ROSE TREE MEDIA SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS Informational Session February 22, 2007 AGENDA I. Committee Highlights & Liason Reports A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. Student Liaison Reports Teaching & Learning Finance Operations Personnel Pupil Services Technology Liaison Reports II. Building Update - Principals III. Adjournment 7:30 p.m. ROSE TREE MEDIA SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS Legislative Meeting February 22, 2007 8:00 p.m. AGENDA I. Call to Order II. Approval of Minutes A. III. B. World Language Department - 2007 Pennsylvania Modern Language Association Exemplary Program Award - Gail Diksa The United States Achievement Academy Recognition – Erin Doby, Khalice Payne, Jayda Rawls, Janay Smith, and Elijah Trusty Rose Tree Elementary School Students and Mrs. Sosangelis presents Read, Research, Sing and Learn Reports A. B. C. D. VI. Legislative Meeting of January, 2007 Educational Presentation A. V. Pledge of Allegiance Presentations and Awards A. IV. Roll Call School Reports Superintendent’s Report Solicitor’s Report President’s Report Scheduled Presentations (Limited to Five Minutes Each) A. B. C. RTMEA RTM Education Foundation Healthy Communities Initiative VII. Unscheduled Presentations (Limited to Three Minutes Each) A. VIII. Old Business A. IX. B. C. D. Personnel 1. Terminations a. Professional b. Non-Instructional 2. Nominations a. Professional b. Non-Instructional 3. General a. Classification Change b. Unpaid Leave c. Supplemental Contracts – Attachment B & C d. Create New Position Overnight Trips 1. Penncrest Indoor Track Championship to State College, PA 2. Penncrest Future Business Leaders of America – Hershey, PA Delaware County Community College Allied Health Course at Penncrest High School - contract Board Policy Review 1. Policy #319.1 Conflict of Interest – See Attachment D Finance A. B. C. D. XI. 2007-2008 Calendar – Second Reading and Approval - Attachment A New Business A. X. Rose Tree Media Residents Purchasing 1. Bid Award General 1. Vision Quest National, Ltd. 2. Budget Transfers 3. Act 1 Tax Shifting Referendum Resolution Financials for January 2007 Bill Lists for January 2007 Adjournment ANNOUNCEMENT There will be an executive session of the School Board for matters of personnel at 6:30 p.m. prior to the Informational Session of March 22, 2007 at Springton Lake Middle School. The Legislative meetings are recorded on tape. EXCELLENCE TODAY FOR TOMORROW Rose Tree Media School District 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone: 610-627-.6000 Fax: 610-891-0959 Sharon A. Learn Board Secretary Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools To: From: Date: Subject: Members of the Board of School Directors Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D., Superintendent Sharon A. Learn, Board Secretary January 26, 2007 Minutes of the January 25, 2007 Legislative Meeting I. Call to Order Roll Call Board Members in Attendance: Nancy Mackrides, Board President Linda Fox,Vice President Jeffrey Pettit William Campbell Stacey Benson Nancy Fronduti William Montgomery William O’Donnell Pledge of Allegiance Student Board Members: Mike Peche Sara Sunshine Lepsi Jha Also in attendance: Denise Kerr, Super. of Schools Ken Batchelor, Principal, PCHS Meg Barney, R&D Specialist Pat Barta, Supv. Spec. Ed. Elem. Pete Barry, Ass’t. Principal, SLMS Bill Bennett, Principal, ILE Valerie Burnett, Dir.of Pupil Serivces Anne Callahan, Dir. of Human Resources Ken Curran, Psychologist Bernadette Dacanay, Home & School Vis. Joe Diantonio, Athletic Director William Dougherty, Principal, GWE Susan Evans, Ass’t Principal, PCHS Angela Gilbert, Teaching & Learning Elem. Ron Harris, Network Specialist Ralph Harrison, Asst. Principal PHS Joanne Horan, Asst. Principal SLMS 1 Judy Jalbert, Psychologist Joyce Jeuell, Principal, SLMS Bonnie Kinsler, Acting Transp. Dir. Patti Linden, Dir. of Tech. & Infor. John Lohn, Ass’t Principal, PCHS Anthony Lombardo, Assess. Info. Sci. Sharon Learn, Board Secretary Kim McCann, Info. Tech. Specialist Danielle Penza, Accountant Roxanne Schupp, Supv. Business Oper. Sandra Shacklady White, Second. Super.of Spec. Educ. Ellen Sosangelis, Principal, RTE Steve Taylor, Dir. Teaching & Learning Secondary Thomas Kelly, Solicitor 1/25/07 The Legislative Meeting of the Board of School Directors of the Rose Tree Media School District was held on Thursday, January 25, 2007, at Springton Lake Middle School. The meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m. by President Mackrides. II. Approval of Minutes A. Legislative Meeting Minutes of December 21, 2006 Mrs. Fronduti moved and Mr. O’Donnell seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2006-2007 - 66 Resolve, that the Board approve the Legislative Meeting Minutes of December 21, 2006. The aforegoing resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: III. Presentations & Awards A. IV. “Project-Based Learning at Springton Lake Middle School” Presenters: Dr. Joyce Jeuell, Junell Green, Billie Buckwalter, Kendall Bedford, Autumn Gargiule, Danielle Wolf, Rachel Olkowski, Molly Lawrence. Reports A. B. VI. None Educational Presentation A. V. Nancy Mackrides, Linda Fox, Nancy Fronduti, Stacey Benson, William Campbell, William Montgomery, William O’Donnell, Jeffrey Pettit None C. School Reports – In Official Legislative Minutes of January 25, 2007 Superintendent’s Report - In Official Legislative Minutes of January 25, 2007. Solicitor’s Report - In Official Legislative Minutes of January 25, 2007 D. President’s Report - In Official Legislative Minutes of January 25, 2007 Scheduled Presentations (Limited to Five Minutes Each) A. B. C. RTMEA – None RTM Education Foundation – Dr. Meg Barney, Exec. Director Healthy Communities Initiative - Reverend Larry Smoose 2 1/25/07 VII. Unscheduled Presentations (Limited to three minutes each) A. VIII. Rose Tree Media Residents Old Business A. Policy Revisions 1. Policy #118 Independent Study – Second Read and Approval 2. Policy #911 Media News Relations – Second Read and Approval Mr. Campbell moved and Mr. Montgomery seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2006-2007 – 67 1. Policy #118 Independent Study – Second Read and Approval Resolve, that the Board review the revised Policy #118 Independent Study. (See Attachment A in Official Legislative Minutes of January 25, 2007.) 2. Policy #911 News Media Relations – Second Read and Approval Resolve, that the Board review the revised Policy #911 News Media Relations. (See Attachment B in Official Legislative Minutes of January 25, 2007.) The aforegoing resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: Nancy Fronduti, Linda Fox, Nancy Mackrides, Stacey Benson, William Campbell, William Montgomery, William O’Donnell, Jeffrey Pettit None 3 1/25/07 IX. New Business A. Personnel 1. Terminations a. Professional b. Non-Instructional 2. Nominations a. Professional b. Non-Instructional 3. General a. Classification Change b. Unpaid Leave of Absence c. Supplemental Contracts d. Salary Change e. Other Mr. O’Donnell moved and Mr. Campbell seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2006-2007 – 68 Resolve, that the Board approve the following Personnel a. Professional 1. John Lohn, Assistant Principal, Penncrest High School, retirement, effective June 30, 2007. 2. Ellen Sosangelis, Principal, Rose Tree Elementary, retirement effective June 30, 2007. 3. Peter Barry, Assistant Principal, Springton Lake Middle School, retirement, effective June, 30, 2007. 4. Jessica Venarchik-Radcliffe, Long Term Substitute, Penncrest High School, resignation, effective December 22, 2006. 4 1/25/07 IX. New Business A. Personnel 2. Terminations b. 2. Non-Instructional 1. Kathy Davis, Guidance Secretary, Springton Lake Middle School, retirement effective June 29, 2007. 2. Elaine Krynski, Food Service, Indian Lane, resignation effective March 30, 2007. 3. Suzanne Boyer, Math Tutor, Media termination, effective June 30, 2005. 4. Kimberly Schultz, Math Associate, Penncrest High School, termination, effective May 2, 2006. Elementary, Nominations a. Professional 1. Lisa Stuart, Long Term Substitute Family and Consumer Science Teacher, effective January 29, 2007, at an annual salary of $48,130, Master’s +20/Step 2. Ms. Stuart served as a Long Term Substitute Teacher during the 2005-2006 school year and the first semester of this year. Ms. Stuart received her Bachelor’s Degree from Drexel University and her Master’s Degree from Widener University. She is assigned to Springton Lake Middle School for the second semester replacing Robin Heckman who has been temporarily reassigned. 5 1/25/07 IX. New Business A. Personnel 2. Nominations a. b. Professional (continued) 2. Paul Carboni, .6 Long Term Substitute Language Arts Teacher, effective January 29, 2007, at an annual salary of $45,294, Master’s/Step 1, prorate at 60%. Mr. Carboni served as a Long Term Sustitute Teacher during the first semester of this year. Mr. Carboni received his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from Neumann College. He is assigned to Springton Lake Middle School for the second semester replacing Alexandra Perilli who is on leave. 3 Julie Small, Long Term Substitute Elementary Teacher, effective January 29, 2007, at an annual salary of $41,974, Bachelor’s/Step 1. Ms. Small served as a Long Term Substitute Teacher diring the first semester of this year. Ms. Small received her Bachelor’s Degree from Millersville University. She is assigned to Glenwood Elementary for the 2nd semester replacing Maria Cocola who is on leave. 4. Michael Reese, Long Term Substitute Special Education Teacher, effective January 29, 2007, at an annual salary of $45,294, Master’s/Step 1. Mr. Reese served as a Long Term Substitute Teacher at Penncrest during the first semester of this year. Mr. Reese received his Bachelor’s Degree from West Chester University and his Master’s Degree from Cabrini College. He is assigned to Springton Lake Middle School for the 2nd semester replacing Karen Owsley who is on leave Non-Instructional 1. John Mansure, Personal Instructional Assistant, Support Staff II, effective January 4, 2007, at the rate of $12.81 per hour. Mr. Mansure is assigned to Penncrest High School. This is a new position. NOTE: Mr. Mansure is being hired pending completion of his pre-employment paperwork. 6 1/25/07 IX. New Business A. Personnel 2. Nominations b. 3. Non-Instructional (continued) 2. Megan Crichton, Personal Instructional Assistant, Support Staff II, effective January 3, 2007, at the rate of $12.81 per hour. Ms. Crichton is assigned to Glenwood Elementary. This is a new position. NOTE: Ms. Crichton is being hired pending completion of her pre-employment paperwork. 3. John Washington, Custodian, effective January 3, 2007, at the rate of $13.14 per hour. Mr. Washington is assigned to Springton Lake Middle School replacing Paula Trusty who was reassigned. NOTE: Mr. Washington is being hired pending completion of his preemployment paperwork. 4. Jeannette Ligget, Cafeteria Trainee, effective January 3, 2007 at the rate of $8.45 per hour. Ms. Ligget is assigned to Indian Lane Elementary School. NOTE: Ms. Ligget is being hired pending completion of her pre-employment paperwork. General a. b. Classification Change 1. Nancy Owen, from Secretary I, Receptionist, to Secretary II, Pupil Services, effective January 8, 2007 at the annual salary of $30,479. Ms. Owen is assigned to the Education Center replacing Gina Spinelli who resigned. 2. Charles Hall from New Bus Driver to Regular Bus Driver, effective January 8, 2007. Unpaid Leave of Absence 1. Karen Owsley requests an extension of her unpaid leave of absence terminating April 10, 2007. 2. Sara Vaccaro requests an unpaid leave of absence for purposes of child rearing, effective February 5, 2007 and terminating June 30, 2007. 7 1/25/07 IX. New Business A. Personnel 3. General b. c. Unpaid Leave of Absence (continued) 3. Sharon Smith, return from unpaid leave of absence effective January 29, 2007. 4. Carin Newsome requests an unpaid leave of absence for purposes of child rearing effective March 1, 2007 and terminating June 30, 2007. Rescind Supplemental Contracts 1. d. Deborah Ney, rescind Elementary Chorus Director, this is no longer a supplemental position. Supplemental Contracts 1. Pamela Gregg, New Teacher Mentor, effective December 18, 2006, at the prorated salary of $445.00. 2. Recommend the Board approve the following personnel as Night Custodian Supervisors for the 2006-2007 school year: Carl Holland Joseph Way Willie Jones Debbie Linn Terrance Jones David Leonard 3. Glenwood Indian Lane Media Rose Tree Media Springton Lake Penncrest $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 Recommend the Board approve the following personnel to serve as Dance Chaperones at Springton Lake Middle School for the 2006-2007 school year at the rate of $42.58 per event: Elizabeth Battista Margaret Gilroy Susan Griffin 8 Deanna Storey Alexander Tsipras 1/25/07 IX. New Business A. Personnel 3. General d. Supplemental Contracts (continued) 4. Recommend the Board approve the following personnel to serve as Event Chaperones at Penncrest High School for the 2006-2007 year at the rate of $55.00 per event: Debbie Hoffman 5. Sandra Purcell Recommend the Board approve the following Springton Lake personnel to serve as Intramural Instructors for the 2006-2007 school year at the rate of $27.00 per hour: Stephen Adams Randy Mileto Paul Norris Nicholas Williams 6. Elaine Jay, Soda Machines, Penncrest High School for the 2006-2007 school year at the rate of $1,350.00. 7. Recommend Board approve the following game worker rates, per event, effective August 28, 2006. Timers Starters Springton Lake $25 Crowd Control $27 Scoreboard Operator $27 $30 Penncrest V Football Timer/Announ $46 V Football Game Serv $32 V Football Tickets $34 V Football Gate $32 V Football Parking $32 V. Football Chains $32 JV Football Timer/Chains $38 Fr Football Timer $38 Fr Football Chains $32 V Boys Lacrosse Timer $38 V/JV Girls lacrosse Timer $50 V/JV Hockey Timer $50 V Boys/Girls Soccer Timer $38 V/JV Volleyball Timer $50 Track/Tri Attendant $40 9 V/JV Boys Basketball Timer $51 V/JV Boys Basketball Scorer $51 V/JV Boys Basketball Tickets $32 V/JV Boys Basketball/Crowd Con $32 Fr Basketball Timer $26 Fr Boys/Girls Basketball Timer $38 V/JV Girls Basketball Timer $51 V/JV Girls Basketball Scorer $51 V/JV Wrestling Timer/Announcer $51 Co-ed Swim Scorer/Announcer $51 Girls/Boys Swim Scorer/Ann $28 Track/Dual Head Timer $40 Track/Tri Head Timer $42 Track/Dual Attendant $37 1/25/07 IX. New Business A. Personnel 3. General d. Supplemental Contracts (continued) 8. Recommend the Board approve the following personnel to serve as Gameworkers for the 2006-2007 school year at the above rates: S. Abelson S. Carter C. Casner B. Cicalese J. Ciccarelli M. Clark K. Curry E. Dale B. Danson S. Dashkiwsky P. DelPrato G. Diksa S. Dotts B. Dougherty M. Doyle M. Doyle T. Durant L. Flexon S. Goldman P. Graham L. Groy R. Higgins D. Hoffman A. Ikeler G. Jacobs T. Jackson E. Jay K. Kerr L. Kilpatrick C. Kuntz M. LoBiondo L. Lobitz T. Long M. Ludwig L. Maroldo B. Mason E. Matlock B. McGeehan E. McLaughlin S. Mescanti D. Montich G. Munro K. Nolen J. Pauley C. Penning C. Price F. Quinzi W. Read H. Reed J. Ritter K. Riviere M. Samilenko D. Scherer D. Schnaars J. Shea S. Silva J. Smith S. Smith E. Somers S. Staiger D. Stango E. Stevenson P. Stokes D. Sudall J. Tareila L. Trimble M. Vetter A. Wiegner R. Frank C. Miller J. Baker J. Cocola 9. Janet VanLone, New Teacher Mentor, effective October 16, 2006, at the prorated salary of $838.34. 10. James Ciccarelli, Science Olympiad Co-Sponsor, at the annual salary of $1,768.00. 11. Kathy White, New Teacher Mentor for the second semester at the annual salary of $490.00. 12. Christine Moran, New Teacher Mentor from January through March, at the annual salary of $308.00. 10 1/25/07 IX. New Business A. Personnel 3. General d. e. f. Supplemental Contracts (continued) 13. Jean McPheeters, (.5) New Teacher Mentor for the second semester, at an annual salary of $245.00. 14. Nancy Gheysens, (.5) New Teacher Mentor for the second semester, at an annual salary of $245.00. 15. Brian Lynch, (.20) Homework Club, effective October 2, 2006, at the prorated salary of $568.00. Salary Change 1. Joy Keith, Support Staff II, salary adjustment to $12.98 per hour effective August 28, 2006. Ms. Keith’s salary rate was reported incorrectly on the June Board. 2. Suzanne Yanchek, salary adjustment of her New Teacher Mentor salary to $980.00. Other 1. Rescind appointment of Erik Gallagher, Custodian. Mr. Gallagher will not be joining Rose Tree Media School District. 2. Rescind appointment of Carol Boulet, Support Staff I. Ms. Boulet will not be joining Rose Tree Media School District. 3. Medina Heller, discontinue temporary Clerk I position and return to Support Staff I position at a rate of $12.02 per hour effective January 8, 2007. 4. Paul Griglione, Mechanic, will serve as a substitute custodian at the rate of $12.00 per hour. 5. Erin McLaughlin, Long Term Substitute Chemistry Teacher, change of hire date from August 22, 2006 to January 29, 2007. 11 1/25/07 The aforegoing resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: IX. Nancy Fronduti, Linda Fox, Nancy Mackrides, Stacey Benson, William Campbell, William Montgomery, William O’Donnell, Jeffrey Pettit None New Business B. Overnight Trips 1. Penncrest Penn State Invitational Indoor Track Meet February 16-17, 2007 Mr. O’Donnell moved and Mrs. Fronduti seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2006-2007 – 69 Resolve, that the Board approve the Indoor Track Team to attend a meet in Penn State. The aforegoing resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: C. Nancy Fronduti, Linda Fox, Nancy Mackrides, Stacey Benson, William Campbell, William Montgomery, William O’Donnell, Jeffrey Pettit None 2007-2008 Calendar – First Read Resolve, the Board review the 2007-2008 Calendar. (See Attachment E in Official Legislative Minutes of January 25, 2007). 12 1/25/07 X. Finance A. Purchasing - None B. General 1. Preliminary Proposed Tax Referendum Resolution Mr. Campbell moved and Mrs. Benson seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2006-2007 - 70 Resolve, that the Board of School Directors preliminarily approve the Local Tax Study Commission recommendation to impose a zero point eight percent (0.8%) personal income tax. The revenue generated from the tax will be used to reduce taxes on qualified owner-occupied residential properties and on qualified farm buildings by about $535 in the first year, rising to about $890 in subsequent years based on 100% tax collection and 100% participation by eligible homesteads. (The current personal income tax rate is zero point zero percent (0.0%). And, further resolve, that in accordance with Act 1, Taxpayer Relief Act, the School District advertise a public hearing by the School Board to be held on Tuesday February 20, 2007 at 7:00 PM at the Springton Lake Middle School auditorium. The purpose of the public hearing is to review the foregoing resolution and receive comments from the public. And, further resolve that the School District advertise a public meeting to be held by the School Board immediately following the public hearing on February 20, 2007 at the Springton Lake Middle School auditorium to discuss and deliberate on the proposed income tax to be included in the referendum question resolution. The aforegoing resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: Nancy Fronduti, Linda Fox, Nancy Mackrides, Stacey Benson, William Campbell, William Montgomery, William O’Donnell, Jeffrey Pettit None 13 1/25/07 X. Finance B. General 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Budgetary Transfers Change Orders Adjustment to the 2006-2007 General Fund Budget Harvest Technology Group, Inc. Sales Agreement Schoolwires, Inc. Agreement Mr. Campbell moved and Mr. Montgomery seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2006-2007 - 71 2. Budgetary Transfers Further resolve, that the Board approve the following budgetary transfers: FY 07 - 7 FROM: Fund 10 General Fund Regular Instruction - Supplies Learning Support - Supplies Library Services - Books and Subscriptions Instruction and Curriculum - Supplies Regular Instruction - Supplies Regular Instruction - Supplies AMOUNT: $8,730 TO: AMOUNT: Regular Instruction - Supplies $8,730 RATIONALE: Transfer needed due to the redistribute per pupil allocation funds as a result of redistricting. FY 07 - 15 FROM: AMOUNT: Fund 10 General Fund School Sponsored Athletics - Dues and Fees $1,200 TO: AMOUNT: School Sponsored Athletics - Supplies $1,200 RATIONALE: Transfer needed to purchase basketball uniforms. 14 1/25/07 X. Finance B. General 2. Budgetary Transfers (cont’d) FY 07 - 17 FROM: AMOUNT: Fund 10 General Fund Budgetary Reserve $11,200 Regular Instruction - Other Professional Services AMOUNT: $11,200 RATIONALE: Transfer needed in order for Teaching and Learning to meet the contract requirements of the Language Arts program consultant who is to be paid for seven (7) professional development sessions. 3. Change Orders Further resolve, that the Board approve the following change orders: New Transportation Facility S. B. Conrad GC-007 $751.00 - Additional cost to enlarge gate to stadium field. . New Transportation Facility Goldhorn Electrical Construction E-004 $5,936.00 - Additional labor costs associated with delay in obtaining permits E-005 $1,985.00 - Additional labor costs associated with delay in obtaining permits Blackney Hayes Architects $9,500.00 - Additional Services associated with items in December 11, 2006 correspondence 15 1/25/07 X. Finance B. General 4. Further resolve, that the Board approve the Adjustment to the 2006 – 2007 General Fund Budget Revenue Code Available Fund Balance R7110 R7271 R7501 R8517.07 R7599.02 R6790.82 R6790.26 R6790.82 R6790.82 R6790.82 R6790.82 R6790.82 R6790.82 R6790.82 R6790.82 R6790.82 R6790.82 R6790.82 R6790.82 R6790.82 R6790.82 R6790.82 R6790.82 R6790.82 R6790.82 R6790.82 R6790.82 Changes to Original Budget Basic Education Special Education Accountability Block Grant Safe and Drug Free Schools and Community Grant Community Revitalization Program Grant (Glenwood) Penncrest High School Student Fees Transcripts Glenwood Elementary School Student Fees GW Helping GW Penncrest High School Student Fees Technology Ed Penncrest High School Student Fees - Art Penncrest High School Student Fees - Science Penncrest High School Student Fees Technology Ed Penncrest High School Student Fees - English Penncrest High School Student Fees Technology Ed Penncrest High School Student Fees - English Penncrest High School Student Fees Technology Ed Penncrest High School Student Fees - Family & Consumer Science Penncrest High School Student Fees - Art Penncrest High School Student Fees - Art Penncrest High School Student Fees - Science Penncrest High School Student Fees - Science Penncrest High School Student Fees - PSAT Reg. Penncrest High School Student Fees - Art Penncrest High School Student Fees - PSAT Reg. Penncrest High School Student Fees - Science Penncrest High School Student Fees - Art Penncrest High School Student Fees - Art Penncrest High School Student Fees - Art 16 Revenues 67,011,220 2,800,000 69,811,220 Expenditures 69,811,220 69,811,220 36,614 (27) 42,159 36,614 (27) 42,159 7,919 7,919 10,000 10,000 52 52 1,200 1,200 50 10 421 50 10 421 21 52 21 52 865 1,404 865 1,404 27 27 320 17 22 10 24 320 17 22 10 24 1,540 224 1,540 224 3,040 1,724 108 216 543 3,040 1,724 108 216 543 1/25/07 REVENUE CODE R6790.82 R6790.82 R6790.82 R6790.82 R6790.82 R6790.82 Changes to Original Budget Revenues Penncrest High School Student Fees - Science Penncrest High School Student Fees Transcripts Penncrest High School Student Fees - PSAT Reg. Penncrest High School Student Fees Technology Ed Penncrest High School Student Fees Technology Ed Penncrest High School Student Fees - Math Subtotal of Changes Updated 2006-2007 Budget 17 Expenditures 708 708 63 63 1,331 1,331 1,173 1,173 255 661 112,746 255 661 112,746 69,923,966 69,923,966 1/25/07 X Finance B. General 5. Harvest Technology Group, Inc. Sales Agreement Further resolve, that the Board approve the Sales Agreement with Harvest Technology Group to perform services in an eighty hour block of time, not to exceed $12,000. 6. Schoolwires, Inc. Services Agreement Further resolve, that the Board approve the Services Agreement with Schoolwires, Inc. for web hosting services for period of three years beginning July 1, 2007, and ending June 30, 2010, in an amount not to exceed $78,900. 18 1/25/07 C. D. Financials for December 2006 Bill Lists for December 2006 Further Resolve, that the Board approve the following Financial Lists and Bill Lists: December 2006 December 2006 December 2006 December 2006 Treasurers Reports Investment Reports Summary Expenditure Status Report Revenue Status Report December 2006 General Fund Bill List $ 1,700,071.55 December 2006 Imprest Fund Bill List $ 4,981.00 December 2006 Capital Fund Bill List $ 81,542.00 December 2006 1992 Construction Fund Bill List $ 45,000.00 December 2006 Bond Series 2003 Bill list $ 239,408.05 December 2006 Bond Series 2004 Bill List $ 4,462.73 December 2006 Activities/Special Revenue Fund $ 16,062.75 $ 2,091,528.08 19 1/25/07 X. Adjournment Mr. Campbell moved and Mrs. Fox seconded a motion to adopt the following Resolution: RESOLUTION: 2006-2007 – 72 Resolve, there being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned. The aforegoing resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: Nancy Fronduti, Linda Fox, Nancy Mackrides, Stacey Benson, William Campbell, William Montgomery, William O’Donnell, Jeffrey Pettit None __________________ Sharon A. Learn Board Secretary 20 1/25/07 III. Presentations and Awards A. World Language Department Resolve, that the Board recognize the World Language Department for their dedication and hard work in contributing to Penncrest High School being chosen by the Pennsylvania Modern Language Association for offering “exemplary” programs. Background All Pennsylvania schools were given an opportunity to provide PSMLA with evidence of their World Language Program. Penncrest High School was one of 10 schools recognized by the Pennsylvania Modern Language Association. B. United States Achievement Academy Award Resolve, that the Board recognize Elijah Trusty, Janay Smith, Jayda Rawls, Khalice Payne and Erin Doby for being selected by the United States Achievement Academy to be eligible to apply for the scholarship program. Background The requirements to be eligible for this award include: academic performance (3.0 or better), dependability, leadership, enthusiasm, dedication to self-improvement, attitude and cooperative spirit, and responsibility. EXCELLENCE TODAY FOR TOMORROW SCHOOL REPORT’S – February 2007 GLENWOOD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Woody’s World Newsletter This month Glenwood introduced its new monthly newsletter entitled “Woody’s World.” The purpose of the newsletter is to increase communication about important activities and events taking place at the school. Woody’s World will be available on the web-site and in print. Dental Health Month Healthy smiles are always in fashion, and they are especially brilliant this month – Dental Health Month – at Glenwood. Mrs. Taylor, Glenwood’s School Nurse visited kindergarten, first, and third grade classrooms to review healthy habits for healthy teeth. First graders received toothbrushes and toothpaste provided by the Crest company. Classroom Activities First grade students finished up a weather unit and second graders continue to explore a variety of poetry writing during enrichment times. Second graders in Mr. Sharp’s Art Class have been traveling around the world in art, looking at various cultures and learning about the how art made in various cultures and countries is similar and different. We began a recent lesson by first talking about common symbols, such as a heart, green traffic light symbol, a circle with a diagonal line through the center, a plus sign, and a minus sign, or an image of a man or woman near a bathroom. Students were asked if anyone from around the world could understand the symbols and what they meant. Those students that have traveled mentioned that they have seen many of those images in another country. However, what might be different is a stop sign might be a same color, but in a different language. Students were then shown some symbols from Ghana that they stamp onto cloth or use as pendants on necklaces. These symbols are only used in Ghana and therefore only the people of Ghana can recognize their significance. For our project, students stamped traditional Adinkra symbols from Ghana onto different colored sheets of brown paper to create a frame. For the picture that went inside this frame, we adhered various strips of warm colored tissue paper – red, orange, and yellow to a piece of paper. When the paper was dry we drew a landscape depicting 1 animals that we would find in Africa – elephants, cheetahs, monkeys, and giraffes as well as various trees, such as the acacia tree or sausage tree. We turned our drawings into silhouettes by coloring in using only a black marker. We glued this picture to the inside of the frame. Glenwood second graders geared up for the Super Bowl by participating in a bowl all their own…the Cereal Bowl! A wealth of parent volunteers guided students through a circuit of interdisciplinary activities. With delicious varieties of cereal and boxes available at every station, parents were serving up more than just a tasty snack! Students solved math problems, practiced reading nutrition labels, created catchy jingles, and studied weight and measurement all using their favorite breakfast cereals. Students were engaged actively in learning activities while having fun at the same time! Miss Robinson is extending her Social Studies instruction, and her class is making and presenting culture bags. In Miss Pinsley’s class, the students are studying measurement and probability. Also in February, Mr. Davies and Miss Pinsley wrapped up the electricity and magnetism unit with their students. Third graders are also studying how we are alike around the world. We continue to practice our Reading and Writing strategies as well. Third, fourth, and fifth grade AGP students all wrapped up reports and presentations in January. Third and fourth graders researched National parks to enrich their study of geography in the US and fifth grade students researched and reported on natural disasters to enrich their science unit. Mr. Heinle’s fourth grade classroom attended a Webinar with author Robin Moore. Students in Mr. Heinle’s class read his story “Bread Sister of Sinking Creek”. Mr. Moore will be giving a presentation to several schools around the country on how authors generate and refine their ideas for characters and story plots. The students were able to ask questions to Moore by using a classroom LCD projector and a hook-up via the internet. The Chinese Luncheon The fourth grade is embracing the Chinese culture by celebrating one of China’s most celebrated holidays. Fourth graders will be celebrating the Chinese New Year: Year of Pig with a local artist and restaurant owner. Mrs. Tsai from Da Shin Restaurant will be visiting Glenwood to bring to life the essence of her culture. Students will learn to speak, sing, and write the Chinese language. They will learn about her native country through her artwork, as well as become artists themselves as they make an origami pig and red envelopes. The fourth grade will also experience eating a traditional Chinese meal. The Fourth Graders are working very hard to prepare their Celebration of Music Concert. The concert involves all of our Fourth Graders and will be presented in Glenwood’s cafeteria on Friday, March 9, at 2:00 pm. The children will be sharing what they have been learning in music this year. Such favorites as The Locomotion, Rock Island Line and Fifty Nifty United States will be featured. Parents and Special Friends of Fourth Graders are invited to attend. Glenwood fifth grade students are taking great measures to prepare for the upcoming Pennsylvania System of School Assessment. Students practiced writing in the three modes that may be tested, narrative, persuasive and informational, with a focus on Pennsylvania State Department of Education scoring guidelines. Students have also been focusing on 2 grammar, punctuation and spelling to ensure they perform to their best capabilities on the assessments. Mathematics has focused on geometry and measurement with children classifying and discussing different types of polygons with a focus on triangles and quadrilaterals. After gaining a firm grasp of these concepts the children learned about standard and metric forms of measurement which will be applied to lessons on area and perimeter. Fifth grade teachers are also meeting weekly with Special Education teacher Catherine Bennett to make sure children with special needs are staying on track through their academic year and likewise getting prepared for state assessments. Library technician Kathy Cook participated in the Delaware County Book Review Program. Publishers provide copies of brand new titles, and librarians may keep those books they review. Mrs. Cook obtained eighteen recently-published titles for the Glenwood library, including non-fiction, novels, and picture books valued at over $275.00! In February, all students entered a writing contest. Students scoured over the pieces they had written throughout the year and chose one they wanted to enter. They incorporated all the writing skills they have learned so far during the year to polish and publish that piece. Four winners were chosen at every grade level. Winners were then recognized as Glenwood winners of the contest. Those pieces were then submitted to the Young Authors’ Project contest at the Delaware County Intermediate Unit. In physical education class, Glenwood students have been having great fun using long jump ropes to perform feats of agility and endurance. They’ve realized that the rope turners are every bit as important as the jumpers and have enjoyed using this knowledge to help their groups succeed. Inspired by the new Disney movie, “Jump In”, there are several students who are determined to master the challenge of learning Double Dutch. Read-a-thon 2007: Read Yourself Silly – Every Day! From January 27 through March 2, Glenwood’s PTG will hold their annual Read-a-thon to raise funds for books for Glenwood’s library and classrooms. Students earn “a penny a page” for each book read, or read aloud to them, and family and friends can sponsor or give a donation to the library. Several contests will enliven this year’s Read-a-thon. Prizes will be awarded to the students who read the highest number of pages and to those who raise the most money in each grade level. In a “guess how many books in the Glenwood library” contest, the two students in each grade level whose estimate is closest to the actual amount of books in their assigned section of the library will also win a prize. There will be water ice for one day for all students in the school if they achieve the principal’s challenge. During the kickoff presentation, Mr. Dougherty promised that the class that reads the most books can cover him with silly string if the students can reach the goal of reading 14,500 books during the Read-a-thon. Students participating in the Read-a-thon last year earned over $6,200 to support the library and their classroom libraries. The staff members and students of Glenwood Elementary School always have a wonderful time during our annual Read-a-thon, and will be heard saying, “Read Yourself Silly – Every Day!” 3 Since the first day of school, classes have been using charts and graphs to count off the first 100 days of school. It will finally occur this month. A variety of culminating activities have been planned to celebrate this very special day. INDIAN LANE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL After almost an hour of exhausting competition, Daniel Bailets (5th grade, Mr. Sitkowski’s class) was awarded 1st place in our annual Geography Bee. Sponsored by the National Geographic Society, 24 of our 5th grade students participated in several rounds of questioning. This year’s Bee was moderated by Mr. Kevin Nolen of Penncrest High School’s Social Studies Department. Runners up in the competition were Katie Brodecki and John Renzi. As a compliment to the Geography Bee, every 5th grade student researched a particular country, assigned at random, and provided reproductions of the flags of their countries which were displayed in the cafeteria during the competition. In January, we began recognizing students who exemplify outstanding citizenship skills at Indian Lane. Teachers select one student per month who will be recognized as Bobcat Citizen of the Month. While academic learning is the most important reason students attend school, becoming a caring and respectful citizen in the world is just as important at Indian Lane. Students receive a certificate of recognition and their parents are notified by letter. Individual pictures are taken and placed in a display case in the lobby recognizing them for their outstanding achievement. This information is also placed on our website. 100 Book Challenge Staff from the 100 Book Challenge Company visited Indian Lane on Wednesday, January 10, at 7:00 PM to more fully explain the program and how parents can help at home. Parents learned about the program and spent 10 minutes reading with their children. We had over 150 people in attendance, including 11 staff members. In support of Indian Lane Elementary's "No Place For Hate" campaign, the Parent Teacher Group is sponsoring a series of assemblies, highlighting the diverse histories and cultures of people throughout the world. The first assembly occurred on Friday, January 12, as the NaiNi Chen Dance Company visited the school for two performances. Five dancers from the Company performed Chinese choreography featuring ribbons, the long-spear, drums, and fans. The dancers even invited some of the students to join in! The bright and lively stage show left the audience with a much better appreciation for the beauty and splendor of this Chinese art form. 4 Our second Family Movie Night of the year was a huge success. Students and their parents enjoyed a night of entertainment in the gym watching the movie High School Musical. This is a great PTG sponsored event that is a great fundraiser for our school. We held our first neighborhood meeting on January 24th with residents surrounding Indian Lane to work together to protect our school. We created a database calling list to alert each other of suspicious activity around the school during off-hours and agreed to contact each other to foster better communication. A follow-up meeting with the State Police is planned for March. Art Goes To School was another event held at the school the week of Feb. 5-9. Classrooms visited the display throughout the week which introduces art from around the world dating from the prehistoric period to the present. Volunteer members lead interactive presentations encouraging students to “look, feel and think” about what they are seeing. The AGTS mission is to introduce the visual arts to children in our community in a way that inspires and enriches their lives. Parents, staff members and students are looking forward to our Second Annual Parent-Teacher Basketball Game to benefit the Norman Kelly Smiles Scholarship Fund. This very popular event has the Indian Lane staff dusting off their sneakers and brushing up on their skills to take back the trophy awarded to the parents last year. There will be a special half time game between Indian Lane 5th graders (selected by drawing) and a combination of teachers and 5th grade parents. There is also a special silent auction during the game for bird houses built by Indian Lane students on Martin Luther King Day of Service. “News on the Lane” Goes Live Indian Lane’s morning announcements began a live broadcast on our television system on February 12. Fifth grade students work as anchors, meteorologist, camera crew, and stage hands and deliver information of interest to our students each morning at 9:00. Parent volunteers and school staff provide the needed guidance to make this experiment a successful one. Kindergarten Phonics - We have learned the sounds for all of the letters. We have been using the letters a, b, c, f, m, r, s, and t to build words and decode. The children have also been writing words using these letters during dictation time. Handwriting-The children have learned how to write all of the upper case letters and numbers correctly. We are now learning about the lower case letters. We have started this unit with the "Magic C letters". These are letters that look like their matching upper case letter. Math-We are finishing our counting unit next week. Next month we will begin the understanding and application of addition. Science-Weather has been the big topic this month. With the unusual temperatures and changes in weather, this month has been ideal for the weather unit. Social Studies-Our family is the most important thing in our lives. We have been learning how important our families really are to us and how different families can be. 5 First Grade First graders wrapped up their study of Mother Goose Rhymes. The boys and girls enjoyed this different kind of reading. Each child did a super job of dressing up and sharing his or her rhyme with the class and adult visitors on Mother Goose Day. During Phonics time, students are now learning about syllables and practicing dividing words into syllables thus making them easier to read. In Math, we have been focusing on creating quilts. The children first planned a quilt design on one square and then used that plan to create a quilt by repeating the square 9 times. Soon they will learn fractions covering 1/2, 1/3 and 1/4. They will also focus on graphing answering a daily question as they enter the room in the morning. One student takes the information and creates a graph with Velcro bears. The class then discusses the results. We learned about groundhogs in honor of Groundhog Day! Phil did not see his shadow so we are looking forward to an early Spring! The children celebrated their 100th Day of School on Friday, February 9th. The children participated in various activities with a 100 theme. They wrote what they would do with $100.00, they counted 100 snacks and they read many books about 100 just to name a few! The first grade is also getting ready for a field trip to the Delaware Museum of Natural History. There, we will learn more about animal classification. In preparation for this trip, the first graders created class T-shirts that they will wear on this special day. Second Grade We are still focusing on our study of dialogue in books. We have started to give names to the different types of dialogue we find.. We decided simple dialogue is when the narrator tells you right before or after a character speaks as in: "A snowman contest!" said Henry. We also found that sometimes the narrator interrupts the character to tell you who is speaking. Here is an example of interrupting dialogue: "I just don't want the ball to roll into Mrs. Morgan's yard," said Rex. "You know what she is like." No-said dialogue is when the narrator doesn't tell you who is speaking at all and you have to use other strategies to figure it out yourself. Our class has been getting to know another book series called Pinky and Rex. It is a great series of chapter books about the best friends. Pinky is a boy who loves the color pink and Rex is a girl who loves dinosaurs! Third Grade We have just finished reading a great book called BFG (Big Friendly Giant). We hunted for dreams and nightmares and we wrote about them. Our next book with be HOOT! We have written our second letter to our pen pals. We have really learned a lot about kids from another school. We have all finished our Science research on a planet and made posters which were displayed in the classroom. In Social Studies we continue with Geography and we have been studying famous people during Black History month. We will also research a famous person later in the year. Reading- our PSSA practice has kept us busy with a consultant giving us ideas and strategies about taking the reading section of the test. She has talked to the kids about 6 making predictions, reading the questions before reading the selection, and then being sure you read ALL the possibilities of answers before choosing one. We have also kept busy with reading Cactus Hotel and Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, a very well-loved story. Math - We concluded our second official seminar and we completed time and money. Before the PSSA tests, we will introduce shapes, fractions, line segments, symmetry, angles, area, and perimeter. Then, after the test, we will go into more detail with each unit. Fourth Grade In preparation for Healthy Heart Month (February), 4th graders are learning all about the importance of having a healthy heart. This involves discussions about getting plenty of exercise, follow a good diet, and keep their heart clean and drug free. In Math, they are preparing to learn long division, geometry and problem solving. Two classes are starting a unit on Land and Water. Small groups will have a chance to model various land and water occurrences in their own stream table. Students will be able to look for erosion, evaporation, run-off, sedimentation and evidence of the water cycle during their weekly sessions. Reading books this month are Chocolate by Hershey, Because of Winn Dixie and Loser. Fifth Grade We have been very busy practicing for the PSSA Writing Assessments which will be administered beginning the 12th of February. We have written in all three genres: narrative, informational, and persuasive. We have examined the rubrics, scored papers and tried to figure where we can make changes to improve our writing. The children love the novel, Fever, 1793 by Laurie Halse Anderson. They are keeping double entry journals with facts on one side of the paper and reflections on the other side. They are finding vocabulary words within the text and using the dictionary to find meanings so they can use the words in sentences. When the novel is complete, they will do two pieces of writing as the final assessment. We are studying the 13 colonies in social studies. The children have made billboards to advertise one of the six we are concentrating on. We will not thoroughly study all 13, only six: Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, New York, Maryland and Georgia. We may do a little research on the rest when the chapter is finished. MEDIA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL GO RED! During the month of February, Media School and other institutions in the Philadelphia area will “go red” in support of the American Heart Association’s Go Red for Women awareness campaign. Cardiovascular disease is the No. 1 killer of American women, claiming more lives than the next five causes of death combined. Awareness of this threat is critical. On February 2, Media School went red. Everyone came to school in their red tshirts and jeans. “Public service” announcements aired on our daily news broadcast. On Friday, February 9, we had a Beach Volleyball Night to support the heart association. This 7 event was chaired by physical education teacher Carol Shapero and was completely planned by Media teachers. Community volunteer Cindy Flynn provided prizes (water bottles and cook books) and literature that were available to those who attended. Our generous PTG purchased refreshments. Once again, Media School proved that it is a school with a gigantic heart! Rocky Run Fun Night Our PTG sponsored a family night at The Rocky Run YMCA. Families were invited to swim, dance, and play supervised games. The evening was well attended and has opened the door for future partnerships with The Rocky Run Y. Mix It Up Day The students of Media Elementary participated in another Mix It Up Day in honor of “No Name Calling Week.” The event was during lunch periods on Thursday, January 25. .Mix it Up Day challenged students to sit next to someone new or sit somewhere new, to step out of their comfort zone. Students were asked to sit according to the sticker they received as they entered the cafeteria. Questions were placed on the tables for breaking the ice among new friends. The questions focused around names and name calling. The children enjoyed meeting and eating with new friends and learning about the origins of their new friends’ names. DIBELS Administration We completed our winter administration of DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy) and met with consultant Helen Conahan-Detry to review the results. The data and discussion have both been very useful. Hat Day The first graders were very creative in showcasing their favorite books on Hat Day. Each child decorated a hat with clues about his/her favorite book. After the class guessed the book that the child used, that child shared a summary of the book and told why it was a favorite. The children have been practicing talking about books in their small group instruction. They have been working on reading and summarizing stories and retelling parts of a book. They’re also learning to share their opinion about what they’ve read using very specific details from the books as support. The first graders enjoyed the day and were able to share their wonderful creations as they paraded around the entire school. The Giraffe Club Second grade is learning all about the Giraffe Club. The Giraffe Club is a “club” for individuals who “stick out their necks” in order to solve a problem and/or make their neighborhood a better place. Giraffes are not afraid to take action even if it is difficult. Students have discussed why famous people from history—Martin Luther King Jr., Harriet Tubman, Chief Joseph, Wing Luke, Susan B. Anthony—are part of the club. Students are learning how they too can become a member of The Giraffe Club. This unit is tied in with the study of biographies in grade 2. 8 Pennsylvania Animals Grade 4 students are doing research projects on Pennsylvania animals. They had to do research in six areas including food, reproduction, life span, and habitat. The project included a poster and oral presentation. Grade 4 students in Mrs. Gruber’s class are also practicing the fine art of debate. Topics have included “Should we have homework?”, “Should treats be banned at school?” and “Do children need cell phones?” Our fourth graders have also been walking, by class, to The Delaware County Courthouse where they take an excellent tour and even get to sit in on cases in progress. Research Projects Fifth grade began working on their research projects. The students are exploring selfselected (and approved) topics, choosing appropriate resources, determining the reliability of internet sources, using RTM resources, note taking and creating webs and outlines. Their projects will be showcased at our annual research and science fair. PSSA Writing Preparation Our fifth grade teachers are doing a wonderful job of preparing students to take the PSSA Writing Test. The children have been practicing prompts (persuasive, narrative, informational) under conditions that are like the actual testing situation. Fifth graders are happy to report that they are “going for the 4” (the top score)! Conflict Resolution Mrs. McGeehan’s class began their third year of a cooperative project with Media Providence Friends School on conflict resolution. In the project, fifth graders are paired with eighth graders. Meetings take place at both schools. No Place for Hate Campaign Each classroom got a copy of The Other Side by Jacqueline Woodson. It is the story of two young girls, one black and one white, who develop a strong friendship despite restrictions that have been placed on their interactions. Over the course of a summer, the girls develop a friendship. Our children are asked to think about this question, “Would you be a person who builds up or tears down fences?” Physical Education Update Students in grades 1 and 2 have been participating in a jump rope unit. Individual and long rope activities have spurred many students to continue practicing independently. Students in grades 3, 4 and 5 have participated in a basketball skills unit. Any interested 4th and 5th grade student may sign up for basketball intramurals that will begin in late February. AGP Update 3rd, 4th and 5th grade AGP students completed reports and presentations this month. Parents were invited to the presentations. 3rd and 4th graders researched national parks to enrich their study of United States geography. 5th graders researched and reported on a chosen bird in their neighborhood to complete their study of ornithology which enriches 9 their ecosystem unit. They made models of birds depicting the bird’s features and habitat that are on display in the atrium. 1st grade students are working on a tangram unit and 2nd graders continue to learn about the continents and oceans during enrichment periods. ROSE TREE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Art Room Happenings: Our students were very busy in the art room this month. The fifth grade students created a value scale study illustrating white to black in an even, gradual way. They created Storyteller Dolls and Black on Black pots in the style of western Native American artists. Fourth graders examined works by Jamie Wyeth and created scratch art images which included a lighthouse. They also learned weaving techniques and vocabulary while weaving on a cardboard loom. Third grade students journeyed back in time to the Middle Ages and created stained glass windows. Second graders journeyed to the North Pole where they were inspired by images of the Aurora Borealis and Inuit Inukshuks to create mixed media compositions. Also, they learned about Chinese New Year celebrations and created paper dragon hand puppets. The first grade classes mixed primary and secondary colors to create mixed media winter sky landscapes. They went on to learn about owls and create paintings as well as 3 dimensional works illustrating texture and pattern. Mrs. Proetto attended a teacher workshop with the other RTMSD elementary art teachers at the Brandywine River Museum. Pennsylvania Art and History in the Classroom was the topic of the workshop. Highlights of the afternoon included a power point presentation of historically significant artwork currently on exhibit, a guided tour including illustrations by N.C. Wyeth for Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island and James Fenimore Cooper’s The Last of the Mohicans. There are many paintings by Andrew, Jamie and other members of the Wyeth family, Howard Pyle and his students, as well as many other regional and historically significant artists. A collection of landscapes along the Brandywine including some of the one hundred fifty mills that once existed along the river is on display as well as many other works too numerous to mention. Social Skills Assembly Walnut Street Theatre’s Touring Outreach Company will visit Rose Tree Elementary School on Friday, February 23 to present “The Boy Who Cried Bully” to all students in grades 3 – 5. This honest examination of bulling – how it starts, why it happens and what to do to stop it – promises to be a fun, theatrical way to deal with this sensitive topic while also showing students the dangers of bending the truth. The teachers were given a study guide complete with suggested activities to do with the students both before and after the show. Math Lab Mrs. Sommer, our Math Coach, reported her Grade 1 students continued to work on addition and subtraction in various ways. They used number lines to show jumps, learned about turn around facts (fact families, commutative property), and were introduced to the doubles strategy. Third grade students worked to understand multiplication concepts as repeated addition and arrays. They were asked to ‘learn’ their 10 multiplication tables as soon as possible or to develop strategies to recreate the tables. They also worked on fraction concepts, choosing the correct operation in word problems, and began measurement in preparation for the PSSA. Fourth grade students were asked to solidify their 2 by 3 multiplication skills and multiplication with money. They were also drilling the long division algorithm with and without remainders, and within problem solving. Over the next month, the students will review geometry and measurement concepts as part of their preparation for the PSSA. As part of the preparation for the PSSA, fifth grade students continued to spiral through multiplication and division with decimals, and addition, subtraction, and multiplying of fractions. Also, they have started geometry concepts and will touch on probability and measurement before the PSSA. Accelerated Math Program Fourth graders continued in the world of fractions, becoming experts with addition and subtraction of mixed numbers in an academic and problem solving setting. The students worked with linear measurement in US customary units. The students are now engrossed with plane geometry concepts and will continue with measurement, both customary and metric. Fifth grade AMP students had a wonderfully rewarding field trip to a fine restaurant as a culmination to the restaurant training manual project. Not only did they learn about invoicing, tips, and mileage, but many were fascinated by all the different skills needed to be successful in business, including architecture, lighting design, management, accounting, etc. The students also completed a unit on fractions, and are now into the world of geometry. Their main project for the month was to create various origami designs and then analyze the shapes and angles in relation to geometric properties. Music The 1st and 2nd graders learned new rhythmic patterns and new solfege hand signs this month. The 3rd and 4th graders were busy preparing for their afternoon concert, “An Afternoon of Music”. This concert will be held on March 27, 2007 at 2:45 p.m. in the school’s cafeteria. The 5th graders also began preparing for Rose Tree Elementary School’s Spring Concert which will be held on Thursday, May 3, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. Library Happenings We do a lot of writing in the library, because reading and writing go hand in hand. This month – 4th graders learned to write good story beginnings and endings by using great picture books as examples. Each student was given a library journal, and during each library class they read from a picture book, then using the book as a guide, wrote sentences that were descriptive and attention grabbing. The students are getting a lot out of this project; they are developing a deeper appreciation for the books they are using, as well as sharpening their writing skills. Physical Education During the month of February, all grades worked on cooperation and teamwork skills while playing net games. Towards the end of the month developmental K, primary, and grades 1-4 will be focusing on body movements such as rolling, tumbling, balancing, dancing, step aerobics, and yoga. The 5th graders will be creating their own exercise routines which will incorporate movements using upper body strength, lower body strength, abdominal strength and flexibility 11 Guidance With the support of everyone at Rose Tree, Mrs. Jessica Hilden has settled in very quickly to the position of school counselor. She presented her first round of guidance lessons, using the RTMSD standards as her guide to teach about topics such as anger management, conflict resolution, and self-esteem. Jessica attended a workshop entitled “The School Counselor’s Role in Promoting Equity and Access” with fellow counselors and Dr. Gilbert. The speaker, Dr. Pedro Noguera, gave everyone a lot to think about and, as a group; they intend to discuss how they can bring the information back to RTMSD. Jessica also attended a PaTTan workshop about coordinating and administering the PSSA. Jessica was able to walk away feeling very confident about coordinating the upcoming Writing PSSA and has already met with the fifth grade teachers to discuss PSSA administration and security. Developmental Kindergarten The students in Mrs. Hetherington's Developmental Kindergarten class learned about the number 100 in anticipation of the 100th day of school. They read "I'll Teach My Dog 100 Words," by Michael Frith and made a list of 100 words! Kindergarten For Black History Month, the kindergarten students at Rose Tree listened to and acted out several classic African folktales. The selections were A Story A Story by Gail E. Hailey, Who's In Rabbit's House by Verna Aardema, and Anansi the Spider by Gerald McDermott. Mrs. Mayfield-Pinkett crafted masks and props for students to act out the stories in class. The students had a great time bringing their favorite African folktales to life. Second Grade Second graders at Rose Tree Elementary continued to take full advantage of the district’s awesome technology capabilities. To enrich and extend the new Houghton Mifflin reading program, the students participated in several hands-on distance learning opportunities about rocks, black history and animal adaptations. Promoting Healthy Choices Several parents volunteered to work with the Rose Tree Media Food Service Department to acquaint our students with different foods. For our first “tasting,” we offered a selection of red, green and yellow peppers. The parents chopped and chopped some more, and then served the various peppers to our adventurous students to expand their food horizons and encourage healthy choices in the future. SPRINGTON LAKE MIDDLE SCHOOL Washington DC 300 sixth graders visited our nation's capitol last week. They spent time in the Holocaust Museum and the Smithsonian Natural History Museum. Below are a few student reflections from the trip: 12 -"I always thought that the Holocaust was not that bad and that a lot of people survived," wrote one Sixth Grader. "But now I know what these people went through, and to have seen pictures of them, looking into their eyes you could see that they still had watch them in pain like that, to be tortured was just horrible to imagine. ...When I saw the third floor about how Hitler came into power, I thought to myself, what if the president of the United States had let them come over, what if Hitler had gone to paint school and never made the Nazi group. So many "ifs" but there is nothing we can do now. We must bear witness to the living and the dead. We must all bear witness." -"I think we should read about the Holocaust at an early age so we can each remember what happened and learn from our mistakes." -"As I was walking through the museum I have to admit I was crying. But as the tears fell down my eyes I was sort of relieved because I was in a museum where the lives of millions of people can be retold. I also think we will understand that there are bad people in this world. But we don't have to be one of them." Grade 8 PSSA Writing Assessments A parent information session on the 07-08 schedule was held on Thursday, February 15 from 7 to 8PM. AGP Several sixth and seventh graders who are in the academically gifted language arts class will be participating in a special reading unit about the struggle for Civil Rights in the United States during the month of February. Mr. Tolomeo (grade 6) and Mrs. Sangillo (grade 7) will create a mixture of the two grades from their second period classes and work on differentiated reading and writing activities for the first part of the third marking period. This is the second year for this cross-graded project that allows the 6th and 7th graders to work together three days a week to learn about this important topic in our nation's history. The two teachers will use a variety of resources and strategies to teach the unit including novels, non-fiction text, poetry, video, and the internet. Guidance Eighth grade guidance is finishing up the "Teen Talk" group this week. The next group "Anger Management will start in a week or so. Conflict Resolution will be taught during this marking period. Seventh grade is running a group on" Self-esteem". Sixth graders are receiving study skills lessons. The "Kids to Kids" group is finished and the 6th grders will begin the "Family Issues" group. "Random Acts of Kindness" group continues. We worked with HCI to present the "Art of Parenting" on February 9. Parent support groups will begin in March. Library News During January, Mrs. Motley met with the CEO and National Sales Manager from local Mason Crest Publishers. Discussion focused on how non-fiction titles usually purchased 13 for libraries but aligned to curriculum standards might be designed so that they would be useful as supplemental books in subject area classrooms. The CEO, Dan Hilferty, was a parent of former SLMS student and Penncrest grad Patrick Hilferty. Patrick is a disabled student, now also a DCCC grad, who volunteers once a week in Mrs. Wolf’s class at the high school. Mrs. Motley attended the Delaware County Book review session at Upper Darby High School on January 23. In return for reading and writing reviews twenty-seven tiles for their publishers, she acquired $527 worth of new books for the SLMS Library. Students from Mrs. Yanchek’s Life skills class, who meet in the library each Thursday morning, have listened to numerous of the review titles this year. They have enjoyed giving their input for the titles they have heard as feedback for the publishers. Seventh grade students from Ms. Bendistis’s classes listened to booktalks presented by Mrs. Motley before selecting titles for book chats that focused on adventure. Mr. Reilly’s 7th grade social studies classes researched the Lewis and Clark expedition. Using library materials and computer resources, students created journal entries of discovery relating to new forms of animal and plant life during the expedition. Powerpoints and portfolios featuring images and descriptions of their discoveries highlighted the importance of their journey. Mrs. Sangillo’s 7th grade AGP students have continued to research for their independent studies. Mrs. Motley collaborated with her to present two lessons on notetaking. Students learned how to identify essential information for notes, formats for recording and tips for writing notes in their own words. Lessons included instruction, modeling and practice. Mrs. Rauch’s 8th grade language arts students visited the library to collect poems for a personal anthology. Seventh graders in Ms. Cooper’s classes also finished a poetry unit. They created poetry packets of ten poems they wrote and then designed appropriate cover pages. In preparation for their trip to the Holocaust Museum in Washington, Mrs. Motley instructed all of the 6th grade language arts classes on how to use the World Book Online to find information. Students learned how to locate an encyclopedia article using the Holocaust as an example. Most important was how to use links to find additional articles and biographies related to the main topic, photos, videos clips, maps, magazine articles, and books. Students then had hands-on experience with the program as they investigated self-selected areas of interest related to the Holocaust. Student Leadership Forum completed Valentine's Day bags for a senior citizen center in Chester County. Students, parents and faculty members worked on the project for two days after school. We made over 500 bags. We filled the bags with hot chocolate mix, Hershey kisses, tea bags and chocolate covered spoons. SLF students, Mrs. Gilroy and Mrs. Cassey delivered items collected on MLK Day to Children and Youth Services on Thursday, February 8th. The students also presented the organization with a $450 check. The money was raised through the Volleyball Marathon on MLK Day. We took a tour of the building, met staff members and had the opportunity to ask questions. Children and Youth Services is extremely appreciative for the generosity of SLMS students and their families. 14 SLF is organized a Valentine's Day fundraiser. Valentine's Day hearts were sold for 25 cents each at lunch from Friday, February 9th through Tuesday, February 13th. The first sixth grade dance will be held on Friday, February 9th from 7-9pm. The eighth grade semi-formal will be held on Friday, February 23rd from 7:30-9:30pm. We have several teacher chaperones and parent volunteers. PENNCREST HIGH SCHOOL Amnesty International Lori Rice Spring and Kevin Nolen have led Amnesty International's efforts to raise money for humanitarian aid for Darfur as part of our "Dollars for Darfur" campaign. To date, we have raised over $2,000 in donations from students, parents, teachers and community members. Contributions continue to come in. Rotary Students of the Month The Rotary students of the month for January were Shawn Antonelli, grade 11 and Kortne Mazzella, grade 12. They were honored at the Rotary luncheon at the Towne House Restaurant. Science Olympiad The Penncrest Science Olympiad team is competing in their Regional Championships on Tuesday, February 27th. All administrators and school board members are welcome to see the awards ceremony beginning at 3:30 PM at Cabrini College in the main Gymnasium. We look to medal in most of the 23 events this year. Come hear the words "and in first place...Penncrest High School" for many of the events. American Math Contest Fifty-seven students participated in the American Math Contest on Tuesday, February 6. This is a national contest in which hundreds of thousands of students compete in a 25 multiple choice math contest. Students scoring 100 points or higher will be invited to compete in the American Invitational Mathematics Exam in March. National Honor Society The NHS is sponsoring our annual Red Cross Blood Drive on Wednesday, February 21. In addition to collecting blood from our students during the day, we are extending the blood drive into the afternoon and evening for RTM community members. We would love to have some board members join us and donate blood anytime from 2:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. If you are able to donate blood and help us reach our new goal, please contact DeAnn Scherer by phone or e-mail with your preferred appointment time (610-627-6366 or We hope to collect 170 pints from the students this year (up from 154 last year) and 40 pints from the community. We hope to see you at the blood drive. Hi-Q February 7 featured the final regular-season match for the Penncrest Hi-Q team. The Lions took care of business in a convincing fashion, defeating archrivals Garnet Valley and Radnor. The final score: Radnor - 31, Garnet - 51, and Penncrest - 69. The Lions 15 scored an impressive 187 points on the season, and will host the championship match on March 6 against two opponents yet to be determined. Coach Ludwig cannot say enough about his team's excellent effort so far, and has reminded them that they have one final hurdle remaining - March 6, at Penncrest. World Language All PHS language students participated in the annual RTM language contests on Wednesday, January 31. Winners will be honored at the World Language Fête at Penncrest on Wednesday, March 7 at 7 PM. Following are the first place winners for each language and level: FRENCH I (Special Category) 1ST PLACE FRENCH I 1ST PLACE FRENCH 2 1ST PLACE FRENCH II 1ST PLACE FRENCH III 1ST PLACE FRENCH IV 1ST PLACE FRENCH V 1ST PLACE ELIZABETH LUTZVITCH TYLER OPDENAKER DAVID KOCHER ASHLEIGH ROCKWELL DANIEL CONSOLI JASON BUCHANAN EMILY MOBERG GERMAN I GERMAN II GERMAN III 1ST PLACE 1ST PLACE 1ST PLACE JON TINDALL ELIZABETH FREEBURG DREW SCHAEFER LATIN I LATIN II LATIN III LATIN IV 1ST PLACE 1ST PLACE 1ST PLACE 1ST PLACE KATHRYN LUND SONJA DEXTER GWYN BOHARA SARAH EVANS SPANISH I SPECIAL CATEGORY 1ST PLACE SPANISH I 1ST PLACE SPANISH 2 1ST PLACE SPANISH II 1ST PLACE SPANISH III 1ST PLACE SPANISH IV SPANISH V NICOLAS CALABRO JOSEPH MAYSKY LEANNA CHARLTON EDA CHEN SAM MOFFET ERINN FLANDREAU KATHRYN LUND SARAH SUNSHINE KELSEY PORTER 1ST PLACE 1ST PL ACE Athletics The Penncrest High School Athletic Department focused on “community building” during the month of January. The Penncrest wrestling team hosted the Media Youth Wrestling Club for their home match against Ridley High School on Wednesday, January 24. The youth wrestlers joined our varsity wrestlers in the pre-match announcements. 16 The Penncrest boys’ basketball team hosted the 7th and 8th grade team from Springton Lake for their home game against Marple Newtown High School on January 9. Both teams spent time meeting and greeting each other after the game. A special thank you is in order for the Penncrest Boys Basketball Booster organization for providing pizza and soda for the event. On Tuesday, February 7, the girls’ basketball team hosted the middle school teams of Springton Lake, St. Mary’s, and BVM Nativity for a home basketball game. A lady lions mini basketball was provided to all middle school students in attendance. A special thank you is in order for the Penncrest Girls Basketball Booster organization for providing the gift. 17 Rose Tree Media School District 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone 610.627.6000 Fax 610.891.0959 Sharon A. Learn Board Secretary Chief Operations Officer Board Secretary Management Services Department Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools ________________________________________________________________________ To: Members of the Board of School Directors Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D Superintendent From: Sharon A. Learn Chief Operations Officer School Board Secretary Date: February 15, 2007 Subject: Minutes of the Special Meeting held on Thursday, February 15, 2007– at 8:00 P.M. in the Education Center Board Room ______________________________________________________________________ _ Call to Order Roll Call Pledge of Allegiance _______________________________________________________________________ Present: Nancy Mackrides, President Nancy Fronduti Linda Fox, Vice President Jeff Pettit Bill Montgomery Bill Campbell Veronica Barbato Also Present Sharon Learn, Board Secretary _______________________________________________________________________ The meeting was called to order by President Nancy Mackrides. 1. Preliminary General Fund 2007 – 2008 Budget Mrs. Fronduti moved and Mrs. Barbato seconded the motion to accept the Preliminary General Fund 2007 – 2008 Budget in the amount of $73,023,537. RESOLUTION: 2006-2007 - 73 The aforegoing resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: Nancy Mackrides, Bill Montgomery, Nancy Fronduti, Bill Campbell Linda Fox, Veronica Barbato, Jeff Pettit NAYS: None 1 2. Mrs. Fronduti moved and Mr. Campbell seconded the motion to adjourn at the meeting at 8:15 P.M. RESOLUTION: 2006-2007 – 74 The aforegoing resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: Nancy Mackrides, Bill Montgomery, Nancy Fronduti, Bill Campbell Linda Fox, Veronica Barbato, Jeff Pettit NAYS: None Respectfully submitted, Sharon A. Learn Board Secretary 2 Rose Tree Media School District 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone 610.627.6000 Fax 610.891.0959 Sharon A. Learn Board Secretary Chief Operations Officer Board Secretary Management Services Department Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools To: Members of the Board of School Directors Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D. Superintendent From: Sharon A. Learn, Chief Operations Officer Date: February 15, 2007 Subject: February 15, 2007 – 8:00 PM Finance Committee Meeting Agenda Chairperson: Bill Campbell _____________________________________________________________________________ In attendance: Bill Montgomery Nancy Frondutti Veronica Barbato Nancy Mackrides Bill Campbell Jeff Pettit Linda Fox Also in attendance: Sharon Learn Harry Protzmann ______________________________________________________________________ 1. Taxpayer Relief Act, Special Session Act 1 of 2006 At the January Finance Committee Meeting, the Committee agreed to schedule a Public Hearing 7:00 PM February 20, 2007. The purpose of the hearing is to receive public comment on a resolution authorizing the referendum question for the May 2007 primary. The Tax Study Commission members will be invited to the hearing. Immediately following the hearing, the Board of School Directors will hold a special public meeting to discuss proposed Act 1 Tax Shifting Referendum Resolution and Ballot Question The Act 1 Calendar was reviewed. Follow Up: The resolution for the proposed Act 1 Tax Shifting Referendum Question will be on either the February 22, 2007, Legislative Agenda or the agenda at a special meeting to be held on March 13, 2007. 3 2. 2007 – 2008 General Fund Budget The Proposed Preliminary Budget, in the amount of $73,023,537 reflects a 6.59% increase in the mileage rate, or an increase of $299.94 per average tax bill for the year or $24.99 per month. The Adds/Cuts worksheet was reviewed. The proposed expenditure budget is now $72,994,392 calling for a 6.64% increase in the mil. The administration is preparing to submit the referendum exception requests to the Department of Education. The Referendum Exceptions must be advertised for seven days in the local newspaper. The Committee agreed to cut the $20,000 donation to the public libraries. The Chairman is requiring the Superintendent to present the budget allocation to the administrators no later than March 1, 2007. The Finance Chairman presented a copy of his comments. See attached two page document. Follow Up: Details of the preliminary budget will be discussed at the March 13, 2007, Committee Meeting. The updated Adds/Cuts worksheet will be ready for further Committee review. The administration is placing budget details on worksheets to review with the Committee at the Finance Committee Meeting. 3. Board Policy – Conflict of Interest – see attachment This policy was recommended by the independent auditors, Barbacane & Thornton. Action: The first reading of this policy will be on the February 22, 2007 Legislative Agenda. 4. Budgetary Transfers Rose Tree Media School District Policy #612… (Public School code section 609) when funds are not available for a proposed appropriation, a legal transfer from one class of expenditure to another may be made in the last nine (9) months of the fiscal year by the board. Resolve, that the Board approve the following budgetary transfers: FY 07 – 18 FROM: AMOUNT: Fund 10 General Fund Regular Instruction – Supplies $1,497 TO: AMOUNT: Regular Instruction – Equipment $1,497 RATIONALE: Transfer needed to purchase three (3) new cellos. FY 07 – 19 FROM: AMOUNT: Fund 10 General Fund Regular Instruction – Supplies $1,700 4 TO: AMOUNT: Regular Instruction – Equipment $1,700 RATIONALE: Transfer needed to purchase ¾ string bass with bow, bag and adjustable bridge for the music department. FY 07 – 21 FROM: AMOUNT: Fund 10 General Fund Regular Instruction – Supplies $1,000 TO: AMOUNT: Site Improvements – Equipment Replacement $1,000 RATIONALE: Transfer needed to purchase a new kiln for the art department. Meeting Reminders February 20, 2007, Public Hearing, 7:00 P.M. Springton Lake Middle School February 20, 2007, Special Meeting, Immediately following Public Hearing to discuss the referendum question. February 22, 2007, Legislative Meeting – Agenda Item to Adopt Resolution authorizing referendum question for the May 15, 2007 Primary Election. or March 13, 2007, 8:00 P.M. Special Meeting to Adopt Resolution authorizing referendum question for the May 15, 2007 Primary Election. March 13, 2007, 8:00 P.M. Finance Committee Meeting Act 1 Timeline for RTMSD: February - March, 2007 February 19, 2007 Deadline to submit preliminary budget to PDE February 22, 2007 Deadline to publish notice in newspaper of intent to request approval from PDE for a referendum exception. March 1, 2007 Deadline to seek approval from PDE for referendum exceptions requiring their approval. March 2, 2007 Deadline for homeowners to file a homestead application with county assessor. Mid-February Deadline to publish notice once a week for three weeks Early March, 2007 of intent to adopt resolution authorizing referendum questions for May 15, 2007 primary. (January 29, 2007, February 5, 2007, February 12, 2007 5 March 13, 2007 Deadline to hold public hearing on resolution authorizing referendum question for the May 15, 2007 primary. (February 20, 2007) March 13, 2007 Deadline to adopt resolution authorizing referendum question for the May 15, 2007 primary. March 16, 2007 Deadline to submit referendum questions seeking voter approval of tax rate increase in excess of index to county board of elections even if the PDE approved all of the referendum exception requests. March 21, 2007 Deadline for PDE to issue ruling on school district’s petition for referendum exception. March 26, 2007 Deadline to submit to the county board of elections referendum question seeking voter approval of tax rate increase in excess of index if PDE denies all or a part of district’s request. 6 Rose Tree Media School District 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 190632493 Telephone 610.627.6000 Fax 610.891.0959 Sharon A. Learn Board Secretary Chief Operations Officer Management Services Department Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools ___ To: Members of the Board of School Directors Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D. Superintendent From: Sharon A. Learn, Chief Operations Officer Date: February 16, 2007 Subject: February 15, 2007 - 9:00 PM - Operations Committee Meeting Minutes - Chairperson: Bill Montgomery __________________________________________________________________ In attendance: Bill Montgomery Bill Campbell Nancy Frondutti Jeff Pettit Veronica Barbato Linda Fox Nancy Mackrides Also in attendance: Sharon Learn Harry Protzmann __________________________________________________________________ Five Year Capital Improvement and Educational Plan Springton Lake Middle School Renovation Project Harry Protzmann sent the request for proposals (RFPs) to four pre-qualified architectural firms. The RFPs are due on February 16, 2007. Copies of all proposals will be sent to the Board of School Directors. Interviews will be held after March 10, 2007, on a date and at a time to be determined. All Board Members will be invited to the interviews. Hayes Large - Community Meetings The first community meeting, The Challenge was held on February 7, 2007 at Media Elementary School in the afternoon (30+ attendees) and in the evening (20+ attendees). The purpose of the “The Challenge” was to share information gathered by Hayes Large during building inspections; encourage discussion with the attendees, and gather additional information from the survey. 1 The next community meeting will be held on April 11, 2007, at Springton Lake Middle School, 1:00 P.M. and 7:30 P.M. This meeting is called “This is What We Heard” and the purpose is to review the opinions based on the input from the first meeting; review the best use of existing facilities; prioritize improvements; identify additions where needed; and look at preliminary costs. The final community meeting will be held on May 9, 2007 at Glenwood Elementary School, 9:30 A.M. and 7:30 P.M. This meeting is called “The Draft Plan”. Once again, community input from meeting #2 will be reviewed; capital needs will be prioritized; design idea will be shared; and projected costs will be revised. Finally, the plan will be presented to the Board of School Directors sometime in June, 2007. Follow Up: Agenda This item will remain on the monthly Operations Committee Roofing Projects – Summer of 2007 The administration is recommending the following bid award to Weatherproofing Technologies, Inc. in the total amount of $1,465,000. (See attachment) PHS - Replace Maintenance Building Roof $150,000 ILES - Phase II Roof Replacement $515,000 RTES - Slate Roof Replacement $400,000 MES - Roof Replacement $400,000 Action: These items will be on the February 22, 2007, Legislative Agenda. Summer Projects – 2007 The administration received permission from the Committee to publicly advertise and bid the following projects. SLMS Asphalt Repair & Resurfacing - $75,000 Sidewalk and curb replacement - $10,000 RTES – Paving - $100,000 Follow up: These items will be advertised and publicly bid. It was noted that the traffic patterns at Springton Lake Middle School are not well marked causing some traffic to go the wrong way on a one way lane. This is a dangerous situation that will be addressed with arrows painted on the roadway and additional signage. Media Area Girls Softball Mr. Bill Roller, President, was unable to attend this evening’s meeting. The Committee recommended inviting him to the Informational or Legislative Meeting to present a five minute presentation The next operations committee meeting will be on March 13, 2007, 9:00 PM 2 ROSE TREE MEDIA SCHOOL DISTRICT CAPITAL PROJECTS February 8, 2007 BID TABULATION Award is recommended to the vendor listed on the basis of having submitted the lowest bid which meets the requirements of the specification. PROJECT TITLE: Roof Replacement Projects PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Remove & Replace Existing Roofing System at Media, Indian Lane, & Rose Tree Elementary School and Maintenance Building BID OPENED: Thursday, February 8, 2007 Roof Replacement Projects per State Approved AEPA Pricing AWARDEE: AMOUNT AWARDED: Weatherproofing Technologies, Inc. $1,437,500.00 Bid Price Budget Amount Balance BASE BID No.1 Media Elementary School Roof Area's No. 2, 3 & 7 Remove existing roofing, install base sheet & 3 plies of type VI fiberglass felts in hot melt adhesive with flood coat and gravel $411,500.00 $400,000.00 ($11,500.00) BASE BID No.2 Indian Lane Elementary School Roof Area's No. 3 & 5 Remove existing roofing, install base sheet & 3 plies of type VI fiberglass felts in hot melt adhesive with flood coat and gravel $521,000.00 $515,000.00 ($6,000.00) BASE BID No.3 Rose Tree Elementary School Roof Area's No. 1, 3, 5 & 6 Remove existing slate shingles and gutters, install new 40 year Elk architectural shingles and one piece gutters and downspouts $360,500.00 $400,000.00 $39,500.00 EXCELLENCE TODAY FOR TOMORROW Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools Rose Tree Media School District 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone: 610.627.6000 Fax: 610-891-0959 Anne D. Callahan Director of Human Resources To: Members of the Board of School Directors Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D., Superintendent From: Anne D. Callahan, Director of Human Resources Date: February 16, 2007 Subject: Minutes of the Personnel Committee Meeting – February 15, 2007 Board Members in attendance: J. Pettit, W. Montgomery, W. Campbell, N. Fronduti, N. Mackrides, L. Fox, V. Barbato Also in attendance: A. Callahan, S. Learn I. Items for Legislative Meeting – Anne Callahan The committee reviewed the personnel items for the legislative meeting on February 22, 2007. There were a number of new items which had been added since the agenda was submitted to the Board of School Directors on the website on Friday, February 9, 2007. Action: All items will appear before the Board of School Directors for a vote at the legislative meeting on February 22, 2007. II. Executive Session The Committee met in executive session to consider matters of personnel. The next meeting of the Personnel Committee will be held on Tuesday, March 13, 2007, at 9:00 PM in the Education Center Board Room. Rose Tree Media School District 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone 610.627.6000 Fax 610.565-5317 Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools To: Members of the Board of School Directors Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D. Superintendent From: Valerie Burnett Date: February 7, 2006 Subject: February 6, 2007 Pupil Services Minutes Chairperson: Mrs. Veronica Barbato Valerie Burnett, Ed.D. Director of Pupil Services Board members in attendance: Nancy Mackrides, Veronica Barbato, Jeff Pettit, Bill O’Donnell, Stacy Jackson Benson, Bill Montgomery, Nancy Fronduti Others in attendance: Dr. Kerr, Dr. Burnett, Dr. Barta, Mrs. Shacklady-White Policy Policy 0004.1 Student Board Representation was adopted in October 1999 and included a sunset provision terminating the policy on the final school day of 2002. There is no legal reference in the policy. Tom Kelly has been consulted to determine the need for a policy for student board representation. If a policy is required, a draft will be brought forward for first read at the March 6, 2007 Pupil Services committee meeting. Aide Request Dr. Barta submitted a request for a one on one instructional assistant for a student at Indian Lane. The data presented showed the student’s behavior improved from 64% compliance to over 90% compliance when a trial aide was provided. The aide request was approved and the new position request will be on the Personnel Committee Agenda. Contracts A contract was presented for the HomeQuest program. The program sends an individual to a student’s home each morning to ensure that he rises, is prepared for school and arrives on time. There is support for the parent as well in learning parental behaviors to support the student from within the family. The personnel also check later in the day to ensure the student remained at Penncrest. There has been improvement in both grades and attendance. The cost of the contract is $52.50 per day. The student was recently returned to the district from an out of district program. The cost of the contract will be less than the tuition costs previously budgeted. Action: Approval of the contract will be on the February Legislative Agenda. Overnight Trip Requests The Penncrest Indoor Track team will compete at the State Championship in State College, PA on February 23 and 24, 2007. The team will leave Friday evening and compete on Saturday. No substitute costs will be incurred. District costs include registration $180, van rental $180 and estimated fuel costs of $120 for a total not to exceed $480. Action: Approval of the trip will be on the February Legislative Agenda. Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) will compete in the State Competition in Hershey, PA on April 30 through May 2, 2007. The FBLA club will fund the cost of transportation. The District costs include 3 substitute teacher days at $225, registration fee of $676 for a total cost of $901. Action: Approval of the trip will be on the February Legislative Agenda. The next meeting of the Pupil Services Committee Meeting will be March 6, 2007 at 9:00 PM. OFFICE OF TEACHING AND LEARNING TO: Members of the Board of School Directors Dr. Denise Kerr, Superintendent FROM: Dr. Angela Gilbert, Director of Teaching and Learning - Elementary Dr. Steve Taylor, Director of Teaching and Learning - Secondary DATE: February 7, 2007 RE: February 6, 2007, Teaching & Learning Committee Meeting Minutes Chairperson: Mr. Jeff Pettit Board Members in Attendance: Veronica Barbato, Stacey Benson, Nancy Fronduti, Nancy Mackrides, Bill Montgomery, Bill O’Donnell, Jeff Pettit Also in Attendance: Meg Barney, John Best, Gail Boettcher, Jr., Gail Diksa, Angela Gilbert, Joyce Jeuell, Denise Kerr, Phoebe Simmington, Steve Taylor Adoption Request for Connected Math 2 Curriculum – Dr. Steve Taylor, Gail Boettcher, Jr., Phoebe Simmington. The math building coordinators at Springton Lake and Dr. Taylor presented a request for the adoption of Connected Math 2 as the new math curriculum for the middle school. The process leading to this proposal dates back five years to the Focused Math Review in 2002, which recommended more time for math and a new curriculum. After extensive research and piloting over several years, the math department decided on Connected Math 2 as the top choice. It is a standards-aligned, research-based, field-tested program which focuses on building a deep conceptual understanding of math concepts by engaging students with interesting real-world problems. Compared to the current Passports curriculum, it requires much more student involvement in problem solving and more higher-order thinking. Students’ feedback to the pilots this fall was very positive. The program comes with an array of supporting materials, including an interactive website. Implementation will begin with the 6th grade in 2007-2008, and will progress with that class through the middle school. Purchases of materials will be spread out over three years as well. Parents will be educated about the program starting at the upcoming meeting with 5th grade parents at Springton Lake and continuing into the fall. Costs for the program will average about $70/student. Five days of professional development will accompany the adoption and purchase of the series. At the conclusion of the presentation, the board gave its approval for this adoption. Middle School Exploratory World Language Program – Gail Diksa, Dr. Joyce Jeuell. Mrs. Diksa and Dr. Jeuell updated the Board on their plan to implement an introductory world language program in sixth grade which enables students to take half a year of French and half a year of Spanish. This arrangement would allow students to make an informed decision about their language of choice for further study. Through compacting and accelerating the curriculum, the department will still try to cover the essential content by the end of 8th grade so that the study of the language may continue as it is at Penncrest. After the presentation, the Board asked Mrs. Diksa to provide an evaluation plan before the end of the year. Orientation to Health Care Contract – Dr. Steve Taylor Dr. Taylor brought forward a contract between RTM and DCCC to operate the Orientation to Health Care program at Penncrest High School. This contract will appear on the February Legislative Agenda. Rose Tree Media School District 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone 610.627.6000 Fax 610.891.0959 Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools Patti Linden Director of Technology and Information Science To: Members of the Board of School Directors Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D., Superintendent From: Patti Linden Date: February 9, 2007 Subject: Technology Committee Meeting Minutes for February 6, 2007 Chairperson: Mrs. Linda Fox Board Members in attendance: Jeff Pettit, Veronica Barbato, Nancy Fronduti, Nancy Mackrides, Bill O’Donnell, Stacey Benson, Linda Fox Also in attendance: Denise Kerr, Patti Linden, Mack Johnson, Ron Harris, Anthony Lombardo, Meg Barney, Linda Flexon Demonstration of Power Media Plus Program Linda Flexon, Penncrest High School social studies teacher, demonstrated the use of the Power Media Plus program provided to us by the DCIU, which assists student learning through the use of video. Linda also showcased her interactive web site where students can use the links at home. This use of her website and the use of the Power Media Plus movie clips was a perfect example of 24/7 learning for our students and the way that Linda is addressing the needs of our digital native students through real-time visual displays. These visuals help the learners to connect with the text and engage them in the learning process. Telephone Services Agreement Patti Linden presented a summary of the two proposals received from the RFP for Telephone Services and recommended Level 3 Communications as our service provider. The Master Service Agreement is for three years, with an option for a fourth year, providing updated services at a significant savings over our current costs. The Board agreed to approve the recommended contract in order to meet the February 7 signing deadline. Resolution for ratification of this agreement will be placed on the February Legislative Agenda. Pentamation Renewal Contract Mack Johnson informed the Board of an addendum for an early renewal of a 3 year contract with Pentamation in order to waive the 6% increase for next year. The following year will be the normal 6% increase. Since this was an addendum to an already existing contract, no Board approval was required. Next meeting: Tuesday, March 6, at 8:00 p.m. in the Education Center Board Room ROSE TREE MEDIA SCHOOL DISTRICT PRESIDENTIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS – EXECUTIVE SESSION “In accordance with the Pennsylvania Sunshine Act, executive sessions of the School Board were held on the following dates to review and discuss matters permitted under Section 8 of the Act.” January 25, 2007 February 6, 2007 February 15, 2007 There will be an executive session of the School Board for matters of personnel at 6:30 p.m. prior to the Informational Session of March 22, 2007, at Springton Lake Middle School. The Legislative meetings are recorded on tape. VIII. Old Business A. 2007-2008 Calendar – See Attachment A Resolve, that the Board approve the 2007-2008 Calendar. Background The 2007-2008 Draft Calendar was discussed at the December and January Personnel Committee Meeting and posted on the webpage for parent and staff feedback. IX. New Business A. Personnel 1. 2. Terminations a. Professional b. Non-Instructional 1. Barbara Barbosa, Support Staff II, Springton Lake Middle School, resignation effective February 13, 2007. 2. Lisa Casey, Food Service, resignation, effective February 9, 2007. Ms. Casey will remain on the substitute list. 3. Elaine Krynski, Food Service, resignation, effective March 30, 2007. 4. Margaret Sprout, Support Staff I, Penncrest High School, retirement, effective June 18, 2007. Nominations a. Professional 1. Al Heinle, Summer School Director, effective June 1, 2007, at the annual salary of $5,500. 2. Gregory Puckett, Assistant Summer School Director, effective June 1, 2007, at the annual salary of $4,000. 3. Kathleen Dooner, Long Term Substitute Elementary Teacher, effective February 23, 2007, at the annual salary of $41,794, Bachelor’s Degree/Step 1 to be prorated. Ms. Dooner received her Bachelor’s Degree from Penn State University. She is assigned to Media Elementary School replacing Erika Powell who resigned. NOTE: Ms. Dooner is being hired pending completion of her pre-employment paperwork. IX. New Business A. Personnel 2. Nominations a. Professional 4. b. Melissa Lieber, Long Term Substitute Guidance Counselor, effective February 20, 2007, at the annual salary of $45,294, Master’s Degree/Step 1 to be prorated. Ms. Lieber received her Bachelor’s Degree and Master’s Degree from West Chester University. She is assigned to Penncrest High School replacing Karen Kerr will be on leave. NOTE: Ms. Lieber is being hired pending completion of her pre-employment paperwork. Non-Instructional 1. Ronald Baldino, Acting Maintenance Supervisor, effective January 1, 2007, at a monthly stipend of $500. 2. Amy Connell, Food Service Worker, will serve as a Substitute Bus Aide as needed effective February 2, 2007 at the rate of $10.62 per hour. 3. Deborah Horan, Support Staff I, effective February 23, 2007, at the rate of $10.82 per hour. Ms. Horan is assigned to Rose Tree Elementary replacing Charlotte Schenkel who resigned. NOTE: Ms. Horan is being hired pending completion of her preemployment paperwork. 4. Michael Maffei, Substitute Bus Aide, effective February 23, 2007, at the rate of $10.62 per hour. Mr. Maffei is assigned to the Transportation Department. NOTE: Mr. Maffei is being hired pending completion of his pre-employment paperwork. 5. Carolyn Rawls, Full Time Cafeteria Trainee, effective February 23, 2007, at the rate of $8.45 per hour. Ms. Rawls is assigned to Penncrest High School. NOTE: Ms. Rawls is being hired pending completion of her pre-employment paperwork. IX. New Business B. Personnel 2. Nominations c. 3. Non-Instructional 6. Patricia Skean, Support Staff II, One-On-One Personal Instructional Assistant, effective February 13, 2007, at the rate of $12.81 per hour. Ms. Skean is assigned to Springton Lake Middle School replacing Barbara Barbosa who resigned. NOTE: Ms. Skean is being hired pending completion of her preemployment paperwork. 7. Linda Rowley, Riddle Hospital Liaison, effective February 12, 2007 at the rate of $10.00 per hour. Ms. Rowley is assigned to Penncrest High School. General a. Classification Change 1. Kathy Lejman, from Substitute to Regular Part-Time Cafeteria Worker effective January 31, 2007, at the rate of $8.65 per hour. 2. Nicholas Polidori, from New Bus Driver to Full Time Bus Driver, effective January 29, 2007. 3. Tina Stevenson, from Substitute to Regular Part Time Cafeteria Worker, effective January 31, 2007, at the rate of $8.45 per hour. 4. Mabel Deldeo, from Courier to Secretary I, Receptionist, effective February 12, 2007 at the annual salary of $26,209. Ms. Deldeo is assigned to the Education Center replacing Nancy Owen who was reassigned. 5. Michael Price, from Bus Driver to Facility Foreman, effective March 1, 2007 at the annual salary of $33,000. Mr. Price is assigned to Media Elementary replacing Heath Stewart who resigned. IX. New Business A. Personnel 3. General b. c. Unpaid Leave 1. Karen Kerr requests an unpaid leave of absence for purposes of child rearing commencing May 28, 2007 and terminating June 30, 2007. 2. Diane Burgess requests an unpaid leave of absence commencing January 24, 2007 and terminating April 24, 2007. Supplemental Contracts 1. Recommend Board approval for the following personnel to serve as Intramural Instructors at the rate of $18.90 per hour: W. Bittner J. Boyle R. Frank A. Goldfarb Glenwood A. Peifer Indian Lane Indian Lane C. Shapero Media Indian Lane J. Valentine Indian Lane Media 2. Geralyn Mayernick, (.5) Homework Club, Springton Lake Middle School, effective January 29, 2007, at the annual salary of $322.50. 3. Recommend Board approval of the Penncrest High School Spring Athletic Supplemental contracts. See Attachment. 4. Recommend Board approval of the Springton Lake Middle School Spring Athletic Supplemental contracts. See Attachment. 5. Christian Glicko, Assistant Band Director, for the 2006-2007 school year, at the annual salary of $2,580. Mr. Glicko is assigned to Penncrest High School. IX. New Business B. Personnel 3. General d. Create New Position 1. Personal Instructional Assistant – Support Staff II Recommend the Board approve the creation of an additional Support Staff II – Personal Instructional Assistant position to serve the needs of a student who is attending Indian Lane Elementary School. 2. Supervisor of Maintenance and Operations–ADSUP I Recommend the Board approve the creation of a Supervisor of Maintenance and Operations position at an annual salary in Range VIII of the Administrative Salary Schedule. This position replaces the former Director of Maintenance and Operations position. 3. Assistant Supervisor for Custodial Services – ADSUP II Recommend the Board approve the creation of Assistant Supervisor for Custodial Services position at an annual salary of $ 59,596. This position is a re-title of the current Custodial Supervisor position. 4. Fields Foreman – ADSUP II Recommend the Board approve the creation of Fields Foreman position at an annual salary of $50,000. This position replaces the current Maintenance Supervisor position. IX, New Business B. Overnight Trips 1. Penncrest Indoor Track Championship Resolve, that the Board approve the overnight trip of the Indoor Track Team to State College, PA. Background The Penncrest Indoor Track team will compete at the State Championship in State College, PA on February 23 and 24, 2007. The team will leave Friday evening and compete on Saturday. No substitute costs will be incurred. District costs include registration $180, van rental $180 and estimated fuel costs of $120 for a total not to exceed $480. 2. Penncrest Future Business Leaders of America to Hershey, PA. Background Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) will compete in the State Competition in Hershey, PA on April 30 through May 2, 2007. The FBLA club will fund the cost of transportation. The District costs include 3 substitute teacher days at $225, registration fee of $676 for a total cost of $901. C. Delaware County Community College Allied Health Course at Penncrest High School. Resolve, that the Board approve a contract with Delaware County Community College to conduct one three-credit course in Allied Health entitled “Orientation to Health Care” at Penncrest High School for the period January 10, 2007 through May 24, 2007. The course is designed for between 10 and 16 Penncrest High School students at a maximum cost of $5,143, with textbooks being billed separately, if needed. Background This course, which operates in conjunction with Riddle Memorial Hospital, provides students an opportunity to investigate the health care field. IX, New Business D. Board Policy 1. Policy #319.1 Conflict of Interest - First Reading See Attachment D This policy was recommended by the independent auditor Barbacane & Thornton Background This Policy was reviewed at the February Finance Committee Meeting APPENDIX X X. Finance A. Purchasing 1. Bid Award Recommend the following bids be awarded in the categories listed, such recommendation being the lowest bid received from a responsible bidder, kind, quality and materials having been considered. Weatherproofing Technologies, Inc. in the amount of $1,437,500 - PHS- Replace Maintenance Building Roof $150,000 - ILES - Phase II Roof Replacement $515,000 - RTES - Slate Roof Replacement $400,000 - MES - Roof Replacement $400,000 Background This was discussed at the February Operations Committee Meeting B. General 1. Vision Quest National, Ltd. Resolve, that the Board approve a contract with Vision Quest National, Ltd for HomeQuest services during 2006-2007 school year in the amount of $52.50 per day. Background A contract was presented for the HomeQuest program. The program sends an individual to a student’s home each morning to ensure that he rises, is prepared for school and arrives on time. There is support for the parent as well in learning parental behaviors to support the student from within the family. The personnel also check later in the day to ensure the student remained at Penncrest. There has been improvement in both grades and attendance. The cost of the contract is $52.50 per day. The student was recently returned to the district from an out of district program. The cost of the contract will be less than the tuition costs previously budgeted. This item was discussed at the February 7, 2007 Pupil Services Committee Meeting. 1 2/22/07 APPENDIX X X. Finance B. General 2. Budgetary Transfers Rose Tree Media School District Policy #612… (Public School code section 609) when funds are not available for a proposed appropriation, a legal transfer from one class of expenditure to another may be made in the last nine (9) months of the fiscal year by the board. Resolve, that the Board approve the following budgetary transfers: FY 07 – 18 FROM: AMOUNT: Fund 10 General Fund Regular Instruction – Supplies $1,497 TO: AMOUNT: Regular Instruction – Equipment $1,497 RATIONALE: Transfer needed to purchase three (3) new cellos. FY 07 – 19 FROM: AMOUNT: Fund 10 General Fund Regular Instruction – Supplies $1,700 TO: AMOUNT: Regular Instruction – Equipment $1,700 RATIONALE: Transfer needed to purchase ¾ string bass with bow, bag and adjustable bridge for the music department. 2 2/22/07 APPENDIX X X. Finance B. General 2. Budgetary Transfers (cont’d) FY 07 – 21 FROM: AMOUNT: Fund 10 General Fund Regular Instruction – Supplies $1,000 TO: AMOUNT: Site Improvements – Equipment Replacement $1,000 RATIONALE: Transfer needed to purchase a new kiln for the art department. Background The budgetary transfers were reviewed at the February Finance Committee Meeting. 3. ACT 1 Tax Shifting Referendum Resolution Resolve, that the Board of School Directors of the Rose Tree Media School District, accept the recommendation of the School District’s Local Tax Study Commission that, pursuant to Act 1, the School District approve a referendum question for a personal income tax. The School District, therefore, shall place a referendum question on the May 15, 2007 primary election ballot. The referendum question shall be in substantially the following form, with additions or changes (other than the tax rate) as determined by the School Board President in concert with the School District’s Solicitor and election officials prior to the election and which shall read substantially as follows: “Do you favor imposing a zero point eight percent (0.8%) personal income tax? The revenue generated from the tax will be used to reduce taxes on qualified owner-occupied residential properties and on qualified farm buildings by about $535 in the first year, rising to about $890 in subsequent years based on 100% tax collection and 100% participation by eligible homesteads. (The current personal income tax rate is zero point zero percent (0.0%).” 3 2/22/07 APPENDIX X X. Finance B. General 3. Act 1 shifting Referendum Resolution (cont’d) The School District Administration, in consultation with the School Board and School District Solicitor, shall prepare and present to election officials a nonlegal interpretative statement that shall accompany the referendum question in accordance with the Pennsylvania Election Code. School District officials shall take all actions necessary or appropriate to carry out the intent of this resolution as required by Act 1. Background Act 1 of 2006 mandates that a referendum be placed on the ballot to be voted upon by the voters of the School District at the primary election in May, 2007 on whether the School District should impose a personal income tax for the purpose of reducing homeowner and farmstead real estate taxes. The purpose of this Resolution is to approve the referendum question and related steps. There was a public hearing held by the Board of School Directors on February 20, 2007 at Springton Lake Middle School. This was discussed at a Special Meeting held by the Board of School Directors on February 20, 2007. 4 2/22/07 Total New Teacher Days: 197 Total Teacher Days: 196* S 5 12 19 26 August 2007 T W T M 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 ROSE TREE MEDIA SCHOOL DISTRICT 2007-2008 SCHOOL CALENDAR F 3 10 17 24 31 S 4 11 18 25 Teacher Days: 4 Student Days: S M 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 1 2 8 9 15 16 22 23 29 30 S 3 10 17 24 Teacher Days: 20 Student Days: 18 3 10 17 24 February 2008 T W T F 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 S 2 9 16 23 4 11 18 25 M 5 12 19 26 May 2008 T W T 1 6 7 8 13 14 15 20 21 22 27 28 29 F 2 9 16 23 30 Teacher Days: 21 Student Days: 20 Key: Half Day for Students November 6 November 20 November 21 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 S M October 2007 T W T F 1 8 15 22 29 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 S M 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 31 S M 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 31 S 3 10 17 24 31 S M 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 New Teacher Orientation .5/ 24 Teacher Inservice Opening Day/Staff Inservice Holiday, All Buildings Closed First Day of School (K-12), Early Dismissal for Students Teacher Inservice PC 11:00, SLMS 11:50, Elementary 12:30 (no PM K) No School Students-Inservice Parent Conferences K-8 SLMS 10:55 a.m. No School Elementary K-5 Parent Conferences K-8 No School for Students 3 10 17 24 31 4 11 18 25 S 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 F S 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 F S 3 10 17 24 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 July 2008 T W T 1 2 3 8 9 10 15 16 17 22 23 24 29 30 31 F 4 11 18 25 S 5 12 19 26 Teacher Days: 23 Student Days: 23 December 2007 T W T F S S M January 2008 T W T 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 31 Teacher Days: 21 Student Days: 21 March 2008 T W T F S S M T April 2008 W T 4 11 18 25 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 Teacher Days: 22 Student Days: 22 June 2008 T W T F S 3 10 17 24 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 S M 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 Teacher Days: 15 Student Days: 14 No School - Holiday Full Inservice Day August 21-24 August 27-30 August 28 September 3 September 4 October 2 4 11 18 25 S Teacher Days: 16 Student Days: 15 Teacher Days: 20 Student Days: 17 S 3 10 17 24 September 2007 T W T F Teacher Days: 15 Student Days: 15 M 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 M Teacher Days: 19 Student Days: 19 November 2007 T W T F S S 2/6/07 Total Student Days: 184* November 22 & 23 Holiday, All Buildings Closed December 4 Early Dismissal For Students Teacher Inservice PC 11:00, SLMS 11:50, Elementary 12:30 (no PM K) December 24 -31 Student/Teacher Holiday December 24-25 Holiday, All Buildings Closed December 31 Holiday, All Buildings Closed January 1 Holiday, All Buildings Closed January 21 Holiday, All Buildings Closed January 25 Semester Ends, Early Dismissal Grades 6-12 PC 11:00, SLMS 11:50 February 15 No School for Students / Teacher Inservice February 18 Holiday, All Buildings Closed February 28, 29 Elementary Conferences - No school K-5 March 17-21 Holiday, No School For Student March 20-21 Holiday, All Buildings Closed March 24 April 22 May 22 May 23 May 26 June 19 June 20 No School For Students / Flex Early Dismissal Students / Teacher Inservice PC 11:00, SLMS, 11:50, Elementary 12:30 (no PM K) Early Dismissal Students / Teacher Inservice PC 11:00, SLMS, 11:50, Elementary 12:30 (no PM K) No School For Students / Flex Holiday, All Buildings Closed Last Day Students, Early Dismissal (PC-10:15, SL-11, E-12) Last Day for Teachers *These year-end dates allow for four emergency school closings during the 2007-2008 school year. If fewer than four emergency school closings are needed, these days will be deducted from the end of the year. If more than three school closings are used prior to January 31, 2008, the district will use President’s Day (February 18, 2008), as a makeup day. 2/16/2007 SPRINGTON LAKE SPRING ATHLETIC SUPPLEMENTALS 2006-07 EXPERIENCE STEP UNIT RATE UNITS SUPPLEMENTAL SALARY 2 2 1 1 129 129 21 21 $2,709.00 $2,709.00 1 1 124 124 21 21 $2,604.00 $2,604.00 BASEBALL GRADE 7 BASEBALL GRADE 8 T. CRANN G. PUCKETT LACROSSE GIRLS GRADE 7 LACROSSE GIRLS GRADE 8 VACANT VACANT LACROSSE BOYS GRADE 7 LACROSSE BOYS GRADE 8 F. LaPENTA C. CLARK 2 2 1 1 129 129 21 21 $2,709.00 $2,709.00 SOFTBALL GRADE 7 SOFTBALL GRADE 8 P. NORRIS D. PUCKETT 6 7 2 3 136 145 21 21 $2,856.00 $3,045.00 TENNIS HEAD COACH R. MILETO 1 1 129 21 $2,709.00 TRACK BOYS HEAD COACH TRACK BOYS ASSISTANT COACH A. VIRTUE J. BAKER 6 10+ 2 4 136 153 21 17 $2,856.00 $2,601.00 TRACK GIRLS HEAD COACH TRACK GIRLS ASSISTANT COACH A. TSIPRAS M. HOMAN 4 3 2 1 136 129 21 17 $2,856.00 $2,193.00 2/16/2007 PENNCREST SPRING ATHLETIC SUPPLEMENTALS 2006-2007 EXPERIENCE STEP UNIT RATE UNITS SUPPLEMENTAL SALARY BASEBALL HEAD COACH BASEBALL ASSISTANT COACH BASEBALL ASSISTANT COACH BASEBALL ASSISTANT COACH S. MESCANTI S. SILVA T. PACENZA M. LUDWIG 10+ 10+ 6 10+ 4 4 2 4 153 153 136 153 39 25 25 25 $5,967.00 $3,825.00 $3,400.00 $3,825.00 LACROSSE BOYS HEAD COACH LACROSSE BOYS ASSISTANT COACH LACROSSE BOYS ASSISTANT COACH LACROSSE BOYS ASSISTANT COACH W. MATSINGER E. PETTIT C. DERRICK B. SWIERCZEK 10+ 5 9 4 4 2 3 2 153 136 145 136 39 25 25 25 $5,967.00 $3,400.00 $3,625.00 $3,400.00 LACROSSE GIRLS HEAD COACH LACROSSE GIRLS ASSISTANT COACH LACROSSE GIRLS ASSISTANT COACH LACROSSE GIRLS HEAD FRESHMAN COACH LACROSSE GIRLS ASST FRESHMAN COACH M. MCGEE* M. KICZECK K. PETTIT S. PETTIT VACANT 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 129 129 129 129 129 39 25 25 23 17 $5,031.00 $3,225.00 $3,225.00 $2,967.00 $2,193.00 SOFTBALL HEAD COACH SOFTBALL ASSISTANT COACH SOFTBALL ASSISTANT COACH SOFTBALL HEAD FRESHMAN COACH E. EVANS* K. BAKER* P. THOMAS B. HIGGINS 1 1 3 4 1 1 1 2 129 129 129 136 39 25 25 25 $5,031.00 $3,225.00 $3,225.00 $3,400.00 TENNIS BOYS HEAD COACH M. DETIGER 2 1 129 25 $3,225.00 TRACK BOYS HEAD COACH TRACK BOYS ASSISTANT COACH TRACK BOYS ASSISTANT COACH G. MUNRO R. BROWN D. ROWLAND (.5)* A. PRESSWOOD (.5) M. CLARK C. PRICE J. SMITH 10+ 1 1 3 10 2 2 4 1 1 1 4 1 1 153 129 129 129 153 129 129 39 27 13.5 13.5 39 27 27 $5,967.00 $3,483.00 $1,741.50 $1,741.50 $5,967.00 $3,483.00 $3,483.00 TRACK GIRLS HEAD COACH TRACK GIRLS ASSISTANT COACH TRACK GIRLS ASSISTANT COACH *Being hired pending completion of pre-employment paperwork No. 319.1 Rose Tree Media School District SECTION: Employees TITLE: CONFLICT OF INTEREST Ethics Standards and Financial Disclosure Work in Progress: January, 2007 ADOPTED: REVISED: 319.1. CONFLICT OF INTEREST Ethics Standards and Financial Disclosure 1. Purpose 65 Pa. C.S.A. Sec. 1101 et seq The Board recognizes that in order to maintain the public trust, it must ensure that employees of the Rose Tree Media School District avoid conflicts of interest and the appearance of conflicts of interest, and that employees who are public employees comply with the Ethics Standards and Financial Disclosure Act, 65 Pa. C.S.A. section 1101 et seq. 2. Authority The Board is responsible for establishing policies which enable it to maintain the public trust and engage in sound business practices. Scope Compliance with Board policy and the Ethics Standards and Financial Disclosure Act shall be conditions of continued employment by and contractual relations with the district. This policy applies to (1) vendors of the Rose Tree Media School District and (2) Rose Tree Media School District employees who (a) have the ability to engage in a conflict of interest and/or (b) are public employees within the meaning of the Ethics Standards and Financial Disclosure Act. 3. Definitions The definitions of the Ethics, Standards and Financial Disclosure Act, 65 Pa. C.S.A. section 1102 are hereby adopted as if set forth at length. These shall be the definitions that shall apply to this policy. 4. Guidelines Prohibited Activities Employees shall not engage in conduct that constitutes a conflict of interest which shall be the use by a public official or public employee of the authority of his/her office or employment or any confidential information received through his/her holding public office or employment for the private pecuniary benefit of him/ herself, a member of his/her immediate family or a business with which s/he or a Page 1 of 3 319.1. CONFLICT OF INTEREST - Pg. 2 member of his/her immediate family is associated. The term does not include an action having de minimis economic impact which affects to the same degree a class consisting of the general public or subclass consisting of an industry, common occupation or other group which includes the public official or public employee, a member of his/her immediate family or business with which s/he or a member of his/her immediate family is associated. 5. Delegation of Responsibility Pol. 317 The Superintendent of Schools shall be responsible for implementation of this policy and shall make decisional purpose of this policy and for the school district policy as to who shall be required to file a Statement of Financial Interest. The criteria should be those as set forth as defining a public employee which in part is a person employed by the district who is responsible for taking or recommending official action of a non-ministerial nature with regard to (1) contracting or procurement, (2) administering or monitoring grants or subsidies, (3) planning or zoning, (4) inspecting, licensing, regulating or auditing any person or (5) any other activity where the official has an economic impact of greater than a de minimis nature on the interest of any persons. If a determination is made by the district Superintendent that such a form must be filed, notwithstanding that the Superintendent’s standard may be higher than otherwise required by law, failure to do so may result in disciplinary action including the termination of employment regardless of whether the employee engaged in the activity through ignorance, negligence or deliberate disregard. Also as a matter of policy, the district in future hirings or transfers will avoid immediate family members working in same department wherein one (1) of the two (2) individuals are acting in a position of trust. Page 2 of 3