V-Rooms Administrator Guide 1

V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
V-Rooms Pro
Administrator Guide
V-Rooms ™ powered by Due Diligence Online, LLC
V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
Copyright © 2006-2014 Due Diligence Online, LLC All rights reserved.
Due Diligence Online, LLC
3501 Sycamore School Rd.
Suite 125-127
Fort Worth, TX 76133
E-Mail: support@v-rooms.com
Phone: 888-316-2048
Website: http://www.dataroompro.com
Customer Support
Phone Customer Support is available 24x7x365/366. Email to Customer Support is available 8am ET – 5pm
PT. For further details regarding your support arrangement, refer to your Service Level Agreement, or contact
our Client Care Team.
"V-Rooms™" and the V-Rooms™ logo are registered trademarks of Due Diligence Online, LLC. All other
trademarks used in this information are the properties of their respective owners.
“Windows 8”, “Windows 7”, “Windows 2007”, “Windows 2000”, “Windows XP”, “Windows Vista”, “Windows
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Due Diligence Online, LLC makes no warranties, express or implied. Every attempt has been made to ensure
that the information contained in this manual is correct as at the time it was written. This document might have
been updated since it was printed. For the most recent edition of the document, refer to the online help.
Due Diligence Online, LLC is not responsible for any errors or omissions.
Due Diligence Online, LLC is not liable for any special, consequential, or other damages for any reason.
Last Revised: 03/17/2014
V-Rooms ™ powered by Due Diligence Online, LLC
V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
Table of Contents Customer Support ............................................................................................................................................... 2 Trademarks ......................................................................................................................................................... 2 Warranty ............................................................................................................................................................. 2 Preface ............................................................................................................................................................... 6 System Requirements ........................................................................................................................................ 6 Prerequisite Knowledge ...................................................................................................................................... 6 Contacting Support ............................................................................................................................................. 6 Getting Started .................................................................................................................................................... 7 Accessing V-Rooms™...................................................................................................................................... 7 Administrative Interface Navigation .................................................................................................................... 7 Key Points to Remember as You Get Started .................................................................................................... 8 Group Management .......................................................................................................................................... 11 Group Listing .................................................................................................................................................... 11 Maintaining Your Group .................................................................................................................................... 11 Room Management .......................................................................................................................................... 14 Room Listing ..................................................................................................................................................... 14 Creating a New V-Room™ ............................................................................................................................... 15 Maintaining a V-Room™ ................................................................................................................................... 17 Deleting a V-Room™ ........................................................................................................................................ 19 Creating a Room Report ................................................................................................................................... 20 Archiving a V-Room™ ...................................................................................................................................... 20 Maintaining the Dynamic Confidential Watermark ............................................................................................ 21 Maintaining Personnel Groups ......................................................................................................................... 22 Home Page Management ................................................................................................................................. 23 Home Page Summary ...................................................................................................................................... 23 Edit Home Page Settings .................................................................................................................................. 24 Edit Announcements ......................................................................................................................................... 25 Edit Calendar .................................................................................................................................................... 26 Edit Links .......................................................................................................................................................... 27 Edit General Info ............................................................................................................................................... 28 Personnel Listing .............................................................................................................................................. 28 Folder and File Management ............................................................................................................................ 29 Folder and File Management Navigation .......................................................................................................... 29 Folder/Files Listing ............................................................................................................................................ 30 Creating a Folder .............................................................................................................................................. 31 Updating A Folder ............................................................................................................................................. 32 Deleting Folders ................................................................................................................................................ 33 Uploading a Single File or Creating a Link to an External File/Webpage ......................................................... 34 Batch Uploading Files ....................................................................................................................................... 36 Using VOLT (V-Rooms™ Optimized Loading Tool) ......................................................................................... 37 Using FUSE (V-Rooms™ File Upload SErvice) ............................................................................................... 41 Updating or Replacing a Single File ................................................................................................................. 48 Moving Files ...................................................................................................................................................... 49 Batch Updating Files ......................................................................................................................................... 50 V-Rooms ™ powered by Due Diligence Online, LLC
V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
Deleting Files .................................................................................................................................................... 51 Find Orphaned Files ......................................................................................................................................... 51 Admin Search ................................................................................................................................................... 53 Admin Search File Listing ................................................................................................................................. 53 Group User Listing ............................................................................................................................................ 54 Room User Listing ............................................................................................................................................ 55 User Export Report ........................................................................................................................................... 56 Generating a Communication Report ............................................................................................................... 56 Creating a Single New User ............................................................................................................................. 57 Batch Creating Users ........................................................................................................................................ 61 Maintaining an Existing User ............................................................................................................................ 66 Batch Maintaining Users ................................................................................................................................... 69 Deleting Users .................................................................................................................................................. 70 Permissions ...................................................................................................................................................... 71 Permission Listing ............................................................................................................................................. 71 Creating a Permission Policy ............................................................................................................................ 71 Maintain a Permission Policy ............................................................................................................................ 72 Delete a Permission Policy ............................................................................................................................... 72 Forms Integration .............................................................................................................................................. 73 WuFoo Forms Setup ......................................................................................................................................... 73 WuFoo Plugin Settings (in V-Rooms) .............................................................................................................. 74 Adding a WuFoo Form to V-Rooms .................................................................................................................. 74 Web Hooking the Mapped V-Rooms Form to WuFoo ...................................................................................... 76 Testing Your Form Integration .......................................................................................................................... 77 Administrative Reports ...................................................................................................................................... 78 Files Clicked Report .......................................................................................................................................... 78 File History Report ............................................................................................................................................ 79 Login History Report ......................................................................................................................................... 80 User Machine Report ........................................................................................................................................ 81 User Interface ................................................................................................................................................... 82 Accessing V-Rooms™.................................................................................................................................... 82 Switching Rooms .............................................................................................................................................. 83 User Navigation ................................................................................................................................................ 84 Home Screen .................................................................................................................................................... 86 Documents Screen ........................................................................................................................................... 87 User with Document Upload Capabilities ......................................................................................................... 88 Search Screen .................................................................................................................................................. 89 User Reporting Tab .......................................................................................................................................... 90 Single and Batch File Download from the Reporting Tab ................................................................................. 91 Instant Email Notifications ................................................................................................................................ 91 My Account Information .................................................................................................................................... 92 V-Rooms ™ powered by Due Diligence Online, LLC
V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
Appendix ........................................................................................................................................................... 95 1. Sample Text for Acknowledgement Page ..................................................................................................... 96 2. Suggested Document File-Naming Convention for Revisions/Modifications ................................................ 97 3. V-Room™ Archival Procedures .................................................................................................................... 98 4. V-Rooms™ Password Management Functionality and Strong Password Policies ..................................... 99 5. Using a Hash Digest to Validate File Uploads with FUSE ......................................................................... 101 V-Rooms ™ powered by Due Diligence Online, LLC
V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
Thank you for selecting V-Rooms™ as your solution provider.
This guide provides information on how to configure your V-Room™. It is intended for
V-Rooms™ Administrators.
In this chapter
System Requirements .................................................................................................. 6
Prerequisite Knowledge ............................................................................................... 6
Contacting Support ...................................................................................................... 6
System Requirements
Your PC or MAC should be at such a level with Operating System and Processor capabilities to be able to
support the recommended and supported browsers when accessing V-Rooms™:
• Supported Browsers: Microsoft Internet Explorer 9.0. or higher, Google Chrome Version 30 or higher,
Mozilla Firefox Version 25 or higher.
IMPORTANT: Other Internet browsers (like Apple Safari and Netscape) and lower versions of supported browsers
listed above are not supported at this time, but have been successfully used by many of our customers.
1,024x768 screen resolution or higher recommended
High-speed Internet connection (corporate network, DSL, or cable)
Recommended PDF Reader: Adobe Reader X or higher (required for use with accounts using DRM)
Prerequisite Knowledge
People who use V-Rooms™ should have knowledge in the following areas:
• Browsing for and attaching documents
• Internet Explorer and General Browser Navigation
Contacting Support
Below is the contact information for V-Rooms™.
Phone Phone Support is available 24x7x365/366 for Data Room Administrators. To reach phone support, call (888)
316-2048 (North America) or (404) 348-4701 (International). If your call is answered by the automated
attendant, follow the prompts to leave a voice mail message. We will respond to your message promptly.
E-­‐mail Email to Customer Support is available 8am ET – 5pm PT at support@v-rooms.com. Use this address for
general inquiries and non-urgent matters.
Feedback We hope that you will contact us with your feedback. It helps us improve the product for you. Email your
comments to us at support@v-rooms.com.
V-Rooms ™ powered by Due Diligence Online, LLC
V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
Getting Started
In this chapter
Accessing V-Rooms™ ................................................................................................ 7
Administrator Navigation .............................................................................................. 7
Key Points to Remember ............................................................................................. 8
Accessing V-Rooms ™
In order to access your V-Rooms™ navigate to the login page (URL) you have been provided or to our
standard login page at:
On your login page, enter the V-Rooms™ Administrator username and password that has been provided to
Note: V-Rooms™ also offers the ability for you to add the V-Rooms™ login frame on your website. Please
visit http://www.v-rooms.com/support360/EmbedLoginFrame/ if you are interested in making changes to your
website to do this.
Administrative Interface Navigation
When first logging into the system as a Group or Room Administrator, you will see three rows of options on the
upper left half of the screen. This is your control panel.
The first row contains your navigational tabs. Tabs will let you move between the administrative area of the
application and the User Interface components.
The second row contains your administrative controls. Each of these administrative controls represents a
different management area within the application.
The third row contains the options for the “selected” administrative control or management area.
V-Rooms ™ powered by Due Diligence Online, LLC
V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
This is what the Navigation Control Panel looks like:
Click on each administrative control in order to gain access to the different areas of Virtual Room
When you are finished using your Virtual Rooms, you can Sign Out by click the Power Button Icon in the
upper right corner. This will properly close the Virtual Room.
Key Points to Remember as You Get Started
System In-Activity Timeout
For security reason, if no movement (keystrokes, mouse movements, etc.) are made within your Virtual
Room within a 30 minute period, the program will “time out”, and you must “re-login” to your Virtual Room.
Error Handling
If you encounter an error in our system that is unanticipated, you will receive the following error message
As the message indicates, if the error was presented at login, first try the steps outlined. If any problem
persists, contact our Customer Support Team for assistance.
Group Administrator vs. Room Administrator
Group Administrators have the ability to set-up additional Virtual Rooms within their group to the limit that
has been authorized. Room Administrators will be established by a Group Administrator and can be given
appropriate and differing permissions for each Virtual Room they administer.
For instructions on how to set up a new room, see the Create Room sub-section under the Groups
section of this Administrator Guide.
For instructions on how to set up Room Administrator accounts and grant permissions, see Create User
sub-section under the Users section of the Administrator Guide.
V-Rooms ™ powered by Due Diligence Online, LLC
V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
Security Access Levels and Security Sections
The information in your Virtual Room(s) may be arranged in security levels and security sections.
Security levels of 1-9 are available. Users with a Level 1 clearance will only be able to access Level 1 files
in the designated virtual room. Users with a Level 2 clearance will be able to access Level 1 and Level 2
files, and so forth. Level 9 users will have access to all files in the designated virtual room including the
Automated Files Clicked Report. Therefore, it is HIGHLY recommend that you reserve Level 9 users for
individuals that would have access to ALL information in the designated virtual room.
Security sections provide further segregation of user access. Users that are assigned a security section(s)
(i.e. “LEGAL”) will have access to documents with a “blank” security section and access to documents with
their assigned security section(s) within accessible security levels in the designated virtual room.
When room access is granted to a user, the Security Level and Section(s) for that user are established.
Likewise, when a file is uploaded, the Security Level and Section(s) for that file are selected. Security
Levels and Sections for both users and files may be changed at any time.
Group and Room Branding
The header and footer sections of the V-Rooms™ User Interface can be customized to include a Group
Brand (your company’s logo, your company’s color scheme and company name) and a Room Brand (your
client’s logo). Group Branding is a premium feature that may not be available with all data rooms. If Group
Branding controls are not presented within Maintain Group, please contact our Client Care Team to
Group branding is controlled by the Group Administrator and will be reflected in all of the data rooms within
the group. Room branding can be controlled by the Group Administrator or by a Room Administrator with
Room Management authority and will be reflected on only that specific data room within the group.
For instructions on how to set up Group Branding, see the Maintain Group sub-section under the Groups
section of this Administrator Guide.
For instructions on how to set up Room Branding, see the Maintain Room sub-section under the Rooms
section of this Administrator Guide.
Folder and File Naming
The Folder and File name fields within the V-Rooms™ application are not restrictive in length to allow for
greatest flexibility. However, the length should be taken into consideration if an archive of the data room
will be desired at the end of the transaction or project. Windows is limited in the path length for folder/file
names to 255 characters. The depth of your folder structure should influence the length of your folder
names and file names.
Following is an example of a 200 character Folder and File path. From this example, you can see that
descriptive folder and file names can be used without having to exceed the Windows Operating System
255 character limitation.
Due Diligence Material/Corporate Financials/2008 Audit Information/Audit Papers for Texas
Companies- Tarrant County/Sample Company/2008 Audit Working Papers of Accounts
Additionally, for a data room to archive, file and folder names should not contain the following characters:
/ \ : * ? “ < > | [ ] { } which are not allowed by Microsoft or are restricted for system security purposes.
V-Rooms ™ powered by Due Diligence Online, LLC
V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
Document Search Capability
Search Capability in V-Rooms™ allows users to search for specific content in the data room documents.
Search Capability is a premium feature that may not be available with all data rooms. If Search controls
are not present within Maintain Room, please contact our Client Care Team to discuss.
Search Capability once turned on at the Room Level can be made available to individual users in User
Management. The search function in V-Rooms will search multiple components. These searchable
components are: the text of pdf documents, the data room file names, the uploaded file names, the file
descriptions, and any additional file fields in use.
Document Scanning Tips
Prior to scanning ALL of your documents into a pdf file format try scanning and uploading a few
documents. Then enter the program as a standard user and view those documents. Sometimes, certain
document features, set at the time of scanning, may complicate the correct viewing of the documents in
the Virtual Room.
For search capabilities to be most effective, pdf documents must be scanned as OCR documents.
Uploading and downloading speed is dependent upon the type and speed of your internet connection. File
sizes of 20Mb or larger require a high-speed internet connection.
Document Digital Rights Management (DRM)
DRM Capabilities in V-Rooms™ allow administrators to control the printing and saving of documents
within the data room. DRM Capabilities are a premium feature that may not be available with all data
rooms. If Permission Management is not present in Group Administration, please contact our Client Care
Team to discuss.
For instructions on how to set up permissions for DRM, see the Permission Policy section of this
Administrator Guide. To assign a permission policy to a user, see the Create User sub-section of the User
Management section of this Administrator Guide. To assign permission overrides to a document, see the
File Upload sub-section of the File Management section of this Administrator Guide.
Multi-Room Access
As a Group Administrator you are also able to assign access to one or more data rooms for each user in
your group. The security level, sections, user type and other information can vary for a user from room to
room. Once a user is given access to more than one room, they will then have the ability to switch
between those rooms within their session using the Switch Rooms dropdown at the top of the User
Interface screen.
Email Alerts
When new files are added to a Folder, an Email Alert may be instantly issued to the users from the room
administrator of that Virtual Room. This is an optional feature that is controlled by the Administrator on the
User Management screen. See the User Setup Section for instructions on how to turn this feature on for a
user. See the Appendix for instructions on how to set up a “Rule” in Outlook.
V-Rooms ™ powered by Due Diligence Online, LLC
V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
Group Management
In this chapter
Group Listing .............................................................................................................. 11
Maintain Your Group .................................................................................................. 11
Group Listing
To navigate to the Group Listing, click the GROUP control button below the ADMIN Button.
Available Group Management options are listed just below the GROUP control button. Note: Only Group
Administrators will see the Groups control button in the Navigation Control Panel, and therefore have access to
the Group Management Options.
The Group Listing is initially selected and displays the Group ID, Group Name, Primary Group Contact Name,
Contact Email, and Room Limit. A Room Limit of 0 indicates unlimited rooms.
Double click on the Group Name or click Maintain Group to manage the Group’s information.
When Maintain Group is selected, the Group Management screen appears (see next page).
Maintaining Your Group
In Maintain Group, the following information can be updated:
Group Contact Information – Group Name, Contact Name, and Contact Email Address
The Group Contact Information does not display anywhere on the User Interface. It is used by
V-Rooms™ as the primary contact information for the Group.
Group Branding Components – Brand Name, Background Color, Text Color, and Group Logo are
the Group Branding features within V-Rooms™ that allow you to customize specific aspects of the
user interface screen in order to provide a look that is consistent with your company’s brand.
Note: Either Brand Name or Group Logo will appear in the top right corner of the banner, but not both.
To display the Brand Name, do not upload a Group Logo.
Note: If Group Branding controls are not shown on this screen, please contact our Client Care Team to
discuss adding this to your package.
If you leave the branding fields blank, the V-Rooms™ application will use our default text and colors.
The Brand Name will be V-Rooms™, the background color will be a dark blue and the text color will
be white.
Delete Key – If the Delete Key is specified, this key will be required for all administrative deletes
(Room, Folder, File, and User). This is a safeguard against unauthorized and accidental deletions.
V-Rooms ™ powered by Due Diligence Online, LLC
V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
Logout URL - This is where you can designate a Logout URL for your users. This field must contain a
valid website address. When a logout URL is designated, users and administrators within this group
will land on this URL after logging out of the system. This is also the URL that will be used as a default
in User Login Email Notifications.
Time Zone – The Time Zone selected at the Group level will be the default time zone for users
created within the group.
Password Management - Group Administrators have the ability to customize a password policy for
the users of their Group. This password policy is be established and maintained within Group
As a Group Administrator, simply click Maintain Group to view and update your group’s password
complexity, change and expiration requirements. The options available are summarized below and are
detailed in Appendix 7. The default value for each of these fields will not require any change for
current users. As an administrator, you simply turn on and/or set the ones you want to use.
V-Rooms ™ powered by Due Diligence Online, LLC
V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
Note: Password Management is a premium feature that may not be available with all data rooms. If
Password Management controls are not shown on your Group Maintenance screen, please contact
our Client Care Team to discuss.
Password Complexity Requirements –The following password complexity parameters can be
set by the Group Administrator:
o Password Minimum Length
o Password Maximum Length
o Upper Case Letter Required
o Lower Case Letter Required
o Number Required
o Special Character Required
o Whether or not the password can contain the username
o Whether or not a security question and answer are required at login.
Password Change Requirements – The following password change requirements can be set by
the Group Administrator:
o The number of times a day a user is allowed to change their own password
o The number of previous passwords a user cannot reuse
Password Expiration Requirements – The following password expiration requirements can be
set by the Group Administrator:
o The number of consecutive failed login attempts before a user account is locked
o The number of inactivity days before a user account is locked
o The number of days before a user’s password auto expires (forcing password change)
V-Rooms ™ powered by Due Diligence Online, LLC
V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
Room Management
In this chapter
Room Listing .............................................................................................................. 14
Creating a New V-Room™ ........................................................................................ 14
Maintaining a V-Room™ ........................................................................................... 17
Deleting a V-Room™ ................................................................................................ 19
Creating a Room Report ............................................................................................ 20
Archiving a V-Room™ ............................................................................................... 20
Maintaining Dynamic Watermark ............................................................................... 21
Maintaining Personnel Groups ................................................................................... 22
Room Listing
To navigate to the Room Listing, click on the ROOMS control button below the ADMIN Button.
Available Room Management options are listed just above the Room Listing panel. Note: Only Group
Administrators and Room Administrators with Room Management Permissions will see the ROOMS control
button in the Navigation Control Panel, and therefore have access to the Room Management Options.
The Room Listing will display for each room the Group ID, Group Name, Room ID, Room Name, Total
Storage, File Count, User Count, Room Start Date, and whether or not Search capability is turned on.
V-Rooms ™ powered by Due Diligence Online, LLC
V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
Creating a New V-Room™
Click on the GROUP control button below the ADMIN Button. Then click the Create Room option to create a
new V-Room™. The Room Creation screen below will appear.
In Create Room, the following information can be specified:
Use another Virtual Data Room as a Template? Yes or No. If you select “Yes”, then the following five
additional fields are presented. Select “No” to create a room with no starting folder structure or other copy
o Room to use as a Template: Drop down list to select which room within your group to use as a
template for copy.
o Copy Folders from Room? – Select “Yes” to copy the folder structure from the template room.
o Copy Files from room? – Select “Yes” to copy the files from the template room.
o Copy Room Acknowledgement Text? – Select “Yes” to copy the Room Acknowledgment text from
the template room.
o Copy Homepage Settings? – Select “Yes” to copy the homepage settings, calendar events,
announcements, links and general info section from the template room.
Room Name – This will display in the banner area when users access this room.
Contact Name – Specify a primary administrative contact for the room that you are creating. The Room
contact name and email will be available to Room Users on their “My Account” Page.
Contact Email – Specify the email address for the primary administrative contact.
Search Capabilities – Click the “Yes” button if you want to turn on Search Capabilities for this data room.
You will also need to turn search on for the appropriate individual users in the room (see User
DRM – Click the “Yes” button if you want to enable DRM for this room
V-Rooms ™ powered by Due Diligence Online, LLC
V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
PDF Restrictions – Click the “Yes” button if you want to enable PDF Restrictions for this room. Note that
PDF Restrictions and DRM cannot be selected at the same time. If this option is selected, DRM will
automatically be turned off.
Note: DRM and PDF Restrictions are features that may not be available with all data rooms. If DRM
and PDF Restrictions are not shown on your Group Maintenance screen, please contact our Client
Care Team to discuss.
Show All/Empty Folders in User Interface – Check this box if you want all folders to display to the users
regardless of whether or not the folder contains a document that they can access. When this is selected,
some folders will appear to be empty for some users.
Default For Watermark – When PDF documents are accessed from the data room, a watermark can be
optionally applied to the documents. This field controls the default for the watermark setting when pdf
documents are uploaded.
Show FUSE Digest – V-Rooms File Upload SErvice (FUSE) can be validated (21 CFR Part 11) for clinical
trial usage. If you are clinical trial company and need to perform self-validation, then this functionality has
been made available to you. Other wise, you will not see this field. If this is a validation room, then set this
value to yes in your validation room in order to use calculated hash values to validate the upload of
documents. NOTE: This is a very technical process and is not needed by most clients, so it should be
turned off for the majority of rooms. Details on how to perform this validation are included in Appendix 5.
Room Logo - Browse and select a logo (must be in .gif, .jpeg or .bmp format) to upload a logo.
Acknowledgment Page Text - Type or paste the text that will be featured on the Acknowledgement Page
Screen in the User Interface. This can be updated later in Room Management. Note: if you are copying the
Acknowledgement Page Text from another room, this field will be grayed out and will be uneditable during
room creation.
Additional Document Fields - Designate which (if any) of the additional document fields you wish to have
available for storage of additional document related information. These fields, when used will be
o Type a Field Name for the additional document fields you wish to use.
o Select the Data Type (Date, Text or List) for the document field. The data type will control what type of
data can be entered into the field.
§ Date fields will be validated against a mm/dd/yyyy format.
§ Text fields will not be validated
§ List fields will be provided with a dropdown list of available values created from the Custom
Values specified. Values should be comma delimited. (i.e. Red, Yellow, Green)
o Indicate whether or not the additional document field is available on the User-Document Upload
Screen and available for User Reporting.
Please note: Until a field name is specified for a document field, it will not appear in the File Information
Window to be populated.
Default Login Email Settings
Below the acknowledgment page
text, Admins can now customize
the information sent to users from
the system in their User Login
These fields will initially be blank
when a room is created, but can
be modified and saved from
“Maintain Room” as well as from
“Create User” and “Maintain User”
when “Save as Default” is selected.
V-Rooms ™ powered by Due Diligence Online, LLC
V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
To return to the system default settings for any of these fields, the information will need to be cleared out and
saved as blank from this screen.
The following information can be specified as defaults for user login emails:
Send From: This is the email account that the login information email will be sent from. This defaults
to “no-reply@v-rooms.com”, but may be changed to another valid email address.
*This must be a valid email address in the correct format for the users to receive the email.
Note: Some email servers are very tight on possible SPAM emails. An email that is sent from a domain
using an alternative email address may be rejected by the receiving email server. If this should
happen, try resending the email using the “no-reply@v-rooms.com email account. This may produce
better results.
Subject: This is the subject of the login information email. This defaults to “Login Information for
Virtual Data Room Access”, but may be changed.
Message: This is the message of the login information email. The default text for the message may be
changed, replaced or appended.
Login Url Text: This is the text that appears just above the login link. This defaults to “To access this
data room for V-Rooms Pro, go to the following website:”
Login Url: This is the login link that will be provided in the login information email. This defaults to the
Logout URL specified for your Group, but may be changed.
Username Text: This is the text that appears just above the username and password in the email.
This defaults to “Type in the following username and password for V-Rooms Pro:”
Footer Text: This is the text that appears at the very bottom of the login information. This defaults to
“Please note: This is an auto-generated message. Do not reply to it.”
After populating the appropriate fields, click Save to create the new V-Room™.
Maintaining a V-Room™
Under the ADMIN Button, click the ROOMS control button. Select the Room to be maintained and click on the
Maintain Room option or double-click on the Room’s Name to maintain room’s information.
In Maintain Room, the following information can be updated:
• Room Name – This will display in the banner area when users access this room.
• Contact Name – Specify a primary administrative contact for the room that you are creating. The Room
contact name and email will be available to Room Users on their “My Account” Page.
• Contact Email – Specify the email address for the primary administrative contact.
• Search Capabilities – Click the “Yes” button if you want to turn on Search Capabilities for this data room.
You will also need to turn search on for the appropriate individual users in the room (see User
• DRM – Click the “Yes” button if you want to enable DRM for this room
• PDF Restrictions – Click the “Yes” button if you want to enable PDF Restrictions for this room. Note that
PDF Restrictions and DRM cannot be selected at the same time. If this option is selected, DRM will
automatically be turned off.
Note: DRM and PDF Restrictions are features that may not be available with all data rooms. If DRM and
PDF Restrictions are not shown on your Group Maintenance screen, please contact our Client Care Team
to discuss.
• Show All/Empty Folders in User Interface – Check this box if you want all folders to display to the users
regardless of whether or not the folder contains a document that they can access. When this is selected,
some folders will appear to be empty for some users.
• Default For Watermark – When PDF documents are accessed from the data room, a watermark can be
optionally applied to the documents. This field controls the default for the watermark setting when pdf
documents are uploaded.
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V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
Show FUSE Digest – V-Rooms File Upload SErvice (FUSE) can be validated (21 CFR Part 11) for clinical
trial usage. If you are clinical trial company and need to perform self-validation, then this functionality has
been made available to you. Other wise, you will not see this field. If this is a validation room, then set this
value to yes in your validation room in order to use calculated hash values to validate the upload of
documents. NOTE: This is a very technical process and is not needed by most clients, so it should be
turned off for the majority of rooms.
Room Logo - Browse and select a logo (must be in .gif, .jpeg or .bmp format) to upload a logo.
Acknowledgment Page Text - Type or paste the text that will be featured on the Acknowledgement Page
Screen in the User Interface. This can be updated later in Room Management.
Additional Document Fields - Designate which (if any) of the additional document fields you wish to have
available for storage of additional document related information. These fields, when used will be
o Type a Field Name for the additional document fields you wish to use.
o Select the Data Type (Date, Text or List) for the document field. The data type will control what type of
data can be entered into the field.
§ Date fields will be validated against a mm/dd/yyyy format.
§ Text fields will not be validated
§ List fields will be provided with a dropdown list of available values created from the Custom
Values specified. Values should be comma delimmeted. (i.e. Red, Yellow, Green)
o Indicate whether or not the additional document field is available on the User-Document Upload
Screen and available for User Reporting.
Please note: Until a field name is specified for a document field, it will not appear in the File Information
Window to be populated.
Default Login Email Settings
Below the acknowledgment page
text, Admins can now customize
the information sent to users from
the system in their User Login
These fields will initially be blank
when a room is created, but can
be modified and saved from
V-Rooms ™ powered by Due Diligence Online, LLC
V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
“Maintain Room” as well as from “Create User” and “Maintain User” when “Save as Default” is selected.
To return to the system default settings for any of these fields, the information will need to be cleared out and
saved as blank from this screen.
The following information can be specified as defaults for user login emails:
Send From: This is the email account that the login information email will be sent from. This defaults
to “no-reply@v-rooms.com”, but may be changed to another valid email address.
*This must be a valid email address in the correct format for the users to receive the email.
Note: Some email servers are very tight on possible SPAM emails. An email that is sent from a domain
using an alternative email address may be rejected by the receiving email server. If this should
happen, try resending the email using the “no-reply@v-rooms.com email account. This may produce
better results.
Subject: This is the subject of the login information email. This defaults to “Login Information for
Virtual Data Room Access”, but may be changed.
Message: This is the message of the login information email. The default text for the message may be
changed, replaced or appended.
Login Url Text: This is the text that appears just above the login link. This defaults to “To access this
data room for V-Rooms Pro, go to the following website:”
Login Url: This is the login link that will be provided in the login information email. This defaults to the
Logout URL specified for your Group, but may be changed.
Username Text: This is the text that appears just above the username and password in the email.
This defaults to “Type in the following username and password for V-Rooms Pro:”
Footer Text: This is the text that appears at the very bottom of the login information. This defaults to
“Please note: This is an auto-generated message. Do not reply to it.”
After populating the appropriate fields, click Save to save any changes to the V-Room™.
Deleting a V-Room™
To delete a V-Room™, under the ADMIN Button, click on the ROOMS control button and select the Room
Name from the Room Listing. Then click on the Delete Room option.
If a Delete Key is required, the window below will be presented. Type in the Delete Key provided and click OK.
Note: Only Group Administrators have access to and can provide the Delete Key required to perform
administrative deletes.
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Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
Creating a Room Report
To create a room report, under the ADMIN Button, click on the ROOMS control button and select the Room
Name from the Room Listing. Then click on the Room Report option.
From the File Download Window or the Download Bar, you can choose whether to open or save the Room
Report Excel file that has been created.
The Room Report that is created will contain the Group ID, Group Name, Room ID, Room Name, Total
Storage, Number of Files, Number of Users, Start Date, Search Capabilities, Show All/Empty Folders, whether
or not a Room Logo has been uploaded, and the name and type of each Additional Document Field
designated for a room.
Archiving a V-Room™
Group and Room Administrators with Room Management Permission have the ability to create a full backup of
a V-Room™ – an “archive”.
To create an archive of a room, under the ADMIN Button,
click on the ROOMS control button and select the Room
Name from the Room Listing. Then click on the Archive
Room option. The following message will be displayed:
As indicated by this message, an email will also be sent to the requesting administrator when the archive has
completed. Additionally, an archive column will appear (if not already displayed) on the Room Listing and will
display the status of the requested archive. The statuses move from pending to running to download.
A zipped file containing a copy of all files and folders in the data room will be created. Once the archive is
created, click the “download” link to save the file.
On your PC or MAC, when the window is displayed to open or save the file, click Save and then choose a
location for your archive.
On a MAC, from the Download Bar, select to Show the Zip File in Finder and then move the file to a permanent
location on your MAC.
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V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
Note: It is also recommended that you create an export of your Files Clicked Report, Files History Report,
Login History Report, Communications Report, and Users to save with the archive.
See our recommended V-Rooms™ Archival Procedures in the Appendix.
Maintaining the Dynamic Confidential Watermark
To customize the dynamic confidential watermark for pdf files in a data room, under the ADMIN Button, click
on the ROOMS control button and select a Room Name from the Room drop-down menu on the right. Then
click on the Maintain Watermark option.
From the ROOMS link, select a room in the Room
Listing and click on the Maintain Watermark option to
customize the dynamic confidential watermark for pdf
files in the selected data room.
In Maintain Watermark, the following information can
be updated:
Position - The watermark can appear diagonally
across the page or in one of the margins.
Font Face - Indicate whether or not a solid or
outlined font should be used.
Color - Select the desired color of the watermark
(red, blue or black)
Show Confidential - Indicate whether or not to
include the word “Confidential” within the watermark
Show Username - Select whether or not to include
the users Username within the watermark
Show Date - Select whether or not to include the
date within the watermark
Show Time - Select whether or not to include the
time within the watermark
Show IP Address - Select whether or not to include the IP address within the watermark
Show Full Name - Indicate whether or not the users full name will be displayed
Show Custom Text - Allows the Administrator to include any custom text not included in the other options
Transparency - Select the transparency of the watermark. Note: 0% is solid (no transparency)
Click the Preview link to see an example of what your watermark will look like.
Click Save to save changes to the watermark customization.
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V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
Maintaining Personnel Groups
To maintain Personnel Groups, under the ADMIN Button, click on the ROOMS control button and select a
Room Name from the Room drop-down menu on the right. Then click on the Maintain Personnel Groups
Personnel Groups can be used to sub-divide personnel associated with the data room. The list of Personnel
Groups created in this screen are available for selection in User Management and will display on the Home
Page if active for the data room and assigned to a user in User Management. Personnel Groups are not
mandatory, and if not specified, all personnel flagged for listing on the Home Page will simply appear
alphabetically without Personnel Group designations.
The Maintain Personnel Groups screen is divided into two parts: the top half is the current Personnel Groups
listing and the bottom half is available for adding and updating Personnel Groups.
To add a new personnel group, simply type the following information into the bottom half of the screen:
Personnel Group Name – The name of the Personnel Group (a department or classification of relevant
personnel) associated with the data room.
Is Active – This checkmark simply indicates whether or not a personnel group is available for selection in
User Management / Personnel section.
Order – In order to control the sort order of the Personnel Group in the top half of the screen, populate this
field with a number that will place the Personnel Group appropriately in the list. Note: After a Personnel
Group is added, the order numbers are reset.
Click the Add link to add the new Personnel Group to the listing in the top half of the screen.
Click Clear link to clear out any fields on the bottom half of the screen without saving.
To maintain an existing Personnel Group, double click it in the listing and the Personnel Group information will
be displayed in the lower half of the screen for update.
To delete an existing Personnel Group, select it in the listing (click once) and click the Delete Selected button
above the listing. The Personnel Group will be removed from the listing.
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V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
Home Page Management
In this chapter
Home Page Summary ................................................................................................ 23
Edit Home Page Settings ........................................................................................... 24
Edit Announcements .................................................................................................. 24
Edit Calendar ............................................................................................................. 26
Edit Links ................................................................................................................... 27
Edit General Info ........................................................................................................ 28
Personnel Listing ....................................................................................................... 28
Home Page Summary
To navigate to the administrative view of the Home Page, click on the SETTINGS drop down menu below the
ADMIN Button and select Home Page Settings.
If a room has not already been selected, then select a Room from the drop-down menu in the Navigation Bar
at the top right. If only one Room exists in your group, that room will be automatically selected for you.
Available administrative options for Home Page Management are listed on the left hand side.
Note: Only Group Administrators and Room Administrators with Home Page Management Permissions will see
the HOME PAGE control button in the Navigation Control Panel, and therefore have access to the Home Page
Management Options.
The HOME PAGE provides a central communication point for data room users. Information on the Home
Page is divided into sections for Announcements, Calendar, Links General Info and Data Room/Project
The Home Page Summary is an administrative summary of the Home Page for the selected room. To
activate or change any of the information presented use the menu options down the left side.
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Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
Edit Home Page Settings
Select the Edit Home Page Settings option on the left-hand side of the Home Page Management area to
activate a Home Page for a data room and to customize the information to be included.
The following screen will be displayed:
Use the provided radio buttons to turn on/off the entire home page for Users, and to turn on/off various
sections on the home page. The fields on this screen are defined below:
Home Page Section - This is the system name for the home page section.
Available to Users - If set to “On”, the section is available on the Home Page User Interface Screen.
Note: Sections that are turned “Off” will still display on the Home Page Summary.
Section Name - This is the customizable display name for each home page section.
Column - This is the column of the home page that this section will appear in. Note: This is not
changeable and is displayed for information purposes only.
Row Sequence - The row sequence controls whether or not a section is presented at the top (1 ) or
bottom (2 ) of the designated column on the Summary and User Interface Home Page Screen.
Click Save to save changes to the Home Page Settings.
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Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
Edit Announcements
Select the Edit Announcements option on the left-hand side of the Home Page Management area to add,
update or delete announcements from the data room’s home page.
The Announcements screen is divided into two parts: the top half is the current announcement listing and the
bottom half is available to add and update announcements.
To add a new announcement, simply type the following information into the bottom half of the screen:
Subject - The subject of the announcement.
Details - Any additional details about the announcement to be provided. Note: Details are provided as
mouse trails when the mouse hovers over the announcement on the Home Page Summary or User
Interface Home Page screen.
Date - This is the date that is displayed next to the announcement and controls the sorting order for
Available Date - Announcements will not display in the announcement list on the Home Page prior to the
“Available Date”.
Remove Date - Announcements will not display in the announcement list on the Home Page after the
“Remove Date” has passed.
Click the Add link to add the new announcement to the announcement listing in the top half of the screen.
Click the Clear link to clear out any fields on the bottom half of the screen without saving.
To maintain an existing announcement, double click it in the announcement listing and the information will be
displayed in the lower half of the screen for update.
To delete an existing announcement, select the announcement in the listing (click once) and click the Delete
Selected button above the listing. The announcement will be removed from the listing.
In order to filter announcements, specify one or more of the following dates and click Refresh:
Start Date: Input the Start Date of the date range desired
End Date: Input the End Date of the date range desired
To exit the Announcement Maintenance screen, click on another administrative Option or Tab.
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V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
Edit Calendar
Select the Edit Calendar option on the left-hand side of the Home Page Management area to add, update or
delete calendar events from the data room’s home page calendar.
The Calendar screen is divided into two parts: the left half is the current calendar and the right half is available
for adding, updating and deleting calendar events.
To add a new event to the calendar, simply type the following information into the right half of the screen. Only
the fields in bold are required. You can also double click on a date on the calendar to pre-populate the Start
and End Dates with that date.
Subject - The subject of the calendar event.
Category – Several color coded categories are available for your usage.
Location – The location of the event.
Start Date and Time - This is the start date and time for the event. Note: The time zone for the calendar
is listed below the calendar. This is based on the time zone for the data room.
End Date and Time - This is the end date and time for the event.
All Day Event – If this box is checked, the event start and end times are defaulted to 12:00am and the
event appears on the calendar for the whole day.
Event Details - Any additional details about the event to be provided. Note: This is our standard html text
editor, so links can also be included.
Click Save to add the new event to the calendar.
Event information is provided as a mouse trail when the mouse hovers over the calendar event on the Home
Page Summary or User Interface Home Page screen.
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V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
Click Reset to clear out any event fields without saving.
To maintain an existing event, double click the event on the calendar and the event information will be
displayed for update. Make any desired changes and click Update.
To delete an existing event, double click the event on the calendar and the event will be displayed on the left.
Click the Delete Selected button above the event fields to remove it from the calendar.
The calendar will scroll to the previous and next month by clicking the navigation bars next to the calendar
The calendar can also be displayed in “Full Screen Mode” by clicking the link above the calendar.
Edit Links
Select the Edit Links option on the left-hand side of the Home Page Management area to add, update or
delete links from the data room’s home page.
The Edit Links screen is divided into two parts: the top half is the current link listing and the bottom half is
available for adding and updating links.
To add a new link, simply type the following information into the bottom half of the screen:
Link Name – The name of the link to be displayed.
URL – The full website address (including http://) of the website that will be navigated to when the link
name is clicked on.
Order – In order to control the sort order of the links in the top half of the screen, populate this field with a
number that will place the project appropriately in the list. Note: After a link is added, the order numbers
are reset.
Click the Add link to add the new link to the link listing.
Click the Clear link to clear out any fields on the bottom half of the screen without saving.
To maintain an existing link, double click it in the link listing and the link information will be displayed in the
lower half of the screen for update.
To delete an existing link, select it in the link listing (click once) and click the Delete Selected button above the
listing. The link will be removed from the listing.
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V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
Edit General Info
Select the Edit General Info option on the left-hand side of the Home Page Management area to add, update
or delete information from the General Info section of the data room’s home page.
The General Info screen above is displayed.
Type or paste the text that will be featured in the General Info Section of the Home Page into the html text
editor. Use the controls to format the text appropriately.
Click Save to update the General Info section on the Home Page Summary and User Interface Home Screen.
Personnel Listing
The Personnel section is displayed on the Home Page, but the personnel included in the listing are not
maintained from the Home Page.
Personnel are maintained through User Management. A full discussion on enabling personnel can be found in
User Management in the Personnel Section under User Creation and Maintenance.
Additionally, if personnel need to appear as part of a project or department classification, a Personnel Group
can be created in Room Management and users are linked to projects within User Management in the
Personnel Section under User Creation and Maintenance.
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V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
Folder and File Management
In this chapter
Folder and File Management Navigation ................................................................... 29
Folder/Files Listing ..................................................................................................... 30
Creating a Folder ....................................................................................................... 31
Updating a Folder ...................................................................................................... 32
Deleting a Folder ........................................................................................................ 33
Uploading a Single File .............................................................................................. 34
Batch Uploading Files ................................................................................................ 36
Using VOLT (V-Rooms™ Optimized Loading Tool) .................................................. 37
Using FUSE (V-Rooms™ File Upload SErvice) ........................................................ 41
Updating or Replacing a Single File ........................................................................... 48
Moving a File(s) ......................................................................................................... 49
Batch Updating File(s) ............................................................................................... 50
Deleting File(s) ........................................................................................................... 51
Finding Orphaned Files .............................................................................................. 51
Folder and File Management Navigation
To navigate to Folder and File Management, click on the FOLDER/FILES control button below the ADMIN
Button and select a Room from the drop-down menu in the Navigation Control Panel at the top right. If only
one Room exists in your group, that room will be automatically selected for you.
Available administrative options for Folders and Files are listed in the drop-down menus below the
FOLDER/FILES control button.
Note: Only Group Administrators and Room Administrators with Folder/File Management Permissions will see
the FOLDER/FILES control button in the Navigation Control Panel, and therefore have access to the Folder
and File Management Options.
Below the FOLDER/FILES control button there are four drop down menus that when selected present
additional buttons.
• Under Folder Options you can create, update or delete a folder.
• Under the File Upload Options you can upload a file, batch upload files, start FUSE and start VOLT.
• Under the File Update Options you can update a file, batch update files, move files, delete files and
find orphaned files.
• Under the Translation Services Options you can Save a document without a watermark and Request a
document translation.
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V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
Folder/Files Listing
To navigate to the Folder/Files Listing, click on the FOLDER/FILES control button below the ADMIN Button
and select a Room from the drop-down menu in the Navigation Control Panel at the top right. If only one
Room exists in your group, that room will be automatically selected for you.
The Folder/File Listing will initially display as a collapsed treed view of the Folder Structure for the selected
To see the files in a folder, click the plus sign (+) to the left of the folder’s name. Alternatively, click the
“expand all / collapse all” link at the top of the screen to expand or collapse all of the folders at once.
Once a folder(s) is expanded, the Security Level, Security Section(s), Permission Overrides, Watermark
Indicator and File Size are displayed for the file(s) in the expanded folder(s).
Additionally, a Preview File column appears with a Preview File icon displayed next to each file. Click the
Preview File icon to preview the file as it will display to the users (including watermark)
To select a folder, click the Folder’s Name, the selected folder will be highlighted in blue.
To select a file check the box to the left of the file’s name. A check mark (!) will appear inside the box when a
file is selected. Alternatively, click the “select all / select none” link at the top of the screen to select all of the
files in all of the folders at once.
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V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
The Folder and File name fields within the V-Rooms™ application are not restrictive in length to allow for
greatest flexibility. However, the length should be taken into consideration if an archive of the data room
will be desired at the end of the transaction or project. Windows limits the path length for folder/file names
to 255 characters. The depth of your folder structure should influence the length of your folder and file
Following is an example of a 200 character Folder and File path. From this example, you can see that
descriptive folder and file names can be used without having to exceed the Windows Operating System
255 character limitation.
Due Diligence Material/Corporate Financials/2008 Audit Information/Audit Papers for Texas
Companies- Tarrant County/Sample Company/2008 Audit Working Papers of Accounts
Additionally, for a data room to archive, file and folder names should not contain the following
characters: / \ : * ? “ < > | which are not allowed by Microsoft.
Hints on setting up Folders
Take a few moments to write down how you want to arrange the information.
Folders are sorted in alpha-numeric order.
Although you may enter any text in the Folder Description field, it is a good idea to end the description
with these instructions for the user: “Please click on one of the Files below or one of the Folders to the
At the Room Management Level, if the indicator “Show All/Empty Folders” has been left unchecked,
folders will only display to end users if the folder contains at least one document that the user has
access to (within security level and security section). Otherwise that folder name will not display on
the user screen.
Creating a Folder
Group or Room Administrators with Folder/File Management Permission can individually create folders for a
V-Room™. Alternatively, FUSE or our VOLT application can be used to create the entire Folder Structure for
a V-Room™. See the FUSE and/or VOLT sections of this Administrative Guide for more information about
how to create a folder structure and upload files using FUSE and/or VOLT.
From the FOLDER OPTIONS drop-down menu, click on Create Folder to create a new folder in the
designated V-Room™. The Folder Information screen that follows will appear.
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V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
In the Create Folder option, you are able to specify the following information:
• Folder Name
• Select a Parent Folder Name from the drop down list (if the new folder is a sub-folder)
• Type or paste a Folder Description
Click on the Save Button to create your new folder.
Updating A Folder
To update an existing folder, select the Folder’s Name in the Folder/Files Listing and click on Update Folder
from the FOLDER OPTIONS drop-down menu. The Folder Information screen below will appear.
In Update Folder, you are able to change the following information for an existing folder:
• Folder Name
• Select or change a Parent Folder Name from the drop down list.
• Type or paste a Folder Description
Click on the Save Button to save your folder changes.
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V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
Deleting Folders
To delete an existing folder from a room and all of its contents, select the Folder’s Name in the Folder/Files
Listing and click on Delete Folder from the FOLDER OPTIONS drop-down menu.
If a Delete Key is required, the window below will be presented. Type in the Delete Key provided and click OK.
Note: Only the Group’s Administrator can provide the System Key required to perform administrative deletes.
Note: Be very careful of this feature, deleting a folder will delete all of a folder’s sub-folders and included files.
Note: The Report Folder’s name can be changed, but it cannot be deleted. We recommend that the Report
folder only be used for storage of system reports because documents in this folder can not be copied when
creating a new room.
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V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
FILE UPLOAD OPTIONS Group or Room Administrators with Folder/File Management Permission can upload files to a V-Room™ or
create links within the data room to files stored external to the V-Rooms™ system.
Files can be uploaded using the Upload File, Batch Upload Files, FUSE or VOLT options on the FILE
UPLOAD OPTIONS drop-down menu.
File Naming
The Folder and File name fields within the V-Rooms™ application are not restrictive in length to allow for
greatest flexibility. However, the length should be taken into consideration if an archive of the data room
will be desired at the end of the transaction or project. Windows limits the path length for folder/file names
to 255 characters. The depth of your folder structure should influence the length of your folder and file
Following is an example of a 200 character Folder and File path. From this example, you can see that
descriptive folder and file names can be used without having to exceed the Windows Operating System
255 character limitation.
Due Diligence Material/Corporate Financials/2008 Audit Information/Audit Papers for Texas
Companies- Tarrant County/Sample Company/2008 Audit Working Papers of Accounts
Additionally, for a data room to archive, file and folder names should not contain the following characters:
/ \ : * ? “ < > | which are not allowed by Microsoft.
Uploading a Single File or Creating a Link to an External File/Webpage
To upload a single new file, select a Folder in the Folder/Files Listing and click on Upload File from the FILE
UPLOAD OPTIONS drop-down menu.
The File Upload screen below will appear.
In the Upload File screen, specify the following information:
Note: Field Names are in bold text for required fields.
File Name: Type the File Name in the input box. Note: File Names cannot contain certain “illegal”
characters like slashes (/ or \). If you leave the File Name blank, it will default to the same name as the
selected file from your local computer.
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V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
Security Level: Select a Security Level between 1 and 9.
Security Section(s): (optional) Type the desired security section(s) or leave blank – not case sensitive.
Separate multiple security sections with a comma or semi-colon. Note: When a security section is
specified, only users authorized to that security section will have access. Files with a blank security
section will be available to all users at the appropriate security level.
Upload File: Click on the Select button and navigate to the file on your computer that you want to upload.
After you select the document for upload, the screen will change and you will no longer see the select
button. You must first click the red x to remove the selected file before selecting a different file for the
current upload.
Include Watermark: If checked a Dynamic Confidential Watermark will appear on the document.
Note: This applies to .pdf files only. The default for this field (as Yes or No) can be set in Room
File Type: (optional) Select a type of file, i.e. Document, Audio, Photo, or Video. (Document is the default)
Link File: (optional) Specify an external URL to create a link to that page/document within the data room.
Note: This is instead of uploading a file.
Uploaded File Name: This field stores the original name of the file as it was uploaded, regardless of the
Name specified in the File Name field.
File Description: (optional) This text will appear as a mouse trail in the User Interface Search window
when the cursor is moved on top of the file name. The text in this field is also searchable if search
capabilities are turned on for the room and the user.
Additional Document Fields: (optional) This area contains up to six additional fields for storing file related
information. In order for these fields to appear, they must be first defined on the Room Management
window. The text in this field is searchable if search capabilities are turned on for the room and the user.
Digital Rights Management Fields
• Permission Overrides: (optional, only displays if DRM is
selected) This field defaults to “No”. Change this field value
to “Yes” and specify the appropriate overrides below in
order to override the DRM Permissions for individual files.
Permission Overrides can only be applied to pdf
documents. The DRM options are shown to the right.
• Open (optional) If overriding permissions, change this field to Yes if File Open is being overridden and if
desired specify the number of times and accessed files can be opened (counted as attempts to open the
• Print (optional) If overriding permissions, change this field to Yes if File Print is being overridden and if
desired specify the number of times and accessed files can be printed (counted as attempts to print the
• Save (optional) If overriding permissions, change this field to Yes if File Save is being overridden and
• Expiration (optional) If overriding permissions, optionally specify the number of days or a specific date
when access to this document will expire.
PDF Restriction Fields
• PDF Restriction Overrides: (optional, only displays if PDF
Restrictions are selected) This field defaults to “No”. Change this
field value to “Yes” to enable additional PDF Restriction options
• Disable Printing: (optional) Change this field to “Yes” to disable printing of PDF documents.
Click on the Upload Button to upload the new file.
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Last Revised – 01/20/2015
Batch Uploading Files
To upload files in batches of up to 10 files to the same folder, select a Folder in the Folder/Files Listing and
click on Batch Upload Files from the FILE UPLOAD OPTIONS drop-down menu.
The following Batch Upload screen will appear.
In the Batch Upload Files screen, specify the following information:
• Default for ALL files: Defaults for Security Level and Security Section(s) can be specified at the top of the
screen. These defaults will be used for any files being uploaded in this batch unless they are individually
overridden at the file level in the expandable area.
o Security Level: Select a Security Level between 1 and 9.
o Security Section(s): (optional) Type the desired security section(s) or leave blank – not case
sensitive. Separate multiple security sections with a comma or semi-colon. Note: When a
security section is specified, only users authorized to that security section will have access.
Files with a blank security section will be available to all users at the appropriate security level.
• Upload File: Click the Choose File button and browse and select each file for upload. Note: If all files to
be uploaded are in the same folder on the local PC, this will go very quickly.
There are additional fields in the expandable area for each file. Click the plus sign (+) to the right of the
Choose File Button to see these additional fields.
• File Name: Type the File Name in the input box. Note: File Names cannot contain certain “illegal”
characters like slashes (/ or \). If you leave the File Name blank, it will default to the same name as the
selected file from your local computer.
• Security Level: (optional) If this is left blank in the expandable area, the Security Level in the “Default for
ALL files section” will be used.
• Include Watermark: If checked (default) a Dynamic Confidential Watermark will appear on the document.
The position, font style, contents and color of the watermark are set at the room level and are defined
within Room Management. Note: Only .pdf files will display the dynamic watermark.
• File Description: (optional) This text will appear as a mouse trail in the User Interface Search window
when the cursor is moved on top of the file name. The text in this field is also searchable if search
capabilities are turned on for the room and the user.
• Security Section(s): (optional) If this is left blank in the expandable area, the Security Section(s) in the
“Default for ALL files” section will be used. Security Section(s) specified in the expandable area will be
used instead of Security Section(s) in the “Default for ALL files” section.
Click on the Upload Button and the files will be uploaded.
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Last Revised – 01/20/2015
Using VOLT (V-Rooms™ Optimized Loading Tool)
The V-RoomsTM Optimized Loading Tool (VOLT) is a PC based application that allows for quick selection of
folders and/or documents for upload into a V-Room™. VOLT will work like a wizard with step-by-step
instructions for folder/document selection and upload. Note: VOLT does NOT work on a MAC Computer.
Installing or Launching VOLT
To install or launch VOLT on your local PC, select Start VOLT from the FILE UPLOAD OPTIONS drop-down
menu. If you have previously installed VOLT, the application will automatically start. If you have not previously
installed VOLT, this will begin the installation process.
In the File Download Window - click Run when prompted.
If you get a Security Warning message that the publisher
cannot be verified, go ahead and click Run.
VOLT will be installed on your local PC and a link for VOLT will be placed on your desktop.
Running VOLT
Once VOLT is installed, it can be
launched from the Start VOLT
option on the UPLOAD FILES
drop-down menu or from the
shortcut placed on your desktop.
After VOLT is started, the screens
are presented as steps. You must
be connected to the internet to
run VOLT.
Follow the instructions on each
screen to upload your folder
and/or documents.
In Step 1 you must type in the
User Name and Password of a
Group Administrator or a Room
Administrator with Folder and File
Management Permissions.
Click the Next Button to proceed
to Step 2.
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Step 2: If you are a Group
Administrator, choose the Virtual
Room you are uploading to from the
drop-down menu. Then choose your
upload method. You can either
upload entire folders and the
documents contained within those
folders to your V-Room™, or you can
upload selected documents to an
existing folder.
The first option will also create folders
in the V-Room™ and allow files from
different folders to be uploaded
simultaneously. This is the best
option when uploading the entire
folder structure for the first time.
The second option will allow you to
select documents from a single folder
on your pc to upload to a designated
folder in the data room.
Click the Next Button to proceed to Step 3.
Step 3: Depending on which upload method you choose, the screen you see in Step 3 will be slightly different.
If you selected the first upload method, Step 3 will present the screen below. In the top half of the screen,
follow the instructions to select the folders to upload to the V-Room™.
You can double-click on folder
names to navigate to subfolders. You can also use the
Browse button on the righthand side of the screen to
navigate to the desired
Once the desired list of folders
is displayed, you can use
Shift+Click and Ctrl+Click to
select multiple folders and the
documents within for upload.
In the middle section, chose
whether or not to ignore
duplicate files or to upload
duplicate files. If duplicates
are to be uploaded, they will be
uploaded as separate copies.
Just below the dotted line,
select where the folders and
documents will be uploaded to.
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If you selected the second upload method in Step 2, Step 3 will present a slightly different screen that allows
you to select specific files for upload.
From either screen, click the Next Button to proceed to Step 4.
Step 4: Specify the properties
for the files being uploaded.
The Security Level is the only
mandator selection. Security
Section(s), a File Description,
whether or not to Include a
Watermark on pdf files, and
any Additional Document
Fields can be optionally
Click the UPLOAD Button to
begin the upload process.
The status of the current
upload will be displayed on
the next screen.
The progress bar, time
elapsed and time remaining
are collectively a pretty good
indicator of the time that the
upload will take.
The Documents processed will let you
know if any documents have been
skipped or have failed to upload.
When the upload completes, a session
log is generated and can be viewed by
clicking on the link in the final screen.
The session log is also saved to your
local PC in a folder called “Volt Logs” in
your My Documents folder.
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Below is a sample of a session log that is created in VOLT.
After reviewing the session log, click the New Upload Button to begin another upload, or click the Close
Button to close the VOLT application.
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Last Revised – 01/20/2015
Using FUSE (V-Rooms™ File Upload SErvice)
V-RoomsTM File Upload SErvice (FUSE) is a web application that allows for quick selection of folders and/or
documents for upload into a V-Room™. FUSE has two versions depending on whether or not the
administrator has the ability to install an applet. The Standard version of FUSE does not require an applet
install and currently works on a PC (using Google Chrome, Internet Explorer 10+ and Firefox) and a MAC
(using Google Chrome, Firefox and Safari). The applet version of FUSE requires Java 7+ and works on a PC
(using Google Chrome, Internet Explorer 10+ and Firefox) and a MAC (using only Firefox) – Note: Currently,
Chrome for MAC does not support Java 7). Also, be sure if using a MAC, that Firefox is set to run in 64-bit
Launching FUSE
To launch FUSE, select Start FUSE from the FILE UPLOAD OPTIONS drop-down menu. If you do not see
this option on the menu, then access to FUSE has not been turned on for your Group. Please contact
Customer Support to request access to FUSE.
FUSE launches in a separate window and can be minimized while running. If FUSE is closed while an upload
is running, restarting FUSE will prompt you to either continue or discard the previously suspended upload. See
more details in the Resuming a FUSE Upload section.
Standard Version of FUSE
After you “Start FUSE”, if you choose not to install the applet when FUSE launches, you are presented with the
Standard Version of FUSE, and the FUSE File Upload window below will appear.
First, you should select a
destination folder in the data
room from the Folder Listing (on
the right hand side of the
After you select a folder, you are
presented with a Selection panel
(on the left hand side of the
window). You can click “Select
Files” to browse and select files
for upload, or you can drag and
drop files from Windows
Explorer (PC) or Finder (MAC)
into the area marked with a
dashed line (on the left hand
side of the window).
Note: You are able to drag and drop entire folders using Google Chrome,
but this capability is not available in other browsers. This will not create
folders or sub-folders in V-Rooms, it will simply present all of the files from
that folder and sub-folders into the Upload area of the FUSE Window for
upload into the designated folder.
FUSE can upload multiple files to multiple folders. If additional files need to
be uploaded, and the upload properties are going to be the same, you can
select a different destination folder and browse and select additional files
for the current upload.
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Last Revised – 01/20/2015
The following screen depicts the FUSE window with multiple files selected for multiple destination folders.
Once all files for this upload have been selected, the next step is to specify the properties for the upload.
Select either the “+Upload” button (located in the bar above the destination folder section) or the “Properties”
button (lower left corner of the window) can be selected to specify the properties. See the Properties for
FUSE Uploads section below.
Applet Version of FUSE
After you “Start FUSE”, if you choose to install the applet when FUSE launches (this selection may only be
presented the first time you start FUSE), you are presented with the Applet Version of FUSE, and the FUSE
File Upload window below will appear. The initial screen illustrates where files can be dragged from and
dropped to when using the applet version. Simply click the screen to continue after reading these instructions.
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Last Revised – 01/20/2015
The following FUSE window then appears when the applet is running.
The left side of the window displays a tree view of the folders and files on your PC/MAC. The right side of the
window displays a tree view of the folders and files within your data room.
Select the folder in the data room to upload the folder/files to, then select the folders and files to be uploaded
from the PC/MAC. Drag and drop them on the right side of the screen in the data room. If the room is selected
in the destination area, the folders will be created at the parent level. Note: Files cannot be uploaded directly
to the Room (root) level. They must be uploaded into a folder or sub-folder.
FUSE can upload multiple files to multiple folders. If additional files need to be uploaded, and the upload
properties are going to be the same, click the “Back to File Selection” button and drag and drop the additional
folders/files for the current upload.
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Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
Select either the “+Upload” button (located in the bar above the destination folder section) or the “Properties”
button (lower left corner of the window) can be selected to specify the properties. See the Properties for
FUSE Uploads section below.
Properties for FUSE Uploads
In the Properties area of the window (displayed below), the following properties can be specified.
Security Level: Select a Security Level between 1 and 9.
Security Section(s): (optional) Type the desired security section(s) or leave blank – not case sensitive.
Separate multiple security sections with a comma or semi-colon. Note: When a security section is
specified, only users authorized to that security section would have access. Files with a blank security
section will be available to all users at the appropriate security level.
Encrypt: If yes is specified, uploaded documents will be encrypted at rest (as they are stored within the
Include Watermark: If checked a Dynamic Confidential Watermark will appear on the document.
Note: This applies to .pdf files only.
Ignore Duplicates?: If duplicates are ignored (value selected is “Yes”), then any file with the same name
as a file in the destination folder (a duplicate) will be skipped in the upload process. If duplicates are not
ignored (value select is “No”), then any file with the same name in the destination folder (a duplicate) will
be uploaded to the system. When duplicates are not ignored, then “Overwrite file if exists?” is also taken
into consideration.
Overwrite file if exists?: In the case of duplicate (same file name) file(s) that are not ignored, if the file
should be overwritten (value is “Yes”), then the current data room file is replaced with the new file. In the
case of duplicate (same file name) file(s) that are not ignored, if file should not be overwritten (value is
“No”), then the current data room file is left alone, and the duplicate file is uploaded as a new file in the
destination folder and both files would still exist in the data room.
File Description: (optional) This text will appear as a mouse trail in the User Interface Search window
when the cursor is moved on top of the file name. The text in this field is also searchable if search
capabilities are turned on for the room and the user.
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Additional Document Fields: (optional) This area contains up to six additional fields for storing file related
information. In order for these fields to appear, they must be first defined on the Room Management
window. The text in this field is searchable if search capabilities are turned on for the room and the user.
Digital Rights Management Fields
• Permission Overrides: (optional, only displays if DRM is on for the data room) This field defaults to “No”.
Change this field value to “Yes” to display the additional options. Specify the appropriate overrides below
in order to override the DRM Permissions for uploaded files. Permission Overrides can only be applied to
pdf documents.
• Open (optional) If overriding permissions, change this field to Yes if File Open is being overridden and if
desired specify the number of times and accessed files can be opened (counted as attempts to open the
• Print (optional) If overriding permissions, change this field to Yes if File Print is being overridden and if
desired specify the number of times and accessed files can be printed (counted as attempts to print the
• Save (optional) If overriding permissions, change this field to Yes if File Save is being overridden and
PDF Restriction Fields
• PDF Restriction Overrides: (optional, only displays if if PDF
Restrictions are selected) This field defaults to “No”. Change this
field value to “Yes” to display the additional options. Specify the
appropriate overrides below in order to override the PDF Restrictions for uploaded files. PDF Restrictions
can only be applied to pdf documents.
• Disable Printing: (optional) Change this field to “Yes” to disable printing of PDF documents.
FUSE Upload Status
Click the blue UPLOAD Button to begin the upload process.
The status of the current upload will be displayed in the status area of the FUSE window.
The progress bar, time elapsed and estimated time remaining are collectively an approximate indicator of the
amount of time the upload will take.
The Documents processed will let you know if any documents have been skipped or have failed to upload.
The message “Upload Completed Successfully” should display when the upload is finished. If an upload is
cancelled or interrupted during the upload, when FUSE is re-launched, the option to resume or cancel the
interrupted upload is presented. See more details in the Resuming a FUSE Upload section.
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Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
Resuming a FUSE Upload
If an upload is cancelled or interrupted during an upload, when FUSE is re-launched, the option to resume
(resubmit) or cancel (remove) the interrupted upload is presented.
Files that have not completed uploading are displayed in the FUSE window in the left panel and the option to
“Remove all” or “Resumbit all” (only if using applet version) is presented.
Applet version resume screen
If using the standard version, you will have a button
to “Remove all”; however, to resume any files that have
not uploaded yet, you need to click “Select files” and
reselect the remaining files again. Then the upload of
those files can be resumed.
From either version, once the files to be uploaded
are reselected or resubmitted, then click the “+Upload”
Standard version resume screen
Button to resume the upload process.
Note: You will not be presented with the properties window
because the properties from the original upload session will still be used.
If you wish to cancel the suspended upload and disregard any remaining files, simply click “Remove all”.
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Last Revised – 01/20/2015
FUSE Session Logs
When the upload completes, a session log is generated and can be viewed by clicking on the link in the status
screen. The session log is also saved to the data room in the “Reports” folder.
Below is a sample of a session log that is created after a FUSE upload.
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V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
FILE UPDATE OPTIONS Group or Room Administrators with Folder/File Management Permission can update files in a V-Room™.
The File Update Options include: Update File, Batch Update Files, Move Files, Delete Files and Find
Orphaned Files. These options are all available on the FILE UPDATE OPTIONS drop-down menu.
Updating or Replacing a Single File
To update the information for a single file or to replace the file, check the box to the left of the file(s) and then
click Update File from the FILE UPDATE OPTIONS drop-down menu.
The file maintenance screen below will appear.
In the Update File screen, you can change any of the following information:
• File Name: Type the File Name in the input box. Note: File Names cannot contain certain “illegal”
characters like slashes (/ or \). If you leave the File Name blank, it will default in with the same as the
selected file from your local computer.
• Security Level: Select a Security Level between 1 and 9.
• Security Section(s): (optional) Type the desired security section(s) or leave blank – not case sensitive.
Separate multiple security sections with a comma or semi-colon. Note: When a security section is
specified, only users authorized to that security section will have access. Files with a blank security
section will be available to all users at the appropriate security level.
• Upload File: Click on the Choose File button and navigate to the file on your computer that you want to
• Include Watermark: If checked a Dynamic Confidential Watermark will appear on the document.
Note: This applies to .pdf files only.
• File Type: (optional) Select a type of file, i.e. Document, Audio, Photo, or Video.
• Link File: (optional) Specify an external URL to create a link to that page/document within the data room.
• Uploaded File Name: This field stores the original name of the file as it was uploaded, regardless of the
Name specified in the File Name field and is not changeable.
• File Description: (optional) This text will appear as a mouse trail in the User Interface Search window
when the cursor is moved on top of the file name. The text in this field is also searchable if search
capabilities are turned on for the room and the user.
• Additional Document Fields: (optional) This area contains up to six additional fields for storing file related
information. In order for these fields to appear, they must be first defined on the Room Management
window. The text in this field is also searchable if search capabilities are turned on for the room and the
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Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
Digital Rights Management Fields
• Permission Overrides: (optional, only displays if DRM is selected) This field defaults to “No”. Change
this field value to “Yes” and specify the appropriate overrides below in order to override the DRM
Permissions for individual files. Permission Overrides can only be applied to pdf documents. The DRM
options are shown to the right.
• Open (optional) If overriding permissions, change this field to Yes if File Open is being overridden and if
desired specify the number of times and accessed files can be opened (counted as attempts to open the
• Print (optional) If overriding permissions, change this field to Yes if File Print is being overridden and if
desired specify the number of times and accessed files can be printed (counted as attempts to print the
• Save (optional) If overriding permissions, change this field to Yes if File Save is being overridden and
• Expiration (optional) If overriding permissions, optionally specify the number of days or a specific date
when access to this document will expire.
PDF Restriction Fields
• PDF Restriction Overrides: (optional, only displays if PDF
Restrictions are selected) This field defaults to “No”. Change this
field value to “Yes” to enable additional PDF Restriction options
• Disable Printing: (optional) Change this field to “Yes” to disable printing of PDF documents.
Click on the Preview File link to open the document. Note: This will register as a File Click on the Admin
Click on the Update Button to save any changes.
Moving Files
To move one or more files from one folder to another, check the box to the left of the file(s) to be moved and
then click Move File(s) from the FILE UPDATE OPTIONS drop-down menu.
The move file screen below will appear.
In the Move File screen, specify the Destination Folder to move the files to. Note the files to be moved
(selected on the previous screen) are listed at the bottom of this window.
Files will be deleted from the existing folder and added to the new folder. All security levels and security
sections will remain the same as the files are moved.
Click on the Move Button to complete the move process, or click Cancel to return to the File Listing without
moving the files.
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Last Revised – 01/20/2015
Batch Updating Files
To update file information for one or more files from within one or multiple folders, check the box to the left of
the file(s) to be updated and then click Batch Update Files from the FILE UPDATE OPTIONS drop-down
The Mass File Update screen below will appear.
In the Mass File Update screen, you can change the following information for all files selected for update:
• Security Level: Select a Security Level between 1 and 9. Any security level specified will override the
existing security level for selected files.
• Include Watermark: Select “Include Watermark” to turn the watermark on for all selected files, or select
“No Watermark” to turn the watermark off for all selected files. Selecting “No Change” will leave the
current watermark settings intact for all selected files. Note: This applies to .pdf files only.
• Security Section(s): Security Sections are not case sensitive. Separate multiple security sections with a
comma or semi-colon.
- To replace the security sections being used for selected files, select “Yes” and type the desired security
section(s) in the text field.
- To remove all security sections being used for selected files, select “Yes” and leave the security section
text field blank
- Selecting “No Change” will leave the current security sections intact for all selected files.
Note: Any security section(s) specified will override the existing security section(s) for selected files.
Note: When a security section is specified, only users authorized to that security section will have access
to the file(s). Files with a blank security section will be available to all users at the appropriate security
• File Description: This text will appear as a mouse trail in the User Interface Search window when the
cursor is moved on top of the file name. The text in this field is also searchable if search capabilities are
turned on for the room and the user. Any File Description specified will override the existing File
Description for selected files.
• Additional Document Fields: This area contains up to six additional fields for storing file related
information. In order for these fields to appear, they must be first defined on the Room Management
window. The text in this field is also searchable if search capabilities are turned on for the room and the
user. Any values specified in the Additional Document Fields will override the existing Additional
Document Field values for selected files.
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Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
Digital Rights Management Fields
• Permission Overrides: Change this field value to “Yes” and specify the appropriate overrides below in
order to override the DRM Permissions for selected files. Selecting “No Change” will leave the current
permission override settings intact for all selected files. Permission Overrides can only be applied to pdf
• Open (optional) If overriding permissions, change this field to Yes if File Open is being overridden and if
desired specify the number of times and accessed files can be opened (counted as attempts to open the
• Print (optional) If overriding permissions, change this field to Yes if File Print is being overridden and if
desired specify the number of times and accessed files can be printed (counted as attempts to print the
• Save (optional) If overriding permissions, change this field to Yes if File Save is being overridden and
• Expiration (optional) If overriding permissions, optionally specify the number of days or a specific date
when access to this document will expire.
PDF Restriction Fields
• PDF Restriction Overrides: (optional) This field defaults to “No”. Change this field value to “Yes” to
enable additional PDF Restriction options below.
• Disable Printing: (optional) Change this field to “Yes” to disable printing of PDF documents.
Click the Save Button to save any changes, or click Cancel to exit without making any file updates.
Deleting Files
To delete a file(s) from a V-Room™, check the box to the left of the file(s) to be deleted and then click Delete
Files from the FILE UPDATE OPTIONS drop-down menu.
If a Delete Key is required, the window below will be presented. Type in the Delete Key provided and click OK.
Note: Only the Group’s Administrator can provide the System Key required to perform administrative deletes.
Note: Deleted files CANNOT be restored, so delete carefully. An alternative may be to put the files to be
deleted at a higher security level so they will not display to end-users and/or to move them to a different folder.
Find Orphaned Files
Occasionally after mass uploading files through VOLT we see that some files may only partially upload. These
file appear to be completely uploaded in the system but cause errors when a user attempts to access them.
To see the Orphaned Files in a room, select Find Orphaned Files from the FILE UPDATE OPTIONS dropdown menu.
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The screen will refresh, and you will need to click the expand all / collapse all link. If all of the folders appear
empty then you have no orphaned files and do not need to do anything further.
However, if you see files when you expand, the files that appear did not upload correctly and will need to be
deleted and uploaded again.
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Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
Admin Search
In this chapter
Admin Search File Listing .......................................................................................... 53
Admin Search File Listing
To use the Admin Search capabilities, click on the ADMIN SEARCH control button below the ADMIN Button
and select a Room from the drop-down menu in the Navigation Control Panel at the top right. If only one
Room exists in your group, that room will be automatically selected for you.
Note: Only Group Administrators and Room Administrators with Folder/File Management Permissions will see
the ADMIN SEARCH control button in the Navigation Control Panel, and therefore have access to the ADMIN
SEARCH Options.
The Admin Search Screen initially displays all files. Only after typing in a search string and clicking the Search
Icon will the screen results narrow. With “Search ALL” selected, File Names, Folder Names, and Security
Sections are all searched. Select Folder Names or Security Section from the drop down list to only search
those fields.The “Security Level” drop down indicator can also be specified to further narrow the search.
The resulting File Listing will display files that meet the search criteria. The File Listing will include the File
Name, Folder Path, Security Level, Security Section, Permission Overrides and Watermark indicator for the
identified files.
Once the Admin Search File Listing contains a list of files, the standard File Management Options of “Update
File”, “Move File(s)”, “Batch-Update File(s)”, and “Delete File(s)” are listed along the top of the listing and can
be selected for files in the listing.
To review the details of these options, please see the Folder and File Management section of this guide.
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V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
User Management
In this chapter
Group User Listing ..................................................................................................... 54
Room User Listing ..................................................................................................... 55
User Export Report .................................................................................................... 56
Generating a Communication Report ........................................................................ 56
Creating a Single New User ....................................................................................... 57
Batch Creating New Users ......................................................................................... 61
Maintaining an Existing User ..................................................................................... 66
Batch Maintaining Users ............................................................................................ 69
Deleting Users ........................................................................................................... 70
To navigate to User Management, click on the USERS control button below the ADMIN Button. The Group
User Listing is displayed for Group Admins and the Room User Listing is displayed for Room Admins.
Available administrative options for User Management are listed across the top of the User Listing screens.
Note: Batch Quick Edit is only available from the Room User Listing.
Note: Only Group Administrators and Room Administrators with User Management Permissions will see the
USERS control button in the Navigation Control Panel, and therefore have access to the User Management
Group User Listing
The Group User Listing will display information for all users in the group or in the selected data room. To show
user information for all users in the group select “- -All Rooms- -“ from the drop-down menu in the Navigation
Control Panel at the top right.
The Group User Listing has a collapsed and expanded view. The view can be expanded for each user in the
Group User Listing by clicking the arrow to the left of the User Name.
The collapsed view of the Group User Listing information includes the user’s Full Name, User Name, Email
address, Representative, whether or not the user account is Locked, the date and time the user account was
last modified and by whom, the User’s Last Login Date and Time, and whether or not the User is a Group
The expanded view of a user in the Group User Listing includes the Room Name, the User Type, Active
Status, Security Level, Security Section(s), Permissions, whether or not the user is to be included in the
Personnel listing on the Home Page (if used), whether or not Search capability, User Reporting and Email
Notifications are turned on for that user, and the Inactive After Date for the user (if set).
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V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
Additionally in the expanded view, the house icon
to the left of a room for a user indicates that the room is
their “home room”. Each user has a single room that is designated as their “home room”, and this will be the
first room they are presented with when they log into the system.
To see the Group User Listing for a specific room within your group, select a room from the drop-down menu in
the Navigation Control Panel at the top right Note: If a user has access to multiple rooms, the expanded view
will no longer show those rooms when a room is selected from the drop-down menu.
The Group User Listing results can be filtered to show a sub-section of the users. Click the Show Filter
Options button to display the filter row for the collapsed view fields of the Group User Listing only.
Room User Listing
To navigate to the Room User Listing, click the USERS control button below the ADMIN Button and select
ROOM USER LISTING. The Room User Listing will display information for each user in the selected data
Room User Listing information includes the user’s Full Name, User Name, User Type, Active Status, Security
Level, Security Section(s), Permissions, whether or not Search capability, User Reporting and Email
Notifications are turned on for that user, and their Last Login Date and Time.
To see the Room User Listing for another room within your group, select a different room from the drop-down
menu in the Navigation Control Panel at the top right. Note: Users may have access to multiple rooms. If so,
they will appear in the listing for each of those rooms.
The house icon
to the left of a User’s name indicates that the room selected is their “home room”. Each
user has a single room that is designated as their “home room”, and this will be the first room they are
presented with when they log into the system.
The Room User Listing results can be filtered to show a sub-section of the users within a room. Click the
Show Filter Options link to display the filter row.
All of the fields listed on the Room User Listing are available for filtering. Below each field, simply type the text
to filter the list on and press enter.
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V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
User Export Report
To create a user export report, from the Room User Listing or Group User Listing in User Management, click
on Export to Excel button on the upper right-hand side of the listing.
On a PC, when the File Download Window is presented, you can
choose whether to open or to save the User Export Excel file that
has been created.
The User Export Report that is created will contain the Group Id,
Group Name, User Name, Name, Company Name, Job Title, Phone
Number, Email Address, Address1, Address2, City, State Province
Name, Zip Code, Country, Time Zone, Allow Password Reset,
Representative, Blank1, Blank2, Create Date, Modify Date, Last
Modified By, User Type, Security Level, Security Section(s), Permission Policy, Is Permission Manager, Virtual
Room Id, Virtual Room Name, Home Room, Active, Inactive After, Locked, Email Notification, Search, User
Reporting, Personnel, Personnel Profile Image Path, and Virtual Room Project List.
This report will not contain user passwords.
Generating a Communication Report
To see the Communication Report for the Group/Room, click the USERS control button and select either the
ROOM USER LISTING or the GROUP USER LISTING. Then click on Communication Report.
On the Communication Report screen you will be able to review the emails that have been sent to Users by
the system for Login Information, Forgotten Password reminders, and Instant Email Notifications. Use the
Search, Start Date and End Date Fields to further expand or narrow your view of information.
The Communication Report contains the following information. Note: Some of this information is only
presented in the exported version of the report
To – This is the email address that the communication was sent to.
From – This is the email address that the communication was sent from.
Date Sent – This is the date that the communication was initially sent.
Requested by Username – This is either the user that sent the login email from the system, or the
user that requested the password reminder email.
Subject – This is the subject line of the email communication. The subject will say “Login Information
for Virtual Data Room Access” for Login Information and Password Reminder emails. The subject will
say “Virtual Room Update” for Instant Email Notifications.
Virtual Room Name and Room ID – The Room of the user for which the communication was sent.
Group Name and Group ID – The Group of the user for which the communication was sent.
Message – This is the message text of the email communication.
V-Rooms ™ powered by Due Diligence Online, LLC
V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
Click Export to Excel to download the report to an Excel spreadsheet. Once the data is in a Microsoft Excel
spreadsheet, it may be sorted and arranged in a variety of tabular and graphical reports. Note, that any
information input into the Excel file may not be “imported” back into the Virtual Room program.
When the File Download Window is presented, you can choose whether to open or to save the Communication
Report Excel file that has been created.
This report or messages within the report will not contain user passwords.
Creating a Single New User
Group or Room Administrators with User Management Permission can create users in a V-Room™ using the
Create or Batch Create options in User Management.
To create a single new user account, click the USERS control button, select the ROOM USER LISTING or the
GROUP USER LISTING and click the CREATE option. The New User screen will appear. Below is the first
part of the New User Screen.
In this part of the Create User screen, the following information can be specified. Only fields in Bold on the
screen are required.
Group: This defaults in with the group name for this group and is for display purposes only
Login Information
• User Name: Enter a combination of letters and/or numbers in upper or lower case (not case sensitive).
Hint: The user’s email address is often an excellent choice for their username. However, usernames are
unique to the V-Rooms system, not a single group/room. If an error message is received when creating a
user that the User Name is already in use, simply assign a different user name to the account.
• Name: The actual given name of the User.
• Password: Enter a password for the user. Note: Password Complexity requirements from Group
Management will be enforced.
• Allow Password Reset: If a user is to be allowed to manage their own password, then leave this set to
“Yes”. Users are then required on initial login or after any administrative password reset to change their
password. Additionally, include a valid email address in the contact information for the user so they will be
able to request password reminders from the system.
• Locked: If a user account is locked due to excessive login attempts, this field will be set to “Yes” and a
message will display next to it. Only the system can lock accounts. Administrators can then unlock an
account at their discretion by setting this field to “No”.
V-Rooms ™ powered by Due Diligence Online, LLC
V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
Security Question and Answer: Password Management is a premium feature that may not be available
with all data rooms. The security question and answer will only display on this screen and for users if
Password Management is turned on for the Group and if the Password Complexity Requirements are set
to require a Security Question and Answer. The user will establish their security question and answer
upon initial login and will be required to provide their security answer at each following login. The
information is provided here so administrators can assist users with logging into their data room.
Contact Information
• Email Address: Enter the user’s email address. Note: This is the address that instant Email Alerts, Login
Information Emails, and Password Reset Requests are sent to.
• Representative: Optional, but can be used to categorize users and is used in User Search.
• Manage Contact Information: Simply mark “Yes” to allow the user to maintain their personal contact
information on the My Account Information Page.
• Time Zone: This will default based on the Group’s Time Zone, but may be changed for each individual
user. The user will see the dates and times in the system according to their time zone. The user can also
change this information in the My Account Information Page if Manage Contact Info is set to “Yes”.
• User Photo: Use this field to upload a profile picture for the user. This will display on the personnel
section of the Home Page.
• Additional Contact Fields: The additional contact fields are here for your use and can be updated by your
user in the My Account Information Page if Manage Contact Info is set to “Yes”.
Below is the second part of the New User Screen.
In this part of the Create User screen, the Room Access information can be specified.
After the information in Room Access is specified for one room, you can click the Add button below the
Accessible Rooms Listing and then specify Room Access information for additional rooms that this user should
have access to.
Room Access
• Virtual Room: From the drop down list, select the Room that this user will have access to.
As soon as a room is selected, the Room Access area will change to display the Accessible Rooms
Listing. This is shown in the image above. Note: Some fields will not be displayed based on Group and/or
Room settings.
• User Type: Four types of users are available:
o “Group Administrator” – full administrative capability of specified group.
o “Room Administrator” – administrative capability of the specified virtual room.
“User” – viewing only access to specified virtual group / room.
o “User-Document” – viewing and upload access to specified virtual group / room
Security Level: Select a Security Level of 1-9 for the user. Room and Group Administrators must be set
up at level 9.
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V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
Note: Level 9 is the highest. Level 9 users will have access to all files in the data room including the new
Automated Files Clicked Report. Therefore, it is HIGHLY recommend that you reserve Level 9 users for
individuals that would have ALL access to deal / project related information.
Security Section(s): (optional) Type the desired security section(s) for the user or leave blank – not case
sensitive. Separate multiple security sections with a comma or semi-colon.
Note: When a security section(s) is specified, this user will have access to files with that same security
section(s) and will also continue to have access to files with a “blank” security section. If a user needs to
have access to multiple security sections, list all authorized security sections separated by a comma (,) or
a semi-colon (;). If a user needs to have access to all documents regardless of their security section, then
specify “ALLSECTIONS” as the security section. Appropriate security level access will still apply. It is
recommended that Group and Room Administrators be placed in “ALLSECTIONS” when they are created.
Room Administrator Permissions: If the User Type specified is “Room Administrator”, then the
permissions that the Room Administrator is to have must be designated in this menu. Use Shift+Click and
Ctrl+Click to select multiple permissions.
Permission Policy: If you have Digital Rights Management (Permissions) turned on for your data room,
you will need to assign a permission policy to each user. The default policy is unrestricted unless you
specify another policy. You can view the different permission policies by selecting Permissions Settings
from the drop-down menu under the SETTINGS control button.
Active: This field indicates whether or not the user account is active. A “No” flag will prevent the user from
being able to log into the system. An “Inactive” User will receive a message when they try to login that
their account is inactive.
Inactive After: A routine runs twice daily to change users from an Active=”Yes” status to an Active=”No”
status. A date in this field that is prior to the current date will cause this user’s Active status to be changed
from Yes to No when this routine runs.
Email Notification: Select “Instantly” if you wish for the user to receive an Email Alert when a new file is
posted or a file is updated in the virtual room the user is assigned to. The user will only receive email
alerts for files that they have access to (based on the user’s Security Access Level and Security Section).
Email Alerts will be sent to users from the Room Administrator’s email address.
Note: If more than one Room Administrator username exists for a room, then the system will send Email
Alerts from the Room Administrator account that was created first. If no Room Administrator exists for a
room, then the Email Alerts will be sent from our support@v-rooms.com email address.
Search: Check “Yes” to turn on search capabilities for this user. Note: Search Capabilities must be turned
on for the room before they can be turned on for a user.
Personnel: If your group has the home page feature, you will also have the ability to add users as
personnel on the home page. By setting this field to yes, the Personnel Section will display on the Create
User Screen allowing additional information to be saved (Projects and User Photo).
This section will only display if you have set the personnel field (see above) to Yes.
Projects – Select one or more projects from the projects list to assign the user to. Projects are created
and maintained under Room Management. If a user is not assigned to a project, they will show up under a
general listing of personnel on the homepage.
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V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
Below is the third part of the New User Screen.
In this part of the Create User screen, the User Login Email and Miscellaneous Information can be
specified. No fields on this part of the screen are required.
Email Information
The following email information originally defaults in from the system defaults or from the Room Information if
defaults have been previously saved:
Send User Login: This field indicates whether or not an email containing their login information should
be sent to the user after the account is created. This will always default to “No”.
Send From: This is the email account that the login information email will be sent from. This defaults
to “no-reply@v-rooms.com”, but may be changed to another valid email address.
*This must be a valid email address in the correct format for the users to receive the email.
Note: Some email servers are very tight on possible SPAM emails. An email that is sent from a domain
using an alternative email address may be rejected by the receiving email server. If this should
happen, try resending the email using the “no-reply@v-rooms.com email account. This may produce
better results.
Subject: This is the subject of the login information email. This defaults to “Login Information for
Virtual Data Room Access”, but may be changed.
Message: This is the message of the login information email. The default text for the message may be
changed, replaced or appended.
Login Url Text: This is the text that appears just above the login link. This defaults to “To access this
data room for V-Rooms Pro, go to the following website:”
Login Url: This is the login link that will be provided in the login information email. This defaults to the
Logout URL specified for your Group, but may be changed.
Username Text: This is the text that appears just above the username and password in the email.
This defaults to “Type in the following username and password for V-Rooms Pro:”
Footer Text: This is the text that appears at the very bottom of the login information. This defaults to
“Please note: This is an auto-generated message. Do not reply to it.”
Preview Email Link: This link will allow you to preview the email that is about to be sent out. Miscellaneous Information
• Blank 1 and Blank 2: The additional miscellaneous fields are there for your use. They are not required,
and do not appear anywhere else in the system except the User Export Report.
Click on the Save Button to create the new user.
V-Rooms ™ powered by Due Diligence Online, LLC
V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
Batch Creating Users
Group or Room Administrators with User Management Permission can create users in a V-Room™ using the
CREATE or BATCH CREATE options in User Management.
To create multiple new user accounts together, click the USERS control button, select the ROOM USER
LISTING and click the BATCH CREATE option.
BATCH CREATE USERS has a step by step control panel. The various screens in the Batch Create User
step-by-step process are presented below.
The fields for Batch Create User are outlined below each screen. Details for these fields can be found in the
Create Single User Screen section of this guide. Only fields in Bold on each screen are required.
Accounts to Batch Create Section
In this section type or paste in (from a comma delimited text file) the following information for each user to be
created. Use a separate line for each user and separate the fields with commas.
Username, Given Name, Email, Password.
Importing a List of Users from a Spreadsheet
When setting up the spreadsheet, use the following guidelines. Each user should be on a separate row.
• Column A should contain the usernames,
• Column B should contain the given names
• Column C should contain a valid email addresses, and
• Column D should contain the passwords
V-Rooms ™ powered by Due Diligence Online, LLC
V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
Save the spreadsheet as a CSV File.
Close and reopen the saved CSV file with Notepad. (Accessory Program in Windows).
In the Notepad view, each user will appear on a separate line with the values separated by commas.
Select All (Ctrl+A) the text, and Copy (Ctrl+C) it.
Then paste this into the Accounts to be Created box (Ctrl+V).
After all of the users to be created have been entered, in this field, click NEXT to proceed to the next screen.
Contact Information
• Time Zone
• Company
• Job Title
• Phone Number
• Representative
• Manage Contact Information
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Zip / Postal Code
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Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
When this screen is presented, click Add to specify Room Specific parameters.
Room Access Information
Specifying Room Access Information for this batch of Users
Virtual Room Name
User Type
(User or User Document Only)
Inactive After Date
Permission Policy
V-Rooms ™ powered by Due Diligence Online, LLC
Security Level
Security Section(s)
Email Notification
V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
Click SAVE to return to the Room Access Screen.
Access for this room will be added to the List of Rooms, and it will be defaulted as the home room.
Access for additional rooms can be added. If more than one room is added, the Home Room can be changed
to a different room in the list by selecting the room in the list and clicking Set Home Room. Access to a room
in the list can also be deleted before proceeding.
Click NEXT to proceed to the next screen.
Specify whether or not a login information email should be sent at this time to newly created users.
Email Information
• Send Login Information to New Users
• Send From
• Subject
Login Url
Click NEXT to proceed to the next screen.
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V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
Confirm the information is correct for the batch of users being created and click FINISH.
A status bar will display the progress and then a Results Screen will be presented.
Once the Results Screen is presented, if there are no errors, click the X in the upper right hand corner to close
this window.
If there are any errors, make note of users not created and errors found for resolution.
The newly created users will now display in the GROUP USER LISTING and ROOM USER LISTING for the
respective rooms.
V-Rooms ™ powered by Due Diligence Online, LLC
V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
Maintaining an Existing User
To maintain an existing user account, click the USERS control button, select the ROOM USER LISTING or the
GROUP USER LISTING. The highlight the User in the listing to be maintained and click the MAINTAIN
option, or double click the User in the listing. The Maintain User screen will appear.
In the Maintain User screen, the following information is presented. Most fields can also be updated. See the
Create User section for a full description of any field referenced below.
Clicking Save to save the basic User information. To update the fields related to a specific room, click Update
below the Accessible Room Listing.
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V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
Group Name – This is display only.
Login Information
• User Name
• Name
• Password
• Allow Password Reset
Locked: If a user account is locked due to
excessive login attempts, this field will be set to
“Yes” and a message will display next to it.
Security Question
Security Answer
Note: Only the system can lock accounts. Administrators can then unlock an account at their discretion by
setting the Locked field to “No”.
Contact Information
• Email Address
• Representative
• Manage Contact Information
Time Zone
User Photo
Additional Contact Fields
Room Access Information
This section of the screen has two parts. The right side is the Accessible Room Listing, and left side reflects
the security values for the user being maintained in the room selected.
Virtual Room Name
User Type
Security Level
Security Section(s)
Room Administrator Permissions
(only shown if User Type is
Room Administrator)
Permission Policy
Inactive After Date
Email Notification
To update the fields related to a specific room, click Update below the Accessible Room Listing.
To remove a room from a user’s available room list, highlight the room and click Remove.
To change a user’s “home room” or the first room they access upon login, highlight the room and click Set
Home Room.
Miscellaneous Information
• Blank 1 and Blank 2
• Date Created (Display only)
Email Information
• Send User Login
• Send From
• Subject
• Preview Email Link: This link will allow you to
preview the email that is about to be sent out.
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Last Modified (Display only)
Last Modified By (Display only)
Data Room
Login Url
V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
Permissible Machines Information
Note: This section will only appear if DRM is turned on for the Group and Active for the room that the user is
assigned to.
Active (checkbox indicating whether or not this machine (PC) can is authorized to access documents for
the user account being maintained)
Machine ID – this is a value that is captured from the PC when it accesses documents on the system
through DRM.
Last Modified – This is the date of the most recent user management activity for the machine under this
user account. (i.e. date the machine first accessed information from the system, date the machine for this
user was made in-active, date the machine for this user was reactivated, etc.)
Click on the Save Button to save any changes.
V-Rooms ™ powered by Due Diligence Online, LLC
V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
Batch Maintaining Users
To maintain an existing user account, click the USERS control button, select the ROOM USER LISTING and
highlight (Ctrl+Click or Shift+Click) the Users in the listing to be batch maintained then click the BATCH
MAINTAIN option.
The Batch Maintain User screen below will appear.
In the Batch Maintain User screen, only account level following information is presented and can be
maintained. Room specific information cannot currently be maintained in Batch. See the Create Single User
section for a full description of any field.
Group Name – This is display only.
Accounts to Batch Maintain Section
This will show the usernames that have been selected for batch update, but is not maintainable.
Login Information
• Password
• Allow Password Reset
• Security Section(s)
• Representative
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Security Question
Security Answer
V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
Contact Information
• Phone Number
• Company
• Job Title
• Time Zone
• Country
• Address
Miscellaneous Information
• Blank 1
Allow User to Manage contact info on My
Account Tab
Blank 2
Email Information
• Send User Login
• Send From
• Preview Email Link: This link will allow you to preview the email that is about to be sent out
• Subject
• Message
• Data Room
• Login Url
Deleting Users
To delete a user from your V-Room™, select the user name line on the User Management screen and click
the Delete Selected Users button.
If a Delete Key has been required at the Group Management window, the following message will be displayed.
If you do not have access to this information, please contact your Group Administrator.
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V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
In this chapter
Permission Listing ...................................................................................................... 71
Creating a Permission Policy ..................................................................................... 71
Maintain a Permission Policy ..................................................................................... 72
Delete a Permission Policy ........................................................................................ 72
Permission Listing
To navigate to the Permission Policy Listing, click on the SETTINGS drop down control menu from the
ADMIN Button and select Permission Settings. Note: This option on the drop down menu will only display if
your V-Rooms™ package includes Digital Rights Management (Document Controls) or PDF Restrictions.
Be sure to have a Room Selected from the drop down menu on the right.
Note: Digital Rights Management is only available for PDF documents.
Creating a Permission Policy
To create a new Permission Policy, click on Create Policy. You will be redirected to the screen shown at the
bottom of this section. Your group and room will already be selected for you. The following options are
available if you selected the “DRM” option under Room Management.
Permission Policy Field - In this field enter the policy name. New Permission Policies will be available for
selection as a Permission Policy in User Management.
Permission Definitions:
• Open - allows an accessed file to be opened after it is saved to the user's computer. Additionally, the
number of times a document can be opened by each user after it is accessed can also be specified.
• Print - allows an accessed file to be printed after it is opened on the user's computer. Additionally, the
number of times a document can be printed by each user after it is accessed can also be specified.
Note: Screen printing will be prevented when any DRM permission restrictions are in place.
• Save - allows an accessed file to be downloaded to the user's computer.
• Permission expiration - indicates the number of days, weeks, months, or years after a file is accessed
before access is terminated.
The Permission Definitions are also listed at the bottom of the screen.
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V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
DRM Permission Policy Screen
If the selected room has “PDF Restrictions” enabled instead of “DRM”, the following screen will be displayed.
Permission Policy Field - In this field enter the policy name. New Permission Policies will be available for
selection as a Permission Policy in User Management.
Permission Definitions:
• Disable Printing: (optional) Change this field to “Yes” to disable printing of PDF documents.
Maintain a Permission Policy
To maintain a custom Permission Policy, highlight the policy you wish to edit and click Maintain Policy.
Note: Default Permission Policies cannot be edited.
The same screens above will be presented.
Delete a Permission Policy
To delete a custom Permission Policy, highlight the
policy you wish to delete and click Delete Policy.
Note: Default Permission Policies cannot be deleted.
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V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
Forms Integration
In this chapter
WuFoo Forms Setup .................................................................................................. 73
WuFoo Plugin Settings .............................................................................................. 74
Adding a WuFoo Form to V-Rooms ........................................................................... 74
Web Hooking the mapped V-Rooms Form to WuFoo ............................................... 76
Test Your Form Integration ........................................................................................ 77
V-Rooms offers API forms integration with WuFoo forms. In order to use forms integration, you must first
have an account with WuFoo. WuFoo forms can be integrated with V-Rooms to:
• Create new rooms within a V-Rooms account
• Create a new user account for that new room
• Create user accounts for existing rooms within a V-Rooms account
A member of the V-Rooms Support Team must first activate WuFoo integration capabilities for your account.
Please contact our team to discuss which type of integration you need.
WuFoo Forms Setup
Once Wufoo integration is activated for your V-Rooms account and your WuFoo account is created, the next
step is to create or select an existing Wufoo form to map to V-Rooms. Your WuFoo form should contain the
following fields in order to map your form with V-Rooms:
• First Name - required
• Last Name - required
• Email Address - required
• Room Name - You must specify a field on the form to use for room name if you will be creating rooms
with form submissions. If the person completing the form is not going to provide the room name, this
can be just about any field on the form (i.e. email address).
• Room Template – If you are creating rooms with form submissions, then a field on the form can be
used to select the template to be used for room creation. It is highly recommended that a drop-down
field be used so that values remain constant.
Once the fields have been included in your Wufoo form, from the Forms Manager Screen (in Wufoo) click on
the “Code” button below the form you will map to V-Rooms.
On the Form Code Manager Screen, click on the
“API Information” button in the top right corner.
On the API Information Screen, you will use several pieces
of information. Keep this screen open while you set up the
WuFoo form mapping in V-Rooms.
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V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
WuFoo Plugin Settings (in V-Rooms)
To navigate to the WuFoo Plugin, click on the PLUGINS drop down control menu from the
ADMIN Button and select WuFoo. Note: This option on the drop down menu will only
display if your V-Rooms™ package includes WuFoo Forms Integration.
On the WuFoo Forms Screen, click the Settings link to bring up the WuFoo Settings window.
In the WuFoo Settings window, you will need to specify
the following three fields:
• Subdomain – This can be found by looking at the
URL when you are logged into your WuFoo
• API Key – This is on the WuFoo API Information
Screen described above.
• Error Email Address – This is the email address of
someone within your company that you wish to
receive any error emails associated with room
and/or user creation for all WuFoo forms
associated with your account.
Once these fields are set, they should not need to change
unless your API Key is reset in WuFoo. Click Save and
Close to return to the WuFoo Forms Screen.
Adding a WuFoo Form to V-Rooms
Once the plugin settings have been established, click the “Add” button on the WuFoo Forms Screen to add a
WuFoo form to V-Rooms. The Add WuFoo Form Window will be displayed. Two options are possibly
displayed at the top of the window where you can “Choose what you will be doing with this form…” If your
account has been activated for it, you will have check boxes for Room Creation and User Creation. One or the
other of these check boxes may be missing depending on your account settings.
The window shown here displays both check boxes, and the checkboxes have been checked in order to
display the available tabs. The additional tabs that will display when Room Creation is checked are the
Associated Data Rooms tab and the
Default Room Admins tab. The
additional tab that will display when User
Creation is checked is the User Options
Field Values Tab
On the Field Values Tab, additional fields
are also presented for each of these
options. All fields are described and
indicated below whether they are
associated with Room or User Creation.
Hash: Required for both Room and
User Creation - This field identifies the
Wufoo form that is being mapped and
is located on the WuFoo API
Information Screen described above.
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Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
Handshake Key: (optional) This field can contain a string of characters to provide an additional layer of
security with form mapping. Any string of characters (a phrase or random string) can be typed into this
field now and then later designated in WuFoo when the V-Rooms Webhook is established (see the Web
Hooking the mapped V-Rooms Form to WuFoo section below) or this field can be left blank for now and
optionally defined at a later point.
The following fields contain ID #s that are field mappings from the WuFoo API Information Screen. Simply type
the API Field ID from WuFoo into the associated field in V-Rooms (as identified below) to map the WuFoo field
to V-Rooms.
• Room Name Field ID: Required for Room Creation – Should contain the API ID of the field being used as
the room name. The field doesn’t have to be called Room Name – a field like email address can just as
easily work.
• Data Room Template Field ID: Used for Room Creation – If a template is to be used when creating the
new room, then a drop down selection field can be used to map the selection to the respective template.
This field should contain the API ID of the drop down selection field that corresponds to template. The
templates will be associated to the values in this field on the Associated Data Rooms Tab.
• First Name Field ID: Used for User
Creation- Should contain the API ID of
the First Name Field on the API
Information Sheet. This is the first name
of the user that will be created and
provided with data room access.
• Last Name Field ID: Used for User
Creation- Should contain the API ID of
the Last Name Field on the API
Information Sheet. This is the last name
of the user that will be created and
provided with data room access.
• Email Address Field ID: Used for User
Creation- Should contain the API ID of
the Email Address Field on the API
Information Sheet. This is the email
address of the user that will be created
and provided with data room access.
All other “User Options” will be designated on the User Options tab.
Associated Data Rooms Tab
If a Room is being Created with this WuFoo
Form and a template is being used to create
the room, then the Associated Data Rooms
tab allows field values for the Data Room
Template Field to be mapped to the specific
data room that will be used to copy Folders,
Files and Acknowledgement Page Text when
the Room is created.
Simply type the value into the Associated
Room Value Field, selected the Associated Data Room from the drop down list and click Add. All available
values for selection on the form should be mapped to an Associated Data Room.
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Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
Default Room Admins Tab
If a Room is being created with this
WuFoo Form, then the Default Room
Admins tab allows existing users
within the Group to also be granted
Room Admin access to the newly
created room.
Simply select a user from the Default
Room Admins drop down list and
click Add. Note: Room Admins will be
created with Full Permission.
User Options Tab
If a user is being created with this
WuFoo Form, then the User Options
tab is used to specify the parameters
for the user being created. The
following fields are presented on this
User Type – (required) Select a
user type from the drop down list.
The available User Types are
Room Admin (only when a Room
is being created), User, and UserDocument.
Security Level – (required)
Security Section(s) – (optional)
User File Listing – (required)
Defaults to “Yes” to allow the new user access to a listing of available files.
After the fields on this tab are specified, click Save WuFoo Form to finish adding your form to V-Rooms.
Web Hooking the Mapped V-Rooms Form to WuFoo
After a WuFoo form is created (mapped) in V-Rooms, the form must be “hooked” to WuFoo so that form
entries can talk to V-Rooms. This is called a Web Hook, and after the form is created, a WebHook URL is
generated. The WebHook URL can be found on the WuFoo Forms page in V-Rooms.
Highlight and copy this value and return to your WuFoo account and select Notifications below the form that
you are “hooking” to the V-Rooms form mapping.
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Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
On the Notification Settings Screen in WuFoo, you will have a Notification area for adding a “WebHook”.
Past the copied WebHook URL into the Your WebHook URL field.
If a Handshake Key was specified when the WuFoo form was
mapped in V-Rooms, also include that value in the Your WebHook
Handshake Key field. Otherwise, leave this field blank.
Do not check the Include Field and Form Structures with Entry
Data field.
Click Save to save your Webhook.
Note: If a WebHook entry area is not available in
the Notification Settings Screen in WuFoo, Select
“Webhook” from the dropdown list in the + to
Another Application area and click “Add
Integration”. A Webhook entry area will then be
Testing Your Form Integration
After the form is created in WuFoo, mapped in V-Rooms and WebHooked, it should be tested for accuracy.
On the Forms Manager in WuFoo, click on the View button below the form to be tested.
Once your form is displayed, enter data into the fields and click Submit. An email should be received at the
email address entered into the form with the username and password for the new data room (if room created)
and user account.
Login with the credentials received and verify that the room was created correctly (if room was to be created)
and that the appropriate user access was granted. Then log into the data room with the Group Admin
credentials and verify that Room Admin access was granted to the appropriate users (if specified).
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V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
Administrative Reports
In this chapter
Files Clicked Report ................................................................................................... 78
File History Report ..................................................................................................... 79
Login History Report .................................................................................................. 80
User Machine Report ................................................................................................. 81
To navigate to the Administrative Reports, click the ADMIN REPORTS control button below the ADMIN
Note: Only Group Administrators and Room Administrators with Admin Reporting permissions will be able to
see the ADMIN REPORTS control button.
Files Clicked Report
Click on the Files Clicked Report from the menu along the top of the grid to open the report.
In order to filter the information presented in the Files Clicked Report, specify the following:
Group: This will default to your Group
Room: Group Administrators may select any room within their group, or view information for all of their
rooms simultaneously. For Room Administrators this will default to your room.
Start Date: Input the Start Date of the date range desired
End Date: Input the End Date of the date range desired
Refresh: Click this button and the screen will refresh with new content
Export to Excel: Click this button and the data will be exported to Microsoft Excel
The Exported Files Clicked Report will contain the following information. Note: Some of this information is only
presented in the exported report.
Header – Includes the V-Rooms™ brand name, the Date/Time Stamp of when the report ran and the
Date Range that was used to create the report.
User Information – Includes the User Name, Representative, Name, Company, User Security Level,
and User Security Section
File Information – For the files accessed this includes the File Name Room ID, Room Name, Folder
Name, File Security Level and File Security Section
Access Information - For the files accessed this includes Date and Time accessed and the IP
address of the computer that accessed the data.
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V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
File History Report
Click on the File History Report from the menu along the top of the grid to open the report.
From the File History Report screen you will be able to create a list of existing files in your V-Room™ as well
as gather information concerning when the Files were created, modified or deleted. In order to filter the
information presented, specify the following:
Group: This will default to your Group
Room: Group Administrators may select any room within their group, or view information for all of their
rooms simultaneously. For Room Administrators this will default to your room.
Start Date: Input the Start Date of the date range desired
End Date: Input the End Date of the date range desired
Refresh: Click this button and the screen will refresh with new content
Export to Excel: Click this button and the data will be exported to Microsoft Excel
The report contains the following information. Note: Some of this information is only presented in the exported
Header – Includes the V-Rooms™ brand name, the Date/Time Stamp of when the report ran and the
Date Range that was used to create the report.
File Information – For the files that have been uploaded to the room this includes the File Name
Room ID, Room Name, Folder Name, Parent Folder Name, File Security Level and File Security
Section, and any of the six additional fields that have been used and populated.
User Information – The exported version of the File History Report will show who (username only)
last uploaded, changed, or deleted the file.
Access Information - For the uploaded, modified and/or deleted files this includes the Date and Time
the file was uploaded, the Date and Time the file was last modified, and (when applicable) the Date
and Time the file was deleted.
Once the data is in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, it may be sorted and arranged in a variety of tabular and
graphical reports. Note: Any information input into the Excel file may not be “imported” back into the Virtual
Room program.
Note: This report is able to provide information relative to when Files are added, modified or deleted in your
Virtual Room. You could use this information to generate emails to users about new information posted to the
Virtual Room.
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V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
Login History Report
Click on the Login History Report from the menu along the top of the grid to open the report.
From the Login History Report screen you will be able to create a list of all users that have accessed your
V-Room™. In order to filter the information presented, specify the following:
Group: This will default to your Group
Room: Group Administrators may select any room within their group, or view information for all of their
rooms simultaneously. For Room Administrators this will default to your room.
Start Date: Input the Start Date of the date range desired
End Date: Input the End Date of the date range desired
Refresh: Click this button and the screen will refresh with new content
Export to Excel: Click this button and the data will be exported to Microsoft Excel
The report contains the following information. Note: Some of this information is only presented in the exported
Header – Includes the V-Rooms™ brand name, the Date/Time Stamp of when the report ran and the
Date Range that was used to create the report.
User Information – Includes the User Name, Name, User Type, Security Level, Representative,
Company, Virtual Room ID, and Virtual Room Name. The exported version of this report will also show
the Group ID and Group Name.
Access Information - Includes the Date, Time and IP Address for each user login.
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V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
User Machine Report
Click on the User Machine Report from the menu along the top of the grid to open the report.
From the User Machine Report screen you will be able to view and export a list of all user machines (PCs)
that have accessed a DRM controlled document from more than one PC (machine ID).
Note: This report only displays information when a DRM controlled document has been accessed by the same
user from two or more user machines.
In order to filter the information presented, specify the following:
Group: This will default to your Group
Room: Group Administrators may select any room within their group, or view information for all of their
rooms simultaneously. For Room Administrators this will default to your room.
Start Date: Input the Start Date of the date range desired
End Date: Input the End Date of the date range desired
Refresh: Click this button and the screen will refresh with new content
Export to Excel: Click this button and the data will be exported to Microsoft Excel
The report contains the following information.
Note: Some of this information is only presented in the exported report.
Header – Includes the V-Rooms™ brand name, the Date/Time Stamp of when the report ran and the
Date Range that was used to create the report.
User Information – Includes the User Name, Name, Group Name, Room Name, Machine ID, and
Active Flag (whether or not that Machine is now active in User Management for that user).
Access Information - Includes the Last Modified Date (when the machine was initially made active or
updated in User Management), Usage Count, First Usage Date/Time, and Last Usage Date/Time.
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V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
User Interface
Accessing V-Rooms™ .............................................................................................. 82
Switching Rooms ....................................................................................................... 83
User Navigation ......................................................................................................... 84
Home Screen ............................................................................................................. 86
Documents Screen .................................................................................................... 87
Users with Document Upload Capabilities ................................................................. 88
Search Screen ........................................................................................................... 89
User Reporting Screen .............................................................................................. 90
Single and Batch File Downloading from the Reporting Screen ................................ 91
Instant Email Notifications .......................................................................................... 91
My Account Screen .................................................................................................... 92
Accessing V-Rooms ™
After keying your username and password into the login screen, the custom “Acceptance Screen” is presented.
If a User account is inactive, the following message will be presented at login.
If a User account has been locked, the following message will be presented at login.
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V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
If a user has forgotten their password, they can click on the Forgot Password? link on the login screen and
request a password reminder email. In order to use this feature, the user’s account must “Allow Password
Reset” and a valid email address for the user must be stored in the user account.
The first time a user logs in, or after a new password is emailed to a user, they will be required to change their
password. If Password Management is in use, there may be a variety of password complexity requirements
that are required of the password, and possibly a security question and answer.
The following screen will be displayed allowing the user to set up a new password and a security question and
answer and answer (if required).
Switching Rooms
Access to various rooms within a group may be granted by a Group/Room Administrator. If a user has access
to more than one room, they will need to select a room from the drop down list at the top of their screen to
switch rooms.
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V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
User Navigation
After the user has successfully logged into their account, they will be presented with an initial splash screen
containing the Acknowledgement Page Text. By clicking the Acknowledge and Accept button at the bottom
of that screen, the user is acknowledging the confidentiality of the information they are accessing in the
specified room.
If Digital Rights Management is turned on for the V-Room™, the users will be presented with a splash screen
where they will need to download the necessary plug-in and the most recent version of adobe reader.
Users have the option to remove this alert and turn off this splash screen once they have downloaded the
necessary tools.
Users can also download the plug-in at any time by selecting the My Account Information Icon below their
name in the top right corner. This screen is also described in further detail in the section below.
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V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
The user is then presented with their initial User Interface screen. The initial User Interface screen for a user
will depend on their User Management settings. If Home Page functionality is turned on, the initial User
Interface screen will be the Home Tab. Otherwise, the initial User Interface screen will be the Documents
Tab. Both of these screens are described in further detail in the sections below.
On each screen of the User Interface the “Private Label” Brand for the Room and Group is presented in the
The user may have up to four screens available to them upon login.
• The Home Screen – This screen will only display if home page has been turned on for this V-Room™
• The Documents Screen – This is the default screen for user access and displays the folder tree and
files available to the user.
• The Search Screen – This screen will only display if search capabilities have been turned on for the
accessed V-Room™ and for the accessing user.
• The User Reporting Screen – This screen displays the available documents to a user in a grid view
with sort and filter options.
Users can also update their personal Account Information by selecting the My Account Information Icon
below their name in the top right corner. This screen is also described in further detail in the section below.
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V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
Home Screen
If Home Page capabilities are turned on for the V-Room™, the users will be first directed to a home landing
On this page the user will see various sections including Links, Personnel, Announcements, General Info and
a Calendar if they have been activated by an administrator.
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V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
Documents Screen
The V-Rooms™ structure is simple with folders on the left and files on the right. The folder and file names
were customized by the data room administrator to make the data room structure even more intuitive.
Sub-folders are indicated by a plus sign to the left of the folder name. Click on the plus sign next to a folder to
expand it and see the sub-folders. Click the folder’s name on the left to see the documents in the folder.
The folder description under the folder name was also customized by the room administrator to provide more
information about the content of the folder or instructions.
Double click a file on the right to open the document.
Files of all types can be loaded in V-Rooms™ including Word documents, spreadsheets, PDF files, pictures,
graphics, video, audio, etc. V-Rooms™ can handle large files that are often too big to send in email.
When a PDF file is accessed, a dynamic confidentiality watermark is emblazoned across the document. The
confidential watermark will display the accessing user’s given name, username, date and time of downloading,
and computer IP address (location from where the document was accessed) along with custom information
possibly included by the Room’s Administrator.
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V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
User with Document Upload Capabilities
Document Upload capabilities may be granted by a Room Administrator to a User to allow for users to upload
documents to the V-Room™. The Upload File to this Folder button will open the window below for
document upload.
In the Document Upload window, specify the following information:
• Upload Files: Browse and select each file for upload. Note: If all files to be uploaded are in the same
folder on the local PC, this will go very quickly.
• Security Level: Select a Security Level from the drop down list.
• File Name: Type the File Name in the input box. Note: File Names cannot contain certain “illegal”
• File Type: (optional) Select a type for the File(i.e. Document, Audio, Photo, Video)
• Include Watermark: If checked, the Dynamic Confidential Watermark will appear on pdf files only.
• File Description: This text will appear as a mouse trail in the User Interface Search window when the
cursor is moved on top of the file name. The text in this field is also searchable if search capabilities are
turned on for the room and the user.
Note: Only the Group Administrator or a Room Administrator with File Management permissions has the ability
to delete documents from the room.
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V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
Search Screen
To search the files in the V-Room™ for specific content, use V-Rooms™ Search Capability. Click on the
Search Button to navigate to the search screen.
The search function in V-Rooms™ will search multiple components. These searchable components are:
• the text of the documents
• the file name as displayed to users
• the uploaded file name
• the file description
• the additional file fields that are being used
Type in the content words and “phrases” that are to be searched for:
• Separate the words with spaces, no commas, semi-colons or other punctuation is necessary to
separate the words.
• Enclosing groups of words in “quotation marks” will search for the exact phrase within the searchable
• Unless enclosed in quotations, a hyphen is a minus sign telling the search to exclude that word. For
example, the search string below would find all files containing the word document that did not contain
the word watermark.
document -watermark
Partial word searches can be accomplished by placing an asterisk after the part of the word to be
searched for. For example, the search string below would find all files containing the partial words
water, waters, watermark, watermarked, watermarking, watermarks and any other forms that began
with the letters “water”.
Note: This will only work when searching for words that start with specified
characters, not to search for words that end with specified characters.
• When searching for dates, if the date has been included in one of the additional fields, then search for
it in “mm/dd/yyyy” format. Dates within documents can be in a multitude of formats, so multiple
searches may be necessary.
After the search contents are typed in, the search will return the documents that contain all of the words
and “phrases” in the search. The File Name can be clicked on to open the file directly from the Search
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V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
User Reporting Tab
If User Reporting capabilities are turned on for the V-Room™, users will have the Reporting Buttonat the top
of the screen.
This screen presents the user with a File Listing Report that contains a sortable, filterable and exportable list of
files that are available to the user. The columns in the report include the File Path, File Name, File Size, Date
the file was last updated, date the file was last accessed by the user, and any of the additional document fields
for the V-Room™ that have been made available to users.
In order to filter the information presented, specify the following:
Last Updated Start Date: Input the Start Date of the date range desired
End Date: Input the End Date of the date range desired
Refresh: Click this button and the screen will refresh with new content
Alternatively, each of the columns can be individually filtered. Simply type the
value you wish to filter on in the Filter Field (located below the column name),
and click the filter icon to the right of the Filter Field.
Text Field Sort Options
There are different filtering options depending on the field type (date or text).
Examples are shown to the right.
In order to export the information from the report,
click the Export to Excel button.
Date Field Sort Options
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V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
Single and Batch File Download from the Reporting Tab
On the Reporting Tab, a single file can be downloaded by double clicking the file.
Multiple files can be downloaded in batch by using Shift+ and
Control+ to select multiple files and , right clicking on the selected
file(s), and then selecting Download File(s) as Zip.
A progress bar will be displayed as the files are zipped and prepared for download.
If any errors are encountered during the zip/download that
prevents any of the selected files from being downloaded
in the batch, an error message will be displayed.
Note: This will include DRM restrictions that do not permit
a selected file to be saved and “File Not Found” errors.
Instant Email Notifications
Users of V-Rooms™ can receive instant email notification
when documents are added or replaced.
These email notifications are sent automatically by the
system from the Room Administrator, so spam filters are
less likely to disregard these important updates.
This automatic alert feature provides simultaneous
notification to all users of new information.
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V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
My Account Information
To access your Account Information select the My Account Information Icon below your name in the top right
This will launch a popup screen for maintain general account information. From this popup Users and
Administrators can change their password, their Security Question (if required by the V-Room™ they are
using), and their personal contact information (if turned on by the Administrator for the V-Room™ they are
using). Users can also see Room Contact Information for the room(s) they are accessing. Also, If Digital
Rights Management is turned on for the V-Room™ the Administrators and Users can download the necessary
plug-in needed in order to view the PDFs.
Change Password
To change your password, type in your current (old) password and your new password. Then retype your new
password before clicking Save Password. Your new password must meet the Password Complexity
requirements established by the Group’s Administrator.
Change Question and Answer
If the V-Room™ you are using requires a Security Question and Answer, you can update your Security
Question and Answer on this page.
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Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
Contact Information
If the Group’s Administrator has enabled the ability for you (the user) to manage your own Contact Information,
this area of the screen is displayed.
Here you are able to specify your personal contact information and preferred time zone for screen and listing
displays within the V-Rooms Application.
Admin Contacts
For each room that a user has access to, the main room contact information will be displayed.
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V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
If Digital Rights Management (Permissions) is turned on for the data room, users will need the most recent
version of Adobe Reader and they will need to download a plug-in in order to view PDF documents.
If you do not have the most recent version of Adobe Reader, you will need to click on the Get Adobe Reader
You will also need to download the FileOpen plug-in by clicking on the Get FileOpen Plug-In icon. Once they
have downloaded the plug-in you can then test to make sure it downloaded properly by clicking on the
FileOpen Test.
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V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
1. Sample Text for Acknowledgement Page
2. Suggested Document File-Naming Convention for Revisions/Modifications
3. V-Room™ Archival Procedures
4. V-Rooms™ Password Management Functionality and Strong Password Policies
5. Using a Hash Digest to Validate File Uploads with FUSE
V-Rooms ™ powered by Due Diligence Online, LLC
V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
1. Sample Text for Acknowledgement Page
Standard Text
Below is the standard text we use for the Acknowledgement Page of a V-Room™. Don’t forget to replace the
links with a valid email address and website. You may copy and paste information directly from this page into
the text box. Slight spacing and margin adjustments may be needed.
For questions concerning information in this V-Room™ please contact:
Main Contact
Chief Financial Officer
XYZ, Incorporated
Phone: 770-338-9900 Email: maincontact@xyzinc.com
By clicking ACCEPT at the bottom of this page you acknowledge and agree that certain of the
information contained in this virtual room may constitute material, non-public and confidential
information. As a result, by entering this virtual room, you agree that you will not distribute or
reproduce this information or divulge any of its contents to unauthorized parties.
If you do not agree to the foregoing restrictions, merely click the DECLINE button and you will be
returned to the entry screen.
V-Rooms ™ powered by Due Diligence Online, LLC
V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
2. Suggested Document File-Naming Convention for Revisions/Modifications
Revision control, also known as version control, is the management of multiple revisions of the same file or
document. It is most commonly used in financial and legal applications to manage the ongoing development of
digital documents like contracts and agreements that may be revised and edited by a team of people.
Changes to these documents are identified by including, within the file name, the date and time associated
with when the revision to the document was made.
For instance, the File Name:
Indicates that the revision was made to the Term Sheet on November 1, 2006 at
1:26pm Pacific Time.
Indicates that a subsequent revision was made to the Term Sheet on December 7,
2006 at 11:36am Eastern Time.
Note that as documents are uploaded to the V-Room™, the “upload” date and time are also recorded and
displayed next to the File Name for easy reference.
The V-Room™ will maintain a history of the document/file revisions and copies of all revised documents/files.
Documents/Files with an earlier date and time should be considered obsolete. For reference purposes, one will
be able to view those obsolete files in the folder until they are removed by the Room Administrator.
It is very important to note that only the V-Room™ Administrator, at his/her discretion, is able to
remove obsolete documents/files from the V-Room™ Application.
V-Rooms ™ powered by Due Diligence Online, LLC
V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
3. V-Room™ Archival Procedures
A complete archive of a data room should include a backup of the folders and files, a listing of all users, and a
copy of the Files Clicked Report, Files History Report, Login History Report, and User Machine Report. The
following steps will guide you through the process of creating a complete archive.
1. Archive the Room
a. On the ADMIN Button, click the ROOMS control button.
b. From the Room Listing select the room you wish to archive.
c. Click on the Archive Room option.
d. The following message will be displayed:
e. As indicated by this message, an email will
also be sent to the requesting administrator
when the archive has completed.
f. Once the archive has started, an archive column will appear (if not
already displayed) on the Room Listing and will display the status
of the requested archive. The statuses move from pending to
running to download.
g. A zipped file containing a copy of all files and folders in the data
room will be created.
Once the archive is created, click the “download” link to save the file.
h. Once the archive is complete, you can then click on the download link to save the archive to your PC/MAC.
i. In the File Download window, be sure to click Save.
j. In the “Save As” window choose a location on your local
computer for your archive and click Save.
k. The folders and files are now downloaded as a zip file to your
local computer.
2. Export the User List to Excel.
a. On the ADMIN Button, click the USERS control button.
b. From the Room User Listing, click the Export to Excel button.
c. Save the exported file with your Room Archive File.
3. Export the Communication Report to Excel.
a. On the ADMIN Button, click the USERS control button.
b. Click the COMMUNICATION REPORT button and complete the following steps:
Specify a Start Date - Type the Start Date of the date range desired and press enter.
(Note: The start date of your project or earlier is recommended for this archival report)
Specify an End Date – Type the End Date of the date range desired and press enter.
(Note: The end date of your project or today’s date is recommended for this archival report)
Click the Export to Excel button to export the report to Excel.
Save the exported report with your Room Archive File.
4. Export the Files History, Files Clicked, Login History and User Machine Reports.
a. On the ADMIN Button, click the ADMIN REPORTS button
b. Click on each of the report options and complete the following steps:
Specify a Start Date - Type the Start Date of the date range desired.
(Note: The start date of your project or earlier is recommended for this archival report)
Specify an End Date - Type the End Date of the date range desired.
(Note: The end date of your project or today’s date is recommended for this archival report)
Click the Refresh button to generate the report.
Click the Export to Excel button to export the report to Excel.
Save the exported report with your Room Archive File.
Repeat the steps above for all four admin reports.
V-Rooms ™ powered by Due Diligence Online, LLC
V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
4. V-Rooms™ Password Management Functionality and Strong Password Policies
In the V-Rooms™ system, Group Administrators have the ability to customize a password policy for the users
of their Group. This password policy can be established and maintained within Group Management. As a
Group Administrator, simply click Maintain Group to view and update your group’s password complexity
requirements, change requirements and expiration requirements. The options available are detailed below.
The default value for each of these fields will not require any change for current users. As an administrator,
you simply turn on and/or set the ones you want to use.
If Password Management controls are not shown on your Group Maintenance screen, please contact our
Client Care Team to enable them.
Password Complexity Requirements
o Password Minimum Length – The default is 0, and blank or 0 will set no limit for minimum number of
characters in a user’s password. A strong password policy would set a minimum password length of 8
o Password Maximum Length – The default is 0, and blank or 0 will set no limit for maximum number
of characters in a user’s password. Please note that some Operating Systems will not support
passwords longer than 14 characters.
o Upper Case Letter Required – The default is “No”. Change this to “Yes” to require an upper case
letter in a user’s password. A strong password policy would require a user’s password to contain an
upper case letter.
o Lower Case Letter Required – The default is “No”. Change this to “Yes” to require a lower case letter
in a user’s password. A strong password policy would require a user’s password to contain a lower
case letter.
o Number Required – The default is “No”. Change this to “Yes” to require a number in a user’s
password. A strong password policy would require a user’s password to contain at least one number.
o Special Character Required – The default is “No”. Change this to “Yes” to require a special character
in a user’s password. A strong password policy would require a user’s password to contain at least
one special character.
o Password can contain Username – The default is “Yes”, but if changed to “No”, then the password
cannot contain the username as part of the password. A strong password policy would not allow a
user’s password to contain their username.
o Require a security question at login – The default is “No”. Change this to “Yes” to require a security
question at login. When a security question is required, the user will be asked to set up their security
question and answer the next time they login. On each subsequent login, after the user enters their
password the user will be prompted to answer their security question before being allowed access to
the system. This is also known as 2-factor authentication.
Password Change Requirements
o Number of times a day a user can change their own password – The default is 0, and blank or 0 will
set no limit on the number of times a day a user could change their own password. Best practices for
strong password policies vary regarding a recommended setting here, so we suggest a value no
greater than 4 for a strong password policy.
o Number of previous passwords a user cannot reuse – The default is 0, and blank or 0 will set no limit
on the number of previous passwords a user is allowed to reuse. Best practices for strong password
policies vary regarding a recommended length for password history, so we suggest a value of at least
4 for a strong password policy. This would mean that a user would not be able to reuse any of their 4
previous passwords when changing their password.
Password Expiration Requirements
o Number of consecutive failed login attempts before a user account is locked password – The default is
0, and blank or 0 will set no limit on the number of consecutive failed login attempts. A strong
password policy would limit the number of failed login attempts to 4 before locking the account.
V-Rooms ™ powered by Due Diligence Online, LLC
V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
In Group Management the following Password Management options are presented on the Group Maintenance
The values we have specified above reflect our recommendations for a strong Password Policy.
V-Rooms ™ powered by Due Diligence Online, LLC
V-Rooms™ Pro Administrator Guide
Version 2.06
Last Revised – 01/20/2015
5. Using a Hash Digest to Validate File Uploads with FUSE
V-Rooms File Upload SErvice (FUSE) can be validated (21 CFR Part 11) for clinical trial usage. If you are
clinical trial company and need to perform self-validation, then this functionality can be made available to you.
If the Hash Digest has not been enabled, you will not see this field. Please contact our support team to have
this turned on.
If this is a validation room, then set this value to yes in your validation room in order to use an MD5 or SHA1
cryptographic hash to validate the upload of documents. NOTE: This is a very technical process and is not
needed by most clients, so it should be turned off for the majority of rooms. This can only be performed on a
PC (not a MAC.)
Execute the following steps:
1. Install Microsoft’s File Checksum Integrity Verifier (FCIV) tool for generating a digest file with the
appropriate format (MD5 or SHA1). This file can be downloaded from: http://www.microsoft.com/enus/download/details.aspx?id=11533.
2. Open the downloaded file to install it. You will be asked to specify a location for the install. Install the
tool into the top level folder containing the files to be uploaded and verified.
3. On the PC, run the Command Prompt
4. Change the directory to the installation location of the tool and files to be uploaded.
(i.e.) cd C:\Documents\Test Documents\Hash Verification
5. Once in the directory type one of the two following commands. Replace the directory/path within the
quotations with your directory/path.
fciv -add "C:\Users\username\Desktop\Upload Test" -r -sha1 > hash.sha1
fciv -add "C:\Users\username\Desktop\Upload Test" -r -md5 > hash.md5
To see a complete list of parameters available with the tool, type the command “fciv.exe”
A brief list is included below:
Commands: ( Default -add )
-add <file | dir>
: Compute hash and send to output (default screen).
dir options:
: recursive.
: ex: -type *.exe.
-exc file : list of directories that should not be computed.
: Without full path name. (Default store full path)
: specify base path to remove from full path name
-md5 | -sha1 | -both : Specify hashtype, default md5.
-xml db
: Specify database format and name.
To display the MD5 hash of a file, type fciv.exe filename
6. The command executed in Step 5 above creates a calculated hash file in the upload directory.
7. Next. Start FUSE within the V-Rooms application and after selecting the folders and files for upload,
Click the “Load Digests” button to browse and
select the digest file created with the tool
8. Proceed with the FUSE upload as normal.
9. If the hash of the uploaded file(s) matches the calculated hash in the digest, then the file(s) will upload
and deploy successfully. This will be noted in the FUSE upload log.
10. If the hash of the uploaded file(s) does not match the calculated hash in the digest they will not be
deployed and this will also be noted in the FUSE upload log.
V-Rooms ™ powered by Due Diligence Online, LLC
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