Informational Session
October 26, 2006
Committee Highlights & Liason Reports
Student Liaison Reports
Teaching & Learning
Pupil Services
Liaison Reports
Building Update - Principals
7:30 p.m.
Legislative Meeting
October 26, 2006
8:00 p.m.
Call to Order
Approval of Minutes
2007 National Merit Semi-Finalists: Kevin Axelrod, Sarah Evans, Victor
Janmey, Randy Kreider, Emily Moberg, Adam Papamarcos, Daniel Sprik,
Lana Stern, and Sarah Sunshine.
A Portrait of Kindergarten in 2006: Reflections on the PA Academic
Standards for Kindergarten and Meeting the Needs of all Learners
Legislative Meeting of September 28, 2006
Educational Presentation
Pledge of Allegiance
Presentations and Awards
Roll Call
School Reports
Superintendent’s Report
Solicitor’s Report
President’s Report
Scheduled Presentations (Limited to Five Minutes Each)
RTM Education Foundation
Healthy Communities Initiative
Unscheduled Presentations (Limited to Three Minutes Each)
Old Business
Rose Tree Media Residents
Policy Review
Energy Policy – Second Reading – See Attachment B
New Business
Classification Change
Unpaid Leave of Absence
Degree Advancement
Rescind Supplemental Contract
Other – See Attachment A
Overnight Trips
Ice Hockey Club Tournament – Toronto, Canada
Penncrest Marching Band – Jacksonville, FL
Future Business Leaders of America – Penn State
Girls Cross Country – Lehigh University
Addendum – Personnel (none)
Addendum – General (none)
Purchasing (none)
Springton Lake Middle School – HVAC Renovation, Summer 2007
Media Elementary School – Lease Agreement with Calvary Chapel
of Delaware County
Penncrest High School – Chemical Storage Room
Snow Removal Agreement – Renewal
Change Orders
Transportation- CADES Contract – Annual Renewal
Vanguard School
Holcomb Behavioral Health systems
Financials for September, 2006
Bill lists for September, 2006
There will be an executive session of the School Board for matters of personnel at
6:30 p.m. prior to the Informational Session of November 30, 2006, at Springton Lake
Middle School. The Legislative meetings are recorded on tape.
Rose Tree Media School District
308 North Olive Street
Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493
Telephone: 610-627-.6000
Fax: 610-891-0959
Sharon A. Learn
Board Secretary
Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools
Members of the Board of School Directors
Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D., Superintendent
Sharon A. Learn, Board Secretary
September 29, 2006
Minutes of the September 28, 2006 Legislative Meeting
I. Call to Order
Roll Call
Board Members in Attendance:
Nancy Fronduti, Board President
Stacey Benson,Vice President
Veronica Barbato
Linda Fox
Nancy Mackrides
William Montgomery
Jeffrey Pettit
Thomas Shoemaker
Pledge of Allegiance
Student Board Members:
Mike Peche
Lepi Jha
Courtney O’Conner
Also in attendance:
Denise Kerr, Super. of Schools
Ken Batchelor, Principal, PCHS
Meg Barney, R&D Specialist
Pete Barry, Ass’t. Principal, SLMS
Bill Bennett, Principal, ILE
Valerie Burnett, Dir.of Pupil Serivces
Anne Callahan, Dir. of Human Resources
Ken Curran, Psychologist
Ben Danson, PCHS RTMEA Pres.
Joe D’Antonio, Athletic Director
Eleanor DiMarino-Linnen, Psychologist
William Dougherty, Principal, GWE
Susan Evans, Ass’t Principal, PCHS
Angela Gilbert, Dir. of Teaching & Learning
Ron Harris, Network Specialist
Ralph Harrison, Asst. Princ. PCHS
Mary Beth Hoffman, Occup.Therapist
Joanne Horan, Assist. Princ. SLMS
Joyce Jeuell, Principal, SLMS
Mack Johnson, Management Sys. Admin.
Judy Jalbert, Psychologist
Bonnie Kinsler, Acting Transp. Dir.
Patti Linden, Dir. of Tech. & Infor.
John Lohn, Ass’t Principal, PCHS
Anthony Lombardo, Assess.Spec. &
Data Analysis
Kim McCann, Info. Tech. Specialist
Danielle Penza, Accountant
Roxanne Schupp, Super. Business Oper
Steve Taylor, Dir.Teaching &
Learning/Second. Educ.
Sandra Shacklady White, Second.
Super.of Spec. Educ.
Thomas Kelly, Solicitor
The Legislative Meeting of the Board of School Directors of the Rose Tree Media School
District was held on Thursday, September 28, 2006, at Springton Lake Middle School. The
meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m. by President Fronduti.
In Memoriam – Tribute to Norm Kelly
At this time, a video was presented in memoriam to Norm Kelly, who passed away on
August 25, 2006. Board President Fronduti read a letter of tribute written by student
John Schnaars.
Approval of Minutes
Legislative Meeting Minutes of August 24, 2006
Mr. Montgomery moved and Mrs. Mackrides seconded a motion to adopt the
following resolution:
RESOLUTION: 2006-2007 - 19
Resolve, that the Board approve the Legislative Meeting Minutes of
August 24, 2006
The aforegoing resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being:
Nancy Fronduti, Veronica Barbato, Thomas Shoemaker,
Nancy Mackrides, Stacey Benson, Jeffrey Pettit,
Linda Fox, William Montgomery
Presentations & Awards
New Employees Video
Tom Shoemaker, School Board Member Resignation
Mrs. Mackrides moved and Mrs. Fox seconded a motion to adopt the
following resolution:
RESOLUTION: 2006-2007 - 20
Resolve, that the Board accept the resignation letter from Tom Shoemaker,
School Board Director, effective October 19, 2006.
The aforegoing resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being:
Nancy Fronduti, Veronica Barbato, Linda Fox,
Thomas Shoemaker, Nancy Mackrides, Stacey Benson,
Jeffrey Pettit, William Montgomery
Mrs. Pettit moved and Mr. Montgomery seconded a motion to adopt the
following resolution:
RESOLUTION: 2006-2007 – 21
Resolve, that the Board present a RTM Award to Tom Shoemaker for his
dedication and service to the Rose Tree Media School District as a member
of the School Board from 1995 – 2006.
The aforegoing resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being:
Nancy Fronduti, Veronica Barbato, Linda Fox,
Thomas Shoemaker, Nancy Mackrides, Stacey Benson,
Jeffrey Pettit, William Montgomery
Student Athlete - Karen Shump
Mrs. Mackrides moved and Mrs. Barbato seconded a motion to adopt the
Following resolution:
RESOLUTION: 2006 – 2007 - 22
Resolve, that the Board recognize, Karen Shump, as an outstanding athlete
and student for her many accomplishments. Karen won first place in the state
track meet in shot put and 4th place in discuss at the PA 2006 State Outdoor
Track Championship.
The aforegoing resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being:
Educational Presentation
Nancy Fronduti, Veronica Barbato, Linda Fox,
Thomas Shoemaker, Nancy Mackrides, Stacey Benson,
Jeffrey Pettit, William Montgomery
Educational Resource Center – Mr. Harrison, Dr. Burnett, Mr. Batchelor
School Reports – In Official Legislative Minutes of September 28, 2006
Superintendent’s Report - In Official Legislative Minutes of September 28,
Solicitor’s Report - In Official Legislative Minutes of September 28,
Mr. Shoemaker moved and Mr. Montgomery seconded a motion to
adopt the following resolution:
RESOLUTION: 2006-2007 - 23
Resolve, that the Board approve the Solicitor’s requests to settle the
Middletown Township Tax Assessment appeal for the following:
Glenn/Sandra Schutsky – 16 South Citation Lane, Middletown Township.
The aforegoing resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being:
Nancy Fronduti, Veronica Barbato, Linda Fox
Thomas Shoemaker, Stacey Benson, William Montgomery
Jeffrey Pettit
Nancy Mackrides
President’s Report - In Official Legislative Minutes of September 28,
Scheduled Presentations
RTMEA- Ben Danson, President
Ben Danson suggest that Rose Tree Media School District donate unused
books and supplies to the Common Ground Relief Fund of New Orleans to
help get their schools back and running.
At this time the following motion was made:
Mr. Montgomery moved and Mrs. Mackrides seconded a motion to adopt the
following resolution:
RESOLUTION: 2006-2007 - 24
Resolve, that the Board approve the request for Rose Tree Media School
District to donate various books and supplies no longer in use to the Common
Ground Relief Fund of New Orleans, to help get their schools back and
The aforegoing resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being:
Nancy Fronduti, Veronica Barbato, Linda Fox,
Thomas Shoemaker, Nancy Mackrides, Stacey Benson,
Jeffrey Pettit, William Montgomery
RTM Education Foundation – Dr. Meg Barney, Executive Director
Healthy Communities Initiative – None
Unscheduled Presentations
Rose Tree Media Residents
Old Business
Policies Review - Second Read and Approval
Policy #105.1–Curriculum Review for Parents and Students
Policy #106 – Course Guides
Policy #111 – Lesson Plans
Policy #126 – Class Size/Faculty Staffing
Policy #214 – Class Rank
Policy #217 – Graduation Requirements
Mr. Pettit moved and Mrs. Barbato seconded a motion to
adopt the following resolution:
RESOLUTION: 2006-2007 - 25
Resolve, that the Board approve the following:
1. Policy #105.1–Curriculum Review for Parents and Students
Resolve, that the Board approve the Curriculum Guides Policy.
See Attachment A in Official Legislative Minutes of September 28,
2. Policy #106 – Course Guides
Further resolve, that the Board approve the Course Guides Policy.
See Attachment B in Official Legislative Minutes of September 28,
3. Policy #111 – Lesson Plans
Further resolve, that the Board approve the Lesson Plans Policy.
See Attachment C in Official Legislative Minutes of September 28,
4. Policy #126 – Class Size/Faculty Staffing
Further resolve, that the Board approve the Class Size/Faculty Staffing
Policy. See Attachment D in Official Legislative Minutes of September
28, 2006.
Old Business
Policy Review (continued)
Policy #214 – Class Rank
Further resolve, that the Board approve the Class Rank Policy.
See Attachment E in Official Legislative Minutes of September 28,
Policy #217 – Graduation Requirements
Further resolve, that the Board approve the Graduation Requirement
Policy. See Attachment F in Official Legislative Minutes of September
28, 2006.
The aforegoing resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote
Nancy Fronduti, Veronica Barbato, Linda Fox, Thomas
Shoemaker, Nancy Mackrides, Stacey Benson,
Jeffrey Pettit, William Montgomery
New Business
Overnight Trips
1. Penncrest Students to PSBA Student Delegate Conference
Policy Review – First Reading
1. Energy Management - Attachment I
Addendum – Personnel (none)
Mr. Shoemaker moved and Mrs. Mackrides seconded a motion to adopt the
following resolution:
RESOLUTION: 2006-2007– 26
Resolve, that the Board approve the following Personnel section:
Norman Kelly, Deceased, August 25, 2005.
Anne Antonelli, Food Service Worker, Resignation,
effective September 1, 2006.
Christopher Carbo, Support
effective August 22, 2006.
Dawn Carroll, Support Staff II, Resignation, effective
September 1, 2006.
Kathryn Hajjar, Support Staff II, Resignation, effective
August 20, 2006.
Thomas Koch, Bus Driver, Termination, effective August
27, 2006.
Calperta Scott, Support Staff II, Resignation, effective
August 21, 2006.
Margaret Wilkins, Food Service Worker, Retirement,
effective September 1, 2006.
Barbara Stalford, Retirement, effective October 1, 2006.
Barbara House, .2 Music Teacher, Furlough, position
eliminated effective August 28, 2006.
New Business
Robin McCarthy, Long Term Substitute Health/Physical
Education Teacher, effective September 5, 2006, at an
annual salary of $41,794, Bachelor’s/Step 1. Ms.
McCarthy received her Bachelor’s Degree from West
Chester University. She is assigned to Springton Lake
Middle School replacing Stephanie Baumgardner who is
on leave. NOTE: Ms. McCarthy is being hired pending
completion of her pre-employment paperwork.
Randy Mileto, .4 Long Term Substitute Health/Physical
Education Teacher, effective September 5, 2006, at an
annual salary of $41,794, Bachelor’s/Step 1, to be
prorated at 40%. Mr. Mileto received his Bachelor’s
Degree from West Chester University. He is assigned to
Springton Lake Middle School replacing Tonya Melchior.
NOTE: Mr. Mileto is being hired pending completion of
his pre-employment paperwork.
Michael Reese, Long Term Substitute Special Education
Social Studies Teacher, effective September 5, 2006, at
an annual salary of $45,294, Master’s/Step 1. Mr. Reese
received his Bachelor’s Degree from West Chester
University and his Master’s Degree from Cabrini College.
He is assigned to Penncrest High School for the 1st
semester replacing Marie Castellan who is on sabbatical.
NOTE: Mr. Reese is being hired pending completion of
his pre-employment paperwork.
Julie Small, Long Term Substitute Elementary Teacher,
effective September 5, 2006, at an annual salary of
$41,974, Bachelor’s/Step 1. Ms. Small received her
Bachelor’s Degree from Millersville University. She is
assigned to Glenwood Elementary replacing Maria
Cocola who is on leave. NOTE: Ms. Small is being hired
pending completion of her pre-employment paperwork.
Richard Dunlap, Interim Principal, Glenwood Elementary,
effective August 28, 2006 to September 15, 2006, at the
rate of $400 per day.
New Business
Linda Bendak, Assistant Food Service Coordinator,
effective September 11, 2006, at the rate of $9.80 per
hour. Ms. Bendak is assigned to the Education Center.
NOTE: Ms. Bendak is being hired pending completion of
her pre-employment paperwork.
Lisa Blake, Support Staff II, Personal Instructional
Assistant, effective September 11, 2006, at the rate of
$12.81 per hour. Ms. Blake is assigned to Penncrest
High School replacing Kathy Hajjar who resigned. NOTE:
Ms. Blake is being hired pending completion of her preemployment paperwork.
Jean Davis, Support Staff I, effective September 11,
2006, at the rate of $10.82 per hour. Ms. Davis is
assigned to Springton Lake Middle School replacing
Barbara Protesto who resigned. NOTE: Ms. Davis is
being hired pending completion of her pre-employment
Joanne Goldsmith, Support Staff II, Personal Instructional
Assistant, effective September 11, 2006, at the rate of
$12.81 per hour. Ms. Goldsmith is assigned to Penncrest
High School replacing Florence Brown who was
reassigned. NOTE: Ms. Goldsmith is being hired pending
completion of her pre-employment paperwork.
Patricia Impagliazzo, Support Staff II, Personal
Instructional Assistant, effective September 11, 2006, at
the rate of $12.81 per hour. Ms. Impagliazzo is assigned
to Media Elementary School replacing Erin Dougherty
who resigned. NOTE: Ms. Impagliazzo is being hired
pending completion of her pre-employment paperwork.
Sally Phillips, Food Service Worker, effective September
18, 2006, at the rate of $8.45 per hour. Ms. Phillips is
assigned to Springton Lake Middle School. NOTE: Ms.
Phillips is being hired pending completion of her preemployment paperwork.
New Business
Non-Instructional (continued)
Nicholas Polidori, Substitute Bus Driver, effective
September 5, 2006, at the rate of $18.55 per hour. Mr.
Polidori is assigned to the Transportation Department.
NOTE: Mr. Polidori is being hired pending completion of
his pre-employment paperwork.
Christina Raymond, Support Staff I, effective September
11, 2006, at the rate of $10.82 per hour. Ms. Raymond is
assigned to Rose Tree Elementary replacing Jean
Claycomb who resigned. NOTE: Ms. Raymond is being
hired pending completion of her pre-employment
Cynthia Taddeo, Support Staff II, Personal Instructional
Assistant, effective September 6, 2006, at the rate of
$12.81 per hour. Ms. Taddeo is assigned to Indian Lane
Elementary School. This is a new position. NOTE: Ms.
Taddeo is being hired pending completion of her preemployment paperwork.
Sharon Wolf, Support Staff II, Personal Instructional
Assistant, effective September 28, 2006, at the rate of
$12.81 per hour. Ms. Wolf is assigned to Indian Lane
Elementary. This is a new position. NOTE: Ms. Wolf is
being hired pending completion of her pre-employment
Robert Young, Support Staff II, Personal Instructional
Assistant, effective September 7, 2006, at the rate of
$12.81 per hour. Mr. Young is assigned to Media
Elementary School replacing Maureen Muzikar who is on
leave. NOTE: Mr. Young is being hired pending
completion of his pre-employment paperwork.
Alice Weischedel, Support Staff II, Personal Instructional
Assistant, from August 29, 2006 through August 31,
2006, at the rate of $12.22 per hour.
New Business
Non-Instructional (continued)
Janet Domingos, Math Associate for the 2006-2007
school year at the rate of $12.00 per hour. Ms. Domingos
is assigned to Penncrest High School.
Mary McConville, Reading Associate for the 2006-2007
school year at the rate of $12.00 per hour. Ms.
McConville is assigned to Penncrest High School.
Bonnie Kinsler, Acting Transportation Supervisor,
effective September 18, 2006, at the annual salary of
$65,000. Ms. Kinsler is assigned to the Transportation
Linda Cardwell, Career Counselor for the 2006-2007
school year at the rate of $25.00 per hour. Ms. Cardwell
is assigned to Penncrest High School.
Svitlana Duffy, Support Staff II, Personnel Instructional
Assistant, effective September 25, 2006 at the rate of
$12.81 per hour. Ms. Duffy is assigned to Penncrest High
School. NOTE: Ms. Duffy is being hired pending
completion of her pre-employment paperwork.
Classification Change
Diane Heiland from .9 to 1.0 Physical Education Teacher.
Ms. Heiland is assigned to Rose Tree Elementary.
New Business
Degree Advancement
Recommend Board recognize the following personnel for
degree advancement and adjust their salaries
accordingly effective August 28, 2006:
Craig Casner
Mathew Fisher
Stacy Gallagher
Paul Graham
Pamela Gregg
Susan Griffin
Elisha Mattson
Elizabeth McKelvey
Carol Mitchell
Maureen Naylor
Gregory Puckett
David Stango
Elizabeth Thompson
James Walls
Master’s +20
Master’s Equiv.
Master’s +20
Master’s +40
Master’s +20
Master’s +40
Master’s +60
Master’s +20
Permanent Cert.
Master’s +60
Master’s +40
Rescind Supplemental Contracts
Shari Krauss, Assistant Varsity Cheerleading Coach. Ms.
Krauss is no longer an employee of Rose Tree Media
School District.
Mark Clark, Drama Coach, Mr. Clark will not be taking
the position.
Supplemental Contracts
Recommend Board approval for the following personnel
to serve as Challenge Program Mentors for the 20062007 school year at the annual salary of $516.00:
Gail Diksa
Brian Dougherty
Helen Douglas-Garrett
Michele Hart
Michael Ludwig
Christine Penning
Nancy Peters
Lori Rice-Spring
Karen Walker
Michele Woodward
New Business
Supplemental Contracts (continued)
Paul DelPrato, Director of Incentive Program for the
2006-2007 school year, at the annual salary of $1,290.
Samantha Abelson, Director of Challenge Program for
the 2006-2007 school year, at the annual salary of
Recommend Board approval for the following personnel
to serve as Night School Teachers at the rate of $40 per
Sam Ableson
Craig Casner
Jerry Diaz
Carley Dillon
Helen Douglas-Garrett
Brian Dougherty
Linda Flexon
Karen Kerr
Kevin Nolen
Michael Reese
Mark Samilenko
Debbie Schnaars
Robert Simpson
Ed Somers
Sharon Sweeney
Ryan Walls
Recommend Board approval for the following personnel
to serve as Theme Readers for the 2006-2007 school
year at the rate of $255 per month:
Michael Bury
Helena Laing
Mary McConville
John Pritchard
Elaine Prizzi
Crystal Grace-Green, Communications Coordinator,
Glenwood Elementary, for the 2006-2007 school year at
the annual salary of $2,600.
Eva Thomas, Communications Coordinator, Rose Tree
Elementary, for the 2006-2007 school year at the annual
salary of $2,600.
Jason Ritter, Girls Freshman Volley Ball Coach for the
2006-2007 school year at the annual salary of $3,225.
Pam Gregg, (.5) 6-1 Team Leader for the 2006-2007
school year at the annual salary of $387.
New Business
Supplemental Contracts (continued)
Donna Schied, from (1.0) 6-1 Team Leader to (.5) 6-1
Team Leader for the 2006-2007 school year at the
annual salary of $387.
Jana Maxwell, Art Club Sponsor, Media Elementary, for
the 2006-2007 school year at the annual salary of $408.
Jean McPheeters, K.I.D.S. Sponsor, Rose Tree
Elementary, for the 2006-2007 school year at the annual
salary of $408.
Recommend the following personnel to serve as New
Teacher Mentors for the 2006-2007 school year at the
annual salary of $980.
Jacqueline Baker
Linda Berkowitz
Christine Dano
Sandra Goldman
Diane Imburgia
Elizabeth Matlock
Heather Reed
DeAnn Scherer
Michele Woodward
Recommend the Board approve the following salary
adjustments for New Teacher Mentors:
Todd Brown
Tom Durant
Nancy Gheysens
Sandy Goldman
Diane Imburgia
Theresa Long
Tonya Melchior
Heather Reed
DeAnn Scherer
Robin Smith
Ed Somers
Suzanne Yanchek
Dana Welc, Language Arts Building Coordinator, from .5
to 1.0 at an annual salary of $2,600.
Katherine White, Delaware County Minority Student
Achievement Consortium Sponsor, at the annual salary
of $2,500.
New Business
Supplemental Contracts (continued)
Ashley Barr, 8th Grade Field Hockey Coach, at the annual
salary of $2,709. Ms Barr is assigned to Springton Lake
Middle School. NOTE: Ms. Barr is being hired pending
completion of her pre-employment paperwork.
Kristen Barr, 7th Grade Field Hockey Coach, at the
annual salary of $2,709. Ms. Barr is assigned to
Springton Lake Middle School. NOTE: Ms. Barr is being
hired pending completion of her pre-employment
Abby Peifer, Communications Coordinator, Indian Lane
Elementary, at the annual salary of $2,600.
Paul Forberger, .5 Communications Coordinator,
Glenwood Elementary, at the annual salary of $1,300.
Debra Taylor, .5 Communications Coordinator, Glenwood
Elementary, at the annual salary of $1,300.
Dana Sudal, Math Honor Society Sponsor, Penncrest
High School, at the annual salary of $1,032.
Dora Mead, .5 Freshmen Class Sponsor, Penncrest High
School, at the annual salary of $709.50.
Debra Schnaars, .5 Freshmen Class Sponsor, Penncret
High School, at the annual salary of $709.50.
Recommend Board approval for the following personnel
to serve as Event Chaperones at Penncrest High School
for the 2006-2007 school year at the rate of $55.00 per
Elaine Jay
Linda Kilpatrick
Felicia Quinzi
Enoch Stevenson
New Business
Salary Change
The following personnel salaries were incorrectly report
on the June Board. The correct salary should be:
T. Fritch
M. Paikoff
J. Tareilla
E. McIntyre
S. Ableson
A. Bugosh
E. Powell
K. Osgood
Create New Position
Personal Instructional Assistant – Support Staff II
Recommend the Board approve the creation of an
additional Support Staff II – Personal Instructional
Assistant position to serve the needs of a student who
will be attending Media Elementary School.
Rescind appointment of Aaron Cylinder, Custodian. Mr.
Cylinder will not be joining Rose Tree Media School
Rescind appointment of James Ashton, Custodian. Mr.
Ashton will not be joining Rose Tree Media School
Rescind appointment of Mark Scaperotto, Custodian. Mr.
Scaperotto will not be joining Rose Tree Media School
Recommend Board approval of the Administrators and
Supervisors II Handbook on Compensation and Related
Benefits and the Handbook for Administrative Assistants
and Confidential Secretaries. See Attachments G and H.
New Business
Other (continued)
Recommend Board approval of the following salaries for
Administrators and Supervisors II and Confidential
Secretaries and Administrative Assistants for the 20062007 school year:
Elizabeth Gorman
Debra Raup-Whiteside
Donna Rottenberk
Gail Boettcher
Greg Bost
Gene Pysher
Armando Ragni
Heath Stewart
Joel Schupp
Kerry Feltner
Daron Jones
Ivan Brown
Phillip Quinzi
Dawn Fitting
Dan Rottenberk
Confidential Secretary
Administrative Assistant
Administrative Assistant
Administrative Assistant
Facilities Foreman
Facilities Foreman
Facilities Foreman
Facilities Foreman
Facilities Foreman
Facilities Foreman
Maintenance Sup
Custodian Sup.
Garage Sup.
Paul Griglione, Mechanic, effective August 25, 2006, at
the rate of $20.25 per hour. Mr. Griglione was incorrectly
reported on the August Board as Master Mechanic. Mr.
Griglione is assigned to the Transportation Department.
Eva Thomas was incorrectly reported as attaining tenure
on the August Board. Ms. Thomas will not be tenured
until February, 2007.
The aforegoing resolution was declared adopted by the Chair,
the vote being:
Nancy Fronduti, Veronica Barbato, Linda Fox,
Thomas Shoemaker, Nancy Mackrides,
Stacey Benson, William Montgomery,
Jeffrey Pettit
New Business
Overnight Trips
Penncrest Students to PSBA Student Delegate Conference
Further resolve, that the Board approve the overnight trip to
Hershey, PA for PSBA Student Delegate Conference
Policy Review
Policy #810.4 Transportation - First Read
Further resolve, that the Board review Policy #810.4 for the first
reading. See Attachment H in Official Legislative Meeting of
September 28, 2006.
Addendum – Personnel (none)
The aforegoing resolution was declared adopted by the Chair,
the vote being:
Nancy Fronduti, Veronica Barbato, Linda Fox,
Thomas Shoemaker, Nancy Mackrides,
Stacey Benson, William Montgomery,
Jeffrey Pettit
New Business
Addendum – General
Concurrent Enrollment Agreements for Dual Enrollment
Mrs. Barbato moved and Mr. Pettit seconded a motion to
adopt the following resolution:
RESOLUTION: 2006-2007 - 27
Resolve, that the Board approve the attached Concurrent Enrollment
Agreements with Delaware County Community College and Neumann
College for Dual Enrollment for the 2006-2007 school year. See
Attachment K and L in Official Legislative Minute of September 28, 2006.
The aforegoing resolution was declared adopted by the Chair,
the vote being:
Nancy Fronduti, Veronica Barbato, Linda Fox,
Thomas Shoemaker, Nancy Mackrides,
Stacey Benson, William Montgomery,
Jeffrey Pettit
Change Orders
Indian Lane Elementary School – Rose Tree Soccer Club
Indian Lane elementary School – Courtyard Proposal
Architectural Services – Attachment J
NHS Autism School
Dr. Patrick Elliot – Alternative Autism Program Services
Mercy Rehab Physical therapy Services
Pediatric Therapeutic Services
Ann Haslanger
Dr. Robert F. Sing
Dr. Peter n. Christie
Kate Phelan Williams
Anthony Goldsmith
Financials August 2006
Bill Lists for August 2006
Mrs. Mackrides moved and Mrs. Fox seconded a motion to adopt the
following resolution:
RESOLUTION: 2006-2007 – 28
Change Orders
Resolve that the Board approve the following change order:
Media Elementary School – Masonry Wall
Premier Building Restoration, $45,010 for additional
restoration work on the State Street side of the building.
Indian Lane Elementary School -- Rose Tree Soccer
Further resolve that the Board approve the Rose Tree Soccer
Club request to place a storage shed on the lower level Indian
Lane Elementary School field providing the work is in
compliance with Middletown Township requirements.
3. Indian Lane Elementary School - Courtyard Proposal
Further resolve that the Board approve the Parent Teacher
Group’s request to landscape the Norm Kelly Memorial
Courtyard. The estimated budget is $17,000. The request is
granted providing the work is in compliance with Middletown
Township requirements.
4. Architectural Services – Attachment J
Further resolve that the Board accept the Bonnett Associates
proposal for architectural services in the amount of
$8,800. (See Attachment J in Official Legislative Minutes of
September 28, 2006.
5. NHS Autism School
Further resolve that the Board approve a contract with NHS
Autism School for the 2006-2007 school year in the
amount not to exceed $50,400.
6. Dr. Patrick Elliot –Alternative Autism Program Services
Further resolve that the Board approve an agreement with Dr.
Patrick Elliot for the 2006-2007 School Year for an amount
not to exceed $30,000.
7. Mercy Rehab Physical Therapy Services
Further resolve that the Board approve an agreement with Mercy
Rehab Physical Therapy Services for Physical Therapy
services at a rate of $60.32/hour.
8. Pediatric Therapeutic Services
Further resolve that the Board approve an agreement with
Pediatric Therapeutic Services (PTS) for occupational
therapy services at a rate of 64.00/hour.
9. Ann Haslanger
Further resolve that the Board approve an agreement with Ann
Haslanger for Student Assistance Team Coordination in an amount
not to exceed $36,109.
10. Dr. Robert F. Sing
Further resolve that the Board approve an agreement with Dr.
Robert F. Sing of Springfield Sports Emergency Medical
Corporation for medical services in the amount of $25,578.
11. Dr. Peter N. Christie
Further resolve that the Board approve an agreement with Dr.
Peter N. Christie for medical services in an amount not to
exceed $18,258.
12. Kate Phelan Williams
Further resolve that the Board approve an agreement with Kate
Phelan Williams for dental hygiene services in an amount
not to exceed $2,000.
13. Anthony Goldsmith
Further resolve that the Board approve an agreement with Anthony
Goldsmith in an amount not to exceed $10,000.
Financial Reports & Bill Lists for August 2006
Further resolve that the Board approve the following Financial Reports and Bill Lists.
Financial Reports
Treasurers Reports
Investment Reports
Summary Expenditure Status Report
Revenue Status Report
Bill Lists
August 2006
General Fund Bill List
$ 6,597,731.87
August 2006
Imprest Fund Bill List
August 2006
Construction Fund Bill List
August 2006
Master Capital Improvement Bill List
August 2006
Future Refunding 1993 Issue Bill List
August 2006
Bond Series 2003 Bill list
August 2006
Bond Series 2004 Bill List
August 2006
Activities/Special Revenue Fund
$ 7,218,192.72
The aforegoing resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote
Nancy Fronduti, Veronica Barbato, Linda Fox
Thomas Shoemaker, Nancy Mackrides, Stacey Benson,
Jeffrey Pettit, William Montgomery
Mr. Shoemaker moved and Mrs. Mackrides seconded a motion to adopt the
following resolution:
RESOLUTION: 2006-2007 - 29
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting
The aforegoing resolution was declared adopted by the Chair,
the vote being:
Nancy Fronduti, Veronica Barbato, Linda Fox, Thomas Shoemaker,
Nancy Mackrides, Stacey Benson, Jeffrey Pettit, William Montgomery
Sharon A. Learn
Board Secretary
Presentations and Awards
National Merit Semi-Finalists
Resolve, that the Board recognize the following students who
achieved Semi-Finalist status in the 2007 National Merit
Scholarship program: Kevin Axelrod, Sarah Evans, Victor Janmey,
Randy Kreider, Emily Moberg, Adam Papamarcos, Daniel Sprik,
Lana Stern, and Sarah Sunshine.
More than 1.4 million juniors in nearly 21,000 high schools entered
the 2007 National Merit Program by taking 2005 PSAT/NMSQT,
which served as an initial screen of program entrants. The
nationwide pool of semi-finalists, which represents less than one
percent of U.S. high school seniors, includes the highest scoring
entrants in each state. These academically talented seniors have
an opportunity to continue in the competition for some 8,200 Merit
Scholarship Awards.
SCHOOL REPORT’S – October 2006
Mr. G’s 5th and 4th grade AMP classes will continue to assess which math concepts need
to be developed upon through the use of a pre-test, post-test model. Fifth grade AMP
students will be completing a weather project, stressing the PA standards correlating to
graphing and statistics while the Math Lab students will be using Boxer Math to identify
strengths and weakness for each student.
Glenwood students in kindergarten through second grades were welcomed back to
school with a theatre presentation by Segal Puppets with Dave Fiebert. The puppeteer
entertained the students through acting and singing while teaching the children the
importance of bus safety.
Mrs. Grace-Green’s Lily Pad started the year by reaching out to another second grade
“Lily Pad” in North Carolina. The two “Lily Pad” classes have become pen pals and have
written their first friendly letters. This year, they will continue to exchange letters and the
students will incorporate their new skills as they learn them in the writing workshop.
The beginning of the school year has brought many new programs which will provide
students and their teachers with the skills needed for the 21st Century. Reading Support
working in conjunction with language arts has attended and facilitated the introduction of
DIBELS testing at the 2nd and 3rd grade levels. Project Read a Phonemic Awareness and
Phonics programs moved into the 3rd grade this year. The new Language Arts Program
grades 1-3 is now in place. Additionally, the Hundred Book Challenge is up and running
at the 3-5 grades this year. Assessment data from last May’s PSSA testing has provided
data for student achievement. The areas of Reading, counseling and testing, IST, and
language arts are working together at both the building and district level to support these
initiatives. Thank you for your support of the inservice-programs with facilitators and the
support time you give teachers to carry on the programs in their buildings.
Glenwood students participated enthusiastically in our summer reading program. At the
end of school in June, each student received a grade-level list of suggested summer
reading titles, a reading record form, and a bookmark from Kathy Cook, library technician.
As students turned in their completed forms in September, they received a certificate of
achievement and a prize. The reading records have been used to compile “Top Ten” lists
of children’s favorites by grade level, posted on the bulletin board outside the library.
A special award was given to the student in each grade who read the most books over
the summer. These studens read the most books in their grade levels: Eric Courter,
grade 1; Gabrielle Rubin, grade 2; Gabriella Troiani, grade 3; Jacklynne Polcino, grade 4;
and Andrea Hartman, grade 5. They were rewarded with a gift certificate to Borders
Books and a special bookmark.
Fourth graders in Mr. Sharp’s Art Class have made an interdisciplinary connection with
their unit of study of Pennsylvania in their social studies curriculum. In art class, students
learned about the Pennsylvania German, both the Amish and Mennonite, and have
created a paper collage quilt. Using traditional Amish quilt designs for inspiration,
students first created a sketch of their own quilt design with a layout of color. We then
marbleized paper by floating acrylic paint on the surface of water. The entire class
shared their papers when they dried to create individual collaged paper quilts. The
patterns are symmetrical and also involve mathematical concepts of flipping, rotating, and
sliding the various tiles or blocks.
On September 29, Library Technician, Kathy Cook, along with other members of the RTM
library staff, attended the Access Pennsylvania annual fall training session held in King of
Prussia. The Access PA database encompasses catalog holdings of over 3,000 school,
public, and academic libraries throughout the state, serving over 12 million residents. Our
Access PA membership includes POWER Library resources such as DartClix, a collection
of over 18,000 professionally-selected, high quality websites and EBSCHOHost, a
comprehensive periodicals and reference database.
New this year is netLibrary-a resource to search the database for electronic books
(ebooks). netLibrary ebooks contain full-text searchable fiction and nonfiction books.
Entries for all ages are available for use on personal computers in online formats. Also
introduced was AP Multimedia Archives which contains tens of thousands of
photographs, graphics, and audio files for patrons to use.
The Fourth Grade at Glenwood Elementary will be using a newly acquired LCD projector
to enhance their instruction in both Social Studies and Math. The projector was acquired
through an application to the Technology Department. The LCD projector will allow
teachers to utilize Google Earth software as a learning tool while exploring the Regions of
the United States. Students in Mr. Al Heinle’s class have used this resource while
learning about latitude and longitude and population density. Students will be exploring
areas of Boston, Philadelphia, and Washington D.C. The projector allows teachers to
visually demonstrate the various features of our country such as size, landmarks,
population density, and natural features. The LCD projector will also allow teachers to
use Boxermath as a tutorial program in the classroom. Boxermath is a web-based
program that is currently used as a remedial and enrichment tool.
In October, primary grade level teachers evaluated the results of the DIBELS tests and
used it to decide how best to teach each individual student.
Kindergarten has been very busy this fall learning all about apples. We learned about the
life cycle of an apple tree and about the many different types of apples. We had a taste
test and graphed our favorite type of apples. We read many poems and stories about
apples. We learned about John Chapman, more commonly known as Johnny Appleseed.
We traced the route he traveled, sharing apple seeds, from his home in Massachusetts to
Ohio on a map. We celebrated his life on Johnny Appleseed Day with many apple related
activities. We delivered apples to all the teachers in the school, played Apple Jack Bingo,
made a delicious apple snack and painted our favorite color apple. As a culminating
activity to our apple unit we will be visiting Linvilla Orchard.
The kindergarten classes really enjoy gathering data and making pictographs. Lessons
are incorporated daily during calendar activities. The students are learning about trends
in the weather as well as favorites among classmates and families.
Children are learning about maps, map keys and compass rose symbols directions. They
have drawn maps of their rooms or neighborhood. Culminating activity – a walk around
Media with a map to guide them. Children will complete the map with symbols to mark
what they’ve seen.
The Glenwood guidance program “Banana Splits” will be starting this month. This year,
the program is for 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students who are from separated, divorced or
deceased families. The children will meet in groups by grade during their lunch period, in
Ms. Masterson’s office. The purpose of this program is to give the students a place to
share stories, talk about their feelings, and have some fun. The goal is to provide an
atmosphere in which students feel comfortable sharing their feelings and to understand
ways to handle the many changes a separation, remarriage, divorce or death causes in
their lives.
As part of their study of Catastrophic Events, Glenwood fifth grade students had a
distance learning session to help them better understand how the structure of the earth
impacts on these events. Students in all four classes took part in “Dynamic Earth” which
was presented by the Liberty Science Center in northern New Jersey. The instructors
started the lesson by helping students see the earth’s structure by comparing it to the
makeup of an egg with a hard shell, (crust) liquid layer, (mantle) and more solid center
(core). Students then used a simple sheet of paper to demonstrate tectonic plate
movements which cause earthquakes, create mountains and lead to volcanic eruptions.
The hour-long session included a demonstration of a volcanic eruption using baking soda
and vinegar. Students also learned about the different waves that occur during an
earthquake and how underwater earthquakes create Tsunamis. Each portion of the
presentation was backed up with diagrams of the earth and pictures of the devastation
each natural disaster can inflict on people and property. The students were captivated
and focused for the entire lesson. The lesson clearly met Pennsylvania’s science
standard for earth science.
Glenwood’s fifth graders will look into each of these events in more depth as the
Catastrophic Events unit unfolds, but this distance learning activity (conducted with the
help of RTM Distance Learning Coordinator Michael Clark) was a tremendous way for the
children to learn from the experts about the exact topics they are investigating.
Kindergarten: The Middletown Volunteer Fire Department visited our classes and talked
about the important job fire departments provide to our community. The students saw a
ladder truck up close and personal and got to ask questions. Kindergarten visited the
Tyler Arboretum on Friday, October 6. A fun and educational time was had by all.
First Grade: We have been busy building our classroom community. This includes
creating our own class constitution, signed by every member of our room. Writing has
also been keeping us busy. In addition to writing in our daily journals, we have authored
three class books. All students are excited about beginning the 100 Book Challenge and
are now recording their reading logs with ease! After brushing up our math skills, we are
now ready to tackle addition facts.
Second Grade: Second Grade has started the year with a bang! We have been very
busy getting started with our new Language Arts programs – Project Read, DIBELS,
Houghton-Mifflin, and Handwriting Without Tears. Our classes have also had the
opportunity to jump right into 100 Book Challenge this year. Each second grade class is
determined to be the first class to have everyone in their class read 100 lines!
Third Grade: Third grade visited the Da Shin restaurant on Wednesday, October 4. This
is a culminating activity to a story about the Chinese culture the students read in class.
Fourth Grade: September was a fantastic month for 4th grade. The students are
adjusting well to daily routines/procedures and the new 12 day schedule. They are all
working well as a team. Time, money, addition/subtraction, problem solving are the math
skills to be worked on this month. We continue to work on our memoirs, poetry and
descriptive writing with our reading focused on Baby, Caleb’s Story, The War with
Grandpa. In Science, we are exploring Motion and Design (physics, engineering) and in
Social Studies our unit this month is on People of US, Northeast Region.
School-wide: Our Student Council Officer elections were held and the nine candidates
made wonderful speeches to the entire student body. Parents and family members were
in attendance, too. The winners were:
President: Lauren Angelina
Vice President: Brett Chominski
Secretary-Treasurer: Mikey Wilson
Class representatives were elected a week later. One boy and one girl represent each
classroom in grades 3-5. Those representatives are assigned to also visit a K-2
classroom on a regular basis.
Indian Lane celebrated Constitution Day by signing our new Bobcat Pledge in each
classroom and also by signing a gigantic poster in the lobby. We also made
announcements about the Constitution on the intercom that morning. Teachers used
various resources to teach about the Constitution’s importance in history and to us all
MAP testing in grades 2-5 went off almost without a hitch, although two classes did have
to reschedule due to technical difficulties. The data provided in reading and math will
provide our teachers and parents with valuable information to meet the needs our
Mr. Bennett held the first of two evening Principal’s Coffees that was attended by five
parents. The parents praised the school’s website and implementation of healthy snack
procedures. They voiced concerns about student behavior on busses.
Grandparents’/Special Friends’ Day.
We tried a new format for our annual
Grandparents’/Special Friends’ Day. Our new block schedule allowed us to focus in on
“classroom time” for the visits. This is truly one of our favorite days of the year. Our
visitors enjoy doing a “then and now” comparison as they visit the school and their
grandchildren’s classrooms. A variety of activities that included our guests were planned.
For example, in first grade grandparents participated in word study activities and journal
writing and in fourth grade each student/guest wrote a heritage poem. Groups discussed
aspects of culture (foods, events, clothing, traditions) and used the information to create a
shared poem. Our PTG provided delicious treats in the atrium.
Fall is in the Air. Kindergarten students enjoyed a fall theme day. This interdisciplinary
approach to learning builds social connections and learning. Parents facilitated different
activities including apple tree painting, making apple pancakes, sequencing apple tree
growth, Apple jack BINGO, apple tasting, and apple graphing. What’s your favorite kind of
apple? Our kindergarteners also took a walk to The Media Fire Station and the Media
Public Library. They are learning about community resources and helpers and enjoying
our lovely town in the fall at the same time. Planning is in full swing for our Harvest Fair
(October 20). This is one of our main PTG events of the year. Kudos to the PTG for the
beautiful fall decorations that they have placed at our entrance.
Books-Books-Books. The theme of our annual book fair was the rainforest. Posters and
welcoming sidewalk chalk designs alerted the school community about the fair. The
selections, parent participation, and bonuses for our library were all great. We hosted a
100 Book Challenge Family Night. Parents learned about the importance of increasing
children’s reading and language experiences, about 100 Book Challenge reading levels
and “just right” books, how to be an effective home reading coach, how to engage their
children in literature rich reading discussions, and how to celebrate their children’s
reading achievements. There were lots of smiles and prizes –books, of course.
Reading teacher, Katherine Echeverria, and kindergarten teacher, Lisa Hooven,
presented an informational meeting for parents to review the “new” things in kindergarten
in the area of literacy. D.I.B.E.L.S., KID WRITING, Handwriting Without Tears (materials
that we are using) were shared and explained. The “big ideas” in reading that are
measured by D.I.B.E.L.S. were also explained: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency
and accuracy, comprehension, and vocabulary/language. Easy and practical
activities/games that all parents can do were included in the parent packet. The 50 or so
parents who attended were most appreciative of the preparation and organized
information that they received at this evening event.
Assessment Update. The D.I.B.E.L.S. queens have come to Media Elementary School. A
fantastic team of teachers, specialists and the principal screened kindergarten, first,
second and third graders. Students were screened for early literacy kills. The data
obtained will be used to monitor student progress and help differentiate instruction. This
was a wonderful collaborative effort.
Students in grades 2-5 are in the process of completing the NWEA M.A.P. (Measure of
Academic Progress) assessment. They are cycling through the computer lab to complete
the reading and math sections of approximately one hour each. We are very excited
about the data that we will get from this work.
Ralph Fletcher Conference on Writing: A team from Media (grade 5) attended a special
one day seminar with writing “guru” Ralph Fletcher. Mr. Fletcher authored some of the
writing materials that we use. The team learned practical strategies for fine tuning the
writing workshop, bringing richer content to mini-lessons, using literature to stretch
student writers, using exemplar texts as powerful models to spark young writers, and
making writing conferences more effective.
Safety and Security: In light of recent events, we have had inquiries from parents about
the safety and security of our buildings. We have a district and building plan in place that
includes safety drills. In the last few weeks, we have practiced fire, bus evacuation and
lockdown drills. We have also contacted Media Borough about an evacuation drill to the
Media Borough Community Center. We anticipate the installation of a buzz-in system at
our school.
Speed humps were installed on Front Street which will, hopefully, slow down the traffic
that passes our school entrance. One of our parents, Michelle Cropper, was instrumental
in getting these speed deterrents installed.
SWOOP Visits Media School: The Eagles mascot, Swoop, paid a visit to our cafeteria.
He was really a fun guy! We also had an Eagles Spirit Day. There was a healthy rivalry
between the resident Eagles’ fans and others.
Donuts and Dads and other Parent Participation Activities. Our PTG is doing a fabulous
job of helping engage families and planning fun family activities. The turnout for Donuts
and Dads was incredible. Next year we may have to have two separate days to
accommodate the crowd. A “coffee,” held for library volunteers, also had a larger than
average turnout. This is very exciting news! Parents are helping in all kinds of ways.
Parents also prepared and served fruit at our first cafeteria “food tasting.” Students had a
chance to try prickly pears, kiwi, and honeydew.
Homework Lab and Breakfast Club. In keeping with our philosophy of giving every child
what they need, we have continued our Breakfast Club and homework lab programs.
Both have gotten off to a great start. Students who are in need are referred to our
guidance counselor (breakfast) and instructional support teacher (homework). Teachers
and other staff members supervise the programs.
Grade 5 Scientists. Our fifth graders planted alfalfa, rye grass, and mustard seed in
terrariums. The terrariums will be connected to aquariums hat the children are
assembling. The children are learning as they watch their ecosystems progress.
AGP News Reporters. Students in grades 3-5 are learning how to write news stories so
they can publish a school newspaper for all our families to read. They are reporting on
news throughout the school. They will also include some student created poems and
stories. The first issue of The Mustang Gazette should be out soon.
Music Happenings: The 1st and 2nd grade classes had a wonderful learning experience
in music class this month at Rose Tree Elementary School. The students learned about
rhythm building blocks and applied the rhythm of different pieces of music to the
wonderful and popular Orff instruments (xylophones, metallophones, and glockenspiels).
The fifth grade students have worked and will continue to work hard in general music
class to prepare for the Winter Concert. They have been practicing their choral music as
well as hand chime pieces. The concert is sure to be a success!
Physical Education:
For the month of October, Developmental Kindergarten,
Developmental Primary and students in grades 1 and 2 focused on rolling, throwing,
spatial awareness, pathways, and locomotor movements. Grades 3, 4, and 5 participated
in the Presidential Fitness Testing which consisted of curl-ups, push-ups, sit & reach, pullups or flexed arm hang, and the 1/2 mile jog. After testing, 3rd and 4th graders worked
on soccer skills such as kicking, dribbling, shooting and game situations. 5th graders
practiced football skills such as passing, receiving, punting, and game situations.
Library: RESEARCH was the name of the game in October. With our new LCD
projector, we were able to see how to search the library catalog, web path express pages,
and the Power Library. Fourth grade students then made good use of this new
knowledge by splitting into groups and researching famous sports heroes for their trading
card reports.
Second grade has started a Frog and Toad unit that incorporates the famous Arnold
Lobel stories, music from the Broadway show, “A Year with Frog and Toad,” and journal
writing. Also incorporated into this unit will be non-fiction selections and research about
frogs and toads and their differences. The students will end the unit with a journal full of
both creative and informational writing.
Kindergarten: Rose Tree Kindergarten has implemented the Language Arts Wheel
currently in use at Media. Mrs. ThaiFaa Mayfield-Pinkett kindergarten teacher at Rose
Tree observed on several occasions how the Wheel was used last year. With the use of
the Wheel, students will be able have more small group instruction as well as
individualized instruction to meet their particular learning needs.
Second Grade Happenings: Second graders at Rose Tree are great at graphing! They
have interpreted graphs, analyzed data and conducted surveys. Picture graphs, bar
graphs and even line graphs have been studied and created. To engage the families in
their learning, the students completed a home graphing project called “All About Me,”
where they had a chance to share their graphing/interpreting skills. In our computer lab,
the students have successfully utilized “The Graph Club” to create graphs based on data
collection and record interpretations of the information.
Fourth Grade Happenings: The fourth grade classes visited the Pennsylvania Resources
Council (PRC) Environmental Center adjacent to Ridley Creek State Park in Newtown
Square. The students learned about resource conservation, waste reduction, watersheds,
and an overview of the water cycle. The fourth graders participated in hands-on activities
such as: creating group topographic maps, taking and testing pond samples. After the
environmental lessons, the students enjoyed their lunches on the grounds of the center.
The information presented during this field trip tied in directly to the fourth grade science
unit, Land and Water, and the PA curriculum standards.
Math Coach Report:: After much testing, analysis, and scheduling, the Math Support
schedule was completed. Students will come to Math Lab at least four times during a 12day rotation (or at least 2 times during a 6 day rotation). We will work on improving skills,
basic facts, as well as PSSA test taking strategies. We also will work heavily on problem
solving techniques.
Fourth Grade AMP students are in the thick of things, having completed graphing, place
value and now are into decimals. They are working on their first Open Ended prompt
using a 10 point rubric.
Fifth Grade AMP students completed their initial review of probability, ratios,
and percents. Thinking skills have been in overdrive while working on problem solving
strategies. They are working on their first graded Open Ended prompt, after completing a
practice run. On a lighter note, they have also been practicing skills such as perimeter,
area, multiplication, and division.
AGP: The fifth grade students in Mrs. Clark's AGP class are learning about the
environment around us. We are specifically studying the trees found in our area.
Recently we had Mr. Clyde Hunt, a forestry specialist, visit our class. Mr. Hunt shared
with us the chemical reason why leaves change color. We learned a lot of new
information about trees and leaves. Many of the students are now able to identify the
types of trees found in their backyard.
Reading Support: K-5 grade level teams comprised of teachers, principal, reading
specialist, IST teacher, and math coach met in October to share data, and discuss
students’ literacy needs in order to formulate decisions about how these needs will be
K-3 grade level workshop sessions were held on October 12, 2006. These sessions were
led by our Language Arts Consultant, Helen Conahan-Detry to analyze the fall DIBELS
data and create a plan for intervention instruction based on individualized levels of need.
Student DIBELS, MAP and PSSA data were analyzed and intervention plans developed by
the teachers and principal.
Building Community Through Books: Our first “Building Community Through Books”
selection for the 2006-07 school year is Annie and the Old One written by Miska Miles.
Miska Miles (a pseudonym for Patricia Miles Martin) is a graduate of the University of
Wyoming and worked as an elementary teacher for four years before starting her career
in writing. She was inspired by experiences on a Kansas farm and Navajo Indian
reservation. Her books, written for young people, include fictional and non-fictional
stories about different cultures, biographies and animals. The story is about a young
Navajo girl and her relationship with her grandmother. “The Old One” has been weaving
a rug and one day announces “My children, when the new rug is taken from the loom, I
will go to Mother Earth.” Annie decides to unravel the rug to prevent her Grandmother
from “leaving.” This heartwarming story gives the reader insight into the Navajo life and
culture while gently presenting the concept of death.
Guidance: Marty Stevens presented an overview of the PSSA results at the October PTG
meeting. Those in attendance learned of the four performance levels and their meanings,
as well as the percentage of students who scored in each area (Advanced, Proficient,
Basic, Below Basic). Also, the assessment anchor categories were discussed in greater
detail. For math, the anchors are: numbers and operations, measurement, geometry,
algebra concepts, and data analysis. For reading, the anchors are: understanding
fiction/nonfiction, understanding components within and between texts, and
understanding concept and organization of nonfiction text. The RT anchor scores were
displayed and discussed.
October has been another busy month of academics, athletics and activities at Springton.
Each team on Sixth Grade spent the day at Paradise Farms studying streams and the
wetlands, canoeing on the lake and in team building leadership activities. The Eighth
Graders spent a busy day at the Renaissance Faire in Lancaster on October 11, while our
Seventh Graders completed MAP testing in reading and mathematics.
Progress reports were sent home with each student on October 6 and Homework Clubs
at each grade level began on October 5. Homework Club is held every Tuesday and
Thursday for those youngsters who need added support and encouragement to complete
We kicked off our Anti-Bullying Program with three grade level assemblies. Hector
Lopez, Director of the National Hispanic Institute for Leadership at Villanova University,
provided an interactive assembly discussing leadership and what it means to stand up to
the "bullies". He stressed the importance of being a leader and speaking up.
The Springton staff has reviewed a number of proposed schedules for the 2007-2008
school year. A Schedule Committee, representing all of the disciplines and grade levels,
parents and administrators, will continue to review suggestions as the committee looks to
increase the amount of time spent on math instruction. The next meeting is November 1.
On the athletic front, all of our teams have had some successes and a few challenges.
We have numerous seventh and eighth grade boys and girls competing in field hockey,
football, boys’ and girls’ soccer, volleyball and cross country. Our intramural program is
popular among sixth graders as is the new Drama Club, which drew more than 50
students to the first club meeting.
Our staff enjoyed a delectable breakfast prepared by the building Special Education
Department in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Our staff raised more than
$400 for the cause.
The Guidance department will begin teaching developmental lessons in the classrooms
this month. The topics are: Friendships-6th grade, Self-Esteem-7th grade, Diversity-8th
grade. The guidance counselors attended both their grade level and special area backto-school nights. During the special area back- to-school night, counselors were located
in the lobby to answer parent’s questions and discuss concerns. School guidance groups
will also begin this month in each grade level.
Eighth Grade World History is examined Elizabethan England in preparation for the
Renaissance Faire on October 11. "Good morrow" and "Hail and well met" can be
heard throughout our classrooms as we browse Elizabethan phrases and look into Queen
Elizabeth I's diplomacy and how England blossomed under her reign. In mid-October we
will be examining the Nile River Valley in Egypt and investigating the pyramids
and mummification. The fascinating discovery of King Tut's tomb and Egyptian
contributions to medicine and the calendar will also be explored.
SLF officers are meeting once a week with Mrs. Gilroy and once a month with Dr. Jeuell
to discuss various ideas for activities and fund-raisers. Mrs. Gilroy and some of our SLF
students visited with residence of Fair Acres on Thursday, October 6th. The students
made Halloween crafts with the residence.
Tickets were sold for the Haunted Hayride at Arasopha Farms. The designated date for
Springton Lake was Sunday night, October 22nd. The students and faculty/parents that
attended met at 6:30pm that evening. The tickets are good for any night if students were
not able to attend on October 22nd. Half of the money from the tickets will go to SLF.
SLF students will be assisting with some of the activities for Red Ribbon Week. Red
Ribbon Week started Monday, October 23rd.
The students formed a committee to decorate for the 8th grade Halloween dance which
will be held on Friday, October 27th from 7-9pm. Prizes will be awarded for the best
costume, scariest costume and most original. We will have a panel of
teacher/parents/students judging the costumes.
"The play's the thing!" That seems to be the mantra of the middle school gifted program
as the school year enters the cool, crisp month of October. First, the eighth grade has
been performing Shakespearean scenes in class as part of its curricular study of the Bard
with Miss Stephens. In addition to acting with Renaissance flair, grade 8 AGP students
attended Dressage at Devon to learn about cavalry movements of horses which were
developed during the Renaissance. They also learned about the art of shoeing horses.
This lesson incorporated history and science. One girl, Sarah McKeown, actually made a
horseshoe from bar steel by herself, using a hot forge and other smithy tools. The
seventh graders attended a play at the Media Theater with a more American flavor.
Celebrating Constitution Day, the class was able to witness history come alive and even
had a chance to discuss the performance with the actors and actresses. Meanwhile, over
30 sixth graders and their parents joined Mr. Tolomeo at the Player's Club in Swarthmore
for the high energy show School House Rock Live. In addition, all three grades will attend
the Hedgerow Theater's production of the classic works of the original Master of Mystery,
Edgar Allan Poe, in early November. Bravo!
On September 29, district librarians attended the annual training workshop that covers all
changes to the Access PA database and interlibrary loan procedures in the morning and
POWER Library databases in the afternoon. All participants in Access are required to
attend this yearly session.
All SLMS staff was invited to the annual Book Look held at breakfast time on September
25. This event showcases new library materials displayed by curriculum areas. Staff can
enjoy coffee and donuts while browsing through materials that might be useful throughout
the year. The display remained open for the following week to allow time for people to
return when they had more time as well as for students to enjoy.
On October 9, the Food For Thought Café began its fourth year. Students from all grades
gathered during their respective lunch periods to chat about books they have read or
share poems, essays and stories they have written.
Mrs. Motley attended the American Association of School Librarians Fall Forum in Rhode
Island on October 13-15. The three-day workshop focused on Libraries and Assessment.
On Thursday mornings, Mrs. Motley reads to Mrs. Yanchek’s life skill students. So far
this year, some of the titles they have enjoyed include Sky Boys: How They Built the
Empire State Building, Thieves: True Stories from the Edge, and The Baby-Sitter by Jane
Yolen. Orientation for Sixth Grade Students has continued with lessons on basic search
strategies for finding books using authors, titles, and series. Students have also learned
how to use the Visual Search module to browse for books and how to Create a Booklist –
a customized bibliography of items they are interested in reading or want to find for a
report. Students from Ms. Bendistis’s seventh grade L.A. classes listened to book talks
Mrs. Motley presented on historical fiction books and then selected books for their book
chat in that genre. Her sixth graders enjoyed mystery book talks and then selected from
the titles presented.
Library Research Projects: Eighth grade AGP students from Ms. Stephens’s classes
have begun the pre-search stage of their long-term projects by investigating possible selfselected, individualized topics. Seventh grade students from Mrs. Sangillo’s AGP classes
have also been involved in the pre-search process. Mrs. Motley and Mrs. Sangillo have
collaborated to present a lesson on the Questioning Toolkit which will guide the
researchers through the process of developing essential questions and the subsidiary
questions which lead to their answers. Health students from one of Mrs. Baker’s eighth
grade classes researched stress reducers while the other group investigated natural
disasters and the first aid techniques that might be needed to deal with injuries. Students
could present findings through a Powerpoint, poster or game. Tech Ed students from Mr.
Gramo’s seventh grade classes researched energy, power and transportation and
presented their findings using a poster or oral presentation. Ms. Gault’s eighth grade
Spanish students used Vocational Biographies to learn about a job related to Spanish and
then reported their findings to the class. Ms. Cooper’s seventh grade language arts
classes came to the library for a refresher lesson on library use. After reading The
Miracle Worker, her students could research any topic of interest related to the play.
Findings could be presented in a written report, oral presentation, or by writing and
dramatizing an additional act for the play. Seventh graders from Mr. Best’s math classes
came to the library to work on differentiated math lessons using Boxer Math. Sixth grade
health students from Mr. Mileto’s classes researched inhalants, smoking, marijuana, and
steroids for a drug unit. Using a poster and/or handouts, students presented their findings
to the rest of the class. In conjunction with reading A View from Saturday, Mr. Tolomeo’s
sixth grade AGP students participated in a library treasure hunt. Finding questions
hidden throughout the library and answering the accompanying trivia questions led them
to their academic bowl teammates.
The first art projects of the year are beginning to line the hallways of Springton Lake
Middle School. Ms. Sycz’s Grade eight art students are completing their interesting
abstract compositions using the elements and principles of design. During their use of oil
pastel to color their artwork, students will continue to explore balance, pattern, contrast
and emphasis. Students will finish by reading about the principles that they use and
analyze a work of art uses those principles as a guide. Students will then begin to prepare
for their clay sculpture unit. Grade seven students are working towards completing their
portraits drawings by learning about color value and shading. Students will then prepare
for their clay unit. Grade six students are finishing their leaf composition using mixed
media. Students will follow with class reading material which will reinforce the classroom
activity. Students will then prepare for their clay unit.
Mrs. Prior’s eighth graders have completed their mixed media collages. Each student has
chosen a slice of life to depict in his or her composition. A variety of themes such as the
beach, the mountains, fishing, baseball, football or other sports, shopping, and even
Disney World have emerged. The work will soon be exhibited after students complete a
writing assignment that explains their usage of the principles of design in the planning of
their compositions. Seventh Graders have worked extremely hard using one point linear
perspective to turn flat letters and shapes into three-dimensional forms. Presently, they
are using our book, Art, A Global Pursuit to learn about and to reinforce previous
knowledge about color related color vocabulary. Soon they will be adding color and value
using colored pencil. Sixth graders have created their own school or home spaces using
one point linear perspective. We will now focus on value and color through value scales
and the rendering of their drawings.
This month we initiated our Penncrest High School 50th Anniversary Celebration On-Line
Trivia Contest. By selecting the designated link from the Penncrest website any member
of the RTM community may submit a response to the question of the month. Each month
between now and the culminating celebratory event on April 28, 2007 a new question will
be posted. Correct responses to any of the questions will be entered in our random
drawing. Two winners, an adult and a student winner, will be selected on April 28. All
members of the community are invited to participate and may submit a response each
month if they wish. Only one correct response per participant each month will be eligible
for the drawing.
Penncrest Physical Education students are completing the fall fitness program which
includes the fitness testing.
The Rotary Students of the Month for September were Senior Sara Sunshine and Junior
Tim Brown. They were honored at the Rotary luncheon at the Towne House Restaurant.
The Penncrest English Department is pleased to announce that Sara Sunshine, grade 12,
has been named a winner in the National Council of Teachers of English Writing Contest.
This is a nationally-recognized honor and the sixth consecutive award for Penncrest.
Congratulations to Sara and to her teachers!
Sarah Sunshine and Lepi Jha attended the Student School Board State Convention in
Hershey Pennsylvania from Wednesday October 11 to Friday October 13. Activities
included several motivational speakers, researching various "hot topics" issues,
participation in the PSBA banquet in the Chocolate Ballroom, participating in the mock
school board session, and a tour of the Hershey Chocolate Factory. They were
accompanied by teacher John Pauley.
The Penncrest Student Council will sponsor the Homecoming Ceremony on Louis Scott
Field at halftime of the Springfield football game on Friday, October 27. The Annual
Homecoming Dance will be held on Saturday, October 28, from 7:30-10:30.
Penncrest juniors toured the Delaware County Court House and attended a play (written
and performed by Delaware County high school students) at the Media Theater on
Wednesday, September 20, to celebrate the birthday of the US Constitution. One
hundred juniors participated in the celebration in Media.
Mr. Jeremy Smith hosted three speakers on Thursday October 5. Mr. David Funkhouser,
Mr. Cesar Rivas, and Ms. Elizabeth Killough addressed the issues of world trade and the
plight of the small farmer in South America in the current global market. The speakers
spoke to Global Studies and Economics classes.
The annual Penncrest Back-to-School Night was held on Thursday, October 5. The
evening is designed to provide an opportunity for parents to meet their child’s teachers,
learn the year’s objectives and expectations, see the facility, and get a sense of how their
child spends the day here at Penncrest.
September was a busy month for Penncrest High School and their Athletic Department.
On Tuesday, September 12th, the field hockey team hosted Springton Lake Middle
School’s field hockey team for a home game as well as a meet and greet with the Coach
Dotts after the game. The middle school players were recognized at half-time of the
On Friday, September 15th, Penncrest High School recognized the emergency service
organizations within the Rose Tree Media School District by inviting them to attend the
home football game free of charge and paying tribute to their outstanding efforts during
Tom Falcone, a senior cross country runner at Penncrest High School was named the
male athlete of the week by the Delaware County Daily Times during the week of
September 25th.
Rose Tree Media School District
308 North Olive Street
Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493
Telephone 610.627.6000
Fax 610.891.0959
Sharon A. Learn
Board Secretary
Chief Operations Officer
Management Services Department
Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools
Members of the Board of School Directors
Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D. Superintendent
Sharon A. Learn, Chief Operations Officer
October 11, 2006
Minutes - October 10, 2006 - Finance Committee Meeting
9:00 PM Chairperson: Bill Campbell
In Attendance:
Bill Campbell
Veronica Barbato
Stacey Benson
Bill Montgomery
Nancy Mackrides
Linda Fox
Jeff Pettit
Nancy Frondutti
Also, in attendance:
Denise Kerr
Anne Callahan
Sharon Learn
Harry Protzmann
1. Act 1
Tax Study Commission (TSC) was appointed at the August Legislative Meeting.
The District’s web site has information regarding Act 1 and the TSC. Additional
information will be added as the process continues.
TSC meetings are open to the public and will be published in local newspapers as
well as on the web site and cable channel. The second TSC meeting will be held
Wednesday, October 11, 2006, 7:00 PM in the Education Center Board Room.
Act 1 Budget Timelines
Option 1
January 25, 2007
Deadline for preliminary budget
Available for Public Inspection
(110 days before primary election)
Option 2
January 25, 2007 – Adoption of
Resolution certifying no increase
beyond index.
February 5, 2007
Deadline for public
Notice of intent to adopt
Preliminary budget
(100 days to primary election)
January 30 or within 5 days of
Adoption of Resolution – provide
PDE with relevant information.
February 14, 2007
Deadline for board to adopt
Preliminary budget
Proposal (90 days to primary)
February 14, 2007
Deadline for PDE to confirm whether
district proposed tax increase is below
the index (90 days to primary election)
February 19, 2007
Deadline to submit any
Proposed tax increase to
PDE (85 days to primary)
June 11, 2007
Deadline for districts to print and display
annual budget (must be done 20 days
prior to final budget adoption)
March 1, 2007
Deadline for PDE to inform
Districts if proposed tax
Increase exceeds the index
(75 days to primary)
June 20, 2007
Deadline for districts to give public notice of
intent to adopt final budget (must provide
10 days notice prior to final budget
June 30, 2007
Adoption of final budget
June 30, 2007
Adoption of final budget
2. General Fund Budgets
2005 – 2006
Estimated fund balance as of June 30, 2006 is $235,638.
2007 – 2008
A first look at the estimated 2007 – 2008 General Fund Budget with an index of
3.4% must focus on available revenue from real estate taxes. The index of 3.4% on
the current mil rate of 19.4695 is 20.1315 total mils, or a dollar increase of
Action: The a detailed draft of the 2007 – 2008 General Fund Budget will be
presented to the Finance Committee no later than December 12, 2006.
3. Energy Policy
The second draft of the Energy Policy along with the first draft of management
procedures was presented. The Committee agreed that procedures do not require
board approval. However, it is noted that the fines associated with use of personal
electric equipment will be deleted. Personal electric equipment is not allowed.
Director Pettit recommended the appropriate policy wording. A third draft will be
presented at the November Committee Meeting.
Action: A second draft of the Energy Policy will be on the October, 2006 Legislative
The next Finance committee Meeting will be on November 14, 2006, 7:00 PM
Members of the Board of School Directors
Dr. Denise Kerr, Superintendent
Dr. Angela Gilbert, Director of Teaching and Learning - Elementary
Dr. Steve Taylor, Director of Teaching and Learning - Secondary
October 4, 2006
October 3, 2006, Teaching & Learning Committee Meeting Minutes
Chairperson: Mr. Jeff Pettit
Board Members in Attendance: Veronica Barbato, Stacey Benson, Linda Fox, Nancy
Fronduti, Nancy Mackrides, Jeff Pettit
Also in Attendance: Bill Bennett, Bill Dougherty, Maria Kotch, Ellen Sosangelis, Meg
Barney, Angela Gilbert, Denise Kerr, Steve Taylor
New Elementary Schedule
The elementary principals, Mrs. Kotch, Mr. Bennett, Mr. Dougherty, and Mrs. Sosangelis,
presented and explained the new elementary block schedule. Mrs. Kotch described the
instructional fragmentation, lack of common planning time, and inequities in professional
duty assignments that prompted the need for change. In order to better focus on literacy
and mathematics proficiency and allow time for teacher collaboration, Dr. Golder
solicited the expertise of Dr. Michael Rettig to address these challenges via a scheduling
summit. Mr. Bennett explained the scheduling summit during which teachers and
administrators worked with Dr. Rettig and developed the new elementary block schedule.
Mr. Dougherty described the schedule, which operates on a 12-day cycle, with
uninterrupted blocks of time allotted for all core subjects, encore subjects such as art and
music, and core extensions to offer additional support and/or enrichment to students as
needed. The principals reported that the schedule is working well with positive responses
from students, staff, and parents. Mrs. Sosangelis stated that the biggest questions
about the schedule are “which days to wear sneakers for gym and when to bring in
library books.”
PSSA-Related Programs & Practices for 2006-2007
Dr. Gilbert and Dr. Taylor provided an update on programs and practices to build
students’ skills and knowledge for performance on PSSA tests. Targeted areas for
improvement include, in global terms, the overall performance of students at Basic and
Below in all grades, and, in particular, the performance of students in Writing at the
elementary level and the performance of students in subgroups in Math at the secondary
level. Plans for the year consist of six specific goals:
• To focus more on individual students
• To modify the curriculum
• To improve instruction
• To provide academic assistance and supportive services
• To modify the structure of the school and district schedule
• To employ specific test prep strategies
A wide range of specific action steps will support these goals over the course of the year.
Policy Revision
The Committee discussed the second reading of policy #108 (Adoption of Textbooks).
New language clarifies the Board’s role in evaluation of new textbooks. This policy will
be put on the October legislative agenda for final approval.
Rose Tree Media School
308 North Olive Street
Media, Pennsylvania 190632493
Telephone 610.627.6000
Fax 610.891.0959
Sharon A. Learn
Board Secretary
Chief Operations Office
Management Services
Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools
Members of the Board of School Directors
Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D. Superintendent
Sharon A. Learn, Chief Operations Officer
October 7, 2006
Minutes – October 10, 2006 Operations Committee Meeting,
9:00 PM Chairperson: Bill Montgomery
In Attendance:
Bill Campbell
Veronica Barbato
Stacey Benson
Bill Montgomery
Nancy Mackrides
Jeff Pettit
Nancy Frondutti
Also, in attendance:
Denise Kerr
Harry Protzmann
Anne Callahan
Sharon Learn
At this time on the agenda, the committee thanked Mr. Montgomery
for volunteering to be the chairman of the operations committee.
1. Five Year Capital Improvements and Educational Plan Proposals
Hayes Large completed the preliminary investigation from which they
prepared a preliminary draft document for review by the Superintendent,
Engineer and Chief Operations Officer. A meeting to review the preliminary
draft was conducted and documents returned to Hayes Large for final draft
Action: Hayes Large will meet with the Board of School Directors on
November 9, 2007 at 8:00 PM in the Education Center Board Room.
Penncrest High School Football Stadium - Artificial Turf
The administration is looking forward to working with the Alumni Association
on a special project. It is timely to work together with the alumni, parents,
boosters, and other supporters of the district to focus on a major improvement
to the Penncrest High School Football Stadium - artificial turf. Prior to starting
discussions with the alumni or other groups, the administration is seeking the
support of the Board of School Directors.
Action: The Committee is in favor of the administration and Alumni
Association working together on special projects.
Springton Lake Middle School – Swimming Pool
Robert Campbell and Dave Pennoni of Pennoni Associates, in a letter to
Harry Protzmann, did not recommend putting the swimming pool back into
service. They stated that there is an inherent risk in returning the pool to
Follow Up: The pool has been discussed with the architects and it will be
included in the five year capital improvement plan.
Springton Lake Middle School – Sewer Connection
Robert Campbell, PE of Pennoni Associates is preparing a written report
detailing the current status of the project. At this time, the administration is
requesting permission to solicit a proposal from Pennoni for engineering
services that will enable the district to bid the pumping station and force main
in February 2007. The construction should be started in late June and
completed in late August 2007.
Action: The committee agreed with the administration’s recommendation.
Springton Lake Middle School – HVAC Renovation, Summer 2007
The Consolidated Engineer’s proposal in the amount of $45,000 for the next
phase of the chilled water system upgrades at Springton Lake Middle School
was reviewed by Mr. Protzmann.
Action: This item will be on the October Legislative Agenda.
Media Elementary School – Lease Agreement with Calvary Chapel of
Delaware County
The agreement with Calvary Chapel of Delaware County will end on
January 1, 2007. Calvary Chapel has requested permission to extend the
current agreement for an additional 33 months. Calvary Chapel recently
obtained a zoning ordinance change that will allow a church on their land in
Chadds Ford; they have recently obtained a conditional use permit after
nearly a two year legal battle with residents. They are currently 95%
complete with the land development plan and hope to break ground in early
spring. They are a congregation of one thousand adults seeking to build a
facility with a sanctuary that seats at least 1200 people and classroom
space to support it. Maria Kotch, Media Elementary School principal is in
favor of the extended agreement. The administration recommended a term of
36 months (2010); security language; increase custodial services from
$25 to $40/per hour.
Action: The committee agreed with the administration recommendation. This
item will be on the October Legislative Agenda
7. Penncrest High School - Chemical Storage Room
The Safety Committee noted conditions that raised concerns in the high
school chemical storage room. Mr. Protzmann inspected the area and
developed a list of recommendations with an estimated cost of
$100,000 to $125,000. Proposals for engineering services were solicited
and three were received.
Action: Bonnett and Associates’ proposal in the amount of $10,400 will
be on the October Legislative Meeting Agenda.
Snow Removal Agreement – Renewal
The administration is recommended renewal of the annual agreement for snow
removal. This is the second year recommending Gerace, Inc. of Folcroft, PA.
The proposal includes all necessary labor, material, tools, and equipment to
remove snow and ice from November 1, 2006 through March 31, 2007. The
costs for 2005-2006 was $9,500. The cost for 2006, 2007 is budgeted at
$10,000. There is no increase in the Gerace pricing.
Action: This item will be on the October Legislative Meeting Agenda.
9. Change Orders
Change orders are acted upon in accordance with Resolution 1997-98 - 124,
Approved by the School Board of Directors on April 23, 1998
CO#1 – Weatherproofing Technologies, Inc.
Indian Lane Roof Replacement
Deduct for elimination of metal fascia system
Repair existing metal roof panels
$ 6,800.00
7 Additional inspection days
$ 3,780.00
Installation of metal cleat
$ 8,400.00
Total Change Order Decrease (-$30,883.50)
Penncrest High School Roof Replacement
Deduction of ½” fibreboard insulation on Barrel Roof
Remove and replace 2 additional roofs not included in
original scope of work
Reflash exiting wall locations
Recertification of Lightning Protection Sys. with new
cables attached to equipment/curbs
8 additional inspection days
Total Change Order Increase
$ 10,300.00
$ 7,500.00
$ 8,325.00
$ 4,320.00
Five Star, Inc.
Springton Lake Middle School Chilling System Replacement
Phase I Credit (-$2,500.00)
Action: This item will be on the October Legislative Meeting Agenda.
The next Operations committee meeting will be on November 14, 2006 7:00 PM
Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools
Rose Tree Media School District
308 North Olive Street
Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493
Telephone: 610.627.6000
Fax: 610-891-0959
Anne D. Callahan
Director of Human Resources
Members of the Board of School Directors
Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D, Superintendent
Anne D. Callahan, Director of Human Resources
October 20, 2006
Minutes of the Personnel Committee Meeting – October 10, 2006
Board Members in attendance: S. Benson, chair, V. Barbato, W. Campbell, N. Fronduti,
L. Fox, N. Mackrides, W. Montgomery, J. Pettit
Also in attendance: D. Kerr, A. Callahan, A. Gilbert, S. Learn, and H. Protzmann
Items for Legislative Meeting – A. Callahan
The items for the legislative meeting had been sent to the Board in advance
of the committee meeting. Mr. Campbell had a number of questions which
were answered in writing and discussed at the meeting.
Action: All items will appear on the agenda of the legislative meeting on
October 26, 2006, for a vote of the full board.
Extended Day Kindergarten Program
Dr. Kerr made a presentation to the committee on the value, statistics of
participation , curriculum, and costs of a full day kindergarten program. A
majority of those board members in attendance support the concept, but they
requested additional data before making a decision to move ahead.
Action: Dr. Kerr and Dr. Gilbert will gather additional information from the
research and from those schools who currently have a full day kindergarten
program. The data will be brought to the Board of School Directors for their
Executive Session
An executive session was held to discuss matters of personnel.
The next session of the personnel committee will be held on Tuesday, November 14,
2006, at 9PM in the Education Center Board Room.
Rose Tree Media School District
308 North Olive Street
Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493
Telephone 610.627.6000
Fax 610.565-5317
Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools
Members of the Board of School Directors
Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D. Superintendent
Valerie Burnett
October 5, 2006
October 3, 2006 Pupil Services Minutes
Chairperson: Mrs. Veronica Barbato
Valerie Burnett, Ed.D.
Director of Pupil Services
School Nurse Software Program
A demonstration of a web based school nurse software system that will assist in uniform
collection and maintenance of required data for our school health reimbursement. This
past year we received in excess of $98,000.00 based on our reported costs and student
data. The nurses have been evaluating potential programs and worked with technology
to identify an appropriate solution. The system also provides protection against liability
in its tracking and reporting of accidents or incidences. The annual cost of the software
is $8,813.00.
Ice Hockey Club Team
The PHS Ice Hockey Club will travel to Toronto, Canada to compete in a tournament.
They will depart Wednesday December 6, 2006 and return Saturday December 9, 2006.
The cost of the trip will be funded by the students.
Action: Approval will be on the October Legislative Agenda
Penncrest Marching Band
The Penncrest Marching Lions will be performing at the halftime show of the Gator Bowl
in Jacksonville, FL. The band will travel by bus departing on Friday December 29, 2006
and will return on Wednesday January 3, 2007. The performance will be televised on
January 1, 2007 at 1:00 on the CBS network. The cost of the trip will be funded by the
Action: Approval will be on the October Legislative Agenda
Future Business Leaders of America
Four members of the Future Business Leaders of America will attend a state workshop
at Penn State University in State College, PA. The group will depart Sunday October
29, 2006 and return Monday October 30, 2006. The cost of the trip will be funded by the
Action: Approval will be on the October Legislative Agenda
PSBA Student Leadership Conference, Hershey, PA
Two student board members will participate in the PSBA School Leadership
Conference. This annual event provides student board members with the opportunity to
discuss current issues facing school districts as well as understand the processes and
procedures school boards follow in the day to day operations of a district. The cost for
two students and a chaperone is $1,285.00 and will be funded by the district. The
students will depart Wednesday October 11, 2006 and return Friday October 13, 2006.
Action: Approval will be on the October Legislative Agenda
Vanguard School
A student with significant mental health needs requires an out of district placement for
the 2006-2007 school year. The tuition is $36,225.00. The district will pursue state
subsidy through the 4010 process.
Action: Approval will be on the October Legislative Agenda
Holcomb Behavioral Health Assessments
Holcomb provides technical assistance to our Student Assistance Programs.
Assessments for potential Drug and Alcohol use are provided at $65.00 for a brief
screen and $250.00 for a comprehensive evaluation.
The next meeting of the Pupil Services Committee will be held Thursday
November 2, 2006 at 8:00 PM.
Rose Tree Media School District
308 North Olive Street
Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493
Telephone 610.627.6000
Fax 610.891.0959
Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools
Members of the Board of School Directors
Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D., Superintendent
Patti Linden
October 6, 2006
October 3, 2006, Technology Committee Meeting Minutes
Chairperson: Mrs. Nancy Mackrides
Patti Linden
Director of Technology
and Information Science
Board Members in attendance: Nancy Fronduti, Jeff Pettit, Veronica Barbato, Linda
Fox, Nancy Mackrides, Stacey Benson
Also in attendance: Denise Kerr, Patti Linden, Ron Harris, Kim McCann-Roller,
Anthony Lombardo, Ralph Harrison, Meg Barney
Projector Applications
Patti Linden shared with the Board of Directors the breakdown of how the 40 newly
acquired projectors were distributed by building and across the many departments. The
distribution rates matched closely with the participation rates from each school. The
highest percentage of teacher applications came from Penncrest High School. In
evaluating this process, the department feels that it was an equitable way to ensure that
new equipment is being used for instructional applications. An accountability process
will be in place as part of the classroom observation schedule in addition to monthly
classroom visits for support of the equipment implementation.
Video Surveillance System – Penncrest High School
Ralph Harrison and Ron Harris shared with the Board of Directors the interface used to
monitor the newly installed surveillance system at Penncrest High School. In a
demonstration of computer access to the live cameras, they explained the placement
and design of the flow. A demonstration of the software showed how the system works
to capture and record movement so that administrators can go back to the recording
and burn a CD or DVD for evidence of activity, if needed. Administrators are learning to
tweak certain features of the system for the most efficient use as a measure of security
for the building and our students. At the present time, only 3 people in the district have
access to the administrative monitoring features, which ensures the security of the
system. With the installation of 47 cameras, 6 external and 41 internal, this gives us an
85% coverage rate. The cameras were placed in a priority ranking, with areas of most
potential and reported issues being covered first. As time goes by, areas for additional
cameras will be noted and addressed.
Next meeting:
Thursday, November 2, at 7:00 p.m. in the Education Center Board Room
“In accordance with the Pennsylvania Sunshine Act, executive sessions of the
School Board were held on the following dates to review and discuss matters
permitted under Section 8 of the Act.”
September 28, 2006
October 3, 2006
October 10, 2006
There will be an executive session of the School Board for matters of personnel
at 6:30 p.m. prior to the Informational Session of November 30, 2006, at
Springton Lake Middle School. The Legislative meetings are recorded on tape.
Old Business
Policy Review
Energy Policy– Second Draft – no vote
The second draft of the Energy Policy along with the
first draft of management procedures was presented.
The Committee agreed that procedures do not require
board approval. However, it is noted that the fines
associated with use of personal electric equipment
will be deleted. Personal electric equipment is not
allowed. Director Pettit recommended the appropriate
policy wording. A third draft will be presented at the
November Committee Meeting.
This item was discussed at the Finance Committee
Meeting. A third draft will be presented at the
November Committee Meeting.
New Business
Jennie Ferguson, Food Service Worker, resignation,
effective September 22, 2006.
Raymond Behm, Bus Driver, resignation, effective
February 3, 2006.
Samuel Lemon, Community Relations Coordinator,
termination, effective September 30, 2006. The
position of Community Relations Coordinator has
been eliminated.
Stephanie Battavio, Support Staff II, resignation,
effective September 1, 2006.
Jean Claycomb, Support Staff I, resignation, effective
June 21, 2006.
Robin Parker, Custodian, resignation effective
October 6, 2006.
Gina Kateusz, Support Staff
effective October 27, 2006.
Rebecca Gluck, Long Term Substitute Special
Education Teacher, effective October 16, 2006, at the
annual salary of $41,794, Bachelor’s/Step 1. Ms.
Gluck received her Bachelor’s Degree from the
University of Delaware. She is assigned to Springton
Lake Middle School replacing Karen Owsley who is
on leave. NOTE: Ms. Gluck is being hired pending
completion of her pre-employment paperwork.
New Business
Nominations (continued)
Erik Gallagher, Custodian, effective October 13, 2006,
at the rate of $13.14 per hour. Mr. Gallagher is
assigned to Springton Lake replacing Paula Trusty
who has been reassigned. NOTE: Mr. Gallagher is
being hired pending completion of his preemployment paperwork.
Susan Francek, Support Staff II, Personal
Instructional Assistant, effective October 27, 2006, at
the rate of $12.81 per hour. Ms. Francek is assigned
to Media Elementary. This is a new a position. NOTE:
Ms. Francek is being hired pending completion of her
pre-employment paperwork.
Trevor Chamberlain, 3rd Shift Custodian, effective
October 16, 2006, at the rate of $13.64 per hour. Mr.
Chamberlain is assigned to Penncrest High School
replacing Daniel Beard who resigned. NOTE: Mr.
Chamberlain is being hired pending completion of his
pre-employment paperwork.
Clyde Davis, Custodian, effective September 28,
2006, at the rate of $13.44 per hour. Mr. Davis is
assigned to Penncrest High School replacing Vernon
Smith who resigned. NOTE: Mr. Davis is being hired
Deborah Sweeney, Health Room Nurse, effective
October 23, 2006, at the annual salary of $27,971.
Ms. Sweeney is assigned to Indian Lane
Elementary School replacing Judy Stingle who
has been reassigned. NOTE: Ms. Sweeney is
being hired pending completion of her preemployment paperwork.
New Business
Non-Instructional (continued)
Michael Hoffman, Support Staff II, Personal
Instructional Assistant, effective October 27, 2006,
at the rate of $12.81 per hour. Mr. Hoffman is
assigned to Penncrest High School replacing
Chris Carbo who resigned. NOTE: Mr. Hoffman is
being hired pending completion of his preemployment paperwork.
Tina Stevenson, Cafeteria Worker, effective
October 27, 2006, at the rate of $8.45 per hour. Ms
Stevenson is assigned to Penncrest High School.
NOTE: Ms. Stevenson is being hired pending
completion of her pre-employment paperwork.
James Penney, Substitute Custodian, effective
October 13, 2006, at the rate of $12.00 per hour.
Mr. Penney is assigned to the Maintenance and
Operations Department. NOTE: Mr. Penney is
being hired pending completion of his preemployment paperwork.
Classification Change
Unpaid Leave of Absence
Stephanie Powers, Food Service Worker, from
Cafeteria Trainee to Regular Cafeteria Worker,
effective September 5, 2006, at the rate of $9.75.
Rebecca McGeehan has requested an extension of
her unpaid leave of absence for purposes of child
rearing effective through June 30, 2007.
Michele Woodward, (.5) Professional Development
Coordinator, Penncrest High School, at the annual
salary of $1,300.
New Business
Supplementals (continued)
John Pauley, (.5) Professional Development
Coordinator, Penncrest High School, at the annual
salary of $1,300.
Carly Nietz, Intramural Leader, Media Elementary, at
the rate of $18.90 per hour.
Randy Mileto, 7th Grade Soccer Coach, at the annual
salary of $2,709.
Recommend Board approval for the following
Springton Lake Middle School personnel to serve as
Intramural Instructors at the rate of $27 per hour.
Dan Allen
Jackie Baker
Joahanna Goldman
Amanda Morris
Maureen Auerbach
John Baker
Robin McCarthy
George Sycz
Deanna Dachiu, (.5) Drama Club, Springton Lake
Middle School, at the annual salary of $347.
Amanda Morris, (.5) Drama Club, Springton Lake
Middle School, at the annual salary of $347.
Jeffrey Cellucci, Assistant Varsity Girls Basketball
Coach, effective October 27, 2006 at the annual
salary of $3,999. NOTE: Mr. Cellucci is being
hired pending completion of his pre-employment
New Business
Degree Advance
Recommend Board recognize the following personnel
for degree advancement and adjust their salaries
accordingly effective August 28, 2006:
Crystal Grace-Green
Bob Higgins
Kevin Nolen
Lisa Summers
Rescind Supplemental Contracts
Permanent Cert.
Joseph Cardwell, Soccer 7th Grade Girls Soccer
Coach, rescind contract, Mr. Cardwell will not be filling
the position.
Rescind appointment of Forrest Durnell, Custodian.
Mr. Durnell will not be joining Rose Tree Media
School District.
Recommend the Board approve the ADSUP I Early
Retirement Incentive Plan for the 2006-2007
school year. Attachment A
Overnight Trips
Ice Hockey Club Tournament – Toronto, Canada
Resolve, that the Board approve the overnight trip to Toronto,
Canada for the Ice Hockey Club Tournament.
The PHS Ice Hockey Club will travel to Toronto, Canada to
compete in a tournament. They will depart Wednesday December
6, 2006 and return Saturday December 9, 2006. The cost of the trip
will be funded by the students.
New Business
Overnight Trips (continued)
Penncrest Marching Band – Jacksonville, FL
Resolve, that the Board approve the overnight trip to Jacksonville,
FL for the Penncrest Marching Band’s participation in the Gator
The Penncrest Marching Lions will be performing at the halftime
show of the Gator Bowl in Jacksonville, FL. The band will travel by
bus departing on Friday December 29, 2006 and will return on
Wednesday January 3, 2007. The performance will be televised on
January 1, 2007 at 1:00 on the CBS network. The cost of the trip
will be funded by the students.
Future Business Leaders of America State Leadership Workshop
Resolve, that the Board approve the overnight trip to State College,
PA for the Future Business Leaders of America State Leadership
Four members of the Future Business Leaders of America will
attend a state workshop at Penn State University in State College,
PA. The group will depart Sunday October 29, 2006 and return
Monday October 30, 2006. The cost of the trip will be funded by the
Girls Cross Country – Lehigh University
Resolve, that the Board approve the overnight trip to Lehigh
University, Girls Cross Country Team.
Ten members of the Cross Country Team will compete in the
District I Championship at Lehigh Valley on October 26 and 27,
2006. The cost to the district will be $100.00 for the entry fee. The
booster organization will pay for the hotel, meals, and
Purchasing – None
Springton Lake Middle School – HVAC Renovation, Summer
Resolve that the Board accept the proposal from The
Consolidated Engineer’s in the amount of $45,000 for the
next phase of the chilled water system upgrades at
Springton Lake Middle School.
This item will be on the October Legislative Agenda.
Media Elementary School – Lease Agreement with Calvary
Chapel of Delaware County
Resolve that the board approve the extension of the
agreement with Calvary Chapel of Delaware County for an
additional term of 36 months terminating on January 1,
2010. The extended lease with include new language
regarding security and an increase for custodial services
from $25 to $40/per hour.
The current lease will end on January 1, 2007. Calvary
Chapel has requested permission to extend the current
agreement for an additional 36 months. Calvary
Chapel recently obtained a zoning ordinance change that will
allow a church on their land in Chadds Ford; they have
recently obtained a conditional use permit after nearly a two
year legal battle with residents. They are currently 95%
complete with the land development plan and hope to break
ground in early spring. They are a congregation of one
thousand adults seeking to build a facility with a sanctuary
that seats at least 1200 people and classroom space to
support it. Maria Kotch, Media Elementary School principal
is in favor of the extended agreement. The committee
agreed with the administration recommendation. This
item will be on the October Legislative Agenda
Penncrest High School - Chemical Storage Room
Resolve that the board accept the proposal from Bonnett and
Associates in the amount of $10,400 for engineering services.
The Safety Committee noted conditions that raised concerns
in the high school chemical storage room. Mr. Protzmann
inspected the area and developed a list of recommendations
with an estimated cost of $100,000 to $125,000. Proposals for
engineering services were solicited and three were received.
Snow Removal Agreement – Renewal
Resolve that the board approve the renewal agreement for snow
removal with Gerace, Inc. of Folcroft, PA. in an amount not to
exceed $10,000.
The administration recommended renewal of the annual
agreement for snow removal. This is the second year
recommending Gerace, Inc. of Folcroft, PA. The proposal includes
all necessary labor, material, tools, and equipment to
remove snow and ice from November 1, 2006 through March 31,
2007. The budgeted costs in the 2005-2006 was $9,500. The cost
for 2006, 2007 is budgeted at $10,000. There is no increase in the
Gerace pricing.
Change Orders
Change orders are acted upon in accordance with
Resolution1997-98 - 124, approved by the School Board of
Directors on April 23,1998
CO#1 – Weatherproofing Technologies, Inc.
Indian Lane Roof Replacement
Deduct for elimination of metal fascia system (-$49,863.50)
Repair existing metal roof panels
$ 6,800.00
7 Additional inspection days
$ 3,780.00
Installation of metal cleat
$ 8,400.00
Total Change Order Decrease
Penncrest High School Roof Replacement
Deduction of ½” fibreboard insulation on Barrel Roof
Remove and replace 2 additional roofs not included in
original scope of work
$ 10,300.00
Reflash exiting wall locations
$ 7,500.00
Recertification of Lightning Protection Sys.
$ 8,325.00
with new cables attached to equipment/curbs
8 additional inspection days
$ 4,320.00
Total Change Order Increase
Five Star, Inc.
Springton Lake Middle School Chilling System Replacement
Phase I Credit (-$2,500.00)
These change orders were discussed at the October
Operations Committee Meeting.
Transportation – CADES Contract - Annual Renewal
Resolve that the Board approve the renewal of the
Children and Adult Disability and Educational Services
Contract (CADES). Following are the proposed rates for the
2006-2007 school year:
Round Trip (Del. Co.)
One Way (Del. Co.)
Round Trip (Devereux0
per student/day
per student/day
per student/day
The CADES services provides round trip door-to-door
transporation for school aged and preschool students who
require specialized transportation to enable them to attend
educational programs.
Vanguard School
Resolve, that the Board approve a contract with Vanguard
School for the 2006-2007 school year for $36,225.
A student with significant mental health needs requires an
out of district placement for the 2006-2007 school year. The
tuition is $36,225. The district will pursue state subsidy
through the 4010 process.
Holcomb Behavioral Health Systems
Resolve, that the Board approve a contract with Holcomb
Behavioral Health Systems for the 2006-2007 to provide
assessments as the cost of $65.00 for a brief screen and
250.00 for a comprehensive evaluation.
Holcomb Behavioral Health Systems provides technical
assistance to our Student Assistance Programs.
Assessments for potential Drug and Alcohol use are
provided at $65.00 for a brief screen and $250.00 for a
comprehensive evaluation.
Financial Reports & Bill Lists
Financial Reports
Treasurers Reports
Investment Reports
Summary Expenditure Status Report
Revenue Status Report
Bill Lists
2006 General Fund Bill List
$ 2,585,437.66
2006 Imprest Fund Bill List
2006 Capital Fund Bill List
2006 Construction Fund Bill List
2006 Master Capital Improvement Bill List
2006 Future Refunding 1993 Issue Bill List
2006 Bond Series 2003 Bill list
2006 Bond Series 2004 Bill List
2006 Activities/Special Revenue Fund
$ 4,218,011.20
Rose Tree Media School District
ADSUP I Early Retirement Incentive Plan
Each employee who retires from the School District in accordance with the
regulations of the Public School Employee’s Retirement System, with
superannuation (will be 55 years of age prior to the fiscal year of
retirement), shall be eligible for an insurance benefit as set forth below,
provided that:
The applicant has submitted a letter of intent to retire to the District
Superintendent prior to January 1st of the fiscal year of his or her
The applicant will, during the fiscal year of his or her retirement,
complete at least 10 years of continuous full-time employment with
the Rose Tree Media School District as a permanent member of
the Administrative Staff.
Eligible employees must actually retire pursuant to the Public
School Employees’ Retirement Code prior to the end of the fiscal
year of application.
Eligible applicants will have the choice of insurance providers.
Provided that an eligible applicant has met all the above requirements, the
Board will pay husband and wife coverage, with the right of survivorship to
the age at which the employee would have reached Medicare eligible age,
for the health package including health, hospitalization, dental, vision and
prescription, to Medicare eligible date, at 85% of the yearly cost of the
insurance at the rate of retirement. In the event that the spouse has
coverage, the employee will defer to that plan. If the spouse has coverage
that is not as good as the one offered by Rose Tree Media, the district will
make up the cost differential.
1. Purpose
The School Board of the Rose Tree Media School Districts sets these guidelines to
ensure that effort is made to conserve energy and natural resources while exercising
sound financial management.
2. Authority
The implementation of this policy is the joint responsibility of the administration,
teachers, students, support personnel, and community members using district buildings.
Success is based on cooperation at all levels. The Board will assign an Energy Manager
to assist in the implementation of this policy.
3. Guidelines
The district will maintain accurate records of energy consumption and cost of energy.
The building principals will be accountable for energy management on his/her campus
with energy audits being conducted and conservation program outlines being updated.
The Superintendent’s designee will be responsible in other district facilities. The
school district Engineer will serve as Energy Manager.