PUBLIC MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES EL PASO COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT REGULAR ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE CENTER 9050 Viscount Blvd. Board of Trustees Room - #A200 El Paso, Texas 79925 DATE: March 23, 2016 Consent Docket Mr. Art Fierro Dr. Carmen Olivas Graham Mr. Brian J. Haggerty Mrs. Gracie Quintanilla Mrs. Belen B. Robles Ms. Selena N. Solis Mr. John E. Uxer, Jr. MEETING 6:00 p.m. 1.0 GENERAL FUNCTIONS 1.1 Call to Order Present Not Present 1.2 Roll Call 1.3 The Board of Trustees may conduct an executive or closed session pursuant to the Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code for one or more of the following reasons: (1) Consultation with its attorney to seek or receive legal advice or consultation regarding pending or contemplated litigation or for any purpose authorized by law; (2) discussion about the value or transfer of real property; (3) discussion about a prospective gift or donation; (4) consideration of specific personnel matters; (5) discussion about security, personnel or devices; or (6) discussion of certain economic development matters. The Board may also announce that it will go into executive session on any item listed on this agenda if the subject matter is permitted for a closed session by provisions of Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. Any vote regarding these items shall be taken in open session. Motion Second Ayes Nays Abstain 1.4 Approval of Minutes: February 16, 2016 – Special Pages 1-2 February 16, 2016 – Regular Pages 3-15 The minutes recorded in the agenda are a summary of the presentations and actions taken. Tape recorded minutes comprise the full official minutes. 1.5 Welcome to Guests and Staff Members Exhibit 1.4 Consent Docket Mr. Art Fierro Dr. Carmen Olivas Graham Mr. Brian J. Haggerty Mrs. Gracie Quintanilla Mrs. Belen B. Robles Ms. Selena N. Solis Mr. John E. Uxer, Jr. 1.6 Open Forum 1.7 Presentations by Individuals, Groups, and Organizations: 1.7.1 Dr. William Serrata (College President) will recognize individuals who have retired from the College District. 1.7.2 Ms. Monica Wong (Head Librarian at the Northwest Campus) will make a presentation on the Northwest Campus Library activities and Borderlands. 1.7.3 Optional presentations will be made by the presidents of the classified Staff Association, the Professional Staff Association, the Faculty Staff Association, and the Student Government Association. 1.8 Communications: None 1.9 Board of Trustees Business 1.9.1 The Board of Trustees will deliberate on the pending application of El Paso Electric Company, SOAH Docket No. 473-15-5257, PUC Docket No. 44941, before the State Office of Administrative Hearings. The Board will deliberate on proposed rate classes, base rate revenues and other matters over which the State Office of Administrative Hearings has jurisdiction. Agenda Regular March 23, 2016 Page 2 Consent Docket Mr. Art Fierro Dr. Carmen Olivas Graham Mr. Brian J. Haggerty Mrs. Gracie Quintanilla Mrs. Belen B. Robles Ms. Selena N. Solis Mr. John E. Uxer, Jr. 1.10 Board Reports 1.10.1 Treasurer’s Report Exhibit 1.10.1 January 31, 2016 Pages 16-42 February 29, 2016 Pages 43-69 No action is necessary. 1.10.2 President’s Report Dr. Serrata will update the Board of Trustees and audience on recent events that have transpired at the College. Motion Second Ayes Nays Abstain 1.11 Consent Docket Motion Second Ayes Nays Abstain 2.0 ADMINISTRATION - None Agenda Regular March 23, 2016 Page 3 Consent Docket Mr. Art Fierro Dr. Carmen Olivas Graham Mr. Brian J. Haggerty Mrs. Gracie Quintanilla Mrs. Belen B. Robles Ms. Selena N. Solis Mr. John E. Uxer, Jr. 3.0 PERSONNEL Motion Second Ayes Nays Abstain The Board of Trustees will deliberate on the implementation of the Classification and Compensation Study from the final report presented by Dr. Jeff Ling, Executive Vice President, Evergreen Solutions, LLC. Motion Second Ayes Nays Abstain 3.1 Full-Time Institutionally-Funded Actions Motion Second Ayes Nays Abstain 3.2 Full-Time Externally Funded Actions Motion Second Ayes Nays Abstain 3.3 Information Items – None Exhibit 3.1 Pages 70-71 Exhibit 3.2 Page 72 (No action required) Agenda Regular March 23, 2016 Page 4 Consent Docket Mr. Art Fierro Dr. Carmen Olivas Graham Mr. Brian J. Haggerty Mrs. Gracie Quintanilla Mrs. Belen B. Robles Ms. Selena N. Solis Mr. John E. Uxer, Jr. 4.0 FINANCIAL SERVICES Motion Second Ayes Nays Abstain 4.1 Consideration and deliberation on the approval to increase the tuition and fees rate for resident and non-resident students effective the Fall 2016 semester. Exhibit 4.1 Pages 73-74 Note: To approve tuition and fees rate increases for resident and non-resident credit students effective the Fall 2016 semester, which includes a $4 increase to the currently approved general use fee of $16 per credit hour. Resource Person: Josette Shaughnessy Agenda Regular March 23, 2016 Page 5 Consent Docket Mr. Art Fierro Dr. Carmen Olivas Graham Mr. Brian J. Haggerty Mrs. Gracie Quintanilla Mrs. Belen B. Robles Ms. Selena N. Solis Mr. John E. Uxer, Jr. 5.0 PHYSICAL FACILITIES Motion Second Ayes Nays Abstain 5.1 Consideration and deliberation on the approval to increase the GCA Services Group of Texas contract for additional janitorial support at the ASC “A” building in the amount not to exceed $9,079. Exhibit 5.1 Page 75 Note: To increase the GCA Services Group of Texas contract for additional janitorial support due to the relocation of the Research & Accountability Division to the ASC “A” building. Funding is provided by the Custodial Services budget. Resource Person: Josette Shaughnessy Agenda Regular March 23, 2016 Page 6 Consent Docket Mr. Art Fierro Dr. Carmen Olivas Graham Mr. Brian J. Haggerty Mrs. Gracie Quintanilla Mrs. Belen B. Robles Ms. Selena N. Solis Mr. John E. Uxer, Jr. 6.0 CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION Motion Second Ayes Nays Abstain 6.1 Consideration and deliberation on the acceptance of a grant award from The Prudential Foundation in the amount of $135,000. Page 76 Note: The Prudential Foundation provides support to innovative direct-service programs to address the needs of the community. The funds will be used to develop strands of instruction under Workforce Development and the Math, Science, and Career & Technical Education Division. Resource Person: Motion Second Ayes Nays Abstain Exhibit 6.1 Steven Smith 6.2 Consideration and deliberation on the approval to partner with GECU to establish an on-site financial institution branch at the Valle Verde Campus Student Services Center. Exhibit 6.2 Pages 77-80 Note: Requesting approval from the Board of Trustees to partner with GECU and establish a small financial institution branch at EPCC to provide students with hands-on practical experience in a financial institution. The financial institution will provide students paid positions and scholarships. Financial educational seminars may be offered by the financial institution after review and approval by the College Administration. Resource Person: Steven Smith Agenda Regular March 23, 2016 Page 7 Consent Docket Mr. Art Fierro Dr. Carmen Olivas Graham Mr. Brian J. Haggerty Mrs. Gracie Quintanilla Mrs. Belen B. Robles Ms. Selena N. Solis Mr. John E. Uxer, Jr. 7.0 STUDENT SERVICES Motion Second Ayes Nays Abstain 7.1 Consideration and deliberation on the approval of a Student Government Association Emergency Book Loan Program processing fee. Page 81 Note: The Student Government Association (SGA) is requesting approval to charge a $20 processing fee for students to borrow up to $250 to purchase textbooks. SGA will establish a $25,000 one-time only book loan fund in support of students. Funding is provided by the Student Activities Fund. Resource Person: Motion Second Ayes Nays Abstain Exhibit 7.1 Linda Gonzalez-Hensgen 7.2 Consideration and deliberation on the authorization to submit the Radio Interoperability Grant application to the Office of the Governor Homeland Security Grant Division. Exhibit 7.2 Pages 82-83 Note: Requesting approval, as required under the terms of the grant, to submit the Radio Interoperability Grant application to the Office of the Governor Homeland Security Grant Division. The amount to be awarded under this application is up to $105,904. Resource Person: Linda Gonzalez-Hensgen Agenda Regular March 23, 2016 Page 8 Consent Docket Mr. Art Fierro Dr. Carmen Olivas Graham Mr. Brian J. Haggerty Mrs. Gracie Quintanilla Mrs. Belen B. Robles Ms. Selena N. Solis Mr. John E. Uxer, Jr. 7.0 STUDENT SERVICES Motion Second Ayes Nays Abstain 7.3 Consideration and deliberation on the approval of Continuing Education tuition rates for new courses. Pages 84-85 Note: As new course are brought into the inventory, the Board of Trustees approves the associated tuition rates. Resource Person: Motion Second Ayes Nays Abstain Exhibit 7.3 Steven Smith 7.4 Consideration and deliberation on the approval of Continuing Education tuition rates for revised courses. Exhibit 7.4 Pages 86-88 Note: Workforce and Continuing Education Department is requesting approval for changes in tuition. Resource Person: Steven Smith Agenda Regular March 23, 2016 Page 9 Consent Docket Mr. Art Fierro Dr. Carmen Olivas Graham Mr. Brian J. Haggerty Mrs. Gracie Quintanilla Mrs. Belen B. Robles Ms. Selena N. Solis Mr. John E. Uxer, Jr. 8.0 COMMUNITY SERVICES Motion Second Ayes Nays Abstain 8.1 Consideration and deliberation on the acceptance of a grant award from the Defense Logistics Agency Department of Defense for the Contract Opportunities Center in the amount of $300,000. Exhibit 8.1 Page 89 Note: To provide continued operations of the Contract Opportunities Center for fiscal year 2016 under the Procurement Technical Assistance Cooperative Agreement Program. Resource Person: Motion Second Ayes Nays Abstain Steven Smith 8.2 Consideration and deliberation on the acceptance of a monetary donation. Exhibit 8.2 Page 90 Note: To accept a monetary donation of $20 from Elisa Zamacona to go towards the El Paso Community College Recycling Program. Resource Person: Josette Shaughnessy Motion Second Ayes Nays Abstain 9.0 UNFINISHED BUSINESS Motion Second Ayes Nays Abstain 10.0 ADJOURNMENT Agenda Regular March 23, 2016 Page 10 EL PASO COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES February 16, 2016 Special REGULAR March 23, 2016 Exhibit 1.4 PUBLIC MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES EL PASO COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT SPECIAL TRANSMOUNTAIN CAMPUS 9570 Gateway North Blvd., Room 1005 El Paso, Texas 79924 DATE: February 16, 2016 Consent Docket Mr. Art Fierro Dr. Carmen Olivas Graham Mr. Brian J. Haggerty Mrs. Gracie Quintanilla Mrs. Belen B. Robles Ms. Selena N. Solis Dr. John E. Uxer MINUTES 3:30 p.m. 1.0 GENERAL FUNCTIONS 1.1 Call to Order – The meeting was called to order at 3:40 p.m. by Board of Trustees Chair Art Fierro. Present Not Present Motion Second Ayes Nays Abstain 1.2 Roll Call – All Trustees were present with the exception of Vice Chair Brian Haggerty. Secretary Selena Solis arrived at 3:55 p.m. 1.3 The Board of Trustees shall conduct a Budget Workshop concerning the 2016-2017 budget of the El Paso County Community College District. No Exhibit Ms. Josette Shaughnessy (Vice President, Financial & Administrative Operations) provided a presentation to the Trustees on the FY 2016-17 budget. She reviewed the FY 2015-16 adopted budget, the FY 2015-16 projected revenues, the 2016-17 preliminary expenditure budget, proposal of a two-year tuition rate plan, and budget strategies for FY 201617 and 2017-18, which included additional tax revenue generated from new property. Ms. Shaughnessy reviewed the 2016-17 budget development process which began in February 2016. She stated that 2016-17 is the second year of the Biennium with no additional state funding being provided. She reviewed the strategic planning implemented in developing the FY 2016-17 budget: evaluating enrollment cycles, developing a two-year tuition plan, implementing the District-Wide Master Plan, and emphasizing the importance of rating agencies key rating factors. Ms. Shaughnessy commented that proposals for the FY 201617 budget include increasing the General Use Fee to fund Phase 1A of the Master Plan. Mr. Fierro suggested an additional budget workshop in March. 1.4 Adjournment The meeting was adjourned by unanimous consent at 5:07 p.m. Minutes Special February 16, 2016 Page 1 EL PASO COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES February 16, 2016 Regular REGULAR March 23, 2016 Exhibit 1.4 PUBLIC MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES EL PASO COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT REGULAR TRANSMOUNTAIN CAMPUS 9570 Gateway N. Blvd. The Forum El Paso, Texas 79924 DATE: February 16, 2016 1.0 GENERAL FUNCTIONS 1.1 Call to Order – The meeting was called to order at 5:21 p.m. by Board of Trustees Chair Art Fierro. Present Not Present 1.2 Roll Call – All members of the Board of Trustees were present. Vice Chair Brian Haggerty arrived at 5:26 p.m. Mr. Fierro thanked Mr. Keith Townsend and his staff for their hospitality and for providing the use of the Transmountain Theater for the meeting. Mr. Fierro asked Mr. Townsend to lead the Trustees and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. 1.3 The Board of Trustees may conduct an executive or closed session pursuant to the Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code for one or more of the following reasons: (1) Consultation with its attorney to seek or receive legal advice or consultation regarding pending or contemplated litigation or for any purpose authorized by law; (2) discussion about the value or transfer of real property; (3) discussion about a prospective gift or donation; (4) consideration of specific personnel matters; (5) discussion about security, personnel or devices; or (6) discussion of certain economic development matters. The Board may also announce that it will go into executive session on any item listed on this agenda if the subject matter is permitted for a closed session by provisions of Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. Any vote regarding these items shall be taken in open session. Executive Session was conducted at 6 p.m. after item 9.0 Consent Docket Mr. Art Fierro Dr. Carmen Olivas Graham Mr. Brian J. Haggerty Mrs. Gracie Quintanilla Mrs. Belen B. Robles Ms. Selena N. Solis Mr. John E. Uxer, Jr. MINUTES 5:00 p.m. Consent Docket Mr. Art Fierro Dr. Carmen Olivas Graham Mr. Brian J. Haggerty Mrs. Gracie Quintanilla Mrs. Belen B. Robles Ms. Selena N. Solis Mr. John E. Uxer, Jr. Motion Second Ayes Nays Abstain 1.4 Approval of Minutes: Exhibit 1.4 January 21, 2016 – Regular Pages 1-21 The minutes recorded in the agenda are a summary of the presentations and actions taken. Tape recorded minutes comprise the full official minutes. Motion to approve was made by Trustee Carmen Olivas Graham and seconded by Trustee Belen Robles. Dr. Graham requested that the minutes from the January meeting for item 1.7.5 include the name of the student from Project HIGHER. Motion to approve passed. (Note: Mr. Haggerty was not present for the vote.) 1.5 Welcome to Guests and Staff Members Mr. Fierro welcomed the guests and staff members in the audience to the Transmountain campus. 1.6 Open Forum - None 1.7 Presentations by Individuals, Groups, and Organizations: 1.7.1 Dr. William Serrata (College President) will recognize individuals who have retired from the College District. Dr. Serrata introduced Ms. Patricia Winstead (Instructor, Fashion Technology) and thanked her for her dedicated service to the College District. Minutes Regular February 16, 2016 Page 2 Consent Docket Mr. Art Fierro Dr. Carmen Olivas Graham Mr. Brian J. Haggerty Mrs. Gracie Quintanilla Mrs. Belen B. Robles Ms. Selena N. Solis Mr. John E. Uxer, Jr. 1.7.2 Optional presentations will be made by the presidents of the Classified Staff Association, the Professional Staff Association, the Faculty Association, and the Student Government Association. Mr. Dan Gaytan (President, Professional Staff Association) addressed the Board of Trustees regarding hiring practices and the status of the Evergreen Compensation Study. Mr. Gaytan asked the Trustees to conduct an independent audit of internal and external hiring practices from 2013 to present. Dr. Carina Ramirez (President, Faculty Association) addressed the Board of Trustees regarding the improvements made with the College’s internet systems by the Information Technology department, allowing faculty to fulfill their duties. She recommended that a collaboration be developed between Information Technology and the faculty to address issues as they arise. Ms. Rocio Fierro (President, Student Government Association) provided an update on recent activities to the Board of Trustees. She commented that members have been working diligently on registering students to vote and holding town hall forums for local political candidates. She also commented on the work being done for the Transmountain Student Union and noted that the grand opening would be held in fall 2016. Ms. Fierro stated that a Veterans’ Resource Center would be opening late spring or early summer. She discussed the Book Loan program had been developed and that they would address it with the Tuition and Fees committee for assessing a new student fee to enable the program to be initiated. Minutes Regular February 16, 2016 Page 3 Consent Docket Mr. Art Fierro Dr. Carmen Olivas Graham Mr. Brian J. Haggerty Mrs. Gracie Quintanilla Mrs. Belen B. Robles Ms. Selena N. Solis Mr. John E. Uxer, Jr. 1.8 Communications: None 1.9 Board of Trustees Business: None 1.10 Board Reports 1.10.1 Treasurer’s Report - None 1.10.2 President’s Report Dr. Serrata will update the Board of Trustees and audience on recent events that have transpired at the College. Dr. Serrata announced that EPCC was named one of four finalists for the 2016 Student Success Award of Excellence by the American Association of Community Colleges, which will be announced on April 11 in Chicago. Dr. Serrata discussed the College’s partnership with the Medical Center of the America’s Foundation and the Center for Advancing Innovation to introduce NASA’s new start-up project, “Space Race Challenge.” Dr. Serrata commented on the districtwide Staff Professional Development day held on February 9, 2016, the implementation of the College administration participating in the Four Disciplines of Execution (4DX), the Pathways Summit, and the check presentation with Texas Mutual Insurance Company on February 12. Minutes Regular February 16, 2016 Page 4 Consent Docket Mr. Art Fierro Dr. Carmen Olivas Graham Mr. Brian J. Haggerty Mrs. Gracie Quintanilla Mrs. Belen B. Robles Ms. Selena N. Solis Mr. John E. Uxer, Jr. Dr. Serrata announced the award winners for this year’s NISOD Excellence Awards: Faculty Achievement – Ms. Michelle Conklin and Mr. Christian Servin; the Minnie Stevens Piper Award: Dr. Jose PachecoLucero, and Staff Honoree: Mr. Steve Smith. Dr. Serrata congratulated each of the winners. Dr. Serrata provided an update on the Evergreen Compensation Study. The President announced to all faculty and staff that the Compensation Study is in progress and will be brought forth to the Board at the March Board meeting. The study will be in effect in April 2016. Motion Second Ayes Nays Abstain 1.11 Consent Docket Motion to approve was made by Mr. Fierro and seconded by Mr. Haggerty. Motion to approve passed. (Note: Items 3.2 and 8.1 was approved on the consent docket.) 2.0 ADMINISTRATION - NONE Minutes Regular February 16, 2016 Page 5 Consent Docket Mr. Art Fierro Dr. Carmen Olivas Graham Mr. Brian J. Haggerty Mrs. Gracie Quintanilla Mrs. Belen B. Robles Ms. Selena N. Solis Mr. John E. Uxer, Jr. 3.0 PERSONNEL Motion Second Ayes Nays Abstain 3.1 Full-Time Institutionally-Funded Actions Motion Second Ayes Nays Abstain 3.2 Full-Time Externally Funded Actions Motion Second Ayes Nays Abstain 3.3 Information Items Motion to approve was made Mr. Haggerty and seconded by Secretary Selena Solis. Motion to approve passed. Item adopted on the consent docket. (No action required) Exhibit 3.1 Pages 22-24 Exhibit 3.2 Page 25 Exhibit 3.3 Page 26 Minutes Regular February 16, 2016 Page 6 Consent Docket Mr. Art Fierro Dr. Carmen Olivas Graham Mr. Brian J. Haggerty Mrs. Gracie Quintanilla Mrs. Belen B. Robles Ms. Selena N. Solis Mr. John E. Uxer, Jr. 4.0 FINANCIAL SERVICES Motion Second Ayes Nays Abstain 4.1 Consideration and deliberation on the approval of a contract agreement with Franklin Covey Client Sales, Inc. to provide training sessions in the amount not to exceed $150,000. Exhibit 4.1 Pages 27-29 Note: Requesting approval of contract with Franklin Covey Sales, Inc. to provide the 4 Disciplines of Execution (4DX) training sessions to design an implementation plan and effective process tailored to fit the EPCC structure. This agreement will be for fiscal year 2015-2016 and 2016-2017. Funding is provided by the Completion and Connection Initiative budget. Resource Person: William Serrata Motion to approve items 4.1 and 4.2 was made by Mr. Fierro and seconded by Dr. Graham. Motion to approve passed. Motion Second Ayes Nays Abstain 4.2 Consideration and deliberation on the approval of the renewal of an annual contract for maintenance and support for software from Ad Astra Information Systems in the amount of $52,600. Exhibit 4.2 Pages 30-32 Note: To approve the renewal of the Ad Astra annual service agreement to maintain the facilities scheduler and resource management system. Funding is provided by the Technology Fund. Resource Persons: Steven Smith, Linda Gonzalez-Hensgen, Jenny Girón Item passed. Minutes Regular February 16, 2016 Page 7 Consent Docket Mr. Art Fierro Dr. Carmen Olivas Graham Mr. Brian J. Haggerty Mrs. Gracie Quintanilla Mrs. Belen B. Robles Ms. Selena N. Solis Mr. John E. Uxer, Jr. 4.0 FINANCIAL SERVICES Motion Second Ayes Nays Abstain 4.3 Consideration and deliberation on the approval of a second extension of the current contract for beverage vending services with Bottling Group LLC (d/b/a Pepsi-Cola Bottling Group). Exhibit 4.3 Page 33 Note: Requesting approval to extend the term of contract with Bottling Group LLC (d/b/a Pepsi-Cola bottling Group) up to three (3) months through May 31, 2016 in order to continue providing high quality and affordable beverage vending services to the students, faculty and staff of El Paso County Community College District. Resource Person: Josette Shaughnessy Motion to approve was made by Mr. Fierro and seconded by Ms. Solis. Motion to approve passed. Minutes Regular February 16, 2016 Page 8 Consent Docket Mr. Art Fierro Dr. Carmen Olivas Graham Mr. Brian J. Haggerty Mrs. Gracie Quintanilla Mrs. Belen B. Robles Ms. Selena N. Solis Mr. John E. Uxer, Jr. 5.0 PHYSICAL FACILITIES Motion Second Ayes Nays Abstain 5.1 Consideration and deliberation on the approval of a contract award to Banes General Contractors for the construction of the Architecture Discipline building at the Valle Verde Campus in the amount not to exceed $4,446,090. Exhibit 5.1 Pages 34-37 Note: Requesting approval to award a contract to Banes General Contractors for the construction of a 19,796 square foot, two (2) story building designed to house the Architecture Discipline at the Valle Verde Campus. Funding is provided by the HSI STEM Architectural grant supplemented by $1.3 million of the 2007 Revenue Bond Proceeds. Resource Person: Josette Shaughnessy Motion to approve was made by Dr. Graham and seconded by Ms. Solis. Motion to approve passed. Motion Second Ayes Nays Abstain 5.2 Consideration and deliberation on the approval to enter into an annual maintenance contract with Sun City Air Conditioning Co., Inc. to provide maintenance and repair for air conditioning units throughout the district in the amount not to exceed $191,169 through August 2017. Exhibit 5.2 Pages 38-41 Note: To approve contract to provide for a quarterly maintenance program for all packaged HVAC units in the district. The contract will span a period of the remainder of the current fiscal year of 2015/2016 and through the 2016/2017 fiscal year. Funding is provided by the Preventive Maintenance budget. Resource Person: Josette Shaughnessy Motion to approve was made by Mrs. Robles and seconded by Mr. Fierro. Motion to approve passed. Minutes Regular February 16, 2016 Page 9 Consent Docket Mr. Art Fierro Dr. Carmen Olivas Graham Mr. Brian J. Haggerty Mrs. Gracie Quintanilla Mrs. Belen B. Robles Ms. Selena N. Solis Mr. John E. Uxer, Jr. 6.0 CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION Motion Second Ayes Nays Abstain 6.1 Consideration and deliberation on the approval of a grant award from the U.S. Department of Education in the amount of $594,461. Exhibit 6.1 Page 42 Note: The purpose of this grant is to provide support services to assist 600 low income, first generation, and disabled students through the TRiO Program in the Student Support Services Program at El Paso Community College. Resource Person: Steven Smith Motion to approve items 6.1 and 6.2 was made by Mrs. Robles and seconded by Dr. Graham. Motion to approve passed. Motion Second Ayes Nays Abstain 6.2 Consideration and deliberation on the acceptance of an annual grant award from the Texas Mutual Insurance Company in the amount of $100,000. Exhibit 6.2 Page 43 Note: To approve the acceptance of an annual grant award from the Texas Mutual Insurance Company to develop courses and programs to provide free safety classes to students at El Paso Community College. Resource Person: Steven Smith Item passed. Minutes Regular February 16, 2016 Page 10 Consent Docket Mr. Art Fierro Dr. Carmen Olivas Graham Mr. Brian J. Haggerty Mrs. Gracie Quintanilla Mrs. Belen B. Robles Ms. Selena N. Solis Mr. John E. Uxer, Jr. 7.0 STUDENT SERVICES Motion Second Ayes Nays Abstain 7.1 Consideration and deliberation on the approval of Continuing Education tuition rates for new courses. Exhibit 7.1 Pages 44-45 Note: As new course are brought into the inventory, the Board of Trustees approves the associated tuition rates. Resource Person: Steven Smith Motion to approve was made by Mr. Fierro and seconded by Dr. Graham. Motion to approve passed. Motion Second Ayes Nays Abstain 7.2 Consideration and deliberation on the approval of Continuing Education tuition rates for revised courses. Exhibit 7.2 Pages 46-47 Note: Workforce and Continuing Education Department is requesting approval for changes in tuition. Resource Person: Steven Smith Motion to approve was made by Dr. Graham and seconded by Ms. Solis. Motion to approve passed. Minutes Regular February 16, 2016 Page 11 Consent Docket Mr. Art Fierro Dr. Carmen Olivas Graham Mr. Brian J. Haggerty Mrs. Gracie Quintanilla Mrs. Belen B. Robles Ms. Selena N. Solis Mr. John E. Uxer, Jr. 8.0 COMMUNITY SERVICES Motion Second Ayes Nays Abstain 8.1 Consideration and deliberation on the acceptance of a monetary donation in the amount of $15.00. Exhibit 8.1 Page 48 Note: To accept a donation of $15 from the Skertchly Family. The monetary donation will go towards the Mission del Paso Garden Club. Resource Person: Josette Shaughnessy Item adopted on the consent docket. Motion Second Ayes Nays Abstain 9.0 UNFINISHED BUSINESS Mr. Fierro announced that the next meeting of the Board of Trustees will be on Wednesday, March 23. The Board of Trustees recessed into executive session at 6:00 p.m. Motion Second Ayes Nays Abstain 10.0 ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:55 p.m. The Trustees did not return from Executive Session. Minutes Regular February 16, 2016 Page 12 Exhibit 3.1 Full-Time Institutionally-Funded Actions Barcenas, Guadalupe Assistant Director, Veterans Affairs Professional Support Veterans Affairs 03/28/16 – 08/31/16 Grade D Competitive Appointment (Replacement Action) Ornelas, Norma Instructor Faculty Medical Assisting Temporary (Lecturer) Status 01/13/16 – 05/14/16 Grade A/5 Noncompetitive Appointment (Replacement Action) Dean, Charles Senior Electrician Classified Staff Physical Plant 03/28/16 – 08/31/16 Grade F Competitive Appointment (Replacement Action) Ortega, Denise Student Services Assistant II- Early Alert Classified Staff Counseling 03/28/16 – 08/31/16 Grade C Competitive Appointment (New Position) Gonzalez, Marlib Assistant Director, Student Leadership & Campus Life Professional Support Student Leadership & Campus Life 03/28/16 – 08/31/16 Grade D Competitive Appointment (Replacement Action) Samaniego, Roberto Project Manager, Construction Professional Support Physical Plant Temporary Status 03/01/16 – 03/31/16 Grade F Extension of Appointment Navarro, Argelio Interim Director, Military Success Administrator Military Student Success Temporary Status 04/01/16 – 05/31/16 Grade C Extension of Appointment Tellez, Joy Manager, Data Payables Professional Support Accounting Services 04/04/16 – 08/31/16 Grade D Competitive Appointment (Replacement Action) (Exhibit 3.1.1) 03/23/16 Exhibit 3.1 Full-Time Institutionally-Funded Actions Yanez, Belinda Student Services Assistant I Classified Staff Counseling 03/28/16 – 08/31/16 Grade B Competitive Appointment (Replacement Action) (Exhibit 3.1.2) 03/23/16 Exhibit 3.2 Full-Time Externally-Funded Actions Oaxaca, Norma Program Manager, Gateway to College Professional Support College Readiness Gateway to College Program Temporary Status 02/22/16 – 08/31/16 Grade D Competitive Appointment (New Position) (Exhibit 3.2.1) 03/23/16 FINANCIAL SERVICES ABSTRACT Item(s) to be Considered: Requestor: Fernando Flores Resource Persons: Purpose: Consideration and deliberation on the approval to increase the tuition and fees rate for resident and non-resident students effective the Fall 2016 semester. Area Responsible: Budget & Financial Services Josette Shaughnessy, Fernando Flores To approve tuition and fees rate increases effective the Fall 2016 semester for resident and non-resident credit students. The recommended increases would also include a $4 increase to the currently approved general use fee of $16 per credit hour effective Fall 2016. The additional $4 increase is recommended by the administration to finance revenue bonds that will fund Phase 1A of the District Master Plan approved by the Board of Trustees on December 4, 2015. Explanation: Currently, resident and non-resident students pay a combined rate of $99 and $168 per credit hour respectively for tuition and general use fee. At the Board’s request, the administration evaluated the feasibility of a two-year tuition plan which was initially presented on January 29, 2016 to the Tuition and Fees Committee comprised of students, faculty and staff. Under the proposed plan, approved tuition rates would remain the same from Fall 2016 through Summer 2018 with the caveat that there is (1) no reduction in state funding, and (2) additional growth in formula and student success points funding from the biennial legislative sessions. In an effort to receive feedback from the students, a presentation to the Student Government Association (SGA) was advertised and held in the Student Union at the Valle Verde campus on February 3, 2016. A presentation of the same plan was made at a budget workshop to the Board of Trustees on February 16, 2016. The Tuition and Fees Committee met again on February 26, 2016 and evaluated feedback from the Board and the SGA. At that time the Committee voted to increase, effective Fall 2016, resident and non-resident tuition by $10 (11.9%) and $15 (9.8%) per credit hour respectively. The Committee convened again on March 4, 2016 and voted to increase the General Use Fee by $4 per credit hour as recommended by the administration. The final impact of the combined tuition rate and general use fee increases as approved by the Tuition and Fees Committee would represent an increase of 15.15% and 11.9% for resident and nonresident students respectively. The attached proposed Tuition and Fees rate schedule to be approved by the Board of Trustees is contingent upon the discussion held during the March 23 budget workshop held prior to the regular Board meeting. Recommendation: Approval by the Board of Trustees (Exhibit 4.1.1) 03/23/16 ProposedTuition&FeesSchedule Basedontuitionincreaseof$10forresident/$15fornonâresidentperSCHeffectiveFall2016and GeneralUseFeeIncreaseof$5(Fall2016) (includes$1increasepreviouslyapproved) RESIDENTTUITION&GENERALUSEFEE(GUF)RATES IncreaseEffectiveFall2016 CurrentTuition Rate:$84 ProposedTuitionIncrease: $10 ProposedRate$94 + + + Credit Hour $15GeneralUse Fee GUF$5Increase (Proposed$4Increase+ $1previouslyapproved) $20GeneralUse Fee 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 $ 99 198 297 396 495 594 693 792 891 990 1,089 1,188 $ 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 $ 114 228 342 456 570 684 798 912 1,026 1,140 1,254 1,368 NONâRESIDENTTUITION&GENERALUSEFEERATES IncreaseEffectiveFall2016 CurrentTuition Rate:$153 ProposedTuitionIncrease: $15 ProposedRate $168 + + + Credit Hour $15GeneralUse Fee GUF$5Increase (Proposed$4Increase+ $1previouslyapproved) $20GeneralUse Fee *1* 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 $ 215 336 504 672 840 1,008 1,176 1,344 1,512 1,680 1,848 2,016 $ 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 $ 235 376 564 752 940 1,128 1,316 1,504 1,692 1,880 2,068 2,256 *Minimumof$200nonâresidenttuitionchargeforonecredithourperStatelaw. (Exhibit 4.1.2) 03/23/16 PHYSICAL FACILITIES ABSTRACT Item(s) to be Considered: Requestor: Rick Lobato Resource Persons: Purpose: Consideration and deliberation on the approval to increase the GCA Services Group of Texas contract for additional janitorial support at the ASC “A” building. Area Responsible: Additional Amount Not to Exceed: $9,079 Physical Plant Josette Shaughnessy, Rick Lobato To increase the GCA Services Group of Texas contract for additional janitorial support for the area that now houses the Research & Accountability Division. Explanation: The Board of Trustees, based on Request for Competitive Sealed proposals process CSP #10-001, approved a contract for janitorial services with GCA Services Group of Texas, L.P. in October 2009. That contract is set to expire on August 31, 2016. Recently, the creation of new office space at the Administrative Service Center for the Research & Accountability Division has resulted in new office space to be cleaned and maintained. As such, the newly created space, which amounts to over 14,527 square feet, will result in additional janitorial costs under the current contract. These added costs will take the current contract, valued at $1,702,502, up $9,079 to $1,711,581. The Administration requests approval of this additional $9,079 amount. The Purchasing & Contract Management Department will soon be issuing a new solicitation for proposals that will result in a new contract, to begin September 1, 2016. That contract will be brought before the Board of Trustees for approval in July or August 2016. Funding is provided by the Custodial Services budget. Recommendation: Vendor: Approval by the Board of Trustees. GCA Services Group of Texas, L.P. 11651 Plano Road, Suite 200 Dallas, Texas 75243 (Exhibit 5.1.1) Date: 03/13/16 Account: 13000-76005 Budget: $2,354,467 Expenditures to date: $1,933,414 Balance: $421,053 03/23/16 CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION ABSTRACT Item(s) to be Considered: Consideration and deliberation on the acceptance of a grant award from The Prudential Foundation. Requestor: Kathleen Lopez Resource Persons: Purpose: Area Responsible: Amount: $135,000 Workforce and Continuing Education, and the Math, Science, and Career & Technical Education Division Steven Smith, Kathleen Lopez, Rick Webb, Luz Taboada Workforce and Continuing Education and the Math, Science and Career & Technical Education Division are in receipt of a $135,000 grant award from The Prudential Foundation. The Prudential Foundation provides support to innovative direct-service programs to address the needs of the community in three (3) areas: education, economic development and civic infrastructure. The Prudential Foundation focuses its resources to support organizations whose activities address social needs or benefit underserved groups and communities. Explanation: El Paso Community College is one of five (5) entities in El Paso who have received grant funds from The Prudential Foundation. The funds will be used to develop two (2) strands of instruction: Strand One under Workforce Development: Professional Skills Workforce Training Certification Program Strand Two under the Math, Science, and Career & Technical Education: Math and IT Movement Budget Account Number: 23684-P23684, Budget Summary $135,000 November 1, 2015 –October 31, 2016 Detailed Budget Overview: 61031 61032 61033 61034 71120 71130 71131 71330 71432 74604 74605 74609 Recommendation: Instructor Pool PT Curr. Dev. Fall Instructor Pool PT Curr. Dev. Spring Instructor Pool PT Curr. Dev. Sum I Instructor Pool PT Curr. Dev. Office Supplies Instructional Supplies Testing Materials Print/Dup –Internal Marketing/Advertising Tuition/Spec. Prog. Books/Spec. Prog. Student Services Total $20,999 23,000 10,501 10,500 750 3,150 3,500 3,100 3,400 48,520 6,000 1,580 $ 135,000 Approval by the Board of Trustees. (Exhibit 6.1.1) 03/23/16 CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION ABSTRACT Item(s) to be Considered: Consideration and deliberation on the approval to partner with GECU to establish an on-site financial institution branch at the Valle Verde Campus Student Services Center. Requestor: Area Responsible: Jaime Farias Resource Persons: Purpose: Education and Career & Technical Education Steven Smith, Jaime Farias To partner with a local financial institution and establish a small financial institution branch facility at EPCC. Explanation: The institution branch would be designed as a self-contained multi-use facility. The institution will provide five (5) paid positions to students majoring in Accounting, Business and Information Technology as well as provide scholarships. Students will gain hands-on practical experience in a financial institution. Financial educational seminars may be offered by the financial institution after review and approval by the College Administration. The College will provide a location at the Valle Verde Campus in the Student Services Center. The financial institution will be responsible for all remodeling and related costs. Nothing on this agreement shall interfere with the terms of the College’s current Depository and Best Start Card contracts with Wells Fargo Bank. This recommendation is based on the Request for Proposals (RFP) #16-010. Recommendation: Vendor: Approval by the Board of Trustees. GECU 1225 Airway Blvd. El Paso, Texas 79925 (Exhibit 6.2.1) 03/23/16 EL PASO COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT ON-SITE FINANCIAL INSTITUTION BRANCH RFP #16-010 ANALYSIS The services secured through this RFP process will be utilized by El Paso County Community College District’s students and staff, as well as the El Paso community. Requests for Proposals were advertised for two (2) consecutive weeks in the local newspaper, the El Paso Times. All such solicitations are also posted on the Purchasing & Contract Management Department page of the EPCC website. Additionally, twenty-seven (27) local federally-insured financial institutions consisting of banks and credit unions were contacted on 15 December 2015 to advise them of the solicitation for proposals. The College’s Bid Specialist reached out to Presidents, Senior Vice Presidents, Vice Presidents, Relationship Executives, and Marketing Directors as well as other levels of banking personnel at these institutions. An example of institutions contacted includes, but is not limited to, Bank of America, BBVA Compass, El Paso Area Teachers Federal Credit Union, GECU, JP Morgan Chase Bank, Inter National Bank, One Source Federal Credit Union, Tip of Texas and Wells Fargo Bank. By the closing date, thirty-three (33) entities had downloaded the solicitation packet directly from the College’s Purchasing website. Proposal received are indicated on the RFP tabulation. The District has a Campus Card Agreement with Wells Fargo Bank for its Best Start Card. As such, the District will take steps to ensure that any contract resulting from this solicitation process for an “On Site Financial Institution Branch” does not conflict with the existing Wells Fargo contract. It is the recommendation of the “RFP Analysis Committee,” Jaime Farias, Fernie Flores, Juan Flores, Linda Gonzalez-Hensgen, Rebecca Hancock, Arvis Jones and Rick Torres, that a contract be awarded to: GECU 1225 Airway Blvd. El Paso, TX 79925 (Exhibit 6.2.2) 03/23/16 RFP #16-010 On-site Financial Institution Branch Vendor GECU Vendor Requirements The District requests two (2) complete proposal response packets of which one (1) must be an original with all the requested information, documentation, forms, etc. in each packet. Provided Respondent shall provide evidence with proposal submission that it possesses current applicable permits, licenses and certifications required for this type of business function to comply with city, state and federal regulations. Provided Respondent shall submit the appropriate proof of insurance, as set forth in Section 13 of the General Conditions, with its proposal submission. Successful respondent will be required to maintain current proof of insurance during the term of the contract. Provided Respondent shall describe what separates it from other organizations performing the same services. Provided Proposal Form Attachment A Provided Proposal Form Attachment B Provided Vendor acknowledged Addenda #1, #2, and #3. Acknowledged Family Code form Provided Felony Conviction form Provided Conflict of Interest form Provided (Exhibit 6.2.3) 03/23/16 RFP #16-010 On-site Financial Institution Branch Ratings Key Factor GECU Maximum Points 1. The purchase price (5 pts.) 0 = Unable to evaluate due to inadequate or missing information 1 = Unsatisfactory 2 = Below average 3 = Average 4 = Above average 5 = Superior 1 3.86 5 2. The reputation of the vendor and of the vendor's goods or services (10 pts.) 0 = Unable to evaluate due to inadequate or missing information 1 = Unsatisfactory 2 = Below average 3 = Average 4 = Above average 5 = Superior 2 8.57 10 3. The quality of the vendor's goods or services (15 pts.) 0 = Unable to evaluate due to inadequate or missing information 1 = Unsatisfactory 2 = Below average 3 = Average 4 = Above average 5 = Superior 3 13.29 15 10.8 46.29 54 5. The vendor's past relationship with the District (5 pts.) 0 = Unable to evaluate due to inadequate or missing information -1 = Unsatisfactory -2 = Below average 3 = Average 4 = Above average 5 = Superior 1 4.00 5 6. The impact on the ability of the District to comply with laws and rules relating to Historically Underutilized Businesses (1 pt.) 0 = No 1 = Yes 1 0.00 1 7. The total long term cost to the District to acquire the vendor's goods or services (5 pts.) 0 = Unable to evaluate due to inadequate or missing information 1 = Unsatisfactory 2 = Below average 3 = Average 4 = Above average 5 = Superior 1 4.29 5 8. Any other relevant factor specifically listed in the request for bids or proposals (5 pts.) 0 = Unable to evaluate due to inadequate or missing information 1 = Unsatisfactory 2 = Below average 3 = Average 4 = Above average 5 = Superior 1 3.86 5 84.14 100 Evaluation Criteria 0 = Unable to evaluate due to inadequate or missing information 4. The extent to which the vendor's goods or services meet the District's 1 = Unsatisfactory needs 2 = Below average (54 pts.) 3 = Average 4 = Above average 5 = Superior Total Points (all totals rounded to the nearest hundredths): Scope of Work as per the Specifications in RFP #16-010 On-site Financial Institution Branch. The El Paso County Community College District (“District”) is seeking proposals for an on-site financial institution branch ("Branch".) (Exhibit 6.2.4) 03/23/16 STUDENT SERVICES ABSTRACT Item(s) to be Considered: Consideration and deliberation on the approval of a Student Government Association Emergency Book Loan Program processing fee. Requestor: Arvis Jones Resource Persons: Area Responsible: Student Leadership and Campus Life Linda Gonzalez-Hensgen, Arvis Jones Purpose: The Student Government Association (SGA) is requesting approval to charge a $20 processing fee for students to borrow up to $250 to purchase textbooks. Explanation: The Student Government Association is aware that it is often difficult for students to purchase books the first week of class. This student-driven initiative by the SGA will establish a $25,000 one-time only book loan fund in support of students. This fee represents an 8% loss due to non-repayment of loan. The program is to be piloted in Summer 2016 with full roll out in Fall 2016. Funding is provided by the Student Activities fund. Recommendation: Approval by the Board of Trustees. (Exhibit 7.1.1) 03/23/16 STUDENT SERVICES ABSTRACT Item(s) to be Considered: Consideration and deliberation on the authorization to submit the Radio Interoperability Grant application to the Office of the Governor Homeland Security Grant Division. Requestor: Jose Ramirez Resource Persons: Purpose: Area Responsible: Police Department Linda Gonzalez-Hensgen, Jose Ramirez Requesting approval, as required under the terms of the grant, to submit the Radio Interoperability Grant application to the Office of the Governor Homeland Security Grant Division. Explanation: The amount to be awarded under this application is up to $105,904. If award is granted, the funds will be used for the purchase of digital portable radios and mobile computer terminals (hard case field-grade laptops) in accordance with the terms and conditions of the grant. The attached Board Resolution will be submitted to the Office of the Governor upon Board approval. Recommendation: Approval by the Board of Trustees. (Exhibit 7.2.1) 03/23/16 EL PASO COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Board Resolution At the duly called meeting of the Board of Trustees of El Paso County Community College District (EPCC) on Wednesday, March 23, 2016, the following resolution was proposed and approved by the Board: Resolved: 1. That the EPCC Board of Trustees authorizes the submission of the Radio Interoperability Grant application to the Office of the Governor Homeland Security Grant Division (OOG/HSGD); 2. That Dr. William Serrata, President of El Paso County Community College District, has the authority to apply for, accept, reject, alter, or terminate this grant; and 3. That in the event of loss or misuse of grant funds, EPCC will return all funds to the Homeland Security Grants Division (HSGD). Signed: _________________________ Art Fierro, Board Chair ___________________________ Date _________________________ Selena, N. Solis, Secretary ___________________________ Date (Exhibit 7.2.2) 03/23/16 STUDENT SERVICES ABSTRACT Item(s) to be Considered: Requestor: Kathleen Lopez Resource Persons: Purpose: Consideration and deliberation on the approval of Continuing Education tuition rates for new courses. Area Responsible: Workforce and Continuing Education Steven Smith, Kathleen Lopez Approve tuition rates for new CE courses. Explanation: As new courses are brought into the inventory, the Board of Trustees approves the associated tuition rates. Recommendation: Approval by the Board of Trustees. (Exhibit 7.3.1) 3/23/16 COURSE TITLE HOURS TUITION 20 48 48 12 4 8 48 $242 $520 $520 $275 $189 $186 $639 16 8 $61 $40 ESL for Children III Ages 7-12 ESL for Teens III Ages 12-16 Pastel Drawing Workshop – Ocean Life Summer Art-Monsters, Creatures and Creeps Pirate Workshop African Safari Workshop 24 24 12 12 12 12 $89 $95 $116 $110 $104 $110 S.W.E.A.T.*fx Seven Ways to Detox Your Body 12 4 $60 $31 24 30 30 $224 $278 $278 Advanced Technology CMP 162 Intermediate Excel CMP 165 CompTIA A+ 220-901 CMP 166 CompTIA A+220-902 ELT 001 Infrared Electrical Inspection INV 001 Inventory Management SAF 011 Industrial Ergonomics for Supervisors WLD 001 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Business/Industry Training & Personal Enrichment PIA 477 PIE 203 Home Gardening in El Paso Geology of Hueco Tanks State Historical Park & Region Children’s College PLD 600 PLD 601 PLD 602 PLD 603 PLD 604 PLD 605 CE Health AHP 411 AHP 413 Workforce Development WFD 537 WFD 538 WFD 539 Beginning Excel Spreadsheets Intermediate Excel Spreadsheets Advanced Excel Spreadsheets (Exhibit 7.3.2) 3/23/16 STUDENT SERVICES ABSTRACT Item(s) to be Considered: Requestor: Kathleen Lopez Resource Persons: Purpose: Consideration and deliberation on the approval of Continuing Education tuition rates for revised courses Area Responsible: Workforce and Continuing Education Steven Smith, Kathleen Lopez Approve tuition rates for revised CE courses. Explanation: Workforce and Continuing Education Department is requesting approval for changes in tuition. Comments column describes reasons for each course. Recommendation: Approval by the Board of Trustees. (Exhibit 7.4.1) 3/23/16 COURSE TITLE OLD HOURS OLD TUITION NEW HOURS NEW TUITION COMMENTS Business/Industry Training & Personal Enrichment PIE 636 Writing Essentials – Online 24 $80 24 $95 PIE 677 Secrets of the Caterer – Online 24 $80 24 $95 PIE 688 Start Your Own Arts & Crafts Business – Online 24 $80 24 $95 PIE 695 Introduction to Digital Scrapbooking – Online 24 $77 24 $95 PIE 766 Grammar for ESL – Online 24 $84 24 $97 PIE 776 Number Sense and Computational Strategies – Online 24 $77 24 $95 AHP 239 Spanish for Medical Professionals 24 $80 24 $95 Vendor increased course price. AHP 250 Certificate in Complementary and Alternative Medicine 22 $210 24 $140 AHP 298 Introduction to Journaling 24 $77 24 $95 Vendor increased hours and decreased course cost. Vendor increased course cost. AHP 299 Lose Weight and Keep It Off 24 $77 24 $95 Vendor increased course cost. AHP 306 Explore a Career as an Administrative Medical Assistant 24 $77 24 $95 Vendor increased course cost. AHP 402 Stretching and Exercises for Massage Therapists 3 $30 7 $65 Increase in hours and tuition. Price increased to comply with vendor’s price change. Price increased to comply with vendor’s price change. Price increased to comply with vendor’s price change. Price has been increased to comply with vendor’s price change. Price has been increased to comply with vendor’s price change. Price has been increased to comply with vendor’s price change. CE Health (Exhibit 7.4.2) 3/23/16 COURSE TITLE OLD HOURS OLD TUITION NEW HOURS NEW TUITION COMMENTS AHP 771 Introduction to Natural Health and Healing 24 $77 24 $95 Vendor increased course cost. AHP 794 Certificate in End of Life Care 21 $190 18 $100 Vendor decreased course hours and price. AHP 795 Certificate in Gerontology 44 $205 25 $145 Vendor decreased course hours and price. (Exhibit 7.4.3) 3/23/16 COMMUNITY SERVICES ABSTRACT Item(s) to be Considered: Requestor: Consideration and deliberation on the acceptance of a grant award from the Defense Logistics Agency Department of Defense for the Contract Opportunities Center. Pablo Armendariz Area Responsible: Amount: $300,000 Contract Opportunities Center Resource Persons: Steven Smith, Kathleen Lopez, Pablo Armendariz, Al Lawrence Purpose: El Paso County Community College District (EPCC) received Notice of Award in the amount of $300,000 from the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Department of Defense (DoD) Procurement Technical Assistance Cooperative Agreement Program (PTAP) for continued operations of the Contract Opportunities Center for fiscal year 2016 (Cooperative Agreement number SP4800-16-2-1688). Explanation: The Contract Opportunities Center promotes business and economic development throughout the County of El Paso, Texas by providing procurement technical assistance, bidding and contracting opportunities to interested businesses. The Center motivates and assists business with expansion and job creation through the active pursuit of federal, state county and municipal government contracting opportunities, as well as opportunities with educational institutions and the commercial sector. Services provided include outreach counseling, assistance and guidance with marketing, bid matching, and assistance with electronic commerce. Budget Account Number: 21317-F21317, Budget Summary: $300,000 January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016 Detailed Budget Summary: 61305 61601 61605 62000 71120 71410 71420 71880 72200 Recommendation: Professional Support Pool Classified Staff PT Classified Staff FT Benefits Pool Office Supplies Memberships Subscriptions Other Out-of-town Travel Total $168,723 9,362 28,040 63,947 3,307 1,650 4,033 4,420 16,518 $300,000 Approval by the Board of Trustees. (Exhibit 8.1.1) 03/23/16 COMMUNITY SERVICES ABSTRACT Item(s) to be Considered: Requestor: Lety Jones Resource Persons: Purpose: Consideration and deliberation on the acceptance of a monetary donation. Area Responsible: Marketing & Community Relations Josette Shaughnessy, Joyce Cordell To accept the donation of $20 from Elisa Zamacona. Explanation: The monetary donation will go towards the El Paso Community College Recycling Program. Recommendation: Approval by the Board of Trustees. (Exhibit 8.2) 03/23/16