NORTH PENN SCHOOL DISTRICT School Board Policy 9120 BYLAWS OF THE BOARD Organization Board Committees When specifically charged to do so by the board, committees of board members may conduct studies, make recommendations, and act in an advisory capacity, but shall not take action on behalf of the board. Members shall be appointed by the president. The president and superintendent shall serve as exofficio members on all committees. The board may appoint ad hoc and/or standing committees. The duties of the committee shall be outlined at the same time of appointment and the committee shall serve at the pleasure of the board. No such committee assignment shall extend beyond the annual reorganization meeting. An ad hoc committee of board members may be appointed to study a specific topic or represent the board in a specific assignment. Such committees are not to be confused with standing committees which have a continuous, ongoing assignment. The president may appoint as soon after the organization meeting as practicable members of the board to the following standing committees, where they shall serve a term of one year: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Education, Community, and Policy Support Services Finance Personnel Hearings Negotiations Safe Schools Each standing committee shall be convened by a chairperson, who shall report for the committee and be appointed by the president. The president shall also annually appoint representatives to the Intermediate Unit Board and the North Montco Technical Career Center Joint Operating Committee. The board may also establish community advisory committees and/or a community task force to study a particular issue. Such committees may consist of board members, district employees and members of the North Penn community. Committee members shall be appointed by the president with advice from the board. Policy Adopted: April 24, 1969 Amended: October 28, 1971 Amended: May 12, 1977 Amended: March 19, 1992 Amended: March 19, 1998 Amended: September 24, 2009 BOARD POLICY 9120 9/24/09 srk