I. Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance

Legislative Agenda
January 26, 2012
7:30 p.m.
Call to Order
Approval of Minutes
Board of School Directors Appreciation Month
Lions M.A.N.E. and Senior Citizen Advisory Council Update – Dr. Meg
Legislative Meeting of December 15, 2011
Bid Opening Minutes of January 11, 2012 – Indian Lane Masonry
Restoration - Cafeteria and Courtyard Areas
Educational Presentation
Roll Call
Presentations and Awards
Pledge of Allegiance
Student Liaison Reports
Board Liaison Reports
Committee Highlights and Reports
School Reports
Superintendent’s Report
Solicitor’s Report
President’s Report
Scheduled Presentations (Limited to Five Minutes Each)
RTMEA – Sue Williamson
January 26, 2012
Unscheduled Presentations (Limited to Three Minutes Each)
Old Business
New Business
Rose Tree Media Residents
Classification Change
Unpaid Leave of Absence
Supplemental Contracts
Create New Position
Overnight Trips
Penncrest High School Wrestling Team Championships, Hershey,
Penncrest High School String Ensemble Festival, Boston, MA
Penncrest High School Choir Festival, Boston, MA
Penncrest High School Boys’ & Girls’ Swimming Team State
Championships, Bucknell University
Eagle Industrial Hygiene Associates, Inc. – Springton Lake Middle
School Renovation Project
Ikon Office Solutions Agreements
Pennsylvania Liquid Asset Fund, PSDLAF, Lockbox Services
Villanova Agreement
Fair Trade Declaration
Budgetary Transfers
Earth Engineering, Inc. – Springton Lake Middle School Renovation
January 26, 2012
Financials for December 2011
Bill Lists for December 2011
There will be an executive session of the School Board for matters of personnel at
6:30 p.m. prior to the Legislative Meeting of February 23, 2012, at Penncrest High
School. The Legislative Meetings are recorded on tape.
January 26, 2012
Rose Tree Media School District
308 North Olive Street
Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493
Telephone: 610-627-.6000
Fax: 610-891-0959
Mr. James M. Wigo, Sr.
Superintendent of Schools
Grace A. Eves, Board Secretary
Director of Management Services
Members of the Board of School Directors
James Wigo, Superintendent
Grace A. Eves, Board Secretary
December 15, 2011
Minutes of the December15, 2011 Legislative Meeting Minutes
Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Board Members in Attendance:
Linda Kinsler-Fox, President
John Hanna -Vice President
Peter Barry
Chris Guilday
William O’Donnell (arrived at 7:45 p.m.)
Nancy Mackrides
Elizabeth Schneider
Roll Call
Jaclyn Turet
Sara Fitzpatrick
Sivan Alouf
Zachary Shauerman
William Montgomery
Also in Attendance:
Pat Barta, Supervisor Special Educ.
Linda Bluebello, Director of Pupil Services
Anne Callahan, Human Resource Director
Karen Daugherty, Principal, Rose Tree Elem.
Bill Dougherty, Principal, GWE
Grace Eves, Dir. Management Services
Angela Gilbert, Dir Teach. & Learn. Elem.
Rick Gregg, Principal, PHS
Ron Harris, Network Specialist
Ralph Harrison, Ass’t. Principal, PHS
Heather Hogan, Accountant
Joyce Jeuell, Principal, SLMS
Mack Johnson, Mgmt. Spec. for SMS and FMS
Thomas Kelly, Solicitor
Maria Kotch, Principal, Media Elem.
Patti Linden, Dir.Tech. & Info. Sci.
Kim McCann-Roller, Info. Tech. Spec.
Chip Olinger, Athletic Director
Roxanne Schupp, Supv. Business Operations
Sharon Sweeney, Ass’t. Principal, PCHS
Steve Taylor, Dir. Teach. & Learn. Sec.
Katherine White, Ass’t. Principal SLMS
James Wigo, Superintendent of Schools
II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of December 15, 2011
January 26, 2012
Approval of Minutes
Legislative Meeting Minutes of November 17, 2011
Reorganization Meeting Minutes of December 6, 2011
Mr. Hanna moved and Mrs. Fronduti seconded a motion to adopt
the following resolution:
RESOLUTION: 2011 - 2012 – 54
Resolve, that the Board approve the Legislative Meeting Minutes of
November 17, 2011and the Reorganization Meeting Minutes of
December 6, 2011.
The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the
Chair, the vote being:
John Hanna, Peter Barry, Linda Kinsler-Fox, Nancy Fronduti,
William O’Donnell, Nancy Mackrides, Chris Guilday,
Elizabeth Schneider
ABSENT: William Montgomery, William O’Donnell
Presentations and Awards
Bette Alburger
Mrs. Mackrides moved and Mr. Hanna seconded a motion to adopt
the following resolution:
RESOLUTION: 2011 - 2012 – 55
Resolve, that the Board recognize Bette Alburger for her 35 years of
dedicated service in the field of print journalism. Thank you Bette for
your coverage of not only our Legislative Meetings but all the wonderful
happenings in our district.
The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair,
the vote being:
John Hanna, Peter Barry, Chris Guilday
Linda Kinsler- Fox, Nancy Fronduti, Nancy Mackrides,
Elizabeth Schneider
William Montgomery, William O’Donnell
At this time Board Member, William O’Donnell arrived.
II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of December 15, 2011
January 26, 2012
Educational Presentation
RTMEA – Sue Williamson
Unscheduled Presentations (Limited to Three Minutes Each)
Student Liaison Reports
Board Liaison Reports - None
Committee Highlights and Reports – In Official Legislative
Minutes of December 15, 2011
School Reports – In Official Legislative Minutes of December 15,
Superintendent’s Report – In Official Legislative Minutes of
December 15, 2011
Solicitor’s Report - In Official Legislative Minutes of December 15,
President’s Report - In Official Legislative Minutes of
December 15, 2011
Scheduled Presentations (Limited to Five Minutes Each)
Springton Lake Jazz Band, under the direction of Alan Reno
Rose Tree Media Residents -none
Old Business
II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of December 15, 2011
January 26, 2012
New Business
Classification Change
Supplemental Contracts
Salary change
Elimination of Position
Create New Position
Mrs. Fronduti moved and Mr. Hanna seconded a motion to
adopt the following resolution:
RESOLUTION: 2011-2012 - 56
Alice Linden, Support Staff I, Glenwood
Elementary, retirement effective December
22, 2011.
Marianne Spiotta, Math Tutor, Indian Lane
Elementary, resignation effective December
22, 2011.
II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of December 15, 2011
January 26, 2012
New Business
Thomas Speer, Long Term Substitute Technology
Education Teacher, effective
2011 at the annual salary of
Bachelor’s Degree/ Step 1 pro- rated. Mr. Speer
received his Bachelor’s
Degree from Millersville
University. He is assigned to Penncrest High
School replacing Jody Ruckle who is on leave.
William Harmon, Homebound Instructor for the
2011-2012 school year at the rate of $46.00 per
Theresa Allen, Substitute Custodian, effective
December 16, 2011 at the rate of $12.00 per hour.
Scott Shortall, Substitute Custodian, effective
December 16, 2011 at the rate of $12.00 per hour.
II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of December 15, 2011
January 26, 2012
New Business
Classification Change
Dawn McMenamin, from part-time to full-time Bus
Aide effective November 12, 2011 at the rate of
$14.15 per hour.
Nancy Fagan, from part-time to regular Bus Driver
effective November 12, 2011 at the rate of $21.53
per hour.
Melissa Finsterbusch, from Secretary II, Pupil
Services to Human Resource Secretary, effective
January 2, 2012 at the annual salary of $40,821.56.
Ms. Finsterbusch is assigned to the Education
Center replacing Elizabeth Gorman who resigned.
Supplemental Contracts
Douglas Gramo, .5 Applied Engineering Club
Sponsor at the annual salary of $435.00.
Gramo is assigned to Springton Lake Middle
Kevin Reilley, .5 Applied Engineering Club
Sponsor at the annual salary of $435.00. Mr.
Reilley is assigned to Springton Lake Middle
Sheila Munson, Softball Head JV Coach at an
annual salary of $3,625.00.
Ms. Munson is
assigned to Penncrest High School. NOTE: Ms.
Munson is being hired pending completion of her
pre-employment paperwork.
James Tiedemann, Intramurals, at the rate of
$21.26 per hour. Mr. Tiedemann is assigned to
Indian Lane Elementary.
Rick Stroup, .33 Fitness Club Sponsor, Winter
session at the annual salary of $725.00. Mr. Stroup
is assigned to Penncrest High School.
II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of December 15, 2011
January 26, 2012
New Business
Supplemental Contracts (continued)
Shawn Van Horn, .33 Fitness Club Sponsor, Spring
session at the annual salary of $725.00. Mr. Van
Horn is assigned to Penncrest High School.
William Harmon, Assistant Wrestling Coach for the
2011-2012 school year at the annual salary of
$4,495.00. Mr. Harmon is assigned to Penncrest
High School.
Salary Change
Recommend Board approval of a pay rate change
for the following cafeteria workers effective
September 6, 2011. The rates were incorrectly
reported on the June Board.
Isabelle Boudazin
Anna Charlton
Amy McKernan
Brenda Wolters
Noreen Plotts
Susan Dunn
Melissa Shelly
Elimination of Position
Teacher Leader for Special Education, elimination
of position effective December 15, 2011. The
elimination of the position will save the District
$85,612 plus benefits.
Create New Position
Recommend Board approval to create the position
of Supervisor of Secondary Special Education
effective December 16, 2012. This position will be
paid at range VII of the Administrative Salary
II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of December 15, 2011
January 26, 2012
New Business
Create New Position (continued)
Recommend Board approval of an Assistant
Wrestling Coach at Penncrest High School. This
position will be for the 2011-2012 school year only.
The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by
the Chair, the vote being:
John Hanna, Chris Guilday, Peter Barry,
Linda Kinsler- Fox, Nancy Fronduti,
Nancy Mackrides, William O’Donnell,
Elizabeth Schneider
William Montgomery
Overnight Trips
Mr. Hanna moved and Mr. O’Donnell seconded a motion to
adopt the following resolution:
RESOLUTION: 2011-2012 - 57
Penncrest Girls Indoor Track Team – State College, PA
Resolve, that the Board approve the overnight trip for the
Penncrest Girls Indoor Track Team to State College, PA, 2/24/12
– 2/25/12.
II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of December 15, 2011
January 26, 2012
New Business
Overnight Trips(continued)
Penncrest Boys Indoor Track Team – State College, PA
Further resolve, that the Board approve the overnight trip for the
Penncrest Boys Indoor Track Team to State College, PA, 2/24/12
– 2/25/12.
The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the
Chair, the vote being:
John Hanna, Chris Guilday, Peter Barry,
Linda Kinsler- Fox, Nancy Fronduti, Nancy Mackrides,
William O’Donnell, Elizabeth Schneider
William Montgomery
II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of December 15, 2011
January 26, 2012
Change Orders
Gerety Presentations Agreement
Kaplan Agreement
Budgetary Transfers
Act 1 Resolution
Contract with the Timothy School
Contract PSBA Policy Revision Service
Financials for November 2011
Bill Lists for November 2011
Mr. Hanna moved and Mrs. Mackrides seconded a motion to
adopt the following resolution:
RESOLUTION: 2011-2012 - 58
Change Orders
Resolve, the School Board approve the following change
Glenwood Elementary School Boiler
Change Order E-01 in the amount of $1,653.00 to AJM
Electric, Inc. for revisions to the Glenwood Elementary
School Boiler Replacement project for a motor starter and
circuit for supply fan SF-1.
Building Permit Fee
Change Order No. in the amount of $2,014.00 to
Schneider Restoration for compensation for the
building permit fees on the Penncrest High School
Masonry Restoration project.
II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of December 15, 2011
January 26, 2012
Gerety Presentations Agreement
Further resolve, that the Board approve the agreement with
Gerety Presentations for the Penncrest High School Leadership
Development Presentations/Lock In, at a fee not to exceed
$4,000. Funding is from the Penncrest Student Body Account.
There is no cost to the District.
Kaplan Agreement
Further resolve, that the Board approve the agreement with
Kaplan Inc., to provide Complete SAT Prep Classroom services
to Penncrest students at the Penncrest campus. There is no cost
to the District.
Budgetary Transfers
Further resolve, that the Board approve the following budgetary
FY 12-7 Fund 10 General Fund
School Sponsored Athletics – Dues and Fees
School Sponsored Athletics - Supplies
RATIONALE: Transfer needed to purchase cheerleading
II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of December 15, 2011
January 26, 2012
Act 1 Resolution
Further resolve, that the Board of School Directors of the Rose
Tree Media School District, makes the following unconditional
The school district’s various tax levies and other revenue
sources will be sufficient to balance the school district final
budget for the next fiscal year 2012-13 based on maintaining
current tax rates or increasing tax rates by an amount less
than or equal to the Act 1 index applicable to the school
district as calculated by the Pennsylvania Department of
Education. This conclusion is based on the school district
preliminary budget or other information available to the
School Board.
The applicable index for the next fiscal year is 1.7%, and the
School Board will not for the next fiscal year's increase the
rate of its real estate tax, or any other tax for the support of
public education, by an amount that exceeds the applicable
The School Board has to date and in the future will comply
with the rules set forth in School Code § 687 for adoption of
the school district proposed and final budgets for the next
fiscal year.
The School Board understands that the school district will
not be eligible to use Act 1 referendum exceptions for the
next fiscal year.
II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of December 15, 2011
January 26, 2012
Contract with the Timothy School
Further resolve, that the Board approve a contract for four (4)
RTM students to attend the Timothy School for the 2011-2012
school year. The tuition cost is $57,750.00 a year per student.
The students have significant disabilities and are in need of this
specialized educational setting to address their needs.
Contract PSBA Policy Revision Service
Further resolve, that the Board approve the PSBA Policy Revision
Service contract.
II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of December 15, 2011
January 26, 2012
Financials for November 2011
Bill Lists for November 2011
Further resolve, that the Board approve the following:
Financial Reports
Treasurers Reports
Investment Reports
Summary Expenditure Status Report
Revenue Status Report
Bill Lists
General Fund Bill List
$ 2,130,794.65
Imprest Fund Bill List
Capital Fund Bill List
Bond Series 2004 Bill List
Bond Series 2010 A & 2011
$ 1,422,470.10
Special Purpose Trust Fund
Activities/Special Revenue Fund $
$ 4,153,802.11
The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote
John Hanna, Chris Guilday, Peter Barry, Linda Kinsler- Fox,
Nancy Fronduti, Nancy Mackrides, William O’Donnell,
Elizabeth Schneider
ABSENT: William Montgomery
II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of December 15, 2011
January 26, 2012
Mrs. Mackrides moved and Mrs. Fronduti seconded a motion to adopt the
following resolution:
RESOLUTION: 2011-2012 – 59
Resolve, that there being no further business to come before the Board, the
meeting was adjourned.
The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote
John Hanna, Chris Guilday, Peter Barry, Linda Kinsler- Fox,
Nancy Fronduti, Nancy Mackrides, William O’Donnell,
Elizabeth Schneider
ABSENT: William Montgomery
Grace A. Eves
School Board Secretary
II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of December 15, 2011
January 26, 2012
A bid opening was held on January 11, 2012 at 3:00 p.m., in the Education Center, 308 North Olive
Street, Media, PA 19063.
Present were:
Grace Eves, Dennis Cini, Ron Baldino and Bill Johnson from Roofing Resources, and two bidders.
Bids in the following category were opened and read by Grace Eves:
Indian Lane Elementary School
Masonry Restoration Cafeteria and Courtyard Areas
Aegis Restauro, LLC
Belle Mead, NJ
Joseph Dugan, Inc.
Erdenheim, PA
Mara Restoration, Inc.
Oreland, PA
Masonry Preservation Group, Inc.
Mechantville, NJ
MidAtlantic Restoration & Masonry, LLC
Aston, PA
P&S Incorporated
Folsom, PA
Premier Building Restoration, Inc.
Erdenheim, PA
Schneider Restorations, Inc.
Newtown, PA
Shared Systems Technology, Inc.
Sewell, NJ
Bids will be tabulated and presented to the Board of School Directors.
Grace A. Eves
Board Secretary
II. Bid Opening Minutes of January 11, 2012
January 26, 2012
Presentations and Awards
Board of School Directors Appreciation Month
January is School Director Recognition Month. The theme for 2012
is “School Directors Stand Up for Public Education.” School Board
Members volunteer more than twenty hours per month to the job of
making difficult decisions for our staff and students. These
volunteers are your voice in your school district. They make sure
your concerns are heard. Rose Tree Media School District would
like to join PSBA in recognizing our Board of School Directors for
their outstanding service. Thank you for your commitment to the
children and the citizens of our school district.
III. Presentations and Awards
January 26, 2012
Rose Tree Media School District
308 North Olive Street
Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493
Telephone: 610-627-.6136
Fax: 610-627-6136
Grace A. Eves
Director of Management Service
James M Wigo, Jr.
Superintendent of Schools
Members of the Board of School Directors
James M. Wigo, Superintendent
Grace A. Eves, Director of Management Services
January 6, 2012
January 10, 2012 – 7:00 PM Finance Committee Minutes
Chairperson: William O’Donnell
In Attendance: William O’Donnell, John Hanna Peter Barry, Linda Kinsler-Fox,
Chris Guilday, Nancy Fronduti, Nancy Mackrides, Elizabeth Schneider
Absent: William Montgomery
Also In Attendance: Ken Phillips, James Wigo, Grace
Technology – Patti Linden
Presentation canceled.
RBC Capital – Ken Phillips
Ken Phillips from RBC Capital gave an update on the District’s debt. He also
presented options on converting all or a portion of the 2007 DelVal issue from a
variable rate to a fixed rate product. He advised that he will monitor the rates and
review the option at a future Finance Committee meeting. The total debt for the
District is scheduled to be paid off in twelve years. He also presented several
options for future capital projects. Option 1 for $4,000,000 for energy upgrades
will keep the debt level over the next 15 years if during the first year the increase
in debt is approximately $340,000 per year over the next 15 years. Option 2 for
$4,000,000 for energy upgrades will be a wrap around debt, which means the
largest portion of the debt will be paid one year after all the debt in the district is
paid off. Approximately $148,000 will be needed the first year and will level the
debt until the final payoff. Option 3 is an $8,000,000 wrap around debt for energy
upgrades and addition funds for other capital projects. Approximately $293,000
will be needed the first year and will level the debt until the payoff, which will be
one year after all the debt is paid off. Some of the cost of the debt will be offset
by energy savings guarantee. Johnson Controls is scheduled to attend the
February 16, Operations Committee meeting with the results of an initial energy
Action: Discussion
Print Shop Copier Lease
The current lease for the Print Shop is with Ikon and has expired. Requests for
Proposals were sent out to five vendors. Two vendors responded; one from Ikon
and one from Konica Minalto. The print shop does an average 3,250,000 black
and white copies and 380,000 color copies in a year.
The results of the RFP are as follows:
Current Annual Cost with IKON: $70,182
Renewal Annual Cost with IKON: $61,343
Konica Minalto Annual Cost:
As a cost savings measure the District will be removing printers from most of the
buildings and sending additional copy requests to the Print Shop.
Action: This item will be moved to the January 26, Legislative Agenda for
Our current lockbox for taxes is through PNC bank. The lockbox fees have been
increasing from $12,000 to $19,000 per year. Tax payments can be sent to the
lockbox or taken to a PNC branch for processing. The District has been notified
by PNC that they will no longer accept tax payments at their bank branches.
PSDLAF currently handles the District’s investments. They have made
arrangements with PNC to offer lockbox services. They will not charge the
District monthly fees as long as the District continues its participation in their
Cash Flow Optimization program and continues to deposit subsidy funds in the
fund. A drop box for payments can be installed at the Ed Center, which will give
taxpayers the option of making payments at a building location.
Action: This item will be moved to the January 26, Legislative Agenda for
Villanova Agreement – Penncrest High School Commencement is June 7, 2012.
The fee is $10,875, which is the same rate as last year.
Action: This item will be moved to the January 26, Legislative Agenda for
Budgetary Transfers
FY 12-8 Fund 10 General Fund
Instruction – Supplies
AMOUNT: $1,300.00
Instruction – New Equipment
AMOUNT: $1,300.00
RATIONALE: Transfer needed to purchase shelves for the art department.
The transfer is for the Springton Lake Middle School
Action: This item will be moved to the January 26, Legislative Agenda for
Budget Comparison Report
The District has received 87% of its revenue and has expensed 68% of its
Action: Discussion
2012-2013 Review
Non-Instructional Services
Includes services for athletics, school sponsored student activities such as cocurricular activities, and community services such as the library, ice-hockey
club and now the pool. The budget for pool services is an estimate. Some of
the expenses will be offset by revenue generated by the pool. The increases in
non-instructional services are mainly due to increased benefit rates for health
care and retirement and the addition of the pool.
Other Expenditures and Financing Uses
Includes interest and principal on the District’s debt. Historically the District
Transfers $600,000 to the capital reserve account. $200,000 is used for
technology. We currently are leasing new switching equipment that was
installed last year. $400,000 is used to purchase buses. Budgetary reserve is
at $250,000, which is the same as the current year. Last year it was $500,000.
Action: Discussion
Public Comment
The next Finance Committee meeting will be held on February 16, 2012 at 7:30 p.m.
Mr. James M. Wigo, Sr.
Superintendent of Schools
Rose Tree Media School District
308 North Olive Street
Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493
Telephone: 610-627-.6000
Fax: 610-891-0959
Grace A. Eves
Director of Management Services
Members of the Board of School Directors
Mr. James M. Wigo, Superintendent
Grace A. Eves, Director of Management Services
January 6, 2012
January 10 - 8:00 PM - Operations Committee Minutes
Chairperson: Nancy Mackrides
In Attendance: Nancy Mackrides, William O’Donnell, John Hanna, Peter Barry,
Linda Kinsler-Fox, Chris Guilday, Nancy Fronduti, Elizabeth Schneider
Absent: William Montgomery
Also in Attendance: Henry Guarriello, Joe Slivka, Dennis Cini, Ron Baldino,
James Wigo, Grace Eves
1. Springton Lake Middle School Project Update
Henry Guarriello and Joe Slivka, representatives from D’Huy Engineering, gave
an update on the project. Moves into the auditorium and music suites are
scheduled during the week of January 16th. The terrazzo floor in the auditorium
lobby is scheduled to be completed this week. E R Stueber, General Contractor,
is responsible for repairing the water damage that was caused by roof leaks on
the stage floor and stage curtain valance. The floor will be sanded and refinished
and the stage curtain valance will be replaced. It will take about six weeks for the
new valance to arrive. The general contractor’s contract is nearly at the contract
limit. However, there is some money available in allowances. The project is
entering the last phase with the renovation of sixth and seventh grade
classrooms and will include moving the students out of the modular classrooms
into the space by the start of the next school year. Abatement will be started this
Dennis Cini took an inventory of classroom furniture. There are nine different
types of student desks and chairs and teacher desks. Some of the current
furniture is marking the newly installed flooring. The estimated cost to replace the
furniture is $700,000. The administration will look for funding for the furniture,
which will be presented at a future committee meeting. A tour of the building will
take place on Tuesday, January 17th at 7:00.
A request was made to see if the seating in the natatorium can be increased.
The architect will be asked to attend the February 16th Operations committee
meeting to discuss this possibility
Action: Discussion
The contract for Eagle Hygiene will be increase by $38,000 to cover the cost of
air monitoring and testing. The contract for Earth Engineering will be increased
by $20,000 to cover the cost of additional services.
Action: This item will be moved to the January 26th Legislative agenda for
2. 2011-12 Capital Projects
The 2011-12 capital projects are completed and came in under budget by
approximately $235,000.
Action: Discussion
3. 2012-13 Capital Projects – Dennis Cini
The list of capital projects was presented. The 2012-13 capital projects are
approximately $1.3 million. Dennis Cini will seek proposals for the projects.
Action: Discussion
4. Donations
Volleyball Nets
Penn State would like to donate volleyball poles and nets. The nets are
valued at about $3,000. Ron Baldino will pick up the nets this week.
Football Uniforms
An anonymous donor would like to donate football uniforms for next
season. The donation amounts to approximately $5,100.
Action: This item will be moved to the January 26th Legislative agenda for
Public Comment
The next Operations Committee meeting will be on February 16 at 8:30 p.m.
Rose Tree Media School District
308 North Olive Street
Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493
Telephone: 610.627.6000
Fax: 610-891-0959
James M. Wigo, Sr.
Superintendent of Schools
Members of the Board of School Directors
James M. Wigo, Sr., Superintendent
Anne D. Callahan, Director of Human Resources
January 13, 2012
Minutes of the Personnel Committee Meeting
Anne D. Callahan
Director of Human Resources
Board Members in attendance: W. O’Donnell, C. Gilday, L. Schneider, P. Barry,
N. Fronduti, L. Kinsler Fox, N. Mackrides, J. Hanna, Chair
Also in attendance: A. Callahan, J. Wigo. G. Eves and several members of the
Items for Legislative Meeting – Anne Callahan
Items to be included on the agenda of the Legislative Meeting of the Board of
School Directors on January 26, 2012, were reviewed with the committee. All
items will be moved to the agenda of the Legislative Meeting for a vote of the full
Board. Additional items that come in over the next couple of weeks will be added
prior to January 26 and will be submitted to the Board for review prior to the
legislative meeting.
Addition of a One-on-One Instructional Assistant
A request to add an instructional assistant to serve the needs of an elementary
student with special needs was discussed. The creation of the position will
appear on the agenda of the Legislative Meeting of January 26 for a vote of the
full Board.
Executive Session
An executive session was held to discuss matters of personnel.
The next meeting of the Personnel Committee will be held on February 7, 2012, at
9 PM in the Board Room at the Education Center.
Rose Tree Media School District
308 North Olive Street
Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493
Telephone 610.627.6028
Fax 610.565.5317
James M. Wigo, Sr.
Superintendent of Schools
Linda Bluebello, Ed.D.
Director of Pupil Services
Members of the Board of School Directors
James M. Wigo, Sr., Superintendent
Linda Bluebello, Ed.D.
December 5, 2011
December 1, 2011 Pupil Services Committee Meeting Minutes
Chairperson: Mrs. Nancy Fronduti
Board Members in Attendance: Linda Kinsler-Fox, John Hanna, Nancy Fronduti,
Christopher Guilday, Peter Barry, Nancy Mackrides, William O’Donnell, Elizabeth
Others in Attendance: Mr. Wigo, Dr. Bluebello, Grace Eves, Ralph Harrison
1 Community member
Mr. Harrison, PHS Assistant Principal, presented the PHS Fair Trade Declaration. He
explained that PHS is the first Fair Trade Public High School in the USA. Being a Fair
Trade High School means that Penncrest will work with its food service contractor to
make fair trade products, such as coffee, tea, sugar, and cocoa, available whenever
possible as an option in its cafeteria and other events. PHS is also committed to raising
awareness among students, faculty, and staff of Fair Trade principles. The PHS Interact
Club, under the direction of Mr. Mike LoBiondo, is the organization that will be
overseeing and supporting Fair Trade events.
Action: Approval will be on the January 2012 Legislative Agenda.
Dr. Bluebello presented the following overnight trips for review:
Members of the Penncrest Wrestling Team will participate in the State Wrestling
Championships in Hershey, PA, 3/7/12 – 3/11/12. The approximate cost to the district is
$1,504, which covers substitute teacher fees, transportation and hotel/meals.
Action: Approval will be on the January 2012 Legislative Agenda.
Members of the Penncrest Girls and Boys Swimming Team will participate in the State
Championships at Bucknell University, 3/13/12 – 3/15/12. The approximate cost to the
district is $3,066 (a high estimate), which covers substitute teacher fees, transportation
and hotel/meals.
Action: Approval will be on the January 2012 Legislative Agenda.
Members of the Penncrest String Ensemble will participate in the Heritage Music
Festival and Adjudication in Boston, MA, 4/19/12 – 4/22/12. The approximate cost to
the district is $102, which covers substitute teacher fees.
Action: Approval will be on the January 2012 Legislative Agenda.
Members of the Penncrest Choir will participate in a formal adjudication/competition
festival in Boston, MA, 4/26/12 – 4/29/12. The approximate cost to the district is $204,
which covers substitute teacher fees.
Action: Approval will be on the January 2012 Legislative Agenda.
Members of the Penncrest Outdoor Leadership Club requested approval for an
overnight trip to Hunter Mountain for a professionally guided ice climbing activity. The
Board requested further information.
The BSD also asked that on the Overnight Trip Form the actual cost per student be
included. In addition, the BSD would appreciate information on which clubs and
organizations are supported thru Boosters, fund raising, etc. The Superintendent and
Dr. Bluebello will follow through on the BSD’s requests.
The next meeting of the Pupil Services committee will be February 7, 2012, at 7:00 pm
at the Education Center.
Members of the Board of School Directors
Mr. James M. Wigo, Superintendent of Schools
Dr. Angela Gilbert, Director of Teaching and Learning - Elementary
Dr. Steve Taylor, Director of Teaching and Learning - Secondary
January 3, 2012
January 3, 2012 Teaching & Learning Committee Meeting Minutes
Chairperson: Mr. Peter Barry
Board Members in Attendance: Peter Barry, Nancy Fronduti, Chris Guilday, John
Hanna, Linda Kinsler-Fox, Nancy Mackrides, William O’Donnell, Liz Schneider
RTMSD Personnel in Attendance: Meg Barney, Katie Devine, Grace Eves, Angela
Gilbert, Michelle Hart, Concetta Mattioni, Sharon Prior, Mary Ann Sycz, Keith Sharp, David
Stango, Steve Taylor, James Wigo
Community Members in Attendance: One member of the community attended.
Update on Art
The Rose Tree Media Art Department, one of the departments involved in curriculum
revision this year, gave the Board a comprehensive presentation of their work, covering
topics including course offerings and delivery of instruction, the use of the SAS curriculum
framework, community art displays, shows and competitions, the work of the National Art
Honor Society, alumni connections, and the accomplishments of graduates. Led by Meg
Barney, the presenters were Katie Devine, Keith Sharp, Mary Ann Sycz, Sharon Prior, and
Concetta Mattioni.
Update on RTM Website
Dr. Gilbert and Dr. Taylor updated the Board on resources available to teachers on the
RTM website. Dr Gilbert showcased the Elementary Document Library. This resource was
the result of a collaborative effort by the elementary steering committees for math, science,
social studies, and language arts. Teachers can access all of the standard grade level
guides, assessments, to-do-lists, and technology resources from this site. The Document
Library includes a section for each grade and every subject. A link is available through the
Staff Portal of the District website for this one stop shopping.
Dr. Taylor showed the Board the new curriculum template being used by departments as
they undergo curriculum revision. The new template is designed to provide clear and direct
information to current teachers, new hires, student teachers, parents, and community
members in a more user-friendly format. Dr. Taylor also summarized the process of
curriculum revision, which involves a triangulation of information from the PDE curriculum
framework; PA Standards, Assessment Anchors, and Eligible Content for PSSAs and
Keystone Exams; and existing course content. The revision process also involves review
and selection of new course materials, such as textbooks. New textbooks for 2012-2013
will be presented to the Board for approval at the March Teaching & Learning Committee
SCHOOL REPORT’S – January 2012
Kindergarten will be participating in The Souper Bowl of Caring again this year. Across
the nation groups of volunteers are making the weekend of the big game an
unprecedented time of giving and serving in this country. We would like to do our part at
Glenwood by collecting as many cans as possible. The food will be donated to a local
food pantry.
First Grade
The first graders had a publishing party to share their pattern books with each other. The
children went through the stages of the writing process after they chose their favorite
pattern book they wrote during the month. They have now moved onto a new writing unit
focused on writing small moments about their lives.
Second Grade
The Glenwood Junior Optimist Club has been busy with service projects. At Thanksgiving
they prepared small packets of candy with a note of thanks for a local fire department and
for the officers at the State Police barracks. In December, they began preparations for a
coat and boot drive for Cradles to Crayons. The Glenwood community has responded
with typical generosity and the collection table is filled with cold weather gear for kids. The
coat drive will culminate on Martin Luther King Day when the coats will be taken to
Cradles to Crayons and the organization will distribute them to kids in need in the
Philadelphia area. In January the Junior Optimists will be preparing 300 folders for Rose
Tree Media kindergarten registration. Glenwood student T.J. Sims will be honored at a
breakfast as Student of the Month by the Optimist Club of Media.
Third Grade
Third grade readers will be celebrating the end of their Nonfiction unit this Friday!
Students have been reading nonfiction, both narrative and expository. Working in small
groups, students chose a topic to further research. They collected information while
reading by using boxes and bullets, diagrams, Venn diagrams, lists, webs, graphs, and
timelines. They compiled all of the information and constructed lenses in order to further
focus their topic. The students will be celebrating this research by sharing essays and
informational posters (like a Science Fair) with their classmates in the cafeteria.
School Reports
January 26, 2012
Fourth Grade
Fourth grade has been very busy in reader’s workshop-reading non-fiction text and
learning how to summarize new information. The students have been learning about a lot
of new topics in their independent reading books and becoming “experts” of new
information. In writer’s workshop, the students have been writing essays by making
observations and growing ideas about those observations. Every Friday the students
have been learning about figurative language and literary elements such as simile,
metaphor, alliteration, etc. As the students learn new vocabulary, they record the
definition in their “Vocabulary Reference Books. The students also spent time learning
about Dr. Martin Luther King’s life as well as his accomplishments. The students are just
started the Ecosystems unit in science and are very excited to build their aquariums and
terrariums. Lastly, they students had a Freedom March in social studies class while
learning about the Civil Rights Movement and the southeast region.
Fifth Grade
The fifth graders celebrated the end of their persuasive unit with a publishing party. They
had to write a 5 paragraph essay persuading the audience and are very much looking
forward to our next informational unit of writing. They worked very hard and enjoyed
sharing them with the rest of the grade. In science they examined weather maps and
looked for patterns demonstrated by storms. In social studies they looked at the first
colonies of our nation and wrote advertisements to persuade others to come visit.
Title 1
Glenwood Elementary, Media Elementary, and Springton Lake Middle School are being
honored at the 2012 Title 1 Improving Schools’ Performance Conference in Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, Division of Federal
Glenwood Elementary School has been named a Distinguished Title 1
School based on the performance on the PSSA of Mathematics of students with IEP’s.
Physical Education
Students in every grade are jumping in with both feet as they attempt various jump rope
challenges. They are jumping independently, in pairs, and even with groups of six or
more. They are discovering that jumping rope is not only fun, but also a very effective
way to improve one’s agility and endurance. The first grade students, especially, have
made significant gains and seem to be delighted by the evidence of their own progress.
The students at Glenwood have also been enjoying a multitude of net games that serve
as a skills progression towards learning volleyball. They have demonstrated an ability to
integrate new skills into familiar games. With an emphasis on game management,
learning the rules, scoring, and procedures take precedence. Multiple small games allow
for maximum participation and involvement in decision-making and strategy.
Language Arts
This month, students in grades one through five worked towards winning a writing contest
sponsored by the DCIU. The goal of the Young Author’s Project contest is to give
students an authentic purpose for revising a piece they have already written and to
recognize quality writing. Students worked on a variety of types of writing from narrative
to persuasive and informational. They enjoyed the chance to be recognized at the school
level and at the county level.
School Reports
January 26, 2012
Junior Optimist
The Glenwood Junior Optimist Club is has been busy with service projects. At
Thanksgiving they prepared small packets of candy with a note of thanks for a local fire
department and for the officers at the State Police barracks. In December, they began
preparations for a coat and boot drive for Cradles to Crayons. The Glenwood community
has responded with typical generosity and the collection table is filled with cold weather
gear for kids. The coat drive will culminate on Martin Luther King Day when the coats will
be taken to Cradles to Crayons and the organization will distribute them to kids in need in
the Philadelphia area. In January the Junior Optimists will be preparing 300 for Rose Tree
Media kindergarten registration. Glenwood student T.J. Sims will be honored as Student
of the Month by the Optimist Club of Media at a breakfast.
Happy New Year and Happy School Director Recognition Month from the
Indian Lane students and staff! We thank you for the time and effort you put in to help
improve our schools, our community and the lives of our children. We know that you see
the great value in standing up for public education.
Kindergarten students at ILES are busy learning about winter. They have listened to
winter stories, discussed winter concepts, played winter bingo, created snowmen and
"snowy" (shaving cream) winter scenes, and wrote about winter fun in their kidwriting
journals. Let it snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!
Kindergarten Ice Castles
One of the most favorite events in a Kindergartner’s career is building Ice Castles! Sugar
cubes, candy, icing…What could be better! Kindergarten, with the help of their parents,
created individual “ice” castles which emphasize patterns, balance, structure, counting
and creativity.
Grade One
First grade has been learning about Martin Luther King Jr. and civil rights. The students
practiced reading a poem about him. The poem lists all roles Martin Luther King Jr.
played... from a hero to a peace maker. The students then wrote their own poems telling
what they are, a son, a reader, a good friend. These are displayed in the room. The
children read books and viewed videos about Martin Luther King Jr. Next the students
will learn about Rosa Parks and Ruby Bridges and the roles they played in the civil rights
Grade Two
In reading workshop, we are learning about the structure of stories as the ability to
organize a high-quality retell to support our comprehension. This includes sequence,
setting, characters, problem, and solution. In Writing Workshop, we have been working
on two projects. Keeping us busy is writing in the styles of famous authors we have
studied and writing about the geometric snowflakes we created to complement our math
unit. In Math, we are continuing to work with 3-dimensional shapes along with the
School Reports
January 26, 2012
concepts of congruency and symmetry. In Social Studies, we completed our geography
unit with a hands-on project. Using homemade play-doh, the children created relief maps
which consisted of the various landforms we have studied. The children also participated
in centers with our second grade team as we learned about various winter holidays. We
are now learning about the many contributions Dr. Martin Luther King made to our
country. We are also in the process of creating our class T-shirts!
Grade Three
We began our new math unit about multiplication and division. During this unit, students
learned multiple strategies in order to develop an understanding that we use multiplication
to combine a number of equal groups. We created arrays, which are displayed in our
classrooms. The entire third grade visited Lankenau Hospital to participate in a program
titled, Health Adventure! This is in conjunction with their science unit on the human body.
During this hands-on, interactive program, the students were made aware of the role of
the skeletal system and the digestive system in their bodies and how the body is a
wonderful machine. The students have been reading the novel, The Canada Geese Quilt.
They have been focusing on making predictions, identifying key points and developing
their comprehension skills while reading. In addition, they have been working on writing
their second research report this year, using a variety of resources. The third graders will
be honoring and remembering Martin Luther King, Jr. by creating an illustrated timeline of
his life. Additionally, they will be practicing and presenting a reader's theater skit.
Grade Four
The entire fourth grade traveled to Lankenau Hospital’s Health Education Center for a fun
and educational journey through the workings of the human body. They learned about
body systems, nutrition and met Pandora, a talking, plastic version of the human body!
Students in Mrs. Haskell's class participated in a simulation activity for a social studies
lesson on prejudice and equal rights. Students arrived at school to find out that "Haskell
Laws" had been ruled for the day. All Haskell students were not allowed to drink from the
classroom water fountain; rather they had to walk down the hall to get a drink. At lunch,
all Haskell students had to sit at a separate table away from the rest of the 4th graders
and they had to go to the back of the line for lunch and going out and returning from
recess. All of this was to simulate prejudice and segregation, under the "Jim Crow Laws",
as it was in the south during the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. What an impact this had
on the students! They created signs showing their views, and at recess they started their
own protest to have the same rights as all the other fourth graders! Students from other
fourth grade classes even joined in with them to support them. During the afternoon social
studies lesson, of the southeast region of the United States, we "got on the bus" to go to
Montgomery, Alabama and the Civil Rights Memorial. We discussed all that they students
felt and experienced during the simulation. We read the end of Dr. Martin Luther King
Jr.'s, "I have a Dream" speech and we concluded the day with writing poetry about the
experience. When the students learned that the "Haskell Laws" were over, they chanted,
"Freedom, Freedom!!!"
Grade Five
The fifth graders will be visiting the Barnes Brinton House and John Chad House in
Chadds Ford. This goes with our study in social studies of colonial life. Mrs. Hendrixson
will visit City Team.
School Reports
January 26, 2012
Dino Don’s Dinosaurium
Indian Lane was the recipient of $1,734.00 dollars courtesy of Dino Don’s Dinosaurium in
the Granite Run Mall. One dollar from ticket sales during their second week of operation
was donated to our school. This money was immediately designated for additional
technology for our school.
All School Holiday Assembly
All students at Indian Lane performed in an All School Holiday Assembly. This gave
each grade level the opportunity to sing a song for the rest of the school. In addition, our
Fifth Grade Chorus, Fifth Dimension Chorus, and Bobcat Instrument Ensemble
performed. Thanks to Mrs. Battavio, this event was a HUGE success!
Geography Bee
After almost an hour of exhausting competition, Lindsay Cave (Mr. Pinto’s fifth grade
class) was awarded first place in our annual Geography Bee. Sponsored by the National
Geographic Society, 25 of our fifth grade students participated in several rounds of
questioning. This year’s Bee was moderated by Mr. Jim Wigo, our Superintendent.
Runners up in the competition were Emily Hannemann, John Wolfenden and Alexa Gallo.
Reading Olympics
This year Indian Lane has two teams preparing for the Delaware County Reading
Olympics competition. Twenty-four students from fourth and fifth grades meet before
school and during Core/Extension time to read books, complete reading journals, and
practice answering questions. Each team of twelve students must read forty-five books
selected by the Delaware County Intermediate Unit in preparation for the competition.
The students are extremely eager and doing a wonderful job!
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service
On Monday, January 16th, the students of Indian Lane WENT TO SCHOOL! Yes, we
know this was a scheduled holiday on our calendar, but numerous students and parents
treated it as “A Day On, Not Off”. In the spirit of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., students
participated in service and educational activities to celebrate his birthday. This annual
voluntary activity at Indian Lane included baking cookies for City Team of Chester, writing
letters to the servicemen and women who are overseas, packing pet food and pet
supplies for the Delaware County Animal Coalition and decorating and filling meal bags
for the Ronald McDonald House, to name a few. Mixed with games and singing, this day
teaches our children that volunteering is fun and rewarding.
Indian Lane students in the Fifth Grade Band had their Winter Concert at Penncrest High
School. There were two performances, a matinee for the entire third, fourth, and
fifth grade student body, and an evening performance open to the public. The Indian
Lane Beginning Band will hold their debut performance. This “In-Progress” concert is a
prelude performance of the larger, district wide Beginning Band Spring Concert
performance in April. Fifth grader Brendan Egan has been selected to participate in
District Band for the Pennsylvania Music Educators Association.
School Reports
January 26, 2012
Third grade students are currently working on creating a three dimensional cartoon
interview. The students are acting as a reporter and the inventor they picked to research
is being interviewed. They will be discussing the impact their inventor’s invention has had
on society. Fourth grade students are currently working on a research project in a small
group. They are analyzing and evaluating the history and design of roller coasters. Each
group member has a specific role: Physics Specialist, Historian, or Inversion/Design
Engineer. Fifth grade students have just begun analyzing and evaluating their newly
assigned WebQuest. This interactive learning experience has the students researching
and discovering the New Seven Wonders of the World.
First grade art classes are learning to recognize a landscape. They are constructing their
own landscape with watercolor paints and paper. Second grade art classes are reviewing
the art of Peru. They are creating woven animals using felt. Third grade art classes are
studying the Middle Ages. They are rendering dragon drawings which they will paint with
watercolor. Fourth grade art classes are highlighting Pennsylvania artist Charles Sheeler.
Sheeler is recognized for his skyscraper paintings. In honor of this artist, the fourth
graders will form skyscrapers from clay. Fifth grade art classes are reviewing the
Explorers, specifically, Columbus. The students are rendering their own maps and adding
tone to them with an ink wash.
Holiday Sing Along and Parties and Music News
Music teacher, Jeanette Verdeur, organized our annual holiday sing along. It included a
staff “production number” of Mariah Carey’s “All I Want for Christmas is You.” Fifth grade
teacher Evan O’Neill had a solo. The staff performance brought down the house! Every
grade level performed a special song. The sing along was followed by small parties
organized by our homeroom parents. It was an enjoyable start to the winter break.
January has arrived and the concert season has ended for the time being. Though it may
be cold on the playground, things are really heating up in third grade music. After much
anticipation, they have started playing recorders. Each third grader receives their own
recorder, lesson book (written by the elementary general music faculty), and folder for
handouts. When you pass the music room you can hear the sounds of “B” and “A” ringing
out in some of our beginner favorites, Queen Bee, King A, and All Alone. We have set up
a third grade blog via Mrs. Verdeur’s website so that third graders from across the district
can share their recorder experiences.
RTI Visit
RTI teacher Susan Howe visited Primos Elementary School to meet with their RTI teacher
and observe how the process works in the Upper Darby School District. Other visits are
scheduled as part of her professional growth option.
School Reports
January 26, 2012
Craft Night
The Media PTG hosted a craft night. It was a free event that gave children the opportunity
to make small gifts for their family members and friends. The evening was festive and fun.
Music in the Air
December is a very busy month for our music teachers and their students. Media’s Winter
Concert played to a packed auditorium. We were pleased to have our Superintendent join
us. The evening performance (outdoors) at The Media Court House had to be cancelled
due to weather, but our singers performed at The Court House during the day and at
Sunrise, a local nursing home. Every grade level had an opportunity to attend a concert
at Penncrest High School.
Kindergarten Studies Hibernation
Our kindergarten students are studying hibernation, a timely topic for winter. They have
also added the study of CVC words to their word study.
Second Grade Report
Can you list the properties of a liquid? How about the properties of a solid? How do solids
interact in water? Can you name a Non-newtonian fluid? These are just some of the
questions second grade students are exploring. Through the exploration of this science
unit on Solids and Liquids, students are expanding their use of vocabulary words and
have increased their knowledge of the properties related to liquids and solids. States of
matter and the processes of change that take place are other among the related topics
the students are also exploring. Second grade students continue with their monthly Seed
to Snack lessons. In December the students sampled plants from the brassica family.
Broccoli, kale, cauliflower, brussels sprouts and turnips are all plants included in this
family. Students tasted individual samples of broccoli, kale and cauliflower. At the end of
the lesson, they were treated to a special snack of popcorn seasoned with crumbled “kale
chips”. Needless to say, it was delicious and we are looking forward to our next lesson!
Second graders also were deployed around the building to do staff portraits. We look
forward to the “rogues’ gallery” that they create for us each year.
Third Grade Space Reports
Third graders created reports on a variety of space related topics. The type of report
(model, power point, etc.) varied. The completed reports were shared with families at a
Space extravaganza held in our school’s cafeteria.
Fourth Grade Update
Fourth grade had a visit from Karyn Confer from The Passport to History program. She
showed artifacts from the colonial era and taught the students about the alphabet used
many years ago. As a culminating activity, the children made corn husk bookmarks. To
review, in math, the fourth graders circulated among math stations that featured activities
from each math standard.
Fifth Grade Hosts The National Geographic Geography Bee
Eight finalists (two from each class) competed in our annual National Geographic
Geography Bee. Our moderator was Miss Colleen McGeehan, a former student and the
daughter of fifth grade teacher Claire McGeehan. Colleen is currently a sophomore at
School Reports
January 26, 2012
Columbia University. Graham Misko from Mrs. McGeehan’s class emerged as the winner.
The audience agreed that the questions were extremely challenging.
AGP Updates from Mr. Smyth
Third Grade APG: The students are currently working on creating a three dimensional
cartoon interview. The students are acting as a reporter and the inventor they picked to
research is being interviewed. They will be discussing the impact their inventor’s invention
has had on society. Fourth Grade AGP: The students are currently working on a
research project in a small group. They are analyzing and evaluating the history and
design of roller coasters. Each group member has a specific role: Physics Specialist,
Historian, or Inversion/Design Engineer. Fifth Grade AGP: The students have just begun
analyzing and evaluating their newly assigned WebQuest. This interactive learning
experience has the students researching and discovering the New Seven Wonders of the
Buddies Night Out
The Media PTG held a game night for our students and an adult “buddy.” Buddies Night
Out is a fun a d free event organized by several of our dads. It was a great way to spend
a Friday night.
New Clubs
We have added three new clubs to our already rich roster of afterschool activities: French
Club, Paper Crafting Club, and field Hockey will be starting soon.
Rose Tree welcomes Mrs. Jamie Pott as a Principal intern. Jamie just moved to the area
from Illinois and is working on her Principal certification through the University of Illinois
and Drexel University. She will be working with Mrs. Daugherty on many projects
throughout the remainder of the school year.
Congratulations to Megan Arndt for being invited to participate in the 2012 Band Fest
sponsored by the Pennsylvania Music Educators Association.
Rose Tree also hosted administrators from the Phillipsburg, New Jersey School District
each day of their January data conferences.
First Grade
First grade students enjoyed January by hibernating! The students culminated a unit on
animals in winter by wearing pajamas and having a round robin afternoon, completing
projects about hibernation in each first grade classroom. It was a great way to spend a
wintry day! They also learned about "giving back" and honored the memory of Martin
Luther King through writing, art projects and many students participated in our school
wide day of service.
Third Grade
As a fun, interactive learning experience, the third graders designed their own stores.
This activity was designed to review counting money, make change from $5.00 when
School Reports
January 26, 2012
purchasing or selling items and learn about economic principles. Each child provided
goods or services to sell, such as sharpening pencils, putting up desk chairs or getting
mail at the end of the day. Some students sold homemade cards, cookies, jewelry,
pictures, or gently used toys and books. Students created their store names, decorated
their business signs and priced items for selling to entice customers to their store. They
took turns buying and selling and used play money. We discussed supply and demand,
goods and services, basic needs, profit margins, bank loans for small business set ups,
and being in the black or red at the end of the activity. A good time was had by all
participants and invited guests.
Fifth Grade
The fifth grade students at Rose Tree have had a very busy month in social studies and
science. They researched, studied, and participated in the National Geographic Bee. This
involved rigorous review of textbooks and atlases, inspection of maps and globes, and
investigation of websites. All contestants were thoroughly prepared. The teachers were
very proud of their students’ efforts and geographic knowledge. The winner this year was
fifth grader, Bradley Dinger. The preparation and presentation of The Science Fair also
took place last month. The Science Fair took place in the Rose Tree Husketeria, where
parents and visitors were “wowed” by the students’ knowledge and expertise of the
scientific method. It was a big undertaking, involving research, note taking, designing an
experiment, and the creation of a display board and oral presentation. The students
enjoyed sharing their knowledge and did a terrific job.
The fifth Grade Band had their Winter Concert at Penncrest High School on December 8.
There were two performances, a matinee for the entire third, fourth, and fifth grade
student body, and an evening performance open to the public. The Rose Tree Beginning
Band had their debut performance. This “In-Progress” concert is a prelude performance
of the larger, district wide Beginning Band Spring Concert performance in April.
The fifth grade Strings performed two excellent concerts for family, friends and members
of the community in early December. The performances were well received and were a
The 12th Annual Winter "In-progress" concert series by the fourth grade strings will be
held in each elementary school at the end of January. The students will be performing
favorites such as "Lightly Row" and "Ode to Joy" as well as RTM elementary strings
original compositions such as "Cold Cross Buns" and "Ooh La Cha Bumba". As part of
the learning process; each child in the RTM elementary strings program teaches a parent
to play their string instrument and the parents will also perform at the concert. For the
finale, the students will dance and perform on their instrument at the same time.
Martin Luther King Day
The Rose Tree PTG sponsored the MLK Day of Service again this year. Students signed
up for community based, off-site activities such as helping the firemen at the Rose Tree
Fire House, Aid for Friends: meal prep, Greener Partners: painting garden markers for
the gardens at Hillside Elwyn, Meals on Wheels-Snack Bags and Birthday cards, making
doggie treats for the SPCA, book donations and decorating picture frames for children at
the local Women’s shelter, and assemble craft kits for children at CHOP.
School Reports
January 26, 2012
Other Rose Tree Events
The “Art Goes to School” program came for 3 days. This program introduced the
students from grades kindergarten through fifth to fine art. Grade level activities were
provided for each class.
The following students were honored as Students of the Month at the January PTG
Meeting: December 2011 - Joseph Angelina and Katrina Delviscio. January 2012 - Cody
Bregande and Olivia Castro.
Ms. Sycz's grade eight students are finishing their painting of an illuminated letter
incorporating the principles of contrast and emphasis as they approach completion as
well as color theory. Grade seven students have completed numerous drawings choosing
one as the image for their relief print. Grade seven students are continuing to understand
the process involved in printmaking as they transfer their drawn image on to the printing
plate before learning to apply ink to the plate. Grade six students have begun painting an
image of an animal which will be incorporated into a printing project. Students are
continuing to explore color theory harmonies and mixing as they strengthen painting
Mrs. Going's eighth grades are rapping up their study of the Ancient Chinese Water
Dragon. Ask any of them. They can rattle off the ten characteristics of these ancient
creatures, students will describe the nine Dragon Wall in Bai Hai Park, Beijing and of
course, they can blend color and control those pencils like the pros! Seventh Grades are
completing their ceramics project for this year. They are describing,"What Makes My Fish
in Motion Successful" for their writing assessments. Glazing projects is soon to follow.
Sixth Grades are activity drawing their landscapes creating the illusion of depth through a
foreground, middle and background. The animals of the Chinese Zodiac are their
subjects. They heard the fable of the Animals of the Chinese Zodiac by Susan Whitefield
and Philippa - Alys Browne, a truly delightful tale telling the story of how the animals
became a part of the Zodiac! Water colors and a printmaking experience will conclude
this assignment
Mrs. Prior's eighth grade students observed a presentation on the various styles of
Medieval illuminated manuscripts and lettering. Students also read about other forms of
art from the Romanesque and Gothic style in our new text, A Global Pursuit. They
completed a compare and contrast activity using an Irish manuscript page, Chi-ro, and a
German manuscript page, St. Matthew. Students are now creating their own manuscript
pages using famous quotes, various lettering styles, and decorative borders. Seventh
grade students are continuing to learn about color theory and painting by mixing their own
colors to enhance their designs. Sixth grade artists are using their drawing skills to create
pastel portraits. We are looking at the colors used by Impressionist artists for inspiration.
The guidance department participated in several winter programs which provided support
to financially stressed families. The "Angel Tree Joy Drive" was organized by the student
School Reports
January 26, 2012
council and guidance department to provide gifts for children in the district that may
otherwise not receive holiday items. Administration and guidance sponsored several
families for the holidays and provided food and clothing items. Guidance groups were
held at each grade level. The sixth grade group focused on social skills, the seventh
grade group on family issues, and the eighth grade group on coping issues. Course
selection will take place for students going from eighth to ninth grade during the months of
January and February.
Language Arts
In eighth grade ELA, Mrs. Raichek's students have been reading a play based on the
novel The Diary of Anne Frank. Before beginning the play the students held a Socraticstyle discussion to contemplate several of the issues faced by the characters in the play,
and to imagine how they would have reacted if placed in the same situation. The
students also received copies of the floor plan of The Annex, the Frank-party's hiding
place for two years, and physically recreated that space by taping the dimensions on the
floor outside the classroom. Students then "visited" the rooms and re-enacted some
typical types of interactions the characters would have encountered and then reflected in
writing about the how being confined in such an incredibly small space would have
affected the characters and their relationships with each other. For the duration of the
play, students are also keeping a diary consisting of guided and open entries. Guided
entries include questions related to the plot and conflicts of the play, and introduce
students to some poetry written during the WWII era. Students continue to focus on
spelling and grammar and their monthly book chat discussions, with several students
choosing to read works of fiction and non-fiction that relate to the Anne Frank unit.
In AGP, students continue to work on their independent research projects. Eighth grade
students will be writing and presenting a 3 minute informational speech about their project
to their peers, and a shorter version of that speech to parents at the Celebration of the
Mind event in May. Students have written and mailed letters to people who are experts in
their field, asking for information and research assistance. Several students have
received positive responses from their inquiries and we eagerly await more!
In Mrs. Debessay's eighth grade content class, students read The Pearl by John
Steinbeck. Analyzing character actions/motives, identifying main ideas/details, and
interpreting author's purpose were all skills that were addressed while reading the novel.
Students also completed a project based on an activity menu, supporting the themes
presented in The Pearl and shared with their classmates. In writing, students
completed a narrative piece consisting of five paragraphs. Students utilized Inspiration
software to create graphic organizers to assist with the prewriting stage. After completing
the remaining stages of the writing process, students enjoyed sharing their writing pieces
with each other. In seventh grade, Mrs. Perilli's students wrote personal narratives.
Students used the computer program Inspiration to create graphic organizers and the
word prediction program Co-Writer to help them type their personal narratives. When
editing, students focused on interesting beginnings, using dialogue, and word choice.
Students also read the novel Hatchet by Gary Paulsen. In Mrs. Somerville's sixth grade
AGP classes, all students have completed writing a 3-5 page research report. Students
chose a topic of interest in September and created three essential questions to help guide
their research. Some of the topics include: Autism, The Great Wall of China, The Titanic,
Sea Turtles, The Black Plaque, and Airplane Design. Throughout the marking period the
School Reports
January 26, 2012
students learned how to pick out appropriate resources, take detailed notes, create an
outline, and write a bibliography using MLA format. The students will now begin creating
projects based on Bloom's Taxonomy to reflect their research. Some examples of the
projects are animated movies, Power Point, travel brochures, collages, and songs. All
reports and projects will be on display at the Celebration of the Minds in May. Hope to
see you there!
While Mrs. McLeod is on maternity leave, Mrs. Hartzell is teaching her sixth grade
classes. Students studied the poetry of Shel Silverstein, analyzing his organization and
rhyme scheme, and wrote poems modeled after his work. These poems were published
on the “Poet-Tree” which is on display in the classroom. As students began their study of
the mystery genre, they read and analyzed various short stories from the Language of
Literature books. They also began reading mystery novels independently to prepare for a
“Book Brag” where they will creatively demonstrate their understanding. In order to
prepare for the upcoming Reading PSSA and aid comprehension, students practiced
using the UNRAAVEL strategies on various release passages. Some students even
created their own “UNRAAVEL Rap” in order to remember the strategies.
With major research projects beginning, Mrs. Brashers has been visiting several
classrooms to discuss Plagiarism and Academic Integrity with students. She has visited
Mr. Krugler’s Social Studies classes and Mrs. Raichek’s ELA classes to discuss ways to
avoid plagiarism and ethically use resources and materials. Sixth grade students
continue to visit the library consistently with their Language Arts classes. Mrs.
Somerville’s class continues to focus on the RTM Research Process for their AGP
The students learned about citation styles, the importance of
bibliographies, and the process of composing a Works Cited page using MLA citation
styles. Mrs. Patton’s, Mrs. Newsome’s, and Mrs. Hartzell’s classes have been developing
their research skills with the Destiny catalog. Students worked on scavenger hunts on the
library webpage and within the library facility to develop confidence using the catalog.
Many classes have been visiting the library for book-talks on varying subjects, including
Mrs. William’s seventh grade LA classes for biographies and Mrs. Hartzell’s sixth grade
LA classes for mysteries. Classes of all grade levels continue to frequent the library for
research projects, as well as find new books to enjoy. The library computers, including
the laptop cart, have been in constant use by classes of all grade levels and subjects. Mr.
Krugler’s Social Studies classes have been visiting the library on a daily basis to work on
their research project on Ancient Greece. Mrs. Brashers continues to work to schedule
Visiting Authors for the school. There are multiple possibilities of highly respected and
award-winning authors to visit Springton Lake. A possible visit would be scheduled in the
spring. During REP, Mrs. Brashers continues to host a Read-Aloud period during which
she reads to sixth grade students who requested to attend the event. The students visit
the library daily to listen to Neil Gaiman’s The Graveyard Book, winner of the 2009 ALA
John Newbery Medal. Mrs. Brashers has also been reading to Mrs. Hemenway’s
students in her life skills class on a weekly basis. The students selected to be read
Jeanne DuPrau’s The City of Ember, an ALA Notable Book.
School Reports
January 26, 2012
Geometry students are completing a research project about how a particular math topic is
used in the real life. Students were able to choose their particular topic. They will write a
500 word essay and then present the information using a format selected from a list. We
are finishing Chapter 5, the relationships within triangles. We will begin Chapter 6,
Similarity, by mid January. In this chapter, students use ratios, proportions, and geometric
means to solve geometry problems. They use ratios to find the scale of a drawing and
then use the scale to find the actual distance on a map or the actual height of a building.
They use proportions to identify similar polygons and find the scale factor between two
polygons, they use a scale factor to find corresponding lengths in similar polygons, and
they use the AA Similarity Postulate, the SSS Similarity Theorem, or the SAS Similarity
Theorem to determine whether two triangles are similar. Also, students use proportions
and the Triangle Proportionality Theorem or its converse to find the lengths of segments
related to triangles or parallel lines. At the conclusion of Chapter 6, we will begin
reviewing for the midterm. The midterm will be given the week of February 6.
Our Algebra I eighth grade students completed Chapter 5 on forms of linear equations.
They worked on writing linear equations in five different forms: slope-intercept, pointslope, standard, y =, and x =. They are now starting Chapter 6; a chapter that deals with
solving and graphing linear inequalities. They will be writing linear inequalities that
represent real-life situations and graphing their solutions on a coordinate grid. Chapter 6
ends with a review of measures of center, stem-and-leaf plots, histograms, and box-andwhisker plots.
Eighth graders in CMP2 continued exploring algebraic relationships. Lessons
encompassed both linear and non-linear models. Students interpreted and created
equations, tables and graphs. They found examples and applications in many life
situations. In addition to this work from the Connected Math curriculum, students
completed a problem-of-the-day each class period – which is multiple choice question –
and a problem-of-the-week – which is an extended open-ended question – each week.
These problems practiced PSSA-referenced skills. Recent staff research into students’
achievement and needs inform this work: eighth graders worked to maintain their skills
with numbers and operations. Seventh grade CMP2 math has been working on the book
Stretching and Shrinking, which focuses on properties of similar figures. We have enjoyed
creating similar figures on the Smart Board and then finding missing side or angle
measurements! Stretching and Shrinking also introduced us to The Wumps, computer
game characters that we were able to graph, and then use our creativity to name and
"dress up" our Wump character! As we wrap up Stretching and Shrinking, we now know
how to solve for missing portions of similar figures, and we also understand how similar
figures can be graphed on a coordinate plane without seeing the actual image. As we
begin our next book, Comparing and Scaling, we will learn about ratios, proportions, and
Seventh grade accelerated math has been working hard on the Pythagorean Theorem for
the past month. We created Pythagoras Projects- such as a song, a poster, or a mockFacebook page to inform others about the Greek Mathematician, Pythagoras, and what
he was all about! We utilized a coordinate grid, dot paper, and finally right triangles to
help us derive an explanation for the Pythagorean Theorem. We applied the Pythagorean
Theorem to real-life problems, such as figuring out the distances between bases on a
School Reports
January 26, 2012
baseball diamond. As we move into our next Connected Math Book, Growing Growing
Growing, we will apply our algebra skills to help us solve for relationships involving
exponents. We will experiment with exponential growth and exponential decay, starting
with some situations taking place the Kingdom of Montarek. We will explore exponential
relationships relating number of cuts of paper to how many ballots will be produced, and
also relationships about "rubas" that the king can pay the peasant, depending on how he
arranges his money. Let's see if the peasant knows enough about exponential growth to
choose the right payment plan!
In sixth grade math, students are studying fractions, decimals, and percents. Students
began their study of fractions, decimals, and percents by solving problems involving
fundraising thermometers. Students needed to determine what fraction of the
thermometer was shaded and then what dollar amount that fraction represented. In the
sixth grade accelerated math program, students are studying ratios, rates, and
proportions. The highlights of this study for students include showcasing their
understanding of ratios, rates and proportions by creating their own advertisement and
conducting a taste test to explore what the ratio of water to juice concentrate does to a
juice mix.
Sixth grade general music classes are enjoying “hands on” experiences as they study
musical instruments such as a drum set and guitar. Seventh grade general music begins
a study of the life of Ludwig van Beethoven and his commitment to explore and create
new compositions. Students will perform his “Ode to Joy” in the Yamaha Music In
Education Keyboard Lab. To continue the history of music, eighth graders are beginning
the Classical Period with emphasis on Mozart, Haydn, and a review of Beethoven. They
will perform Mozart’s “Ah! Vous Dirai-Je, Maman” (Variations on Twinkle, Twinkle Little
Star) and create their own variations in the Yamaha Music In Education Keyboard Lab.
Students in seventh and eighth grade general music combined computer skills with music
downloads, MP3 players, and iPods to present projects concerning “Songs That
The sixth grade students are studying viruses and bacteria. Students will compare and
contrast viruses and bacteria, investigate the role of bacteria in our everyday lives, and
discover how infectious diseases spread. Student will also research an infectious disease
of their choice and create a pamphlet using Microsoft Publisher. The seventh grade
science students investigate the electrostatic theory. By reviewing the subatomic particles
of the atom, students will understand the relationship between positive and negative
charges as related to the addition or removal of electrons. This process begins by
applying the rules of charge using various electrostatic equipment. In grade eight science
we are currently studying the origin and development of the modern Periodic Table!
Scientists from many countries across the world have contributed to its organization and
development, as well as to the development of the modern atomic theory. The models
proposed over the years are used to explain interesting observable phenomena today.
Students are using the Table and atomic models to predict the chemical properties of the
School Reports
January 26, 2012
Social Studies
The sixth grade students are currently studying the economics, government, history, and
geography of the Middle East. Many of the students have created maps and matrices for
the Middle East that focus on the ethnic groups, religious groups, and wealth of the
individual countries. The students are learning about the influence of religion, especially
Islam, on the cultures and governments of the Middle East. The seventh grade students
are studying Lewis and Clark and the Louisiana Purchase. Also, students are focusing on
Andrew Jackson's presidency. Students are doing a project and are creating first-person
accounts of the expedition. Students in eighth grade wrote a four page research paper on
a specific topic from Ancient Greece. Students learned how to avoid plagiarism, write a
thesis statement, use in-text citations, organize their papers thematically, and write a
bibliography according to MLA style. Also, students focused on conducting quality internet
research by using only credible sites (from colleges and universities) and problem solving
during the research process.
Special Education
Mrs. Hemenway’s life skills math class finished a unit on Data Analysis and Probability.
They learned how to analyze graphs, tables, and charts and the class designed a
snowman glyph using information about them. They also applied their graphing
knowledge to create a Gingerbread House. Mrs. Wilson’s seventh grade learning support
math class is learning about Stretching and Shrinking: Similarity. Its focus is geometry,
and it develops understanding of and skill in the use of concepts of similarity. In this unit,
students will use properties of similar figures to explore reductions and enlargements
such as those made on copy machines. Similarity will also be used to estimate the height
of real objects (such as buildings and flagpoles) and the distance across large areas
(such as ponds). The problems are designed to help students begin to reason
proportionally by scaling in geometry situations. By the end of this unit, students will know
how to create similar figures, how to determine whether two figures are similar, and how
to predict the relationship between lengths and areas for two similar figures.
World Language
Last month the Springton Lake French classes celebrated the feast of St. Nicholas the
way children do in France. Students left a shoe outside of the classroom door for St. Nick
to leave a treat in. The eighth grade Spanish teachers are choosing the best of the best
to participate in the National Spanish Contest which will take place on March 27.
Art Department News
This month, the National Art Honor Society held its annual Induction Ceremony in the
Penncrest High School library. Thirty-six students were inducted at that time. This year’s
guest speaker was Lauren Economou, class of 2001. Lauren earned her BFA in interior
design from Syracuse University and her MAT in visual arts education from the University
of the Arts. She is an industrial and fine arts teacher at Hatboro-Horsham High School.
School Reports
January 26, 2012
Music Department News
Over the past month, The Penncrest Choirs concluded one of their busiest holiday
seasons ever. A major highlight was the opportunity to go caroling down State Street
following a formal outdoor concert downtown. Store owners and patrons stood in awe,
whipped out video cameras, and strained to get a better view. Our Penncrest Choirs are
true ambassadors of the school and our district!
Choir Director, Sherre Gaertner, invites all members of our Board of School Directors to
attend any of their upcoming concerts. Events are posted on Penncrest’s web calendar.
If you plan to attend, please let Mrs. Gaertner know so she can recognize you at the
concert. The students will love to see you!
Social Studies Department News
The Penncrest History Honor Society (Delta Mu Upsilon) inducted 100 members this
month at a ceremony in the Penncrest auditorium. Following an inspiring speech by
faculty member, Mr. Ben Danson, on the importance of our knowledge of the historical
past, members accepted their certificates then socialized while enjoying light
World Language News
Selected German students participated in the National German Exam this month. Results
are due in early March.
Health and PE Department News
Freshman health classes recently participated in the 2011Yoplait Yogurt Save Lids to
Save Lives campaign. Students collected 1,343 lids and submitted them to Yoplait. For
every lid sent, Yoplait contributes ten cents to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer
Foundation. Thanks to all who supported this effort!
Teddy Bear Toss
Sixteen members of the Varsity Ice Hockey Team recently traveled to St. Christopher's
Hospital for Children to deliver toy bears from their annual Teddy Bear Toss. The team
had their picture taken with Santa and accompanied him to help deliver the bears. For
many of the children at the hospital - some who will never leave - the bear is the only gift
they received this holiday season. It was a great experience for the players to see the
good that comes from volunteer efforts like the Teddy Bear Toss.
Alumni Reunion
Penncrest High School seniors recently attended the annual Alumni Reunion and Panel
Discussion. This event is designed to provide a venue in which our most recent
graduates visit with one another informally and share their insights about the college
planning process and the college experience. A panel of alumni, representing a wide
range of post-secondary schools, answered questions presented by our current seniors.
This year's alumni panel included: Ashley Byrne, C.J. Cassey, Brian Craft, Tori Powell,
and Ron Tyson.
School Reports
January 26, 2012
Freshman Semi-formal Dance
Over 340 students and guests attended this year’s Freshman Semi-formal which was
held in the Penncrest High School Cafeteria in January. This year’s theme was "Winter
Wonderland.” While there hasn’t been much snow outside, the Penncrest halls were
decorated with beautiful snowflakes (of the paper variety) adding to the ambiance of the
Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
This month, Penncrest students were treated to an uplifting and entertaining assembly
honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The event was organized by the school’s Human
Relations Club and featured dozens of PHS students. This year’s theme was “That was
then, this is now.” The program took students on an emotional journey through the
1950’s (before President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the 1964 Civil Rights Act which
outlawed racial discrimination). The program then transitioned to 2012 showing how
much things have changed since “back in the day.”
MLK Day of Service
To honor the memory and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., volunteer Penncrest
students participated in a variety of community service opportunities on January 16: For
the second year, students volunteered to prepare meals for the "Aid for Friends" program
which serves the needy by preparing home-cooked meals to distribute to isolated shut-ins
and the frail in the five-county Greater Philadelphia area and Penncrest participated in a
district-wide effort to collect items for the Cradles to Crayons Organization. PHS was a
collection site in the morning with both student and staff volunteers on-hand to receive
items. Students assisted at some of the elementary schools and middle school as well.
This organization collects gently used clothing, shoes, books, and toys for children from
0-12 years of age. The items are then sorted and distributed to families across the
Philadelphia area.
School Reports
January 26, 2012
“In accordance with the Pennsylvania Sunshine Act, executive sessions of the
School Board were held on the following dates to review and discuss matters
permitted under Section 8 of the Act.”
December 15, 2011
January 3, 2012
January 10, 2012
January 26, 2012
There will be an executive session of the School Board for matters of personnel
at 6:30 p.m. prior to the Legislative Session of February 23, 2012, at Penncrest
High School. The Legislative meetings are recorded on tape.
Presidential Announcement
January 26, 2012
New Business
Mara Dixon, School Psychologist,
effective February 20, 2012.
John Dixon, 8th Grade Language Arts Teacher,
Springton Lake Middle School, resignation effective
January 16, 2012.
Elementary, termination effective January 30, 2012.
Ms. Mandia failed to notify the district of her intent to
return following an unpaid leave of absence.
Lisa Bendezu, Secretary I, Educational Resource
Center, resignation effective January 4, 2012.
Joy Keith, Support Staff II, Penncrest High School,
resignation effective December 17, 2011.
Carol Varrasse, Substitute Bus Driver, termination
effective January 5, 2012.
Vanessa James-Brown, Substitute
termination effective January 5, 2012.
IX. New Business
Lauren Newman, Homebound Instructor for the 20112012 school year at the rate of $46.00 per hour.
Christopher Grouzes, English Teacher effective
January 6, 2012 at the annual salary of $45,944,
Bachelor’s/Step 4 pro-rated. Mr. Grouzes received his
Bachelor’s Degree from Lock Haven University. He is
currently a Long Term Substitute in the District. Mr.
Grouzes will be assigned to Penncrest High School
replacing Kathleen Rauch who has retired.
January 26, 2012
New Business
IX. New Business
Patrick O’Neill, (.8) Long Term Substitute Teacher,
(.6) German/(.2) Gifted, effective January 30, 2012 at
the annual salary of $41,847.20, Master’s
Degree/Step 1 pro-rated for the second semester. Mr.
O’Neil received his Bachelor’s Degree from University
of Dublin, Trinity College and his Master’s Degree
from UCLA. He comes to us from Upper Darby
School District where he served as a German and
French teacher for five years. He is assigned to
Penncrest High School replacing Bridget Mason who
is on leave.
Alicia Livi, Long Term Substitute Math Teacher
effective January 30, 2012 at the annual salary of
$45,289.00, Bachelor’s Degree/Step 1. Ms. Livi
received her Bachelor’s Degree from University of
Delaware. She comes to us from Catapult Learning
where she taught Math. Ms. Livi is assigned to
Penncrest High School replacing Elizabeth Clements
who is on leave.
Maureen Shields, Long Term Substitute Elementary
Teacher effective January 30, 2012 at the annual
salary of $45,289, Bachelor’s Degree/Step 1 pro-rated
for the 2nd semester. Ms. Shields received her
Bachelor’s Degree from Millersville University. She is
assigned to Media Elementary replacing Gemma
Amoroso who is on leave.
Christina DiGregorio, Math Tutor, effective January
12, 2012 at the rate of $16.00 per hour. Ms.
DiGregorio is assigned to Indian Lane Elementary.
Richard Caldwell, Substitute Bus Driver, effective
January 30, 2012 at the rate of $21.53 per hour. Mr.
Caldwell is assigned to the Transportation
Department. NOTE: Mr. Caldwell is being hired
January 26, 2012
New Business
Josephine Dizon, Director of Summer School 2012 at
the annual salary of $7,000.00.
Julia Davis, Assistant Director of Summer School
2012 at the annual salary of $3,000.00.
Classification Change
Unpaid Leave of Absence
Gemma Amorosa requests an unpaid leave of
absence commencing January 27, 2012 through June
30, 2012 for the purpose of child rearing.
Amanda Sessa requests an unpaid leave of absence
commencing January 18, 2012 through May 4, 2012.
Andrea Seaner, revision of unpaid leave of absence
dates. Unpaid leave of absence will commence
January 20, 2012 and terminate June 30, 2012.
Margie Gilroy, requests an unpaid leave of absence
commencing February 3, 2012 through June 30, 2012
for the purpose of child rearing.
Supplemental Contracts
IX. New Business
Robert Wilson, from part time Bus Driver to Regular
Bus Driver, Full Time effective December 14, 2011.
Mr. Wilson is assigned to the Transportation
Sean Van Horn, Spring Fitness Club Sponsor, at the
annual salary of $725.00. Spring Fitness Club is
effective February 13, 2012 through June 15, 2012.
Mr. Van Horn is assigned to Penncrest High School.
January 26, 2012
New Business
Supplemental Contracts
David Woods, EnviroChallenge Advisor, at the annual
salary of $580.00. Mr. Woods is assigned to Indian
Lane Elementary.
Mark Yanchek, Intramural Instructor at the rate of
$27.00 per hour. Mr. Yanchek is assigned to
Springton Lake Middle School.
Dana Vellios, Homework Club Sponsor at the annual
salary of $1,160.00. Ms. Vellios is assigned to
Glenwood Elementary.
Kathleen Devine, Storyboard Club Sponsor, at the
annual salary of $290.00. Ms. Devine is assigned to
Indian Lane Elementary.
IX. New Business
David Sikorski, Rose Tree Rumble Club Sponsor, at
the annual salary of $1,160.00. Mr. Sikorski is
assigned to Rose Tree Elementary.
David Sikorski, Handchime Choir Sponsor, at the
annual salary of $1,160.00. Mr. Sikorski is assigned to
Rose Tree Elementary.
Debra Schnaars, Event Chaperone for the 2011-2012
school year at the rate of $55.00 per event. Ms.
Schnaars is assigned to Penncrest High School.
Dana Vellios, Student Ambassador Club, at the
annual salary of $1,160.00. Ms. Vellios is assigned to
Glenwood Elementary.
Fern Mathis, Homework Club, at the annual salary of
$1,160.00. Ms. Mathis is assigned to Glenwood
Christy Thompson, French Club Sponsor, at the
annual salary of $290.00. Ms. Thompson is assigned
to Media Elementary.
January 26, 2012
New Business
Supplemental Contracts
Jayne Walker, Fun with Paper Club Sponsor at the
annual salary of $580.00. Ms. Walker is assigned to
Media Elementary.
Create New Position
Personal Instructional Assistant – Support Staff II.
Recommend the Board approve the creation of an
additional Support Staff II – Personal Instructional
Assistant position to serve the needs of a 4th grade
student at Rose Tree Elementary School.
Overnight Trips
Penncrest High School Wrestling Team Championships,
Hershey, PA
Resolve, that the Board approve the overnight trip for the Penncrest
Wrestling Team to Hershey, PA, 3/7/12 – 3/11/12.
The Wrestling Team will participate in the State Wrestling
Championships in Hershey, PA. The approximate cost to the
district is $1,504, which covers substitute teacher fees,
transportation, hotel and meals.
Penncrest High School String Ensemble Festival, Boston,
Resolve, that the Board approve the overnight trip for the Penncrest
String Ensemble in Boston, MA, 4/19/12 – 4/22/12.
The Penncrest String Ensemble will participate in the Heritage
Music Festival and Adjudication in Boston, MA. The approximate
cost to the district is $102, which covers substitute teacher fees.
IX. New Business
January 26, 2012
New Business
B. Overnight Trips
Penncrest High School Choir Festival, Boston, MA
Resolve, that the Board approve the overnight trip for the Penncrest
Choir to Boston, MA, 4/26/12 – 4/29/12.
adjudication/competition festival in Boston, MA. The approximate
cost to the district is $204, which covers substitute teacher fees.
Penncrest High School Boys’ & Girls’ Swimming Team State
Championships, Bucknell University
Resolve, that the Board approve the overnight trip for the Penncrest
Girls and Boys Swimming Team to Bucknell University, 3/13/12 –
The Girls’ and Boys’ Swimming Team will participate in the State
Championships at Bucknell University. The approximate cost to the
district is $3,066 (a high estimate), which covers substitute teacher
fees, transportation, hotel and meals.
IX. New Business
January 26, 2012
Purchasing – None
Eagle Industrial Hygiene Associates Inc. – Springton Lake
Middle School Renovation Project
Resolve, that the School Board approve a modification in an
amount not to exceed an additional $38,000 to Purchase
Order #20104131 for Springton Lake Middle School
This was discussed at the January 10, 2012 Finance
Committee Meeting.
Resolve, that the School Board approve the following
a. Penn State Brandywine
A set of Porter volleyball poles and a net.
b. An anonymous donor
Football jerseys for the Penncrest High School Football
This was discussed at the January 10, 2012 Finance
Committee Meeting.
X. Finance
January 26, 2012
Ikon Office Solutions Agreements
Lease Agreements-Copier/Printer/Scanner-Print Shop
Resolve, that the School Board approve a five year
lease with Ikon Office Solutions, Inc. for a Ricoh
model MP 1107EX copier and a Ricoh model MPC
751 EX color copier in the amount of $32,924.28 per
year. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania CO-STARS
contract #1,001-014
Maintenance Agreement-Copier/Printer/Scanner-Print
Resolve, that the School Board approve a five year
maintenance agreement with Ikon Office Solutions,
Inc. for a Ricoh model MP 1107EX copier. Cost per
copy is .0035, which includes service and supplies
with the exception of paper. Cost per copy is the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania CO-STARS contract
Maintenance Agreement-Copier/Printer/Scanner-Print
Resolve, that the School Board approve a five year
maintenance agreement with Ikon Office Solutions,
Inc. for a Ricoh model MPC 751EX color copier. Cost
per copy is .045, which includes service and supplies
with the exception of paper. Cost per copy is the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania CO-STARS contract
This was discussed at the January 10, 2012 Finance
Committee Meeting.
X. Finance
January 26, 2012
Resolve, that the School Board approve an agreement with
Pennsylvania Liquid Asset Fund, PSDLAF, for lockbox
services for real estate tax payments. There is no cost to the
District for this service.
This was discussed at the January 10, 2012 Finance
Committee Meeting.
Villanova Agreement
Resolve, that the School Board approve the contract
between Villanova University and the Rose Tree Media
School District for Commencement service for the Penncrest
High School Class of 2012 in the amount of $10,875.00.
This was discussed at the January 10, 2012 Finance
Committee Meeting.
Fair Trade Declaration
Resolve, that the Board approve the Fair Trade Declaration.
Penncrest is the first Fair Trade Public High School in the USA.
Being a Fair Trade High School means that Penncrest will work
with its food service contractor to make fair trade products, such
as coffee, tea, sugar and cocoa, available whenever possible as
an option in its cafeteria and other events. Penncrest is also
committed to raising awareness among students, faculty and staff
of Fair Trade principles. The Penncrest Interact Club, under the
direction of Mr. Mike LoBiondo, is the organization that will be
overseeing and supporting Fair Trade events.
X. Finance
January 26, 2012
Budgetary Transfers
Rose Tree Media School District Policy #612…(Public
School code section 609) when funds are not available for a
proposed appropriation, a legal transfer from one class of
expenditure to another may be made in the last nine (9)
months of the fiscal year by the board.
Resolve, that the Board approve the following budgetary
FY 12-8 Fund 10 General Fund
RATIONALE: Transfer needed to purchase cheerleading
This was discussed at the January 10, 2012 Finance
Committee Meeting.
Earth Engineering, Inc. – Springton Lake Middle School
Renovation Project
Resolve, that the School Board approve a modification in an
amount not to exceed an additional $20,000 to Purchase
Order # 20104133 for Springton Lake Middle School
This was discussed at the January 10, 2012 Finance
Committee Meeting.
X. Finance
January 26, 2012