ROSE TREE MEDIA SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS Legislative Agenda October 22, 2009 7:30 p.m. I. Call to Order II. Approval of Minutes A. III. Penncrest High School Undefeated Varsity Volleyball Team Math Investigations - Indian Lane students with teachers, Abby Burke and David Woods Reports A. B. C. D. E. F. G. VI. Legislative Meeting of September 24, 2009 Educational Presentation A. V. Roll Call Presentations and Awards A. IV. Pledge of Allegiance Student Liaison Reports Board Liaison Reports Committee Highlights and Reports School Reports Superintendent’s Report Solicitor’s Report President’s Report Scheduled Presentations (Limited to Five Minutes Each) A. B. Agenda RTMEA Healthy Communities Initiative 1 10/22/2009 VII. Unscheduled Presentations (Limited to Three Minutes Each) A. VIII. Old Business A. IX. Rose Tree Media Residents None New Business A. B. Agenda Personnel 1. Terminations a. Professional b. Non-Instructional 2. Nominations a. Professional b. Non-Instructional 3. General a. Classification Change b. Rescind Supplemental Contracts c. Supplemental Contracts d. Elimination of Position e. Create New Position Overnight Trips 1. FBLA State Leadership Workshop, 11/1/09 – 11/2/09, Penn State University Main Campus 2. Closing the Achievement Gap,11/7/09-11/8/09, Rickets Glen State Park 3. PA Association of Student Councils State Conference, 11/12/09 – 11/14/09, Pennridge High School 4. Student Leadership, 11/21/09 – 11/23/09, Stroudsburg, PA 5. Boys Cross Country State Championship, 11/6/09 – 11/7/09, Hershey, PA 6. Girls Indoor Track – Kevin Dare, 1/22/10 – 1/23/10, Penn State University 7. Regional Cheerleading Championship, 1/30/10 – 1/31/10, Penn State University 8. Boys Indoor State Track Championship, 3/5/10 – 3/6/10, Penn State University 9. Wrestling Regional Tournament – PIAA – 3/5/10 – 3/6/10, Council Rock North High School 10. Girls Indoor Track States, 3/5/10 – 3/6/10, Penn State University 11. State Wrestling Championship – PIAA, 3/10/10 – 3/13/10, Hershey, PA 12. Boys Track Outdoor State Championship, 5/27/10 – 5/29/10, Shippensburg University 13. Girls Outdoor Track State Championship, 5/28/10 – 5/29/10, Shippensburg University 2 10/22/2009 C. D. X. Finance A. B. C. D. XI. Policies 1. Policy #217 Graduation Requirements – First Read – See Attachment A Addendum – Personnel 1. Terminations – None 2. Nominations 3. General a. Other – See Attachment B Purchasing 1. None General 1. Theraplay, Inc. 2. Austill’s Rehabilitation Services 3. Dr. Robert F. Sing 4. Dr. Peter N. Christie 5. Jessica Brady, Dental Hygienist 6. Carmelinda Mann, M.A. 7. CritiCare 8. Bayada Nurses, Inc 9. G.A.T.E. Program Financials for August 2009 Bill lists for August 2009 Adjournment ANNOUNCEMENT There will be an executive session of the School Board for matters of personnel at 6:30 p.m. prior to the Legislative Meeting of November 19, 2009 at Penncrest High School. The Legislative meetings are recorded on tape. Agenda 3 10/22/2009 EXCELLENCE TODAY FOR TOMORROW Rose Tree Media School District 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone: 610-627-.6000 Fax: 610-891-0959 Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools To: From: Date: Subject: I. Grace A. Eves, Board Secretary, Director of Management Services Members of the Board of School Directors Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D., Superintendent Grace A. Eves, Board Secretary September 24, 2009 Minutes of the September 24, 2009 Legislative Meeting Call to Order Roll Call Board Members in Attendance: Pledge of Allegiance Students: Linda Kinsler-Fox, President Veronica Barbato Peter Barry Nancy Fronduti John Hanna Nancy Mackrides William Montgomery William O’Donnell Jeffrey Pettit Also in Attendance: Ron Baldino, Director of Maintenance & Oper. Linda Bluebello, Director of Pupil Services Eric Bucci, Ass’t. Principal, PHS Anne Callahan, Dir. Human Resources Karen Daugherty, Principal, RTE Bill Dougherty, Principal, GWE Susan Evans, Ass’t. Principal, PHS Grace Eves, Dir. Management Services Angela Gilbert, Dir. Elem. Teaching & Learning Rick Gregg, Principal PHS Ron Harris, Educ. Ctr. Network Specialist Ralph Harrison, Ass’t Principal PCHS Heather Henise, Accountant Joanne Horan, Reading Supervisor Anthony Jackowski, Ass’t. Principal SLMS Joyce Jeuell, Principal, SLMS Daniel Belk Nicalia ThompSon Michele Schapire Christine Sowa Mack Johnson, Management Specialist for SMS and FMS Thomas Kelly, Solicitor Denise Kerr, Superintendent of Schools Bonnie Kinsler, Director of Transportation Maria Kotch, Principal, MES Patti Linden, Dir.Tech. & Info. Sciences Roxanne Schupp, Supv. Business Oper. Steve Taylor, Dir. Sec. Teaching & Learning Katherine White, Principal, MES II. Approval of Minutes A. B. Legislative Meeting of August 27, 2009 Bid Opening Minutes of August 24, 2009 – Four Music Room Doors at Penncrest High School Mrs. Fronduti moved and Mr. O’Donnell seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2009-10 – 10 Resolved, that the Board approve the Legislative Meeting Minutes of August 27, 2009 and the Bid Opening Minutes of August 24, 2009. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: III. Linda Kinsler-Fox, Veronica Barbato, Peter Barry, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, Nancy Mackrides, William Montgomery, William O’Donnell, Jeffrey Pettit None Presentations and Awards A. Envirothon Team – Mark Samilenko and Amanda Meltz Katie Ferguson and Jennifer Walker Mr. Hanna moved and Mrs. Mackrides seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2009-10 - 11 Resolved, that the Board of School Directors recognize the Penncrest High School Envirothon Team, Katie Ferguson and Jennifer Walker, and their coaches Mark Samilenko and Amanda Meltz for coming in First Place at the National Canon Envirothon competition. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: Linda Kinsler-Fox, Veronica Barbato, Peter Barry, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, Nancy Mackrides, William Montgomery, William O’Donnell, Jeffrey Pettit None 2 9/24/09 B. Penncrest High School – New Signage Mrs. Mackrides moved and Mr. O’Donnell seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2009-10 - 12 Resolved, that the Board of School Directors recognize Rick Gregg, Ralph Harrison, Stephen Mescanti, Carl Kriebel, Ron Baldino, Jack Dunne, and Armondo Ragni for designing, producing, and installing the new room signs at Penncrest High School. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: IV. Linda Kinsler-Fox, Veronica Barbato, Peter Barry, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, Nancy Mackrides, William O’Donnell, William Montgomery, Jeffrey Pettit None Educational Presentation A. V. Penncrest Advanced Placement Program – Rick Gregg Presenters: Beth Clements, Rob Simpson, Ed Somers, and Sharon Sweeney. Reports A. B. C. D. E. F. VI. Student Liaison Reports Board Liaison Reports - None School Reports -In the Official Legislative Minutes of September 24, 2009. Superintendent’s Report -In the Official Legislative Minutes of September 24, 2009. Solicitor’s Report - In the Official Legislative Minutes of September 24, 2009. President’s Report – In the Official Legislative Minutes of September 24, 2009. Scheduled Presentations A. B. RTMEA – Sandy Steiger Healthy Communities Initiative – Dana Reiker VII. Unscheduled Presentations A. Rose Tree Media Residents - None VIII. Old Business A. None 3 9/24/09 IX. New Business A. Personnel 1. 2. Terminations a. Professional b. Non-Instructional Nominations a. Professional b. Non-Instructional Mrs. Fronduti moved and Mr. O’Donnell seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2009-10 - 13 1. Terminations a. Professional 1. b. Maureen Auerbach, 7th Grade Social Studies teacher, resignation effective January 29, 2010. Non-Instructional 1. Mary Rached, Support Staff II, Penncrest High School, resignation effective September 11, 2009. 2. Trevor Chamberlain, Custodian, Penncrest High School, resignation effective September 14, 2009. 4 9/24/09 IX. New Business A. Personnel 2. Nominations a. Professional 1. Gail Diksa. (.4) Long Term Substitute French Teacher, effective August 31, 2009 at the annual salary of $23,953.60*, Master’s +60/Step 1 prorated. Ms. Diksa is assigned to Penncrest High School replacing Tracy Jackson who was reassigned. 2. Colleen Hoy, Long Term Substitute Special Education Teacher, effective August 31, 2009 for the first semester at the annual salary of $44,202*, Bachelor’s/Step 1 to be pro-rated for the first semester. Ms. Hoy served as a Long Term Substitute during the 2008-2009 school year. She received her Bachelor’s Degree from Cabrini College. She is assigned to Penncrest High School replacing Mary Ann Grassano who was reassigned. 3. Caroline Perry, Long Term Substitute English Teacher, effective August 25, 2009 at the annual salary of $49,182*, Master’s/Step 1. Ms. Perry received her Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Vermont and her Master’s Degree from West Chester University. She is assigned to Penncrest High School replacing Craig Casner who is on Sabbatical. 5 9/24/09 IX. New Business A. Personnel 2. Nominations b. Non-Intructional 1. Recommend Board approval for the following Penncrest personnel to serve as Event Chaperones for the 2009-2010 school year at the rate of $55.00 per event: Catherine Bennett James Ciccarelli Melvin Crouse Cynthia Garvin Elaine Jay Carolline Perry Edward Somers Jodi Strevig Linda Kilpatrick 2. Helen Pron, Cafeteria Trainee, effective September 8, 2009 at the rate of $10.55 per hour. Ms. Pron is assigned to Springton Lake Middle School. 3. Sharon Trader, Substitute Bus Driver, effective September 8, 2009 at the rate of $20.29 per hour. 4. Cassie Dickman, Support Staff II, effective September 1, 2009 at the rate of $14.49 per hour. Ms. Dickman is assigned to Indian Lane Elementary. NOTE:Ms. Dickman is being hired pending completion of her pre-employment paperwork. 5. Diane DiMartino, Substitute Cafeteria Worker, effective September 8, 2009 at the rate of $10.04 per hour. NOTE: Ms. DiMartino is being hired pending completion of her pre-employment paperwork. 6. Melissa Sabatino, Reading Tutor, Media Elementary for the 2009-2010 school year at the rate of $15.00 per hour. 7. Kathleen Hogan, Reading Tutor, Media Elementary for the 2009-2010 school year at the rate of $15.00 per hour. 6 9/24/09 IX. New Business A. Personnel 2. Nominations b. Non-Instructional 8. Anita Bloom, Substitute Bus Driver, effective September 21, 2009 at the rate of $20.29 per hour. NOTE: Ms Bloom is being hired pending completion of her pre-employment paperwork. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: 3. Linda Kinsler-Fox, Veronica Barbato, Peter Barry, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, Nancy Mackrides, William O’Donnell, William Montgomery, Jeffrey Pettit None General a. b. c. d. e. Classification Change Unpaid Leave of Absence Rescind Supplemental Contracts Supplemental Contracts Salary Change Mrs. Mackrides moved and Mrs. Fronduti seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2009-10 – 14 Resolved, that the Board of School Directors approve the following: a. Classification Change 1. Maria Mendoza-Jayme, from Support Staff I to Support Staff II, effective September 8, 2009 at the rate of $14.49 per hour. Ms. Mendoza-Jayme is assigned to Media Elementary replacing Amanda Matthews who resigned. 2. Ronald Jones, from Bus Driver to Substitute Bus Aide, effective September 14, 2009 at the rate of $13.34 per hour. 7 9/24/09 IX. New Business A. Personnel 3. General a. b. Classification Change (cont’d) 3. James Elliott, from Part-time Bus Driver to Regular Full-time Bus Driver, effective September 8, 2009 at the rate of $20.29 per hour. 4. Joseph Mirachi, from Part-time Bus Driver to Regular Full-time Bus Driver, effective September 8, 2009 at the rate of $20.20 per hour. 5. Debbie Tyson, from Assistant Food Service Coordinator to Office Assistant, effective July 1, 2009 at the rate of $12.50 per hour. Unpaid Leave of Absence 1. Nicole Dawson, Food Service, Penncrest High School, requests an unpaid leave of absence commencing August 24, 2009 and terminating October 19, 2009 for the purpose of child rearing. 8 9/24/09 IX. New Business A. Personnel 3. General c. Rescind Supplemental Contracts 1. Rescind appointment of Erin McBride to (.5) Assistant Varsity Field Hockey Coach, Penncrest High School. 2. Rescind appointment of Mary Ann Grassano as Building Coordinator – Special Education, Penncrest High School. 3. Rescind appointment of Donald Horn as 8th Grade Assistant Football Coach, Springton Lake Middle School. 4. Rescind appointment of Marie Carter as 7th Grade Field Hockey Coach, Springton Lake Middle School. 5. Rescind appointment of Jerry Diaz as (.5) 8th Grade Volleyball Coach, Springton Lake Middle School. 6. Rescind appointment of Jennifer Diaz as (.5) 8th Grade Volleyball Coach, Springton Lake Middle School. 7. Rescind appointment of Douglas Gramo as Science Olympiad Sponsor, Springton Lake Middle School. 8. Rescind appointment of Joseph Perket as Science Olympiad Sponsor, Springton Lake Middle School. 9. Rescind appointment of John Dixon as Chess Club Sponsor, Springton Lake Middle School. 9 9/24/09 IX. New Business A. Personnel 3. General d. Supplemental Contracts 1. Melissa McGowan from .5 Assistant Varsity Field Hockey Coach to 1.0 Assistant Varsity Field Hockey Coach at the annual salary of $3,475.00*. Ms. McGowan is assigned to Penncrest High School. 2. Lindsay Groy, Building Coordinator – Special Education, Penncrest High School at the annual salary of $2,800.00*. 3. Geralyn Mayernick, New Teacher Mentor for the 2009-2010 school year at the rate of $1,050.00*. 4. Shawna Cliff, 6th Grade Homework Club, Springton Lake Middle School, at the annual salary of $834.00*. 5. Veronica Kurash, 6th Grade Homework Club, Springton Lake Middle School, at the annual salary of $834.00*. 6. Marie Carter, 8th Grade Volleyball Coach, Springton Lake Middle School at the rate of $2,919.00*. 7. Elizabeth Battista from (1.0) Newspaper Sponsor to (.5) Newspaper Sponsor, Springton Lake Middle School at the annual salary of $1,112.00*. 8. Carin Newsome, (.5) Newspaper Sponsor, Springton Lake Middle School at the annual salary of $1,112.00*. 9. Elizabeth McKelvey, (.5) 7th Grade Homework Club Sponsor, Springton Lake Middle School at the annual salary of $417.00*. 10. Elizabeth McKelvey, Building Coordinator, Professional Development, Springton Lake Middle School for the 2009-2010 school year at the annual salary of $2,800.00* 10 9/24/09 IX. New Business A. Personnel 3. General d. e. Supplemental Contracts 11. Susan Griffin, Recycle Club Sponsor, Springton Lake Middle School for the 2009-2010 school year at the annual salary of $834.00*. 12. Brian Bortnicker, Chess Club Sponsor, Springton Lake Middle School for the 2009-2010 school year at the annual salary of $834.00*. 13. Christa Consadene, Dance Team Coach, Penncrest High School for the 2009-2010 school year at the annual salary of $695.00*. Salary Change 1. The following salary was incorrectly reported on the June 2009 Board: Jessica Anderson Nathan Snyder $64,359.80 $50,028.00 The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: Linda Kinsler-Fox, Veronica Barbato, Peter Barry, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, Nancy Mackrides, William O’Donnell, William Montgomery, Jeffrey Pettit None 11 9/24/09 IX. New Business A. Personnel 3. General f. Create New Position Mrs. Fronduti moved and Mr. O’Donnell seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2009-10 – 15 Resolved, that the Board approve the following: 1. Creation of a 1.0 English As A Second Language Teaching position Request the Board create an additional 1.0 English As a Second Language Teaching position at Media Elementary School. The position will be funded by Title I Funds. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: Linda Kinsler-Fox, Veronica Barbato, Peter Barry, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, Nancy Mackrides, William O’Donnell, William Montgomery, Jeffrey Pettit None 12 9/24/09 IX. New Business A. Personnel 3. General f. Create New Position Mrs. Fronduti moved and Mrs. Mackrides seconded motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2009-10 -16 Resolved, that the Board approve the following: 2. Creation of a .2 FTE Middle Level English/Middle Level Mathematics Teaching Position Recommend the creation of an additional .2 FTE Middle Level English/Middle Level Mathematics teaching position at Springton Lake Middle School. This .2 FTE will be combined with the existing .3 FTE Studies Skills teaching position to create a new .5 FTE teacher to staff the GATE (Guided Actions and Team Excellence) Program at Springton Lake. This position is being funded by Title I Stimulus Funds and will be eliminated at the end of the 2010-2011 school year when the stimulus funds are depleted. Mr. Barry made a motion and Mr. O’ Donnell seconded a motion to table the above resolution: RESOLUTION: 2009-10 – 17 Resolved, that the Board approved the motion to table the above resolution: The aforementioned resolution was declared tabled by the Chair, the roll call vote being: AYES: NAYS: Linda Kinsler-Fox, Veronica Barbato, Peter Barry, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, Nancy Mackrides, William O’Donnell, William Montgomery Jeffrey Pettit 13 9/24/09 IX. New Business A. Personnel 3. General g. Other Mrs. Fronduti moved and Mr. Hanna seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2009-10 – 18 Resolved, that the Board approve the following: 1. Rescind appointment of Deborah Hoffman to Secretary IV, Principal’s Secretary, Penncrest High School. Ms. Hoffman will remain at the Secretary I position in the Athletic Department. 2. Title and Salary Change in Food Service Handbook Recommend Board approval for the elimination of the position of Assistant Food Service Coordinator and replace it with Office Assistant at the rate of $12.50 per hour effective July 1, 2009 for the 20092010 school year. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: Linda Kinsler-Fox, Veronica Barbato, Peter Barry, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, Nancy Mackrides, William O’Donnell, William Montgomery, Jeffrey Pettit None *Salary is reported at the 2008-2009 rate and is subject to change with the completion of RTMEA negotiations. 14 9/24/09 X. Finance A. B. Purchasing 1. Bid Awards General 1. Change Orders 2. Finance/Accounting Services Proposal 3. Owner’s Representative Services Proposal 4. Project Management Institute (PMI) 5. Concurrent Enrollment Agreements for Dual Enrollment See Attachments A, B, and C 6. Contract with The Mill Creek School 7. Contract with The Vanguard School 8. Settlement Agreement with the Parents of SM 9. Holcomb Behavioral Health Systems 10. Janine Blythe Transportation Agreement 11. SAP Contract 12. Mercy Rehab Associates 13. Tall Pines Day Camp 14. Delegate to Delaware County Tax Collection Committee Mr. O’Donnell moved and Mrs. Mackrides seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2009-10 – 19 A. Purchasing 1. Bid Awards Resolved, that the Board award the following bid: Penncrest High School Music Room Doors Construction Contract Base Bid Budget The Fayette Group $17,785.72 $20,000 15 9/24/09 X. Finance B. General 1. Change Orders Change Orders are acted upon in accordance with Resolution 1997-98 – 124, as approved by the School Board of Directors on April 23, 1998. Further resolved, that the Board approve the following change orders: Penncrest High School Arrell & Snow Electrical Construction Change Order No. 1 in a credit amount of $6,900 for deletion of wiring for various air handlers. Rose Tree Elementary School Kobithen Roofing Change Order No. 1 in a credit amount of $1,320 for addition of masonry restoration and deletions of metal deck repairs. Education Center Charlestown Paving & Excavating, Inc. Change Order No. 1 in credit amount of $1,521.60 for unused allowance for base repairs. Penncrest High School Goldhorn Electrical Construction Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $3,800 for upgrade of wiring feeding dimmer rack to 60 amp 3 phase and twelve additional dimmers and associated wiring. Glenwood Phase II L. J. Paolella Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $20,760 for elevator pit drainage. 16 9/24/09 X. Finance B. General 2. Financial/Accounting Services Proposal Further resolved, that the Board approve the financial/accounting services of Tom Josiah Consulting, to assist in the preparation of the local audit. 3. Owner’s Representative Services Proposal Capital Improvement Projects 2010-2011 Further resolved, that the Board approve the proposal from Dennis Cini, Cini Construction Services, Inc., for Owner’s Representative Services, capital improvement projects for 2010-2011, in an amount not to exceed $96,416. 4. Project Management Institute (PHI) Further resolved, that the Board approve the Agreement between the School District and James Spaulding to teach the Project Management Course at the ERIC for the amount of $3,000.00 to be funded by the Alternative Education for Disruptive Youth grant. 5. Concurrent Enrollment Agreements for Dual Enrollment Resolve, that the Board approve the Concurrent Enrollment Agreements with Delaware County Community College, Neumann University and Penn State Brandywine for Dual Enrollment for the 2009-2010 school year. See Attachments A, B, and C in Official Legislative Minutes of September 24, 2009. 6. Contract with The Mill Creek School Further resolved, that the Board approve the agreement with The Mill Creek School to provide educational services for a student with significant disabilities for the 2009 -2010 school year, in accordance with the student’s IEP. The student (LK) will attend Mill Creek starting in September 2009 with a tuition fee of $35,280.00. 17 9/24/09 X. Finance B. General 7. Contract with the Vanguard School Further resolved, that the Board approve the agreement with The Vanguard School to provide educational services for two (2) students with significant disabilities for the 2009 -2010 school year, in accordance with the students’ IEPs. The students (BE and DR) will attend Vanguard starting in September 2009 with a tuition fee of $42,000.00 per student. Vanguard is an approved private school and an application for 4010 funding has been submitted. 8. Settlement Agreement with the Parents of SM Further resolved, that the Board approve the settlement agreement with the parents of a student with significant disabilities. The agreement includes the following: the District agrees to pay educational costs of $20,000 per year for three (3) years in lieu of FAPE; the District agrees to provide SM with transportation to and from the Pilot School; the District will not be responsible for ESY costs or programming; there will be no pendency in the Pilot School; the District will reevaluate SM in spring 2012 and offer an IEP for fall 2012. 9. Holcomb Behavioral Health Systems Further resolved, that the Board approve a contract with Holcomb Behavioral Health Systems for Assessment and Referral Services for Springton Lake Middle School students, July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010. 18 9/24/09 X. Finance B. General 10. Janine Blythe Transportation Agreement Further resolved, that the Board approve a contract with Janine Blythe for transportation reimbursement in accordance with Policy 810.3. 11. SAP Contract Further resolved, that the Board approve an agreement with Kimberly Parra for Student/Teacher Assistance Referral coordinator in the amount of $38,309 from September 8, 2009 to June 22, 2010. 12. Mercy Rehab Associates Further resolved, that the Board approve to renew the contract with Mercy Rehab Associates for Physical Therapy. The cost is $64.00 per hour. 13. Tall Pines Day Camp Further resolved, that the Board ratify an agreement with Tall Pines Day Camp for a field trip on September 22, 2009 for ERC students. 14. Delegate to Delaware County Tax Collection Committee Further resolved, that the Board appoint Grace Eves as a nonvoting delegate and Heather Henise a non-voting alternate to the newly formed Delaware County Tax Collection Committee. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: Linda Kinsler-Fox, Veronica Barbato, Peter Barry, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, Nancy Mackrides, William O’Donnell, William Montgomery, Jeffrey Pettit None 19 9/24/09 C. D. Financials for June and July 2009 Bill Lists for June and July 2009 Mr. O’Donnell moved and Mr. Hanna seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2009-2010 - 20 Resolved, that the Board approve the following: Financial Reports June/July 2009 June/July 2009 June/July 2009 June/July 2009 Treasurers Reports Investment Reports Summary Expenditure Status Report Revenue Status Report Bill Lists June 2009 June June June June June June June June 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 General Fund Bill List Imprest Fund Bill List Capital Reserve Fund Bond Series 2002 Bill List Bond Series 2004 Bill List Bond Series 2007 A & B Bill List Private Purpose Trust Bill List Activities/Special Revenue Fund $ 1,965,869.54 $ 307.50 $ 1,265.19 $ 90,936.15 $ 207,379.63 $ 3,500.00 $ 2,339.00 $ 42,322.84 $ 2,313,919.85 Bill Lists July 2009 July July July July July 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 General Fund Bill List Capital Reserve Fund Bond Series 2004 Bill List Bond Series 2007 A & B Bill List Activities/Special Revenue Fund $ 3,144,988.34 $ 37,265.20 $ 359,454.51 $ 1,425.00 $ 5,170.07 $ 3,548,303.12 The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: Linda Kinsler-Fox, Veronica Barbato, Peter Barry, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, Nancy Mackrides, William O’Donnell, William Montgomery, Jeffrey Pettit None 20 9/24/09 XI. Adjournment Mrs. Mackrides moved and Mrs. Fronduti seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2009-2010 - 21 Resolved, that there being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: Linda Kinsler-Fox, Veronica Barbato, Peter Barry, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, Nancy Mackrides, William Montgomery, William O’Donnell, Jeffrey Pettit None ______________________ Grace A. Eves Board of School Directors Secretary 21 9/24/09 III. Presentations and Awards A. Penncrest High School Undefeated Volleyball Team Resolve, the Board of School Directors issue a Rose Tree Media Award to the Penncrest High School Volleyball Team and their coaches for their Undefeated Central League Championship. Background The Varsity Volleyball Team finished the regular season as Undefeated Central League Champions. The players are: Sabrina Barbieri, Mattie Casanova, Caitlyn Evans, Deanna Gardner, Kristen Hartman, Anna Kassab, Judy Kim, Ashley Merton, Brigid Shehan, Nicole Sokolovich, and Sophia Sokolovich. Coaches: Mark Clark and Brian Lynch. III. Presentations and Awards 1 10-22-2009 EXCELLENCE TODAY FOR TOMORROW SCHOOL REPORT’S – October 22, 2009 GLENWOOD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Library Library technician Kathy Cook, along with other members of the RTM library staff, attended the Access Pennsylvania annual fall refresher training session held in Exton. The Access PA database encompasses catalog holdings of over 3,000 schools, public, and academic libraries throughout the state, serving over 12 million residents. Our Access PA membership includes POWER Library resources such as SIRS Discoverer, an award-winning general reference resource for young researchers, and EBSCOHost, a comprehensive periodicals and reference database. Covered in depth in the afternoon session was AP Images, a subscription service from POWER Library, which provides both up-to-the-minute and archived photos, audio, and graphics. Topic are searchable by color, concept, “how to,” and “top quality photos.” This is a valuable resource for our teachers and students. As part of Glenwood’s Back-to-School Night, library technician Kathy Cook arranged for Chris Teter, children’s librarian from the Middletown Free Library, to set up a table in the lobby for parents to visit. Parents could sign up for library cards for their children and see the schedule of special activities provided by the public library. This is a wonderful way to promote connections between school and public libraries. Glenwood’s students participated enthusiastically in our summer reading program. At the end of school in June, each student received a grade-level list of suggested summer reading titles, a reading record form, and a bookmark from Kathy Cook, library technician. As students turned in their completed forms in September, they received a prize. The reading records have been used to compile “Top Ten” lists of children’s favorites by grade level, posted on the bulletin board outside the library. A special award was given to the student in each grade who read the most books over the summer. These students read the most books in their grade levels: Brian Loeper, grade 1; Matthew Kirchgasser, grade 2; Nick Dumont, grade 3; John Kirchgasser, grade 4; and Joseph Loeper, grade 5. They were rewarded with a gift certificate to Borders Books. The late Honi Carman, a long-time teaching assistant in the I.U. special needs classroom when it was housed at Glenwood, made a meaningful bequest for the school she so loved. Her posthumous gift was a stained glass window for the library. Designed by Patricia Myers of Media, the window features a girl in a wheelchair reading a book. The window was “unveiled” School Reports 1 10/22/2009 at a reception held in the library. Many family members, colleagues, former students, and friends of Mrs. Carman attended. This was a wonderful tribute to Mrs. Carman and the students she assisted for over twenty years. Guidance This month Student Ambassadors are starting up bi-monthly appreciation breakfasts for groups of people who help make Glenwood so great. Students across grade levels will make thank you cards for the guests of honor. The student ambassadors will decorate the room and host a breakfast to thank our guests for all they have done for Glenwood as they dine on breakfast treats and hot coffee. The students will also create a picture slide show of the positive changes and help our special guests have brought us. Nurse Mrs. Debra Taylor, School Nurse, visited each classroom at Glenwood to review effective hand washing and sneeze and cough etiquette. Each classroom received two Center for Disease Control posters which reinforce the lesson content and will serve as a visual reminder for students. Posters advocating frequent, careful hand washing have been placed throughout the building in bathrooms and other public places. Art The Rose Tree Media School District was invited to exhibit artworks in the Honors Suite Gallery of the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE). Students as well as faculty and staff were able to exhibit work. The gallery is located at 333 Market Street, Harrisburg, PA. Art work will be on view to the public from October 10, 2009 through October 23, 2009. Physical Education In recognition of Fire Prevention Month, the students in the Glenwood physical education classes have been practicing safety techniques such as “Stop, Drop, and Roll” and “Stay Low and Go.” “Stay Low and Go” is the phrase used to describe the method of crawling to avoid smoke inhalation. The children are familiar with the phrases and eager for the opportunity to practice the skills. They have also been using long ropes and obstacles to emphasize the concepts of “over, under, around, between, in, on, out, leap, jump, hop” to enrich their understanding of relationships and reinforce vocabulary. All of these skills are employed in an exciting obstacle course built on a Halloween theme… “Enter if you Dare!” Kindergarten Kindergarten celebrated Johnny Appleseed Day. We learned all about John Chapman aka Johnny Appleseed. We used our five senses to conduct a taste test of our favorite color apples. Then we graphed the results. We painted our favorite color apples and wrote about it. We counted raisin "appleseeds,” delivered apples to the teachers and even ate a delicious apple snack. We owe a great big thank you to all the parents and grandparents that helped make this day such a huge success. Grade Three In October, the third grade students learned map skills by using their Nystrom Map Champ Atlases. Groups of teachers began piloting a new writing curriculum. This curriculum calls for students to learn about writing by first noticing what good authors do in a particular genre. So, the teachers checked out books from both the Glenwood and Middletown libraries that children could use as mentor texts as they learned about narrative writing. They looked for how the authors told about character, setting, and plot. They noticed how authors used punctuation and anything else they could find between the covers of the books. Based on what the students School Reports 2 10/22/2009 found, teachers taught lessons to help the children create their own narrative and emulate what they had seen in real books. Grade Four The fourth grade class is currently studying ecosystems in Science. In school, students are creating a model of an ecosystem, which can sustain the lives of fish, snails, crickets, and pill bugs. The students will have an opportunity to see an ecosystem in our local area at the Tyler Arboretum. Tyler Arboretum is one of the oldest arboreta in the northeastern United States. It encompasses 650 acres of plant collections, trees, animals, and insects. We will be observing and interacting with this ecosystem as students will be encouraged to appreciate our living world. Tyler Arboretum received a grant to pay for this field trip, including the cost of buses. Grade Five Students in Mark Paikoff's fifth grade class used creative ways to share their first book reports of the year. Students have read novels featuring dogs as the main character and have worked in small, differentiated groups to prepare theatrical presentations for their classmates and parents. Students first decided what portions of the novel they wished to share and then had to decide which form of presentation they wished to use. Some planned a television broadcast that would be taped and played for the class on the smartboard via projector, some groups decided to prepare an old-time radio play using sound props to help illustrate their story while others were making musical versions of their stories to share what they had learned. Students had to develop a script and decide on costumes and props for all of their presentations. They had a great time as they strengthened their comprehension and presentation skills. Literacy Initiatives Many of the Rose Tree Media Elementary Schools' teacher leaders are busily at work this fall on literacy initiatives, along with their elementary literacy coach, Tracey Fritch. In early October, the team of Rose Tree Media Elementary "Literacy Lab Classroom" teachers met for the first time as a group. These five volunteers: Jackie Arbutina, Angel Barry, Melissa McDevitt, Lisa Parkinson, and Julie Small, have all agreed to open their classrooms to their colleagues this year for the purpose of increasing colleague-to-colleague staff development opportunities in the area of reading instruction. Interested teachers from around the district will be given opportunities to do focused observations in these classrooms, followed by participating in structured meetings afterward in which the observers and host teachers can give each other feedback and ask questions. Each lab classroom teacher has also crafted a personal goal for herself as a teacher of reading - and observers will be given the opportunity to learn more about these projects during their visits. As well, the district's Writing Curriculum Study Group met later in the month to continue their work to revise, improve, and align the district's elementary writing program. Driven by a commitment to the use of the writer's workshop approach, and to the use of well-crafted "mentor texts" to inspire and engage young writers, this dedicated team of teachers has met a number of times throughout the past year to create cohesive writing units of study for grades 1-5, and they are piloting these units during the 2009-10 school year. Upon final completion of the units next summer, all RTM elementary staff will be introduced to these units for the 2010-11 school year. This team of teachers includes: Fran Blanchette, Chris Dano, Noreen Ford, Aaron Goldfarb, Berit Haahr, Al Heinle, Charlie Keeler, Jackie Leck, Tina Loveland-Smith, Melissa McDevitt, Claire McGeehan, Lisa Parkinson, Rachael Pinsley, Erin Scheivert, Andrea Seaner, Julie Small, and Andre Washington, and the list of participants continues to grow to include more teachers as word of the wonderful work they have begun has spread to their colleagues. School Reports 3 10/22/2009 INDIAN LANE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Pride Assembly Mr. Bennett will host a Pride Assembly each month at Indian Lane to celebrate student success. Students will be recognized for accomplishments in such things as Summer Reading, 100 Book Challenge, Bobcat Citizens of the Month, etc. At our September Pride Assembly, in addition to recognizing those students who turned in their summer reading logs, Mrs. Crow announced our summer reading winners, who were entered into a raffle to win a "Golden Ticket" worth $5 to spend at the Book Fair. Anti-Bullying Efforts We continue our use of a school-wide anti-bullying pledge that is posted in every room of the school. Each class has signed their room copy as well as a large banner of the pledge that hangs outside the cafeteria. The signing was combined with the commemoration of Constitution Day on Thursday, September 17th. We are the Bobcats! We pledge to…Be respectful and responsible, Offer a helping hand, Be a friend to everyone, Care about feelings, Accept differences, Tell an adult, Stand up for what is right. Thanks to our PTG, we had an assembly featuring singer and songwriter Steven Courtney. Mr. Courtney, from Lancaster County, entertained the students in two performances while infusing Pro-Social messages in his songs. A local Boy Scout troop sponsored a evening performance by Courtney and his band that was attended by more than 130 people. Student Council Our entire student body attended an assembly where they listened to speeches presented by candidates for Student Council Officers. After the assembly, all students returned to their classroom and cast their vote for the students who will represent them for the 2009-2010 school year. This year’s officers are Zach Granger, President, Nicolette Gargiule, Vice President and Amy McGroarty, Secretary/Treasurer. The student Council met on Friday, October 9, at 8:00 a.m., to start the year. Advisers are 5th grade teachers Jackie Arbutina, Sue Hendrixson and Karen Venuto. Community Involvement The 7th Edition of the Middletown Fire Safe Kids' Trading Card Contest is going on during the month of October! Community Member Firefighter, Glenn Coront, along with Paramedic, Kevin Carr, and Trooper, Rose Macguire joined Broadcasters, Ashleigh P., Madison T., and Reid N., on News on the Lane to talk about the Trading Card Contest. This nationally recognized program encourages kids to collect the whole set of 72 cards by visiting any of the firefighters at the three township fire stations. Nowhere else are parents able to expose their children to a close up view of the fire, police and emergency medical services available to them in this community. The goal is to make children comfortable interacting with emergency personnel so if they ever need them in an emergency, School Reports 4 10/22/2009 they won’t be afraid to speak with a member. Kids who collect the whole set of 72 Trading Cards are eligible for a chance to win some incredible prizes! Kindergarten Mrs. Durant, Mrs. Huebner, and Mrs. McMorrow's kindergarten classes meet once a week for a math activity. They have created shape pictures, graphed fall leaves by color, and sorted buttons. The kindergarten children at Indian Lane are looking forward to a year of mathematical fun with their new friends! First Grade The first graders will have a poem of the week book this year. Each week a new poem is introduced to the children. The poem is practiced during the week to build the children's sense of rhyme, rhythm, and also reading fluency. At the end of the week the children place the poem into their poem-of-the-week book. They illustrate the poem and take it home to read. A new poem is practiced and added the following week. Each class is using the new SMART Board technology in the room. The SMART Board is used for daily instruction, question of the day, morning message, etc. The children are excited about the new interactive ways to learn. These students are writing about fall. We will be completing a writing activity with the children. This writing will be placed on a giant leaf made from an oversized coffee filter. The children will fold the filters, dip them into red, green, yellow, and orange food color bins, trace leaf shapes and cut them out. The writing assignment and colorful leaves will hang in our rooms and hallway! The first graders are learning new and hands-on ways to do math through the Investigation program. The children are demonstrating their skills through games such as Compare and Double Compare, Five in a Row, Towers of Ten, and Roll and Record. The children are also learning ways to report problem solving strategies as they solve story problems. This is something we will work on throughout the year. The first graders are learning about school helpers during social studies. We have covered the jobs of the teacher, principal, secretary and custodian. The children are shocked by all the behind the scenes work that goes on here at school. The first graders are getting ready to stencil their class tshirts. These t-shirts are a different color for each classroom. The front of the t-shirt has a picture that matches the classroom theme... Herman: bears, Barton: fish, and Parkinson: bees. These shirts are worn for field trips and events throughout the year to build a sense of community and to make it easy to identify the children in a crowded area. This year we will ask the children to wear their shirts at our monthly pride assemblies. Third Grade Mrs. Burke’s third grade class will have Mystery Readers visit their classrooms on Friday afternoons throughout the school year. The children always love to listen to stories. This is a great opportunity for them to see an adult model reading aloud. Mystery Readers cannot tell anyone that they are coming in to read – hence the word Mystery. The excitement will build as it is announced that “the Mystery Reader has arrived”. The students will be excited to see the various volunteers that walk through the door. School Reports 5 10/22/2009 B-I-N-G-O Night The Fall Bingo Night was held Friday, October 16th. Pre-ordered dinner began at 6:00, and calling started at 6:45. More than 200 people joined us for this always fun night. Teacher, Ron Frank, and Principal, Bill Bennett helped out as callers, and several former IL students assisted in various ways throughout the night. Students Work To Stay Healthy Nurse Debbie Sweeney is spearheading an information campaign to get IL’s students to stay healthy during the upcoming flu season. She has hung numerous posters in the building, addresses students in classrooms and on our morning broadcast, and made several podcasts that you can view on our website. MEDIA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Going Green with the Greener Partners Greener Partners, a Philadelphia area non-profit whose mission is to transform public spaces and underutilized land into community teaching gardens, visited our third grade classrooms. Meg MacCurtin (a Media parent) and Amy Johnson introduced the children to a variety of plants including some interesting organically grown local produce. Have you ever seen a sunflower the size of a garbage can lid? The eco-friendly value of consuming local produce was discussed. They blended and taste-tested a delicious smoothie made from orange juice, soy milk, banana, mint, strawberries, kale, and nasturtium flowers. One purpose of the visit was to build enthusiasm for the new Media School Garden and Environmental Club. The mission of the Media School Garden and Environmental Club (a temporary name until we can come up with something “catchy”) is to start a school garden. We have visions of digging around for our own potatoes, harvesting fresh and crunchy carrots, and growing everything we need for homemade pizza sauce. Maybe some day, we’ll even have a “green” roof. The club will meet twice a month. The faculty sponsor is Mrs. Jana Maxwell. Back to School Night School Reports 6 10/22/2009 Our annual Back to School Night was very well attended. HCI representatives and Home and School Visitor, Bernadette Dacanay, joined us in the atrium to share resource material. Dr. Gilbert also attended. Our teachers had a long list of information to share with parents including the revised progress report, our new volunteer compact, a school climate survey, RTM’s new cyberbullying policy, and the new keyboarding program for grades 3-5. Individual student reports (PSSA results) were distributed. SMARTBOARDS that have been installed in many of our classrooms, were clearly the “buzz” of the event. Parents were intrigued by the possibilities of the SMARTBOARD technology and expressed that they are eager to learn more about them. Some comments from our school survey: “Everyone cares in this school and will help anyone who needs it.” “Media Elementary is a positive environment. Communication between home and school is excellent.” “Media Elementary is a total child universe!” “Parents feel heard and so do the kids.” “Media Elementary has a wonderful, nurturing, caring atmosphere. My children feel safe, secure and loved there. Above all else, I value this the most.” “Terrific teachers who are energetic, intelligent, fun and help you learn.” “Excellent leadership - strong in academics with the caring factor…inclusive.” Grandparents’/Special Friends’ Day Grandparents’ Day is, perhaps, our favorite day of the year. Our guests are enthusiastic and complimentary. Many of the teachers plan special activities that encourage our senior visitors to share their school experiences. Again, the SMARTBOARDS were a hit. Our guests left with a souvenir pen, a carnation and an invitation to be a school volunteer. Our service club, H.O.M.E., under the direction of guidance counselor Patrick Murphy, served as the official greeters and our P.T.G. provided delicious refreshments. Mrs. Goldfarb Returns Retired Glenwood principal, Mary Ellen Goldfarb, is facilitating a reading group in her son’s fifth grade class. The group is reading Baby by Patricia MacLachlan. Mrs. Goldfarb promises to be as popular with the fifth graders as is Mr. Goldfarb. Internet Safety / Cyberbullying Trooper Rosemary McGuire (State Police) gave a presentation on internet safety/ cyberbullying. Parents from all RTM schools were invited. Trooper McGuire shared suggestions for ways that family’s can manage technology in ways that will keep their families safe. She answered many interesting questions about how the laws are always trying to “catch up’ with the technology and about how frequently the police are asked to get involved in technology related situations (cyberbullying.) She also addressed topics like identity theft, computer viruses, and predators. Summer Readers Recognized Summer readers were recognized at our first all-school assembly. Our assemblies are designed to be community building and always include our school song and other community songs that everyone knows. It is really fun to watch the children link arms and sway back and forth as they sing together. Accomplishments are celebrated by all. Librarian, Jackie Matusow, organized the recognition of our many summer readers. Our mascot, Marty the Mustang, made a special appearance. Showboat School Reports 7 10/22/2009 One of our grade five students, Kenyon Wicks, has a prominent part in The Media Theatre’s production, Showboat. Kenyon also was the only male contestant in this summer’s Delco Idol Jr. We are very proud of him. “Picturing America” Jana Maxwell (art) and Jackie Matusow (library) took part in the Philadelphia Museum of Art’s teacher seminar on the NEH resource “Picturing America.” The participants took part in a wide range of activities ranging from lectures by Dr. Wendy Bellon and Dr. Michael Leja on American art from the colonial period to the present, group discussions in the galleries led by PMA educators, and curriculum brainstorming sessions. The workshop took place on a Saturday. Physical Fitness Testing Students in grades 3-5 are participating in fall pre-testing for physical fitness. Students in grades 1-2 are participating in a number of introductory activities including warm-up exercises, parachute games, rhythmical activities, and loco-motor skills. Additionally, our physical education teachers devoted a lesson to appropriate use of playground equipment and suggestions for safe/fun playground games. AGP Projects AGP students created projects about themselves. They had to select a common product (like cereal) and design packaging that represented them. They were asked to think about how they compared with their selected product and to design an attractive package. The students used creativity in the design process as well as critical thinking in their selfanalysis and comparative explanations. They formed artistic teams to videotape commercials for their products. Sound Off Twelve of our students were interviewed for Sound Off (The Daily Times). The questions they were asked: Do you think elementary school children should have cell phones? What limits should their parents put on their use? Where in your home is your family computer? How do you use it? Check out The Daily Times for their responses. Correspondent Bette Alburger also came to Media School to interview Principal Maria Kotch and her son, Jason, who is an assistant principal in the Garnet Valley School District. Juvenile Justice Visits Fourth Grade Anthony Ricco and John Verdecchio from the Department of Juvenile Justice met with our fourth graders. The children are studying local government. Mr. Ricco and Mr. Verdecchio spoke about their jobs and about making good choices. The children had a lot of good questions and demonstrated that they have good decision making skills. Elwynn MH RTF Expansion Project Maria Kotch and Elishia Arias (learning support) participated in a planning group at Elwynn regarding a project that will expand resources for children and adolescents diagnosed with autism. The purpose of the meeting was to explore educational resources for residential students. The planning group included representatives from Magellan, the counties, Elwynn, and the Bureau of Autism. Mrs. Kotch and Mrs. Arias also visited a class at The Davidson School (Elwynn). School Reports 8 10/22/2009 ROSE TREE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Beginning of the year assessment is coming to an end. We have almost completed our DIBELS, MAP, DRA and the Pearson Math Assessments. Staff are analyzing the data and determining how to best allocate our personnel to meet the identified needs. We also trained a team to use the PVAAS website to further our understanding of our students’ strengths and weaknesses. We Are Family Bagels with Dads and Friends was a tremendous success with approximately 90% of our Dads joining us for breakfast. Many smiling faces of Dads and their children have been added to our “We are Family” wall of pictures. Likewise our Playground Potluck was extremely well attended. The delicious food created a great incentive for families to come out and mingle. No Place for Hate We kicked off our No Place for Hate campaign this year with an assembly presentation by Silly Joe. Children were delighted to receive his important message in such a fun and entertaining way. Second Grade Second graders at Rose Tree Elementary School participated in Johnny Appleseed Day. The students enjoyed literature about apples, constructed and interpreted an apple graph, wrote stories about apples and participated in parent and teacher led learning centers about circumference, money, and The Giving Tree (sequencing activity). Fourth Grade Rose Tree fourth grade students completed reading We'll Never Forget You, Roberto Clemente. The novel was a bridge to their studies of Hispanic Heritage Month in October. They will be expanding their Spanish vocabulary as they continue to celebrate Hispanic Heritage throughout the month. AGP The students in Rose Tree's AGP program worked on a project called "Advertise Yourself.” In the project the students conducted a self-analysis of their personality traits. They compared themselves with a product and created and designed the modified product. The students then explained a correlation between themselves and the product. Students worked on persuasion and advertising gimmicks such as logos, slogans, and jingles. Some students recorded commercials. Art Artworks created by Rose Tree Media School District students and staff, including students from Rose Tree Elementary School, were placed on exhibit in the Honors Suite Gallery in the Pennsylvania Department of Education located at 333 Market Street in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The district was invited to exhibit artwork during the month of October. The artworks on display represent the art program in the district for grades 1 to 12 while also including pieces created by staff members from various subject areas, including the art department. The art will remain on exhibit through October 31st, 2009. School Reports 9 10/22/2009 Guidance New students feel very welcome at Rose Tree Elementary. Beginning the first week of school the guidance counselor meets with all new students in small, grade level groups. They were given another tour (The first tour being the one given during New Student Orientation in August.) and the opportunity to ask questions about their new school. Each new student in grades one through five also received a welcome booklet. This book contained “coupons” for free gifts from some of the people who work at Rose Tree Elementary. With the help of the guidance counselor, this booklet enabled new students to meet some of the many new faces in their school. The hope is that students will get to know some of the important people in their school (and vice versa!) so they will no longer be strangers but new friends! The students had a blast going on a "scavenger hunt" to find their new friends and receive a small prize. The groups met three times throughout the month of September and into October in order to keep a close eye on how the new students adjusted to their new school. A letter from the counselor to the parents/guardians was also sent home with each student as a way to introduce them to the role of the guidance counselor at the elementary level. Reading We got off to a great start in our reading instruction this fall! Our focus this year is on fostering comprehension through small group instruction. Students had lessons on good reader strategies, interacting with text, and picking “just right” books. A favorite fourth grade lesson included identifying Very Important Points in order to write a summary of the biography We’ll Never Forget You, Roberto Clemente. SPRINGTON LAKE MIDDLE SCHOOL AGP The sixth grade students enrolled in the academically gifted program are up for the "challenge" as they arrived at Springton Lake from a number of different schools. The students meet in small groups in a class called AGP Challenge once every seven days to explore and research a topic of their own choosing. Language arts teacher and AGP coordinator Tony Tolomeo provides guidance and assistance to aid this process. The seventh and eighth grade AGP students have a similar schedule and are led by Pam Gregg and Cindy Stephens respectively. The research, products, and activities are based on the higher order thinking skills put forth by educational theorist Benjamin Bloom. As many as six projects are completed over the course of the school year. Students share their findings and talents with the public at the annual "Celebration of the Mind" event held in June. The evening usually includes live musical events, scientific demonstrations, sporting exhibitions, artistic endeavors, and many more. Art Nine students from Mrs. Going's classes will have art work displayed at this year’s exhibition in the Honors Suite Gallery at the offices of the Pennsylvania Department of Education in Harrisburg. Art work will be on display until October 31st.The following students will have their work shown: Sarah Lippman, 8th grade, Taryna Hollinger, 7th School Reports 10 10/22/2009 grade, Grace Hill, 8th grade, Alaina Clune, 8th grade, Ryan Martyn, 8th grade, Sabrina Delviscio, 8th grade, Teddy Thompson, 8th grade, Angela Anastasi, 8th grade and Brittany Kasshner, 8th grade In Mrs. Going's eighth grade classes, Andy Warhol and Henri Matisse would be proud!! Painting and Pop art are coming along and will soon be displayed in the halls. A compare and contrast assignment of the 2 famous 20th century artists is forth coming. In seventh grade, Color is everywhere! The study of Georgia O'Keeffe and her understanding with the use of color is apparent in the seventh grade paintings. Abstractions and textures show the students knowledge of the color theory concepts! A web trip for all students to the Georgia O'Keeffe Museum in Santa Fe, New Mexico is up and running. Sixth graders are learning to use rulers while measuring out their frames for their Metal Repousse Masks. This will certainly help them come PSSA time in the spring! All work will be displayed soon!! In Ms. Sycz’ class students are continuing to use the elements and principles of design to create a dynamic composition. Students are comparing how color in addition to line can be used to explore the principles of pattern, contrast and emphasis. Demonstrating mastery of basic colored pencil techniques and choosing a color scheme are important at this stage. Student will be submitting a reflection paper about their learning experience and will analyze a work of art using the vocabulary focused upon in this lesson in their descriptive writing piece. Grade seven students will finish this week the pencil drawing of their portraits using lines and shapes. Students have brought in resource images and wrote descriptive paragraphs to help them support the narrative aspects of their drawings. Students will then use color as they learn how to shade. Reading from the textbook Understanding Art will reinforce the objectives of the lesson. Grade six students are using color to enhance the placement of leaves on their leaf composition still including the principles of balance, pattern, and contrast. Students are applying the lesson on blending oil pastels. Soon the students will finish their projects by learning to apply watercolor washes in this mixed medium work of art. Reading from the textbook Understanding Art will reinforce the objectives of the lesson as well as completing a reflection paper as a group assignment. Guidance Guidance counselors are helping students in sixth grade transition to middle school. We are offering groups for students to discuss common concerns. Sue Griffin, transition counselor, is meeting individually with all students new to the district to evaluate and offer counseling to those students enrolled here for the first time. She also arranges to have students meet at lunch to get to know each other. Sixth grade counselor, Alison Harrison, has begun to meet with sixth graders and to interview those students interested in participating in guidance groups. She will teach a guidance lesson on friendship and respect during the first marking period to all sixth grade students. The guidance department is also working to update the Springton Lake guidance web page. We will be offering links to mental health services and No Place for Hate. We will offer information on groups, cyber bullying and bullying, and frequently asked questions. In addition, Alison Harrison, building coordinator, is organizing school-wide kick-off activities for the No Place For Hate program. Students will develop a showcase display, answer questions about respect, and student products will be used in a cafeteria hallway display. School Reports 11 10/22/2009 Library District librarians LaVerne Motley, Winnie Host, and library tech Kathy Cook all attended the annual Access PA / POWER Library training session along with Librarians Jackie Matusow, Cheri Marzano, and Lisa Stuart. During the day, presentations were made by Lynn Moses from PDE, Access PA requirements and procedures were reviewed, and new features of various online resources were highlighted. Beginning next year, the refresher program will be delivered via an online course. Mrs. Motley received a Library Services Technology grant for $2,500 to purchase books to enhance the animal/endangered species collection. In cooperation with sixth grade science teachers Jo Dizon, Kathleen Maguire and Donna Schied, books and several DVDs have been selected and the list of desired materials sent to PDE for approval. Sixth grade Language Arts students received and introduction to the SLMS library and its procedures in addition to a brief tour. Students then selected their first library books. At a follow-up lesson, Mrs. Motley reviewed how to locate books using an author, title, subject or series and demonstrated how to “read” a record for a book as well as how to find book reviews using Title Peek. Students from Susan Hemenway's life skills class come weekly for a story and book selection. During their first sessions they have enjoyed two non-fiction selections: Pale Male: Citizen Hawk of New York City and Boys of Steel: the Creators of Superman. Mrs. Motley presented book talks to students from Mrs. Perilli’s language arts class. The theme was The Creepy, the Ghostly, the Mysterious. The presentation centered on books the students would read during the month of October. Family and Consumer Science students from Mrs. Heckman’s 8th grade classes came to the library to work on their housing unit. After being assigned a family situation and an income level, students used Internet resources to select affordable housing in preparation for their report. Mr. Reilly’s seventh grade social studies students used reference books and Internet resources to research information in order to prepare resumes for the signers of the U.S. Constitution. Mrs. Stephens, Mrs. Gregg, and Mr. Tolomeo have been meeting regularly in the library with small groups of AGP challenge students to begin the ground work for their year-long research projects. Goals for the year, framework for the program and possible topics have been discussed and students are presently participating in presearch activities. Math Eighth grade students are working with the Connected Math curriculum for the first time this academic year. This curriculum was introduced to the sixth grade students two years ago and the seventh grade students last year. At this point in the year, students are exploring and strengthening their skills with linear relationships (Standards 2.8.8). This entails work on coordinate planes, with the slope-intercept form and solving algebraic equations (Standards 2.8.5). Students are also completing a Problem of the Day at the beginning of class. During this quarter, many of these problems involve units of measurement, conversion factors and geometric formulae (Standards 2.3.5 and 2.3.8). Two sections of eighth graders are enrolled in the geometry course which follows the high school geometry curricula. So far, in addition to reviewing basic principles concerning points, lines, planes, angles and polygons, they have been introduced to the midpoint and distance formulae. Students are also learning to distinguish between axioms and postulates and between inductive and deductive reasoning. After examining conditional statements, students are beginning to write proofs. Our Algebra I students are working with Real Numbers. A quick review of adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing real numbers will prepare us for more difficult problem solving exercises. The seventh grade School Reports 12 10/22/2009 is working on the last two investigations of the Covering and Surrounding unit: Measuring Parallelograms and Measuring Irregular Shapes and Circles. The next unit in the Connected Math program is Variables and Patterns, the first algebra strand. This unit will develop students’ ability to explore a variety of situations in which changes occur. As well, students will explore three ways of representing a changing situation. The seventh grade accelerated students are currently in the last investigation of the Filling and Wrapping unit. Students are comparing the volumes and surface areas of a variety of prisms with regular bases and a common height. The students will be involved in making the prisms and filling the prisms with rice to compare the volumes. Sixth grade students are using what they have learned in the unit, "Data About Us" to conduct a statistical investigation. The sixth graders formulated questions and surveyed classmates to find out characteristics of a typical middle school student. After completing data collection, analysis, and interpretation they created different ways to display the results. Culmination of this project included the presentation of a bar, stem and leaf, line plot, and/or pie graphs on poster paper with a written summary report. Music Eighth grade general music students are researching a project for the Early Music Unit and creating original instruments made from materials in their “caves” (past performances included a PVC didgeridoo and the “Raisin Branjo”). Seventh grade general music students combined knowledge of Beethoven and basic music literacy skills to perform “Ode to Joy” in the Yamaha Keyboard Lab. The Springton Lake Steppin’ Team will perform for the Red Ribbon Week Pep Rally. The Eighth Grade Select Chorus will perform in costume at the Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire. The Springton Lake Middle School Eighth Grade Band recently combined with the Penncrest Band performed at a Friday night football game. Their next joint venture is the annual Media Halloween Parade. Social Studies The sixth grade students are getting introduced to the world through the study of world geography. After studying basic geographic concepts, the focus will turn to East Asia. The students will “climb” Mt. Everest during this unit. Smart board lessons are also being incorporated into each unit of study. In addition, Mr. Homan’s 9th period class is reading the middle school version of Three Cups of Tea during REP period. The seventh grade students are enjoying the new TCI History Alive program. The students began the year working in simulation as delegates to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia. Here they explored three important topics, the Great Compromise, the three-fifths Compromise, as well as the debate over the use of the Electoral College for presidential elections. While doing so each student learned about specific delegates and their positions on the topics. Next activity...on to becoming constitutional lawyers... The students are responding well to the new textbooks. Once we taught the students how to navigate through the books, most students see that the information is presented in a clear way with plenty of visual aids. All students seem to find the book readable, but we feel comfortable in stating that more advanced students are challenged by the material presented in the text. This is a difficult task, but we think that TCI accomplished this goal. Eighth grade World History students are using our new textbook, History Alive; The Ancient World. Students have responded very positively to the text and report they enjoy reading it. The audio technology which came with the text has provided some interesting features for our class. When students begin to explore the Lascaux Caves on the web, cave noises School Reports 13 10/22/2009 accompany their exploration. Teachers and students have been exploring content reading activities with this text as well. Eighth grade World History is about to complete our unit on Early Humans. The Lascaux Caves, Neanderthal and CroMagnon Humans, the Ice Man, Archeological Specialists, and DNA research are some of the topics that students have investigated. PENNCREST HIGH SCHOOL High School Faculty Chairperson of the Year At the October faculty meeting DeAnn Scherer, PHS Math teacher was recognized by the American Red Cross, Penn-Jersey Blood Service Region for excellence in blood drive sponsorship and donor recruitment and education. The award is "the High School Faculty Chairperson of the Year" Mrs. Scherer will officially honored by the American Red Cross at their High School Conference on Thursday, October 15, at the Red Cross Headquarters in Philadelphia. The purpose of this conference is for faculty blood drive sponsors and selected students who support the endeavor to meet with those in other high schools that sponsor the event. Mrs. Scherer will be escorting 5 students to the conference where they will be learning about planning a successful blood drive. During her 4 year tenure as faculty chair of the program under the auspices of the National Honor Society, Mrs. Scherer has increased the level of donations 500% from 50 when she took over the event to almost 300 in 2009. This year Mrs. Scherer has initiated a platelet donor drive. Four are scheduled during the 2009-2010. The first was very successful. Mrs. Scherer would like to encourage anyone who is reading this to consider donating blood or platelets this year and to encourage others in our community to do so as well. Red and Gold Go Green One of our district goals for this school year is Red and Gold Go Green. In an attempt to be green, we will be sending many of our school communications via email, eAlerts, eNews, and Global Connect calls. Hopefully, we will reach our school community effectively and efficiently through the increased use of technology. Back-to-School Night Penncrest hosted its annual Back-to-School Night on Thursday, October 1, 2009 from 7:00 p.m. – to 9:00 p.m. The purpose of the evening was to meet teachers and to become familiar with the class expectations and curriculum. The evening was very well attended. Freshman Parent Night Parents of ninth graders were invited to attend a presentation led by Mrs. Graham. Goals for the evening are to help parents of ninth graders prepare for sophomore year, understand the importance of making good choices now, and follow a time line leading up to the college application process. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month Join the freshman health classes in helping to find a cure by participating in the Save Lids to Save Lives campaign sponsored by Yoplait Yogurt. Yoplait will donate 10 cents for every lid to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. The drive runs through School Reports 14 10/22/2009 December 1. To further recognize the need to find a cure, all students and staff were asked to wear pink on Tuesday, October 13, 2009. SAT’s The 2009 SAT’s were administered on Saturday, October 10, 2009, at Penncrest at 7:30 a.m. PSAT’s The 2009 PSAT’s were administered in school on October 14, 2009, for all sophomores and juniors. Students of the Month Christine Sowa (senior) and Ron Tyson (junior) were the Media Rotary Club Students of the Month for September. They were honored at a luncheon at the Towne House in Media on October 1. Congratulations to Christine and Ron! POWR The POWR Program is up and running for the 2009-2010 school year. POWR (Penncrest Opportunities for Workplace Relationships) connects you with local businesses to explore the realities of day-to-day life in a specific career. Your POWR Day is an excused absence, with parental permission. Schedule an appointment with Mrs. Naismith in the Career Center at the Guidance Office for more information. World Language Department Spanish Exchange students from Tavernes de la Valldigna, Spain arrived at Penncrest. These students were paired with Penncrest students who are currently studying Spanish 4 or AP Spanish 5. While visiting RTM, the Spanish students and 2 chaperones took daily trips to local historical and cultural sites. In addition they visited Washington D.C. and Lancaster. The annual covered dish dinner was held at Media Borough Hall. Although the goodbyes were difficult the students have begun the countdown until the Americans travel to Spain in early March 2010. Students interested in the Phyllis Kavanaugh scholarship to travel/study abroad attended an information meeting on September 22. Students and faculty will be celebrating National German Week and Oktoberfest on October 15, at 2:30 p.m. in the PHS Courtyard. Planning has also begun for the 2010 French Immersion Trip to Quebec and Montreal. Parents and students were invited to an information meeting at Penncrest. Art Department The following Penncrest High School staff and students are participating in the Rose Tree Media School District’s Art Exhibition at the Honors Suite Gallery at the Pennsylvania Department of Education in Harrisburg. The show will be on display for the entire month of October. Students: Clay Albers - “Untitled”, watercolor, Peter Allen - “Untitled”, watercolor, Jayna Anderson - “Male Figure”, oils, Craig Cashner - “Mask”, ceramics, Kerry Fields - “Figure”, mixed media, Amy Rocha - “Still Life”, pencil, Nicole Rothman, “Untitled”, ceramics, Grace Wensel, “Me”, pencil, Lauren Tusar - “Untitled”, tempera and Hannah Stevens - “Untitled”, pencil. Staff: Brian Dougherty, Science Department: “Untitled”, oils, Michele Hart, Art Department: “Chanticleer”, oils, Concetta Mattioni, Art Department: “Tiger”, charcoal; “Sheep”, charcoal, David Miller, Science Department: School Reports 15 10/22/2009 “Costa Rica”, series of 6 photographs, Jody Miller Ruckle, Technology Department: “Yellowstone Park”, series of 2 photographs, David Stango, Art Department: “Untitled”, ceramics (2 pieces) The National Art Honor Society sponsored fund raising for the “Bark in the Park” dog walk at the Annual Fall Festival at Rose Tree Park. NAHS students have created portraits of the animals currently up for adoption at the Delaware County SPCA. The students will be selling these portraits as well as manning a face painting table at the event and all proceeds go directly to the SPCA. Art teachers Michele Hart and Concetta Mattioni will be attending the Pennsylvania Art Education Association's annual state conference being held in Brandywine. Ms. Mattioni designed and illustrated the conference logo which is featured on the PAEA website along with all the promotional materials for the conference. Penncrest has two students, Liza Raspa (senior) and Samantha Overstreet (senior) participating in the National Art Honor Society's art exhibition at the Pennsylvania Art Education's state conference. The NAHS show is being displayed in the Safeguard Scientific Building on the Penn State Great Valley Conference Center, located across the street from The Desmond. School Reports 16 10/22/2009 EXCELLENCE TODAY FOR TOMORROW Rose Tree Media School District 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone: 610-627-.6000 Fax: 610-891-0959 Grace A. Eves Director of Management Services Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools To: Members of the Board of School Directors Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D. Superintendent From: Grace A. Eves, Director of Management Services Date: October 6, 2009 Subject: *October 6, 2009 – 7:00 PM Finance Committee Minutes Chairperson: John Hanna *Date Changed from October 13th to October 6th _____________________________________________________________________ In Attendance: John Hanna, Veronica Barbato, Peter Barry, Linda Kinsler-Fox, Nancy Fronduti, William O’Donnell and Jeffrey Pettit Also In Attendance: Denise Kerr and Grace Eves _______________________________________________________________________ 1. Budget Comparison See Attachment 7:00 The budget summary comparison report now includes a column for year to date information for the previous year for comparison purposes. Most categories are comparable to September of 2008.The other uses of funds category is lower this September because the budgetary transfer to the Capital Reserve account has not been made at this time, whereas last year it was made in September for the 2008/09 fiscal year. This transfer is completed to cover bus and certain technology purchases. State revenue is lower in 2009 due to the budget impasse in Harrisburg. The District has not received subsidy payments for the 2009/10 fiscal year. 2. State Audit Update 7:15 The 2003, 2004, 2005 & 2006 state audits were completed in the Spring of 2008. The state is requesting a corrective action plan on two observations. One observation relates to creating a personnel policy that would require employees to notify the District if they have been arrested. There is pending legislation, SB55, which would mandate this policy. Ellis Katz will be contacted concerning this policy. Further discussion will take place at the Personnel committee meeting. The other observation relates to updating our technology policy for outside contractors and vendors. The technology department is working on updating our technology policies. The corrective action plan requires board action at the November Legislative meeting. Many school districts received the same observations. 3. Escrow Account 7:30 The release of funds from the Penncrest Escrow account should occur within the next two weeks. All necessary paperwork will be sent this week. The escrow account balance is $1,601,407.22. This account owes the general fund $1,409,465.28 for expenses paid for the1998 Penncrest project. After the transfer from the construction fund to the general fund is completed, there is $191,941.94 remaining from the escrow account. The remaining funds can be used to retire debt or be transferred to the capital reserve account for future construction projects. 4. Act 1 Index for 2010/11 Fiscal Year 7:35 The Index for the 2010/11 fiscal year is 2.9%, which presents challenges for 2010/11 fiscal year. Approximately $750,000 of new debt for the next $15,000,000 for the Springton Lake project will be incurred. The District will need to borrow approximately another $15,000,000 in 2011/12. Ken Phillips has recommended in the past that the District seek exceptions for the debt. He will attend the November Finance Committee meeting to give an update on our finances. Increased assessment appeals for residential and commercial properties are projected for the 2010/11 fiscal year. The Granite Run Mall appeal resulted in a $600,000 loss of revenue. The Pennsylvania School Employees' Retirement System, PSERS, announced a tentative retirement rate for 2010/11 as 8.4%. The current rate is 4.78%. The rate will not be certified until December of 2009. 5. Budget Timeline See Attachment 7:45 The tentative budget timeline was discussed. The district can seek exceptions. The State will notify the District in late December of the exceptions. The District is not required to use all of the exceptions, but may use a portion. A proposed preliminary budget will need to be adopted at the January Legislative meeting or a resolution adopted to not exceed the Index. 6. Media Borough Lighting 7:55 Media Borough is seeking approval from the District to install a spot light for the flag at Barrell Field. Ron Baldino will collect additional information and report to committee at the November Finance Committee meeting. The next Finance Committee meeting will be held on November 10, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. EXCELLENCE TODAY FOR TOMORROW Rose Tree Media School District 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone: 610-627-.6000 Fax: 610-891-0959 Grace A. Eves Director of Management Services Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools ___ To: Members of the Board of School Directors Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D. Superintendent From: Grace A. Eves, Director of Management Services Date: October 6, 2009 Subject: *October 6, 2009 - 8:00 PM - Operations Committee Minutes Chairperson: Bill Montgomery *Date Changed from October 13th to October 6th _____________________________________________________________________ In Attendance: Veronica Barbato, Peter Barry, Linda Kinsler-Fox, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, Bill Montgomery, Bill O’Donnell and Jeffrey Pettit Also In Attendance: Denise Kerr, Ron Baldino and Grace Eves Cini Construction: Dennis Cini Bonnett Associates: Don Bonnett, Pete Medica, Brian Ambruster D’Huy Engineering: Arif Fazil, Henry Guarriello, Joe Slivka ___________________________________________________________________ 1. Springton Lake Middle School Phasing The phasing plan for the Springton Lake Middle School project was presented by Bonnett Associates and D’Huy Engineering. Don Bonnett reviewed the permit process and feels the NPDES permits will be approved by November. Grace Eves and Don Bonnett will meet with Upper Providence Township to setup an escrow account for permitting fees. Peter Medica, Bonnett Associates, reviewed the PLANCON process. The district approved PLANCON documents up to PLANCON E. The next step in the process is to file PLANCON F, which will be submitted when the district goes out to bid. The tentative construction dates for the project are March 2010 through September 2012. Henry Guarriello, D’Huy 1. Springton Lake Middle School Phasing (continued) Engineering, reviewed the budget. Joe Slivka, D’Huy Engineering, reviewed the phasing plan. The phasing plan is comprised of four major blocks for construction. Each phase will last 4-6 months. The district will lease modular classrooms for classes and the library. The library/classroom alternate was discussed. The alternate would result in the loss of 1,900 square feet of economical space and was not cost effective. The Operations Committee agreed to forego the alternate. The committee also agreed with the phasing plan and the leasing of modular units. The next Operations Committee meeting will be on November 10, 2009, at 8:00 PM. EXCELLENCE TODAY FOR TOMORROW Rose Tree Media School District 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone: 610.627.6000 Fax: 610-891-0959 Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools Anne D. Callahan Director of Human Resources To: Members of the Board of School Directors Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D., Superintendent From: Anne D. Callahan, Director of Human Resources Date: October 16, 2009 Subject: Minutes of the Personnel Committee Meeting – October 13, 2009 Board Members in Attendance: N. Mackrides, Chair, J. Hanna, V. Barbato, L. Fox, P. Barry, J. Pettit Also in Attendance: D. Kerr, A. Callahan, and G. Eves A. Review of Items for Legislative Meeting – Anne Callahan The committee reviewed the items for the legislative meeting on October 22, 2009. Mrs. Callahan stated that we will be adding one additional item, the creation of a new supplemental position at Springton Lake Middle School. The position, Game Attendant at 6 units, was discussed at the September Personnel Committee meeting. Action: All items will be included on the agenda of the legislative meeting for a vote of the full Board of School Directors. B. Interact Club Mrs. Callahan presented a request from Penncrest High School to reinstate the Interact Club. The Interact Club was funded temporarily for the past two years. The funds being used to fund the club are no longer available. Penncrest administration has recommended incorporating the Video Club into the TV Production Club and transferring the video club funds to the Interact Club. Action: The agenda for the legislative meeting on October 22, 2009, will include the deletion of the Video Club and the permanent reinstatement of the Interact Club at 8 units. C. Executive Session An executive session was held to discuss matters of Personnel. The next meeting of the Personnel Committee will be held on Thursday, November 5, 2009, at 8 PM in the Board Room at the Education Center Rose Tree Media School District 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone 610.627.6028 Fax 610.565-5317 Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools Linda Bluebello, Ed.D. Director of Pupil Services To: Members of the Board of School Directors Denise C. Kerr, Ed.D., Superintendent From: Linda Bluebello, Ed.D. Date: October 14, 2009 Subject: October 12, 2009 Pupil Services Committee Meeting Minutes Chairperson: Mrs. Nancy Fronduti Board Members in Attendance: Veronica Barbato, Jeff Pettit, Peter Barry, Nancy Mackrides, Linda Fox Others in Attendance: Dr. Denise Kerr, Dr. Joyce Jeuell, Dr. Linda Bluebello, Dr. Steve Taylor, Dr. DiMarino-Linnen, Community member OVERNIGHT TRIPS Dr. Bluebello presented the following overnight trips for review. The Board also requested that the current overnight trip form be revised to provide clarity of information and suggested that it be placed online. The Future Business Leaders of America will travel to Penn State University on November 1-2, 2009, for the State Leadership Workshop. The cost to the district will be for one substitute teacher for one day. Action: Approval will be on the October 2009 Legislative Agenda. Twelve Penncrest High School students who are part of the Student Relations Club will attend a one-night camping trip at Rickets Glen State Park on November 7-8, 2009. The trip will emphasize and teach in an authentic setting, student leadership and personal responsibility skills. Action: Approval will be on the October 2009 Legislative Agenda. Five Penncrest High School Student Council members will attend the PA Association of Student Councils State Conference at Pennridge High School on November 12-14, 2009. The cost to the district will be approximately $460 for two substitute teachers, registration and hotel. Action: Approval will be on the October 2009 Legislative Agenda. Penncrest High School students will attend a Student Leadership Training Retreat in Stroudsburg, PA, on November 21-23, 2009. The cost to the district will be $450 for substitute teachers. Action: Approval will be on the October 2009 Legislative Agenda. The Penncrest High School Boys Cross Country team will compete in the State Championships in Hershey, PA, on November 6-7, 2009. The approximate cost to the district is $500. Action: Approval will be on the October 2009 Legislative Agenda. The Penncrest High School Girls Indoor Track team will compete in the Kevin Dare High School Invitational on January 22-23, 2009 at Penn State University, State College, PA. the cost to the district is the $500 registration fee. Action: Approval will be on the October 2009 Legislative Agenda. The Penncrest High School Cheerleaders will attend the Regional Cheerleading Championships at Penn State University on January 30-31, 2010. The approximate cost to the district will be $1,300 which covers the hotel and entrance fee. Action: Approval will be on the October 2009 Legislative Agenda. The Penncrest High School Boys Indoor Track team will attend the State Track Championship at Penn State University on March 5-6, 2010. The cost to the district will be approximately $1,200 which covers the hotel, meals and mini van transportation. Action: Approval will be on the October 2009 Legislative Agenda. The Penncrest High School Wrestling team will compete in the PIAA Regional Tournament at Council Rock North High School on March 5-6, 2010. The approximate cost to the district will be $700 which covers hotel and mini van transportation. Action: Approval will be on the October 2009 Legislative Agenda. The Penncrest High School Girls Indoor Track team will attend the State Track Championship at Penn State University on March 5-6, 2010. The cost to the district will be approximately $900 which covers the hotel, meals and mini van transportation. Action: Approval will be on the October 2009 Legislative Agenda. The Penncrest High School Wrestling team will compete in the PIAA State Championship in Hershey, PA, on March 10-13, 2010. The approximate cost to the district will be $900, which covers hotel, meals and mini van transportation. Action: Approval will be on the October 2009 Legislative Agenda. The Penncrest High School Boys Track team will attend the Outdoor State Championship at Shippensburg University on May 27-29, 2010. The approximate cost to the district will be $1,800, which covers hotel, meals and mini van transportation. Action: Approval will be on the October 2009 Legislative Agenda. The Penncrest High School Girls Track team will attend the Outdoor State Championship at Shippensburg University on May 28-29, 2010. The approximate cost to the district will be $920, which covers the hotel, meals and mini van transportation. Action: Approval will be on the October 2009 Legislative Agenda. As per Board request, Dr. Bluebello will check with Chip Olinger, Athletic Director, for further clarification on upcoming tournaments. CONTRACTS Dr. Bluebello presented the following contract renewals: Theraplay, Inc., at $85.00 per hour for speech therapy. The services of Theraplay, Inc., will be used when necessary to assist with compensatory speech and language services for students. Services are provided at the Springfield, PA, office. Action: Approval will be on the October 2009 Legislative Agenda. Austill’s Rehabilitation Services, Inc., at $57.00 per hour for occupational or physical therapy services. The services of Austill’s will be used for a student who attends the Timothy School and requires Physical Therapy services. Action: Approval will be on the October 2009 Legislative Agenda. Dr. Robert F. Sing provides physicals for high school and elementary students as well as consultation services for the district’s health services. His contract is for $25,578.00. Action: Approval will be on the October 2009 Legislative Agenda. Dr. Peter N. Christie provides physicals for Springton Lake students, district custodians and bus drivers. His contract is for $9,366.82. Bus driver physicals are billed at $55.00 each with a $20.00 fee for the biannual Mantoux Tuberculin test. Action: Approval will be on the October 2009 Legislative Agenda. Jessica Brady provides dental hygiene services to students in our public and non-public schools. Her annual contract is for $2,000.00. Action: Approval will be on the October 2009 Legislative Agenda. Carmelinda Mann, M.A., will provide individual and group counseling services one day per week at the ERC. Her compensation will be $6,000.00 and will be paid for by the Alternative Education Grant. Action: Approval will be on the October 2009 Legislative Agenda. NURSING AGENCY CONTRACTS Dr. Bluebello reviewed two nursing agency contracts with the Board: CritiCare and Bayada. These agencies would provide substitute school nurses only if the district was unable to provide normal substitute nurse coverage in our schools. CritiCare’s fee is $55 per hour for a registered nurse and Bayada’s fee is $49.50 per hour for registered nurse services. Tom Kelly, District Solicitor, will review the contracts prior to Board approval. Action: Approval will be on the October 2009 Legislative Agenda pending Solicitor review and approval of contract language. PRESENTATION As per Board request at the September Legislative Meeting, Dr. Taylor and Dr. Jeuell presented additional information on the SLMS Pilot Alternative Program. Dr. Taylor addressed specific questions regarding staffing and funding of the G.A.T.E. (Guided Actions and Team Excellence) Program and shared options for both. Dr. Jeuell answered questions regarding use of support personnel and evaluation measures. Action: The G.A.T.E. Program will be on the October 2009 Legislative Agenda for approval. The next meeting of the Pupil Services committee will be November 5, 2009, at 9:00 pm at the Education Center. OFFICE OF TEACHING AND LEARNING TO: Members of the Board of School Directors Dr. Denise Kerr, Superintendent FROM: Dr. Angela Gilbert, Director of Teaching and Learning - Elementary Dr. Steve Taylor, Director of Teaching and Learning - Secondary DATE: October 13, 2009 RE: October 13, 2009, Teaching & Learning Committee Meeting Minutes Chairperson: Mr. Jeff Pettit Board Members in Attendance: Veronica Barbato, Peter Barry, Linda Fox, Nancy Mackrides, Jeff Pettit RTMSD Personnel in Attendance: Susan Evans, Denise Kerr, Steve Taylor Penncrest Courses With Enrollment Under 15 in 2009-2010 Dr. Evans presented a chart expressing the enrollments in courses at Penncrest High School under 15 students for the 2009-2010 school year. The chart showed the original projected enrollments from last March, the actual enrollments as of September, and rationale for offering the courses, dropping them, or combining them with others. Book Adoptions – 9th Grade Global Studies Dr. Taylor presented two new books for adoption in the 9th grade Global Studies curriculum during the China unit: The Colors of the Mountain by Da Chen and Red Scarf Girl – Memoir of the Cultural Revolution by Ji-li Jiang. As the one title suggests, both books are memoirs by teenagers growing up during the Cultural Revolution in China. Their adoptions extend the Social Studies Department’s efforts to use primary source materials whenever possible. The Board gave approval for the adoption of these books. Penncrest Course Selection Guide and New Course Proposals Dr. Evans presented a summary of proposed changes to the Penncrest Course Guide for 2010-2011. These changes fall into a number of categories: title changes to clarify course content, offerings of courses on a bi-annual basis, and the addition of new courses, which include Critical Reading, AP Macroeconomics, AP Calculus BC, and a new strand of level 1 courses in the English department in grades 11 and 12. Changes for 2010-2011 also include a realignment of Social Studies courses. The main modifications of the sequence involve changing the length of the American Experience course in 10th grade from a full year to one semester, moving Modern Europe from 11th grade to 10th grade, and changing the length of Modern America from one semester to 1 a full year in 11th grade. All of these proposed changes can be made within current budgetary resources. The Board gave its approval of these proposed changes. Dr. Evans and Dr. Taylor also put forward proposed revisions to the graduation requirements. Two minor revisions involve changing “Language Arts” to “English” in the row for Fine and Practical Arts credits and changing the title of “General Science” to “Environmental Science.” There are two more substantive changes. One involves maintaining the number of required Science credits at 3, but adding language indicating they should be completed by the end of 11th grade. The other is to maintain the number of required Social Studies credits at 4, but requiring students to take a course in the modern American period, either Modern America or AP United States History. The Board agreed to put these changes to the graduation requirements on the Legislative agenda for October for a first reading. They require a revision of Policy 217 – Graduation Requirements. One further related item to consider at the November Teaching & Learning Committee meeting is a program proposal for instituting a Chinese language program at Penncrest. Update on Penncrest Dance Contract Mr. Gregg updated the Board on the rationale for the new Dance Contract at Penncrest. 2 ROSE TREE MEDIA SCHOOL DISTRICT PRESIDENTIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS – EXECUTIVE SESSION “In accordance with the Pennsylvania Sunshine Act, executive sessions of the School Board were held on the following dates to review and discuss matters permitted under Section 8 of the Act.” September 24, 2009 October 6, 2009 October 13, 2009 October 22, 2009 There will be an executive session of the School Board for matters of personnel at 6:30 p.m. prior to the Legislative Session of November 19, 2009, at Penncrest High School. The Legislative meetings are recorded on tape. Presidential Announcement 1 10/22/2009 IX. New Business A. Personnel 1. 2. Terminations a. Professional b. Non-Instructional 1. Thomas Bowes, Substitute Bus Driver, resignation, effective September 8, 2009. 2. Cathy Lejman, Cafeteria Worker, Media Elementary, resignation effective October 16, 2009. Ms. Lejman will remain as a Substitute Custodian. Nominations a. Professional 1. Carley Dillon, (.5) Night School Director for the 2009-2010 school year, Penncrest High School, at the annual salary of $2,500. 2. Debra Schnaars, (.5) Night School Director for the 2009-2010 school year, Penncrest High School, at the annual salary of $2,500. 3. Recommend Board approval for the following Penncrest personnel to serve as Night School Teachers at the rate of $40.00 per hour: Carley Dillon Mark Samilenko Debra Schnaars 4. IX. New Business Robert Simpson Edward Somers Mark Yanchek, Business/Computer Teacher, effective October 9, 2009 at the annual salary of $44,202*, Bachelor’s Degree/Step 1. Mr. Yancheck received his Bachelor’s Degree from Bloomsburg University. He comes to us from Pennsylvania Leadership Charter School where he taught Business and Technology. He is assigned to Springton Lake Middle School replacing Sharon Williams who has been reassigned. NOTE: Mr. Yanchek is being hired pending completion of his pre-employment paperwork. 1 October 22, 2009 IX. New Business A. Personnel 2. Nominations b. 3. 1. Willie Jones, Custodial Night Supervisor, Media Elementary, at the annual salary of $1,000. 2. Marianne Nigolian, Support Staff I, Media Elementary, effective September 29, 2009 at the rate of $12.48. 3. Ralph Santelli, Substitute Cafeteria Worker, effective September 29, 2009 at the rate of $10.04. 4. Louise Naismith, Career Coordinator for the 2009-2010 school year at the rate of $25.00 per hour. She is assigned to Penncrest High School. 5. Michael Bacon, Substitute Custodian, effective October 8, 2009 at the rate of $12.00 per hour. Mr. Bacon currently works as a Substitute Maintenance Worker. 6. Stuart Race, (.5) Personal Instructional Assistant, Support Staff II, effective October 12, 2009, at the rate of $14.49 per hour. Mr. Race is assigned to Penncrest High School replacing Allison Koechig who was reassigned. NOTE: Mr. Race is being hired pending completion of his pre-employment paperwork. General a. IX. New Business Non-Instructional Classification Change 1. Diane DiMartino, from Substitute Cafeteria Worker to Cafeteria Trainee, effective September 8, 2009 at the rate of $10.55 per hour. Ms. DiMartino is assigned to Springton Lake Middle School replacing Aimee Anderson who resigned. 2. Peter Devaney, from Full-time Driver to On-Call Substitute Bus Drive effective October 31, 2009. 2 October 22, 2009 IX. New Business A. Personnel 3. General a. Classification Change (contd.) 3. b. c. IX. New Business Allison Koechig, from (.5) to (1.0) Personal Instructional Assistant, Support Staff II effective October 7, 2009 at the rate of $15.25 per hour. Ms. Koechig is assigned to Penncrest High School replacing Svitlana Duffy who was reassigned. Rescind Supplemental Contracts 1. Rescind appointment of Robin Heckman, Cookie Club Sponsor, Springton Lake Middle School. 2. Rescind appointment of Andrea Drinkwine, Video Club, Penncrest High School. Supplemental Contracts 1. Josephine Dizon, Science Olympiad Sponsor, Springton Lake Middle School, at the annual salary of $696.00*. 2. Robin Heckman, Science Olympiad Sponsor, Springton Lake Middle School, at the annual salary of $695.00*. 3. Jeanette Verdeur, Chorus Sponsor, Media Elementary, at the annual salary of $1,112.00*. 4. Patrick Murphy, HOME Service Club Sponsor, Media Elementary, at the annual salary of $417.00*. 6. Andrea Drinkwine, Television Production Club, Penncrest High School, at the rate of $14.50 per hour to a maximum of $2,600 for the year. 7. Patrick Murphy, Piano Club Sponsor, Media Elementary School, at the annual salary of $139.00*. 8. Amanda Biagi, Field Hockey Coach, Springton Lake Middle School, at the annual salary of $2,919.00*. 3 October 22, 2009 IX. New Business A. Personnel 3. General c. Supplemental Contracts (contd.) 9. Brian Reilly, Geography Club Sponsor, SpringtonLake Middle School, at the annual salary of $834.00*. 10. Frank DiAngelo, Assistant Lightweight Football Coach, Springton Lake Middle School, at the annual salary of $2,363.00*. 11. Todd Brown, DVMSAC Coordinator, at the annual salary of $2,800.00*. 12. Recommend Board approval of the following personnel to serve as Fall Intramural Instructors for Springton Lake Middle School at the rate of $27 per hour: William Carr John Baker Veronica Kurash Matthew Johnston 13. Jacqueline Baker Martha Gumienny Mary Belle Patton Marie Carter Recommend Board approval for the following personnel to serve as sponsors for the AFG Challenge Program at Penncrest High School for the 2009-2010 school year: S. Ableson Director N. Bell Mentor H. Douglas-Garrett Mentor M. Ludwig Mentor D. Mead Mentor N. Peters Mentor E. Pettit Mentor L. Rice-Spring Mentor D. Schnaars Mentor S. Smith Mentor M. Woodward Mentor IX. New Business 4 $2,920.00* $ 556.00* $ 556.00* $ 584.00* $ 556.00* $ 584.00* $ 556.00* $ 584.00* $ 556.00* $ 556.00* $ 584.00* October 22, 2009 IX. New Business A. Personnel 3. General c. Supplemental Contracts (contd.) 14. Sharon Williams, New Teacher Mentor, Springton Lake Middle School, at the annual salary of $1,050.00*. 15. Suzanne Hemenway, Cookie Club Sponsor, Springton Lake Middle School, at the annual salary of $834.00*. 16. Recommend the Board approve the following personnel to serve as PSAT Review Session Teachers at the rate of $75.00 per session: Sharon Smith Diana Sweeney d. Elimination of Position 1. e. Kathleen Rauch Elimination of Video club. The cub activities are being absorbed into the T.V. Production Club. Create New Position 1. Creation of a Game Attendant Position Recommend the creation of Game Attendant at Springton Lake Middle School. This supplemental position will be 6 units. The responsibility of this position will be to attend athletic events and check the clearances of all PIAA Officials. 2. Creation of Interact Club Request reinstatement of the Interact Club at Penncrest High School at the rate of 8 units. Money from the Video Club will be transferred to the Interact Club. • IX. New Business salary is reported at the 2008-2009 rate and is subject to change with the completion of RTMEA negotiations. 5 October 22, 2009 IX. New Business B. Overnight Trips 1. FBLA State Leadership Workshop, 11/1/09 – 11/2/09, Penn State University Main Campus Resolve, that the Board approve the overnight trip for members of the Penncrest High School Future Business Leaders Association to Penn State University, State College, PA, on November 1-2, 2009. Background The Penncrest High School FBLA will attend the State Leadership Workshop at Penn State University. The cost to the district will be for one substitute teacher for one day. 2. Closing the Achievement Gap,117/09-11/8/09, Rickets Glen State Park Resolve, that the Board approve an overnight trip for students in the Student Relations Club to Rickets Glen State Park on November 7-8, 2009. The cost to the district will be $180 which covers two van rentals. Background Twelve Penncrest High School students who are members of the Student Relations Club will attend a one-night camping trip at Rickets Glen State Park. The trip will emphasize and teach in an authentic setting, student leadership and personal responsibility skills. There is no cost to the district. 3. PA Association of Student Councils State Conference, 11/12/09 – 11/14/09, Pennridge High School Resolve, that the Board approve the Penncrest High School Student Council attending the PA Association of Student Councils State Conference at Pennridge High School on November 12-14, 2009. Background Five students will attend the PA Association of Student Councils State Conference at Pennridge High School. The approximate cost to the district will be $460 which covers hotel, advisor registration and substitute fees for 2 days. IX. New Business 6 October 22, 2009 IX. New Business B. Overnight Trips (contd.) 4. Student Leadership, 11/21/09 – 11/23/09, Stroudsburg, PA Resolve, that the Board approve the overnight trip for Penncrest High School students to a Student Leadership Training Retreat in Stroudsburg, PA, on November 21-23, 2009. Background Approximately 100 Penncrest High School students will attend the Student Leadership Training Retreat in Stroudsburg, PA. The approximate cost to the district will be $450 for substitute teacher fees. 5. Boys Cross Country State Championship, 11/6/09 – 11/7/09, Hershey, PA Resolve, that the Board approve the overnight trip to Hershey, PA, for the Penncrest High School Boys Cross Country team on November 6-7, 2009. Background Two members of the Penncrest High School Boys Track team will compete in the State Championships in Hershey, PA. The approximate cost to the district is $500. 6. Girls Indoor Track – Kevin Dare, 1/22/10 – 1/23/10, Penn State University Resolve, that the Board approve the overnight trip to Penn State University, State College, PA, for the Penncrest High School Girls Indoor Track team on January 22-23, 2010. Background The Penncrest High School Girls Indoor Track team will compete in the Kevin Dare High School Invitational at Penn State University, State College, PA. The cost to the district will be $500 for the registration fee. IX. New Business 7 October 22, 2009 IX. New Business B. Overnight Trips (contd.) 7. Regional Cheerleading Championship, 1/30/10 – 1/31/10, Penn State University Resolve, that the Board approve the overnight trip to Penn State University, State College, PA, for the Penncrest High School Cheerleaders on January 30-31, 2010. Background The Penncrest High School Cheerleaders will attend the Regional Cheerleading Championships at Penn State University, State College, PA. The approximate cost to the district will be $1,300 which covers the hotel and entrance fee. 8. Boys Indoor State Track Championship, 3/5/10 – 3/6/10, Penn State University Resolve, that the board approve the overnight trip to Penn State University, State College, PA, for the Penncrest High School Boys Indoor Track team on March 5-6, 2010. Background The Penncrest High School Boys Indoor Track team will compete in the State Track Championship at Penn State University, State College, PA. The cost to the district will be approximately $1,200 which covers the hotel, meals and mini van transportation. 9. Wrestling Regional Tournament – PIAA – 3/5/10 – 3/6/10, Council Rock North High School Resolve, that the Board approve the overnight trip to Council Rock North High School for the Penncrest High School Wrestling team on March 5-6, 2010. Background Approximately 8 members of the Penncrest High School Wrestling team will compete in the PIAA Regional Tournament at Council Rock North High School. The approximate cost to the district will be $700 which covers hotel and mini van transportation. IX. New Business 8 October 22, 2009 IX. New Business B. Overnight Trips (contd.) 10. Girls Indoor Track States, 3/5/10 – 3/6/10, Penn State University Resolve, that the Board approve the overnight trip to Penn State University, State College, PA, for the Penncrest High School Girls Indoor Track team on March 5-6, 2010. Background Members of the Penncrest High School Girls Indoor Track team will compete in the State Track Championship at Penn State University, State College, PA. The cost to the district will be approximately $900 which covers the hotel, meals and mini van transportation. 11. State Wrestling Championship – PIAA, 3/10/10 – 3/13/10, Hershey, PA Resolve, that the Board approve the overnight trip to Hershey, PA, for the Penncrest High School Wrestling team on March 10 -13, 2010. Background Approximately 4 members of the Penncrest High School Wrestling team will compete in the PIAA State Wrestling Championship in Hershey, PA. The cost to the district will by $900 which covers hotel, meals and mini van transportation. 12. Boys Track Outdoor State Championship, 5/27/10 – 5/29/10, Shippensburg University Resolve, that the Board approve the overnight trip to Shippensburg University for the Penncrest High School Boys Track team on May 27-29, 2010. Background Approximately 8 members of the Penncrest High School Boys Track team will compete in the Outdoor State Championship at Shippensburg University. The cost to the district will be approximately $1,800 which covers hotel, meals and mini van transportation. IX. New Business 9 October 22, 2009 IX. New Business B. Overnight Trips (contd.) 13. Girls Outdoor Track States, 5/28/10 – 5/29/10, Shippensburg University Resolve, that the Board approve the overnight trip to Shippensburg University for the Penncrest High School Girls Track team on May 28-29, 2010. Background Approximately 10 members of the Penncrest High School Girls Track team will compete in the Outdoor State Championship at Shippensburg University. The cost to the district will be approximately $920 which covers hotel, meals and mini van transportation. C. Policies 1. Policy #217 – Graduation Requirements - First Reading – See Attachment A Policy #217 Graduation Requirements was discussed at the October 2009 Teaching and Learning Committee Meeting. IX. New Business 10 October 22, 2009 ADDENDUM IX. New Business D. Addendum - Personnel 1. Terminations - None 2. Nominations a. Professional 1. 3. Lisa Jacinto-Cassidy, ESL Teacher, effective October 23, 2009 at the annual salary of $52,441, Master’s Degree/Step 6. Ms. Jacinto-Cassidy received her Bachelor’s Degree from Cabrini College and her Master’s Degree from Fairleigh Dickinson University. She comes to us from West Chester Area School District where she served as an ESL Teacher for the past 3 years. Ms. JacintoCassidy is assigned to Media Elementary School. NOTE: Ms. Jacinto-Cassidy is being hired pending completion of her pre-employment paperwork. General a. Other 1. IX. New Business – Addendum Resolve the Board of School Directors approve the agreement between Rose Tree Media School District and Flora Fuller. See Attachment B October 22, 2009 APPENDIX X X. Finance A. Purchasing – None B. General 1. Theraplay, Inc. Resolve, that the Board approve a contract with Theraplay, Inc., for speech therapy services at $85.00 per hour. Background The services of Theraplay, Inc., will be used when necessary to assist with compensatory speech and language service. This item was discussed at the October 2009 Pupil Services Committee Meeting. 2. Austill’s Rehabilitation Services Resolve, that the Board approve a contract with Austill’s Rehabilitation Services for Physical Therapy at $57.00 per hour. Background A student who attends the Timothy School requires physical therapy according to the provisions of the student’s Individual Education Program (IEP). This item was discussed at the October 2009 Pupil Services Committee Meeting. 3. Dr. Robert F. Sing Resolve, that the Board approve an agreement with Dr. Robert F. Sing of Springfield Sports Emergency Medical Corporation for medical services for $25,578. Background Dr. Robert F. Sing provides physicals for high school and elementary students as well as consultation services for the district’s health services. His contract is for $25,578. This item was discussed at the October 2009 Pupil Services Committee Meeting. -1- 10/22/09 APPENDIX X X. Finance B. General 4. Dr. Peter N. Christie Resolve, that the Board approve an agreement with Dr. Peter N. Christie for medical services of $9,366.82, $55. Background Dr. Peter N. Christie provides physicals for Springton Lake students, district custodians and bus drivers. His contract for the student physicals is for $9,366.82. Bus driver physicals are billed at $55.00 each with a $20.00 fee for the biannual Mantoux Tuberculin test. This item was discussed at the October 2009 Pupil Services Committee Meeting. 5. Jessica Brady, Dental Hygienist Resolve, that the Board approve an agreement with Jessica Brady for dental hygiene services for $2,000. Background Jessica Brady provides dental hygiene services to the students in our public and non-public schools. Her annual contract is for $2,000. This item was discussed at the October 2009 Pupil Services Committee Meeting. 6. Carmelinda Mann, M.A. Resolve, that the Board approve a contract with Carmelinda Mann, M.A., in the amount of $6,000. Background Carmelinda Mann will provide individual and group counseling services one day per week at the ERC. Her compensation will be $6,000.00 and will be paid for by the Alternative Education Grant. This item was discussed at the October 2009 Pupil Services Committee Meeting. -2- 10/22/09 APPENDIX X X. Finance B. General 7. CritiCare Resolve, that the Board approve a contract with CritiCare for $55 per hour for registered nursing services pending Solicitor review and approval of the contract language. Background CritiCare will provide substitute school nurses only if the district is unable to provide normal substitute nurse coverage in our schools. 8. Bayada Nurses, Inc. Resolve, that the Board approve a contract with Bayada Nurses, Inc., for $49.50 per hour for registered nursing services pending Solicitor review and approval of the contract language. Background Bayada Nurses, Inc. will provide substitute school nurses only if the district is unable to provide normal substitute nurse coverage in our schools. 9. G.A.T.E. Program Resolve, that the Board approve the SLMS Pilot G.A.T.E. (Guided Actions and Team Excellence) program for one year at which time the pilot program will be re-evaluated. Background The SLMS G.A.T.E. Program is a proposed pilot regular education intervention designed to help at-risk students of average to above-average ability reach their personal potential. The pilot program will be in effect for one year with bi-monthly updates provided to the Board. At the end of the one year pilot, the program will be re-evaluated. -3- 10/22/09 No. 217 Attachment A ROSE TREE MEDIA SCHOOL DISTRICT SECTION: PUPILS TITLE: GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS ADOPTED: August 22, 2002 REVISED: August 24, 2006 Deleted: ¶ 217. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS 1. Purpose Title 22 Sec. 4.24 Pol. 100 The Board adopts the graduation requirements students must achieve, which include course completion and grades, completion of culminating project, and results of local and state assessments as established by the Board in the district's Strategic Plan and as restated herein. Credits Required To Graduate: English Mathematics Science 4 credits 3 credits (includes Algebra & Geometry) 3 credits (includes Environmental Science & Biology), all three of which should be completed by the end of grade 11 4 credits (including Modern America or AP United States History) (through level 2) 3 or 4 credits (3 if students needs 2 WL) Social Studies World Language Fine and Prac. Arts Art Music Technical Ed Family/Consumer Science Business Ed Mathematics (Computer Science) English Electives Vocational-Technical World Languages (electives beyond minimum) Health & PE 2.4 credits Electives 2 credits Community Service 1 credit Graduation Project Title 22 Sec. 4.52 Pol. 100, 107 State requirements for graduation include demonstration of proficiency on state assessments. Students must demonstrate performance at the Proficient level or better in reading, writing, and mathematics on the PSSA assessment administered in grade 11, on the retest in grade 12, or on district assessments aligned with Page 1 of 4 Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", Hanging: 2.49" Deleted: Gen. Deleted: Language Arts 217. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS - Pg. 2 Pennsylvania academic standards. SC 1614 Title 22 Sec. 11.27 Pol. 113 Special Education students may be exempted from these requirements when, in the opinion of the IEP team, these requirements are incompatible with the students' needs and abilities. During junior or senior years, students will complete a graduation project, finishing by the end of the third quarter of senior year at the latest. All approved projects will require students to demonstrate an ability to apply, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information and to communicate significant knowledge and understanding. Each project must incorporate several technologies and yield a product in the form of a paper, exhibit, portfolio, video, model, or performance. 2. Authority SC 1611, 1613 Title 22 Sec. 4.13, 4.24 Pol. 100, 102 The Board shall award a regular high school diploma to every student enrolled in this district who meets the requirements of graduation. The Board requires that each candidate for graduation shall have earned 24.4 credits. The fourth year of high school shall not be required if the student has been accepted by an accredited institution of higher learning and has completed all requirements for graduation. 3. Delegation of Responsibility The Superintendent or designee shall be responsible for the planning and execution of graduation ceremonies which appropriately mark this important achievement. 4. Guidelines Pol. 213, 216 Accurate recording of each student's achievement of academic standards shall be maintained, as required by law and State Board Regulations. Students shall be informed of graduation requirements they are expected to complete. Periodic warnings shall be issued to students in danger of not fulfilling graduation requirements. No student who has completed the requirements for graduation shall be denied a diploma as a disciplinary measure, but s/he may be denied participation in the graduation ceremony when personal conduct so warrants. Such exclusion shall be regarded as a school suspension. Any student who has not completed all requirements for graduation shall not be permitted to participate in graduation ceremony. Page 2 of 4 217. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS - Pg. 3 References: School Code – 24 P.S. Sec. 1611, 1613, 1614 State Board of Education Regulations – 22 PA Code Sec. 4.13, 4.24, 4.52, 11.4, 11.5, 11.8, 11.27 Board Policy – 100, 102, 113, 127, 213, 216 Page 3 of 4 217. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS - Pg. 4 Page 4 of 4