COLLEGE OF SAN MATEO NURSING PROGRAM Associate in Science Degree Merit-Based Acceptance Criteria Effective Fall 2016 Applications Student Name/G Number: ____________________________________________________________ Criteria Possible Maximum Points Awarded 1. Previous academic degrees. 5 IA. BA/BS OR higher OR AA/AS degree Check Box: OR BA/BS or higher AA/AS 5 1B. Foreign Degree equivalent to BA/BS degree 2. Relevant health care licenses or certificates held by an applicant 6 2A. Licensed health care worker: Work experience is required in direct patient care >1000 hours within the last 18 months 4 AND 2B. Volunteer hours: Minimum of 25 hours of health care related service over one year 3. Grade point average Max Points in Relevant course work for prerequisite courses. 3A = 40 3B = 7 3C = 3 3D = 2 2 Points Awarded Mandatory Supporting Documentation Official transcript from regionally accredited U.S. colleges or universities with the degree posted. The results of CSM approved foreign evaluation service. Attach a copy of the current California License - front and back Work: Attach a letter on official letterhead paper from current/ former employer verifying employment under your current license. The letter must include the following : original signature, student’s name, start and end dates ( if applicable), employee status (full time/part time), number of hours worked per week (or total hours from/to date), job title , department , if applicable, and last paystub. Attach a letter on letterhead paper indicating your name, the type of volunteer work, the number of hours, and the dates. Criteria 3A. Minimum 2.5 GPA in Biology courses Prerequisites : Anatomy, Physiology, and Microbiology. No more than one withdrawal or one repetition of any of the above listed science courses will be allowed. Students who have withdrawn or repeated any science prerequisite course must deduct 2 points from their overall point total. (Reference: Nursing Program Prerequisite Policy.) 3B. Overall average GPA in prerequisite courses. Possible Maximum Points Awarded Points Awarded 40 Points Max: GPA 3.9 - 4.0 = 40 GPA 3.7 - 3.89 = 36 GPA 3.5 – 3.69 = 32 GPA 3.4 – 3.49 = 28 GPA 3.3 – 3.39 = 24 GPA 3.1 – 3.29 = 20 GPA 3.0 – 3.09 = 16 GPA 2.8 – 2.99 = 12 GPA 2.6 – 2.79 = 8 GPA 2.5 – 2.59 = 4 Withdrawal -2 Repeat D/F -2 GPA 3.8 – 4.0 = 7 GPA 3.5 – 3.79 = 5 Math 120, Chem 410, English 100, Psychology GPA 3.0 – 3.49 = 4 100, Psychology 200, Communication Studies GPA 2.5 – 2.99 = 2 110 or 130 or 140 or 150, Sociology 100 or Anthropology 110 or the equivalent. 3C. Statistics Course Medical Terminology Pharmacology Humanities/American Government course C or better = 1 pt C or better or Pass = 1 pt Mandatory Supporting Documentation Official transcripts indicating science prerequisite courses completed in any and all regionally accredited U.S. institutions. All transcripts from outside the United States must be evaluated by a CSM approved foreign evaluation service. All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of C or better and the final grade must be posted on the transcript. Prerequisite courses are courses required for the AS degree in nursing and contain content also required by the Board of Registered Nursing. Transcripts C or better or Pass = 1 point C or better or Pass = 1 point 4. Life experiences or special circumstances of a Student (Maximum points = 2 points) 4A. Disabilities (Same meaning used in section 2626 of the Unemployed Insurance Code) 2 Documented disability from college Learning Disability Support Programs & Services. Criteria Possible Maximum Points Awarded 2 Proof of eligibility or proof of receipt of financial aid (e.g. BOG fee waiver, Cal Grant or other federal grant, CalWORKS) 2 Complete the ADN Admission Supporting Documentation Form explaining situation or circumstances. OR 4C. First generation to attend college. OR 4D. Need to work (need to work means student is working at least part-time while completing prerequisite courses for the nursing program) Mandatory Supporting Documentation Visit: Search for Unemployment Insurance Code Section 2626. OR 4B. Low family income ( Eligibility for, or receipt of, financial aid under a program that may include but not limited to, a fee waiver from the Board of Governors, the Cal Grant Program, the federal Pell Grant program or CalWORKs) Points Awarded 2 Paycheck stub during period of time enrolled in prerequisite courses or letter from employer (must be on organization letterhead) verifying employment was at least part-time while completing prerequisite courses. Students may work during the program but are strongly encouraged to work or reduce their hours. OR 4E. Disadvantaged social or educational environment. OR 4F. Difficult personal and family situation/ circumstance OR 4G. Refugee status 2 Participation or eligibility for Extended Opportunity Programs & Services (EOPS) or PUENTE 2 Complete ADN Admission Supporting Documentation Form explaining situation or circumstances. 2 Documentation of letter from United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). Criteria Possible Maximum Points Awarded Points Awarded Mandatory Supporting Documentation 5. Military Service (Maximum Points = 3 Points) Veteran Status 3 Proficiency (reading/writing/speaking) in a language other than English 2 Copy of Defense Department Form DD214. Honorable Discharge required. 6. Proficiency or advanced level coursework in languages other than English (Maximum Points = 2 Points) Official transcript from a U.S. regionally accredited college or university verifying four (4) semesters of foreign language – OR – Verification of proficiency – Complete the ADN Admission Supporting Documentation Form. TEAS – Students are NOT required to take the test to apply. Students will be evaluated on all criteria (Steps 1-6) above and ranked for selection. Top 90 students will be asked to submit an original TEAS Version V from ATI Testing or take the TEAS exam in April. Using the following scoring, these students will then be ranked for selection. Top 50 students in point total will be selected and the next 50 will be alternates. 7. Approved diagnostic Assessment Tool (Maximum points = 30) Test of Essential Academic Skills ®Version V offered through Assessment Technologies Institute (ATI). Only the first passing score will be counted towards ranking. If a student scores below 62% on their first attempt, remediation is required before retaking the test. The student is not eligible for the Fall program and must reapply. Score: 98 – 100 95 – 97.9 93 – 94.9 90 – 92.9 87 – 89.9 84 – 86.9 81 – 83.9 78 – 80.9 75 – 77.9 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 Pt Score 72 – 74.9 69 – 71.9 66 – 68.9 62 – 65.9 Pt 12 10 8 5 If selected, an official copy must be sent directly to the CSM Nursing Program for confirmation. To obtain an official copy, go to , sign in, and request a copy be sent to CSM. If tested through CSM, your test will be on file. You do NOT need to submit another copy.