Informational Session
April 24, 2008
Committee Highlights & Liason Reports
Student Liaison Reports
Teaching & Learning
Pupil Services
Liaison Reports
Building Update - Principals
7:30 p.m.
Legislative Meeting
April 24, 2008
8:00 p.m.
Call to Order
Approval of Minutes
Penncrest High School Wrestling Team
The Infusion of Technology Across the Curriculum by Rose Tree
Legislative Meeting of March 25, 2008
Bid Opening Minutes – Smedley Tract Athletic Fields – March 19,
Bid Opening Minutes – Roofing Projects at Media, Springton Lake,
and Penncrest – April 1, 2008
Bid Opening Minutes – HVAC Rooftop Unit Replacement at Indian
Lane – April 2, 2008
Bid Opening Minutes – HVAC Equipment Replacement at
Educational Presentation
Pledge of Allegiance
Presentations and Awards
Roll Call
School Reports
Superintendent’s Report
Solicitor’s Report
President’s Report
Scheduled Presentations (Limited to Five Minutes Each)
Healthy Communities Initiative
Unscheduled Presentations (Limited to Three Minutes Each)
Old Business
Policy #233 Suspensions and Expulsions – Second Read and
Approval. See Attachment A
New Business
Sabbatical Leave
Supplemental Contracts
Overnight Trips
Penncrest Indoor Drum Line Team – Wildwood, NJ
2007-2008 Last Day of School
Rose Tree Media Residents
Policy #1052 – Notification of Arrest or Vehicle Driving
Violation. See Attachment B
Bid Awards
Delaware County Intermediate Unit Operating Budget 20082009
Delaware County Technical Schools Budget – 2008-2009
Delaware County Intermediate Unit Special Education
Funding and Service Agreement
Budgetary Transfers
2007-2008 General Fund Budget Adjustments
Approval of PDE Forms 3074a
Proposed Final 2008-2009 General Fund Budget
George Crothers Agreement
Cardiac Science Lease Agreement
Hilltop School Agreement
Elwyn Alternatives Agreement
Financials for March 2008
Bill lists for March 2008
There will be an executive session of the School Board for matters of personnel
at 6:30 p.m. prior to the Informational Session of May 22, 2008, at Springton
Lake Middle School. The Legislative meetings are recorded on tape.
Rose Tree Media School District
308 North Olive Street
Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493
Telephone: 610.627.6000
Fax: 610-891-0959
Gail Boettcher
Board Secretary
Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D
Superintendent of Schools
Members of the Board of School Directors
Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D., Superintendent
Gail Boettcher, Board Secretary
April 24, 2008
Minutes of the March 25, 2008, Legislative Meeting
Call to Order
Roll Call
Pledge of Allegiance
Board Members in Attendance:
Nancy Mackrides, Board President
Peter Barry
Veronica Barbato
Nancy Fronduti
John Hanna
William Montgomery
William O’Donnell
Jeffrey Pettit
Absent: Nancy Fronduti
Student Board Members:
Lepsi Jha, Rachel Davis, Michael
Pesce, Jerry Thompson
Also in Attendance:
Patricia Barta, Supervisor Special
Education, Elementary
Ron Baldino, Supervisor Maint. & Oper.
Margaret Barney, R&D Specialist
William Bennett, Principal, ILES
Gail Boettcher, Board Secretary
Eric Bucci, Ass’t. Principal, PCHS
Valerie Burnett, Director of Pupil Services
Anne Callahan, Dir. Human Resources
Ken Curran, Psychologist
Karen Daugherty, Principal RTES
Joseph DiAntonio, Athletic Director
Angela Gilbert, Teaching and Learning
Rick Gregg, Principal PHS
Ron Harris, Network Specialist
Ralph Harrison, Asst. Principal
Joanne Horan, Supervisor of Reading
Anthony Jackowski, Asst. Principal
Judy Jalbert, Psychologist
Joyce Jeuell, Principal, SLMS
Mack Johnson, Management Specialist for
Thomas Kelly, Solicitor
Denise Kerr, Superintendent
Bonnie Kinsler, Transportation Director
Maria Kotch, Principal Media Eementary
Patti Linden, Director of Tech. & Information
Kim McCann, Info. Tech. Spec.
Danielle Penza, Accountant
Roxanne Schupp, Supervisor Business
Sandra Shacklady-White – Supervisor Special
Education, Secondary
Mara Stevens, Psychologist
Steven Taylor, Director of Teaching and
Learning, Secondary
The Legislative Meeting of the Board of School Directors of the Rose Tree Media School
District was held on Tuesday, March 25, 2008, at Springton Lake Middle School. The
meeting was called to order by President Nancy Mackrides.
Approval of Minutes
Legislative Meeting Minutes of February 28, 2008
Mr. O’Donnell moved and Mr. Hanna seconded a motion to adopt the following
RESOLUTION: 2007-2008 - 75
Resolve, that the Board approve the Legislative Meeting Minutes of February 28,
The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being:
Nancy Mackrides, Veronica Barbato, Peter Barry, Nancy Fronduti
John Hanna, William Montgomery, William O’Donnell and Jeffrey Pettit
Presentations and Awards
Achievement Award in Writing – Jeffrey Ayars
Resolve, the Board present Jeffrey Ayars the Rose Tree Media School District
Award for receiving an Achievement Award in Writing from the National Council of
Teacher’s of English for Excellence in Writing. Jeffrey, a senior at Penncrest High
School, received an Achievement Award in Writing from NCTE. NCTE is a nonprofit educational association, and it has no funds to award scholarships to
winners. Instead, recipients receive a letter and certificate of commendation from
NCTE and cards recognizing their outstanding performance in writing to include
with their college applications.
Professional Registration – Roxanne Schupp
Resolve, the board recognize Roxanne Schupp, Supervisor of Business
Operations for the Rose Tree Media School District, has recently been granted
status as a Pennsylvania Registered School Business Official by the Pennsylvania
Association of School Business Officials. Requirements for initial registration were
met and a professional commitment was made to keep management and technical
skills updated.
Educational Presentation
Student Ambassadors from Glenwood
Scheduled Presentations (Limited to Five Minutes Each)
School Reports – In Official Legislative Minutes of March 25, 2008
Superintendent’s Report – In Official Legislative Minutes of March 25, 2008
Solicitor’s Report – In Official Legislative Minutes of March 25, 2008
President’s Report – In Official Legislative Minutes of March 25, 2008
RTMEA – Sandra Staiger, President RTMEA
Healthy Communities Initiative – Dana Riker
Unscheduled Presentations (Limited to three minutes each)
Old Business
2008-2009 Calendar
2008-2009 School Board Meeting Calendar
Mr. O’Donnell moved and Mr. Hanna seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution:
RESOLUTION: 2007-2008 – 76
2008-2009 Calendar – Second Read and Approval See Attachment A in
Official Minutes of March 25, 2008
Resolve, that the Board approve the 2008-2009 Calendar.
2008-2009 School Board Meeting Calendar – Second Read and
Approval, See Attachment B in Official Minutes of March 25, 2008
Further resolve, that the Board approve the 2008-2009 School Board Meeting Calendar.
The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being:
Nancy Mackrides, Veronica Barbato, Peter Barry, Nancy Fronduti
John Hanna, William Montgomery, and William O’Donnell
Jeffrey Pettit
New Business
Classification Change
Robert Cecchine
Sharon McClaskey
Bethany Zeleznik
Mrs. Fronduti moved and Mr. Pettit seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution:
RESOLUTION: 2007-2008 – 77
Resolve, the Board approve the following Personnel section:
Dmytro Terleckyj, .2 Music Teacher, Penncrest High School,
resignation effective March 14, 2008.
Patricia Gildea, Secondary Food Service Coordinator,
retirement effective June 30, 2008.
Pat Gildea joined our staff as Food Service Coordinator
on September 1, 1993. She is retiring after 15 years of
dedicated service to Rose Tree Media School District.
Henry Koffa, Sr., Instructional Assistant, Indian Lane
Elementary, resignation, effective March 17, 2008.
Al Heinle, Summer School Director, at the annual salary of
Elizabeth Battista, Assistant Summer School Director, at the
annual salary of $3,000.
Sandra Carter, Homebound Instructor for the 2007-2008
school year at the rate of $42.50 per hour.
Steven Fackenthall, .2 LTS Music Teacher, effective March
25, 2008 at the annual salary of $8,599.60 to be pro-rated.
Mr. Fackenthall is assigned to Penncrest High School
replacing Dmytro Terleckyj who resigned. NOTE: Mr.
Fackenthall is being hired pending completion of his preemployment paperwork.
Deanna Dachiu, Homebound Instructor of the 2007-2008
school year at the rate of $42.50 per hour.
Jacquelyn Grossi, Cafeteria Worker, effective March 7, 2008
at the rate of $10.00 per hour. Ms. Grossi is assigned to
Penncrest High School. NOTE: Ms. Grossi is being hired
pending completion of her pre-employment paperwork.
Sherry Voorhees, Cafeteria Worker, effective March 10, 2008
at the rate of $10.00 per hour. Ms. Voorhees is assigned to
Penncrest High School. NOTE: Ms. Voorhees is being hired
pending completion of her pre-employment paperwork.
Cathy Lejman, Cafeteria Worker, will serve as a Substitute
Custodian in addition to her cafeteria responsibilities at the
rate of $12.00 per hour.
Charles Johnson, Custodian, effective March 13, 2008 at
the rate of $15.04 per hour. Mr. Johnson is assigned to
Glenwood Elementary replacing Jerome Parsons who
resigned. NOTE: Mr. Johnson is being hired pending
completion of his pre-employment paperwork.
Mary Grasty, Substitute Food Service, effective March 25,
2008 at the rate of $9.50 per hour. NOTE: Ms. Grasty is
being hired pending completion of her pre-employment
Classification Change
Robert Cecchine from Substitute Bus Driver to Bus Aide at the
rate of $12.57 per hour effective March 10, 2008.
Sharon McClaskey from Secretary I, Penncrest High School to
Secretary V, Education Center, effective March 17, 2008, at
the annual salary of $35,718. Ms. McClaskey is replacing
Margaret Brown who resigned.
Bethany Zeleznick from part time Support Staff I to full time
Support Staff I, effective March 3, 2008 through the end of the
2007-2008 school year. Ms. Zeleznick is assigned to
Penncrest High School.
The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being:
Nancy Mackrides, Veronica Barbato, Peter Barry, Nancy Fronduti
John Hanna, William O’Donnell and Jeffrey Pettit
William Montgomery
New Business
3. General
Classification Change
Joseph DiAntonio
Mrs. Barbato moved and Mr. Barry seconded a motion to adopt the following
RESOLUTION: 2007-2008 78
Resolve, the Board approve the following amended Personnel section.
Joseph DiAntonio, Athletic Director and Acting Assistant
Principal effective March 3, 2008 at the annual salary of
$93,375 to be pro-rated for the 2007-2008 school year. Mr.
DiAntonio is assigned to Sprignton Lake Middle School.
The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being:
Nancy Mackrides, Veronica Barbato, Peter Barry, Nancy Fronduti
John Hanna, William Montgomery, William O’Donnell and Jeffrey Pettit
New Business
Classification Change
5. Joanne Horan
6. James Bigas
7. Joseph Faulkner
Rescind Supplemental Contracts
Supplemental Contracts
Elaine Jay
Linda Kilpatrick
Event chaperones
Jennifer Blythe
Healther Young
6. Carley Nietz
Mrs. Fronduti moved and Mr. O’Donnell seconded a motion to adopt the following
RESOLUTION: 2007 – 2008 79
Resolve, the Board approve the following Personnel section:
Joanne Horan, from Assistant Principal to Secondary Reading
Supervisor, effective March 3, 2008. Ms. Horan is assigned to
the Education Center.
James Bigas, from part time Bus Driver to full time Bus Driver
effective March 5, 2008.
Joseph Faulkner, from Substitute Bus Driver to part time Bus
Driver effective March 10, 2008.
Rescind Supplemental Contracts
Rescind appointment of Frank LaPenta as 7th Grade Boys
Lacrosse Coach at Springton Lake Middle School.
Supplemental Contracts
Elaine Jay, Junior and Senior Prom Chaperone at the rate of
$125 per event.
Linda Kilpatrick, Junior and Senior Prom Chaperone at the
rate of $125 per event.
Recommend Board approval for the following Penncrest
personnel to serve as Event Chaperones at the rate of $55 per
Paul DelPrato
Greg Jacobs
Winifred Host
Jennifer Blythe, 7th Grade Girls Lacrosse Coach for the 20072008 school year at the annual salary of $2,814.
Heather Young, 8th Grade Girls Lacrosse Coach for the 20072008 school year at the annual salary of $2,814.
Carly Nietz, Intramural Instructor at Media Elementary for the
2007-2008 school year at the rate of $19.61 per hour.
The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being:
Nancy Mackrides, Veronica Barbato, Peter Barry, Nancy Fronduti
John Hanna, William Montgomery, William O’Donnell and Jeffrey Pettit
New Business
Supplemental Contracts
Robert Higgins
Mrs. Barbato moved and Mr. Montgomery seconded a motion to adopt the following
RESOLUTION; 2007-2008 80
Resolve, the Board approve the following amended Supplemental Contract.
Robert Higgins, Assistant to the Athletic Director effective
March 3, 2008 through the end of the 2007-2008 school year
at the annual salary of $4,000. Mr. Higgins is assigned to
Penncrest High School.
The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being:
Nancy Mackrides, Veronica Barbato, Peter Barry, Nancy Fronduti
John Hanna, William Montgomery, William O’Donnell and Jeffrey Pettit
New Business
Supplemental Contracts
Karen Kraycik
Tiffany Bendistis
Mark Homan
Brian Reilly
Matthew Johnson
Mr. Pettit moved and Mr. Montgomery seconded a motion to adopt the following
RESOLUTION: 2007-2008 81
Resolve, the Board approve the following Personnel section:
Karen Kraycik, Computer Club Sponsor at Media
Elementary for the 2007-2008 school year at the annual
salary of $402.00.
Tiffany Bendistis, Team Leader 7-1 at Springton Lake
Middle School, effective February 8, 2008 at the pro-rated
salary of $305.11. Ms. Bendistis is replacing Anthony
Musacchio who retired.
Mark Homan, Springton Lake Middle School Social
Studies Building Coordinator effective February 8, 2008 at
the pro-rated salary of $1,025.00. Mr. Homan is replacing
Anthony Musacchio who retired.
Brian Reilly, Springton Lake Middle School .5 New
Teacher Mentor for the second semester at the annual
salary of $507.50.
Matthew Johnson, 7th Grade Boys Lacrosse Coach,
Springton Lake Middle School at the annual salary of
The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being:
Nancy Mackrides, Veronica Barbato, Peter Barry, Nancy Fronduti
John Hanna, William Montgomery, William O’Donnell and Jeffrey Pettit
New Business
Overnight Trips
Penncrest Boys/Girls Indoor Track Team to University Park, PA
Penncrest Wrestling Team to Council rock North High School
Penncrest Wrestling Team to Hershey, PA
Mr. O’Donnell moved and John Hanna seconded a motion to adopt the following
RESOLUTION: 2007-2008 82
Resolve, the Board approve the following Personnel section.
V Football Timer
V Football Announcer
V Football Tickets
V Football Chains
JV Football Timer
JV Football Chains
FR Football Timer
FR Football Chains
V/JV Hockey Timer
V Boys Soccer Timer
V Girls Soccer Timer
Soccer Timer Night
V/JV Volley Ball Timer
V/JV Girls Lacrosse Timer
V Boys Lacrosse Timer
Lacrosse Timer Night
Track/dual Head Timer
Recommend Board approve of the following Penncrest High
School Game Worker rates for the 2007-2008 school year:
Track Tri Head Timer
Track/Dual Attendant
Track/Tri Attendant
V/JV Boys Basketball Timer
V/JV Boys Basketball Scorer
V/JV Bys Basketball Tickets
V/JV B. Basketball Crown Control
FR Basketball Timer
FR Basketball Scorer
V/JV Girls Basketball Timer
V/JV Girls Basketball Scorer
V/JV Girls Basketball Tickets
V/JV G Basketball Crowd Control
V/JV Wrestling Timer/Announcer
V/JV Wrestling Tickets
V/JV Wrestling Crowd Control
Coed Swimming Scorer/Announcer
Overnight Trips
Penncrest Boys/Girls Indoor Track Team to University Park, PA
Further resolve, that the Board approve the Penncrest Boys/Girls Indoor
Track Team overnight trip to University Park, PA. The Penncrest Boys/Girls
Indoor Track Team advanced to the championship level and competed at
University Park, PA on February 29 to March 1, 2008. This trip was
discussed and information was provided to the Board in the weekly update
and noted that it would occur prior to the March legislative meeting. The
cost to the District is $1,524.98 which includes room and meals, and
transportation. This item was discussed at the March 2008 Pupil Services
Committee Meeting.
Penncrest Wrestling Team to Council Rock North High School
Further resolve, that the Board approve the Penncrest Wrestling Team
overnight trip to Council Rock North High School. The Penncrest Wrestling
team advanced to the championship level and competed at Council Rock
North High School on February 29 to March 1, 2008. This trip was
discussed and information was provided to the Board in the weekly update
and noted that it would occur prior to the March Legislative Meeting. The
team has advanced to the state championships. The cost to the District is
$197 for half day substitute coverage, meals and transportation. This item
was discussed at the March 2008 Pupil Services Committee Meeting.
Penncrest Wrestling Team to Hershey, PA
Further resolve, that the Board approve the Penncrest Wrestling Team
overnight trip to Hershey, PA. The Penncrest Wrestling team has advanced
to the championship level and will compete in Hershey, PA on March 6 to
March 9, 2008. This trip was discussed and information was provided to the
Board at the committee meeting. It is noted that it would occur prior to the
March Legislative Meeting. The cost to the District is $1,996 for room and
meals, transportation and 2 substitute days. This item was discussed at the
March 2008 Pupil Services Committee Meeting.
The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being:
AYES: Nancy Mackrides, Veronica Barbato, Peter Barry, Nancy Fronduti
John Hanna, William Montgomery, William O’Donnell and Jeffrey Pettit
NAYS: None
New Business
Addendum – General
Student Expulsions
Mr. O’Donnell moved and Mr. Hanna seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution:
RESOLUTION: 2007-2008 82
Resolve, the Board approve the following Personnel Addendum.
Student Expulsions
Resolve, student #20541 be permanently expelled from the Rose
Tree Media School District effective March 4, 2008, including all
activities therein, pursuant to the waiver of the due process hearing
signed by student’s parents.
Further resolve, student #40276 be expelled from the Rose Tree
Media School District effective February 20, 2008, for the remainder
of the current 2007-2008 school year and the entire 2008-2009
school year, including all activities therein, pursuant to the waiver of
the due process hearing signed by student’s parents.
The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being:
AYES: Nancy Mackrides, Veronica Barbato, Peter Barry, Nancy Fronduti
John Hanna, William Montgomery, William O’Donnell and Jeffrey Pettit
NAYS: None
Government Standards Board (GASB) Bulleting 45 Post Employment
Benefits (OPEB) Standard
Budgetary Transfers
HVAC Work at Indian Lane Elementary School – See Attachment C
HVAC Work at Penncrest High School – See Attachment D
Mill Creek School Agreement
Total Approach Contract
Interactive Speech Services
Addendum – General
Calvary Chapel of Delaware County
Mr. O’Donnell moved and Mr. Hanna seconded a motion to approve the following Finance
RESOLUTION: 2007-2008 83
Resolve, the Board approve the following Finance section.
Purchasing - None
Government Standards Board (GASB) Bulletin 45 Post Employment
Benefits (OPEB) Standard
Resolve, that by use of a state wide contract, the Board
appoint Conrad Siegel, Harrisburg, to prepare an actuarial
valuation of other post employment benefits offered by Rose
Tree Media School District, at a cost not to exceed
$8,050.00. GASB 45 establishes standards for the measurement,
recognition and display of post-retirement (non-pension)
expenses and liabilities and disclosures in the financial
reports of state and local governments. Currently Rose Tree
Media School District pays for these benefits on a cash as
you go basis. While GASB 45 does not require an entity to
change the method use to pay for the benefits, it does
require that the future cost of the benefit be recognized on
the financial statements. This cost is developed by an
actuarial valuation of the district's OPEB. This was
discussed at the March 2008 Finance Committee
Budgetary Transfers
Rose Tree Media School District Policy #612…
(Public School code section 609) when funds are not available for a
proposed appropriation, a legal transfer from one class of expenditure to
another may be made in the last nine (9) months of the fiscal year by the
Further resolve, that the Board approve the following budgetary transfers:
FY 08 – 135 Fund 10 General Fund
Regular Instruction – Supplies
AMOUNT: $1,000
Regular Instruction – Travel
RATIONALE: Transfer needed to cover travel expense for administrators
and staff.
FY 08 – 136 Fund 10 General Fund
Regular Instruction – Supplies
AMOUNT: $9,652.28
Regular Instruction – Books and Subscriptions
RATIONALE: Transfer needed to add 78 subscriptions for Glenwood, 78
subscriptions for Indian Lane and 78 subscriptions for Rose Tree through
the Compass Learning Program funded by the Accountability Block Grant.
FY 08 – 139 Fund 10 General Fund
Fiscal Services – Equipment
AMOUNT: $2,830.17
Regular Instruction – Equipment
RATIONALE: Transfer needed for Springton Lake to purchase twenty-five
(25) folding tables, two (2) storage carts and two (2) shelves.
FY 08 – 143 Fund 10 General Fund
Regular Instruction – Supplies
AMOUNT: $2,050
Learning Support – Supplies
RATIONALE: Transfer needed to cover the cost of curriculum items in
Special Education.
FY 08 – 144 Fund 10 General Fund
Regular Instruction – Supplies
AMOUNT: $1,100
Learning Support – Enrichment Reading
RATIONALE: Transfer needed to cover the cost of enrichment reading
materials for Special Education.
FY 08 – 147 Fund 10 General Fund
Regular Instruction – Supplies
AMOUNT: $1,000
Instruction and Curriculum – Supplies
Instruction and Curriculum – Books and Subscriptions
RATIONALE: Transfer needed to cover professional books and necessary
FY 08 – 148 Fund 10 General Fund
Regular Instruction – Supplies
AMOUNT: $1,000
Instructional Staff Development – Dues and Fees
Instructional Staff Development – Miscellaneous Expenditure
RATIONALE: Transfer needed for Staff Development to cover professional
dues and memberships. This was discussed at the March 2008 Finance
Committee Meeting.
HVAC work at Indian Lane Elementary School
Further resolve, that the Board approve submittal of PDE Form
3074(a) non- reimbursable work subject to advertising and
bidding requirements. Bids for this work will be opened April 2, 2008.
This was discussed at the March 2008 Operations Committee Meeting.
See Attachment C in Official Minutes of March 25, 2008.
HVAC work at Penncrest High School
Further resolve, that the Board approve submittal of PDE Form
3074(a) non- reimbursable work subject to advertising and
bidding requirements. Bids for this work will be opened April 2, 2008.
This was discussed at the March 2008 Operations Committee Meeting.
See Attachment D in Official Minutes of March 25, 2008.
Mill Creek School Agreement
Further resolve, that the Board approve the agreement with the Mill
Creek School in the amount $180 per day. A child with significant mental
health needs requires an out of district placement that was determined to be
appropriate by the IEP team. The student will attend the Mill Creek
School in Philadelphia. Tuition for Mill Creek is $180 per day and will be
prorated based on the start date. This item was discussed at the March
2008 Pupil Services Committee Meeting.
Total Approach Contract
Further resolve, that the Board approve the agreement with Total
Approach for an amount not exceed $2,800.00. A child in need of extended
school year services will receive programming at Total Approach. The
contract will not exceed $2,800. This item was discussed at the March 2008
Pupil Services Committee Meeting.
Interactive Speech Services
Further resolve, that the Board approve the agreement with
Interactive Speech Services. The contract will not exceed $450. A child
with a need for social cognition training attends the Developmental
primary class at Indian Lane. The district will contract with Carolyn
Macrina to train all elementary special education and related staff to
provide this educational intervention. The contract will e for no more than
$450.00. This item was discussed at the march 2008 Pupil Services Committee
Addendum - General
Calvary Chapel of Delaware County Lease Agreement
Further resolve, the addendum to the lease agreement between the Rose
Tree Media School District and Calvary Chapel of Delaware County, for
Calvary Chapel, be permitted to continue to use the Media Elementary
School to on or before December 31, 2009, pursuant to the lease
agreement of February 25, 2005, and this addendum, be approved.
The aforementioned resolution was adopted by the Chair, the vote being:
Nancy Mackrides, Veronica Barbato, Peter Barry, Nancy Fronduti
John Hanna, William Montgomery, William O’Donnell and Jeffrey Pettit
NAYS: None
Financials for January 2008
Bill Lists for January 2008
Mr. O’Donnell moved and Mr. Hanna seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution:
RESOLUTION: 2007-2008 84
Resolve, the Board approve the follow Financial section:
Financial Reports & Bill Lists
Financial Reports
Treasurers Reports
Investment Reports
Summary Expenditure Status Report
Revenue Status Report
Bill Lists
2008 General Fund Bill List
$ 7,445,695.21
2008 Imprest Fund Bill List
2008 Capital Fund Bill List
2008 Construction Fund Bill List
2008 Bond Series 2003 Bill list
2008 Bond Series 2004 Bill List
2008 Bond Series 2007 A & B Bill List
2008 Private Purpose Trust Bill List
2008 Activities/Special Revenue Fund
$ 7,643,938.37
The aforementioned resolution was adopted by the Chair, the vote being:
AYES: Nancy Mackrides, Veronica Barbato, Peter Barry, Nancy Fronduti
John Hanna, William Montgomery, William O’Donnell and Jeffrey Pettit
NAYS: None
Mr. O’Donnell moved and Mr. Hanna seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution.
RESOLUTION: 2007-2008 85
Resolve, that there being no further business to come before the Board, the
meeting is adjourned.
The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the
vote being:
Nancy Mackrides, Veronica Barbato, Peter Barry, Nancy Fronduti
John Hanna, William Montgomery, William O’Donnell and Jeffrey Pettit
Gail Boettcher
Board Secretary
MARCH 19, 2008
A bid opening was held on March 19, 2008, at 2:00 p.m. in the Education Center,
308 North Olive Street, Media, PA 19063.
Present:: Dennis Cini, Project Manager Capital Improvements, David Horn,
Architerra, PC, Ernest Werstler, Interim Business Manager, Ron Baldino,
Superisor of Maintenance, Gail Boettcher, Board Secretary and 5 bidders
Bids in the following category were opened by Gail Boettcher and read by Dennis
Penncrest High School, The Smedley Tract Athletic Field Complex
B & J Excavating Inc.
140 Robbins Road
Dowingtown, PA 19335
Lechmanik, Inc.
414 Birmingham Road
West Chester, PA 19382
KC Construction Company
1737 Stout Drive
Ivyland, PA 18974
Out of Site
700 West Baltimore Avenue
Suite 693
Media, PA 19063
Granett Valley Contracting, Inc.
PO Box 833
Concordville, PA 19331
W. G. Land Company, LLC
2023 County Line Road
Champion, PA 15622
Bids will be tabulated and presented to the Board of School Directors.
Gail Boettcher
Board Secretary
April 1, 2008
Roofing Projects at Media, Springton Lake and Penncrest
A bid opening was held on April 1, 2008, at 2:00 p.m. in the Education Center,
308 North Olive Street, Media, PA 19063.
Present:: Dennis Cini, Project Manager Capital Improvements, William Johnson,
Roofing Resources, Gail Boettcher, Board Secretary and 4 bidders.
Bids in the following category were opened by Gail Boettcher and read by Dennis
Roofing Projects at Media, Springton Lake and Penncrest
D.A. Nolt, Inc.
53 Cross Keys Road
Berlin, NJ 08009
Garvey Roark, LLC
600 B. Snyder Avenue
West Chester, PA 19382
McMullen Roofing, Inc.
3832 Jasper Street
Philadelphia, PA 19124
Mike Kobithen Roofing and Insulation, Inc.
57 Virginia Drive
Churchville, Pa 18966
Union Roofing Contractors, Inc.
12270 Townsend Road
Philadelphia, PA 19154
United States Roofing Corporation
1000 E. Main Street
Norristown, PA 19401
Bids will be tabulated and presented to the Board of School Directors.
Gail Boettcher
Board Secretary
April 2, 2008
HVAC Rooftop Unit Replacement at Indian Lane
A bid opening was held on April 2, 2008, at 2:00 p.m. in the Education Center,
308 North Olive Street, Media, PA 19063.
Present: Dennis Cini, Project Manager Capital Improvements, Ron Baldino,
Supervisor Maintenance and Operations, Bob Chubb, Consolidated Engineers,
Gail Boettcher, Board Secretary and 5 Bidders.
Bids in the following category were opened by Gail Boettcher and read by Dennis
HVAC Rooftop Unit Replacement at Indian Lane
Allstates Mechanical, LTd
620 Parkway
Broomall, PA 19008
A.Q.M. Inc.
PO Box 37
Uwchland, PA 19480
Battavio / B & F Service Co., Inc.
640 Snyder Avenue, Suite M
West chester, PA 19382-5513
J.B.M. Mechanical, Inc.
3273 Gun Club Road
Nazareth, PA 18064
Cook’s Service Co., Inc.
300 Industrial Drive
Avondale, PA 19311
DWD Mechanical
PO Box 155
Glenolden, PA 19036
Bids will be tabulated and presented to the Board of School Directors.
Gail Boettcher
Board Secretary
April 2, 2008
HVAC Equipment Replacement at Penncrest
A bid opening was held on April 2, 2008, at 2:00 p.m. in the Education Center,
308 North Olive Street, Media, PA 19063.
Present: Dennis Cini, Project Manager Capital Improvements, Ron Baldino,
Supervisor Maintenance and Operations, Bob Chubb, Consolidated Engineers,
Gail Boettcher, Board Secretary and 5 Bidders.
Bids in the following category were opened by Gail Boettcher and read by Dennis
HVAC Equipment Replacement at Penncrest
Allstates Mechanical, LTD
620 Parkway
Broomall, PA 19008
Cook’s Service Co., Inc.
300 Industrial Drive
Avondale, PA 19311
DWD Mechanical
PO Box 155
Glenolden, PA 19036
Gaudelli Bros., Inc.
202 S. Wade Blvd.
Millville, NJ 08332
Worth & Company
6263 Kellers Church Road
Pipersville, PA 18947
Bids will be tabulated and presented to the Board of School Directors.
Gail Boettcher
Board Secretary
Presentations and Awards
Penncrest High School Wrestling Team and Coaches
Resolve, the Board recognize the Penncrest High School
wrestling Team and Coaches for their 9-1 Central League
The Wrestling Team’s record of 9-1 is the best record in the
school’s history. The team participated in the Section V
Champions, Vanguard Invitational, Jim Thorpe Invitational, and
finished third in the District I Championships. Three members
of the team are PIAA State Qualifiers: Vince D’Ortone, Jim
Resnick and Will Resnick. Three members were chosen All
Delco: Vince D’Ortone, Jim Resnick and Andrew Mariani.
Team remaining team members include: Josh Capps, Justin
dugan-Fellman, Anthony Fusco, Matt Fusco, Bill Brauer,
Michael Harmon, Andrew Huppman, Ryan Kelleher, Bobby
Kheny, Tyler, Klause, Dan Klodarska, JP Lavoie, Nolan Miller,
Chuck Mulloy, Nick Papa, Scott Patton, Mickey Reed, Corey
Schauerman, Jeff Scheckner, Forrest Shamlian, Matt Smith,
Lee Thompson, Wes Thompson, Adam Yee, and John Young.
Head Coach: Greg Jacobs
Assistant Coaches: Justin Bohl and Bill Kent
Volunteer Assistants: Bill Mowbray, Matt Bell, Nick D’Ortone
SCHOOL REPORT’S – April 2008
Kindergarten celebrated Dr. Seuss’ birthday on March 2, Read Across America Day. The
children wore their pajamas and brought their favorite books and stuffed animals with
them to school for a “Cuddle up with Dr. Seuss pajama party”. The children read The Cat
in the Hat and worked on rhyming words. We also hunted for green eggs after we read
Green Eggs and Ham. What a surprise to find that the eggs were filled with jellybeans
that we sorted, counted and graphed, and of course, ate. We also had a special visit from
Mrs. Consadene, the virtual kindergarten teacher, who also shared her favorite Dr. Seuss
story with us.
First Grade
First graders love to watch living creatures grow and change. In April, the students in
Glenwood’s first grade welcomed tadpoles into their classrooms! These tadpoles hatched
on top of a pool cover in someone’s backyard this spring and were delivered to school for
students to feed and observe. Each week students studied the tadpoles through
magnifying classes and made notes and drawings in classroom Tadpole Journals. Photos
were taken when the tadpoles first arrived to compare and measure their growth later.
The students enjoyed predicting how long it would take for the little swimmers to lose their
tails and grow legs. Raising tadpoles was an exciting culminating activity for the Animal
Kingdom Unit in Grade One.
Second Grade
On April 18, all second grade students will take part in Living History Museum Day. After
reading many biographies through February and March, students will choose 1 person
who has made a contribution to the world. They will write a short (2 paragraph) report on
the person, create a poster with a drawing of the person, and dress up as the person.
Parents, siblings, and grandparents were invited to come see the children and their
projects in the Glenwood cafeteria.
Third Grade
Third grade students at Glenwood released some pressure after the PSSA by building
and launching rockets. With the assistance of Mr. G and the AGP students, all of the
students were able to follow the directions and include all of the most important parts on
their rockets. In Social Studies, third graders learned about supply and demand by
holding mock markets in the classrooms and buying and selling apples. They enjoyed
their hands on experience with economics.
Fourth Grade
In Social Studies, we are looking at the music of the southeast region of the US: Memphis
Blues, Dixie Land Jazz, Bluegrass and Cajun. We are also developing commercials on
the U.S. Regions which will conclude with an oral presentation of the selected region.
Math night was a huge success and we raised $7,396 for St. Jude Children’s Research
Hospital. Students have been taking PSSA tests in math, reading and science. We have
also had SCAT and MAP testing. All in one month! That may be a new record! At the
end of April, we will “Ride the Ducks” and visit various historic landmarks in Philadelphia.
The trip finishes with the bus/boat diving into the Delaware River. Mr. G’s fourth grade
classes will be comparing and contrasting video segments about Lewis and Clark and
then writing their own short movie about Lewis and Clark.
Fifth Grade
Mr. G’s fifth grade classes are participating in a “trans-Atlantic communication” project.
The students at Glenwood are pretending to be the American colonies and the students
at Indian Lane are pretending to be Britain. The students will learn how communication
over a long distance, when it takes time to deliver the message, affects your decisions
and how you interpret responses. Mr. G is acting as the liaison between the two schools.
Mr. G’s fifth grade classes will be participating in the Envirothon competition.
In guidance this month we are focusing on appreciation of self and other. We focus on
the things we are proud of in ourselves and others. We developmentally look at self
esteem across grade levels as well. It is important in the development of pride and self
respect to be able to recognize our attributes that make us successful students.
Health screening at Glenwood for the 2007-2008 school year is nearly finished. All
students in grades kindergarten through five receive annual growth screening as well as
distance vision and near vision testing. Students in grades K through 3 receive hearing
screening and are also checked for color vision, depth perception, and hyperopia. All
third graders and kindergarteners have either been seen by their private family dentist or
the school dental hygienist, and all kindergarten students have a physical exam during
the kindergarten year, performed either by their private physician or by our school
physician later this spring. Parents and guardians are notified if their student falls outside
the range of normal, as defined by the Pennsylvania Department of Health, in any of the
following areas: growth (body mass index), vision, hearing, dental health or, any issue
noted by the school physician on physical exam.
Physical Education
In the Glenwood physical education classes, it’s the time of year to get those competitive
juices flowing. The fourth and fifth grade students have been performing exceedingly well
on the physical fitness tests. They have been prepared, confident, and excited. They do
get those butterflies that usually come with any kind of testing, but we’ve talked about
them being the “good kind of butterflies” that mean one cares and wants to do well. It’s
great to see each of the students motivated to improve his/her personal record.
Some of the students excel in this arena and are bent on demolishing school records.
Others are expending maximum effort to meet minimum goals. I have found our students
to be respectful of everyone who makes an effort to improve. A staff member recently
witnessed a fifth grade group lending support to a child with special needs and was very
moved by the experience. Our younger students have recently completed a unit on ball
skills and are also working on improving physical fitness. They are selecting older
“buddies” for Field Day and looking forward to the big event.
Principal For An Hour
A Walk-a-thon was held at Glenwood and prizes were awarded to six students. The
children were given the opportunity to be Principal at Glenwood for one hour. The boys
and girls met in the principal’s office and checked e-mail and messages. They toured the
building and met with various staff members and assisted with lunch and recess duty,
monitored a fire drill, and visited various classes. The children were: Kindergarten –
Cade Sutton, 1st grade – Carly Dunford, 2nd grade – Phillip Bottos, 3rd grade – Sitka
DeLapp, 4th grade – Blake Blosenski, 5th grade – Lauren McGee.
Trooper-School Lunch Program
The Glenwood staff met with Trooper Taroski from the local State Police Unit to discuss
the Trooper-School Lunch Program. The program is an interactive program designed to
establish rapport with children and emphasize the Department’s commitment to the
Governor’s Partnership for Safe Children. Since most police officer public contact is in a
formal, line-of-duty atmosphere, the Trooper-School Lunch Program enables children to
associate and talk with police officers in a relaxed and informal setting. Spending lunch
time casually conversing with a police officer allows children to realize police officers are
real people too. It also reinforces the idea that the Pennsylvania State Police are their
friends and can be called upon with reliance in a time of need. The program is designed
to bring about further involvement by reading to students and conducting special
assembly programs on safety.
PSSA Testing
Students in grades 3-5 took the PSSAs in reading and math. The school provided
breakfast bars for each student in the morning, and Wawa provided orange juice, as well.
We also gave each student a highlighter pen, and of course, everyone got peppermint
During reading the children have been listening to many stories. The children have been
learning how to predict what a story is about by reading the cover and title page of the
book and by looking closely at the pictures. We have also been discussing the stories
and learning many strategies that will help us read the pages. We have also started story
mapping. We will be starting our new unit, Down on the Farm, next week. The children
met the letter person, Miss I this week. He helped them to recognize the sound for Ii.
She is an incredible inventor. Throughout the day we have been using our math skills.
We graph the weather and our favorite choice of the day. We have also been working
with pattern blocks, unifix cubes, and geoblock. The children have learned about
counting and using many different ways to show a number. The children have been
working in centers grouping sets, counting, and making patterns with manipulatives. We
have been using AB, AABB, ABC patterns, and have started learning how to recognize
the AAB pattern as well. We are presently working on addition and the understanding of
addition. The children have been practicing counting by one, two, five, and ten in class.
We will start subtraction problems this week.
First Grade
First Graders are learning about mapping by following the travels of Flat Stanley. Flat
Stanley is a culminating project that was inspired by our mapping unit. Each student sent
a Flat Stanley (a paper doll cutout) to a friend or relative. When he returned, we were able
to learn a bit about each place he visited. Some host families have even sent photos and
guide maps for us to enjoy! In our poetry unit, the children are learning about line breaks
rhythm and rhyme. They will write acrostic poems for mother's day and share these at a
mother's day tea. In Science, we are completing a unit on animal classification. We have
studied mammals, fish, birds, reptiles and amphibians.
Second Grade
Second Grade has been working hard on their Native American unit. They have been
learning not only facts about the different regions, but have been discussing several
legends as well. At the end of the month, we will be celebrating the unit with a Native
American Pow-wow. We will also be traveling soon to Tyler Arboretum where we will see
some authentic Native American objects from this area. In addition, the students
have been busy working on a new computer program that we have recently purchased Compass Learning. This program is a wonderful technological tool that enriches our
student's math and language arts skills. The students are enjoying it so much that they
even want to do it during recess time and at home!
Third Grade
In exploring the history of quilting, third graders hand-sewed their own 16-patch quilts.
Various moms and grandmothers helped us by sewing the pieces together and adding a
backing to create a take-home quilt.
Fourth Grade
Did you know that April is National Poetry Month? Throughout the month of March, fourth
graders focused on writing in various genres. They wrote persuasive letters, diamante
poems about the regions they have learned about in Social Studies and comic strips
using onomatopoeia.
Micro Worlds
Students examine everyday objects as well as microorganisms with a variety of
magnifying devices. They will use a variety of lenses, including hand lenses, acrylic
spheres, and water drops, they learn that a magnifying lens must be transparent and
curved. Next, students use a microscope to view inanimate objects. Students prepare a
section of onion skin and observe its cells. Using a microscope, they will also view three
microorganisms—Volvox, Blepharisma, and the vinegar eel. They study the cell structure
of these organisms and observe how the organisms feed, grow, and multiply. Fourth
grade students will be presenting their Science Projects that they worked on throughout
the months of March and April. This event provides a chance for each student to explore
Science beyond the classroom. Each student will develop, investigate and report on a
particular scientific inquiry of their choice. Mrs. Haskell's fourth graders celebrated Pi Day
with integrated center activities on of course - March 14th - or 3.14 day. Circle concrete
poems, creating pi music on a special website, circle spin art and math on an old record
player, measuring and calculating for pi with circle items and creating pi bead key chains
with colored beads to represent each digit were some of the fun and educational activities
of the day.
Fifth Grade
For the last 11 weeks teams of students have been using clues to Latitude, Longitude and
local culture to discern the location of ten mystery classes around the world. They will
submit their final guesses and they will find out if they are among those special classes
who have guessed all 10 correct.
This web-based project combines skills of
Mathematics, Science, Social Studies and Language Arts.
Learning Support
We are reading Fever, 1793 in the learning support fifth grade class. Apparently yellow
fever was transmitted by mosquitoes. We read a picture book about how mosquitoes
"bite" and why they need blood. We then put some fruit punch Gatorade in a dixie cup
(blood in our bodies) and covered the cup with Saran Wrap (representing our skin). Then
we punched a hole in the Saran Wrap with a pointed straw (the mosquitoes' needle
sucker). Then we all enjoyed "drinking" the "blood" like a mosquitoes does.
Mr. G’s fifth grade AGP classes are participating in a “trans-Atlantic communication”
project. The students at Glenwood are pretending to be the American colonies and the
students at Indian Lane are pretending to be Great Britain. The students will learn how
communication over a long distance, when it takes time to deliver the message, affects
your decisions and how you interpret responses. Mr. G is acting as the liaison between
the two schools. Mr. G’s fifth grade classes will be participating in the Enviro-thon
competition. Mr. G’s fourth grade classes will be comparing and contrasting video
segments about Lewis and Clark and then writing their own short movie about Lewis and
Indian Lane presented their fourth grade chorus concert this month, entitled “Celebrate
Music.” This concert was a chance for all fourth grade students to share what they have
learned in music class this year with their parents. To integrate with the routh grade
Social Studies curriculum, songs were chosen from different regions of the United States.
Students opened the show by singing and moving to a 3 part round in “Gee, It’s Good to
See You.” They also showed off their skill at dancing in a Sicilian Circle when they
performed “Erie Canal,” a folk song from the northeast. Some students were featured in
the spiritual “This Little Light of Mine” while the rest of the chorus played a gospel version
of the song on their recorders. Another fun piece was the addition of rhythm instruments
playing various ostinato patterns to imitate the approach of a thunder storm with the
traditional song, “Rain, Rain.” By the sound of the applause, the concert was a huge
Grandparents/Special Friends Day
Grandparents and Special Friends. This
ever-popular event showcased our school in
a way that grandparents don’t normally get to
see. Our visitors spent more than an hour in
the classroom with their grandchild and each
teacher had something different planned to
“wow” them. Fifth grade did some “I am
from…” poems, fourth graders “interviewed”
their special visitor with questions about their
background which culminated in a writing
project that introduced them to the rest of the
Third grade wrote poems for their
grandparents. Our Broadcast Club had their grandparents “help them out” during the
morning announcements. In the fifth grade learning support class this morning for
Grandparents and Special Friends Day, the students showed their grandparents and
special friends their reading journals and the novels and stories we have read so far this
school year. The students also shared their work binders with the grandparents and
special friends. In the work binders there are samples of writing, word study, organization
skills, reading fluency and comprehension graphs and charts. I think the grandparents
were impressed by all the students' hard work.
Parents vs. Staff Volleyball Game
Our annual Parents vs. Staff sporting event was held and pitted our reigning champions,
the staff, against our parents in several rounds of Volleyball. There were two courts going
on simultaneously with the men on one side (to protect the innocent) and the women on
the other (more talking than playing)! A special round of Indian Lane’s version of “Are
You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader) was played during halftime which showcased our
extremely intelligent fifth graders and selected parents and staff members. The event
raised almost $3,000.00 for the Norman Kelly “Smiles” Scholarship Fund. The best thing
was that we all had fun!
Our annual Spring Art Exhibit was held. This year’s art exhibit highlighted a music theme.
Each bulletin board is currently featuring musical projects each class has completed.
Additionally, each class has a collection of art work completed during the year that is
hung throughout the building. Grade one reviewed Cezanne, a landscape artist. They
learned about foreground, middle ground and background. In music class, this grade
level is reading the musical fairy tale, Peter and the Wolf. This story details the various
families of musical instruments. The first grade art classes formed clay landscapes with
oil clay. These pieces complement the illustrations from Peter and the Wolf perfectly.
Grade two rendered drawings depicting scenes from the musical fairytale, Peter and the
Wolf. Some classes pursued watercolors, others used markers and still others worked in
oil pastel. Grade three focuses on art through time. These students studied instruments
that were specifically designed during medieval times. The lute, harp and recorder are
examples of some of the instruments originating at this time. The students were instructed
to draw the instrument in various sizes. The drawings could be presented in cropped
format and monochromatic or one color harmony was used in the presentation. The
background of the instrument was specifically designed to look like stained glass. Grade
four formed whistles from clay. This grade level is introduced to the recorder the previous
year in music class. They understand the function of the instrument. The major parts of
the whistle are the sound chamber, the mouthpiece and the sound hole. Following
production, the children transformed the piece into the insect of their choice! Glazes were
added for color! Grade Five built masks from leather celebrating the art form of the
Native Americans. These masks are created with layers of leather and decorated with gel
markers, yarn and even pieces of metal! Please enjoy our tribute to these great people!
As a pre-concert greeting, third grade student Maria Michels and fourth grade student
Isabella Evangelista performed a jazz dance in honor of the music display. Special
thanks to all the parent volunteers and school aides who give so much of their time and
talent in the presentation of the art work.
PSSA Preparation and Administration
Our testing motto at Media School is “prior preparation prevents poor performance.” Our
children were more than ready to “show what they know.” The diligence and effort that
they demonstrated as they took the PSSA was impressive. We were very proud of them.
There is a lot to do to prepare for test administration. Mr. Murphy (guidance counselor)
and Mrs. Kotch attended several workshops at the DCIU to make sure that we were
current about changes and procedures. All of our proctors needed to be “trained” to
ensure compliance and understanding of the testing guidelines. Materials needed to be
sorted, coded and distributed. Security measures were applied and schedules were
We planned a PSSA Prep Rally to give the children a chance to relax, have some fun,
and get motivated before the test. The Penncrest cheerleaders opened the “show.” Four
of our teachers were elevated for a cheer. They looked like they were having fun. We
sang our PSSA Prep Song (to the tune of YMCA) before having a great performance by
David Smith, the one man sideshow. The grand finale was a raffle for special t-shirts and
other “test related” items. Third and fifth graders are done for this year. Fourth grade
students will be taking the science PSSA later this month.
Grade Level Updates
Kindergarten: Kindergarten completed a unit on animals in winter by visiting The Tyler
Arboretum for a lesson on animals in winter. They investigated animal adaptations and
winter homes. They also took a nature walk through the grounds to look for evidence of
animals hibernating and for animals’ winter homes.
Grade 1: Our first graders went to see one of their favorite stories on stage at The Irvine
Auditorium (University of Pennsylvania.). The children saw “Alexander and the Terrible,
Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.” When they returned to school, the children compared
the book to the play.
Grade 2: The second grade has been exploring the genre of non-fiction, focusing
specifically on fact books. The children have been exploring the features of nonfiction
such as fact boxes, diagrams, labels, captions, glossaries, indexes, etc. and learning how
to read the specific features for more detailed information. They are also learning how to
paraphrase information in order to write nonfiction articles. The study will assist the
children in his/her research project and presentation for Living History Museum Day in
May, In other content areas, the second grade is involved in two digit addition and
subtraction problems and launched a unit of measurement study in mathematics. The
exploration of solids, liquids, pebbles, sand, and silt is continuing.
Grade 4: All fourth grade students designed and conducted a science experiment for our
annual science/research fair. Students presented their projects in class. Projects were
also shared at our evening science fair that was open to the community. Congressman
Joe Sestak came and spoke to the fourth grade. He talked about what he does in the
House of Representatives. The students were able to ask him questions about his job and
other political issues.
Grade 5: The fifth grade has started a poetry unit for National Poetry Month. They also
took the PSSA and completed projects for our science and research fair.
Art News
First graders studied the surrealist artist Marc Chagall. They studied his painting, I and
the Village. They talked about how a surrealist artist shows scenes that look like dreams
or fantasy. They created their own surrealist landscape by using mixed media including
crayons, watercolor paint, paper, glue, glitter, chalk pastels, and markers.
Second graders traveled to Russia. They looked at traditional Russian architecture and
created their own unique Russian style buildings. By using construction paper glue and
paint, their palaces are fit for a king. Third graders studied the art of Vincent VanGogh .
In particular, they looked at his self-portraits. They learned how color reflects emotion and
how Vincent used color to show what he was feeling. We also looked at his heavy brush
strokes and how these strokes contribute to the feeling of emotion in a painting. The
created their own portraits by using complementary colors, black glue, oil pastels and the
brush style of Vincent VanGogh. Fourth grade studied the art of John Audubon. They
learned about his life including where he lived in Pennsylvania, how he bird banned and
was one of the first people to study the migration of birds. Fifth grade started their legacy
project with artist Claire Brill. It will incorporate our “Go Green” environmental theme.
They will be using clay, tile and paint to produce a mosaic mural that will be installed in
the main entrance to the building.
Fourth grade composed and performed original compositions on recorder which
incorporated “first’ and “second” endings. The project focuses on National Standard #4
(composing and arranging music within specified guidelines) and #2 (performing on
instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.)
Physical Education
Students in grades 1-5 have been participating in a gymnastics unit. Emphasis is placed
on the physical fitness benefits of gymnastics such as flexibility, strength and balance.
Fitness Club has begun before school for all interested 4th and 5th grade students. A
variety of games are offered to help promote fitness and fun.
Third grade students completed reports, projects and oral presentations on a chosen
National Park. Parents came in to see and hear the presentations. Students have just
begun a unit on space exploration. Fourth grade students completed a virtual road trip
throughout Pennsylvania and Power Point postcards of their trip. They are now reading
about Lewis and Clark and their expedition and getting ready to complete some
webquests about them.
Fifth grade students are preparing for the upcoming
EnviroChallenge which will be held at Ridley Creek State Park on April 30. They will
compete with other fifth grade AGP students across the district in each of these
categories: alternative energy sources, aquatics, forestry, soils, wildlife. Students are also
learning about Colonial America, specifically, occupations of the colonists and what life
was like for children in the early colonies.
First grader Alison Long won the county wide bookmark contest for grade 1. Children
throughout the county entered over 3000 bookmarks, so this was quite an
accomplishment. She attended a presentation by The Delaware County Council. The
presentation of the bookmark contest winners kicked off National Library Week
celebrations. Congratulations to Alison!
Parent Dr. Anne Norris was awarded a “Certificate of Appreciation” in honor of her
“outstanding service to the children and staff of Media Elementary School”, by the Delta
Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated Chester Alumnae Chapter.
Principal Maria Kotch was elected to the board of The Media Fellowship. She will serve a
two year term.
Art Room Happenings
Second grade student, Rebecca Viguers, was selected as the finalist in the elementary
division for her flag design in the PA State Youth Art Month flag contest. She and her
family traveled to Harrisburg to attend the ceremony at the state capitol where she was
presented her award by Senator Pileggi and was greeted by Senator Robert Robbins and
Lieutenant Governor, Catherine Baker Knoll. Out of 700 entries, 21 finalists were
chosen. Out of the 21, the four individual level finalists were chosen and Rebecca was
one of them. Rebecca and her family sat in the Senate Gallery while it was in session and
the children were announced by Senator Robert Robbins. They were told to stand up and
all the senators applauded them. There was a free luncheon and they were given a tour
of the beautiful capitol building. Wednesday, April 2, was the “Meet the Artist” gallery
opening and reception at White Horse Village, featuring work by student artists from Rose
Tree Elementary. This Community Connection event was attended by White Horse
Village residents, student artists and family members. Students met with Village residents
and discussed their work in the gallery setting. The work will be on display at the
clubhouse throughout the month of April and visitors are welcome.
Physical Education
For the month of April, all grades focused on jump rope skills. Grades 3-5 participated in
Jump Rope for Heart. Rose Tree’s Jump Rope for Heart event was held. This event
helped raise money for the American Heart Association. Our school raised $4,055. Later
in April, all grades focused on teamwork and sportsmanship while playing a variety of
games that involved fitness. Grades 3-5 participated in the Presidential Fitness Testing
which involves curl-ups, push-ups, sit and reach pull-ups or the flexed arm hang, and the
½ mile jog.
Special Reading
During the week of April 21st, students were encouraged to turn off the TV and tune into
reading as well as other healthy activities. Mrs. Poulos, Mrs. Thomas and the 5th Grade
Library Helpers sponsored Rose Tree Elementary’s fifth annual school wide TV Turn-Off
initiative. Everyone who participated received a certificate. Students who kept the TV off
all week were entered into grade-level raffles. Twelve lucky students were awarded with
$10.00 gift cards from Border’s Books.
Academically Gifted Program
Third grade students completed reports, projects and oral presentations on a chosen
National Park. Parents came in to see and hear the presentations. Students have just
begun a unit on Space Exploration. Fourth Grade students completed a virtual road trip
throughout Pennsylvania and created PowerPoint postcards of their trip. They read about
Lewis and Clark and their expedition and completed some webquests to learn more about
the expedition. Fifth grade students participated in the Enviro- Challenge which was held
at Ridley Creek State Park on April 30. They competed with other teams of fifth grade
AGP students from across the district in the following categories: Alternative Energy
Sources, Aquatics, Forestry, Soils, and Wildlife. Students also studied Colonial America,
specifically, occupations of the colonists, and what life was like for children in the early
First Grade
First grade completed their science unit on weather. They learned about the water cycle,
clouds, forecasts, thermometers, and wind. They also completed several experiments,
indoors and out. The students worked on several Earth day activities, highlighting ways
they can help, even cleaning up the playground!
Second Grade
Second graders at Rose Tree participated in a Hop-a-Thon to benefit the Muscular
Dystrophy Association. The students read literature on various physical challenges, saw
a DVD provided by the MDA, learned a related song in music class and received books,
achievement certificates and stickers. The second grade children hopped to music to
help children who can't hop themselves. Everyone enjoyed a cool, healthy treat after the
hop. This activity was a fun, community centered and informative way to provide our
young children with an awareness of and appreciation toward people with physical
Fourth Grade
As a cross-curricular activity (language arts and social studies), the fourth grade classes
completed a "Where in the United States is Flat Stanley?" display. The students read the
book, Flat Stanley. Students created their own Flat Stanley paper cutout doll. They then
mailed Flat Stanley with a letter to a friend or a relative in the United States. Upon return,
students shared their Flat Stanley letters with interesting facts and photographs about the
state he visited. Each child then posted his or her Flat Stanley cutout, letter, and photos
on a large United States map hung in the fourth grade hallway.
The following students were selected from thousands of entries countywide. Winners
received certificates and copies of the poem booklet for 2008 at a poetry reading at the
Redwood Playhouse in Upland. Grade 6 - Miss McLeod's Class - Casey Bilder - 1st place
Dominique Marzano - 3rd place. Grade 7 - Miss Bendistis' Class - Katie Britton - 1st
Our Drama Club, guided by faculty sponsors Amanda Morris and Patti Kinard, made a
video about the importance of the PSSA's. The video, which featured drama club
members in sixth, seventh, and eighth grades, included tips for taking the tests and being
successful. The video was shown to all three grades at assemblies. The officers of
Student Leadership Forum - Peter Allen, president, Cole Dougherty, vice president,
Brittney Johnson, secretary and Megan O'Brien, treasurer, also presented a power point
about PSSA's. Kudos to Tony Tolomeo, who produced the video and to Amanda Morris,
who wrote lyrics for a PSSA song!
The Junior Optimist Club collected more than 400 new and gently loved Beanie Babies
for our soldiers in Iraq to give to local children.
Peggy Levesque, SLMS Dean of Students, took a group of our student leaders to an allday workshop sponsored by the Delaware Valley Minority Student Achievement
Consortium. Kevin Trusty, Kalvin Simpson, Priya Smythe, Drew Thomas, Meleki
Wamulume, Saletta Ho-Sang, Steven Green, Imani Hodges, Ambria Smith, and Cherish
Smith represented our school. Students discussed leadership, vision and making a
Mr. Tolomeo is pleased to announce that two of his language arts students have won
Honorable Mention in a national writing contest co-sponsored by Target Stores. In the
Letters About Literature contest, Alicia Schapire and Dean Ward wrote to acclaimed
World War II author, James Bradley, about his best selling novel, Flags of Our Fathers,
following the class reading of the book. These letters were judged to be two of the best in
the state among 976 contestants. In other news from Mr. Tolomeo’s classes, the
students are currently working on literature about the Holocaust to coincide with the
upcoming trip to Washington DC to experience the U.S. Holocaust Museum. The
Newbery award winning novel, Number the Stars, serves as the focal point for this study.
The book chronicles the efforts of the people of Denmark who saved over 7,000 Danish
Jews during this horrific period in world history. This interdisciplinary unit is spearheaded
by the sixth grade social studies department.
Eighth grade students will go to the Philadelphia Museum of Art to see a guided tour of
the Middle Ages and Renaissance galleries which supplements two time periods that are
studied in the eighth grade art curriculum.
Ms. Sycz' Eighth grade students have read about the achievements of the Renaissance
and been shown some examples of Renaissance art. Students are now in the hands on
process of sculpting a figure in clay trying to incorporate the classic proportions found in
Renaissance sculpture. This unit in sculpture will challenge students to incorporate
lessons in clay from previous years and to refine them in their eighth grade project.
Students have made a cylinder or cone form to begin the body of work. Their creativity
will make this simple form into a standing figure with personality. Students are in the final
stages of construction. The last focus will now be the hair, clothing and any accessories.
Students will then demonstrate their knowledge of color theory when painting the figures.
Grade seven students have finished the assembly part of the clay animal vessels.
Students are completing the process of glazing. Soon the work will be on display in the art
display outside of room 117. Students will then write about their clay experience before
exploring the next art unit. The next art unit includes an exploration of Asian art and the
printmaking process including a focus on the elements of line, shape and color. This
printmaking unit includes readings from the text Understanding Art, some writing and
analyzing examples of Asian art including Ukiyoe prints. First students will explore how
important simple lines and shapes are to drawing complicated images. Grade six
students will shortly be finished a painting lesson which ended with focus on color mixing
and atmospheric perspective. Students will experience their work on display in the
hallways at Springton Lake. Students will then explore all the basics of clay in the creation
of pottery.
Mrs. Prior's sixth graders have begun their Color and Painting Unit. Presently, they are
practicing good craftsmanship, learning about mixing colors and color schemes while
painting their color wheels. This has been useful preparation for painting their
projects. Students previously read about the use of various subjects, themes, and styles
in works of art. They have prepared realistic, abstract, expressive, or fantasy drawings to
be painted. Seventh graders have used problem solving skills to create designs using
letters that touch all four sides of a square. The designs create patterns when repeated
with a slide, a mirror image, or a rotation. The students have begun to choose color
schemes to paint the designs. Eighth graders are finishing their clay projects and will
soon begin to paint them. These projects are a culmination of the students' skills in
creating three dimensional art work. Please enjoy viewing them in the showcases this
Mrs. Going's eighth graders are busy with their ceramics unit. The Element of Form!!
This is a favorite for the eighth grade class. They will be reviewing the art work of the
Renaissance period in Europe and comparing the work of Michelangelo, Rodin and
Brancussi later in the marking period. And, group of 8th graders will be visiting the
Philadelphia Museum of Art this month in conjunction with their Medieval/Renaissance
Units Seventh graders in Mrs. Going's class are busy with rulers working on 1 point
Linear Perspective. After determining the difference from Atmospheric perspective and
Linear perspective, students began various exercises to help assist them in using a point
to create the illusion of three dimension on a two dimensional surface. Wow!! They can do
that?? ABSOLUTELY!!!
Sixth graders are happily adding the color to their Zuni Fetish Native American ceramics
sculptures. They may glaze or paint them so we will see these projects very soon!!
Beginning last marking period, Mrs. Going began posting a "BLOG" question each
project. She has taught the students how to access her Blog site and how to post
comments. Students are much more relaxed when they type to the teacher on the blog
The guidance department has been involved with implementation of several large projects
this month. All eighth graders met with their guidance counselor to establish their 9th
grade schedule for Penncrest. Eighth graders will travel to Penncrest for an orientation
program. The counselors are also preparing for the fifth grade visitation to Springton
Lake. This will take place in May and include tours of the building, performances by the
jazz band, honor strings, and Choice Voices. We will also have power point presentation
which all fifth graders will view. Students in the Student Leadership Forum at Springton
Lake will provide the tours and power point for the fifth graders. The department is
presently responsible for the organization of the PSSA test materials and overseeing the
delivery of the tests. Counseling groups for children are continuing at all three grade
levels. Two department members will travel to the Rockville Center School District in
New York. The department is also planning a Career Day.
Mrs. Motley was invited to attend a session with the consultant for the future Media-Upper
Providence renovation project. Both she and Meg Barney offered input on needs from
the RTM School District’s perspective. A two page spread entitled “Standards to Five
Star Strategies,” written by Mrs. Motley, was one of the feature articles in the Winter 2008
issue of Learning & Media Magazine. This is the journal of the Pennsylvania School
librarian’s Association. District Library staff met at Rose tree Elementary School. Items
on the agenda included preparation for writing LSTA grants in June, an April Flex
workshop in preparation for beginning a Friends of RTM libraries group, the PSLA
Conference and plans for the visiting author program next year.
Mrs. Motley has presented book talks to all SLMS language arts classes over the last few
weeks in preparation for the appearance of Jack Gantos, this year’s visiting author. Mr.
Gantos, who will be speaking to all grades on Monday, April 14, will also autograph books
following each presentation. A reception will follow during ninth period to give “big fans”
of Mr. Gantos an opportunity to participate in a question and answer session.
The March showcase, featuring a large selection of books, was entitled…And There’s a
Sequel! Books with a sequel or in a series were displayed. Series titles seem particularly
popular at present and this gives students an idea of new items to check out.
All eighth grade social studies students read a differentiated reading selection about
ancient Greek architecture, then researched a particular place or building and created a
model. Mrs. McCarthy served as lead teacher on this project, choosing the reading
selections, collaborating with Mrs. Motley to find research materials about such places as
the Agora, Acropolis, theatre, Palace of Knossos, and designing the instructions and
checklist for the models.
Mrs. Laubach's eighth grade classes are continuing to work on Linear Equations. They
worked on creating a table of values for each equation, describing in words what the table
is saying, and graphed the results. They compared graphs of equations to identify and
compare the slopes of the lines and their y-intercepts. They worked with the TI-83
graphing calculators--creating tables of values, graphing the equations, finding
solutions...Several of the kids were comfortable enough using the TI-83 that they used
them on the PSSA. The TI-83's do all of the work for them; they are learning how to use
this helpful tool. Mrs. Laubach's classes are going to be starting a unit on Area and
Perimeter, including surface area of solid figures. They should be finishing the year with
two units--Probability and Consumer Math (%). Mrs. Simmington's CMP2 classes are
working on a unit on fraction operations. The focus is first on the conceptual
understanding of fraction operations and then students develop the algorithm for each
In March the seventh and eighth grade students worked on adventure education with the
emphasis on “challenge by choice.” In these activities, students learned the values of
teamwork and self-challenge. Great responsibility was given to the students as they were
taught how to belay, a technique that involves a team of at least three people, supporting
a climber as they climb the rock wall or any of the other climbing elements that the school
has. Many of the students who have had a fear of heights have been able to succeed as
they were able to go at their own pace up the wall or the climbing ropes. As classes
rotated out of the climbing unit, they participated in hockey, learning basic rules as well as
strategy using the spaces provided as well as did weight training in the weight room. The
adventure education/ traditional physical education study that were proposed by Temple
University started towards the end of the month. The students and parents who agreed to
use their climbing, heart rate and survey data have begun to be used by the Temple
University observers. In the climbing unit for sixth grade, the students have been
participating in a curriculum that has been developed in conjunction with the head of the
Physical Education department at Temple. Sixth graders have also been able to utilize
the weight room and participate in scooter activities.
The sixth grade science classes are finishing a unit on Animals - vertebrates and
invertebrates. Students researched an invertebrate of their choice and created a shape
poem. They also dissected owl pellets. Seventh grade science classes are starting our
last topic on forces and motion. We begin with a definition of terms used through out the
unit and then give the students force demos to observe and then volunteer for, identifying
forces just defined to describe its motion. Our first official lab on forces and motion is the
pendulum, we will learn the forces that affect its swing, and how we can time it for
frequency and period and learn what variables change its motion and which ones do not.
All this will then lead us to our physics day at Hershey Park. This week in Mr. Perket's
class, we are studying the Law of Conservation of Mass during chemical reactions, and
conducting a home-generated practice PSSA exam! In Mr. Stacks and Mr. Lazarow's
classes we are finishing up learning about acids and bases, particularly the pH of
common house hold items. All 8th grade science classes will be starting the "Fruitvale"
unit in the next week. In this investigation students explore the problems associated with
ground water contamination.
Special Education
Emotional Support students in seventh and eighth grades are discussing emotions they
felt during PSSA testing and working on different relaxation strategies, such as square
breathing that they can implement to decrease their feelings of anxiety. We are also
helping to raise Autism Awareness for the month of April by spreading the word through
different fund raisers, such as, selling puzzle pieces to create a giant Autism Awareness
Ribbon for Springton Lake's front lobby.
Students receiving instruction for eighth grade math in the special education classroom
have addressed problem-solving skills and algebraic concepts. The problem-solving work,
which correlates to Pennsylvania State Standard 2.5, recognizes that students need to be
prepared to use appropriate technology to communicate problem-solving strategies in
response to diverse circumstances. The algebraic work, correlating to Pennsylvania State
Standard 2.8, is an important Middle School unit bridging computations and number
theory with higher math level skills. Classroom-based assessments indicate that many of
the students have been successful learning these concepts.
Sixth grade ES students are continuing their unit on correlating body language and facial
expressions with emotions. 8th grade ES students are continuing their transition to high
school. Their next activity will be completing a scavenger hunt at Penncrest.
In seventh grade math class, we started probability. As a culminating lesson, we will be
watching Deal or No Deal for a couple of days. Students will calculate the probability of
winning the million-dollar case(s) and try to estimate the offer that the banker will give.
The students in Mrs. Hudak's language arts class just completed a "Biography Box
Project.” Each student read a mini biography of a famous person who had a disability
but succeeded in spite of it. Some of the subjects studied were Ray Charles, Roy
Campanella, and Franklin D. Roosevelt. To complete the project, students answered
questions after reading and took notes. Using shoes boxes, they decorated them to
reflect the person's life. Inside each box, they placed five objects. Each object was paired
with an index card that explained the object's significance to the person's life. The project
concluded with each student's oral presentation followed by a question and answer
session. This activity proved to be a good learning experience in many ways.
The eighth grade LA content classes recently completed a poetry unit. Students analyzed
poetry written by various poets, including Robert Frost. Students then wrote poetry of
their own including free verse poetry and haiku.
Students in the Spanish/resource class are learning about the history and culture of
Spain. Grammar and vocabulary activities will focus on discussing food and beverages,
as well as conjugating –er verbs and forming adjectives to match the number and gender
of the nouns they describe.
Musical Production
Penncrest High School's production of My Fair Lady. This production was last performed
on the Penncrest stage over 25 years ago. Perhaps the most popular musical of the
1950s, My Fair Lady is based on George Bernard Shaw's 1914 play Pygmalion. With
music by Frederick Loewe, and lyrics and book by Alan Jay Lerner, the story revolves
around Eliza Doolittle, a Cockney flower girl in Covent Garden who agrees to take speech
lessons from phonetics professor Henry Higgins in order to fulfill her dream of working in
a flower shop. Eliza succeeds so well, however, that she outgrows her social station. She
becomes despondent over her treatment by her teacher, who views this transformation as
entirely his doing. Eliza leaves Professor Higgins, who has now grown “accustomed to
her face.” This complex relationship between Higgins and Eliza, social class issues, and
the idea of who is more credited with learning, the teacher or the pupil, are all themes
explored in this “perfect musical”. This ensemble of talented cast members included
senior Samantha Hatfield as Eliza Doolittle, sophomore Jon Friestedt as Henry Higgins,
junior Andy Brown as Alfred P. Doolittle, sophomore Tres Moore as Colonel Pickering,
and junior Jake Donnelly as Freddy Eynsford-Hill. With a cast of over 45, this was a
musical on the grandest scale!
Mother Daughter Book Club
The Mother Daughter Book Club met to discuss Secrets of My Hollywood Life by Jen
Calonita. A fun time was had by all. The next choice is Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult.
"My Old School"
NBC10 invited its reporters to feature their high schools on the evening news. Mr.
Jamison Uhler, Penncrest '93, visited PHS with his film crew on March 25, to meet with
some of his former teachers and classmates who are currently teaching at Penncrest.
The news clip was aired on March 28. Mr. Uhler broadcast from Penncrest High School.
Mr. Uhler was honored as the keynote speaker at the Penncrest 2007 Academic
Excellence Dinner.
Students in the News
Allison Fitzgerald and Eveleen Ghazarian (both sophomores) presented their project "The
Rise in Respect for Women in the Sports World" at the regional History Day competition
held at Immaculata University.
Ten Penncrest students participated in the 2nd Annual High School Student Leadership
Institute sponsored by the Delaware Valley Minority Student Achievement Consortium
hosted by the University of Pennsylvania. They were challenged by the keynote address
of Dr. Randall Pinkett, Season 4 winner of Donald Trump's "The Apprentice", to Chart a
Course for Success. Topics of the consortium included: Tolerance and Diversity,
Educational Empowerment, Taking the Courage to Succeed, Stereotypes and Cultural
Leadership, and Demystifying the College Admissions Process. Students who
represented PHS were: Ambera Carroll, Muwana McCrae, Jayda Rawls, Zavier White,
Bishara Bronson, Walter Kelly, Gabrielle Morris, Vanessa Oliva, Xavier Townsend, and
Krystal Powell.
Congratulations to our winners of the 2008 Pennsylvania High School Computer Fair
regional competition. Angela Wolf and Thomas Wills won first place in the Digital Movie
category. Joseph Hooker and Max Nachamkin took first place in the Information-Based
Web Page Design. They will go on to compete in the state competition on May 20.
Music News
The Penncrest band was privileged to host master classes presented by the Suburban
Music School. Through a grant from Suburban, teachers of flute, clarinet, oboe,
saxophone and percussion worked with band members during their sectional periods.
The Penncrest Choirs had a successful performance tour of Boston, Massachusetts.
PE News
"WAR" -Women Against Rape came to Penncrest on to present rape awareness
programs to Mrs. Long's 11th grade health classes. Parents were invited to attend.
Riddle Memorial Hospital EMTs and other community emergency services presented a
full-blown mock car crash on the campus for students to witness. Martha Grieco, Riddle's
Community Outreach Liaison, was awarded a grant from State Farm Insurance to
produce the event in support of Teen Driver Safety Week. Students were involved in the
production along with adults and professionals in order to drill home the message of what
happens when alcohol and drugs are mixed with driving! HCI Club, SADD, and other
student volunteers were active participants or actors in the dramatization.
Law Day
Law Day was celebrated at Penncrest High School. Representatives of the Delaware
County Bar Association included a judge from the Court of Common Pleas, a member of
the District Attorney's staff, and a Defense Attorney. A case was presented in the
distance learning center. Students discussed the issues and commented on a possible
verdict. The Bar Association celebrates Law Day (May 1) annually at the county high
Model U.N.
The Penncrest Model United Nations club will be participating in an all day U.N.
simulation at University of Pennsylvania. The event is hosted by the World Affairs
Council of Philadelphia. Approximately ten students will be attending.
Science Olympiad
The Science Olympiad State Championships will be held at Juniata College. The
Penncrest Science Olympiad team has placed second for the last four years and gone to
Nationals each year
The Penncrest Envirothon will compete at the County competition at Ridley Creek State
Park. They have won counties since Mark Samilenko became coach and expect to do
the same again this year.
Congratulations to the Girls Track team for a fabulous performance at the Chichester
Relay Invitational. The Lady Lions placed second in the large schools competition.
Highlights of the meet included a first-place finish by the girls’ shuttle hurdle relay team of
Sammy Finsterbush, Alyssa Hipple, Nicalia Thompson and Emily Newby.
The annual Larry Simmons Invitational track meet was held at Penncrest. Proceeds go to
the Larry Simmons Memorial Scholarship fund in memory of our late coach and beloved
member of the Rose Tree Media family.
Congratulations to Casey Desidereo for receiving the Scholar-Athlete Award presented by
the National Football Foundation and College Hall Of Fame, Philadelphia Chapter for his
three varsity years as the starting Punter and Kicker while maintaining a 3.2 GPA in
school. He will be honored at the annual Scholar-Athlete Banquet held at Villanova
University Wednesday, May 7.
Anthony Batch was named track athlete of the meet and teammate John Clark field
athlete of the meet as they helped the Lion boys track team to a first place team finish, at
the Chichester relays. Anthony anchored three gold medal efforts and lead off another,
and John was part of three winning relays, including two school records in the long jump
and triple jump relays. Joe Verica and Elijah Trusty shared in those record performances
with John. The Lions finished first in 9 of 15 events, 2nd in 4 events, with one 3rd and
one fourth. Elijah helped in three winning relays, Tres Moore, Nick Bonaventure, Pat
Meyers, Dave News, CJ Cassey and Connor Showalter all were part of two winning
relays. Pete Sisson was the winner of the 3200 meter run.
Rose Tree Media School District
308 North Olive Street
Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493
Telephone 610.627.6000
Fax 610.891.0959
Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools
Members of the Board of School Directors
Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D. Superintendent
Ernie Werstler – Interim Business Manager
April 9, 2008
April 8, 2008 – 8:00 PM Finance Committee Minutes
Chairman: Bill O’Donnell
Delaware County Intermediate Unit Operating Budget - 2008-2009
Approve the Delaware County Intermediate Unit Operating Budget for 2008-2009
school year in the amount of $6,929,490. Rose Tree Media's share is $75,362.55.
The district share represents no increase over the current year.
Action: This item will be on the April 24, 2008 Legislative Agenda.
Delaware County Technical Schools Budget - 2008-2009
Approve the Delaware County Technical Schools Budget for the 2008-2009 school
year in the amount of $9,904,925.00. The Rose Tree Media's share is $350,158.00.
This is an increase from the current year amount of $287,981 due to increase
enrollment of Rose Tree Media students in Technical School programs. Three year
average daily membership has increased to 43 students and the Rose Tree Media
percentage of budget has therefore increased to 5.11% from 4.37%. The 20082009 Special Education Technical Programs budget is $999,100.00 of which Rose
Tree Media's share is $63,050. This is an increase from $38,009 for the current
school year and represents the increase of 2.5 average daily membership in these
programs projected for next school year. The amount is reconciled to actual
enrollments after the start of the school year.
Action: This item will be on the April 24, 2008 Legislative Agenda.
Delaware County Intermediate Unit Special Education Funding and Service
Approve the 2008-2009 Delaware County Intermediate Unit Special Education
Funding and Service Agreement. The total Special Education Program budget for
2008-2009 is $25,540,750, with the Rose Tree Media share estimated at
$1,150,332. The amount is reconciled to actual enrollments after the start of the
school year.
Action: This item will be on the April 24, 2008 Legislative Agenda.
Budgetary Transfers
Rose Tree Media School District Policy #612… (Public School code section 609)
when funds are not available for a proposed appropriation, a legal transfer from one
class of expenditure to another other may be made in the last nine (9) months of the
fiscal year by the Board.
Resolve, that the Board approve the following budgetary transfers:
FY 08 – 154
Fund 10 General Fund
Fiscal Services – Equipment
AMOUNT: $3,490
Home Economics – Equipment
AMOUNT: $3,490
RATIONALE: Transfer needed for Springton Lake to purchase eighteen (18) new
sewing machines. The current sewing machines are over 20 years
old and are unable to be repaired because the parts are no longer
FY 08 – 157
Fund 10 General Fund
Instructional Technology – Dues & Fees
AMOUNT: $1,000
Instructional Technology – Travel
AMOUNT: $1,000
RATIONALE: Transfer needed for conference registration fees.
Action: This item will be on the April 24, 2008 Legislative Agenda.
Adjustment to the 2007-2008 General Fund Budget
2007-2008 BUDGET
Available Fund Balance
Updated 2007-2008 Budget Approved 12/20/07
Changes to Original Budget
PC - Technology Education Field Trip
Title I Grant Final Approval
Title II Grant Final Approval
Title V Grant Final Approval
PC - Language Arts Field Trip
Dual Enrollment
Safe and Drug Free Schools and Community Grant
PC Fees - English Field Trip
PC Lab Fees - Technology Education
Glenwood Elementary School Student Fees - GW Helping GW
Glenwood Elementary School Student Fees - GW Helping GW
PC Lab Fees - Technology Education
PC Lab Fees - Technology Education
PC Lab Fees - Art
PC Lab Fees - Art
PC - Art Field Trip
PC Lab Fees - Technology Education
PC Lab Fees - Art
PC Fees - Art Field Trip
PC Fees - Guidance
PC Fees - Guidance
IDEA Allocation
PC - Guidance Transcript Fees
PC - Family & Consumer Science
PC - Art Field Trip
PC - Guidance AP Exam Fees
Parking Fees
PC - Guidance AP Exam Fees
PC - Art Field Trip
Subtotal of Changes
Updated 2007-2008 Budget
Action: This item will be on the April 24, 2008 Legislative Agenda.
2008 – 2009 General Fund Budget
Update on Budget
Action: Review of the 2008-09 General Fund Budget will continue at future
Committee Meetings
The Board reviewed the General Fund Budget for the 2008-2009 School Year and
projections for the following three years as provided by the Business Office.
The Board reviewed changes and additions to the preliminary budget as approved
by the School Board in January. The 2008-2009 Budget totals $76,696,909 and
requires a 4.71% mil increase. PDE has approved the District Act 1 exception
requests for debt service and special education totaling an additional .2107 mils
of which .0541 are used in the budget reviewed. Because of the possibility of
Homestead Property Tax money being available this year, the board will adopt
the General Fund Budget as reviewed as the tentative budget at the
April 24, 2008 Legislative Meeting. Changes can be made to the tentative budget
prior to adoption of a final budget.
The next finance committee meeting will be on May 13, 2008 at 8:00 PM
Rose Tree Media School
308 North Olive Street
Media, Pennsylvania 190632493
Telephone 610.627.6000
Fax 610.891.0959
Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools
Members of the Board of School Directors
Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D. Superintendent
Ernie Werstler – Interim Business Manager
April 9, 2008
April 8, 2008 - 9:00 PM - Operations Committee Minutes
Chairperson: Bill Montgomery
Approval of PDE Forms 3074a
Approve PDE forms 3074a, Non-Reimbursable work subject to advertising and
bidding, for the following projects: (Attachments)
New Flooring - Penncrest Kitchen
Glenwood renovations
Paving and curbing projects
Action: This item will be on the April 24, 2008 Legislative Agenda.
Louis W. Scott Field Stadium Seating and ADA Compliance Issues –
Presentation of Phase I Alternatives and costs by Architerra, PC
Action: Discussion - Mr. David Horn of Architerra, PC presented concept
drawings of their review of the Louis W. Scott Field Stadium Seating and ADA
compliance issues. The three concepts all dealt with additional seating and did
not address the work required on the current home seating. All three concepts
had estimated costs higher than the amount budgeted for this project. This
item will be revisited at the next Operations Committee meeting after input from
the Athletic Director and estimates of fees to review alternatives to also correct
the current home side seating.
Smedley Tract Athletic Fields – Penncrest
A Bid Opening was held on March 19, 2008, in the Education Center Board
Room. Construction Contract Award is recommended to B & J Excavating, Inc.
B & J Excavating, Inc.
Bid Amount
Project Budget
Action: This item will be on the April 24, 2008 Legislative Agenda.
Roof Replacements - Media Elementary, Springton Lake, Penncrest
A Bid Opening was held on April 1, 2008, in the Education Center Board Room.
Construction Contract Award is recommended to Mike Kobithen Roofing and
Insulation, Inc. (Attachment)
Mike Kobithen Roofing
and Insulation, Inc.
Bid Amount
Project Budget
Action: This item will be on the April 24, 2008 Legislative Agenda.
Ventilation System Upgrades and HVAC for Gymnasium/Computer Rooms –
A Bid Opening was held on April 2, 2008, in the Education Center Board Room.
Construction Contract Award is recommended to Cooks Service. (Attachment)
Base Bid
Cook’s Service Co. $892,000
Alt. No. 2
Total Bid
Project Budget
Action: This item will be on the April 24, 2008 Legislative Agenda.
Mr. Cini reviewed the bids received for this project, noting that the base bid
was over budget due to additional work needed to air condition the gym. He
continued because of the high base bid, his recommendation to the board is to
award the bid accepting alternative number 2, a deduct off base bid for the
work specified to be done in the gym.
Action: This item will be on the April 24, 2008 Legislative Agenda.
Replacement of Rooftop Units – Indian Lane
A Bid Opening was held on April 2, 2008, in the Education Center Board Room.
Construction Contract Award is recommended to DWD Mechanical. (Attachment)
DWD Mechanical
Bid Amount
Project Budget
Action: This item will be on the April 24, 2008 Legislative Agenda.
2008 Capital Improvement Projects
Dennis Cini will report on the status of 2008 Capital Improvement Projects.
Mr. Cini presented an update on the 2008 Capital Improvement Projects. The
Springton Lake Renovation Project is on schedule for a bid opening the Fall of
2008 and Board approval of Plan Con Parts D and E at the May Legislative
Springton Lake Erosion – 321 Foxdale Road
Action: Discussion - Mr. Montgomery informed the members of this complaint.
Item will be discussed at a future meeting.
Media Elementary Energy Savings
Action: Discussion - Mr. Montgomery would like to see a district wide program
developed with a percentage of the savings being returned to the building.
Item will be discussed at a future meeting.
The next operations committee meeting will be on May 13, 2008 9:00 PM.
Rose Tree Media School District
308 North Olive Street
Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493
Telephone: 610.627.6000
Fax: 610-891-0959
Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools
Anne D. Callahan
Director of Human Resources
Members of the Board of School Directors
Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D., Superintendent
Anne D. Callahan, Director of Human Resources
April 18, 2008
Minutes of the Personnel Committee Meeting – April 8, 2008
Board Members in attendance: V. Barbato, Chair, L. Fox, P. Barry,
N. Fronduti, N. Mackrides,
Also in attendance: A. Callahan, D. Kerr, Tom Kelly
Items for Legislative Meeting – Anne Callahan
Action: All items will be included on the agenda of the legislative meeting of
the Board of School Directors on April 24, 2008, for a vote of the full board.
Policy #1052 – Arrest or Vehicle Driving Violation
The committee reviewed new Policy #1052, Arrest or Vehicle Driving
Violation. The policy requires an employee charged with a felony or
misdemeanor to notify his or her immediate supervisor within 24 hours of the
arrest or charge. It further requires an employee who drives a district vehicle
in the course of his/her employment who receives a traffic citation to notify
his/her supervisor within 24 hours of the citation. The creation of this policy
was recommended by the state auditors during their exit conference in March,
Action: Policy #1052 will be placed on the agenda of the legislative meeting
of the Board of School Directors on April 24, 2008, for a first reading.
Executive Session
An executive session was held to discuss matters of personnel.
The next meeting of the Personnel Committee will be held on May 13, 2008, at 7 PM in
the Board Room at the Education Center.
Rose Tree Media School District
308 North Olive Street
Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493
Telephone 610.627.6028
Fax 610.565-5317
Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools
Members of the Board of School Directors
Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D. Superintendent
Valerie Burnett
April 2, 2008
April 1, 2008 Pupil Services Minutes
Chairperson: Mr. John Hanna
Valerie L. Burnett
Director of Pupil Services
Board members in attendance: Pete Barry, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, Jeff Pettit
Others in attendance: Dr. Kerr, Valerie Burnett, Pat Barta, Sandy Shacklady-White
Automatic External Defibrillators Leasing Plan
Dr. Burnett presented a plan for leasing new AEDs for the district. The current costs for
maintaining service agreements on our existing units are $5,100.00 annually. There are
also concerns with the current provider’s ability to service these units due to their
voluntary suspension of external defibrillators and component parts. Cardiac Science
will provide 17 units and a training AED with a locked in annual lease price of $5,020.32
per year. Service is included. The battery life for the new units is 4 years verses the 3
year shelf life for Medtronic batteries which will also contribute to the savings.
ACTION: The leasing agreement will be on the April legislative agenda for
Policy 233 Suspension and Expulsion was submitted with additional language provided
by Tom Kelly that clarified the Board’s authority for expulsion from school. The policy
was presented for first read at the February legislative meeting, but tabled at the March
legislative meeting so that the additional clarifying language could be added.
ACTION: Policy 233 Suspension and Expulsion will be on the legislative agenda
for second read and approval.
Overnight Trip
Indoor Drum Line Team will travel to Wild Wood, N.J. for the Indoor Drum Line
Championships to be held 5/1/08 to 5/4/08. The cost to students is $180.00. There is no
cost to the district.
ACTION: Approval for the trip will be on the April legislative agenda.
Extended School Year
A student with significant multiple disabilities required extended school year services to
prevent regression of abilities over the summer break from instruction. The cost of the
program is $3,291.
ACTION: Approval for the contract will be on the April legislative agenda.
Hilltop School District
A student currently attending the Hilltop School will continue to receive appropriate
educational services to address all aspects of her disability. The tuition costs is $33,600
for the 2008-2009 school year.
ACTION: Approval for the contract will be on the April legislative agenda.
Elwyn Alternatives
A student with disruptive behaviors has been assigned to the Elwyn Alternative School
to address her need for a smaller class size and intensive emotional supports. The
tuition cost is $25,794.86 for the 2008-2009 school year.
ACTION: Approval for the contract will be on the April legislative agenda.
The next meeting of the Pupil Services Committee will be May 5, 2008 at 8:45 P.M.
Members of the Board of School Directors
Dr. Denise Kerr, Superintendent
Dr. Angela Gilbert, Director of Teaching and Learning - Elementary
Dr. Steve Taylor, Director of Teaching and Learning - Secondary
April 2, 2008
April 1, 2008, Teaching & Learning Committee Meeting Minutes
Chairperson: Mr. Jeff Pettit
Board Members in Attendance: Peter Barry, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, Jeff Pettit
Also in Attendance: Meg Barney, Susan Evans, Angela Gilbert, Tracy Jackson, Denise
Kerr, Sandy Shacklady-White, Enoch Stevenson, Steve Taylor
Credits for Resource Room
Sandy Shacklady-White requested the Board’s approval for a proposal to provide credits
for students with IEP’s at Penncrest who have resource room five days a week.
Candidates for the credits will be recommended by their case managers because of
needs for significant daily support in academic skills and/or in study and organizational
skills. Currently these students may miss the time to get this essential support because
they do not get credits for the time spent in resource room. The “course” will be labeled
“Academic Enrichment” on a student’s schedule and will receive level 4 quality points.
There will be a formal curriculum, but it will be highly individualized based on the needs
of the students. Grades will be given on the basis of criteria to be established by the
Special Education Department. The Board approved this change in practice and
requested annual updates on its effectiveness.
Proposed Latin Trip
Penncrest Latin teacher Enoch Stevenson, World Languages District Coordinator Tracy
Jackson, and Penncrest Assistant Principal Sue Evans requested the Board’s approval
for a Summer 2009 trip to Italy and Greece for Penncrest students taking Latin I, II, or III.
The trip fits within the existing framework for various immersion or exchange
opportunities already provided by the department for students of Spanish and French. It
involves a nine-day itinerary of cultural and historic sites in Rome, Vatican City, Pompeii,
Patras, Olympia, Epidaurus, Mycenae, Athens, and Delphi. EF Educational Tours is the
international tour operator for this itinerary, and the trip will be coordinated and
chaperoned by Mr. Stevenson, along with one female chaperone. Students will bear the
full cost of the trip (about $2,700) and all personal expenses. At least six students must
sign up for the trip to run. The World Language Department hopes to offer this trip every
two years. Mrs. Jackson provided a brochure entitled “Information for School Boards
and Administrators” from the tour operator. Pending Tom Kelly’s review of the liability
information contained therein, the Board approves the trip.
Summer Reading 2008
Dr. Gilbert and Dr. Taylor presented the Summer Reading Program for 2008. The
program will be very similar to last year’s well-received program, with the only
substantive changes being a few new titles in the secondary books. It encourages
parental involvement through the parental interview forms. Students at the secondary
level must read two books over the summer, and they will be assessed on these when
they return to school in September. For students with IEP’s, audio books are available
for almost all the titles.
Rose Tree Media School District
308 North Olive Street
Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493
Telephone 610.627.6000
Fax 610.891.0959
Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools
Members of the Board of School Directors
Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D., Superintendent
Patti Linden
April 2, 2008
Technology Committee Meeting Minutes for April 1, 2008
Chairperson: Mrs. Linda Fox
Patti Linden
Director of Technology
and Information Science
Board Members in attendance: Peter Barry, John Hanna, Bill O’Donnell, Nancy
Also in attendance: Denise Kerr, Patti Linden, Kim McCann-Roller, Christa
Consadene, Steve Taylor
Report on Classrooms for the Future Grant Project 2007-2008
The Classrooms for the Future Grant award for the current school year was $421,587.
Patti Linden reported to the Board of Directors how that money was allocated in the
district according to the grant provision to create “smart” classrooms at the high school
level in English, math, science, and social studies content areas only. “Smart”
classrooms include a ceiling mounted projector, an interactive whiteboard, a teacher
laptop with webcam, a set of speakers, a classroom printer, and a laptop cart with 25
student laptops. With the award, RTM was able to set up twelve full classrooms and an
additional six classrooms partially equipped with all except the cart of student laptops.
With projections for next year’s application, based on an award formula from PDE, Rose
Tree Media will be eligible to apply for $334,874.22. Our application will therefore
include a budget for student laptop carts for the six “partial” classrooms from this year
and an additional four completely equipped classrooms. Although we are eligible for this
amount, the non-competitive award may fall short of that and we will adjust our
projections accordingly. Christa Consadene then presented an overview of the many
projects that have already been a part of these CFF classrooms. She presented specific
examples through a video, titled “Thinking Differently” which has been posted to our
website under Penncrest High School / Resources / Classrooms for the Future at
Christa, as the CFF Coach, has been working with teachers in their classrooms this
year to assist with development of classroom applications that utilize the power of the
technology they have been given. Professional development has included 4 days of
“Boot Camp”, 8 days of vendor training and monthly county-wide meetings for the CFF
Coach, 2 full days of Apple “Out of the Box” training, and one-to-one CFF Coach
consultations on a weekly basis for all eighteen teachers. Additionally, all those involved
are required to participate in the online course, “Teaching in the 21st Century: The Need
for Change.” Dr. Steven Taylor and Patti Linden are facilitating that course for the
teachers and also meet monthly with them for discussions.
Next meeting: Tuesday, May 6, 2008, at 7:00 p.m. in the Education Center Board
“In accordance with the Pennsylvania Sunshine Act, executive sessions of the
School Board were held on the following dates to review and discuss matters
permitted under Section 8 of the Act.”
March 25, 2008
April 1, 2008
April 8, 2008
There will be an executive session of the School Board for matters of personnel
at 6:30 p.m. prior to the Informational Session of May 22, 2008, at Springton
Lake Middle School. The Legislative meetings are recorded on tape.
Old Business
Policy #233 Suspension and Expulsion – Second Read and
Approval. See Attachment A
Resolve, the Board approve Policy #233 Suspensions and
Policy 233 Suspension and Expulsion was submitted with
additional language provided by Tom Kelly that clarified the
Board’s authority for expulsion from school. The policy was
originally presented for first read at the January meeting, and
was tabled at the March Legislative Meeting so that the
additional clarifying language could be added. The revised
policy was discussed at the April 2008 Pupil Services
Committee Meeting.
New Business
Carrie Henderson, 8th Grade Math Teacher,
Springton Lake Middle School, resignation
effective June 30, 2008.
Joyce Eckerd, Food Service, Springton Lake Middle
School, retirement, effective June 18, 2008.
Joanne Baker, 10 month .5 Secretary I, Springton
Lake Middle School, retirement effective June 19,
Sean Graham, Long Term Substitute Social Studies
Teacher, effective March 31, 2008 at the annual
salary of $47,082, Master’s/Step 1, to be pro-rated.
Mr. Graham served as a Long Term Substitute for the
first semester of this school year. He received his
Bachelor’s Degree from Penn State University and his
Master’s Degree from Temple University. He is
assigned to Springton Lake Middle School replacing
Anthony Musacchio who retired.
Katherine White, Acting Principal, effective July 1,
2008, at the annual salary of $102,259. Ms. White
will be assigned to Media Elementary School
replacing Maria Kotch who will be on Sabbatical.
Jean Kenney, Part Time Summer Secretary,
effective June 23, 2008. Ms. Kenney will work 12
hours per week at her regular hourly rate.
New Business
Sabbatical Leave
Brian Bortnicker has requested a sabbatical leave for
the purpose of Professional Development. Leave will
commence August 25, 2008 and terminate June 30,
Maria Kotch has requested a sabbatical leave for
the purpose of Professional Development. Leave
will begin July 1, 2008 and terminate June 30,
Supplemental Contracts
Craig Snyder, New Teacher Mentor, effective
November 15, 2007, at the annual salary of $772.50.
Recommend Board approval for the following
Springton Lake Middle School personnel to serve as
Spring Intramural Instructors at the rate of $27.00 per
Jacqueline Baker
John Baker
William Carr
*Being hired pending
employment paperwork.
Martha Gumienny
Megan Snyder
Meredith Newtown*
Chris Derrick, Jr., Assistant Boys Lacrosse Coach
for the 2007-2008 school year, at the annual salary
of $3,350.
New Business
Overnight Trips
Penncrest Indoor Drum Line Team – Wildwood, NJ
Resolve, the Board approve the Indoor Drum Line Team
overnight trip to Wildwood, N.J.
Indoor Drum Line Team will travel to Wildwood, N.J. for the
Indoor Drum Line Championships to be held 5/1/08 to 5/4/08.
The cost to students is $180. There is no cost to the district.
This item was discussed at the April 2008 Pupil Services
Committee Meeting.
2007-2008 Last Day of School
Resolve, the Board approve the change of the last day of school
from June 19 to June 18, 2008 for students and from June 20 to
June 19, 2008 for staff.
Policy #1052 – Notification of Arrest or Vehicle Driving Violation
First Reading - See Attachment B
Policy #1052 Notification of Arrest or Vehicle Driving Violation was
discussed at the April Personnel Meeting.
Bid Awards
Recommend the following bids be awarded in the categories
listed, such recommendation being the lowest bid received
from a responsible bidder, kind, quality and materials having
been considered.
Smedley Tract Athletic Fields – Penncrest
B & J Excavating, Inc.
Bid Amount
Project Budget
A Bid Opening was held on March 19, 2008. This was
discussed at the April 8, 2008 Operations Committee Meeting.
Roof Replacements - Media Elementary, Springton
Lake, Penncrest High School
Mike Kobithen Roofing
and Insulation, Inc.
Bid Amount
Project Budget
A Bid Opening was held on April 1, 2008. This was
discussed at the April 8, 2008 Operations Committee Meeting.
Ventilation System Upgrades and HVAC for Gymnasium/Computer
Rooms - Penncrest High School
Base Bid Alt. No. 2 Total Bid
Cook’s Service Co. $892,000 ($675,800) $216,200 $500,000
A Bid Opening was held on April 2, 2008. This was discussed at the
April 8, 2008 Operations Committee Meeting. The award is for the
base bid and alternate number 2 which deletes the work to be
done in the gymnasium.
Bid Awards (cont’d)
Replacement of Rooftop Units – Indian Lane
DWD Mechanical
Bid Amount Project Budget
A Bid Opening was held on April 2, 2008. This was
discussed at the April 8, 2008 Operations Committee Meeting.
Delaware County Intermediate Unit Operating Budget 2008-2009
Resolve, that the Board approve the Delaware County
Intermediate Unit Operating Budget for 2008-2009 school
year in the amount of $6,929,490. Rose Tree Media's share
is $75,362.55. The district share represents no increase
over the current year.
This item was discussed at the April 8, 2008 Finance
Committee Meeting.
Delaware County Technical Schools Budget - 2008-2009
Resolve, that the Board approve the Delaware County
Technical Schools Budget for the 2008-2009 school year in
the amount of $9,904,925.00. The Rose Tree Media's share
is $350,158.00. This is an increase from the current year
amount of $287,981 due to increase enrollment of Rose
Tree Media students in Technical School programs. The
2008- 2009 Special Education Technical Programs budget
is $999,100.00 of which Rose Tree Media's share is
$63,050. This is an increase from $38,009 for the current
school year and represents the increase of 2.5 average daily
membership in these programs projected for next school
year. The amount is reconciled to actual enrollments after
the start of the school year.
This item was discussed at the April 8, 2008 Finance Committee
Delaware County Intermediate Unit Special Education
Funding and Service Agreement
Resolve, that the Board approve the 2008-2009 Delaware
County Intermediate Unit Special Education Funding and
Service Agreement. The total Special Education Program
Budget for 2008-2009 is $25,540,750. with the Rose Tree
Media share estimated at $1,150,332. The amount is
reconciled to actual enrollments after the start of the school
This item was discussed at the April 2008 Finance Committee
Budgetary Transfers
Rose Tree Media School District Policy #612… (Public
School Code section 609) when funds are not available for
a proposed appropriation, a legal transfer from one class of
expenditure to another other may be made in the last nine
(9) months of the fiscal year by the Board.
Resolve, that the Board approve the following budgetary transfers:
FY 08 – 154 Fund 10 General Fund
Fiscal Services – Equipment
AMOUNT: $3,490
Home Economics – Equipment
AMOUNT: $3,490
RATIONALE: Transfer needed for Springton Lake to
purchase eighteen (18) new sewing machines. The current
sewing machines are over 20 years old and are unable to be
repaired because the parts are no longer available.
Budgetary Transfers (cont’d)
FY 08 – 157
Fund 10 General Fund
Instructional Technology – Dues & Fees
AMOUNT: $1,000
Instructional Technology – Travel
AMOUNT: $1,000
RATIONALE: Transfer needed for conference registration
This item was discussed at the April 2008 Finance Committee Meeting.
2007-2008 General Fund Budget Adjustment
Resolve, that the Board approve the following adjustment to the 2007-2008
General Fund Budget
2007-2008 BUDGET
Available Fund Balance
Updated 2007-2008 Budget Approved 12/20/07
Changes to Original Budget
PC - Technology Education Field Trip
Title I Grant Final Approval
Title II Grant Final Approval
Title V Grant Final Approval
PC - Language Arts Field Trip
Dual Enrollment
Safe and Drug Free Schools and Community Grant
PC Fees - English Field Trip
PC Fees - Art Field Trip
PC Fees - Guidance
PC Lab Fees - Technology Education
Glenwood Elementary School Student Fees - GW Helping GW
Glenwood Elementary School Student Fees - GW Helping GW
PC Lab Fees - Technology Education
PC Lab Fees - Technology Education
PC Lab Fees - Art
PC Lab Fees - Art
PC - Art Field Trip
PC Lab Fees - Technology Education
PC Lab Fees - Art
PC Fees - Guidance
IDEA Allocation
PC - Guidance Transcript Fees
PC - Family & Consumer Science
PC - Art Field Trip
PC - Guidance AP Exam Fees
Parking Fees
PC - Guidance AP Exam Fees
PC - Art Field Trip
Subtotal of Changes
Updated 2007-2008 Budget
This item was discussed at the April 2008 Finance Committee Meeting.
Approval of PDE Forms 3074a
Resolve, that the Board approve submittal of PDE forms
3074a, Non-Reimbursable work subject to advertising and
bidding, for the following projects:
New Flooring - Penncrest Kitchen
Glenwood renovations
Paving and curbing projects
This item was discussed at the April 8, 2008 Operations Committee
Proposed Final 2008-2009 General Fund Budget
Resolve, that the Board adopt the Proposed Final 2008-2009 Budget for
the Rose Tree Media School District in the amount of $76,696,909.00.
The proposed final budget is based on a millage rate of 21.0799. The
proposed final budget is subject to change prior to final budget adoption
on May 22, 2008.
This item was discussed at the April 2008 Finance Committee Meeting.
George Crothers Agreement
Resolve, that the Board approve the agreement with George
Crothers in the amount $3,291.
A student with significant multiple disabilities required
extended school year services to prevent regression of
abilities over the summer break from instruction. The cost of
the program is $3,291. This item was discussed at the April
2008 Pupil Services Committee Meeting.
General (cont’d)
Cardiac Science Lease Agreement
Resolve, that the Board approve the lease agreement with
Cardiac Science for 17 units and a training AED with a
locked in annual lease price of $5020.32 per year.
Dr. Burnett presented a plan for leasing new AEDs for the
district. The current costs for maintaining service
agreements on our existing units are $5100 annually. There
are also concerns with the current provider’s ability to
service these units due to their voluntary suspension of
external defibrillators and component parts. Cardiac Science
will provide 17 units and a training AED with a locked in
annual lease price of $5020.32 per year. Service is included.
The battery life for the new units is 4 years verses the 3 year
shelf life for Medtronic batteries which will also contribute to
the savings. This item was discussed at the April 2008 Pupil
Services Committee Meeting.
Hilltop School Agreement
Resolve, that the Board approve the agreement with the
Hilltop School in the amount $33,600 for the 2008-2009
school year.
A student currently attending the Hilltop School will continue
to receive appropriate educational services to address all
aspects of her disability. The tuition cost is $33,600 for the
2008-2009 school year. This item was discussed at the April
2008 Pupil Services Committee Meeting.
General (cont’d)
Elwyn Alternatives Agreement
Resolve, that the Board approve the agreement with Elwyn
Alternatives in the amount $25,794.86 for the 2008-2009
school year.
A student with disruptive behaviors has been assigned to the
Elwyn Alternative School to address her need for a smaller
class size, and intensive emotional supports. The tuition cost
is $25,794.86 for the 2008-2009 school year. This item was
discussed at the April 2008 Pupil Services Committee
Title 22
Sec. 12.8
Title 22
Sec. 12.6, 12.8
Students suspended for a period of time longer than three (3) days, shall be
afforded an informal hearing. Delay of such hearing shall not operate to delay return
to school.
The purpose of the informal hearing is to enable the student to meet with the
appropriate school official to explain the circumstances surrounding the event for
which the student is being suspended, to demonstrate that there is a case of mistaken
identity or to show that there is some compelling reason why the student should not
be suspended. The informal hearing also encourages the student's parents or
guardian to meet with the principal to discuss ways by which offenses can be
At the informal hearing, the following due process requirements will be observed:
1. Notification of the reason(s) for the suspension in writing, given to the parents or
guardian and to the student.
2. Sufficient notice of the time and place of the informal hearing.
3. The right to cross-examine any witnesses.
4. The student's right to speak and produce witnesses on his/her own behalf.
5. The district shall offer to hold the informal hearing within the first five (5) days
of the suspension.
Title 22
Sec. 12.6
The Board requires that each hearing shall be closed to the public but should the
student and/or his/her parents likely to be affected by its outcome agree, the hearing
may be held publicly.
Title 22
Sec. 12.8
Each suspended student involved in a formal hearing for expulsion shall be restored
to a regular educational program pending the outcome of the hearing, except when in
the opinion of the Superintendent, the presence of the student in school poses a
danger to him/herself or others as to warrant continued absence.
The formal hearing shall observe the due process requirements of:
1. Notification of the charges in writing by certified mail to the student’s
Page 3 of 5
2. At least three (3) days’ notice of the time and place of the hearing, which
shall include a copy of this policy, hearing procedures, and notice of the right
to representation of legal counsel at the expense of the parent(s)/guardian(s).
A student may request the rescheduling of the hearing when he/she
demonstrates good cause for an extension.
3. The hearing shall be private unless the student or parent(s)/guardian(s)
request a public hearing.
Representation by counsel at the parent(s)/guardian’s expense may attend the
4. Disclosure of the names of witnesses against the student and copies of their
written statements or affidavits, if any exist.
5. The right to request that witnesses against the student appear in person and
answer questions or be cross-examined.
6. The right to testify and present witnesses on the student’s behalf.
7. A written or audio record shall be kept of the hearing and a copy made
available to the student at the student’s expense, or at no charge if the student
is indigent.
8. The hearing shall be held within fifteen (15) school days of the notice of
charges, unless a delay is mutually agreed to by both parties or is delayed by:
a. The need for laboratory reports from law enforcement agencies
b. Evaluations or other court or administrative proceedings are pending
due to a student’s invoking of his/her rights under the Individuals
with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
c. Delay is necessary due to the condition or best interests of the victim
in cases of juvenile or criminal court involving sexual assault or
serious bodily injury.
9. Notice of the right to appeal the results of the hearing shall be provided to the
student with the expulsion decision.
A written adjudication shall be issued after the Board has acted to expel a student.
The adjudication may include additional conditions or sanctions.
Page 4 of 5
Where the student is dissatisfied with the results of the hearing, recourse can be had
to the appropriate state court. If it is alleged that a constitutional issue is involved,
the student may file a claim for relief in the appropriate federal district court.
of Responsibility
The Superintendent shall develop rules and regulations to implement this policy
which shall include:
1. Students shall be permitted a reasonable period of time to make up exams and
work missed while being disciplined by suspension. It is the responsibility of the
student to make all necessary arrangements for making up work when absent from
school during a disciplinary action.
2. The name of a student under eighteen (18) years of age whose conduct has been
disciplined shall not become part of the agenda or minutes of a public meeting, nor
part of any public record of the Board; but such students may be designated by code.
School Code
PA Code
Title 22
Sec. 12.6,
12.7, 12.8,
12.1, 12.3
PA Statute
42 Pa. C.S.
Sec. 6301
to 6308
Page 5 of 5
No. 1052
Arrest or Vehicle Driving Violation
1052. Notification of Arrest or Vehicle Driving Violation
1. Purpose
An employee who is arrested or charged with a felony or misdemeanor is required to
notify his or her immediate supervisor as soon as possible but not later than within
24 hours of such arrest or charge. Any employee who drives a District vehicle in the
course of his/her employment with the District that received a traffic citation is to
notify his or her immediate supervisor as soon as possible but not later than within
24 hours of the citation. Failure to report such incidents will result in disciplinary
action up to and including termination.
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