2 Physics I Math Review Big Ideas A. Math Review Concepts 1. Accuracy & Precision 2. Quantitative Measurement 3. Scientific Notation 4. Algebraic Distributing & Factoring 5. Systems of Equations 6. Trigonometric Relationships 7. Measurement Unit Conversions Competencies 1. Students will review their basic math skills to achieve the proficiency necessary to do all physics problem solving and graphing throughout the year. 2. Use basic Algebra to solve for unknown quantities, convert units, use scientific notation, use significant figures, and quadratic equations. 3. Use the sine, cosine, and tangent ratios to resolve all sides and angles in a right triangle. Essential Questions How can mathematical and algebraic principles and relationships be utilized to explain and quantify the motion of matter? Page 1 of 20 Standards / Eligible Content S11.A.1.3.1 S11.A.2.2.1 S11.A.3.3.3 Textbook Duration Chapters Physics; th Giancoli 5 Edition Chapter 1 1 Week 2 Physics I Straight-Line Kinematics Big Ideas B. Straight-Line Kinematics 1. Objects that move in translational motion are described in terms of position, velocity, and acceleration. Concepts 1. Position, velocity and acceleration are examples of vectors, quantities relying on both direction and magnitude that combine with other velocity and acceleration vectors according to specific mathematical rules 2. The position, velocity, and acceleration of an object can be measured and quantified (in magnitude and direction), using appropriate tools and units, in a reference frame. Competencies Essential Questions 1. Describe and evaluate the motion of any object moving in a straight line and undergoing constant acceleration. This includes free-fall under gravity. 2. Define distance, displacement, velocity, acceleration and their units of measurement. 3. Graph these quantities vs. time and find these values at any position or time. 4. Integrate and differentiate known graphs in order to produce related values at any position or time. 5. Integrate and differentiate known graphs in order to derive other graphs. 6. Identify and define vector and scalar quantities related to motion. 7. Use the kinematic equations to solve single object motion, multiple motions by one object or related motions of two objects, (e.g., man trying to catch a bus). How can the one-dimensional motion of an object be described in a measurable and quantitative way? Page 2 of 20 Standards / Eligible Content S11.A.1.1.1, S11.A.3.3.3, S11.C.3.1.4, S11.D.3.1.1 S11.A.1.3.1 S11.A.2.1.3 Textbook Duration Chapters Physics; th Giancoli 5 Edition Chapter 2 4 Weeks 2 Physics I Kinematics in Two Dimensions Big Ideas Concepts Competencies Essential Questions 1. Diagram vector(s) in two dimensions using directional or mathematical axes. 2. Add, subtract, multiply and divide vectors both graphically and mathematically in order to solve problems with objects moving in two dimensions, such as projectiles or objects moving relative to one another. 3. Define vectors and contrast them to scalar values. 4. Label vectors as a resultant at some direction or resolve it into x and y components. 5. Calculate negative vectors by reversing direction of x and y components. 6. Add vectors by head-tail graphical method or addition of components. 7. Subtract vectors by graphical or component method. 8. Multiply and divide vector/scalar quantities. 9. Divide projectile motion into constant horizontal motion and resolve kinematically. 10. Divide projectile motion into How can the two dimensional motion of an object be described in a measurable and quantitative way? Standards / Eligible Content Textbook Duration Chapters . C. Kinematics in Two Dimensions 1. Objects that move in translational motion are described in terms of position, velocity, and acceleration. 1. Position, velocity and acceleration are examples of vectors, quantities relying on both direction and magnitude that combine with other velocity and acceleration vectors according to specific mathematical rules. 2. The motion of a projectile can be represented and analyzed as two different motions, a vertical motion with constant acceleration and a horizontal motion with constant speed. 3. The position, velocity, and acceleration of an object can be measured and quantified (in Page 3 of 20 S11.A.1.1.1, S11.A.3.3.3, S11.C.3.1.4, S11.D.3.1.1 Physics; th Giancoli 5 Edition Chapter 3 S11.A.1.3.1 S11.A.2.1.3 3 Weeks 2 Physics I magnitude and direction), using appropriate tools and units, in a reference frame. vertical motion under free fall and resolve kinematically. 11. Separate relative motion into separate motion and displacement diagrams; relate them using direction, resolve any motion problem, kinematically using matching components. Page 4 of 20 2 Physics I Newton’s Laws of Motion Big Ideas Concepts Competencies Essential Questions D. Newton’s Laws of Motion 1. Inertial mass is a measure of the resistance of an object to changes in translation motion (Newton’s First Law of Motion). 2. The inertial mass and charge of an object and any forces acting on it can be measured and quantified using appropriate tools, units, frames of reference, and techniques. 3. For objects in a constant state of motion (including those at rest) the net force is zero. 4. Forces can be mathematically combined together as a vector sum resulting in a single net force that causes the object to accelerate in the direction of that net force. 5. While many forces can act on an object, those forces can be represented and analyzed using a free body diagram. 1. Define Newton's three laws of motion and relate them to any kind of object, undergoing any kind of motion in the universe, from subatomic particles to astronomical systems. 2. Qualitatively describe Newton's "net force" as a concept and quantitatively resolve it as a vector resultant. 3. Define Mechanical Advantage as a "Force Saving Device," and evaluate the ratio of how much this occurs in each device or example. 4. Define friction as a force and how it relates to Newton's "Net Force" concept; they must quantify the only two variables, which affect its size. 5. Define and identify examples of inertia and inertial systems. 6. Define and identify actionreaction pairs. 7. Solve specific word problems related to Newton's Laws, friction, What is a force? What causes the motion of an object to change? 1. All forces arise from the interactions between different objects. 2. All changes in translational motion are due to forces. Page 5 of 20 Standards / Eligible Content S11.A.1.1.1, S11.A.3.3.3, S11.C.3.1.4, S11.D.3.1.1 S11.C.3.1.3 S11.A.1.3.1 S11.A.2.1.3 Textbook Duration Chapters Physics; th Giancoli 5 Edition Chapter 4 3 Weeks 2 Physics I and vector force resolution. 8. Apply these principles to confirm Newton's Laws in two laboratory exercises. Page 6 of 20 2 Physics I Circular Motion and Gravitation Big Ideas Concepts Competencies Essential Questions E. Circular Motion and Gravitation 1. The rotational motion of objects is described in terms of angular position, angular velocity, and angular acceleration. 2. All changes in rotational motion are due to torques. 1. The angular position, angular velocity, and angular acceleration of an object are vectors and can be represented and quantified using appropriate tools, frames of reference, and units in reference to an axis of rotation. 2. The angular position, angular velocity, and angular acceleration of an object are vectors and can be represented and quantified using appropriate tools, frames of reference, and units in reference to an axis of rotation. 3. Angular position, angular speed, and angular acceleration are the rotational analogues of translational position, velocity, and acceleration. 4. A rotating reference frame can give the appearance of an object constrained to travel in a circular path which gives a centripetal acceleration directed from the object toward the center of the rotating reference frame. 5. These terms describe the 1. Demonstrate a working knowledge of the historical development of the theories of the universe and solar system. 2. Relate how these developments and theories affected the political/theological status of the past (Renaissance) to the present. 3. Define and derive the basic equations to describe uniform and non-uniform circular motion. 4. Define Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation and use it to evaluate and predict all kinds of orbital motion. 5. Define Kepler's three laws of Planetary Motion and use the third law to evaluate and predict all kinds of orbital motion. 6. Relate gravity as one of the five universal "forces at a distance" that govern our universe and all the matter and energy in it. 7. Define “eccentricity” quantitatively and qualitatively. 8. Explain "weightlessness" in orbit and orbits as "free fall" around a planet. 9. Differentiate gravity in space and on the earth's surface using the inverse square law to quantify them. How can rotational motion be described in a measurable and quantitative way? What causes changes in the rotational motion of an object? Page 7 of 20 Standards Textbook Duration / Eligible Chapters Content S11.D.3.1.3 S11.D.3.1.1 S11.A.1.3.1 Physics; th Giancoli 5 Edition Chapter 5 3 Weeks 2 Physics I rotation of objects at different scales from the motion very small particles to the movement of entire galaxies. 10. Define centrifugation and explain why centrifugal force does not exist. 11. Solve related problems involving gravitation, orbits, and planetary motion. Page 8 of 20 2 Physics I Work, Energy, Power Big Ideas F. Work, Energy, Power 1. All motion can be explained using the laws of the conservation of energy, the conservation of momentum, and/or the conservation of angular momentum. Concepts Competencies 1. The position and velocity of an object or interacting objects can be represented and quantified in terms of its momentum, angular momentum, kinetic energy, and potential energy. 2. The total amount of energy in a closed system is conserved. 3. The rotational inertia and angular velocity of an object can be represented in terms of its angular momentum and kinetic energy. 4. In a closed system, the total work performed by objects may be calculated from the final kinetic energy minus the initial kinetic energy. 5. The conservation laws apply at all scales from very small particles to 1. Define and relate work as a scalar value and use it to measure "what we accomplish." 2. Quantify this value when done by constant and inconstant forces in different directions to the motion. 3. Define and relate energy as the "ability to do work," and quantify it as kinetic, potential, or both. 4. Define the principle of the conservation of mechanical energy qualitatively and quantitatively. 5. Relate the principle of the conservation of mechanical energy and develop it into other "conservation" principles. 6. Define the concept of power qualitatively and quantitatively. 7. Solve related problems involving work, energy, power, or the principle of conservation of energy. 8. Relate these problems to any kind of physical system from atoms to galaxies and derive examples of their Essential Questions How do an object’s mass distribution and interactions with other objects and forces at a distance influence the object’s motion? Page 9 of 20 Standards / Eligible Content S11.C.2.1.3 S11.A.1.3.1 Textbook Duration Chapters Physics; th Giancoli 5 Edition Chapter 6 3 Weeks 2 Physics I entire universe. own from experience. 9. Solve simple machine problems as (work in = work out) and relate this to mechanical advantage, which is a ratio of force out/force in. Page 10 of 20 2 Physics I Linear Momentum Big Ideas G. Linear Momentum 1. All motion can be explained using the laws of the conservation of energy, the conservation of momentum, and/or the conservation of angular momentum. Concepts Competencies Essential Questions 1. The total amount of energy in a closed system is conserved. 2. The total amount of energy in a closed system is conserved. 3. The position and velocity of an object or interacting objects can be represented and quantified in terms of its momentum, angular momentum, kinetic energy, and potential energy. 4. Position, velocity and acceleration are examples of vectors, quantities relying on both direction and magnitude that combine with other velocity and acceleration vectors according to specific mathematical rules. 1. Define momentum and impulse and derive their equations with proper units. 2. Relate the concepts of momentum and impulse to the conservation of momentum before, during and after collisions. 3. Distinguish between elastic and inelastic collisions, and relate them to the conservation of energy. 4. Use vector resolution to do all of the above in two dimensions. 5. Define center of mass, relate it to momentum/impulse, and be able to use vector resolutions to find it in two dimensions. 6. Solve problems involving momentum and impulse, in proper units, in one and two dimensions. 7. Graph force vs. time, find impulse as the integral of this graph, and be able to find the change in momentum as a result of this graph. 8. Solve one and twodimensional problems involving the center of mass principle. 9. Use relative velocity = 0 to What causes the motion of an object to change? What is momentum? What is impulse? Page 11 of 20 Standards / Eligible Content S11.C.3.1.1 S11.A.1.3.1 S11.A.3.3.3 S11.C.3.1.4 S11.D.3.1.1 Textbook Duration Chapters Physics; th Giancoli 5 Edition Chapter 7 3 Weeks 2 Physics I resolve elastic collision problems where both objects are in motion before the collision. Page 12 of 20 2 Physics I Equilibrium Big Ideas H. Equilibrium (with Torque) 1. All changes in rotational motion are due to torques. 2. All simple harmonic motion can be explained using force and/or torque. 3. All motion can be explained using the laws of the conservation of energy, the conservation of momentum, and/or the conservation of angular momentum. Concepts Competencies Essential Questions 1. The inertial mass and return force or torque of objects interacting in a system can be measured and quantified using appropriate tools, units, and techniques. 2. The oscillatory behavior results from the interplay of two properties that have opposite tendencies: a return force or torque and an inertial mass. 3. The return force or torque tries to return the inertial mass to the resting position while the internal mass resists changes in motion. 1. Define torque, derive its equation, and quantify the three variables that affect its size: 1) force, 2) distance, and 3) angle. 2. Demonstrate and define equilibrium as the sum of all forces is zero: F = 0. 3. Use vector resolution to show and resolve that the component forces also equal zero: Fx = F-x Fy = F-y , etc. 4. Combine all these principles to show that when the sum of all torques, ( gw = ccw), AND the sum of ll forces equals zero - equilibrium exists as a system. 5. Solve problems involving systems of forces using vector resolution. 6. Solve problems involving systems of torques. 7. Solve problems involving complex systems of linear forces and torques which result in equilibrium. 8. Demonstrate, qualitatively and quantitatively, the conservation of angular momentum using torque in a laboratory exercise of their What causes an object to oscillate instead of moving off in a straight line? What is torque? What is equilibrium? Page 13 of 20 Standards / Eligible Content S11.C.3.1.2 S11.C.3.1.5 S11.C.3.1.6 S11.A.1.3.1 Textbook Duration Chapters Physics; th Giancoli 5 Edition Chapter 8 3 Weeks 2 Physics I design. Vibrations and Waves Big Ideas I. Vibrations and Waves 1. Objects that move in simple harmonic motion can be described in terms of position, velocity, and acceleration and can result in the production of waves that travel through space. Concepts Competencies 1. Objects that move in simple harmonic motion can be described in terms of position, velocity, and acceleration and can result in the production of waves that travel through space. 2. The period, frequency, amplitude, position, velocity, and acceleration of an object in simple harmonic motion can be measured and quantified (in magnitude and direction), using appropriate tools and units, in a reference frame. 3. Traveling waves transfer energy exerted as force to distant objects that absorb or reflect the traveling waves. 4. The waves produced by objects in simple harmonic motion interact with other waves and matter and result in the 1. Define, relate and quantify simple harmonic motion, the principles of SHM, energy in a medium, and resonance ... to period/frequency and wave motion. 2. Define and relate all of the above to the three types of generated waves: transverse, longitudinal, and torsional. 3. Describe qualitative and quantitatively how the above types of waves are described in terms of frequency, period, wavelength, amplitude and velocity. 4. Define, describe, explain and quantify how these waves move in one and two dimensions as they interfere, reflect, refract and diffract. 5. Relate and equate the general wave dynamics above to specific examples of sound waves and qualities such as intensity, loudness (decibels), hearing, quality of sound, resonant beats, sonic booms, shock waves, and Doppler effect. 6. Solve simple and complex problems related to general types of waves and sounds as they travel through one or several media. 7. Explain and relate the properties of waves as they reflect, interfere, refract or diffract in one or different media. Page 14 of 20 Essential Questions How can the periodic motion of objects be described? How is an object’s frequency and period of motion related? How do waves travel and interact with each other? Standards Textbook Duration / Eligible Chapters Content S11.C.2.1.1 S11.A.1.3.1 Physics; th Giancoli 5 Edition Chapter 11 & 12 3 Weeks 2 Physics I phenomena of wave superposition, interference, reflection, refraction, and resonance. 5. These concepts are used in the design and evaluation of many technologies. 8. Then quantify these effects and how they manifest these changes in specific examples. 9. Relate all these effects into measurable "humanistic" effects like sound, range of hearing, music, instruments, thunder, sonic booms, and Doppler Effect. Page 15 of 20 2 Physics I Light and Optics Big Ideas J. Light and Optics 1. Objects that move in simple harmonic motion can be described in terms of position, velocity, and acceleration and can result in the production of waves that travel through space. Concepts Competencies Essential Questions 1. Objects that move in simple harmonic motion can be described in terms of position, velocity, and acceleration and can result in the production of waves that travel through space. 2. The period, frequency, amplitude, position, velocity, and acceleration of an object in simple harmonic motion can be measured and quantified (in magnitude and direction), using appropriate tools and units, in a reference frame. 3. The waves produced by objects in simple harmonic motion interact with other waves and matter and result in the phenomena of wave superposition, interference, reflection, refraction, and resonance. 4. Light from an object can be reflected or refracted to produce a real or 1. Define and describe electromagnetic waves and relate specific frequencies to general wave phenomena like radio, TV, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, X-rays, gamma and cosmic waves. 2. Differentiate light phenomena as being particle-like or wavelike; and be familiar with the scientists and theories that led to both. 3. Relate and quantify general wave motion in one and two dimensions, to specific aspects of light such as "visible," frequency/color, polarization, spectroscopy, dispersion, blue skies, red sunsets, rainbows, diffraction patterns, etc. 4. Use the three general properties of waves: reflection, refraction, and diffraction to explain and quantify optics principles like virtual and real images, index of refraction/Snell's Law, internal reflection, ray tracing, multiple lens systems, and the lens makers' equation. 5. Solve simple and complex problems related to general wave motion and the optics of lenses and mirrors. 6. Use ray tracing methods to What are reflection, refraction, real, and virtual images? Page 16 of 20 What is optics? What is focal length? How does your eye work? Standards Textbook Duration / Eligible Chapters Content S11.C.2.1.1 S11.A.1.3.1 Physics; th Giancoli 5 Edition Chapter 23, 24, & 25 3 Weeks 2 Physics I virtual image. quantitatively find virtual, real and non-images; then quantitatively find their image/object distances, image/object heights, orientation and magnification. Page 17 of 20 2 Physics I Electrical: Charges, Fields, Potential, and Energy Big Ideas K. Electrical: Charges, Fields, Potential and Energy 1. Objects that move in simple harmonic motion can be described in terms of position, velocity, and acceleration and can result in the production of waves that travel through space. Concepts 1. 2. 3. Mechanical and electromagnetic waves are described in terms of wavelength, amplitude, velocity, and frequency and can be produced by objects in simple harmonic motion or electrical circuits. Forces may result from contact or action at a distance in the case of gravitational, electrostatic, or magnetic fields Coulomb’s Law computes the force between two electrically charged objects at a distance. Competencies 1. Define and quantify an electric charge, charge on an object and elementary charge; and then relate this concept of charge to its unit of measurement and how it affects an atom and its subatomic parts. 2. Define and show how induction can separate charges; and that this separation creates forces governed by Coulomb's Law, and electric fields (measured by their intensity and field lines). 3. Define and quantitatively relate how these forces and fields create voltage, the concept of how much energy each charge has, (called electric potential or electric difference). 4. Relate and quantify the use of parallel plates to create uniform electric fields between them, storing large charges on either plate, and separating them with a dielectric. This is a capacitor. Page 18 of 20 Essential Questions What is electromagnetic force? Standards / Eligible Content S11.C.3.1.4 S11.A.1.3.1 Textbook Duration Chapters (in days) Physics; th Giancoli 5 Edition Chapter 17 & 18 3 Weeks 2 Physics I Electrical Currents and DC Circuits Big Ideas L. Electrical Currents and DC Circuits 1. Objects that move in simple harmonic motion can be described in terms of position, velocity, and acceleration and can result in the production of waves that travel through space. Concepts Competencies 1. Mechanical and electromagnetic waves are described in terms of wavelength, amplitude, velocity, and frequency and can be produced by objects in simple harmonic motion or electrical circuits. 2. These concepts are used in the design and evaluation of many technologies. 1. Define and quantify the concepts of Current, Resistance, and Voltage; and relate these three principles into Ohm's Law. 2. Define and relate these three principles to devices: voltage to batteries; resistance to resistors; transistors; superconductors; current to electrical; AC; DC; and household circuits. 3. Build, measure, evaluate and use DC electrical circuits. These circuits will contain and utilize parallel and series resistors; parallel and series EMF, (Electromotive Force); EMF, terminal voltage; parallel and series capacitors; voltmeters; ammeters. Circuits may contain any combination of these. 4. Define and quantify (with units of measurement) the concepts of voltage, current and resistance. 5. Solve simple and complex current problems using resistor with Kirchoff's and Ohm's Laws. 6. Solve simple and complex circuit problems using capacitors with Kirchoff's and Ohm's Laws. 7. Solve simple and complex circuit problems with combinations of devices using Kirchoff's and Page 19 of 20 Essential Questions What is an electrical circuit and how does it work? What are amperes, ohms, and voltage? Standards / Eligible Content S11.C.2.1.4 S11.A.1.3.1 Textbook Duration Chapters Physics; th Giancoli 5 Edition Chapter 19 3 Weeks 2 Physics I Ohm's Laws. Page 20 of 20