Drug Allergies Food Allergies Environmental Allergies Pregnant N N N N Y Y Y Y TUBERCULOSIS (TB) ASSESSMENT/CLEARANCE NEW and PREVIOUSLY TB SKIN TEST POSITIVE INDIVIDUALS Name________________________________________ Today’s Date________________ Birth Date__________ Birth Country_______________ Current Country of Residence________________ Years in Current Country______________ Previous TB skin test (TST) WITH documentation: No/Unknown OR Yes Date______ Result: Neg Pos Previous Positive TST WITHOUT documentation: No/Unknown OR Yes Date______ Result: Neg Pos History of treatment of TB infection or disease: TB Signs/Symptoms Review: Do you have any of these symptoms? Quantaferon Gold Test Date_______ Result__________ No/Unknown Treatment Dates:______________ OR Yes Fever N Y Chills N Y Cough N Y Productive Cough N Y Weight Loss (≥10%) N Y Enlarged cervical lymph nodes N Y Night Sweats N Y Coughing up blood N Y Other: ______________________________________________________ History of prior exposure to someone with TB disease: No/Unknown OR Yes Date_________ Exposure during medical procedure : No/Unknown OR Yes Date_________ Exposure in congregate (group) setting: No/Unknown OR Yes Date_________ Exposure in household of person with TB disease: No/Unknown OR Yes Date_________ History that may increase chance of prior exposure to someone with TB disease: N Y N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Residence or travel in country where TB is common Place/Dates:_______________________________________ (Mexico, Latin America, Caribbean, Africa, Eastern Europe, or Asia) Resident or employee of correctional facility Place/Dates:_______________________________________ Resident or employee of homeless shelter Place/Dates:_______________________________________ Resident or volunteer in disaster shelter Place/Dates:_______________________________________ Resident of long term care facility Place/Dates:_______________________________________ Health care worker Place/Dates:_______________________________________ Injection drug use Place/Dates:_______________________________________ REFERRAL Chest x-ray/Date:__________________ Results:__________________________ CXR Report Must be Attached to this form Patient Cleared for TB, May Participate in Health Care Agency Clinicals: NO YES Comments:_________________________________________________________________________________________________ Health-Care Provider Signature/Title: _________________________________ Health-Care Provider Printed Name/Title:______________________________ Office Address:____________________________________________ _____ Office Phone #:_____________________________ Revised September 2014 P.Shanaberger RN, FNP-C/M.Kaough RN, MSN, CCRN