Fall 2015 Winter 2016 Arts, Crafts & More • Aquatics Baking & Cooking • Computer Cinema Series • Continued Learning Dog Training • Financial Seminars Just for Kids • Photography Planetarium Programs Sports & Fitness • Trips Discover the Opportunities Winter Classes Available JANUARY & FEBRUARY 2016 W indicates Winter classes indicates Fall and Winter classes Aquatics classes begin September 12 • Saturday classes begin October 3 • Weekday classes begin September 28, unless otherwise noted Online Registration Now Available SPORTS & FITNESS BASIC BALLROOM DANCING Discover why dancing is so popular by learning the steps to many of the modern dances. Whether you are a beginner or just want to brush up on your steps, this easy method will help you master the dance floor. Learn the fox-trot, waltz, swing dance, rumba and polka. Ballroom Dance is for couples only. Cost is per couple. INSTRUCTOR: TED AND BONNIE KNAUSS X SP31F - Wednesday, 9/30/2015-11/18/2015 (8 Sessions) X Walton Farm Gym u 7:30 PM-9:30 PM X Fee: $98 per couple X Gold Card Fee: $49 per couple BASKETBALL FOR ADULTS – Calling all basketball players for recreational play. New pickup teams compete each week in “call your own rules” play. INSTRUCTOR: MATTHEW BRICK X SP13F - Wednesday, 9/30/2015-11/18/2015 (8 Sessions) X NPHS/Boys Gym u 7:00 PM-9:00 PM X Fee: $72 (Gold Card Not Honored) X SP14W - Wednesday, 1/13/2016-2/10/2016 (5 Sessions) X Inglewood/Gym u 7:00 PM-9:00 PM X Fee: $56 (Gold Card Not Honored) WOMEN’S SELF DEFENSE – NEW This program is based on a combination of Asian martial arts and police defensive tactics. It has been refined over 20 years to the fine tuned package you will experience. These techniques are easy to use and will be reviewed every week with new ones added to build a foundation. INSTRUCTOR: SEAN KEYSER X ED22F - Wednesday, 10/7/2015-11/11/2015 (6 Sessions) X York Avenue/Gym u 7:00 PM-8:00 PM X Fee: $45 (Gold Card Not Honored) INDOOR SOCCER FOR ADULTS www.northpenncep.org – Why let the kids have all the fun? Join us for some indoor fun with five vs. five pickup games. For men and women who still want to knock the ball around. INSTRUCTOR: GLENN YETTER X SP12F - Monday, 9/28/2015-11/23/2015 (8 Sessions) X No Class: 11/2/2015 X Pennfield Middle/New Gym u 7:00 PM-8:30 PM X Fee: $61 (Gold Card Not Honored) X SP10W - Monday, 1/11/2016-2/8/2016 (4 Sessions) X No Class: 1/18/2016 X Pennfield Middle/New Gym u 7:00 PM-8:30 PM X Fee: $45 (Gold Card Not Honored) GOLF – ADULTS This is an introduction to the game of golf. You will learn the basics: proper grip, stance, set-up, alignment, the different parts of a golf swing. Chipping and putting techniques will be covered, as well as basic golf rules and etiquette. Clubs will be available. A $8 fee for a bucket of balls will be paid to Freddy Hill nightly. This course will be held at Freddy Hill Fun Center, 1440 Sumneytown Pike, Lansdale, PA 19446. Limited Enrollment. INSTRUCTOR: GREG VIDA X SP18F.1 - Tuesday, 9/15/2015-10/6/2015 (4 Sessions) X Freddy Hill Fun Center u 5:30 PM-6:30 PM X Fee: $60 (Gold Card Not Honored) X SP18F.2 - Thursday, 9/17/2015-10/8/2015 (4 Sessions) X Freddy Hill Fun Center u 5:30 PM-6:30 PM X Fee: $60 (Gold Card Not Honored) INTRODUCTION TO YOGA/HATHA This class will teach students the benefit of GENTLE yet complete postures (stretches). Breathing techniques and relaxation/visualization suggestions will be offered to enhance the mind, body and spirit connection. Bring a well cushioned mat and wear comfortable clothing. INSTRUCTOR: ROSA GILETTI X SP15F - Tuesday, 9/29/2015-11/17/2015 (6 Sessions) X No Class: 10/20/2015, 11/3/2015 X York Avenue/Gym u 6:45 PM-7:45 PM X Fee: $42 u Gold Card Fee: $21 WHAT’S INSIDE Sports & Fitness............................1-3 Baking & Cooking.......................3-4 Continued Learning...................4-5 Canine Training.......................... 6 Photography.................................... 6 Gold Card Information................. 6 Computer.......................................6-7 Planetarium................................ 7 Arts, Crafts & More......................8-9 Aquatics................................... 10-11 Just for Kids............................. 12-14 Financial Seminars...................... 14 Registration Information............ 15 Trips................................................. 16 SPORTS & FITNESS YOGA FOR MEN PILATES Build your strength by retraining muscles, increasing stamina and regaining flexibility. Feel greater ease and flexibility as your golf swing, tennis, racquet ball, running or just walking improves. Helps ease back pain and tension in the upper body, provide the additional tools to learn techniques of relaxation and enable you to regain your flexibility. Bring a well cushioned mat to class. INSTRUCTOR: ROSA GILETTI X SP14F - Tuesday, 9/29/2015-11/17/2015 (6 Sessions) X No Class: 10/20/2015, 11/3/2015 X York Avenue/Gym u 8:00 PM-9:00 PM X Fee: $42 Gold Card Fee: $21 NP COMMUNITY EDUCATION IN PARTNERSHIP WITH YMCA The following classes are offered in partnership with the YMCA. – – NEW Strengthen and lengthen your entire body with the main focus being on the “core” abs and back. All levels are welcome. INSTRUCTOR: NORTH PENN Y X SP20F.1 - Tuesday, 9/29/2015-11/24/2015 (8 Sessions) X No Class: 11/3/2015 X North Wales/Cafeteria u 6:15 PM-7:00 PM X Fee: $45 u Gold Card Fee: Free X SP20F.2 - Thursday, 10/1/2015-11/19/2015 (8 Sessions) A popular exercise class that strengthens the upper body, thigh, gluteal and abdominal muscle groups. Set to music, this class is for men and women who want to look and feel great. Bring a mat and weights to class. X SP19F.1 - Tuesday, 9/29/2015-11/24/2015 (8 Sessions) X No Class: 11/3/2015 X North Wales/Cafeteria u 7:15 PM-8:15 PM X Fee: $50 u Gold Card Fee: Free X SP19F.2 - Thursday, 10/1/2015-11/19/2015 X SP20F.3 - Tuesday/Thursday, 9/29/2015- X North Wales/Cafeteria u 7:15 PM-8:15 PM X Fee: $50 u Gold Card Fee: Free 11/24/2015 (16 Sessions) X No Class: 11/3/2015 X North Wales/Cafeteria u 6:15 PM-7:00 PM X Fee: $82 u Gold Card Fee: $41 X SP12W.1 - Tuesday, 1/12/2016-2/9/2016 (5 Sessions) (8 Sessions) X SP19F.3 - Tuesday/Thursday, 9/29/2015- 11/24/2015 (16 Sessions) X No Class: 11/3/2015 X North Wales/Cafeteria u 7:15 PM-8:15 PM X Fee: $90 u Gold Card Fee: $45 X North Wales/Cafeteria u 6:15 PM-7:00 PM X Fee: $39 u Gold Card Fee: Free X SP11W.1 - Tuesday, 1/12/2016-2/9/2016 X SP12W.2 - Thursday, 1/14/2016-2/11/2016 X North Wales/Cafeteria u 7:15 PM-8:15 PM X Fee: $42 u Gold Card Fee: Free (5 Sessions) – – X North Wales/Cafeteria u 6:15 PM-7:00 PM X Fee: $45 u Gold Card Fee: Free X No Class: 1/21/2016 X North Wales/Cafeteria u 6:15 PM-7:00 PM X Fee: $37 u Gold Card Fee: Free TOTAL BODY SHAPING FITNESS YOGA This class, based on a blend of yoga styles, is designed to enhance strength, flexibility and relaxation. Poses are linked by flowing movement and coordinated with the breath to produce a total mind/body workout. Bring a mat and towel to class. INSTRUCTOR: NORTH PENN Y X SP12W.3 - Tuesday/Thursday, 1/12/2016- 2/11/2016 (10 Sessions) X No Class: 1/21/2016 X North Wales/Cafeteria u 6:15 PM-7:00 PM X Fee: $68 u Gold Card Fee: $34 (5 Sessions) X SP11W.2 - Thursday, 1/14/2016-2/11/2016 (5 Sessions) X No Class: 1/21/2016 X North Wales/Cafeteria u 7:15 PM-8:15 PM X Fee: $40 u Gold Card Fee: Free X SP11W.3 - Tuesday/Thursday, 1/12/2016- 2/11/2016 (10 Sessions) X No Class: 1/21/2016 X North Wales/Cafeteria u 7:15 PM-8:15 PM X Fee: $74 u Gold Card Fee: $37 INSTRUCTOR: NORTH PENN Y X SP23F.1 - Monday, 9/28/2015-11/16/2015 (7 Sessions) X No Class: 11/2/2015 X Oak Park/Gym u 6:15 PM-7:15 PM X Fee: $48 u Gold Card Fee: Free X SP23F.2 - Wednesday, 9/30/2015-11/11/2015 (7 Sessions) X Oak Park/Gym u 6:15 PM-7:15 PM X Fee: $48 u Gold Card Fee: Free X SP23F.3 - Monday/Wednesday, 9/28/2015- 11/16/2015 (14 Sessions) X No Class: 11/2/2015 X Oak Park/Gym u 6:15 PM-7:15 PM X Fee: $86 u Gold Card Fee: $43 X SP15W.1 - Monday, 1/11/2016 – 2/8/2016 (4 Sessions) X No Class: 1/18/2016 X Oak Park/Gym u 6:15 PM-7:15 PM X Fee: $40 u Gold Card Fee: Free X SP15W.2 - Wednesday, 1/13/2016-2/10/2016 (5 Sessions) X Oak Park/Gym u 6:15 PM-7:15 PM X Fee: $42 u Gold Card Fee: Free X SP15W.3 - Monday/Wednesday, 1/11/2016- 2/10/2016 (9 Sessions) X Oak Park/Gym u 6:15 PM-7:15 PM X Fee: $74 u Gold Card Fee: $37 NP COMMUNITY EDUCATION IN PARTNERSHIP WITH YMCA 2 NP COMMUNITY EDUCATION IN PARTNERSHIP WITH YMCA FA L L 2 0 1 5 N O R T H P E N N C O M M U N I T Y E D U C AT I O N P R O G R A M NP COMMUNITY EDU SPORTS & FITNESS INDOOR CYCLING BAKING & COOKING – ZUMBA-LEVEL I – Workout on stationary bikes, climb hills, sprint and race in a group setting. This is a fun class whether you are a new rider or cycling enthusiast. Zumba is a fusion of Latin and International music combining fast and slow rhythms that tone and sculpt the body. INSTRUCTOR: NORTH PENN Y INSTRUCTOR: NORTH PENN Y X SP24F.1 - Tuesday, 9/29/2015-11/24/2015 (8 Sessions) X SP29F - Monday, 9/28/2015-11/16/2015 (8 Sessions) X Lansdale Y X Fee: $50 X No Class: 11/3/2015 X Hatfield/Gym u 6:30 PM-7:15 PM X Fee: $45 u Gold Card Fee: Free u 7:00 PM-7:55 PM u Gold Card Fee: Free X SP29W - Monday, 1/11/2016-2/8/2016 (5 Sessions) X Lansdale Y u 7:00 PM-7:55 PM X Fee: $42 u Gold Card Fee: Free TAI-CHI HEALTH INSTRUCTOR: NORTH PENN Y u 11:30 AM-12:25 PM u Gold Card Fee: Free (5 Sessions) X Hatfield/Gym u 6:30 PM-7:15 PM X Fee: $39 u Gold Card Fee: Free X SP16W.2 - Thursday, 1/14/2016-2/11/2016 X SP16W.3 - Tuesday/Thursday, 1/12/2016- 2/11/2016 (10 Sessions) X Hatfield/Gym u 6:30 PM-7:15 PM X Fee: $70 u Gold Card Fee: $35 – Improve muscle tone and increase joint flexibility by doing slow, controlled exercises that help strengthen and stretch your total body with an emphasis on back and abdominal muscles. All ages welcome, targeted for 55 and over. INSTRUCTOR: NORTH PENN Y ZUMBA-LEVEL II Take your Zumba to a higher level by joining this intermediate class. Zumba is a fusion of Latin and International music combining fast and slow rhythms that tone and sculpt the body. INSTRUCTOR: NORTH PENN Y (8 Sessions) X No Class: 11/3/2015 X Hatfield/Gym u 7:30 PM-8:15 PM X Fee: $45 u Gold Card Fee: Free u 11:30 AM-12:25 PM u Gold Card Fee: Free X SP30W - Thursday, 1/14/2016-2/11/2016 In this three-week program, Kathy will take the fear out of using a candy thermometer. We’ll make sophisticated candies like toffee, turtles and truffles. LOTS of samples-mmmmmm good! A materials fee of $20 is payable to the instructor the first night of class. INSTRUCTOR: KITCHEN WIZARDS, KATHY’S JUST DESSERTS X EA20F - Wednesday, 11/4/2015-11/18/2015 (3 Sessions) X NPHS/F131 X Fee: $46 u 6:00 PM-8:00 PM u Gold Card Fee: $23 Grab your friends and bake up your own cookie exchange. Participants will prepare a selection of cookie doughs - everyone takes home a platter with a variety of cookies. A materials fee of $15 is payable to the instructor. INSTRUCTOR: KITCHEN WIZARDS, KATHY’S JUST DESSERTS X EA22F - Tuesday, 12/8/2015 (1 Session) X NPHS/F131 u 6:00 PM-8:00 PM X Fee: $26 u Gold Card Fee: $13 X SP25F.3 - Tuesday/Thursday, 9/29/2015- 11/24/2015 (16 Sessions) X No Class: 11/3/2015 X Hatfield/Gym u 7:30 PM-8:15 PM X Fee: $82 u Gold Card Fee: $41 X SP17W.1 - Tuesday, 1/12/2016-2/9/2016 (5 Sessions) INSTRUCTOR: NORTH PENN Y X Hatfield/Gym u 7:30 PM-8:15 PM X Fee: $39 u Gold Card Fee: Free X SP35F - Thursday, 10/1/2015-11/19/2015 X SP17W.2 - Thursday, 1/14/2016-2/11/2016 UCATION IN PARTNERSHIP WITH YMCA CANDY MAKING X Hatfield/Gym u 7:30 PM-8:15 PM X Fee: $45 u Gold Card Fee: Free This popular Latin-dance inspired workout makes it accessible for seniors, beginners or anyone needing modification in their exercise routine. Build cardiovascular health while working the muscles of the hips, legs and arms with dance moves. u 10:30 AM-11:25 AM u Gold Card Fee: Free X EA18F - Thursday, 10/15/2015 (1 Session) X NPHS/F131 u 6:00 PM-8:00 PM X Fee: $26 u Gold Card Fee: $13 (8 Sessions) u 11:30 AM-12:25 PM u Gold Card Fee: Free (8 Sessions) INSTRUCTOR: KITCHEN WIZARDS, KATHY’S JUST DESSERTS X SP25F.2 - Thursday, 10/1/2015-11/19/2015 ZUMBA - GOLD – NEW X Lansdale Y X Fee: $50 MANGIA MADNESS ITALIAN STYLE In this one night class, we’ll make an Italian meal - homemade sauce, meatballs and yes, we’ll roll our own pasta! Kathy will choose something special for dessert, too. A $15 materials fee is payable to the instructor. COOKIE EXCHANGE – X SP25F.1 - Tuesday, 9/29/2015-11/24/2015 X SP30F - Thursday, 10/1/2015-11/19/2015 (5 Sessions) X Lansdale Y X Fee: $42 X SP16W.1 - Tuesday, 1/12/2016-2/9/2016 X Hatfield/Gym u 6:30 PM-7:15 PM X Fee: $39 u Gold Card Fee: Free ACTIVE OLDER ADULTS (AOA) HEALTHY (8 Sessions) X Lansdale Y X Fee: $50 11/24/2015 (16 Sessions) X No Class: 11/3/2015 X Hatfield/Gym u 6:30 PM-7:15 PM X Fee: $82 u Gold Card Fee: $41 (5 Sessions) X SP22F - Wednesday, 9/30/2015-11/18/2015 BODY TONING (8 Sessions) X Hatfield/Gym u 6:30 PM-7:15 PM X Fee: $45 u Gold Card Fee: Free X SP24F.3 - Tuesday/Thursday, 9/29/2015- This calming workout focuses on healing and rejuvenation. Enjoy this “easy to learn” exercise program starting with gentle stretches and flowing into “follow along” Tai-Chi movements. The instructor teaches the Sun Style form of Tai-Chi adapted from master trainers. This class may be practiced entirely with the assistance of a chair. (8 Sessions) X Lansdale Y X Fee: $50 X SP24F.2 - Thursday, 10/1/2015-11/19/2015 Please be aware that some of the ingredients used in these classes may contain traces of peanuts, peanut oils, tree nuts, egg or other food allergens. (5 Sessions) X Hatfield/Gym u 7:30 PM-8:15 PM X Fee: $39 u Gold Card Fee: Free X SP17W.3 - Tuesday/Thursday, 1/12/2016- 2/11/2016 (10 Sessions) X Hatfield/Gym u 7:30 PM-8:15 PM X Fee: $70 u Gold Card Fee: $35 NP COMMUNITY EDUCATION IN PARTNERSHIP WITH YMCA HORS D’OEUVRES & DIPS – PART I Learn some new recipes for your holiday entertaining. Samples and recipes provided. Bring our own non-alcoholic beverage to class. A materials fee of $25 is payable the first night of class. INSTRUCTOR: KITCHEN WIZARDS, KATHY’S JUST DESSERTS X EA25F - Monday, 11/23/2015-12/7/2015 (3 Sessions) X NPHS/F131 X Fee: $46 u 6:00 PM-8:00 PM u Gold Card Fee: $23 N O R T H P E N N C O M M U N I T Y E D U C AT I O N P R O G R A M FA L L 2 0 1 5 3 BAKING & COOKING (CONTINUED) CONTINUED LEARNING HORS D’OEUVRES AND DIPS – PART II – W You will be the hit of every party when you make some new, tantalizing hors d’Oeuvres and dips. Plenty of samples, so come hungry (recipes included). Join Kitchen Wizards for this three-week program. A materials fee of $25 is payable to the instructor. INSTRUCTOR: KITCHEN WIZARDS, KATHY’S JUST DESSERTS X EA13W - Thursday, 1/21/2016-2/4/2016 (3 Sessions) X NPHS/F131 X Fee: $46 u 6:00 PM-8:00 PM u Gold Card Fee: $23 MINI-DESSERTS – ECLAIRS, CREAM PUFFS & MINI TARTS – W – NEW Great portable desserts to go along with your hors d’oeuvres and dips at any party get-together. Come hungry. A materials fee of $15 is payable to the instructor. INSTRUCTOR: KITCHEN WIZARDS, KATHY’S JUST DESSERTS X EA15W - Wednesday, 2/10/2016 (1 Session) X NPHS/F131 u 6:00 PM-8:00 PM X Fee: $26 u Gold Card Fee: $13 PRESSURE CANNING VEGETABLES Learn the basics of using a pressure canner in this hands-on class focused on safely preserving low acid foods at home. Class will cover the equipment, techniques and sources of research-tested recipes for safe canning. Participants will prepare and take home a canned vegetable. Bring an apron and a small box to carry your canned items home safely. A $10 materials fee will be payable to the instructor the night of class. INSTRUCTOR: BETH MILLER, PENN STATE EXTENSION X EA16F.1 - Thursday, 10/29/2015 (1 Session) X NPHS/F131 u 6:00 PM-9:00 PM X Fee: $26 u Gold Card Fee: $13 MAKING JAMS AND JELLIES AT HOME Learn boiling water canning skills in this hands-on class focused on jams and jellies. Class is also a great review/update for experienced canners. Participants will complete a team canning project during the evening and will take home canned items. Bring an apron and a small box to carry your canned items home safely. A $10 materials fee is payable to the instructor. INSTRUCTOR: BETH MILLER, PENN STATE EXTENSION X EA17F - Thursday, 11/12/2015 (1 Session) X NPHS/F131 u 6:00 PM-9:00 PM X Fee: $26 u Gold Card Fee: $13 ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE (ESL) FOR ADULTS AARP SMART DRIVER – REFRESHER COURSE – This single day course is open to participants who have successfully completed their eighthour driver safety program within 36 months prior to registering for participation in the refresher course. This course provides four hours of comprehensive classroom instruction focusing on the effects of aging on driving. Upon successful completion of the AARP SMART DRIVER REFRESHER Program, each participant will receive a certificate. Participants 55 years of age or older, may qualify for a state mandated discount on their automobile insurance premium. Participants should contact their insurance company to determine their eligibility. Please bring a driver’s license and a check written to AARP for the appropriate class fee, $15 for AARP members and $20 for non-members. The class fee is payable the night of class. INSTRUCTOR: MARC SATALOF X ED11F - Tuesday, 10/13/2015 (1 Session) X NPHS/K30 u 5:00 PM-9:00 PM X Fee: Payable to AARP X ED14W - Tuesday, 1/19/2016 (1 Session) X NPHS/K30 u 5:00 PM-9:00 PM X Fee: Payable to AARP AARP SMART DRIVER – BASIC COURSE – This program provides eight hours of comprehensive instruction focusing on the effects of aging on driving in two, fourhour sessions. First time participants, or participants who attended more than three years ago, will focus on a variety of topics. Upon successful completion of the AARP SMART DRIVER BASIC Program, each participant will receive a certificate. Participants 55 years of age or older may qualify for a state mandated discount on their automobile insurance premium. Participants should contact their insurance company to determine their eligibility. Please bring your drivers license and a check written to AARP for the appropriate class fee, $15 for AARP members and $20 for non-members. The course fee is payable the first night of class. INSTRUCTOR: MARC SATALOF X ED10F - Monday/Tuesday, 10/5/2015-10/6/2015 SAVE 5% AT IN-PERSON REGISTRATION See page 16 for details! On-Line Registration at www.northpenncep.org 4 (2 Sessions) X NPHS/K31 u 5:00 PM-9:00 PM X Fee: Payable to AARP X ED15W - Monday/Tuesday, 1/11/2016-1/12/2016 (2 Sessions) X NPHS/K32 u 5:00 PM-9:00 PM X Fee: Payable to AARP FA L L 2 0 1 5 N O R T H P E N N C O M M U N I T Y E D U C AT I O N P R O G R A M – This beginning ESL class will be modified to fit the needs of the students. Limited to 20 registrants. INSTRUCTOR: SHARON HAYES X ED14F - Wednesday, 9/30/2015-11/18/2015 (8 Sessions) X Bridle Path/Room 101 u 6:15 PM-8:15 PM X Fee: $72 (Gold Card Not Honored) X ED14W - Wednesday, 1/13/2016-2/10/2016 (5 Sessions) X Bridle Path/Room 101 u 6:15 PM-8:15 PM X Fee: $56 (Gold Card Not Honored) 5-STEP JSD NECK-SHOULDER RELEASE Learn to find key neck and shoulder points, plus additional points to help release stubborn tensions. Practice the relaxing Jin Shin Do®BodyMind Acupressure technique on yourself and others to help melt away tense shoulders, stiff neck and headaches caused by constriction of these areas. INSTRUCTOR: KATHLEEN CAMPBELL X ED18F.1 - Monday, 10/26/2015 (1 Session) X NPHS/K32 u 7:00 PM-9:00 PM X Fee: $26 u Gold Card Fee: $13 X ED18F.2 - Monday, 11/9/2015 (1 Session) X NPHS/K32 u 7:00 PM-9:00 PM X Fee: $26 u Gold Card Fee: $13 CHAIR YOGA – W Chair Yoga is suited for anyone who spends the majority of their day sitting in a chair. Whether it is limitations due to injury, illness or natural causes as well as people required to spend the majority of their day in a standard office workspace, this practice of yoga is for you. It can give you more flexibility, physical and mental strength, increased energy and sense of wellbeing, improved memory and clarity and better concentration, improved overall health and peace. INSTRUCTOR: KATHLEEN CAMPBELL X LR12W - Monday, 1/11/2016-2/8/2016 (5 Sessions) X No Class: 1/18/2016 X NPHS/K24 u 7:00 PM-8:00 PM X Fee: $42 u Gold Card Fee: $21 FRENCH I Learn French the fast and fun way by using authentic materials and situations from the French culture. You will learn fundamental vocabulary and simple grammar that will allow you to begin speaking and reading in the language immediately. Develop comprehension, practice pronunciation and learn about the culture in a relaxed, supportive (and fun!) atmosphere. This class is for beginners, or for those who want to brush up on their French. INSTRUCTOR: CYNTHIA KING X ED12F - Monday, 9/28/2015-11/23/2015 (8 Sessions) X No Class: 11/2/2015 X NPHS/E15 u 7:00 PM-8:30 PM X Fee: $62 u Gold Card Fee: $31 CONTINUED LEARNING (CONTINUED) PARLIAMO ITALIANO! (BEGINNING ITALIAN) This class is a dynamic introduction to the Italian language and culture. Learn with a native Italian in a no-pressure course designed for beginners. Parliamo Italiano will provide you with a basic foundation in grammar, simple vocabulary and common every day phrases. Get a taste of Italy! A $20 materials fee will be payable to the instructor the first day of class. INSTRUCTOR: FRANCESCA CALABRETTA X ED13F - Saturday, 10/3/2015-11/21/2015 (7 Sessions) X No Class: 10/10/2015 X NPHS/K32 u 9:15 AM-10:45 AM X Fee: $58 u Gold Card Fee: $29 PARLIAMO ITALIANO – PART 2 – NEW If you have made it through an introductory Italian class and want to take your Italian to a new level, this class will expand your knowledge and comprehension through interactive dialogue. “Parliamo Italiano 2” will be taught in a light non-threatening atmosphere and will increase your vocabulary through real life dialogue while reinforcing basic grammar principles. A $20 materials fee is payable to the instructor on the first day of class. INSTRUCTOR: FRANCESCA CALABRETTA HANDWRITING ANALYSIS Learn what people are really like by reviewing their handwriting strokes. You can use it to amuse yourself, entertain people or serve the public. Since it reveals someone’s personality, some of its many uses are for screening employees, choosing a life partner and helping your children with life decisions. Allan Grim is the author of the groundbreaking book “Strokes: Inside the Fascinating, Mysterious World of Handwriting Analysis.” INSTRUCTOR: ALLAN GRIM X ED17F - Thursday, 10/8/2015-10/29/2015 (4 Sessions) X NPHS/K129 X Fee: $52 u 7:00 PM-9:00 PM u Gold Card Fee: $26 GUITAR BASICS FOR ADULTS Enrich your life with music! This class will cover the fundamental skills needed to begin playing the guitar. Have fun learning songs, riffs, chords and the online resources available to help your playing. So bring your guitar and let’s jam! INSTRUCTOR: THOMAS HUNT X ED30F - Wednesday, 9/30/2015-11/18/2015 (8 Sessions) X NPHS/K26 X Fee: $50 u 7:15 PM-8:15 PM u Gold Card Fee: $25 GUITAR REFRESHER FOR ADULTS – W MUSIC THEORY FOR GUITAR – W – NEW If you have taken our guitar basics class and you’re still curious about chords and scales, then this is the class for you! This class will cover how scales generate chords, which generate progressions, which constitute songs. Be prepared to take notes! INSTRUCTOR: THOMAS HUNT X ED25WF - Saturday, 1/9/2016-2/6/2016 (4 Sessions) X No Class: 1/16/2016 X NPHS/K26 u 2:00 PM-3:00 PM X Fee: $40 u Gold Card Fee: $20 BASIC BEGINNING CROCHET – NEW Come learn how easy it is to create a scarf using a foundation chain and single crochet. In this class you will learn how to read a crochet pattern and more. Bring to the first night of class two 8-ounce skeins of worsted weight yarn and a “G” crochet hook. INSTRUCTOR: HELEN TORRES X AR33F - Tuesday, 10/13/2015-10/20/2015 (2 Sessions) X Bridle Path/Room 101 u 7:00 PM-9:00 PM X Fee: $40 (Gold Card Not Honored) AMERICAN MAH JONGG “BUON VIAGGIO!” ITALIAN FOR This class is designed for students who have taken a previous guitar class with us. If you have gotten rusty or if you got too busy to practice, here’s another chance! This class will be a review of the material covered in our Guitar Basics class. Don’t give up; get a new start on your goal! INSTRUCTOR: THOMAS HUNT Come learn this fun, challenging, exciting game requiring skill and luck. Instruction will be at a relaxed pace with opportunities to practice, learn rules and try out strategies. Participants will have coached play as well as time for independent play. A $9 materials fee is payable to the instructor the first night of class. INSTRUCTOR: SHEILA MAZZOLI TRAVELERS – W X ED11W.1 - Saturday, 1/9/2016-2/6/2016 X ED34F - Monday, 10/19/2015-11/30/2015 (4 Sessions) X No Class: 1/16/2016 X NPHS/K26 u 10:15 AM-11:15 AM X Fee: $40 u Gold Card Fee: $20 X No Class: 11/2/2015 X NPHS/Faculty Dining Room u 7:00 PM-9:00 PM X Fee: $62 u Gold Card Fee: $31 X ED24F - Saturday, 10/3/2015-11/21/2015 (7 Sessions) X No Class: 10/10/2015 X NPHS/K32 u 11:00 AM-12:30 PM X Fee: $58 u Gold Card Fee: $29 In this course, taught by a native speaker, you will learn essential Italian words and phrases to guide you in various situations you will encounter as a tourist. From simple introductions and greetings to expressions for dining out, tipping basics, asking directions, socializing and more. You will learn easy-to-use phonetics that will help you speak like a native. Get a taste of Italy,with exposure to history, culture and, of course, personal anecdotes! A $20 materials fee will be payable to the instructor the first day of class. INSTRUCTOR: FRANCESCA CALABRETTA X ED19W - Saturday, 1/9/2016-2/6/2016 (4 Sessions) X No Class: 1/16/2016 X NPHS/K32 u 9:00 AM-11:00 AM X Fee: $52 u Gold Card Fee: $26 (6 Sessions) UKULELE BASICS FOR KIDS AND YOU’RE ON THE AIR…HOW TO REALLY ADULTS – W MAKE IT IN VOICE-OVERS Hey Soul Sister, did you ever want to play the ukulele? Bring your uke and Tiptoe through the Tulips with us! Previous musical experience helpful but not necessary. INSTRUCTOR: THOMAS HUNT X ED12W - Saturday, 1/9/2016-2/6/2016 (4 Sessions) X No Class: 1/16/2016 X NPHS/K26 u 11:30 AM-12:15 PM X Fee: $40 u Gold Card Fee: $20 MANDOLIN BASICS – W – NEW This class will cover the fundamental skills needed to begin playing the mandolin. Have fun learning songs, riffs, chords and the online resources available to help your playing. So bring your mandolin and let’s jam! INSTRUCTOR: THOMAS HUNT X ED16W - Saturday, 1/9/2016-2/6/2016 (4 Sessions) X No Class: 1/16/2016 X NPHS/K26 u 12:45 PM-1:45 PM X Fee: $40 u Gold Card Fee: $20 You could actually begin using your speaking voice for commercials, films and videos! Most people go about it the wrong way. We will show you a unique, outside the box way to cash in on one of the most lucrative full or part-time careers out there! This is a business you can handle on your own terms, on your own turf, in your own time and with practically no overhead! And NOW is the best time to make this happen as new companies are looking for new voices like never before. This exciting and fun class could be the game changer you’ve been looking for! INSTRUCTOR: GUY ARLEDGE, SUCH A VOICE X ED21F - Tuesday, 11/17/2015 (1 Session) X NPHS/K129 u 6:30 PM-8:30 PM X Fee: $26 (Gold Card Not Honored) On-Line Registration at www.northpenncep.org N O R T H P E N N C O M M U N I T Y E D U C AT I O N P R O G R A M FA L L 2 0 1 5 5 CANINE TRAINING COMPUTERS COURSES ARE HELD AT: Molly’s Country Kennels 2205 Wentz Church Road, Lansdale, PA 19446 DOG AGILITY TRAINING Agility is a sport for dogs, which involves a series of obstacles through which you and your dog must navigate. Activities include jumps, racing through tunnels, walking the “teeter” and climbing and descending the A-frame. Class size is limited to six pairs of dogs and owners. INSTRUCTOR: ROSALIE COULTER, MOLLYS RUN COUNTRY KENNELS X LR16F - Sunday, 10/4/2015-11/8/2015 (6 Sessions) u 9:30 AM-10:30 AM X Fee: $199 (Gold Card Not Honored) CANINE GOOD CITIZEN AND THERAPY DOG TRAINING – This class is for those who want to obtain the AKC Canine Good Citizen title for their dogs and also to certify their dogs with TDI: Therapy Dogs International. A maximum of 6 dogs and handlers will learn the skills needed to pass both tests, which will be given at the final class. Prerequisite: Level I Obedience Training (puppy kindergarten is not sufficient). INSTRUCTOR: ROSALIE COULTER, MOLLYS RUN COUNTRY KENNELS X LR18F - Wednesday, 9/30/2015-11/4/2015 (6 Sessions) X 8:00 PM-9:00 PM X Fee: $199 (Gold Card Not Honored) DOG OBEDIENCE TRAINING BASIC MICROSOFT ® WORD 2010 – Learn to make your dog a better companion through the teaching of behavior-oriented exercises. Dogs will learn to sit, lie down, stay, stand, heel (walk by your side without pulling), come when they are called and remain in control when approached and touched by a stranger. Motivation is stressed, correction or punishment is de-emphasized. Minimum age of dog is eight weeks. Class size limited to 6 dogs. INSTRUCTOR: ROSALIE COULTER, MOLLYS RUN COUNTRY KENNELS X LR17F.1 - Wednesday, 9/30/2015-11/4/2015 (6 Sessions) X 6:45 PM-7:45 PM X Fee: $199 (Gold Card Not Honored) X LR17F.3 - Saturday, 10/3/2015-11/7/2015 (6 Sessions) Gain basic understanding of Microsoft Word. Learn how to navigate the Ribbon. Learn how the many commands operate. Learn how to format documents for different purposes through in-class exercises. Topics covered will be text and paragraph formatting, page formatting, bullets and numbered lists, headers and footers and tables. INSTRUCTOR: KAREN KELLY X CP11F - Tuesday, 9/29/2015-10/27/2015 (5 Sessions) X NPHS/K26 u 6:00 PM-9:00 PM X Fee: $69 (Gold Card Not Honored) ADVANCED MICROSOFT ® WORD 2010 Quick review of the Ribbon commands and tools. Learn to work with built-in styles, create multi-level lists and insert and format text boxes, shapes and objects. Learn to work with columns, create mail merges and forms. This course is a hands-on class working with different commands during the class exercises. INSTRUCTOR: KAREN KELLY X 12:30 PM-1:30 PM X Fee: $199 (Gold Card Not Honored) X CP14F - Tuesday, 11/10/2015-12/15/2015 X LR10W - Wednesday, 1/13/2016-2/17/2016 X NPHS/K26 u 6:00 PM-9:00 PM X Fee: $77 (Gold Card Not Honored) (6 Sessions) X 6:45 PM-7:45 PM X Fee: $199 (Gold Card Not Honored) X LR15W - Saturday, 1/16/2016-2/20/2016 (6 Sessions) X 12:30 PM-1:30 PM X Fee: $199 (Gold Card Not Honored) X LR11W - Wednesday, 1/13/2016-2/17/2016 (6 Sessions) (6 Sessions) GOOGLE APPS – W Learn the secrets of Google Drive’s powerful suite of tools. In this course, we will cover how to use Gmail and manage schedules in the Calendar App. This class will also show real-time collaboration using the documents, spreadsheets, Presentation and Form Apps. INSTRUCTOR: KAREN KELLY X 8:00 PM-9:00 PM X Fee: $199 (Gold Card Not Honored) X CP16W - Tuesday, 1/12/2016-2/9/2016 (5 Sessions) X NPHS/K26 u 6:00 PM-8:30 PM X Fee: $62 (Gold Card Not Honored) PHOTOGRAPHY USING AN EXTERNAL FLASH FOR BETTER FLASH PHOTOS This three-week course is designed to help the photographer improve his/her flash photos by using an external flash. The student must have a DSLR camera and an external flash. Other cameras are acceptable as long as they accept an external flash (e.g. Canon G series cameras or Nikon’s equivalent models). The student will receive assignments after each class to be reviewed during the next class. INSTRUCTOR: LOU LIGUORI X PH13F - Monday, 9/21/2015-10/5/2015 (3 Sessions) X NPHS/K125 u 7:00 PM-9:00 PM X Fee: $46 u Gold Card Fee: $23 6 NPSD DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY-INTRODUCTION This introductory course to photography, designed especially for digital camera users, teaches you to use the camera as a creative tool by using different camera modes for people, landscapes, sports, flowers, etc. Course includes a night photography field trip on December 2, 2015 and a Saturday field trip to Valley Forge National Park on November 21, 2015. INSTRUCTOR: LOU LIGUORI X PH10F - Wednesday, 11/4/2015-12/9/2015 (4 Sessions + 2 Field Trips) X No Class: 11/25/2015 X NPHS/K125 u 7:00 PM-9:00 PM X Fee: $62 u Gold Card Fee: $31 FA L L 2 0 1 5 N O R T H P E N N C O M M U N I T Y E D U C AT I O N P R O G R A M Gold Card Club Gold Card Club Residents of the North Penn School District who are at least 60 years of age may become members of the Gold Card Club. Members may participate in one course in Spring, Fall and Winter terms at the Gold Card rate. Some programs do not qualify for Gold Card discounts, so please check the program description. Your Gold Card may also be used for free admission to athletic events (except play-off games) sponsored by the school district. Admission for one free showing per play. Interested persons should come to the Office of School & Community Engagement at 401 East Hancock St., Lansdale, PA to apply for their Gold Card during the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. A current driver’s license/ID card is required to verify your mailing address. Gold Card Registrations are not accepted online. Mail-in only. COMPUTERS (CONTINUED) PLANETARIUM IPAD BEGINNER BASICS Although this is a class for beginners, you will cover lots of material at a brisk pace. Some of the topics covered include setting up your iPad with mail, the App Store, Wifi connections, as well as all preloaded apps including the camera, Face Time, Safari and more. The second session will include shortcuts, tricks and tips, suggested apps and time to address your questions! Participants will need to supply their own fully-charged iPads, and remember, not all tablets are the same. This class is specific to the iPad. INSTRUCTOR: BRETT BAKER X CP13F - Monday, 10/12/2015-10/19/2015 (2 Sessions) X Bridle Path/Room 101 u 6:30 PM-9:00 PM X Fee: $43 (Gold Card Not Honored) All programs available for adults and children ages 5 and up. Children ages 5-12 must be accompanied by an adult. These guidelines do not indicate age appropriateness of the program. All programs are held in the North Penn High School Planetarium, Room C25. Telescope viewing and stargazing follows each program, weather permitting. IPAD II – KICKING IT UP A NOTCH! – NEW This is not a beginner class. We will explore the App. Store, create bookmarks and reading lists. Using the app, Evernote, we will learn how to collect and store documents. We will work in iBooks and access the iBooks Store. We will also spend time with the most recent tips and tricks. Bring a fully charged iPad to class. INSTRUCTOR: BRETT BAKER X CP16F - Monday, 11/9/2015-11/16/2015 (2 Sessions) X Bridle Path/Room 101 u 6:30 PM-9:00 PM X Fee: $43 (Gold Card Not Honored) SAVE 5% AT IN-PERSON REGISTRATION u Tuesday, September 15 p.m. u Educational Services Center u 5-8 401 East Hancock St. Lansdale, PA 19446 A 5% discount will be given for registrations on this night only. Register On-Line at www.northpenncep.org and enter the code ONLINE5 during 5 pm to 8 pm to receive the same discount! Please note: Forms should be completed and brought with payment to in-person registration. Registrations can be mailed in at any time but the 5% discount is not accepted on mail-in registrations. TELESCOPE 101 Please Note: You can enter through the NPHS Main Doors or Door C3 to walk to the Planetarium. THE WONDERS OF THE FALL SKY Come join us at the North Penn Planetarium for an evening of discovering wonders of the night sky. Through a short program and discussion we will tour our current fall sky learning of all the secrets that it holds. X SK10F.1–SK10F.2 - Monday, 10/19/2015 Have a telescope sitting in the corner getting dusty? Thinking of getting into stargazing, but are baffled by all of the choices of telescopes out there. Join us in the Planetarium for a night of learning about how telescopes work and the things you need to know if you are looking to buy one. Bring your telescope with you and you will learn how to calibrate it and use it effectively to look at the stars. Weather permitting we will use our telescopes to view some celestial objects. X SK20F.1–SK20F.2 - Monday, 9/21/2015 (1 Session) X NPHS/C25 u 7:30 PM-8:30 PM X Fees: Adults $8; Students $6 X Gold Card Fee: Free But Must Register SOLAR SYSTEM ALL CLASSES INSTRUCTED BY NPHS INSTRUCTOR JAMES BAUMAN. – Our very own spaceship is getting an upgrade. Come take a ride with us as we explore our solar system and unravel its secrets! X SK15F.1–SK15F.2 - Monday, 11/16/2015 (1 Session) X NPHS/C25 u 7:30 PM-8:30 PM X Fees: Adults $8; Students $6 X Gold Card Fee: Free But Must Register X SK12W.1–SK12W.2 - Monday, 2/22/2016 (1 Session) X NPHS/C25 u 7:30 PM-8:30 PM X Fees: Adults $8; Students $6 X Gold Card Fee: Free But Must Register (1 Session) X NPHS/C25 u 7:30 PM-8:30 PM X Fees: Adults $8; Students $6 X Gold Card Fee: Free But Must Register THE WONDERS OF THE WINTER SKY Come join us at the North Penn Planetarium for an evening of discovering wonders of the night sky. Through a short program and discussion we will tour our current night sky learning of all the secrets that it holds. X SK13F.1–SK13F.2 - Monday, 12/14/2015 (1 Session) X NPHS/C25 u 7:30 PM-8:30 PM X Fees: Adults $8; Students $6 X Gold Card Fee: Free But Must Register NAVIGATING WITH THE STARS – W How did ancient sailors sail across the oceans without the use of a GPS unit and radar? By using the stars of course! Come learn how the stars can help us find our way as we travel on Earth. X SK10W.1–SK10W.2 - Monday, 1/25/2016 (1 Session) X NPHS/C25 u 7:30 PM-8:30 PM X Fees: Adults $8; Students $6 X Gold Card Fee: Free But Must Register On-Line Registration at www.northpenncep.org N O R T H P E N N C O M M U N I T Y E D U C AT I O N P R O G R A M FA L L 2 0 1 5 7 ARTS, CRAFTS & MORE Art Alliance Classes are offered in partnership with the North Penn Community Education Program. The Gold Card Fee is not honored for any of the NPAA classes. MOSAICS (AGES 15 AND UP) Mosaics are about using smaller pieces of materials such as tiles or stones, to create a larger image. You will create their own mosaic, whether it is a functional or decorative piece and will be involved with entire process which covers design, vocabulary and materials/tools. You will have the opportunity to be assisted individually with developing your project throughout the four week session. For all skill levels. A $35 supply fee payable to instructor the first night of class. INSTRUCTOR: MAIRIN EGGE, NP ART ALLIANCE X AR29F - Monday, 9/28/2015-10/19/2015 (4 Sessions) X NPHS/J12 u 7:00 PM-9:00 PM X Fee: $59 (Gold Card Not Honored) OIL AND ACRYLIC FOR TEENS AND ADULTS COLLAGE WORKSHOP (AGES 12 - ADULT) Beginning and skilled artists will learn basic oil painting techniques, color theory, composition and rules of perspective. Parents are required to attend the first class with teens to get information regarding materials needed. Fee includes one canvas board. You will learn to plan and execute collages. Using a variety of cut and torn papers, fabrics, small found objects, paint, markers, etc. Create a unique work of art suitable for framing. Vocabulary, supports, adhesives and variety of supplies will be discussed in the first class. Bring scissors, pencil and paper to class. A $25 materials fee is payable the first day of class. INSTRUCTOR: WILLIAM LETVENKO, NP ART ALLIANCE X AR35F - Tuesday, 9/29/2015-12/8/2015 (10 Sessions) X No Class: 11/3/2015 X NPHS/J7 u 7:00 PM-9:00 PM X Fee: $112 (Gold Card Not Honored) PORTRAIT DRAWING – ADULT Would you like to dabble in multiple mediums? This class is for you. Similar to our children’s multi media class, you will work in different mediums, which may include pen and ink, printmaking, paints, collage, fabric arts and sculpture to create original art. A $40 materials fee will be payable to the instructor the first night of class. Please bring pencil and notepaper to class. INSTRUCTOR: BARBARA MOSS-BUSCHER, NP ART ALLIANCE INSTRUCTOR: CAROLINE NIESLEY, NP ART ALLIANCE X AR39F - Monday, 9/28/2015-12/7/2015 X AR37F - Tuesday, 9/29/2015-12/8/2015 (10 Sessions) X No Class: 11/2/2015 X NPHS/J18 u 7:00 PM-9:00 PM X Fee: $112 (Gold Card Not Honored) X No Class: 11/3/2015 X NPHS/J6 u 7:00 PM-9:00 PM X Fee: $112 (Gold Card Not Honored) (10 Sessions) INSTRUCTOR: JULIANNA LANGE, NP ART ALLIANCE X AR21F - Tuesday, 10/13/2015-12/8/2015 (8 Sessions) X No Class: 11/3/2015 X NPHS/J6-J12 u 7:00 PM-9:00 PM X Fee: $112 (Gold Card Not Honored) On-Line Registration at www.northpenncep.org 8 (4 Sessions) OIL/ACRYLIC PAINTING FOR CHILDREN AGE 10–ADULT Beginning and skilled artists will learn basic oil painting techniques, color theory, composition and rules of perspective. Parents are required to attend the first class with school-aged children to get information regarding materials needed. Fee includes one canvas board. INSTRUCTOR: WILLIAM LETVENKO, NP ART ALLIANCE X AR20F - Saturday, 10/3/2015-12/12/2015 (10 Sessions) X No Class: 11/28/2015 X NPHS/J7 u 11:00 AM-1:00 PM X Fee: $112 (Gold Card Not Honored) SAVE 5% AT IN-PERSON REGISTRATION See page 16 for details! CERAMICS – ADULT Intro into handbuilding: pinch, coil and slab methods. Explore new techniques with both red clay which is native to our area and white clay. Open studio for advanced students. Basic potter’s wheel available for experienced students. All levels welcome. A $45 materials fee which includes firing time is payable to instructor the first night of class. Registration must be in by 9/15/2015 to allow for ordering of supplies. X AR25F - Saturday, 10/10/2015-10/31/2015 X NPHS/J12 u 11:30 AM-1:30 PM X Fee: $59 (Gold Card Not Honored) For those who always wanted to capture a likeness, regardless of previous drawing experience, this class is for you. You will draw a self-portrait, make a master copy and draw from a live model. A wide variety of drawing methods and mediums will be demonstrated, including pencil, prisma color pencils, conte crayon and charcoal. Sketching, line, value and comparative measuring along with drawing fundamentals will be discussed. Supply list will be given in the first class. A $20 model fee is payable to the instructor the first night of class. ADULT MULTI MEDIA – NEW INSTRUCTOR: BARBARA MOSS-BUSCHER, NP ART ALLIANCE N O R T H P E N N H O L I D AY C R A F T FA I R Saturday, November 21, 2015 • 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. This outstanding show of traditional and contemporary work with 95 craft artists features pottery, jewelry, woodcarving, tin ware, baskets, folk art, furniture, ceramics, calligraphy, dolls and more. FA L L 2 0 1 5 N O R T H P E N N C O M M U N I T Y E D U C AT I O N P R O G R A M North Penn High School 1340 Valley Forge Road Lansdale, PA Present this coupon at the admission gate for a $1 admission discount off the $5 individual admission price. • One coupon per adult • Children 12 and under are free (no strollers) • Lunch is available for purchase and parking is free. • Sponsored by the North Penn International Friendship Committee. • Proceeds benefit the North Penn High School International Youth Exchange Program. ARTS, CRAFTS & MORE (CONTINUED) CRAFT CLASSES FOR THE HOLIDAYS Use square 2 hole Checkmate beads combined with super duo beads to create a beautiful bracelet. An intermediate skill level is required. A materials fee of $35 is payable to the instructor. CLASSES WILL BE HELD AT: HAGUE’S CHRISTMAS TREES 755 FORTY FOOT ROAD, HATFIELD, PA 19440 Go to www.hagueschristmastrees.com to see samples of the projects. Instructions will be given on materials and hardware used for each project along with a demonstration of the technique. Bring hand pruners and garden gloves to class. INSTRUCTOR: JUDI CLYMAN EVERGREEN WREATH OR TABLE-TOP CHRISTMAS TREE A PINE CONE WREATH ARRANGEMENT OR HOLIDAY Create a 24" diameter evergreen OR an 18" pine cone wreath, both with bow and decorations. Bow making will be taught and practiced. Bring needle nose pliers, wire cutters and glue gun with sticks. A materials fee of $17 will be payable to the instructor the night of class. INSTRUCTOR: GARY HAGUE X AR28F - Tuesday, 12/1/2015 (1 Session) X 7:00 PM-9:00 PM X Fee: $26 (Gold Card Not Honored) EVERGREEN WREATH DECORATING FOR CHILD AND PARENT Children age 9 and older with a parent or another adult may enjoy decorating a fresh evergreen fir wreath to adorn your door during the holidays. You may choose from a variety of ribbons for your bow and many decorations including cones, picks and ornaments. Bring needle-nose pliers and wire cutters. Material fee will be based on the size wreath you choose and the decorations will be on an a` la caret basis, payable to the instructor. Average materials fee for a 24" wreath can range from $29 to $34. INSTRUCTOR: GARY HAGUE X AR26F - Monday, 12/7/2015 (1 Session) X 6:15 PM-7:45 PM X Fee: $26 (Gold Card Not Honored) CZECHMATE SUPER DUO CUFF BRACELET – NEW X AR38F - Monday, 10/12/2015 (1 Session) X Childworks Inc., 1574 Sumneytown Pike, Kulpsville, PA u 6:30 PM-8:30 PM X Fee: $26 (Gold Card Not Honored) PATTERN SUPER DUO CUFF BRACELET – NEW CENTERPIECE Choose to create a table-top Christmas tree arrangement (18"x10") using an Oasis bowl, greens, bow and decorations OR a centerpiece in an Oasis bowl using a candle, greens, cones, winterberry and other decorations. Instructions will be given on materials to be used, with demonstration of the technique. Bring hand pruners (garden gloves optional). A material fee of $17 for the table top tree or $13 for the holiday centerpiece will be payable to the instructor the night of class. INSTRUCTOR: GARY HAGUE X AR11F - Tuesday, 12/8/2015 (1 Session) X 7:00 PM-9:00 PM X Fee: $26 (Gold Card Not Honored) MAKE A LOG ARRANGEMENT BOX Create an arrangement in a log box using greens, cones, winterberry, bow and other extras to decorate the arrangement. Bow making will be taught and practiced. A materials fee of $17 will be payable to the instructor the night of class. INSTRUCTOR: GARY HAGUE Follow a pattern combing two holed Czechmate and super duo beads to complete a bracelet. An intermediate skill level is required. A materials fee of $35 is payable to the instructor. INSTRUCTOR: JUDI CLYMAN X AR40F - Tuesday, 10/20/2015 (1 Session) X Childworks Inc., 1574 Sumneytown Pike, Kulpsville, PA u 6:30 PM-8:30 PM X Fee: $26 (Gold Card Not Honored) HAND BLOWN GLASS ORNAMENTS Make ten beautiful hand blown glass ornaments for the holidays. Using a hot head torch, you will learn to heat the glass and the blow to create shape. No prior experience is needed. Please bring a box and package wrapping material. A $45 materials fee will be payable to the instructor the night of class. Limited enrollment. INSTRUCTOR: LEANNE PURKIS X AR15F.1 - Thursday, 10/8/2015-10/15/2015 (2 Sessions) X NPHS/K224 u 6:30 PM-9:00 PM X Fee: $42 (Gold Card Not Honored) X AR15F.2 - Monday, 10/19/2015-10/26/2015 (2 Sessions) X AR12F - Tuesday, 12/15/2015 (1 Session) X 7:00 PM-9:00 PM X Fee: $26 (Gold Card Not Honored) X NPHS/K224 u 6:30 PM-9:00 PM X Fee: $42 (Gold Card Not Honored) X AR15F.3 - Tuesday, 12/15/2015-12/22/2015 (2 Sessions) X NPHS/K224 u 6:30 PM-9:00 PM X Fee: $42 (Gold Card Not Honored) PEYOTE SUPER DUO BRACELET – NEW ROSE MONTEE BRACELET – W – NEW INSTRUCTOR: JUDI CLYMAN Learn an easy two needle technique to create this blingy bracelet using glass pearls with rose montee embellishment. A materials fee of $25 is payable to the instructor. INSTRUCTOR: JUDI CLYMAN X AR31F - Tuesday, 10/6/2015 (1 Session) X Childworks Inc., 1574 Sumneytown Pike, Kulpsville, PA u 6:30 PM-8:30 PM X Fee: $26 (Gold Card Not Honored) X AR15W - Tuesday, 1/19/2016 (1 Session) X Childworks Inc., 1574 Sumneytown Pike, Kulpsville, PA u 6:30 PM-8:30 PM X Fee: $26 (Gold Card Not Honored) Use a simple peyote stitch to make a bracelet with two holed super duo beads. A materials fee of $30 is payable to the instructor. BEADED SNOWFLAKE EARRINGS – NEW BEADED ORNAMENT – NEW Complete a Snowflake Earring set using super duo two holed beads. A materials fee of $20 is payable to the instructor. INSTRUCTOR: JUDI CLYMAN Create a beautiful beaded drape to fit over a Christmas ball. A materials fee of $20 is payable to the instructor. INSTRUCTOR: JUDI CLYMAN X AR44F - Tuesday, 11/17/2015 (1 Session) X Childworks Inc, 1574 Sumneytown Pike, Kulpsville, PA u 6:30 PM-8:30 PM X Fee: $26 (Gold Card Not Honored) X AR44F - Tuesday, 12/1/2015 (1 Session) X Childworks Inc, 1574 Sumneytown Pike, Kulpsville, PA u 6:30 PM-8:30 PM X Fee: $26 (Gold Card Not Honored) INTRODUCTION TO FUSED GLASS Learn several techniques used in glass fusing and slumping (kiln formed glass). You will have the opportunity to make several projects such as cabochons, a small plate and a candle dish. Learn techniques including forced bubbles, dichroic glass, creating a basketweave pattern. Have fun while we explore all that warm glass has to offer in this class. A materials fee of $80 will be payable to the instructor the night of class. INSTRUCTOR: LEANNE PURKIS X AR14F - Monday, 11/9/2015-12/7/2015 (5 Sessions) X NPHS/K224 u 6:30 PM-8:30 PM X Fee: $56 (Gold Card Not Honored) On-Line Registration at www.northpenncep.org N O R T H P E N N C O M M U N I T Y E D U C AT I O N P R O G R A M FA L L 2 0 1 5 9 AQUATICS IN-PERSON REGISTRATION Tuesday, September 8, 2015 from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM in the Pool Lobby. How to Join the Pool Membership is required of all participants (residents and non-residents) age five and above. Memberships are good for one year (from September through July) and are not transferable. The membership entitles each person to three free admissions to either the Tuesday, Thursday or Friday night recreational or fitness swims. There will be no refunds, only one-year credits for withdrawal from class. Withdrawal from class must be before the first day of the class. There will be no credits given after the class starts. MEMBERSHIP FEES: u $23 resident, $28 non-resident u $48 resident family, $57 non-resident family u Gold Card Fee: Free to residents Memberships are good from September to July. SEASON PASS: Season pass fee (for adults only) is $130 and entitles swimmers to use the facility for all recreational and fitness swims September through July. Season pass holders must be members of the aquatics program. MEDICAL CARDS: Cards must be completed and returned to the pool office before participating in any of the programs. A parent or guardian may complete children’s medical cards. Medical cards may be obtained at the North Penn High School Pool (1340 Valley Forge Rd., Lansdale, PA) or online at www.northpenncep.org or www.npenn.org/aquatics. MAIL AQUATICS REGISTRATIONS TO: North Penn Community Aquatic Program c/o North Penn High School Attention: Rhonda Diliberto, Aquatics Director 1340 Valley Forge Road, Lansdale, PA 19446. Learn-to-Swim Please note - The program of instruction will be taught by experienced instructors with a teacher-student ratio of approximately 1 to 5. Classes will not run with fewer than three students. Participants must be members of the Community Aquatic Program. Former participants should bring a copy of their last progress sheet to the first class. Gold card will be honored for membership only. No googles for children in Pre-beginner, Beginner and Beginner I levels. LEARN-TO-SWIM: SATURDAY Children must be attending kindergarten or older, and be at least 45 inches tall to attend these swim lessons. X Saturday, 9/12/2015-11/7/2015 (8 Sessions) X No Class: 10/24/2015 u NPHS/Pool X Fee: $61 plus annual membership fee X Monday/Wednesday/Friday, 9/21/2015- X AQ10F X 9:00 AM-9:45 AM X AQ11F X 9:50 AM-10:35 AM Pre-Beginner Beginner Beginner I Beginner II Adv. Beginner Intermediate Pre-Beginner Beginner Beginner I Beginner II Adv. Beginner Intermediate II X AQ12F X 10:40 AM-11:25 AM Pre-beginner Beginner Beginner I Beginner II LEARN-TO-SWIM: TUESDAY/THURSDAY X AQ23F - Tuesday/Thursday, 10/15/2015- 11/12/2015 (8 Sessions) X No Class: 10/22/2015 X NPHS/Pool u 5:00 PM-5:45 PM X Fee: $61 plus annual membership Level Requirements Pre-beginner: u rhythmical bobbing & exhaling u back & prone float plus turn (unassisted) u flutter kick – back & prone (20’ with kick board) Beginner: u prone glide & kick u back glide & kick u over armstroke breathing to side u change of direction Beginner I: u prone glide & kick (25’) u sit dive; over armstroke (50’) u bilateral breathing pattern Beginner II: u standing dive; overarm stroke (50 yds.) u bilateral breathing pattern u backstroke (30’) Adv. Beginner: u continued skill development u elementary backstroke Intermediate I: u continued skill development u sidestroke Intermediate II: u continued skill development u breaststroke Swimmer and Advanced Swimmer: u continued skill development u endurance Stroke Improvement: u must complete Advanced Swimmer u designed for non-competitive swimmers u further improve strokes with endurance u work toward lifeguarding course 10 10/9/2015 (8 Sessions) X No Class: 9/23/2015 u NPHS/Pool X Fee: $61 plus annual membership fee X AQ13F X 4:10 PM-4:55 PM X AQ14F X 5:00 PM-5:45 PM Pre-beginner Beginner Beginner I Beginner II Pre-beginner Beginner Beginner I Beginner II Adv. Beginner Intermediate I & II Swimmer, Adv. Swimmer Adv. Beginner Swim/Adv. Swim Stroke Improvement Pre-Beginner, Beginner, Beginner I, Beginner II Skills listed must be mastered before advancement to next level. LEARN-TO-SWIM: MWF Children must be 5 years old or older and be at least 45 inches tall to attend these swim lessons. PARENT AND CHILD SWIMMING INSTRUCTION This program is for children age two to five who have not yet entered first grade and will help prepare your child for our Learn-toSwim group lessons. The program is designed to help children learn to relax in the water, to have fun and to introduce basic swimming skills of floating and kicking. Games, stunts and safety skills are taught to help develop water adjustment and confidence. A teacher from the deck will direct parents in the water to lead their children through various skills and aquatic games. Parents must be members of the Community Aquatic Program. Swim diapers must be worn in the pool instead of regular, disposable diapers. FIVE-YEAR-OLD LEARN TO SWIM This course is designed specifically for water-adjusted children but do not meet the basic height requirements of the regular Learn-to-Swim program. The basic objective of this class is to prepare the youngsters for group lessons and to teach pre-beginner skills of floating, kicking and breathing. Teacher-student ratio will be 1 to 2. LIMITED ENROLLMENT. INSTRUCTOR: NP INSTRUCTORS X AQ16F - Tuesday/Thursday, 10/15/2015- 11/12/2015 (8 Sessions) X No Class: 10/22/2015 X NPHS/Pool u 4:30 PM-5:00 PM X Fee: $61 plus annual memebership INSTRUCTOR: NP INSTRUCTORS X AQ15F - Tuesday/Thursday, 10/15/2015- 11/12/2015 (8 Sessions) X No Class: 10/22/2015 X NPHS/Pool u 4:30 PM-5:00 PM X Fee: $61 plus annual memebership FA L L 2 0 1 5 N O R T H P E N N C O M M U N I T Y E D U C AT I O N P R O G R A M www.npenn.org/aquatics AQUATICS REGISTRATION REMINDERS • Please visit www.npenn.org/aquatics for information on our Adult Lap & Fitness Swims and our Friday Night Family Swims. • Mail aquatics registrations to: North Penn Community Aquatic Program; c/o North Penn High School, attn: Rhonda Diliberto, Aquatic Director, 1340 Valley Forge Road; Lansdale, PA 19446 • Gold Card Honored for Membership Only. WATER AEROBICS ADULT LAP AND FITNESS Fun and fitness through water exercise. Ability to swim is not necessary. (Exercises performed in 3.5-4 feet of water). Class includes warm-up, progressive aerobic exercises, resistive exercises to music and cool-down. INSTRUCTOR: NP INSTRUCTORS Lifeguard Training Participants must be members of the Community Aquatic Program. This swim is open to the public and will be held each week, except on days when the school is closed for vacation, or emergency school closing. No pre-registration is necessary. Participants must be older than 15 years of age. Fitness swimming lanes will be provided for members and all members will be asked to circle swim when more than two swimmers are in a lane. Multiple programs will be running concurrently. A membership entitles each person to three free admissions. X AQ19F - Wednesday, 9/16/2015-11/18/2015 (9 Sessions) X No Class: 9/23/2015 X NPHS/Pool u 7:30 PM-8:30 PM X Fee: $67 plus annual membership S P R I N G A N D S U MME R 2 0 1 6 Call 215-368-3340 for more information. Registration begins in January 2016. X Beginning Tuesday, 9/15/2015 X Tues., 8 PM-9:30 PM; Thurs., 8 PM-9:30 PM; Participants must be 15 years old before the last scheduled class session. Sessions fill quickly and enrollment is limited. Please visit www.npenn.org/aquatics for more information on this course. Fri., 7:30 PM-9:30 PM X Pool closed: 10/23, 11/13, 11/26, 11/27, 12/24/2015-1/1/2016 X Daily Fee: Adult members $5, Guest $6 North Penn Community Water Polo North Penn Aquatic Club GRADES 6-8 ADULT SWIM IMPROVEMENT U S A S W I MMI N G /C OMP E T IT IVE A G E G R O U P S WIMMIN G A N D D I V I N G TE A MS Designed for adults interested in learning how to swim or improve their swimming skills. Class will be held dependent upon number or registrations. Fee plus membership fee. X In-District Registration: 9/2/2015, from 6 PM-8 PM in NPHS Pool Lobby INSTRUCTOR: NP INSTRUCTORS X AQ17F - Tuesday, 9/22/2015-11/10/2015 X Out-of-District Registration: 9/3/2015, X Registration: 9/15/2015 from 8-9 PM in (8 Sessions) from 6 PM-8 PM in NPHS Pool Lobby the NPHS Pool. X NPHS/Pool u 8:00 PM-9:00 PM X Fee: $67 plus annual membership For further information, please contact Jeff Faikish at 215-368-3340 or faikisjd@npenn.org or visit www.northpennaquaticclub.org. For further information please contact Katie Grunmeier at grunmeka@npenn.org or Jason Grubb at grubbjt@npenn.org. www.npenn.org/aquatics FALL 2015/WINTER 2016 COMMUNITY AQUATIC PROGRAM ENROLLMENT FORM For more information, please email Rhonda Diliberto at diliber@npenn.org, or call 215-368-3340 and leave a message. Registration is accepted only when fee and medical cards are received. Registrants may assume acceptance unless otherwise notified. $30 Returned Check Applies. child’s first name (and last name if different) family last name age date course number and class level (refer to Level Requirements) street city state cell or home phone zip code e-mail Payment may be made by cash, check or money order. Credit cards are only accepted through on-line registration at www.northpenncep.org. Make checks payable to North Penn Community Aquatic Program. Send enrollment form to: North Penn Community Aquatic Program, North Penn High School, Attention: Rhonda Diliberto, Aquatic Director, 1340 Valley Forge Road, Lansdale, PA 19446. Online registration available at www.northpenncep.org start date of session $ course fee day & time $ membership fee $ total fee child’s first name (and last name if different) age course number and class level (refer to Level Requirements) start date of session $ course fee day & time $ membership fee $ total fee N O R T H P E N N C O M M U N I T Y E D U C AT I O N P R O G R A M FA L L 2 0 1 5 11 Just for Kids! Art Alliance classes are offered in partnership with the North Penn Community Education Program. BEGINNING CARTOONING (GRADES K-5) COLLAGE WORKSHOP (AGES 12-ADULT) Learn basic cartooning drawing and more! Draw your own characters learning from the cartoons you love. Learn basic shapes to make people and animals look real, draw funny faces and storytelling with pictures. Using pencils and ink, you will create a short comic of your own. Fee includes materials. INSTRUCTOR: CAROLINE NIESLEY, NP ART ALLIANCE Students will learn to plan and execute collages. Using a variety of cut and torn papers, fabrics, small found objects, paint, markers, etc. create a unique work of art suitable for framing. Vocabulary, supports, adhesives and variety of supplies will be discussed in the first class. Bring scissors, pencil and paper to class. A $25 materials fee is payable the first day of class. X KD22F - Saturday, 10/3/2015-11/21/2015 INSTRUCTOR: BARBARA MOSS-BUSCHER, NP ART ALLIANCE (8 Sessions) X NPHS/J6 X Fee: $107 X AR25F - Saturday, 10/10/2015-10/31/2015 u 9:00 AM-10:30 AM ANIME/MANIA (GRADES 5-8) Learn to draw your own characters in the style of popular Anime and Manga books. Children will explore Japanese cartoon styles making their own concept art. Learn to make eyes shine, chibi and realistic proportions and sequential storytelling. Using pencils, markers and Manga pens you will create a short Manga of your own. Recommended but not required at least one prior beginners cartoon class. Fee includes materials. INSTRUCTOR: CAROLINE NIESLEY, NP ART ALLIANCE X KD38F - Saturday, 10/3/2015-11/21/2015 (8 Sessions) X NPHS/J6 X Fee: $107 (4 Sessions) X NPHS/J12 u 11:30 AM-1:30 PM X Fee: $59 (Gold Card Not Honored) u 11:00 AM-12:30 PM ART EXPLORATIONS: MULTIMEDIA ART I (GRADES K-3) Students will create artwork using a variety of techniques and mediums which may include paints, printmaking, pastels, markers, clay and more. Two and three dimensional projects which may include seasonal themes will be included. Classes are geared to all levels. Fee includes materials costs. INSTRUCTOR: DEBBIE CELENZA, NP ART ALLIANCE X KD24F.1 - Saturday, 10/3/2015-11/21/2015 (8 Sessions) X NPHS/J18 X Fee: $107 u 9:00 AM-10:30 AM INSTRUCTOR: MAIRIN EGGE, NP ART ALLIANCE X AR29F - Monday, 9/28/2015-10/19/2015 (4 Sessions) X NPHS/J12 u 7:00 PM-9:00 PM X Fee: $59 (Gold Card Not Honored) OIL AND ACRYLIC FOR TEENS AND ADULTS Beginning and skilled artists will learn basic oil painting techniques, color theory, composition and rules of perspective. Parent are required to attend the first class with teens to get information regarding materials needed. Fee includes one canvas board. INSTRUCTOR: WILLIAM LETVENKO, NP ART ALLIANCE X AR35F - Tuesday, 9/29/2015-12/8/2015 X KD24F.2 - Saturday, 10/3/2015-11/21/2015 (8 Sessions) X NPHS/J18 X Fee: $107 MOSAICS (AGES 15 AND UP) Mosaics are about using smaller pieces of materials such as tiles or stones, to create a larger image. Students will create their own mosaic, whether it is a functional or decorative piece and will be involved with entire process which covers design, vocabulary and materials/tools. You will have the opportunity to be assisted individually with developing your project throughout the four week session. For all skill levels. A $35 supply fee payable to instructor the first night of class. u 11:00 AM-12:30 PM (10 Sessions) X No Class: 11/3/2015 X NPHS/J7 u 7:00 PM-9:00 PM X Fee: $112 (Gold Card Not Honored) ART EXPLORATIONS: OIL/ACRYLIC PAINTING FOR CHILDREN MULTIMEDIA ART: II (GRADES 4-7) AGE 10-ADULT Students will create artwork using a variety of techniques and mediums which may include paints, pastels, markets, clay and more. Two and three dimensional projects which may include seasonal themes will be included. Classes are geared to all levels. Fee includes materials cost. Beginning and skilled artists will learn basic oil painting techniques, color theory, composition and rules of perspective. Parents are required to attend the first class with school-aged children to get information regarding materials needed. Fee includes one canvas board. INSTRUCTOR: MAIRIN EGGE, NP ART ALLIANCE INSTRUCTOR: WILLIAM LETVENKO, NP ART ALLIANCE X KD25F - Saturday, 10/3/2015-11/21/2015 X AR20F - Saturday, 10/3/2015-12/12/2015 (8 Sessions) X NPHS/J12 X Fee: $107 u 9:00 AM-10:30 AM (10 Sessions) X No Class: 11/28/2015 X NPHS/J7 u 11:00 AM-1:00 PM X Fee: $112 (Gold Card Not Honored) SAVE 5% AT IN-PERSON REGISTRATION See page 16 for details! 12 FAOLRLT 2H0 P N 1E 5 N N OCROTM HM PU EN NN ITY C OEM DU MCUAT N IITOYNEPDRUOCGAT RA I OMN P R O G R A M On-Line Registration at www.northpenncep.org THEATRE & MORE! JUST FOR KIDS: For younger children, we require that they are dropped off and picked up from the actual classroom each week.For older children, we require that they are walked to and from their classroom on November 21, 2015. • All classes are taught by the staff of Theatre & Kids under the supervision of Will and Suzy Liegel. • Students should report to the F-Pod balcony at NPHS each week. • All classes end with a performance demo for parents. THEATRE FOR THE VERY YOUNG (AGES 4-GRADE 1) Popular class for young performers to experience a great “taste of theatre.” Singing, dancing, pantomime, storytelling, improvisation, projection, make-believe and more. Three teachers move students from music to drama to dance in 25 minute periods divided into groups by age. INSTRUCTOR: THEATRE AND KIDS X KD10F - Saturday, 10/10/2015-11/21/2015 (7 Sessions) X NPHS/F-Pod X Fee: $57 BASIC ACTING (GRADES 5-8) Learn the basics of improvisation, scene develoPMent, projection, dialect, diction, character creation and more. This class is fast moving and more involved in scripts and scene reading. A great way to prepare for school audition season! No previous experience necessary! INSTRUCTOR: THEATRE AND KIDS X KD29F - Saturday, 10/10/2015-11/21/2015 (7 Sessions) X NPHS/F-Pod X Fee: $57 u 9:00 AM-10:30 AM u 9:00 AM-10:30 AM Please be aware that some of the ingredients used in the classes below may contain traces of peanuts, peanut oils, tree nuts, egg or other food allergens. COOKIES FROM AROUND THE WORLD Children will explore holiday cookies from other countries and learn about different cultures while baking lots of sweet treats from all over the world. A materials fee of $25 is payable to the instructor. INSTRUCTOR: KITCHEN WIZARDS, KATHY’S JUST DESSERTS X KD18F - (Ages 4-7) - Saturday, 11/7/2015- 11/21/2015 (3 Sessions) X NPHS/F131 u 9:30 AM-11:00 AM X Fee: $41 X KD19F - (Ages 8-13) - Saturday, 11/7/2015- 11/21/2015 (3 Sessions) u 11:30 AM-1:00 PM X NPHS/F131 X Fee: $41 LUNCH BUNCH FOR KIDS (AGES 8 TO 13) If your kids are crazy for cooking, they’ll love learning to cook with Kathy Wolper of Kathy’s Just Desserts. Kathy will choose some easy recipes for the kids to try. What fun! An $8 materials fee is payable to the instructor for each class. INSTRUCTOR: KITCHEN WIZARDS, KATHY’S JUST DESSERTS BREAKFAST FOODS EVERGREEN WREATH DECORATING FOR CHILD AND PARENT Children age 9 and older with a parent or another adult may enjoy decorating a fresh evergreen fir wreath to adorn your door during the holidays. You may choose from a variety of ribbons for your bow and many decorations including cones, picks and ornaments. Bring needle-nose pliers and wire cutters. Material fee will be based on the size wreath you choose and the decorations will be on an a` la caret basis, payable to the instructor. Average materials fee for a 24” wreath can range from $29 to $34. INSTRUCTOR: GARY HAGUE X AR26F - Monday, 12/7/2015 (1 Session) X Hague’s Christmas Trees, 755 Forty Foot Road, Hatfield, PA 19440 u 6:15 PM-7:45 PM X Fee: $26 (Gold Card Not Honored) PONY CLUB FOR CHILDREN (AGES 4-11) For your pony loving child, this course will help them learn as much as possible before starting riding lessons. They will do horse crafts, feed and groom the ponies, play interactive horse games and more! Each week, children will ride or drive for a short period to introduce them to the basics. For more information visit www.penelopeponyparty.com. X KD33F - Saturday, 10/10/2015 (1 Session) X NPHS/F131 u 10:30 AM-12:00 PM X Fee: $26 INSTRUCTOR: DONNA BEERS PASTA MANIA X KD27F - Monday, 9/14/2015-10/19/2015 X KD37F - Saturday, 10/17/2015 (1 Session) X NPHS/F131 u 10:30 AM-12:00 PM X Fee: $26 CHICKEN FINGERS WITH HOMEMADE APPLESAUCE X KD27F - Saturday, 10/24/2015 (1 Session) X NPHS/F131 u 10:30 AM-12:00 PM X Fee: $26 Just for Kids! MINI MUSICAL PRODUCTION E ER & WOLF he MINI MUSICAL (GRADES 2-6) The classic Russian tale, including goofy hunters, singing animals and a dancing wolf. Lots of roles for all! No-stress auditions on the first day and a performance on the final day for parents and friends with full costumes and props. INSTRUCTOR: THEATRE AND KIDS X KD11F.1 - Saturday, 10/10/2015-11/21/2015 (7 Sessions) X NPHS/F-Pod X Fee: $57 u 9:00 AM-10:30 AM X KD11F - Saturday, 10/10/2015-11/21/2015 (7 Sessions) X NPHS/F-Pod X Fee: $57 u 11:00 AM-12:30 PM GIRLS FIELD HOCKEY CLINIC (GRADES 1-6) The fall field hockey developmental/ instructional program will provide a great opportunity for beginners and intermediate field hockey players to learn or improve the basic skills and rules of the game. No experience necessary. There will be two divisions (grades 1-3 and grades 4-6). The program will run for six weeks and each session will be two hours. The first hour will be skills and drills and the second hour will be play and strategy. The players will be coached by North Penn High School coaches and players. A T-Shirt will be provided to each participant. EQUIPMENT: All players will need a field hockey stick, shin guards, navy socks and white socks (to be worn over shin guards) and a mouth guard. Goggles are optional but encouraged. Please bring a marked water bottle. INSTRUCTOR: SHANNON MCCRACKEN (6 Sessions) X Everything Little Farm, 223 Scott Road, Bedminster, PA 18944 u 6:00 PM-7:30 PM X Fee: $150 On-Line Registration at www.northpenncep.org X KD45F - Saturday, 9/12/2015-10/17/2015 (6 Sessions) X NPHS/Turf Field X Fee: $90 u 10:00 AM-12:00 PM More Kids Classes on page 14 N O R T H P E N N C O M M U N I T Y E D U C AT I O N P R O G R A M FA L L 2 0 1 5 13 Just for Kids! GUITAR BASICS FOR KIDS (AGES 4-18) Enrich your life with music! This class will cover the fundamental skills needed to begin playing the guitar. Have fun learning songs, riffs, chords and the online resources available to help your playing. So bring your guitar and let’s jam! INSTRUCTOR: THOMAS HUNT X KD28F - Wednesday, 9/30/2015-11/18/2015 (8 Sessions) X NPHS/K26 X Fee: $50 u 6:00 PM-7:00 PM MUSIC! GUITAR REFRESHER FOR KIDS (AGES 4-18) – W This class is designed for students who have taken a previous guitar class with us. If you have gotten rusty or if you got too busy to practice, here’s another chance! This class will be a review of the material covered in our Guitar Basics class. Don’t give up; get a new start on your goal! INSTRUCTOR: THOMAS HUNT X KD29W - Saturday, 1/9/2016-2/6/2016 (4 Sessions) X No Class: 1/16/2016 X NPHS/K26 u 9:00 AM-10:00 AM X Fee: $40 UKULELE BASICS FOR KIDS AND ADULTS – W Hey Soul Sister, did you ever want to play the ukulele? Bring your uke and Tiptoe through the Tulips with us! Previous musical experience helpful but not necessary. INSTRUCTOR: THOMAS HUNT X ED12W - Saturday, 1/9/2016-2/6/2016 (4 Sessions) X No Class: 1/16/2016 X NPHS/K26 u 11:30 AM-12:15 PM X Fee: $40 u Gold Card Fee: $20 FINANCIAL SEMINARS HOME INSPECTION Perfect for home buyers and sellers looking to learn how to choose a home inspector, what a home inspection is, what items are covered, the differences between major concerns and maintenance items and what to do with the information contained in the report. HOW TO PATENT AND PROFIT Learn almost everything you need to know about the U.S. Patent system and protecting your invention. Topics include determining if an idea is patentable, developing an idea, filing for a patent, how the system works and leasing patent rights for royalties. INSTRUCTOR: INSTRUCTOR: STEVE SALEMNO ERIC LAMORTE X FN11F - Wednesday, 10/7/2015 (1 Session) X NPHS/K32 u 6:30 PM-8:30 PM X Fee: $26 u Gold Card Fee: Free X FN17F - Tuesday, 11/10/2015 (1 Session) X NPHS/K125 u 7:00 PM-9:30 PM X Fee: $26 u Gold Card Fee: Free SELLING A HOME? TIPS, QUESTIONS AND SUGGESTIONS Thinking of selling but not sure how to make your home show at its best? This class will provide tips and suggestions on how to stage each room of your home to make it standout from the competition. Staged homes generally sell faster at or a higher percentage of the asking price than those that are not staged. Find out what you should be doing now to get the most for your home. There will be a question and answer period at the end of class. INSTRUCTOR: STEVE SALEMNO X FN12F - Wednesday, 10/21/2015 (1 Session) X NPHS/K32 u 6:30 PM-8:30 PM X Fee: $26 u Gold Card Fee: Free SAVVY SOCIAL SECURITY PLANNING What do Baby Boomers need to know to maximize retirement income? Will Social Security be there for you? How much can you expect to receive? When should you apply? How can you maximize your benefits? Learn rules and strategies for collecting your retirement benefits. INSTRUCTOR: DONALD ALBACKER MEDICARE 101 Come to an informational meeting hosted by Thrivent Financial to learn more about Medicare. What is Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B? Find out about Medicare Supplement Insurance, Medicare Advantage and other plans and finally learn about prescription drug cost. INSTRUCTOR: ANTHONY SPANGLER X FN14F.2 - Wednesday, 9/30/2015 (1 Session) X NPHS/K32 u 7:00 PM-8:30 PM X Fee: $26 u Gold Card Fee: Free X FN14F.1 - Tuesday, 10/27/2015 (1 Session) X NPHS/K32 u 7:00 PM-8:30 PM X Fee: $26 u Gold Card Fee: Free WHAT EVERY VETERAN NEEDS TO KNOW Our Veterans face unique challenges. Learn the tools and knowledge, new and old, to rebuild your civilian life. Hear about mortgage programs with 100% financing that allows you to add in your debt; repairing your credit, local employers who support Vets; banking solutions; searching for a job; counseling opportunities, discounts and MORE! INSTRUCTOR: SUZI SHEARON JANSSENS X FN16F.1 - Thursday, 9/24/2015 (1 Session) X NPHS/K30 u 7:00 PM-9:00 PM X Fee: $26 u Gold Card Fee: Free X FN20F - Tuesday, 10/6/2015 (1 Session) X NPHS/K32 u 7:00 PM-8:30 PM X Fee: $26 u Gold Card Fee: Free X FN16F.2 - Tuesday, 10/13/2015 (1 Session) X NPHS/K30 u 7:00 PM-9:00 PM X Fee: $26 u Gold Card Fee: Free X FN20F.1 - Saturday, 11/7/2015 (1 Session) X NPHS/K32 u 9:00 AM-10:30 AM X Fee: $26 u Gold Card Fee: Free 14 FA L L 2 0 1 5 N O R T H P E N N C O M M U N I T Y E D U C AT I O N P R O G R A M HOMEBUYER’S SEMINAR – Achieve the american dream of homeownership by learning that you too can buy a home! Understand how to shop for a home, the mortgage process (all financing options including VA loans) closing costs, credit reporting and credit repair, tax benefits, home inspections and realtor importance all in one informative session! INSTRUCTOR: SUZI SHEARON JANSSENS X FN10F.1 - Monday, 10/5/2015 (1 Session) X NPHS/K32 u 7:00 PM-9:00 PM X Fee: $26 u Gold Card Fee: Free X FN10F.2 - Saturday, 10/17/2015 (1 Session) X NPHS/K30 u 9:00 AM-11:00 AM X Fee: $26 u Gold Card Fee: Free X FN10W - Monday, 1/11/2016 (1 Session) X NPHS/K30 u 7:00 PM-9:00 PM X Fee: $26 u Gold Card Fee: Free PREPARING FOR LONG-TERM CARE: A GIFT YOUR FAMILY DESERVES When you develop a long-term care strategy now, it can help you preserve your independenceand something more. It can give your family the opportunity to care about you instead of for you, if and when the times comes. Join us for this presentation and you will learn about long-term care and how to prepare for it - emotionally, physically and financially. INSTRUCTOR: DAVID KRATZ, CFG, CHFC, CLU; THOMAS MCGUIRE, CPA CEP, CLU X FN13F - Tuesday, 10/20/2015 (1 Session) X NPHS/K129 u 7:00 PM-8:30 PM X Fee: $26 u Gold Card Fee: Free SAVE 5% AT IN-PERSON REGISTRATION See page 16 for details! On-Line Registration at www.northpenncep.org North Penn Community Education Program 401 E. Hancock Street Lansdale, PA, 19446 email malleypa@npenn.org or beigelg@npenn.org phone 215-853-1028 or 215-853-1029 fax 215-853-1782 or 215-853-1783 www.northpenncep.org NEW! Online registration available at www.northpenncep.org. All classes are held at North Penn High School (NPHS) unless otherwise noted. Addresses can be found below: • Classes are held at North Penn High School (unless otherwise noted). • Registration Deadline — September 25. Late registrations accepted where space is available. • Saturday classes begin October 3 (unless otherwise noted). • Weekday classes begin the week of September 28 (unless otherwise noted). • On-line registration available at www.northpenncep.org. • Mail registration to the Community Education Program with check, charge number or money order or FAX to 215-853-1782 with charge number. Registration Information • REGISTRANTS SHOULD ASSUME ACCEPTANCE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTIFIED IN ALL CASES. • For Trips and Planetarium visits with multiple registrants, please include a list of names with contact information along with payment. www.northpenncep.org. • NO PHONE REGISTRATIONS will be accepted. • ENROLLMENT VERIFICATION will be sent via email when an email address is provided. Please print clearly. • Gold Card Registrations are not accepted online. Please send to 401 East Hancock Street, Lansdale, PA 19446. • Refunds will not be made after the first class is held. • There will be a $10 non-refundable registration fee on all cancellations. • Payment can be made by check, money order or VISA/MASTERCARD. Inglewood Elementary: 1313 Allentown Road, Lansdale, PA 19446 • Unless otherwise noted, classes are intended for adults 18 years or older. • Not designed for high school or college credit. • Cancellation of Classes due to bad weather is announced on: u www.npenn.org u on Twitter @NPSD u NPTV: Comcast Channel 28/ Verizon Fios Channel 29 u Radio Station: WNPV 1440 AM u KYW Snow Number: 303 • Courses may be cancelled when enrollment is insufficient. Registrants affected will be contacted for a full refund. • Return checks are subject to a $30 Return Check Fee. Hatfield Elementary: 1701 Fairgrounds Road, Hatfield, PA 19440 In-Person Registration Tuesday, September 15 from 5 PM–8 PM • Online registration is available at www.northpenncep.org. • REGISTER EARLY to avoid disappointment at Bridle Path Elementary: 200 Bridle Path Road, Lansdale, PA 19446 North Penn High School: 1340 Valley Forge Road, Lansdale, PA 19446 North Wales Elementary: 201 Summit Street, North Wales, PA 19454 Oak Park Elementary: 500 Squirrel Lane, Lansdale, PA 19446 Pennfield Middle School: 726 Forty Foot Road, Hatfield, PA 19440 Walton Farm Elementary: 1610 Allentown Road, Lansdale, PA 19446 York Avenue Elementary: 700 York Avenue, Lansdale, PA 19446 PHOTOCOPY FORM FOR DUPLICATES WHEN NECESSARY. COURSE AND TRIP ENROLLMENT FORM Mail to: North Penn Community Education Program • 401 E. Hancock St., Lansdale, PA 19446 215-853-1028 / 215-853-1029 Activity Activity # Gold Card Time Day Fee Grade (if children’s class) Date of Birth Name Address City Zip Code Phone Cell phone Email (PRINT) WAIVER: I/we hereby release the North Penn School District, and its employees, agents, or servants from any and all causes of action and claims for injury or damage arising out of participation of any Community Education Program courses/camps that I or my child(ren) have registered for. I acknowledge that I have been informed that serious injury, including catastrophic injuries, paralysis, or even death, even under careful supervision, can results from accidents during any of the NPSD Community Education courses/camps. Photography/video may be used from NPSD Community Education classes/courses. To opt out of photography/ video please email andreykm@npenn.org for a Publicity Refusal form. I have read and NOTE: Attach check or money order. Make checks payable to NORTH PENN COMMUNITY SCHOOL. understood ENROLLMENT VERIFICATION IS SENT VIA EMAIL. the waiver: There will be a $10 non-refundable registration fee on all cancellations. Initials VISA Mastercard Exp. date: Security Code: Signature N O R T H P E N N C O M M U N I T Y E D U C AT I O N P R O G R A M FA L L 2 0 1 5 15 15 Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Lansdale, PA 19446 Permit No. 286 401 East Hancock St. Lansdale, PA 19446 SAVE 5% AT IN-PERSON REGISTRATION FOR FALL 2015 & WINTER 2016 COMMUNITY EDUCATION CLASSES u Tuesday, 9/15/2015 u 5-8 p.m. u Educational Services Center 401 East Hancock St.Lansdale, PA 19446 A 5% discount will be given for registrations on this night only. Register On-Line at www.northpenncep.org and enter the code ONLINE5 during 5 pm to 8 pm to receive the same discount! Please note: Forms should be completed and brought with payment to in-person registration. Registrations can be mailed in at any time but the 5% discount is not accepted on mail-in registrations. NORTH PENN CINEMA SERIES Trips NOTE: CANCELLATION POLICY A full refund will be given for notice received 30 or more days prior to trip. If notice is received within 5 days before the trip occurs, a credit voucher will be issued in the amount of the trip minus any prepaid amounts. The credit voucher may be used toward a future trip for up to one year from the date of issue. No refund or credit will be issued for cancellations within 5 days of trip. Registration must be received one month before the trip date, although late registration is accepted when space is available. Please list all travelers attending on registration form. Experience the rich cultural cinema offerings in stunning High Definition and Immersive sound through the North Penn Cinema Series. To find show times and programs visit http://npce.ticketleap.com. Gold Card is not Honored. A DAY IN NYC We will drop you off on the east side of 46th Street and the rest of the day is yours to do as you please. Travelers will receive information packets with suggestions for restaurants, museums and where to get half-price matinee theatre tickets. You will be picked up at 6:45 p.m. in the same place you were dropped off in the morning. X TR10F - Saturday, 10/24/2015 (1 Session) X NPHS/Parking Lot u 8:00 AM-9:00 PM X Fee: $48 Fee includes charter bus transportation only. (Gold Card Not Honored) The North Penn School District sponsored Community Education Program provides unlimited educational and recreational opportunities for residents of all ages. Support for the community school and aquatic program demonstrates that members of the board of school directors and district administrators are committed to community use of facilities. Superintendent: Curtis R. Dietrich, Ed.D. X TR10F.1 - Saturday, 12/5/2015 (1 Session) X NPHS/Parking Lot u 8:00 AM-9:00 PM X Fee: $48 Fee includes charter bus transportation only. (Gold Card Not Honored) On-Line Registration at www.northpenncep.org 16 FA L L 2 0 1 5 N O R T H P E N N C O M M U N I T Y E D U C AT I O N P R O G R A M Board of School Directors: Vincent Sherpinsky (President); Tim Kerr (Vice President); Cory Brown, Josephine Charnock, Suzan Leonard, Carolyn Murphy, Frank O’Donnell, John Schilling, Joseph Sullivan Manager of School & Community Engagement: Christine Liberaski Advertising and Marketing Specialist: Erika Shaedle