ROSE TREE MEDIA SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS Legislative Agenda June 26, 2014 7:30 p.m. I. Call to Order II. Approval of Minutes A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. III. E. Legislative Meeting Minutes of May 22, 2014 Bid Opening, May 20, 2914 Glenwood VCT Flooring Replacement Bid Opening, May 20, 2014 Indian Lane Interior Door Replacements Bid Opening, May 20, 2014 Painting at Penncrest and Glenwood Bid Opening, June 3, 2014 Ceiling Replacements Bid Opening, June 3, 2014 Masonry Restoration Bid Opening, June 3, 2014 Media Elementary Floor Replacement Bid Opening, June 3, 2014 Window Repair at Media Elementary Bid Opening, June 3, 2014 Leak Remediation and Waterproofing Springton Lake Bid Opening, June 5, 2014 Springton Lake Walking Trail Bid Opening, June 6, 2014 Indian Lane Boiler Replacement Bid Opening, June 6, 2014 Lighting Fixture Replacements Special Legislative Meeting, June 10, 2014 Bid Opening, June 23, 2014 Rose Tree Roof-Gutter Repair Penncrest High School Girls’ 4 x 100 Relay Team Penncrest High School 200 Meter Penncrest High School Boys’ 4 x 800 Relay Team Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Governor’ Excellence in Academics during the 2012-13 School Year Penncrest High School Boys Varsity Lacrosse – 2014 PIAA State Champions Educational Presentation A. V. Roll Call Presentations and Awards A. B. C. D. IV. Pledge of Allegiance iPad Innovative - Year End Review – Patti Linden Reports A. B. C. D. E. F. G. Agenda Student Liaison Reports Board Liaison Reports Committee Highlights and Reports School Reports Superintendent’s Report Solicitor’s Report President’s Report 1 June 26, 2014 VI. Scheduled Presentations (Limited to Five Minutes Each) A. VII. Unscheduled Presentations (Limited to Three Minutes Each) A. VIII. RTMEA – Sue Williamson Rose Tree Media Residents Old Business A. Policy #217 Graduation Requirements - Second Read and Approval – See Attachment A IX. New Business A. Personnel 1. Terminations a. Professional b. Non-Instructional 2. Nominations a. Professional b. Non-Instructional 3. General a. Classification Change b. Supplemental Contracts c. Salary Change d. Elimination of a Position e. Other, See Attachments B, C, and D E. Addendum - Personnel B. Overnight Trips 1. Penncrest Envirothon Team to University of Pittsburgh, Johnston, PA 2. Penncrest High School Envirothon Team to Springfield Missouri 3. Penncrest Ski and Snowboard Club to Vermont 4. Penncrest Ski and Snowboard Club to Vermont 5. Penncrest High School Science Olympiad Team to Huntingdon, PA 6. Penncrest High School Science Olympiad Team - National Tournament – Lincoln, NE C. 2014-2015 School Year Calendar, See Attachment E D. None X. Finance A. Agenda Purchasing 1. Bid Awards a. Indian Lane Interior Door Replacement b. Glenwood VCT Flooring Replacement c. Penncrest/Glenwood Interior Painting d. Penncrest/Media/Glenwood Ceiling Replacements e. Springton Lake Waterproofing 2 June 26, 2014 X. Finance A. Purchasing 1. Bid Awards (continued) f. Media Window Repair g. Media Flooring Replacement h. Penncrest Masonry Repairs i. Springton Lake Walking Trail j. Indian Lane Boiler Replacement k. Penncrest/Media/Glenwood Lighting Fixture Replacement B. General 1. Change Orders – none 2. Budgetary Transfers – none 3. Sage Technology Proposal 4. Glenwood Elementary School Masonry Wall Replacement – Walter Brucker & Co., Inc. 5. Change Order Threshold for Summer Months 6. Use of Facilities - Sundays 7. Insurance Renewals 8. Fixed Assets 9. Barrall Field Improvements 10. Donations 11. Fund Transfer 12. 2014-2015 Capital Reserve Budget 13. Authorization to Post June 2014 Budgetary Transfers 14. Authorization to Pay Bill List 15. Appointment of Grace A. Eves as the Tax Collector for Middletown Township 16. Appointment of Heather Hogan as the Treasurer 17. Banking Depositorie s a. Pennsylvania School District Liquid Asset Fund b. PNC Bank 18 Purchasing Cooperatives a. U. S. Communities b. CO-STARS c. Department of General Services (DGS) Local Piggy Back Program (L3P) d. AEPA Contract - Association of Educational Purchasing Agencies e. Delaware County Joint Purchasing f. Keystone Purchasing Network g. The Pennsylvania Education Joint Purchasing Council (PAEJPC) h. TCPN National Governmental Purchasing Cooperative i. Peppm Agenda 3 June 26, 2014 X. Finance B. General (continued) 19. 2013-2014 Tuition Rates and Estimated 2014-2015 Tuition Rates 20. Verizon Wireless GPS Agreement 21. Lifetouch Agreement 22. Special Education Contract for ESY Services – George Crothers Memorial School 23. HMS School for Children with Cerebral Palsy - ESY 24. Timothy School Contract - ESY 25. Devereux CARES Education Program Contract - ESY 26. Camphill Special School Contract - ESY 27. Melmark School Contract - ESY 28. Vanguard Tuition Contract 29. Holcomb Behavioral Health Systems Contract 30. Elwyn Contracts 31. Settlement Agreement 32. Apple Lease Agreement 33. Speech Pathology Consultants, Inc. Contract 34. Elwyn Contract 35. Professional Development 36. Bayada Home Health Care Contract C. Financials for May 2014 D. Bill Lists for May 2014 XI. Adjournment ANNOUNCEMENT There will be an executive session of the School Board for matters of personnel at 6:30 p.m. prior to the Legislative Meeting of August 28, 2014, at Penncrest High School. The Legislative Meetings are recorded on tape. Agenda 4 June 26, 2014 Rose Tree M edia School District EXCELLENCE TODAY FOR TOMORROW 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone: 610-627-6136 Fax: 610-627-6136 Grace A. Eves Director of Management Services James M. Wigo, Sr. Superintendent To: From: Date: Subject: Members of the Board of School Directors James Wigo, Superintendent Grace A. Eves, Board Secretary June 26, 2014 Minutes of the May 22, 2014 Legislative Meeting I. Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call ____________________________________________________________________________ Board Members in Attendance: John Hanna, President Linda Kinsler-Fox, Vice President Tracy Barusevicius Nancy Fronduti Elizabeth Schneider William O’Donnell (arrived at 7:40) Harry Postles Bill Tyson Students: Riley George Rahmi Halaby Talia Kaplan Michaela Rheil Absent: Absent: Nancy Mackrides Also in Attendance: Ron Badino, Maintenance and Operations Eric Bucci, Principal GW Anne Callahan, Dir. Human Resources William Dougherty, Asst. Principal PHS Grace Eves, Dir. Management Services Joe Fuhr, Principal SYA Rick Gregg, Principal PHS Ron Harris, Network Specialist Ralph Harrison. Asst. Principal PHS Anthony Jackowski, Asst. Principal SLMS II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of May 22, 2014 Thomas Kelly, Esq., Solicitor Bonnie Kinsler, Supervisor of Transportation Maria Kotch, Principal Media Elementary Patti Linden, Supv. Technology Kim McCann, Info. Tech. Spec Jenny Robinson, Principal Rose Tree Elem. Sharon Sweeney, Asst. Principal PHS Steve Taylor, Asst. Superintendent Katherine White, Asst. Principal SLMS James M. Wigo, Sr., Superintendent 1 June 26, 2014 II. Approval of Minutes A. B. C. D. E. Legislative Meeting Minutes of April 24, 2014 Bid Opening Minutes 4-29-14 – Lavatory Replacement - PHS, Hot Water Heater Replacement – IL Bid Opening Minutes 4-29-14 – HVAC Replacement and Piping – IL, GW & RT Bid Opening Minutes 5-6-14 – HVAC Replacement – Media Music Suite and Computer Lab Bid Opening Minutes 5-7-14 – VAT Removal – Glenwood Mrs. Fronduti moved and Mr. Postles seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2013 – 2014 118 A. B. C. D. Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the Legislative Meeting Minutes of April 24, 2014. Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the Bid Opening Minutes of April 29, 2014, in Official Legislative Minutes of May 22, 2014. Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the Bid Opening Minutes of May 6, 2014, in Official Legislative Minutes of May 22, 2014. Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the Bid Opening Minutes of May 7, 2014, in Official Legislative Minutes of May 22, 2014. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: Tracy Barusevicius, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, Linda Kinsler-Fox, Harry Postles, Elizabeth Schneider and Bill Tyson NAYS: None ABSENT: Nancy Mackrides and Bill O’Donnell Mr. O’Donnell arrived at 7:40. II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of May 22, 2014 2 June 26, 2014 III. Presentations and Awards A. Eagle Scouts of America Mr. O’Donnell moved and Mrs. Schneider seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2013 – 2014 119 Resolve, the Board of School Directors present the Rose Tree Media Award to the following for achieving Eagle Scout Rank: George J. Bevilacqua, III, William J. Higgins, III, Justin Perry and Sebastian R. Weinmann. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: Tracy Barusevicius, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, Linda Kinsler-Fox, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles, Elizabeth Schneider and Bill Tyson NAYS: None ABSENT: Nancy Mackrides B. Delaware County Young Author’s Project Winners for 2014 Mr. Tyson moved and Mrs. Fronduti seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2013 – 2014 120 Resolve, the Board of School Directors present the Rose Tree Media Award to the following students for having their entry selected by the Delaware County Reading Council and the Delaware County Intermediate Unit: August Guerrieri from Mrs. McLeod’s sixth grade class, Laura Dabundo, from Mrs. Gregg’s seventh grade class, Sophie Roe, from Mrs. Turicik’s seventh grade class, Lauren Isaacs, from Miss Azeff’s eighth grade class and Abby Kleiman, from Mrs. Raichek’s eighth grade class. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: Tracy Barusevicius, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, Linda Kinsler-Fox, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles, Elizabeth Schneider and Bill Tyson NAYS: None ABSENT: Nancy Mackrides II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of May 22, 2014 3 June 26, 2014 III. Presentations and Awards C. 2014 Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Awareness Poster Contest Mr. Tyson moved and Mrs. Fronduti seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2013 – 2014 121 Resolve, the Board of School Directors present the Rose Tree Media Award to Emma Szwajkowski. Emma won fourth place in the contest. Over 1,000 posters from 35 different schools in Delaware County entered art work in this contest. Emma is a fifth grader who worked under the guidance of Mr. Sharp, our Glenwood Art teacher. Her poster will be featured in the 2015 Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Awareness Calendar. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: Tracy Barusevicius, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, Linda Kinsler-Fox, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles, Elizabeth Schneider and Bill Tyson NAYS: None ABSENT: Nancy Mackrides D. NCTE Achievement Award in Writing Mr. Tyson moved and Mr. O’Donnell seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2013 – 2014 122 Resolve, the Board of School Directors present the Rose Tree Media Award to two Penncrest juniors. This year, 796 students were nominated by their English teachers to participate in the 2014 National Council of Teachers of English Achievement Awards in Writing program. Nia Vargus and Jaime Metzger were nominated by teachers Felicia Quinzi and Lisa Lobitz. They each submitted two original pieces which were evaluated by national judges on content, purpose, audience, tone, word choice, organization, development and style. Nia was awarded a Certificate of Nomination and Jaime received a Certificate of Recognition citing her as a winner. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: Tracy Barusevicius, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, Linda Kinsler-Fox, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles, Elizabeth Schneider and Bill Tyson NAYS: None ABSENT: Nancy Mackrides II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of May 22, 2014 4 June 26, 2014 III. Presentations and Awards E. Central League Writing Competition Mr. Tyson moved and Mr. O’Donnell seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2013 – 2014 123 Resolve, the Board of School Directors present the Rose Tree Media Award to three Penncrest High School students for their winning entries. The English department selects two students from each grade to represent Penncrest in the Central League Writing Competition. The students are then given a prompt and they have an hour to write a story. A freshman, Rachel Hughes, won second place; junior, Rachel Rex, won second place; and senior, Alaina Clune, won first place. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: Tracy Barusevicius, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, Linda Kinsler-Fox, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles, Elizabeth Schneider and Bill Tyson NAYS: None ABSENT: Nancy Mackrides II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of May 22, 2014 5 June 26, 2014 III. Presentations and Awards F. Young Poets of Delaware County Poetry Competition Mr. Tyson moved and Mrs. Fronduti seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2013 – 2014 124 Resolve, the Board of School Directors present the Rose Tree Media Award to students who had their entries chosen from thousands of entries county-wide. From Glenwood Elementary: Madison Roesler. Madison won 2nd place in the grade five category for her poem, "The Deer in the Snow." Madison created her poem in Mrs. Cook's 5th Grade Library Writing Club. From Media Elementary School: Nathan Host-Rightley, a fifth grade student in Mr. Goldfarb’s class. Nathan was a third place winner. Nate’s winning haiku poem was called “Tree.” From Penncrest High School ninth graders Madelyn Nowoswiat took a first place and Alex Boleto took third place. Seniors, Gianna Paul placed second and Alicia Schapire placed third. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: Tracy Barusevicius, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, Linda Kinsler-Fox, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles, Elizabeth Schneider and Bill Tyson NAYS: None ABSENT: Nancy Mackrides II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of May 22, 2014 6 June 26, 2014 III. Presentations and Awards G. 2014 Diversity STEM Essay Contest Mrs. Fronduti moved and Mr. O’Donnell seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2013 – 2014 125 Resolve, the Board of School Directors present the Rose Tree Media Award to three Springton Lake Middle School students; Zach Munin, Millie Kenton and Paige Goldberg. These students earned first place honors in the 2014 Diversity STEM Essay Contest sponsored by Boeing. Students were given an opportunity to write about diversity in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics. Nearly 500 essays were received from schools all across the Delaware Valley. Twenty-four finalists were selected. Of the middle level awards, our students earned three of the four 1st place awards that were given. As their prize, Boeing awarded each of our students with a new laptop computer. As a special recognition, Zach Munin was also selected for a special one-day internship with Boeing this summer. Zach will have an opportunity to spend an entire day this summer working with Boeing engineers to learn more about the problem solving in which they engage each day. We are all extremely proud of these three individuals, as well as all of the Springton Lake students who submitted entries this year. Special thanks are also extended to their teachers, Mrs. Belle Patton and Mrs. Jennifer McLeod. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: Tracy Barusevicius, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, Linda Kinsler-Fox, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles, Elizabeth Schneider and Bill Tyson NAYS: None ABSENT: Nancy Mackrides II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of May 22, 2014 7 June 26, 2014 III. Presentations and Awards H. Penncrest High School Science Olympiad Team Mrs. Fronduti moved and Mr. Tyson seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2013 – 2014 126 Resolve, the Board of School Directors present the Rose Tree Media Award to the Penncrest High School Science Olympiad Team. The Science Olympiad Team placed first in the State Competition knocking out the former first place team for the last seventeen years. The National Science Olympiad competition was held in Florida and the team paced eighth out of 4,000 schools. Team members are: Seniors - Ethan Fein, Kimberly Kreider, Andrew LeCours, Divyesh Patel and Olivia Zhou. Juniors - Ryan Blessington, Michael Chang, Elijah Linvill, Samuel Messer, Jade Phillips, Kellen Randall and Quinn Rinaman. Sophomores - Tanner Daggy, Caitlin Davis, Seth Fein, Derek Leung and Thomas May. Freshman - Brooke Dresden, Jay Fein, Drew Jacobs, Samir Jambhekar, Erik Leung and Sean Walsh. Coaches of the Science Olympiad Team are Edward Somers and James Ciccarelli. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: Tracy Barusevicius, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, Linda Kinsler-Fox, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles, Elizabeth Schneider and Bill Tyson NAYS: None ABSENT: Nancy Mackrides II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of May 22, 2014 8 June 26, 2014 III. Presentations and Awards I. Excellence in Teaching – Franklin Mint Federal Credit Union Mr. O’Donnell moved and Mr. Hanna seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2013 – 2014 127 Resolve, the Board of School Directors present the Rose Tree Media Award to Lisa Hooven. The Delaware County Excellence in Teaching Award recognizes outstanding and dedicated teachers. The Franklin Mint Credit Union created this award in partnership with the Delaware County Intermediate Unit in 2008. Recipients demonstrate outstanding dedication and significant contributions to Delaware County students. Lisa Hooven was nominated by colleagues, a former student, her principal, and a family member. One of the nomination letters describes Lisa perfectly, "Lisa Hooven is everyone's cheerleader! She is a supportive sounding board and always the first to lend a helping hand. When a situation arises, she quickly "rounds up the troops" to help with any necessary arrangements. To borrow from Charlotte, who spun wordy webs to save Wilbur, "Lisa is humble, terrific, and some teacher." Lisa is a thirty year veteran of the RTM school district. She has taught primary grades and currently teaches kindergarten which she declares "the best." The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: Tracy Barusevicius, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, Linda Kinsler-Fox, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles, Elizabeth Schneider and Bill Tyson NAYS: None ABSENT: Nancy Mackrides IV. Educational Presentation A. V. Chorus Theater Club - The Jungle Book Prologue and The Bare Necessities by Mr. David Sikorski, Director, Mrs. JoAnn Podlaski, Assistant Director, stage crew, Jungle Book Art Show display, Dr. Meg Barney Reports A. B. C. D. E. Student Liaison Reports Board Liaison Reports Committee Highlights and Reports School Reports – In Official Legislative Minutes of May 22, 2014 Superintendent’s Report – In Official Legislative Minutes of May 22, 2014 II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of May 22, 2014 9 June 26, 2014 V. Reports F. Solicitor’s Report – In Official Legislative Minutes of May 22, 2014 a. Rose Tree Media School District/Supplemental Settlement Agreement Mr. O’Donnell moved and Ms. Kinsler-Fox seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2013 – 2014 128 Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the Solicitor’s request that the School Board approve the settlement agreement as outlined under Article III. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: Tracy Barusevicius, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, Linda Kinsler-Fox, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles, Elizabeth Schneider and Bill Tyson NAYS: None ABSENT: Nancy Mackrides G. VI. Scheduled Presentations (Limited to Five Minutes Each) A. VII. RTMEA – Sue Williamson Unscheduled Presentations (Limited to Three Minutes Each) A. VIII. President’s Report – In Official Legislative Minutes of May 22, 2014 Rose Tree Media Residents – none Old Business A. None II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of May 22, 2014 10 June 26, 2014 IX. New Business A. Personnel 1. Terminations a. Professional b. Non-Instructional 2. Nominations a. Professional b. Non-Instructional 3. General a. Classification Change b. Unpaid Leave of Absence c. Rescind Supplemental Contracts d. Supplemental Contracts Mrs. Fronduti moved and Mr. Postles seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2013 – 2014 129 Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the following New Business: IX. New Business A. Personnel 1. Terminations a. Professional 1. J. Bond Perket, Science Teacher, Springton Lake Middle School, retirement effective June 24, 2014. Mr. Perket joined the staff of Rose Tree Media School District in 1983. He is retiring after 25 years of dedicated service. 2. Leslie Goldsmith, School Nurse, Springton Lake Middle School, retirement effective June 24, 2014. Ms. Goldsmith joined the staff of Rose Tree Media School District in 2003. She is retiring after 11 years of dedicated service. 3. Michele Doyle, Health and Physical Education Teacher Penncrest High School, retirement effective June 24, 2014. Ms. Doyle joined the staff of Rose Tree Media School District in 1982. She is retiring after 32 years of dedicated service. 4. Meghan Cristaldi, Math Teacher, Penncrest High School, resignation effective June 30, 2014. II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of May 22, 2014 11 June 26, 2014 IX. New Business A. Personnel 1. Terminations a. b. 2. Professional 5. Kyle Abbott, English Teacher, Penncrest High School, resignation effective June 24, 2014. 6. Josephine Dizon, Science Teacher, Springton Lake Middle School, resignation effective June 30, 2014. Non-Instructional 1. Lynn Morrison, Secretary I, Springton Lake Middle School, retirement effective June 30, 2014. Ms. Morrison joined the staff of Rose Tree Media School District in 1983. She is retiring after 31 years of dedicated service. 2. Mary Egan, Food Service, Springton Lake Middle School, resignation effective May 13, 2014. 3. Nancy Peters, 10 Month Specialist, Penncrest High School, retirement effective March 19, 2014. Ms. Peters joined the staff of Rose Tree Media School District in 1978. She is retiring after 36 years of dedicated service. Nominations a. Professional 1. Anthony Grisillo, Librarian, effective July 1, 2014 at the annual salary of $89,837.00, Master’s Degree +40/Step 14. Mr. Grisillo is assigned to Glenwood Elementary replacing Kathleen Cook who was reassigned. II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of May 22, 2014 12 June 26, 2014 IX. New Business A. Personnel 2. Nominations a. Professional 2. Recommend Board approval for the following personnel to serve as Summer School Remedial Teachers at $111.00 per day: Alicia Commale Ben Danson Carley Dillon Carloyn Fizzano Anthony Grisillo Christopher Grouzes Robin Heckman Caitlyn Judge Charlie Keeler Chrissa Kuntz 3. Recommend Board approval for the following personnel to serve as Summer School Enrichment Teacher at the rate of $99.00 per day: Kathryn Hong Karen Laffend David Matthews 4. Sharon Prior Megan Rozinski Tara Sorrells Recommend Board approval for the following personnel to serve as Reading Rockets Summer School Teachers at the rate of $111.00 per day: Crystal Grace-Green Kim Bradley 5. b. Patrick Murphy Mark Nixon Joseph Pelekis Evan Pettit Kelly Piecara Jeremy Smith Ashley Turicik Olivia Vellios Courtney Williams Vince Eppolito Dennis Smyth Ronni Miller, SYA Summer School teacher at the rate of $203.50 per day. Non-Instructional 1. Andrew Pettineo, Bus Aide, effective May 14, 2014 at the rate of $14.43 per hour. Mr. Pettineo is assigned to Transportation. II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of May 22, 2014 13 June 26, 2014 IX. New Business A. Personnel 2. Nominations b. Non-Instructional 2. Karen Carsia, Bus Aide, effective May 16, 2014 at the rate of $14.43 per hour. Ms. Carsia is assigned to Transportation. NOTE: Ms. Carsia is being hired pending completion of her pre-employment paperwork. 3. Dana Birney, Bus Aide, effective May 14, 2014 at the rate of $14.43 per hour. Ms. Birney is assigned to Transportation. 4. Recommend Board approval of the following personnel to serve as Substitute Maintenance Workers for Summer 2014 at the rate of $12.00 per hour: John Barbosa Joshua Bloom Samantha Finsterbusch 3. Daniel Graham Brett Macaulay Dorman Akley 5. Linda Gagliardi, Substitute Cafeteria Worker, effective May 27, 2014 at the rate of $10.76 per hour. NOTE: Ms. Gagliardi is being hired pending completion of her pre-employment paperwork. 6. Martin McGee, Substitute Bus Driver, effective May 27, 2014 at the rate of $21.96 per hour. Mr. McGee is assigned to Transportation. NOTE: Mr. McGee is being hired pending completion of his pre-employment paperwork. 7. Dale Soring, (.5) Support Staff I, effective May 27, 2014 at the rate of $12.92 per hour. Ms. Soring is assigned to Penncrest High School replacing Bethany Zeleznick who was reassigned. 8. Kathleen Luptowski, Substitute Bus Aide, effective May 27, 2014 at the rate of $14.43 per hour. Ms. Luptowski is assigned to Transportation. General a. Classification Change 1. Arthur Pavoni from Substitute Bus Aide to Substitute Bus Driver effective May 14, 2014 at the rate of $21.96 per hour. II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of May 22, 2014 14 June 26, 2014 IX. New Business A. Personnel 3. General b. Unpaid Leave of absence 1. c. Rescind Supplemental Contracts 1. d. Michelle Kirk requests an extension of her unpaid leave of absence through the end of the 2014-2015 school year for the purpose of child rearing. Rescind appointment of Elizabeth Coulter as a New Teacher Mentor. Supplemental Contracts 1. Cathy Poulos, Garden Club Sponsor at the annual salary of $290.00. Ms. Poulos is assigned to Media Elementary. 2. Recommend Board approval for the following Springton Lake Middle School personnel to serve as Game Workers for the 2013-2014 school year: Leslie Goldsmith Sue Hemenway Brittani Lutterman Robin Heckman Susan Howe Katie Magliochetti 3. Linda Kilpatrick, Prom Chaperone 2014 at the rate of $25.00 per hour. Ms. Kilpatrick is assigned to Penncrest High School. 4. David Scanlon, Assistant Boys Soccer Coach for the 20142015 school year at the annual salary of $3,625.00. Mr. Scanlon is assigned to Penncrest High School. NOTE: Mr. Scanlon is being hired pending completion of his preemployment paperwork. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: Tracy Barusevicius, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, Linda Kinsler-Fox, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles, Elizabeth Schneider and Bill Tyson NAYS: None ABSENT: Nancy Mackrides II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of May 22, 2014 15 June 26, 2014 IX. New Business B. Overnight Trips 1. Penncrest High School Student Leadership Retreat – Worton, MD 2. Penncrest High School Cheerleading Camp – Beach Lake, PA Ms. Kinsler-Fox moved and Mrs. Fronduti seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2013 – 2014 130 IX. New Business B. Overnight Trips 1. Penncrest High School Student Leadership Retreat – Worton, MD Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve a request for an overnight field trip for a Student Leadership Retreat to Worton, Maryland from 11/22-11/24/2014. 110 students and eight chaperones will attend the retreat. Cost to students will be $130 and substitute cost is $816. Students will be transported by RTMSD buses for a cost of $1,400.64 paid for by the District. 2. Penncrest High School Cheerleading Camp – Beach Lake, PA Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve a request for an overnight field trip for students to attend a Cheerleading Camp at the Pine Forrest Cheerleading Camp in Beach Lake, PA from 8/11-8/14/14. Registration fees are $245 and are paid by the students. Transportation costs of $149.99/day are being paid through Boosters. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: Tracy Barusevicius, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, Linda Kinsler-Fox, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles, Elizabeth Schneider and Bill Tyson NAYS: None ABSENT: Nancy Mackrides C. Policy #217 Graduation Requirements – First Read and Review – See Attachment A – In Official Legislative Minutes of May 22, 2014 II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of May 22, 2014 16 June 26, 2014 IX. New Business D. Naming of Media Elementary School Library Ms. Kinsler-Fox moved and Mrs. Schneider seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2013 – 2014 131 IX. New Business D. Naming of Media Elementary School Library Resolve, that the Board of School Director’s, in accordance with Policy 701.1 and at the urging of a grateful faculty, dedicated parents and most of all her cherished students, in grateful appreciation of her years of faithful service to her profession, the Media Elementary School community and the Rose Tree Media School District, bring to vote the naming of the Media Elementary School library. Further resolve, that from this day forward, the Media Elementary School Library shall be known as and referred to as the “Maria C. Kotch Library and Media Center.” The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: Tracy Barusevicius, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, Linda Kinsler-Fox, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles, Elizabeth Schneider and Bill Tyson NAYS: None ABSENT: Nancy Mackrides X. Finance A. Purchasing – Bid Awards 1. 2. 3. 4. Lavatory Replacement – Penncrest and Hot Water Heater Replacement – Indian Lane HVAC Cabinet Unit Heathers – Indian Lane, Glenwood and Rose Tree Elementary Schools HVAC Replacement – Media Elementary School Music Suite and Computer Lab VAT Removal – Glenwood Mrs. Fronduti moved and Ms. Kinsler-Fox seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2013 – 2014 132 II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of May 22, 2014 17 June 26, 2014 X. Finance A. Purchasing – Bid Awards Recommend the following bids be awarded in the categories listed, such recommendation being the lowest bid received from a responsible bidder, kind, quality and materials having been considered. Resolve, the Board of School Directors award the following bids: 1. 2. Lavatory Replacement – Penncrest and Hot Water Heater Replacement – Indian Lane Contractor Base Bid Stan Roch Plumbing $31,800 Total Amount $146,865 HVAC Cabinet Unit Heaters – Indian Lane, Glenwood and Rose Tree Elementary Schools Base Bid Alternates Total Amount 1-3 Electrical Construction C.A.D Electric $15,000 $3,500 $18,500 HVAC Construction GEM Mechanical, Inc. 3. Alternates 1-8 $115,065 $118,000 $22,800 $140,800 HVAC Replacement – Media Elementary School Music Suite and Computer Lab Base Bid Alternates Total Amount 1 Electrical Construction C.A.D Electric $30,000 $10,000 $40,000 HVAC Construction Gaudelli Brothers, Inc. II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of May 22, 2014 $127,400 18 $60,800 $188,200 June 26, 2014 X. Finance A. Purchasing – Bid Awards 4. VAT Removal – Glenwood Contractor Base Bid Sargent Enterprises $38,724 Alternates Total Amount $38,724 The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: Tracy Barusevicius, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, Linda Kinsler-Fox, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles, Elizabeth Schneider and Bill Tyson NAYS: None ABSENT: Nancy Mackrides X. Finance B. General 1. Change Orders – None 2. Budgetary Transfers 3. YMCA Camp Tockwogh Contract 4. All Around Entertainment Agreement – Ratification 5. All Around Entertainment Agreement 6. DCIU Be Proud Foundation Day Treatment Program 7. DCIU Elwyn Contract 8. Delaware County Juvenile Detention Center Contract 9. Homestead/Farmstead Exclusion – See Attachment B 10. 2014-2015 General Fund Budget – See Attachment C 11. Equipment Disposal 12. Sunesys Addendum No. 2014-02 13. School Messenger Renewal Authorization 14. Internet Services Agreement 15. Rutgers University Intern Contract 16. School Psychology Services, LLC Contract 17. Settlement Agreement for ESY Services – Arrowhead Day Camp 18. Settlement Agreement for ESY Services – Elwyn T-Camp Mrs. Fronduti moved and Mr. O’Donnell seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2013 – 2014 133 II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of May 22, 2014 19 June 26, 2014 X. Finance B. General 1. Change Orders - none 2. Budgetary Transfers Rose Tree Media School District Policy #612…(Public School code section 609) when funds are not available for a proposed appropriation, a legal transfer from one class of expenditure to another may be made in the last nine (9) months of the fiscal year by the board. Resolve, that the Board approve the following budgetary transfers: FY 14-21 Fund 10 General Fund FROM: AMOUNT: Learning Support – Professional Education Svcs. IU $40,000 TO: AMOUNT: Other Support – Tuition to Charter Schools $40,000 RATIONALE: To cover the cost of tuition to cyber school for special education student FY 14-22 Fund 10 General Fund FROM: AMOUNT: FROM: AMOUNT: FROM: AMOUNT: FROM: AMOUNT: Curriculum Development - Supplies $4,900 Care and Upkeep of Equipment – Repairs and Maintenance $3,000 Curriculum Development – Other Expenses $2,000 Technology Support Services – New Equipment $1,000 TO: AMOUNT: Operation of Building Services – New Equipment $10,900 RATIONALE: To cover the cost of the purchase of an auto scrubber for the High School II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of May 22, 2014 20 June 26, 2014 X. Finance B. General 2. Budgetary Transfers – continued FY 14-23 Fund 10 General Fund FROM: AMOUNT: Care and Upkeep of Equipment – Repairs and Maintenance $4,205 TO: AMOUNT: Operation of Building Services – New Equipment $4,205 RATIONALE: To purchase a pallet truck, battery charger and propane burnisher FY 14-24 Fund 10 General Fund FROM: AMOUNT: Instruction & Curriculum Development – Supplies $4,000 TO: AMOUNT: Instruction – New Equipment $4,000 RATIONALE: To purchase new signage for the Main Office and the Library Media Center FY 14-25 Fund 10 General Fund FROM: Staff Development – Dues and Fees AMOUNT: $2,780 TO: AMOUNT: Information Services – Contracted Services $2,780 RATIONALE: To pay for language Interpreters II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of May 22, 2014 21 June 26, 2014 X. Finance B. General 2. Budgetary Transfers – continued FY 14-26 Fund 10 General Fund FROM: AMOUNT: Instructional Staff Professional Development – Travel $2,310 TO: AMOUNT: Instruction – Travel $2,310 RATIONALE: To charge Teacher’s college to the Accountability Block Grant FY 14-27 Fund 10 General Fund FROM: AMOUNT: Office of the Principal – Supplies $2,132 TO: AMOUNT: Operation of Building Services – Supplies $2,132 RATIONALE: For custodial supplies FY 14-28 Fund 10 General Fund FROM: AMOUNT: Consumer and Homemaking Education – Supplies $2,000 TO: AMOUNT: Instructional – Supplies $2,000 RATIONALE: For end of year activities II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of May 22, 2014 22 June 26, 2014 X. Finance B. General 2. Budgetary Transfers – continued FY 14-29 Fund 10 General Fund FROM: AMOUNT: Instructional Staff Development – Contracted Services $1,600 TO: AMOUNT: Office of the Principal – Refreshments $1,600 RATIONALE: For pre-graduation reception FY 14-30 Fund 10 General Fund FROM: AMOUNT: Instruction and Curriculum Development – Supplies $1,596.94 TO: Care and Upkeep of Equipment – Repairs and Maintenance $1,596.94 AMOUNT: RATIONALE: For repairs to the 5400 auto scrubber FY 14-31 Fund 10 General Fund FROM: AMOUNT: Instruction – Supplies $1,500 TO: AMOUNT: Office of the principal – Supplies $1,500 RATIONALE: To help offset the 5th grade recognition program and June breakfast II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of May 22, 2014 23 June 26, 2014 X. Finance B. General 2. Budgetary Transfers – continued FY 14-32 Fund 10 General Fund FROM: AMOUNT: Homebound Instruction – Contracted Services $1,100 TO: AMOUNT: Psychological Services – Contracted Services $1,100 RATIONALE: To pay for an outside neuropsychological evaluation 3. YMCA Camp Tockwogh Contract Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the YMCA Camp Tockwogh Contract in the amount of $18,500. This contract is for Penncrest’s Student Leadership Retreat in Worton, MD from November 22 – November 24, 2014. The cost to students is $125.00 and is paid through the Student Activity Account with no cost to district. Transportation is provided through the General Fund. This item was discussed at the May 13, 2014 Finance Committee Meeting. As requested by Ms. Kinsler-Fox for clarification purposes the cost of the contract is at no cost to the District. However, costs for substitutes and transportation will be through the General Fund. 4. All Around Entertainment Agreement – Ratification Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the All Around Entertainment Ratification in the amount of $600.00. This agreement is for a dance that took place on May 9, 2014 at the Springton Lake Middle School. Funding for this agreement is through the Student Activity Fund at no cost to the District. This item was discussed at the May 13, 2014 Finance Committee Meeting. 5. All Around Entertainment Agreement Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the All Around Entertainment Agreement in the amount of $1,500.00. This agreement is for a dance to be held on June 13, 2014 at the Springton Lake Middle School. Funding for this agreement is through the Student Activity Fund at no cost to the District. This item was discussed at the May 13, 2014 Finance Committee Meeting. II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of May 22, 2014 24 June 26, 2014 X. Finance B. General 6. DCIU Be Proud Foundation Day Treatment Program Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the DCIU Be Proud Foundation Day Treatment Program agreement in the amount of $199,841.00. 7. DCIU Elwyn Contract Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the DCIU Elwyn Contract in the amount of $99,996.00. 8. Delaware County Juvenile Detention Center Contract Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the Delaware County Juvenile Detention Center Contract in the amount of $932,218.00. 9. Homestead/Farmstead Exclusion Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve a resolution establishing the Homestead/Farmstead Exclusion for Rose Tree Media School District to be an assessment reduction of $9,146, which equates to a reduction in property tax of $213 for each approved homestead/farmstead. See attachment B – In Official Legislative Minutes of May 22, 2014 10. 2014/2015 General Fund Budget Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the 2014/2015 General Fund Budget in the amount of $87,314,257. Further resolve, the Board of School Directors of the Rose Tree Media School District, Delaware County, Pennsylvania, hereby authorize the appropriation and expenditure of funds as itemized in said budget during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2014. The necessary revenue for the same shall be provided by ½ of 1% real estate transfer tax and a $5 per capita tax under both the Public School code of 1949 and by the Local Tax Enabling Act and a $10 Local Services Tax, all levied and assessed for the fiscal year beginning on July 1, 2014, and by a 1.9% increase on school tax on real estate which is hereby levied and assessed at the rate of .0233677 mills on the dollar on the total amount assessed valuation on all property taxable for school purposes in the Rose Tree Media School District, Delaware County, Pennsylvania, or at the rate of 23.3677 on each $1,000 of assessed valuation of taxable property. See Attachment C – In Official Legislative Minutes of May 22, 2014 II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of May 22, 2014 25 June 26, 2014 X. Finance B. General Expenditures Proposed Budget 2014/2015 Instructional 1000 Support Services 2000 28,641,165 28,429,078 Operation, Non-Instructional Services 3000 1,653,752 1,653,752 Other Financing Services 5000 9,653,867 9,671,806 Totals $ $ 48,877,191 Final Budget 2014/2015 88,825,975 $ $ Proposed Budget 2014/2015 Revenues Final Budget 2014/2015 6000 State 7000 11,569,187 13,155,632 Federal 8000 664,100 664,100 $ Fund Balance Totals II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of May 22, 2014 71,699,789 87,314,257 Local Sub Totals $ 47,559,621 83,933,076 $ $ 4,892,899 $ 88,825,975 26 69,991,873 83,811,605 3,502,652 $ 87,314,257 June 26, 2014 X. Finance B. General 11. Equipment Disposal Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the disposal of two vehicles as salvage to Senkow’s Collision Repair and Auto Service in the amount of $1,000. 12. Sunesys Addendum No. 2014-02 Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the Addendum No. 2014-02 to Wide Area Network License Agreement between Rose Tree Media School District and Sunesys, LLC. The Addendum shall provide the addition of two (2) additional strands of fiber to the existing connection between Penncrest High School, 134 Barren Road, Media, PA and Springton Lake Middle School, 1900 North Providence Road, Media, PA. There will be a one-time connection fee of Seven Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($7,500.00) and a monthly recurring license fee of Six Hundred Dollars ($600). The term of this Addendum will continue for a period of Sixty (60) months. 13. School Messenger Renewal Authorization Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the Renewal Authorization from Reliance Communications, Inc. to continue to provide the Rose Tree Media School District with the online communications application School Messenger for a fee of Seven Thousand Five Hundred dollars ($7,500.00) annually. The agreement will be in effect for a period of one (1) year commencing on July 1, 2014 and ending June 30, 2015. 14. Internet Services Agreement Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the Internet Service Agreement between Delaware County Intermediate Unit 25 and the Rose Tree Media School District. The agreement will provide for the DCIU to provide 100 megabytes of Internet access service commencing on July 1, 2014 for a period of one year with payment terms of Eight Thousand One Hundred Thirty Six Dollars ($8,136.00) per year. II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of May 22, 2014 27 June 26, 2014 X. Finance B. General 15. Rutgers University Intern Contract Resolve, that the Board approve a contract submitted by Rutgers University for a psychology intern to be placed in the District for the 2014-2015 school year. The District provides supervision for school psychology interns in return for school-based services that are required under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. The intern will work full-time and be paid $9,000.00 dollars for the school year. The District school psychologists will coordinate the intern’s responsibilities and assignment. 16. School Psychology Services, LLC Contract Resolve, that the Board approve a contract that has been submitted by Aviele Koffler, PhD of School Psychology Services, LLC to work as a therapeutic facilitator as part of the District’s Emotional Support program. Services are required under the Individual with Disabilities Education Act. Dr. Koffler will provide counseling to identified students and consultation to staff and parents 2 days/week during the school year. If needed, the contract also allows for an additional 25 days of work during the 2014-2015 school year for coordination of students’ 504 plans at the rate of $40.00/hour. 17. Settlement Agreement for ESY Services – Arrowhead Day Camp Resolve, that the Board approve a settlement agreement for the provision of ESY services for a student to attend Arrowhead Day Camp in West Chester, PA at the tuition rate of $1015.00 dollars. Tuition reimbursement is capped at the cost the District would incur to provide ESY services in a District-run or contracted program. Extended School Year services are required for eligible students under the Individual with Disabilities Education Act. II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of May 22, 2014 28 June 26, 2014 X. Finance B. General 18. Settlement Agreement for ESY Services – Elwyn T-Camp Resolve, that the Board approve a settlement agreement for the provision of ESY services for a student to attend the Elwyn T-camp Program at the tuition rate of $3,570.00 for ESY services for the summer of 2014 in place of the District’s recommended placement at the Elwyn-Davidson program. Tuition cost for both programs is essentially the same. Extended School Year services are required for eligible students under the Individual with Disabilities Education Act. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: Tracy Barusevicius, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, Linda Kinsler-Fox, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles, Elizabeth Schneider and Bill Tyson NAYS: None ABSENT: Nancy Mackrides X. Finance C. D. Financials for April 2014 Bill Lists for April 2014 Mr. Postles moved and Mr. O’Donnell seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2013 – 2014 134 Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the following Finance Reports: X. Finance C. Financials for April 2014 April April April April 2014 2014 2014 2014 Treasurers Reports Investment Reports Summary Expenditure Status Report Revenue Status Report II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of May 22, 2014 29 June 26, 2014 X. Finance D. Bill Lists April 2014 General Fund Bill List $ 1,904,741.32 April 2014 Imprest Fund Bill List $ 8,252.00 April 2014 Capital Fund Bill List $ 17,025.00 April 2014 Bond Series 2004 Bill List $ 116,966.00 April 2014 Bond Series 2011 Bill List $ 22,522.34 April 2014 Bond Series 2013 Bill List $ 271,672.00 April 2014 Activities/Special Revenue Fund $ 113,162.49 $ 2,454,341.15 The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: Tracy Barusevicius, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, Linda Kinsler-Fox, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles, Elizabeth Schneider and Bill Tyson NAYS: None ABSENT: Nancy Mackrides XI. Adjournment Mrs. Fronduti moved and Mr. O’Donnell seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2013 – 2014 135 Resolve, there being no further business to come before the Board of School Directors, the meeting was adjourned. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: Tracy Barusevicius, Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, Linda Kinsler-Fox, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles, Elizabeth Schneider and Bill Tyson NAYS: None ABSENT: Nancy Mackrides _____________________________ Grace A. Eves School Board Secretary II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of May 22, 2014 30 June 26, 2014 Rose Tree Media School District EXCELLENCE TODAY FOR TOMORROW 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone: 610-627-6136 Fax: 610-627-6136 Grace A. Eves Director of Management Services James M. Wigo, Sr. Superintendent BID OPENING MINUTES A bid opening was held on May 20, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. in the Education Center, 308 North Olive Street, Media, PA 19063. Present were: Dennis Cini, Grace Eves, Ron Baldino, Valarie Davis and 1 bidder. Bids in the following category were opened and read by Grace Eves: VCT Flooring – Glenwood Continental Flooring Company Scottsdale, AZ 85258 North Eastern Floors, Inc. West Berlin, NJ 08091 Til-Mar Designs Philadelphia, PA 19145 TE Construction Services, Inc. Warminster, PA 18974 Bids will be tabulated and presented to the Board of School Directors. _______________________ Grace A. Eves Board Secretary Bid Opening Minutes of May 20, 2014 VCT Flooring – Glenwood Rose Tree Media School District EXCELLENCE TODAY FOR TOMORROW 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone: 610-627-6136 Fax: 610-627-6136 Grace A. Eves Director of Management Services James M. Wigo, Sr. Superintendent BID OPENING MINUTES A bid opening was held on May 20, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. in the Education Center, 308 North Olive Street, Media, PA 19063. Present were: Dennis Cini, Grace Eves, Ron Baldino, Valarie Davis and 4 bidders. Bids in the following category were opened and read by Grace Eves: Interior Door Replacement – Indian Lane Donald E. Reisinger, Inc. West Chester, PA 19380-4539 Edgmont Window and Door Aston, PA 19014 TE Construction Services, LLC Warminster, PA 18974 Bids will be tabulated and presented to the Board of School Directors. _______________________ Grace A. Eves Board Secretary Bid Opening Minutes of May 20, 2014 Interior Door Replacements – Indian Lane Rose Tree Media School District EXCELLENCE TODAY FOR TOMORROW 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone: 610-627-6136 Fax: 610-627-6136 Grace A. Eves Director of Management Services James M. Wigo, Sr. Superintendent BID OPENING MINUTES A bid opening was held on May 20, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. in the Education Center, 308 North Olive Street, Media, PA 19063. Present were: Dennis Cini, Grace Eves, Ron Baldino, Valarie Davis and 4 bidders. Bids in the following category were opened and read by Grace Eves: Interior Door Replacement – Indian Lane Donald E. Reisinger, Inc. West Chester, PA 19380-4539 Edgmont Window and Door Aston, PA 19014 TE Construction Services, LLC Warminster, PA 18974 Bids will be tabulated and presented to the Board of School Directors. _______________________ Grace A. Eves Board Secretary Bid Opening Minutes of May 20, 2014 Interior Door Replacements – Indian Lane Rose Tree Media School District EXCELLENCE TODAY FOR TOMORROW 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone: 610-627-6136 Fax: 610-627-6136 Grace A. Eves Director of Management Services James M. Wigo, Sr. Superintendent BID OPENING MINUTES A bid opening was held on May 20, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. in the Education Center, 308 North Olive Street, Media, PA 19063. Present were: Dennis Cini, Grace Eves, Ron Baldino, Valarie Davis and 1 bidder. Bids in the following category were opened and read by Grace Eves: Painting Aux. Gym – Penncrest/Painting LGI – Glenwood L. J. Paolella Construction, Inc. Brookhaven, PA 19015 M. Schnoll & Sons, Inc. Philadelphia, PA 19134-3809 Bids will be tabulated and presented to the Board of School Directors. _______________________ Grace A. Eves Board Secretary Bid Opening Minutes of May 20, 2014 Painting Aux. Gym – Penncrest/Painting LGI – Glenwood Rose Tree Media School District EXCELLENCE TODAY FOR TOMORROW 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone: 610-627-6136 Fax: 610-627-6136 Grace A. Eves Director of Management Services James M. Wigo, Sr. Superintendent BID OPENING MINUTES A bid opening was held on June 3, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. in the Education Center, 308 North Olive Street, Media, PA 19063. Present were: Dennis Cini, Grace Eves, Ron Baldino, Valarie Davis and 2 bidders. Bids in the following category were opened and read by Grace Eves: Ceiling Replacement – Media, Glenwood and Penncrest L. J. Paolella Construction, Inc. Brookhaven, PA 19015 Donald E. Reisinger, Inc. West Chester, PA 19380-4539 Walter Brucker & Co., Inc. Dublin, PA 18917 Bids will be tabulated and presented to the Board of School Directors. _______________________ Grace A. Eves Board Secretary Bid Opening Minutes of June 3, 2014 Ceiling Replacement – Media, Glenwood and Penncrest Rose Tree Media School District EXCELLENCE TODAY FOR TOMORROW 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone: 610-627-6136 Fax: 610-627-6136 Grace A. Eves Director of Management Services James M. Wigo, Sr. Superintendent BID OPENING MINUTES A bid opening was held on June 3, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. in the Education Center, 308 North Olive Street, Media, PA 19063. Present were: Dennis Cini, Grace Eves, Ron Baldino, Valarie Davis and 2 bidders. Bids in the following category were opened and read by Grace Eves: Masonry Repairs – Penncrest Mara Restoration Glenside, PA 19038 Ernel Co., Inc. Aston, PA 19014 Armor Masonry Restoration, Inc. Bristol, PA 19007 Enterprise Masonry Corp. Wilmington, DE 19802 Bids will be tabulated and presented to the Board of School Directors. _______________________ Grace A. Eves Board Secretary Bid Opening Minutes of June 3, 2014 Masonry Repairs – Penncrest Rose Tree Media School District EXCELLENCE TODAY FOR TOMORROW 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone: 610-627-6136 Fax: 610-627-6136 Grace A. Eves Director of Management Services James M. Wigo, Sr. Superintendent BID OPENING MINUTES A bid opening was held on June 3, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. in the Education Center, 308 North Olive Street, Media, PA 19063. Present were: Dennis Cini, Grace Eves, Ron Baldino, Valarie Davis. Bids in the following category were opened and read by Grace Eves: Flooring Replacement – Media North Eastern Floors, Inc. West Berlin, PA 08091-9205 Continental Flooring Scottsdale, AZ 85258 Bids will be tabulated and presented to the Board of School Directors. _______________________ Grace A. Eves Board Secretary Bid Opening Minutes of June 3, 2014 Flooring Replacement – Media Rose Tree Media School District EXCELLENCE TODAY FOR TOMORROW 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone: 610-627-6136 Fax: 610-627-6136 Grace A. Eves Director of Management Services James M. Wigo, Sr. Superintendent BID OPENING MINUTES A bid opening was held on June 3, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. in the Education Center, 308 North Olive Street, Media, PA 19063. Present were: Dennis Cini, Grace Eves, Ron Baldino, Valarie Davis and 1 bidder. Bids in the following category were opened and read by Grace Eves: Window Repair – Media Window Repairs and Restoration Glassboro, NJ 08028 Bids will be tabulated and presented to the Board of School Directors. _______________________ Grace A. Eves Board Secretary Bid Opening Minutes of June 3, 2014 Window Repair – Media Rose Tree Media School District EXCELLENCE TODAY FOR TOMORROW 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone: 610-627-6136 Fax: 610-627-6136 Grace A. Eves Director of Management Services James M. Wigo, Sr. Superintendent BID OPENING MINUTES A bid opening was held on June 3, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. in the Education Center, 308 North Olive Street, Media, PA 19063. Present were: Dennis Cini, Grace Eves, Ron Baldino, Valarie Davis and 1 bidder. Bids in the following category were opened and read by Grace Eves: Leak Remediation and Waterproofing – Springton Lake Anthony Biddle Contractors, Inc. Ambler, PA 19002 Bids will be tabulated and presented to the Board of School Directors. _______________________ Grace A. Eves Board Secretary Bid Opening Minutes of June 3, 2014 Leak Remediation and Waterproofing – Springton Lake Rose Tree Media School District EXCELLENCE TODAY FOR TOMORROW 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone: 610-627-6136 Fax: 610-627-6136 Grace A. Eves Director of Management Services James M. Wigo, Sr. Superintendent BID OPENING MINUTES A bid opening was held on June 5, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. in the Education Center, 308 North Olive Street, Media, PA 19063. Present were: Dennis Cini, Grace Eves, Ron Baldino, Matt Houtmann and 1 bidder. Bids in the following category were opened and read by Grace Eves: Walking Trail – Springton Lake Gessler Construction Co. Media, PA 19063 Eastern Earthmovers, LLC Collegeville, PA 19426 Bids will be tabulated and presented to the Board of School Directors. _______________________ Grace A. Eves Board Secretary Bid Opening Minutes of June 5, 2014 Walking Trail – Springton Lake Rose Tree Media School District EXCELLENCE TODAY FOR TOMORROW 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone: 610-627-6136 Fax: 610-627-6136 Grace A. Eves Director of Management Services James M. Wigo, Sr. Superintendent BID OPENING MINUTES A bid opening was held on June 6, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. in the Education Center, 308 North Olive Street, Media, PA 19063. Present were: Dennis Cini, Grace Eves, Ron Baldino, Walt Subers and 5 bidders. Bids in the following category were opened and read by Grace Eves: Boiler Replacement – Indian Lane C.A.D. Electric Eddystone, PA 19022 Allstates Mechanical, LTD. Boothwyn, PA 19061 GEM Mechanical Services, Inc. Aston, PA 19014 Goshen Mechanical, Inc. West Chester, PA 19382 E. J. Meloney, Inc. Lansdowne, PA 19050 Gaudelli Bros., Inc. Millville, NJ 08332 Bids will be tabulated and presented to the Board of School Directors. _______________________ Grace A. Eves Board Secretary Bid Opening Minutes of June 6, 2014 Boiler Replacement – Indian Lane Rose Tree Media School District EXCELLENCE TODAY FOR TOMORROW 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone: 610-627-6136 Fax: 610-627-6136 Grace A. Eves Director of Management Services James M. Wigo, Sr. Superintendent BID OPENING MINUTES A bid opening was held on June 6, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. in the Education Center, 308 North Olive Street, Media, PA 19063. Present were: Dennis Cini, Grace Eves, Ron Baldino, Walt Subers and 4 bidders. Bids in the following category were opened and read by Grace Eves: Lighting Fixture Replacement – Penncrest/Media/Glenwood McGoldrick Electric, Inc. Havertown, PA 19083 Charles H. MacDonald Electric Paoli, PA 19301 C.A.D. Electric Eddystone, PA 19022 CMSE, Inc. Cochranville, PA 19330 Goldhorn Electrical Construction Aston, PA 19014 Bids will be tabulated and presented to the Board of School Directors. _______________________ Grace A. Eves Board Secretary Bid Opening Minutes of June 6, 2014 Lighting Fixture Replacement – Penncrest/Media/Glenwood Rose Tree Media School District EXCELLENCE TODAY FOR TOMORROW 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone: 610-627-6136 Fax: 610-627-6136 Grace A. Eves Director of Management Services James M. Wigo, Sr. Superintendent To: From: Date: Subject: Members of the Board of School Directors James M. Wigo, Superintendent Grace A. Eves, Director of Management Services June 26, 2014 June 10, 2014 Special Legislative Meeting Minutes I. Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call ______________________________________________________________________ Attendance: Tracy Barusevicius, Nancy Fronduti, Linda Kinsler-Fox, Nancy Mackrides, Harry Postles, Elizabeth Schneider and Bill Tyson Absent: John Hanna and Bill O’Donnell Also in Attendance: Ron Baldino, Anne Callahan, Grace Eves, Patti Linden, Steve Taylor and James Wigo ______________________________________________________________________ II. Unscheduled Presentations (Limited to Three Minutes Each) – none III. New Business A. Personnel 1. Terminations a. III. Professional Mrs. Fronduti moved and Mrs. Mackrides seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2013 – 2014 136 New Business A. Personnel 1. Terminations a. Professional II. Special Legislative Meeting Minutes of June 10, 2014 1 June 26, 2014 1. Anthony Jackowski, Assistant Principal, Springton Lake Middle School, resignation effective July 30, 2014. Resolve, the Board of School Directors accept the resignation of Anthony Jackowski, Assistant Principal, Springton Lake Middle School effective July 30, 2014. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: Tracy Barusevicius, Nancy Fronduti, Linda Kinsler-Fox, Nancy Mackrides, Harry Postles, Elizabeth Schneider and Bill Tyson NAYS: None ABSENT: John Hanna and Bill O’Donnell IV. Any other business that may come before the Board. A. Purchasing 1. NGV Motori Agreement Mrs. Fronduti moved and Mrs. Mackrides seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2013 – 2014 137 Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve an agreement with NGV Motori in the amount of $513,000 for the conversion of eight diesel buses to Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), pending review by the District’s solicitor. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: Tracy Barusevicius, Nancy Fronduti, Linda Kinsler-Fox, Nancy Mackrides, Harry Postles, Elizabeth Schneider and Bill Tyson NAYS: None ABSENT: John Hanna and Bill O’Donnell II. Special Legislative Meeting Minutes of June 10, 2014 2 June 26, 2014 V. Adjournment Mrs. Fronduti moved and Mrs. Mackrides seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2013 – 2014 138 Resolve, there being no further business to come before the Board of School Directors, the meeting was adjourned. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: Tracy Barusevicius, Nancy Fronduti, Linda Kinsler-Fox, Nancy Mackrides, Harry Postles, Elizabeth Schneider and Bill Tyson NAYS: None ABSENT: John Hanna and Bill O’Donnell _____________________________ Grace A. Eves School Board Secretary II. Special Legislative Meeting Minutes of June 10, 2014 3 June 26, 2014 Rose Tree Media School District EXCELLENCE TODAY FOR TOMORROW 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone: 610-627-6136 Fax: 610-627-6136 Grace A. Eves Director of Management Services James M. Wigo, Sr. Superintendent BID OPENING MINUTES A bid opening was held on June 23, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. in the Education Center, 308 North Olive Street, Media, PA 19063. Present were: Dennis Cini, Grace Eves, Valarie Davis and 1 bidder. Bids in the following category were opened and read by Grace Eves: Roof/Gutter Replacement Re-Bid - Rose Tree Elementary School Jottan, Inc. Florence, NJ 08518 Garvey Roark, LLC West Chester, PA 19382 Bids will be tabulated and presented to the Board of School Directors. _______________________ Grace A. Eves Board Secretary Bid Opening Minutes of June 23, 2014 Roof/Gutter Replacement Re-Bid – Rose Tree Elementary School III. Presentations and Awards A. Penncrest High School Girls’ 4 x 100 Relay Team Resolve, the Board of School Directors present the Rose Tree Media Award to the Girls’ 4 x 100 Relay Team for their sixth place medal in the State Championships. Team members include Brianna Artis, Alicia Collier, Mariah Kozub and Zoe Gabel. Their time was 48.87. Coaches are Rob Brown and Michael Clark. B. Penncrest High School 200 Meter Resolve, the Board of School Directors present the Rose Tree Media Award to Alicia Collier for her eighth place medal in the 200 meters race. Her time was 25.32. C. Penncrest High School Boys’ 4 x 800 Relay Team Resolve, the Board of School Directors present the Rose Tree Media Award to the Boys’ 4 x 800 Relay Team for their seventh place medal. Their time was 7:50.9. Team members are Evan Emanuel, Brendan Hanna, Soham Kamat and Matt Kazanjian. D. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Governor’ Academics during the 2012-13 School Year Excellence in Resolve, the Board of School Directors present the Governor’s Proclamation and Banner to Penncrest High School, Media Elementary School and Rose Tree Elementary School. The School Performance Profile is the most comprehensive measure yet designed by the Department of Education to measure the effectiveness of schools. Achieving this honor means your schools are achieving the highest level of performance in a number of areas. Congratulations to you, to your respective faculties and staffs, to the students, and to their parents on the occasion of this award. All the best for future success. III. Presentations and Awards 1 June 26, 2014 III. Presentations and Awards E. Penncrest High School Boys Varsity Lacrosse – 2014 PIAA State Champion Resolve, the Board of School Directors present the Rose Tree Media Award to the 2014 PIAA State Champion and undefeated Central League Champion Penncrest Boys Lacrosse team. Team Members include: Justin Beyer, Robert Bond, Alexander Bonnett, Dylan Boyer, Casey Brown, Cameron Bryan, Daniel Bullitt, Brett Chominski, Kevin Delaney, Max Fishman, Patrick Gorman, Ryan Granger, Zachary Granger, Zachary Groses, Drew Hanna, Spencer Hespenheide, Zachary Kaut, Ryan Kinnard, William Kinnard, Robert Klodarska, Robert Logan, TJ Loper, William Manganiello, Dylan McCleaft, Ian McKernan, Patrick McLaughlin, Joseph Montgomery, Greyson Nelson, Steven Nolan, Liam O’Donnell, Dylan Protesto, Joseph Quintiliano, Nate Reagle, Ryan Schultz, Colin Speer, Ethan Trusty, William VanLeer, Nicholas Whalen and Matthew Young. Coaches: Wayne Matsinger – Head Coach, Chris Derrick – Assistant Coach, Evan Pettit – Assistant Coach, Eric Poole – Assistant Coach, Scott Rumford – Assistant Coach, Tom Davis – Goalie Coach, Jeff Pettit –Head JV Coach and Mike Baldasarre – Head JVB Coach. III. Presentations and Awards 2 June 26, 2014 A OFFICE OF CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION TO: Members of the Board of School Directors Mr. James M. Wigo, Superintendent of Schools FROM: Dr. Steve Taylor, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction DATE: June 10, 2014 RE: June 10, 2014 Curriculum & Instruction Committee Meeting Minutes Chairperson: Mrs. Linda Kinsler-Fox Board Members in Attendance: Tracy Barusevicius, Linda Kinsler-Fox, Nancy Mackrides, Harry Postles, Liz Schneider, Bill Tyson Also in Attendance: Anne Callahan, Lindsi Ciuffetelli, Grace Eves, Patti Linden, Steve Taylor, and Jim Wigo. Update on Pennsylvania’s Teacher Effectiveness System: Student Learning Objectives Dr. Taylor presented the final piece of the new Teacher Evaluation System, the Student Learning Objectives of SLOs. In previous meetings, the Board has learned about the new observational rubric, the building-level score as expressed in the School Performance Profile, and teacher growth scores. Starting in 2014-2015, SLOs will count 20% for teachers in grades and subject areas that have PSSA tests or Keystone Exams, and 35% for teachers in grades and subject areas that don’t. Every teacher will create an SLO for one course, and teachers who submit SLOs for the same course must submit identical versions. SLOs will document a teacher’s effectiveness based on student achievement of content standards within the curriculum. Each SLO begins with a goal statement, incorporates performance indicators and measures, and concludes with a rating of Distinguished, Proficient, Needs Improvement, or Failing. RTM teachers drafted SLOs this year, and they go into effect in 2014-2015, when building principals will meet with all teachers three times a year to discuss the goals, implementation, and student achievement. Post-Graduation Plans for the Class of 2014 Dr. Taylor shared post-graduation plans for all members of the Class of 2014. EXCELLENCE TODAY FOR TOMORROW Rose Tree Media School District 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone: 610-627-6136 Fax: 610-627-6136 Grace A. Eves Director of Management Services James M. Wigo, Sr. Superintendent To: Members of the Board of School Directors James M. Wigo, Superintendent From: Grace A. Eves, Director of Management Services Date: June 13, 2014 Subject: June 10, 2014 Finance Committee Minutes Chairperson: Bill O’Donnell ______________________________________________________________________ Attendance: Tracy Barusevicius, Linda Kinsler-Fox, Nancy Mackrides, Harry Postles and Bill Tyson Absent: Nancy Fronduti, John Hanna, Bill O’Donnell and Elizabeth Schneider Also in Attendance: Anne Callahan, Grace Eves, Steve Taylor and James Wigo ______________________________________________________________________ 1. Budgetary Comparison Report The District has received 97% of revenue and has expensed 93% of expenditures. Action: Discussion 2. Fund Transfer The Committee approved the transfer of $3,746,285 from the General Fund to the Capital Reserve account in accordance with School Board Policy to fund upcoming Capital projects. Action: This item will be moved to the June 26, 2014 Legislative agenda for a vote of the Board. Dedicated to Excellence 3. 2014-2015 Capital Reserve Budget BUDGET CODE DEPARTMENT REVENUE 22-0101 DESCRIPTION 2014-2015 BUDGET Transfer from General Fund $4,596,285 EXPENDITURES 22-4600-000-00-00-000-450 22-2740-109-00-13-000-760 22-2220-000-00-13-000-758 Capital Projects Transportation Technology Various Capital Projects Buses Network/Equipment $3,996,285 $ 400,000 $ 200,000 $4,596,285 Action: This item will be moved to the June 26, 2014 Legislative agenda for a vote of the Board. 4. 2014-2015 Approvals • Authorization to post June 2014 Budgetary Transfers • Authorization to pay Bill List • Appointment of the Tax Collector for Middletown Township Grace Eves will be appointed Tax Collector for Middletown Township for the 2014-2015 fiscal year. There is no compensation for this position. • Appointment of the Treasurer Heather Hogan will be appointed Treasurer for the 2014-2015 fiscal year. There is no compensation for this position. • Banking Depositories o Pennsylvania School District Liquid Asset Fund §ï‚§ Checking §ï‚§ Money Market §ï‚§ Investment Certificates of Deposits §ï‚§ Fixed Term Securities o PNC Bank §ï‚§ Checking • Purchasing Cooperatives o U. S. Communities o CO-STARS o Department of General Services (DGS) Local Piggy Back Program (L3P) o AEPA Contract - Association of Educational Purchasing Agencies o Delaware County Joint Purchasing o Keystone Purchasing Network o The Pennsylvania Education Joint Purchasing Council (PAEJPC) o TCPN National Governmental Purchasing Cooperative o Peppm Dedicated to Excellence Action: These items will be moved to the June 26, 2014 Legislative agenda for a vote of the Board. 5. 2013-2014 Tuition Rates and Estimated 2014-2015 Tuition Rates Final 2013-14 Tuition Rates Elementary $ 14,316.63 Secondary $ 13,818.24 Tentative 2014-15 Tuition Rates Elementary $ 14,495.59 Secondary $ 13,891.48 Tuition rates are established by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, PDE. A different calculation is used by PDE to establish Charter School tuition rates for the District. Action: This item will be moved to the June 26, 2014 Legislative agenda for a vote of the Board. 6. Contracts a. NGV Motori – CNG Bus Conversion NGV Motori will be converting eight diesel buses to Compressed Natural Gas, CNG. The buses will be shipped to Dallas, Texas at no cost to the District. Two buses at a time will be sent for conversion. The conversions are scheduled to be completed by the end of August. The cost of the conversions is $513,000. Action: This item will be moved to the June 10, 2014 Legislative agenda for a vote of the Board. This will expedite the completion of the project. b. Verizon Wireless GPS Forty buses will be fitted with GPS units. The units will provide a layer of security for the District. The agreement also includes free roadside service. The cost of the units is $11,960 and will be installed by the Transportation Department. The annual service fee is $15,092. Action: This item will be moved to the June 26, 2014 Legislative agenda for a vote of the Board. Dedicated to Excellence c. Lifetouch Lifetouch will provide school portrait services for Rose Tree Elementary School at no cost to the District. The District will receive $2.50 per package. Action: This item will be moved to the June 26, 2014 Legislative agenda for a vote of the Board. Public Comment: One member of the Public was present The next Finance Committee meeting will be on Tuesday, September 9, 2014 Dedicated to Excellence EXCELLENCE TODAY FOR TOMORROW Rose Tree Media School District 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone: 610-627-6136 Fax: 610-627-6136 Grace A. Eves Director of Management Services James M. Wigo, Sr. Superintendent To: Members of the Board of School Directors Mr. James M. Wigo, Superintendent From: Grace A. Eves, Director of Management Services Date: June 13, 2014 Subject: June 10, 2014 Operations Committee Minutes Chairperson: Elizabeth Schneider _____________________________________________________________________ Attendance: Tracy Barusevicius, Nancy Fronduti, Linda Kinsler-Fox, Nancy Mackrides, Harry Postles, Elizabeth Schneider and Bill Tyson Absent: John Hanna and Bill O’Donnell Also in Attendance: Ron Baldino, Anne Callahan, Dennis Cini, Grace Eves, Patti Linden, Steve Taylor and James Wigo ______________________________________________________________________ 1. Bid Results The Committee reviewed the bid results from the May 20th, June 3rd, June 5th and June 6th bid openings. Bid results from the June 23rd bid opening will be discussed during Committee Highlights at the June 26th Legislative Meeting. Action: This item will be moved to the June 26, 2014, Legislative Agenda for a vote of the Board. 2. 2014-2015 Capital Projects Review Bids for the circulation desk at Media Elementary School will be solicited within the next three weeks. The results, if under budget, will be ratified at the August Legislative meeting. The Committee reviewed a proposal from Sage Technology for the installation of additional card readers and audio/video and door release system at Penncrest High School which will increase security at the building. The cost of the system will be offset with an outstanding credit for approximately $6,000 for a total cost of approximately $9,000. Action: The Sage Technology proposal will be moved to the June 26, 2014, Legislative Agenda for a vote of the Board. Dedicated to Excellence 3. Capital Project Updates Contractors broke ground at the Transportation Building for Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) project. Excavation and installation of the new transformer vault has begun. Action: Discussion 4. Change Order Threshold for Summer Months Currently, between meetings of the School Board, the Board Secretary has authorization to approve change orders up to $10,000. Change orders between $10,000 and $20,000 require the approval of the Board President, VicePresident, and Finance Chairman. The Committee approved increasing the amount for approval between Legislative meetings from the Board President, Vice-President and Finance Chairman to $50,000 for the time period between the June and September 2014 Legislative meetings. The Operations committee chairman will be advised on all change orders. Action: This item will be moved to the June 26, 2014, Legislative Agenda for a vote of the Board. 5. Use of Facilities – Sundays The committee recommended the Sunday use of facilities for all buildings be extended until June 30, 2015. Action: This item will be moved to the June 26,2014, Legislative Agenda for a vote of the Board. 6. Insurance Renewal The Committee reviewed the Comparative Premium Summary for property, automobile, liability, bonds, sports/student accident and Workers’ Compensation insurance. There is a 13% increase in coverage from PSBA, except for Workers’ Compensation from Companion which has a 5.7% increase. The District’s broker will furnish a Workers’ Compensation quote from another vendor before the June 26, 2014, Legislative Meeting. The results will be discussed during Committee Highlights at the June 26, 2014, Legislative Meeting. Action: This item will be moved to the June 26,2014, Legislative Agenda for a vote of the Board. Dedicated to Excellence 7. Fixed Assets The committee gave their approval for the sale and or removal of aging fixed assets. Action: This item will be moved to the June 26, 2014, Legislative Agenda for a vote of the Board. 8. Barrall Field Improvements Media Borough submitted a proposal in the amount of $1,650 for improvements for handicap access at Barrell Field. The Committee agreed to pay for half of the improvements in the amount of $850. Action: This item will be moved to the June 26, 2014, Legislative Agenda for a vote of the Board. 9. Donations • SLMS benches A bench in honor of Susan Knipel will be donated to Springton Lake Middle School. The Maintenance Department will install the bench. • PC benches Penncrest High School’s PTG is donating benches for the library courtyard. The Maintenance Department will install the benches. The Committee is very appreciative of the donations and extends their thanks. Action: This item will be moved to the June 26, 2014, Legislative Agenda for a vote of the Board. Public Comment: One member of the public was present. The next Operations Committee meeting will be on Tuesday, September 9, 2014 Dedicated to Excellence EXCELLENCE TODAY FOR TOMORROW Rose Tree Media School District 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone: 610.627.6000 Fax: 610-891-0959 James M. Wigo, Sr. Superintendent of Schools To: Members of the Board of School Directors James M. Wigo, Sr., Superintendent From: Anne D. Callahan, Director of Human Resources Date: June 13, 2014 Subject: Minutes of the Personnel Committee Meeting Anne D. Callahan Director of Human Resources Board Members in attendance: T. Barusevicius, Chair, L. Kinsler-Fox, N. Fronduti, E. Schneider, H. Postles, W. Tyson, N. Mackrides Also in attendance: A. Callahan, J. Wigo, G. Eves, S. Taylor and one member of the public I. Items for Legislative Meeting – Anne Callahan Items were reviewed to be included on the agenda of the legislative meeting on June 26, 2014. Action: The committee agreed to place resolutions for these items on the June 26, 2014 Legislative agenda for a vote of the Board. Additional items will be added as they come in and a final copy of the agenda will be sent to the Board for review the Friday prior to the meeting. II. Challenge Mentors: A proposal was presented by Mrs. Callahan to eliminate the Challenge Mentor Program and to use those resources to provide mentors to students in need through the Guidance Department. This action will eliminate the need for a Challenge Mentor Coordinator at 15 units. Action: The committee agreed to place a resolution for this item on the June 26, 2014 Legislative agenda for a vote of the Board. III. Executive Session: An executive session was held to discuss matters of personnel. The next meeting of the Personnel Committee will be held on Tuesday, September 9, 2014, in the Board Room at the Education Center. 1 James M. Wigo Superintendent of Schools Rose Tree Media School District 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone 610.627.6000 Fax 610.565.5317 Eleanor DiMarino-Linnen, PhD Director of Pupil Services and Special Education To: Members of the Board of School Directors James Wigo, Superintendent of Schools From: Dr. Eleanor DiMarino-Linnen, Director of Pupil Services and Special Education Date: June 11, 2014 Subject: June 10, 2013 Pupil Services/Special Education Committee Meeting Chairperson: Ms. Nancy Fronduti Board Members in Attendance: Tracy Barusevicius, Linda Kinsler-Fox, Nancy Fronduti Nancy Mackrides, Harry Postles,William Tyson, Elizabeth Schneider Others in Attendance: James Wigo, Anne Callahan, Grace Eves, Patricia Linden, Steve Taylor Overnight Field Trips A request for an overnight field trip has been submitted for members of the Penncrest Envirothon team to attend the state competition at the University of Pittsburgh in Johnstown, PA from 05/19-05/21/2015. Transportation costs totaling $400.00 dollars and lodging and meal costs totaling approximately $750.00 are being paid by the District. Substitute costs total $408.00 dollars. Action: Approval will be on the June 2014 Legislative Agenda. A request for an overnight field trip has been submitted for members of the Penncrest Envirothon team to attend the national competition in Springfield, Missouri from 07/28-08/2/2015. Students are traveling by airplane. Transportation, lodging, and meals are covered by the PA Envirothon organization. Action: Approval will be on the June 2014 Legislative Agenda. 2 A request for an overnight field trip has been submitted for the Penncrest Ski and Snowboard Club to attend a second Vermont ski trip from 1/16/15-1/19/15 at Stowe Ski Resort, Vermont. Student costs are approximately (based on fund raising) $400.00/student. There is no cost to the District. Action: Approval will be on the June 2014 Legislative Agenda. A request for an overnight field trip has been submitted for the Penncrest Ski and Snowboard Club to attend a Vermont ski trip from 2/13/15-2/16/15 in Sugarbush, Vermont. Student costs are approximately (based on fund raising) $400.00/student. There is no cost to the District. Action: Approval will be on the June 2014 Legislative Agenda. A request for an overnight field trip has been submitted for the Penncrest Science Olympiad team to attend the State Tournament at Juniata College, Huntingdon, PA from 04/23-04/25/2015. Transportation costs totaling $2000.00 dollars and lodging and meal costs totaling $2200.00 are being paid by the District. Substitute costs total $816.00 dollars. Action: Approval will be on the June 2014 Legislative Agenda. A request for an overnight field trip has been submitted for the Penncrest Science Olympiad team to attend the National Tournament at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln, Nebraska from 05/13-05/17/2015. Transportation costs totaling $13,000.00 dollars, lodging and meal costs totaling $5500.00, and substitute costs totaling $1224.00 are being paid by the District. Students are contributing $450.00 dollars each towards the costs, so net costs to the District are approximately $9800.00 dollars. Action: Approval will be on the June 2014 Legislative Agenda. A request for an overnight field trip has been submitted for an outdoor leadership retreat for Penncrest students to Ohiopyle State Park in Ohiopyle, PA from 09/25/9/28/14 (Raindate, 10/2-10/5/2014). Students will participate in various outdoor activities including stargazing, hiking, and swimming. Other activities may include white water rafting, natural water slides, and rock climbing contingent on the review of the District’s insurance carrier and adequate liability protection. Action: Approval will be on the June 2014 Legislative Agenda. 3 ESY Contracts A contract for the HMS School for Children with Cerebral Palsy has been submitted for the provision of Extended School Year services for two special education students as required under IDEA. Tuition is $12,825.00/student for the program which runs 06/24/14 to 08/07/14. Action: Approval will be on the June 2014 Legislative Agenda. A contract for The Timothy School has been submitted for the provision of Extended School Year services for five special education students as required under IDEA. Tuition is $4850.00/student for the program which runs 07/01/14 to 08/8/14. Action: Approval will be on the June 2014 Legislative Agenda. A contract for The Devereux CARES Education Program has been submitted for the provision of Extended School Year services for a special education student as required under IDEA. Tuition is $485.00/day for the program which runs 06/30/14 to 08/22/14. Action: Approval will be on the June 2014 Legislative Agenda. A contract for Camphill Special Schools has been submitted for the provision of Extended School Year services for a special education student as required under IDEA. Tuition is $7914.68 for the program which runs 06/19/14 to 07/16/14. Action: Approval will be on the June 2014 Legislative Agenda. A contract for the Melmark School has been submitted for the provision of Extended School Year services for a special education student as required under IDEA. Tuition is $498.92/day for the program which runs 07/07/14 to 08/15/14. Action: Approval will be on the June 2014 Legislative Agenda. Tuition Contract A tuition contract for two special education students to attend Vanguard for the 2104-2015 school year has been submitted. The educational program at the approved private school is required to meet the educational needs of these students in accordance with IDEA. Tuition is $49,115.00/student. Action: Approval will be on the June 2014 Legislative Agenda. 4 Holcomb Behavioral Health Systems A renewal contract with Holcomb Behavioral Health Systems has been submitted for the 2014–2015 school year to provide a STAR coordinator at Penncrest High at a cost of $908.83 per each twenty hour work week from September 8, 2014 through June 12, 2015. This contract is an annual renewal with the same conditions and pricing structure as the 2013-2014 contract. Action: Approval will be on the June 2014 Legislative Agenda. Bayada Home Health Care A renewal contract has been submitted with Bayada Home Health Care, for the 2014–2015 school year. Bayada Home Health Care is one of the substitute nursing agencies that provide substitute nurses as needed. The hourly rate for a Registered Nurse is the same as last year: $49.95 per hour. Action: Approval will be on the June 2014 Legislative Agenda. Elwyn Two contracts with Elwyn have been submitted to provide psychological counseling services to special education students at the secondary level. The two contracts are for a therapeutic facilitator 2.5 days/week at Penncrest and .5/week at the Simon Youth Academy at the rate of $74.73/hour and at Springton Lake for 2 days/week at the rate of $71.40/hour. Action: Approval will be on the June 2014 Legislative Agenda. Settlement Agreements A settlement agreement has been submitted for a special education student to provide reimbursement to parents not to exceed $8000.00 dollars for reimbursement of legitimate educational costs incurred during the 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 school year. The agreement was reached to settle a dispute between the District and the student’s family. The agreement also calls for payment of attorney fees in the amount of $4500.00 dollars. Action: Approval will be on the June 2014 Legislative Agenda. A settlement agreement has been submitted for a special education student to provide reimbursement to parents for tuition at a private school not to exceed $22,800.00 dollars for the 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 school years. Tuition reimbursement is in place of the District providing educational placement at an approved private school and releases the District of all obligations to provide a free and appropriate public education as required by IDEA. Action: Approval will be on the June 2014 Legislative Agenda. Grace Eves presented an accounting of the ACCESS funds. She indicated that she had been told that further reimbursements from the State should be forthcoming. Rose Tree Media School District 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone 610.627.6000 Fax 610.891.0959 James M. Wigo, Sr. Superintendent of Schools Patti Linden Director of Technology and Information Science To: Members of the Board of School Directors James M. Wigo, Sr., Superintendent From: Patti Linden Date: June 13, 2014 Subject: Technology Committee Meeting Minutes for June 10, 2014 Chairperson: Mr. Harry Postles ~ Apple Lease for New Technology Equipment The goal at Springton Lake Middle School is to have one cart of 25 MacBook Air laptops and one cart of 25 iPads for each team, as well as provide some of this technology equipment to special education and other special area teams. Each team is comprised of approximately 100 students, and currently, we fall short of that goal. In order to meet that goal, we need to add 110 laptops and 25 iPads. We will also need a few devices to accommodate new elementary classrooms for the next school year. The new lease agreement proposal from Apple includes 115 MacBook Air laptops and 30 iPads to be included in a Four (4) year lease agreement with annual payments of $36,000.02. This cost is built into the budget for 2014-2015 that was Board approved. The lease agreement is being reviewed by Tom Kelly, District Solicitor, before being placed on the Legislative agenda for June 2014. Action: This item will be moved to the June 26, 2014, Legislative agenda for a vote of the Board. Next meeting: Tuesday, September 9, 2014, at 6:30 p.m. in the Education Center Board Room EXCELLENCE TODAY FOR TOMORROW SCHOOL REPORT’S – June 26 , 2014 GLENWOOD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL As another school year comes to a close, we have time to reflect, to celebrate, to recognize, and to say goodbye. We celebrated with all 65, 5th graders in a recognition ceremony. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our counselor, teachers, and specialists for the outstanding job they have done in developing meaningful learning activities and providing support to our students, which has allowed them the opportunities to develop into the young learners that they are becoming. In addition, we have a wonderful support staff that includes our instructional assistants, technology assistant, and custodians that make sure our school runs smoothly from the start of the year to the very end. Finally, our secretarial staff’s contributions cannot go unrecognized. They are the best at what they do, and if it were not for them, so much would not get done. All of these special individuals make Glenwood a better place. We held our final Pride Assembly. All students in grades K-2 and 3-5 were recognized for student performance and citizenship. The assembly provided a time to build community and recognize student efforts. We held our volunteer breakfast to honor our volunteers at Glenwood. Over 100 volunteers were invited to attend. Volunteers have dedicated so much of their time and efforts throughout the school year to make it a success for our students. This is a wonderful opportunity for our students to show their appreciation for all our volunteers have done for our school! Kindergarten Glenwood Kindergarteners have really “gotten around” recently! On May 30th, we traveled to Franklin Mint Federal Credit Union’s Broomall ‘Bear Country Credit Union’ to learn the difference between spending and saving. On June 10th, we visited the Rocky Run YMCA for a ‘Kindergarten Field Day Experience,’ where we danced, participated in relay races, exercised and played with a parachute. Finally, on Friday, June 13th, we will travel to The Milky Way Farm in Chester Springs to see an operating dairy farm, in line with our farm unit. School Reports 1 June 26, 2014 First Grade First grade spent a fabulous day at The Philadelphia Zoo. We managed to avoid the rain and had a fantastic day. The animals were very active, and the new tunnels at Big Cat Falls were a main attraction. Thank you to all the parents who came along as chaperones. We couldn’t have done it without their support. Second Grade Second graders spent a day at Tyler Arboretum, extending their knowledge about the Lenape Indians that lived in this area. They learned about their tools, clothes, homes, games, and culture. In addition, the students had the opportunity to take a nature walk and had a lesson on invertebrates, preparing them for the arrival of our butterflies. Once the Painted Lady larvae arrived, the students observed the complete metamorphosis of the Painted Lady Butterfly. As a culminating activity, the students went to the Academy of Natural Science and toured a live butterfly habitat and participated in a lesson entitled “Bugs to Butterflies.” Third Grade Third graders are wrapping up their final book club on Social Issues. They learned about all the different types of issues that characters might face in a novel. Students also developed many strategies to help discuss these complex issues as a group. Each day, students would decide on a starting and stopping point in their text, a focus skill, read independently for thirty minutes, and then conduct a book discussion where they showed their learning through postits, notebook jottings, and questions. Fourth Grade Fourth Graders will prepare for their upcoming field trip by studying the great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and some of our most famous Pennsylvanians. We will be learning about Ben Franklin and Betsy Ross to prepare for our visit to Betsy Ross’s house and the Christ Church Burial Ground. We are also preparing for our visit to the National Constitution Center by studying what occurred at the National Constitution Convention. Philadelphia, here we come! Fifth Grade Fifth graders are diligently putting the final touches on what is sure to be their most impressive writing publications to date. Using what the students have been exploring throughout their Glenwood careers as writers, the students synthesized the skills that they learned from writing both narratives and non-fiction to create pieces with big messages that tell stories about themselves: memoir. The students loved the experience, and their growth in writing prowess shines clearly through each and every line. Summer Reading at Glenwood In the summer, in addition to picking up a baseball glove or a beach towel, we’d all like our children to pick up a good book. To support summer reading, each Glenwood student in grades K-4 receives a reading record form and a bookmark. As students turn in their completed reading records next September, they will receive a small prize. The reading records are used to compile “Top Ten” lists of children’s favorites by grade level, posted on the bulletin board outside the library, and a special award is given to the student in each grade who reads the most books over the summer. School Reports 2 June 26, 2014 The First Annual Glenwood Book Swap was a roaring success, thanks to the many, many wonderful donations from the Glenwood Community. Over 1,500 books were collected! Each student was able to take at least three free books home to enjoy. Jason Fialkovich, Middletown Free Library’s youth services librarian, visited Glenwood to make presentations to all grade levels about the public library’s summer reading program, “Fizz, Boom Read!” and the many events they have scheduled during the summer months. Physical Education In addition to enjoying seasonal games such as wiffleball, ultimate Frisbee, and of course lacrosse, the fourth and fifth grade students have been busy taking on the Glenwood Elementary Fitness Challenge. Pre-testing took place at the beginning of the year and miniassessments have been conducted throughout the winter months. The students have participated in goal-setting exercises emphasizing the concept of establishing realistic aims and striving for personal bests. The students have been encouraging their classmates and celebrating one another’s results. This year, we had 119 students qualify for award recognition for improving their personal scores and/or meeting standards of “excellence” and “achievement. We even had two fourth grade students set a new school record for girls’ pull-ups, with seventeen. They are friends so they are content with being tied in the record book… for now! INDIAN LANE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL As we come to the close of another school year, we are proud of each and every one of our students and their accomplishments over these last nine months. The lights are bright at Indian Lane as we watch the light bulbs go on in the heads of all 453 of our students. They “get it.” Our teachers and staff members feel that our students are ready for the next step of their lives. Our end-of-year activities would not be possible without the continuous support of parents that enabled many great things to happen. We celebrate the retirement of our Technology Coordinator, Lynn Ciminera. Lynn has provided us with the technology support we needed over the years to remain on the cutting edge. She has been a valuable member of our staff and will be missed greatly. These are big shoes to fill! We anticipate the shifting around of staff members this summer. Julia Davis, our current Developmental Primary teacher, is transferring to third grade teacher and Jackie Arbutina will loop with her students from fourth to fifth grade. We will say ‘goodbye’ to a few Support Staff members who will move on with their students to other buildings. They have been valuable members of our staff and we thank them for their dedication. Kindergarten Kindergarten students at ILES had a special field day on June 6th! They climbed and bounced in an obstacle course, slid on a huge blow up slide, shook a parachute, and pulled a rope during tug-o-war! Students also threw a ball to "dunk" a middle school student helper! Thanks Mr. Frank for organizing such a fun day for kindergarten students! Kindergarten students also went to the Milky Way Farm this month. They learned about a real working dairy farm. Students had the opportunity to touch hens, goats, and sheep. They witnessed a cow getting milked in the milking machine! Lastly, kindergarten students enjoyed a hayride, picnic, and ice cream made at the farm! Two special days to end a great year! School Reports 3 June 26, 2014 First Grade As we are wrapping up the school year we ask “Where did the time go?” How rewarding it is to see the tremendous growth of the children. Our First Graders at Indian Lane are becoming experts about our National Symbols. We studied the importance of the bald eagle, the American flag, the Statue of Liberty and the Liberty Bell. We wrapped up our study of organisms with a fun day at the Philadelphia Zoo. As authors, the students just finished writing realistic fiction stories. Each student created a series based on a pretend character. Our writers created different adventures for their character. The final product was a 'boxed set.’ They really demonstrated the narrative writing standard which states students will write narratives to recount two or more appropriately sequenced events, include some details regarding what happened, use temporal words to signal event order and provide some sense of closure." Second Grade During the past few weeks the children participated in Dibels, MAPS and reading assessments. In Word Study, we worked with the ending –dge. This ending makes the /j/ sound and comes after a short vowel in words such as judge, badger and ledge. In Reading, we are focusing on fairy tales and their elements. We are also exploring fractured fairy tales, as well. It is fun to see familiar stories told from a different perspective! In Writing Workshop, we have published poetry books. We are also learning all about poetry, including figurative language along with onomatopoeia and alliteration. In Math, we are now on measurement. We have explored inches, centimeters, yards and meters. In Social Studies, we have returned to our last groups of Native Americans, those from the Southwest and Pacific Northwest. By the end of the year, the children will be bringing home a wonderful book filled with all of their Native American information and projects. Of course, we still have the powwow to look forward to as well! We have also completed our life cycle unit in science. It was super exciting to see the praying mantises, ladybugs and caterpillars go through their amazing changes. Third Grade Third grade has wrapped up the Social Issues Book Club Unit of Study in Reading Workshop. The students read books with both obvious and subtle social issues. This unit was the perfect complement to our No Place For Hate activities at the end of the school year. Our classes adapted fairy tales in Writing Workshop with partners. They enjoyed sharing their published pieces. We are reviewing the concepts taught throughout the year in math with fun Smart Board games and Power Point activities. The third graders are ending the year with an introduction to PA state facts and information. Fourth Grade Fourth grade students have infused their State Research projects with technology and content as they are finishing up strongly this school year. This research is an extension to one of our Reader's Workshop units, where students research a topic and examine nonfiction texts across all themes such as music, maps and geography, poetry, literature, nonfiction content, persuasive writing and scientific highlights. Also, each student used various technology applications to enhance their presentations, with Aurasma, Google Presentation, Prezi, and video links that are created by the students, or on the web. The project truly expanded their thinking to get them beyond, just the "facts" about a topic, and also linked it to our social studies curriculum on the regions of the United States. School Reports 4 June 26, 2014 The fourth grade took its annual trip to Harrisburg/Hershey/and Lancaster in early June. 84 students and about 65 chaperones traveled to the state capital. Photographs were taken on the steps of the rotunda of the Capitol Building with State Representative Killion. Students then toured the Capitol and participated in a scavenger hunt in the State Museum. The class then traveled to Hershey and learned some more about the well-known Pennsylvania citizen, Milton Hershey, while indulging in some chocolate. The final stop was a family style dinner in Lancaster at the Good N' Plenty restaurant. A great time seemed to be had by all. Fifth Grade Fifth graders at Indian lane celebrated life in colonial Philadelphia with their annual Colonial Day activities on June 9th. In the morning they were entertained and entranced by a visit from the past as Revolutionary War re-enactor Ned Hector showed up at the school. Ned, played by actor and historian Noah Lewis, was an African-American teamster who lived from 1743 to 1834. His wagon and horses played an important role in the Battle of Brandywine. In the afternoon the students, dressed in colonial costumes of their own creation, shared food and stories of "their lives" as fictional children living during the period when Philadelphia was the capital of the new United States. The entire school bid farewell to our fabulous fifth graders as they exited the building for the last time. Grades K through 4 lined the hallways as the fifth graders made their way down the hall to their last dismissal as an Indian Lane student. This emotional sendoff was attended by all the staff, some parents and siblings. Good Luck fifth graders! AGP The students experienced an amazing field trip to Ellis Island on May 12th. Many of the AGP students’ parents were able to attend the trip, which made it that much better. The students are still making connections to the trip in the classroom which has made this unit of study that much more enjoyable and relevant for the children. Field Day Check out our flash mob and field day pictures: / Indian Lane homepage. It was a PERFECT day for our annual Field day. Mr. Gregg and Dr. Salladino allowed student volunteers to help our own students enjoy this day and they were unbelievable. Mike Jones and his crew worked hard on the fields and especially the track (which was also used for Run the Lane, Indian Lane’s 5K on Saturday). From Karen Battavio’s inspired dance/flash mob, to awesome teachers, to caring parents and very well-behaved students, it was “THE BEST FIELD DAY…EVER!” Even the weather was perfect! Kudos to Mr. Ron Frank and Mrs. Carly Lloyd for spearheading this magnificent day for our students. Also thanks go out to our fifth grade “student tech crew” for putting together the field day i-movies that are on our website. Technology is great! Run the Lane Participants ran a 5K course through the streets around Indian Lane Elementary School with proceeds benefitting the NK Smiles Scholarship Fund. CASH Prizes for 1st place (M/F), great prizes for top finishers in many categories and refreshments followed the race, along with entertainment for the kids with a Moon bounce, face painting, obstacle course and more. The NK Smiles Scholarship Fund was established to commemorate the memory of Norman Kelly, Jr. Each year, 2-3 Penncrest seniors committing to further their education are awarded partial scholarships because they exemplify the spirit of a remarkable human being, similar to that of the late Norm Kelly. This year the race raised somewhere around $5,000! School Reports 5 June 26, 2014 No Place for Hate Stand Up, Just Don’t Stand By For the month of June, our guidance counselor, Jessica Hilden, introduced our last No Place for Hate Project entitled “Stand Up, Don't Just Stand By”. The goal of this project is to educate and empower our students to be allies when they see another student being picked on, teased, or bullied. Using the acronym “CARES”, we informed students just how they can be helpers instead of bystanders. “CARES” stands for the following: · · · · · Creative Problem Solving Adult Help Relate and Join Empathy Stand Up and Speak Out With the help of Ron Frank, Tracy Hatton, and a few fifth graders, they recorded brief skits to show examples of students using these techniques to help others. These skits were presented via video after morning announcements and can be viewed on Mrs. Hilden’s Guidance website. Teachers followed up in morning meeting with discussions based on the skill acted out in the skit. We truly feel it is never too soon to teach our children to how to help others in a teasing or bullying situation and how to be the voice for those who may not know how to use theirs. Parents were encouraged to ask their child what he/she learned about standing up for others. Knowing our students, this will just be an extra reminder of how to be a better Bobcat in a difficult situation! Student Council Indian Lane Student Council, comprised of 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders elected by their peers, has worked hard to give back to the surrounding community this year. The students met before school to plan and organize fundraisers that include Skate Night at Ice Works, Student Dodge ball tournament, pretzel sales, and Spirit Weeks. The fundraisers raised over $700 this year. Donations were made to CHOP Foundation for allergy research ($500.) and $200 went to help the animals at the Delaware County SPCA. Student Council officers are Rucha Kamat, President; Daniel Kane, Vice President; and Brooke McCarthy, Secretary/Treasurer. MEDIA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Assemblies The West Chester University Percussion Ensemble gave an encore performance at Media Elementary School. This group inspires students to stay with their instruments into their college years. They are as proficient as any professional group. The State Street Miracles, a group of developmentally disabled adults, performed two assemblies for us. They are under the direction of Roger Ricker from The Media Theater. One of our teachers declared it “the best assembly ever.” We especially enjoyed the Beatles’ songs and patriotic tunes. Ellis Island Trip Fourth and fifth grade AGP students from all four of our schools spent a wonderful day at Ellis Island. They study immigration as a unit and were able to broaden their understanding and experience through this day in New York City, School Reports 6 June 26, 2014 Concerts May is concert month in RTM. Our elementary students performed in band, choral, and orchestra concerts. Students who were not performing were able to see the concerts during the school day. The performances were exceptional. Research Fair Each year our fifth graders put a lot of energy into their individual research projects. This year the fair was later in part due to snow and in part due to some changes in structure. The fifth grade team attended a workshop at Columbia University on teaching research writing. They used the information that they gleaned to enhance their past practice. The research fair is held at night in the gym. Many visitors came to see the displays, reports, and visual objects and to speak with the students about their topics. The depth of understanding that the students shared impressed our guests as it had impressed their teachers. Field Trips There have been many end-of-year field trips. Kindergarten took a walking trip around Media (police station, fire station, etc.) that ended with a visit to The Front Street Fountain for ice cream. They also had a fun day at The Rocky Run YMCA where the staff guided them through a series of activities. Second grade went to The Tyler Arboretum to learn about how Native Americans lived in our county. They usually visit our beautiful, local arboretum at least twice a year. Third grade headed to The Franklin Institute. They could not do everything within the time allotted so they focused on exhibits that reflect their curriculum. Fourth grade visited Harrisburg to wrap up a unit on Pennsylvania. Students toured the capital building and The State Museum. Some of the favorite sightings were the handmade tiles in the atrium and the Hall of Mammals in the State Museum. Fifth grade spent a beautiful day in Washington, DC. They studied American history this year which came to life through visits to the Jefferson, MLK, and Lincoln Memorials as well as the World War II Memorial and the Washington Monument. The day ended with a picnic followed by visits to The Smithsonian Museums. Science Fair Fourth grade had their science fair, also rescheduled due to snow. Their experiments showed an understanding of scientific process. Kindergarten Round Up Next year’s kindergarten students were invited to two events, the Kindergarten Round-Up and a Pre-K Story Time. The students and their families had a chance to see our school while participating in some informal assessments that help us plan. Field Day Mr. Fink’s first Field Day was a smashing success. He had more than fifteen stations set up on the field, tennis courts, street, and playground. The older children played in the morning and the younger children, assisted by fifth graders, participated in the afternoon. Mr. Fink and the students showed that they were very well prepared. Volunteer Appreciation Our PTG hosted a volunteer appreciation event at Yogurtissimo on State Street. It was fun and it was something a little different. School Reports 7 June 26, 2014 SWPBS Our school wide positive behavior support program has been very successful. Students recently earned two school wide rewards- a dance party and some extra recess time. Each week we are anxious to see who the “featured fish” are going to be. Readers’ Theatre Many of our classes invited parents in for a readers’ theatre presentation. First grade presentations included Cinderella and a complicated fairy tale Blame it on the Wolf. Our first graders have become proficient readers this year. They have learned to read accurately, with fluency, and with expression. We are very proud of them. PCHS Graduation For the first time, all elementary teachers attended The Penncrest High School graduation ceremony at Villanova University. It was a rare opportunity for all of our professional staff to be together and to celebrate the Class of 2014. Grade Five Recognition and the “Clap out” Our grade five recognition ceremony, held at The Media Theater, is an anticipated event. Expectations are high. This year’s guest speaker was Dr. Steven Taylor who spoke about “memories. Prior to the ceremony the PTG provides a nice breakfast (Olympic -themed this year) and shows a video about the class. An atrium reception concludes the event. It really is a nice way to say “good bye” to our fifth grade friends. Our school year ends with a wonderful tradition, the “clap out.” We line the halls to salute the fifth graders as they leave our school for the last time. ROSE TREE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Kindergarten Kindergarten learned about getting to know characters and how characters develop throughout a story. To be active learners, the kindergarten students read several Readers Theaters throughout the month. In culmination of this unit, parents were invited to attend an “End of Year Celebration.” Students performed Readers Theaters in partners for the parents. In addition, students also shared writing pieces and enjoyed games hosted by the homeroom moms. Both students and parents enjoyed celebrated the high level of reading and writing progress that was made by the students throughout the year. As students have learned all year to be an active member of the community and the importance of helping others, Kindergarten families made a financial contribution to “Cradles to Crayons” of Philadelphia in lieu of an end of year teacher gift. It was a terrific year and our students have grown into respectful, responsible students who are ready for the transition to first grade. Second Grade Second graders at Rose Tree completed research on Native Americans. This research integrated the history of our country's first inhabitants with geography skills (examining a map of the regions of the U.S.), reading (nonfiction and legends), informational writing and technology (guided research online and a video conference with the Center for Puppetry Arts in Atlanta). The students went on a field trip to Tyler Arboretum where they learned School Reports 8 June 26, 2014 specifically about the Lenni Lenape, a tribe native to our area. They also created kachina dolls, dream catchers, deerskin writing and wampum belts. Fourth Grade Fourth grade has been studying the regions of the United States. As a culminating activity, students participated in a state fair where they displayed projects about the fifty states. Each student started the project by researching a state of their choice. Students created a detailed map of their state and a model of the state flag. Students also wrote speeches to share with others about why their state would be a great place to visit. In addition, students created a hat to represent their state. At the fair, each student proudly presented their work and shared their speeches. It was a great time for fourth graders of all three classrooms to interact and learn from each other. SPRINGTON LAKE MIDDLE SCHOOL Art Springton Lake held a very successful evening art show, highlighting every student's original artwork. The show was well attended by parents and other relatives, administration, current and past students! The Springton Lake Honors Strings added their beautiful music to enhance the total experience of the evening. Mrs. Going's eighth grades have concluded their Renaissance unit with a reading entitled, “Michelangelo, Pieta, and The Vatican". As we started this unit with this sculpture, we conclude with it! Every student participated in round table discussion giving their thoughts as to the emotional impact this sculpture has, the comparison of the familiar paintings of Madonna and Child to this tragic counterpart, and a compare and contrast to the technical style of Michelangelo, August Renoir and Constance Bracussi, all Mentor/Mentee familiarity. Students conclude the school year developing a page of an Illuminated Manuscript based on the medieval manuscripts of this time period. History is discussed connecting this and the latter subject to the eighth grade social studies curriculum as well as a focus on the elements of line, shape, color and the principles of balance, emphasis, pattern and repetition. Seventh grade students completed a unit of study with the focus on proficiency creating the illusion of three-dimension by the proper use of Linear Perspective and the element of space. Also included, the proper technique used to blend colored pencils to show the element of value in color. A travel advertisement is the composition of choice with students selecting a wonderful location in the world and developing an advertisement enhancing viewers to visit this place. Sixth grade students completed a ceramic unit training them in the basics of slab and coil construction as well as the techniques for scoring and using slip for attaching clay to clay. Ceramics vocab is reviewed. They very much are looking forward (and think they are ready) to the challenging projects of 7th and 8th grade in the next years. Mrs. Prior introduced to the eighth grade students the medium of collage and the art and life of African-American artist Romare Bearden in the video Romare Bearden Visual Jazz. Students are using mixed media to develop their own “slice of life” collages based on their personal interests and experiences. Seventh grade students are exploring positive and negative space through theme based drawings rendered in contrasting marker hues. Several of themes being used are sports, food, music, the beach, and tools. Students are learning how to draw objects that inspire them. Sixth grade students are learning how to create School Reports 9 June 26, 2014 scenes of rooms or hallways using one point linear perspective. They are finding it a challenge to transform flat shapes into three-dimensional forms. After Ms. Sycz's grade eight students compared and contrasted the artwork from the Renaissance to the artwork of the Middle Ages, students explored the reasons behind the change of style from the one time period to the next. Grade eight students then went on to examine in greater detail the illuminated manuscripts from the Middle Ages. Students then planned a work of art using a meaningful quote being inspired by the medieval illuminated manuscripts. The steps involved choosing a meaningful quote and then arranging the composition on a rough draft. After that step was completed, student drew the good copy. Students have gone on to paint their artwork continuing to incorporate the color theory that had been explored in the painting of the sculpture unit. Grade seven has completed the construction phase of sculpting an animal that was begun with a large hollow form. Smaller forms were added to create the animal which had been sketched and researched before the actual construction. Students are now adding ceramics glaze to create permanent color and texture. Grade six students have applied ceramic glaze to their clay sculptures of a bird in some type of environment. As students are finishing glazing their projects, they have begun a design project which challenges their creativity and understanding of the principles of design as they try to create a dynamic composition using only one type of line in their artwork. Guidance The eighth grade leadership group created a video entitled “Everyone Has a Story,” communicating the unknown struggles and triumphs of middle school students. They also facilitated the last classroom meeting where the video was shared and discussed. The hope is that students would be less likely to judge their peers harshly if they were able to relate to the silent struggles they deal with each day. The group has been meeting weekly to set goals and develop an action plan for positive change in our school community. Student run classroom meetings will be part of the evolving School Wide Positive Behavior Support Program next year. Mrs. Griffin has been meeting with fifth grade teachers and elementary counselors in each of our buildings to share information about incoming sixth grade students that will help to aide their transition to middle school. Likewise, she has met with Mrs. Graham regarding incoming ninth grade students. Seventh grade students had a decision-making lesson in their social studies classes. Students learned steps in the decision-making process and applied them to real life scenarios. Seventh grade lunch group (social skills) and family issues group wrapped up their eight sessions this month. Support and strategies to assist with these issues were provided during the meetings. Seventh grade lunch group (social skills) and family issues group wrapped up their eight sessions this month. Support and strategies to assist with these issues were provided during the meetings. Sixth grade counselor, Susan Howe taught a developmental lesson about the different forms of peer pressure. Students role played several scenarios defining forms of peer pressure. Students also explored the different feelings associated with peer pressure and ways to handle peer pressure. Ms. Howe recently started a book group with several students. The students are reading and discussing a book of their choice. School Reports 10 June 26, 2014 An all-female leadership group began exploring the "ban bossy" research. The students had to keep track of how many girls were called upon in class compared to how many boys were called upon. Students reported the results and discussed how girls are often timid in class and answer questions with questions. Language Arts To end the year in Mrs. McLeod's sixth grade language arts classes, students worked in cooperative groups to create a music video. Students worked together as the lyricists, singers, actors, film directors, producers, and editors. Garage Band was used to create the audio for each song, and then the tracks were arranged into a medley and imported into iMovie. In iMovie, over 50 video clips were timed, arranged, and combined to create the final product. As part of the regular language arts routine, Latin roots were studied to broaden vocabulary, and students practiced reading comprehension. This month, seventh grade language arts worked on research papers. The students first chose a topic that interested them and posed a question that would be the springboard for their research. Each day, the students learned valuable information about navigating the internet for credible sources, plagiarism, creating a works cited page, and even how to use in-text citations! Once the students became experts on their topics, they then created a brief lesson to teach their classmates. The students enjoyed watching their classmates become the teacher for a few minutes and participated in the various engaging activities created by their peers. Seventh grade will then end June by writing poetic reflections on the events they have experienced this year. Eighth grade Language Arts students read the fictional novels The Outsiders and The Contender, comparing and contrasting the protagonists and settings. ELA students read October Sky, the autobiographical account of a teenage boy in 1950's West Virginia who dreams of leaving his small coal mining town and working for NASA. All students wrote and edited creative writing pieces in May. Library Summer approaches, and as the balmy months draws near, the library turns up the heat on its reading promotions. As expected, the Spring Book Fair was a huge success! Students visited the fair with language arts classes and were happy to find most of the Summer Reading titles available for purchase (or order). As usual, parent volunteers were a tremendous help in collecting money and straightening after classes. The fair was also open two evenings before spring concerts for added convenience to families wishing to “shop.” A big “Thank You” to Jabberwocky Books for providing the fair. As already mentioned, June brings thoughts of summer, and for the library, thoughts turn to Summer Reading. An attractive display outside of the library promotes Summer Reading, and Summer Reading titles and requirements are posted on the Library website as well. Also provided on the website are titles of suggested books in a variety of genres for enjoyment during “down time” this summer. Students are encouraged to visit their local public library, which offers not only a wonderful variety of books but also fabulous summer programs. Students and parents can check out for more information on public library offerings. Math Geometry students completed their last chapter that involves circles and their properties. The students completed a difficult open-note chapter test that helped finalize this unit of School Reports 11 June 26, 2014 study. Next the students explored area, surface area, and volume formulas from Chapters 11 & 12. Once this undertaking was complete the students began to independently work through problem sets related to these formulas. They will complete the course next week when they complete their final examination. Our Algebra I students have worked on factoring and solving quadratic functions. They practiced four ways to solve quadratics—graphing, factoring, taking the square root, and using the quadratic formula. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages. As they finished up their work on quadratics—Chapters 9 & 10, they prepared for their final exam. This grade is averaged in with their mid-term exam grade and is scored as a “fifth” marking period grade. It is recommended that all of our Algebra I students keep their math skills sharp and put in some Khan Academy time over the summer. CMP 2 Students were busy preparing for Algebra I next year. We wrapped up the year by discussing topics such as: simplifying rational expressions, solving linear equations, using algebra to solve word problems, and working with polynomials. The seventh grade CMP2 students just finished completing Variables and Patterns. This unit introduced the students to algebraic concepts such as identifying quantitative variables, recognizing changes in variables and how change in one variable effects the other, describing patterns for tables, graphs, and equations, and finally, constructing tables, graphs and equations for different relationships with independent and dependent variables. The Accelerated CMP2 seventh grade students just finished completing the quadratics unit Frogs, Fleas, and Painted Cubes. This unit focused on nonlinear polynomial relationships, the second - degree polynomial, or the quadratic function. Students looked at a variety of problem situations and discussed characteristics of quadratic relationships, as represented in tables, graphs, and equations. The problems in this unit lead the students to discuss shapes of graphs, location and interpretations of intercepts, lines of symmetry, and presence and location of maximum and minimum points. They ended the unit by looking at factored form and expanded form on quadratic equations and comparing them to their previous concepts. To close our unit on fractions and decimals in Bits III, sixth grade students created various games with elaborate game boards and game pieces to review the skills for calculating fractional and decimal operations. On game day students had a great time sharing, playing and critiquing the games. At the end of the class students voted on what team had the best game for an end of the year prize. To finish up the year the regular educational math students are working on a unit called Covering and Surrounding, where students are analyzing perimeter and area. In this unit students have built rectangles, triangles and parallelograms, calculated area and perimeter and designed floor plans for amusement parks. The sixth grade accelerated math students are finished up a unit called What Do you Expect, where they calculated and used probability to make predictions about real world situations. Students made calculated predictions about the NBA championship games, and the World Series. They were also able to predict combinations using tree diagrams, and area models. School Reports 12 June 26, 2014 To finish up the year, accelerated students are working on surface area and volume in our unit called Filling Wrapping. In the beginning of this unit students made area nets for rectangular prisms, and then folded them to determine if the nets actually made boxes when they were done. Much to their surprise the boxes came out great. To extend this idea students are now designing nets to make triangular prism models. To experiment with volume students have used centimeter cubes to fill in their boxes to determine volume and then calculated volume to test their findings. To further test this idea and have tasty treat students will be finding the volume of various objects using gummy cubes and small containers. Music In the month of June, the music department ended the year on a high note as the seventh grade band and seventh grade select choir performed for the eighth grade recognition ceremony. Physical Education Sixth and seventh grade students completed their third and final round of lessons in the pool. All students completed swimming skills that were in accordance to American Red Cross developmental guidelines. Students worked towards refined current swimming skills as well as cultivate new ones to achieve comfort and safety in a water environment. All students participated in activities that reviewed previous lessons. Students demonstrated knowledge, skills and strategic components that were learned in throughout the school year. In addition, all activities were able to showcase student growth in accordance to the Pennsylvania State Health and Physical Education Standards. Students completed their final physical activity journals. The students have completed a full school year of entries that chronicled their physical activity journey during that time. Students created a “book” that was their documentation of their physical activity habits. The students now will have the ability to look at their tendencies seasonally, emotionally, physically and even day by day, to help with future activity choices. Science Sixth grade students will investigate the impact humans have on the environment. They will read about various waste disposal methods, including recycling. Students will reflect on their own impact on the environment by calculating their ecological footprint. They will also determine what actions they can take to lessen their impact. The seventh grade science classes culminate their investigation of forces and energy outside the class with Physics Day at Hershey Park. The students collect data such as time, acceleration, and gravity changes experienced while riding amusement park attractions. The year closes by studying gravitational forces here on Earth and throughout the universe. This month in grade 8 science classes we are investigating weather and climate. Included in our studies are the topics of The Atmosphere, Weather Factors, and Weather Patterns! As luck would have it, we have had very interesting weather across the states this spring! Our pupils are learning to predict future weather, and how best to prepare for stormy weather. We hope not to directly experience tornados above F1 damage on the Fujita scale! School Reports 13 June 26, 2014 Social Studies Sixth grade students have finished an experiential study of communism and the Cold War. The students have learned about the lasting effects of the Cold War and Vladimir Putin’s current stronghold on political power in Russia. Many classes have also completed a Heroes Project for heroes from around the world. The students wrote a script of an interview with their hero and presented the interview to the class. The underlying lesson of the project is to develop an appreciation of the ability of the common man to act extraordinary. In other words, the students themselves have this capacity. Seventh grade students have finished their study of the Civil War and the Reconstruction era. Many classes have focused on immigration and its post war effects on the industrial age. Eighth Grade students have written research papers defending a thesis statement concerning Ancient Rome. Proper MLA format and in-text citations were required. The value of primary sources was emphasized. Some students have engaged in a Socratic Seminar with Roman Expansion as the topic. Others have debated whether or not Roman Expansion was ultimately a wise choice for that civilization. Some Eighth grade classes have been reading plays about Julius Caesar and the Fall of Rome. The students have explored Roman mythology, engineering and architecture. All Eighth Grade World History classes analyzed Greco-Roman artifacts and replicas from the University of Pennsylvania’s Museum of Anthropology and Archeology. Special Education In Mrs. Hartzell's Emotional Support, Resource classroom, students continued to work with the School Based Counselor to improve social skills, emotional management, and coping skills. The group focused on matching their reactions to situations with the level of the problem. Together, with the teacher and counselor, they brainstormed problem-solving strategies. Students also continued working on taking more responsibility for their learning and success. Students used weekly self-monitoring checklists to keep track of missing and/or upcoming assignments. In Mrs. Hartzell's Learning Support, Resource Classroom, students participated in various Executive Functions lessons in order to improve their organization, time-management, and prioritizing skills. Students continued to receive support in monitoring the use of their assignment books and planning/chunking long-term assignments. Teachers of learning support math and language arts classes are administering the GRADE and MLI tests to students this month. We are hopeful that students will show progress as compared to the test results from the fall. Classroom teachers feel that both of these assessments provide useful information for IEP teams as they plan individualized instruction for each student. A number of recent activities have aided in both fifth to six and eighth to ninth grade transitions. All incoming sixth graders have visited Springton Lake and small group tours for incoming sixth graders have also occurred. Mrs. Hemenway, Mr. Henderson, Mrs. Perilli, and Mrs. Arias have also visited several elementary buildings and attended IEP meetings for incoming sixth graders. The entire eighth grade has visited Penncrest for an orientation, and School Reports 14 June 26, 2014 Mrs. Debessay and Mrs. Hemenway have taken their students to Penncrest for small-group tours and orientations. Dr. LaCoste has worked tirelessly to prepare the Extended School Year program (ESY) for students, teachers, and instructional assistants. Parents, students, and staff will receive detailed information about the ESY program before the end of the school year. Enjoy your summer break! World Language On May 1st, French Labor Day, it is customary to give bouquet of Lilly of the Valley to loved ones or send cards representing the flower since they bring luck and happiness. Some students at Springton Lake brought their teachers Lilly of the Valley and students made cards for their friends. PENNCREST HIGH SCHOOL Science Department News The Envirothon teams took first and second place at the Delaware County Envirothon Competition. This year marks the 21st consecutive year Penncrest has won this event. They then had a first place finish in the PA State Envirothon Competition. This is the team’s 10th PA State Championship! The Penncrest Science Olympiad team has been named PA State Champions! The win was Penncrest's first Science Olympiad State Championship in 17 years. The team went on to capture eighth place in the Science Olympiad National Championship in Orlando, Florida. Junior Cassie Varillo has been accepted to the Pennsylvania's Governor's School for Engineering and Technology. Cassie will attend a two-week summer residential program of intensive classroom study and research for exceptionally talented, rising high school seniors. Hosted by the Lehigh University P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science, the PGSE&T provides enrichment experiences in the fields of engineering and technology. A major goal of the program is to encourage young talent to pursue careers in these areas and other STEM disciplines, thereby fostering global competitiveness in engineering and technology for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the nation. The core of the program is a cooperative living and learning environment, in which participants are encouraged to work in teams, to solve complex problems, both in the classroom and in the laboratory, using the sophisticated technology and facilities available at Lehigh University. Health and PE Department News Penncrest Health and PE Department thanks Mrs. Michele Doyle for her 32 years of dedicated service. Athletic News Congratulations to the boys’ Varsity Lacrosse team for capturing the PIAA State Championship! The Penncrest Boys’ Lacrosse team captured the state title with a 12-7 win over Avon Grove this month. The team enters Penncrest High School history with our firstSchool Reports 15 June 26, 2014 ever PIAA team State Championship and the first for Delaware County in boys’ lacrosse. Penncrest finished the season ranked #13 in the U.S. with nine of the top 13 being private schools. Penncrest finished #1 in the U.S. in goals scored, quality wins, and Dylan Protesto finished #1 in the U.S. in face-off win percentage (85.9%)! Will Manganiello and Dylan Protesto were named to the Inquirer All-Southeastern PA team and Ryan Granger received a second team nod. Dylan Protesto and Will Manganiello were also named All-Americans and 1st team All-Delco. Pride Day Penncrest High School held its annual Pride Day recently. All four grades spent the day in friendly competition to earn as many Pride Points as possible in various events including athletic, performance, and art competitions. Congratulations to our juniors, the 2014 Pride Day Champions! Children’s Theatre The Emanon Players Club finished another successful year with Children's Theatre 2014. This year's installment was a rendition of Hansel and Gretel. The show included the talents of over 85 students, ranging from actors to artists to musicians to builders. Mr. Snyder's AP Music Theory class wrote original music for the show. Actors also acted as writers, as we added many different characters and jokes to the play. A truly successful children's show inspires children to heartily laugh and lovingly imitate, and this show did just that! Academic Excellence Twenty twelfth-grade students were honored at the Class of 2014 Academic Excellence Celebration. Students were recognized for their outstanding academic achievement, which is based on their having earned, to date, the highest twenty weighted grade point averages in their class. Congratulations to: Serena Bacheler, Emily Bunting, Gabriel Bury, Madeline Conway, Jennifer Davidson, Cheyenne Davis, Madelaine Else, Ethan Fein, Amanda Hunt, Samantha Hunt, Talia Kaplan, Kimberly Kreider, Andrew LeCours, John McLaughlin, Kate Panzer, Kira Panzer, Alicia Schapire, Maurah Steinmetz, Dean Ward, Olivia Zhou. Senior Awards Assembly and Garden Party Several of this year’s senior class were honored with local scholarships and awards at the annual Senior Awards Ceremony this month. The ceremony was followed by the annual Garden Party and luncheon hosted by Penncrest’s Senior Class PTG. Seniors enjoyed a delicious lunch, visited with friends and teachers, and had the opportunity to sign each other’s yearbooks. Class of 2014 Graduation Penncrest celebrated its 56th Commencement Exercises in June. The morning ceremony was held in the Pavilion at Villanova University. Program participants included student leaders and members of the Board of School Directors, as well as school and district administrators. This year we were honored to include the administration and faculty of the entire Rose Tree Media School District, who processed by school into the Pavilion. Many students and parents commented on how meaningful Commencement was for them and Penncrest thanks the Board of School Directors for providing the opportunity for all to participate. School Reports 16 June 26, 2014 Congratulations to this year’s valedictorian, Olivia Yu Zhou; salutatorian, Ethan Craig Fein; and keynote speaker, Thomas Riley Potter. SIMON YOUTH ACADEMY Art The SYA art students created abstract paintings inspired by the artist “Mondrian.” The students just finished learning about basic color theory. They are beginning a unit to learn more about design. Students are working on a new project, where they are illustrating a favorite quote or a song lyric. Boscov’s Job Fair Boscov’s held a job fair last week at the Granite Run Mall. Interested students filled out applications and interviewed for various positions. Forensics The forensic science class has wrapped up the simulated blood and luminol detection lab and has moved on to solving another crime. This time the students are identifying the murderer of Dustin A. Mantel. Prime suspects are Eve Dropper, Chester Drauers, Tiffany Glasse, OJ Glasse, Anita Mann, and Horace Throate. All six suspects were present at the scene of the murder which took place at the Dearbought Inn, and most of them had motive, opportunity, and means to carry out the murder by poison. Stay tuned for the verdict. The forensic science class enjoyed a presentation by Delaware County Chief Medical Examiner, Dr. Frederic Hellman this week. They would like to thank Mrs. Naismith for arranging the presentation and Dr. Hellman for his time. French Emily Yoder won first place and Sthefany Lamegos won second place in French testing final scores and were honored at this year’s fete. Keystone Exams Great job to the SYA students who took the Keystone exams! We are so proud of all the effort you put into preparing for the test and all of your hard work during the assessment. Lions M.A.N.E. We would like to thank Dr. Barney and the members of the Lions M.A.N.E. committee for coming to the Simon Youth Academy and visiting the students. We loved sharing the student’s accomplishments. Scholarship Award Congratulations to Christopher Thompson, Evan Dorfman, Wes Berge and Ashley Gardner for receiving a scholarship from the Simon Youth Foundation. Mythology Mythology students are working on Unit #8, "Modern Myths and Legends.” They are learning about the purpose of urban legends in today's society and recognizing the superstitions that are still around. The class will select and research various superstitions and determine the history and/or cultural meaning behind them. The students will also be exploring the School Reports 17 June 26, 2014 mythological cities for which archaeologists still search. They will be able to identify and describe the areas of the world that have legends associated with them. Graduation Simon Youth Academy has 19 graduates this year. We would like to congratulate them on being so diligent and working hard on all their goals! Summer Session The SYA summer session will begin on July 14 and conclude on July 31. Program hours are 9:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. This year the program will be held at Penncrest High School. School Reports 18 June 26, 2014 ROSE TREE MEDIA SCHOOL DISTRICT PRESIDENTIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS – EXECUTIVE SESSION “In accordance with the Pennsylvania Sunshine Act, executive sessions of the School Board were held on the following dates to review and discuss matters permitted under Section 8 of the Act.” May 22, 2014 June 10, 2014 June 24, 2014 June 26, 2014 There will be an executive session of the School Board for matters of personnel at 6:30 p.m. prior to the Legislative Session of August 28, 2014, at Penncrest High School. The Legislative meetings are recorded on tape. Presidential Announcement 1 June 26, 2014 VIII. Old Business A. Policies 1. Policy #217 Graduation Requirements – Second Read and Approval Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve Policy #217 Graduation Requirements. See Attachment A Background New Chapter 4 regulations that went into effect on March 1, 2014 require all school districts in the state of Pennsylvania to approve new graduation requirements prior to September 2, 2014. These new requirements must include language about Keystone Exams in Algebra I, Biology, and Literature as requirements for graduation beginning with the class of 2017. They also eliminate the culminating graduation project as a requirement for graduation beginning with the class of 2017. Penncrest is also recommending an increase in total credits required for graduation from the current 24.4 to 28.0. The new numbers of credits apply to the class of 2017 and following, with the class of 2017 needing the same number of total credits but 1.75 instead of 2.00 in Community Service. Revisions to Policy 217 were discussed at the May and June 2014 Curriculum & Instruction Committee meetings. VIII. Old Business 1 June 26, 2014 IX. New Business A. Personnel 1. Terminations a. Professional 1. Anthony Jackowski, Assistant Principal, Springton Lake Middle School, resignation effective July 30, 2014. 2. Joann Wade Special Education Teacher, Glenwood, retirement effective June 20, 2014. Background Ms. Wade joined the staff of Rose Tree Media School District in 1996. She is retiring after 18 years of dedicated service. b. Non-Instructional 1. Anita Bloom, Bus Driver, due to the inability to perform required job functions effective June 27, 2014. 2. Jenni Rebecca Smith, Part Time Secretary I, Springton Lake Middle School, resignation effective June 30, 2014. 3. Catherine Dragone, Substitute Bus Aide, resignation effective June 13, 2014. 4. Ronald F. Shortall, Custodian, Rose Tree Elementary, retirement effective June 30, 2014. Background Mr. Shortall joined the staff of Rose Tree Media School District in 2008. He is retiring after 6 years of dedicated service. IX. New Business 1 June 26, 2014 IX. New Business A. Personnel 2. Nominations a. IX. New Business Professional 1. John Phillips, Long Term Substitute English Teacher for the 2014-2015 school year effective August 25, 2014 at the annual salary of $46,091.00, Bachelor’s Degree/Step 2. Mr. Phillips served as a Long Term Substitute for the 2013-2014 school year. Mr. Phillips received his Bachelor’s Degree from West Chester University. He is assigned to Penncrest High School replacing Michelle Kirk who is on leave. 2. Elizabeth Hartert, Elementary Teacher, effective August 25, 2014 at the annual salary of $54,191.00 Master’s Degree/Step 6. Ms. Hartert received her Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Delaware and her Master’s Degree from West Chester University. She comes to us from the Oxford Area School District where she served as an Instructional Support Teacher. Ms. Hartert is assigned to Rose Tree Elementary. NOTE: Ms. Hartert is being hired pending completion of her pre-employment paperwork. 3. Lora Hirshberg, AGP Teacher effective August 25, 2014, at the annual salary of $53,968.00, Master’s Degree/Step 5. Ms. Hirshberg received her Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees from the University of Pittsburgh. She comes to us from Fairfax County Public Schools in Virginia where she served as a Technology Specialist. Ms. Hirshberg is assigned to Media and Glenwood Elementary Schools replacing Anthony Grisillo who was reassigned. NOTE: Ms. Hirshberg is being hired pending completion of her pre-employment paperwork. 2 June 26, 2014 IX. New Business A. Personnel 2. Nominations a. Professional 4. Recommend the following personnel to serve as Summer Theatre sponsors for Summer School 2014 at the rate of $198.00 per day: Joseph Fisher Richard Birch Claire McGeehan Christa Consadene Becky Ferguson 5. Patrick Murphy, Summer Theatre Musical Director at the rate of $198.00 per day. This is a correction from the May Legislative Agenda. 6. Christopher Grouzes, Summer Theatre Stage Director at the rate of $198.00 per day. This is a correction from the May Legislative Agenda. 7. Recommend Board approval for the following personnel to serve as ESY Summer School 2014 Teachers at the rate of $111.00 per day: Tiffany Bendistis Mary Dempsey Will Harmon Kristen Manderachi Christina Mozzani (sub) Katherine McCarthy (sub) Jodi Strevig (sub) IX. New Business Lighting Sound Costumes Choreographer Assistant Director Maureen Shields Diane Stern Nicole Zulli Debra Schnaars (sub) Michelle Woodward (sub) Caitlyn Carminito (sub) 8. Jennifer Santisi, Occupational Therapist for ESY Summer School 2014 at the rate of $111.00 per day. 9. Julia Friedgen, Substitute ESY Speech and Language Therapist for Summer School 2014 at the rate of $111.00 per day. 3 June 26, 2014 IX. New Business A. Personnel 2. Nominations a. IX. New Business Professional 10. Mackenzie Omlor, Elementary Teacher effective August 24, 2014 at the annual salary of $54,637.00, Master’s Degree/Step 8. Ms. Omlor received her Bachelor’s Degree from West Chester University and her Master’s from Georgian Court College. She served as a Long Term Substitute during the 20122013 and 2013-2014 school years. Ms. Omlor is assigned to Glenwood Elementary. This is a new position 11. Jillian Passaro, Physical Education Teacher for Summer School 2014 effective June 24, 2014 at the rate of $111.00 per day. 12. Cristina Hammond, ESY Summer School Teacher, for Summer School 2014 effective June 27, 2014 at the rate of $111.00 per day. NOTE: Ms. Hammond is being hired pending completion of her preemployment paperwork. 13. Jonathan Toto, ESY Summer School Teacher for Summer School 2014 effective June 27, 2014 at the rate of $111.00 per day. 14. Amanda Piercy, ESY Summer School teacher for Summer School 2014 effective June 27, 2014 at the rate of $111.00 per day. NOTE: Ms. Piercy is being hired pending completion of her pre-employment paperwork. 15. Lauren Kilday, Science Camp Teacher for Summer School 2014 effective June 24, 2014 at the rate of $111.00 per day. 16. Molly O’Hara, Physical Education Teacher for Summer School 2014 effective June 24, 2014 at the rate of $111.00 per day. 4 June 26, 2014 IX. New Business A. Personnel 2. Nominations a. Professional 17. Recommend Board approval for the following personnel to serve as Summer School Teachers effective July 7, 2014 at the rate of $111.00 per day: Jacqueline Baker Kelly Piecra Sharon Williams b. Non-Instructional 1. John Blaisse, Substitute Maintenance, effective June 27, 2014 at the rate of $12.00 per hour. NOTE: Mr. Blaisse is being hired pending completion of his preemployment paperwork. 2. Nicholas Boleto, Substitute Maintenance, effective June 27, 2014 at the rate of $12.00 per hour. NOTE: Mr. Boleto is being hired pending completion of his pre-employment paperwork. 3. Recommend Board approval for the following personnel to serve as ESY Summer School 2014 Instructional Assistants at the rate of $17.54 per hour: Victoria Blair Suzanne Carroll Joann Dougherty Svitlana Duffy Coleen Fickes Julie Gropp Sharon Hazley Trish Impagliazzo Jessica Jacovini IX. New Business Science Math Language Arts 5 Jill Koechig Donna Lomas Susan McKeon Eugenia Perich Chrissy Raymond Elise Simonian Patricia Skean Barbara Snyder Christine Raymond June 26, 2014 IX. New Business A. Personnel 2. Nominations b. Non-Instructional 4. Recommend Board approval for the following personnel to serve as ESY Summer School 2014 Substitute Instructional Assistants at the rate of $17.54 per hour: Florence Brown Marianne Nigolian 5. Bridget McDermott, Instructional Assistant for ESY Summer School 2014 at the rate of $17.54 per hour. NOTE: Ms. McDermott is being hired pending completion of her pre-employment paperwork. 6. Recommend Board approval for the following personnel to serve as Summer Garage Help effective June 23, 2014 at the rate of $12.00 per hour. Shiela Baker Marguerite Carletti James Donley Joseph McGrath David Moore Michael Willauer 7. Elizabeth Bittner, Substitute Nurse effective June 27, 2014 at the rate of $140.00 per day. NOTE: Ms. Bittner is being hired pending completion of her preemployment paperwork. 8. Scott Patton, Substitute Maintenance effective June 27, 2014 at the rate of $12.00 per hour. 9. Recommend Board approval for the following personnel to serve as Trip Chaperones for the Penncrest Lacrosse State Finals at the rate of $25.00 per hour: Sean Hobdell David Matthews John Phillips IX. New Business Michelle Skowronek Lisa Wren 6 Christopher Quintans Edward Somers Enoch Stevenson June 26, 2014 IX. New Business A. Personnel 2. Nominations b. 3. Non-Instructional 10. James Lynch, Substitute Bus Driver effective June 27, 2014 at the rate of $21.96 per hour. Mr. Lynch is assigned to Transportation. NOTE: Mr. Lynch is being hired pending completion of his pre-employment paperwork. 11. Joshua Hughes, Substitute Bus Driver effective June 27, 2014 at the rate of $21.96 per hour. Mr. Hughes is assigned to Transportation. NOTE: Mr. Hughes is being hired pending completion of his preemployment paperwork. 12. Dylan DeAngelis, Substitute Maintenance, effective June 27,2014 at the rate of $12.00 per hour. General a. b. Classification Change 1. Kathleen Cook from 10 Month Specialist at Glenwood Elementary to Secretary I. effective July 1, 2014 at the annual salary of $35,857.07. Ms. Cook is assigned to Springton Lake Middle School replacing Lynn Morrison who retired. 2. Kelly Hogan from (.8) Health/Physical Education Teacher to 1.0 Health/Physical Education Teacher effective August 25, 2014 at the annual salary of $46,647.00, Bachelor’s Degree/Step 6. Ms. Hogan is assigned to Springton Lake Middle School. Supplemental Contracts 1. Recommend Board approval for the following Penncrest personnel to serve as Post Season Olympiad Sponsors at the rate of $40.00 per hour: James Ciccarelli Edward Somers IX. New Business 7 James Shea June 26, 2014 IX. New Business A. Personnel 3. General b. c. Supplemental Contracts 2. Alicia Mathisen, Dance Chaperone for the 2013-2014 school year at the rate of $55.00 per event. Ms. Mathisen is assigned to Penncrest High School. 3. Linda Kilpatrick, Dance Chaperone for the 2013-2014 school year at the rate of $18.33 per hour. Ms. Kilpatrick is assigned to Penncrest High School. 4. Alison Koechig, Dance Chaperone for the 2013-2014 school year at the rate of $18.33 per hour. Ms. Koechig is assigned to Penncrest High School. 5. Christopher Quintans, Dance Chaperone for the 2013-2014 school year at the rate of $55.00 per event. Mr. Quintans is assigned to Penncrest High School. 6. Stephanie Varacchi, Head Field Hockey Coach for the 2014-2015 school year at the annual salary of $5,655.00. Ms. Varacchi is assigned to Penncrest High School. Salary Change 1. d. Elimination of a Position 1. IX. New Business Robin Heckman, Summer School Teacher, pay rate was incorrectly reported on the May Board. Pay rate is $99.00 per day. Recommend Board approval for the elimination of the Challenge Program Director position effective with the beginning of the 2014-2015 school year. 8 June 26, 2014 IX. New Business A. Personnel 3. General e. B. Other 1. Recommend Board approval for the renewal of the contract for Frontline Technologies AESOP services with Rose Tree Media School District effective July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015 in the amount of $8,885.60. 2. Recommend Board approval of the District Salaries for the 2014 – 2015 school year. Attachment B 3. Recommend Board approval to change the name of the Challenge Mentors to Student Mentors effective with the 2014-2015 school year. 4. Recommend Board approval of the agreement between Rose Tree Media School District and ADSUP I effective July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2017. See Attachment C 5. Recommend Board approval of the ADSUP I Salary Ranges for the 2014-2015 school year. See Attachment D Overnight Trips 1. Penncrest Envirothon Team to University of Pittsburgh, Johnston, PA Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the Penncrest High School Envirothon Team to attend a State competition from May 19 to May 21, 2015. Background Transportation costs totaling $400 and lodging and meals costs approximately $750 are being paid by the District. Substitute costs total $408. IX. New Business 9 June 26, 2014 IX. New Business B. Overnight Trips 2. Penncrest High School Envirothon Team to Springfield Missouri Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the Penncrest High School Envirothon Team attend the National competition from July 28 to August 2, 2015. Background Students are traveling by airplane. Transportation and meals are covered by the PA Envirothon organization. 3. Penncrest Ski and Snowboard Club to Vermont Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the Penncrest Ski and Snowboard Club to attend a Vermont ski trip form January 16, 2015 to January 19, 2015 at Stowe Ski Resort, Vermont. Background Student costs are approximately $400 per student, based on fundraising. There is no cost to the District. 4. Penncrest Ski and Snowboard Club to Vermont Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the Penncrest Ski and Snowboard Club to attend a ski trip from February 13, 2015 to February 16, 2015 to Sugarbush, Vermont. Background Student costs are approximately $400, based on fundraising. There is no cost to the District. IX. New Business 10 June 26, 2014 IX. New Business B. Overnight Trips 5. Penncrest High School Science Olympiad Team to Huntingdon, PA Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the Penncrest High School Science Olympiad Team to attend the State Tournament at Juniata College in Huntingdon, PA from April 23 to 25, 2015. Background Twenty-three students and four chaperones will attend the State Tournament. There is no cost to the students. Costs to the District include transportation, substitute fees, meals and lodging for a total of approximately $5,000. 6. Penncrest High School Science Olympiad Team - National Tournament – Lincoln, NE Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the Penncrest High School Science Olympiad Team to attend the National Tournament at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln, NE from May 13 – 17, 2015. Background Twenty-three students and four chaperones will attend the National Tournament. Cost to students will be $450, with fundraising. Costs to the District include transportation, substitute fees, meals and lodging for a total of approximately $9,860. C. 2014-2015 School Year Calendar Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the 2014-2015 School Year Calendar. See Attachment E D. None IX. New Business 11 June 26, 2014 ADDENDUM IX. New Business E. Addendum – Personnel 1. Terminations – none 2. Nominations a. IX. Professional 1. Christine M. Seeley, Acting Principal, effective July 1, 2014 at the annual salary of $116,466. Ms. Seeley received her Bachelor’s Degree from West Chester University and her Master’s Degree from the University of Scranton. She has served as an Elementary Teacher in Rose Tree Media School District since 2009. Ms. Seeley is assigned to Indian Lane Elementary replacing Bill Bennett who is on leave. 2. Paula Voshell, Elementary Principal, effective July 1, 2014 at the annual salary of $128,726. Dr. Voshell received her Bachelor’s Degree from Widener University and her Master’s Degree from West Chester University. She comes to us from Centennial School District where she has served as Elementary Principal since 2012. Dr. Voshell is assigned to Media Elementary replacing Maria Kotch who retired. NOTE: Dr. Voshell is being hired pending completion of her pre-employment paperwork. 3. Donald DiPaulo, Jr., Assistant Principal, effective July 1, 2014 at the annual salary of $110,348. Mr. DiPaulo received his Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees from West Chester University. He comes to us from Radnor Township School District where he has taught since 2001. Mr. DiPaulo is assigned to Springton Lake Middle School replacing Anthony Jackowski who resigned. NOTE: Mr. DiPaulo is being hired pending completion of his pre-employment paperwork. New Business Addendum 1 June 26, 2014 X. Finance A. Purchasing 1. Bid Awards Recommend the following bids be awarded in the categories listed, such recommendation being the lowest bid received from a responsible bidder, kind, quality and materials having been considered. Resolve, the Board of School Directors award the following bids: a. Indian Lane Interior Door Replacement Donald E. Reisinger, Inc. b. e. Total $57,727.00 Base Bid $11,800.00 Alternates 1-2 _ $19,100.00 Total $30,900.00 Total $141,938.00 Base Bid $83,270.00 Alternate Total $83,270.00 Base Bid $61,000.00 Alternate Total $61,000.00 Base Bid $59,266.00 Alternate Total $59,266.00 Media Window Repair Media Flooring Replacement North Eastern Floors X. Finance Alternate Springton Lake Waterproofing Window Repairs & Rest. g. Base Bid $57,727.00 Penncrest/Media/Glenwood Ceiling Replacements Alternate Base Bid 1 _ L.J. Paolella Construction $138,123.00 $3,815.00 Anthony Biddle Contractors f. Total $64,500.00 Penncrest/Glenwood Interior Painting L.J. Paolella Construction d. Alternate Glenwood VCT Flooring Replacement Continental Flooring Co. c. Base Bid $64,500.00 1 June 23, 2014 X. Finance A. Purchasing 1. Bid Awards (continued) h. Penncrest Masonry Repairs Mara Restoration i. Alternate Total $99,000.00 Base Bid $49,805.00 Alternate Total $49,805.00 Alternate Total Springton Lake Walking Trail Eastern Earthmovers, Inc. j. Base Bid $99,000.00 Indian Lane Boiler Replacement Base Bid k. Mechanical Construction Allstates Mechanical, Inc. $395,000.00 $395,000.00 Electrical Construction C.A.D. Electric, Inc. $28,975.00 $28,975.00 Penncrest/Media/Glenwood Lighting Fixture Replacement McGoldrick Electric, Inc. Base Bid $124,900.00 Alternate Total $124,900.00 Background This item was discussed at the June 10, 2014 Operations Committee Meeting. B. X. Finance General 1. Change Orders - none 2. Budgetary Transfers – none 2 June 23, 2014 X. Finance B. General 3. Sage Technology Proposal Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the proposal for Sage Technology. This proposal is for the installation of additional card readers and audio/video and door release systems at Penncrest High School which will increase security. The cost of the system is $13,071. An outstanding credit of $6,453 will be used to offset the cost. Background This item was discussed at the June 10, 2014 Operations Committee Meeting. 4. Glenwood Elementary School Masonry Wall Replacement – Walter Brucker & Co., Inc. Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the proposal from Walter Brucker & Co., Inc. for masonry wall replacement at Glenwood Elementary School in the amount of $7,245.00. Background This item was discussed at the June 10, 2014 Operations Committee Meeting. 5. Change Order Threshold for Summer Months Further resolve, the Board of School Directors increase the threshold for change orders up to $50,000. Background Change orders between $10,000 and $20,000 require the approval of the Board President, Vice-President and Finance Chairman. The committee approved increasing the amount for approval between Legislative Meetings from the Board President, Vice-President and Finance Chairman to $50,000 for the time period between the June and September 2014 Legislative Meetings. The Operations committee chairman will be advised on all change orders. This item was discussed at the June 10, 2014 Operations Committee Meeting. X. Finance 3 June 23, 2014 X. Finance B. General 6. Use of Facilities – Sundays Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the Sunday usage of school buildings through June 30, 2015 in accordance with School Board Policy #707 Use of School Facilities. Background This item was discussed at the June 10, 2014 Operations Committee Meeting. 7. Insurance Renewal Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the renewal of property, automobile, liability, bonds, sport/student accident insurance with PSBA, ACE, ORIC, Markel Americans Co., Inc. and Western Surety in the amount of $366,311 and workers compensation insurance with Companion Property and Casualty in the amount of $405,972. Background This item was discussed at the June 10, 2014 Operations Committee Meeting. 8. Fixed Assets Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the sale and or removal of aged fixed assets. Background This item was discussed at the June 10, 2014 Operations Committee Meeting. 9. Barrall Field Improvements Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the payment of $850.00 to Media Borough for the purpose of installing handicap access at Barrall Field. Background This item was discussed at the June 10, 2014 Operations Committee Meeting. X. Finance 4 June 23, 2014 X. Finance B. General 10. Donations Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the donation from Penncrest High School PTG for the instillation of benches in the court yard at Penncrest. In honor of Sue Knipel, a bench was donated to Springton Lake Middle School. A donation in the amount of $5,000 from the Rose Tree Media Adult School will be made to the Penncrest High School Library. Background This item was discussed at the June 10, 2014 Operations Committee Meeting. 11. Fund Transfer Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the transfer from the General Fund to the Capital Reserve Fund in the amount of $3,746,285 for capital projects in accordance with Board Policy 603. Background This item was discussed at the June 10, 2014 Finance Committee Meeting. 12. 2014-2015 Capital Reserve Budget Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the following Capital Reserve Budget: BUDGET CODE REVENUE 22-0101 DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION 2014-2015 BUDGET Transfer from General Fund $4,596,285 Various Capital Projects Buses Network/Equipment $3,996,285 $ 400,000 $ 200,000 $4,596,285 EXPENDITURES 22-4600-000-00-00-000-450 22-2740-109-00-13-000-760 22-2220-000-00-13-000-758 Capital Projects Transportation Technology Background This item was discussed at the June 10, 2014 Finance Committee Meeting. X. Finance 5 June 23, 2014 X. Finance B. General 13. Authorization to Post June 2014 Budgetary Transfers Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve Administration to make budgetary transfers after June 30, 2014 applicable to the 2013-2014 fiscal year. Background This item was discussed at the June 10, 2014 Finance Committee Meeting. 14. Authorization to Pay Bill List Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve Administration to pay the July 2014 bills, as presented on the Bill List subject to ratification by the Board at the August 28, 2014 Legislative Meeting. Background This item was discussed at the June 10, 2014 Finance Committee Meeting. 15. Appointment of Grace A. Eves as the Tax Collector for Middletown Township Further resolve, the Board of School Directors appoint Grace A. Eves as Tax Collector for Middletown Township for school taxes for the 2014-2015 fiscal year. There is no compensation for this position. Background This item was discussed at the June 10, 2014 Finance Committee Meeting. 16. Appointment of Heather Hogan as the Treasurer Further resolve, the Board of School Directors appoint Heather Hogan as Treasurer for the 2014-2015 fiscal year. There is no compensation for this position. Background This item was discussed at the June 10, 2014 Finance Committee Meeting. X. Finance 6 June 23, 2014 X. Finance B. General 17. Banking Depositories Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the following depositories: a. Pennsylvania School District Liquid Asset Fund 1. 2. 3. 4. b. Checking Money Market Investment Certificates of Deposit Fixed Term Securities PNC Bank 1. Checking Background This item was discussed at the June 10, 2014 Finance Committee Meeting. 18. Purchasing Cooperatives Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the following cooperatives: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. U. S. Communities CO-STARS Department of General Services (DGS) Local Piggy Back Program (L3P) AEPA Contract - Association of Educational Purchasing Agencies Delaware County Joint Purchasing Keystone Purchasing Network The Pennsylvania Education Joint Purchasing Council (PAEJPC) TCPN National Governmental Purchasing Cooperative Peppm Background This item was discussed at the June 10, 2014 Finance Committee Meeting. X. Finance 7 June 23, 2014 X. Finance B. General 19. 2013-14 Tuition Rates and Estimated 2014-15 Tuition Rates Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the following tuition rates: Final 2013-14 Tuition Rates Elementary $14,316.63 Secondary $13,818.24 Tentative 2014-15 Tuition Rates Elementary $14,495.59 Secondary $13,891.48 Background This item was discussed at the June 10, 2014 Finance Committee Meeting. 20. Verizon Wireless GPS Agreement Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the agreement with Verizon Wireless to fit forty buses with GPS units. This agreement also includes free roadside service. The cost of the units is $11,960 and will be installed by the Transportation Department. The annual service fee is $15,092. Background This item was discussed at the June 10, 2014 Finance Committee Meeting. 21. Lifetouch Agreement Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the Lifetouch Agreement for Rose Tree Elementary School. This agreement is at no cost to the District. The district will receive $2.50 per package. Background This item was discussed at the June 10, 2014 Finance Committee Meeting. X. Finance 8 June 23, 2014 X. Finance B. General 22. Special Education Contract for ESY Services – George Crothers Memorial School Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve a contract for payment of tuition in the amount of $3,565.00 for a special education student to receive ESY services at the George Crothers Memorial School. Background Extended School Year services are required for eligible students under the Individual with Disabilities Education Act. 23. HMS School for Children with Cerebral Palsy - ESY Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve a contract for the HMS School for Children with Cerebral Palsy for the provision of Extended School Year services for two special education students as required under IDEA. Tuition is $12,825.00/student for the program which runs 06/24/14 to 08/07/14. Background Extended School Year Services are required to implement the Individual Education Program of a special education student in compliance with IDEA requirements. 24. Timothy School Contract - ESY Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve a contract for The Timothy School for the provision of Extended School Year services for five special education students as required under IDEA. Tuition is $4,850.00 per student for the program which runs 07/01/14 to 08/8/14. Background Extended School Year Services are required to implement the Individual Education Program of special education students in compliance with IDEA requirements. X. Finance 9 June 23, 2014 X. Finance B. General 25. Devereux CARES Education Program Contract - ESY Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve a contract for The Devereux CARES Education Program for the provision of Extended School Year services for a special education student as required under IDEA. Tuition is $485.00/day for the program which runs 06/30/14 to 08/22/14. Background Extended School Year Services are required to implement the Individual Education Program of a special education student in compliance with IDEA requirements. 26. Camphill Special School Contract - ESY Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve a contract for Camphill Special Schools for the provision of Extended School Year services for a special education student as required under IDEA. Tuition is $7,914.68 for the program which runs 06/19/14 to 07/16/14. Background Extended School Year Services are required to implement the Individual Education Program of a special education student in compliance with IDEA requirements. 27. Melmark School Contract - ESY Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve a contract for the Melmark School for the provision of Extended School Year services for a special education student as required under IDEA. Tuition is $498.92/day for the program which runs 07/07/14 to 08/15/14. Background Extended School Year Services are required to implement the Individual Education Program of a special education student in compliance with IDEA requirements. X. Finance 10 June 23, 2014 X. Finance B. General 28. Vanguard Tuition Contract Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve a tuition contract for two special education students to attend Vanguard for the 2014-2015 school year has been submitted. Background The educational program at the approved private school is required to meet the educational needs of these students in accordance with IDEA. Tuition is $49,115.00/student. 29. Holcomb Behavioral Health Systems Contract Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve a contract with Holcomb Behavioral Health Systems for the 2014–2015 school year to provide a STAR coordinator at Penncrest High at a cost of $908.83 per each twenty hour work week from September 8, 2014 through June 12, 2015. Background STAR/SAP services are required under PA School Code. This contract is an annual renewal with the same conditions and pricing structure as the 20132014 contract. 30. Elwyn Contracts Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve two contracts with Elwyn to provide psychological counseling services to special education students at the secondary level. Background The two contracts are for a therapeutic facilitator 2.5 days/week at Penncrest and .5/week at the Simon Youth Academy at the rate of $74.73/hour and at Springton Lake for 2 days/week at the rate of $71.40/hour. X. Finance 11 June 23, 2014 X. Finance B. General 31. Settlement Agreement Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve a settlement agreement for a special education student to provide reimbursement to parents not to exceed $8,000.00 dollars for reimbursement of legitimate educational costs incurred during the 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 school year. Background The agreement was reached to settle a dispute between the District and the student’s family. The agreement also calls for payment of attorney fees in the amount of $4,500.00 dollars. 32. Apple Lease Agreement Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the Master Lease Purchase Agreement #7768245 Lease Schedule #003 between Apple Inc. and the Rose Tree Media School District. The Schedule #003 includes Three (3) ten (10) packs of iPads with Retina display – 16 GB with 3-year Apple Care+, and Twenty-three (23) five (5) packs of MacBook Airs with Apple Care Protection Plan. The Four (4) year equity lease for this Schedule will commence on July 1, 2014, with payment schedule not to exceed Thirty Five Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety Nine dollars and seventy cents ($35,999.70) per year. Background The background for this Lease Agreement was reviewed at the Technology Committee meeting on June 10, 2014. Solicitor, Tom Kelly, has reviewed and approved this lease agreement. X. Finance 12 June 23, 2014 X. Finance B. General 33. Speech Pathology Consultants, Inc. Contract Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve a contract with Speech Pathology Consultants, Inc. to provide a speech/language therapist for the summer of 2014 to deliver services for identified special education students. The rate is $78.00/hour for 6 hours/week for up to 5 weeks. Background These services are required to provide for Extended School Year services in compliance with IDEA for special education students. This is a renewal contract. 34. Elwyn Contract Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the contract for services for special education students. The services are from June 30, 2014 though August 15, 2014, for a total cost of $22,050. Background Students have significant special education needs and services are required per Individualized Education Program. 35. Professional Development Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the professional development agreement with The Reading and Writing Project of Teachers College. This professional development will prepare our elementary teachers to implement the new Writing Units of Study. The cost of the contract is $3,000/day for two days. The contract allows for 35 teachers to attend each day. Background The contract amount is in the Curriculum & Instruction budget for 2014-2015 and is actually significantly under the amount originally set aside for this training. X. Finance 13 June 23, 2014 X. Finance B. General 36. Bayada Home Health Care Contract Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve a contract with Bayada Home Health Care, for the 2014–2015 school year. Background Bayada Home Health Care is one of the substitute nursing agencies that provide substitute nurses as needed. The hourly rate for a Registered Nurse is the same as last year: $49.95 per hour. X. Finance 14 June 23, 2014 No. 217 ROSE TREE MEDIA SCHOOL DISTRICT SECTION: PUPILS TITLE: GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS ADOPTED: REVISED: 217. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS 1. Purpose Title 22 Sec. 4.24, 4.52 Pol. 100 The Board adopts the graduation requirements students must achieve, which include course completion and grades, completion of culminating project, and results of local and state assessments as established by the Board in the district's Strategic Plan and as restated herein. Gail Boettcher 5/7/14 11:10 AM Deleted: Gail Boettcher 5/7/14 11:10 AM Deleted: Gail Boettcher 5/7/14 11:10 AM Formatted: Centered Credits Required To Graduate: The Board requires that each candidate for graduation shall have earned 26 course + 2 Credits of Community Service for a total of 28 credits. Required: English 4 credits Mathematics 3 credits (includes Algebra & Geometry) Science 3 credits (includes Environmental Science & Biology) 1 Additional Credit in Math or Science Social Studies 4 credits (including AP United States History or Modern America) World Language (1 credit through 2nd Year required Health & Physical Ed 2.5 credits (.5 PE each of 4 years Electives 7.5 credits (6.5 if students needs 2 WL) Art Music Technical Ed Family/Consumer Science Business Ed Mathematics Electives English Electives Health and Physical Ed. Electives Science Electives Social Studies Electives DCTS Program of Study World Language 26 credits Community Service 2 credits (Total 28) Gail Boettcher 5/7/14 10:54 AM Deleted: 24.4 Gail Boettcher 5/7/14 10:55 AM Deleted: all three of which should be Gail Boettcher 5/7/14 10:57 AM Deleted: Modern America or AP ... [2] Gail Boettcher 5/7/14 11:04 AM Deleted: level 2) Gail Boettcher 5/7/14 11:04 AM Formatted: Superscript Gail Boettcher 5/7/14 11:05 AM Deleted: Fine and Prac. Arts Gail Boettcher 5/7/14 11:06 AM Deleted: 3 or 4 credits (3 if students needs 2 WL) Gail Boettcher 5/7/14 11:06 AM Deleted: (Computer Science) Gail Boettcher 5/7/14 11:10 AM Formatted: Widow/Orphan control, Tabs: 0.3", Left + 2.36", Left + Not at 0.61" + 1.7" Gail Boettcher 5/7/14 11:07 AM Deleted: Vocational-Technical Gail Boettcher 5/7/14 11:08 AM Deleted: 24.4 Page 1 of 3 ... [1] ... [3] 217. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS - Pg. 2 Title 22 Sec. 4.52 Pol. 100, 107 State requirements for graduation include demonstration of proficiency on state assessments. Students will be required to demonstrate proficiency in each of the content areas as provided by Pennsylvania Department of Education Keystone Exams: C/O 2017 Algebra 1, Biology, Literature C/O 2019 Composition* C/O 2020 Civics and Government*. Gail Boettcher 5/7/14 11:10 AM Deleted: must *Subject to funding appropriated by the General Assembly. SC 1614 Title 22 Sec. 11.27 Pol. 113 The Board shall permit a student with a disability, who has attended four (4) years of high school, to participate in commencement ceremonies with his/her graduating class and receive a certificate of attendance, even if the student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) prescribes continued educational services. The student may receive a high school diploma when s/he completes his/her Individualized Education Program (IEP). 2. Authority SC 1611, 1613 Title 22 Sec. 4.13, 4.24 Pol. 100, 102 The Board shall award a regular high school diploma to every student enrolled in this district who meets the requirements of graduation. Title 22 Sec. 11.4, 11.8 The fourth year of high school shall not be required if the student has been accepted by an accredited institution of higher learning and has completed all requirements for graduation. 3. Delegation of Responsibility The Superintendent or designee shall be responsible for the planning and execution of graduation ceremonies which appropriately mark this important achievement. 4. Guidelines Pol. 213, 216 Accurate recording of each student's achievement of academic standards shall be maintained, as required by law and State Board Regulations. Gail Boettcher 5/7/14 11:11 AM Deleted: performance at the Proficient level or better in reading, writing, and mathematics on the PSSA assessment administered in grade 11, on the retest in grade 12, or on district assessments aligned with Pennsylvania academic standards. Gail Boettcher 5/7/14 11:13 AM Deleted: During junior or senior years, students will complete a graduation project, finishing by the end of the third quarter of senior year at the latest. All approved projects will require students to demonstrate an ability to apply, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information and to communicate significant knowledge and understanding. Each project must incorporate several technologies and yield a product in the form of a paper, exhibit, portfolio, video, model, or performance. Students shall be informed of graduation requirements they are expected to complete. Pol. 212 Periodic warnings shall be issued to students in danger of not fulfilling graduation requirements. Gail Boettcher 5/7/14 11:13 AM Deleted: Page 2 of 3 ... [4] 217. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS - Pg. 3 No student who has completed the requirements for graduation shall be denied a diploma as a disciplinary measure, but s/he may be denied participation in the graduation ceremony when personal conduct so warrants. Such exclusion shall be regarded as a school suspension. Any student who has not completed all requirements for graduation shall not be permitted to participate in graduation ceremony. Diplomas For Eligible Veterans SC 1611 In order to honor and recognize honorably discharged eligible veterans who left high school prior to graduation to serve in World War II, the Korean War or the Vietnam War, the Board shall grant a diploma to a veteran who meets the applicable requirements of law and completes the required application. References: School Code – 24 P.S. Sec. 1611, 1613, 1614 State Board of Education Regulations – 22 PA Code Sec. 4.13, 4.24, 4.52, 11.4, 11.5, 11.8, 11.27 Board Policy – 100, 102, 113, 127, 212, 213, 216 Page 3 of 3 Appendix IX Attachment B 6/13/14 GLENWOOD ELEMENTARY* Angel Marianne Jeffrey Julie Stephen Stacy Crystal Mi Jen Kathryn Diane Patricia Charles Lynn Elizabeth Karen Fern Melissa Katherine Rachael Maria Susan Janice Keith Barry Dabrowski Davies Denton Dieter Gallagher Grace-Green Hong Imburgia Jackson Keeler Lista Lutz Maher Mathis Miller Megahey Pinsley Salera Taylor VanEss Sharp Jaclyn Wendy Karen Frances Abby Marianne Julia Kathleen Judith Kathleen Emily Noreen Ronald Terry Sue Stephanie Shirley Karen Nancy Bridget Lisa Martha Jason Deborah Lee Andre David Meghan Arbutina Barton Battavio Blanchette Burke Dabrowski Davis Devine DiMaio Durant Ferdon Ford Frank Haskell-McDonald Hendrixson Herman Huebner Meile Novello Martin Parkinson Phillips Pinto Preg Sitkowski Washington Woods Whalen 0.5 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 62,999.00 38,993.00 77,896.00 47,068.00 93,785.00 77,896.00 81,596.00 46,229.00 91,633.00 91,633.00 85,356.00 85,472.00 98,330.00 91,633.00 91,633.00 93,785.00 74,364.00 81,596.00 89,665.00 89,665.00 83,197.00 98,330.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 54,637.00 89,665.00 89,665.00 91,633.00 58,767.00 38,993.00 46,507.00 98,330.00 89,665.00 44,832.50 49,715.00 91,633.00 89,665.00 98,330.00 89,665.00 89,665.00 89,665.00 54,414.00 89,665.00 54,191.00 89,665.00 91,633.00 72,397.00 73,306.40 100,757.00 69,854.00 98,330.00 46,647.00 INDIAN LANE ELEMENTARY* *Salaries subject to change with the completion of RTMEA negotiations. 0.5 IL 0.5 0.8 Appendix IX Attachment B 6/13/14 MEDIA ELEMENTARY* Gemma Marita Karen Kelley Lindsi Kristin Julie Timothy Tracey Sandra Aaron Sandra Lisa Eileen Patricia Matthew Hans Carly Tina Brenda Evan Julie Catherine Erin Christine Christy Jeanette Jayne Dana Sue Amoroso Bellamy Buchek Ciuffetelli Connell Fetsch Fink Fritch German Goldfarb Gruber Hooven Hunger Johnson Johnston Kalbach Lloyd Loveland-Smith Millette O'Neill Plater Poulos Scheivert Seeley Thompson Verdeur Walker Welc Williamson Susan Desire Margaret Kimberly Holly Nancy Berit Diane AnnMarie Angela Christine ThaiFaa Sara Kimberly Matthew Maureen JoAnn David Kristin Elizabeth Maureen Allen Barnes Barney Bradley Clark Gheysens Haahr Heiland Johnson Lynch Maguire Mayfield-Pinkett McKelvey Michaels Moore Naylor Podlaski Sikorski Smith Thompson VanZant 0.5 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 74,364.00 54,191.00 89,665.00 46,229.00 45,816.50 54,414.00 46,091.00 98,330.00 89,665.00 68,224.00 93,785.00 89,665.00 46,091.00 53,299.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 49,898.00 54,637.00 77,896.00 89,665.00 66,890.00 58,767.00 98,330.00 85,356.00 58,767.00 46,091.00 62,999.00 91,633.00 91,633.00 98,330.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 93,785.00 78,905.00 75,567.75 30,220.50 89,665.00 89,665.00 73,899.00 65,345.00 72,397.00 67,534.00 67,534.00 74,674.00 65,345.00 98,330.00 77,610.00 89,532.00 79,826.00 39,974.25 54,637.00 98,330.00 89,665.00 $60,441.00 Title I ROSE TREE ELEMENTARY* *Salaries subject to change with the completion of RTMEA negotiations. 0.75 0.5 0.75 Appendix IX Attachment B 6/13/14 SPRINGTON LAKE M.S.* Alexis Jacqueline William Shawna Susan Mark Michael Dorothee Jennifer Vince Joseph Nancy Douglas Pamela Robin Nadine Kelly Mark Caitlin Joseph Kelly Veronica Adrienne Bridget Jason Jessica Brian Kathleen Lisa Jennifer Stefanie Amanda Kim Carin Mark Paul Mary Belle Sharon Britt Judith Brian Kevin Alan Maureen Jody Donna Michelle Phoebe Megan Amy Sean William Azeff Baker Carr Cliff Cooper Crossman DeLeo Diaz Diaz Eppolito Fisher Going Gramo Gregg Heckman Hensley Hogan Homan Judge Korzec Piecara Kusheba-Kurash Kutney Laubach Lazarow Levy Lynch Maguire McCarthy McLeod Miller Morris Morris Newsome Nixon Norris Patton Prior Rago Raichek Reilly Reilley Reno Reuther Ruckle Schied Shaw Simmington Snyder Somerville Spratt Stack *Salaries subject to change with the completion of RTMEA negotiations. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 53,076.00 46,368.00 69,854.00 74,364.00 91,633.00 46,091.00 98,330.00 63,056.00 62,999.00 74,364.00 48,983.00 98,330.00 77,610.00 98,330.00 49,898.00 69,854.00 46,647.00 85,472.00 53,522.00 94,848.00 46,229.00 85,472.00 89,532.00 69,854.00 73,209.00 46,091.00 58,767.00 89,532.00 89,665.00 73,434.00 79,826.00 60,784.00 62,999.00 94,848.00 53,754.00 85,334.00 53,968.00 91,633.00 93,785.00 54,414.00 77,053.00 93,785.00 63,056.00 89,665.00 89,837.00 89,837.00 46,229.00 89,532.00 85,472.00 91,633.00 46,091.00 89,665.00 Appendix IX Attachment B 6/13/14 SPRINGTON LAKE M.S. cont'd* Diane Mary Ann Ashley Lawrence Andrew Courtney Sharon Sherre Stern Sycz Turicik Twiss Virtue Williams Williams Gaertner Samantha Jessica James Angela Jennifer Lorraine Sandra Craig James Michael Jennifer Elizabeth Alicia Benjamin Stephan Paul Mary Jerry Laura Carley Brian Michael Thomas Carolyn Linda Paul Christopher Michele Robert Sean Andrew Tracy Gregory Michelle Carl Christiana Suzanne Sandra Lisa Anthony Theresa Heather Alicia Abelson Anderson Beatty Beaudry Brotman Bury Carter Casner Ciccarelli Clark Clarke Clements Commale Danson Dashkiwsky DelPrato Dempsey Diaz Diksa Dillon Dougherty Doyle Durant Fizzano Flexon Graham Grouzes Kania Higgins Hobdell Ikeler Jackson Jacobs Kirk Kriebel Kuntz LeLan Lin Lobitz Lombardo Long Ludwig Mathisen $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 98,330.00 91,633.00 53,968.00 89,665.00 85,472.00 98,330.00 81,596.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 89,532.00 98,330.00 62,999.00 77,896.00 46,091.00 98,330.00 89,665.00 98,330.00 98,330.00 67,534.00 98,330.00 85,472.00 81,596.00 89,665.00 62,999.00 93,785.00 54,191.00 72,397.00 69,558.00 98,330.00 98,330.00 93,785.00 98,330.00 46,786.00 72,397.00 81,596.00 46,507.00 74,364.00 98,330.00 53,968.00 73,899.00 81,098.00 62,999.00 61,127.00 89,665.00 91,633.00 21,319.60 60,784.00 85,356.00 100,757.00 98,330.00 98,330.00 46,091.00 PENNCREST H.S.* *Salaries subject to change with the completion of RTMEA negotiations. SABB ULOA 0.4 Penncrest cont'd* Concetta David Amanda Stephan David Ronni Donna George Laura Kevin Patrick Joseph Evan Emily Felicia Andrea Jason Kimberly Marietta Megan Mark Brian DeAnn James Steven Robert Jeremy Craig Edward Betsy Sandra Enoch Dana Anna Mark James Appendix IX Mattioni Matthews Slattery Mescanti Miller Miller Montich Munro Nemec-Osborne Nolen O'Neill Peleckis Pettit Plummer Quinzi Rachubinski Ritter Riviere Rizzone Rozinski Samilenko Saviski Scherer Shea Silva Simpson Smith Snyder Somers Spardel Staiger Stevenson Sudall Wiegner Williams Zervanos Attachment B Kylee Kirsten Sean Lindsay William Colleen Kristen Dora Bucci Curry Graham Groy Harmon Hoy Manderachi Mead SYA(.70) PHS PHS PHS PHS PHS (.60) PHS PHS Debra Jennifer Jodi Karen Marilyn Michele Sara Schnaars Simmons Strevig Walker Wilt Woodward Debessay PHS PHS PHS PHS PHS PHS SL SYA SYA (.5) (.6) SYA SABB (.8) 6/13/14 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 98,330.00 89,665.00 66,890.00 98,330.00 53,754.00 54,414.00 73,899.00 78,905.00 60,441.00 91,633.00 27,207.00 54,414.00 58,767.00 59,069.00 67,534.00 53,522.00 73,899.00 89,532.00 53,299.00 53,076.00 98,330.00 73,899.00 98,330.00 89,665.00 98,330.00 98,330.00 58,767.00 89,665.00 98,330.00 72,397.00 89,665.00 50,399.00 98,330.00 54,637.00 77,896.00 98,330.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 48,690.60 81,596.00 53,754.00 81,596.00 54,191.00 32,514.60 54,191.00 89,665.00 54,637.00 81,596.00 69,558.00 94,848.00 54,414.00 89,665.00 77,053.00 SPECIAL EDUCATION* *Salaries subject to change with the completion of RTMEA negotiations. Appendix IX Attachment B 6/13/14 SPECIAL EDUCATION cont'd* Devon Suzanne William Candace Carleen Alexandra Alexis Elishia Caitlyn Michele Ryan Diane Stacy Elizabeth Maureen Katherine Jaclyn Lisa Elizabeth Joanne Hartzell Hemenway Henderson Krautzel Megow Perilli Viso Arias Carminito Cunningham Lewis McElhenney McMorrow Coulter Shields McCarthy Leck Sukanick Hennessey Wade SL SL SL SL SL SL SL IL IL IL IL IL IL M M M RT/M RT GW GW $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 46,091.00 81,596.00 89,532.00 85,472.00 85,472.00 85,356.00 54,637.00 89,532.00 54,191.00 53,522.00 53,522.00 89,665.00 67,534.00 81,596.00 46,091.00 54,191.00 60,784.00 46,368.00 79,826.00 89,665.00 Virtual Kindergarten/CFF* Christa Consadene EC $ 89,665.00 Transition Coordinator Tiffany Bendistis EC $ 77,896.00 Dennis Colleen Margaret Enoch Smyth Hoy Barney Stevenson IL/RT PHS (.4) PHS(.2) PHS(.2) $ 49,349.00 Jean Dana Jessica Patrick Margaret Sue Susan Helen Sarah David Karen Lori McPheeters Vellios-Miller Hilden Murphy Gilroy Griffin Howe Douglass-Garrett Graham Harple Kerr Rice-Spring RT GW IL ME SL SL SL PHS PHS PHS PHS PHS $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Gifted* Guidance Counselors* *Salaries subject to change with the completion of RTMEA negotiations. $21,676.40 $25,189.25 $12,599.80 89,665.00 73,434.00 65,345.00 89,665.00 69,558.00 98,330.00 98,330.00 94,848.00 81,098.00 89,665.00 98,330.00 81,596.00 Music/Instrumental* Jonathan Andrew Antoinette James Appendix IX Boyle Bugosh Lyons Walls Speech* Gina George Julia Johannah Kokoska Ament Friedgen Timbario (.8) SL/GW ME IL RT/SL(.8) $ $ $ $ 62,316.80 77,610.00 77,896.00 42,817.60 Librarians* Jennie Jacqueline Lisa Winifred Tracy Anthony Ekstrom Matusow Stuart Host Hatton Grisillo SLMS M RT PHS IL GW $ $ $ $ $ $ 67,557.00 93,785.00 73,899.00 54,414.00 85,356.00 89,837.00 ESL* Erika Kay Brittani Jeanne Yepremian Roberts Lutterman Richter ME/GW IL/RT SLMS PHS $ $ $ $ 68,224.00 74,674.00 62,999.00 49,349.00 Occupational Therapists* Jennifer Lisa Santisi Roccia Nurses* Vacant Bridget Debra Judith Hefferan Taylor Stingle Substitute Nurses Herman-Liu, Alisa McGlynn-Allen, Karen Davey, Kim *Salaries subject to change with the completion of RTMEA negotiations. Attachment B IL ME PHS IL/RT 6/13/14 $ $ $ $ 81,596.00 85,356.00 89,665.00 89,532.00 SL/ME/RT IL/GW/SL $54,414.00 $78,905.00 SL RT GW PHS $48,983.00 $98,330.00 $49,349.00 $140 per day $140 per day $140 per day Cabinet Anne Eleanor Grace Patricia Steve James Appendix IX Callahan DiMarino-Linnen Eves Linden Taylor Wigo ADSUP I Ronald William Eric Kenneth Bernadette Jenny William Joseph Richard Ronald Ralph Heather Anthony Megan Mack Bonnie Bonnie Maria Kimberly Amy Joshua Kim Charles Robert Roxanne Sharon Kathy Baldino Bennett Bucci Curran Dacanay Robinson Dougherty Fuhr Gregg Harris Harrison Hogan Jackowski Pashley Johnson Keiles Kinsler Kotch LaCoste Matijasich Mattson McCann-Roller Olinger Salladino Schupp Sweeney White Attachment B EC EC EC EC EC EC 6/13/14 $151,051.00 $150,180.00 $151,051.00 $150,180.00 $151,051.00 $184,802.00 SC IL (SABB) GW SLMS EC RT PHS SYA PHS EC PHS EC SLMS IL/GW EC EC SC M EC M/RT PHS EC PC SLMS EC PHS SL $91,946.00 $136,640.00 $128,726.00 $113,401.00 $85,946.00 $128,726.00 $131,178.00 $128,726.00 $147,577.00 $116,472.00 $128,726.00 $91,946.00 $122,596.00 $95,011.00 $104,206.00 $122,596.00 $91,946.00 $139,318.00 $116,472.00 $95,011.00 $104,206.00 $113,401.00 $116,472.00 $147,115.00 $91,946.00 $128,726.00 $122,596.00 Appendix IX ADSUP II Facilities Foreman $41,300.82 $62,279.16 $49,999.38 $39,643.32 $40,000.32 $40,000.32 $71,630.52 $61,634.52 $61,249.98 $44,663.76 $35,857.07 $35,857.07 $35,857.07 Brower IL M SL PHS Non-Public Kelly Cook Garber SL (.5) SL SL SL $35,857.07 $35,857.07 $35,857.07 Mabel Deldeo SYA $35,857.07 Deborah Karen Linda Joan Catherine Patricia Juanita Hoffman Jackson Kilpatrick King Lacock Stokes Strowbridge PHS PHS PHS PHS PHS PHS PHS $35,857.07 $35,857.07 $35,857.07 $35,857.07 $35,857.07 $35,857.07 $35,857.07 Constance Cotumaccio EC $35,857.07 Joann Athena Sausman Valavanis SC G/M/IL/RT $35,857.07 $35,857.07 Secretary II Erin O'Neill EC $38,543.37 Secretary III Diane Suzanne Vacant Debbie Boyer Iannetti M G RT IL $40,336.99 $40,336.99 SECRETARY/SUPPORT STAFF 10 Month Specialist (2 extra holidays?) Bost Pysher Ragni Price Schupp Feltner Brown Jones Quinzi Simpson Amy Catherine Joyce Vacant Marion Lenton Boylan Wolf 6/13/14 GW SL PHS M IL RT SC SC Trans Trans Maintenance Foreman Fields Foreman Garage Foreman Dispatcher Greg Gene Armondo Michael Joel Kerry Ivan Mike Philip Donna Attachment B $35,857.07 Secretary I 220 days Vacant Patricia Kathleen Anita Reischer $40,336.99 Appendix IX Attachment B 6/13/14 Secretary IV Maureen Charron McCormick Verica SL PHS $41,976.90 $41,976.90 Secretary V Linda Sharon Nancy Mary Lindsay Gallagher McClaskey Owen Shedlock Winter EC EC EC SC EC $43,615.64 $43,615.64 $43,615.64 $43,615.64 $43,615.64 Confidential Secretaries/Clerk Gail Melissa Barbara Debra Jeanne Boettcher Finsterbusch Harmon Raup-Whiteside Kampmeyer EC EC EC EC EC $62,509.00 $42,471.00 $44,717.00 $56,103.00 $56,866.00 Office Clerk I Elaine Jennifer (4.5) Christine Joan Suzannah Joann Jay Espinosa Nolan Martin Emmons Raport PRINT SHOP PHS RT GW M IL $34,069.36 $18,467.23 $27,271.59 $28,717.47 $28,717.47 $28,717.47 Office Clerk III Judy Cynthia Sarah Jane Frances Blair Santa Maria Milewski Provence EC EC EC EC $43,024.46 $43,024.46 $43,024.46 $43,024.46 Support Staff I Cynthia Beth Ann Dale Bethany Linda Charlene Miller Murphy Soring Zeleznick Rowley Merk PHS PHS PHS PHS PHS PHS $14.64 $14.64 $13.17 $14.64 $14.64 $14.64 Catherine Jean Blackburn Davis SL SL $13.91 $14.64 Maryann Mary Ellen Joann Laura Berot Densmore Vann DelCasale IL IL IL IL $14.64 $14.64 $14.64 $14.64 Joanne Debra Christine Galinsky Saylor-Brown Raymond GW GW GW $14.64 $14.64 $14.64 Kathleen Medina Betty Jane Shegda Heller Spears RT RT RT $14.64 $14.64 $14.64 Virginia Anne Anne Marie Dashkiwsky Moss Mundy M M M M $14.64 $14.64 $14.64 $14.64 220 days 220 days 220 days 220 days 220 days Support Staff II Diane Donna Appendix IX Jordan Lomas Attachment B RT RT 6/13/14 $17.54 $17.54 Marydana Theresa Jennifer Coleen Trisha Dotts Shannon Ziegler Fickes Elmer M M M M M $17.54 $17.54 $17.54 $17.54 $17.54 Joanne Suzanne Sharon William Goldsmith Carroll Hazley Stumm GW GW GW GW $17.54 $17.54 $17.54 $17.54 Ann Richard Eileen Joann Eugenia Lori Jill Michele Michele Austin Epstein Dolan Dougherty Perich Quindlen Koechig Cropper Skowronek IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL $17.54 $17.54 $17.54 $17.54 $17.54 $17.54 $17.54 $17.54 $17.54 Janet Jennifer Julie Martha Cynthia Veronica Larry Marianne Patricia Barbara Randall Elizabeth George Susan Ballentine Blythe Gropp Gumienny Martin McCarthy Owens Nigolian Skean Snyder Wizniak Stollsteimer Sycz McKeon SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL $17.54 $17.54 $17.54 $17.54 $17.54 $17.54 $17.54 $17.54 $17.54 $17.54 $17.54 $17.54 $17.54 $16.66 Florence Svitlana Vikki Patricia Jessica Hope Allison Puja Elise John Derrick Brown Duffy Blair Impagliazzo Jacovini Kaut Koechig Mahendru Simonian Mansure Smith PHS PHS PHS PHS PHS PHS PHS PHS PHS PHS PHS $17.54 $17.54 $17.54 $17.54 $17.54 $17.54 $17.54 $16.66 $17.54 $17.54 $17.54 Appendix IX Tech Assistant I Attachment B IL/GW M/RT 6/13/14 Vacant Kay Buchanan Tech Assistant II Jane Debra Battaglia DeFronzo PC SL $51,174.39 $51,174.39 Substitute Receptionist Linda Maureen Bethany Joann Buckler Beall Zeleznick Raport EC EC EC EC $17.13 $17.13 $17.13 $17.13 Mark Glen John David Bruce Frank George Connor Brian Frank Michael Michael Bhrim Long Dunne Leonard Otto Finsterbusch Truesdale McCormick Cook Taylor Potts Finn SL SC PC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC $19.56 $16.72 $19.56 $19.56 $19.56 $19.56 $19.56 $19.56 $19.56 $28.78 $25.76 $28.78 Bus Mechanic Ronald Albert Houser Murphy SC SC $24.20 $24.20 Custodians Helen Hall EC $17.62 Charles Terrance Jerry Lawrence Rahel Aaron Neal Anthony Willie Johnson Jones Williams Smith Taddese Gibson Sheffield Barrett Jones SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL $17.62 $17.62 $17.62 $17.62 $17.62 $17.62 $17.62 $17.62 $17.62 John Melvin Lawrence John Mildred Ron A John Salvatore Raymond Joseph Joseph Anthony James Arata Crouse Powell Bell Jacobs Shortall Collins Giampino Stier Taylor Way Borsari McCusker PHS PHS PHS PHS 3rd shift PHS PHS PHS3rd shift PHS PHS PHS PHS PHS PHS $17.62 $17.62 $17.62 $17.62 $17.62 $17.62 $17.62 $17.62 $17.62 $17.62 $17.62 $17.62 $17.62 Debbie Ron Linn Shortall RT RT $17.62 $17.62 CUSTODIAL/MAINTENANCE Maintenance Courier Tradesman $36,129.84 Custodians Cont'd Substitute Custodians Hourly Rate $12.00 Jerome Janina Clyde Appendix IX Harper Janczyk Davis Carl Paulette Pasquale Holland Goolsby Ragni Robert Clifton Mary Taylor Berry Grasty Barry Cynthia Dunne, John McCullough, Kevin Philaposian, Paul Attachment B M M M 6/13/14 $17.62 $17.62 $17.62 GW GW GW $17.62 $17.62 $17.62 IL IL IL IL $17.62 $17.62 $17.62 $17.62 Yeager Phipps Permanent Substitute $17.62 $17.62 Leonard, David Pedrick, Andrea Clarke, Cheryl Finsterbusch, Frank Bacon, Michael M&O/ERC Appendix IX Attachment B 6/13/14 CAFETERIA* Amy Jayne Kathy McKernan (4.5) Beverly (4.5) Moffett (3.0 GW GW GW $12.70 $12.70 $12.70 Jennifer Lisa Andrea Clements (6.0) Malara (4.5) Pedrick (4.0) IL IL IL $16.56 $11.31 $12.70 Maureen Dolores Suzanne Dooner (4.0) Taylor (4.0) Hoppus (3.5) M M M $12.70 $11.31 $11.86 Susan Joan Breslin Dunn(4.5) Breslin (4.5) RT RT $12.70 $11.31 Theresa Isabelle Brenda Christine Nancy Laura Anna Kathleen Noreen Mawson (4.0) Boudazin (4.0) Wolters (4.0) Duncan (4.0) Sands (4.0) Netwall (6.5) Charlton (4.0) Simpson (5.0) Plotts (4.0) SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL $11.31 $12.70 $12.70 $12.70 $12.70 $16.56 $12.70 $12.70 $12.70 Office Assistant Elisa Michele Christine Nancy Jennifer Annamarie Nariman Diane Sherry Loretta Sandra Leslie Carol Debbie Ettien (6.5) Frisoli (4.5) Lomas (4.0) McHugh (4.5) McNabb-Jones (4.0) Ottolenghi (4.0) Shaer (4.0) Swantek (6.75) Voorhees (4.0) Dewees (4.0) Pirrotta (4.0) Virbitsky (4.0) Neill (4.0) Tyson (7.0) PHS PHS PHS PHS PHS PHS PHS PHS PHS PHS PHS PHS PHS M & O/PHS $16.56 $12.70 $12.70 $12.70 $12.70 $12.70 $12.70 $12.70 $12.70 $12.70 $12.70 $11.31 $12.70 $13.40 Substitute Cafeteria $10.76 per hour Lee Ann Trusty Beverly Hoffman Linda Gagliardi (Unit Leader) (Unit Leader) (Unit Leader) * Remain at 2013-2014 rates pending completion of the agreement. Appendix IX Attachment B Dorman Sheila Pat James Anita Bob Richard Sandy Maggie Carol Kelly Lisa John Rocco Joseph James Arlene James Karl Jim Nancy Joseph Peter John Cathy Charles Clay Allen Charles Lynne John Akley Baker Barlow Bigas Bloom Bond Caldwell (p/t) Campoli Carletti Constantine Cook Cornog Czernick (p/t) D'Aprile (p/t) DeRosa Donley Douge Elliott Eillinsfeld Fagan Fagan Faulkner Fitzsimmons (p/t) Goff (p/t) Hall Hall Henderson Kannapel Kennedy Krauss Kulp (p/t) Brian David William John Joseph Joseph Kathy David Joachim Angela Marc Nicholas Russ Denise Bill Richard Dennis Yvonne Arlene Connie Paul Kathy Richard Sharon Marsha Paul Cliff Robert Andrea Patrick Michael Litwa Masse McMenamin Megahey Mirarchi (p.t) Monaco Monaco Moore Oreskovich Perna Joyce Piccoli Polidori Redcay Roach Sausman Scala Sellitto Shaw Silva Smith Stankiewicz Tangradi Taylor Trader Valenti Waller Watson Wilson Worley Wilson(p/t) Willauer Substitute Drivers Diana John Anthony Thomas Michael John Charles Martin Claypole Barbosa Brazunas Ellison Regan Corcoran Olson McGee Barbara Joseph James Kevin Robert Arthur Resnick-Polcino McGrath Martin Otto Hodson Pavoni Bus Aides Hourly Rate $14.72 Cheryl Irene Kathleen Andrew Keller Myers Luptowski - Sub Pettineo - Sub Donnamarie Ruth Karen Dana Nespoli Wigfield Carsia Birney BUS DRIVERS $22.40 per hour 6/13/14 Administrators and Supervisors I Handbook On Compensation and Related Benefits School Board Policy No. 328 Of School Directors June 26, 2014 July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2017 -1- ADMINISTRATORS AND SUPERVISORS I HANDBOOK ON COMPENSATION AND RELATED BENEFITS I. RECOGNITION For the purpose of discussing compensation and related benefits, the Board recognizes the Rose Tree Media Association of Administrators and Supervisors (ADSUP I) as the representative for the Principals, Assistant Principals, Director of Pupil Services, Director of Technology and Information Science, Supervisor of Special Education, Network Specialist, Information Systems Specialist, School Psychologists, Athletic Director, Accountant, Supervisor of Business Operations, Transportation Supervisor, Management Systems Administrator, Home and School Visitor. This group will in this document and here and after be referred to as ADSUPI. II. ADJUSTMENT AND EQUALIZATION OF ADSUP I - RTMEA BENEFITS At minimum, equivalent benefits granted to the teachers association will, at the same time, be granted to the members of ADSUP. A committee of ADSUP I members will meet with the School Board and the Superintendent to discuss benefits granted to the teachers' association which are not available to ADSUP members in this policy. III. ANNUAL LEAVE (TWELVE-MONTH EMPLOYEES) A. Each ADSUP I member completing one year of service will earn twenty-three (23) vacation days paid vacation per year to be accrued monthly at the rate of 1.9167 days per month. One additional vacation will be granted for each five years of administrative service in Rose Tree Media School District, to a maximum of twenty-five (25) days. Newly hired administrators will be granted fourteen (14) days in the first year. B. In case of resignation or retirement, an individual will be compensated at his/her per diem rate for unused, accumulated annual leave, not to exceed twenty (20) work days. C. During the winter recess/and spring vacation when school is not in session, individuals on a twelve-month contract are expected to be on duty. However, the Board recognizes the integrity and good judgment of its executives in interpreting their own work schedule for these days. If leave is desired during these time periods, individuals are free to take annual leave if there is not pressing business. -2- D. IV. Employees may carry over a maximum of 30 days to a new school year. Employees must use eleven (11) vacation days each year. If eleven (11) vacation days are used, employees may request to be paid for a maximum of ten (10) unused vacation days at per diem rate to be paid no later than July 31. SICK LEAVE Members shall accumulate twelve (12) sick leave days at the rate of one per working month. The concept of a Sick Leave Bank may be developed and jointly agreed upon by the Board and ADSUP I. V. SICK LEAVE BUY-BACK The employee must have completed ten (10) years of continuous employment with the Rose Tree Media School District as a permanent member of the staff or have a mutually agreed upon alternative between the board, superintendent and ADSUP I employee to be eligible for this benefit. The Board will pay the employee upon termination of his/her employment with the Rose Tree Media School District for the duration of the contract as follows: days 1-100 days 101-150 days 151-250 Beyond 250 VI. 2004-2006 $60 per day $70 per day $75 per day $80 per day SICK LEAVE BANK If the Rose Tree Media Education Association establishes a sick leave bank, the ADSUP I group will be allowed to establish one also. VII. PERSONAL AND EMERGENCY LEAVE Individuals will be allowed five (5) days per year for emergencies and personal business which must be conducted during school hours. Such paid absences may be designated as confidential, and will be granted after prior written approval of the immediate supervisor. Any unused personal days will be converted to sick leave on July 1 of each fiscal year. -3- VIII. UNPAID LEAVE OF ABSENCE An unpaid leave of absence may be granted for a specific period of time during which the employee provides no service to the district, receives no salary or benefits, yet is retained as a district employee. Except as otherwise provided, leave commencement and termination dates shall be the first and third quarters to coincide with the end of marking periods. The Superintendent shall make recommendations to the Board, which shall consider each case individually. The sole consideration in granting such leave shall be the welfare of the students and the availability of suitable replacements. IX. PROFESSIONAL DUES Subject to the Superintendent’s approval throughout the duration of this agreement, each member shall receive a $750 allocation for memberships in professional associations each year. Receipt of payment of dues will be made available upon request. X. Professional Development Reimbursement A. Professional Development reimbursement will be paid for by the Board contingent upon the Superintendent’s written approval of the course or program and the institution offering same . B. The Board will reimburse the cost of professional development up to $7,500 per individual for courses or programs that are approved by the Superintendent as directly beneficial to the individual and the school district. A maximum of $35,000 will be available. C. Fund Allocation Summer I and Summer II 2012-2014 $11,667 D. Fall $11,667 Spring $11,666 Process for submission of course requests 1. All ADSUP I members must file a formal request for professional development reimbursement prior to the start of each academic semester. -4- X. Professional Development Reimbursement, continued 2. Course requests deadlines: Fall semester: Spring semester: Summer I and II: XI. by August 15th by January 1st by May 1st 3. Professional Development requests for that academic semester will be equally distributed among all ADSUP I members using each individual’s first professional development request. For individuals requesting additional reimbursements for the same academic semester, any remaining funds will be equally distributed. 4. Any remaining balance will be forwarded to the next academic semester. AUTOMOBILE REIMBURSEMENT Individuals using their own automobiles in pursuance of school duties will be reimbursed at the rate allowed by the US Internal Revenue Service. XII. LEGAL ASSISTANCE At the Superintendent's discretion, the School Board Solicitor will be made available to individuals sued for performance within the jurisdiction of their assignments. XIII. NOTIFICATION OF ELIMINATION OF POSITION Every effort will be made to provide written notification of one year in instances in which an ADSUP I position is to be eliminated. XIV. HOLIDAY AND SUMMER WORKSHOP ATTENDANCE Ten-month members of ADSUP I whose attendance is mandatory during July and August will be paid at their per diem rate. XV. INSURANCE BENEFITS A. Health and Hospitalization 1. Flex Benefits The board and members of the administrative team will work together to review a mutually agreed upon flex benefit plan. Funds will be allocated to each administrator to purchase annual benefits through the flex benefit plan or continue with No. 2 as outlined below. -5- 2. Contribution to Benefits/Medical Insurance ADSUP I members shall contribute the following percentages of the applicable premium cost by payroll deduction. Effective July 1, 2012 9% Coverage: Independence Blue Cross Personal Choice Option 20/30/70 or equivalent. The Board has the right to select the insurance carrier. Should the ADSUP I member choose a more expensive available plan, the member must pay the difference between the applicable premium for Personal Choice 20/30/70 and the plan chosen. The foregoing medical benefits enumerated above shall, for the remaining years of this agreement, be the same as those benefits afforded members of the Rose Tree Media Education Association, including the same contributions for those benefits as may apply to the members of that Association. 3. Withdrawal Bonus Each employee who chooses not to elect health and hospital coverage with Rose Tree Media School District shall receive monthly payments equal to single employee contribution rates. If the employee chooses to reenter the plan, the first reentry shall be at no cost to the employee. Any subsequent reentry shall cost the employee 25% per month of the contribution rate for one year. 4. 5. Dental a. Contributions: Board shall contribute one hundred percent (100%) of the premium for the individual or family plan coverage. b. Coverage: Basic Delta Dental plan or equivalent. The Board has the right to select the insurance carrier. Dental Supplemental - Oral Surgery a. Contributions: Board shall contribute one hundred percent (100%) of the premium for the individual or family plan coverage. -6- XV. INSURANCE BENEFITS, continued b. 6. 7. 8. Coverage: Oral Surgery (100% UCR ) Prosthetics ( 50% UCR) Periodontics (50% UCR) Delta Dental Oral Surgery Plan or equivalent Dental Supplemental - Orthodontics a. Contributions: The Board shall contribute one hundred percent (100%) of the individual or family plan coverage. b. Coverage: Delta Dental Orthodontics Plan or equivalent. The Board has the right to select the insurance carrier. Effective July 1, 2004, the maximum lifetime orthodontic benefit will be $1,600. Vision a. Contribution: The Board shall contribute one hundred percent (100%) of the premium for family plan coverage per month toward the employee's subscription. b. Coverage: Eye examination and refraction service. Vision Benefits of America Plan or equivalent. The Board has the right to select the insurance carrier. Prescription Plan a. Contribution: ADSUP I members shall contribute the following percentages toward the premium for prescription coverage: Effective July 1, 2012: 9% The foregoing medical benefits enumerated above shall, for the remaining years of this agreement, be the same as those benefits afforded members of the Rose Tree Media Education Association, including the same contribution for those benefits as may apply to the members of that Association b. Coverage: The Board has the right to select the insurance carrier. -7- XV. INSURANCE BENEFITS, continued 9. Disability income Protection a. Base insurance plan for the individual in first two years in the district amounts to approximately 66 2/3% (as determined by insurance carrier) of monthly salary, payable for one year. Payments begin after sixty (60) days of disability to a maximum of $6,111 per month. The Board has the right to select the insurance carrier. 10. b. Individual in his/her third year with district is eligible for long-term disability. If disability continues into second year, benefits amount to approximately 66 2/3% (as determined by insurance carrier) of salary to a maximum of $6,111 per month, payable to age 65. c. Long-term disability supplement provides that an eligible individual will receive 75% of his/her salary, to age 65, if disability results from an on-the-job injury. Life Insurance Each full-time member shall receive at Board expense term life insurance of 3x annual salary. Additional term life insurance may be purchased by the individual as the insurance carrier's contract allows. 11. Tax Sheltered Annuity The district will provide a TSA program up to 2.0% of salary with a dollar for dollar match by the employee contribution and consistent with the Tax Code. 12. Automobile The Board will provide no ownership liability insurance as the secondary insurer to supplement the individual's own insurance for accidents occurring while on authorized school business. -8- XV. INSURANCE BENEFITS, continued 13. Self Insurance Fund The Board will provide up to $2,000 per ADSUPI member for an annual physical examination and medical reimbursement. Verification of the physical examination and the date on which it occurred will be submitted to the Human Resources Department. The results of the physical examination are to be confidential and the property of the administrator. In addition, any unreimbursed medical, dental and/or vision costs will be paid up to the balance of the $2,000. Original receipts will be provided. In the event the district moves to a high deductible medical plan accompanied by a Health Savings Account or a Health Reimbursement Account, the balance of the $2000 will be contributed to the employee’s Health Savings Account/Health Reimbursement Account to the extent permitted under federal regulations. 14. Post Retirement Health Benefit Rose Tree Media School District agrees to pay medical, prescription, dental and vision insurance upon retirement for those members of ADSUP I with a minimum of 10 years of service as members of the administrative team in the Rose Tree Media School District. Benefits will be paid at the rate of 85% of the cost of the premium for Personal Choice 20/30/70 in effect at the time of retirement, to Medicare eligible age or for a maximum of 7 years. Coverage will extend to the employee or employee and spouse based on the coverage in effect at the time of retirement, with the right of survivorship. Employee must be at least 55 years of age to be eligible and must actually retire under the terms of the Pennsylvania Public School Employees Retirement System within 60 days of the termination date. In no case will the coverage extend to the retiree or spouse beyond Medicare eligible age. XVI. SALARY A. Each year by March 31, the Superintendent will notify any individual whose performance may adversely affect future salary consideration. This notification will be in writing, and followed by a conference involving the Superintendent, the individual, his immediate supervisor, a representative of ADSUP I (if requested by the individual) and other appropriate parties.. -9- XVI. SALARY, continued B. The Board will provide salary increases in the amount of 2% per year for the period July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2017. Administrators whose salaries are at or above the maximum of the range will have their salaries capped until such time as the maximum of the range exceeds the administrator’s salary. C. ADSUP I Members whose salaries are below the midpoint will be moved to the midpoint by the end of the second year in the position. For purposes of movement toward midpoint, an administrator who is hired prior to December 1 of the School year will be given credit for that year. D. ADSUP I Members who have completed ten years of service as members of the ADSUP I group will move to a salary half way between midpoint and maximum in their designated salary range. For purposes of this movement, an administrator who is hired prior to December 1 of the school year will be given credit for that year. Administrators whose performance does not meet expectations or whose performance is unsatisfactory may receive no salary increase or a partial salary increase as determined by the superintendent. E. Newly hired ADSUP I members without experience will be placed at the minimum of the range. Salaries for candidates with experience in the position being filled will be calculated using the following formula: Minimum salary for the range plus standard increase for the year x .5 x years of experience. EX: $105,000 + ($105,000 x .04 x .5 x 4) = $113,400. Entry salaries would be capped at the midpoint of the range unless expressly approved by the BSD. XVII. COMPLAINT PROCEDURE A. If any ADSUP I member designated in 1. feels the subject of a violation of School Board Policy, exclusive of contracts, personnel handbooks and agreements with employee groups, he/she may avail himself/herself of the following procedure if initiated within ten (10) working days of the alleged violation (a "day” is defined as a working day): 1. Discuss the matter with his/her immediate supervisor and/or other appropriate administrative or supervisory personnel. 2. If the difference is not resolved, the complainant will explain his/her position in writing, to the Superintendent within ten (10) days of the alleged occurrence, and notify him/her that he/she is invoking this complaint procedure. The Superintendent will confer with the complainant within ten (10) days of receiving such notice. - 10 - XVII. COMPLAINT PROCEDURE, continued B. 3. The Superintendent will send his decision, in writing, to the complainant within five (5) days of the conference. 4. If the complainant is not satisfied with the Superintendent's decision, he may, within five (5) days of its receipt appeal the decision to the Board of School Directors, with a copy to the Superintendent. 5. The Board will confer with the-complainant and Superintendent within thirty (30) days of receipt of the appeal. 6. The Board promptly will send its decision, in writing, to the complainant and Superintendent. Board’s decision will be final and binding. 7. The Board does not intend to waive legal rights of the complainant. If the complainant elects to proceed by any other legal remedy, he/she shall waive his/her rights to proceed under this complaint procedure. In following this procedure, these provisions will apply: 1. All conferences will be held at a time mutually convenient to all participants and will be confidential. 2. Either party may invite other persons to attend conferences. 3. Failure at any step of this procedure to communicate decisions within the specified time limits shall permit the complainant to lodge an appeal at the next step of the procedure. 4. Failure by the complainant to observe any deadline will discontinue the process beyond that step. 5. The time limits specified in this procedure may be extended by written mutual agreement, with the exception of the initial ten (10) day period in which a complaint must be filed. XVIII.. MEET AND DISCUSS PANEL A Meet and Discuss Panel will be selected for the purposes of discussing matters of concern to both the School Board and to ADSUP I. The Panel will consist of three (3) Board members, the Superintendent, and four (4) ADSUP members (selected by ADSUP I). The Panel will meet as needed on a mutually agreed upon basis. - 11 - Attachment D Administrative Salary Ranges 2014-2015 Minimum Midpoint Maximum Range I Superintendent Range II Assistant Superintendent Director of Human Resources Director of Management Services By Contract Range III Director of Pupil Services/Special Education Director of Technology $122,596 $140,985 $159,375 Range IV High School Principal $128,726 $140,985 $153,244 Range V Middle School Principal $122,596 $134,855 $147,115 Range VI Elementary School Principal Assistant High School Principal $116,466 $128,726 $140,984 Range VII Assistant Middle School Principal Supervisor of Special Education Athletic Director Network Specialist $110,348 $122,596 $134,855 Range VIII School Psychologist Information Systems Specialist Management Systems Administrator $ 85,817 $104,206 $122,596 Range IX Accountant Supervisor Business Operations Transportation Supervisor Supervisor of Maintenance $ 79,686 $ 91,946 $104,206 Range X Home and School Visitor $ 67,426 $ 79,686 $ 91,946 Rose Tree Media School District 2014-2015 School Calendar Total New Teacher Days: 192* Total Teacher Days: 189* September 2014 S M T W T F S 1 2 3456 1 2 7 8 9 10111213 34* 56**789 1415 16 17181920 1011 12 13141516 2122 23 24252627 1718 19 20212223 2829 30 24 25262728 29 30 31 Teacher Days: 20 Cum: 24 Teacher Days: 4 October 2014 S M T WT F S 1234 56789 10 11 1213 14 15161718 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27282930 31 Cum: 47 Cum: 43 Cum: 101 Cum: 96 April 2015 S M T WT F S 1234 56789 10 11 1213 14 15161718 1920 21 22232425 26 27282930 Teacher Days: Student Days: Key: 19 18 Cum: Cum: No School - Holiday 159 152 Cum: 4 Teacher Days: 18 Student Days: 17 Cum: 65 Cum: 60 20 Teacher Days: 17 Student Days: 17 February 2015 S M T WT F S 1 2 3 4567 8 9 10 11121314 1516 17 18192021 2223 24 25262728 Teacher Days: 19 Student Days: 18 S Cum: 20 Cum: Cum: 179 171 March 2015 T W T Teacher Days: 20 Student Days: 20 May 2015 S M T WT F S 1 2 3 4 5 6789 1011 12 13141516 1718 19 20212223 2425 26 27282930 31 Teacher Days: 20 Student Days: 19 M Cum: 82 Cum: 77 F S 1 2 3 4567 8 9 10 11121314 1516 17 18192021 2223 24 25262728 2930 31 Cum: 120 Cum: 114 November 26 Parent Conferences K-8 November 27, 28 Holiday, All Buildings Closed Half Day for Students December 24January 2 Student/Teacher Holiday December 24-26 Holiday, All Buildings Closed December 31 Holiday, All Buildings Closed July 4 Holiday, All Buildings Closed January 1 & 2 Holiday, All Buildings Closed August 19-21 New Teacher Orientation January 19 Holiday, All Buildings Closed August 25-28 Teacher Inservice January 23 Semester Ends, Early September 1 Holiday, All Buildings Closed Dismissal for SLMS 11:50 a.m. September 2 First Day of School K-12 PHS Make-up Exams only September 25 Holiday, All Buildings Closed February 12 Early Dismissal Elementary November 4 No School Students - Teacher Students only 12:20 p.m. Inservice February 13 No School for Studehts November 24 Parent Conferences K-8 Teacher Inservice Evening Hours February 16 Holiday, All Buildings Closed November 25 Parent Conferences K-8 March 12 & 13 Elementary Conferences No School K-5 Full Inservice Day Student Days: November 2014 December 2014 S M T WT F S S M T WT F S 1 1 2 3456 2 3 4 5678 7 8 9 10111213 9 10 11 12131415 14 15 16 17181920 1617 18 19202122 21 22 23 24252627 2324 25 26272829 28 2930 31 30 January 2015 S M T WT F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 78910 1112 13 14151617 1819 20 21222324 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Teacher Days: 19 Student Days: 19 Approved, June 26, 2014 August 2014 S M T WT F S July 2014 S M T WT F S 1 2345 6 7 8 9 101112 1314 15 16171819 20 212223 24 25 26 27 28293031 Teacher Days: 23 Student Days: 23 Total Student Days 183* Cum: 140 Cum: 134 June 2015 S M T WT F S 1 2 3456 7 8 9 10111213 1415 16 17181920 2122 23 24252627 2829 30 Teacher Days: 13 Student Days: 12 Cum: 192 Cum: 183 March 30-April 3 Student/Teacher Holiday April 2 - 3 Holiday, All Buildings Closed April 6 Teacher Flex Day - No School for Students May 22 Teacher Flex Day - No School for Students May 25 Holiday, All Buildings Closed June 11 PHS Graduation - Teacher Inservice Day -No School for Students June 17 Last Day for Students, Early Dismissal: PHS - 10:15 SLMS - 11:00; Elem. 12:00 June 17 P.M. - Teacher Inservice *These year-end dates allow for three emergency school closings during the 2014-2015 school year. If fewer than three emergency school closings are needed, these days will be deducted from the end of the year for students. If more than 3 snow days are used, days in spring break may be utilized to meet our necessary requirements for attendance.