxes) Box 1 By: The Journal of Accounting Small Business Bulletin Social Security 1962 1960 1957 Social Security and the Jenkins-Keogh Bill Act: H. R. 10 1959-1962 - 1954 8363 - 1964 8300 ~ o numbered t - 1962 Bills: H. R. 10 - 1961, 1965 1956 rage IJY Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series IX Published Material (con't) Box 1 (con't) Bills: H. R. 4033 - 1953 Not Numbered Not Numbered Not Numbered - 1957 1961 1963 Box 2 Bills: Drafts Not Numbered Bills: - Summaries 1957 Page 140 Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series IX Published Material (con't) Box 2 (con't) Bills: Summaries H. R. - 15202 and 8464 Not urn be red Various - - 1966 1963, 1965 1962-1965 Books: C - N Box 3 Box 4 Brochures Budget - U. S.: 1964-1966 Box 5 Bulletins : American Bar News - 1956-1957 American Thrift Assembly Mutual Savings Banking Newsprint Bulletin - Codes : District of Columbia United States - - - 1959 1957, Feb.-May 1964 - 1960,. 1965 1946 Box 6 Committee Prints: A - T 1955-1957, 1959-1960, 1962-1966 Conqressional Record: 1963-1964, 1966 Directories and Guides: A - N 1951, 1955, 1957-1958, 1961, 1963, 1965-1966 Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series IX Published Material (conk) BOX 7 Directories and Guides: (con't) O - U 1937, 1939-1940, 1957-1959, 1961-1962, 1964 Handbooks: B - Y 1924, 1934, 1941, 1956, 1959, 1961-1965 Hearings : 1939: Box 8 H. Res. 282 and index S. Res. 266 , Not Numbered 2266 and 3099 5479, Parts 1 and 2 H. Res. 113 H. J. Res. 217 Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series IX published Material (can't) Box 9 Hearings: (con't) 1942: H. R. 7071 and 7144 7378, Vols. 1 and 2 H. Res. 113, Parts 24-26 and 29-31 S. Res. 71 1950: H. Res. 323 arts 1 and 2 H. Res. 33, Part 2 Not Numbered, "Revenue Revision of 1951". Parts 1-3 1951-1952: Not Numbered, King Subcommittee, "Internal Revenue Investiqation" Parts 1 and 2 parts 3 and 4 4592 4662 6367 Not Numbered Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series IX Published Material (con't) Box 11 Hearings: (con't) 1953: Not Numbered: "General Revenue Revision, Parts 1-4 "Internal Revenue Investigation", Parts A-C 1955: H. R. 1, Parts 1 and 2 10 4725 Not Numbered: "Excise Tax" "Effect of Dept. of Interior and REA Policies on Public Power Reference Customers" "Federal Role in Aviation" Box 12 Not Numbered: "Administration of Operation of Customs and Tariff Laws. Parts 1-4 "Excise Taxes" "Technical Amendments to Internal Revenue Code" 1957: H. R. 6006 6007 5120 H. Res. 104 .. " Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series IX Published Material (con't) Box 12 (con't) Hearings: 1958: 11. (con't) R. 12181, Vols 1 and 2 Not Numbered: "General Revenue Revision", Parts 1 add 2 Box 13 "General Revenue Revision", Parts 2 and 3 "Private Foreign Investment" "Renewal of Trade Agreements Act", Parts 1 and 2 "Social Security Legislation" "Taxation of Income of Life Insurance Companies" 7500, Vol. 1 7500, Vol. 2 Box 14 Not Numbered: "Advisory Group Recommendations on Subchapters C, J, and K of the Internal Revenue Code" "Biological and Environmental Effects of Nuclear War" "Extension of the Renegotiation Act" "Highway Trust Fund and Federal Aid Highway Financing Program" "Public Debt Ceiling and Interest Rate Ceiling on Bonds" "Unemployment Compensation" 1961: H. R. 422, Vols. 2-4 Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series IX Published Material (can't) Box 14 (con't) Hearings : 1961: (con't) Not Numbered: "~ederal-AidHighway Financing" "Monopoly Problems in Regulataed Industries" Box 15 "Taxation of Exchanges and Distributions Pursuant to Anti Trust Decrees" "Taxation of Mutual Savings Banks and Savings and Loan Associations" 1962: H. R. 9900, Part 1 10650, Parts 1-10 Not Numbered: "Education for All Children" "Helicopter Air Service Program" Box 16 1963: H. R. 3920, Part 1 ~ o Numbered: t "Civil Rights", Parts 1-3 "President's Tax Message", Parts 1 and 1A-7 Box 17 1963-1964: H. R. 3920, Parts 2-5 Not Numbered: "Federal Excise Tax Structure", Parts 3-6 "Violations of State Dept. Travel Regulations..!', Part 5 Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series IX Published Material (con't) Box 17 (con't) Hearings : 1965: H. R. 2580 6960 7720 8282, Parts 1-5 Not Numbered: "Communist Activities in the Chicago, Ill. Area", Part 1 "Dept. of Agriculture Appropriations", Parts 1-5 "Extending Private Pension Coverage", Parts 1-2 "Extension of the U. S. Capitol" "Five Year Record of the ACIR" "Home Rule" "Medical Care for the Aged", Parts 1 and 2 BOX 18 "Military Construction Appropriation", Parts 1-3 "Organization of congress", Parts 1-11, 13 "Propoeed Amendments to Firearms Acts", Parts 1 and 2 "To Amend the Reorganization Act of 1949" H. R. 12047 et. al., Parts 1 and 2 15942 and 15943 H. Res. 826 Not Numbered: "Administration's Proposals on Airway User Charges" Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series IX Published Material (con't) Box 18 (con't) Hearings : (con't) 1966: Not Numbered: (con't) "Organization of Congress", Parts 14-15 "Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1966" " 1966 Tax Proposals of the president" "Testimony of Wladyslaw Tykocinski" Hearings - Transcripts 1947: Feb ~~ ~ . March Box 19 April Box 20 May (con't) June J July Box 21 September, November-December 1948: February - April June September Box 2 2 September October November 1949: May - June (con't) rage irci Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series IX Published Material (con't) Box 23 - Hearings Transcripts: 1949: (con't) July - August 1950: March - (con't) May June Magazines : American Bar Association Journal 1957 Feb. Brooklyn Institute Monthly Magazine - May, 1961 May 1951, Feb. Bulletin of the Section of Taxation, American Bar Association 1963-1965 The Catholic Lawyer Federal Register 1955 Jan, April 1963-1964 The Journal of ax at ion March-April Newsweek Time - 1956 Sept-Dec., 1957 an-~une, 1964 March-April 1941, 1961-1962 Box 24 U. S. Code U. S. Code - Administrative News 1956 Administrative News 1965-1966 Box 25 U. S. News 1945 U. S. News and World Report World Report Miscellaneous 1951 May and 1964 April 1946 1942-1943, 1951, 1955-1959, 1962-1966 Memorandums and Letters: 1947, 1951, 1957-1958, 1960-1961, 1963, 1965, 2nd n.d. Newspapers and Clippings: 1955, 1961-1965 Box 26 Press Releases: 1950-1951 1965 Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series IX published Material (con'th Box 26 (con't) Press Releases: (con't) 1956-1958, 1960-1962, 1965-1966, n.d. Programs: 1945, 1951, 1961, 1964, n.d. Reports: Cities U. S. Government Agencies: Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Affairs Agency for International Development ,1964 Agriculture Commerce 1965 1961-1962, 1965 Comptroller General 1962-1964 Executive Box 27 Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Federal Power Commission Foreign Claims Commission 1964 1965 Health, Education and Welfare Interstate Commerce Commission Justice Labor 1963 1964, n.d. 1961 1958, 1962-1964 1965-1966 Office of Economic Opportunity Peace Corps 1966 1964 Securities and Exchange Commission Box 28 Smithsonian Institution 1957, 1961 Treasury 1962 House of Representatives: Aged 1959 cold War 1962, 1965 1940, 1942 1964 Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series IX Published Material (con't) Box 28 (con't) Reports: (con't) House of Representatives: (con't) Corps of Engineers 1966 Drugs 1962 Education 1963 Foreign Aid 1948 Government Operations Home Rule 1965 Pollution 1965-1966 Presidential Elections Public Debt 1959 1964 Retirement Revenue 1962 1959 Renegotiation Research 1965-1966 1958-1959, 1961, 1964 1941, 1951, 1962-1964 Box 29 Savings and Investments Science 1966 Social Security Tariff and Trade Taxes : Excise 1961, 1965 1956-1957, 1961-1962, 1965 1956-1958, 1964 Internal Revenue Miscellaneous 1954, 1956-1957 1955, 1958, 1964 Un-American Activities Senate: Aged 1966 1965-1966 1962, 1964-1965 Automatice Data Processing Labor Rights 1942 1965 Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series IX published Material (con't) BOX 29 (con't) Reports: (con't) Senate: (con't) Organization of Congress Renegotiation Retirement 1956 1961, 1966 Revenue 1951, 1962, 1964 Science 1965 Taxes : Excise 1958 State Governments 1962, n.d. Box 30 Non-government: Aged Arts Banking Susiness.Problems Cities Civil Defense Civil Liberties Fue1s Government in Science Legislation Maritime Medical Research Phitanthropy Proverty Recreation Retirement Steel 1965-1966 Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series IX Published Material (can't) BOX 30 (con't) Reports: (con't) Non-government: Taxation (c0n1t) Unions Speeches: General Addresses campaign Box 31 Eulogies and Memorial Addresses Box 32 Eulogies and Memorial Addresses Lectures Messages Prayers Remarks Statements: 1949 1951: Feb. 21, 26-28 March 1-2 March 5 March 8-9, 12 Box 33 March 13 March 14, 15, 16 June 28 (con't) Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series I X P u b l i s h e d M a t e r i a l (con' t ) Box 33 ( c o n ' t ) Statements: 1952 (con't) 1958: J a n . 2 , 3 , 5, and 7 Jan. 8-10 Jan. 13 J a n . 14-17 Jan. 20 J a n . 21-22 J a n . 23 Box 34 Jan. 24 Jan. 27 J a n . 31, Feb. 3 1961: J u l y 27 1963: Feb. 6 A p r i l 2 , June 1 2 1965: Feb. 2, March 10, March 1 7 No D a t e Box 35 Statistics: Elections Housing 1957-1958 1964 New York S t a t e 1961 Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series IX Published ater rial (con't) Box 35 (con't) (con't) Statistics: Taxes 1951, 1956, 1958, 1963, 1965 Studies: Business 1957-1958, 1963, 1965-1966 Civil Service Education 1965 1963-1964 Foreign Affairs Health 1960-1961, 1965 1963-1965 Box 36 Housing Labor Law 1965 1953 1944 1947, n.d. Legislation Natural Resources Retirement 1955, 1957-1958, 1964-1965 Social Security Tariff 1949, 1965, n.d. 1965 1951 Box 37 Taxes : Excise Income Revenue 1954-1956 1951-1952, 1958-1959, 1962 1956, 1958, 1964-1965 Unemployment Insurance 1965 Wire Tapping 1960 Supreme Court Opinions Box 38 Duplicates: Articles : About 1961, 1962 1959, 1961-1963 Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series IX Published Material (con't) Box 39 Duplicates: (con't) Acts : H. R. 10 1959 1961 1962 1966 H. R. 4473 Box 40 Bills : Box 41 BOX 42 Box 43 H. R. 11875 - Not Numbered Summaries : H. R. 16 1962 1957 - 1960, 1962, n.d. Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series IX Published Material (con't) Box 44 Duplicates: (con't) Bills: (con't) Summaries: (con't) H. R. 12752 - 1966 Brochures Budget - 1966 Bulletins 1959 Committee Prints C-0 1960, 1962, 1964, 1965 Congressional Record: 1959 Sept. 24, 1963 Box 45 Directories and Guides Handbooks B-T 1957, 1961 1924, 1941, 1964, n-d. Box 46 Hearings: . 1951: H. R. 1535 Not Numbered - Revenue Revision of 1951, Part 1,2,3 1951-1952: Not Numbered - Kinq Subcommittee Investigation" Part 1 Box 47 Part 2 Part 3 and 4 1955: H. R. 1 Part 1 Box 48 Part 2 Not Numbered: - "Excise Tax" - "Internal Revenue Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series IX Published Material (con't) Box 49 Duplicates: (con't) Hearings: (con't) 1956: Not Numbered: "Excise Taxes: "Administration and Operation of Customs and Tariff Laws", Part 4 1958: Not Numbered: "General Revenue Revision", Parts 2 and 3 Box 50 Not Numbered: "Environmental Effects of Nuclear War" Public Debt Ceiling and Interest Rate Ceiling on Bonds 1961: Not Numbered: "Federal Aid Highway Financing" 1962: H. R. 10650, Parts 1-10 Box 51 Not Numbered: "Education for All Children" Not Numbered: "Civil Rights", Part 1 President's 1963 Tax Message, Parts 1A-7 Box 52 Nagazines : Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences Memorandums and Letters Press Releases Programs 1961 1957, 1960, 1961 1951, 1957, 1961, 1963, n.d. 1951 Page 158 Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series IX Published Material Box 52 (con't) (can't) Duplicates: (con't) Reports : Government Agencies: Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations Box 53 Smithsonian 1958 House of Representatives: Education 1963 Presidential Elections 1960 Retirement 1958, 1959, 1961 Box 54 Retirement 1958, 1959, 1961 (con't) Retirement 1958, 1959, 1961 (con't) Retirement 1958, 1959, 1961 (con't) Retirement 1958, 1959, 1961 (con't) BOX 55 Box 56 BOX 57 Box 58 Revenue 1951, 1962-1963 Social Securityd1961 Tariff and Trade Taxes, Excise 1962 1956 Taxes, Internal Revenue Senate: Retirement R 1961 Retirement 1961 1957 BOX 59 Taxes, Excise 1958 (con't) 1964 Page 159 Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series IX Published Material (con't) Box 59 (con't) Duplicates: Reports : (con't) on-~overnment Organizations: Retirement Transportation Speeches: General 1961 Addresses Box 60 Eulogies and Memorial Addresses Messages Prayers Statements: 1955 January 28, 1958 June 12, 1963 Box 61 Studies: Education Health 1963 1963 Retirement 1957-1958 Box 62 Tariff 1962 Tax Income 1952-1959 Tax Income 1959 Box 63 Taxes - Revenue (con't) 1964 Supreme Court Opinions: 1961-1962 Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Series X Photographs Oversize - aerial views, bTashington, D. C., 3 copies, n.d. Published Material - book - "A Topical Comparison of United States Income Tax Conventions," 1960 Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 , BEOfTi, ElJGP!E J 1307ADDITIOE, 196-1967 1 7 boxes i n c l . 57 vols., 1 pkc. (9.5 1 i n . f t . ) Description Most of t h e 1968 a d d i t i o n s t o t h e Eugene J. Keogh papers a r e r e l a t e d t o t h e New York S t a t e 1967 C o n s t i t u t i o n a l Convention t o which Xr. Keosh was e l e c t e d a d e l e g a t e . The papers a r e d i v i d e d i n t o six p a r t s : correspondence, memorsb i l i a , x r i t i n g s , Temporaq S t a t e Commission on t h e C o n s t i t u t i o n a l Convention m a t e r i a l s , New York S t a t e 1967 C o n s t i t u t i o n a l Convention m a t e r i a l , and ~ i s c e l laneous p r i n t e d m a t e r i a l . The correspondence, 1966-1967, i s arranged c h r o n o l o q i c a l l y and c o n s i s t s l a r g e l y of l e t t e r s - f r o m c o n s t i t u e n t s concerning t h e Blaine Amendment, f o r e s t p r e s e r v e s , s u f f r a g e , welfare, f i s c a l home r u l e , t a x e s and j u d i c i a l s e l e c t i o n . S i ~ n i f i c a n tcorrespondents, indexed on 3x5' cards, i n c l u d e Jack B. Veinstein, 1966, Anthony Travia, 1967, Nelson A. Rockefeller, 1967, Harold Riegelman, 1967, S a r n e t t J. Nova, 1967, Robert F. Kennedy, 1965, P h i l i p Randelman, 1967, Marion F. Folsom, 1967, Paul Fino, 1?67, and Abraham Ii. Beame, 1967. Venorabilia, 1967, i n c l u d e s b i o q r a p h i c a l m a t e r i a l , b i l l s and r e c e i p t s , c a l l i n - c a r d s and paves from an enqacement book, arranmed i n t h a t o r d e r . Tfritinqs, 1967, i n c l u d e s a ~ u b l i s h e dcopy of an a r t i c l e , m j s c e l l a n e o u s holovr-reph n o t e s and remarks on inter:rovernmental r e l a t i o n s , arranued i n t h a t order. Temporary s t a t e Conmission on t h e C o n s t i t u t i o n a l Conyention m a t e r i a l , 19661967, i n c l u d e s information on nenbership, n i s c e l i aneous b a c k r o u n 2 m a t e r i a l , and published r e p o r t s of t h e commission of vhLch Xr. Keogh ivas a member. The Kew York S t a t e 1967 C o n $ t i t u t i o n a l Convention m a t e r i a l , 1056-1967, i n c l u d e s 3;;il:y J o u r n a l s and F r o p o s i t i o n Actions and Summaries, backyround and S.ssues m a t e r i a l , c o m ~ i t t e em a t e r i a l and yeinted copies of t h e convention Record and Index. Daily J o u r n a l s and P r o p o s i t i o n Actions and Swnnaries a r e arranged c h r o n o l o g i c a l l y . C 0 n s i s t i . n ~of r e p o r t s , mimeoerached memoranda, s t a t e m e n t s , addresses, p o s i t i o n p a p e r s and p r e s s r e l e a s e s on sub2ects of i n t e r e s t t o t h e convention, t h e background and i s s u e s m a t e r i a l i s arraneed a l p h a b e t i c a l l y by s u b j e c t . The p o s i t i o n papers v i t h i n t h e bac!:.yround and i s s u e s m a t e r i a l a r e arran<ed alphabetically by o r e a n i z ~ t i o nname. Cormittee m a t e r i a l i n c l u d e s r e p o r t s , miineographed memoranda, r e s o l u t i o n s , ~ r o p o s i t i o n s , s t a t e m e n t s and minutes of t h e v a r i c u s convention committees arranwed a l c i a b e t i c a l l y b:; committee t i t l e . The f i l e s on c c m i t t e e s of which Mr. Keoqh - ~ 2 s a member, namely, t h e Inter-qovernmental Relations, Rules, S t y l e and Arrenzemen<; and P r e s e n t a t i o n Commj.ttees, a r e p z r t i c u l ~ r l yf u l l . Xr. Keogh was c h a i r man of both t h e Committee on P r e s e n t a t i o n of t h e C o n s t j t u t i o n an8 of t h e Federal, S t e t e 2nd Loczl R e l a t i o n s sub-conunittee of t h e Committee on I n t e r governmental Relations. The Mew York C o n s t i t u t i o n a l Convention Record and Index, 4.nril 11 - September 26, 1967, i s a r r a n r e d;i. - Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 % i s c e l l a n e o u s p r i n t e d m a t e r i a l , 1939-1!%3, c o n t a j n s United S t a t e s Department of S t a t e p r e s s r e l e a s e s and p r i n t e d m a t e r i a l of t h e United S t a t e s House of Representatives. G i f t of Yr. Eugene J. Keoyh, %y 1967, January and A p r i l 196P Shelf L i s t Box 1 CCRRESF0F:DENCE 1966 1967 ~snuzry-~ebruary Karch 3-16 @arch 17-31 4-pril 1-19 A p r i l 20-30 May 1-12 Cox 2 Xay 15-16 Eky 17-18 lilay 19-31 June 1-15 June 16-30 J u l y 1-15 Eox 3 J u l y 19-31 August 1-L August 5-31 September 1-8 September 11-26 October Dwemher-December, Box h Postal cards 1967 Ilarch-Xay June-July, undated undated Rioqa;llical materia2, Revr York S t a t e Consti.tutional Convention Delepatesb (701. 1) B i l l s and r e c e i p t s C a l l i n % cards, t e l e p h o n e nunhers, name t a e , paqes from en~agemerh hook, A p r i l GSeptemher 26, 1967 VRIXITIT?GS P s t i c l e , "A sound t a x p o l i c y and a sound econony," r e c r i n t , 1967 motes, miscellaneous, holograph Remarks, " I n t e r ~ o v e r n m e n t a lr e l a t i o n s , " r e p r o . of t y p e s c r i p t , revised TEWORARY STI.TE COXlISSTON ON ?!is CCYSTIT!:TIO>3.L CONVE',TTIOM X$.?E.?IAL ?:!emhership Miscellaneous backq-ound m a t e r i a l , 2 f o l d e r s Reports, 1966-1967 .. . Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Box li ( c c n t i n u e d ) TEXFOftdIiY STATE CCXKI SSION (continved ) Reports, 1966-1967 (continued) 1-k Convention i s s u e s , December 27, 1966 (Vol. 2 ) Toward an e f f e c t i v e c o n s t i t u t i o n , Jsnuary 3, 1967 ( V O L 3 ) Local finance, Januory 27, 1967 ("01. k ) The r i ~ h t o v o t e , February 10, 1967 (Val. 5 ) 5'- 10 ,For e f f e c t i v e c o n s t j . t u t i o n a 1 review, March 3, 1967 ( ~ o l .6 ) E d u c a t i o ~ , Karch 3, 1967 (Vol. 7) I n d i v j d u a l l i b e r t i e s , Xarch 16, 1967 (Val. 8) S t a t e finance, ?:!arch 2h, 1967 (Vol. 9 ) Honsine, l a b o r , n a t u r a l resources, Karch 2h, 1967 (Vol. 1 3 ) I n d i v i d u a l freedoms, Uarch 31, 1967 (Val. 11) Box 5 11-10 T e l f a r e , h e a l t h and mental h e a l t h , Earch 31, 1967 (701. 1 2 ) The j u d G i a r y , !Larch 31, 1967 (Val. 1 3 ) Local mvernment, P!arch 31, 1967 (701. l b ) -. S t a t e government, Xarch 31, 1967, ( ~ 0 1 . 1 5 ) Revision and s i m p l i f i c a t i o n , March 31, 1967 ( ~ o l .1 6 ) S u b j e c t index, P y r i l 5, 1907 (Tol. 17) IEX YORR STATE 1907 COT~STTT3TIOXAL CGXVZ?JTIO?? t~RTEE(IAI, D a i l y J o u r n a l s and Proposit5 on Actj~ons and Summaries, 1957 April- J u l y 4-upust-September Froposed c o n s t i t u t i o n , September 26, 1967 Background and i c s u e s m a t e r i a l Academic freedom A,riculture Attorney General's Office Biblio?raphy B i l l of r i g h t s and s u f f r a g e Church, s t a t e s e p a r a t i o n , Amendment Church, sta;te s e p a r a t i o n , Blaine Amendment Conservation C o n s i t u t i o n a l developments i n ?Jf;n York S t a t e , 1777-1958 The c o u r t s , i n c l u d i n q s t u d y of t h e l o c a l c o u r t s of 'Nestc h e s t e r County, by James 5. X o r r i s and Robert F. O'Connor (Vol. 1 8 ) The c o u r t s &legates P Sox 7 Education Education, h i e h e r Iioi~sjnn, i n c l u d i n u Revisors' n o t e s t o t h e r o o o s e d tTew York C i t y housjno maTGtenazce c d e , J a n i ~ a r y31, 1967 (Val. l S j and F x o s e d ?Jew lor!: City housinq maintenance code, by L e s i s l a t i v e D r a f t i n q Research Fund of Columbia b i v e r s j . t y , J a n u a ~31, 1?67 ( ~ 0 1 s .19-20-9 Judicial selectin J u r y system,!udin< Sons l i v e t h e P.mcr5.can jury, by 'Velter R. E a r t , 19611 (Vol. 21) 1,e:islative reform - ~ Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 N E 3. YOPX STATE 1967 . . COI\TSTITUTIONAJ, COIWZETION K4TERIAL (continued) l?ack~roundand i s s u e s m a t e r i a l (continued ) Lobbies, i n c l u d i n ~Z'lease! no phonv peers, by Robert E. Gurran, 1966 (Vol. 22) Local government and finance, i n c l . Constittvtional p r o v i s i o n s of A r t i c l e KILTIS New York S t a t e c o n s t i t u t i o n must be r e t a i n e d , by Abraham N. Linden (701. 23) ~ o c a gorrernment l and home r u l e Maryland C o n s t i t u t i o n a l Convention Report, I n t e r i m r e o o r t of t h e d o n s t i t u t i o n a l convention commission, 1967 (Vol. 2kj New York City Meiv York S t a t e C o m ~ ~ t r o l l e r 'Reports, s S p e c i a l r e a o r t on munic i p a l a f f a i r s , 1966 (Vol. 25); S t a t e a i d t o l o c a l qovernment, b$;Arbhir Lev.$b.t,:~1967 (Vol. 25) New York S t a t e Comptroller's Reports, Basic d a t a on l o c a l aovernment and s t a t e - l o c a l r e l a t i o n s h i p s , January 1967 7 ~ 0 1 . 27); X i s t o r y of t h e Comptroller's Office ( ~ 0 1 .2e); Tax limits of counties, c i t i e s and v i l l a z e s , October l c 6 6 (Vol. 29); Nex York s t a t e f i s c a l a f f a i r s and s-:= t-> u r e ~anua-itutional limitations pn municiaal debt, June 1967 v-( - New York S t a t e Comptroller 's Reports Mew York S t a t e const5.tution and oovernment, i n c l . s t a t e co~:stitu.tion, 1963 (Val. 32); Few York S t a t e coxistitution, 1967 (Vol. 33); The c o n s t i t u t i o n of t h e s t a t e of Xew Pork, 1967 (Vol. 34); The ~overnnen-;of Nelv York S t a t e , 1956 (Ool. 35) N ~ T NYork S t a t e B p a r t m e n t of Stat.e The 1915 C o n s t i t u t i o n a l Convention The 1938 C o n s t i t u t i o n a l Convention w- Box 10 hbudsman f o r Me:v York s t a t e P o s i t i o n papers, 1966-1967 A - Americans Associated I n d u s t r i e s of Nex York S t a t e Association B Ca - Coh Commerce and Industry Association of N e n Y ork - Box 11 Eox 12 Committee on C o n s t i t u t i o n a l I s s u e s Committee on Economic Develo2ment - Cons Cou - La Le - Nex Pork S t a t e E New York S t a t e Catholic Welfare Committee New York S t a t e Cc New York S t a t e D S - T - R u-m P r e s s r e l ~ a s e sfrcm t h e convention ? r e s i d e n t , FebruaryOctober 1?57 Public a u t h o r i t i e s Real e s t a t e t a x e s Reapportionment Rules Unicemeralism Votinf: aire Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Box 13 NIX YORK STATE 1967 CCNSTITUTIOXAL COKVENTION 1;V.TERIAL. ( c o n t i n u e d ) Background and i s s u e s m a t e r i a l (continued) 'Nelf a r e Committee m a t e r i a l Kembership B i l l of r i g h t s and s u f f r a ~ e Economic development, i n c l . M o d e r n i z i n ~s t a t e u o v e r m e n t , J u l y 1967 ( v o l . 3 6 ) Education & e c u t i v e branch Inter.?overnniental r e l a t i o n s Kimeo~raphedmemoranda, 1967 April- June July-September C o m i t t e e r e p o r t s , p r o p o s i t i o n s , miscellaneous, i n c l . holoyraph n o t e s Cox 1L ~estiaon;, s t a t e m e n t s , remarks, i n c l . holograph n o t e s Sub-committee on f e d e r a l - s t a t e - l o c a l r e l a t i o n s Judiciary Labor, c i v i l s e r v i c e and p u b l i c censions Legislature Local. goverment and home r u l e P r e s e n t a t i o n of ~ r o p o s e dc o n s t i t u t i o n , i n c l . correspondence, October 10, 1967, and halo.-raph d r a f t s and t y p e s c r i p t minutes of m e e t i n ~ s Rules S e l e c t committee on e t h i c s S e l e c t ccnmittee on lobbyin.? Box 15 : ; S t a t e f i n a n c e s , t a x e t i o n and expenditures S t y l e znd arranqement Calendar of p r o p o s i t i o n s Calendar of p r o p o s i t i o n s , Second reading 1-35, - 26-30 Calendar of o r o p o s i t i o n s , Third reading Eox 16 Propositions, Third readin.;, reyrod. of t y p e s c r i p t , r e v i s e d (2 f o l d e r s ) Kodel c o n s t i t u t i o n Reports, r e s o l u t i o n s , memoranda Nem York C o n s t i t u t i o n a l Convention Record snd Index, 1967 A A 1 ('Jol. 37) A p r i l &April 22 (Bol. 39) Keogh - Inv. -6 Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Box 1 7 mvT'IOW STATE 1967 COYSTITUTI0NP.L COWENTION IRTEPJAL ( c o n t i n u e d ) C o r n i t t e e m a t e r i a l (continued) Nevr York Const,itutional Convention Record and Index ( c o n t i n u e d ) A p r i l h-July 22 ( ~ 0 1 . h7) A p r i l &July 2 9 ( ~ 0 1 . h 8 ) A p r i l h-buaust 5 (Vol. h9) A p r i l h - P u ~ u s t 1 2 (Vol. 50) A p r i l b-August 1 9 (Val. 51) A p r i l ~ d . u p u s t 26 (~101. 52) A n r i l h-Seatenber 2 (Val. 53) A p r i l h-September 9 (Vol. % ) A p r i l b-September 16 (Yol. 555) A p r i l &-September 72 (Val. 56) A p r i l GSeptember 26 (Val. 57) IJiscellaneous pages from newspapers, 1939-1953 Package 1 Volumes 1 2 3 ; 6 7 8 9 10 I1 12 13 1L 15 16 17 10 19 20 21 22 23 2L 2.5 26 27 28 Ne7~York S t a t e C o n s t i t u t i o n a l Convention Eelelrates (FOX h) Convention I s s u e s , December 72, 1965 (BOXli) Toward an Efr"ect,ive Convention, J a n u a r ~3, 1967 (EOX 4) Local Finance, January 27, 1967 (BOX4 ) The Rilrht t o Vote, February 10, 1967 (BOXb ) For E f f e c t i v e C o n s t i t u t i o n a l k v i e x , March 3, 1967 (Box h ) Education, March 3, 1967 (Box 4) I n d i v i d u a l L i b e r t i e s , Earch 16, 1967 (EOX L ) S t a t e Finance, Xarch 2h, 1967 (Box h ) H o u s i n ~ , Labor, b!atural Resources, March 2h, 1967 (Eox h ) I n d i v i d u a l Freedoms, Farch 31, 1967 (Rex b) :.Telfare, Healtk and X e n t a l Health, Xarch 31, 1967 (Box 5) The J u d i c i a r y , Uarch 31, 1967 (FOX 5 ) Local Ccvernment, Xarch 31, 1?67 (sox 5 ) S t a t e Go~~ernment, &!arch 31, 1967 (EOX 5 R e v h i o n and S i m d i f i c a t i o n , Karch 31, 1067 (BOX 5 ) S u b j e c t Index, P.pril 5, 1967 (BOX5 ) A S t u b o.? t h e L c a l Courts i n Y e s t c h e s t e r County (ROX6 ) New Yor!,: Cit.; Housih? I k i n t e n a n c e R e v i s ~ r s Kotes t o t h e P-oed Code, January 31., 1967 !Eox 7 ) Xew York C i t y Housinr Kzinbenance Code, January 31, 1967 --A Proqosed (Box 71 Lone Live t h e Averican Jury, 196L (EOX 7 ) F!ease! ~ T O Phony Peers, 1?66 ( ~ o x8 ) C o n s t i t u t i o n a l P r o v i s i o n s of A r t 5 c l e VIII Few York S t a t e Constit u t j on Xust Fe 2etained (hox 8) I n t e r i m Report of t h e C o n s t i t u t i o n a l Conven!.ion Conunission, 1967 (nojt 8 ) S n e c i a l Report on Xunicipal A f f a i r s , 1366 (BOX8 ) S t a t e Aid t o Local Government, 1967 (FOX 5 ) Basic Data on Local tivernment and s t a t e - l o c a l R e l a t i o n s h i p s , January 1967 (Box 8 ) H i s t o r y of t h e C o m ~ t r o l l e rs' Off i c e (FOX 8) - -- Keogh - Inv. - 7 Contact the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives for information about the papers of Rep. Eugene J. Keogh. Email:; Telephone: 518-437-3935 Volumes (continued) Tax Limits of Counties, C i t i e s 2nd V i l l a z e s , Octohar 1966 (Eox 8 ) 29 New York S t a t e F i s c a l k f f a i r s an3 Debt S t r u c t u r e , January 1967 30 (Box 8) Constitutional. Limitations on ? f u n i c i u a l Qbt, June 1967 Model S t a t e Constitution, 1963 (Box 9 ) New York S t a t e Constitutiog, 1967 (Box 9 ) The C o n s t i t u t i o n of t h e S t a t e of New York, 1967 (pox 9 ) The k v e r n m e n t of New York S t a t e , 1966 (Box 9 ) Modernizine S t a t e Government, J u l y 1967 (Box 1 3 ) New York C o n s t i t u t i o n a l Convention Record and Index, 1967 mfa 1/69