PROFESSIONAL VITAE Christian R. Hirsch Department of Mathematics Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, Michigan 49008-5248 Phone: (269) 387-4526 Fax: (269) 387-4546 e-mail: 6374 Killington Drive Kalamazoo, Michigan 49009 (269) 372-5878 EDUCATION Ph.D. 1972 University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA Area: Mathematics (Specialization in Mathematics Education) M.S. 1970 University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, IL Area: Mathematics M.A. 1969 Creighton University, Omaha, NE Area: Mathematics Education B.A. 1966 University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA Area: Mathematics PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 1982 - present Professor of Mathematics, Western Michigan University 2004 - 2008 James H. Powell Professor of Mathematics 1990 - 1991 Visiting Scientist/Program Director, National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C. Summer 1990 Visiting Professor of Mathematics, Ohio State University, Columbus 1976 - 1982 Associate Professor of Mathematics, Western Michigan University 1973 - 1976 Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Western Michigan University 1971 - 1972 Iowa Testing Programs Research Assistant, University of Iowa, Iowa City 1970 - 1972 Supervisor of Student Teachers, University of Iowa, Iowa City 1970 - 1971 Mathematics Instructor, University High School, Iowa City 1967 - 1969 Mathematics Teacher and Department Chair, Notre Dame Academy, Omaha, NE 1966 - 1967 Mathematics Teacher, South High School, Omaha, NE P. 1: Vitae, Hirsch, C. . PROFESSIONAL RECOGNITION Research Grants/Research Support 2008 - present National Science Foundation Supplement Grant for the Center for the Study of Mathematics Curriculum (in collaboration with Michigan State University and the University of Missouri). Center Co-Director. Funded for $500,000. 2010 - 2014 National Science Foundation Grant for Transition to College Mathematics and Statistics. Project Director. Funded for $3,495,494. 2012 - 2013 National Science Foundation Grant for Core Math Tools. Project Director. Funded for $99,802. 2006 - 2009 National Science Foundation Supplement Grant for the Core-Plus Mathematics Revision Project. Project Director. Funded for $400,000. 2004 - 2008 National Science Foundation Grant for the Center for the Study of Mathematics Curriculum (in collaboration with Michigan State University and the University of Missouri). Center Co-Director. Funded for $9,957,078 ($2,730,520 to Western Michigan University). 2002 - 2007 National Science Foundation Grant for the Core-Plus Mathematics Revision Project. Project Director. Funded for $5,099,476. 2002 - 2004 National Science Foundation Grant through Ithaca College for the CorePlus Mathematics Project Implementation Center: A Satellite for Advancing the Work of COMPASS, A National Secondary Mathematics Implementation Project. Satellite Co-Director. Funded for $400,000. 2000 - 2002 National Science Foundation Grant through Ithaca College for the CorePlus Mathematics Project Implementation Center: A Satellite of the National Secondary Mathematics Implementation Project. Satellite Director. Funded for $400,000. 1997 - 2002 National Science Foundation Grant for Core-Plus Mathematics Project: Phase II. Project Director. Funded for $5,195,302. 1997 - 2000 National Science Foundation Grant through Ithaca College for Implementation of Standards-based Secondary School Mathematics: The CPMP Satellite. Satellite Director. Funded for $600,000. 1994 - 1998 National Science Foundation Grant for a Mathematical Sciences Sequential Summer Institute for High School Mathematics Teachers. Project Director. Funded for $1,211,152. 1996 - 1997 Michigan Department of Education, Dwight D. Eisenhower Mathematics and Science Education Program Grant for Making Mathematics Accessible to All, a state-wide professional development project. Project Director. Funded for $293,215. P. 2: Vitae, Hirsch, C. . Research Grants/Research Support, continued 1992 - 1997 National Science Foundation Grant for Core-Plus Mathematics Project. Project Director. Funded for $5,958,328. 1995 - 1996 Michigan Department of Education, Dwight D. Eisenhower Mathematics and Science Education Program Grant for Making Mathematics Accessible to All, a state-wide professional development project. Project Director. Funded for $320,000. 1994 - 1995 Michigan Department of Education, Dwight D. Eisenhower Mathematics and Science Education Program Grant for Making Mathematics Accessible to All, a state-wide professional development project. Project Director. Funded for $492,188. 1993 - 1994 Michigan Department of Education, Dwight D. Eisenhower Mathematics and Science Education Program Grant for Making Mathematics Accessible to All, a state-wide professional development project. Project Director. Funded for $430,000. 1992 - 1993 Western Michigan University Research Fellow Program Award for An Investigation into Cognitive Preferences of Students for Various Representations of Functions: A Research Mentoring Project with Brian Keller. 1992 - 1993 Michigan Department of Education, Dwight D. Eisenhower Mathematics and Science Education Program Grant for Making Mathematics Accessible to All, a state-wide professional development project. Project Director. Funded for $391,859. 1991 - 1992 Michigan Department of Education, Dwight D. Eisenhower Mathematics and Science Education Grant for Making Mathematics Accessible to All, a state-wide professional development project. Project Director. Funded for $352,617. 1982 - 1983 Western Michigan University Faculty Research Fellowship and Grant. 1981 - 1982 National Science Foundation Grant for Geometry and Measurement with Applications for Teachers of Grades 4-8. Project Director. Funded for $20,580. 1980 - 1981 National Science Foundation Grant for Geometry and Measurement with Applications for Teachers of Grades 5-8. Project Director. Funded for $25,233. 1980 - 1981 National Science Foundation Grant for Probability and Statistics with Computer and Calculator Applications for Teachers of Grades 4-8. Project Co-Principal Investigator. Funded for $23,209. 1980 Western Michigan University Faculty Research Fellowship. P. 3: Vitae, Hirsch, C. Awards 2014 Recipient of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Lifetime Achievement Award 2014 Elected Fellow of the International Society for Deign and Development in Education 2007 Recipient of the Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics Award for Outstanding Achievement in Mathematics Education 2004 Named the James H. Powell Professor of Mathematics 1999 Core-Plus Mathematics Project curriculum recognized as one of six Exemplary Mathematics Programs in the country by the U.S. Department of Education 1993 Invited to be one of five-member United States Conference Co-Faculty for the first United States/Russia Joint Conference in Mathematics Education 1993 Recipient of the Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics Service Award 1989 Elected to Phi Kappa Phi 1988 Named Western Michigan University Distinguished Faculty Scholar 1971 Elected to Phi Delta Kappa Publications Papers in Peer-Reviewed Journals and Proceedings Hirsch, C. (2014). Transition to college mathematics and statistics: A problem-based, technology-rich capstone course for non-STEM students. In L. Fan & K. Jones (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematics Textbook Research and Development, Southampton, UK: University of Southampton. Hirsch, C. (2013). An extended design experiment connecting software development with curriculum development: The case of the Core-Plus Mathematics Project. In E. Faggiano & A. Montone (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching, Bari, Italy: University of Bari. Hirsch, C., & Reys, B. (2009). Mathematics curriculum: A vehicle for school mathematics improvement. ZDM—The International Journal of Mathematics Education, 41(6), 749-761. Fey, J., Hirsch, C., & Schoen, H. (2007). The future of high school mathematics: New priorities and promising innovations. Michigan Section MAA Newsletter, 34(1), 10-14. P. 4: Vitae, Hirsch, C. . Papers in Peer-Reviewed Journals, continued Hirsch, C., Lappan, G., Reys, B., & Reys, R. (2005). Curriculum as a focus for improving school mathematics. MER Newsletter, 18(1), 1, 6-7, 12-14. Schoen, H. L., & Hirsch, C. (2003). Responding to calls for change in high school mathematics: Implications for collegiate mathematics. American Mathematical Monthly, 110(2), 109-123. Schoen, H. L., Fey, J. T., Hirsch, C., & Coxford, A. F. (1999, February). Issues and options in the math wars. Phi Delta Kappan, 80, 444-453. Hirsch, C., Shure, P., & Verhey, R. (1998, December). Building bridges: Placement tests in an era of reform. Michigan Section-MAA Newsletter, 25, 8-11. Hirsch, C. (1998, October). Functions and relations: A unifying theme for school algebra in grades 9-12. In The Nature and Role of Algebra in the K-14 Curriculum, Proceedings of a National Symposium (pp. 61-62). Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Coxford, A. F., Fey, J. T., Hirsch, C., & Schoen, H. L. (1998, April). Standards-based reform: Moving beyond myths. Michigan Section-MAA Newsletter, 24, 10 -11. Hirsch, C. (1998, February). Overview of the Core-Plus Mathematics Project curriculum. Illinois Mathematics Teacher, 49, 12-27. Keller, B. A., & Hirsch, C. (1998, January). Student preferences for representations of functions. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 29, 1-17. Hirsch, C., & Coxford, A. F. (1997, May). Mathematics for all: Perspectives and promising practices. School Science and Mathematics, 97, 232-241. Van Zoest, L., Hirsch, C., Alavi, Y., & Stenglein, S. (1996, September). Learning and leading in mathematics. The Mathematics Teacher, 89, 540. Coxford, A. F., & Hirsch, C. (1996, May). A common core of math for all. Educational Leadership, 53, 22-25. Hirsch, C., Coxford, A. F., Fey, J. T., & Schoen, H. L. (1995, November). The Core-Plus Mathematics Project: Teaching sensible mathematics in sense-making ways. The Mathematics Teacher, 88, 694-700. Keller, B. A., & Hirsch, C. (1993, August). Student preferences for representations of functions. In F. Demana and B. Waits (Eds.), Proceedings of the Fifth Annual International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics. Menlo Park, CA: Addison-Wesley. Hirsch, C. (1993, March). Making mathematics accessible to all: Progress and prospects. Mathematics in Michigan, 33, 7-9. Hirsch, C. (1992, September/October). Reshaping high school mathematics. Michigan Association of School Boards Journal, pp. 11-13. P. 5: Vitae, Hirsch, C. Papers in Peer-Reviewed Journals, continued Hirsch, C., Weinhold, M., & Nichols, C. (1991, February). Trigonometry today. Mathematics Teacher, 84, 98-106. Hirsch, C. (1990, October). Understanding and implementing the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics curriculum standards for grades 9-12. School Science and Mathematics, 90, 494-503. Lindquist, M., Harvey, J., & Hirsch, C. (1990). How mathematics content courses must change in light of technology and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics curriculum standards. In F. Demana and B. Waits (Eds.), Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics (pp. 20-27). Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. Hirsch, C., & Schoen, H. (1989, December). A core curriculum for grades 9-12. Mathematics Teacher, 82, 696-701. Hirsch, C., & Lappan, G. (1989, November). Transition to high school mathematics. Mathematics Teacher, 82, 614-618. Hirsch, C. (1988, December). Graphs, games, and generalizations. Mathematics Teacher, 81, 741-745. Hirsch, C. (1984, Spring). A profile of Michigan teachers of high school mathematics: 1980-83. Mathematics in Michigan, 23, 15-21. Hirsch, C. (1984, October). A profile of Michigan teachers of high school biology, chemistry, and physics: 1980-83. Science Education, 68, 579-587. Hirsch, C. (1983, Spring). Update on the preparedness of junior high school mathematics teachers in Michigan. Mathematics in Michigan, 22, 3-5. Hirsch, C. (1983, Spring/Summer). Subject-matter qualifications of teachers of junior high school science and mathematics in Michigan. MSTA (Michigan Science Teachers Association) Journal, 30, 14-17. Hirsch, C., Kapoor, S. F., & Laing, R. L. (1983, Winter). Homework assignments, mathematical ability, and achievement in calculus. Mathematics and Computer Education, 17, 51-57. Hirsch, C. (1983, November). Families of lines. The Mathematics Teacher, 76, 590-594. Hirsch, C. (1982, Fall). Preparedness of junior high school mathematics teachers in Michigan: A status study. Mathematics in Michigan, 22, 17-19. Hirsch, C. (1982, May). Finding factors physically. The Mathematics Teacher, 75, 388-393, 419. Hirsch, C., Kapoor, S. F., & Laing, R. A. (1982, August). Alternative models for mathematics assignments. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 13, 243-252. P. 6: Vitae, Hirsch, C. Papers in Peer-Reviewed Journals, continued Hirsch, C. (1981, September). Those amazing triangles. The Mathematics Teacher, 74, 444-448. Hirsch, C., & Meyer, R. A. (1981, January). Ideas, ideas, ideas from "Ideas": An annotated bibliography. The Arithmetic Teacher, 28, 52-57. Hirsch, C. (1981, Fall). Expanded abstract and critical analysis of: the teaching of transformation geometry in grade eight: a search for aptitude-treatment interactions. Investigations in Mathematics Education, 14, 33-38. Hirsch, C. (1981, October). An exploratory study of the effectiveness of a didactical shadow seminar in abstract algebra. School Science and Mathematics, 81, 459-466. Hirsch, C. (1980, January). Poinsot stars. The Mathematics Teacher, 73, 41-44, 50. Hirsch, C. (1980, January). Activities from activities: An annotated bibliography. The Mathematics Teacher, 73, 46-50. Hirsch, C. (1979, Summer). Expanded abstract and critical analysis of set comparison tactics and strategies of children in kindergarten, first grade, and second grade. Investigations in Mathematics Education, 12, 24-27. Coxford, A., Hirsch, C., et al. (1979, January). Goals for geometry study in grades K-9. Mathematics in Michigan, 18, 9-10. Hirsch, C. (1978, February). Painting polyhedra. The Mathematics Teacher, 71, 119-122. Coxford, A., Hirsch, C., et al. (1978, September). Geometry must be taught in grades K-9: A report of the Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics Geometry Curriculum Committee. Mathematics in Michigan, 17, 18-21. Brechting, M. C., & Hirsch, C. (1977, Spring). The effects of small group-discovery learning on student achievement and attitudes in calculus. The MATYC Journal, 11, 77-82. Hirsch, C. (1977, November). The effects of guided discovery and individualized instructional packages on initial learning, transfer, and retention in second-year algebra. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 8, 359-368. Hirsch, C. (1977, September). Probability and pi. The Mathematics Teacher, 70, 519-522. Hirsch, C. (1976, November). The vertex connection. The Mathematics Teacher, 69, 579582. Brechting, M. C., & Hirsch, C. (1976, December). Small group-discovery learning in calculus: Its effect upon achievement and attitudes. In J. L. Higgins (Ed.), Research Sections, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 55th Annual Meeting (pp. 105108). ERIC/SMEAC Report. Columbus, OH: ERIC Information Analysis Center. Hirsch, C. (1976, January). Making mathematical induction meaningful. School Science and Mathematics, 76, 27-31. P. 7: Vitae, Hirsch, C. Papers in Peer-Reviewed Journals, continued Hirsch, C. (1976, November). Groups and isomorphic groups. School Science and Mathematics, 76, 617-620. Hirsch, C. (1976, December). Games, graphs and generalizations. The Arithmetic Teacher, 23, 608-610. Hirsch, C. (1976, May). Games and groups. The New Zealand Mathematics Magazine, 13, 38-41. Hirsch, C. (1976, March). Creativity with colors. The Mathematics Teacher, 69, 215-218. Hirsch, C. (1976, October). A review of research on individualized instruction in secondary mathematics. School Science and Mathematics, 76, 499-507. Hirsch, C. (1975, February). Graphs and games. The Mathematics Teacher, 68, 125-128. Hirsch, C. (1974). The relative effectiveness of guided discovery and individualized instructional packages in promoting initial learning, transfer, and retention in second-year algebra: A summary paper. In J. L. Higgins (Ed.), Research Reporting Sections, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 52nd Annual Meeting (pp. 25-29). ERIC/SMEAC Report. Columbus, OH: ERIC Information Analysis Center. Hirsch, C. (1974, May). Pick’s rule. The Mathematics Teacher, 67, 431-434, 473. (This article was also reprinted in a text, Mathematics for Teachers by P. Shoecraft and a Hebrew translation appeared in Shevavim, a Quarterly Journal of the Weizmann Institute of Science). Hirsch, C. (1973, June). The effect of two modes of instruction upon initial learning, transfer, and retention in second-year algebra: A pilot study. Manitoba Journal of Education, 8, 28-35. Hirsch, C. (1973, March). Mathematical induction: A set theoretic approach. Ontario Mathematics Gazette, 11, 200-204. Hirsch, C. (1973, June). Computers in pre-high school mathematics. MAMT Newsletter, 6, 13-21. Books, Book Chapters, and Monographs Hirsch, C. R., Hart, E. W., Watkins, A. E., Ritsema, B. E., with Fey, J. T., Walker, R. K., Keller, B. A., & Laser, J. K. (2015). Transition to college mathematics and statistics. Columbus, OH: McGraw-Hill Education. Hirsch, C. R., Fey, J. T. Hart, E. W., Schoen, H. L., Watkins, A. E., with Ritsema, B. E., Walker, R. K., Keller, B. A., Marcus, R., & Coxford, A. F. (2015). Core-Plus mathematics, Course 4: Preparation for Calculus (CCSS edition). Columbus, OH: McGraw-Hill Education. P. 8: Vitae, Hirsch, C. Books, Book Chapters, and Monographs, continued Hirsch, C. R., Fey, J. T. Hart, E. W., Schoen, H. L., Watkins, A. E., with Ritsema, B. E., Walker, R. K., Keller, B. A., Marcus, R., & Coxford, A. F. (2015). Core-Plus mathematics, Course 3 (CCSS edition). Columbus, OH: McGraw-Hill Education. Hirsch, C. R., Fey, J. T. Hart, E. W., Schoen, H. L., Watkins, A. E., with Ritsema, B. E., Walker, R. K., Keller, B. A., Marcus, R., & Coxford, A. F. (2015). Core-Plus mathematics, Course 2 (CCSS edition). Columbus, OH: McGraw-Hill Education. Hirsch, C. R., Fey, J. T. Hart, E. W., Schoen, H. L., Watkins, A. E., with Ritsema, B. E., Walker, R. K., Keller, B. A., Marcus, R., & Coxford, A. F. (2015). Core-Plus mathematics, Course 1 (CCSS edition). Columbus, OH: McGraw-Hill Education. Hirsch, C. R., Keller, B. A., Fonger, N., & Edson, A. J. (2013). Core Math Tools: Supporting equitable implementation of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. In D. Polly (Ed.), Common Core Mathematics Standards and Implementing Digital Technologies (pp. 1–22). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. Hirsch, C. R., Fey, J. T., Hart, E. W., Schoen, H. L., Watkins, A. E., with Ritsema, B. E., Walker, R. K., Keller, S., Marcus, R., & Coxford, A. F. (2011). Core-Plus mathematics, Course 4 (2nd edition). Chicago, IL: McGraw-Hill. Schoen, H. L., Ziebarth, S. W., Hirsch, C. R., & BrckaLorenz, A. (2010.) A five-year study of the first edition of the Core-Plus Mathematics curriculum. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. Zbiek, R., & Hirsch, C. (2008.) Curriculum as core knowledge. In R. Reys and J. Dossey (Eds.), U.S. doctorates in mathematics education: Developing stewards of the discipline. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society. Fey, J. T., Hirsch, C. R., Hart, E. W., Schoen, H. L., Watkins, A. E., with Ritsema, B. E., Walker, R. K., Keller, S., Marcus, R., Coxford, A. F., & Burrill, G. (2009). Core-Plus mathematics, Course 3 (2nd edition). Columbus, OH: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. Hirsch, C. R., Fey, J. T., Hart, E. W., Schoen, H. L., Watkins, A. E., with Ritsema, B. E., Walker, R. K., Keller, S., Marcus, R., Coxford, A. F., & Burrill, G. (2007). Core-Plus mathematics, Course 2 (2nd edition). Columbus, OH: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. Fey, J. & Hirsch, C. (2007). The case of Core-Plus mathematics. In C. Hirsch (Ed.), Perspectives on the design and development of school mathematics curricula. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Hart, E., Hirsch, C., & Keller, S. (2007). Amplifying student learning in mathematics using curriculum-embedded Java-based software. In W. G. Martin and M. E. Strutchens (Eds.), The learning of mathematics: 69th Yearbook of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Reston, VA: NCTM. Hirsch, C, R., Fey, J. T., Hart, E. W., Schoen, H. L., Watkins, A. E., with Ritsema, B. E., Walker, R. K., Keller, S., Marcus, R., Coxford, A. F., & Burrill, G. (2006). Core-Plus mathematics, Course 1 (2nd edition). Columbus, OH: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. P. 9: Vitae, Hirsch, C. Books, Book Chapters, and Monographs, continued Ferrini-Mundy, J., Berry, K., Hirsch, C., Hodges, R. A., Senk, S., Shure, P., Weil, C., Weiskopf, M., & Zollinger-Russell, G. (2006). High school content expectations: Mathematics (pp. 1-21). Lansing, MI: Michigan Department of Education. Coxford, A. F., Fey, J. T., Hirsch, C. R., Schoen, H. L., Burrill, G., Hart, E. W., Watkins, A. E., Messenger, M. J., Ritsema, B., & Walker, R. (2005). Mathemáticus contemporáneas en contexto: Un planteamiento unificado, Curso 2 (pp. xv + 564). Columbus, OH: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. Coxford, A. F., Fey, J. T., Hirsch, C. R., Schoen, H. L., Burrill, G., Hart, E. W., Watkins, A. E., Messenger, M. J., Ritsema, B., & Walker, R. (2004). Mathemáticus contemporáneas en contexto: Un planteamiento unificado, Curso I (pp. xv + 554). Columbus, OH: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. Schoen, H. L., & Hirsch, C. (2003). The Core-Plus mathematics project: Perspectives and student achievement. In S. Senk & D. Thompson (Eds.), Standards-based school mathematics curricula: What are they? What do students learn? (pp. 311-343). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Coxford, A. F., Fey, J. T., Hirsch, C. R., Schoen, H. L., Hart, E. W., Keller, B. A., Watkins, A. E., Ritsema, B., & Walker, R. (2001). Contemporary mathematics in context: A unified approach, Course 4 (pp. xxi + 703). Chicago: Everyday Learning Corporation. Hirsch, C. (2001). The Core-Plus mathematics project (CPMP). In L. Grinstein & S. Lipsey (Eds.), Encyclopedia of mathematics education (pp. 159-161). New York: Routledge Falmer. Hirsch, C., & Weinhold, M. (1999). Everybody counts: Including the mathematically promising. In L. Sheffield (Ed.), Developing mathematically promising students (pp. 233241). Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Coxford, A. F., Fey, J. T., Hirsch, C. R., Schoen, H. L., Burrill, G., Hart, E. W., Watkins, A. E., Messenger, M. J., & Ritsema, B. (1998). Contemporary mathematics in context: A unified approach, Course 3 (pp. xvii + 577). Chicago: Everyday Learning Corporation. Coxford, A. F., Fey, J. T., Hirsch, C. R., Schoen, H. L., Burrill, G., Hart, E. W., Watkins, A. E., Messenger, M. J., & Ritsema, B. (1998). Contemporary mathematics in context: A unified approach, Course 2 (pp. xv + 564). Chicago: Everyday Learning Corporation. Coxford, A. F., Fey, J. T., Hirsch, C. R., Schoen, H. L., Burrill, G., Hart, E. W., Watkins, A. E., Messenger, M. J., & Ritsema, B. (1998). Implementing the Core-Plus mathematics curriculum (pp. vi + 54). Chicago: Everyday Learning Corporation. Coxford, A. F., Fey, J. T., Hirsch, C. R., Schoen, H. L., Burrill, G., Hart, E. W., Watkins, A. E., Messenger, M. J., & Ritsema, B. (1997). Contemporary mathematics in context: A unified approach, Course 1 (pp. xv + 554). Chicago: Everyday Learning Corporation. Hirsch, C. R., & Coxford, A. F. (1994). Predicting from data (pp. vi + 72). Columbus, OH: Glencoe. P. 10: Vitae, Hirsch, C. Books, Book Chapters, and Monographs, continued Hirsch, C. R., & Coxford, A. F. (1994). Exploring data (pp. vi + 80). Columbus, OH: Glencoe. Hirsch, C. R. (with the Commission on Standards for School Mathematics). (1989). Curriculum and evaluation standards for school mathematics (pp. vii + 258). Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Hirsch, C. R., & Schoen, H. L. (1989). Trigonometry and its applications (Rev. ed.) (pp. xvi + 528). Oklahoma City, OK: McGraw-Hill. Hirsch, C. R. & Schoen, H. L., Samide, A. J., Coblentz, D. O., & Norton, M. A. (1989). Geometry (3rd ed.) (pp. x + 678). Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman. Hirsch, C. R., & Schoen, H. L. (1987). Trigonometria conceptos y aplicaciones. Libros McGraw-Hill de Mexico (pp. xiv + 546). (Spanish translation of book, Trigonometry and Its Applications). Hirsch, C. R., & Schoen, H. L. (1985). Trigonometry and its applications (pp. xiv + 528). New York: McGraw-Hill. Channell, D., & Hirsch, C. (1984). Computer methods for problem solving in secondary school mathematics. In V. Hansen (Ed.), Computers in mathematics education: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 1984 Yearbook (pp. 171-183). Reston, VA: NCTM. Hirsch, C. R., Norton, M. A., Coblentz, D. O., Samide, A. J., & Schoen, H. L. (1983). Geometry (2nd ed.) (pp. xii + 628). Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman. Channell, D., & Hirsch, C. (1982). Computer methods for problem solving. In G. Marchionini (Ed.), Computers in the mathematics classroom (Monograph chapter). Lansing, MI: Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Coxford, A., & Hirsch, C. (1981). A curriculum in geometry for grades K-9 (pp. iii + 42) (Monograph). Lansing, MI: Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Hirsch, C. R., Roberts, M. A., Coblentz, D. O., Samide, A. J., & Schoen, H. L. (1978). Geometry (pp. x + 597). Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman. Hirsch, C. (1976). Motion in geometry: A sourcebook of activities for junior high teachers (pp. iii + 74) (Invited Monograph). Lansing, MI: Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Books and Monographs Edited Hirsch, C. R., Lappan, G., & Reys, B. (Eds.). (2012). Curriculum issues in an era of Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Hirsch, C. R. (Ed.). (2007). Perspectives on the design and development of school mathematics curricula. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. P. 11: Vitae, Hirsch, C. Books and Monographs Edited, continued Hirsch, C. R. (Series Ed.). Curriculum and evaluation standards for school mathematics addenda series, grades 9-12. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Algebra in a technological world (1995). Data analysis and statistics across the curriculum (1992). A core-curriculum: Making mathematics count for everyone (1992). Connecting mathematics (1991). Geometry from multiple perspectives (1991). Hirsch, C. R., & Laing, R. A. (Eds.). (1993). Activities for active learning and teaching (pp. vi + 244). Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Hirsch, C. R. (General Ed.) (with Fey, J. T., Issue Editor). (1992). Calculators in mathematics education: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 1992 Yearbook (pp. viii + 248). Reston, VA: NCTM. Hirsch, C. R. (General Ed.) (with Kenney, M., Issue Editor). (1991). Discrete mathematics across the curriculum, K-12: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 1991 Yearbook (pp. viii + 248). Reston, VA: NCTM. Hirsch, C. R. (General Ed.) (with Cooney, T., Issue Editor). (1990). Teaching and learning mathematics in the 1990s: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 1990 Yearbook (pp. viii + 248). Reston, VA: NCTM. Hirsch, C. R. (Ed.). (1986). Activities for implementing curricular themes from the Agenda for Action (pp. iii + 204). Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Hirsch, C. R. (Issue Ed.). (1985). The secondary school mathematics curriculum: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 1985 Yearbook (pp. vi + 250). Reston, VA: NCTM. Maletsky, E. M., & Hirsch, C. R. (Eds.). (1981). Activities from The Mathematics Teacher (pp. iv + 140). Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Presentations Invited and Peer-Reviewed Presentations at Professional Meetings Hirsch, C. Transition to college mathematics and statistics: A problem-based, technologyrich capstone course for non-STEM students. International Conference on Mathematics Textbook Research and Development 2014. University of Southampton, UK. July 2014. Hirsch, C. Mathematical modeling: The core of the Common Core State Standards. Wisconsin Mathematics Council 2014 Annual Meeting. Green Lake, WI. May 2014. Hirsch, C. Mathematical modeling: The core of the Common Core State Standards. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 2014 Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA. April 2014. P. 12: Vitae, Hirsch, C. Invited and Peer-Reviewed Presentations, continued Hirsch, C. (with Cirillo, M., Pelesko, J., Phillips, E., and Fraser, S.). Implementing mathematical modeling in the Common Core era. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 2014 Research Conference. New Orleans, LA. April 2014. Hirsch, C. Transition from high school to college and careers: An alternative pathway. 46th National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA. April 2014. Hirsch, C. (with Edson, A.). Implications of deeply digital instructional materials for TPACK. 18th Annual Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Conference. Irvine, CA. February 2014. Hirsch, C. Mathematical modeling: Connecting the CCSS mathematical practices and content expectations. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference, Louisville, KY. November 2013. Hirsch, C. An extended design experiment connecting software development with curriculum development: The case of the Core-Plus Mathematics Project. 11th International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching, Bari, Italy. July 2013. Hirsch, C. Mathematical modeling: The core of the Common Core State Standards. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 2013 Annual Meeting, Denver, CO. April 2013. Hirsch, C. (with Keller, B.). Core Math Tools: Supporting equitable implementation of the Common Core State Standards. National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics 45th Annual Conference, Denver, CO. April 2013. Hirsch, C. (with Hopfensperger, P., Martin, W. G., and Zbiek, R.). Core Math Tools and its affordances for mathematics teacher educators and prospective teachers. 17th Annual Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators 2013 Annual Conference, Orlando, FL. January 2013. Hirsch, C. Transition to college mathematics and statistics for non-STEM students. 2013 AMS/MAA Joint Meetings, San Diego, CA. January 2013. Hirsch, C. Mathematical modeling: The core of the Common Core State Standards. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference, Chicago, IL. November 2012. Hirsch, C. Core Math Tools: Supporting inquiry, conceptual understanding, and problem solving. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference, Dallas, TX. October 2012. Hirsch, C. (with Keller, B.). An overview of CCSSM-oriented Core Math Tools. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 2012 Annual Meeting (Invited General Session), Philadelphia, PA. April 2012. Hirsch, C. (with Garfunkel, S., Reys, B., and Robinson, E.). Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSSM): Curriculum and assessment recommendations. P. 13: Vitae, Hirsch, C. Invited and Peer-Reviewed Presentations, continued Research Presession to the 2012 National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Meeting (Invited Research Symposium), Philadelphia, PA. April 2012. Hirsch, C. Core Math Tools: A suite of public domain software supporting the CCSSM content standards and mathematical practices. Association of State Supervisors of Mathematics 2012 Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. April 2012. Hirsch, C. Core Math Tools: Supporting CCSSM-oriented curriculum design, curriculum enactment, and teacher preparation programs. 16th Annual Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators 2012 Annual Conference, Ft. Worth, TX. February 2012. Hirsch, C. (with Ritsema, B.). Public domain, mathematical software to support implementing the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference, Atlantic City, NJ. October 2011. Hirsch, C. (with Ritsema, B.). Public domain, mathematical software to support implementation of the CCSSM. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference, St. Louis, MO. October 2011. Hirsch, C. Mathematical modeling: The core of the High School Common Core State Standards. Keynote Address to the Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics 61st Annual Conference. August 2011. Hirsch, C. Curriculum materials matter: Using the new CCSSM curriculum analysis tools. General Session Address to the Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics 61st Annual Conference. August 2011. Hirsch, C. Curriculum and assessment in an era of CCSSM: Perspectives from a curriculum developer. Moving Forward Together Conference, Arlington, VA. May 2011. Hirsch, C. (with Ritsema, B.) Public domain statistics and probability software to support implementation of the CCSSM. Wisconsin Mathematics Council 43rd Annual Conference. May 2011. Hirsch, C. High school-to-college mathematics transition: A bifurcation model. Research Presession to the 2011 National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Meeting. April 2011. Hirsch, C. (with Edson, A. J.) The shape of geometry in an era of Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. Conversations Among Colleagues: Common Core State Standards–Implications for Mathematics Education. February 2011. Hirsch, C. (with Ritsema, B.) From technology tools for some to technology tools for all. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference, Denver, CO. October 2010. Hirsch, C. CPMP-Tools: Innovation in design, access to, and use of software tools for high school mathematics. 2009 Computer Algebra and Dynamic Geometry Systems in Mathematics Education Conference, Hagenberg, Austria. July 2009. P. 14: Vitae, Hirsch, C. Invited and Peer-Reviewed Presentations, continued Hirsch, C. (with Lappan, G.) Doctoral programs in mathematics education in Michigan: Today and tomorrow. Conversations Among Colleagues Conference. March 2008. Hirsch, C. (with Keller, B., Martin, G., & Zbiek, R.) Supporting teachers’ transfer of campus learning and technology use to classroom practice with CPMP-Tools. 12th Annual Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Conference. January 2008. Hirsch, C. Using contextual problems to support student discovery in pre-calculus mathematics: Exemplars and efficacy. AMS/MAA Joint Mathematics Meetings. January 2008. Hirsch, C. Unifying pre-college and college core mathematics: Parallel perspectives. 46th Northwest Mathematics Conference. October 2007. Hirsch, C. (with Zbiek, R.) Curriculum as core knowledge of mathematics education. Doctoral Programs in Mathematics Education: A Decade of Progress Conference. September 2007. Hirsch, C. (with Keller, S., Heid, M. K., & Waits, B. K.) CPMP-Tools: A bridge across the technology divide. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 2007 Annual Meeting. March 2007. Hirsch, C. (with Fey, J.) Looking back, looking ahead: What has been learned from 15 years of Core-Plus mathematics development and research? National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics 39th Annual Conference. March 2007. Hirsch, C. (with Hart, E., & Keller, S.) CPMP-Tools: Emerging Java-based mathematics software to support student investigation and problem solving in school and outside of school. National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics 39th Annual Conference. March 2007. Hirsch, C. Common themes and notable differences across recent national mathematics curriculum documents. K-12 mathematics: What should students learn and when should they learn it? A National Conference (sponsored by Achieve, American Statistical Association, Center for the Study of Mathematics Curriculum, College Board, Mathematical Association of America, and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics). February 2007. Hirsch, C. CPMP-Tools: Emerging Java-based software for high school mathematics. 2007 Hawaii International Conference on Statistics, Mathematics and Related Fields. January 2007. Hirsch, C. (with Frank, S., & Weiskopf, M.) The new Michigan high school content expectations in mathematics. Michigan Education Research Association Summer 2006 Conference. June 2006. Hirsch, C. (with Lappan, G., & Reys, B.) Research and curriculum: The work of the Center for the Study of Mathematics Curriculum. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 2006 Annual Meeting. April 2006. P. 15: Vitae, Hirsch, C. Invited and Peer-Reviewed Presentations, continued Hirsch, C. (with Reys, R. and Ziebarth, S.) Documents influencing the changing mathematics curriculum: Resources from the Center for the Study of Mathematics Curriculum. Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators 2006 Annual Conference. January 2006. Hirsch, C. Unifying precollege and college core mathematics: Parallel perspectives. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference. November 2005. Hirsch, C. (with Lappan, G., & Reys, R.) Mathematics curriculum: What do we know from research? What do we need to know? National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 2005 Annual Meeting. April 2005. Hirsch, C. (with Reys, B., Lappan, G., & Huntley, M. A.) The research agenda of the Center for the Study of Mathematics Curriculum (CSMC). Research Presession to the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 2005 Annual Meeting. April 2005. Hirsch, C. (with Reys, B., Lappan, G., & Usiskin, Z.) Center for the Study of Mathematics Curriculum: What is it doing? How can its work help mathematics teacher educators? 9th Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators 2005 Annual Conference. January 2005. Hirsch, C. (with Ritsema, B.) Meeting the challenge of mathematics for all in an era of high-stakes testing. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference. November 2004. Hirsch, C. (with Schluter, E., Trammel, R., & Williams, G.). Mathematics for all: Perspectives and progress. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 82nd Annual Meeting. April 2004. Hirsch, C. Inquiry-based school mathematics. Invited symposium 7th Annual Legacy of R. L. Moore Conference at the University of Texas at Austin. March 2004. Hirsch, C. Unifying precollege and college core mathematics: Parallel perspectives. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference, Charleston, SC. November 2003. Hirsch, C. From “mathematics for some” to “mathematics for all”: Progress and prospects. Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics 54th Annual Conference, Lansing, MI. October 2003. Hirsch, C. (with Ritsema, B.). Developing a rich mathematics classroom. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference, Salt Lake City, UT. October 2003. Hirsch, C. A principled analysis and evaluation of the Core-Plus Mathematics program. Wisconsin Mathematics Council 35th Annual Conference. May 2003. Hirsch, C. Algebra in an integrated approach to high school mathematics. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference. January 2003. P. 16: Vitae, Hirsch, C. Invited and Peer-Reviewed Presentations, continued Hirsch, C. (with Ferrini-Mundy, J., Findell, B., & Ball, D.). The role of mathematics in the professional work of mathematics educators. Joint Meetings of the American Mathematical Society and the Mathematical Association of America. January 2003. Hirsch, C. Teaching and learning mathematics in context: The role of reflective inquiry. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference. November 2002. Hirsch, C. (with O’Connor, R.). Getting to know the Core-Plus Mathematics Project (CPMP) curriculum. Indiana Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference 2002. July 2002. Hirsch, C. (with Ritsema, B.) Learning to teach and teaching to learn: The role of innovative curriculum materials. University of Michigan Mathematics Education Leadership Conference. May 2002. Hirsch, C. (with Taylor, A., & Stewart, J.) Mathematical education of teachers: Perspectives on CBMS recommendations. Michigan Section of the Mathematical Association of America 78th Annual Meeting. May 2002. Hirsch C. Algebra in an integrated approach to high school mathematics. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference, Madison, WI. October 2001. Hirsch, C. Unifying high school mathematics: Perspectives and promising practices. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference, Columbus, OH. September 2001. Hirsch, C. Evaluation and local implementation of the Core-Plus Mathematics program: What have we learned? National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics 33rd Annual Conference. April 2001. Hirsch, C. Unifying high school mathematics: Perspectives and promising practices. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference. February 2001. Hirsch, C. (with Findell, B., Blair, R., & Burrill, G.) Articulation among secondary and postsecondary mathematics programs. Joint Meetings of the American Mathematical Society and the Mathematical Association of America. January 2001. Hirsch, C. Developing mathematical reasoning and proof skills: Approaches from the Core-Plus Mathematics Project. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference. November 2000. Hirsch, C. Reshaping high school mathematics for a new century. Michigan Association of Non-public Schools Annual Conference. October 2000. Hirsch, C. Fourth-year mathematics: A new, flexible course for all college-bound students. Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics 51st Annual Conference. October 2000. Hirsch, C. (with Ritsema, B., & Van Zoest, L.) Progress toward Standards-based curricula and instruction: Continuing the journey in grades 9-12. Presession to the Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics 51st Annual Conference. October 2000. P. 17: Vitae, Hirsch, C. Invited and Peer-Reviewed Presentations, continued Hirsch, C. Attaining the goal of mathematics for everyone: Issues, approaches, and lessons learned. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 78th Annual Meeting. April 2000. Hirsch, C. (with Lindquist, M., Silver, E., Trafton, P., & Reys, B.). NCTM 1989 standards and 2000 standards: Continuity and change. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 78th Annual Meeting. April 2000. Hirsch, C. Realizing the goal of mathematics for all: Promising approaches from the CorePlus Mathematics Project. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference. January 2000. Hirsch, C. Mathematics for a new millennium: Approaches from the Core-Plus Mathematics Project. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference. December 1999. Hirsch, C. (with Ritsema, B.). Meeting the challenge of mathematics for all: Approaches from the Core-Plus Mathematics Project. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference. October 1999. Hirsch, C. What do evaluation studies say about the effectiveness of the Core-Plus Mathematics Project curriculum? Algebraic Reasoning Conference at Armstrong Atlantic State University. May 1999. Hirsch, C. Developing algebraic reasoning: Approaches from the Core-Plus Mathematics Project. Algebraic Reasoning Conference at Armstrong Atlantic State University. May 1999. Hirsch, C. Reshaping high school mathematics: What works? What's next from the CorePlus Mathematics Project? National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 77th Annual Meeting. April 1999. Hirsch, C. (with Coxford, A., Hart, E., & Schoen, H.) Standards-based reform: Issues and lessons learned. Research Presession to the 77th Annual Meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. April 1999. Hirsch, C. Questions to ask and issues to consider when implementing the Core-Plus Mathematics Project curriculum. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference. February 1999. Hirsch, C. Beyond precalculus: A new, flexible fourth-year course for all college-bound students. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference. February 1999. Hirsch, C. (with Ritsema, B.) From "mathematics for some" to "mathematics for all": Approaches from the Core-Plus Mathematics Project. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference. February 1999. P. 18: Vitae, Hirsch, C. Invited and Peer-Reviewed Presentations, continued Hirsch, C. (with Ritsema, B.) Integrating curriculum, instruction, and assessment reform: Approaches from the Core-Plus Mathematics Project. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference. November 1998. Hirsch, C. Beyond precalculus: Rethinking fourth-year mathematics for college-bound students. Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics 49th Annual Conference. October 1998. Hirsch, C. (with Helmboldt, C., Martin, R., O'Connor, B., & Triezenberg, D.) Teaching contemporary mathematics in context: Voices from CPMP classrooms. Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics 49th Annual Conference. October 1998. Hirsch, C. Teaching contemporary mathematics in context: An introduction to the CorePlus Mathematics Project curriculum. Christian Educators Association 1998 Conference. October 1998. Hirsch, C. (with Martin, R.) The design and implementation of the Core-Plus Mathematics Project curriculum. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference. October 1998. Hirsch, C. Mathematics for all: Approaches from the Core-Plus Mathematics Project. Fourth UCSMP International Conference on Mathematics Education. August 1998. Hirsch, C. (with Verhey, R., & Shure, P.) Placement tests in an era of reform. Michigan Section of the Mathematical Association of America and MichMATYC Joint Annual Meeting. May 1998. Hirsch, C. (with Garfunkel, S., Anderson, E., Ellis, J., & Bauer, G.) Innovative high school mathematics programs. 30th Annual Conference of the Wisconsin Mathematics Council. April 1998. Hirsch, C. (with Ritsema, B.) Mathematics for all: Approaches from the Core-Plus Mathematics Project. 30th Annual Conference of the Wisconsin Mathematics Council. April 1998. Hirsch, C. (with Sattler, N., Shure, P., & Ellis, W., Jr.) College placement tests in an era of reform. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 76th Annual Meeting. April 1998. Hirsch, C. The Core-Plus Mathematics Project: Reshaping high school mathematics. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 76th Annual Meeting. April 1998. Hirsch, C. (with Schoen, H., & Ziebarth, S.) An emerging profile of the mathematical achievement of students in the Core-Plus Mathematics Project. Symposium paper presented at 1998 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. April 1998. Hirsch, C. Algebra for all: Promising practices from the Core-Plus Mathematics Project. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference. March 1998. P. 19: Vitae, Hirsch, C. Invited and Peer-Reviewed Presentations, continued Hirsch, C. (with Ritsema, B.) The Core-Plus Mathematics Project: An integrated curriculum for all students. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference. February 1998. Hirsch, C. (with Ritsema, B.) The Core-Plus Mathematics Project: An integrated approach to curriculum, instruction, and assessment reform. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference. November 1997. Hirsch, C. (with Schirmer, T., & Thompson, M.) Goals, design, and curriculum samples from the Core-Plus Mathematics Project. Invited 1.5 day conference for the University of Missouri Supporting Secondary Standards in Missouri Mathematics Project. November 1997. Hirsch, C. (with Miller, S., Allan, C., VonderEmbse, C., Mills, V., & Mullen, K.) Making assessment compatible with mathematics reform. Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics 48th Annual Conference. October 1997. Hirsch, C. (with Eenigenberg, P., Lichtman, F., Shure, P., & Sledd, W.) College placement tests in an era of mathematics reform. Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics 48th Annual Conference. October 1997. Hirsch, C. (with Ritsema, B.) Getting to know the Core-Plus Mathematics Project: A unified curriculum for diverse student populations. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference. October 1997. Hirsch, C. (with Kepner, H., Janty, J., Malloy, C., & Swafford, J.) The future of school algebra: A professional conversation on issues, challenges, and directions. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference. October 1997. Hirsch, C. The Core-Plus Mathematics Project: An emerging curriculum and its implications for undergraduate mathematics teaching and learning. Invited two-day workshop for the Michigan Statewide Systemic Initiative Teacher Education Redesign Component at Northwestern Michigan College. July 1997. Hirsch, C. Functions and relations: A unifying theme for school algebra in grades 9-12. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics/Mathematical Sciences Education Board National Symposium on The Nature and Role of Algebra in the K-14 Curriculum. May 1997. Hirsch, C. (with Briars, D., Usiskin, Z., & Williams, B.) The future of school algebra: A professional conversation on issues, challenges, and directions. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 75th Annual Meeting. April 1997. Hirsch, C. (with Ritsema, B.) The Core-Plus Mathematics Project: Meeting the challenge of mathematics for all. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 75th Annual Meeting. April 1997. Hirsch, C. (with Ritsema, B.) Making mathematics accessible to all: Curriculum and instructional perspectives. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference. February 1997. P. 20: Vitae, Hirsch, C. Invited and Peer-Reviewed Presentations, continued Hirsch, C. (with Robinson, E., Robinson, M., & Fraser, S.) Classroom instruction using “Standards-based” instructional materials that promote investigation. Invited presentation to the National Science Foundation Local Systemic Change PI Meeting in Washington, DC. January 1997. Hirsch, C. (with Ritsema, B.) Facilitating and learning from reflective practitioners. Invited presentation to the Eisenhower Higher Education Project Directors Meeting in Lansing, Michigan. December 1996. Hirsch, C. Teaching mathematics in context: Real roots to mathematics for every student. Keynote address to the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference. October 1996. Hirsch, C. (with Shelly, M., & King, C.) High school mathematics today: Voices from reform classrooms. 1996 Annual Meeting of the Michigan Section of the Mathematical Association of America. May 1996. Hirsch, C. Reshaping high school mathematics: Perspectives from the Core-Plus Mathematics Project. 1996 Annual Meeting of the Michigan Section of the Mathematical Association of America. May 1996. Hirsch, C. (with Coxford, A., Fey, J., Hart, E., Schoen, H., Watkins, A., & Ritsema, B.) The Core-Plus Mathematics Project: Making mathematics accessible to all. 74th Annual Meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. April 1996. Hirsch, C. The Core-Plus Mathematics Project: An integrated approach to curricular, instructional, and assessment reform. 28th Annual Meeting of the National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics. April 1996. Hirsch, C. Changing times, changing curricula: Contemporary mathematics in context. 9th Annual Conference of the National Consortium for Specialized Secondary Schools of Mathematics, Science and Technology. March 1996. Hirsch, C. The Core-Plus Mathematics Project (CPMP) curriculum. Michigan Mathematics Educators Conference at Michigan State University. January 1996. Hirsch, C. (with Guman, M., & Burrill, G.) Changing school mathematics: Challenges and opportunities. Invited presentation to the National Research Council Board on Mathematical Sciences 10th Anniversary Annual Department Chairs Colloquium. October 1995. Hirsch, C. (with Kepner, H., Murdock, J., Phillips, E., & Usiskin, Z.) The future of school algebra. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference in Grand Rapids, MI. October 1995. Hirsch, C. Design and implementation of the Core-Plus Mathematics Project (CPMP) curriculum. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference in Grand Rapids, MI. October 1995. P. 21: Vitae, Hirsch, C. Invited and Peer-Reviewed Presentations, continued Hirsch, C. (with Ritsema, B.) Reshaping high school mathematics: From beliefs and conceptions to practices. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference in Grand Rapids, MI. October 1995. Hirsch, C. Design and implementation of the Core-Plus Mathematics Project (CPMP) curriculum. 73rd Summer Meeting of the Mathematical Association of America. August 1995. Hirsch, C. Key concepts of the secondary school mathematics and their development in the CPMP curriculum. Kentucky Partnership for Reform Initiatives in Science and Mathematics Institute. July 1995. Hirsch, C. Design and implementation of the Core-Plus Mathematics Project (CPMP) curriculum. National Center on Education and the Economy Conference on Teaching and Learning to Standards. April 1995. Hirsch, C. (with Lambdin, D., Lappan, G., Carman, M., Mokros, J., & Schoen, H.) Evaluating curriculum development efforts: Models, issues, and findings from three NSFfunded projects. Research Presession, 73rd Annual Meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. April 1995. Hirsch, C. (with Coxford, A., Girardot, C., & Ritsema, B.) Learning together: Lessons from the Core-Plus Mathematics Project. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 73rd Annual Meeting. April 1995. Hirsch, C. Critical issues regarding curricular reform: Perspectives from the Core-Plus Mathematics Project. Louisiana Statewide Systemic Initiative Program Conference on 9-12 Mathematics. March 1995. Hirsch, C. Core-Plus Mathematics: An integrated mathematical sciences curriculum for all students. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference in Chicago, IL. March 1995. Hirsch, C. Learning together: Lessons from the Core-Plus Mathematics Project. General Session Address to National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference in Charleston, SC. November 1994. Hirsch, C. (with Coxford, A., Bacon, E., & Ritsema, B.). The Core-Plus Mathematics Project: An integrated curriculum for all students. Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics 45th Annual Conference. October 1994. Hirsch, C. Statistics in the changing high school curriculum. Southwest Michigan American Statistical Association Chapter Meeting. September 1994. Hirsch, C. Recent actions and new initiatives of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Board of Directors. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Leadership Conference. June 1994. Hirsch, C. Instructional issues: Assessment, contests, partnerships, technology. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 72nd Annual Meeting. April 1994. P. 22: Vitae, Hirsch, C. Invited and Peer-Reviewed Presentations, continued Hirsch, C. Making mathematics accessible to all. National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics 26th Annual Conference. April 1994. Hirsch, C. The Core-Plus Mathematics Project: Progress and prospects. Eastern Michigan University Annual Mathematics Education Conference. March 1994. Hirsch, C. Mathematics for all: Myths, models, and materials. General session address to National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference. November 1993. Hirsch, C. Mathematics for all: Myths, models, and materials. General session address to 44th Annual Conference of the Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics. October 1993. Hirsch, C. Leveraging reform: The Making Mathematics Accessible to All and Core-Plus Mathematics projects. What’s Happening in Science and Mathematics Education in Michigan Conference. October 1993. Hirsch, C. Reflections on the first United States/Russia joint conference on mathematics education. Invited presentation to the United States/Russia Joint Conference on Mathematics Education. Moscow, Russia. October 1993. Hirsch, C. New directions in secondary mathematics education: A United States perspective. Invited general session address to United States/Russia Joint Conference on Mathematics Education. Moscow, Russia. October 1993. Hirsch, C. Overview and uses of the high school addenda series. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 71st Annual Meeting. April 1993. Hirsch, C. Exploring the challenges of change. Association of State Supervisors of Mathematics Annual Meeting. April 1993. Hirsch, C. New directions in secondary school mathematics: The Core-Plus Mathematics Project. National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics 25th Annual Conference. April 1993. Hirsch, C. The high school addenda series and mathematics education reform. National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics 25th Annual Conference. April 1993. Hirsch, C. Mathematics for all: Myths, models and materials. Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Mathematics in Action Conference. February 1993. Hirsch, C. A core curriculum: Making mathematics count for everyone. South Carolina Council of Teachers of Mathematics 1992 Fall Conference. November 1992. Hirsch, C. (with Keller, B.) Student preferences for representations of functions. Fifth Annual International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics. November 1992. Hirsch, C. Looking at technology issues. Fifth Annual International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics. November 1992. P. 23: Vitae, Hirsch, C. Invited and Peer-Reviewed Presentations, continued Hirsch, C. Discrete mathematics for everyone. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference in Minneapolis, MN. November 1992. Hirsch, C. Overview and uses of the addenda series, grades 9-12. National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics Pre-Conference Symposium held in conjunction with the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference in Minneapolis, MN. November 1992. Hirsch, C. Mathematics for all: Myths, models, and materials. Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics and School Science and Mathematics Association Joint Conference. October 1992. Hirsch, C. What does developmental mathematics mean today? Michigan Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges Fall Conference. October 1992. Hirsch, C. Implications of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics standards for mathematics programs and teaching at community colleges. General session address to Michigan Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges Fall Conference. October 1992. Hirsch, C. Connecting probability with algebra and geometry. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference in Columbus, OH. September 1992. Hirsch, C. Responding to a call for change in the preparation of teachers of secondary school mathematics. Invited general session address to First Annual Prime Conference, Marquette University. May 1992. Hirsch, C. Materials to help in implementing the standards in the secondary school. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 70th Annual Meeting. April 1992. Hirsch, C. A secondary core curriculum: Models and materials. Invited presentation to Association of American Publishers/National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Joint Conference on National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Standards: Implications for Instructional Materials. March 1992. Hirsch, C. Discrete mathematics and mathematical modeling in secondary schools. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference in Des Moines, IA. January 1992. Hirsch, C. A core curriculum: Making mathematics count for everyone. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference in Nashua, NH. November 1991. Hirsch, C. Incorporating probability in the algebra and geometry strands. Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics 42nd Annual Conference. October 1991. Hirsch, C. Materials to help in implementing the standards in the secondary school. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 69th Annual Meeting. April 1991. Hirsch, C. Implementing the probability standard in grades 9-12. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 69th Annual Meeting. April 1991. P. 24: Vitae, Hirsch, C. Invited and Peer-Reviewed Presentations, continued Hirsch, C. An overview of federal funding opportunities in mathematics. Research Presession, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 69th Annual Meeting. April 1991. Hirsch, C. Making high school mathematics work for everyone: The challenge of the nineties. General session address to National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference in South Bend, IN. March 1991. Hirsch, C. A preview of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics forthcoming yearbook on Calculators in Mathematics Education: Impact and Potential. Conference on Graphing Calculators in the Secondary Curriculum at Central Michigan University. December 1990. Hirsch, C. Technology and mathematics content for teachers: Issues and models. Third Annual Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics at Ohio State University. November 1990. Hirsch, C. Transition to new standards for school mathematics: The pivotal role of administrators. Mini-conference for educational leaders held in conjunction with the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference in Memphis, TN. (Keynote Address). November 1990. Hirsch, C. Integrating discrete mathematics across the high school curriculum. General session address to National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference in Memphis, TN. November 1990. Hirsch, C. Making mathematics count for everyone. Georgia Council of Teachers of Mathematics 31st Annual Conference. October 1990. Hirsch, C. Teaching better mathematics better. Keynote address to Georgia Council of Teachers of Mathematics 31st Annual Conference. October 1990. Hirsch, C. A core curriculum: Making mathematics count for everyone. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference in Madison, WI. October 1990. Hirsch, C. The addenda to the curriculum and evaluation standards for school mathematics. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 68th Annual Meeting. April 1990. Hirsch, C. Discrete mathematics and mathematical modeling in secondary schools. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 68th Annual Meeting. April 1990. Hirsch, C. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics curriculum standards and their implications for undergraduate mathematics. Annual Spring Meeting of the Indiana Section of the Mathematical Association of America at Purdue University. March 1990. Hirsch, C. Making mathematics count for everyone: Curricular issues in high school mathematics. General session address to Third Annual Conference on Success for Everyone at the University of Illinois at Chicago. February 1990. P. 25: Vitae, Hirsch, C. Invited and Peer-Reviewed Presentations, continued Hirsch, C. Improving mathematics education: Policy implications of everybody counts and the curriculum and evaluation standards for school mathematics. National Conference on Solve for X: Practical Solutions to Teaching Math and Science in American Schools and Colleges at Bard College. January 1990. Hirsch, C. Reshaping school geometry from a standards perspective. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference in Philadelphia, PA. November 1989. Hirsch, C. Reform in school mathematics: Implementing the standards for grades 9-12. General session address to Wisconsin Mathematics Council Leadership Conference on Implementation of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Standards. November 1989. Hirsch, C. How mathematics content courses must change in light of technology and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics curriculum standards. Second Annual Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics at Ohio State University. November 1989. Hirsch, C. Transitions to new standards for high school mathematics. Kent State University. November 1989. Hirsch, C. What do national standards offer mathematics in Indiana? General session address to Indiana Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference. October 1989. Hirsch, C. Changing school mathematics for a changing America. Keynote address to Indiana Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference. October 1989. Hirsch, C. Enhancing the teaching and learning of trigonometry with technology. Contributed paper to the School Science and Mathematics Association 89th Annual Meeting. October 1989. Hirsch, C. Translating the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Standards into practice: Tips for teachers. Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics 40th Annual Conference. October 1989. Hirsch, C. Implications of the standards project for collegiate programs in the mathematical sciences. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 67th Annual Meeting. April 1989. Hirsch, C. Translating the curriculum standards for grades 9-12 into practice: Some first steps. National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics 21st Annual Meeting. April 1989. Hirsch, C. New standards for what's standard in high school mathematics. Conference on Mathematics: Changing Perspectives (Indiana Department of Education). March 1989. Hirsch, C. Translating the standards into practice: Teachers, technology, texts, and testing. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference in Omaha, NE. March 1989. P. 26: Vitae, Hirsch, C. Invited and Peer-Reviewed Presentations, continued Hirsch, C. The standards project: A new vision of secondary school mathematics. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference in Omaha, NE. March 1989. Hirsch, C. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Standards: New directions and implications for mathematics in grades 9-12. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference, Grand Rapids, MI. March 1989. Hirsch, C. Enhancing the teaching and learning of trigonometry with technology. Conference on the Teaching of High School Mathematics, Sam Houston State University (Huntsville, Texas). January 1989. Hirsch, C. Changing the college preparatory mathematics curriculum: Why, what, and how? Keynote Conference on The College Preparatory Mathematics Curriculum: Time for an Overall (Connecticut State Department of Education). December 1988. Hirsch, C. Embedding discrete mathematics topics throughout the algebra curriculum. School Science and Mathematics Association 1988 Annual Meeting. December 1988. Hirsch, C. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Curriculum Standards: Challenges and opportunities. General session address to Illinois Council of Teachers of Mathematics 40th Annual Meeting. November 1988. Hirsch, C. Geometry from a discrete perspective. Detroit Area Council of Teachers of Mathematics and Metropolitan Detroit Science Teachers Association 48th Annual Fall Conference. November 1988. Hirsch, C. Curriculum standards for grades 9-12. State of Math Conference (Michigan Department of Education). November 1988. Hirsch, C. Standards for school mathematics: Who needs them and why? Keynote address, State of Math Conference (Michigan Department of Education). November 1988. Hirsch, C. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Curriculum Standards for Grades 9-12. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference in Pittsburgh, PA. October 1988. Hirsch, C. Graphic calculators: Tools for improving instruction in algebra. Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics 39th Annual Conference. October 1988. Hirsch, C. Mathematics curriculum reform: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics’ Standards and Mathematical Sciences Education Board’s Framework. 35th Annual Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching. August 1988. Hirsch, C. Embedding discrete mathematics topics in school geometry. 35th Annual Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching (Houston, Texas). August 1988. Hirsch, C. Transformations in school geometry: An investigative approach. 35th Annual Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching, Pre-Conference Seminar. August 1988. P. 27: Vitae, Hirsch, C. Invited and Peer-Reviewed Presentations, continued Hirsch, C. Mathematics for the college-intending: A new perspective. Michigan Section Mathematical Association of America 1988 Annual Meeting. May 1988. Hirsch, C. Discrete mathematics in secondary schools: What? where? how? Wisconsin Mathematics Council 1988 Annual Meeting. April 1988. Hirsch, C. Challenges and opportunities offered by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics’ Standards project. Wisconsin Mathematics Council 1988 Annual Meeting. April 1988. Hirsch, C. Tips on writing and preparing manuscripts for possible publication in National Council of Teachers of Mathematics publications. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 66th Annual Meeting. April 1988. Hirsch, C. Mathematics in secondary schools: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics’ proposed curriculum standards. General session address to National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 66th Annual Meeting. April 1988. Hirsch, C. Overview and analysis of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics’ Proposed Curriculum Standards for grades 9-12. National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics 20th Annual Meeting. April 1988. Hirsch, C. Activities for enriching secondary school geometry. Ohio Council of Teachers of Mathematics 38th Annual Meeting. March 1988. Hirsch, C. Mathematics in secondary schools: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics proposed standards for curriculum and instruction. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference, Atlanta, GA. March 1988. Hirsch, C. A report from the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Commission on Standards for school mathematics. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference Atlanta, GA. March 1988. Hirsch, C. Integrating discrete mathematics topics into the high school curriculum. Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics Region 3 Conference. February 1988. Hirsch, C. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics’ Standards Project: A new vision of secondary school mathematics. Keynote address to University of Michigan ThirtyEighth Annual Mathematics Education Conference. February 1988. Hirsch, C. Curriculum and evaluation standards for school mathematics. University of Michigan Leadership Conference. February 1988. Hirsch, C. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics’ Standards for school mathematics. 71st Annual Meeting of the Mathematical Association of America. January 1988. Hirsch, C. Embedding discrete mathematics topics throughout the algebra curriculum. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference in Minneapolis, MN. November 1987. P. 28: Vitae, Hirsch, C. Invited and Peer-Reviewed Presentations, continued Hirsch, C. Mathematics in secondary schools: standards for curriculum and instruction. Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics 38th Annual Conference. October 1987. Hirsch, C. A status report on the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics’ Standards for School Mathematics and the Mathematical Sciences Education Board’s Curriculum Framework Projects. 1987 School Science and Mathematics Association Annual Meeting. October 1987. Hirsch, C. Embedding discrete mathematics topics in school geometry. Contributed paper at the 1987 School Science and Mathematics Association Annual Meeting. October 1987. Hirsch, C. Implications of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics’ Standards Project for teacher education programs. University of Northern Iowa Pre-Session for Iowa College Mathematics Educators. September 1987. Hirsch, C. Mathematics in secondary schools: Standards for curriculum and instruction. Keynote address at University of Northern Iowa 26th Annual K-12 Mathematics Conference. September 1987. Hirsch, C. Challenges and opportunities offered by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics’ Standards for School Mathematics. University of Northern Iowa 26th Annual K-12 Mathematics Conference. September 1987. Hirsch, C. Learning and teaching geometry: Issues for research and practice. Working Conference on Learning and Teaching Geometry, Syracuse University. June 1987. Hirsch, C. Tips on writing and preparing manuscripts for possible publication in National Council of Teachers of Mathematics publications. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 65th Annual Meeting. April 1987. Hirsch, C. Discrete mathematics in high school algebra: What? where? how? University of Michigan Thirty-Seventh Annual Mathematics Education Conference. February 1987. Hirsch, C. Teaching geometry so it will be useful. 1986 School Science and Mathematics Association Annual Meeting. November 1986. Hirsch, C. Activities for enriching the secondary school geometry curriculum. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference in South Bend, IN. October 1986. Hirsch, C. Discrete mathematics in secondary schools: What? where? how? General session participant at Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics 1986 Annual Conference. October 1986. Hirsch, C. Making mathematical induction meaningful. Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics 1986 Annual Conference. October 1986. Hirsch, C. Teaching geometry so it will be useful. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference in Casper, WY. October 1986. P. 29: Vitae, Hirsch, C. Invited and Peer-Reviewed Presentations, continued Hirsch, C. Embedding discrete mathematics topics throughout the high school curriculum. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 64th Annual Meeting. April 1986. Hirsch, C. Curriculum change in secondary school mathematics: Promising practices and future directions. Ohio Council of Teachers of Mathematics Thirty-Sixth Annual Meeting. March 1986. Hirsch, C. Activities for enriching the secondary school geometry curriculum. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference in Dallas, TX. February 1986. Hirsch, C. Secondary school mathematics in transition: Promising practices and continuing issues. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference in Dallas, TX. February 1986. Hirsch, C. An incremental approach to proof in geometry. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Meeting in Columbus, OH. December 1985. Hirsch, C. Activities for enriching the high school geometry curriculum. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Meeting in Milwaukee, WI. November 1985. Hirsch, C. Curriculum change in secondary school mathematics: Issues, priorities, and prospects. Illinois Council of Teachers of Mathematics Thirty-Seventh Annual Meeting. October 1985. Hirsch, C. Secondary school mathematics curricula: Promising practices and new directions. 1985 Wisconsin Education Association Council Convention. October 1985. Hirsch, C. Algebra and calculus with math: Implications for curricular reform. Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics 1985 Annual Conference. October 1985. Hirsch, C. Mathematical modeling and computing in secondary school mathematics. University of Texas at San Antonio. June 1985. Hirsch, C. Secondary school mathematics curricula: Promising practices and new directions. General session at National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 63rd Annual Meeting. April 1985. Hirsch, C. Teaching geometry so it will be useful. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Meeting in Parsippany, NJ. March 1985. Hirsch, C. Applications and problem solving in geometry. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Meeting, Cedar Rapids, IA. February 1985. Hirsch, C. The mathematics curriculum—What changes are needed and what is ahead in the future? General session at University of Michigan Thirty-Fifth Annual Mathematics Education Conference. February 1985. Hirsch, C. Activities for enriching the high school geometry curriculum. Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics 1984 Annual Conference. November 1984. P. 30: Vitae, Hirsch, C. Invited and Peer-Reviewed Presentations, continued Hirsch, C. Models for in-service education in mathematics. Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics Administrators Conference. (Panel organizer, member, and moderator). November 1984. Hirsch, C. Mathematical modeling and computing in secondary school mathematics. 31st Annual Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching in Austin, TX. October 1984. Hirsch, C. Computer methods for problem solving in elementary algebra and geometry. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 62nd Annual Meeting. April 1984. Hirsch, C. Making problem solving an integral part of secondary school mathematics. General session at National Council of Teachers of Mathematics in DeKalb, IL. March 1984. Hirsch, C. The high school mathematics curriculum: Designs for excellence. Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics Region 5 Conference. (Panel organizer and moderator). November 1983. Hirsch, C. Mathematical modeling and computing in secondary school mathematics. Illinois Council of Teachers of Mathematics Thirty-Fifth Annual Meeting. November 1983. Hirsch, C. Applications and problem solving in geometry. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Meeting in Omaha, NE. October 1983. Hirsch, C. Simple suggestions for the successful teaching of proof. Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics 1983 Annual Conference. October 1983. Hirsch, C. Enrichment activities for high school geometry. Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics 1983 Annual Conference. October 1983. Hirsch, C. Computer methods for problem solving in secondary school mathematics. School Science and Mathematics Association 1983 Annual Conference. October 1983. Hirsch, C. Teaching geometry so it will be useful. 30th Annual Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching in Austin, TX. October 1983. Hirsch, C. Instructional uses of calculators in middle school mathematics. Wisconsin Mathematics Council Annual Green Lake Meeting. May 1983. Hirsch, C. Teaching geometry so it will be useful. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 61st Annual Meeting. April 1983. Hirsch, C. Computer methods for problem solving. Indiana Council of Teachers of Mathematics North Central Regional Meeting. February 1983. Hirsch, C. An incremental approach to proof in geometry. University of Michigan ThirtyThird Annual Mathematics Education Conference. February 1983. P. 31: Vitae, Hirsch, C. Invited and Peer-Reviewed Presentations, continued Hirsch, C. Applications and problem solving in geometry. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Meeting in Indianapolis, IN. November 1982. Hirsch, C. Computer approaches to applied mathematical problems. Regional Meeting of the Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics in Grayling, MI. November 1982. Hirsch, C. An objective approach to evaluating and selecting high school mathematics textbooks. Northern Michigan University. October 1982. Hirsch, C. Calculator activities for developing mathematical concepts and skills. Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics 1982 Annual Conference. October 1982. Hirsch, C. Problem solving in geometry for grades 6-9. Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics 1982 Annual Conference. October 1982. Hirsch, C. Mathematical modeling and computing in secondary school mathematics. Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics 1982 Annual Conference. October 1982. Hirsch, C. Instructional uses of calculators in elementary and middle school mathematics. Regional Meeting of the Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Delta College. May 1982. Hirsch, C. Development and preliminary evaluation of a didactical shadow Seminar in Abstract Algebra. Contributed paper at National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 60th Annual Meeting. April 1982. Hirsch, C. Problem solving—not only a goal, but a method of mathematics instruction. General session at University of Michigan Thirty-Second Annual Mathematics Education Conference. February 1982. Hirsch, C. Calculator activities for developing mathematical concepts and skills. Regional Meeting of the Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Kellogg Community College. November 1981. Hirsch, C. Applications in high school geometry. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Meeting in Minneapolis, MN. November 1981. Hirsch, C. The importance of geometry instruction in grades K-8. 1981 Christian Educators Association Annual Convention. November 1981. Hirsch, C. Calculators and the teaching of mathematics in grades 4-8. 1981 Christian Educators Association Annual Convention. November 1981. Hirsch, C. Mathematical modeling and computing in algebra and geometry. Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics 1981 Annual Conference. October 1981. Hirsch, C. Applications and the restructuring of high school geometry. General session at Southwest Missouri District Association of Mathematics Teachers Annual Meeting. October 1981. P. 32: Vitae, Hirsch, C. Invited and Peer-Reviewed Presentations, continued Hirsch, C. Applications as an integral part of high school geometry. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 59th Annual Meeting. April 1981. Hirsch, C. Applications and problem solving in school geometry. Ohio Council of Teachers of Mathematics 1981 Annual Meeting. April 1981. Hirsch, C. Generating interest in geometry through applications. Illinois State University 33rd Annual Mathematics Conference. March 1981. Hirsch, C. Mathematical modeling in high school geometry. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Meeting in Long Beach, CA. March 1981. Hirsch, C. Calculator activities for middle school mathematics. Regional Meeting of the Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Grand Valley State Colleges. March 1981. Hirsch, C. Teaching geometry through applications. 1980 Christian Educators Association Annual Convention. November 1980. Hirsch, C. Cognitive development with respect to geometry. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Meeting in Marquette, MI. (Panel moderator and discussant). September 1980. Hirsch, C. Applications as an integral part of school geometry. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Meeting in Marquette, MI. September 1980. Hirsch, C. Problem solving and applications in geometry. General session at Wisconsin Mathematics Council Annual Green Lake Meeting. May 1980. Hirsch, C. The role of applications in school geometry. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Meeting in Peoria, IL. March 1980. Hirsch, C. Applications and problem solving in geometry. University of Michigan Thirtieth Annual Mathematics Education Conference. February 1980. Hirsch, C. Applications in school geometry. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Meeting in Cleveland, OH. October 1979. Hirsch, C. Characteristics of a quality mathematics program. Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics 1979 Annual Conference. October 1979. Hirsch, C. Applications of geometry in the real world. Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics 1979 Annual Conference. October 1979. Hirsch, C. The usefulness of geometry. Indiana Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Meeting. September 1979. Hirsch, C. Activities, activities, activities from Activities. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 57th Annual Meeting. April 1979. P. 33: Vitae, Hirsch, C. Invited and Peer-Reviewed Presentations, continued Hirsch, C. Geometry around us. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Meeting in Des Moines, IA. March 1979. Hirsch, C. Transformations as a post-organizer in school geometry. Contributed paper to School Science and Mathematics Association 78th Annual Convention. November 1978. Hirsch, C. Using activities in the mathematics classroom. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Meeting in Milwaukee, WI. November 1978. Hirsch, C. Explorations in geometry with miras. Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics 1978 Annual Conference. October 1978. Hirsch, C. Geometry: A model of the real world. Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics 1978 Annual Conference. October 1978. Hirsch, C. Math games and activities. 1977 Christian Educators Association Annual Convention. October 1977. Hirsch, C. Laboratory activities for transformational geometry. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 55th Annual Meeting. April 1977. Hirsch, C. Small group-discovery learning in calculus: Its effect upon achievement and attitudes. Contributed paper at National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 55th Annual Meeting. April 1977. Hirsch, C. Transformational geometry: An investigative approach. Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics Region III Conference. March 1977. Hirsch, C. Teaching junior high school geometry: New concepts and methods. University of Michigan 27th Annual Mathematics Education Conference. February 1977. Hirsch, C. A laboratory approach to the geometry of reflections. School Science and Mathematics Association 76th Annual Convention. November 1976. Hirsch, C. Aspects of combinatorial geometry for junior high schools. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Meeting in Winnipeg, MB. October 1976. Hirsch, C. Geometry through a looking glass. Wisconsin Mathematics Council Fall Meeting. October 1976. Hirsch, C. Geometry through a looking glass. Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics 1976 Annual Conference. October 1976. Hirsch, C. Transformations in geometry. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Meeting in Madison, WI. October 1975. Hirsch, C. Combinatorial geometry. Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics 1975 Annual Conference. October 1975. P. 34: Vitae, Hirsch, C. Invited and Peer-Reviewed Presentations, continued Hirsch, C. Laboratory activities for motion geometry. University of Michigan 25th Annual Mathematics Education Conference. February 1975. Hirsch, C. Learning packages: What does research say to the teacher? Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics 1974 Annual Conference. October 1974. Hirsch, C. Transformation geometry. Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics Region V Conference. May 1974. Hirsch, C. The relative effectiveness of guided discovery and individualized instructional packages in promoting initial learning, transfer, and retention in second-year algebra. Contributed paper at National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 52nd Annual Meeting. April 1974. Hirsch, C. Motion in geometry. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Meeting in Des Moines, IA. March 1974. Hirsch, C. Induction and intuition. Iowa Council of Teachers of Mathematics Spring Conference. March 1971. Other Presentations and Colloquia Hirsch, C. The Center for the Study of Mathematics Curriculum: What it is and how it can support, and be supported by, curriculum developers. 2004 Conference for Developers of NSF-funded K-12 Mathematics, Science, and Technology Curriculum Projects. May 2004. Hirsch, C. Reshaping high school mathematics: Progress and prospects. Colloquium at Calvin College. February 2004. Hirsch, C. Teaching school mathematics using problem-based, inquiry-oriented curriculum materials: Implications for teacher preparation. University of Akron and John Carroll University Forum on Inquiry Learning in Mathematics and Science. April 2002. Hirsch, C. (with Fendell, B., & Haver, W.) Articulation between secondary, two-year, and four-year mathematics/statistics programs. 15th Annual Mathematical Sciences Department Chairs Colloquium. November 2000. Hirsch, C. (with Kennedy, D.) The roles of assessment in high school/college articulation. Invited Mathematical Sciences Education Board Articulation Workshop. February 2000. Hirsch, C. Reshaping high school mathematics: Approaches from the Core-Plus Mathematics Project. Mathematics colloquium at the University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign. February 1999. Hirsch, C. (and Ziebarth, S.) Developing and evaluating a standards-based mathematics curriculum. Evaluation Center Seminar at Western Michigan University. February 1999. P. 35: Vitae, Hirsch, C. Other Presentations and Colloquia, continued Hirsch, C. Emerging secondary school mathematics curricula and their implications for undergraduate mathematics. Mathematics colloquium at Bowling Green State University. February 1998. Hirsch, C. Reshaping high school mathematics: Perspectives from the Core-Plus Mathematics Project. Joint Mathematics and Mathematics Education colloquium at California State Polytechnic University-Pamona. April 1997. Hirsch, C. (and Ritsema, B.) Developing and applying mathematical models. Mathematics Education Seminar at Indiana University - Northwest. June 1996. Hirsch, C. Design and implementation of an integrated mathematical sciences curriculum for high schools. Joint Mathematics and Mathematics Education Colloquium at the University of Missouri, November 1995. Hirsch, C. The changing high school mathematics curriculum and its impact on undergraduate mathematics programs. Mathematics colloquium at the University of Michigan-Dearborn. December 1994. Hirsch, C. Mathematics for all: Rhetoric to reality. Mathematics Education Colloquium at Michigan State University. April 1994. Hirsch, C. Mathematics for all: Progress and prospects. Mathematics Education Colloquium at the University of Iowa. March 1992. Hirsch, C. Mathematics for all: Responding to a changing world. Western Michigan University. (Distinguished Faculty Scholar Colloquium). November 1988. Hirsch, C. Implementing new standards for what's standard in secondary school mathematics. Mathematics Education Colloquium at Miami University. July 1988. Hirsch, C. The reform movement in K-12 mathematics: A response to a national crisis. Mathematics Colloquium at Western Michigan University. October 1987. Hirsch, C. Secondary school mathematics today and tomorrow. Mathematics Education Colloquium at Miami University. June 1986. Hirsch, C. Geometry in the secondary school curriculum. Mathematics Education Colloquium at University of Iowa. June 1977. Hirsch, C. Mathematical models and environmental problems: Some suggestions for school Mathematics. Mathematics Education Colloquium at University of Illinois. March 1976. PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS 2013 - present American Mathematical Society 1997 - present Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators P. 36: Vitae, Hirsch, C. PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS, continued 1987 - present National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics 1975 - present American Association of University Professors 1973 - present Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics 1971 - present Mathematical Association of America 1966 - present National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 1973 - 2001 School Science and Mathematics Association PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Edit 2007 - 2010 Editor of the “Contemporary Issues in Mathematics Curriculum” Department of the Mathematics Teacher 1977 - 1988 Editor of the "Activities" Department of The Mathematics Teacher 1975 - 1976 High School Mathematics Editor for School Science and Mathematics Review 2009 Member of National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Review Group for the College and Career Readiness Standards for School Mathematics developed under the auspices of the Council of Chief State School Officers and the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices 2006 Chair of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Review Group for the College Board’s Standards for Success in College Mathematics and Statistics 1999 Reviewer for NCTM's Principles and Standards for School Mathematics 1998 Reviewer for professional reference book, Mathematics Teacher Education—Issues and Perspectives 1977 Reviewer of Michigan Minimal Performance Objectives in Mathematics Referee 1992 - present Referee for the Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 1992 - present Referee for the American Mathematical Monthly 1975 - 2005 Referee for The Mathematics Teacher P. 37: Vitae, Hirsch, C. PROFESSIONAL SERVICE, continued 1975 - 2004 Referee for School Science and Mathematics 1996 - 2002 Referee for Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 1975 - 1994 Referee for The Arithmetic Teacher Leadership in and Service to State and National Professional Organizations 2012 - 2013 Chair, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Core Tools Task Force 2005 - 2006 Member of the Michigan High School Mathematics Content Standards and Expectations Work Group 2001 - 2002 Member of Steering Committee for workshop on Rethinking the Preparation for Calculus convened by the National Science Foundation 2000 - 2001 Member of the Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics/Michigan Science and Mathematics Alliance Public Relations Committee 2000 - 2001 Member of Planning Committee for Mathematics in Michigan Convocation 2000 - 2001 Member of NSF Proposal Review Panel for Instructional Materials Development and Teacher Enhancement Programs 1998 - 2001 Member of the Michigan Science and Mathematics Alliance Board of Directors 1996 - 1997 Member of the Advisory Committee for Making Mathematics Accessible to All: The Middle Grades Component 1993 - 1997 Member, Metaevaluation Panel for Michigan Statewide Systemic Initiative 1995 - 1996 Member of the Executive Committee of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Board of Directors 1995 - 1996 Member of the Advisory Board for the WGBH (Public Television - Boston) Teaching Mathematics: A Video Library Project 1993 - 1996 Member of the Policy/Planning Committee of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Board of Directors 1993 - 1996 Member, Budget and Finance Committee of National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Board of Directors 1993 - 1996 Member of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Instructional Issues Advisory Committee 1993 - 1996 Member, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Board of Directors P. 38: Vitae, Hirsch, C. PROFESSIONAL SERVICE, continued 1992 - 1993 Member, Joint Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics/Michigan Department of Education, Management Committee for Curriculum and Assessment Framework for Michigan High School Mathematics Proficiency Test 1989 - 1992 Member of the Addenda to the Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics Task Force 1989 - 1990 Immediate Past-President, Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics 1989 - 1990 Chair, Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics Nominations and Election Committee 1988 - 1990 Member, National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics Task Force on Effecting Change 1987 - 1990 Member, School Science and Math Association Publications Committee 1989 Member, School Science and Math Association Executive Committee 1988 - 1989 President of the Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics 1988 - 1989 Member, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Task Force on the Addenda to the Standards 1987 - 1989 Cochairman, Program Committee of National Council of Teachers of Mathematics North Central Regional Conference in Grand Rapids 1987 - 1989 Member, Board of Directors, School Science and Mathematics Association 1986 - 1989 Chair, Grades 9-12 Working Group for the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics 1986 - 1989 Member, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Commission on Standards for School Mathematics 1987 - 1988 President-Elect of the Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics 1985 - 1988 Member and Chair, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Educational Materials Committee 1986 - 1987 Member of the Committee on Middle Grades Math Endorsement Program 1986 - 1987 Conference and Program Chair for the Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics 38th Annual Conference 1984 - 1986 Member, Curriculum Advisory Group for University of Chicago School Mathematics Project P. 39: Vitae, Hirsch, C. PROFESSIONAL SERVICE, continued 1982 - 1986 Member Central State Universities, Inc. Committee for Decline in Math and Science Study 1983 - 1985 Member Michigan Department of Education Task Force on Mathematics and Science 1981 - 1985 Member, Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics Executive Subcommittees 1978 - 1985 Member Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics Guidelines Committee for Quality Mathematics Teaching 1983 - 1984 Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics 4-Year College VicePresident 1983 - 1984 Member 1984 Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference Program Committee 1983 - 1984 Co-Chairperson Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics Region 5 Mathematics Conference 1982 Member Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics 1982 Annual Conference Program Committee 1981 - 1982 Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics 4-Year College VicePresident 1979 - 1982 Member School Science and Mathematics Association Policy Committee 1977 - 1980 Member Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics Geometry Curriculum Committee 1976 - 1977 Member Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics Middle School Certification Committee 1974 - 1977 Reader and Critic for Mathematical Association of America Michigan Math Prize Exam 1975 Geometry Strand Coordinator, Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference P. 40: Vitae, Hirsch, C.