Hydro-climate effects on rangeland ecosystem soils in the Great Basin: thresholds and transformations Matt Germino US Geological Survey, Boise Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center Colleagues: Nancy Glenn, Joel Sankey, Sondra Miller, Many Others Funding: BLM, DOD Bigger picture of surface conditions as they relate to management of Great Basin landscapes • • • • Species of concern – sagebrush habitats and dependent species Fire, post-fire restoration is a major conservation investment Wind energy development, grazing, invasives Rapid Ecological Assessments – soils are a conservation element The soil surface: a critical zone for climate effects on rangeland ecosystems, from a wide range of perspectives • Bare soil exposure, relates to sensitivity to disturbance Fire, grazing effects • Annuals vs. perennials; seeding/planting Seeds, germination are key • Fertility is near surface • Biological crusts • Erosion • Uncoupled from typical weather station parameters This talk will focus on fire effects – megafires are a key concern Wind erosion after fire: photo by Charley Finley •Dust storm in 2006 at Clover Fire in S Idaho on an otherwise clear day, •Reminiscent of dust bowl of 1930’s •Environmental, health, logistics, liability problems – unambiguous risks. •Great Basin is a significant source of global dust (Goudie & Middleton 2006) •Emphasis on wind erosion has been on cropfields, dunes, hot deserts. • Since mid-1900’s, seeding practices have been common in semiarid rangelands of Western N America. •Seeding in emergency post-fire rehabilitation plans is aimed at soil stabilization and pre-emption of native species. •Success has been mixed, weather is a major issue. Photo from USFS RMRS, Native Plant Increase Project 2003 report from US General Accounting Office notes the large cost and asks about efficiency of post-fire reseeding Jefferson Fire, 100K acres, July 16-20, 2010 -Started sampling July 21, 2010 -Replication: 3 full BSNE towers, sensit, and energy/water balance. 7 From ARS WERU Germino et al. Ecological Biogeomorphology, ESA 2012 8 22 Se p1 0 20 Oc t1 18 0 No v1 0 26 Ap r1 1 23 M ay 11 3A ug 11 10 25 Au g l1 0 125 100 75 50 25 0 29 Ju Sediment discharge (kg/m/d) Jefferson Fire con’t: -1st summer: <10% plant cover, few grasses -Substantial deflation– had to adjust equipment. 9 Erodibility quantified through threshold wind speeds: •hard to measure on unburned sites •quite variable in time •Sankey, Germino, Glenn (2009, JAE) High variability in thresholds of erodibility following fire: Why….is it surface moisture variability? Sankey et al. 2009b, in Aeolian Research Wagenbrenner, Germino et al., accepted to Aeol Research This event corresponded with decrease in soil moisture and loss of darker fertile soil, changes in hydrologic conductivity Dust was evident in MODIS satellite imagery From the 2010 Jefferson Fire, Idaho: Jefferson fire site: transformations Abundant pedestals on burn Neighboring unburned site High density of shrub stems on burned area Halogeton and surface crust after 9 months 14 Haboob hits Boise, 5Aug2012 200 Data ofDCEW Sondra Miller, T, Groom, T Tree Line Site Anderson; Boise State University 150 -2 -1 Flux (mg m d ) Sampler A Sampler B 100 50 0 17-Jul-12 24-Jul-12 31-Jul-12 07-Aug-12 Sample Collection Date 14-Aug-12 Generating models requires observations, Monitoring requires appreciation of diversity of dust storm types and basic weather/climate info. From Nat’l Center for Atmo. Research, “Comet” program: Bringing weather risk information into the realm of decision making Risk cost vs. restoration benefit of soil disturbances after fire From Mark Miller, for Milford Flats UT: Threshhold effects of fire size on erosion: not all areas vulnerable Grey: #snow-free days in observation period Open: #days that erosion was substantive 18 Outlook for 2012 Much burned area, dry fall but low wind?, winter? USDA NIFA Grant, starting Jan 2013 Weather data and forecasting applications for management of ecological site transitions S Hardegree, J Abatzglou, M Brunson, M Germino 1. Database of historical meteorological information in support of adaptive‐management planning and validation of forecast‐modeling applications. 2. Seasonal forecasting tool for rangeland restoration planning. 3. Determine climatic thresholds for successful rangeland seeding 4. Determination of weather thresholds for soil stability 5. Supplementation of Ecological Site Descriptions with climatological, weather and soil stability information 6. Identification of strategies to facilitate adoption of weather‐centric management and forecasting strategies by land management agencies and professional restoration planners. Forthcoming data sources: NASA’s SMAP: Soil Moisture Active/Passive -planned collaboration with Lejo Flores, BSU Geology Dept. -http://smap.jpl.nasa.gov/ -forthcoming (2014?) -weekly; exact time/space repeats -uses a radar(SAR)+radiometer combo (L-band) Matt’s priority suggestions for climate and weather data needs for rangelands: Parameters like mean air temperatures are important, but ecosystems are changing considerably with: • • • • Sequences of conditions affecting fire, erosion, and restoration Wind – higher temporal resolution required. Soil water – perhaps possible via integration with remote imagery Parameters that aid in estimating the microclimate of soil surfaces (eg. net radiation, wind). • Snowcover. The end mgermino@usgs.gov