ROSE TREE MEDIA SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS Informational Session November 20, 2008 AGENDA I. Committee Highlights & Liason Reports A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. Student Liaison Reports Teaching & Learning Finance Operations Personnel Pupil Services Technology Liaison Reports II. Building Update - Principals III. Adjournment 7:30 p.m. ROSE TREE MEDIA SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS Legislative Meeting November 20, 2008 8:00 p.m. AGENDA I. Call to Order II. Approval of Minutes A. B. III. Technology Opens Doors in Rose Tree Media Reports A. B. C. D. VI. PSBA Certificate of Appreciation – Nancy Fronduti Keystone Achievement Awards Educational Presentation A. V. Legislative Meeting of October 23, 2008 Bid Opening Minutes – November 5, 2008 Presentations and Awards A. B. IV. Pledge of Allegiance School Reports Superintendent’s Report Solicitor’s Report President’s Report Scheduled Presentations (Limited to Five Minutes Each) A. B. RTMEA Healthy Communities Initiative Roll Call VII. Unscheduled Presentations (Limited to Three Minutes Each) A. VIII. Old Business A. IX. Rose Tree Media Residents None New Business A. Personnel 1. Terminations a. Professional b. Non-Instructional 2. Nominations a. Professional b. Non-Instructional 3. General a. Unpaid Leave of Absence b. Degree Advancement c. Rescind Supplemental Contracts d. Supplemental Contracts – See Attachments A and B e. Salary Change Finance X. A. B. C. D. XI. Purchasing 1. Bid Award General 1. Media Youth Wrestling Tournament 2. Budgetary Transfers 3. Holcomb Behavioral Health Systems, STAR Coordinator Contract 4. CHAAMP Agreement 5. Student/Teacher Assistance Referral Coordinator Agreement 6. Café Prepay Contract 7. Barbara Nissel Contract Financials for October 2008 Bill lists for October 2008 Adjournment ANNOUNCEMENT There will be an executive session of the School Board for matters of personnel at 6:30 p.m. prior to the Informational Session of December 18, 2008 at Springton Lake Middle School. The Legislative meetings are recorded on tape. EXCELLENCE TODAY FOR TOMORROW Rose Tree Media School District 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone: 610-627-.6000 Fax: 610-891-0959 Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools To: From: Date: Subject: I. Grace A. Eves, Board Secretary, Director of Management Services Members of the Board of School Directors Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D., Superintendent Grace A. Eves, Board Secretary October 24, 2008 Minutes of the October 23, 2008 Legislative Meeting Call to Order Roll Call Board Members in Attendance: Pledge of Allegiance Students: Linda Fox, Vice President Veronica Barbato Nancy Fronduti John Hanna William Montgomery William O’Donnell Jeffrey Pettit Also in Attendance: Ron Baldino, Supervisor Maint. & Oper. William Bennett, Principal, ILES Linda Bluebello, Director of Pupil Services Eric Bucci, Ass’t. Principal, PCHS Anne Callahan, Dir. Human Resources Ken Curran, Psychologist Bernadette Dacaney, Home & School Vis. Karen Daugherty, Principal, RTE William Dougherty, Principal, GWE Susan Evans, Asst. Principal, PHS Grace Eves, Dir. Management Services Ron Harris, Network Specialist Judy Jalbert, Psychologist Joanne Horan, Teaching & Learning Anthony Jackowski, Ass’t. Principal SLMS Joyce Jeuell, Principal, SLMS Mack Johnson, Management Specialist for SMS and FMS Thomas Kelly, Solicitor Patti Linden, Director of Tech. & Information Kim McCann-Roller, Info. Tech. Spec. Danielle Penza, Accountant Roxanne Schupp, Supervisor Business Operations Steve Quinn, Ass’t. Principal, SL Katherine White, Principal, MES The Legislative Meeting of the Board of School Directors of the Rose Tree Media School District was held on Thursday, October 23, 2008, at Springton Lake Middle School. The meeting was called to order by Vice President Linda Fox. II. Approval of Minutes A. Legislative Meeting Minutes of September 25, 2008 Mr. Pettit moved and Mr. Montgomery seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2008-2009 –27 Resolved, that the Board approve the Legislative Meeting Minutes of September 25, 2008. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: Linda Fox, Veronica Barbato, Nancy Fronduti, William Montgomery, William O’Donnell, Jeffrey Pettit None At this point of the meeting, John Hanna, School Board member entered. III. Presentations and Awards A. Penncrest High School Envirothon Team Mr. O’Donnell moved and Mr. Hanna made a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2008-2009 –28 Resolved, that the Board recognize Katherine Davis, Elizabeth Freeburg, Katherine Ferguson, Alex Senko, and Jennifer Walker for their 3rd Place standing at the Canon Envirothon Competition. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: Linda Fox, Veronica Barbato, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, William Montgomery, William O’Donnell, Jeffrey Pettit None IV. Educational Presentation A. V. Indian Lane Student Council Reports A. B. C. School Reports – In Official Legislative Minutes of October 23, 2008 Superintendent’s Report - In Official Legislative Minutes of October 23, 2008 Solicitor’s Report - In Official Legislative Minutes of October 23, 2008 Mr. O’Donnell moved and Mrs. Fronduti made a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2008-2009 - 29 Glenwood Elementary School Proposed Sewer Easement Agreement Resolved, that the Rose Tree Media School District enter into an Agreement for Sewerline Easement and Deed of Easement with KRPM Associates, LP, for the purpose of establishing a sewerline easement in accordance with a certain plan and legal description as to the property designated as the Glenwood Elementary School subject to approval by Middletown Township and the developer conducting an information meeting with abutting neighbors to the sewerline easement. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: D. VI. Linda Fox, Veronica Barbato, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, William Montgomery, William O’Donnell, Jeffrey Pettit None President’s Report - In Official Legislative Minutes of October 23, 2008 Scheduled Presentations A. B. RTMEA – Sandy Staiger, President Healthy Communities Initiative, Dana Riker, Executive Director VII. Unscheduled Presentations A. VIII. Rose Tree Media Residents – None Old Business A. None IX. New Business A. Personnel 1. Terminations a. Professional b. Non-Instructional Mr. O’Donnell moved and Mr. Hanna seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2008-2009 - 30 Resolved, that the Board approve the following: a. b. Professional Non-Instructional 1. Linda Cardwell, Career Counselor, Penncrest High School, resignation effective September 16, 2008. 2. Gary Herbert, Maintenance, Penncrest High School, resignation effective October 17, 2008. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: Linda Fox, Veronica Barbato, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, William Montgomery, William O’Donnell, Jeffrey Pettit None IX. New Business A. Personnel 2. Nominations (cont’d) a. b. Professional Non-Instructional Mr. O’Donnell moved and Mr. Hanna seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2008-2009 – 31 Resolved, that the Board approve the following: a. Professional 1. Recommend Board approval for the following Penncrest Personnel to serve as Night School Teachers for the 2008-2009 school year at the rate of $40 per hour: Carley Dillon Debbie Schnaars Robert Simpson Edward Somers b. Non-Instructional 1. Nicole Dawson, Food Service Worker, effective September 25, 2008 at the rate of $10.25 per hour. Ms. Dawson is assigned to Penncrest High School. NOTE: Ms. Dawson is being hired pending completion of her preemployment paperwork. 2. Dawn Kalix, Substitute Food Service Worker, effective September 24, 2008 at the rate of $10.25 per hour. This position is in addition to her position as a Bus Driver. 3. Paulette Goolsby, Custodial Night Supervisor, Glenwood Elementary, for the 2008-2009 school year, at the annual stipend of $1,000. 4. Michele Frisoli, Food Service Worker, effective September 29, 2008, at the rate of $10.25 per hour. Ms. Frisoli is assigned to Penncrest High School. NOTE: Ms. Frisoli is being hired pending completion of her pre-employment paperwork. IX. New Business A. Personnel 2. Nominations b. Non-Instructional (cont’d) 5. Mary McConville, Reading Associate for the 20082009 school year at the rate of $14.00 per hour. Ms. McConville is assigned to Penncrest High School. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: Linda Fox, Veronica Barbato, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, William Montgomery, William O’Donnell, Jeffrey Pettit None NAYS: 3. General a. Classification Change b. Degree Advancement c. Supplemental Contracts d. Create New Position e. Other Mr. O’Donnell moved and Mr. Hanna seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2008-2009 - 32 Resolved, that the Board approve the following: a. Classification Changes 1. Helen Hall, from Substitute Custodian to Custodian effective October 7, 2008 at the rate of $15.50 per hour. Ms. Hall is assigned to Maintenance, Transportation and the ERC. 2. Christopher Murray from Bus Aide to Substitute Bus Aide effective October 17, 2008. IX. New Business A. Personnel 3 General b. Degree Advancement 1. Recommend the Board approve the following personnel for Degree Advancement and adjust their salaries accordingly effective August 25, 2008: Tiffany Bendistis Elisha Arias Paul DelPrato Josephine Dizon Rebekah Fetterman Sue Griffin Rebecca Harrison Terry Haskell-McDonald 2. Recommend the Board approve the following personnel for Degree Advancement and adjust their salaries accordingly effective August 25, 2008 Candace Krautzel Steve Silva Julie Small Edward Somers Andrew Virtue Marianne Whiteman c. Master’s+40/Step 6 Master’s+60/Step 9 Master’s+40/Step 10 Master’s+40/Step 6 Master’s+20/Step 6 Master’s+60/Step 11 Master’s+20/Step 7 Master’s+20/Step 11 Master’s+20/Step 9 Master’s+60/Step 12 Master’s/Step 5 Master’s+20/Step 15 Master’s+40/Step 8 Master’s+60/Step 6 Supplemental Contracts 1. Stacy Gallagher, New Teacher Mentor during the 2007-2008 school year at the annual salary of $1,015. 2. Stacy Gallagher, New Teacher Mentor effective August 25, 2008 through November 7, 2008 at the annual salary of $56.40. 3. Todd Brown, New Teacher Mentor, effective September 19, 2008 at the annual salary of $950.52. 4. Mary Beth Hoffman, Mentor, for the 2008-2009 school year at the annual salary of $1,050. IX. New Business A. Personnel 3. General c. Supplemental Contracts (cont’d) d. 5. Jeanette Verdeur, Chorus Director for the 2008-2009 school year, Media Elementary, at the annual salary of $1,112. 6. Brittani Lutterman, Computer Club Sponsor for the 2008-2009 school year, Media Elementary, at the annual salary of $208. 7. Patrick Murphy H.O.M.E. Club Sponsor for the 20082009 school year, Media Elementary at the annual salary of $417. 8. Jean McPheeters, Kids Club Sponsor, Rose Tree Elementary, at the annual salary of $495. 9. Recommend Board approval for the following personnel to serve as Event Chaperones for the 2008-2009 school year at the rate of $55.00 per event: Winnie Host Elaine Jay Cynthia Garvin Linda Kilpatrick 10. Todd Brown, DVMSC Coordinator for the 2008-2009 school year at the annual salary of $2,800. Create New Position 1. Personal Instructional Assistant – Support Staff II Recommend the Board approve the creation of an additional Support Staff II – Personal Instructional Assistant position to serve the needs of a student who is attending Penncrest High School. 2. Personal Instructional Assistant – Support Staff II Recommend the Board approve the creation of an additional Support Staff II – Personal Instructional Assistant position to serve the needs of a student who is attending Indian Lane Elementary School. IX. New Business A. Personnel 3. General d. Create New Position (cont’d) 3. Creation of Supplemental Positions Recommend the Board approve the creation of the following Non-Athletic Supplemental positions at Penncrest High School: Video Club at 8 units, Dance Team at 5 units, and Assistant Activities Coordinator at 25 units. 4. Creation of a .6 Speech/Language Teaching Position Recommend the Board approve the creation of an additional .6 Speech/Language teaching position. This position, added to the current vacant .2 Speech/Language teaching position, will create a total .8 FTE Speech/Language position to be shared between Springton Lake Middle School and Penncrest High School. 5. Personal Instructional Assistant – Support Staff II Recommend the Board approve a request for a oneon-one instructional assistant to accompany a student with significant disabilities to the Skills Start Program at the DCIU Folcroft Vocational Technical School. IX. New Business A. Personnel 3. General e. Other 1. Recommend the Board approve the payment of performance bonuses to ADSUP I and Cabinet for the 2007-2008 school year in the amount of $32,485. These payments are being made in accordance with the ADSUP I agreement. 2. Deletion of Supplemental Positions Recommend the Board approve the deletion of the following Penncrest High School Non-Athletic Supplemental Positions: Drill Team Sponsor and Close-Up Program Sponsor. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: B. NAYS: Overnight Trips Linda Fox, Veronica Barbato, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, William Montgomery, William O’Donnell, Jeffrey Pettit None Mr. O’Donnell moved and Mr. Hanna seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2008-2009 – 33 Resolved, that the Board approve the following overnight trip: 1. Penncrest High School Girls’ Cross Country – Lehigh University Recommend the Board approve the overnight trip to Lehigh University for the Girls’ Cross Country PIAA District I Championships. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: Linda Fox, Veronica Barbato, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, William Montgomery, William O’Donnell, Jeffrey Pettit None X. Finance A. B. Purchasing 1. None General Mr. O’Donnell moved and Mr. Hanna seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2008-2009 - 34 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Change Order Resolution Plan Con D & E – Springton Lake Middle School Change to Original 2008-2009 Budget Budgetary Transfers Transportation Agreement Dr. Robert Sing, Medical Services Agreement Dr. Peter Christie, Medical Services Agreement Jessica Brady, Dental Hygienist Agreement Holcomb Behavioral Health Systems, STAR Coordinator Contract Holcomb Behavioral Health Systems for Assessment and Referral Services Penncrest High School Gymnasium Request for Use Concurrent Enrollment Agreements for Dual Enrollment Child Guidance Resource Center Carol Macrina, Interactive Speech Services 1. Change Order Resolution Resolved, that the Board allows the School Board Secretary to approve change orders valued up to $10,000 between meetings of the School Board. Further resolved, that the change orders over $10,000 and totaling no more than $20,000 each must be approved by three Board members, preferably the Finance Committee Chairman, the Board President and Vice-President. 2. PLANCON D&E – Springton Lake Middle School Further resolved, that the Board recognize approval from the Department of Education for PLANCON D&E, Project #3441 for the additions and renovations to the Springton Lake Middle School. (See Attachment A In Official Legislative Minutes of October 23, 2008.) X. Finance B. General (cont’d) 3. Changes to Original 2008-09 Budget Further resolved, that the Board approve the following changes to the Original 2008-09 Budget: The District received additional revenue from the Safe and Drug Free Schools and community grant. The grant will be used for expenses related to drug and violence prevention strategies for schools. In addition the District received revenue from student fees, which will be used to offset expenses for parking, Technology Education and transcript requests. A new Special Education teaching position was added and approved at the August Board Meeting. 4. Budgetary Transfers Further resolved, that the Board approve the following budgetary transfers: FY 09 – 02 FROM: AMOUNT: Fund 10 General Fund Regular Instruction – Supplies $9,800.00 TO: AMOUNT: Instructional Technology – Equipment $9,800.00 RATIONALE: Transfer needed to purchase three additional smartboards and six additional projectors. FY 08 – 05 FROM: AMOUNT: Fund 10 General Fund Regular Instruction – Supplies $1,096.69 TO: AMOUNT: Regular Instruction – Equipment $1,096.69 RATIONALE: Transfer needed to purchase new air bikes and a table top scorer for the SLMS Physical Education Department. X. Finance B. General 4. Budgetary Transfers (cont’d) FY 08 – 13 FROM: AMOUNT: Fund 10 General Fund School Sponsored Athletics – Repairs and Maintenance $1,000.00 TO: AMOUNT: School Sponsored Athletics – Equipment $1,000.00 RATIONALE: Transfer needed to purchase replacement soccer goals for the Penncrest stadium field. FY 08 – 18 FROM: AMOUNT: Fund 10 General Fund Regular Instruction – Supplies $1,725.00 TO: AMOUNT: Instruction and Curriculum – Books and Subscriptions $1,725.00 RATIONALE: Transfer needed to purchase Social Studies paperback books. FY 08 – 19 FROM: AMOUNT: Fund 10 General Fund Regular Instruction – Supplies Library Services – Supplies $1,000.00 TO: AMOUNT: Library Services – Equipment $1,000.00 RATIONALE: Transfer needed to purchase book shelves to add to the Library. FY 08 – 20 FROM: AMOUNT: Fund 10 General Fund Debt Service – Authority Obligations $164,695.00 X. Finance B. General 4. Budgetary Transfers (cont’d) TO: AMOUNT: Community College – Tuition $164,695.00 RATIONALE: Transfer needed to correct the breakdown of the budget amounts originally given by DCCC in November. FY 08 – 28 FROM: AMOUNT: Fund 10 General Fund Regular Instruction – Sabbatical Salary $61,162.00 TO: AMOUNT: Office of Principal – Director Salary $61,162.00 RATIONALE: Transfer needed to cover the sabbatical of Maria Kotch during the 2008-09 school year. FY 08 – 30 FROM: AMOUNT: Fund 10 General Fund Regular Instruction – Textbooks $2,100.00 TO: AMOUNT: Instruction and Curriculum - Supplies $2,100.00 RATIONALE: Transfer needed to cover the expense of workbooks for the Grade 7 Connected Math program. FY 08 – 31 FROM: AMOUNT: Fund 10 General Fund Library Services – Books and Subscriptions $7,089.00 TO: AMOUNT: Data Processing Services – Technical Services $7,089.00 RATIONALE: Transfer needed to cover the expense of MAP testing for grades 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9 and 10. X. Finance B. General 4. Budgetary Transfers (cont’d) FY 08 – 33 FROM: AMOUNT: Fund 10 General Fund Regular Instruction – Supplies $3,040.00 TO: AMOUNT: Instruction & Curriculum – Books and Subscriptions $3,040.00 RATIONALE: Transfer needed to cover the expense of Language Arts novels. FY 08 – 34 FROM: AMOUNT: Fund 10 General Fund Fiscal Services – Equipment $1,540.00 TO: AMOUNT: Nurse Service – Equipment $1,540.00 RATIONALE: Transfer needed to purchase 2 Biltmore custom recovery couches with aluminum drawer pulls. FY 08 – 45 FROM: AMOUNT: Fund 10 General Fund Instructional Staff Development – Dues & Fees $1,500.00 TO: Instructional Staff Development – Other Professional Services $1,500.00 AMOUNT: RATIONALE: Transfer needed to pay for the September 9, 2008 Gerety Presentation on Leadership Training for SLMS students. FY 08 – 52 FROM: AMOUNT: Fund 10 General Fund Instruction & Curriculum – Books & Subscriptions $1,000.00 TO: AMOUNT: Instruction & Curriculum – Supplies $1,000.00 RATIONALE: Transfer needed to purchase supplies for Instruction & Curriculum. X. Finance B. General (cont’d) 4. Budgetary Transfers (cont’d) FY 08 – 54 FROM: AMOUNT: Fund 10 General Fund Non-Public Transportation - Supplies $3,000.00 TO: AMOUNT: Transportation – Equipment $3,000.00 RATIONALE: Transfer needed to replace a welder. FY 08 – 58 FROM: AMOUNT: Fund 10 General Fund Regular Instruction – Supplies $1,577.00 TO: AMOUNT: Office of Principal – Equipment $1,577.00 RATIONALE: Transfer needed to purchase a cabinet to store musical instruments. X. Finance B. General 5. Transportation Agreement Further resolved, that the Board approve a contract with Janine Blythe for transportation reimbursement in accordance with Policy 810.3. 6. Dr. Robert Sing, Medical Services Agreement Further resolved, that the Board approve an agreement with Dr. Robert F. Sing of Springfield Sports Emergency Medical Corporation for medical services for $25,578. 7. Dr. Peter Christie, Medical Services Agreement Further resolved, that the Board approve an agreement with Dr. Peter N. Christie for medical services of $9,366.82, $55 per bus driver physical, and $20 for biannual Mantoux. 8. Jessica Brady, Dental Hygienist Agreement Further resolved, that the Board approve an agreement with Jessica Brady for dental hygiene services for $2,000. 9. Holcomb Behavioral Health Systems, STAR Coordinator Contract Further resolved, that the Board approve a contract with Holcomb Behavioral Health Systems, STAR Coordinator (interim), September 8, 2008 through December 31, 2008. X. Finance B. General (cont’d) 10. Holcomb Behavioral Health Systems for Assessment and Referral Services Further resolved, that the Board approve a contract with Holcomb Behavioral Health Systems for Assessment and Referral Services for Springton Lake Middle School students, July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2009. 11. Penncrest High School Gymnasium Request for Use Further resolved, that the Board approve the request for use of the Penncrest High School gymnasium for our girls and boys basketball teams on Sunday, December 28, 2008. 12. Concurrent Enrollment Agreements for Dual Enrollment Further resolved, that the Board approve the attached Concurrent Enrollment Agreements with Delaware County Community College and Neumann College for Dual Enrollment for the 2008-2009 school year. (See Attachments B and C in Official Legislative Minutes of October 23, 2008.) 13. Child Guidance Resource Center Further resolved, that the Board approve an agreement with Child Guidance Resource Centers for mental health providing a one-onone for a student at Penncrest who has Asperger’s Syndrome at a rate of $36.00 per hour for a period starting 9/2/08 and ending 10/31/08. 14. Carol Macrina, Interactive Speech Services Further resolved, that the Board approve an agreement with Carolyn Macrina of Interactive Speech Services, Inc. for Social Cognition Training at $90.00 per hour for 3 hours. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: Linda Fox, Veronica Barbato, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, William Montgomery, William O’Donnell, Jeffrey Pettit None X. Finance C. D. Financials for September 2008 Bill Lists for September 2008 Mr. O’Donnell moved and Mr. Hanna seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2008-2009 – 35 Resolved, that the Board approve the following: C. Financial Reports September September September September 2008 2008 2008 2008 Treasurers Reports Investment Reports Summary Expenditure Status Report Revenue Status Report D. Bill Lists September 2008 General Fund Bill List $ 3,418,190.31 September 2008 Imprest Fund Bill List $ 7,605.00 September 2008 Capital Fund Bill List $ 56,081.00 September 2008 1992 Construction Fund Bill List $ 16,425.00 September 2008 Bond Series 2002 Bill List $ 3,402.79 September 2008 Bond Series 2004 Bill List $ 1,351,128.62 September 2008 Bond Series 2007 A & B Bill List $ 21,798.20 September 2008 Activities/Special Revenue Fund $ 22,728.84 $ 4,897,359.76 The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: Linda Fox, Veronica Barbato, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, William Montgomery, William O’Donnell, Jeffrey Pettit None XI. Adjournment Mr. Hanna moved and Mr. O’Donnell seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2008-2009 – 36 Resolved, that there being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: Linda Fox, Veronica Barbato, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, William Montgomery, William O’Donnell, Jeffrey Pettit None ______________________ Grace A. Eves School Board Secretary ROSE TREE MEDIA SCHOOL DISTRICT BID OPENING MINUTES NOVEMBER 5, 2008 A bid opening was held on November 5, 2008 at 2:00 p.m. in the Education Center. In Attendance: Grace Eves, Board Secretary, Roxanne Schupp, Supervisor of Business Operations and Donna Rottenberk, Business Office Witness. Bids in the following category were opened and read by Roxanne Schupp: Gravograph LS100 - 30 Watt Laser Engraving System Southern Educational Systems Spartanburg, SC 29301 Advanced Technologies Consultants Northville, MI 48167 Bids will be tabulated and presented to the Board of School Directors. ________________________ Grace A. Eves Board Secretary III. Presentations and Awards A. PSBA Certificate of Appreciation Resolve, the Board present the PSBA Certificate of Appreciation to Nancy Fronduti for her 8 years of service to the Rose Tree Media School District. Background The Board of Directors of the Pennsylvania School Boards Association presents the Certificate of Appreciation in recognition of the unique role of school board service and the long-term contributions of individuals who bring their energy, talent and values to the guidance of youth and public education in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. B. Keystone Achievement Awards Resolve, the Board recognize Glenwood, Indian Lane, Media, Rose Tree and Springton Lake for their outstanding academic performance. Background The Keystone Achievement Award is given to a public school that has achieved adequate yearly progress for two consecutive years. This year’s award is for meeting AYP standards in the 2006-2007 and 2007-2008 school years. AYP is determined in part by a school’s performance on the Pennsylvania System of School Assessment, the standardized test given annually to students in grades 3-8 and 11. Education Secretary Gerald L. Zahorchak said the award is testament to the tremendous efforts of the students, teachers and staff at our schools. EXCELLENCE TODAY FOR TOMORROW SCHOOL REPORT’S – November 2008 GLENWOOD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Art Art Teachers, Meg Barney and Keith Sharp, received a grant through the National Endowment for Humanities called “Picturing America.” Through this grant, forty large 24” X 36” images of famous works of American Art and a resource book were made available free to each school building throughout the district. The goal of the program is to be able to tell the story of America through Art. Some of the images are Gilbert Stuart’s portrait of George Washington, Alexander Gardner’s photograph of Abraham Lincoln, Emanuel Leutze’s Washington Crossing the Delaware, Norman Rockwell’s Freedom of Speech, John Singleton Copley’s Paul Revere, Grant Wood’s The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere, John James Audubon’s American Flamingo, Albert Bierstadt’s Looking Down Yosemite Valley, California, Frank Lloyd Wright’s Falling Water, Mary Cassatt’s The Boating Party, and Jacob Lawrence’s The Migration of the Negro Panel No. 57. Look for them displayed in the school buildings throughout the year. Library The Glenwood PTG sponsored a book fair from November 10rd through the 17th. Students attended the book fair during their regularly-scheduled library classes and bought great books at a 25% discount. Parents also visited the fair and made many purchases for the holidays—great timing, because “a book is a gift you can open again and again.” Guidance This month Student Ambassadors will be working on the Second Annual Glenwood Clean-up, which is a school initiative after school one day to clean-up the grounds of Glenwood before winter. Parent and students volunteer, and we clean up any trash on our school grounds, as well as do gardening projects. We hope this year’s turnout will be even better then last year. Math Glenwood hosted its 3rd annual Family Math Night. Parents and students returned back to school on Wednesday, Oct. 29th to learn more about our new math curriculum: Investigations. After an introduction from Mr. Dougherty and an Investigations 1 representative, parents and students met in grade-level groups to participate in activities from Investigations. Kindergarten As a culminating activity to our pumpkin unit the kindergarten classes visited Ramsey's Farm in Delaware. We learned how corn and pumpkins grow, went on a hay ride, went through a corn maze and got to pick our very own pumpkins to bring home. First Grade The first graders are in the full swing of school now! They are now working in guided reading groups in each class and are moving on to the third unit of the new Math program. First grade is also continuing to learn about the school community in Social Studies and writing “Small Moment Stories” in Writing. Twice a cycle, each class works with Mr. G. in the Science Lab to learn about weather. At the end of the month, first grade will have its annual “Thankful Feast.” Each child will invite someone that helps the school run, including secretaries, specials teachers, and custodians. They will work together to create invitations and placemats for each guest. They also create a “thankful wreath” where they write why they are thankful for that person. This wreath will be presented to each guest at the feast. The classes also create Pilgrim and Native American costumes with the help of parent volunteers. They each volunteered to bring in one food item to share with all three classes. They will spend the next couple weeks learning songs to sing to their guests at the feast. We are looking forward to watching the children recognize and thank the people who make Glenwood such a well-run, happy school! Second Grade Second grade students are finishing up a unit on communities. We have created imaginary towns in our rooms, with each child taking an imaginary occupation. We have had a mayoral campaign and election, and each class has a mayor. Students are building models of homes (at home) that will be brought in to school. We will have a Community Day and students will tell their audience (families) what they have learned through songs, a poem and speeches. Third Grade Mr. G’s third grade classes will be making timelines describing important events in Space Exploration. Fourth Grade Mr. G’s fourth grade classes will create interactive products reflecting the Corps of Discovery’s experiences. We are looking forward to meeting with parents during our Open House and upcoming conferences. Also, as we get ready to start a new marking period, each class will wrap up their current science unit and begin working on a new science unit. In Social Studies, we are exploring the regions of the United States and learning more about the history of our country. Fifth Grade Glenwood’s Running and Walking Club consisted of 30 fourth and fifth grade students, several parent volunteers, and group leader Angel Barry, fifth grade teacher. The group 2 met for an hour once a week after school for eight weeks. The mission of the club was to promote healthy habits and have fun while exercising. The students kept track of their laps, logged them into a website, and tracked their individual and group goals. Glenwood Running and Walking Club members also participated in the Country Pumpkin 5K race in Middletown on October 12. The club was well received by all participants, and the students showed such a tremendous interest in continuing that the club will run again in the spring. INDIAN LANE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Election 2008 Indian Lane students had the chance to vote for their presidential choice on Monday, November 3. Laptop computers were set up in booths (for student privacy) that were manned by a group of parent volunteers. Students filed in one class at a time to register and have their voices heard. Indian Lane News reporters were available on the morning news the week before, to offer voting advice to students. Since the voting was done on laptops, it was easy to gather data for a noon update and final announcement at the closing of the day. Senator Obama was the winner among the students. This whole process was a prime example of working together at Indian Lane Elementary. Parents assisted staff in making this an enthusiastic and enriching experience for students. Special thanks go to Mrs. Blanchette and Mrs. Ford for coordinating this event among the teachers. Kindergarten Mrs. Durant's, Mrs. Huebner's and Mrs. McMorrow's Kindergarten classes are meeting weekly to work on special math projects together. This week, they will be creating special turkeys for Thanksgiving. Each child will create a turkey out of shape cut outs and graph the number of each shape used. The children have also graphed their favorite apple, fall leaf color, and their names by number of letters. Lots of counting and math words are used to discuss our results: more than, less than, most, least, how many more, fewer than, greater than, etc. Kindergarten math is lots of fun! First Grade 3 The first graders participated in Pumpkin Math Day. The children made predictions about various pumpkins based on height, circumference, weight and seed amounts. Then the actual weighing and measuring began. Next, the children, with parent volunteers, dug into the pumpkins and started counting those seeds! Afterwards, the findings were charted and discussed. The next day, the children tasted the seeds, which had been roasted. In addition, the children read stories about pumpkins and wrote about them as well. In writing workshop, the children created fall leaves by tie-dying restaurant sized coffee filters. They then used this experience to inspire them to write about the many changes that fall brings. Library Students in fifth grade have been talking and reading about France. We've made FRANCE acrostics and read some stories taking place in France. Fourth grade is listening to biographies and just finished Elizabeth Leads, The Way, describing the beginnings of the women's right to vote. Second grade is starting on a unit about Frogs and will be reading Frog and Toad, The Frog Princess and other books about frogs. First grade will be introduced to the talented William Steig as we learn new words and read such classics as The Magic Pebble and Shrek! Kindergarten's Leaf Men will be great fall decorations as we concluded our unit on Lois Ehlert. Fourth and Fifth Grades To celebrate the Philadelphia Phillies being in the World Series, fourth and fifth grade language arts learning support students completed a unit on the "f" sound made by "ph" in certain words during word study. There were four centers created to complete the unitthe Match/ Sort Center where students arranged magnetized words on the board into categories, the Search Center where students read stories containing "ph" words and identified the words, the Independent Center where students completed activities with "ph" words, and the Word Center where students placed the missing "f" or "ph" into words. At the end of the unit, students created a chart of "ph" words that was placed in the hall. This chart was further decorated by fifth grade math learning support students who made a baseball border for the chart using protractors with specific diameters. In the fifth grade learning support math class, students are studying standard and metric measurements. They used a meter stick to calculate the length of the fourth and fifth grade hallway and also calculated the length of the hallway in feet. The students determined that the hallway is 64 meters long or 210 feet long. Using multiplication or division, they then calculated that the hallway is 6,400 centimeters long or 64,000 millimeters long or 70 yards long (not quite as long as a football field). In the fourth and fifth grade language arts learning support class, we read THE BORROWERS as a read aloud. The students watched the movie "The Borrowers" and completed a Venn diagram, comparing and contrasting the book and the movie. The final product will be a three paragraph informational writing piece comparing and contrasting the book and the movie. In fifth grade Social Studies the students are learning about Explorers. The students are doing some research and are in the process of creating a variety of activities that go along with an assigned explorer. They are working on a time line, bio-poems. ”I Am 4 From…” poetry, and they will be writing a paper on their explorer to present to the class. At that time they will also showcase a life size explorer they are creating that looks like who they have researched. Math Wizard Indian Lane’s first Math Wizard of the year was held. Students in grades 2-5 will take timed "tests" on the basic mathematics facts. When a student gets 90% correct, he has "mastered" the operation and can move on to the next operation. This popular program is held twice a month in the cafeteria and progress is monitored by the “sticker system” high on the wall in the cafeteria. Family Math Night Indian Lane held their first annual Family Math Night. Parents and students learned more about our Investigations Math Program, as well as tried out some of the activities. Mr. Washington organized the evening with help from Mr. Bennett, Mrs. Barton, Mrs. Hatton, Mrs. Van Ess, and Miss. Parkinson. There were about 40-50 Indian Lane students and parents in attendance. Did someone mention Michael Phelps? Kids have heard a lot about China these days with the Olympics being held in Beijing this past summer. We held an assembly on that had nothing to do with the Summer Olympics but it had a lot to do with China…Peter Tang’s Chinese Ensemble introduced a whole new culture by playing instruments and sonorities of Chinese music and addressed how history and geography have shaped traditional Chinese music. Students learned rhythms and embellishments that greatly differ from those of Western music. Halloween Halloween, as always, was a HUGE success. Students (and even some parents) loved the afternoon of dressing up and parading around the soccer field. Some staff members, along with the fifth graders, entertained the crowd with their rendition of “Cupid’s Shuffle”. Also, Mr. Frank, Mr. Boyle, Mr. Washington and Mr. Pinto dazzled the crowd as The Indian Lane Village People. Check out more Indian Lane happenings on our website: 5 Indian Lane is very proud of their website which is updated daily. Our parents receive ealerts when our site has been updated with important News on the Lane! Check it out. MEDIA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Presidential Election 2008 The voices of the people – Grade K - 5 students at Media School - have been heard! The winner of the 2008 Presidential Election at Media School was Barack Obama, with a decisive 77% of the popular vote. Senator Obama won all 119 of the grade-level “electoral votes,” which were determined by the grade-level student population. Congratulations to President-Elect Barack Obama and his vice presidential running mate, Senator Joe Biden! The students took their voting very seriously as they came to the Atrium polling center with their voter registration cards and their secret ballots firmly in hand. The H.O.M.E. team, Media’s community service team, served as poll watchers who validated the voter registration cards, escorted students to the four voting booths to cast their ballots, and assisted Mr. Murphy in counting and qualifying the vote! Thanks to Mr. Murphy, guidance counselor, and Mrs. Smith, social studies coordinator, for organizing this patriotic learning experience. H.O.M.E Team Service Learning Project Media School’s H.O.M.E. team participated in a service learning project in preparation for the second grade classes’ release of butterflies this spring. More than thirty HOME team members and fifteen parent volunteers prepared the soil for a springtime planting of a butterfly garden. The volunteers weeded, cut back overgrown plants and turned the soil. Although spring is far away, we can look forward to the planting of bulbs and the beautiful flowers they will produce. The butterflies, and everyone in the Media School community, will be grateful for this gift from nature and to Media’s H.O.M.E. team. Community Action Agency of Delaware County Mrs. Susan Howe, Instructional Support teacher, and Mrs. White, principal, were privileged to be invited to attend the Community Action Agency of Delaware County’s Annual Awards Luncheon. The awards luncheon honored area community and business leaders for their service to the organization, and it recognized those community residents 6 who have benefited from the program’s services and have worked to improve the quality of their lives. Media School students and staff will be collecting change for the Community Action Agency as a part of their “Help Us Make a Change” campaign. Children who are living in Community Action Agency homeless shelters will be receiving toys donated by Media students during the holiday season. The agency will place donation barrels in the Atrium for students to place the toys they donate. Parallel Day Your eyes weren’t playing tricks on you if you walked through the halls of Media on Tuesday, November 11! That’s because the students and staff were celebrating “Parallel Day!” It was a fun opportunity for students to fully understand the concept of parallel lines. Students wore lines of every size and color for this fun celebration. Media Borough Veteran’s Day Parade Media’s fifth grade students and teachers marched proudly down State Street in the 48th Veterans’ Day Parade. All of the other Media students and staff lined the streets and waved flags in honor of America’s veterans who served our country. November Featured Artists of the Month Elizabeth Breslin, Grade 1 – My Favorite Game; Molly McCarthy, Grade 3 – Ancient Egypt: Anubis – Tomb Protector. Each month, Media Elementary School’s Featured Artists will have their artwork displayed on a bulletin board in the main office. Stop by and take a look! Kindergarten Technology was incorporated through use of the SMARTBOARD to introduce an Investigations lesson on counting. In addition, the SMART was incorporated into a lesson on initial sound fluency during language arts. Children learned about the five senses through various interactive lessons during science. Grade One The first graders at Media School have been learning their math skills with more of a “hands on” approach this year. Number recognition, counting, problem solving and geometry skills are topics that have been covered in class thus far. The children are required to use various types of manipulatives to help with their learning. They are also asked to explain their reasoning with pictures, numbers and words when solving problems. The students get a chance to practice developing their social skills as they work in groups for many of the learning games and activities they get to experience. Grade Two Hear ye! Hear ye! Community Day at Media Elementary was a HUGE success! The second graders worked together recite poems and sing songs for their parents and grandparents today. Songs included "I Live Near The City" and "The Geography Song." Each class learned one stanza from the poem “When I Grow Up.” Then each child introduced him or her self and told what career he or she had chosen. Their "business" attire looked terrific! Parents and grandparents then were invited into classrooms to see the city, suburb, village or town that all had worked on. Finally, students rotated from station to station to hear about 7 the real-life jobs of parent volunteers. They listened to an FBI agent, a lapidarian and a paleontologist, just to name a few. When asked what they thought of Community Day, the children said, “We LOVED it! It was AWESOME!” Grade Three The third grade team attended a training session at the Intermediate Unit on the Land and Water science unit that is being newly introduced to third grade. They found the training extremely helpful and were especially interested in learning how the new unit related to eligible content on the science PSSA. Now they better understand their responsibility for covering content that students will be responsible for in fourth grade. The presenters did such a wonderful job that that third grade team inquired about receiving training for the upcoming Magnetism and Electricity unit. They think that training will be helpful, especially since that unit also addresses PSSA eligible content. Grade Four The children have completed their first research project by constructing dioramas of various landforms. Part of their projects involved an oral presentation. They were displayed in the library. Mrs. Seaner visited Mrs. Gruber's class to collect data for an assignment in data analysis. Mrs. Gruber involved the families by having her math students do their data analysis at home. The fourth grade classes are taking a trip to the Minshall House this week as part of our work with the Passport to History program. Ms. Coulter and Ms. Deady are team teaching their science unit on Microworlds. Mrs. Gruber's class just used the new microscopes bought last year--they are awesome! Mrs. Seaner's class is involved in the science unit of Motion and Design. Grade Five This month, fifth grade teachers continued to be active in the school and community. They volunteered to work at the annual Harvest Fair celebration, helped plan and facilitate a parent math and reading night seminar, and continued to lead as members of the Arcadia Inclusion Institute team. The students extensively analyzed (a Powerful Word!) the presidential campaign and election. Each student completed an election journal where she could express her thoughts, record information about the candidates that was researched on the Internet, examined TV and print advertisements, and recorded election results. Technology, especially the Smart Boards and laptops, proved incredibly effective and helpful in our study of the election. AGP (Gifted Support) – Gr. 3, 4, 5 The gifted support teacher, Mrs. Williamson, accompanied several second grade classes on a walking tour of Media as a part of their Communities unit. The students used their map skills to navigate, read maps while touring, and visited a number of historic and community buildings throughout the borough. Art Jana Maxwell just returned from a three-week visit to Japan. Sponsored by the Fulbright Memorial Fund and the government of Japan, she learned about the education system, government, and culture of the country. The stay was highlighted by day-long visits to elementary, junior high, high school and university. At the university level, she was exposed to their teacher training program. 8 Music – Gr. 1 - 5 The second grade has begun a unit on Native American Music with a focus on drumming. The students will learn several Native North American songs which they will accompany with a drum they “build” in class. There are also movement activities and games incorporated with the final project being the Navajo Rain Ceremony. Expect wet weather in a few weeks! Our fifth grade unit on Musical Theater has started and we aligned our chosen musical with one being presented at the Media Theatre this fall: Oliver! The students are exploring all aspects of the musical genre, viewing scenes on DVD and from the web, acting, singing, and learning what goes on behind the scenes. Our own “Playbill” helps us to follow along and take notes. We are hoping many fifth grade families will attend Media Elementary Day at the Media Theatre to view the 3:00 p.m. matinee of Oliver! Title 1 Math and Reading Title I held its first parent meeting for the 2008-09 school year. Parents were invited to share a light dinner followed by an overview of the Title I program. Dr. Gilbert reviewed the government’s Title I guidelines, and the goals of our Title I programs. She also presented opportunities that parents had to be involved, including attending the Title I Parent Conference at Seven Springs. Katherine Echeverria and Brittani Lutterman had the opportunity to introduce themselves, and speak briefly about the reading and math programs. Katherine also distributed literature to the parents on ways they can aid their children in reading and learning. Following the dinner and presentation, parents attended the Reading and Math Fun Night to learn more about their children’s reading and math programs, and things that they can do at home to enhance their child’s learning. Physical Education Students in grades 3 and 4 are completing units of soccer skills and lead-up games. Students in grade 5 are participating in a unit of football skills and games. Grades 1 and 2 are beginning units focusing on throwing and catching. ROSE TREE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL First Grade First grade welcomed parents, grandparents and special friends in November. Our special guests were treated to a variety of interactive activities, both language arts and math. We also had a special Thanksgiving feast in our cafeteria this year. We sampled foods from around the world and highlighted our diversity. We enjoyed honoring our traditions and sharing them with others. Third Grade The third grade at Rose Tree Elementary has made great use of the Presidential Election as a curriculum tie-in to not only our Social Studies but also our Reading and our new Math Investigations Program this past November. The students read articles about each candidate and learned about the major issues in their campaigns. The class created a 9 giant map of the USA and colored in the red and blue states adding the electoral votes until one of the candidates reached the magic number of 270 votes. The use of Line Plot Graphs helped us interpret the data we collected. Excellent interactive websites kept the students engaged and involved in their learning as we prepared to be informed voters in our school’s mock election. Fifth Grade Rose Tree fifth graders visited the Chadds Ford historical Society. All three classes visited the John Chadds House and the Barns-Brinton Tavern. The John Chadds House was actually damaged during the battle of Brandywine. The students learned about colonial life through such activities as weaving, open hearth cooking, and making clay marbles in a felt bag. Mrs. Clark's fifth grade students have been enjoying our beautiful fall foliage. They are able to identify 12 different types of trees and leaves found in and around our backyards. They are also able to explain how leaves turn different colors during this season. Each child made a creative leaf collage from items found in nature. The collages are decorating the classroom and reminding them of our natural environment. Mr. Moore's class studied flags in Social Studies. Each student designed their own flag, which are now hanging in Mr. Moore's class. "Explorers" were the subject in Mrs. VanZant's class. The students learned about the many explorers and created "Wanted" posters of the explorers which are now hanging in the fifth grade hall. Physical Education For the month of November, first and second graders focused on rolling, underhand and overhand throwing and catching. 3rd and 4th grade finished working on ball skills such as dribbling, passing, trapping, kicking and shooting. They learned skills for maintaining possession of the ball and strategies for offense and defense. Fifth grade finished working on ball skills such as carrying, running, dodging, throwing, catching, passing and snapping. They also learned skills for maintaining possession of the ball and strategies for offense and defense. SPRINGTON LAKE MIDDLE SCHOOL Our first costume Halloween was most successful (wearing a costume was optional). We appreciate students following the rules regarding costumes and we appreciate your support. We plan to continue this new tradition for SLMS next year. STAFF SPOTLIGHT Geralyn Mayernick - seventh grade Language Arts teacher Ms. Mayernick has been teaching in our district for 30 years. After graduating from West Chester University, she worked as a flight attendant for American Airlines. After intensive training in Dallas and Ft. Worth, Texas, she was based in New York and flew out of LaGuardia, JFK and Newark airports. After a year of flying, she decided to return to her first love, teaching. Ms. Mayernick says she loves teaching language arts because it is such a creative field. "Every movie or TV show started as a script," she said. "Every song started with lyrics. Words have the power to comfort, to influence, to inform, and to entertain. I enjoy teaching every aspect of language in my curriculum. Watching students 10 respond to literature, writing something powerful for the first time, or just enjoying the written word is such a thrill for me," she said. Ms. Mayernick is a voracious reader of fiction and non-fiction. She also writes stories and poetry. During her summers she travels and has been to Eastern Europe, Italy, England, Turkey, Greece, and the Caribbean. This summer she will be heading to Alaska. She also enjoys photography, gardening and a challenging game of Scrabble. Mr. Andy Virture -seventh grade Science Teacher "Science is great and important because it is all around us all the time," Mr. Virtue says. "Whether it is watching the leaves turn color, how fast a car accelerates, or why gum tastes and chews the way it does, there is always an answer for every question--although sometimes the answer is not yet understood. Finding the answer is when the real fun begins." Mr. Virtue also organizes two major events for SLMS every year. Hoopes for Hope, where more than 400 people get involved, and Tour de Lake, where hundreds more take part. Originally, Hoopes for Hope was supposed to he a "pick-up game of basketball during practice--but it grew into a very important event. Monies raised are donated to the Hope School in Africa, were our funds have helped in many ways, including building and stocking a library, providing computers, building part of a school building and establishing a plumbing system. Tour de Lake had small beginnings as well, originally it was Mr. Virtue riding a bike with some students. Now, it's a challenging physical endurance test as more than 10 teams of students ride 20 miles around school property to raise funds for MS. Mr. Virtue, a three sport athlete in college, also coaches three sports each year--Boys' & Girls' 7th & 8th grade cross country, 8th grade Boys' basketball and 7th & 8th grade Boys' Track. When he is not at school, he spends time with his three daughters ages, 3, 6 & 9 and his wife. He is an Eagles fan and goes to all of their home games and he also participates in at least two 100--mile charity bicycle races annually. ART Mrs. Sycz’ Eighth grade students have begun a new lesson which focuses on the art of lettering as well correlates to their study in social studies to the art of the Middle Ages including illuminated manuscripts. In addition to integrating the principles of design that were studied in their last unit, students are focusing on balance, proportion and color theory. Students will be reading about the art in the Middle Ages to reinforce their appreciation of the achievements at that time period. Also students will investigate the role art plays according the needs of the culture. Eighth grade students will have the opportunity to incorporate resource images obtained off of the internet in their lettering project related to illuminated letters. Grade seven students will end their portrait project by reading about different subjects artists use for their art work. Students will then move into an exploration of the principles and elements of art in an abstract watercolor painting inspired by the artist Kandinsky. Grade six students are learning about the basics of ceramic pottery and learning to create a container using slab construction. Students will incorporate the principles of art studied in the last project and will explore the role of texture in an art work. Eighth graders in Mrs. Going's room have begun the study of the Middle Ages and the Art of the Illuminated Manuscripts! Each year we try to get smaller to represent the actual manuscripts! Students are working in "miniature" in order to get a true sense of this labor 11 intensive art form. They were very excited after returning from the Renaissance Faire with stories of seeing similar letterings like they were creating!!! A variety of assignments will continue to help them understand the history of the arts during this Medieval/Renaissance period. A culminating trip to the Philadelphia Museum of Art in May will round out the history and art for this unit of study. Seventh graders are well into the construction of their "Fish in Motion" for the ceramics unit. They are working through the technique of slab construction and coil construction in hand building their sculptures. Each step helps reveal the character of their sculpture bring smiles and satisfaction to the student artists especially after a challenging step is added!! Sixth graders are well into the building stage of their Aztec Sun Relief Sculpture. After reviewing the element of form and explaining the difference between Sculpture In The Round and Relief Sculpture, students jumped right in to begin the construction!! A ceramic sculpture unit will follow to further emphasize the difference. Guidance The guidance department has begun their guidance groups at all grade levels. There are presently six groups running at this time throughout the school. Eighth grade students are receiving lessons on the topics of Diversity and Conflict Resolution. Mrs. Griffin, transition counselor, continues to meet with students new to the school to help ensure that they are successful. The department will be going into all classrooms to address bullying and name calling issues and set the tone for what is expected for students. Health/PE All students participated in the cooperative games unit. Classes experienced a variety of activities that challenged individuals to work as a group to achieve common goals. Challenges were a mixture of mental and physical, while incorporating multiple strategies. Communication techniques were also stressed as the group had to come to solutions to particular problems as well as physically get the activities done. LIBRARY Mrs. Motley attended the Delco Book Review session at Upper Darby High School. She selected thirty-three newly published hardback books which she is currently reading and reviewing. In exchange for the reviews which are forwarded to the publishers, the books are added to the Springton Lake collection at no charge. Mrs. Motley also attended a planning meeting for the Access PA Delaware County Regional Group at Ridley High School. Plans were made for in-service programs during the remainder of the 2008-2009 school year. Teen read week was celebrated during the week of October 13th. This year’s theme, Take a Bite Out of books carried out with a showcase display of cookbooks which featured multi-ethnic cuisines as well as cookbooks inspired by books, authors and certain periods of history. Students could also pick up coordinating bookmarks at the library circulation desk throughout the month. Mrs. Motley presented eighth grade geometry students from Mrs. Miller’s and Mr. Twiss’ classes with an introduction to materials that would be useful to their research on famous mathematicians through history. All sixth grade language arts and special education classes participated in two research lessons this month in preparation for upcoming 12 science reports. Students first learned how to use the Trash and Treasure method of note-taking to select relevant facts when gathering information for a report. The subsequent lesson, how to avoid plagiarism by learning to write “in your own words,” concluded with a brief writing activity. Eighth grade Spanish students research Spanish “ancestors” in order to gather information for the tombstones they created for their celebration of Dia de los Meurtos. Sixth grade SLMS Success students participated in webquests to practice note-taking skills. Life Skills students from Mrs. Heneman’s class continue to come for book selection as well as stories, several of which had surprise endings during the month of October! Math Our eighth grade Pre-Algebra classes are well into a unit on Integers. Our circle of Real Numbers is growing to now include negative whole numbers. We are solving one-step equations involving integers by using one of the four operations order to do so. We will be applying all of the skills we are introduced in this unit to our next unit which deals with solving more complicated kinds of equations. Our Algebra I classes continue to work with linear equations—graphing and solving them. We are using the TI-83 graphing calculators in our investigation of linear situations. It’s amazing how we can use this valuable piece of technology to make our work easier. Some seventh grade classes completed an interdisciplinary activity called “The Electoral College Game” which is a simulation of the electoral process. Seventh grade Connected Math completed the “Covering and Surrounding” unit on area and perimeter and started “Variables and Patterns”, a unit on the coordinate plane and graphing. Accelerated PreAlgebra is working on using basic algebra to solve problems. Algebra I is using slope and intercepts to graph linear equations. In sixth grade math we have just begun a unit on factors, prime numbers, and composite numbers. To introduce the concept, we played the "Factor Game" and the "Product Game", both of which help students conceptualize how these types of numbers relate to one another and why they are important. Since we just completed our unit on data analysis, we had a parent come in to share how he uses data to make informed decisions about his patient's long term care. During his presentation, students were able to predict outcomes, discuss outliers in data and determine the appropriate graphs to use to display his mock data. Our guest, Mr. Evenden, is a practicing psychologist studying the effects of mood changes on memory loss in patients with Alzheimer's. Music The Eighth Grade Band at SLMS displayed their costumes and musicianship as they performed with the Penncrest Band for the annual Media Halloween Parade. They will also participate in Veteran’s Day activities on Tuesday, November 11th at the courthouse in Media. SLMS Choice Voices, Steppers on Fire, Honors Strings, and Jazz Band will performed for the Senior Citizen’s luncheon. Speaking of performing, our concert season has begun. Upcoming dates include: 6th Grade Band and Jazz Band Winter Concert –December 3 – 7:30 PM at SLMS 7th Grade Chorus and Select Chorus Winter Concert – December 9th – 7:30 PM at SLMS 13 8th Grade Chorus and Select Chorus Winter Concert – December 10th – 7:30 PM at SLMS 6th Grade Chorus at Plush Meadows Retirement Community – December 11th at 4:30 PM SLMS Orchestra and Honors Strings Winter Concert – December 15th – 7:30 PM at SLMS 6th Grade Choice Voices Winter Concert – December 17th – 7:30 PM at SLMS 7th Grade General Music has been drumming along to the marches of John Philip Sousa as they correlate with social studies and Americana. Continuing an historical perspective, the Eighth Grade General Music Classes are performing original chants and music of the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Science The seventh grade science dept. is wrapping up the battery building unit by testing the effects of varying charge times on the battery's voltage and lifting power. This unit is followed by an investigation into series circuits. Eighth grade students in our classes are finish labs relating to density of liquids and gasses, through using density columns of various household liquids, and by exploring why a candle goes out due to a chemical reaction between baking soda and vinegar. We also have begun exploring states of matter of substances, specifically looking at a non-Newtonian fluid, corn starch and water, which behaves both like a solid and a liquid, depending upon the pressure applied. Special Education In eighth grade resource room we are working on reading and math PSSA test prep. Students are also using this time for help with assignments, extended time on quizzes, and homework. Rosanna Denney will be co-teaching with Alexis Wilson (7th-grade special education math teacher) on Mondays (designated day to focus on PSSA preparation and assessment anchors). This is her prep period, and she has offered to work with me and share her resources so that I may share them with others once she retires. She is hoping to come back to Springton to work with teachers next year. Life Skills students went to Linvilla Orchards to learn about Johnny Appleseed, the Native Americans that lived on this site, the different varieties of apples and squash, and the process of making cider. Students in the seventh and eighth grade Spanish/resource classes recently completed a “Tumba” project. A tumba is a traditional Mexican object that honors a deceased person. Students were assigned the name of a famous Spanish speaker whom they researched using library resources. The final products reflected the life and major accomplishments of the assigned individual. The Spanish/resource program continues to grow, and next year we hope to offer programs in both Spanish and French. Several teachers from the special education department are part of the Arcadia inclusion team. They are working with regular education teachers to provide additional supports to students in a variety of creative ways. We are also planning to issue a quarterly special education newsletter that will be mailed home to parents of children with IEPs. 14 PENNCREST HIGH SCHOOL Music News The Penncrest Roaring Lions Marching Band finished first in their division and received a rating of "Outstanding" at the Marple Newtown Bandarama. Relay For Life Thank you to everyone who made Relay for Life a huge success in 2008. More than $139,000 was raised in the fight against cancer. This overwhelming achievement has gained the Relay for Life of Rose Tree Media the title of “Rookie of the Year" for the Pennsylvania Division of the American Cancer Society. Plans are underway for our 2009 RELAY which will be held May 15-16 in the Penncrest Stadium. Homecoming 2008 For the first time ever, the Penncrest Homecoming court participated in the Media Halloween parade. Students rode in cars donated by Weather's Dodge and followed the Penncrest Roaring Lions Marching Band. PSAT In Review PHS sophomores and juniors participated in the College Board Preliminary Scholastic (Reasoning) Aptitude Test (PSAT). For juniors this exam is the qualifying assessment for the National Merit Scholarship program. For all students the PSAT provides feedback related to students' academic strengthens, areas for growth, and potential for success in Advanced Placement courses. Students will receive their results in December. FBLA Penncrest hosted the Future Business Leaders of America Regional Leadership Workshop which was attended by over 300 students from 9 area schools. Readers’ Theatre Penncrest's Emanon Players presented this year's Readers' Theatre production, Monsters, to Language Arts classes. Almost fifty of Penncrest's finest worked on this fantastic program. Students in the News Richard Bailey (senior) and Lindsay Gaskins (junior) were the Media Rotary Club Students of the Month for October. They were honored at a luncheon at the Towne House in Media. Seniors Joseph Hooker and Angela Wolf are the Glen Riddle Rotary Club Students of the Month for October. They were honored at a luncheon at Barnaby's in Aston. PE Boys Majors News Warm Up Student of the Week - Andrew Mariani Winners for the U. S. Soccer Tournament Unit - Bailey, Kruzel, Atkinson, Miller, Tierney, Quintans, Hughes, McCusker, Weatherby, Smith, & Grauer 15 Winners for the Ultimate Frisbee Tournament Unit - Kershaw, Batipps, McGuff, Malady, Brietmeyer Back to School Dance The Back to School Dance was a great success. Students contributed an extra dollar at the door and raised $541.00 for Relay for Life. AFG Awards Penncrest’s Accreditation for Growth, or AFG, awards, recognize the outstanding achievement of students in level II and level III classes. Each month a different department chooses its award winners based on academic and personal achievement. Last month, the Music Department chose its award winners. They are: Most Improved: Stephanie Ciminera, Best Participation: Sean Carney Best Achievement in a Non-Academic Setting: Tyler Mell, Best School Citizenship: Jana McPheeters, Best Academic Achievement: Andrew Peng, and Best Work Ethic: Heather Craft Physics Olympics The first Southeastern Pennsylvania Physics Olympics League Tournament took place Saturday, October 25, 2008 at West Chester East High School. At this first meet, over 135 Penncrest students attended, as well as over 50 parents. Captains for the Penncrest team were Corbin Muetterties, Taylor McManus, and Max Nachamkin. Penncrest students, Ben Madara, Jack Prior, and Tom Paolo, won a silver medal with their Mousetrap Boat. Penncrest student, Meyling Taing, won a gold medal for her Toothpick Egg Toss. Penncrest won the meet with 780 points and is currently in first. Harriton is in second with 730 points. Radnor is currently in third with 675 points. The next meet is at Harriton High School on December 20, 2008. The final meet will be at Penncrest High School on February 21, 2009. Mock Election The Election Club, under the leadership of Mr. Silva and Mr. Danson, conducted a schoolwide Mock Election on Monday November 3. Debate Club Juniors Jackson Buttery, Ryan Piotti and Vickram Premakumar, members of the Penncrest Debate Club, attended a Speech and Debate tournament at Lower Merion High School. The tournament kicked off the 2008-09 season for District 10 of the Pennsylvania High School Speech League, of which Penncrest is a part. The students observed both the Lincoln-Douglas and Public Forum styles of debate and picked up pointers from Haverford School, Lower Merion High School, and Harriton High School competitors. Interact and Eco Clubs A busload of Interact and Eco Club students along with Mrs. Bury, Mr. Nolen, Mr. Matthews, Mr. Harple, and Mr. LoBiondo attended Eastern State Penitentiary's awardwinning Terror Behind the Walls attraction. The two clubs will return in the spring to help Eastern State's fund-raising and restoration efforts. 16 French Exchange The 33 French Exchange students from Avignon, France returned home on November 6 after the farewell covered dish in the Penncrest cafeteria. During their stay, the French students experienced Homecoming at Penncrest, the beautiful fall leaves, a Phillies championship and a historic election. Feedback from students and host families has been very positive about the experience. Everyone is very excited about seeing each again when the American group will travel to Provence in March 2009. National French Week The French department hosted several activities to promote French and French-speaking counties. The first event was the eighth annual dinner trip to a Moroccan restaurant with the International Club. Staff members and students dined at Casablanca restaurant on City Line Avenue and experienced a traditional, six-course Moroccan meal. Penncrest students will take buses to SLMS for a pétanque tournament (the French version of bocce ball.) Penncrest students were invited to watch the film, Marie Antoinette. There was also a French scavenger hunt contest. Student contest winners received gift certificates to area French restaurants. World Language Concert Latin jazz band, Soul Fuego performed at Penncrest. Phyllis Kavanaugh scholarship for study abroad. 17 Concert proceeds benefit the EXCELLENCE TODAY FOR TOMORROW Rose Tree Media School District 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone: 610-627-.6000 Fax: 610-891-0959 Grace A. Eves Director of Management Services Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools To: Members of the Board of School Directors Denise C. Kerr, Ed. D. Superintendent From: Grace A. Eves, Director of Management Services Date: November 19, 2008 Subject: November 18, 2008 – 8:00 PM Finance Committee Minutes Chairperson: Bill O’Donnell ______________________________________________________________________ In Attendance: Jeff Pettit, John Hanna, Veronica Barbato, Bill Montgomery, Nancy Fronduti, Nancy Mackrides and Peter Barry Also In Attendance: Denise Kerr, Anne Callahan and Grace Eves 1. Act 1 Timeline The Act 1 Timeline from the Department of Education requires school districts to have a proposed preliminary budget adopted by February 18th at the latest. The timeline includes posting the budget to the public for twenty days before it is adopted. Districts must also notify the public ten days before the adoption of its intent to adopt the budget. The February board meeting is on the 26th, which is too late for adoption in the month of February. As a result, the budget must be adopted at the January 22nd board meeting. This requires the district to post its proposed preliminary budget by January 2nd and notify the public on January 12th of its intent to adopt the budget at the January 22nd board meeting. Action: Discussion 2. “First Look” 2009-2010 General Fund Budget The Committee will review the first look of the 2009-2010 General Fund Budget at the December 9th Finance Committee Meeting. Action: This item will be discussed at the December 9th Finance Committee Meeting. 3. Gravograph LS100 - 30 watt laser engraving system or equal. A Bid Opening was held on November 5, 2008. Two bids were received. The laser engraver will be replacing equipment that is more than 10 years old. The Committee recommended awarding the bid to Advanced Technologies Consultants, in the amount of $20,697.04. $18,406.00 was approved in the 2008-09 Budget for this purchase. A budgetary transfer will be submitted in the amount of $2,291.40 from the district equipment account to cover the total cost of this piece of equipment. Action: This item will move on to the November 20th Legislative Meeting for Board approval. 4. Budgetary Transfers Rose Tree Media School District Policy #612 (Public School code section 609) when funds are not available for a proposed appropriation, a legal transfer from one class of expenditure to another may be made in the last nine (9) months of the fiscal year by the board. FY 09 – 68 FROM: AMOUNT: Fund 10 General Fund Fiscal Services – Equipment $1,046.22 TO: AMOUNT: Instructional Technology – Equipment $1,046.22 RATIONALE: Transfer needed for SLMS to purchase a Sharp LCD TV with DVD and a Sony DVD/VCR combo to replace broken items. 4. Budgetary Transfers (cont’d) FY 09 – 69 FROM: AMOUNT: Fund 10 General Fund Regular Instruction – Supplies $4,860.00 TO: AMOUNT: Instructional Technology – Equipment $4,860.00 RATIONALE: Transfer needed for IL to cover the cost of Smart Boards ordered in July. FY 09 – 76 Fund 10 General Fund FROM: Fiscal Services – Equipment AMOUNT: $2,291.40 TO: AMOUNT: Regular Instruction – Equipment $2,291.40 RATIONALE: Additional funds needed to purchase a laser engraver for the Technology Education Department at Penncrest. Action: This item will move on to the November 20th Legislative Meeting for Board approval. The next Finance Committee meeting will be held on December 9, 2008 at 8:00 p.m EXCELLENCE TODAY FOR TOMORROW Rose Tree Media School District 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone: 610-627-.6000 Fax: 610-891-0959 Grace A. Eves Director of Management Services Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools ___ To: Members of the Board of School Directors Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D. Superintendent From: Grace A. Eves, Director of Management Services Date: November 19, 2008 Subject: November 18, 2008 – 9:00 PM - Operations Committee Minutes Chairperson: Bill Montgomery __________________________________________________________________ In Attendance: Jeff Pettit, John Hanna, Veronica Barbato, Bill Montgomery, Nancy Fronduti, Nancy Mackrides and Peter Barry Also In Attendance: Denise Kerr, Anne Callahan, Dennis Cini, Ron Baldino, and Grace Eves. 1. ‘09 Capital Projects Budget Dennis Cini reviewed the ’09 Capital Projects with the Committee. Committee members will review the projects and forward any questions to Ron Baldino. Ron will review the projects in the event some of the projects can be completed by the Maintenance Department. The Capital Projects Budget will be reviewed again at the December 9th Operations Committee Meeting. Action: Discussion 2. Media Youth Wrestling Tournament – Sunday Building Use Request Action: This item will move on to the November 20th Legislative Meeting for Board approval. 3. SLMS Update The District will appear at the Upper Providence Township Council Meeting on December 11, 2008, for Conditional Use and Land Development Plan approval. The next Operations Committee meeting will be on December 9, 2008, 9:00 PM. EXCELLENCE TODAY FOR TOMORROW Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools Rose Tree Media School District 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone: 610.627.6000 Fax: 610-891-0959 Anne D. Callahan Director of Human Resources To: Members of the Board of School Directors Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D., Superintendent From: Anne D. Callahan, Director of Human Resources Date: November 14, 2008 Subject: Minutes of the Personnel Committee Meeting - November 11, 2008 Board Members in attendance: J. Hanna, P. Barry, J. Pettit, V. Barbato, Chair, N. Fronduti, N. Mackrides, L. Fox Also in attendance: A. Callahan I. Items for Legislative Meeting – Anne Callahan The Committee reviewed the items for the legislative meeting of November 20, 2008. Additional items will be added prior to the final agenda being posted for the board. II. Executive Session An executive session was held to discuss matters of personnel. The next meeting of the Personnel Committee will be held on Tuesday, December 2, 2008, at 7:45 PM in the Board Room at the Education Center. Rose Tree Media School District 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone 610.627.6028 Fax 610.565-5317 Linda Bluebello, Ed.D. Director of Pupil Services Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools To: Members of the Board of School Directors Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D., Superintendent From: Linda Bluebello Date: November 19, 2008 Subject: November 18, 2008 Pupil Services Agenda Chairperson: Mr. John Hanna Minutes Board Members in Attendance: Nancy Mackrides, Jeff Pettit, Peter Barry, John Hanna, Bill Montgomery, Nancy Fronduti, Veronica Barbato, Bill O’Donnell Others in Attendance: Denise Kerr, Linda Bluebello, Anne Callahan, Chip Olinger, ATHLETIC DIRECTOR UPDATE Chip Olinger, Athletic Director for RTMSD, was in attendance to answer questions and clarify procedures regarding a variety of topics, including the use of fields and facilities, organization of district interscholastic sports programs, out-of-season demands on athletes and coaching vacancies. The Board also had the opportunity to peruse copies of the current coaches’ evaluation form and coaches’ handbook which outlines guidelines and procedures. CONTRACTS Kimberly Parra provides coordination of the Student Assistance Program (SAP) at Penncrest High School for an annual cost of $37,193, to be prorated from November 21, 2008 (or start date, pending receipt of all paperwork) to June 18, 2009. Action: Approval will be on the November 2008 Legislative Agenda. Café Prepay provides online payment services of students’ lunch accounts. This contract was discussed at the November 2008 Pupil Services Committee meeting. Action: Approval will be on the November 2008 Legislative Agenda. The next Pupil Service meeting will be held on December 9, 2008, at 8:00 p.m. in the Board Room at the Education Center. OFFICE OF TEACHING AND LEARNING TO: Members of the Board of School Directors Dr. Denise Kerr, Superintendent FROM: Dr. Angela Gilbert, Director of Teaching and Learning - Elementary Dr. Steve Taylor, Director of Teaching and Learning - Secondary DATE: November 13, 2008 RE: November 11, 2008, Teaching & Learning Committee Meeting Minutes Chairperson: Mr. Jeff Pettit Board Members in Attendance: Veronica Barbato, Peter Barry, Linda Fox, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, Nancy Mackrides, Jeff Pettit Also in Attendance: Pat Barta, Angela Gilbert, Erin Scheivert, Steve Taylor Elementary Math Update Dr. Gilbert presented a power point delineating the implementation of the new elementary math program, Math Investigations. The roll out of the program has been smooth in that all materials are in place, teachers have established appropriate routines, communication with math coordinators has been ongoing and professional development has been ongoing. Family Math Nights held at each school have provided parents with an opportunity to learn more about Investigations, engage in the same math activities their children experience daily and ask questions. The events were a huge success in all buildings. Mrs. Erin Scheivert, third grade teacher at Rose Tree Elementary School, demonstrated the differences between a traditional lesson and the constructivist approach utilized in Investigations. She also shared highlights of the program and many of the benefits for our students. Board members participated in an instructional game, Today’s Number, to experience first hand the types of activities used to strengthen the math skills of our students. Special Education Update Dr. Gilbert and Dr. Barta updated the committee on the pending due process hearing resulting from a complaint filed by a parent last month. The hearing is scheduled for November 25, 2008. Dr. Gilbert submitted a written account of the details leading up to this case. Dr. Barta shared pertinent background information. Dr. Gilbert provided a description of the transition plan in place for a student after the services provided by a 1-1 aide are terminated. The board approved a 1-1 assistant for a Penncrest student for a temporary period of time to help the student make adjustments to allow him to succeed at school. The board expressed concern for the well being of the student and the maintenance of his program, once the adult support was removed. The transition plan presented by Dr. Gilbert listed the supports that will be in place for the student including: weekly therapy with a psychologist; participation in academic enrichment; support in the resource room; a form to document the student’s behaviors; continued use of the language used with the student by the 1-1 Assistant so that the students receives verbal cues that are familiar to him. ACTION: Approval will be on the November 2008 Legislative Agenda A student with significant disabilities (V. G.) is in need of a change in educational programming, including the need for a 1-1 aide. The student is moving from a placement at Connections to CHAAMP in order to better meet his needs. CHAAMP provides transition services for students diagnosed with Autism. Each student in this program is required to have the support of a 1-1 instructional assistant, since the student spends most of the time in community-based work and/or work related experiences. Other services will include Occupational and Physical Therapy. Strategic Planning Update Dr. Taylor updated the Board on the draft Strategic Plan that was submitted to PDE in September. The Plan consists of six discrete reports. To date, PDE has approved three of these: Educational Technology, Special Education, and Teacher Induction. Three remain to be approved: Academic Standards and Assessment, Professional Education, and Student Services. These are still in the hands of the PDE reviewers. Dr. Taylor assured the Board that work on all the goals and action steps of the plan is already underway, regardless of the approval status. Rose Tree Media School District 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone 610.627.6000 Fax 610.891.0959 Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools Patti Linden Director of Technology and Information Science To: Members of the Board of School Directors Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D., Superintendent From: Patti Linden Date: November 14, 2008 Subject: Technology Committee Meeting Minutes for November 11, 2008 Chairperson: Mrs. Linda Fox Board Members in attendance: Linda Fox, Nancy Fronduti, Veronica Barbato, Peter Barry, John Hanna, Jeff Pettit, Nancy Mackrides Also in attendance: Patti Linden, Kim McCann-Roller, Christa Consadene, Abigail Consadene 21st Century Classroom Instruction Board members were invited to the Training Room in the Education Center to view and experience the newly installed SMART Board and its uses for the classroom. Patti Linden and Kim McCann showcased some lesson examples of how teachers would use a SMART Board. Glenwood kindergarten student, Abigail Consadene, was also able to demonstrate some of the ways she has experienced SMART Board uses in her classroom this year. Board members were invited to participate in the activities to experience it first hand. Patti Linden then explained the plan for acquiring additional boards in a phased budget process that will allow approximately 50 teachers per year to receive these. Teachers will be required to attend 3 days of professional development to meet the qualification. Next meeting: Tuesday, December 2, 2008, at 7:15 p.m. in the Education Center Board Room ROSE TREE MEDIA SCHOOL DISTRICT PRESIDENTIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS – EXECUTIVE SESSION “In accordance with the Pennsylvania Sunshine Act, executive sessions of the School Board were held on the following dates to review and discuss matters permitted under Section 8 of the Act.” October 23, 2008 November 11, 2008 November 18, 2008 There will be an executive session of the School Board for matters of personnel at 6:30 p.m. prior to the Informational Session of November 20, 2008, at Springton Lake Middle School. The Legislative meetings are recorded on tape. IX. New Business A. Personnel 1. Terminations a. b. 2. Professional 1. Sandra Shacklady-White, Special Education Teacher/ Teacher Leader, Penncrest High School, resignation effective December 19, 2008. 2. Donna Craskey, 6th Grade Language Arts Teacher, Springton Lake Middle School, resignation effective November 28, 2008. 3. Patricia Kinard, Long Term Substitute Special Education Teacher, Springton Lake Middle School, resignation effective November 28, 2008. Non-Instructional 1. Linda Henry, Food Service Worker, termination, Ms. Henry declined the position. 2. Evan O’Neill, Support Staff I, Penncrest High School, resignation effective January 9, 2009. Nominations a. Professional 1. Recommend the Board approve the following personnel to serve as Homebound Instructors for the 2008-2009 school year at the rate of $44.00 per hour: Enoch Stevenson Diana Sweeney 2. Tom Durant Kristine Acker Mary Belle Patton, (.3) Study Skills Teacher, effective December 1, 2008 at the annual salary of $13,357.50 to be pro-rated. Ms. Patton received her Bachelor’s Degree from Davidson College in North Carolina. She is assigned to Springton Lake Middle School. NOTE: Ms. Patton is being hired pending completion of her pre-employment paperwork. IX. New Business A. Personnel 2. Nominations a. Professional (continued) 3. b. Sarah Pettit, (.8) Speech and Language Teacher, effective December 1, 2008, at the annual salary of $40,066, Master's Degree/Step 4, pro-rated. Ms Pettit received her Bachelor's Degree from Elmira College and her Master's Degree from LaSalle University. She comes to us from Pediatric Therapeutic Services where she served as a Speech and Language Pathologist. Ms. Pettit is assigned to Springton Lake Middle School and Penncrest High School replacing (.2) Gina Kokoska and (.6) a new position. NOTE: Ms. Pettit is being hired pending completion of her preemployment paperwork. Non-Instructional 1. Andrew Iavarone, Substitute Bus Driver, effective October 8, 2008 at the rate of $19.69 per hour. Mr. Iavarone is replacing William Holcomb who abandoned his position. 2. Barbara Tindall, Food Service Worker, effective October 9, 2008 at the rate of $10.25 per hour. Ms. Tindall is assigned to Springton Lake Middle School. NOTE: Ms. Tindall is being hired pending completion of her pre-employment paperwork. 3. Carolyn Jourdan, Food Service Worker, effective November 4, 2008 at the rate of $10.25 per hour. Ms. Jourdan is assigned to Springton lake Middle School. NOTE: Ms. Jourdan is being hired pending completion of her pre-employment paperwork. 4. Patricia Miller, Bus Aide, effective November 4, 2008 at the rate of $12.95 per hour. Ms Miller is assigned to the Transportation Department. 5. Recommend the Board approve the following personnel to serve as PSAT Review Session Teachers at the rate of $75.00 per session: Sharon Smith Diana Sweeney Deanna Dachiu IX. New Business A. Personnel 2. Nominations b. 3. Non-Instructional (continued) 6. Carl Holland, Substitute Custodian, effective October 29, 2008 at the rate of $12.00 per hour. Mr. Holland will serve as a substitute custodian in addition to his responsibilities as a maintenance worker. 7. Ellen Sosangelis, Interim Administrator effective at the rate of $400 per day. 8. Richard Dunlap, Intermim Administrator effective September 1, 2008 at the rate of $400 per day. 9. Louise Naismith, Career Coordinator, effective November 20, 2008 at the rate of $25.00 per hour. Ms. Naismith is assigned to Penncrest High School replacing Linda Cardwell who resigned. NOTE: Ms. Naismith is being hired pending completion of her preemployment paperwork. General a. Unpaid Leave of Absence 1. b. Kristine Acker requests an extension of her unpaid leave of absence through June 30, 2009 for the purpose of child rearing. Degree Advancement 1. Debra Schnaars, Penncrest High School, degree advance to MEQ, Step 4 at the annual salary of $50,082 effective August 28, 2008. 2. Robert Higgins, Penncrest High School, degree advance to Master’s +20, Step 11, at the annual salary of $67,210 effective August 28,2 008. IX. New Business A. Personnel 3. General (continued) c. Rescind Supplemental Contracts 1. d. Rescind appointment of Christiana Kuntz to the position of Envirothon Co-Sponsor at Penncrest High School, she will not be filling the position. Supplemental Contracts 1. Amanda Meltz, Envirothon Co-Sponsor, Penncrest High School for the 2008-2009 school year at the annual salary of $695.00. 2. Brian Saviski, Fitness Club Sponsor, Penncrest High School for the 2008-2009 school year at the annual salary of $1,529.00. 3. Angel Barry, Walking Club Sponsor for the Fall, Glenwood Elementary, at the annual salary of $208.50 4. Lovinda Weaver, Scrabble Club, Media Elementary, at the annual salary of $139.00. 5. Jacqueline Matusow, Scrabble Club, Elementary, at the annual salary of $139.00. 6. Patrick Murphy, Piano Club, Media Elementary, at the annual salary of $417.00. 7. Sharon Prior, (.5) Special Student Activities Sponsor, Springton Lake Middle School, at the annual salary of $347.50. 8. Susan Vause, (.5) 7th Grade Homework Club Sponsor, Springton Lake Middle School, at the annual salary of $347.50. 9. Steve Silva, Varsity Baseball Coach, Penncrest High School, effective November 20, 2008 at the annual salary of $6,435.00. Media IX. New Business A. Personnel 3. General d. e. Supplemental Contracts (continued) 10. Recommend Board approval of the Penncrest High School Winter Athletic Supplemental contracts for the 2008-2009 school year. See Attachment A 11. Recommend Board approval of the Springton Lake Middle School Winter Athletic Supplemental contracts for the 2008-2009 school year. See Attachment B Salary Change 1. Recommend Board approval for the correction of the following Support Staff I pay rates, effective July 1, 2007: Mary Ellen Densmore Christine Nolan Elizabeth Hones 2. Indian Lane Indian Lane Springton Lake $12.38 $12.38 $12.38 Linda Rowley, pay rate correction from $11.14 per hour to $11.64 per hour. Ms. Rowley’s pay rate was incorrectly reported on the June, 2008 Board. X. Finance A. Purchasing 1. Bid Award Gravograph LS100– 30 Watt Laser Engraving System Advanced Technologies Consultants $20,697.04 Background A Bid Opening was held on November 5, 2008. Two bids were received. The laser engraver will be replacing equipment that is more than 10 years old. This was discussed at the November 18, 2008 Finance Committee Meeting. B. General 1. Media Youth Wrestling Tournament– Sunday Building Use Resolve, that the Board approve a request from Media Youth Wrestling for the use of the Penncrest High School Gym and Auxiliary Gym on Sunday, February 1, 2009 from 5:00 A.M. – 5 P.M. Background This was discussed at the November 18, 2008 Operations Committee Meeting. X. Finance B. General 2. Budgetary Transfers Rose Tree Media School District Policy #612 (Public School code section 609) when funds are not available for a proposed appropriation, a legal transfer from one class of expenditure to another may be made in the last nine (9) months of the fiscal year by the board. Resolve, that the Board approve the following budgetary transfers: FY 09– 68 FROM: AMOUNT: Fund 10 General Fund Fiscal Services– Equipment $1,046.22 TO: AMOUNT: Instructional Technology– Equipment $1,046.22 RATIONALE: Transfer needed for SLMS to purchase a Sharp LCD TV with DVD and a Sony DVD/VCR combo to replace broken items. X. Finance B. General 2. Budgetary Transfers (cont’d) FY 09– 69 Fund 10 General Fund FROM: Regular Instruction– Supplies AMOUNT: $4,860.00 TO: AMOUNT: Instructional Technology– Equipment $4,860.00 RATIONALE: Transfer needed for IL to cover the cost of Smart Boards ordered in July. FY 09– 76 Fund 10 General Fund FROM: Fiscal Services– Equipment AMOUNT: $2,291.40 TO: AMOUNT: Regular Instruction– Equipment $2,291.40 RATIONALE: Additional funds needed to purchase a laser engraver for the Technology Education Department at Penncrest. Background This was discussed at the November 18, 2008 Finance Committee Meeting. X. Finance B. General 3. Holcomb Behavioral Health Systems, STAR Coordinator Contract Resolve, that the Board approve a contract with Holcomb Behavioral Health Systems, STAR Coordinator (interim), September 8, 2008 through December 31, 2008, in the amount of $850 per each twenty (20) hour work week. Background Holcomb Behavioral Health Systems will provide an interim STAR coordinator until the District contracts with its own STAR coordinator. This item was on the October 23, 2008 Legislative Agenda, the cost was not indicated. This was discussed at the October 2008 Pupil Personnel Services Committee. 4. CHAAMP Agreement Resolve, that the Board approve an agreement with CHAAMP for educational services, including a one-on-one assistant, for a student with significant disabilities in an amount of $65,000. Background A student with significant disabilities (V. G.) is in need of a change in educational programming, including the need for a 1-1 aide. The student is moving from a placement at Connections to CHAAMP in order to better meet his needs. CHAAMP provides transition services for students diagnosed with Autism. Each student in this program is required to have the support of a 1-1 instructional assistant, since the student spends most of the time in communitybased work and/or work related experiences. Services (all provided via CHAAMP resources) will include Occupational and Physical Therapy. This was discussed at the November 11, 2008 Teaching and Learning Committee. X. Finance B. General 5. Student/Teacher Assistance Referral Coordinator Agreement Resolve, that the Board approve an agreement with Kimberly Parra for Student/Teacher Assistance Referral coordinator, pending receipt of all clearances, in the amount of $37,193 to be prorated from November 21, 2008 (or start date) to June 18, 2009. Background The STAR coordinator provides coordination of the Student Assistance Program (SAP) at Penncrest High School, 25 hours per week. This item was discussed at the November 2008 Pupil Services Committee Meeting. 6. Café Prepay Contract Resolve, that the Board approve a revised contract with Café Prepay. Background Café Prepay provides online payment services of students’ lunch accounts. This contract was discussed at the November 2008 Pupil Services Committee meeting. 7. Barbara Nissel Contract Resolve, that the Board approve an extended contract with Barbara Nissel. Background An addendum was created to change the contract of Barbara Nissel. Instead of ending on Jan.1, 2009 her contract will extend through June 30, 2009. Her salary will be prorated during that time in the sum of $16, 250. 11/14/2008 Attachment A PENNCREST ATHLETIC SUPPLEMENTALS - WINTER 2000-01 2008-2009 2001-02 EXPERIENCE EXPERIENCEXPERIENCE STEP UNIT RATE UNITS SUPPLEMENTAL SALARY BASKETBALL BOYS VARSITY COACH BASKETBALL BOYS ASST COACH BASKETBALL BOYS ASST COACH BASKETBALL HEAD FRESH COACH M. DOYLE C. GOUSSEAUX J. RITTER S. CHICANO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 4 3 2 2 2 1 146 146 146 139 44 31 31 25 $6,424.00 $4,526.00 $4,526.00 $3,475.00 BASKETBALL HEAD GIRLS COACH BASKETBALL ASST GIRLS COACH BASKETBALL ASST GIRLS COACH BASKETBALL FRESH GIRLS COACH K. NATH S. VAUSE L. MOSLEY T. DURANT 0 0 9 0 0 10 2 1 3 10+ 1 1 1 4 139 139 139 165 44 31 31 25 $6,116.00 $4,309.00 $4,309.00 $4,125.00 INDOOR TRACK BOYS HEAD COACH INDOOR TRACK BOYS ASSISTANT INDOOR TRACK GIRLS HEAD COACH INDOOR TRACK GIRLS ASST COACH G MUNRO R. BROWN M. CLARK J. LOHN* 10+ 0 4 10+ 0 5 10+ 3 10+ 10+ 4 1 4 4 165 139 165 165 34 26 34 26 $5,610.00 $3,614.00 $5,610.00 $4,290.00 SWIMMING GIRLS HEAD COACH SWIMMING BOYS HEADCOACH DIVING COACH T. WOOLERY A. IKELER M. SCHLAGEL 5 0 6 6 0 7 10+ 4 10+ 4 2 4 165 146 165 31 31 20 $5,115.00 $4,526.00 $3,300.00 WRESTLING HEAD COACH WRESTLING ASST COACH WRESTLING ASST COACH G. JACOBS W. KENT (.5) J. BOHL (.5) 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 3 2 2 1 1 146 139 139 44 15.5 15.5 $6,424.00 $2,154.50 $2,154.50 CHEERLEADING HEAD WINTER COACH CHEERLEADING ASST WINTER COACH CHEERLEADING ASST WINTER COACH CHEERLEADING FRESH WINTER COACH CHEERLEADING FRESH WINTER K. BAILEY A. HOFFMAN (.5) J. ANDERSON (.5) H. YOUNG (.5) A. Tumminelli (.5) * 6 0 7 1 0 0 0 0 1 4 10+ 2 1 1 2 4 2 1 139 146 165 139 139 23 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 $3,197.00 $1,387.00 $1,567.50 $1,320.50 $1,320.50 * BEING HIRED PENDING COMPLETION OF PREEMPLOYMENT PAPERWORK 11/14/2008 Attachment B SPRINGTON LAKE WINTER ATHLETIC SUPPLEMENTALS 2008-2009 EXPERIENCE STEP UNIT RATE UNITS SUPPLEMENTAL SALARY BASKETBALL BOYS - 7TH GRADE BASKETBALL BOYS - 8TH GRADE W. CARR A. VIRTUE 1 6 1 2 139 164 21 21 $2,919.00 $3,444.00 BASKETBALL GIRLS - 7TH GRADE BASKETBALL GIRLS - 8TH GRADE J. DIAZ P. NORRIS 5 8 2 3 146 156 21 21 $3,066.00 $3,276.00 WRESTLING HEAD COACH WRESTLING ASST COACH D. PUCKETT R. LAVOIE 10 8 3 3 165 156 21 17 $3,465.00 $2,652.00 CHEERLEADING COACH WINTER J. BLYTHE 1 1 139 18 $2,502.00