College Council   Annual Report, 2007‐08   

 College Council Annual Report, 2007‐08 According to Appendix D4 of the Charter and Bylaws of College of San Mateo’s College Council, an annual report on the activities of College Council will be prepared for distribution to the college community at the end of each academic year. It will serve as a communication tool for creating an awareness of the accomplishments of shared governance and will become part of the historical record of the college’s participation in the shared governance process. {Beginning in 08‐09, this report will also provide a means for College Council to assessing the effectiveness toward meeting its annual goals.} This report is arranged by topic and includes summaries of agenda items as they were recorded and the date of the meeting when the topics were discussed. Complete meeting summaries are posted on CSM Internal, under the committee section, or by using the following link: Designated Smoking Area Policy `Jennifer Hughes, chair of the subcommittee working on issues involved in implementing the change in smoking policy, distributed a proposal on designated smoking areas. She described the background leading up to the proposal, the process the committee followed and its guiding principles. The committee was a shared governance group with representation from all four constituencies and included smokers and non‐smokers. Initially, nine locations for temporary smoking areas were identified, however, after review by facilities staff, two were eliminated due to slope and grade issues, leaving 7 sites. An eighth site near Buildings 2, 3 4 is yet to be determined. She also reviewed the comprehensive communication campaign that will be conducted to facilitate with implementation. Council members were asked to share this proposal with their constituency groups and bring feedback to the Oct. 3 meeting for a decision. (9/19/07) `The members shared comments received by constituents that were both pro and con with regard to the designated smoking area policy. The students were not ready to act on the proposal; Jennifer offered to speak with the Student Senate and clarify issues and discuss concerns with the students. Following much discussion, Council agreed that the subcommittee should continue to move forward by refining the policy on the condition that the Student Senate give consent so that it could be implemented in the coming months. (10/3/07) ` The Student Senate met with Jennifer Hughes to discuss concerns regarding the designated smoking area policy, and subsequently, the Senate gave approval to the committee to continue moving forward to implement the policy. Currently, Diane Martinez is working on logistical matters to get the sites ready for spring 2008. Signage is also being addressed. A new classified representative has been named, to replace the previous staff member who resigned. There will be a follow up report to Council at the December meeting. (11/7/07) ` Based on information provided by Diane Martinez, the subcommittee has selected a bench design to purchase for the designated areas. It is also refining the signage that will be posted in each area. Both of these items will be in place for spring 08. The next task is to review the communications plan which will include the website, catalog, schedule, maps w/designated areas. To evaluate the overall plan, the subcommittee discussed conducting a survey at the end of the semester. (12/5/07) College Council Annual Report, 2007‐08 Accreditation `On Oct. 23‐25, the college will have a visit from an accreditation team consisting of 10 members that will be conducting a peer review of the college. The team members will be well‐prepared when they visit CSM as they are currently reviewing our self study and a significant amount of documentation that supports the report. The team will want to meet with members of Council; m meeting day and time will be announced in the coming weeks. Mike Claire reminded Council that the self study is online and encouraged members to review portions of it, particularly the recommendations that we have established for the college. (9/19/07) `Council received a summary of the accreditation exit meeting which included comments about the self study, commendations and preliminary recommendations. The recommendations focus on planning, evaluation and assessment; SLOs; distance education; research; sustainability of infrastructure; and the governance structure. The final recommendations will be sent to the college in January. Our next steps will be to begin implementation of the recommendations. (11/7/07) `Mike Claire reported that the college received the official letter from the AACJC and indicated that CSM has been placed on warning status. The college maintains its accreditation during this period; however, this action will accelerate the college’s timeline for responding to the accreditation recommendations. Following today’s meeting, Mike will send an all‐CSM email informing the college community about the commission’s action and accompanying recommendations. Susan Estes, the college’s accreditation liaison officer, reviewed the self study process and indicated that as part of the process, we identified our own set of recommendations for improvement, many of which were among the visiting team’s recommendations. She summarized the recommendations that need to be addressed for the next accreditation cycle, some of which are currently underway and others that need to be formalized or expedited. The college is required to file a first progress report in October 2008 and will have a visit by commission representatives at that time. A second progress report will be due in October 2009. The reports will be available on the college website: (2/6/08) ` Susan Estes reported that an Accreditation Oversight Committee has been formed and is meeting to work on the recommendations. A work plan has been developed for addressing the recommendation with “leads’ assigned to each action item. Work is underway on the development of the master plan, in conjunction with Maas Companies, Inc.; Jeremy Ball is providing leadership on SLOs for courses, programs, certificates, degrees and at the institutional levels; the program review document is being revised to include data on student completion and retention rates; the research, development and planning office is creating an assessment tool for evaluating the effectiveness of online courses; the college is working on filing a substantive change report with the Commission for programs with 50% or more offerings or potential offerings that are online; and work is underway to complete a comprehensive evaluation of learning support services. (4/2/08) ` The Accreditation Oversight Committee has been meeting weekly and is organizing and carrying out its work plan; it will continue working through the summer. The consultant’s work on the external scan will be completed soon; once it is available the next steps will involve college‐wide participation. Mike Claire reported that he met with members of the AFT and will meet with CSEA and students to develop a team approach to revising our planning system. The Academic Senate is working on modifications to program review to meet the accreditation recommendation. Mike Claire and Susan Estes met with ACCJC staff to have several issues clarified. The recommendations that reflect deficiencies must be completed by fall 08; we are on target in meeting the required actions. (5/7/08) 2 College Council Annual Report, 2007‐08 Facilities/CIP Update ` Mike Claire explained to Council that it serves as the official oversight group for facilities planning and improvement projects at the college. He explained the two major types of construction projects: 1) renovations which include the Building 16 facelift and elevator, Building 18 retrofit, Buildings 14, 2 and 4 renovations, changes made to transform Buildings 10, 11 and 12 into swing space and restroom renovations; and 2) design‐build process for new construction. The design build process is currently in the bidding stage; bids are due by 10/30 and will be made public in early November. Once the design‐build team is selected, preliminary designs will be made public and there will be a nine‐month planning cycle that will involve the end users. (9/19/07) ` Mike Claire outlined current and upcoming renovation projects including: the renovation of Building 16 which is scheduled to reopen for the beginning of Spring 08; renovation of the lobbies of 14 and 16 into collaborative spaces; and the shutdown of Buildings 14, 2 and 4 beginning in spring 08 for renovations. Smart classrooms will be in all of these renovated buildings. He provided an update on the design‐build process, reporting that one firm, McCarthy LPA, Kwan Henmi, submitted a proposal, the same firm that constructed the Science Building. McCarthy presented its designs for two new buildings earlier this week at an all‐college meeting. The design boards will be on view in the Gallery Room through the end of the month. Mike will send an email to the campus community with information about viewing the designs and the PowerPoint presentation and a survey instrument for providing feedback. (11/7/07) ` Mike Claire explained that CSM is entering the design process of CIP construction, and in December the Board will approve a contract with the design‐build entity and the attendant costs contract. (11/21/07) ` The design build process is progressing into a greater level of detail as user groups are being formed and meetings with the McCarthy representatives will begin in December and run through February. While College Council remains the overall oversight and shared governance body for the process, Mike Claire proposed that a CIP2 Executive Facilities Committee be formed to provide greater transparency and a more global perspective. The committee would include Cabinet members and a representative from each constituency group, approved by the Academic Senate, Student Senate and CSEA, which would meet monthly with the construction groups. Council approved the formation of this committee by consensus. (12/5/07) ` The Executive Facilities Committee has been formed to create a transparent process with regard to campus wide facilities issues. The role of this group is to make decisions of a global nature. It will be the role of the end user groups to make decisions for specific work and learning areas. End user meetings are currently underway for Buildings 10N and 6N. Construction will begin in June for both new buildings. Phase 1 of Building 16’s renovation has been completed; phase 2 will include an elevator, remodeled restrooms and lobby. Buildings 2, 4 and 14 are current shutdown for facelift improvements. (2/6/09) ` Mike Claire reported on the progress of the design build process for Buildings 5N and 10N. Renovation is moving forward on Buildings 14, 2 and 4. Currently, work is underway to identify and prepare swing space for the employees that will be moving from Building 5; Mike will provide more information on this topic in the next issue of eNews. There will be a good deal of construction activity on campus this summer with the demolition of 5/6 and the beginning of construction on 5N. He indicated there may be a need to scale back some programs while construction is occurring but that it will be done without any detriment to the programs. (3/5/08) 3 College Council Annual Report, 2007‐08 ` The date to vacate Buildings 5/6 has been moved to mid May so that the remainder of the contained asbestos can be removed prior to McCarthy taking possession of the building on June 1. Staff currently located in 5/6 will begin moving the first week of May. There is a need for everyone to be flexible during this interim period. As of June 1, construction zones will be fenced off and there will be major changes in the parking lots. Building 5N planning is proceeding well and there have been a number of meetings about 10N. Since Building 5 will be out of commission, Jennifer Hughes reported that the commencement reception will be relocated, although the new location has yet to be finalized. (4/2/08) Educational Master Plan ` Jennifer Hughes reported that an educational master plan committee is being formed with Jeremy Ball and Andreas Wolf serving as co‐chairs; the rest of the committee is being finalized. A draft of the plan is scheduled to be completed in March and will be presented to College Council. A strategic marketing plan is being drafted and will be a part of the educational master plan. The district will develop a 6‐year strategic planning cycle and will soon form a shared governance committee with representatives from the three colleges. (9/19/08) ` Susan Estes described the charge of the Educational Master Plan Committee; its composition, how the plan will relate to other existing college plans and the themes, issues and areas of concern that the educational master plan will address. She also explained that the plan will reflect a significant body of research. The co‐chairs of the committee are Wolf and Jeremy Ball. (10/3/07) ` Andreas Wolf, co‐chair of the Educational Master Plan (EMP) committee, reported on the progress to date. The committee has created and is using a SharePoint site to compile supporting documentation while developing the plan. It is in the process of fact‐finding and exploring other community colleges’ EMPs. Based on this information being collected and reviewed, the committee is developing a template with various elements from other plans that best meet the needs of the CSM community and one which creates a flow and feeds into other plans. (2/6/08) ` Andreas Wolf explained that the college has contracted with a consulting group, MAAS Companies, Inc. to assist the Educational Master Plan Committee in formalizing an educational master plan. A subgroup of the committee has met with the consultants. Under the agreement, MAAS will work on the environmental scan while John Sewart will develop the prospectus for the internal scan. From this data, a set of planning assumptions will be drafted and work will begin on developing a planning cycle. (4/2/08) Spirit of CSM ` Fauzi Hamadeh, a member of the Spirit of CSM Committee, distributed a brochure describing the new Spirit of CSM award and reviewed the background and described the process and criteria the committee followed in developing the award. Nominations will be open through March 7; a subcommittee of College Council will review nominations and bring recommendations to the college president and Council in April. Recipients will be announced in time to be included in the scholarship convocation and commencement programs. The award will be in the form of contributions made in the names of the recipients to the SMCCC Foundation to support CSM students; recipients will also have their names added to a special plaque that will be located in the President’s Office. 4 College Council Annual Report, 2007‐08 ` The nomination period has closed and nominations have been received. The next step is for a small subcommittee of College Council to meet to review the forms and make the awards. The committee will consist of Fauzi Hamadeh, Andreas Wolf, a faculty member to be named by Diana Bennett and a student. The winners will be announced by the president at the Opening Day meeting. (5/21/08) Update on SLOs ` Sandra Comerford presented an update on the progress made on assessment of department, course and college level SLOs. Upcoming activities for spring 2008 include: a districtwide workshop on technical tools to assess outcomes held at CSM on 2/29, a survey of students to identify achieved outcomes; and a SoTL –sponsored SLO presentation for CSM faculty. The accreditation recommendation linking SLOs assessment to faculty evaluation is a “hot button” issue which is being discussed with the Senate and the AFT. Sandra also reported that program reviews were submitted by all student service units (last June) and all but one instructional program (the exception was real estate which consisted solely of part‐time faculty). (12/6/07) Strategic Planning Committee Update ` Mike Claire described CSM’s Strategic Objectives as a document that guides the work of the college. The objectives are developed/revised every two years and accompanying action steps are created each year and provide the framework for the following academic year. The document is developed by the Strategic Planning Committee with input from College Council. He asked Council to review the leads for each action step and provide feedback at the next meeting regarding changes to this category. (9/5/07) ` At the previous meeting, Mike asked Council members to review the leads assigned to each of the action steps and propose additions or corrections to the list. A suggestion was made to add the Budget Subcommittee as a lead to S.O. 6a, “To develop a 2‐3 year financial plan based on a set of assumptions.” This suggestion will be incorporated into the document. (9/19/07) ` Jennifer Hughes said that the committee is continuing to collect and synthesize important data. It is reviewing data that is being used now and plans to take fuller advantage of research methodologies used and being developed by CSM’s research office. For example, surveys will be conducted asking the campus about what types of information it needs for planning. John Sewart is developing a draft template of a research webpage that could have broad‐based campus applications. The committee is mindful of and is being especially responsive to the accreditation recommendation that CSM improve its planning process. (11/21/07) ` Valerie Anderson reported that the committee received an update about the work being conducted by the Educational Master Planning (EMP) Committee which included a draft of a planning template. The committee also discussed its role in the changing planning process and how it should interact with the EMP Committee. This will continue to be discussed at the next meeting. Jennifer presented copies of the current year’s Strategic Objectives and reminded the group that we are continuing to work on the action steps for 2007‐08. (2/20/08) 5 College Council Annual Report, 2007‐08 Parking Permits for ASB Officers ` Fauzi Hamadeh distributed a proposal that would grant six employee parking permits to members of CSM’s student government and explained the process that would be followed in determining which students receive the permits. He also informed Council that the proposal is basically the same as the one that Council approved last year, but increases the number of permits from five to six. Council members will be asked to make a decision at the next meeting. (9/19/07) ` The student proposal was discussed at length and included comments and concerns from constituent groups. Since the proposal may not be in compliance with district practices, Jennifer Hughes will discuss the matter with Harry Joel and college security staff. The decision on this issue was tabled until the November 7 meeting. (10/3/08) ` Jennifer Hughes reported that, according to Harry Joel, issuing permits to student leaders is not a violation of district policy. Furthermore, after checking with student leaders at the other two colleges and CSM Security, the issuing of permits would not be problematic. Following further discussion, Council agreed, by consensus, to issue six permits with the following provisions: they would be valid through the end of the Spring 08 semester, at which time, Council would review the policy; the permits would be specially‐designated placards to differentiate from faculty and staff permits but allow the students to park in any staff lot on campus and the District Office; and students who are issued the placards must still purchase a student parking permit. (11/7/07) ` Jennifer Hughes provided the background about Council’s decision to grant six parking permits to associated student body officers. The associated student determined their distribution while Student Activities worked with Security to develop a template that would be honored at the three colleges and district office. Fauzi commented that the process worked well and the students were very appreciative to have use of the permits. Student activities will continue to monitor us of the permits. Council recommended extending this privilege for the next year. (5/21/08) Budget Subcommittee Report ` Virgil Stanford reported that the State budget which was adopted two months late, included the full 4.35% COLA that had been recommended and 2% for growth, although our district is not a beneficiary of growth funds. The State also provided additional funds to offset the reduction in tuition but removed $80 million out of the base for community colleges (after giving the system $80 million the previous year). (10/3/08) ` Council received news that the State was facing a possible $2 billion deficit this year due, in part, to a shortfall in property taxes. This could have a 1‐2% impact on community college funding. In light of this development, Prop 92, the community college initiative, may be tough to pass. At its last meeting, the budget subcommittee approved the hiring of three faculty members for the 2008‐09 academic year. It also explored various ways to handle the $600,000 deficit CSM is facing this year. (11/21/07) 6 College Council Annual Report, 2007‐08 ` Mike Claire reported that the governor’s preliminary budget calls for significant reductions across‐the‐board, including all segments of education. We will continue to monitor news about the State budget as it becomes public. The good news for CSM is that we did not have to reduce any sections this year which allows the college to put resources in areas of student needs and resulted in a slight increase in total teaching FTE. Mike reminded Council that the district transferred $1 million to CSM to balance the current year’s college budget. At the budget subcommittee meeting, the group discussed two recommendations from Cabinet to redirect resources resulting from three vacant classified positions to two positions that could boost enrollment: web site designer and recruiter. These positions are currently funded by FTES growth funds and this change will make them permanent full time positions. Mike will be sending an email about the state of the college budget very soon. (2/6/08) ` Virgil Stanford reported that the State’s $40 million midyear budget cuts to education have been resolved internally and the community college system has not been directly impacted. The State’s original projection for property taxes by county offices was inaccurate and may reduce community college appropriations for the current year by an estimated 1‐2%. The Budget Subcommittee has spent extensive time discussing the replacement of two existing vacant classified positions: a program services coordinator (recruiter) and a web coordinator. Both positions are critical to fostering enrollment and therefore, were approved by the committee. The group is also looking at the Program Improvement and Viability Process as one of many factors to be considered to mitigate a difficult budget situation in the upcoming years. (3/5/08) ` Mike Claire reported that the committee held an important discussion on the Program Viability Process (PIV). He explained that PIV is an opportunity for a program to review itself and for the development of creative solutions to better meet current needs. PIV is triggered by concerns which often result from program review. There are eight programs currently undergoing this process. It is anticipated that each year a different group of programs will undergo the PIV process. Mike also reported that an all college meeting, called the 5th Week Forum, was held on March 31 to discuss the college budget. (4/2/08) Progress Report on Strategic Objectives & Action Steps ` Susan Estes distributed copies of the progress report on Strategic Objectives & Action Steps for 2007‐08. She described the shared governance process that is followed in the development of the document up through its approval by College Council. She requested that members review the report and be prepared to discuss it at the March 5 meeting. (2/20/08) ` The progress report was distributed at the previous meeting and Susan Estes had asked members to review it and bring questions to this meeting; a number of questions were posed. She reminded the group that a final report would be prepared at the end of the academic year. (3/5/08) ` Instructional Program Review Susan Estes reported that all instructional departments except one completed fall 2006 program reviews. The compilation of the reviews is an “invaluable” planning document and a source of requests (equipment, material and staffing) that need budgetary approval. Student services units also undergo program reviews which will be completed at the end of the year. (11/21/07) 7 College Council Annual Report, 2007‐08 ` Acceptance of Recommendation of Lottery Fund Allocations Susan presented a recommendation for the allocation of $40,000 in carry‐over lottery funds for the purchase of instructional materials (books, tapes, DVD, films, and other allowable items for student use in the classroom). She explained that allocation followed the same shared governance process that is used for determining the instructional equipment allocations and faculty positions. Council accepted the recommendation based on the shared governance process; the recommendation will be forwarded to the president for final approval. (2/20/08) Faculty Position Requests ` Susan Estes explained that the Budget Subcommittee recommended that three full‐time faculty positions be filled for the 2008‐2009 academic year. She then explained that a shared governance process is followed to identify the specific positions to be filled. The process begins with requests from departments, which are then prioritized at the division level. The instructional deans and the director of library and learning resources bring forth the requests to the instructional administrators’ meeting, where the instructional administrators, in consultation with the Academic Senate president and the dean of counseling, make a recommendation to Cabinet. This year the instructional administrators recommended the following positions: music (theory), political science, and dental assisting. The Cabinet accepted the recommendations. By consensus, College Council agreed that an appropriate shared governance process for identifying the positions had been followed, and the final recommendation was then forwarded to the College President for approval. (11/21/07) ` Instructional Equipment Allocations Susan Estes explained that the college received a total of $161,744.00 in instructional equipment funds for 2007‐
08 (104,253.00 ongoing funds and $57,491 in one‐time funds). She described the shared governance process that was followed to allocate funds to 13 programs; $149,540.00 was allocated leaving a balance of $12,204 as a reserve for emergencies and long‐term technology needs. College Council approved the process that was followed; the recommendation will be forwarded to the president for approval. (12/5/07) Approval of the Process for FT Mid‐Year Faculty Hire ` Mike Claire summarized the process that the college follows to identify new faculty positions and reminded Council that three positions were approved in the fall: music, political science and dental assisting. However, with nine faculty members retiring and even with a budget deficit, the budget planning committee believed there is justification for another hire. It recommended going back to the prioritized list of positions identified in the fall and hiring one more full time faculty member mid 08‐09. The top priority position (discipline) is in chemistry and recruitment for the position will occur in the fall. Council approved, by consensus, the process that was followed. (5/7/08) Administrative Reorganization ` Mike Claire discussed the proposed administrative reorganization that was announced in an all‐campus email on August 24, the rational for the proposal and the next steps in the process. He emphasized that the recommended configuration creates improved balance in the workload among divisions and will better serve the college and community. He has had discussions with faculty and staff from the affected divisions, Academic Senate, AFT and will soon meet with CSEA representatives. This issue will be brought back to Council at the 9/19 meeting for further discussion as a decision agenda item. (9/5/07) 8 College Council Annual Report, 2007‐08 ` At the previous meeting, Mike presented the proposed administrative reorganization and asked Council members to consult with constituent groups for feedback. While some members expressed concerns about the changes, he indicated that we would work through a process that would minimize the impact to various affected areas/operations. Council indicated its support for the reorganization by a show of consensus. (09/19/07) College Council Retreat ` Mike Claire proposed the idea of a combined retreat in August or September that would include the Academic Senate, College Council, Management Council and Student Senate. The purpose of the retreat would be to review how we make decisions with the goal of improving the decision making process. He will organize a committee to work on logistics for a retreat. (5/7/08) College Council Assessment ` Susan Estes told Council that the accrediting commission expects each standing college committee to undertake an assessment of its work. For College Council, this would require a review of the mission statement for currency and the development and assessment of College Council goals. It was suggested that a subgroup of College Council be formed to review the charter statement that was drawn up in the early 1990s and discuss how the development and assessment of goals. It was further suggested was that one of the goals address how College Council should communicate with the campus community. Susan offered to lead the first part of the discussion that will focus on the bylaws. Jeremy, Susan, Val, Jennifer, Fauzi and a student will do some initial brainstorming over the summer to lay the foundation for this process. (5/21/08) District Ethnical Behavior Policy ` Jeremy Ball reported that the district has convened a group to develop an ethical behavior policy. The committee’s discussions have led to the realization that each constituency group has a separate set of issues and therefore, each group will articulate its own policy; the policies will be consolidated into one document. (10/3/08) Proposed Calendar Changes ` Jeremy Ball reported that the district is revisiting the concept of a compressed calendar. In a compressed calendar, the academic year would begin after Labor Day, provide for a winter interim session, and shorten the duration of each semester to 15 weeks. He also explained that there are a number of benefits with the compressed calendar that other schools have experienced, including increased enrollment. Discussions on this matter will continue. (10/3/08) Book Rental Program ` Tom Bauer, director of auxiliary services for the district, presented an overview of the book rental program that has been implemented districtwide. It began at Canada in 2002 with the Early Childhood Education. Being funded by donations, the program has become a model that is being considered by colleges in California and other states. The criteria for adding books into the program include: a 2‐year commitment from faculty to use a text, new editions only, cloth bound covers and texts that are used every semester and are not bundled with components. Students renting books pay 25% of the total cost as opposed to paying 100% for a new book and 75% for a used book. In the past two years, 8,000 students have participated, renting over 500 titles and saving $707,482. He added that he would like to have greater involvement in the program by CSM faculty. (2/20/08) 9 College Council Annual Report, 2007‐08 Report on Student Activities ` Matt Kaidor, president of the ASCSM, reported that a special election was held in December to gain increased participation in student governance. At the beginning of the spring semester, the Student Senate held a joint‐
retreat with Skyline. This week, students are holding club days to encourage more student involvement in club activities. The Senate is working on its goals for the semester and many members are participating on college and district committees. He added that students are very pleased with their new advisor. (2/20/08) Marketing Summary ` Bev Madden presented an overview of key accomplishments of the Marketing & PR Department over the past year. She demonstrated how requests for projects can be submitted online; reported on various new advertising avenues including Google, My Space/Facebook; described the department’s web services, graphic services, community outreach; and reported on projects completed and currently underway. (4/2/08) Student Garden ` Student Mike Shanahan proposed creating a student garden in the quad between Buildings 5 and 8. He said that the goals would be for it to be low maintenance, add color and beauty to the campus, along with school spirit. He sees it bringing college departments (horticulture and art) together with various clubs, while giving students a sense of ownership in CSM. The garden would be partly maintained by students and funding sources would be explored. Mike Claire advised that the idea of a student garden and its location be presented as part of the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) planning and that the development and maintenance of the garden would require consultation with AFSCME. Council agreed, while suggesting that alternate locations, that won’t be impacted by CIP construction, be explored. (11/21/07) Student Employment Services ` Eileen O’Brien, director of the Career Development Center, provided an overview of the services offered by the center, including: the internship program; CSM JobLinks, a web‐based job posting program; general and program specific job fairs; and career classes. 10 