Grade 5 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: A. Students will read, understand, develop, and appreciate a variety of literary genre in an effort to establish lifelong reading habits. Standards: 1.1.5 A-H, 1.2.4 A-C, 1.3.5 A-F Benchmark/Skills READING 1. Students will decode, understand, and demonstrate knowledge of unfamiliar words. a) Use phonetic, structural, and contextual clues. b) Acquire a reading vocabulary based on fifth grade novels, texts, and content-based materials. c) Use dictionary and glossary skills. Approx. Time Allotment: Assessment (Required) Three Benchmark Assessments – October, February, May Harcourt Holistic Reading Assessments Text-based vocabulary tests and quizzes Original sentences/compositions using vocabulary in a meaningful way Running records Harcourt Individual Reading Inventory - TM A27 -A35 Harcourt Reading Checklist - TM A22 Aligned Materials/ Resources/Technology 7/02 Harcourt Anthology (200l Edition: Collections Pathways to Adventure) Leveled Libraries (themebased) Intervention Reader (Timeless Tales) Take Home Books Audiotapes Practice Workbook Practice Books (grammar and spelling) Skill Transparencies Activity Cards (Harcourt TM “R” section) Wordly Wise Additional novels: In the Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler Midnight Fox Sign of the Beaver Maniac Magee Website: Author websites Instructional Strategies Dictionary scavenger hunt Word games Word wall Student-created word lists Overheads Text-based overheads and worksheets Grade 5 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: A. Students will read, understand, develop, and appreciate a variety of literary genre in an effort to establish lifelong reading habits. Standards: 1.1.5 A-H, 1.2.4 A-C, 1.3.5 A-F Benchmark/Skills READING 2. Students will demonstrate oral reading fluency. a) Demonstrate correct pronunciation, accuracy, intonation, inflection, and naturalness. Approx. Time Allotment: Assessment Timed oral reading selections from a variety of genre Running records Harcourt Individual Reading Inventory - TM A27 -A35 Aligned Materials/ Resources/Technology 7/02 Harcourt Anthology (200l Edition: Collections Pathways to Adventure) Leveled Libraries (theme-based) Intervention Reader (Timeless Tales) Take Home Books Audiotapes Additional novels: In the Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler Midnight Fox Sign of the Beaver Maniac Magee Website: m Author websites Instructional Strategies Opportunities to read aloud individually, in small groups, and large groups Use of plays, skits, choral reading, and readers’ theater Tape recording for selfevaluation Teacher modeling Running records Grade 5 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: A. Students will read, understand, develop, and appreciate a variety of literary genre in an effort to establish lifelong reading habits. Standards: 1.1.5 A-H, 1.2.4 A-C, 1.3.5 A-F Benchmark/Skills READING 3. Students will demonstrate understanding and interpretation of both fiction and nonfiction texts. b) Summarize major themes. c) Make connections to previouslyread material. d) Clarify ideas and understandings through rereading and discussions. e) Make responsible assertions. f) Extend ideas found in the text g) Differentiate fact from opinion. h) Distinguish between essential and nonessential information. i) Identify stereotypes and exaggeration where present. j) Make inferences and draw conclusions based on similar concepts in multiple k) texts. l) Evaluate author’s purpose and effectiveness. m) Interpret and use graphs, charts, maps etc. Approx. Time Allotment: Assessment (Required) Three Benchmark Assessments – October, February, May Harcourt Holistic Reading Assessments Informal assessment of responses given during discussion. Student-created project. Journals. Creative writing response. Documentation from literature circles. Book reports Running records Harcourt Individual Reading Inventory - TM A27 -A35 Self-assessment Aligned Materials/ Resources/Technology 7/02 Harcourt Anthology (200l Edition: Collections Pathways to Adventure) Leveled Libraries (theme-based) Intervention Reader (Timeless Tales) Take Home Books Audiotapes Practice Workbook Practice Books (grammar and spelling) Skill Transparencies Activity Cards (Harcourt TM “R” section) Additional novels: In the Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler Midnight Fox Sign of the Beaver Maniac Magee Website: www.harcourtschool.c om Author websites Instructional Strategies Paired reading Graphic organizers Guided oral and silent reading Cloze activities Related research activities Large and small group discussion Journals Student and teacher conferencing Cooperative group activities Literature circles Book talks Comprehension questions Reading/writing workshop Teacher modeling metacognitive analysis Projects/learning style choices Grade 5 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: A. Students will read, understand, develop, and appreciate a variety of literary genre in an effort to establish lifelong reading habits. Standards: 1.1.5 A-H, 1.2.4 A-C, 1.3.5 A-F Benchmark/Skills READING 4. Students will analyze the author’s use of literary elements. a) Investigate literary devices in stories and poetry ( e.g. simile, metaphor, personification). b) Explain story elements (character, setting, plot, theme, and point of view). c) Explain dramatic structure (dialogue, acts, and scenes). d) Identify and interpret sound and structure in poetry (rhyme, alliteration, and verse). Assessment (Required) Three Benchmark Assessments – October, February, May Harcourt Holistic Reading Assessments Graphic organizers. Journal entries Publisher/teacher-generated activities, worksheets and assessments Harcourt Reading Checklist A22 Aligned Materials/ Resources/Technology Harcourt Anthology (200l Edition: Collections Pathways to Adventure) Leveled Libraries (theme-based) Intervention Reader (Timeless Tales) Take Home Books Audiotapes Practice Workbook Skill Transparencies Activity Cards (Harcourt TM “R” section) Additional novels: In the Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler Midnight Fox Sign of the Beaver Maniac Magee Website: Author websites 7/02 Approx. Time Allotment: Instructional Strategies Story boards Graphic organizers Plays, skits, choral reading, readers’ theater Teacher modeling Journals Book reports Cooperative group activities Literature circles Visiting authors Grade 5 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: A. Students will read, understand, develop, and appreciate a variety of literary genre in an effort to establish lifelong reading habits. Standards: 1.1.5 A-H, 1.2.4 A-C, 1.3.5 A-F Benchmarks/Skills READING 5. Students will demonstrate a love of reading. Voluntarily engages in independent reading. Self-selects material from various genre. Demonstrates growth in quality and quantity of material (25 books per year). 7/02 Assessment Records of independent reading. Teacher observation of student discussions. Self-assessment Approx. Time Allotment: Aligned Materials/ Resources/Technology Harcourt Anthology (200l Edition: Collections Pathways to Adventure) Leveled Libraries (theme-based) Intervention Reader (Timeless Tales) Take Home Books Audiotapes Additional novels: In the Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler Midnight Fox Sign of the Beaver Maniac Magee Website: Author websites Instructional Strategies Reading log - Harcourt TM A25 - A26 Book talks/projects on independent reading Book reports using various genre, award winning books Creative interpretation (art, music, graphics) based on reading Teacher modeling Read alouds Visiting authors Self-selection of reading materials Grade 5 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: A. Students will read, understand, develop, and appreciate a variety of literary genre in an effort to establish lifelong reading habits. Standards: 1.1.5 A-H, 1.2.4 A-C, 1.3.5 A-F Adaptations/Inclusion Techniques READING Multi-level/individualized spelling lists Extended time Reduction in number and level of vocabulary words Use of technology devices for assistance with spelling and vocabulary Peer tutoring/assistance Study buddy/notetaker Visual cues/reminders Adjust pace Alternate program used supplementally to established anthology Highlighting Reteaching/repetition of concepts Flashcards Preferential seating Provide a quiet area to work Books on tape Pair/share reading Individual assistance Pre-reading of assignments Rehearsing prior to reading in large group Graphic organizers Open book tests Materials available on multiple levels Additional background information Highlight key words and ideas Devices to help with tracking Study guides Role playing/acting out concepts 7/02 Approx. Time Allotment: Enrichment Strategies Wordly Wise Learning centers Independent study Harcourt “Managing the Classroom” options Junior Great Books programs Contracts Cross-grade pair/share reading Read aloud opportunities Plays/storytelling Mentorships School newscasts Speaking at assemblies Public speaking contests Tiered assignments Independent study Literature circles Background research Self-selected titles from variety of genre Student-generated plays and skits Poetry notebooks Point of view essays Book reports demonstrating advanced story analysis Field trips and author visits Independent home reading Student-created books Book reviews/talks Remediation Strategies Word walls Personal glossaries/dictionaries Technology assistive devices Use reading specialist Use of patterned spelling Parent communication/involvement Rereading of selections Word families/ origins Graphic organizers Use of tape recorders Modeling Prereading a selection Peer assistance Pair/share oral reading Use of material at independent reading level Small group presentations/discussions Use of reading specialist for small group/individual support Study guides Guided reading Reteaching materials Books on tape Videotapes Additional background information Highlighters Scribes Multicultural/ Interdisciplinary Connection Vocabulary from other cultures/languages Vocabulary related to science and social studies concepts Harcourt “Cultural Connections” sections in stories Books on tape Guest speakers from other cultures Field trips Additional background information Study guides Videotapes Multiethnic foods Music from other cultures Interdisciplinary reading for social studies and science Roleplaying to demonstrate stereotyping Storytelling Applying learned reading skills to math, science, social studies topics Grade 5 7/02 Story boards and other visual representations Field trips Videotapes Choral reading Art extensions Word lists Author/poet visits Wide variety in subject matter of reading material Author studies Additional background information Book give-away/exchange Reward programs As mentioned in the student’s IEP or IST folder Author studies Additional book reports/activities Chunking of material Pair/share reading Wide variety of genre in readalouds Small group instruction Guided reading Checklists for organization Book give-away and exchange Mentorship Self-selection on independent reading level Parent contact/communication Reward programs Use of poetry, drama, stories from many cultures Use of poetry, drama, stories with connections to all content areas Assemblies/ guest authors and speakers Teacher read alouds with multicultural/interdisci plinary themes Use of books/stories/plays from multiple cultures Grade 5 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: B. Students will write a variety of formats using appropriate language mechanics. Standards: 1.4.5 A-C, 1.5.5 A-G Benchmark/Skills WRITING 1. Student will follow the steps in process writing. a) Utilize a variety of prewriting strategies, including graphic organizers, listing, brainstorming, class discussion. b) Draft a document in rough form from prewriting ideas. c) Revise rough draft using reference materials (i.e. thesaurus, dictionary) and peer conferencing. d) Edit for mechanics and grammar (spelling, capitalization, punctuation, parts of speech, word usage). e) Produce a finished document using technology. f) Produce a finished document using cursive writing with appropriate form alignment, slant, sizing, and spacing. g) Present and/or defend written work for publication when appropriate. Approx. Time Allotment: Assessment Graphic organizers Documentation and evaluation of all steps in the process. Use of rubrics for finished document Self and peer evaluation Harcourt Writing Checklist A2A Aligned Materials/ Resources/Technology Write Source text Graphic Organizers Student models Teacher models Harcourt TM Portfolio Assessment – T1176 Type to Learn computer program Word Pro Freelance Graphics RTM rubrics for reference Harcourt Writing Strand Checklist TM A24 Instructional Strategies 7/02 Graphic organizers Brainstorming Visual reminders of the steps in the writing process Writing center Class discussion/brainstorming Peer conferencing/editing Teacher conferencing/editing Rubrics for reference use Mini-lessons Teaching the use of reference materials (dictionary, thesaurus, Write Source, etc.) Writer’s notebooks/journals/ portfolios Teacher modeling Examination of examples from literature Examination of student examples Computer use for word processing Grade 5 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: B. Students will write a variety of formats using appropriate language mechanics. Standards: 1.4.5 A-C, 1.5.5 A-G Benchmark/Skills WRITING 2. Student will continue to develop focus, organization, and style in writing. The student will: a) Write with a focus identifying topic, task, and audience. Gather, organize, and select the most effective content information. b) Create paragraphs that have a topic sentence and supporting details. c) Include an identifiable introduction, body, and conclusion. d) Sustain logical order within sentences and between paragraphs. e) Utilize different lengths and types of sentences. f) Select specific words to convey writer’s meaning (i.e. adjectives and action verbs) g) Develop and maintain a consistent voice h) Revise for content (word choice, logic, order of ideas, precision of vocabulary). 7/02 Approx. Time Allotment: Assessment Use of rubrics for finished document Self and peer evaluation Checklist – Harcourt Writing Checklist TM A24 Aligned Materials/ Resources/Technology Write Source text Graphic organizers Students models Teacher models Harcourt TM Portfolio Assessment – T1176 Word Pro RTM rubrics for reference Harcourt Writing Strand – Checklist TM A24 Instructional Strategies Graphic organizers Brainstorming Visual reminders of the steps in the writing process Writing center Class discussion/brainstorming Peer conferencing/editing Teacher conferencing/editing Rubrics for reference use Mini-lessons Teaching the use of reference materials (dictionary, thesaurus, Write Source, etc.) Writer’s notebooks/journals/portfolios Teacher modeling Examination of examples from literature Grade 5 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: B. Students will write a variety of formats using appropriate language mechanics. Standards: 1.4.5 A-C, 1.5.5 A-G Benchmark/Skills WRITING 3. Student will utilize various modes of writing, including narrative, informational, and persuasive. The student will: a) Compose poems (e.g. haiku, rhyme, free verse, diamonic, limerick, concrete), plays, and multi-paragraphs per story). b) Include detailed descriptions.. c) Use relevant illustrations. d) Utilize dialogue. e) Include literary elements and devices. f) Write 3-4 paragraph informational pieces (essays, descriptions, letters (business, friendly), reports, instructions, book reviews). g) Include cause and effect and compare and contrast. h) Develop a problem and solution when appropriate. i) Use relevant graphics (e.g. maps, charts, tables, illustrations, photographs). Continue to utilize learned outlining skills. j) Develop other research skills k) Write a 3-4 paragraph persuasive piece with a clearly stated position. l) Clearly state an opinion and give at least two supporting reasons. m) Support reasons with facts, details, examples, and/or other opinions. 7/02 Approx. Time Allotment: Assessment (Required) Portfolios to be sent on to 6th grade at the end of the 5th grade year. Portfolios will include: 1 narrative, 1 persuasive, 1 informational piece, 1 student selected piece, 1 poetry piece (optional) Creative compositions, poems, letters, reviews Use of rubrics for finished document Journals Peer and self evaluation Harcourt Writing Checklist A24 Aligned Materials/ Resources/Technology Write Source text Graphic organizers Student models Teacher models Harcourt TM Portfolio Assessment – T1176 Word Pro RTM rubrics for reference Harcourt Writing Strand – Checklist TM A24 Instructional Strategies Examples of student work Mini-lessons Class and small group discussions Brainstorming Conferencing (peer and teacher) Writing center Teacher modeling Graphic organizers Rubrics for reference use Use of computers for word processing as well as relevant graphics Examination of examples from literature Grade 5 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: B. Students will write a variety of formats using appropriate language mechanics. Standards: 1.4.5 A-C, 1.5.5 A-G Benchmark/Skills WRITING 4. Student will utilize the conventions of language. The student will: a) Spell common, frequently used words correctly. b) Use capital letters correctly (first words in sentences, proper nouns, etc.) c) Punctuate correctly (periods, exclamation points, question marks, commas in a series) d) Uses nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and conjunctions correctly e) Use complete sentences (simple, compound, declarative, interrogative, exclamatory, and imperative). See RTM Language Skills Scope and Sequence (attached) 7/02 Assessment (Required)District spelling lists (attached) (Required)District Maintenance Spelling Tests (2) Checklists - Harcourt Writing Checklist A24 Publishers’ worksheets and test materials Self and peer evaluation Finished documents Approx. Time Allotment: Aligned Materials/ Resources/Technology Write Source text Graphic organizers Student models Teacher/student models Harcourt TM Portfolio Assessment T1176 Type to Learn computer program Word Pro Wordly Wise District spelling (Harcourt and supplemental words) Rubrics for reference Harcourt Writing Strand - Checklist TM A24 Instructional Strategies District spelling list (Harcourt lists with supplemental words) Use of reference materials (Write Source, dictionary, thesaurus) Whole class and mini-lessons (Harcourt Focus Skills, Vocabulary Workshop, and Grammar Lessons) Peer and teacher editing Rubrics for reference use Visual examples Grade 5 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: B. Students will write a variety of formats using appropriate language mechanics. Standards: 1.4.5 A-C, 1.5.5 A-G Adaptations/Inclusion Techniques WRITING Visual cues/reminders Peer/self evaluation Rubrics as reference Individual teacherstudent conferencing Checklists Parent-teacher-student conferencing Examples of student writing at each stage of the process Writing celebration Scribe Highlighting Outlining Peer and self-evaluation Story boards Note cards Examples from literature Examples from literature Modification of assignment Graphic organizers Rubics as reference Enrichment Strategies Tiered assignments Expansions Harcourt “Managing the Classroom” options Learning centers Contracts Mentorships Independent study Mentorships Junior Great Books program Remediation Strategies 7/02 Approx. Time Allotment: Before/after school extra help Graphic organizers Reteaching materials Build on prior knowledge/ build background information Peer assistance Teaching to student strengths/intelligences/learning styles Visual aids Volunteer tutors/readers Contracts Learning centers Mentorships Small group skill instruction Scribe Parental contact/help Student checklists for organization and accountability Use of computer for word processing Multiple examples of finished products for a specific task Highlighted or simplified directions Word lists for writing enhancement Handwriting strip on desk Use of tape recorder Frequent teacher conferencing/checkpoints Prepared study guides Various books on the same level Various books on the same topic but different reading level Tapes of reading selection Guided/mentored small group reading instruction (similar to Jr. Great Books model Parental contact/help Student checklists for organization and accountability Use of computer for word processing Multicultural/ Interdisciplinary Connection Assemblies/guest speakers Pen pal correspondence Harcourt “Cultural Connections” sections in stories Global Connections Community partnerships/mentorships Teacher read-aloud books with multi-cultural themes Multicultural connections in content areas (e.g. SFAW math-teacher’s kit) Multicultural connections and interdisciplinary connections in special-area subject Folk tales from various countries Art Goes to School Storytelling Intergenerational reading buddies Holiday recognitions Grade 5 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: C. Students will demonstrate effective listening and speaking skills in all curricular areas. Standards: 1.6.5 A-E Benchmark/Skills SPEAKING AND LISTENING 1. Students will listen to others. a) Ask pertinent questions. b) Distinguish relevant information from irrelevant. c) Take notes when prompted. Approx. Time Allotment: Assessment Harcourt checklist (TM A20) Teacher observation Self-evaluation Peer evaluation Relevant question and answer session Graphic organizers/notes Aligned Materials/ Resources/Technology 7/02 Harcourt Managing the Classroom Extension Activities listed in manual Audiotape Tape/CD players Read Alouds Website: Harcourt Activity Cards Graphic organizers Instructional Strategies Paired reading within and among ability/grade levels Choral reading Storyboards Graphic organizers (e.g. webbing, KWL charts) Guided oral and silent reading Cloze activities Grade 5 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: C. Students will demonstrate effective listening and speaking skills in all curricular areas. Standards: 1.6.5 A-E Benchmark/Skills SPEAKING AND LISTENING 2. Students will listen to a selection (fiction/nonfiction). a) Make connection and predictions. b) Retell information sequentially. c) Identify and define new words and concepts. d) Summarize the selection. Assessment Harcourt checklist (TM A20) Journals Graphic organizers Use of dictionary Relevant group discussion Written or verbal summary Approx. Time Allotment: Aligned Materials/ Resources/Technology Harcourt Managing the Classroom Extension Activities listed in manual Audiotape Tape/CD players Read Alouds Harcourt Activity Cards Graphic organizers Instructional Strategies 7/02 Paired reading within and among ability/grade levels Choral reading Storyboards Graphic organizers (e.g. webbing, KWL charts) Guided oral and silent reading Cloze activities Research project presentations Oral retelling Vocabulary/spelling bees Book talks/reviews Literature circles Student of the week (sharing time) Reader’s theatre Student/teacher conferencing Charades Outlining Note-taking Cooperative (group) activities Journals-all subject area Simulation games Field trips Assemblies/guest speakers Grade 5 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: C. Students will demonstrate effective listening and speaking skills in all curricular areas. Standards: 1.6.5 A-E Benchmark/Skills SPEAKING AND LISTENING 3. Students will speak using skills appropriate to formal situation. a) Use complete sentences. b) Pronounce words correctly. c) Use appropriate volume. d) Pace speech so that it is understandable. e) Adjust content for different audiences. f) Speak with a purpose in mind. Approx. Time Allotment: Assessment Harcourt checklist (TM A20) Verbal summary Use of dictionary to prepare and present word meanings and connections Participation in classroom discussion Restating of question in initiating the response Retelling of a story Aligned Materials/ Resources/Technology Harcourt checklist (TM A20) Harcourt managing the Classroom Extension Activities listed in manual Audiotape Tape/CD players Read Alouds Harcourt Activity Cards Graphic organizers Instructional Strategies 7/02 Paired reading within and among ability/grade levels Choral reading Storyboards Graphic organizers (e.g. webbing, KWL charts) Guided oral and silent reading Oral retelling Vocabulary/spelling bees Reading/writing workshops Book talks/reviews Literature cirlces Student of the week (sharing time) Reader’s theatre Charades Cooperative (group) activities Journals-all subject area Simulation games Field trips Assemblies/guest speakers Grade 5 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: C. Students will demonstrate effective listening and speaking skills in all curricular areas. Standards: 1.6.5 A-E Benchmark/Skills SPEAKING AND LISTENING 4. Students will contribute to discussions and presentations. a) Ask relevant questions and respond with relevant information to questions asked. b) Give reasons for opinions. c) Summarize when prompted. d) Deliver research presentations. e) Participate in interviews, oral readings, debates, and group presentations. 7/02 Assessment Harcourt checklist (TM A20) Participation in relevant discussions Clear statement of opinions using facts to support those opinion Statement of specific reasons for opinions Verbal summary Self-assessment Approx. Time Allotment: Aligned Materials/ Resources/Technology Harcourt Managing the Classroom Extension Activities listed in manual Read Alouds Harcourt Activity Cards Graphic organizers Harcurt Anthology Leveled Libraries Intervention Reader Additional novels Instructional Strategies Oral retelling Book talks/reviews Literature circles Student of the week (sharing time) Reader’s theatre Cooperative (group) activities Assemblies/guest speakers Grade 5 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: C. Students will demonstrate effective listening and speaking skills in all curricular areas. Standards: Adaptations/Inclusion Techniques SPEAKING AND LISTENING Paired reading within and among grade levels Books on tape Extended time Graphic organizers Modification of test materials including alternative modes of testing (e.g. Oral tests) Peer tutoring Teaching to student strengths/intelligences Preferential seating Individual assistance Wait time Modification of classwork and homework assignments Study buddy/note-taker Reteaching/repetition of concepts Adjust pace to meet learner’s needs Provide visual reminders Provide multi-level reading material and large print books Open book test Study guide for test review Manipulatives Provide a quiet work area Pre-reading of assignments Highlighting of key words and ideas in textual material Break instruction into meaningful chunks Pre-reading of assignments As mentioned in the students’ IEPs or in IST folders 7/02 Enrichment Strategies Harcourt “Managing the Classroom” options Tiered assignments Expansions Learning centers Independent study Contracts Mentorships Multi-level selections Junior Great Books program Approx. Time Allotment: Remediation Strategies Before/after school extra help Graphic organizers Prepared study guides Reteaching materials Build on prior knowledge/build background information Tapes of reading selection Peer assistance Teaching to student strengths/intelligiences/learning styles Visual aids Volunteer tutors/readers Small group skill instruction Scribe Student checklists for organization and accountability Multiple examples of appropriate questions and notes for a specific task Highlighted or simplified directions Use of tape recorder Various books on the same level Various books on the same topic but different reading level Guided/mentored small group reading instruction (similar to Jr. Great Books model) Word lists for writing enhancement Frequent teacher conferencing/checkpoints Multiple examples of relevant questions and answers, opinions, and summaries for a specific task Multicultural/ Interdisciplinary Connection Harcourt “Cultural Connections” sections in stories Folk tales from various countries Art Goes to School Assemblies/guest speakers Storytelling Intergenerational reading buddies Holiday recognitions Global Connections Community partnerships Teacher read-aloud books with multi-cultural themes Multicultural connections in content areas (e.g. SFAW math-teacher’s kit) Multicultural connections and interdisciplinary connections in special-area subject Pen pal correspondence Grade 5 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: D. Students will utilize RTM research protocol to complete a teacher-directed multi-media research project. Standards: 1.8.5 A-C Benchmark/Skills RESEARCH 1. Students will select and refine a topic for research. a) Define a specific information problem. b) Identify possible topics, subtopics, and key words. c) Locate and access information (e.g. from encyclopedias, tradebooks, interviews, newspapers, electronic media). d) Evaluate sources for relevancy and currency. e) Consider various viewpoints on the same topic. 7/02 Approx. Time Allotment: Assessment Graphic organizers Outline Bibliographical entries for possible sources Use of varied sources (internet, interviews, encyclopedia, books, periodicals, field trips) Aligned Materials/ Resources/Technology Harcourt Anthology (2001 Edition: Collections) Theme 5 Writing strand – Research (beginning on T982) Internet Freelance Graphics Word Pro School library Write Source Classroom library Electronic resources: World Book Encyclopedia, New Book of Knowledge (Grolier), Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia, Junior Reference Collection (Gale), Electric Library, Access PA Power Library) Instructional Strategies Paired reading within and among ability/grade levels Graphic organizers (e.g. webbing, KWL charts) Research projects Scavenger hunt Oral retelling Reading/writing workshops Peer conferencing Student/teacher workshops Outlining Note-taking Cooperative (group) activities Field trips Assemblies/guest speakers Library orientation Grade 5 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: : D. Students will utilize RTM research protocol to complete a teacher-directed multi-media research project. Standards: 1.8.5 A-C Benchmark/Skills RESEARCH 2. Students will organize and present main ideas from research. a) Demonstrate note-taking skills. b) Create outlines and/or use graphic organizers to synthesize information. c) Present projects (group/independent) in a multimedia format following the parameters of the given assignments. d) Practice responsible and ethical behavior with regard to citations (citing sources). (See RTM Information Literacy Curriculumfirst draft August, 1999). Assessment Note cards Outline Steps in the writing process (rough draft, revisions, published copy) Final presentation (oral report, technology presentation, display) Bibliography Approx. Time Allotment: Aligned Materials/ Resources/Technology Harcourt Anthology (2001 Edition: Collections) Theme 5 Writing Strand – Research (beginning on T982) Internet Freelance Graphics Word Pro School Library Write Source Classroom library Electronic resources: World Book Encyclopedia, New Book of Knowledge (Grolier), Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia, Junior Reference Collection (Gale), Electric Library, Access PA Power Library Instructional Strategies 7/02 Paired reading within and among ability/grade levels Graphic organizers (e.g. webbing, KWL charts) Research projects Scavenger hunt Oral retelling Peer conferencing Student/teacher conferencing Outlining Note-taking Cooperative (group) activities Field trips Assemblies/guest speakers Multiple examples of finished products – research reports, multi-media presentations, displays, etc. Checklists/rubrics for reference Grade 5 Essential Question, Concept or Theme: D. Students will utilize RTM research protocol to complete a teacher-directed multi-media research project. Standards: 1.8.5 A-C Adaptations/Inclusion Techniques RESEARCH Paired reading within and among grade levels Provide multi-level reading material and large print books Provide multi-level/individualized spelling lists Books on tape Extended time Graphic organizers Peer tutoring Teaching to student strengths/intelligences Preferential seating Individual assistance Wait time Modification of classwork and homework assignments Manipulatives Provide a quiet work area Pre-reading of assignments Highlighting of key words and ideas in textual material Study buddy/note-taker Reteaching/repetition of concepts Adjust pace to meet learners’ needs Break instruction into meaningful chunks Provide visual reminders As mentioned in the students’ IEPs or in IST folders 7/02 Enrichment Strategies Tiered assignments Harcourt “Managing the Classroom” options Expansions Learning centers Independent study Contracts Mentorships Approx. Time Allotment: Remediation Strategies Before/after school extra help Graphic organizers Reteaching materials Various books on the same level Various books on the same topic but different reading level Build on prior knowledge/build background information Tapes of reading selection Peer assistance Teaching to student strengths/intelligences/learning styles Visual aids Volunteer tutors/readers Contracts Learning centers Mentorships Small group skill instruction Scribe Parental contact/help Student checklists for organization and accountability Use of computer for word processing Multiple examples of finished products for a specific task Highlighted or simplified directions Word lists for writing enhancement Handwriting strip on desk Use of tape recorder Frequent teacher conferencing/checkpoints Multicultural/ Interdisciplinary Connection Assemblies/guest speakers Storytelling Harcourt “Cultural Connections” sections in stories Pen pal correspondence Intergenerational reading buddies Holiday recognitions Global Connentions Community partnerships Teacher read-aloud books with multi-cultural themes Multicultural connections in content areas (e.g. SFAW math-teacher’s kit) Multicultural connections and interdisciplinary connections in special-area subject Research topics selected from math, social studies, science, health, art, music, physical enduation Grade 5 7/02