Outline Hydrodynamic picture Relation to (noisy) Burgers equation and KPZ Numerical simulations From GPE to KPZ: Finite temperature dynamical structure factor of the 1D Bose gas Aspen Winter Conference 2012 Austen Lamacraft (Virginia) Manas Kulkarni (Toronto) Outline Hydrodynamic picture Relation to (noisy) Burgers equation and KPZ Numerical simulations Dynamical structure factor and inelastic scattering S(k, ω) ∝ σ(k, ω) energy (~ω) and momentum (~k) resolved e.g. Brillouin scattering S(k, ω) measures dynamical density fluctuations in a system Z S(k, ω) = dx dt e i(ωt−kx) hρ(x, t)ρ(0, 0)i Outline Hydrodynamic picture Relation to (noisy) Burgers equation and KPZ Numerical simulations S(k, ω) measurements in ultracold physics http://quantumgases.lens.unifi.it Present status - collective excitations exist and disperse What else? Outline Hydrodynamic picture Relation to (noisy) Burgers equation and KPZ Numerical simulations S(k, ω) of a classical liquid ω = ck S(k, ω) Rayleigh ∝ Dk 2 Brillouin ∝ Γk 2 ω effects influence the a phonon could decay int xcitations Phonon nonlinearities and decay ty of fluid A B pply a unitransforExact hf1 d the new generates Hydrodynamic picture hf0 Relation to (noisy) Burgers equation and KPZ Numerical simulations Detection probability Outline gent quanhf2 unique to Elementary decay process y encount the interPicture fine in higher dimensions (e.g. Beliaev damping) Following theinfate of phonons. of interactions 1D spoils GR calculationOne measu anicsResonant and nature they move through it. (A) A diagram illustrati Outline Hydrodynamic picture Relation to (noisy) Burgers equation and KPZ Numerical simulations Recent experiments Fabbri et al. Phys. Rev. A 79, 043623 (2009) No measurements of S(k, ω) in phonon regime k . √ 2µm/~? Hydrodynamic picture(SiN). The Relation (noisy) Burgers equation KPZ Numerical simulations nitride wafertowas epoxy sealed on and a sample P isOutline provided across the holder [see Fig. 1(a) middle piece] that was subsequently ent relationship is analoinserted into the body of the experimental cell. Both the lid wing in a resistor with a [top part of cell in Fig. 1(a)] and the sample holder were ge drop is supplied across sealed with soft indium o-rings to protect against leaks to al differences in the nathe outside and leaks around the holder, respectively. The e reservoir, i.e., electrons Helium in nanopores drain pressure below the membrane (PD ) is kept at vacuum in a fluidic system are sport processes are very ces to the measurement ductance of the channel. ment of the gas flow connometric size. A direct 1] is made whose crosshen the mean free path of meter, as expected. ctance remains well delarge as a macroscopic nanofabricated channel. microfluidics [2] and the for molecular detection f the transport properties es more accessible. With ents involving quantum [10], most experimental stricted to either a single o porous membranes with the very large number of FIG. 1 (color). (a) Experimental cell for the mass flow conchannels=cm2 ) [1,12,13]. ductance experiment. Gas inlet and outlet are connected through conductance, for a single Savard etwith al. conductance Phys. Rev. Lett. GD . (b)103, TEM 104502 (2009) stainless steel capillaries GS and t out between these two image of the nanopore with diameter 101 $ 2 nm. (c) Cartoon of Recent experiments Outline Hydrodynamic picture Relation to (noisy) Burgers equation and KPZ Outline Hydrodynamic picture Relation to (noisy) Burgers equation and KPZ Numerical simulations Numerical simulations Outline Hydrodynamic picture Relation to (noisy) Burgers equation and KPZ Outline Hydrodynamic picture Relation to (noisy) Burgers equation and KPZ Numerical simulations Numerical simulations Outline Hydrodynamic picture Relation to (noisy) Burgers equation and KPZ Numerical simulations From Gross–Pitaevskii to fluid dynamics i∂t Ψ = − Writing Ψ = √ 1 2 ∂ Ψ + g |Ψ|2 Ψ 2m x ρe iθ gives ∂x (ρ∂x θ) =0 m √ 1 ∂x2 ρ 1 2 (∂x θ) = −g ρ + θ̇ + √ 2m 2m ρ ∂t ρ + Outline Hydrodynamic picture Relation to (noisy) Burgers equation and KPZ Numerical simulations From Gross–Pitaevskii to fluid dynamics i∂t Ψ = − Writing Ψ = √ 1 2 ∂ Ψ + g |Ψ|2 Ψ 2m x ρe iθ gives ∂t ρ + ∂x (ρv ) = 0 ‘Quantum Pressure’ mρ (∂t v + v ∂x v ) = −∂x }| z 2 √ { 2 ∂x ρ gρ 1 + ρ∂x √ 2 2m ρ v = ∂x θ/m Continuity and Euler equations Outline Hydrodynamic picture Relation to (noisy) Burgers equation and KPZ Numerical simulations Linear oscillations Write ρ = ρ0 + % and linearize in %, v ρ0 2 ∂ θ=0 m x ∂2% θ̇ = −g % + x 4ρ0 %̇ + Oscillations with ω = ±Ek s Ek = k2 2m k2 + 2ρ0 g 2m Ek = ck + O(k 3 ), Bogoliubov dispersion r g ρ0 c= m Outline Hydrodynamic picture Relation to (noisy) Burgers equation and KPZ Numerical simulations Hydrodynamic equations Throw away quantum pressure term, but retain nonlinearity ∂t ρ + ∂x (ρv ) = 0 mρ (v̇ + v ∂x v ) = −∂x g ρ2 2 Can be put in Riemann form ∂t (v ± 2cρ ) + v± ∂x (v ± 2cρ ) = 0, p v± = v ± cρ , and cρ = c ρ/ρ0 is local speed of sound Meaning: v ± 2cρ constant along characteristics X+ (t) (Ẋ+ (t) = v+ (X+ (t), t)) Characteristic = trajectory of phonon wavepacket Outline Hydrodynamic picture Relation to (noisy) Burgers equation and KPZ Numerical simulations Motion of a phonon wavepacket Alternate form 1 ∂t v± + v± ∂x v± = (∂t + v± ∂x )v∓ 3 Characteristics curved due to (random) counterpropagating waves Origin of phonon lifetime! Outline Hydrodynamic picture Relation to (noisy) Burgers equation and KPZ Numerical simulations Aside: the 1D Fermi gas What about a Fermi gas, with Hamiltonian density Fermi pressure 2 HFermi ρ (∂x θ) = + 2m z }| { π 2 ρ3 6m ? Yields the uncoupled Burgers equations ∂t v± + v± ∂x v± = 0 v± = v ± πρ/m are the right and left moving Fermi velocities. Reflects description in terms of noninteracting Fermions! Outline Hydrodynamic picture Relation to (noisy) Burgers equation and KPZ Numerical simulations Aside: the 1D Fermi gas Characteristics are straight lines CHAPTER 7. THE MATHEMATICS OF REAL t ? P x waveswave inevitable! Figure 7.10: Shock Simple characteristics. Outline Hydrodynamic picture Relation to (noisy) Burgers equation and KPZ Outline Hydrodynamic picture Relation to (noisy) Burgers equation and KPZ Numerical simulations Numerical simulations Outline Hydrodynamic picture Relation to (noisy) Burgers equation and KPZ Numerical simulations The Kardar–Parisi–Zhang (KPZ) equation Describes a growing interface of height h(x, t) Nonlinear growth ∂t h = Noise Smooths z }| { z }| { z }| { √ λ www.nature.com/scientificreports (∂x h)2 + ν∂x2 h + Dη 2 (a) and flat (b) interface. Binarised snapshots at successive times are shown with different colours. Takeuchi etx the laser emission. The local height h(x, t) is defined in each case as a function of the lateral coordinate al. (2011) Outline Hydrodynamic picture Relation to (noisy) Burgers equation and KPZ Numerical simulations KPZ and the Burgers equation ∂t h = √ λ (∂x h)2 + ν∂x2 h + Dη 2 Take λ = 1, v = −∂x h ∂t v + v ∂x v = ν∂x2 v + √ D∂x η Noisy Burgers equation Outline Hydrodynamic picture Relation to (noisy) Burgers equation and KPZ Numerical simulations KPZ and the Burgers equation ∂t h = √ λ (∂x h)2 + ν∂x2 h + Dη 2 Take λ = 1, v = −∂x h ∂t v + v ∂x v = ν∂x2 v + √ D∂x η Noisy Burgers equation Recall GPE hydrodynamics 1 ∂t v± + v± ∂x v± = (∂t + v± ∂x )v∓ 3 = (∂t + v± ∂x )Noise Suggests close relation Outline Hydrodynamic picture Relation to (noisy) Burgers equation and KPZ Numerical simulations KPZ scaling KPZ-type problems have dynamic critical exponent z = 3/2 [Length] ∼ [Time]1/z ∼ [Time]2/3 Outline Hydrodynamic picture Relation to (noisy) Burgers equation and KPZ Numerical simulations KPZ scaling KPZ-type problems have dynamic critical exponent z = 3/2 [Length] ∼ [Time]1/z ∼ [Time]2/3 L ∼ T 2/3 Outline Hydrodynamic picture Relation to (noisy) Burgers equation and KPZ Numerical simulations KPZ scaling KPZ-type problems have dynamic critical exponent z = 3/2 [Length] ∼ [Time]1/z ∼ [Time]2/3 L ∼ T 2/3 Notice that this is faster than diffusive, a result of nonlinearity ∂t h = √ λ (∂x h)2 + ν∂x2 h + Dη 2 Outline Hydrodynamic picture Relation to (noisy) Burgers equation and KPZ Numerical simulations Examples of KPZ scaling Few but varied observations • Bacterial colony growth • Burning paper • Liquid crystal interfaces Wakita et al. (1997) Maunuksela et al. (1997) Takeuchi et al (2010) (Nematic interface) Outline Hydrodynamic picture Relation to (noisy) Burgers equation and KPZ Numerical simulations KPZ and phonon lifetime KPZ describes phonon dynamics in comoving frame Suggests scaling form for Brillouin peaks1 ω ± c|k| 1 (±) fPS Sphonon (k, ω) ∝ Γk Γk Γk ∝ |k|3/2 fPS (x) is scaling function for slope fluctuations in KPZ Prähofer & Spohn (2004) e.g. fPS (x) → |x|−7/3 , |x| → ∞ c.f. x −2 tail for Lorentzian peak 1 van Beijeren arXiv:1106.3298 Outline Hydrodynamic picture Relation to (noisy) Burgers equation and KPZ Numerical simulations Origin of z = 3/2 • Consider noisy Burgers equation ∂t v + v ∂x v = ν∂x2 v + √ D∂x η • Scaling must preserve Galilean invariance, leading to identical scaling of two terms on RHS • Scale x → λx, t → λz t • Scaling preserves equilibrium at fixed temperature: R ρ0 dx v 2 const. so v → λ−1/2 v , and z = 1 + 1/2 = 3/2 Forster, Nelson, and Stephen (1977) For a finite tunnelRelation coupling Methods) two sysisolated 1D Bose gases are Outline Hydrodynamic picture to (see (noisy) Burgersbetween equationthe and KPZ tems, we also observe an increase in the waviness of the interference. xponential coherence decay, 12 However, in contrast to the completely separated case, the final equiredictions . For two coupled librium state shows a non-random phase distribution (Fig. 2c, d). observed to approach a non13 This is caused by the phase randomization being counterbalanced by by a Bogoliubov approach . the coherent particle exchange between the two fractions. The final coherence is the matter wave width of the observed phase spread depends on the strength of the sers by injection. The nontunnel coupling22,23. s has an important role in a as superconductors, quantum spin systems14–16. Our experishow that 1D Bose gases are lass of phenomena. nts is a 1D Bose gas of a few d ongated, cylindrical magnetic typical transverse and longit< 4.0 kHz and nz < 5 Hz. Our condensate regime1, which is e T and chemical potential m Numerical simulations Application of KPZ scaling: condensate dephasing ingle 1D system, we perform a nsverse direction by means of a atic potential11. As shown in wo 1D quasi-condensates in a ntial20. They are separated by of which is controlled by the ess initializes the system in a splitting, the phase fluctuation ndensates are identical, resulte. This is a highly non-equilibwill relax to equilibrium over phase coherence, the two 1D ll configuration for a varying recombined during the timepattern is recorded using y L x z Figure 1 | Schematic of the experiment. A single 1D quasi-condensate is phase coherently split into two parts separated by distance d using r.f. potentials on an atom chip (top). A combination of two r.f. fields allows balanced splitting in the vertical direction20, as indicated in the figure. After the separation, the system is held in the double-well potential for a variable time t and is then released from the trap. The resulting interference pattern (centre) is imaged along the transverse direction of the system onto a CCD camera (right). Thermal phase fluctuations in the two quasi-condensates can Hofferberth et al. (2007) Outline Hydrodynamic picture Relation to (noisy) Burgers equation and KPZ Numerical simulations Application of KPZ scaling: condensate dephasing Measure coherence 1 C(t) ≡ Re L Z dx he i[θ1 (x,t)−θ2 (x,t)] i Phase analogous to height h(x, t) in KPZ problem θ1 (x, t) − θ2 (x, t) ∼ t 1/3 χx χx random variable Thus h i C(t) ∼ exp − (t/t0 )2/3 Burkov, Lukin, Demler (2007) Outline Hydrodynamic picture Relation to (noisy) Burgers equation and KPZ Outline Hydrodynamic picture Relation to (noisy) Burgers equation and KPZ Numerical simulations Numerical simulations Outline Hydrodynamic picture Relation to (noisy) Burgers equation and KPZ Numerical simulations GPE simulations Classical treatment OK for ρ0 ξ −1 = (gmρ0 )1/2 i.e. Luttinger parameter K ≡ Populate modes according to equipartition2 r ρ0 X −κk e %(x) = bk e ikx + c.c 2L k6=0 X i θ(x) = √ e κk bk e ikx − c.c . 2ρ0 L k6=0 bk complex Gaussian random variables with h|bk |2 i = 2 Assumes nonlinearity sufficiently weak T Ek πρ0 mc 1 Outline Hydrodynamic picture Relation to (noisy) Burgers equation and KPZ Numerical simulations GPE simulations At each time step find Fourier components of density ρ(x, t) ρk (t) = N−1 X |Ψ(na, t)|2 e −2πikna k = 0, n=0 2π π ,..., . L a Resulting time series is Fourier transformed to give S(k, ω) S(k, ω) = h|ρk,ω |2 i Average over ∼ 128 runs Outline Hydrodynamic picture Relation to (noisy) Burgers equation and KPZ Results for S(k, ω) Numerical simulations Outline Hydrodynamic picture Relation to (noisy) Burgers equation and KPZ Results for S(k, ω) (±) Sphonon (k, ω) 1 ∝ fPS Γk ω ± c|k| Γk Numerical simulations Outline Hydrodynamic picture Relation to (noisy) Burgers equation and KPZ Results for S(k, ω) z = 1.510 ± 0.018 Numerical simulations 19 Outline Hydrodynamic picture Relation to (noisy) Burgers equation and KPZ Conclusions Cottrell Schola Numerical simulations 26 Additional Pro 28 Advisory Comm 30 Financials 32 Officers, Board • Real systems always finite T and (often) weakly interacting! Let’s make a virtue of these features • In 1D quantum fluids phonon nonlinearities play a vital role • These systems offer potential to study KPZ scaling