2 CHEMISTRY The Nature of Chemistry Topic(s) The Scientific Method Laboratory Procedure(s) and Safety The Metric System, Significant Figures and Measurement Concepts (with Standards) Competencies (Eligible Content) 3.2.10.A6: • Compare and contrast scientific theories. • Know that both direct and indirect observations are used by scientists to study the natural world and universe. • Identify questions and concepts that guide scientific investigations. • Formulate and revise explanations and models using logic and evidence. • Recognize and analyze alternative explanations and models. • Explain the importance of accuracy and precision in making valid measurements. CHEM.A.1.1.1: • Classify physical or chemical changes within a system in terms of matter and/or energy. 3.2.C.A6: • Examine the status of existing theories. • Evaluate experimental information for relevance and adherence to science processes. • Judge that conclusions are consistent and logical with experimental conditions. • Interpret results of experimental research to predict new information, propose additional investigable questions, or advance a solution. • Communicate and defend a CHEM.A.1.1.2: • Classify observations as qualitative and/or quantitative. CHEM.A.1.1.3: • Utilize significant figures to communicate the uncertainty in a quantitative observation. Anchor Descriptions CHEM.A.1.1: • Identify and describe how observable and measurable properties can be used to classify and describe matter and energy. Vocabulary The Nature of Chemistry Analytical chemistry Biochemistry Chemistry Inorganic chemistry Organic chemistry Physical chemistry Science Technology Scientific Methods and Laboratory Safety & Procedures Control Control experiment Dependent variable Erlenmeyer flask (E-flask) Graduated cylinder Hypothesis Independent variable Laboratory balance Laboratory burner Law Observation Science Scientific method Theory Variable Laboratory equipment Beaker Beaker tongs Buret Buret clamp Chemical splash googles Control Control experiment Crucible and cover Crucible tongs Dropper bottles Evaporating dish Funnel Hot plate Laboratory apron Micropipettes Pasteur pipettes Petri dish Ring stand Rubber policeman Rubber stoppers Textbook Pages L2: Ch 1 (p216) L1 and L2: Teacher and department generated materials; Flinn Scientific Safely Contract Duration (in days) 2-5 2-5 2 CHEMISTRY scientific argument. Scoopula Spatula Test tube Test tube brush Test tube holder/ test tube clamp Test tube tongs Thermometer Utility clamp Watch glass Well plate/ spot plate Wire gauze Math- Metric system, Significant Figures, Measurement Absolute zero Accepted value Accuracy Celcius temperature scale Dimensional analysis Error Experimental value Heat Human error Hydrometer Kelvin temperature scale Mass Matter Metric system Percent error Precision Qualitative Quantitative Random error Rounding Scientific notation Significant digits (significant figures) Specific gravity System Internacional (SI) Systemic error Temperature Unit Weight Metric prefixes Giga- (G, 109) Mega- (M, 106) Kilo- (K, 103) deci- (d, 10-1) centi- (c, 10-2) milli- (m, 10-3) micro- (µ, 10-6) nano- (n, 10-9) pico- (p, 10-12) Metric Units Atmosphere (atm) L2: Ch 1 (p1520) 5-10 2 CHEMISTRY Cubic meter (m3) Degrees Celcius (°C) Density (d) Gram (g) Joule (J) Kelvins (K) Liter (L) Mole (mol) Volume (V) Newton (N) Pascal (Pa) Hertz (Hz or 1/sec or sec-1) 2 CHEMISTRY Properties and Classification of Matter Topic(s) Matter & Energy Concepts (with Standards) Competencies (Eligible Content) 3.2.10.A1: • Identify properties of matter that depend on sample size. • Explain the unique properties of water (polarity, high boiling point, forms hydrogen bonds, high specific heat) that support life on Earth. CHEM.A.1.1.1: • Classify physical or chemical changes within a system in terms of matter and/or energy. 3.2.10.B2: • Explain how the overall energy flowing through a system remains constant. 3.2.12.A1: • Compare and contrast colligative properties of mixtures. • Compare and contrast the unique properties of water to other liquids. 3.2.C.A1: • Differentiate between physical properties and chemical properties. • Differentiate between pure substances and mixtures; differentiate between heterogeneous and homogeneous mixtures. 3.2.C.B2: • Explore the natural tendency for systems to move in a direction of disorder or randomness (entropy). CHEM.A.1.1.2: • Classify observations as qualitative and/or quantitative. CHEM.A.1.1.3: • Utilize significant figures to communicate the uncertainty in a quantitative observation. CHEM.A.1.1.4: • Relate the physical properties of matter to its atomic or molecular structure. CHEM.A.1.1.5: • Apply a systematic set of rules (IUPAC) for naming compounds and writing chemical formulas (e.g., binary covalent, binary ionic, ionic compounds containing polyatomic ions). CHEM.A.1.2.1: • Compare properties of solutions containing ionic or molecular solutes (e.g., dissolving, Anchor Descriptions CHEM.A.1.1: • Identify and describe how observable and measurable properties can be used to classify and describe matter and energy. CHEM.A.1.2: • Compare the properties of mixtures. Vocabulary Matter and Energy Allotrope Alloy Amorphous solid Atom Boiling Boiling point Chemical change Chemical property Chromatography Colloid Compound Condensation Crystal Distillation Electrolysis Element Energy Evaporation Freezing Freezing point Fusion Gas Glass Heterogeneous mixture Homogeneous mixture Kinetic energy Liquid Matter Melting Melting point Mixture Phase Phase change Phase diagram Physical change Physical property Plasma Textbook Pages L2: Ch 2 (p2845), Ch 3 (p7476), Ch 10 (p274-287) Duration (in days) 8-15 2 CHEMISTRY dissociating). 3.2.10.B3: • Explain how heat energy will move from a higher temperature to a lower temperature until equilibrium is reached. CHEM.A.1.2.2: • Differentiate between homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures (e.g., how such mixtures can be separated). CHEM.A.1.2.3: • Describe how factors (e.g., temperature, concentration, surface area) can affect solubility. CHEM.A.1.2.4: • Describe various ways that concentration can be expressed and calculated (e.g., molarity, percent by mass, percent by volume). CHEM.A.1.2.5: • Describe how chemical bonding can affect whether a substance dissolves in a given liquid. Potential energy Pure substance Radiant energy Solid Solution Sublimation Suspension Symbol Triple point Unit cell Vapor Vapor pressure Vaporization 2 CHEMISTRY Atomic Theory and Structure Topic(s) EMR Atomic Structure and History Nuclear Chemistry and Radioactivity Electron Configurations Concepts (with Standards) Competencies (Eligible Content) 3.2.10.A5: • Describe the historical development of models of the atom and how they contributed to modern atomic theory. CHEM.A.2.1.1: • Describe the evolution of atomic theory leading to the current model of the atom based on the works of Dalton, Thomson, Rutherford, and Bohr. 3.2.12.A2: • Distinguish among the isotopic forms of elements. • Explain the probabilistic nature of radioactive decay based on subatomic rearrangement in the atomic nucleus. • Explain how light is absorbed or emitted by electron orbital transitions. 3.2.12.A3: • Explain how matter is transformed into energy in nuclear reactions according to the equation E=mc2. 3.2.C.A2: • Compare the electron configurations for the first twenty elements of the periodic table. 3.2.C.A3: • Identify the three main types of radioactive CHEM.A.2.1.2: • Differentiate between the mass number of an isotope and the average atomic mass of an element. CHEM.A.2.2.1: • Predict the ground state electronic configuration and/or orbital diagram for a given atom or ion. Anchor Descriptions CHEM.A.2.1: • Explain how atomic theory serves as the basis for the study of matter. CHEM.A.2.2: • Describe the behavior of electrons in atoms. Vocabulary EMR Absorption spectrum Amplitude Color Electromagnetic radiation Electromagnetic spectrum Emission spectrum Energy level Excited state Frequency ( or or ν) Ground state Heisenberg uncertainty principle Matter-wave Photoelectric effect Photon Plank’s constant (h) Textbook Pages Duration (in days) L2: Ch 13 (p372- 384) 10 L2: Ch 5 (p106122) 6-7 Principle quantum number (n) Quantized Quantum Spectrum Speed of light (c) Wavelength (λ) CHEM.A.2.2.2: • Predict characteristics of an atom or an ion based on its location on the periodic table (e.g., number of valence electrons, potential types of bonds, reactivity). People Bohr, Neils DeBroglie, Louis Einstein, Albert Heisenberg, Werner Planck, Max CHEM.A.2.2.3: • Explain the relationship between the electron configuration and the atomic structure of a given atom or ion (e.g., energy levels and/or orbitals with electrons, Atomic Structure & History Atom Atomic mass number (atomic mass, or mass number: A) Atomic mass unit (amu) Atomic number (Z) Average atomic mass Cathode ray 2 CHEMISTRY decay and compare their properties. • Describe the process of radioactive decay by using nuclear equations and explain the concept of half-life for an isotope. • Compare and contrast nuclear fission and nuclear fusion. 3.2.C.A5: • Recognize discoveries from Dalton (atomic theory), Thomson (the electron), Rutherford (the nucleus), and Bohr (planetary model of atom), and understand how each discovery leads to modern theory. • Describe Rutherford’s “gold foil” experiment that led to the discovery of the nuclear atom. Identify the major components (protons, neutrons, and electrons) of the nuclear atom and explain how they interact. distribution of electrons in orbitals, shapes of orbitals). CHEM.A.2.2.4: • Relate the existence of quantized energy levels to atomic emission spectra. Compound Electron (e-) Electrostatic Attraction Element Ion Isotope Molecule Neutron (n0) Nucleus Nuclide Proton (p+) Strong (Nuclear) Force People Ancient Greeks: Aristotle, Democritus, Leuccipus Bequerel, Henri Bohr, Neils Chadwick, James Curie, Marie Curie, Pierre Dalton, John DeBroglie, Louis Eintein, Albert Heisenberg, Werner Millikan, Robert Andrews Planck, Max Rutherford, Ernest Thomson, Sir Joseph John Nuclear Chemistry and Radiation Alpha decay Alpha particle (α) Alpha radiation Band of stability Beta decay Beta particle (β) Beta radiation Electron capture Film badge Fission Fusion Gamma radiation Gamma ray (Γ) L2 : Ch 28 (p840-862) 5-10 2 CHEMISTRY Geiger counter Half life Ionizing radiation Neutron absorption Neutron modification Nuclide Positron Positron emission Radiation Radioactive decay Radioactivity Radioisotope Scintillation counter Strong (Nuclear) Force Transmutation Transuranium elements People Bequerel, Henri Curie, Marie Curie, Pierre Geiger, Hans Röentgen, Wilhelm Electron configuration Angular momentum (l) Atomic orbital Aufbau principle Electron configuration Energy level Hund’s rule Magnetic quantum number (ml) Orbital Orbital diagram Pauli exclusion principle Principle quantum number (n) Quantum Quantum mechanical model Quantum number Spin quantum number (s) Sublevel People Bohr, Neils Einstein, Albert L2: Ch 13 (p361-384) 10-15 2 CHEMISTRY Hund, Friedrich Pauli, Wolfgang 2 CHEMISTRY The Periodic Table Topic(s) The Periodic Table and Periodic Trends Concepts (with Standards) 3.2.10.A1: • Predict properties of elements using trends of the periodic table 3.2.C.A1: • Explain the relationship of an element’s position on the periodic table to its atomic number, ionization energy, electro-negativity, atomic size, and classification of elements. 3.2.C.A2: • Compare the electron configurations for the first twenty elements of the periodic table. • Relate the position of an element on the periodic table to its electron configuration and compare its reactivity of other elements in the table. • Predict chemical formulas based on the number of valence electrons. Competencies (Eligible Content) CHEM.A.2.2.2: • Predict characteristics of an atom or an ion based on its location on the periodic table (e.g., number of valence electrons, potential types of bonds, reactivity). CHEM.A.2.2.3: • Explain the relationship between the electron configuration and the atomic structure of a given atom or ion (e.g., energy levels and/or orbitals with electrons in orbitals, shapes of orbitals). CHEM.A.2.2.4: • Relate the existence of quantized energy levels to atomic emission spectra. CHEM.A.2.3.1: • Explain how the periodicity of chemical properties led to the arrangement of elements on the periodic table. CHEM.A.2.3.2: • Compare and/or predict the properties (e.g., electron affinity, ionization energy, Anchor Descriptions CHEM.A.2.2: • Describe the behavior of electrons in atoms. CHEM.A.2.3: • Explain how periodic trends in the properties of atoms allow for the prediction of physical and chemical properties. CHEM.A.1.2: • Compare the properties of mixtures. Vocabulary Textbook Pages The Periodic Table and Periodic Trends Alkali metal Alkaline earth metal Atomic radii Boron group Carbon group Electron affinity Electronegativity Family Group Halides (halogens) Inner transition metals Ionic radii Ionization energy Law of octaves Metal Metalloid Nitrogen group Noble gases Nonmetal Octet rule Oxygen group Period Representative elements Second ionization energy Semi-metal Successive ionization energy Transition metals Triads L2: Ch 5 (p123127); Ch 14 (p390-407) People Dobereiner, Johann Erdmann, Hugo Janssen, Pierre Lockyer, Joseph Norman Mendeleev, Dmitri Meyer, Julius Lothar Duration (in days) 5-8 2 CHEMISTRY chemical reactivity, electronegativity, atomic radius) of selected elements by using their locations on the periodic table and known trends. Moseley, Henry Newlands, John Alexander Reina Ramsey, William Rayleigh, Lord (John William Strutt) 2 CHEMISTRY Chemical Bonding Chemical Relationships and Reactions Topic(s) Lewis Structures and Bonding Molecular Geometry Intermolecular Forces (IMFs) Nomenclature Reaction Types, Predicting, and Writing Products Concepts (with Standards) 3.2.10.A2: • Compare and contrast different bond types that result in the formation of molecules and compounds. • Explain why compounds are composed of integer ratios of elements. 3.2.10.A4: • Describe chemical reactions in terms of atomic rearrangement and/or electron transfer. • Explain the difference between endothermic and exothermic reactions. Competencies (Eligible Content) CHEM.B.1.3.1: • Explain how atoms combine to form compounds through ionic and covalent bonding. CHEM.B.1.3.2: • Classify a bond as being polar covalent, non-polar covalent, or ionic. CHEM.B.1.3.3: • Use illustrations to predict the polarity of a molecule. 3.2.12.B4: • Describe conceptually the attractive and repulsive forces between objects relative to their charges and the distance between them. CHEM.B.1.4.1.: • Recognize and describe different types of models that can be used to illustrate the bonds that hold atoms together in a compound (e.g., computer models, ball-and-stick models,, graphical models, solid-sphere models, structural formulas, skeletal formulas, Lewis dot structures). 3.2.C.A1: • Use electro-negativity to explain the difference between polar and non-polar covalent bonds. CHEM.B.1.4.2: • Utilize Lewis dot structures to predict the structure and bonding in simple compounds. 3.2.C.A2: • Explain how atoms combine to CHEM.B.2.1.4: • Predict products of simple 3.2.12.A5: • Use VSEPR theory to predict the molecular geometry of simple molecules. Anchor Descriptions CHEM.B.1.3: Explain how atoms form chemical bonds. CHEM.B.1.4: Explain how models can be used to represent bonding. CHEM.B.2.1: Predict what happens during a chemical reaction. Vocabulary Lewis Structures and Bonding Anion Cation Chemical formula Compound Coordinate covalent bond Formal charge Formula unit Ion Ionic compound Isomer Law of definite proportions Law of multiple proportions Lewis structure Lone pairs of electron Molecular compound Molecular formula Molecule Monatomic ion Non-bonded pairs Octet rule Polyatomic ion Resonance Steric number Structural formula Valence electrons Textbook Pages Duration (in days) L2: Ch 6 (p133160); Ch 15 (p418-452) 7-12 L2: Ch 16 (p358392) 5-10 People: Dalton, John Lewis, Gilbert Molecular Geometry Bent Dipole Hybrid orbitals Ionic compound Linear 2 CHEMISTRY form compounds through both ionic and covalent bonding. • Draw Lewis dot structures for simple molecules and ionic compounds. • Predict the chemical formulas for simple ionic and molecular compounds. 3.2.C.A4: • Predict how combinations of substances can result in physical and/or chemical changes. • Interpret and apply the laws of conservation of mass, constant composition (definite proportions), and multiple proportions. • Balance chemical equations by applying the laws of conservation of mass. • Classify chemical reactions as synthesis (combination), decomposition, single displacement (replacement), double displacement, and combustion. chemical reactions (e.g., synthesis, decomposition, single replacement, double replacement, combustion). CHEM.B.2.1.5: • Balance chemical equations by applying the Law of Conservation of Matter. Molecular orbital theory Non-polar covalent compound Octahedral Parent geometry Polar covalent compound See-saw (Teeter- totter) Square planar Square pyramidal Tetrahedral Trigonal bipyramidal Trigonal planar Trigonal pyramidal T-shaped VSEPR theory Intermolecular Forces (IMFs), Solids and Liquids Boiling Capillary action Emulsify Hydrogen bond (H bond) Hydrogen- dipole interactions Hydrophilic Hydrophobic Induced dipole Intermolecular forces (IMF) Intramolecular force Ion- dipole interactions London dispersion forces Micelle Surface tension Surface tension Van der Waals forces (Dipoledipole forces or dipole-dipole interactions) Vapor pressure Viscosity Nomenclature Acid Alkali metal Alkaline earth metal Anion B group Base L2: Ch 16 (p460468); Ch 17 (p475-481) 7-12 L2: Ch 6 (p149164) 5-10 2 CHEMISTRY Binary compound C group Cation Conductor Covalent compound Ductile Electrolyte Electronegativity Formula unit Halogens (halides) -ide Inner transition metals Ion Ionic compound Malleable Metal Metallic bond Molecular compound N group Noble gases Non-metal O group Oxidation number Salt Semi-metal (metalloid) Ternary compound Transition metals Prefixes for naming binary covalent compounds monoditritetrapentahexaheptaoctanonadecaPolyatomic Ions Acetate Ammonium Bisulfate 2 CHEMISTRY Bisulfate Carbonate Chlorate Chlorite Chromate Hydronium Hypochlorite Monohydrogen phosphate Nitrate Nitrite Perchlorate Permanganate Phosphate Phosphite Sulfate Sulfite Reactions Activity series Balanced equation Catalyst Chemical equation Coefficient Combustion reaction Complete ionic equation Decomposition reaction Double replacement reaction /double displacement reaction Incomplete combustion reaction Law of conservation of matter/ law of conservation of mass Net ionic equation Precipitate Product Reactant/ Reagent Salt Single replacement reaction /single displacement reaction Solubility table Synthesis reaction/ addition reaction/ direct combination reaction L2: Ch 8 (p202278) 10-12 2 CHEMISTRY The Mole Topic(s) The Mole Empirical & Molecular Formulas, Percent Composition Stiochiometry: Limiting Reactant, Percent Yield, and Theoretical Yield Concepts (with Standards) 3.2.10.A4: • Predict the amounts of products and reactants in a chemical reaction using mole relationships. 3.2.10.A5: • Apply the mole concept to determine number of particles and molar mass for elements and compounds. 3.2.C.A2: • Explain how atoms combine to form compounds through both ionic and covalent bonding. • Use the mole concept to determine number of particles and molar mass for elements and compounds. • Determine percent compositions, empirical formulas, and molecular formulas. 3.2.C.A4: • Interpret apply the laws of conservation of mass, constant composition (definite proportions), and multiple proportions. • Balance chemical equations by applying the laws of conservation of mass. • Use stoichiometry to predict quantitative relationships in a chemical reaction. Competencies (Eligible Content) Anchor Descriptions CHEM.B.1.1.1: • Apply the mole concept to representative particles (e.g., counting, determining mass of atoms, ions, molecules, and/or formula units). CHEM.B.1.1: • Explain how the mole is a fundamental unit of chemistry. CHEM.B.1.2.1: • Determine the empirical and molecular formulas of compounds. CHEM.B.1.2.2: • Apply the law of definite proportions to the classification of elements and compounds as pure substances. CHEM.B.1.2.3: • Relate the percent composition and mass of each element present in a compound. CHEM.B.1.4.1: • Recognize and describe different types of models that can be used to illustrate the bonds that hold atoms CHEM.B.1.2: • Apply the mole concept to the composition of matter. CHEM.B.1.4: • Explain how models can be used to represent bonding. CHEM.B.2.1: • Predict what happens during a chemical reaction. Vocabulary Chemical Quantities: The Mole and Stoichiometry Actual yield/experimental yield Atomic mass unit Avogadro’s number Empirical Theory Excess reagent/excess reactant Formula mass/gram formula mass Formula unit Limiting reagent/limiting reactant Molar mass/gram molar mass/gram molecular mass Molar volume Mole Molecular formula Percent composition Percent yield Representative particle Stoichiometry STP (standard temperature and pressure) Theoretical yield People Avogadro, Amadeo Textbook Pages L2: Ch7 (p170196); Ch9 (p251-289) Duration (in days) 15-20 2 CHEMISTRY together in a compound (e.g., computer models, balland-stick models, graphical models, solid-sphere models, structural formulas, skeletal formulas, Lewis dot structures). CHEM.B.2.1.1: • Describe the roles of limiting and excess reactants in chemical reactions. CHEM.B.2.1.2: • Use stoichiometric relationships to calculate the amounts of reactants and products involved in a chemical reaction. CHEM.B.2.1.3: • Classify reactions as synthesis, decomposition, single replacement, double replacement, or combustion. CHEM.B.2.1.5: • Balance chemical equations by applying the Law of Conservation of Matter. 2 CHEMISTRY The Kinetic Molecular Theory Topic(s) Gas Laws Concepts (with Standards) 3.2.10.A3: • Describe phases of matter according to the kinetic molecular theory. 3.2.12.B3: • Describe the relationship between the average kinetic molecular energy, temperature, and phase changes. 3.2.C.A3: • Describe the three normal states of matter in terms of energy, particle motion, and phase transitions. Competencies (Eligible Content) CHEM.B.2.2.1: • Utilize mathematical relationships to predict changes in the number of particles, the temperature, the pressure, and the volume in a gaseous system (i.e., Boyle’s law, Charles’s law, Dalton’s law of partial pressures, the combined gas law, and the ideal gas law). CHEM.B.2.2.2: • Predict the amounts of reactants and products involved in a chemical reaction using molar volume of a gas at STP. Anchor Descriptions CHEM.B.2.2: • Explain how the kinetic molecular theory relates to the behavior of gases. Vocabulary Gas Behavior and Gas Laws Atmosphere (atm) Atmospheric pressure Barometer Boyle’s law Charles’s law Combined gas law Compressibility Dalton’s law of partial pressures Diffusion Effusion Gas pressure Graham’s law of effusion Guy-Lussac’s law Ideal gas Ideal gas law Kilopascal (kPa) Kinetic energy Kinetic molecular theory Manometer Millimeters of Mercury (mmHg) Pascal (Pa) Pounds per square inch (psi) Pressure STP (standard temperature and pressure) Vacuum People Avogadro, Amadeo Boyle, Robert Charles, Jacques Dalton, John Gay-Lussac, Joseph Louis Graham, Thomas Textbook Pages L2: Ch 10 (p266-274); Ch 12 (p326354) Duration (in days) 10-12 2 CHEMISTRY Solutions and Colligative Properties Topic(s) Solutions, Concentra-tions, and Colligative Properties Concepts (with Standards) 3.2.10.A2: • Compare and contrast different bond types that result in the formation of molecules and compounds. • Explain why compounds are composed of integer ratios of elements. 3.2.10.A4: • Predict the amounts of products and reactants in a chemical reaction using mole relationships. 3.2.10.A5: • Apply the mole concept to determine number of particles and molar mass for elements and compounds. 3.2.12.A1: • Compare and contrast colligative properties of mixtures. • Compare and contrast the unique properties of water to other liquids. 3.2.C.A1: • Differentiate between physical properties and chemical properties. • Differentiate between pure substances and mixtures; differentiate between heterogeneous and Competencies (Eligible Content) CHEM.A.1.2.1: • Compare properties of solutions containing ionic or molecular solutes (e.g., dissolving, dissociating). CHEM.A.1.2.2: • Differentiate between homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures (e.g., how such mixtures can be separated). CHEM.A.1.2.3: • Describe how factors (e.g., temperature, concentration, surface area) can affect solubility. CHEM.A.1.2.4: • Describe various ways that concentration can be expressed and calculated (e.g., molarity, percent by mass, percent by volume). CHEM.A.1.2.5: • Describe how chemical bonding can affect whether a substance dissolves in a given liquid. Anchor Descriptions CHEM.A.1.2: • Compare the properties of mixtures. Vocabulary Solutions and Colligative Properties Alloy Boiling point elevation Colligative property Concentration Freezing point depression Henry’s Law Immiscible Miscible Molality (M, molal) Molarity (M, molar) Saturated solution Solute Solution Solvent Supersaturated solution Vapor pressure reduction People Henry, William Textbook Pages L2: Ch 18 (p500-526) Duration (in days) 8-12 2 CHEMISTRY homogeneous mixtures. 3.2.C.A2: • Explain how atoms combine to form compounds through both ionic and covalent bonding. 3.2.C.A4: • Predict how combinations of substances can result in physical and/or chemical changes. 2 CHEMISTRY Acids and Bases Topic(s) Acids and Bases, pH, Neutralization Reactions, and Titrations Concepts (with Standards) 3.2.10.A2: • Compare and contrast different bond types that result in the formation of molecules and compounds. • Explain why compounds are composed of integer ratios of elements. 3.2.10.A4: • Describe chemical reactions in terms of atomic rearrangement and/or electron transfer. • Explain the difference between endothermic and exothermic reactions. 3.2.12.A4: • Describe the interactions between acids and bases. 3.2.C.A2: • Explain how atoms combine to form compounds through both ionic and covalent bonding. • Use the mole concept to determine number of particles and molar mass for elements and compounds. • Determine percent compositions, empirical formulas, and molecular formulas. Competencies (Eligible Content) CHEM.B.1.3.1: • Explain how atoms combine to form compounds through ionic and covalent bonding. CHEM.B.1.3.2: • Classify a bond as being polar covalent, non-polar covalent, or ionic. CHEM.B.1.4.2: • Utilize Lewis dot structures to predict the structure and bonding in simple compounds. CHEM.B.2.1.4: • Predict products of simple chemical reactions (e.g., synthesis, decomposition, single replacement, double replacement, combustion). Anchor Descriptions CHEM.B.1.3: • Explain how atoms form chemical bonds. CHEM.B.1.4: • Explain how models can be used to represent bonding. CHEM.B.2.1: • Predict what happens during a chemical reaction. Vocabulary Acid- Base Chemistry Acid Acid dissociation constant (Ka) Acid-base indicator solution Acidic solution Alkaline Amphoteric Arrhenius acid Arrhenius base Base Base dissociation constant (Kb) Basic solution BrØnsted-Lowrey Acid BrØnsted-Lowrey Base Buffer Buffering capacity Common ion Common ion effect Concentration Conjugate acid Conjugate acid-base pair Conjugate base Diprotic acid End point/ equivalence point Gram equivalent mass (gem) H+ acceptor H+ donor Hydrogen ion (H+) Hydronium ion (H3O+) Hydroxide ion (OH-) Ion-product constant of water (Kw) Lewis acid Lewis base Molarity (M, molar) Monoprotic acid Neutral solution Neutralization reaction Neutralize Textbook Pages L2: Ch 20, 21 (p577-638) Duration (in days) 5-10 2 CHEMISTRY 3.2.C.A4: • Interpret and apply the laws of conservation of mass, constant composition (definite proportions), and multiple proportions. • Balance chemical equations by applying the laws of conservation of mass. • Use stoichiometry to predict quantitative relationships in a chemical reaction. Normality (N) pH pOH Polyprotic acid Salt Salt hydrolysis Self ionization Solubility constant (Ksp) Standard solution Strong acid Strong base Titration Triprotic acid Weak acid Weak base 2 CHEMISTRY Thermochemistry Topic(s) Calorimetry and Thermochemistry Stoichiometry Concepts (with Standards) Competencies (Eligible Content) Anchor Descriptions 3.2.10.A4: • Describe chemical reactions in terms of atomic rearrangement and/or electron transfer. • Explain the difference between endothermic and exothermic reactions. • Predict the amounts of products and reactants in a chemical reaction using mole relationships. CHEM.A.1.1.1: • Classify physical or chemical changes within a system in terms of matter and/or energy. CHEM.A.1.1: • Identify and describe how observable and measurable properties can be used to classify and describe matter and energy. 3.2.10.B3: • Explain how heat energy will move from a higher temperature to a lower temperature until equilibrium is reached. • Analyze the processes of convection, conduction, and radiation between objects or regions that are at different temperatures. 3.2.C.B2: • Explore the natural tendency for systems to move in a direction of disorder or randomness (entropy). CHEM.B.2.1.1: • Describe the roles of limiting and excess reactants in chemical reactions. CHEM.B.2.1.2: • Use stoichiometric relationships to calculate the amounts of reactants and products involved in a chemical reaction. CHEM.B.2.1.5: • Balance chemical equations by applying the Law of Conservation of Matter. CHEM.B.2.1: • Predict what happens during a chemical reaction. Vocabulary Thermochemistry Calorie (Cal) and calorie (cal) Calorimetry Chemical potential energy Endothermic Energy Enthalpy (H) Entropy (S) Exothermic Free energy (G) Heat Heat capacity Heat of reaction Hess’s Law Joule (J) Law of conservation of energy (Molar) Heat of combustion (ΔHcomb) (Molar) Heat of condensation (ΔHcond) (Molar) Heat of formation (ΔH°f) (Molar) Heat of fusion (ΔHfus) (Molar) Heat of solidification (ΔHsol) (Molar) Heat of solution (ΔHsoln) (Molar) Heat of vaporization (ΔHvap) Potential energy Specific heat capacity (c) Standard heat of formation Surroundings System Thermochemical equation Thermochemistry Textbook Pages L2: Ch 11 (p292-318) Duration (in days) 5-10