1 OneClick: A Framework for Capturing Users’ Network Experiences Kuan-Ta Chen† , Cheng-Chun Tu‡ , and Wei-Cheng Xiao† † Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica ‡ Department of Computer Science, Stony Brook University Abstract—As the service requirements of network applications shift from high throughput to high media quality, interactivity, and responsiveness, the definition of QoS levels has now become multidimensional. While it may not be difficult to measure any single dimension of the QoS levels, how to capture users’ overall perceptions when they are using network applications remains an open question. In this paper, we propose a framework, OneClick, to capture users’ perceptions when they are using network applications. The framework only requires a subject to click a dedicated key whenever he/she feels dissatisfied with the quality of application in use. OneClick is particularly effective because it is intuitive, lightweight, efficient, time-aware, and applicationindependent. We use two objective quality assessment methods, PESQ and VQM, to validate OneClick’s capability in evaluating the quality of audio and video recordings. We take two examples, one for instant messaging applications, and another for firstperson shooter games, to demonstrate the proposed framework’s efficiency and effectiveness in user experience assessment. A Flash implementation of the proposed framework is also presented. I. I NTRODUCTION Providing high QoS for users of network applications is one of the most challenging tasks of network researchers because communication bandwidth is always not infinite. As the service requirements of network applications shift from high throughput to high media quality, interactivity, and responsiveness, the definition of QoS levels has now become multidimensional. For example, the QoS requirements of VoIP conversation at least contain criteria of sound fidelity, voice loudness, noise level, echo level, and conversational delay; and the QoS requirements of online gaming at least contain criteria of interactivity, responsiveness, and consistency. While it may not be difficult to measure any single dimension of the QoS levels, how to capture users’ overall perceptions when they are using network applications remains an open question. For instance, suppose one network provides a QoS setting of (10, 15, 20), which represents the consistency level, interactivity level, and responsiveness level respectively, and another network provides a QoS setting of (20, 15, 10). Which network configuration is “better” from the users’ perspective remains to be investigated. The most common way is the opinion rating, i.e., to learn about users’ network experiences is to ask them to complete a questionnaire after they use an application. For example, the MOS (Mean Opinion Score) [7] is a common metric used in user surveys for VoIP quality, where a MOS score (ranging from 1 to 5) above 3 is considered acceptable. However, the survey method has a number of weakness: 1) It cannot capture users’ perceptions over time as it is performed afterwards. Specifically, in a 3-minute test, we cannot figure out whether a signal at the first minute and that at the last minute have identical impact on a subject with this survey method. 2) People are limited by their finite memory, e.g., only seven items can be remembered by a human being at one time according to [12]. Consequently, people are subject to the recency effect [15], i.e., the experience in the most recent period dominates users’ ratings. 3) With the survey method, subjects are expected to give absolute ratings and thus they need to tell the quality levels by text descriptions. For example, the MOS scores 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 correspond to Bad, Poor, Fair, Good, and Excellent experience, respectively. It is not surprising that people may have different interpretations of the term “Poor” and give different ratings even though they have the same experience in a test. 4) Little information is captured in each test because a subject only contributes one score. This increases the cost of user surveys as many subjects are needed before sufficient information can be acquired. Even if the test is repeatable, usually more than several dozens of subjects are required because a subject cannot take the same test for many times due to reasons like: 1) the test requires full concentration, and subjects can easily get tired; and 2) a subject may become an “expert” from taking repeated tests and scores with a biased rating. In this paper, we propose a framework to capture users’ perceptions when they are using network applications. We call the framework OneClick, because users are asked to click a dedicated button whenever they feel dissatisfied with the quality of the application in use. OneClick is particularly effective because it is intuitive, lightweight, efficient, timeaware, and application-independent. We explain each of its advantages as follows: 1) It is intuitive because users no longer need to tell the difference between “Good” and “Fair,” and the difference between “Bad” and “Poor.” All they need to do in an OneClick test is to click the dedicated button whenever they are not happy with the current application quality. In other words, a dichotomous decision rather than a multiple-choice decision is required. Also, they do not need to remember what they experienced in the past, as the feedback can be given immediately at any time. Moreover, because subjects do not need to pay much attention to the scoring procedure, their flow experience 2 in using the tested application can be maintained. 2) It is lightweight because it does not need large-scale or expensive deployment to perform experiments. Actually, no extra equipment is needed except those required to run the tested application. For example, to evaluate users’ perceptions about video quality, any PC that is capable of playing video clips is sufficient to perform the experiment. 3) It is efficient because it captures many samples from a subject in each test. Our experiment even shows that, a single 5-minute test with one subject is normally sufficient to reveal his/her perceptions about audio or video quality over a wide spectrum of network conditions. 4) It is time-aware because users can provide their feedback at any time during a test. Thus, the measurement results can reveal how a subject’s perception changes over time. For example, in video quality tests, our method can be used to evaluate if a subject can adapt to jerky screen updates due to network lags over time. 5) It is application-independent because it purely relies on users’ feedback and not on any application-specific design. Thus, it can be applied to measure users’ perceptions of many types of network applications. In Section IV and Section V, we will show that OneClick is capable of evaluating the quality of audio streaming tools, compressed video clips, and interactive online games without changes. As a demonstration, we select the three most well-known instant messaging (IM) applications, Skype, MSN Messenger, and AIM Messenger, and apply OneClick to evaluate their audio quality over various network configurations. The results reveal that, among the three tested applications, Skype and AIM are more robust to network loss and small network bandwidth respectively. In addition, we also evaluate the user experience in two first-person shooter games, Unreal Tournament and Halo. The results show that Unreal Tournament can provide better game play experience than Halo when moderate network delay and delay variations are present. In all, the contribution of this paper is two-fold. 1) We propose the OneClick framework, which is intuitive, lightweight, efficient, time-aware, and applicationindependent, to quantify users’ perceptions of network applications. 2) We apply the proposed framework to evaluate the quality of three popular IM applications and two firstperson shooter games with very low cost, which manifests that OneClick is an efficient and application-independent way for evaluating the quality of network applications. 3) We provide an online implementation of OneClick available at http://mmnet.iis.sinica.edu.tw/proj/oneclick for collaborative studies. Any one can contribute his/her own perceptions of the quality of the provided audio clips by taking a three-minute test. Those contributions will be merged together to form an overall perception description for future QoS studies. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section II contains a review of related works. In Section III, we present the basic methodology of the OneClick framework and gradually revise it based on the implications from pilot studies. In Section IV, we validate the effectiveness of the OneClick framework using well-developed objective evaluation methods for audio and video quality. Section V contains a demonstration of the proposed framework, where we compare the quality of three IM applications and two firstperson shooter games. Then, in Section VII, we summarize our conclusions. II. R ELATED W ORK The quality assessment methodologies for network applications can be classified into two categories: objective and subjective. Simply put, subjective methods demand users’ input in the evaluation process, while objective ones do not, though objective methods are often developed based on wellvalidated data from subjective evaluations. Objective evaluations rely on passive monitoring of an application’s or a user’s behavior non-intrusively. For example, they may rely on network-level measurements [3, 4] or medialevel measurements [10, 14] as the input for quality assessment. Many techniques and standards based on this approach exist for evaluating the audio quality [9, 10], video quality [8], and online game quality [4]. Objective evaluation methods are good at that no cooperation from users are needed; however, their weakness lie in the difficulty to all the QoS dimensions that may affect users’ experience in quality summarization. For example, to keep the model tractable, the loss in loudness level is not considered in the PESQ (Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality) model [10], the distance from viewers to the video is not considered in the VQM (Video Quality Measurement) model [8], and the higher-order variation of end-to-end delays, i.e., the delay’s burstiness, is not considered in the E-model, which is designed for assessing VoIP quality [9]. Subjective quality evaluations, on the other hand, require users to report their feeling in a test. Thus, their effectiveness is, by definition, out of doubt. However, considering the efficiency and resource overhead of such schemes, and the fact that people’s feeling is subject to various effects like preferential biases and the memory effect, it is often not as easy as expected to obtain reliable evaluation results. The most common subjective quality assessment method might be the Mean Opinion Score (MOS) [7], which is often used to evaluate users’ experience in an application, though many of its disadvantages have been identified and discussed [11]. In a previous work [5], Dinda et al. proposed a scheme that employs a similar concept to that of the OneClick framework in order to evaluate user satisfaction in response to different scheduling policies and clock frequencies of computer systems. Despite the similar concept, the previous study and this work have totally different goals. Our work expands the idea of “click whenever dissatisfied” into a complete framework, which includes experiment design, click rate modeling, and result interpretation. In addition, we provide a validate of the proposed framework with objective evaluation methods, PESQ and VQM, and prove its usefulness by illustrative demonstrations with popular IM applications and online games. III. M ETHODOLOGY D EVELOPMENT In this section, we describe the design of the OneClick framework and the rationale behind it. We begin with a more intuitive design and then gradually revise the design based on the findings in pilot studies. We finally summarize the whole framework with a data flow chart shown in Fig. 4. 3 A. Basic Methodology Original Clip 0 20 5 1 8 2 Network Setting 1 Result Clip Network Setting 2 ... The OneClick framework comprises two phases. The first phase involves setting up experiments to collect users’ feedback, and the second analyzes the collected raw data to summarize users’ perceptions under different network settings. The experiments can be performed on any computer equipped with a (software) key logger and a traffic monitor, which can be omitted if pre-recorded test materials are used. We ask a subject who is using a real-time network application, e.g., conferencing or gaming, to click a dedicated button whenever he/she feels dissatisfied with the quality of the application in use. Here, the quality of the application refers to all the QoS dimensions that affect the subject’s satisfaction. For example, it could be poor voice quality or high interaction delays in conferencing, or it could be screen freezing, status inconsistency, or slow responsiveness in online gaming. Users do not need to be well-trained to participate in the experiments as only an intuitive click action is required. Technically speaking, we consider a subject as a deterministic system whose transfer function is unknown. During a test, we record both the input and the output of the system, where the input is the process of network conditions, and the output is the subject’s click process. By analyzing the input and output signals, we use a generalized linear model to describe the relationship between user satisfaction and network conditions. While subjects’ click actions are obtained via passive measurement, the network conditions can be actively controlled or passively observed, depending on the experiment’s goal. Generally, controlled network quality is easier to achieve reliable quality assessment and appropriate for more systematic evaluations, and experiments over uncontrolled networks are often used to understand user experience in realistic scenarios. 1) Test Material Compilation: OneClick can be used to evaluate an application’s quality currently in use, or the pre-recorded output of the application, which we call test materials. When an application has complex interactions with network factors, we suggest the use of test materials to ensure the accuracy of assessment. For example, most VoIP applications adopt a playout buffer to absorb the variations of network delays. With this design, if we change the network condition at time t, the audio quality may be changed at time t + tδ , where tδ > 0 is unobservable and unpredictable. In this case, using test materials will avoid the misalignment between network conditions and users’ feedback, though test materials can only be used in non-interactive scenarios. We use an example to illustrate the compilation procedures of test materials. To make test materials for evaluating users’ perceptions of VoIP listening quality with k network settings, N1 , N2 , ..., Nk , we first record k recordings, R1 , R2 , ..., Rk , at a VoIP receiver under network conditions N1 , N2 , ..., Nk , respectively. We then compose a test material with random non-overlapping segments extracted from R1 , R2 , ..., Rk , as illustrated in Fig. 1. By so doing, the result clip contains the same semantic content as the original clip, except that each portion of the result clip is a degraded version because of VoIP transmission. In addition, we purposely insert segments of R0 , which is actually from the original clip, into the result clip regularly. The purpose of this design is to make users recall the audio quality in the perfect scenario, as their perceptions of quality may become biased due to long-term unnatural and 5-second audio/video segment Network Setting 20 Fig. 1. A test material is composed by random non-overlapping segments from k clips recorded under k network conditions respectively. varying scenarios. 2) Click Rate Modeling: We apply regression to resolve the relationship between the network conditions and the occurrence of click events for three reasons: 1) regression is a well-established statistical methodology with considerable resources, 2) regression is flexible in that we can easily switch from a simple linear regression to a more complicated nonlinear regression when a more accurate model is required, and 3) regression provides ready-to-use tools like hypothesis tests which are helpful to assess whether a certain network factor has significant impact on users’ perceptions. We treat a subject’s click events over time as a counting process; consequently, the Poisson regression turns out to be a natural choice [6]. In the model, we treat the network factors as the predictors and the click rate as a dependent variable, which is computed as the average number of times the subject clicks the button in one second. Assume the click rate is C(t) and the network factors are N1 (t), N2 (t), . . . , Nk (t) at time t. Then, the Poisson regression equation is log(C(t)) = α0 + α1 N1 (t) + . . . + αk Nk (t), (1) where αi denotes the Poisson regression coefficients, which are estimated using the maximum likelihood method. By treating the click rate as a linear indicator of users’ satisfaction with the tested application, we can estimate the relative impact of any combination of network factors by the fitted model. For example, suppose that we include two factors, network delay and loss rate, and there is a need to know whether the network setting (100 ms delay, 5% loss rate) is better than (200 ms delay, 10% loss rate) from the users’ perspective. By computing cra = α0 + α1 100 + α2 0.05 and crb = α0 +α1 200+α2 0.1, we can justify the above conjecture if cra is lower than crb and reject it otherwise. B. Pilot Study In the following, we conduct a series of pilot studies in order to evaluate whether the proposed basic methodology is sufficiently effective and reliable. All these studies assume a scenario that is to evaluate the audio quality of AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) with different network loss rates. Test materials are used to avoid the misalignment problem between predictors and dependent variables due to playout buffers. The test audio clip is a popular 300-second English song, and each test scenario lasts for 5 seconds. In the experiment, subjects are asked to press the space key whenever he/she feels unhappy about the music quality, 4 4 5 0 1 2 3 (b) Shift (sec) 4 5 0 Avg. response delay (sec) 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 150 Residual deviance 250 350 Test 1 Test 2 1 2 3 (c) Shift (sec) 4 Test 1 Test 2 Sean 0 Click rate (sec−1) 2 3 4 Click rate (sec−1) 2 3 Residual deviance 100 140 180 2 3 (a) Shift (sec) 1 1 Sean 4 5 Test 1 Test 2 Test 1 Test 2 0 0 William Apple Test 1 Test 2 1 Residual deviance 200 300 400 William Test 1 Test 2 0.0 0.1 0.2 Loss rate 0.3 0.0 0.1 0.2 Loss rate 0.3 Fig. 3. A subject tends to produce similar click rate curves in different tests. William Apple (d) Subject Sean Fig. 2. (a)(b)(c) The relationship between the time lag added to the click event process and the residual deviance of the fitted Poisson regression model for three subjects. (d) The average response delay in each of the 6 tests made by the three subjects. without knowing the current network setting. We asked three computer science students to take the tests and study response delays, consistency and bias of user feedback, and effect of test materials, respectively. 1) Response Delays: We first identify that users may not always respond quickly; that is, they may unintentionally delay the click actions after they become aware of the degraded application quality. To compensate for this effect, we assume that the response delays in the same test are generally not far from the average response delays though a subject may have different response delays from time to time. Our solution is to shift the click event process and determine how much delay should be added to yield the best model fit. We search for the average delay time davg by fitting the Poisson regression model for network factors and the click event processes with different time lags, where davg is computed as argmind {deviance of (1) by replacing C(t) with C(t+d)}. We have done a number of experiments to validate the proposed solution. Figure 2 shows the residual deviance of the fitted model versus the average delay time for tests made by three subjects. We can see that the residual deviance with different average delays is generally concave upwards with a local minimum around 1–2 seconds. This implies that 1) the Poisson regression model fits to our data; 2) the variable response delays can be accounted by an average response delay; and 3) our subjects normally delay their click actions by a few seconds after hearing music with unsatisfying quality1 . From the graphs, we observe that the average response delays of a subject may change in different tests and non-surprisingly that the average response delays are different across different subjects. As we have shown the existence of response delays, we will use the shifted click process to replace the original click process in the following analysis and modeling steps. 1 The response delays may be also due to the application’s processing delay, such as the processing time spent in audio decoding and playback. 2) Consistency of User Feedback: One common concern regarding subjective quality evaluation methods is the consistency of users’ feedback, i.e., if the experiment design tends to make a subject give similar ratings in repeated experiments. Out of this concern, we asked each of two subjects to take the same test twice and plot the relationship between their click rates and network loss rates in Fig. 3. The vertical bars denote the 95% confidence band of the average click rates with a certain loss rate2 . The figure shows that, in our experiment, a subject tends to yield similar results in his/her two tests in that the average click rates in both tests in most of the scenarios are statistically equivalent. For this reason, we will merge the results in different tests from the same user by averaging the click rates in each test scenario. This result also suggests that, only a 5-minute OneClick test is sufficient to reliably measure a subject’s perceptions about audio quality under a wide spectrum of network loss rate. 3) Bias of User Feedback: Even though the OneClick’s design has reduced the difficulty in decision making by asking for dichotomous choices; that is, a subject only needs to decide whether or not click the button and nothing else. However, users’ own preferences may still significantly affect their click decisions. For example, some subjects may click the button when the perceived quality is slightly worse than expected, while some others may click only when the quality is really unacceptable. The effects of user’s preference and personal characteristics are prominent especially when the applications’ quality remains in a dissatisfying level for a period. We observe that, in this case, some subjects may click the button repeatedly with their fastest speed to reflect their high degree of dissatisfaction, but some others may only click the button spontaneously and casually with more patience, even though they are similarly aware of the continuous bad quality. Personal differences like those in the above examples will certainly introduce biases into users’ click decisions. To inspect how user bias would impact the evaluation results, we plot the relationship between the average click rates and the loss rates for three subjects in Fig. 5. The three curves clearly indicate that, while two of the subjects, William and Sean, have similar click behavior, Apple is much more conservative in deciding whether to click or not. Even so, we can observe that the difference between Apple’s click rate 2 The unequal horizontal spacings between samples is purposeful. We find that the impact of loss rates on audio quality is nonlinear via the PESQ curve shown in Fig. 7, and set the loss rates which expectedly yield the largest discrepancy in click rates. This design is merely to reduce the number of test scenarios and increase the efficiency of the experiments. It does not affect the accuracy of the assessment results. 5 Bandwidth Controlled LAN Bandwidth 1 Loss Rate Loss Rate Response Delay estimated from Regression Modeling Click Process 2 Shifted Click Process 3 Key Logging Click time time Poisson Regression Model for Click Rate and Network Factors Network Factor 1 4 Click Rate 6 Click Rate Network Factor 2 Comfort Region Plot Network Factor 2 5 Regression Modeling Network Factor 1 4 Fig. 4. The flow of a complete OneClick assessment procedure. 1) Preparing test materials (optional); 2) asking subjects to do experiments; 3) inferring average response delays; 4) modeling the relationship between network factors and click rates; 5) predicting the click rate given each network factor; 6) summarizing an application’s robustness against network impairment by comfort regions (will be introduced in Section V. Source Material 1 Source Material 2 Click rate (sec−1) 1.5 2.0 0.0 0 0.5 1 1.0 Click rate (sec−1) 2 3 2.5 3.0 William Apple Sean 0.0 0.1 0.2 Loss rate 0.3 Fig. 5. Different subjects may have very different click behavior due to personal characteristics or preferences even if they share similar perceptions of an application’s quality. curve and those of the other two subjects is approximately linear to the loss rate. In other words, if we multiple Apple’s click rates by an appropriate constant, her multiplied click rate curve will be similar to William’s and Sean’s curves. This phenomenon implies that Apple actually has similar relative perceptions of audio quality with network loss as the other two subjects, but her more conservative strategy in feedback leads to the discrepancy in click rates. For the above reasons, in order to obtain the overall average perceptions of many subjects, we need a way to combine the click rate curves of different subjects with consideration of users’ biases. Our solution is to normalize each subject’s click rate curve before merging them together. Assume the average click rate of a subject i in the test scenario j is cri (j). We align the medians of cri (·), ∀i, by making all of them equal to med(med(cri (·))), where med(·) denotes the median function. More concretely, we define cri (j) = cri (j) − med(cri (j)) + med(med(cri (j))), and compute the overall click rate curve cravg (j) by taking an average of cri (j) for all i. 4) Effect of Source Material: We also concern that if different source materials, e.g., audio or video clips, yield different conclusions about the impact of network conditions on application quality. To resolve this concern, we pick two popular songs, one in English and the other in Chinese, and 0.0 0.1 0.2 Loss rate 0.3 Fig. 6. The choice of source materials made limited effects to users’ click behavior (if the materials share similar characteristics). ask three subjects to evaluate the music quality under different loss rates. As shown in Fig. 6, the overall experience of the three subjects under different network scenarios for both songs is surprisingly similar, in that the click intensity in response to both source materials are statistically equivalent. Even so, we do not conclude that users’ perceptions are not affected by the source materials, as such strong conclusions indeed need more rigorous experiments. However, we believe that, for source audio clips with comparable acoustic characteristics, their quality should incur similar degradations due to network impairment, and therefore the users’ perceptions would be similar, like the experiment we performed. C. Revised Methodology Our changes to the basic methodology are summarized as follows: 1) We shift the click process by davg , which is computed by Poisson regression modeling, before any other analysis and modeling tasks are performed. 2) We normalize the click rate curves of different subjects before merging them into an overall average curve. To summarize, we provide a flow chart in Fig. 4, which illustrates the steps to evaluate an application’s quality using the OneClick framework. 4 AIM MSN Skype 0.0 0.1 0.2 Loss rate 0.3 0.4 0 0 0.30 0.30 1 Click rate (sec−1) 2 3 AIM MSN Skype 0.45 Click rate (sec−1) 2 3 AIM MSN Skype 1 0.35 PESQ−1 0.40 0.45 AIM MSN Skype PESQ−1 0.35 0.40 0.50 4 6 0.0 0.1 0.2 Loss rate 0.3 20 30 40 50 60 70 Bandwidth (Kbps) 80 20 40 60 80 Bandwidth (Kbps) 100 Fig. 7. Comparison of PESQ scores and OneClick evaluation results for the audio quality of IM applications over different loss rates. Fig. 8. Comparison of PESQ scores and OneClick evaluation results for the audio quality of IM applications over different network bandwidths. IV. F RAMEWORK VALIDATION Up to now, we have shown that users’ relative satisfactions with an application’s quality in different network conditions can be quantified using the proposed framework (Section III-B). However, whether the framework’s evaluation results are trustworthy and reliable remains to be answered. To address this concern, in this section, we validate the OneClick framework by comparing its assessment results with objective quality evaluation methods, as the ability of reproducing evaluation results similar to those of welldeveloped objective methods should be a basic requirement of a trustworthy quality evaluation method. We design two experiments for the validation purpose, which are based on PESQ (Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality), an objective audio quality assessment tool, and VQM (Video Quality Measurement), an objective video quality assessment tool, respectively. Our results show that the users’ perceptions measured using the OneClick framework are consistent with that of the objective methods. and MSN Messenger are ranked the second and the third respectively. The consistency in evaluation results indicates the efficiency of the OneClick framework, as it takes only a subject and 15 minutes (5 minutes for each application) to obtain all the results shown in the right pane of Fig. 8. One might wonder that, if PESQ is effective in assessing the audio quality provided by IM applications, why we bother developing a framework that relies on human subjects’ evaluations. The reason is that, though PESQ can normally provide accurate predictions for user satisfaction with audio signals, the number of QoS dimensions it is able to capture is limited and there exist many factors it cannot measure and take into computation. According to ITU-T P.862 [10], PESQ is known to provide inaccurate predictions when used in conjunction with factors like listening levels, loudness loss, effect of delay in conversational tests, talker echo, and sidetone. Taking the listening level as an example, PESQ assumes a standard listening level at 79 dB SPL, so it requires the volume of both the original and degraded audio recordings to be normalized before the quality estimation procedures. Thus, if different applications lead to different loudness loss in their audio transmission, PESQ will not be able to take account of this discrepancy. In addition, many factors that may affect listeners’ perceptions are introduced at the playback stage and not accessible through the audio recordings. For example, the effect of playback devices (speaker or headphone), the environmental noises, and the distance between the listener and the speaker (if a speaker is used) are not considered by PESQ as they are not part of the audio recordings. An objective quality evaluation scheme like PESQ or VQM, no matter how sophisticated it is, cannot capture all factors that may affect users’ perceptions as some of the factors are unmeasurable. In contrast, subject evaluation methods can naturally capture all the QoS dimensions human perceive, as the ratings are directly given by human subjects. Therefore, though we use PESQ for a validation purpose, the OneClick framework is expected to be used in more complicated scenarios in which unmeasurable factors are variable. For example, the framework can be used to evaluate the audio quality of IM applications where the environment noise levels at the talker side vary over time. A. PESQ-based Validation In the first experiment, we use both OneClick and PESQ to evaluate the relative audio quality of three popular instant messaging (IM) applications, including AIM, MSN Messenger, and Skype. The experiment setup is exactly the same as that used in the pilot study. Instead of comparing the audio quality with different network settings, we now focus on the differences in the audio quality provided by different IM applications. We compare the results obtained using PESQ and OneClick respectively in Fig. 7. Because better audio quality leads to a higher PESQ score and lower click rate, the reciprocal of PESQ scores are used for comparison. From the graph we can see that, the relative quality of the three applications are similar from the perspective of both evaluation methods. Specifically, Skype’s audio quality remains the best with different loss rates, and MSN Messenger performs slightly better than AIM when the loss rate is high. Also, the difference in Skype’s quality and that of the other two applications is significant. We also conduct a similar experiment in which we change network bandwidth in different test scenarios and keep the loss rate zero. As shown in Fig. 8, the evaluation results obtained using PESQ and OneClick are consistent with each other. From the results, we observe that AIM performs the best in the non-loss and bandwidth-limited scenarios, while Skype B. VQM-based Validation Our second validation experiment is based on VQM, which is designed to evaluate the quality of a degraded video clip by comparing it with its original version before transmission 40 60 80 100 Bandwidth (Kbps) 140 20 40 1 Skype 60 80 100 Bandwidth (Kbps) 140 20 40 60 80 100 Bandwidth (Kbps) 140 0 0.3 0.4 20 MSN Messenger Loss rate 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 VQM 0.6 0.7 0.5 AIM Loss rate 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 4 H.264 WMV9 Click rate (sec−1) 2 3 0.8 0.9 H.264 WMV9 Loss rate 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 1.0 7 400 500 600 Bit rate (Kbps) 700 800 200 400 600 800 Bit rate (Kbps) 1000 Fig. 9. Comparison of VQM scores and OneClick evaluation results for the video quality of two codec over different compression levels. 4.0 Loss Rate: 0.1 AIM MSN Messenger Skype Click rate (sec−1) 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Bandwidth (Kbps) 140 20 40 60 80 100 120 Bandwidth (Kbps) 140 Fig. 10. The expected click rates under different combinations of network loss rates and bandwidth. or compression. In this experiment, we evaluate the impact of the low-bit-rate compression, rather than that of network impairment, to video quality. The purpose of this design is to prove that the OneClick framework can be extended to assess the impact of non-network factors on an application’s quality. We take a 5-minute video clip out from the movie “Transformers,” and compress it with two video codec, H.264 and WMV9, respectively. The two codec are chosen because their compression levels can be arbitrarily specified, where five compression levels from 200 Kbps to 1000 Kbps are used. We then compile a test material with random segments of different compression levels according to the procedures in Section III-A1, and ask subjects to evaluate the result clip with OneClick. As shown in Fig. 9, both the objective and subjective results show that users’ satisfaction levels are roughly linear to the bit rate used, where the VQM score (always ranging from 0 to 1) is lower for better quality. In addition, both evaluation methods show that the perceptual quality of the video clips compressed using H.264 is better than that using WMV9. The VQM-based validation again supports that the proposed OneClick framework is reliable and efficient, as the results in Fig. 9 only requires one subject and 10 minutes (5 minutes for each codec) to take the tests. V. F RAMEWORK D EMONSTRATION : E VALUATION OF A PPLICATION Q UALITY In this section, we apply the developed OneClick framework to evaluate user experience in using instant messaging applications and in playing online games under different network conditions. We use the two case studies to prove that the proposed framework is application-independent and can The contour plot of expected click rates under different network Click Rate Threshold: 1.5 sec−1 AIM MSN Messenger Skype 20 1.0 1.0 Click rate (sec−1) 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 AIM MSN Messenger Skype 3.5 4.0 Loss Rate: 0.0 Fig. 11. settings. 40 60 80 100 120 Bandwidth (Kbps) 140 Loss rate 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 300 Loss rate 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 200 Click Rate Threshold: 2.0 sec−1 AIM MSN Messenger Skype 20 40 60 80 100 120 Bandwidth (Kbps) 140 Fig. 12. The comfort regions of the three IM applications based on the Poisson regression model. be used to assess user experience in either non-interactive or interactive scenarios. A. Instant Messaging Applications Our first case study is the evaluation of the audio listening quality of AIM, MSN Messenger, and Skype with varying combinations of network loss rate and network bandwidth. We intentionally include the two network factors into consideration to observe the interaction between them. Figure 10 shows the expected click rates with different loss rates and bandwidth. We observe that MSN Messenger performs the worst in most of scenarios among the three applications. Skype’s quality is the best when the bandwidth is smaller than 80 Kbps, but AIM performs better than Skype when the bandwidth is larger than 80 Kbps. Interestingly, different applications seem to have dissimilar degree of robustness on network loss and bandwidth. We use a contour plot, as shown in Fig. 11, to visually gauge their robustness to different network factors by examining how the click rate is changed with a factor. On all the graphs, the contour lines are stretched from lower left to upper right, which conforms to the intuition that higher loss rates and lower bandwidth have an semantically equivalent impact— degrading the sound quality. However, the slopes of the contour lines of each application are different, which indicates that the applications have different relative sensitivity to network factors. Specifically, the slope of the contour line indicates the ratio between an application’s sensitivity to network loss and that to bandwidth. Based on this rule, we find that AIM is much more sensitive to network loss than to bandwidth; on the contrary, Skype is much more sensitive to bandwidth than to network loss. The two observations are consistent with the PESQ’s ratings shown in Section IV-A, where Skype performs the best in lossy scenarios, and AIM performs the best in bandwidth-restricted scenarios. This phenomenon 8 3 Delay Jitter: 2.0 sec 3 Delay Jitter: 0.0 sec 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 (a) Network delay (sec) 2.0 0.0 −1 0.5 1.0 1.5 (b) Network delay (sec) 2.0 Unreal Tournament Halo 0 0 Delay jitter (sec) 1 2 3 4 Unreal Tournament Halo 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 (c) Network delay (sec) 2.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 (d) Network delay (sec) (a) Evaluation stage −1 5 Click Rate Threshold: 2.0 sec Delay jitter (sec) 1 2 3 4 5 Click Rate Threshold: 1.0 sec Unreal Tournament Halo Click rate (sec−1) 1 2 Click rate (sec−1) 1 2 Unreal Tournament Halo 2.0 Fig. 13. (a)(b) The expected click rates under different combinations of network delay and delay jitter. (c)(d) The comfort regions of UT and Halo based on the Poisson regression model. suggests that the applications’ QoS requirements are often multi-dimensional; thus, simply focusing on one dimension and ignoring other dimensions may lead to wrong conclusions. To compare the three applications’ QoS requirement with a more global view, we define a “comfort region” as the set of network scenarios that leads to an expected click rate lower than a certain threshold. In other words, a comfort region comprises the set of network scenarios that yield an average click rate lower than the specified threshold. From Fig. 12, we can see that the comfort regions of the three applications have different shapes regardless of the click rate threshold. When the click rate threshold is set to 1.5 times per second, the smallest comfort regions of MSN Messenger indicates that it is more difficult to provide the same quality using MSN Messenger than using the other two applications. On the other hand, AIM and Skype have much larger comfort regions, that indicates that they can still offer acceptable audio quality under worse network conditions. We make a few observations from the graphs: 1) Skype’s vantage areas are scenarios with low bandwidth, e.g., smaller than 60 Kbps, and moderate loss rate, e.g., lower than 10% loss rate. 2) When network bandwidth is sufficiently large, e.g., higher than 80 Kbps, AIM starts to provide better sound quality than Skype. 3) MSN Messenger’s sound quality remains the worst among the three applications in most scenarios. The reasons why the three applications yield so different robustness to network impairment can be resulted from many factors, including the application’s design, the transport protocol, and the codecs they use, which is beyond the scope of this work. Thus, we leave the explanation of these observations to future studies. B. First-Person Shooter Games Real-time online games are often considered QoS-sensitive, i.e., sensitive to bad network quality. Online gamers often complain about network lags on forum, and gossips like “pings times longer than 150 ms is harmful” are frequently heard among the game community. While network and game researchers are interested in knowing the effect of poor network quality on network game playing, there is yet no standard method for evaluating gamers’ network experience. Fig. 14. (b) Result review stage The Flash implementation of OneClick. Some researchers use in-game achievements as objective indices [1, 13], such as the number of kills in shooting games, or the time taken to complete each lap in racing games. However, game scores are highly dependent on player skills, game design, and content, so the results are not comparable and generalizable across different games. Most of the remaining studies are based on traditional subjective evaluation methods, such as MOS. Because of the cost of such survey methods, the scale of the user studies often keeps small and therefore the results are difficult to be validated and generalized. Here we apply the OneClick framework to evaluate the impact of network QoS on two popular first-person shooter (FPS) games, Unreal Tournament and Halo. Since in the FPS games, players need to do sub-second reactions based on the rapidly varying environments, such as the actions of companions and opponents, network delays play an important role in users’ perceptions about the quality of game play. In addition, the variation of network delays may also affect the game play in that if the status updates from other parties are jerky and the response time of players’ commands keep varying, then players will feel difficult to make a turn or fire an opponent at an appropriate time. Thus, we change the network delay and its variation in the test scenarios. Because game playing is interactive, we cannot use prerecorded test materials. Instead, we put a router with dummynet in front of a game client and use the router to add an intentional delay for every packet sent from the client to the game server. Assuming every game packet spends a relatively constant time traversing on the Internet, we can evaluate the impact of different combinations of network delay and delay variations on the game’s quality with OneClick. We define “delay jitter” as the standard deviation of network delays; and, without loss of generality, we assume delay jitters follow a Gamma distribution. The router is configured to automatically change the network settings every 5 seconds. For each reconfiguration, it randomly sets the network delay and delay jitter within 0 and 2 second respectively. We ask three subjects to take the experiments, each of which lasts for 5 minutes, and combine their evaluation results. Fig. 13(a)(b) shows the expected click rates with different network delays and delay jitters. The results show that, generally, Unreal Tournament (UT) provides better quality than Halo under the same condition. UT is slightly worse than Halo only when both the delay and delay jitter are considerably high (near 2 seconds). The comfort region plots in Fig. 13(c)(d) also reveal that UT provides better overall quality than Halo unless the network delay is extremely large. The reason why UT is more robust to poor network quality than Halo is unknown except we dissect the engines, especially the network handling and screen updating components, of 9 both games. However, from the comments of the subjects, we suspect that UT implements certain delay-concealment and dead reckoning mechanisms to fight with network lags and therefore provides players with better gaming experience even when network quality degrades. As there is no standard method for comparing the players’ network experience across games, we leave the work to validate our evaluation results as part of future work. VI. D ISCUSSION A. Multimodal QoS Assessment Although there have been a number of well-developed objective quality evaluation methods for audio and video quality, we believe that the OneClick framework is especially helpful in multimodal QoS assessment and optimization. Real-time multimodal communications have become more popular in recent years. Video conferencing, which combines audio and video real-time streaming, is a notable example. Besides, many recent online games are built-in with audio chatting facility, so that the game data and voice data are transmitted simultaneously between game peers. While many studies have been devoted to optimize voice data delivery and game data delivery separately, how to optimize a network simultaneously for both game and voice data transmission from the perspective of users remains to be tackled. From this persepctive, OneClick can be useful in the multimodal QoS assessment and optimization studies due to its applicationindependent nature. B. OneClick Online To demonstrate the ease of use and efficiency of OneClick, we provide a Flash implementation on the project website at http://mmnet.iis.sinica.edu.tw/proj/oneclick. Upon entering the webpage, a user can choose which application’s audio quality he/she wants to evaluate. Currently we provide three IM applications, namely, AIM, MSN Messenger, and Skype for evaluation. The user interface at the assessment stage is shown in Fig. 14(a). Each test lasts for 3 minutes and the time has elapsed is indicated by the progress bar. where Whenever the user feels unsatisfied with the sound quality, he/she needs to click the big button with a mouse click or the SPACE key. We use an unhappy face as a metaphor for a click, which will look more angry and bigger if the click actions occur frequently. Once the evaluation finishes, a plot is provided to let users know whether their evaluation results are similar to that computed by PESQ, as shown in Fig. 14(b). The interface also provides users an option to download the raw data they produced, which contains the timestamp of every click action they made. We believe that the Flash implementation will be helpful in collecting more user traces. With this implementation, it is easier to invite interested students or colleagues join our study. We record all the results produced by every participant, that will be later used to produce an overall average results that incorporate the efforts from many subjects. We hope that this type of online quality assessment tool can help accumulate a wealth amount of user measurement results for future QoS studies. VII. C ONCLUSION AND F UTURE W ORK In this paper, we present OneClick, a framework for capturing users’ network experiences in using applications. As we have summarized our contribution in the introduction, here we focus on how to extend this work in the future. First, we are investigating how to quantify the efficiency and reliability of a subjective quality evaluation method, so that we can estimate the benefit of using the OneClick framework instead of a traditional evaluation method like MOS. Second, we are studying how to validate the evaluation results of OneClick. We plan to devise a hypothesis-test-like method to determine whether the evaluation results of a certain experiment is trustworthy. Third, we will use OneClick to evaluate users’ perceptions of application quality over time, because we believe the results would shed some light on QoS optimizations. Finally, multimodal QoS studies, such as how to optimize simultaneous game and audio data delivery, are part of our future work. R EFERENCES [1] G. Armitage, “An experimental estimation of latency sensitivity in multiplayer Quake 3,” in 11th IEEE International Conference on Networks (ICON), 2003. [2] D. Bonfiglio, M. Mellia, M. Meo, N. Ritacca, and D. Rossi, “Tracking Down Skype Traffic,” in Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 2008, 2008, pp. 261–265. [3] K.-T. Chen, C.-Y. Huang, P. Huang, and C.-L. Lei, “Quantifying Skype user satisfaction,” in Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM 2006, Pisa, Itlay, Sep 2006. [4] K.-T. Chen, P. Huang, and C.-L. 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