
V­Rooms User Troubleshooting Checklist
V­Rooms wants to ensure that your experience with us is very successful. As we troubleshoot issues, we find that
some problems encountered are outside of V­Rooms control. Here is a checklist of a few things that you may want to
consider as user of our system:
Outdated Operating Systems* ­ V­Rooms will run best using Microsoft Windows 7 or later version or on a MAC using
OSx 10.1 or higher. As new releases of operating system are introduced we have to move forward with that technology, and
it becomes difficult to impossible to continue to support all previous versions and releases. Ensure the best experience by
upgrading your operating system to a newer level.
Outdated Computers* ­ V­Rooms will run best on a 64­bit PC using Microsoft Windows 7 or later version or on a MAC
using OSx 10.1 or higher. If you are running a 3 year old 32­bit machine, and you encounter any problems, you may want to
try running V­Rooms from another (newer) computer to see if the problem and/or performance improves.
Outdated or Unsupported Internet Browsers* ­ V­Rooms is optimized to work on Internet Explorer (IE) 8.0, Google
Chrome Ver. 25, and Firefox Ver. 19 or newer. Browsers are changing and upgrading very fast these days. If you are running
earlier versions of these three browsers or other browsers, and you encounter problems, we recommend upgrading your
browser to a newer version (it is a simple process), to ensure the best experience.
Internet Browser Settings and Third­Party Programs ­ If you encounter problems accessing or opening documents and
you are using one of our supported browsers, it could be caused by browser settings or third­party programs ­ this includes
add ons, plug­ins, third­party browser extensions, browser cookie settings, security programs for anti­virus, anti­spyware or
firewalls. If you are having problems in one browser, we recommend trying from an alternative browser or restoring your
browser to its default settings before contacting support.
Your Corporate or Personal Firewall ­ We understand the need for firewalls and internal security protocols. However, if
you encounter problems accessing or opening documents, and you have a firewall, try turning your firewall off or accessing
V­Rooms from a computer that is OUTSIDE the firewall to see if this addresses the problem. If your problem is solved this
way, have your IT Department add v­roomonline.com and v­rooms.com as trusted sites.
User Login / Password Problems ­ When we receive phone calls from users saying they can no longer login using their
username/password, we are limited in what we can do for these users. For security reasons, we do not provide users with
their usernames or passwords or perform password resets. We let them know they must contact their room administrator,
and we also reach out to the room administrator, too, but this is often after business hours. If you, as a user, have not been
given the ability to reset your own password, then please discuss this with your Room Administrator.
Adobe Reader as your default PDF Viewer ­ There are several pdf viewer applications on the market today. However, our
system operates best with Adobe Reader is the default PDF Viewer. This is a requirement when using DRM. We
recommend Adobe Reader X (version 10.0) and higher.
Installation of FileOpen Plugin for DRM ­ DRM is Digital Rights Management and it controls the printing and saving
capabilities of some documents in our system. Not all of our accounts use DRM, but DRM is currently only architected to
work on a PC. Occasionally users who need our FileOpen DRM plugin have had challenges downloading and/or installing it.
To install the plugin, a user must have administrator capabilities on their PC. In some cases (but not often), it may be
necessary to get assistance from your IT department to complete the download and installation of the FileOpen plugin on
your computer. On occasion, a user has an incomplete install, and the plug­in does not work (the test file won’t open).
Completely uninstalling the plug­in from the PC (using the control panel) and reinstalling from the website will often resolve
this issue. If you are still having trouble opening documents within the application, and you’ve installed/reinstalled the
FileOpen plugin, then visit www.v­rooms.com/support360/DRM for more DRM troublshooting tips.
* OLD Systems ­ With older operating systems, browser versions and computers, users are more likely to experience
performance issues (speed and responsiveness) as well as finding some functions that may not work at all.
last revised: 05­13­13