ROSE TREE MEDIA SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS Informational Session October 23, 2008 AGENDA I. Committee Highlights & Liason Reports A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. Student Liaison Reports Teaching & Learning Finance Operations Personnel Pupil Services Technology Liaison Reports II. Bonnett Associates Presentation III. Adjournment 7:30 p.m. ROSE TREE MEDIA SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS Legislative Meeting October 23, 2008 8:00 p.m. AGENDA I. Call to Order II. Approval of Minutes A. III. Indian Lane Student Council Reports A. B. C. D. VI. Penncrest High School Envirothon Team Educational Presentation A. V. Legislative Meeting of September 25, 2008 Presentations and Awards A. IV. Pledge of Allegiance School Reports Superintendent’s Report Solicitor’s Report President’s Report Scheduled Presentations (Limited to Five Minutes Each) A. B. RTMEA Healthy Communities Initiative Roll Call VII. Unscheduled Presentations (Limited to Three Minutes Each) A. VIII. Old Business A. IX. None New Business A. B. X. Rose Tree Media Residents Personnel 1. Terminations a. Professional b. Non-Instructional 2. Nominations a. Professional b. Non-Instructional 3. General a. Classification Change b. Degree Advancement c. Supplemental Contracts d. Create New Position e. Other Overnight Trips 1. Penncrest High School Girls’ Cross Country – Lehigh University Finance A. B. Purchasing 1. None General 1. Change Order Resolution 2. Plan Con D & E – Springton Lake Middle School – See Attachment A 3. Change to Original 2008-2009 Budget 4. Budgetary Transfers 5. Transportation Agreement 6. Dr. Robert Sing, Medical Services Agreement 7. Dr. Peter Christie, Medical Services Agreement 8. Jessica Brady, Dental Hygienist Agreement 9. Holcomb Behavioral Health Systems, STAR Coordinator Contract 10. Holcomb Behavioral Health Systems for Assessment and Referral Services 11. Penncrest High School Gymnasium Request for Use 12. Concurrent Enrollment Agreements for Dual Enrollment. See Attachment B and C. 13. Child Guidance Resource Center 14. Carol Macrina, Interactive Speech Services C. D. XI. Financials for September 2008 Bill lists for September 2008 Adjournment ANNOUNCEMENT There will be an executive session of the School Board for matters of personnel at 6:30 p.m. prior to the Informational Session of November 20, 2008, at Springton Lake Middle School. The Legislative meetings are recorded on tape. EXCELLENCE TODAY FOR TOMORROW Rose Tree Media School District 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone: 610-627-.6000 Fax: 610-891-0959 Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools To: From: Date: Subject: I. Grace A. Eves, Board Secretary, Director of Management Services Members of the Board of School Directors Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D., Superintendent Grace A. Eves, Board Secretary September 26, 2008 Minutes of the September 25, 2008 Legislative Meeting Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Board Members in Attendance: Nancy Mackrides, Board President Linda Fox, Vice President Peter Barry Veronica Barbato Nancy Fronduti John Hanna William Montgomery William O’Donnell Jeffrey Pettit Also in Attendance: Patricia Barta, Supervisor Special Education, Elementary Ron Baldino, Supervisor Maint. & Oper. William Bennett, Principal, ILES Linda Bluebello, Director of Pupil Services Eric Bucci, Ass’t. Principal, PCHS Anne Callahan, Dir. Human Resources Bernadette Dacaney, Home & School Vis. Karen Daugherty, Principal, RTE William Dougherty, Principal, GWE Susan Evans, Asst. Principal, PHS Grace Eves, Dir. Management Services Angela Gilbert, Teaching and Learning Elementary Rick Gregg, Principal, PCHS Ralph Harrison, Asst. Principal PCHS Joanne Horan, Teaching & Learning Judy Jalbert, Psychologist Students: Roll Call Rachel Davis Nicole Sassaman Nicalia ThompSon Matt Toal Anthony Jackowski, Ass’t. Principal SLMS Joyce Jeuell, Principal, SLMS Mack Johnson, Management Specialist for SMS and FMS Thomas Kelly, Solicitor Denise Kerr, Superintendent Bonnie Kinsler, Transportation Director Patti Linden, Director of Tech. & Information Kim McCann-Roller, Info. Tech Spec. Chip Olinger, Athletic Director Danielle Penza, Accountant Roxanne Schupp, Supervisor Business Operations Steven Taylor, Director of Teaching and Learning, Secondary Mara Stevens, Psychologist Steve Quinn, Ass’t. Principal, SL Katherine White, Principal, MES The Legislative Meeting of the Board of School Directors of the Rose Tree Media School District was held on Thursday, September 25, 2008, at Springton Lake Middle School. The meeting was called to order by President Nancy Mackrides. II. Approval of Minutes A. Legislative Meeting of September 25, 2008 Mrs. Fronduti moved and Mr. O’Donnell seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2008-2009 –19 Resolved, that the Board approve the Legislative Meeting Minutes of September 25, 2008. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: III. Nancy Mackrides, Linda Fox, Peter Barry, Veronica Barbato, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, William Montgomery, William O’Donnell, Jeffrey Pettit None Presentations and Awards None IV. Educational Presentation A. V. Reports A. B. C. D. VI. Career Education for the Future: Penncrest High School Photography: Erica Benamy and Anna Kassab Publications: Jordan Mirarchi and Kelly Wilson Teachers: Steve Mescanti and Carl Kriebel School Reports – In Official Legislative Minutes of September 25, 2008 Superintendent’s Report - In Official Legislative Minutes of September 25, 2008 Solicitor’s Report - In Official Legislative Minutes of September 25, 2008 President’s Report - In Official Legislative Minutes of September 25, 2008 Scheduled Presentations A. B. RTMEA – Sandy Staiger, President Healthy Communities Initiative, Dana Riker, Executive Director VII. Unscheduled Presentations A. VIII. Old Business A. IX. Rose Tree Media Residents – Mrs. Weyler, Upper Providence Township, handed out CD’s regarding the storm water project to all School Board members. None New Business A. Personnel 1. Terminations a. Professional b. Non-Instructional Mrs. Fronduti moved and Mr. O’Donnell seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2008-2009 - 20 Recommend that the Board approve the following: a. b. Professional Non-Instructional 1. Robert Cecchine, Substitute Bus Aide, resignation effective September 2, 2008. 2. William Holcomb, Substitute Bus Driver, termination for abandonment of position effective September 8, 2008. 3. Carl Berner, Food Service, Penncrest High School, retirement effective September 26, 2008. 4. Colin Ward, Custodian, Rose Tree Elementary, termination effective September 19, 2008. Mr. Ward will not be continued beyond his probation period. IX. New Business A. Personnel 2. Nominations a. Professional 1. Recommend Board approval of the following personnel to serve as Homebound Instructors for the 2008-2009 school year at the rate of $44 per hour: S. Abelson J. Arbutina E. Battista T. Bendistis M. Castellan B. Cicalese J. Ciccarelli E. Coulter D. Dachiu M. Edelmen K. Enterlin C. Grace-Green C. Grassano M. Hudak A. Kutney T. Long C. Lund C. Koontz B. Mason A. Morris L. Nemec M. Paikoff M. Reuther D. Schnaars R. Simpson J. Smith R. Sowers S. Sweeney K. Warren M. Williams J. Williamson M. Woodward IX. New Business A. Personnel 2. Nominations a. b. Professional 2. Vince Eppolito, Special Education Teacher, effective September 22, 2008 at the annual salary of $50,382, Master’s/Step 5. Mr. Eppolito comes to us from Silver Springs Martin Luther School where he served as a Reading Specialist for the past two years. He received his Bachelor’s Degree from Shippensburg University and his Master’s Degree from Arcadia University. Mr. Eppolito is assigned to Springton Lake Middle School replacing Deana Storey who resigned. NOTE: Mr. Eppolito is being hired pending completion of his pre-employment paperwork. 3. Ben Danson, Night School Teacher for the 2008-2009 school year at the rate of $40 per hour. 4. Lisa Roccia, Occupational Therapist, effective October 16, 2008 at the annual salary of $53,820. Ms. Roccia received her Bachelor’s Degree from Temple University. She is assigned to Glenwood and Indian Lane Elementary Schools replacing Maxine Scheiman who resigned. NOTE: Ms. Roccia is being hired pending completion of her pre-employment paperwork. Non-Instructional 1. Marcie Cohen, Theme Reader for the 2008-2009 school year at the rate of $265 per month. Ms Cohen is assigned to Penncrest High School. NOTE: Ms. Cohen is being hired pending completion of her preemployment paperwork. 2. Judith Giduck, Food Service Worker, effective September 29, 2008 at the rate of $10.25 per hour. NOTE: Ms. Giduck is being hired pending completion of her pre-employment paperwork. 3. Linda Henry, Food Service Worker, effective September 23, 2008 at the rate of $10.25 per hour. NOTE: Ms Henry is being hired pending completion of her pre-employment paperwork. IX. New Business A. Personnel 2. Nominations b. 3. Non-Instructional 4. Jennifer McNabb-Jones, Food Service Worker, effective September 3, 2008 at the rate of $10.25 per hour. NOTE: Ms. McNabb-Jones is being hired pending completion of her pre-employment paperwork. 5. Amanda Matthews, Support Staff II, effective September 18, 2008 at the rate of $13.06 per hour. Ms. Matthews is assigned to Media Elementary replacing Megan Crichton who resigned. NOTE: Ms. Matthews is being hired pending completion of her pre-employment paperwork. 6. Jayne Beverly, Food Service Worker, effective September 17, 2008 at the rate of $10.25 per hour. Ms. Beverly is assigned to Glenwood Elementary. NOTE: Ms. Beverly is being hired pending completion of her pre-employment paperwork. General a. Classification Change 1. Brittani Lutterman from Long Term Substitute Title I Math Teacher to regular contracted Title I Math Teacher effective August 19, 2008 at the annual salary of $52,441, Master’s Degree/Step 6. Ms. Lutterman is assigned to Media Elementary. 2. Sara Preston, from Long Term Substitute Elementary Teacher to regular contracted Elementary Teacher effective August 19, 2008 at the annual salary of $52,441, Master’s Degree/Step 6. Ms. Preston is assigned to Rose Tree Elementary. 3. Eileen McIntyre from .75 Music Teacher to 1.0 Music Teacher effective August 25, 2008. Ms. McIntyre is assigned to Rose Tree Elementary (.75 and Media Elementary (.25). IX. New Business A. Personnel 3. General a. b. Classification Change 4. Mary Grasty from Substitute Food Service Worker to Regular Part Time Food Service Worker effective September 2, 2008 at the rate of $11.50 per hour. Ms. Grasty is assigned to Indian Lane Elementary. 5. Joseph Faulkner from Part-Time Bus Driver to FullTime Bus Driver effective September 2, 2008. Mr. Faulkner is replacing Jim McConnell who retired. 6. James Miller from Part-Time Bus Driver to Full-Time Bus Driver effective September 2, 2008. Mr. Miller is replacing Peter DiDonato who retired. 7. Elizabeth Stollsteimer from Support Staff I to Support Staff II effective September 8, 2008 at the rate of $13.06 per hour. Ms. Stollsteimer is assigned to Indian Lane Elementary. 8. Donna Simpson, from Bus Driver to Temporary Dispatcher effective September 3, 2008 at the annual salary of $40,000 to be pro-rated. Ms. Simpson is assigned to Transportation replacing Dawn Fitting who is on leave. Degree Advance 1. Recommend the Board approve the following personnel for Degree Advancement and adjust their salaries accordingly effective August 25, 2008: Angela Beaudry Marie Castellan Elizabeth Clements Jeffrey Davies Carley Dillon Brian Dougherty Rebecca Fetterman Stacy Gallagher Lindsay Groy Veronica Kurash Adrienne Kutney Master’s+20/Step 6 Master’s+40/Step 15 Master’s+20/Step 8 Master’s+40/Step 6 Master’s+20/Step 11 Master’s+40/Step 13 Master’s+20/Step Master’s+60/Step 6 Master’s+20/Step 7 Master’s+60/Step 6 Master’s+60/Step 9 IX. New Business A. Personnel 3. General b. Degree Advance (cont’d) Jana Maxwell Melissa McDevitt Jennifer McLeod Kate Megahey Carleen Megow Catherine Poulos Kim, Riviera Alicia Santelli DeAnn Scherer Phoebe Simmington Lee Sitkowski Jennifer Tareila Lovinda Weaver Marianne Whiteman c. Master’s+20/Step 15 Master’s+40/Step 10 Master’s+40/Step 3 Master’s+40/Step 6 Master’s+40/Step 8 Master’s+60/Step 11 Master’s+20/Step 9 Master’s+20/Step 7 Master’s+60/Step 13 Master’s+20/Step 9 Doctorate/Step 15 Master’s+60/Step 11 MEQ/Step 7 Master’s+60/Step 6 Rescind Supplemental Contracts 1. Rescind appointment of Jason Ritter as (.5) 8th Grade Volley Coach. 2. Rescind appointment of Michael Mohring as Spring Fitness Club Sponsor. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: Nancy Mackrides, Linda Fox, Peter Barry, Veronica Barbato, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, William Montgomery, William O’Donnell, Jeffrey Pettit None IX. New Business A. Personnel 3. General d. Supplemental Contracts Mr. O’Donnell moved and Mr. Hanna seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2008-2009 – 21 Recommend Board approve the following: 1. Mary Ann Grassano, New Teacher Mentor for the 2008-2009 school year at the annual salary of $1,050. 2. Carin Newsome, Homework Club Sponsor for the 2008-2009 school year, Springton Lake Middle School, at the annual salary of $695. 3. Jennifer McLeod, Homework Club Sponsor for the 2008-2009 school year, Springton Lake Middle School at the annual salary of $695. 4. Lisa Parkinson, Language Arts Building Coordinator, Indian Lane Elementary, at the annual salary of $2,800. 5. Fran Blanchette, Social Studies Building Coordinator, Indian Lane Elementary, at the annual salary of $2,800. 6. David Woods, .5 Science Building Coordinator, Indian Lane Elementary, at the annual salary of $1,400. 7. Leslie Valuck, .5 Science Building Coordinator, Indian Lane Elementary, at the annual salary of $1,400. 8. Thomas Durant, New Teacher Mentor for the 20082009 school year at the annual salary of $1,050. 9. Elliott Nicholas, Assistant Freshman Football Coach, at the annual salary of $3,475. NOTE: Mr. Nicholas is being hired pending completion of his preemployment paperwork. IX. New Business A. Personnel 3. General d. Supplemental Contracts (continued) 10. Robin Heckman, Cookie Club Sponsor, Springton Lake Middle School, correction to her supplemental salary which was incorrectly reported on the August Board, annual salary of $876.00. 11. Jason Ritter, Freshman Volleyball Coach at the annual salary of $3,475. 12. Angela Lynch, New Teacher Mentor for the 20082009 school year at the annual salary of $1,050. 13. Michael DeLeo, 7-3 Team Leader, Springton Lake Middle school at the annual salary of $834. 14. Recommend Board approval for the following supplemental contract salaries which were incorrectly reported on the August Board: D. Stango Student Council Sponsor B. Laubach (.5) Building Coordinator E. Thompson (.5) Building Coordinator M. Naylor (.5) Building Coordinator P. Simmington(.5)Building Coordinator 15. Recommend Board approval of the following Springton Lake Middle School game worker rates, per event, effective September 2, 2008: Timers Starters 16. $2,502 $1,400 $1,400 $1,400 $1,400 $25 $27 Crowd Control $27 Scoreboard Operator $30 Recommend Board approval of the following personnel to serve as Fall Intramural Instructors for Springton Lake Middle School at the rate of $27 per hour: Steve Adams Jacqueline Baker John Baker William Carr Robin McCarthy Paul Norris IX. New Business A. Personnel 3. General d. Supplemental Contracts (continued) 17. Jerry Diaz, (.5) 8th Grade Volleyball Coach for the 2008-2009 school year at the annual salary of $1,459.50. 18. Marie Carter, 7th Grade Field Hockey Coach for the 2008-2009 school year at the annual salary of $2,919. 19. Doug Krugler, 7th Grade Boys Soccer Coach for the 2008-2009 school year at the annual salary of $2,961. 20. Michele Woodward, Building Coordinator-Professional Development, Penncrest High School for the 20082009 school year at the annual salary of $2,800. 21. LaVerne Motley, Elementary and Secondary Library Coordinator for the 2008-2009 school year at the annual salary of $5,600. 22. Don Horne, Assistant Heavyweights Football Coach, Springton Lake Middle School for the 2008-2009 school year at the annual salary of $2,363. NOTE: Mr. Horne is being hired pending completion of his preemployment paperwork. 23. Jeff Crespo, Light Weight Football Coach, Springton Lake Middle School for the 2008-2009 school year at the annual salary of $2,919. NOTE: Mr. Crespo is being hired pending completion of his preemployment paperwork. IX. New Business A. Personnel 3. General d. Supplemental Contracts (continued) 24. Abelson, Samantha Baker, Jacqueline Blake, Lisa Carter, Sandy Casner, Craig Cicalese, Barbara Ciccarelli, Jim Clark, Michael Clements, Elizabeth Curry, Kirsten Danson, Benjamin Dashkiwsky, Stephan DelPrato, Paul Diksa, Gail Diksa, Laura Dillon, Carly Dougherty, Brian Doyle, Michael Doyle, Michelle Durant, Tom Flexon, Linda Goldman, Sandy Graham, Paul Graham, Sarah Groy, Lindsay Sudall, Dana Recommend Board approval for the following personnel to serve as game workers at Penncrest High School for the 2008-2009 school year: Harmon, William Hart, Michele Heckman, Robin Higgins, Robert Hobdell, Sean Hoffman, Debbie Host, Winnifred Ikeler, Andy Jacobs, Greg Jackson, Tracy Jay, Elaine Kerr, Karen Kilpatrick, Linda Kirk, Michelle Kuntz, Christiana LoBiondo, Michael Lobitz, Lisa Long, Theresa Ludwig, Michael Mason, Bridget Matthews, David Matlock, Beth Meltz, Amanda Mescanti, Steve Tareila, Jennifer Montich, Donna Munro, George Murphy, Beth Nolen, Kevin Penning, Christina Pettit, Evan Quinzi, Felicia Reed, Heather Reuther, Maureen Ritter, Jason Riviere, Kimberly Samilenko, Mark Santelli, Alicia Scherer, Deann Schnaars, Debbie Silva, Steve Simmons, Jennifer Smith, Jeremy Smith, Sharon Somers, Edward Staiger, Sandy Stango, David Stevenson, Enoch Stokes, Patti Wiegner, Anna Williams, Mark The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: ABSTAIN: Nancy Mackrides, Linda Fox, Veronica Barbato, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, William Montgomery, William O’Donnell, Jeffrey Pettit None Peter Barry IX. New Business A. Personnel 3. General e. Salary Change Mr. O’Donnell moved and Mrs. Fronduti seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2008-2009 - 22 1. Recommend Board approval for the correction of the following salaries which were incorrectly reported on the August Board: Greg Bost Gene Pysher Armondo Ragni Michael Price Joel Schupp Kerry Feltner Ivan Brown Mike Jones Philip Quinzi Dawn Fitting Dan Rottenberk 2. $36,988 $55,775 $44,779 $35,521 $35,823 $35,823 $64,150 $55,198 $54,854 $41,632 $59,604 Recommend Board approval for the temporary salary adjustments to $15.00 per hour for the following cafeteria personnel to assume additional responsibilities effective August 15, 2008: Elise Ettein Laura Netwall Penncrest High School Springton Lake Middle School The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: Nancy Mackrides, Linda Fox, Peter Barry, Veronica Barbato, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, William Montgomery, William O’Donnell, Jeffrey Pettit None IX. New Business B. Strategic Plan Approval Mrs. Fronduti moved and Mrs. Barbato seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2008-2009 - 23 Resolved, that the Board approve the draft Strategic Plan for 2008-2014 entitled “Achieve, Grow, Advance.” The plan consists of statements of Mission and Vision, in addition to six discrete reports: Academic Standards and Assessment Report, Educational Technology Report, Professional Education Report, Special Education Report, Student Services Report, and Teacher Induction Report. (Attachment A in Official Legislative Minutes of September 25, 2008.) The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: Nancy Mackrides, Linda Fox, Peter Barry, Veronica Barbato, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, William Montgomery, William O’Donnell, Jeffrey Pettit None X. Finance A. Purchasing – None B. General 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Change Orders 403B Plan Document and Employer Admin Services, Inc. Owner’s Representative Services Proposal Capital Improvement Projects 2009 Settlement Agreement Student Assistance Program Coordinator – Contact Correction Villanova Commencement Agreement Mr. O’Donnell moved and Mrs. Fronduti seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2008-2009 - 24 1. Change Orders Resolved, the Board approves the following change orders: Smedley Tract – B & J Excavating Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $76,500 for removal and replacement of unsuitable material in detention basin. Smedley Tract – B & J Excavating Change Order No. 2 in the amount of $23,400 for select fill behind retaining wall. Glenwood Renovations – AQM, Inc. Change Order No. E1 in the amount of $1,996 for clocks and speakers in music suites and reference library. Media Elementary Roofing Project – Mike Kobithen Roofing Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $7,800 for change in the parapet wall flashing. Site Improvements at Penncrest – Gessler Construction Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $4,550 for change in crack repair material at tennis courts. X. Finance A. Purchasing – None B. General 1. Change Orders (continued) Site Improvements at Glenwood – Gessler Construction Change Order No. 2 in the amount of $10,575 for asphalt base repair. Penncrest Seamless Resinous Kitchen Flooring – M. J. Bradley Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $3,900 for upgrade in floor material. 2. 403(b) Plan Document and Employer Admin Services, Inc. In response to recently released IRS regulations establishing a requirement for written documentation of the 403(b) tax sheltered annuity program offered to employees of Rose Tree Media School District, (the “District”), the District wishes to adopt the plan document, a coy of which is attached to this resolution. This document is based on model language released by the IRS for such purpose. Resolved, that the Board does hereby adopt the Rose Tree Media School District 403(b) Plan Document for Public Schools (the “Plan”), which will, at all times, conform with the requirements of Section 403(b) of the Internal Revenue Service Code and applicable regulations. Further resolved, that it is the intention of the Board that the 403(b) program will conform with all federal and state statutory and regulatory requirements applicable to 403(b) plans, except that the program set forth above shall not be subject to the requirements of Title I of ERISA because the employer is exempted from such requirements. Further resolved, that the Board authorizes the Director of Management Services, to act on the Board’s behalf with respect to this plan, and to take any and all actions necessary or desirable to implement, maintain and administer the plan set forth above in accordance with the Board’s intentions, and all applicable state and federal laws. X. Finance B. General 2. 403(b) Plan Document and Employer Admin Services, Inc. (continued) Further resolved, that the Board appoints Employer Admin Services, Inc. as the district’s 403(b) Plan Third Party Administrator and Kades-Margolis Corporation as the district’s 403(b) consulting company to assist the district in complying with the new 403(b) regulations, at no cost to the district or its employees. See Attachment in September 25, 2008 Legislative Meeting. 3. Owner’s Representative Services Proposal Capital Improvement Projects 2009 Further resolved, that the Board approve the proposal from Dennis Cini, Cini Construction Services, Inc., for Owner’s Representative Services, capital improvement projects for 2009, in an amount not to exceed $96,512. 4. Settlement Agreement Further resolved, that the Board approve a settlement agreement with the parents of P.M. 5. Student Assistance Program Coordinator – Contract Correction Further resolved, that the Board approve the correction of the following contract amount which was incorrectly reported on the August Board: Lynda Youngs $37,193 6. Villanova Commencement Agreement Further resolved, that the Board approve the agreement with Villanova University in the amount $7,050. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: Nancy Mackrides, Linda Fox, Peter Barry, Veronica Barbato, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, William Montgomery, William O’Donnell, Jeffrey Pettit NAYS: None X. Finance C. D. Financials for August 2008 Bill Lists for August 2008 Mr. O’Donnell moved and Mrs. Fronduti seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2008-2009 – 25 Resolved, that the Board approve the following: C. Financial Reports August 2008 August 2008 August 2008 August 2008 D. Treasurers Reports Investment Reports Summary Expenditure Status Report Revenue Status Report Bill Lists August 2008 General Fund Bill List $ 8,454,918.04 August 2008 Imprest Fund Bill List $ 983.00 August 2008 Capital Fund Bill List $ 397,286.00 August 2008 Bond Series 2002 Bill List $ 1,500.00 August 2008 Bond Series 2004 Bill List $ 797,280.67 August 2008 Bond Series 2007 A & B Bill List $ 1,253.80 August 2008 Private Purpose Trust Bill List $ 29.00 August 2008 Activities/Special Revenue Fund $ 2,810.00 $ 9,656,060.51 The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: Nancy Mackrides, Linda Fox, Peter Barry, Veronica Barbato, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, William Montgomery, William O’Donnell, Jeffrey Pettit None XI. Adjournment Mr. O’Donnell moved and Mr. Montgomery seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2008-2009 - 26 There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: Nancy Mackrides, Linda Fox, Peter Barry, Veronica Barbato, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, William Montgomery, William O’Donnell, Jeffrey Pettit None ______________________ School Board Secretary III. Presentations and Awards 1. Penncrest High School Envirothon Team Resolve, that the Board recognize Katherine Davis, Elizabeth Freeburg, Katherine Ferguson, Alex Senko, and Jennifer Walker for their 3rd Place standing at the Canon Envirothon Competition. Background The Penncrest Envirothon team placed third at the Canon Envirothon in Flagstaff, Arizona this past summer. Katie Davis, Katie Ferguson, Liz Freeburg, Alex Senko, and Jennifer Walker represented Pennsylvania as they competed among the top teams from 46 states and 8 Canadian provinces. Each team member received a $3,000 scholarship from Canon. All five team members returned to Penncrest this year. EXCELLENCE TODAY FOR TOMORROW SCHOOL REPORT’S – October 2008 GLENWOOD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Art Fourth graders at Glenwood made an interdisciplinary connection with the Art, Social Studies, and Mathematics Curriculum. In Art class, we learned about the PA Germans. We looked at the geometric patterns in Amish Quilts. For their project, students were asked to choose a traditional nine square pattern, such as Shoo Fly, Pin Wheel, Bow Tie, Flock of Geese, and Friendship Star. We then choose an analogous colors scheme to fill in our design. Analogous colors are those colors that neighbor one another on the color wheel. Once we had everything planned out, students were given cut construction paper squares. Some of the paper was regular colored construction paper and some of it was construction paper that we marbleized. We then spoke about whole, half, and quarter and about how sometimes their design would call for a whole square, sometimes their design called for cutting the square in half to make a triangle, and other times their design would call for cutting the triangle in half again to quarter the square. We finished off our designs by adding dotted lines along the edges of each shape to mimic stitching. In their social studies curriculum, fourth graders learn about Pennsylvania. Library On September 23, library technician Kathy Cook, along with other members of the RTM library staff, attended the Access Pennsylvania annual fall training session held in Exton. The Access PA database encompasses catalog holdings of over 3,000 school, public, and academic libraries throughout the state, serving over 12 million residents. Our Access PA membership includes POWER Library resources such as SIRS Discoverer, an award-winning general reference resource for young researchers, and EBSCOHost, a comprehensive periodicals and reference database. Covered in depth this year was DartClix, a subscription service which provides the Access Pennsylvania Database with professionally selected and cataloged websites. The sites provided via DartClix are recommended to the general public of all ages, with the target market primarily school and public libraries. Library technician Kathy Cook participated in the first session of this year’s Delaware County Book Review Program on October 2 at Upper Darby High School. Publishers 1 provide copies of brand new titles, and librarians may keep those books they review. Mrs. Cook obtained seventeen recently-published titles for the Glenwood library, including non-fiction, novels, and picture books valued at over $220.00! Guidance Student Ambassadors will get started up this month, which provides new leadership opportunities for our students. We will begin planning activities for the fall, including MixIt-Up Day and Our No Place for Hate Kickoff event! Our students will continue to get involved with this great program! Reading In October, many fourth and fifth graders signed up to be a part of Glenwood's first Reading Olympic team. The team will read a total of fifty books in order to prepare for an Olympic competition with teams from all across Delaware County in the spring. The primary goal of the team is to enjoy reading and discussing books with others. Health Glenwood will be celebrating Apple Crunch Day on October 29 as a way of reminding students of the importance of eating fruits and vegetables. Apples will be served in the lunch line, and several volunteer parents will be on hand to help slice fruit and serve low fat vanilla yogurt dip so that all students in the cafeteria can taste test the healthy snack. Mrs. Taylor, school nurse, will remind students about making good food choices and that 5 fruits and vegetables a day are part of a healthy diet. She will also suggest that students take a look at the RTM website for complete nutritional information on foods served in the cafeteria. The school nurses and a number of parents have already found this new information a great help in planning for students with diabetes and other special diets. Kindergarten Kindergarten celebrated Johnny Appleseed's Birthday. With the help of the parents we had an apple related theme day. We tasted and graphed our favorite color apples. We counted appleseeds, painted apple trees and played Applejack Bingo. We finished off the day with a delicious snack. Grade One First grade put their creativity to the test. The Glenwood first graders decorated pumpkins according to a chosen theme. Supplies were sent in from home for each individual pumpkin. The children decorated their pumpkins at school. Many parent volunteers were involved helping with this special event. The pumpkins will be on display in the library for the whole school to enjoy. Grade Two In September, the 2nd grade team met at a workshop to discuss how best to implement the Project Read program within the classroom to meet a variety of needs. We decided to pre-test each unit to distinguish ability groups for that week's phonics concept. Throughout the week, instruction is differentiated into three groups to remediate, practice, and extend the skill. Dictations are given on Friday to document student progress. 2 Grade Three The third grade classes blasted off into Social Studies by learning about the location of their community on the Earth. They learned about hemispheres, continents, oceans, countries, states, and communities. They’ve also learned many new Math games to help them strengthen their number sense. In writing, they’ve brainstormed using many different strategies for mining story ideas from their life experiences, and they’ve begun working through the writing process to create finished and polished pieces. During reading workshop, they are enjoying the use of mp3 players to listen to stories from the anthology. Grade Four The fourth grade team went to the DRA training at the end of September. We are now administering the DRA's to our classes. We're using this assessment, along with the MAP and PSSA scores; 100 Book Challenge and KidBiz levels, to differentiate our instruction to meet each child’s reading needs. The DRA refers the teacher to "best practice" teaching strategies that may pertain to the particular student being tested. Grade Five Glenwood’s third fourth and fifth grade teachers have been trained in administration of the Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA) program to help insure students are being taught at individualized reading levels. Teachers met with RTM Literacy Coach Tracey Fritch to learn how to best administer the DRA. Each child meets with the teacher to review strengths and areas of need so that reading instruction can be delivered at the appropriate level. The DRA is another tool to assist teachers in differentiating instruction for students. INDIAN LANE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL The 2008-09 school year is off to a great start! At Indian Lane, there will be some new school-wide character development activities going on. Our "Words of Wisdom" will be given weekly by staff through the broadcast system. This year, these words will be tied in to our Bobcat Pledge. Students will be given an opportunity to define words such as "respect" and "responsibility" on a poster in our main hallway. Also, staff will be asked to recognize students who exemplify these character traits. In the winter, we will take the time to focus on 12 Powerful Words that will help with testtaking skills. Again, this will be done weekly during the broadcast in the morning. Students will learn what words such as "support" and "infer" mean in a fun way! Once again, Indian Lane will strive for the No Place for Hate designation for 2008-2009. We held a kickoff rally on Friday, October 10th where students were informed of our upcoming events and the importance of a safe, bully-free environment. They were entertained and informed by “Silly Joe”, aka Joe Consiglio. A fun time was had by all. Indian Lane students elected their Student Council Representatives for 2008-2009. Indian Lane believes that our students can benefit from the leadership activities and community service projects that the Student Council offers. The purpose of our Student 3 Council is to: 1) strive for good citizenship; 2) respect all individuals in the school and community; 3) involve all students in sharing ideas to make our school the best it can be; 4) help all students work together in our school; 5) give all students practice in democracy in action; and 6) help other citizens and groups in our community. Indian Lane Student Council has four new officers as a result of the election on September 19th. Congratulations to all the candidates who did a fantastic job writing and delivering their speeches! The new officers are… President: Lizzie H. Vice President: Liam F. Secretary: Joey D. Treasurer: Lauren W. Kindergarten classes are planning for a "fall fun day" on October 17th. Mrs. Durant's, Mrs. Huebner's, and Mrs. McMorrow's classes will get together to use their five senses to identify signs of fall and create fall projects with their findings. Welcome fall! In Library, Kindergarten students are listening to stories about feelings and emotions. Kevin Henkes is our featured author - and his books, "Wemberly Worried", "Chrysanthemum", "Sheila Rae the Brave" and "Owen" all hit home with Kindergartners because they deal with school and family situations. First graders have been learning about the Water Cycle Dance! (“Rain, Ocean, Evaporate, Clouds”). They’ve also learned how to use the word “bed” to help know the difference between b and d. We keep reminding the students to use our handwriting song, “Always, Start Your Letters at the Top!” In writing, students have been busy learning about writing. They know that good writers have a saying, “When I’m done, I’ve just begun!” This means that good writers go back and explore their piece to see how they can add to it through drawing and words. They are also learning how to s-t-r-e-t-c-h their words in order to capture all of the sounds they hear. In Library, first grade is listening to Cynthia Rylant stories about one of her favorite animals - dogs! They are writing what they like about the stories on their own dog picture. They are also writing about fall. This writing will be placed on a giant leaf made from an oversized coffee filter. The children folded the filters, dipped them into red, green, yellow, and orange food color bins, traced leaf shapes and cut them out. The writing assignment and colorful leaves are hanging in our rooms and hallway! They are learning new and hands on ways to do math through the Investigation program. The children are demonstrating their skills through games such as Compare and Double Compare, Five in a Row, Towers of Ten, and Roll and Record. The children are also learning ways to report problem solving strategies as they solve story problems. This is something we will work on throughout the year. The first graders are learning about school helpers during social studies. We have covered the jobs of the teacher, principal, secretary and custodian. The children are 4 shocked by all of the behind the scenes work that goes on here at school. We have begun our weather unit. We are charting the weather daily, learning about wind speed, clouds, and precipitation. They are getting ready to stencil their class t-shirts. These tshirts are a different color for each classroom. The front of the t-shirt has a picture that matches the classroom theme... Herman: bears, Barton: fish, and Parkinson: bees. These shirts are worn for field trips and events throughout the year to build a sense of community and to make it easy to identify the children in a crowded area. Second grade is excited about working with the new Investigations math program this year. Technology will be used to give guidance for homework as well as offer games that help students practice concepts learned in class. In Social Studies, we began the year learning about communities. The unit started by looking at our room as a community. We spent a lot of time getting to know each other and then discussed how we can work together to make our room the best community it can be. We will learn about different types of communities and the people and places that can be found in them. In conjunction with this unit, the entire second grade will take a walking tour of Media. In Library, second grade is ready to embark on a Spiders and Snakes unit including books by Gail Gibbons and Eileen Spinelli. Mrs. Haskell and Mrs. Townsend’s classes are working together to meet the needs of all students, regular and learning support in Fourth grade language arts. At the first of this school year, Mrs. Haskell decided to change her plans for the first novel to read with her fourth graders to Sarah, Plain and Tall by Patricia MacLachlan because that was the novel Mrs. Townsend decided to start with one of her reading groups. After the two groups finished reading Sarah, Plain and Tall, they watched the movie together in Mrs. Haskell’s room, completing a Venn diagram, which Mrs. Haskell prepared, comparing and contrasting the book and the movie. Continuing with this collaboration, the next step will involve setting up literature circles, reading books at varying levels all written by Patricia MacLachlan. When literature circles have completed their work, skits from each novel will be given by each group as a culminating activity. Fourth and Fifth grade are being introduced to Novelist K-8 a database provided by Power Library to help students find books that are similar to their favorites. Fifth grade students at Indian Lane will participate in an international science experiment known as Journey North. Journey North is an online website that allows students to study the environmental factors surrounding the annual migrations of several species. This fall students will investigate the importance of climate factors in local ecosystems. In this international science experiment, students in hundreds of classrooms plant tulip bulbs in schoolyard gardens this fall. Each group will use the same bulb variety (Red Emperor Tulips) and planting guidelines. When the tulips finally emerge and bloom, the young scientists will announce to classmates throughout the hemisphere that spring has arrived in their part of the world. As students make observations in their own schoolyards, and observe the wave of spring on our interactive maps, they begin to see how seasonal climatic factors influence plant growth. The relationship between geography, temperature, and the arrival of spring is revealed, one garden at a time. This month two fifth grade musical enrichment groups will begin rehearsing during their recess periods. The Bobcat Ensemble is a non-auditioned instrumental group composed 5 of 18 students. These students will learn advanced music for alto recorders, chimes and other general music instruments. They will perform in our All School Holiday Assembly in December and our Spring Concert in May. The Fifth Dimension is a 5th grade auditioned singing group composed of 28 students. They will sing our National Anthem at a Phantoms vs. Bears hockey game at the Spectrum in November, perform with Glenwood and Media at the Media Courthouse one night in December, and sing at our All School Holiday Assembly and Spring Concert. Participation in these groups is optional. Mr. G’s AGP classes will be experiencing scavenger hunts to introduce them to different research methods and technology in their schools. They will also be creating their own scavenger hunts to share what they are learning in class with their families. The whole school is excited about our upcoming Book Fair. An amazing selection of book s is headed our way! Our Book Fair will be held from November 20 through December 1. From easy readers, to picture books, to best sellers and more, the Scholastic Book Fair connects kids with books they want to read! Once again, we will offer all our students an opportunity to become the Bobcat Citizen of the Month in their classroom. Students who exemplify the Bobcat Pledge to Be respectful and responsible, Offer a helping hand, Be a friend to everyone, Care about feelings, Accept differences, Tell an adult, Stand up for what is right, are selected by their teacher to receive the Bobcat Citizen of the Month award. Students receive a certificate and an Indian Lane Elementary souvenir and are treated to Breakfast with the Principal. Also, there is a Citizenship display case in the lobby with monthly pictures of our good citizens. EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Sponsored by the Indian Lane PTG The Indian Lane Broadcast Club invited Pat Toddy, from KYW News Radio, to visit their “set” and answer questions on the air submitted by members of the Club. The students of the Broadcast Club had to write a paragraph why they wanted to interview Ms Toddy. The winner (selected by Mr. Bennett and a few teachers) was selected as the anchor and two runner-ups asked questions from the microphone. She loved her visit with Indian Lane. We gave her a broadcast Tee shirt, mouse pad & pen. She said she wore it to her bus stop and the moms were jealous. They want a broadcast club! Pat Toddy will offer her time again on October 14. She is visiting the 5th grade! She will be speaking for 2 45minute sessions! She will be focusing on writing. Her visit with the Broadcast Club was about broadcasting and how to be a great broadcaster you need to READ, have great grammar skills, know geography, etc. When was the last time you sat down to play a board game. Was it Chutes and Ladders? Candy Land? Life? Indian Lane students are able to participate in the Indian Lane Games Club after school to build their own memories of their favorite board game. In addition to learning new games, they have fun with the old ones. The Board Games Club runs after school on selected Tuesdays from 3:30 to 4:45 p.m. Our PTG is offering a recess activity called Walking Club. Students walk the track to get as many laps in as they can during their regularly scheduled recess time. They are given a completion card and parent volunteers, along with our school nurse, keep a running tally of the number of laps completed per student. Beginning at 20 laps, students are 6 given prizes according to the number of laps they’ve completed. Because laps are accumulated from year to year, we have some students who are members of the 10, 15 and even 20 mile club! In this world of high-tech, we are teaching kids that walking is still useful. It is interesting and pleasant. You can think and observe while you walk. You get somewhere. You don't need any special equipment or outfits. It provides great health returns on very little investment, without the risk associated with high impact activities. And you can do it for the rest of your life. This summer, our PTG Assembly Committee worked hard researching and making lots of calls so we can start off with an awesome assembly calendar year! In programming this year’s assemblies, they tried to achieve a balance between shows with good educational value and those which are simply intended to open our children’s minds and help them to have a broader appreciation of the arts and sciences. So far this year, we’ve seen Dave Fiebert and his puppets in our annual Bus Safety Assembly. Presented to our new Kindergartners, it was a fun and entertaining way for our little riders to learn basic safety and proper behavior while riding the bus. On September 16th, Motivational Productions, Inc. came to town with their newest production on Inclusion, “Attitude of Gratitude”. This touching and relatable show helped our students understand what it means to be thankful, as well as how to show appreciation. MEDIA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Media School’s cafeteria was filled to the brim with dads, donuts, and very excited youngsters who were delighted to spend some early morning quality time with their doting dads during our Donuts and Dads breakfast on October 8. Special thanks to Mr. and Mrs. DeMarcantonio for coordinating this special event. Recently our students were treated to a very entertaining program with a serious message. As a part of Media Elementary School’s commitment to the Anti-Defamation Leagues’ No Place for Hate program, a special assembly, featuring children’s performer Joe “Silly Joe” Consiglio, was held for all students in grades K – 5. “Silly Joe” sang songs, told stories, and engaged some students in acting out a skit titled “The Mask.” All of these activities delivered a very simple message…we need to treat other people the way we most want to be treated. “Silly Joe” helped the students understand that respecting others begins by looking at our own actions. Thank you “Silly Joe” for so kindly donating your time and energy in helping to transform Media Elementary into a school where there is No Place for Hate. The Rose Valley Chorus performed for the students in grades 1 – 3. Beautiful music and beautiful lighting made this musical treat a joyous experience. October Featured Artists of the Month: ShaVonte McGuire, Grade 1 - Still Life; Kira McDevitt, Grade 3 – Prehistoric Horses; and Wayne Matsinger, Grade 5 –Tree Roots. Each month, Media Elementary School’s Featured Artists will have their artwork displayed on a bulletin board in the main office. Stop by and take a look! 7 Kindergarten Kindergarten students wrapped up their unit on fall by celebrating Fall Theme Day. This is an event when parents are able to come in and work in small groups with children on activities focusing on fall. Apple tasting, pancake making, an apple sequencing activity and apple jack bingo were some of the activities that brought new meaning to celebrating the wonders of fall. Mrs. Consadene visited us the following day to present a SMART BOARD lesson culminating our entire fall unit. Grade One The first graders at Media Elementary School were so excited to meet Captain Powerful Words at our all-school assembly last week. They were introduced to the first of the 12 Powerful Words – TRACE – at the end of the week. With the help of our reading specialist, Mrs. Echeverria, we were able to use some of our existing materials to develop various activities for the children to practice applying the use of this word. The children were asked to trace three things they did before they came to school one morning. We also used a Time for Kids article that we had been reading and discussing to trace how an apple grows from season to season. Grade Two "People in communities live, work, and play." This is the opening line in one of the songs the second graders are learning to sing for our annual culminating activity about communities called Community Day which takes place on November 7th. The students are learning many things about communities. That includes types of communities like urban, rural and suburban; how to locate communities on a map and the geographic features of communities. The students will actually build a model town, name the town and run candidates for mayor. The second graders will choose what career they want to pursue and come dressed in appropriate "work clothes" on Community Day. Parents are invited on that day to listen to songs, poems and speeches about what communities are and what they need to stay strong and healthy. Some parents will demonstrate what their own jobs entail for eager second grade listeners. The students put a lot of hard work into preparing for Community Day. They learn a lot and have FUN doing it! "Everybody has a place where they work. Factories, offices stores or a SCHOOL! ” Grade Three All of third grade has been learning about geography in social studies. The students have done research about the physical geography, natural resources, and climate of a location and are working to create a brochure to show this information. Grade Four The fourth grade classes have been assigned a geography project featuring various landforms. Part of the project involves oral presentations. We have started looking at statistics in math investigations, with a beginning emphasis on median and range. The past two weeks have been busy with MAP and DRA testing. Grade Five The fifth grade teachers led exciting Back-to-School Night presentations. In each class, 2/3 or more of the parents were present and were introduced to classroom routines and 8 the use of SMART Boards as instructional tools. The three classroom teachers have been linking current events to science and social studies curricula, through the study of hurricanes, by using SMART Boards to visit and interact with weather websites and view live data. Mrs. Claire McGeehan and Mrs. Tina Loveland-Smith have attended PVAAS training at the DCIU and have actively participated in the bi-monthly Media Arcadia Inclusion team meetings. AGP (Gifted Support) – Gr. 3, 4, 5 All classes celebrated Constitution Day by taking part in a Readers’ Theater about the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia. Third grade students are learning about the national park system in the United States and have read about the history of park rangers and John Muir. We are beginning a study of the first National Park, Yellowstone, and are choosing a National Park to study in class. Fourth grade students are completing an historical biography, “In Their Own Words: Lewis and Clark”. We will spend some more time learning more about the trail and the Native Americans the Corps of Discovery encountered on their journey. Towards the end of October, students will work in groups to begin their web quest to learn even more about this historic expedition. Fifth grade students are learning about extreme weather, and will also focus on hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, and wild fires. Students are reading and sharing in class and will begin individual research projects in class shortly. Each week, they are bringing in current events articles that pertain to catastrophic events around the world to share and discuss with classmates Art Second grade students in Mrs. Maxwell’s art class wove birds after learning about our planet's endangered rain forests. Their fabric art was on display on State Street in Media for our "Fair Trade" concert event on Sunday, September 14. Music – Gr. 1 - 5 The twelve powerful words take on new meaning in our class when they are set to music! Grades 3-5 are learning a song entitled “Twelve Little Words” set to the tune of the Neil Sedaka hit “Calendar Girl”. Each word, and its definition, is set to this catchy tune. Stop in and hear it! Primary grades have their own song – a new word will be featured each cycle. Grade five just completed a mini unit on American composer Charles Ives which included a critical listening of Ives’ Variations on America. We learned that Ives was an independent thinker and liked to experiment with sound. The word dissonant has been added to our vocabulary. Physical Education As an extension of the Physical Education program, on days 2, 5, 8 and 11 of the cycle, all interested fourth and fifth grade students are participating in a walking club. The students meet with Ms. Neitz during recess. The students track distances with lapcounting cards and pedometers. The total distance the group walks is also being tracked through a computer program called “log it” on; students can enter their laps/step counts. As a group, the fourth and fifth graders have walked 110 miles since the start of the school year. 9 ROSE TREE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Bagels with Dads was a great success with 97% of our Dads or their representatives attending. This is a wonderful tradition at RTE and this year was no exception. We also hosted Mission Nights for the community to participate in the building of our school Mission, Vision, Beliefs and Goals. These meetings have been extremely helpful in gathering input from our parents and students as we develop our school shared ideas. Math Night gave us the opportunity to showcase our new math program and provide parents with training on the program so they can support their students more effectively. We also had our second awards assembly with students and community members receiving numerous awards for academics, citizenship, and service to our school community. This month we showcased a new award, Author of the Month. One student from each classroom received this special designation. Second Grade Second graders at Rose Tree experienced a "soft and cuddly" history lesson this month! The children rotated in mixed groups among the teachers to complete literature, math and history activities to celebrate Theodore Roosevelt's birthday and the creation of the teddy bear in his honor. Fourth Grade The fourth grade classes at RTE recently had a kickoff to the Passport to History Program. Students learned about the program during an afternoon assembly led by a representative from the Delaware County Historical Society. The fourth graders are eager to begin earning their stamps by visiting historical sites throughout their home county. AGP All classes celebrated Constitution Day by taking part in a Readers Theater about the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia. Third grade students learned about the national park system in the United States and read about the history of park rangers and John Muir. They began a study of the first National Park, Yellowstone and chose a National Park to study in class. Fourth grade students completed a historical biography, “In Their Own Words: Lewis and Clark.” They spent time learning about the trail the Corp of Discovery traveled, and the Native Americans they encountered. The students worked in groups during their webquest to learn even more about this historic expedition. Fifth grade students studied extreme weather, and focused on hurricanes, earth quakes, tornadoes, floods, and wild fires and worked on individual research projects. Students used current events articles that pertained to catastrophic events around the world to share and discuss with classmates each week. SPRINGTON LAKE MIDDLE SCHOOL Silver Spartan Cards Students are given a Silver Spartan card whenever they are observed (by any staff member) doing a random act of kindness. In September, 57 Silver Spartan cards were handed out. Once a student receives a Silver Spartan card, it is deposited in a box for a monthly drawing--winners of prizes are randomly selected from the box. This month, the 10 three names drawn for prizes were Natalie Hummel, grade 8; Ryan Goddard, grade 6; and Allie McCabe, grade 7. Staff Spotlight This month we are featuring 8th grade Social Studies Teacher Michael Reese and 7-8th grade Math Teacher Bridget Laubach Mr. Reese, a graduate of West Chester University with a B.A. in history, earned his master's degree in education from Cabrini College. He is in his third year in the district, his second at SLMS. Mr. Reese also coaches the SLMS Tennis Team--and last year guided the team to a 6-1 record. Mr. Reese is an avid tennis and squash player and he is also most proficient on the links! He feels that teaching history is essential to understanding the world around us. Mr. Reese works hard each day to help our students understand the past to be able to chart a path towards the future. "Learning about history will make us better citizens of our great country and of the world," Mr. Reese said. When not at school or playing sports, Mr. Reese loves spending time with his wife Liz and dog Maddie. Mrs. Laubach is a graduate of the University of Delaware and Villanova University. She has been teaching for 14 years--all of which were in math. "I love math so much because I think of it as solving puzzles, which I enjoy doing," she said. "It's like exercises for the brain." Mrs. Laubach was the girls Varsity Volleyball coach at Springfield (Delco) HS for more than 12 years before retiring to focus on her daughter's athletic career. Her daughter is currently a senior at Cardinal O'Hara where she is one of the top runners on O'Hara's cross country team. Her husband Chet is a high school history teacher and Varsity Lacrosse Coach. This is Mrs. Laubach's second year at SLMS. Art Ms. Sycz’ grade eight students are completing their interesting abstract compositions using the elements and principles of design. Using colored pencil to color their artwork, students are continuing to explore pattern, contrast and emphasis. In addition to these principles, students are demonstrating a thoughtful color scheme using their previous learning experiences at Springton. Students will reinforce their learning and vocabulary by reading about the principles that they used in their art work. Students will then prepare for a lesson focusing on the art of the middle ages and lettering through various activities including reading, writing and art production. Grade seven students are working towards completing their portraits drawings. Students have now moved on to color pencil techniques which includes an awareness of basic application of colored pencil and demonstrating how to create different values by shading. Two new portrait prints by the artists Dorothea Lane and Alexander Gardner will be shown to students to analyze and illustrate the elements that the students are incorporating in their work. Students will follow this hands-on part of the lesson with a reading exploring subjects and styles artists have traditionally used. Grade six students are finishing their leaf composition using mixed media. Students will follow with class reading material which will reinforce the classroom activity. Students will continue to explore the principles of design in their next project using clay. 11 Mrs. Prior’s eighth graders have embraced two point perspectives and have created a wide array of original drawings. Seventh graders are reading about color theory and vocabulary in preparation for rendering their name compositions. Sixth graders are learning and practicing rendering techniques for their room or hallway illustrations drawn in one point perspective. Mrs. Going’s sixth grades are completing their first assignment as art students at Springton Lake! These beautiful Metal Repousse Mask designs will be on display soon!! The focus of this assignment was the understanding of various Elements of Design, especially the Element of Texture, actual or implied!! Students also had a much needed review of the “how to’s” of using a ruler for preparation for the PSSA’s in March!! Students will continue now with a construction assignment!! Oh, the color theory is flying!! Seventh graders are also completing their first paintings showing off their understanding of color theory and choosing a “Color Scheme.” Artist, Georgia O’Keeffe, was the focused artist for this study. To kick in the use of technology, students were given a Web Trip. Students in Mrs. Going’s classes went to Santa Fe, New Mexico to the Georgia O’Keeffe Museum for an art trip! Many exciting sites in the museum were available. The trip was successful, eye opening, thought provoking, and definitely affordable. Many told me they would be very interested in seeing more of her art work in the future, especially at his museum …in person!! Lots of comments included,” This is really cool stuff.” Mrs. Going’s eighth grade classes are also now completing the first round of projects. Artist Henri Matisse and Artist, Andy Warhol were the artists of interest for these assignments. Both uses of strong color and design!! We will now be moving into history of the Middle Ages and renaissance, a cross the curriculum with eighth grade social studies classes!! Eighth graders are also on the schedule for the annual art trip to the Philadelphia Museum of Art scheduled for later this spring! On the Special Area back to school night, parents visited the art rooms and were able to get a sense of our program by meeting the teachers, viewing student works and examples, and perusing our texts. It was a pleasure to meet so many supportive parents! Guidance The guidance department is assisting new students in making a smooth transition to Springton Lake. Susan Griffin, transition counselor, has been meeting individually with students new to Springton to talk about their progress at school. The department will be conducting guidance lessons in all three grade levels. The lessons for the first marking period will be: Eighth Grade-Diversity and Conflict Resolution, seventh Grade-SelfEsteem and Sixth Grade-Friendship. Guidance Groups in all grade levels are being formed and will start next week. Group topics vary according to grade level. Some of the topics are "Kids to Kids" (Relationships), "Family Issues” and "Anger Management.” "No Place For Hate" Week is taking place this week. Students created a video about "No Place For Hate" and it was viewed by the entire school population. Diversity Day took place where students wrote information about their backgrounds on multi cultural stickers and then the stickers will be placed on a banner and displayed outside the cafeteria. Students will also participate in a Language Arts writing activity where they will be asked to write about topics related to cultural tolerance and anti-bullying. 12 Library District librarians LaVerne Motley, Winnie Host, Jackie Matusow, Cheri Marzano, and library tech Kathy Cook all attended the annual Access PA / POWER Library training session on September 23. A new interface with a federated search engine is now available for in-school use and district librarians are working with their building techs to have the icon place directly on the desktop of each school computer. This interface allows users to search through as many of the databases as they wish at the same time. Mrs. Motley attended all grade level back-to-school night programs. In addition to having the library open for visitors, she also assisted in parents in signing up for e-alerts. Sixth graders learned how to perform keyword searches using AND, OR and NOT to narrow or broaden searches on the District Library Catalog. This skill is even more important when applied on the Internet where the amount of information is usually overwhelming and requires more refined searching skills. Five students from Susan Yancheck’s life skills class come weekly for a story and book selection. Since there are five boys in this class, we have been anticipating Halloween with scary stories as well as ones about aliens and monsters. Students from Ms. Bendistis’ seventh grade language arts class listened to book talks designed around a PowerPoint entitled, Mystery, May I Recommend… Following the book talks, students selected books for their upcoming book chats. Mrs. Newsome arranged for her sixth grade language arts students to have book talks on mystery as well. Eighth grade language arts students from Ms. Cooper’s classes worked in lit circle groups to create self-selected projects based on their summer reading selections. Students created PowerPoints, videos, scrapbooks, research reports or book report cubes to highlight the titles they read. Family and Consumer Science students from Mrs. Heckman’s eighth grade classes came to the library to work on their housing unit. After being assigned a family situation and an income level, students used Internet resources to select affordable housing in preparation for their report. Mr. Reilly’s seventh grade social studies students used reference books and Internet resources to research information to prepare resumes for the signers of the U.S. Constitution. Math In eighth grade Pre-Algebra, we are just finishing Chapter 1 which dealt with number patterns, order of operations, evaluating numerical and algebraic expressions, and powers and square roots. We used pencil and paper calculations as well as the TI-34 calculator to solve problems involving the use of an “order of operations.” We discovered that it is necessary for there to be an order to follow so that everyone who correctly follows that order will come up with the same value for a given expression. With our next unit, we dive right into solving equations involving all four operations as well as applying the Distributive Property and combining like terms. In Algebra I, we are quickly moving through both Chapters 1 and 2. Much of what was found in these chapters was introduced last year. We reviewed everything from order of operations, solving numerical expressions involving real numbers, the Properties of Real Numbers, and probability and odds. In our next unit, we will be solving a variety of types of equations. Some of them will be simple, while others will require us to apply what was reviewed in Chapters 1 & 2 by simplifying the equations before solving them. In looking ahead, we are headed to units on graphing and writing linear equations and functions. In seventh grade we are 13 working in the Covering and Surrounding unit book of the CMP2 program. We have been investigating perimeters and areas of rectangles by creating bumper car floor plans. We have discussed what happens with our perimeters when we have a fixed area and what happens with our areas when we have a fixed perimeter. We have also been exploring area of triangles and how they relate to rectangles and squares. When we complete Covering and Surrounding we will be moving into the next book which is Variables and Patterns. More to come... We are finishing up on a unit called Data About Us. In this unit, we represented data distributions using line plots, bar graphs, stem-and-leaf plots, and coordinate graphs. We computed the measures of center (mean, median, and mode) of a set of data and made informed decisions based on these measures, decisions such as which type of graph should be used to describe that data distribution. We will finish our unit on data by developing strategies for comparing data sets. In a week or so, we will be moving to our second unit book, Prime Time. Music Several SLMS Honors Strings students performed for the dedication ceremony of the Educational Resource Center on October 2nd. The Springton Lake Eighth Grade Band joins the Penncrest Roaring Lions Marching Band on Friday, October 10th for the night game against Ridley High School. PE In September all of our health and physical education classes have started out successfully. Fitness testing was done in all three grade levels as the students participated in the Presidential Fitness Challenge. In addition to fitness testing, sixth grade students participated in activities such as soccer and pickle ball, an indoor tennis activity that originated from an asphalt badminton court that took inner city schools by storm due to lack of tennis court availability. In addition to fitness testing, the seventh and eighth grade boys have participated in football, working on proper catching and throwing techniques, footwork and team strategy while applying it all to game play. Also the seventh and eight grade boys have been mountain biking. All skill levels have been worked with, including students who have never ridden a bike before, have been given lessons on how to ride. Students who have experience riding a bike have been taught basic maintenance techniques, safety, gear shifting according to terrain and frame fitting. Seventh and eight grade girls in addition to doing fitness testing have been working on badminton and tennis, learning both the similarities and differences of the two racquet sports. Seventh grade girls have also done lessons around field hockey, learning proper stick handling and rules to the game. Each girl was provided a mouth guard to know proper safety concerns and proper fitting for protective equipment. All classes have been introduced to the heart rate monitors, how to put them on and how to use them. Students have been asked for several weeks to buy a heart rate monitor strap, which is considered to be part of the physical education uniform, so that all students can use the monitors as well as protect themselves from such things like MRSA. The students were also taught on how to clean the equipment to reduce and/or eliminate anything that may be on the sensor parts that touch the ski. 14 Science Eighth grade science students are learning how to use the triple beam balance to measure mass and the graduated cylinder to measure volume. They are also calculating volumes of regular objects using formulas and finding the volume of irregular objects using the graduated cylinder. Soon we will be connecting the concepts of mass and volume to the concept of density. Seventh grade science is wrapping up the investigation of the atom and will begin their homemade battery unit next week. In this unit the students learn the basics of current electricity. Sixth grade science students have been learning about microscopes. They are observing a variety of items. We will soon be looking at cells. PENNCREST HIGH SCHOOL National Merit Semifinalists Penncrest High School is pleased to announce the 2009 National Merit Semifinalists. The 2007 PSAT/NMSQT served as the initial screen of more than one million entrants to the 2009 National Merit Scholarship Program. The Selection Index scores of students were used to designate a pool of about 16,000 Semifinalists on a state allocation basis. Semifinalists are the highest scorers in each of the 50 states and represent less than one percent of each state's high school seniors. The Semifinalists now move on for Finalist consideration which will be announced in mid February. Congratulations to the following students: Andrew Barney, Daniel Consoli, Katherine Davis, Elizabeth Freeburg, Samuel Moffat, Paul Romanov, Alexander Senko, Daniel Smith World Languages Department Thirty-three students from Avignon, France will arrive at Penncrest on Saturday, October 25. The French students have been paired with Penncrest students and families. Over their two week stay, the French students will visit Olde City Philadelphia, Lancaster, Washington D.C., Linvilla Orchards, and the Adventure Aquarium. The American students will travel to Southern France in March 2009. Students interested in the Phyllis Kavanaugh scholarship to travel/study abroad attended an information meeting. Applications for the scholarship are due by October 24. Students and faculty celebrated National German Week and Oktoberfest on October 8 at in the PHS Courtyard. Physical Education Department Ninth and tenth grade PE students participated in a portable rock wall fitness day hosted by the National Guard. Chelsea Langan, grade 12, broke the school record for the girls’ flexibility test with 56 cm. On the same day Colleen McGeehan, grade 11, broke that record with 58 cm. Nicole Lord tied her own school record for push-ups with 77. Junior Matt Smith broke the school record for the boys’ flexibility test with 59 cm. Students of the Month Marina Solomos (senior) and Neil Campbell (junior) are the Media Rotary Club Students of the Month for September. They were honored at a luncheon at the Towne House. 15 Freshmen Students of the Month Congratulations to Allison Lewis and Meleki Wamalume for being chosen "Freshmen Students of the Month". Allison Lewis and Meleki Wamalume were nominated by their teachers. Meleki moved to Media last year from Africa, and though he misses home, he has made great strides to make Penncrest his new home. He is an optimistic young man who continues to put forth great effort. He is helpful to his classmates and enjoys sharing his knowledge. Allison has embraced the beginning of her high school career through diligence and organization. She understands what it takes to be a successful ninth grader but also makes time to help fellow students. Writing Competition Award Winners Two Penncrest seniors, Elizabeth Freeberg and Marina Solomos, have been cited as winners of the 2008 NCTE Achievement Awards in Writing competition. Each year, eleventh grade students across the country are nominated by their schools to participate. The winners are considered by the National Council of Teachers of English to be among the best student writers in the country. This year marks the first time that Penncrest has sponsored multiple winners. Back-to-School Night Penncrest hosted its annual Back to School Night. The purpose of the evening is to meet teachers and to become familiar with the class expectations and curriculum. The evening was very well attended. Red Cross Platelet Drive The National Honor Society sponsored the first annual Red Cross Platelet drive at Penncrest and collected 10 units of platelets to surpass the goal of 8 units. A big thanks goes out to all students who donated their time and platelets. Feel free to go to the NHS website to learn more about platelet donations and see pictures of our donors in action. Breast Cancer Awareness Month October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Freshman health classes, in helping to find a cure, are participating in the Save Lids to Save Lives campaign sponsored by Yoplait Yogurt. Yoplait will donate 10 cents for every lid to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. The drive runs until December 1. To further recognize the need to find a cure, students and staff were encouraged to wear pink on Wednesday, October 8. Debate Club Penncrest held its first Debate Club meeting for any student, grades 9 - 12, who likes to debate or wants to learn more about it. Debating offers a terrific opportunity to sharpen your speaking and research skills, improve your knowledge of current events, represent Penncrest in competition, meet people from other schools, and have some fun. Penncrest last fielded a team five years ago, and the Pennsylvania High School Speech League is delighted we are making a comeback. Mrs. Raichek, who teaches Public Speaking and coordinates the daily Morning Announcements, will be the club adviser. 16 Interact/Eco Club The first official Interact/Eco Club event took place at the Annual Media Garage Day. Jill McGonigle, Edward Chan, and Alex Budrick raised over $55.00 selling baked goods. The money will pay for the bus when Interact/Eco members volunteer at Philabundance in November. Young Men’s Book Club The Harambee Young Men’s Group sponsored by Student Relations will begin on Tuesday, October 7. The group will be facilitated by Mr. Nathaniel Nichols, Associate Professor of Law at Widener University. The purpose of the group is to focus on practical steps to goal setting. Participants will be reading The Pact, the story of three young men who make a commitment to stay academically focused and fulfill their dreams for success. Canned Food Drive The Penncrest Canned Food Drive kicked off on October 2nd. The cans collected will go to the Greater Philadelphia Food Bank. The drive will run through the end of November and the winning class will earn PRIDE DAY POINTS! 17 EXCELLENCE TODAY FOR TOMORROW Rose Tree Media School District 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone: 610-627-.6000 Fax: 610-891-0959 Grace A. Eves Director of Management Services Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools To: Members of the Board of School Directors Denise C. Kerr, Ed. D. Superintendent From: Grace A. Eves, Director of Management Services Date: October 16, 2008 Subject: October 14, 2008 – 8:00 PM Finance Committee Minutes Chairperson: Bill O’Donnell ______________________________________________________________________ In Attendance: John Hanna, Nancy Fronduti, Jeffrey Pettit, Veronica Barbato, Nancy Mackrides and Peter Barry Also in Attendance: Ken Phillips, Denise Kerr, Grace Eves ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Penncrest Equipment Bid An equipment request from Steve Mescanti needs to go out for bid. The item is a Gravograph LS100 - 30 watt laser engraving system or equal and is included in the 2008-09 Budget. The anticipated cost is greater than $10,000, which requires this item to go out to bid. An advertisement for bidding requirements will be posted shortly. Action: 2. The district will proceed with the bidding process. Ken Phillips Presentation Ken Phillips, Managing Director, RBC Capital Markets did a presentation on the 2007 variable rate DELVAL loan. Due to current economic conditions, the interest rate has risen. However, as of Oct 2nd the average rate since inception including expenses is 2.9%. This equates to $190,000 savings to the district. The district will continue to monitor the variable interest rate on this loan. The 1999 bond has a call date of Feb. 15, 2009. There was discussion on refunding this bond in the near future. Ken Phillips will monitor the market and advise the administration on market conditions on refunding the bond. He recommended the District use PDE’s exceptions to the Index for the remaining $15,000,000 forward purchase. The District may also qualify for post Act 1 exceptions for debt. Action: 3. Ken Phillips and the Administration will continue to monitor current market conditions. Grace Eves will include the weekly SIFMA, Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association, index in the weekly report. Budgetary Transfers Rose Tree Media School District Policy #612…(Public School code section 609) when funds are not available for a proposed appropriation, a legal transfer from one class of expenditure to another may be made in the last nine (9) months of the fiscal year by the board. Resolve, that the Board approve the following budgetary transfers: FY 09 – 02 FROM: AMOUNT: Fund 10 General Fund Regular Instruction – Supplies $9,800.00 TO: AMOUNT: Instructional Technology – Equipment $9,800.00 RATIONALE: Transfer needed to purchase three additional smartboards and six additional projectors. FY 08 – 05 FROM: AMOUNT: Fund 10 General Fund Regular Instruction – Supplies $1,096.69 TO: AMOUNT: Regular Instruction – Equipment $1,096.69 RATIONALE: Transfer needed to purchase new air bikes and a table top scorer for the SLMS Physical Education Department. FY 08 – 13 FROM: AMOUNT: Fund 10 General Fund School Sponsored Athletics – Repairs and Maintenance $1,000.00 TO: AMOUNT: School Sponsored Athletics – Equipment $1,000.00 RATIONALE: Transfer needed to purchase replacement soccer goals for the Penncrest stadium field. FY 08 – 18 FROM: AMOUNT: Fund 10 General Fund Regular Instruction – Supplies $1,725.00 TO: AMOUNT: Instruction and Curriculum – Books and Subscriptions $1,725.00 RATIONALE: Transfer needed to purchase Social Studies paperback books. FY 08 – 19 FROM: AMOUNT: Fund 10 General Fund Regular Instruction – Supplies Library Services – Supplies $1,000.00 TO: AMOUNT: Library Services – Equipment $1,000.00 RATIONALE: Transfer needed to purchase book shelves to add to the Library. FY 08 – 20 FROM: AMOUNT: Fund 10 General Fund Debt Service – Authority Obligations $164,695.00 TO: AMOUNT: Community College – Tuition $164,695.00 RATIONALE: Transfer needed to correct the breakdown of the budget amounts originally given by DCCC in November. FY 08 – 28 FROM: AMOUNT: Fund 10 General Fund Regular Instruction – Sabbatical Salary $61,162.00 TO: AMOUNT: Office of Principal – Director Salary $61,162.00 RATIONALE: Transfer needed to cover the sabbatical of Maria Kotch during the 2008-09 school year. FY 08 – 30 FROM: AMOUNT: Fund 10 General Fund Regular Instruction – Textbooks $2,100.00 TO: AMOUNT: Instruction and Curriculum - Supplies $2,100.00 RATIONALE: Transfer needed to cover the expense of workbooks for the Grade 7 Connected Math program. FY 08 – 31 FROM: AMOUNT: Fund 10 General Fund Library Services – Books and Subscriptions $7,089.00 TO: AMOUNT: Data Processing Services – Technical Services $7,089.00 RATIONALE: Transfer needed to cover the expense of MAP testing for grades 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9 and 10. FY 08 – 33 FROM: AMOUNT: Fund 10 General Fund Regular Instruction – Supplies $3,040.00 TO: AMOUNT: Instruction & Curriculum – Books and Subscriptions $3,040.00 RATIONALE: Transfer needed to cover the expense of Language Arts novels. FY 08 – 34 FROM: AMOUNT: Fund 10 General Fund Fiscal Services – Equipment $1,540.00 TO: AMOUNT: Nurse Service – Equipment $1,540.00 RATIONALE: Transfer needed to purchase 2 Biltmore custom recovery couches with aluminum drawer pulls. FY 08 – 45 FROM: AMOUNT: Fund 10 General Fund Instructional Staff Development – Dues & Fees $1,500.00 TO: Instructional Staff Development – Other Professional Services $1,500.00 AMOUNT: RATIONALE: Transfer needed to pay for the September 9, 2008 Gerety Presentation on Leadership Training for SLMS students. FY 08 – 52 FROM: AMOUNT: Fund 10 General Fund Instruction & Curriculum – Books & Subscriptions $1,000.00 TO: AMOUNT: Instruction & Curriculum – Supplies $1,000.00 RATIONALE: Transfer needed to purchase supplies for Instruction & Curriculum. FY 08 – 54 FROM: AMOUNT: Fund 10 General Fund Non-Public Transportation - Supplies $3,000.00 TO: AMOUNT: Transportation – Equipment $3,000.00 RATIONALE: Transfer needed to replace a welder. FY 08 – 58 FROM: AMOUNT: Fund 10 General Fund Regular Instruction – Supplies $1,577.00 TO: AMOUNT: Office of Principal – Equipment $1,577.00 RATIONALE: Transfer needed to purchase a cabinet to store musical instruments. Action: This item will move on to the October 23, 2008 Legislative Agenda. 4. 2009/10 Budget Action: Graces Eves, Danielle Penza and Roxanne Schupp will be meeting with building Principals to discuss the budget process in the upcoming week. The next Finance Committee meeting will be held on November 18, 2008 at 8:00 p.m EXCELLENCE TODAY FOR TOMORROW Rose Tree Media School District 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone: 610-627-.6000 Fax: 610-891-0959 Grace A. Eves Director of Management Services Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools ___ To: Members of the Board of School Directors Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D. Superintendent From: Grace A. Eves, Director of Management Services Date: October 16, 2008 Subject: October 14, 2008 - 8:00 PM - Operations Committee Minutes Chairperson: Bill Montgomery __________________________________________________________________ In Attendance: Bill Montgomery, John Hanna, Nancy Fronduti, Jeffrey Pettit, Veronica Barbato, Nancy Mackrides and Peter Barry Also in Attendance: Dennis Cini, Denise Kerr, Ron Baldino, Grace Eves _________________________________________________________________ 1. Glenwood Easement Update KRPM Property owns approximately 55 acres, which abuts Glenwood Elementary School. They are seeking a deed of easement and sewer line easement agreement to service development on their property. The new sewer line will be beneficial to the district and provide cost savings. The district shall have the right to use the easement area for part of its sports fields and KRPM is responsible for restoring and/or replacing the land and improvements in the easement area including landscaping and vegetation. KRPM will provide information to the community concerning the deed of easement. Action: Discussion 2. Change Order Resolution The new resolution was prepared to increase the dollar threshold for change orders, which may need to be addressed between School Board meetings. The prior resolution dates back to 1998 The new resolution is as follows: Resolve, that the Board allows the School Board Secretary to approve change orders valued up to $10,000 between meetings of the School Board.Action taken will be reported to the Board at the next Legislative Meeting of the School Board and ratified. Further resolve, that the change orders over $10,000 and totaling no more than $20,000 each must be approved by three Board members, preferably the Finance Committee Chairman, the Board President and Vice-President. Action taken will be reported to the Board at the next Legislative Meeting of the School Board and ratified. Action: This item will move to the October 23, 2008 Legislative Meeting Agenda. 3. 4. Springton Lake Middle School Update • Applied for a reduction in permit fees from Upper Providence Township. • Delaware County Planning Department approved land development plan. • Phase 1 of bog turtle assessment show no signs of bog turtle habitat. • Upper Providence Township Planning Commission meeting on 10/28/08. • Upper Providence Township conditional use hearing on 11/10/08. • Don Bonnett will present a digital presentation on the project at the 10/23/08 Board meeting. PLANCON Parts D & E – SLMS Additions and Renovations Project PLANCON Parts D & E have been approved by PDE. PLANCON Part D is project accounting based on estimates. PLANCON Part E is the design development Action: This item will move on to the October 23, 2008 Legislative Agenda. The next Operations Committee meeting will be on November 18, 2008, 9:00 PM. EXCELLENCE TODAY FOR TOMORROW Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools To: Members of the Board of School Directors Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D, Superintendent From: Anne D. Callahan, Director of Human Resources Date: October 16, 2008 Subject: Minutes of the Personnel Committee Meeting Rose Tree Media School District 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone: 610.627.6000 Fax: 610-891-0959 Anne D. Callahan Director of Human Resources Board Members in attendance: John Hanna, Jeff Pettit, W. O’Donnell, V. Barbato, Chair, N. Fronduti, N. Mackrides, P. Barry Also in attendance: A. Callahan, D. Kerr, R. Gregg I. Items for Legislative Meeting – Anne Callahan Mrs. Callahan reviewed items for action by the Board at the legislative meeting in October. Action: All items will be placed on the agenda of the legislative meeting of October 23, 2008, for a vote of the full board. II. Non-Athletic Supplementals – Penncrest High School District Principal Richard Gregg requested the deletion of two non-athletic supplemental positions, Drill Team Sponsor and Close-Up Club Sponsor, and the addition of three new non-athletic supplemental positions, Assistant Activities Director, Dance Team Sponsor, and Video Club Sponsor. The Drill Team and Close-up Club are defunct and the monies from these positions will be diverted to the new positions. Action: The recommended changes to non-athletic supplemental positions will be placed on the agenda of the legislative meeting of October 23, 2008, for a vote of the full board. III. An executive session was held for discussion of matters of personnel. The next meeting of the Personnel Committee will be held on Tuesday, November 11, 2008 at 8:30 PM, in the Board Room at the Education Center. Rose Tree Media School District 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone 610.627.6028 Fax 610.565-5317 Linda Bluebello, Ed.D. Director of Pupil Services Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools To: Members of the Board of School Directors Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D., Superintendent From: Linda Bluebello Date: October 15, 2008 Subject: October 14, 2008 Pupil Services Agenda Chairperson: Mr. John Hanna Minutes Board Members in Attendance: John Hanna, Jeff Pettit, Veronica Barbato, Nancy Mackrides, Nancy Fronduti, Peter Barry, Bill Montgomery, Linda Fox Others in Attendance: Denise Kerr, Anne Callahan, Pat Barta, Linda Bluebello 1:1 INSTRUCTIONAL ASSISTANT REQUEST Dr. Barta presented information regarding a Rose Tree Elementary School student diagnosed with Autism who requires a 1:1 Instructional Assistant. OVERNIGHT TRIPS The Girls Cross Country Team will travel to Lehigh University on October 23, 2008 to October 24, 2008 to compete in the PIAA District I Championships. The boosters will pay for the cost of the hotel and food. No other costs will be accrued by the District. Action: A resolution for the trip will be on the October 23, 2008 Legislative Agenda. CONTRACTS Dr. Robert F. Sing provides physicals for high school and elementary students as well as consultation services for the district’s health services. His contract is for $25,578. Students are charged $20.00 per sports physical which provides offsetting revenue for this contract. Action: Approval will be on the October 2008 Legislative Agenda. Dr. Peter N. Christie provides physicals for Springton Lake students, district custodians and bus drivers. His contract for the student physicals is for $9,366.82. Students are charged $20.00 per sports physical which provides offsetting revenue for this contract. Bus driver physicals are billed at $55.00 each with a $20.00 fee for the biannual Mantoux Tuberculin test. Action: Approval will be on the October 2008 Legislative Agenda. Jessica Brady provides dental hygiene services to the students in our public and nonpublic schools. Her annual contract is for $2,000. Action: Approval will be on the October 2008 Legislative Agenda. A student who attends the HMS School for Children with Cerebral Palsy located at 4400 Baltimore Pike, Philadelphia, PA, requires parental transportation due to medically necessary private therapies and treatment scheduled in the afternoons. Action: Approval will be on the October 2008 Legislative Agenda. Holcomb Behavioral Health Systems, STAR Coordinator (interim), September 8, 2008 through December 31, 2008. Action: Approval will be on the October 2008 Legislative Agenda. Holcomb Behavioral Health services will provide drug and alcohol assessments for middle school students who are referred through the student assistance program. The cost of each assessment will be $250.00 for assessment and referral services. Action: Approval will be on the October 2008 Legislative Agenda. FACILITIES USE Penncrest High School Basketball teams requests the use of the gymnasium for five hours (2 ½ hours per team) on Sunday, December 28, 2008, from approximately 11 am to 4 pm. Action: Approval will be on the October 2008 Legislative Agenda. The next Pupil Services Committee Meeting will be held on November 18, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. OFFICE OF TEACHING AND LEARNING TO: Members of the Board of School Directors Dr. Denise Kerr, Superintendent FROM: Dr. Angela Gilbert, Director of Teaching and Learning - Elementary Dr. Steve Taylor, Director of Teaching and Learning - Secondary DATE: October 8, 2008 RE: October 7, 2008, Teaching & Learning Committee Meeting Minutes Chairperson: Mr. Jeff Pettit Board Members in Attendance: Veronica Barbato, Peter Barry, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, Nancy Mackrides, Jeff Pettit Also in Attendance: Pat Barta, Angela Gilbert, Denise Kerr, Steve Taylor Special Education Update Dr. Gilbert reported that the ultimate goal of “ensuring that students with special needs receive a quality education” is well underway. The special education department, reorganized under The Office of Teaching and Learning, is operating smoothly, even as we transition to this new paradigm. Challenges faced include: understanding the systems already in place to manage the department; assessment of the department’s strengths and weaknesses in order to determine what to maintain, revise or eliminate; management of the IDEA and other special education budgets; and improving the climate and culture of the department. Dr. Gilbert assured the committee that these challenges can and will be addressed in ways that lead to success for students and staff. One parent has filed a due process complaint. Dr. Barta promptly notified our attorney who is looking over the complaint. Dr. Barta notified our insurance company as well. Dr. Gilbert also brought forward several contracts for Board approval. Child Guidance Resource Centers provide independent contractor services to RTM in connection with the use of mental health services. The contract provides one Bachelor’s level staff at a rate of $36.00 per hour for a period starting 9/2/08 and ending 10/31/08. The Child Guidance staff person works one on one with a student at Penncrest who has Asperger’s Syndrome (N.M.). A transition plan will be pursued before the staff person withdraws from service to help ensure continued success for the student. ACTION: Approval will be on the October 2008 Legislative Agenda A student with significant disabilities (M.A.) is in need of a .5 one on one aide while attending the Skills Start Program at the DCIU Folcroft Vocational Technical School. Because of safety concerns, he needs a 1-1 instructional assistant to accompany him for the half day he attends this program (7:40-10:15). A new staff position will need to be created and new staff hired to implement this request. ACTION: Approval will be on the October 2008 Legislative Agenda Carolyn Macrina of Interactive Speech Services, Inc. provides Social Cognition Training for RTM teachers and staff. Her fee is $90.00 per hour for 3 hours of IEP Team FollowUp training at Indian Lane ES (for D.Y.). The service is to be delivered for one hour each marking period – 3 periods total. ACTION: Approval will be on the October 2008 Legislative Agenda Arcadia Inclusion Institute (AAII) Update Dr. Gilbert and Dr. Taylor highlighted the AAII Action Plans developed by the schoolbased teams. At Glenwood, the team is creating a shared vision, developing a plan for co-teaching, and utilizing the schedule for collaboration and common planning time. The Indian Lane team also decided to use the elementary schedule to support common planning time for regular and special education teachers. In addition, they are developing procedures and forms to increase effective teaming and problem-solving practices. Indian Lane will also develop a plan to train and utilize para-educators who provide support to students in regular classrooms. Similar goals were established by the Media team. They plan to standardize procedures to structure and document their work, and use effective teaming and problem solving practices to develop supports for students. Likewise, Rose Tree plans to utilize the schedule to promote collaboration and use effective team practices. In addition, Rose Tree’s action plan includes the creation of a positive and collaborative environment that enhances relationships among students, staff, and families. Springton Lake has focused thus far on providing support for included students in creative ways, such as through a support program during the Reading Enrichment Period and by infusing general education teachers in the Resource Room. Springton Lake is also attempting to build motivation among the students by adding a self-advocacy goal to every IEP and by including a more formal curriculum on study skills to students’ Resource Room time. Penncrest’s action plan calls for an increase in attention to individual included students through the Teacher-as-Resource model, smaller case loads for case managers, the IEP duty period, and rostering of students to the Achievement Center. The action plan of the Central Administration Team is directly aligned to the district’s strategic plan. Goals include: increase student achievement, increase access to curricular and co-curricular opportunities for all students, and enable all students to achieve a year’s growth in a year’s time. Concurrent Enrollment Agreements Dr. Taylor presented Concurrent Enrollment Agreements for approval at the October Legislative meeting. These agreements dictate RTMSD’s relationship with Delaware County Community College and Neumann College in regard to Dual Enrollment courses. A similar agreement with Penn State Brandywine was approved in the spring. Dr. Taylor reported that RTMSD has received a grant from PDE under the Dual Enrollment program for $3,034. Three Penncrest students are currently enrolled under the program at DCCC and one other student is taking two courses at Penn State. At least two other students plan to take courses at Penn State in the Spring 2009 semester. Summer School Report The Board received a written report detailing the Rose Tree Media 2008 Summer School. Sabbatical Report In compliance with Board Policy 438.1 on Compensated Professional Leaves, professional employees who engage in compensated leaves must report to the Board after the leave. Penncrest Language Arts teacher Carley Dillon provided a written report in the form of a letter to the Board, describing her coursework in 2007-2008 and thanking the Board for her opportunity to take a compensated leave. Rose Tree Media School District 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone 610.627.6000 Fax 610.891.0959 Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools To: Members of the Board of School Directors Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D., Superintendent From: Patti Linden Date: October 10, 2008 Subject: Technology Committee Meeting Minutes for October 7, 2008 Chairperson: Mrs. Linda Fox Patti Linden Director of Technology and Information Science Board Members in attendance: Linda Fox, Nancy Fronduti, Veronica Barbato, Peter Barry, John Hanna, Jeff Pettit, Nancy Mackrides, Bill O’Donnell Also in attendance: Denise Kerr, Patti Linden, Kim McCann-Roller, Mack Johnson Electronic Attendance Procedures at Penncrest High School In response to an administrative request at the high school, the Technology Department has configured and implemented a new electronic daily attendance procedure for Penncrest. Kim McCann and Mack Johnson explained the new procedures for the morning homeroom routine to report a full daily, not period, attendance which is web-based and automatically generated to office staff. There is a nightly transfer of information from Pentamation Student Information System to the Teacher Access Center where teachers enter the attendance information. Grade level office staff then cross reference daily attendance with absentee phone calls. By 10:15 a.m., all reconciliations are completed and the attendance clerk electronically generates the absentee list which teachers can access via a shared folder in their e-mail. The Attendance Clerk adds corrections, field trip lists, suspensions, staff absentees, and special announcements to the reports. These lists are then available online for the entire school year so that teachers can reference back if there are any questions. The results of this project have included a reduction of mistyped information, less reliance on students to deliver attendance sheets to the office, no tampering of information by students, and an avoidance of additional paperwork. Next meeting: Tuesday, November 11, 2008, at 7:00 p.m. in the Education Center Board Room ROSE TREE MEDIA SCHOOL DISTRICT PRESIDENTIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS – EXECUTIVE SESSION “In accordance with the Pennsylvania Sunshine Act, executive sessions of the School Board were held on the following dates to review and discuss matters permitted under Section 8 of the Act.” September 25, 2008 October 7, 2008 October 14, 2008 There will be an executive session of the School Board for matters of personnel at 6:30 p.m. prior to the Informational Session of November 23, 2008, at Springton Lake Middle School. The Legislative meetings are recorded on tape. IX. New Business A. Personnel 1. 2. Terminations a. Professional b. Non-Instructional 1. Linda Cardwell, Career Counselor, Penncrest High School, resignation effective September 16, 2008. 2. Gary Herbert, Maintenance, Penncrest High School, resignation effective October 17, 2008. Nominations a. Professional 1. Recommend Board approval for the following Penncrest Personnel to serve as Night School Teachers for the 2008-2009 school year at the rate of $40 per hour: Carley Dillon Debbie Schnaars b. Robert Simpson Edward Somers Non-Instructional 1. Nicole Dawson, Food Service Worker, effective September 25, 2008 at the rate of $10.25 per hour. Ms. Dawson is assigned to Penncrest High School. NOTE: Ms. Dawson is being hired pending completion of her pre-employment paperwork. 2. Dawn Kalix, Substitute Food Service Worker, effective September 24, 2008 at the rate of $10.25 per hour. This position is in addition to her position as a Bus Driver. 3. Paulette Goolsby, Custodial Night Supervisor, Glenwood Elementary, for the 2008-2009 school year, at the annual stipend of $1,000. IX. New Business A. Personnel 2. Nominations b. 3. Non-Instructional (cont’d) 4. Michele Frisoli, Food Service Worker, effective September 29, 2008, at the rate of $10.25 per hour. Ms. Frisoli is assigned to Penncrest High School. NOTE: Ms. Frisoli is being hired pending completion of her pre-employment paperwork. 5. Mary McConville, Reading Associate for the 20082009 school year at the rate of $14.00 per hour. Ms. McConville is assigned to Penncrest High School. General a. b. Classification Change 1. Helen Hall, from Substitute Custodian to Custodian effective October 7, 2008 at the rate of $15.50 per hour. Ms. Hall is assigned to Maintenance, Transportation and the ERC. 2. Christopher Murray from Bus Aide to Substitute Bus Aide effective October 17, 2008. Degree Advancement 1. Recommend the Board approve the following personnel for Degree Advancement and adjust their salaries accordingly effective August 25, 2008: Tiffany Bendistis Elisha Arias Paul DelPrato Josephine Dizon Rebekah Fetterman Sue Griffin Rebecca Harrison Terry Haskell-McDonald Master’s+40/Step 6 Master’s+60/Step 9 Master’s+40/Step 10 Master’s+40/Step 6 Master’s+20/Step 6 Master’s+60/Step 11 Master’s+20/Step 7 Master’s+20/Step 11 IX. New Business A. Personnel 3. General b. Degree Advancement (cont’d) 1. Recommend the Board approve the following personnel for Degree Advancement and adjust their salaries accordingly effective August 25, 2008 Candace Krautzel Steve Silva Julie Small Edward Somers Andrew Virtue Marianne Whiteman c. Master’s+20/Step 9 Master’s+60/Step 12 Master’s/Step 5 Master’s+20/Step 15 Master’s+40/Step 8 Master’s+60/Step 6 Supplemental Contracts 1. Stacy Gallagher, New Teacher Mentor during the 2007-2008 school year at the annual salary of $1,015. 2. Stacy Gallagher, New Teacher Mentor effective August 25, 2008 through November 7, 2008 at the annual salary of $56.40. 3. Todd Brown, New Teacher Mentor, effective September 19, 2008 at the annual salary of $950.52. 4. Mary Beth Hoffman, Mentor, for the 2008-2009 school year at the annual salary of $1,050. 5. Jeanette Verdeur, Chorus Director for the 2008-2009 school year, Media Elementary, at the annual salary of $1,112. 6. Brittani Lutterman, Computer Club Sponsor for the 2008-2009 school year, Media Elementary, at the annual salary of $208. 7. Patrick Murphy H.O.M.E. Club Sponsor for the 20082009 school year, Media Elementary at the annual salary of $417. IX. New Business A. Personnel 3. General c. Supplemental Contracts (cont’d) 4. Jean McPheeters, Kids Club Sponsor, Rose Tree Elementary, at the annual salary of $495. 5. Recommend Board approval for the following personnel to serve as Event Chaperones for the 2008-2009 school year at the rate of $55.00 per event: Winnie Host Cynthia Garvin 6. d. Elaine Jay Linda Kilpatrick Todd Brown, DVMSC Coordinator for the 2008-2009 school year at the annual salary of $2,800. Create New Position 1. Personal Instructional Assistant – Support Staff II Recommend the Board approve the creation of an additional Support Staff II – Personal Instructional Assistant position to serve the needs of a student who is attending Penncrest High School. 2. Personal Instructional Assistant – Support Staff II Recommend the Board approve the creation of an additional Support Staff II – Personal Instructional Assistant position to serve the needs of a student who is attending Indian Lane Elementary School. 3. Creation of Supplemental Positions Recommend the Board approve the creation of the following Non-Athletic Supplemental positions at Penncrest High School: Video Club at 8 units, Dance Team at 5 units, and Assistant Activities Coordinator at 25 units. IX. New Business A. Personnel 3. General d. Create New Position (cont’d) 4. Creation of a .6 Speech/Language Teaching Position Recommend the Board approve the creation of an additional .6 Speech/Language teaching position. This position, added to the current vacant .2 Speech/Language teaching position, will create a total .8 FTE Speech/Language position to be shared between Springton Lake Middle School and Penncrest High School. 5. Personal Instructional Assistant – Support Staff II Recommend the Board approve a request for a oneon-one instructional assistant to accompany a student with significant disabilities to the Skills Start Program at the DCIU Folcroft Vocational Technical School. Background A student with significant disabilities is in need of a .5 one-on-one aide while attending the Skills Start Program at the DCIU Folcroft Vocational Technical School. Because of safety concerns, he needs a 1-1 instructional assistant to accompany him for the half day he attends this program (7:40-10:15). A new staff position will need to be created and new staff hired to implement this request. e. Other 1. Recommend the Board approve the payment of performance bonuses to ADSUP I and Cabinet for the 2007-2008 school year in the amount of $32,485. These payments are being made in accordance with the ADSUP I agreement. 2. Deletion of Supplemental Positions Recommend the Board approve the deletion of the following Penncrest High School Non-Athletic Supplemental Positions: Drill Team Sponsor and Close-Up Program Sponsor. IX. New Business B. Overnight Trips 1. Penncrest High School Girls’ Cross Country – Lehigh University Recommend the Board approve the overnight trip to Lehigh University for the Girls’ Cross Country PIAA District I Championships. Background The Girls’ Cross Country Team will travel to Lehigh University on October 23, 2008 to October 24, 2008, to compete in the PIAA District I Championships. The boosters will pay for the cost of the hotel and food. APPENDIX X X. Finance A. Purchasing - None B. General 1. Change Order Resolution Resolve, that the Board allows the School Board Secretary to approve change orders valued up to $10,000 between meetings of the School Board. Further resolve, that the change orders over $10,000 and totaling no more than $20,000 each must be approved by three Board members, preferably the Finance Committee Chairman, the Board President and Vice-President. Background The new resolution was prepared to increase the dollar threshold for change orders, which may need to be addressed between School Board meetings. The prior resolution dates back to 1998. This was discussed at the October 14, 2008 Operations Committee meeting. 2. PLANCON D&E – Springton Lake Middle School Resolve, that the Board recognize approval from the Department of Education for PLANCON D&E, Project #3441 for the additions and renovations to the Springton Lake Middle School. See Attachment A Background This was discussed at the October 14, 2008 Operations Committee meeting. 1 10/23/2008 APPENDIX X X. Finance B. General 3. Changes to Original 2008-09 Budget The District received additional revenue from the Safe and Drug Free Schools and community grant. The grant will be used for expenses related to drug and violence prevention strategies for schools. In addition the District received revenue from student fees, which will be used to offset expenses for parking, Technology Education and transcript requests. A new Special Education teaching position was added and approved at the August Board Meeting. Background This was discussed at the September 9th, 2008 Finance Committee meeting. 2 10/23/2008 APPENDIX X X. Finance B. General 4. Budgetary Transfers Rose Tree Media School District Policy #612 (Public School code section 609) when funds are not available for a proposed appropriation, a legal transfer from one class of expenditure to another may be made in the last nine (9) months of the fiscal year by the board. Resolve, that the Board approve the following budgetary transfers: FY 09 – 02 FROM: AMOUNT: Fund 10 General Fund Regular Instruction – Supplies $9,800.00 TO: AMOUNT: Instructional Technology – Equipment $9,800.00 RATIONALE: Transfer needed to purchase three additional smartboards and six additional projectors. FY 08 – 05 FROM: AMOUNT: Fund 10 General Fund Regular Instruction – Supplies $1,096.69 TO: AMOUNT: Regular Instruction – Equipment $1,096.69 RATIONALE: Transfer needed to purchase new air bikes and a table top scorer for the SLMS Physical Education Department. FY 08 – 13 FROM: AMOUNT: Fund 10 General Fund School Sponsored Athletics – Repairs and Maintenance $1,000.00 TO: AMOUNT: School Sponsored Athletics – Equipment $1,000.00 RATIONALE: Transfer needed to purchase replacement soccer goals for the Penncrest stadium field. 3 10/23/2008 APPENDIX X X. Finance B. General 4. Budgetary Transfers (cont’d) FY 08 – 18 FROM: AMOUNT: Fund 10 General Fund Regular Instruction – Supplies $1,725.00 TO: Instruction and Curriculum – Books and Subscriptions $1,725.00 AMOUNT: RATIONALE: Transfer needed to purchase Social Studies paperback books. FY 08 – 19 FROM: AMOUNT: Fund 10 General Fund Regular Instruction – Supplies Library Services – Supplies $1,000.00 TO: AMOUNT: Library Services – Equipment $1,000.00 RATIONALE: Transfer needed to purchase book shelves to add to the Library. FY 08 – 20 FROM: AMOUNT: Fund 10 General Fund Debt Service – Authority Obligations $164,695.00 TO: AMOUNT: Community College – Tuition $164,695.00 RATIONALE: Transfer needed to correct the breakdown of the budget amounts originally given by DCCC in November. FY 08 – 28 FROM: AMOUNT: Fund 10 General Fund Regular Instruction – Sabbatical Salary $61,162.00 4 10/23/2008 APPENDIX X X. Finance B. General 4. Budgetary Transfers (cont’d) TO: AMOUNT: Office of Principal – Director Salary $61,162.00 RATIONALE: Transfer needed to cover the sabbatical of Maria Kotch during the 2008-09 school year. FY 08 – 30 FROM: AMOUNT: Fund 10 General Fund Regular Instruction – Textbooks $2,100.00 TO: AMOUNT: Instruction and Curriculum - Supplies $2,100.00 RATIONALE: Transfer needed to cover the expense of workbooks for the Grade 7 Connected Math program. FY 08 – 31 FROM: AMOUNT: Fund 10 General Fund Library Services – Books and Subscriptions $7,089.00 TO: AMOUNT: Data Processing Services – Technical Services $7,089.00 RATIONALE: Transfer needed to cover the expense of MAP testing for grades 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9 and 10. FY 08 – 33 FROM: AMOUNT: Fund 10 General Fund Regular Instruction – Supplies $3,040.00 TO: Instruction & Curriculum – Books and Subscriptions $3,040.00 AMOUNT: RATIONALE: Transfer needed to cover the expense of Language Arts novels. 5 10/23/2008 APPENDIX X X. Finance B. General 4. Budgetary Transfers (cont’d) FY 08 – 34 FROM: AMOUNT: Fund 10 General Fund Fiscal Services – Equipment $1,540.00 TO: AMOUNT: Nurse Service – Equipment $1,540.00 RATIONALE: Transfer needed to purchase 2 Biltmore custom recovery couches with aluminum drawer pulls. FY 08 – 45 FROM: AMOUNT: Fund 10 General Fund Instructional Staff Development – Dues & Fees $1,500.00 TO: Instructional Staff Development – Other Professional Services $1,500.00 AMOUNT: RATIONALE: Transfer needed to pay for the September 9, 2008 Gerety Presentation on Leadership Training for SLMS students. FY 08 – 52 FROM: AMOUNT: Fund 10 General Fund Instruction & Curriculum – Books & Subscriptions $1,000.00 TO: AMOUNT: Instruction & Curriculum – Supplies $1,000.00 RATIONALE: Transfer needed to purchase supplies for Instruction & Curriculum. 6 10/23/2008 APPENDIX X X. Finance B. General (cont’d) 4. Budgetary Transfers (cont’d) FY 08 – 54 FROM: AMOUNT: Fund 10 General Fund Non-Public Transportation - Supplies $3,000.00 TO: AMOUNT: Transportation – Equipment $3,000.00 RATIONALE: Transfer needed to replace a welder. FY 08 – 58 FROM: AMOUNT: Fund 10 General Fund Regular Instruction – Supplies $1,577.00 TO: AMOUNT: Office of Principal – Equipment $1,577.00 RATIONALE: Transfer needed to purchase a cabinet to store musical instruments. Background This was discussed at the October 14, 2008 Finance Committee meeting. 7 10/23/2008 APPENDIX X X. Finance B. General 5. Transportation Agreement Resolve, that the Board approve a contract with Janine Blythe for transportation reimbursement in accordance with Policy 810.3. Background A student who attends the HMS School for Children with Cerebral Palsy located at 4400 Baltimore Pike, Philadelphia, PA, requires parental transportation due to medically necessary private therapies and treatment scheduled in the afternoons. This item was discussed at the October 2008 Pupil Services Committee Meeting. 6. Dr. Robert Sing, Medical Services Agreement Resolve, that the Board approve an agreement with Dr. Robert F. Sing of Springfield Sports Emergency Medical Corporation for medical services for $25,578. Background Dr. Robert F. Sing provides physicals for high school and elementary students as well as consultation services for the district’s health services. His contract is for $25,578. Students are charged $20.00 per sports physical which provides offsetting revenue for this contract. This item was discussed at the October 2008 Pupil Services Committee Meeting. 8 10/23/2008 APPENDIX X X. Finance B. General (cont’d) 7. Dr. Peter Christie, Medical Services Agreement Resolve, that the Board approve an agreement with Dr. Peter N. Christie for medical services of $9,366.82, $55 per bus driver physical, and $20 for biannual Mantoux. Background Dr. Peter N. Christie provides physicals for Springton Lake students, district custodians and bus drivers. His contract for the student physicals is for $9,366.82. Students are charged $20.00 per sports physical which provides offsetting revenue for this contract. Bus driver physicals are billed at $55.00 each with a $20.00 fee for the biannual Mantoux Tuberculin test. This item was discussed at the October 2008 Pupil Services Committee Meeting. 8. Jessica Brady, Dental Hygienist Agreement Resolve, that the Board approve an agreement with Jessica Brady for dental hygiene services for $2,000. Background Jessica Brady provides dental hygiene services to the students in our public and non-public schools. Her annual contract is for $2,000. This item was discussed at the October 2008 Pupil Services Committee Meeting. 9. Holcomb Behavioral Health Systems, STAR Coordinator Contract Resolve, that the Board approve a contract with Holcomb Behavioral Health Systems, STAR Coordinator (interim), September 8, 2008 through December 31, 2008. Background Holcomb Behavioral Health Systems will provide an interim STAR coordinator until the District contracts with its own 9 10/23/2008 APPENDIX X STAR coordinator. This item was discussed at the October 2008 Pupil Services Committee Meeting. X. Finance B. General (cont’d) 10. Holcomb Behavioral Health Systems for Assessment and Referral Services Resolve, that the Board approve a contract with Holcomb Behavioral Health Systems for Assessment and Referral Services for Springton Lake Middle School students, July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2009. Background Holcomb Behavioral Health services will provide drug and alcohol assessments for middle school students who are referred through the student assistance program. The cost of each assessment will be $250.00 for assessment and referral services. This item was discussed at the October 2008 Pupil Services Committee Meeting. 11. Penncrest High School Gymnasium Request for Use Resolve, that the Board approve the request for use of the Penncrest High School gymnasium for our girls and boys basketball teams on Sunday, December 28, 2008. Background Penncrest High School Basketball teams requests the use of the gymnasium for five hours (2 ½ hours per team) on Sunday, December 28, 2008, from approximately 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. This item was discussed at the October 2008 Pupil Services Committee Meeting. 10 10/23/2008 APPENDIX X X. Finance B. General (cont’d) 12. Concurrent Enrollment Agreements for Dual Enrollment Resolve, that the Board approve the attached Concurrent Enrollment Agreements with Delaware County Community College and Neumann College for Dual Enrollment for the 2008-2009 school year. See Attachments B and C. Background The Dual Enrollment program funded by the Pennsylvania Department of Education enables high school students to take courses at participating post-secondary institutions and to earn concurrent credits at those institutions and at their local high schools. Through this program, students at Penncrest High School have the opportunity to take courses at Delaware County Community College, Neumann College, and Penn State Brandywine. The Concurrent Enrollment Agreements spell out the terms and conditions for students' participation, including the eligibility requirements, fees, specific course offerings and equivalents, and other administrative details. Funds from PDE will pay a portion of the tuition, fees, and books. Students and their parents will pay the remaining portion. The Concurrent Enrollment Agreement for Penn State Brandywine was approved by the Board last spring. This item was discussed at the October 2008 Teaching & Learning Committee Meeting. 11 10/23/2008 APPENDIX X X. Finance B. General (cont’d) 13. Child Guidance Resource Center Resolve that the Board approve an agreement with Child Guidance Resource Centers for mental health providing a one-on-one for a student at Penncrest who has Asperger’s Syndrome at a rate of $36.00 per hour for a period starting 9/2/08 and ending 10/31/08. Background Child Guidance Resource Centers provide independent contractor services to RTM in connection with the use of mental health services. The contract provides one Bachelor’s level staff at a rate of $36.00 per hour. The Child Guidance staff person works one on one with a student at Penncrest who has Asperger’s Syndrome. A transition plan will be pursued before the staff person withdraws from service to help ensure continued success for the student. . This item was discussed at the October 2008 Teaching and Learning Committee Meeting. 14. Carol Macrina, Interactive Speech Services Resolve that the Board approve an agreement with Carolyn Macrina of Interactive Speech Services, Inc. for Social Cognition Training at $90.00 per hour for 3 hours. Background Carolyn Macrina of Interactive Speech Services, Inc. provides Social Cognition Training for RTM teachers and staff. Her fee is $90.00 per hour for 3 hours of IEP Team Follow-Up training at Indian Lane ES in order for staff to work effectively with a special needs student in need of this approach. The service is to be delivered for one hour each marking period – 3 periods total. 12 10/23/2008 Attachment B Concurrent Enrollment Agreement This Agreement is entered into by and between Rose Tree Media School District (hereinafter referred to as the “School District”) and Neumann College. This agreement sets out the terms and conditions of the dual enrollment program offered by these two institutions in accordance with Article XVI-B of the Public School Code (hereinafter “Program”). Neumann College and the School District do hereby agree to the following: 1. Term The term of this agreement shall be from August 15, 2008 – June 30, 2009 2. Dual Enrollment Committee The Dual Enrollment Committee appointed for the term of this Agreement is comprised of the following individuals: Veronica Barbato, Rose Tree Media School Board, Chair Steve Taylor, Rose Tree Media School District, Director of Teaching & Learning for Secondary Education Rick Gregg, Penncrest High School, Principal Susan Evans, Penncrest High School, Assistant Principal David Harple, Penncrest High School, Building Coordinator for Guidance Samantha Abelson, Penncrest High School, Teacher Gail Fogel, Parent Student – to be determined Mac Given, Dean of Arts and Sciences, Neumann College Joseph Gillespie, Dean of Education and Human Services, Associate Professor, Neumann College Ryan Savitz, Instructor, Mathematics, Neumann College Frances M. Cubberley, Vice President for Enrollment Management, Delaware County Community College Clayton Railey, Dean of Communications, Arts & Humanities, Delaware County Community College Deborah Erie, Director of Student and Enrollment Services, Penn State Brandywine Paul deGategno, Director of Academic Affairs, Penn State Brandywine 3. Student eligibility A. Students who meet all of the following criteria are qualified to participate in the program: 1 a. The student is a high school junior or senior. b. The student is making satisfactory progress toward fulfilling applicable secondary school graduation requirements, as determined by the School District. The School District will determine satisfactory progress based on credits earned. c. The student has scored at least proficient or above on the PSSA math or reading tests or comparable nationally normed tests. d. The student demonstrates readiness for college-level coursework in the intended subject area of study, as determined by Neumann College. Neumann College will determine readiness based on placement exam decisions. e. The student has scored at least a 15 on the placement exam deemed appropriate by Neumann College for the dual enrollment course to be taken. B. Students that do not meet the criteria listed under Section A may be permitted to enroll in dual enrollment courses if they meet the following alternative criteria and receive approval from both Neumann College and the School District: i. The student is enrolled in the School District as a high school freshman or sophomore but meets the criteria listed in Section A above. C. In order to remain in this program, the student must maintain a secondary school grade point average of 2.5 in the applicable subject area of study. The student also must maintain a minimum grade of 2.0 in each dual enrollment course in which the student is enrolled. 4. Courses offered The following criteria apply to all courses covered by this Agreement: 1. The courses are non-remedial. 2. The courses are in a core academic subject as defined by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. Core subjects include English, reading or language arts, mathematics, science, foreign languages, civics and government, economics, arts, history and geography. 3. The courses, as offered to dual enrollment students, are identical to those offered when dual enrollment students are not enrolled, including the use of identical curriculum, assessments and instructional materials. 2 4. The courses enforce prerequisite coursework requirements identical to those enforced for the courses when dual enrollment students are not enrolled. 5. The course has a strong history of transfer as determined by Neumann College’s Registrar’s Office. The following courses shall be offered in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and Article XVI-B of the Public School Code: NAME of COURSE Reading in the Disciplines Effective Writing w/ Computers French I Intermediate French Modern Europe Colonial America Persian/Farsi I Chinese I Russian I Italian I Intermediate Italian Introductory Statistics College Algebra Pre-Calculus Ethics Intro to Philosophy Physics I (lab) Astronomy American Political Process General Psychology Principles of Sociology Spanish I Intermediate Spanish PENNCREST EQUIVALENT Advanced Communications Advanced Composition French I French II Modern Europe Elective Elective Elective Elective Elective Elective Intro to Statistics Algebra II Pre-Calculus Elective Philosophy Physics I Elective American Government Elective Elective Spanish I Spanish II COLLEGE CREDITS COSTS Books Total Costs 75.00 494.00 3.0 Tuition $419 3.0 $419 59.25 478.25 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 $419 $419 $419 $419 $419 $419 $419 $419 $419 $419 $419 $419 $419 $419 $419 $419 $419 160.75 160.75 94.25 96.50 38.00 74.25 124.50 145.00 145.00 119.00 117.50 81.00 78.00 78.75 111.50 107.75 78.50 579.75 579.75 513.25 515.50 457.00 493.25 543.50 564.00 564.00 538.00 536.50 500.00 497.00 497.75 530.50 526.75 497.50 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 $419 $419 $419 $419 70.25 78.25 165.50 165.50 489.25 497.25 584.50 584.50 Students enrolled in any of these courses are responsible for their own transportation. The maximum number of dual enrollment students to be enrolled in any of these courses in the 2008-2009 school year is 5. 5. Student Credit 3 Students will not be allowed to enroll in more than 24 postsecondary credits through dual enrollment. In order to successfully complete a course listed in this Agreement, students must earn a minimum grade of 2.0. The School District will award credit for and recognize courses that are successfully completed under this Agreement as fulfilling the graduation requirements identified above. Neumann College will award postsecondary credit to students who successfully complete courses identified in this Agreement as identified above. Neumann College will transcript this credit in a manner similar to other students who take a course at this institution. If a dual enrollment student becomes a regularly enrolled student at Neumann College following graduation from secondary school, Neumann College shall recognize those credits as applying to the student’s degree requirements as it would for any regularly enrolled postsecondary student who took the courses. 6. Promotional material: A. Neumann College agrees to make a college-ready presentation in each dual enrollment course on campus once per semester. This presentation will include information on how to prepare a college application, how to apply for financial aid and a voluntary campus tour. Application fees for Neumann College for students in dual enrollment courses for the School District will be waived. B. The School District will commit to displaying information on Neumann College in the counseling suite and will work with Neumann College admissions to organize a school wide presentation for parents at Penncrest High School on dual enrollment that will include representatives from Neumann College. 7. Additional Administrative Responsibilities The following people will be responsible for the tasks listed below: A. Registration: Neumann College will supply Penncrest High School counselors with the necessary course registration materials by March 1st and October 1st for the following semester. Penncrest High School Counselors will return completed course registrations by April 1st and November 1st respectively. B. Record Keeping: For any year for which there are graduates from Rose Tree Media School District who enroll in Neumann College, Neumann College will provide aggregate data on the following data points. Neumann College’s Registrar’s Office will keep comprehensive records of courses taken and grades 4 received by dual enrollment students. Neumann College will submit an end-ofyear report to the School District by July 1st of each year. a. This report will include: i. Number of students applied, accepted, and enrolled ii. Average GPA in Math and English iii. Courses during 1st year iv. Number placed in remedial courses v. Number returned sophomore year vi. End of sophomore year GPA C. Progress Reports: Neumann College’s faculty members will provide a student progress report to the student and the School District counselors eight weeks into the course and before the withdrawal date. Students receiving below a D will be automatically withdrawn from the course. A refund for a School District student withdrawal will be remitted to the School District minus fees, textbook and withdrawal fees. D. Fiscal Transactions: Neumann College will bill students individually for allowable costs. It will be the responsibility of the students to provide copies of all receipts to Rose Tree Media School District in order to gain reimbursement of the portion of allowable costs paid by the grant. E. Textbooks: Neumann College commits to using the same textbook in math and science courses for two-year periods, as long as the textbooks are being used in any sections of the dual enrollment course. F. Counseling: Neumann College commits to identify one academic counselor in the Academic Counseling Center to be the contact for School District students. This person will aid students in locating the necessary resources to be successful in their dual enrollment courses. G. Library Privileges: Neumann College will grant School District students taking 9 credits full library privileges. 5 Signature Page Rose Tree Media School District and Neumann College agree not to unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, nationality, ethnicity, religion, gender, age, or disability in any undertaking pursuant to this agreement. For the School District: -----------------------------------------------------------Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D. Superintendent Date: ------------------------------------------------------------Nancy Mackrides, President, Board of School Directors Date: Neumann College: -----------------------------------------------------------Date: Rosalie M. Mirenda, D.N.Sc. 6 Attachment C Concurrent Enrollment Agreement This Agreement is entered into by and between Rose Tree Media School District and Delaware County Community College. This agreement sets out the terms and conditions of the dual enrollment program offered by these two institutions in accordance with Article XVI-B of the Public School Code (hereinafter “Program”). Delaware County Community College and the Rose Tree Media School District do hereby agree to the following: 1. Term The term of this agreement shall be from August 15, 2008 – June 30, 2009 2. Dual Enrollment Committee The Dual Enrollment Committee appointed for the term of this Agreement is comprised of the following individuals: Veronica Barbato, Rose Tree Media School Board, Chair Steve Taylor, Rose Tree Media School District, Director of Teaching & Learning for Secondary Education Rick Gregg, Penncrest High School, Principal Susan Evans, Penncrest High School, Assistant Principal David Harple, Penncrest High School, Building Coordinator for Guidance Samantha Abelson, Penncrest High School, Teacher Gail Fogel, Parent Student – to be determined Mac Given, Dean of Arts and Sciences, Neumann College Joseph Gillespie, Dean of Education and Human Services, Associate Professor, Neumann College Ryan Savitz, Instructor, Mathematics, Neumann College Frances M. Cubberley, Vice President for Enrollment Management, Delaware County Community College Clayton Railey, Dean of Communications, Arts & Humanities, Delaware County Community College Deborah Erie, Director of Student and Enrollment Services, Penn State Brandywine Paul deGategno, Director of Academic Affairs, Penn State Brandywine 3. Student eligibility A. Students who meet all of the following criteria are qualified to participate in the program: 1 a. The student is a high school junior or senior. b. The student is making satisfactory progress toward fulfilling applicable secondary school graduation requirements, as determined by the Rose Tree Media School District. The Rose Tree Media School District will determine satisfactory progress based on credits earned. Delaware County Community College will make final determination regarding a student’s academic ability and readiness for college-level course work. c. The student has scored at least Basic or above on the PSSA math or reading tests or comparable nationally normed tests. d. The student scores at least in the 50th percentile on nationally-normed tests. B. Students that do not meet the criteria listed under Section A may be permitted to enroll in dual enrollment courses if they meet the following alternative criteria and receive approval from both Delaware County Community College and the Rose Tree Media School District: i. The student is enrolled in the Rose Tree Media School District as a high school freshman or sophomore but meets the criteria listed in Section A above. C. In order to remain in this program, the student must maintain a secondary school grade point average of 2.5 in the applicable subject area of study. The student also must maintain a minimum grade of 2.0 in each dual enrollment course in which the student is enrolled. 4. Courses offered The following criteria apply to all courses covered by this Agreement: 1. The courses are non-remedial. 2. The courses are in a core academic subject as defined by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. Core subjects include English, reading or language arts, mathematics, science, foreign languages, civics and government, economics, arts, history and geography. 3. The courses, as offered to dual enrollment students, are identical to those offered when dual enrollment students are not enrolled, including the use of identical curriculum, assessments and instructional materials. 4. The courses enforce prerequisite coursework requirements identical to those enforced for the courses when dual enrollment students are not enrolled. 5. The course has a strong history of transfer as determined by Delaware County Community College’s Registrar’s Office. 2 The following courses shall be offered in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and Article XVI-B of the Public School Code: NAME of COURSE Art and Child Development Art History I Drawing Painting Watercolor Paint B/W Photography I B/W Photography II General Chemistry (w/ lab) English Composition II German I Western Civilization I Introduction to World Religions Italian I Intermediate Algebra Modern College Math I Elementary Calculus College Algebra & Trig I Calculus I Intro to Philosophy Intro to Astronomy Geology College Physics I University Physics American National Government General Psychology Intro to Nanotechnology Sociology of Marriage and the Family Human Relations Intro to Sociology Social Problems Spanish I COLLEGE CREDITS PENNCREST EQUIVALENT COSTS Fees Books $125 $160 $110 $116 $125 $30 $125 $18 $125 $16 $140 $63 $140 $39 $180 $216 $110 $130 Elective Elective Drawing Painting Elective Photography I Photography II Chemistry I Advanced Composition German I Elective Elective 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 3.0 Tuition $270 $270 $270 $270 $270 $270 $270 $360 $270 Total Costs $555 $496 $425 $413 $411 $473 $449 $756 $510 3.0 3.0 3.0 $270 $270 $270 $110 $110 $110 $167 $103 $71 $547 $483 $451 Elective Algebra II Elective Intro to Calculus Algebra II 1 Calculus Philosophy Elective Elective Physics I AP Physics American Government Elective Elective Elective 3.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 3.0 5.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 $270 $270 $270 $360 $270 $450 $270 $270 $360 $360 $360 $270 $110 $110 $110 $140 $110 $170 $110 $110 $180 $180 $180 $110 $197 $113 $127 $102 $150 $207 $92 $198 $131 $180 $254 $170 $577 $493 $507 $602 $530 $827 $472 $578 $671 $720 $794 $550 3.0 3.0 3.0 $270 $270 $270 $110 $110 $110 $152 $30 $138 $532 $410 $518 Elective Elective Elective Spanish I 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 $270 $270 $270 $270 $110 $110 $110 $110 $148 $72 $101 $162 $528 $452 $481 $542 Students enrolled in any of these courses are responsible for their own transportation. The maximum number of dual enrollment students to be enrolled in any of these courses in the 2008-2009 school year is 10. B. Student Credit 3 Students will not be allowed to enroll in more than 16 postsecondary credits through dual enrollment. In order to successfully complete a course listed in this Agreement, students must earn a minimum grade of 2.0. The Rose Tree Media School District will award credit for and recognize courses that are successfully completed under this Agreement as fulfilling the graduation requirements identified above. Delaware County Community College will award postsecondary credit to students who successfully complete courses identified in this Agreement as identified above. Delaware County Community College will transcript this credit in a manner similar to other students who take a course at this institution. If a dual enrollment student becomes a regularly enrolled student at Delaware County Community College following graduation from secondary school, Delaware County Community College shall recognize those credits as applying to the student’s degree requirements as it would for any regularly enrolled postsecondary student who took the courses. C. Promotional material: a. Delaware County Community College agrees to make sure that each dual enrollment student receives appropriate information on the admissions and registration process, as well as assistance with the financial aid process should s/he decide to continue at the Community College after high school graduation. Application fees for Delaware County Community College for students in dual enrollment courses for the Rose Tree Media School District will be waived. b. The Rose Tree Media School District will commit to displaying information on Delaware County Community College in the counseling suite and will work with Delaware County Community College admissions to organize a school wide presentation for parents at Penncrest High School on dual enrollment that will include representatives from Delaware County Community College. D. Additional Administrative Responsibilities The following people will be responsible for the tasks listed below: A. Registration: Delaware County Community College will supply Penncrest High School counselors with the necessary course registration materials by April 1st and October 1st for the following semester. Penncrest High School Counselors will return completed course registrations by May 1st and November 1st respectively. B. Record Keeping: For any year for which there are graduates from Rose Tree Media School District who enroll in Delaware County Community College, Delaware County 4 Community College will provide aggregate data on the following data points. Delaware County Community College Registrar’s Office will keep comprehensive records of courses taken and grades received by dual enrollment students. Delaware County Community College will submit an end-of-year report to the Rose Tree Media School District by July 1st of each year. a. This report will include: i. Number of students applied, accepted, and enrolled ii. Average GPA in Math and English iii. Courses during 1st year iv. Number placed in remedial courses v. Number returned sophomore year vi. End of sophomore year GPA C. Fiscal Transactions: Delaware County Community College will bill students individually for allowable costs. It will be the responsibility of the students to provide copies of all receipts to Rose Tree Media School District in order to gain reimbursement of the portion of allowable costs paid by the grant. D. Counseling: Delaware County Community College commits to identify one academic counselor to be the contact for Rose Tree Media School District students. This person will aid students in locating the necessary resources to be successful in their dual enrollment courses. E. Library Privileges: Delaware County Community College will grant Rose Tree Media School District students full library privileges. 5 Signature Page Rose Tree Media School District and Delaware County Community College agree not to unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, nationality, ethnicity, religion, gender, age, or disability in any undertaking pursuant to this agreement. For the School District: -----------------------------------------------------------Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D. Superintendent Date: ------------------------------------------------------------Nancy Mackrides, President, Board of School Directors Date: Delaware County Community College: -----------------------------------------------------------Jerome S. Parker, President Date: -----------------------------------------------------------Virginia M. Carter, Provost Date: -----------------------------------------------------------Frances M. Cubberley, Associate Vice President Date: 6