ROSE TREE MEDIA SCHOOL DISTRICT COURSE CURRICULUM COURSE TITLE: Visual Communications I GRADE LEVEL: Grade 10 - 12 CREATION DATE: February, 2005 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: A. Methods of Communications Approx. Time Allotment: Required ~ 25 PA Standards: 3.1.10.A, B, D; 3.2.10.D; 3.2.12 D; 3.4.10.C; 3.6.10.B,D; 3.6.12. B,D; 3.7.10.A,B,C,D,E; 3.7.12.A,B,C,D,E Aligned Materials/ Benchmark/Skills Assessment Instructional Strategies Resources/Technology A. Methods of Communication 1. 2. Apply an effective method of communication for expressing a variety of ideas. a. Recognize the use of symbols, measurements and drawings as a means of promoting clear communication by providing a common language for expressing ideas. b. Demonstrate and apply appropriate sketching skills for creating simple drawings. c. Identify the basic symbols, measuring methods and printer’s marks used in creating simple layouts. d. Identify the various types of colors and their correct usage. Compare the various methods of visual communications and describe their respective strengths and weaknesses. A. Methods of Communication A. Methods of Communication A. Methods of Communication May include, but are not limited to: Adopted Textbook: Graphic Communication by Zeke A. Prust All numbers reflect approximate class periods dedicated to each theme, for a total of 180 class periods. Time is approximated due to the nature of the course; the activities selected by the instructor must be tailored to each year’s student population, and may vary in duration and intensity, and therefore cannot be pinpointed precisely. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Thumbnail Sketches Rough Layouts Comprehensive Layouts Mechanical Layouts Software, Hardware and Peripheral Use Exams and Quizzes Class Work, Participation, and Classroom Discussion Worksheets and handouts PC Computers (10 units Pentium 4 or better, Windows XP or better OS Adobe PageMaker software (latest version) Adobe Photoshop software (latest version) Adobe Illustrator software (latest version) Microsoft Office Internet Access Laser Printer Color Printer Paper of various sizes and colors Scanners (2, at least one capable of scanning large documents and transparencies) 2. 3. 4. 5. Digital Still Cameras Teacher generated materials and handouts Videos Visual Communications I - Grade 10 -12 1. Page 1 of 19 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. -1- Teacher directed instruction and demonstration Self-directed student discovery Hands-on learning activities using a variety of hardware, software and peripheral devices involved in the design, pre-production and production of visual communications activities Cooperative learning and group activities Handouts, diagrams and illustrations Guest lecturers and speakers Field trips Class discussion Student research Self-analysis and critique Student presentations February 2005 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: A. Methods of Communications Approx. Time Allotment: Required ~ 25 PA Standards: 3.1.10.A, B, D; 3.2.10.D; 3.2.12 D; 3.4.10.C; 3.6.10.B,D; 3.6.12. B,D; 3.7.10.A,B,C,D,E; 3.7.12.A,B,C,D,E Multicultural/ Adaptations/Inclusion Enrichment Strategies Remediation Strategies Interdisciplinary Techniques Connection A. Methods of Communication A. Methods of Communication A. Methods of Communication General adaptations for all themes may include but are not limited to: May include, but are not limited to: May include, but are not limited to: Those activities/ adaptations listed in the student’s IEP Extensions (time and material) to assignments Enrichment activities and assignments that accompany texts and other resources Written self-evaluation and assessment Those adaptations listed in the students’ IEP Extended test time Modified tests/assignments Preferential seating Alternate assignments and assessment Visual & auditory aids Aide in the classroom A. Methods of Communication Frequent progress checks/reports Independent study assignments such as supplementary articles, projects, or research Additional original and creative projects agreed upon by both instructor and student Student-Teacher conferences Those adaptations listed in the students’ IEP Extended test time Modified tests/ assignments Preferential seating Alternate assignments and assessment Additional after school help Basic computer instruction Visual Communications I - Grade 10 -12 Page 2 of 19 -2- February 2005 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: B. Principles of Design Approx. Time Allotment: Required ~ 25 PA Standards: 3.1.10.D; 3.1.12.D; 3.2.10.D; 3.2.12.D; 3.6.10.B, 3.6.12.B; 3.7.10.B,C,D,E; 3.7.12.B,C,D,E Aligned Materials/ Benchmark/Skills Assessment Instructional Strategies Resources/Technology B. Principles of Design 1. 2. Demonstrate an understanding of the principles for design. a. Demonstrate the proper use of color in the design process. Apply the principles of design using a problem solving processes. a. Demonstrate the effect of content, purpose, audience and location as they apply to good design. b. Consider cost factors involved design. c. Identify common substrates and media for producing printed materials and their impact upon design. B. Principles of Design 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Thumbnail Sketches Rough Layouts Comprehensive Layouts Mechanical Layouts Note taking Exams and Quizzes Class Work, Participation, and Classroom Discussion Worksheets and handouts Software and Peripheral Use Projects Created B. Principles of Design B. Principles of Design Adopted Textbook: Graphic Communication by Zeke A. Prust All numbers reflect approximate class periods dedicated to each theme, for a total of 180 class periods. Time is approximated due to the nature of the course; the activities selected by the instructor must be tailored to each year’s student population, and may vary in duration and intensity, and therefore cannot be pinpointed precisely. PC Computers (10 units Pentium 4 or better, Windows XP or better OS Adobe PageMaker software (latest version) Adobe Photoshop software (latest version) Adobe Illustrator software (latest version) Microsoft Office Internet Access Laser Printer Color Printer Paper of various sizes and colors 1. 2. 3. Scanners (2, at least onecapable of scanning large documents and transparencies) 4. Still Image cameras 35mm and digital 5. Graph Paper 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Drawing tools to include: T-squares, rulers, pencils, triangles, curves, compasses Textbook Teacher directed instruction and demonstration Self-directed student discovery Hands-on learning activities using a variety of hardware, software and peripheral devices involved in the design, pre-production and production of visual communications activities Cooperative learning and group activities Handouts, diagrams and illustrations Guest lecturers and speakers Field trips Class discussion Student research Self-analysis and critique Student presentations Teacher generated materials and handouts Videos Visual Communications I - Grade 10 -12 Page 3 of 19 -3- February 2005 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: B. Principles of Design Approx. Time Allotment: Required ~ 25 PA Standards: 3.1.10.D; 3.1.12.D; 3.2.10.D; 3.2.12.D; 3.6.10.B, 3.6.12.B; 3.7.10.B,C,D,E; 3.7.12.B,C,D,E Multicultural/ Adaptations/Inclusion Enrichment Strategies Remediation Strategies Interdisciplinary Techniques Connection B. Principles of Design General adaptations for all themes may include but are not limited to: Those adaptations listed in the students’ IEP Extended test time B. Principles of Design B. Principles of Design May include, but are not limited to: May include, but are not limited to: Those activities/ adaptations listed in the student’s IEP Extensions (time and material) to assignments Enrichment activities and assignments that accompany texts and other resources Written self-evaluation and assessment Modified tests/assignments Preferential seating Alternate assignments and assessment Visual & auditory aids B. Principles of Design. Frequent progress checks/reports Independent study assignments such as supplementary articles, projects, or research Additional original and creative projects agreed upon by both instructor and student Aide in the classroom Student-Teacher conferences Those adaptations listed in the students’ IEP Extended test time Modified tests/ assignments Preferential seating Alternate assignments and assessment Additional after school help Basic computer instruction Visual Communications I - Grade 10 -12 Page 4 of 19 -4- February 2005 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: C. Information Technology PA Standards: 3.6.10.B,C; 3.6.12.B,C; 3.7.10.C,D,E; 3.7.12.C,D,E Benchmark/Skills C. Information Technology 1. 2. 3. Effectively apply proper graphic and electronic communication principles to solve a design problem a. Apply advanced tools and devices to effectively communicate ideas and messages. Describe, demonstrate and apply advanced collection and communication techniques to solve design problems. a. Demonstrate the procedures for encoding, storing, retrieving, transmitting and receiving information. b. Use computer and software devices to create and communicate ideas and messages. c. Demonstrate the use of multiple input and output devices to solve specific problems. Develop and effectively operate the components of a website. a. Explain the fundamental components of a computer network. Aligned Materials/ Resources/Technology Assessment C. Information Technology 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Hardware, Software and Peripheral Use Internet Search Techniques Use of Digital Still and Video Cameras Projects created Note taking Exams and Quizzes Class Work, Participation, and Classroom Discussion Worksheets and handouts Approx. Time Allotment: Required ~ 25 Instructional Strategies C. Information Technology C. Information Technology Adopted Textbook: Graphic Communication by Zeke A. Prust All numbers reflect approximate class periods dedicated to each theme, for a total of 180 class periods. Time is approximated due to the nature of the course; the activities selected by the instructor must be tailored to each year’s student population, and may vary in duration and intensity, and therefore cannot be pinpointed precisely. PC Computers (10 units Pentium 4 or better, Windows XP or better OS) Adobe PageMaker software (latest version) Adobe Photoshop software (latest version) Adobe Illustrator software (latest version) Microsoft Office Internet Access Laser Printer Color Printer Paper of various sizes and colors 1. 2. 3. Scanners (2, at least one capable of scanning large documents and transparencies) Video Production 4. Computers – PC (3 units, Pentium 4 or better, Windows XP or better OS) Adobe Premier software (latest version) Pinnacle Studio Software 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Capture Devices for each VCR and cameras (2) for each Teacher directed instruction and demonstration Self-directed student discovery Hands-on learning activities using a variety of hardware, software and peripheral devices involved in the design, pre-production and production of visual communications activities Cooperative learning and group activities Handouts, diagrams and illustrations Guest lecturers and speakers Field trips Class discussion Student research Self-analysis and critique Student presentations Minimum one station with DVD Authoring software and burner Visual Communications I - Grade 10 -12 Page 5 of 19 -5- February 2005 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: C. Information Technology PA Standards: 3.6.10.B,C; 3.6.12.B,C; 3.7.10.C,D,E; 3.7.12.C,D,E Benchmark/Skills Approx. Time Allotment: Required ~ 25 Aligned Materials/ Resources/Technology Assessment Instructional Strategies Studio Production Equipment Cameras Controls Audio Record and Playback capabilities Textbook Teacher generated materials and handouts Videos Visual Communications I - Grade 10 -12 Page 6 of 19 -6- February 2005 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: C. Information Technology PA Standards: 3.6.10.B,C; 3.6.12.B,C; 3.7.10.C,D,E; 3.7.12.C,D,E Adaptations/Inclusion Techniques Enrichment Strategies Approx. Time Allotment: Required ~ 25 C. Information Technology. C. Information Technology C. Information Technology General adaptations for all themes may include but are not limited to: May include, but are not limited to: May include, but are not limited to: Those activities/ adaptations listed in the student’s IEP Extensions (time and material) to assignments Enrichment activities and assignments that accompany texts and other resources Written self-evaluation and assessment Those adaptations listed in the students’ IEP Extended test time Modified tests/assignments Preferential seating Alternate assignments and assessment Visual & auditory aids Aide in the classroom Multicultural/ Interdisciplinary Connection Remediation Strategies C. Information Technology. Frequent progress checks/reports Independent study assignments such as supplementary articles, projects, or research Additional original and creative projects agreed upon by both instructor and student Student-Teacher conferences Those adaptations listed in the students’ IEP Extended test time Modified tests/ assignments Preferential seating Alternate assignments and assessment Additional after school help Basic computer instruction Visual Communications I - Grade 10 -12 Page 7 of 19 -7- February 2005 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: D. Software Applications Approx. Time Allotment: Required ~ 30 PA Standards: 3.1.10.D; 3.1.12.D, 3.2.10.D; 3.2.12.D; 3.6.10.B,D; 3.6.12.B,D; 3.7.10.C,D,E; 3.7.12.C,D,E Aligned Materials/ Benchmark/Skills Assessment Instructional Strategies Resources/Technology D. Software Applications 1. Demonstrate the ability to evaluate and apply various computer software applications in a manner to achieve optimal results. a. Apply basic computer skills to collect, store and retrieve information. b. Use various software products to manipulate images, synthesize design elements and convey ideas and messages. c. Use of word processing, spreadsheet and database software for creating and organizing visual products and information. d. Use multimedia software for conveying messages and ideas. e. Select effective software applications to assist the solving of complex problems. D. Software Applications 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Internet Search, Retrieval and Storage Techniques Computer Generation of Designs Manipulating/ Enhancing of Images Papers, Spreadsheets and Databases related to Manufacturing/ Production in Graphic Communications Student Presentations/ Videos Exams and Quizzes Class Work, Participation, and Classroom Discussion Worksheets and handouts D. Software Applications D. Software Applications Adopted Textbook: Graphic Communication by Zeke A. Prust All numbers reflect approximate class periods dedicated to each theme, for a total of 180 class periods. Time is approximated due to the nature of the course; the activities selected by the instructor must be tailored to each year’s student population, and may vary in duration and intensity, and therefore cannot be pinpointed precisely. PC Computers (10 units Pentium 4 or better, Windows XP or better OS) Adobe PageMaker software (latest version) Adobe Photoshop software (latest version) Adobe Illustrator software (latest version) Microsoft Office Internet Access Laser Printer Color Printer 1. 2. 3. Scanners (2, at least one capable of scanning large documents and transparencies) Video Production Computers – PC (3 units, Pentium 4 or better, Windows XP or better OS) Adobe Premier software (latest version) Pinnacle Studio Software 4. 5. Capture Devices for each VCR and cameras (2) for each 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Minimum one station with DVD Authoring software and burner Textbook Teacher directed instruction and demonstration Self-directed student discovery Hands-on learning activities using a variety of hardware, software and peripheral devices involved in the design, pre-production and production of visual communications activities Cooperative learning and group activities Handouts, diagrams and illustrations Guest lecturers and speakers Field trips Class discussion Student research Self-analysis and critique Student presentations Teacher generated materials and handouts Visual Communications I - Grade 10 -12 Videos Page 8 of 19 -8- February 2005 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: D. Software Applications Approx. Time Allotment: Required ~ 30 PA Standards: 3.1.10.D; 3.1.12.D, 3.2.10.D; 3.2.12.D; 3.6.10.B,D; 3.6.12.B,D; 3.7.10.C,D,E; 3.7.12.C,D,E Multicultural/ Adaptations/Inclusion Enrichment Strategies Remediation Strategies Interdisciplinary Techniques Connection D. Software Applications D. Software Applications D. Software Applications General adaptations for all themes may include but are not limited to: May include, but are not limited to: May include, but are not limited to: Those activities/ adaptations listed in the student’s IEP Extensions (time and material) to assignments Enrichment activities and assignments that accompany texts and other resources Written self-evaluation and assessment Those adaptations listed in the students’ IEP Extended test time Modified tests/assignments Preferential seating Alternate assignments and assessment Visual & auditory aids D. Software Applications Frequent progress checks/reports Independent study assignments such as supplementary articles, projects, or research Additional original and creative projects agreed upon by both instructor and student Aide in the classroom Student-Teacher conferences Those adaptations listed in the students’ IEP Extended test time Modified tests/ assignments Preferential seating Alternate assignments and assessment Additional after school help Basic computer instruction Visual Communications I - Grade 10 -12 Page 9 of 19 -9- February 2005 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: E. Printing/Production Systems Approx. Time Allotment: Required ~25 PA Standards: 3.1.10.D; 3.4.10.C; 3.7.10.C,D,E; 3.7.12.C,D,E Aligned Materials/ Benchmark/Skills Assessment Instructional Strategies Resources/Technology E. Printing/Production Systems 1. 2. 3. Describe, demonstrate and apply proper methods in all phases of graphic communications project. a. Demonstrate proper methods of measurement and scaling in the enlargement and reproduction of images and designs. b. Apply proper methods for using light in the preproduction and production phases. c. Demonstrate proper finishing, binding and packaging operations. Create and successfully operate a graphic production enterprise. a. Demonstrate methods for creating and producing multimedia products. Analyze and evaluate a recently development in the graphic communications field and its impact upon society. E. Printing/Production Systems 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Pre-production Processes Projects Created Observation of Proper Tool/ Machinery/ Equipment Use Observation of Safe Lab Practices Proper Image Generation Techniques Student Presentations/ Videos Exams and Quizzes Class work/ participation and classroom discussion Worksheets and Handouts E. Printing/Production Systems E. Printing/Production Systems Adopted Textbook: Graphic Communication by Zeke A. Prust PC Computers (10 units Pentium 4 or better, Windows XP or better OS) Adobe PageMaker software (latest version) Adobe Photoshop software (latest version) Adobe Illustrator software (latest version) Microsoft Office Internet Access Laser Printer Color Printer Scanners (2, at least one capable of scanning large documents and transparencies) All numbers reflect approximate class periods dedicated to each theme, for a total of 180 class periods. Time is approximated due to the nature of the course; the activities selected by the instructor must be tailored to each year’s student population, and may vary in duration and intensity, and therefore cannot be pinpointed precisely. 1. 2. 3. Still Cameras – 35mm and digital Photography supplies and darkroom equipment 4. Lithography Printing Equipment & Supplies 5. Screen Printing Equipment & Supplies Finishing, Binding and Packaging Equipment & Supplies Video Production Equipment & Supplies Textbook 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Teacher directed instruction and demonstration Self-directed student discovery Hands-on learning activities using a variety of hardware, software and peripheral devices involved in the design, preproduction and production of visual communications activities Cooperative learning and group activities Handouts, diagrams and illustrations Guest lecturers and speakers Field trips Class discussion Student research Self-analysis and critique Student presentations Teacher generated materials and handouts Videos Visual Communications I - Grade 10 -12 Page 10 of 19 - 10 - February 2005 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: E. Printing/Production Systems PA Standards: 3.1.10.D; 3.4.10.C; 3.7.10.C,D,E; 3.7.12.C,D,E Adaptations/Inclusion Techniques Enrichment Strategies Approx. Time Allotment: Required ~25 Remediation Strategies E. Printing/Production Systems E. Printing/Production Systems E. Printing/Production Systems General adaptations for all themes may include but are not limited to: May include, but are not limited to: May include, but are not limited to: Those activities/ adaptations listed in the student’s IEP Extensions (time and material) to assignments Enrichment activities and assignments that accompany texts and other resources Written self-evaluation and assessment Those adaptations listed in the students’ IEP Extended test time Modified tests/assignments Preferential seating Alternate assignments and assessment Visual & auditory aids Aide in the classroom Multicultural/ Interdisciplinary Connection E. Printing/Production Systems Frequent progress checks/reports Independent study assignments such as supplementary articles, projects, or research Additional original and creative projects agreed upon by both instructor and student Student-Teacher conferences Those adaptations listed in the students’ IEP Extended test time Modified tests/ assignments Preferential seating Alternate assignments and assessment Additional after school help Basic computer instruction Visual Communications I - Grade 10 -12 Page 11 of 19 - 11 - February 2005 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: F. Machine, Tool Use and Safety Approx. Time Allotment: Required ~20 PA Standards: 3.1.10.D; 3.4.10.C; 3.7.10.A,B,C,D,E; 3.7.12.A,B,C,D,E; 3.8.10.B,C; 3.8.12.A,B,C Aligned Materials/ Benchmark/Skills Assessment Instructional Strategies Resources/Technology F. Machine, Tool Use and Safety 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the safety procedures for specific hand tools, machinery and other equipment associated with a graphic communications/ video production laboratory. a. Identify tools/equipment/ machinery employed in the pre-production and production phases of a typical graphic communication/video production laboratory. b. Recognize, select and properly use the appropriate tool/equipment/machine to perform the desired process. F. Machine, Tool Use and Safety 1. 2. 3. 4. Teacher Observation Student Presentations Exams and Quizzes Worksheets and Handouts F. Machine, Tool Use and Safety Adopted Textbook: Graphic Communication by Zeke A. Prust Standard visual communications lab equipment and facilities Safety glasses, face shields, rubber and disposable gloves F. Machine, Tool Use and Safety All numbers reflect approximate class periods dedicated to each theme, for a total of 180 class periods. Time is approximated due to the nature of the course; the activities selected by the instructor must be tailored to each year’s student population, and may vary in duration and intensity, and therefore cannot be pinpointed precisely. Shop Aprons 1. MSDS materials 2. Videos 3. Teacher generated materials, activities, and quizzes Possible guest lecture from a safety inspector 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Visual Communications I - Grade 10 -12 Page 12 of 19 - 12 - Teacher directed instruction and demonstration Self-directed student discovery Hands-on learning activities using a variety of hardware, software and peripheral devices involved in the design, preproduction and production of visual communications activities Cooperative learning and group activities Handouts, diagrams and illustrations Guest lecturers and speakers Field trips Class discussion Student research Self-analysis and critique Student presentations February 2005 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: F. Machine, Tool Use and Safety Approx. Time Allotment: Required ~20 PA Standards: 3.1.10.D; 3.4.10.C; 3.7.10.A,B,C,D,E; 3.7.12.A,B,C,D,E; 3.8.10.B,C; 3.8.12.A,B,C Multicultural/ Adaptations/Inclusion Enrichment Strategies Remediation Strategies Interdisciplinary Techniques Connection F. Machine, Tool Use and Safety F. Machine, Tool Use and Safety F. Machine, Tool Use and Safety General adaptations for all themes may include but are not limited to: May include, but are not limited to: May include, but are not limited to: Those activities/ adaptations listed in the student’s IEP Extensions (time and material) to assignments Enrichment activities and assignments that accompany texts and other resources Written self-evaluation and assessment Those adaptations listed in the students’ IEP Extended test time Modified tests/assignments Preferential seating Alternate assignments and assessment Visual & auditory aids Aide in the classroom F. Machine, Tool Use and Safety Frequent progress checks/reports Independent study assignments such as supplementary articles, projects, or research Additional original and creative projects agreed upon by both instructor and student Student-Teacher conferences Those adaptations listed in the students’ IEP Extended test time Modified tests/ assignments Preferential seating Alternate assignments and assessment Additional after school help Basic computer instruction Visual Communications I - Grade 10 -12 Page 13 of 19 - 13 - February 2005 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: G. Product Design & Marketing Approx. Time Allotment: Required ~20 PA Standards: 3.1.10.A,B,D; 3.1.12.D; 3.2.10.D; 3.1.12.D; 3.6.10.B,C; 3.1.12.B,C; 3.7.10.D,E; 3.7.12.D,E; 3.8.10.C; 3.8.12.B,C Aligned Materials/ Benchmark/Skills Assessment Instructional Strategies Resources/Technology G. Product Design & Marketing 1. Develop and successfully implement a product design project. a. Describe, demonstrate and apply the proper methods for creating the four types of layouts in the design process. b. Create, analyze and evaluate prototypes and sample designs for visual products. c. Demonstrate and apply computer hardware, peripherals and software in the prototyping/ modeling process. d. Select and utilize the proper substrate or media for solving a design problem. 2. Develop and successfully implement a marketing campaign. a. Define and provide examples of marketing and the marketplace. b. Conduct market research. c. Implement a marketing campaign for a product. d. Assess product value through analysis of material, production and distribution costs. e. Assess the results of the marketing campaign. 3. Analyze and evaluate a recently development in the graphic communications field and its impact upon society. Visual Communications I - Grade 10 -12 G. Product Design & Marketing 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. G. Product Design & Marketing Prototype/Model Production Worksheets Written Research Papers Exams and Quizzes Class Work, Participation, and Classroom Discussion G. Product Design & Marketing Adopted Textbook: Graphic Communication by Zeke A. Prust PC Computers (10 units Pentium 4 or better, Windows XP or better OS) Adobe PageMaker software (latest version) Adobe Photoshop software (latest version) Adobe Illustrator software (latest version) Microsoft Office Internet Access Laser Printer Color Printer All numbers reflect approximate class periods dedicated to each theme, for a total of 180 class periods. Time is approximated due to the nature of the course; the activities selected by the instructor must be tailored to each year’s student population, and may vary in duration and intensity, and therefore cannot be pinpointed precisely. 1. 2. 3. Scanners (2, at least one capable of scanning large documents and transparencies) 4. Still Cameras – 35mm and digital 5. Various types and colors of paper 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Cutting tools and adhesives Textbook Teacher generated materials and handouts Page 14 of 19 - 14 - Teacher directed instruction and demonstration Self-directed student discovery Hands-on learning activities using a variety of hardware, software and peripheral devices involved in the design, preproduction and production of visual communications activities Cooperative learning and group activities Handouts, diagrams and illustrations Guest lecturers and speakers Field trips Class discussion Student research Self-analysis and critique Student presentations February 2005 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: G. Product Design & Marketing PA Standards: 3.8.10.B,C; 3.8.12.B,C Adaptations/Inclusion Techniques Enrichment Strategies Approx. Time Allotment: Required ~10 Remediation Strategies G. Product Design & Marketing G. Product Design & Marketing G. Product Design & Marketing General adaptations for all themes may include but are not limited to: May include, but are not limited to: May include, but are not limited to: Those activities/ adaptations listed in the student’s IEP Extensions (time and material) to assignments Enrichment activities and assignments that accompany texts and other resources Written self-evaluation and assessment Independent study assignments such as supplementary articles, projects, or research Frequent progress checks/reports Those adaptations listed in the students’ IEP Extended test time Modified tests/assignments Preferential seating Alternate assignments and assessment Multicultural/ Interdisciplinary Connection G. Product Design & Marketing Student-Teacher conferences Additional original and creative projects agreed upon by both instructor and student Those adaptations listed in the students’ IEP Visual & auditory aids Extended test time Aide in the classroom Modified tests/ assignments Preferential seating Alternate assignments and assessment Additional after school help Basic computer instruction Visual Communications I - Grade 10 -12 Page 15 of 19 - 15 - February 2005 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: H. Inks, Substrates, Environmental Issues Approx. Time Allotment: Required ~10 PA Standards: 3.8.10.B,C; 3.8.12.B,C Aligned Materials/ Benchmark/Skills Assessment Instructional Strategies Resources/Technology H. Inks, Substrates and Environmental Issues 1. Assess the impact of the visual communications industry upon the environment. a. Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of recycled materials used in the graphic communications process. b. Describe and analyze the papermaking process and its environmental impacts. c. Describe and analyze the production processes for other common substrates used in the graphic communication industry and their environmental impacts. (i.e. plastics, metals, textiles, etc.) d. Analyze and evaluate the use of inks and solvents and other materials and their impact upon the environment and ecology. e. Identify appropriate methods for recycling or disposing of industrial materials and their byproducts. Visual Communications I - Grade 10 -12 H. Inks, Substrates and Environmental Issues 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Critique Worksheets Student Presentation Written Research Papers Worksheets and Handouts Internet Research Studies H. Inks, Substrates and Environmental Issues H. Inks, Substrates and Environmental Issues Adopted Textbook: Graphic Communication by Zeke A. Prust All numbers reflect approximate class periods dedicated to each theme, for a total of 180 class periods. Time is approximated due to the nature of the course; the activities selected by the instructor must be tailored to each year’s student population, and may vary in duration and intensity, and therefore cannot be pinpointed precisely. Internet MSDS Materials Textbook 1. Teacher generated materials and handouts 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Page 16 of 19 - 16 - Teacher directed instruction and demonstration Self-directed student discovery Hands-on learning activities using a variety of hardware, software and peripheral devices involved in the design, preproduction and production of visual communications activities Cooperative learning and group activities Handouts, diagrams and illustrations Guest lecturers and speakers Field trips Class discussion Student research Self-analysis and critique Student presentations February 2005 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: H. Inks, Substrates, Environmental Issues PA Standards: 3.8.10.B,C; 3.8.12.B,C Adaptations/Inclusion Techniques Enrichment Strategies Approx. Time Allotment: Required ~10 H. Inks, Substrates and Environmental Issues H. Inks, Substrates and Environmental Issues H. Inks, Substrates and Environmental Issues General adaptations for all themes may include but are not limited to: May include, but are not limited to: May include, but are not limited to: Those activities/ adaptations listed in the student’s IEP Extensions (time and material) to assignments Enrichment activities and assignments that accompany texts and other resources Written self-evaluation and assessment Those adaptations listed in the students’ IEP Extended test time Modified tests/assignments Preferential seating Alternate assignments and assessment Visual & auditory aids Aide in the classroom Multicultural/ Interdisciplinary Connection Remediation Strategies H. Inks, Substrates and Environmental Issues Frequent progress checks/reports Independent study assignments such as supplementary articles, projects, or research Additional original and creative projects agreed upon by both instructor and student Student-Teacher conferences Those adaptations listed in the students’ IEP Extended test time Modified tests/ assignments Preferential seating Alternate assignments and assessment Additional after school help Basic computer instruction Visual Communications I - Grade 10 -12 Page 17 of 19 - 17 - February 2005 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: I. Issues in Visual Communications PA Standards: Benchmark/Skills I. Issues in Visual Communications Assessment I. Issues in Visual Communications Approx. Time Allotment: Required ~10 Aligned Materials/ Resources/Technology I. Issues in Visual Communications Instructional Strategies I. Issues in Visual Communications . 1. Assess the influences of visual communications industry on society. a. Identify trends in visual communications. b. Identify and define careers in visual communications. c. Identify educational requirements, entry-level skills required and future prospects. Visual Communications I - Grade 10 -12 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Teacher Observation Career Research Paper Visual Communications Research Paper Worksheets Student Presentations Research Strategies/Internet Use Exams and Quizzes Class work/participation, and classroom discussion Page 18 of 19 - 18 - February 2005 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: I. Issues in Visual Communications PA Standards: Adaptations/Inclusion Techniques Enrichment Strategies Approx. Time Allotment: Required ~10 I. Issues in Visual Communications I. Issues in Visual Communications I. Issues in Visual Communications General adaptations for all themes may include but are not limited to: May include, but are not limited to: May include, but are not limited to: Those activities/ adaptations listed in the student’s IEP Extensions (time and material) to assignments Enrichment activities and assignments that accompany texts and other resources Written self-evaluation and assessment Those adaptations listed in the students’ IEP Extended test time Modified tests/assignments Preferential seating Alternate assignments and assessment Visual & auditory aids Aide in the classroom Multicultural/ Interdisciplinary Connection Remediation Strategies I. Issues in Visual Communications Frequent progress checks/reports Independent study assignments such as supplementary articles, projects, or research Additional original and creative projects agreed upon by both instructor and student Student-Teacher conferences Those adaptations listed in the students’ IEP Extended test time Modified tests/ assignments Preferential seating Alternate assignments and assessment Additional after school help Basic computer instruction Visual Communications I - Grade 10 -12 Page 19 of 19 - 19 - February 2005