Institutional Plans Action Items with Budgetary Implications The following actions steps have been extracted from each of the institutional plans. Each of these action steps has budgetary implications. Some costs have been identified, while others are estimates and/or need to be estimated. The complete plans can be found on the PRIE website. Budget Planning Committee Action Steps 1.3 Allocate funds for equipment and technology needs. Note: This activity excludes funds and process for funding instructional equipment funds received from the state. Action Steps 1.1 Develop a survey to assess employee satisfaction and perception. 1.2 Administer survey to all CSM employees. 1.3 Evaluate and communicate survey results 1.4 Develop a mechanism for responding to questions/comments in the BPC Suggestion Box. Resources Estimated Outcomes/Deliverables 1.3 Fund 10% of requested budget, based on priorities. Resources Estimated 1.1 – 1.4 PRIE staff time is needed for developing, administering and evaluating survey results. Timeline 1.3 October, 2010 Outcomes/Deliverables 1.1. Survey is developed by PRIE office. 1.2. Survey is administered to CSM employees. 1.3. Results tabulate. 1.4. Mechanism is developed. The number of questions/comment s is tracked. Progressive number of responses are received during first semester of implementation. Timeline 1.1 November, 2009 1.2 November, 2009 and April 2010 1.3 January, 2010(for November, 09 survey; May, 2010 for April 2010 survey 1.4 October 2009; ongoing Goal #4: Develop and implement a comprehensive institutional advancement plan to include strategies for fundraising and external grants development. Objective #1: Conduct a feasibility study for fundraising, development, and external grants’ development Action Steps 1.1 Review CSM’s previous Plan for Institutional Development, 1999, (funded by the David and Lucile Packard Foundation) 1.2 Review summary reports and fundraising and grants’ development history at CSM with Milla McConnell-Tuite 1.3 Review and assess donor cultivation and development opportunities with the SMCCCD Foundation (SMCCCF) director, Stephani Scott Resources Estimated (Human, Fiscal, and Capital) Human resources are needed to conduct review. Outcomes/Deliverables Pertinent individuals have knowledge and capacity to engage in planning related to institutional advancement (Applies to Objective) Timeline Spring 2010-Fall 2010 Spring 2010-Fall 2010 Spring 2010-Fall 2010 Spring 2010-Fall 2010 Spring 2010-Fall 2010 Spring 2010-Fall 2010 Fall 2010 1.4 Review status of individual endowments held by the SMCCCD Foundation (SMCCCF) to assess their currency and applicability (e.g. assess whether the purpose of some endowed accounts can be legally expanded to reflect current needs) 1.5 Review and assess current alumni cultivation efforts with Student Life and Leadership Development staff, Public Relations and Marketing director Bev Madden, and pertinent SMCCCF staff 1.6 Review and assess public relations strategies as they may relate to fundraising and development 1.6 Review and assess current best practices in donor cultivation, fundraising, and grants’ development Objective #2: Create an internal capacity to support institutional advancement planning. 2.1 Conduct gap analysis of what expertise is needed to develop an institutional advancement plan 2.2. Identify internal participants in planning processes as well as internal expertise (e.g. members of BPC, IPC, PRIE, and other constituencies) 2.3 Identify, as appropriate, the external expertise needed to enhance planning processes. 2.4 Identify individuals who will serve as lead(s) for planning processes and/or lead writers May include direct costs depending on personnel selected Individuals and lead(s) are identified to constitute an institutional advancement planning group (IAP) Fall 2010 Fall 2010 Fall 2010 Fall 2010 (Applies to Objective) Objective #3: Develop and adopt institutional an advancement plan which includes implementation strategies and dollar-amount target goals. 3.1. Based upon 1) survey of best practices, 2) historical May include A comprehensive Spring 2011 review of CSM and SMCCCD practices, and 3) plans to direct costs institutional identify internal capacity, draft preliminary plan for depending on advancement plan is Spring 2011 review, which includes dollar-amount target goals planning adopted by CSM 3.2 Review draft plan with key internal constituencies personnel (Applies to Objective) Spring 2011 (President’s Cabinet, BPC, IPC, College Council, selected Academic Senate, and others as pertinent) Spring 2011 3.3 Revise plan as needed 2.4. Adopt plan Objective #4: Develop new internal grants’ development and management processes to be outlined in the institutional advancement plan 4.1 Design coordinated internal strategies and processes May include CSM designs processes Fall 2010-Spring 2011 for identifying prospective initiatives for external funding direct costs to support all phases of 4.2 Review grants’ development criteria and standards depending on grants’ development Fall 2010-Spring 2011 previously used at CSM to evaluate the feasibility of planning and oversight, Fall 2010-Spring 2011 pursuing grants opportunities personnel including identifying 4.3 Design processes for identifying prospective grant selected appropriate resources Fall 2010-Spring 2011 opportunities, matching them with the appropriate to the effort Fall 2010-Spring 2011 project, evaluating the feasibility of pursuing funding, and (Applies to Objective) approving applications 4.4 Evaluate current processes and design new strategies, as needed, for supporting the implementation, management, and oversight of grants’ funded projects 4.5 Identify the appropriate administrative structure, personnel, and other resources necessary to support grants development and oversight Objective #5: Develop fundraising strategies to be outlined in the institutional advancement plan, including strategies for donor cultivation, for partnerships with private and corporate foundations, and for relationships with community organizations and public agencies. 5.1 Design and adopt, pending approval, a President’s May include CSM designs processes Fall 2010-Spring 2011 External Advisory Group or Council (with members from direct costs to support all phases the community) depending on fundraising, including Fall 2010-Spring 2011 5.2 Develop systematic and coordinated strategies for planning identifying appropriate Fall 2010-Spring 2011 identifying and cultivating prospective donors at CSM, to personnel resources to the effort include members of programmatic advisory groups and selected (Applies to Objective) Fall 2010-Spring 2011 other individuals Fall 2010-Spring 2011 5.3 Identify resources available through SMCCCF to support a robust fundraising effort at CSM 5.4 Develop systematic and coordinated strategies for identifying funding opportunities and prospective partnerships with foundations, corporations, community groups, and public entities 5.5 Identify the appropriate administrative structure, personnel, and other resources necessary to support donor cultivation and fundraising activities at CSM Diversity In Action Planning Committee Objective #1: Measure satisfaction ratings of educational events to use for subsequent year’s events planning Action Steps Resources Estimated (Human, Fiscal, and Capital) 1.1 PRIE assigned to develop event satisfaction surveys Outcomes/Deliverables Timeline 1.1Survey instruments developed Dec 2009 Objective #1: Measure academic success factors such as retention rate, persistence rate and successful course completion rate. Action Steps Resources Estimated Outcomes/Deliverables Timeline (Human,Fiscal, and Capital) 1.6 Identify 1.6 To be 1.6 Institutional resource 1.6 Fall 2010 institutional determined gaps identified. resource gaps that are needed to support and enhance student success. 1.7 Assess, inform and recommend support for institutional resources that address inequities and which further student achievement. 1.7 To be determined 1.7 Student support services are recommended for implementation. 1.7 Fall 2010 Enrollment Management Committee Objective #2: Use research based methods to evaluate effectiveness of marketing and outreach activities. Action Steps Resources Estimated Outcomes/Deliverables (Human, Fiscal, and 2.2.1: Conduct focus groups with both 2.2.1: A collection of findings and Capital) internal and external audiences for data recommendations for review and collection to determine marketing analysis. effectiveness. Timeline Spring, 2011 Human Resources Committee Objective #2: Enhance the coordination of professional development activities for faculty and staff in relationship to institutional priorities. Action Steps 3.2.1 Propose that a college-wide professional development and staff development coordinator be selected to plan and organize professional development activities (including flex) for all college personnel. Resources Estimated (Human, Fiscal, and Capital) 3 FLCs reassigned time per semester for professional development and staff development coordinator (ongoing Fund 1). Outcomes/Deliverables Professional Development Coordinator. Institutional professional development grant proposals will focus requests on institutional priorities. Timeline 2010-2011 Technology Committee Objective #1: Collaborate with District ITS to update and maintain CSM technology inventories Action Steps Resources Estimated (Human, Fiscal, and Capital) 1.1 Review current computer and smart classroom inventories Outcomes/Deliverables Estimate of $750,000 has been identified. Timeline Fall 2009 Objective #2: Recommend creation of technology set-aside fund of $750,000 per year over next five years--1st choice Districtlevel fund; 2nd choice College-level fund Action Steps Resources Estimated (Human, Fiscal, and Capital) Outcomes/Deliverables Timeline 2.1 Recommend creation of technology setaside fund to Distict Budget Planning Committee 2.2 Recommend creation of technology setaside fund to CSM Budget Planning Committee District-Level Technology Budget Line in FY 2010-11 Spring 2010 College-Level Technology Budget Line in FY 2010-11 Spring 2010 2.3 Recommend creation of bond-money set-aside fund to CSM Budget Planning Committee College-Level Technology Budget Line in FY 2010-11 Spring 2010 Objective #1: Determine baseline technology competencies for current and new faculty, staff, and administration. Action Steps 1.2 Develop a survey for constituent groups to measure gaps in their technology skills. Resources Estimated (Human, Fiscal, and Capital) Costs to be determined Outcomes/Deliverables 1.2 Survey Timeline Fall 2010 Objective #2: Gather feedback from students, via generic student surveys, regarding their instructor’s technology skills. Action Steps 2.1 Develop survey Resources Estimated (Human, Fiscal, and Capital) Costs to be determined Outcomes/Deliverables 2.1 Survey Timeline Fall 2010 Objective #3: Explore establishment of college CTL to coordinate and conduct technology training workshops. Action Steps 3.3 Identify dept/personnel to support tech training. Resources Estimated (Human, Fiscal, and Capital) Identify existing staff or re-establish a College CTL (Centers for Teaching and Learning); $75,000 Outcomes/Deliverables 3.3 Name of personnel or department Timeline Fall 2011 Objective #1: Create technology information competency instructional materials in a variety of Web 2.0 formats (i.e. screencasts, podcasts, videos, wikis, etc.) Action Steps 1.1 Assess needs of faculty, staff and students through survey 1.3 Promote the creation and use of information competency materials in a variety of formats Resources Estimated (Human, Fiscal, and Capital) Emails and Print promotional materials; $500 through PR Department Outcomes/Deliverables Data that establishes needs of faculty, staff, and students Timeline Fall 2010 Faculty, staff and students informed about various modes of information competency instruction materials Spring 2010Spring 2013 Objective #5: Provide opportunities for faculty to acquire knowledge about the ethical use of information including copyright for on-campus and distance education courses Action Steps Resources Estimated (Human, Fiscal, and Capital) Outcomes/Deliverables Timeline 5.1 Provide a campuswide workshop with an expert on copyright and intellectual property rights for higher education Speaker fees $10,000 Faculty informed on the ethical use of information, including copyright Spring 2010Spring 2013 Objective #1: Conduct a survey that assesses effectiveness of technology in facilitating campus communications to students, faculty, staff, alumni, and the public. Action Steps 1.1 Develop a survey that allows constituent groups to rate the effectiveness of CSM communications to them. Resources Estimated (Human, Fiscal, and Capital) Objective #2: Create a campus-wide electronic board system for announcements. Action Steps Resources Estimated (Human, Fiscal, and Capital) 2.3 Widely announce Printing, promotional materials; $500 through 2.3 Promotional materials and promote use of PR Department system Outcomes/Deliverables 1.1 Develop survey Outcomes/Deliverables Objective #3: Solicit input from industry advisers regarding emerging technologies for various discipline/professions. Action Steps Resources Estimated (Human, Fiscal, and Capital) Outcomes/Deliverables 4.3 Host an event, such Hospitality/meals for volunteer advisers; Ongoing as Part of Program Advisory Guidance on the most as a round table Committees practical technologies to discussion or sessions teach, partnerships with with advisers, or local business specific disciplinary groups of advisers (help foster partnerships with business) Timeline Spring 2011 Timeline Spring 2011 or when system is ready Timeline Fall 2010