ROSE TREE MEDIA SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS Legislative Agenda April 28, 2016 7:30 p.m. I. Call to Order II. Approval of Minutes A. B. C. III. Legislative Meeting Minutes of March 31, 2016 Bid Opening Minutes of April 6, 2016 1. Indian Lane Gymnasium Renovation 2. Penncrest Cafeteria Flooring 3. Glenwood and Rose Tree New Emergency Generators 4. Classroom Renovations at Glenwood Elementary 5. Glenwood VAT Removal Special Legislative Meeting Minutes of April 12, 2016 Eagle Scout Award – William Blosenski National Merit Scholarship Program – Michaela J. Combs PMEA State Music Award – Erica Westcott The Lion King Musical Presentation - Indian Lane Reports A. B. C. D. E. F. G. VI. Roll Call Educational Presentation A. V. National Anthem Presentations and Awards A. B. C. IV Pledge of Allegiance Student Liaison Reports Board Liaison Reports Committee Highlights and Reports School Reports Superintendent’s Report Solicitor’s Report President’s Report Scheduled Presentations (Limited to Five Minutes Each) A. Agenda RTMEA – Susan Howe 1 April 28, 2016 VII. Unscheduled Presentations (Limited to Three Minutes Each) A. VIII. Old Business A. IX. 2015 – 2016 School Year Calendar – See Attachment A New Business A. B. C. D. X. Rose Tree Media Residents Personnel 1. Terminations a. Non-Instructional 2. Nominations a. Professional b. Non-Instructional 3. General a. Classification Change b. Unpaid Leave of Absence c. Rescind Supplemental Contracts d. Supplemental Contracts e. Other Overnight Trips 1. Penncrest High School – Cultural Immersion Costa Rico 2. Penncrest High School – FBLA – Atlanta, Georgia Course Enrollment Under 15 – See Attachment B Addendum - Personnel 1. Communication Solutions – See Attachment C Finance A. B. Agenda Purchasing 1. Bid Awards a. Glenwood/Rose Tree elementary – Emergency Generators b. Glenwood Elementary – Classroom Renovations c. Penncrest – Cafeteria Flooring d. Indian Lane Elementary – Gymnasium Renovations e. Glenwood Elementary – Asbestos Abatement General 1. Change Orders – None 2. Budgetary Transfers 3. 2016-2017 Delaware County Community college Budget 4. Roofing Consultant Services RFP/Q 5. Lifeworks Contract 6. Audit Services RFP 7. Vanguard Contracts 8. George Crothers Memorial School Contract 9. HMC School Contract 2 April 28, 2016 C. D. XI. 10. Advanced Power Contract 11. Camp Geronimo Contract 12. Delta T Group Contract 13. MOU – Emergency Evacuations 14. MTS Software Solutions Agreement – See Attachment D Financials for March 2016 Bill Lists for March 2016 Adjournment ANNOUNCEMENT There will be an executive session of the School Board for matters of personnel at 6:30 p.m. prior to the Legislative Meeting of May 26, 2016, at Penncrest High School. The Legislative Meetings are recorded on tape. Agenda 3 April 28, 2016 Rose Tree Media School District EXCELLENCE TODAY FOR TOMORROW 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone: 610-627-6136 Fax: 610-627-6136 Grace A. Eves Director of Management Services James M. Wigo, Sr. Superintendent To: From: Date: Subject: Members of the Board of School Directors James Wigo, Superintendent Grace A. Eves, Board Secretary April 22, 2016 Minutes of the March 31, 2016 Legislative Meeting I. Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call ____________________________________________________________________________ Board Members in Attendance: Tracy Barusevicius Jaclyn Clancy James Cunningham Jeffrey Koenig Nancy Mackrides Susan Nolen William O’Donnell Harry Postles Elizabeth Schneider Students: Allison D’Ignazio Eric Bilbrough Absent: Absent: Also in Attendance: Ron Baldino, Maintenance and Operations Michelle Britton, Asst. Principal SLMS Eric Bucci, Principal GW Eleanor DiMarino-Linnen, Dir.PS and Sp. Ed. Donald DiPaulo, Asst. Principal SLMS William Dougherty, Asst. to Superintendent Grace Eves, Dir. Management Services Joe Fuhr, Asst. Principal PHS Ron Harris, Network Specialist Ralph Harrison, Principal PHS Thomas Haupert, Dir. Human Resources Heather Hogan, Accountant Mack Johnson, Mgmt. Systems Admin. Thomas Kelly, Esq., Solicitor Patti Linden, Supv. Technology Kim McCann, Info. Tech. Spec Chip Olinger, Athletic Director John Reid, Principal IL Jenny Robinson, Principal Rose Tree Elem. Robert Salladino, Principal SLMS Christine Seeley, Acting Principal SYA Sharon Sweeney, Asst. Principal PHS Paula Voshell, Principal Media Elementary James M. Wigo, Sr., Superintendent II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of March 31, 2016 1 April 28, 2016 II. Approval of Minutes A. Legislative Meeting Minutes of February 25, 2016 Mr. Cunningham moved and Ms. Nolen seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2015 – 2016 93 Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the Legislative Meeting Minutes of February 25, 2016 The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: B. Tracy Barusevicius, Jaclyn Clancy, James Cunningham, Jeffrey Koenig, Nancy Mackrides, Susan Nolen, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles and Elizabeth Schneider None None Special Legislative Meeting Minutes of March 8, 2016 Mrs. Mackrides moved and Ms. Nolen seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2015 – 2016 94 Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the Special Legislative Meeting Minutes of March 8, 2016 The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Tracy Barusevicius, Jaclyn Clancy, James Cunningham, Jeffrey Koenig, Nancy Mackrides, Susan Nolen, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles and Elizabeth Schneider None None II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of March 31, 2016 2 April 28, 2016 III. Presentations and Awards A. Indoor State Track Championship Qualifier Mrs. Mackrides moved and Mr. Postles seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2015 – 2016 95 Resolve, the Board of School Directors present the Rose Tree Media Award to Alicia Collier. Alicia received a 5th place medal in the 200 meters at the Indoor State Track Championship. Alicia’s coaches are Rob Brown and Elijah Trusty. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: B. Tracy Barusevicius, Jaclyn Clancy, James Cunningham, Jeffrey Koenig, Nancy Mackrides, Susan Nolen, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles and Elizabeth Schneider None None Swim Team State Championship Qualifiers Mr. Postles moved and Mrs. Mackrides seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2015 – 2016 96 Resolve, the Board of School Directors present the Rose Tree Media Award to Claire Walsh, Julia Colizzo, Dan Rosenberger and Michael Paul. Freshman, Claire Walsh was the District One Gold Medalist in the 50 Free and Silver Medalist in the 100 Free, setting County records in both races. Freshman, Julia Colizzo finished 9th in the District One 100 backstroke. Senior, Dan Rosenberger finished 13th in the District One 200 Free and Senior, Michael Paul finished 14th in the District One 200 Free. The girls team is coached by Jessica Levy and the Boys team is coached by Meghan Kowalchuk. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Tracy Barusevicius, Jaclyn Clancy, James Cunningham, Jeffrey Koenig, Nancy Mackrides, Susan Nolen, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles and Elizabeth Schneider None None II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of March 31, 2016 3 April 28, 2016 III. Presentations and Awards (cont’d) C. PIAA Swimming Championship Mrs. Mackrides moved and Mr. Postles seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2015 – 2016 97 Resolve, the Board of School Directors present the Rose Tree Media Award to Claire Walsh. Claire earned the Silver Medal in the 50 Free and a 4th place medal in the 100 Free at the PIAA State Swimming Championships! The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: D. IV Student Liaison Reports Board Liaison Reports Committee Highlights and Reports School Reports Superintendent’s Report Solicitor’s Report President’s Report – See Attachment E – In Official Meeting Minutes of March 31, 2016 Scheduled Presentations (Limited to Five Minutes Each) A. VII. Celebrating Music in Schools – Rose Tree Elementary School Reports A. B. C. D. E. F. G. VI. Eagle Scout Award – William Blake Blosenski Educational Presentation A. V. Tracy Barusevicius, Jaclyn Clancy, James Cunningham, Jeffrey Koenig, Nancy Mackrides, Susan Nolen, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles and Elizabeth Schneider None None RTMEA – Susan Howe Unscheduled Presentations (Limited to Three Minutes Each) A. Rose Tree Media Residents 1. 2. 3. Chris Chelo – Middletown Township – Penncrest Gridiron Club Bob Steiner – Edgmont Township – Gridiron Club Nancy Nicely – Middletown Township – School Board Statement II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of March 31, 2016 4 April 28, 2016 VIII. Old Business A. 2016 – 2017 School Year Calendar – See Attachment A – In Official Meeting Minutes of March 31, 2016 Mr. Postles moved and Mrs. Mackrides seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2015 – 2016 98 Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the 2016 – 2017 School Year Calendar. This calendar was discussed at the February 2016 and March 2016 Personnel Committee meetings. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: IX. Tracy Barusevicius, Jaclyn Clancy, James Cunningham, Jeffrey Koenig, Nancy Mackrides, Susan Nolen, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles and Elizabeth Schneider None None New Business A. Personnel 1. Terminations a. Professional b. Non-Instructional Mr. Postles moved and Mrs. Clancy seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2015 – 2016 99 Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the following New Business: IX. New Business A. Personnel 1. Terminations a. Professional b. Non-Instructional 1. Joseph DeRosa, Bus Driver, retirement effective June 30, 2016. Mr. DeRosa joined the staff of Rose Tree Media School District in 1994. He is retiring after 22 years of dedicated service. II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of March 31, 2016 5 April 28, 2016 IX. New Business (cont’d) A. Personnel 1. Terminations a. Professional b. Non-Instructional 2. Salvatore Giampino, Custodian, Penncrest High School, retirement effective May 30, 2016. Mr. Giampino joined the staff of Rose Tree Media School District in 2007. He is retiring after 9 years of dedicated service. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Tracy Barusevicius, Jaclyn Clancy, James Cunningham, Jeffrey Koenig, Nancy Mackrides, Susan Nolen, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles and Elizabeth Schneider None None II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of March 31, 2016 6 April 28, 2016 IX. New Business (cont’d) A. Personnel 2. Nominations a. Professional b. Non-Instructional Mr. Postles moved and Mrs. Schneider seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2015 – 2016 100 Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the following New Business: IX. New Business A. Personnel 2. Nominations a. b. Professional Non-Instructional 1. Jennifer McNabb-Jones, Substitute Custodian effective April 1, 2016 at the rate of $12.00 per hour. Ms. McNabb-Jones will serve as a Substitute Custodian in addition to her position as a Cafeteria Worker. 2. Rescind appointment of Kathleen Sandiford as Assistant Director Summer School for 2016. 3. Sarah Graham, Assistant Director of Summer School 2016 at the annual salary of $3,500.00. 4. Kathleen Sandiford, Director of Title I Summer School 2016 at the annual salary of $3,500.00. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Tracy Barusevicius, Jaclyn Clancy, James Cunningham, Jeffrey Koenig, Nancy Mackrides, Susan Nolen, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles and Elizabeth Schneider None None II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of March 31, 2016 7 April 28, 2016 IX. New Business (cont’d) A. Personnel 3. General a. Classification Change b. Unpaid Leave of Absence c. Rescind Supplemental Contracts d. Supplemental Contracts e. Create New Position Mr. Postles moved and Mrs. Mackrides seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2015 – 2016 101 Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the following New Business: IX. New Business A. Personnel 3. General a. Classification Change 1. b. Unpaid Leave of Absence 1. c. Aimee Kimmell requests an unpaid leave of absence commencing January 19, 2016 through March 11, 2016. Rescind Supplemental Contracts 1. d. Maureen Dooner, from regular Food Service Worker to Substitute Food Service Worker effective March 21, 2016 at the rate of $12.34 per hour. Rescind appointment of Ricky Stroup as Spring Fitness Club Sponsor at Penncrest High School. Supplemental Contracts 1. Derek Benedict, Spring Fitness Club Sponsor for the 20152016 school year at the annual salary of $725.00. Mr. Benedict is assigned to Penncrest High School. 2. Candace Krautzel, (.5) New Teacher Mentor effective February 1, 2016 at the annual salary of $580.00. Ms. Krautzel is assigned to Springton Lake Middle School. II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of March 31, 2016 8 April 28, 2016 IX. New Business (cont’d) A. Personnel 3. General d. e. Supplemental Contracts 3. Anthony Tolomeo, Game Worker for the 2015-2016 school year. Mr. Tolomeo is assigned to Springton Lake Middle School. 4. Jessica Anderson, Saturday Detention Sponsor for the 20152016 school year at the rate of $46.00 per hour. Ms. Anderson is assigned to Penncrest High School. 5. Kathleen Devine, District Art Coordinator effective March 7, 2016 at the annual salary of $2,154.24. 6. Reginald Duncan, Head Coach Lightweight Football for the 2016-2017 school year at the annual salary of $3,045.00. Mr. Duncan is assigned to Springton Lake Middle School. NOTE: Mr. Duncan is being hired pending completion of his preemployment paperwork. 7. Timothy Keegan, Assistant Band Director change in effective date to March 11, 2016 at the annual salary of $875.16. Mr. Keegan is assigned to Penncrest High School. 8. Matthew Bundy, Assistant Boys Track Coach, effective April 1, 2016 at the annual salary of $3,915.00, pro-rated. Mr. Bundy is assigned to Penncrest High School. NOTE: Mr. Bundy is being hired pending completion of his pre-employment paperwork. Create New Position 1. Recommend Board approval of the creation of a new Support Staff II, Personal Instructional Assistant position at Indian Lane Elementary. An additional Instructional Assistant is required at Indian Lane Elementary to serve the needs of a Kindergarten student. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Tracy Barusevicius, Jaclyn Clancy, James Cunningham, Jeffrey Koenig, Nancy Mackrides, Susan Nolen, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles and Elizabeth Schneider None None II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of March 31, 2016 9 April 28, 2016 IX. New Business (cont’d) A. Personnel 3. General f. Other, See Attachment B and C Mrs. Mackrides moved and Mrs. Clancy seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2015 – 2016 102 Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the following New Business: IX. New Business A. Personnel 3. General f. Other 1. Recommend Board approval of the agreement between Rose Tree Media School District and Pharmacy Benefit Manager. Attachment B – In Official Meeting Minutes of March 31, 2016. Fee Agreement with the Delaware County Public Schools Healthcare Trust providing for the fees, premium collections and payment of prescription claims provided through the CVS Caremark prescription agreement. 2. Recommend Board approval of the Early Retirement Incentive Plan for the Rose Tree Media Education Association for the 2015-2016 school year. Attachment C – In Official Meeting Minutes of March 31, 2016. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Tracy Barusevicius, Jaclyn Clancy, James Cunningham, Jeffrey Koenig, Nancy Mackrides, Susan Nolen, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles and Elizabeth Schneider None None II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of March 31, 2016 11 April 28, 2016 IX. New Business (cont’d) B. Overnight Trips 1. Penncrest High School French Students – France Mrs. Mackrides moved and Mrs. Schneider seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2015 – 2016 103 Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the following New Business: IX. New Business B. Overnight Trips 1. Penncrest High School French Students - France Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve an overnight field trip for Penncrest students to go to France (Avignon and Paris) from 03/30/20174/12/2017. This is a cultural immersion trip. Substitute costs of $1,224 $1,836 (2 to 3 chaperones depending on number of students going) will be paid by the District. All other costs including registration fees, transportation, lodging and meals will be paid by students/families. The cost to the student is approximately $3,200. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Tracy Barusevicius, Jaclyn Clancy, Jeffrey Koenig, Nancy Mackrides, Susan Nolen, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles and Elizabeth Schneider James Cunningham None II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of March 31, 2016 12 April 28, 2016 IX. New Business (cont’d) B. Overnight Trips 2. Penncrest High School Outdoor Leadership Club – Ohiopyle State Park, PA 3. Penncrest High School Students – Delaware Water Gap Mr. Postles moved and Mrs. Schneider seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2015 – 2016 104 Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the following New Business: IX. New Business B. Overnight Trips 2. Penncrest High School Outdoor Leadership Club – Ohiopyle State Park, PA Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve an overnight field trip for Penncrest students to go to Ohiopyle State Park, PA from 5/27-5/30/16. This trip complements the Enviormental Science curriculum. Students will be staying in cabins near Friendsville, MD, visiting Ohiopyle and Swallow Falls, and engaging in outdoor activities such as white water rafting, rock climbing, mountain biking, and hiking as part of the Outdoor Leadership Club. All costs are paid by the students. 3. Penncrest High School Students – Delaware Water Gap Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve an overnight field trip for Penncrest students to explore PA deciduous forest and river areas at the Delaware Water Gap from Nov. 6/10-6/12/16. This trip complements the Enviromental Science curriculum. All costs are being paid by the students. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Tracy Barusevicius, Jaclyn Clancy, James Cunningham, Jeffrey Koenig, Nancy Mackrides, Susan Nolen, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles and Elizabeth Schneider None None II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of March 31, 2016 13 April 28, 2016 X. Finance A. B. Purchasing – None General 1. 2016/2017 Delaware Agreement County Intermediate Unit Special Education Mrs. Mackrides moved and Mr. Postles seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2015 – 2016 105 Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the following Finance Item: 1. 2016/2017 Delaware Agreement County Intermediate Unit Special Education Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the 2016/2017 Delaware County Intermediate Unit Special Education Agreement in the amount of $466,066. The total budget amount for the 2016/2017 fiscal year is $20,771,074. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Tracy Barusevicius, Jaclyn Clancy, James Cunningham, Jeffrey Koenig, Nancy Mackrides, Susan Nolen, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles and Elizabeth Schneider None None II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of March 31, 2016 14 April 28, 2016 X. Finance (cont’d) A. B. Purchasing – None General 2. 2016/2017 Delaware County Intermediate Unit Technical School Budget Mr. Postles moved and Mrs. Clancy seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2015 – 2016 106 Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the following Finance Item: 2. 2016/2017 Delaware County Intermediate Unit Technical School Budget Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the 2016/2017 Delaware County Intermediate Unit Technical School Budget in the amount of $12,725,006. Rose Tree Media School District’s share is $290,608. The 2016/2017 Special Education Technical Programs Budget is $1,146,466. Rose Tree Media School District’s share is $9,947. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Tracy Barusevicius, Jaclyn Clancy, James Cunningham, Jeffrey Koenig, Nancy Mackrides, Susan Nolen, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles and Elizabeth Schneider None None II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of March 31, 2016 15 April 28, 2016 X. Finance (cont’d) A. B. Purchasing – None General 3. 2016/2017 Delaware County Intermediate Unit Budget Mr. Postles moved and Mr. Cunningham seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2015 – 2016 107 Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the following Finance Item: 3. 2016/2017 Delaware County Intermediate Unit Budget Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the 2016-2017 Delaware County Intermediate Unit Budget in the amount of $8,572,995. Rose Tree Media School District’s share is $77,822. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Tracy Barusevicius, Jaclyn Clancy, James Cunningham, Jeffrey Koenig, Nancy Mackrides, Susan Nolen, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles and Elizabeth Schneider None None II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of March 31, 2016 16 April 28, 2016 X. Finance (cont’d) A. B. Purchasing – None General 4. DCIU Tuition Agreement Mrs. Mackrides moved and Mrs. Clancy seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2015 – 2016 108 Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the following Finance Item: 4. DCIU Tuition Agreement Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve an agreement for payment of tuition costs for the 2015/2016 school year and 2016/2017 school year to the DCIU. The total amount of tuition costs for both years together is not to exceed $56,970.00. The agreement settles a dispute between the District and parent regarding the educational program for the student and releases the District from its obligation to provide FAPE. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Tracy Barusevicius, Jaclyn Clancy, James Cunningham, Jeffrey Koenig, Nancy Mackrides, Susan Nolen, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles and Elizabeth Schneider None None II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of March 31, 2016 17 April 28, 2016 X. Finance (cont’d) A. B. Purchasing – None General 5. Chartwells Dining Services Contract Renewal Mrs. Mackrides moved and Mr. Postles seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2015 – 2016 109 Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the following Finance Item: 5. Chartwells Dining Services Contract Renewal Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the renewal contract with Chartwells Dining Services for the 2016/2017 school year pending contract review by the district solicitor and the Pennsylvania Department of Education, PDE. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Tracy Barusevicius, Jaclyn Clancy, James Cunningham, Jeffrey Koenig, Nancy Mackrides, Susan Nolen, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles and Elizabeth Schneider None None II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of March 31, 2016 18 April 28, 2016 X. Finance (cont’d) A. B. Purchasing – None General 6. Food Service Price Increase 7. Food Service A La Carte Price Increase, See Attachment D 8. BCIU Tax Service Agreement 9. NetMail Services Proposal Mr. Postles moved and Mrs. Clancy seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2015 – 2016 110 Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the following Finance Items: X. Finance A. Purchasing - None B. General 6. Food Service Price Increase Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve a $.05 price increase for breakfast meals and a $.05 price increase for lunch meals in accordance with the U.S. Department of Agriculture National School Lunch Program Paid Lunch Equity requirements. 7. Food Service A La Carte Price Increase Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the price increases for A La Carte items as listed on Attachment D – In Official Meeting Minutes of March 31, 2016. 8. BCIU Tax Services Agreement Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the agreement with BCIU Tax Services in the amount of approximately $21,090. This agreement is for the printing and mailing services of the yearly school real estate tax bill as well as other services relating to the bills. II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of March 31, 2016 19 April 28, 2016 X. Finance (cont’d) A. Purchasing – None B. General 9. NetMail Services Proposal Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the Services for Office 365 Proposal and Statement of Work between Rose Tree Media School District and NetMail. The proposal includes setup and configuration costs as well as online training for two (2) resources. The total cost for this proposal is Twelve Thousand, One Hundred Ninety Dollars ($12,190). The background for this Proposal was reviewed at the Technology Committee meeting on March 8, 2016. Solicitor, Tom Kelly, has reviewed and approved the proposal. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: X. Tracy Barusevicius, Jaclyn Clancy, James Cunningham, Jeffrey Koenig, Nancy Mackrides, Susan Nolen, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles and Elizabeth Schneider None None Finance A. Purchasing – None B. General 10. Widener University Contract 11. Starlite Productions Agreement 12. Advanced Staging Productions Agreement 13. Aviele Koffler, PhD – Evaluations Contract 14. California Leadership Academy Agreement 15. Annette Gallagher Contract 16. Holcomb Behavioral Health Systems Contract Revision 17. RSVP MOU Mr. Postles moved and Mrs. Mackrides seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2015 – 2016 111 Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the following Finance Items: II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of March 31, 2016 20 April 28, 2016 X. Finance (cont’d) A. Purchasing – None B. General 10. Widener University Contract Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve a contract between Widener University and RTMSD for a school psychology intern for the 2016/2017 school year. The intern will complete assessments under IDEA and provide short-term counseling services as needed. Compensation is $8,000 for 3 days per week for the school year (11 months). 11. Starlite Productions Agreement Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the agreement with Starlite Productions in the amount of $7,500. This agreement is for the lighting for the spring musical to be held at Penncrest. Funding for this agreement is through the Student Activity account and is at no cost to the District. 12. Advanced Staging Productions Agreement Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the agreement with Advanced Staging Productions in the amount of $6,613. This agreement is for the 2016 graduation ceremony being held at Villanova. 13. Aviele Koffler, PhD – Evaluations Contract Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve a contract for Dr. Aviele Koffler to provide multidisciplinary evaluations and reevaluations under IDEA requirements on an as needed basis from April 1, 2016 through June 30, 2016. Payment is $1,500/evaluation, not to exceed $6,000 total for all evaluations. Additional evaluation hours are needed to remain compliant with Early Intervention Requirements (30 students transitioning) under IDEA. II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of March 31, 2016 21 April 28, 2016 X. Finance (cont’d) A. Purchasing – None B. General 14. California Leadership Academy Agreement Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve an agreement for payment of tuition costs not to exceed $4,300 for the 2015/2016 school year to the California Leadership Academy for a student who has been placed in their residential program by parents. This is a revision to a previously approved settlement agreement (student was placed in a different residential program under that agreement) and releases the District of its obligation to provide FAPE to the student. 15. Annette Gallagher Contract Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve a contract for Annette Gallagher to complete dental examinations as required by Article 14 of the Public School Code of 1949. Payment is not to exceed $2,000. 16. Holcomb Behavioral Health Systems Contract Revision Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve a revision to a contract with Holcomb Behavioral Health Systems for the remainder of the 2015/2016 school year. The revision calls for an increase of an additional 4 hours per week from April 1, 2016 – June 17, 2016 at the rate of $186.20/week (total cost=10 weeks=$1,862). The additional hours are needed to meet the increased need for drug/alcohol and mental health referrals. 17. RSVP MOU Further resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the Memorandum of Understanding with RSVP. This program provides volunteers to support students with reading at the elementary schools. There is no cost to the district. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Tracy Barusevicius, Jaclyn Clancy, James Cunningham, Jeffrey Koenig, Nancy Mackrides, Susan Nolen, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles and Elizabeth Schneider None None II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of March 31, 2016 22 April 28, 2016 X. Finance (cont’d) A. Purchasing – None B. General 18. Advertising the Lien List Mr. Postles moved and Mrs. Mackrides seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2015 – 2016 112 Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the following Finance Item: 18. Advertising the Lien List Resolve, the Board of School Directors waive the requirement for the administration to advertise the names of property owners in the school district whose delinquent real estate taxes have been forwarded to the Delaware County Tax Claim Bureau for processing and collection for the 2015/2016 fiscal year as referenced in School Board Policy #606. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Tracy Barusevicius, Jaclyn Clancy, James Cunningham, Jeffrey Koenig, Nancy Mackrides, Susan Nolen, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles and Elizabeth Schneider None None II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of March 31, 2016 23 April 28, 2016 X. Finance (cont’d) C. D. Financials for February 2016 Bill Lists for February 2016 Mr. Postles moved and Mrs. Clancy seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2015 – 2016 113 Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the following Financial Reports: X. Finance C. D. Financials for February 2016 February 2016 Treasurers Report February 2016 Investment Reports February 2016 Summary Expenditure Status Report February 2016 Revenue Status Report Bill Lists for February 2016 February 2016 General Fund Bill List $ 4,272,632.43 February 2016 Capital Fund Bill List $ 665,557.45 February 2016 Bond Series 2011 Bill List $ 23,263.01 February 2016 Activities/Special Revenue Fund $ 42,535.82 $ 5,003,988.71 The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Tracy Barusevicius, Jaclyn Clancy, James Cunningham, Jeffrey Koenig, Nancy Mackrides, Susan Nolen, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles and Elizabeth Schneider None None II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of March 31, 2016 24 April 28, 2016 XI. Adjournment Mrs. Mackrides moved and Mr. Postles seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2015 – 2016 114 Resolve, there being no further business to come before the Board of School Directors, the meeting was adjourned. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Tracy Barusevicius, Jaclyn Clancy, James Cunningham, Jeffrey Koenig, Nancy Mackrides, Susan Nolen, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles and Elizabeth Schneider None None __________________________________ Grace A. Eves School Board Secretary II. Legislative Meeting Minutes of March 31, 2016 25 April 28, 2016 Rose Tree Media School District EXCELLENCE TODAY FOR TOMORROW 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone: 610-627-6136 Fax: 610-627-6136 Grace A. Eves Director of Management Services James M. Wigo, Sr. Superintendent BID OPENING MINUTES A bid opening was held on April 6, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. in the Education Center, 308 N. Olive Street, Media, PA 19063. Present were: Ron Baldino, Dennis Cini, Grace Eves and Anthony Combs from Bonnett Associates and 3 bidders. Bids in the following category were opened and read by Grace Eves. Indian Lane Gymnasium Renovations Donald E. Reisinger, Inc. 717 East Washington Street West Chester, PA 19380 McCarthy Construction, Inc. 601 West Ashland Avenue Suite A Glenolden, PA 19036 L.J. Paolella Construction, Inc. 278 Bridgewater Road Brookhaven, PA 19015 Bids will be tabulated and presented to the Board of School Directors. Grace A. Eves School Board Secretary II. Bid Opening Minutes of April 6, 2016 Indian Lane Gymnasium Renovations April 28, 2016 Rose Tree Media School District EXCELLENCE TODAY FOR TOMORROW 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone: 610-627-6136 Fax: 610-627-6136 Grace A. Eves Director of Management Services James M. Wigo, Sr. Superintendent BID OPENING MINUTES A bid opening was held on April 6, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. in the Education Center, 308 N. Olive Street, Media, PA 19063. Present were: Ron Baldino, Dennis Cini, Grace Eves, Denise D’Andrea from CIS and Anthony Combs from Bonnett Associates and 2 bidders. Bids in the following category were opened and read by Grace Eves. Penncrest Cafeteria Flooring Donald E. Reisinger, Inc. 717 East Washington Street West Chester, PA 19380 Frank Bianco Builder, Inc. PO Box 715 Chester Heights, PA 19017 Bids will be tabulated and presented to the Board of School Directors. Grace A. Eves School Board Secretary II. Bid Opening Minutes of April 6, 2016 Penncrest Cafeteria Flooring April 28, 2016 Rose Tree Media School District EXCELLENCE TODAY FOR TOMORROW 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone: 610-627-6136 Fax: 610-627-6136 Grace A. Eves Director of Management Services James M. Wigo, Sr. Superintendent BID OPENING MINUTES A bid opening was held on April 6, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. in the Education Center, 308 N. Olive Street, Media, PA 19063. Present were: Ron Baldino, Dennis Cini, Grace Eves and Anthony Combs from Bonnett Associates, Denise D’Andrea from CIS and 7 bidders. Bids in the following category were opened and read by Grace Eves. Glenwood and Rose Tree Elementary Schools Emergency Generators Electrical Construction Plumbing Construction AJM Electric, Inc. 2333 Concord Road Chester Township, PA 19013 Edward J. Meloney, Inc. 22 Madison Avenue Lansdowne, PA 19050 Brendan Stanton, Inc. 416 Stump Road Montgomeryville, PA 18936 GEM Mechanical Services, Inc. 5101 Birney Highway Aston, PA 19014 Goldhorn Electrical Construction 20 Commerce Drive Aston, PA 19014 Cook’s Service Company, Inc. 300 Industrial Drive Avondale, PA 19311 SJ Thomas Co., Inc. 140 Bartram Avenue Lansdowne, PA 19050 Bids will be tabulated and presented to the Board of School Directors. ________________________ Grace A. Eves School Board Secretary II. Bid Opening Minutes of April 6, 2016 Glenwood Emergency Generators April 28, 2016 Rose Tree Media School District EXCELLENCE TODAY FOR TOMORROW 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone: 610-627-6136 Fax: 610-627-6136 Grace A. Eves Director of Management Services James M. Wigo, Sr. Superintendent BID OPENING MINUTES A bid opening was held on April 6, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. in the Education Center, 308 N. Olive Street, Media, PA 19063. Present were: Ron Baldino, Dennis Cini, Grace Eves, Denise D’Andrea from CIS, and Anthony Combs from Bonnett Associates and 8 bidders. Bids in the following category were opened and read by Grace Eves. Glenwood Classroom Renovations and Door Replacements Electrical Construction General Construction AJM Electric, Inc. 2333 Concord Road Chester Township, PA 19013 Donald E. Reisinger, Inc. 717 East Washington Street West Chester, PA 19380 C.A.D Electric, Inc 2 Thornpath Way Rose Valley, PA 19063 L. J. Paolella Construction, Inc. 278 Bridgewater Road Brookhaven, PA 19015 Electri Tech Inc. 82 Tuckahoe Road Dorothy, NJ 08317 McCarthy Construction, Inc. 601 West Ashland Avenue Suite A Glenolden, PA 19036 Goldhorn Electrical Construction 20 Commerce Drive Aston, PA 19014 SJ Thomas Co., Inc. 140 Bartram Avenue Lansdowne, PA 19050 S.B. Conrad, Inc. 19 Smithbridge Road PO Box 251 Chester Heights, PA 19017 II. Bid Opening Minutes of April 6, 2016 Glenwood Classroom Renovations/Door Replacements April 28, 2016 General Construction (cont’d) SJ Thomas Co., Inc. 140 Bartram Avenue Lansdowne, PA 19050 Bids will be tabulated and presented to the Board of School Directors. ________________________ Grace A. Eves School Board Secretary II. Bid Opening Minutes of April 6, 2016 Glenwood Classroom Renovations/Door Replacements April 28, 2016 Rose Tree Media School District EXCELLENCE TODAY FOR TOMORROW 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone: 610-627-6136 Fax: 610-627-6136 Grace A. Eves Director of Management Services James M. Wigo, Sr. Superintendent BID OPENING MINUTES A bid opening was held on April 6, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. in the Education Center, 308 N. Olive Street, Media, PA 19063. Present were: Ron Baldino, Dennis Cini and Grace Eves, Denise D’Andrea from CIS and Anthony Combs from Bonnett Associates and 2 bidders. Bids in the following category were opened and read by Grace Eves. Glenwood VAT Removal Prism Response, Inc. 70 Hillside Drive, Suite 200 Drums, PA 18222 Site Enterprises, Inc. 211 East Essex Avenue Linwood, NJ 08221 Plymouth Companies 923 Haws Avenue Norristown, PA 19401 Sargent Enterprises, Inc. PO Box 193 Jim Thorpe, PA 18229 Shade Enviornmental 623 Cutler Avenue Maple Shade, NJ 08052 Bids will be tabulated and presented to the Board of School Directors. Grace A. Eves School Board Secretary II. Bid Opening Minutes of April 6, 2016 Glenwood VAT Removal April 28, 2016 Rose Tree Media School District EXCELLENCE TODAY FOR TOMORROW 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone: 610-627-6136 Fax: 610-627-6136 Grace A. Eves Director of Management Services James M. Wigo, Sr. Superintendent To: From: Date: Subject: Members of the Board of School Directors James Wigo, Superintendent Grace A. Eves, Board Secretary April 22, 2016 Minutes of the April 12, 2016 Special Legislative Meeting I. Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call ____________________________________________________________________________ Board Members in Attendance: Tracy Barusevicius Jaclyn Clancy James Cunningham Jeffrey Koenig Nancy Mackrides Susan Nolen William O’Donnell Harry Postles Elizabeth Schneider Students: Absent: Allison D’Ignazio Eric Bilbrough Absent: Also in Attendance: William Dougherty, Asst. to Superintendent Grace Eves, Dir. Management Services Ralph Harrison, Principal PHS Thomas Haupert, Dir. Human Resources Thomas Kelly, Esq., Solicitor Patti Linden, Supv. Technology James M. Wigo, Sr., Superintendent II. Special Legislative Meeting Minutes of April 12, 2016 1 April 28, 2016 II. Solicitor’s Report Mrs. Mackrides moved and Mr. Cunningham seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2015-2016 115 Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the Solicitor’s request that the School Board approve the settlement agreement as outlined under Article I. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: Tracy Barusevicius, Jaclyn Clancy, James Cunningham, Jeffrey Koenig, Nancy Mackrides, Susan Nolen, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles and Elizabeth Schneider NAYS: None ABSENT: None III. IV. Unscheduled Presentations – none 2016 – 2017 Proposed Final Budget – See Attachment A in Official Minutes of April 12, 2016 Mr. Postles moved and Mrs. Schneider seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2015-2016 116 Resolve, that the Board approve the 2016-2017 Proposed Final Budget for the Rose Tree Media School District in the amount of $93,128,095. The Proposed Final Budget is based on the Act 1 Index for a millage increase of 2.4% for a millage rate of 24.3773. The final budget adoption will be on May 26, 2016. See Attachment A – In Official Meeting Minutes of April 12, 2016. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: Tracy Barusevicius, Jaclyn Clancy, Jeffrey Koenig, Nancy Mackrides, Susan Nolen, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles and Elizabeth Schneider NAYS: James Cunningham ABSENT: None II. Special Legislative Meeting Minutes of April 12, 2016 2 April 28, 2016 V. Any Other Business to Come Before the Board A. Budgetary Transfer Rose Tree Media School District Policy #612…(Public School code section 609) when funds are not available for a proposed appropriation, a legal transfer from one class of expenditure to another may be made in the last nine (9) months of the fiscal year by the board. Mr. Postles moved and Mr. Cunningham seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2015 – 2016 117 Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the following budgetary transfer: FY 16-13 Fund 10 General Fund FROM: AMOUNT: Office of Principal Services – Supplies $24,000 TO: AMOUNT: School Library Services – Replacement Equipment $24,000 RATIONALE: Transfer needed to purchase new tables and chairs. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: Tracy Barusevicius, Jaclyn Clancy, James Cunningham, Jeffrey Koenig, Nancy Mackrides, Susan Nolen, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles and Elizabeth Schneider NAYS: None ABSENT: None II. Special Legislative Meeting Minutes of April 12, 2016 3 April 28, 2016 VI. Adjournment Mrs. Mackrides moved and Mr. Cunningham seconded a motion to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: 2015 – 2016 118 Resolve, there being no further business to come before the Board of School Directors, the meeting was adjourned. The aforementioned resolution was declared adopted by the Chair, the vote being: AYES: Tracy Barusevicius, Jaclyn Clancy, James Cunningham, Jeffrey Koenig, Nancy Mackrides, Susan Nolen, Bill O’Donnell, Harry Postles and Elizabeth Schneider NAYS: None ABSENT: None __________________________________ Grace A. Eves School Board Secretary II. Special Legislative Meeting Minutes of April 12, 2016 4 April 28, 2016 III. Presentations and Awards A. Eagle Scout Award – William Blake Blosenski Resolve, the Board of School Directors present the Rose Tree Media Award to Blake Blosenski for achieving Eagle Scout Rank. B. National Merit Scholarship Program – Michaela J. Combs Resolve, the Board of School Directors present the Rose Tree Media Award to Michaela J. Combs. Michaela was named a winner of corporate-sponsored National Merit Scholarships. She is the recipient of a scholarship from the PwC Charitable Foundation. Her probable career field is Biomedical Engineering. Scholars were selected from students who advanced to the finalist level in the National Merit Scholarship competition and met the criteria established by their scholarship sponsors. C. PMEA State Music Award – Erica Westcott Resolve, the Board of School Directors present the Rose Tree Media Award to sophomore flautist Erica Westcott. Erica represented Penncrest High School at the PMEA State Music Conference on March 24-27 in Hershey, PA. Through re-audition, Erica earned first chair in the All State Wind Ensemble. This is the highest honor that a student musician can receive at the state level. Erica is a student of Rebecca Simon, and performs in the Penncrest Wind Ensemble and the Roaring Lions Marching Band with Director of Bands Craig Snyder. III. Presentations and Awards 1 April 28, 2016 Rose Tree Media School District 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone 610.627.6015 Fax 610.627.6015 James M. Wigo Superintendent of Schools William M. Dougherty Acting Assistant to the Superintendent OFFICE OF CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION To: Members of the Board of School Directors James M. Wigo, Superintendent of Schools From: William M. Dougherty Date: April 14, 2016 Subject: April 14, 2015, Office of Curriculum & Instruction Committee Meeting Chairperson: Liz Schneider Minutes Office of Curriculum & Instruction Committee Meeting April 14, 2016 Potential Course Enrollments Under 15 at Penncrest in 2015-2016 – Mrs. Sweeney presented the courses with enrollments currently under 15 students and included a lists of course recommended to run for the 2016-2017 school year. Action: This item will be moved to the April Legislative Agenda for a vote of the Board. Class Rank Study – Mr. Harrison presented his initial findings of a study on the significance of class rank at the high school. The purpose of the report was to inform the board of the current findings. Action: There is no action to be taken on this item. Revised 2015-2016 Calendar – Mr. Wigo Mr. Dougherty and Mr. Wigo asked the board to approve the revised version of the current school calendar which reflects a change to the last days of school as a result of unused snow days. The last student day will be June 17 and the last teacher day will be June 20. Action: This item will be moved to the April Legislative Agenda for a vote of the Board. Public Comment: Several parents were in attendance to participate in the discussion about the significance of class rank at Penncrest High School. EXCELLENCE TODAY FOR TOMORROW Rose Tree Media School District 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone: 610-627-6136 Fax: 610-627-6136 Grace A. Eves Director of Management Services James M. Wigo, Sr. Superintendent To: Members of the Board of School Directors James M. Wigo, Superintendent From: Grace A. Eves, Director of Management Services Date: April 22, 2016 Subject: April 12, 2016 Finance Committee Minutes Chairperson: Bill O’Donnell ______________________________________________________________________ Board Members in Attendance: Tracy Barusevicius, Jaclyn Clancy, James Cunningham, Jeffrey Koenig, Nancy Mackrides, Susan Nolen, William O’Donnell, Harry Postles and Elizabeth Schneider Absent: none Also in Attendance: Bill Dougherty, Grace Eves, Ralph Harrison, Tom Haupert, Sharon Sweeney and James M. Wigo, Sr. ____________________________________________________________________ 1. Budgetary Comparison Report The District has expensed 83% of expenditures and has received 91% of revenue. The District anticipates receiving an additional $47,241 in Basic Education funding from the Commonwealth for the 15/16 school year. Action: Discussion 2. Budgetary Transfers FY 16-13 Fund 10 General Fund FROM: AMOUNT: Office of Principal Services – Supplies $24,000 TO: AMOUNT: School Library Services – Replacement Equipment $24,000 RATIONALE: Transfer needed to purchase new tables and chairs for the library. Action: This item was approved at the Special Legislative meeting held on April 12, 2016 Dedicated to Excellence FY 16-14 Fund 10 General Fund FROM: AMOUNT: Operation of Building Services – Oil $4,788.80 TO: AMOUNT: Operation of Building Services – Repairs and Maintenance $4,788.80 RATIONALE: Transfer needed to cover the costs of services. Action: This item will be moved to the April 28th Legislative agenda for a vote of the Board. 3. ACCESS A settlement agreement has been reached for the 2012/2013 fiscal year in the amount of $5,228.05 for ACCESS funding. The original amount due was $41,824. District solicitor, Tom Kelly, is reviewing the settlement agreement Action: Discussion. This item will be ratified at a future Legislative meeting. 4. Audit Services RFP An RFP for auditing services for a three year term was sent to seven firms. Three firms provided proposals. One firm declined due to their current client workload. Bill O’Donnell and Grace Eves interviewed two firms. Barbacane Thornton & Company’s proposal is $24,000 with a $500 increase in years two and three. The rates in the proposal are lower than their current rates for the District. Maillie’s proposal is $26,500 with a $500 increase in years two and three. The third firm had the highest rates. All three firms have experience with school district audits. Barbacane Thornton & Company’s proposal was recommended to move to the April 28th Legislative agenda for a vote. Action: This item will be moved to the April 28th Legislative agenda for a vote of the Board. 5. 2016/2017 Delaware County Community College Budget The Delaware County Community College approved its budget in March. Under State law, the local sponsors’ obligation for support of the community college’s operating budget is the total operating balance after all other sources of revenue have been deducted. Each sponsoring school district’s share of the local sponsor appropriation is equal to its proportionate share of the total real estate market valuation of all twelve sponsoring districts, which now includes Chester Upland. The School District’s Share is $1,142,447 which represents an increase of $25,191 from the previous year. Action: This item will be moved to the April 28th Legislative agenda for a vote of the Board. Dedicated to Excellence 6. 2016/2017 Proposed Final Budget – PDE Form 2028 The Proposed Final Budget was reviewed. A Special Legislative meeting has been scheduled for April 12th for adoption in order to meet the timeline established by PDE for final approval at the May 26th Legislative meeting. The District will continue to work on the budget. The deadline for applying for the ERIP is Aril 15th. The proposed final budget will be available for public display by May 6th, advertised public notice for adoption on May 16th and voted on at the May 26th Legislative meeting. At this time approximately $5.4 million of fund balance will be used to balance the budget. This will leave approximately $900,000 of fund balance for 17/18. There will be a budget presentation at the May 10th Finance Committee meeting. The budget includes a 2.4% tax increase which is the Act 1 Index. The total budget is $93,128,095. As of 4/12/16, expenditures have increased by 3.2% and revenue has increased by 2.4% overall Action: This item was approved at the April 12th Special Legislative meeting. Public Comment: Thirteen members of the public were present. The next Finance Committee meeting will be on Tuesday, May 10, 2016 Dedicated to Excellence EXCELLENCE TODAY FOR TOMORROW Rose Tree Media School District 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone: 610-627-6136 Fax: 610-627-6136 Grace A. Eves Director of Management Services James M. Wigo, Sr. Superintendent To: Members of the Board of School Directors James M. Wigo, Superintendent From: Grace A. Eves, Director of Management Services Date: April 22, 2016 Subject: April 12, 2016 Operations Committee Minutes Chairperson: Harry Postles ______________________________________________________________________ Board Members in Attendance: Tracy Barusevicius, Jaclyn Clancy, James Cunningham, Jeffrey Koenig, Nancy Mackrides, Susan Nolen, William O’Donnell, Harry Postles and Elizabeth Schneider Absent: none Also in Attendance: Ron Baldino, Dennis Cini, Grace Eves, Tom Haupert and James M. Wigo, Sr. ______________________________________________________________________ 1. Contracts • Advanced Power The Advanced Power contract was reviewed. The contract covers building automation and control system support services for HVAC equipment at SLMS, Glenwood and Media Elementary schools. The hourly rates for other services are discounted for customers that have an existing service agreement. The amount of the contract for preventative maintenance and backup services is $11,880, which is the same as the current year. • Roofing Consultant Services RFP/Q An RFP/Q was sent to 5 vendors. The District received 5 responses. Selection criteria were based on factors such as experience, scheduling, references, scope of work and fee. Two vendors were interviewed by Ron Baldino, Dennis Cini and Grace Eves. The administration is recommending awarding the agreement to TBS Services. The firm is staffed by architects. They also look at the envelope of the building that includes walls, windows and below the ground surface. Their references included PA school districts. This firm was used as a third party inspection team for the roof replacement at Media Elementary School in 2013. They have the staffing to meet the needs of the District. Their base fee is $41,800 and includes lift services. Their proposal is $1,800 higher than the other firm which did not include lift services in their base bid. Dedicated to Excellence Action: These items will be moved to the April 28th Legislative agenda for a vote of the Board. 2. Memorandum of Understanding – Emergency Evacuations Penn State University, Brandywine campus, has offered to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding, MOU, to be an emergency evacuation site for Penncrest High School. The District will reciprocate to be an emergency evacuation site for Penn State University, Brandywine campus, in the event Penn State University needs to evacuate the Brandywine campus. Action: This item will be moved to the April 28th Legislative agenda for a vote of the Board. 3. 16/17 Capital Projects Review Bid tabulations for five projects were reviewed. The generators and Penncrest food court flooring, including the stage area, came in over budget. Other bids were under budget. Another bid opening is scheduled for early May to complete our bids for 16/17 projects. Action: These items will be moved to the April 28th Legislative agenda for a vote of the Board. Public Comment: One member of the public was present. The next Operations Committee meeting will be on Tuesday, May 10, 2016 Dedicated to Excellence EXCELLENCE TODAY FOR TOMORROW Rose Tree Media School District 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone: 610.627.6000 James M. Wigo, Sr. Superintendent of Schools To: Members of the Board of School Directors James M. Wigo, Sr., Superintendent From: Tom Haupert, Director of Human Resources Date: April 22, 2016 Subject: Minutes of the Personnel Committee Meeting – April 12, 2016 Tracy Barusevicius, Chair Board Members in attendance: T. Barusevicius, J. Clancy, J. Cunningham, J. Koening, N. Mackrides, S. Nolen, W. O’Donnell, H. Postles and E. Schneider Also in attendance: J. Wigo, G. Eves, B. Dougherty, P. Linden, C. Olinger and Several members of the public I. Items for Legislative Meeting The committee reviewed the items for the Legislative agenda for April 2016. Action: This item will be moved to the April 28, 2016 Legislative agenda for a vote of the Board. II. Hiring process for coaches Mr. Chip Olinger, our athletic director spoke about what happens when a coaching vacancy occurs within his department. He discussed the recruitment process, he covered such topics as where coaching positions are advertised, as well as, who is involved in the interview process for head coaches and assistant coaches. Members of the Board asked Mr. Olinger to tighten up his process so coaches can be hired before the start of the season. Mr. Olinger indicated that that hiring coaches before the season starts is his practice, however there are times when coaches resign with very little notice which in turn causes a hire to be made during the season. III. Scanning of personnel files The Office of Human Resources asked permission of the Board to enter into a contract with a MTS Software Solutions to scan and archive inactive employees’ personnel files. The Board was informed that the budget for the Office of Human Resources has $5,000.00 in it for this project and the quote that was received from MTS was for $3,224.00. The Board granted permission for the contract to appear on the Legislative agenda for approval. Mr. Postles asked Mr. Haupert to look into going fully digit for personnel files. Mr. Haupert agreed with Mr. Postles and is beginning to explore that possibility. IV. Adding additional building substitute teachers The administration proposed adding one additional building substitute teacher per school for the reminder of the school year. The reason behind the request is the fact that per diem substitute teachers are very difficult to come by. Having a position that is scheduled to report each day is attractive to substitute teachers as they know in advance that they will be working. The cost for these extra positions will be borne by the substitute teacher line item in this year’s budget. V. Hiring process for faculty, administrative and support staff positions Last month this topic was presented and Ms. Barusevicius granted the Board members a thirty day review period. This month Ms. Barusevicius revisited this topic to inquire with her fellow Board members about their suggestions. One Board member provided Ms. Barusevicius with suggestions and in turn Ms. Barusevicius will be meeting with Mr. Haupert to review the three documents. Once finalized, they will be placed on the District’s website. All administrators will receive a copy and training. V. Executive Session An executive session was not held due to the length of the committee meetings. The administration will discuss those personnel matters during the executive session of April 28th. The next meeting of the Personnel Committee will be held at the Education Center on May 10. 2016. Rose Tree Media School District 308 North Olive Street Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493 Telephone 610.627.6000 Fax 610.565.5317 James M. Wigo Superintendent of Schools Eleanor DiMarino-Linnen, PhD Director of Pupil Services and Special Education To: Members of the Board of School Directors James Wigo, Superintendent of Schools From: Dr. Eleanor DiMarino-Linnen, Director of Pupil Services and Special Education Date: April 13, 2016 Subject: April 12, 2016 Pupil Services/Special Education Committee Meeting Minutes Chairperson: Mr. Jeffrey Koenig Overnight Field Trips A request has been submitted to offer a cultural immersion trip to Costa Rica from 4/4/174/13/17. Students will improve their Spanish language abilities, learn about the culture of Costa Rica, and complete three days of community service. Substitute costs are $816.00 and are paid by the District. All other costs are paid by students. Action: This item will be moved to the April 28, 2016 Legislative meeting for a vote of the Board. A request has been submitted for an overnight field trip to Atlanta Georgia from 6/28/167/3/16 for students to participate in the FBLA National Leadership Conference. This trip is based on the outcome/results of the State Leadership Conference in April. There are no costs to the District. Action: This item will be moved to the April 28, 2016 Legislative meeting for a vote of the Board. Contracts A contract has been submitted By Delta-T Group to provide ABA-trained and general paraprofessionals on an as needed basis. The rate of reimbursement is $48.00/hour for a Master-level trained ABA therapist, $26.00/hour for an ABA-trained paraprofessional, and $23.00/hour for a general PCA/paraprofessional. Action: Approval was given to move forward with the contract. This item will be moved to the April 28, 2016 Legislative meeting for a vote of the Board. A contract has been submitted for a special education student to attend Lifeworks Alternative School. The tuition rate is $193.00/day (annual tuition costs= $34,470.00). Action: This item will be moved to the April 28, 2016 Legislative meeting for a vote of the Board. Extended School Year Contracts A contract has been submitted by HMS School for Children with Cerebral Palsy for a student to receive Extended School Year services from 6/27/16-8/4/16. Tuition costs are $13,500.00. Action: This item will be moved to the April 28, 2016 Legislative meeting for a vote of the Board. A contract has been submitted by Camp Geronimo for a student to receive Extended School Year services from 6/27/16-8/19/16. Tuition costs are $1,600.00. A contract has been submitted by Vanguard for three students to receive Extended School Year services from 6/27/16-8/6/16. Total tuition costs are $13,920.00. Action: This item will be moved to the April 28, 2016 Legislative meeting for a vote of the Board. A contract has been submitted by the George Crothers Memorial School for three students to receive Extended School Year services from 7/5/16-8/6/16. Total tuition costs are $13,907.00. Action: This item will be moved to the April 28, 2016 Legislative meeting for a vote of the Board. EXCELLENCE TODAY FOR TOMORROW SCHOOL REPORT’S – April 28, 2016 GLENWOOD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Kindergarten Kindergarteners are becoming really good readers of non-fiction texts. They now know that they can learn something from non-fiction books, the things that happen in these books are REAL, and usually photographs are used (instead of drawings). First Grade The first graders have started a new unit in reading workshop titled. “Reading Across Genres.” To make the unit fun and hands on, each first grader created a Theme Bag at home and a topic to teach their classmates about. The first graders decorated canvas bags according to their personal theme. Each Theme Bag was required to have fiction books, nonfiction books and poetry. Many students added games, and activities to help their classmates learn about their theme and have some hands on fun as well. The first graders are having a great time learning and reading across genres! Great job first graders! The first graders also compared and contrasted different versions of the popular fairy tale, Sleeping Beauty. As a culminating activity to this lesson, the first grade attended a musical comedy of Sleeping Beauty at Media Theater. Second Grade Second graders are reading non-fiction texts in book clubs, and learning strategies to become expert non-fiction readers. In social studies, the students are learning about the first Americans. They learned about 4 geographic areas of North America where specific tribes settled, and learned how their environment affected their choices of shelter, clothing, food, and crafts. As a culminating activity, we will take a field trip to the Tyler Arboretum in May to experience how the Lenape Indians lived. In math, the students are adding and subtracting numbers in the thousands using strategies including number lines, place value, compensation, and regrouping. Third Grade The third grade students at Glenwood worked hard and diligently for the two weeks of PSSA testing this month! We reviewed many different skills and strategies that helped us succeed throughout the weeks of testing. Third graders are looking forward to digging further into the Biography Book Clubs we recently started and learning all about the achievements and successes of highly important people from our past and present. We School Reports 1 April 28, 2016 recently wrapped up our persuasive writing pieces and are looking forward to working more on our very own fairy tales. Third graders learned how to write an opinion thesis, anticipate and talk to their audience, and research their opinions to fully convince their reader to side with them. In math we are working on elapsed time, mass and capacity in our current topic. Last, but most definitely not least, third graders welcomed new additions to their classroom this month – baby chicks! We embarked on our embryology unit caring for the chicken eggs the last week before they hatch. The students have had to turn them in the incubator three times per day to ensure they are ready to be born! It has been a hard-working, exciting month in third grade! Fourth Grade Glenwood’s fourth grade celebrated poetry this month by reading, writing, and learning about various forms of poetry. The students continue to read in book clubs and are starting a unit on complex texts. The books groups are challenging themselves to read in a more mature way by analyzing the setting and characters and discussing more deeply how the story makes them feel. The students worked hard on the science PSSA, applying test taking skills and strategies learned in class. The students enjoyed an assembly presented by the Franklin Institute on physics and Newton’s theories. Fifth Grade As we move through the month of April, the fifth grade is spending much of the middle portion of this month taking PSSA tests in reading, writing and math. In the weeks leading up to the PSSA tests, the fifth grade class worked hard in preparing for the test. In math, the fifth grade teachers continue to teach math through the Pearson Envision program. Ms. Pinsley’s, Mr. Dieter’s and Ms. Astfalk’s classes are now looking at Topic 11, which deals with understanding how to use customary measurement. In social studies, the fifth grade is looking at the development of the thirteen original English colonies and, also, the primary factors leading up to the American Revolution. In science, the fifth grade has turned its attention to getting ready for our annual science fair. Students are researching and carrying out experimentation based on the proper use of the scientific method for experimentation. INDIAN LANE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Message from our Principal, John Reid Students and staff returned from break with great enthusiasm. April 1st soon followed. With it, the Indian Lane Team kicked off the day with a lot of April Fool’s Day jokes for our students. This month, our annual art show highlighting the wonderful student work at Indian Lane Elementary School. We had over 300 people come through the school during the show. Indian Lane had a large number of students participate in Poem in Your Pocket in downtown Media. And, lastly, in honor of our staff members who have passed due to cancer, we once again created “goody bags” to deliver to people going through cancer treatments. These bags were decorated with pictures and messages of hope, filled with treatment necessities (like lip balm, magazines and mints) and were well received by the patients. We hope that this project will help our students develop a sense of pride in giving back to the community by supporting those who are currently struggling with this illness. School Reports 2 April 28, 2016 Kindergarten Kindergarten students learned about nonfiction books. After reading a few nonfiction books they became news reporters. The reporters shared their books with their partners and reported on the information in the books. In Math the children continue to understand addition and subtraction problems. We visited Tyler Arboretum. We saw ducks, turtles, frogs, toad and frog eggs, and many other signs of spring. First Grade This month was all about plants. We used the senses of sight and touch to observe four new kinds of seeds: kidney beans, sunflower, pumpkin, and pea. Each child planted seeds. We will observe and record our observations of the plants throughout the unit. The students had a blast expanding on this knowledge during our field trip to the Delaware Natural History Museum. The students learned scientific words when learning about insects, like arthropod, exoskeleton, jointed, segmented and metamorphosis. Second Grade This month, we immersed ourselves in poetry! The children studied and writing many different styles of poetry. This culminated in each child creating a book featuring his or her own poetry! We used our growing understanding of place value to help us represent 3digit numbers in different ways. We also used the < and > symbols to compare numbers. We discovered why the buffalo was so important to the Plains Native Americans. They used all parts of the buffalo, including the horns and sinew. We visited Tyler Arboretum to learn more about the ways of the Lenape Indians. Third Grade Third graders wrapped up their unit on equivalent fractions this week and began to study time to the minute. In reading, students reviewed close reading strategies and were introduced to what PSSA questions will look like for reading. In Writing, students became experts on writing informational pieces then scored one another’s writing using a 4-3-2-1 rubric. Each student applied their peer’s suggestions to his/her own writing to improve their work. In Grammar, we focused on conjunctions, possessives and types of sentences more this week. Fourth Grade Excitement is brewing in Science. Critters have arrived and students are populating their eco-columns. Students prepared environments suitable for their fish, snails, isopods, and crickets. They also learned about the characteristics of each of those living specimens. Students observed the growth in their terrariums, and will be completing the habitat in their aquariums. We have reviewed topics such as forces of motion, weather, water cycle, landforms and many more. Fifth Grade The fifth graders put in time and effort to research and create a science fair project. The students used the scientific method to do research and become an expert on their topic. Our fifth grade Spelling Bee will be held on May 20th. The students took their preliminary assessments and eight students were selected from each fifth grade class to compete. School Reports 3 April 28, 2016 Art Thank you everyone for coming out and supporting the art show! Even Mother Nature cooperated, we had a double rainbow at the start of the show! We would like to congratulate the winners of the Bobcat Beacon Game, they are as follows, Holly Doran, Connor Chauncey, Emma Chauncey, Gabby Poole, Brianna Kelly, Heidi Renneisen, Delaney Hewlings, Shannon McDonnell, Julia Weld, Sheridan Poulathas, and Ritka Hait. Gym First and second grade finished Kickball activities and began Tee Ball skills. Third through fifth are continuing with Deck Ring Hockey or Floor Hockey. Library EXCITING NEWS! We are very excited to announce that Brian Lies, New York Times bestselling author & illustrator, will be visiting Indian Lane's first and second graders on Wednesday, May 11, at 9:30 a.m. Brian Lies is well-known for his bat books: Bats at the Beach, Bats at the Library, Bats at the Ballgame, and Bats in the Band. His latest book, Gator Dad, will be released on May 3. Indian Lane had a large number of students participate in Poem in Your Pocket in downtown Media. This event, organized each year by the RTM librarians, encourages a love of poetry during National Poetry Month. Participants also practice important speaking and listening skills as they read their poems at participating businesses in exchange for a small treat. Music The “Music In Our Schools Week” performances these past few weeks have been amazing! During this celebration, students in grades 1-4 have had the opportunity to share their musical talents with their class through singing, dancing, and playing. Fifth grade will have their chance to perform in May. Over 100 students have participated so far. MEDIA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Kindergarten Researchers Kindergarten has been very busy with their non-fiction unit in Reader’s Workshop. They came up with topics they were interested in, and knew just a little about, to research. From there, they selected books from the library on that topic. The children found three pieces of information that made their brain stronger and wrote their first “kindergartensize” research paper to share with the class. We are all so very proud of their perseverance with this project! First Grade Readers, Writers, and Mathematicians Currently in science first grade students at Media Elementary are focusing on organisms. Students made and observed a woodland terrarium complete with moss, tree seedlings, pill bugs, and millipedes. Students also made aquariums that include fresh water snails, guppies, cabomba, and elodea. Students are learning how to care for the organisms in both the terrarium and aquarium while also researching and studying each habitat. Students are also working on a poetry unit in class. Students have learned to look at things with a poet’s eye. They have also learned to use line breaks, similes, and strong words or feelings to add depth to their work. As a culminating activity, each student will School Reports 4 April 28, 2016 select a poem to be added to a class poetry book and to share at the upcoming Poetry Café. Second Grade Scientists and Mathematicians The second graders had a busy April! After Spring Break, they attended the Brain Break assembly and thoroughly enjoyed stretching their brains in a fun and exciting way. Our students worked diligently with the change in schedule to assist our 3rd-5th grade friends to be successful with their PSSAs by being quiet and respectful when moving through the building. In coordination with our Fables and Fairy Tales unit, we visited the Upper Darby Performing Arts Center to see a play. Our West Chester University Reading Practicum students completed their time in our classrooms. All of the students enjoyed working and learning with them. Third Grade Reading Detectives Students have spent the first few weeks of April weighing and measuring objects in math. They have searched for items in the classroom and at home that have approximately similar weights. They have gotten to learn through play when exploring and estimating the capacity of containers as well. During the later part of the month students have been applying taught strategies and skills on the rigorous PSSA. The students have been working very hard and have given their best effort. We are very proud of them. Fifth Grade Researchers The fifth grade is finalizing their research projects, which they will present at the upcoming Research Fair. Several fifth grade students are getting ready for their Envirochallenge competition at Ridley Creek State Park. Additionally, the entire fifth grade is finishing up this year’s PSSA tests. Art is Alive and Well The Media Art Show is held. Mrs. Bellamy invited all art enthusiasts to view work created by each child in grades one through five. Light refreshments were be graciously provided by Media Elementary School’s P.T.G. Highlights of recently completed art projects at Media. Fifth Grade: Students in fifth grade discussed the reasons why artists create artwork and looked at examples of art created for religious or ceremonial purposes. Students made weavings on compact disks after observing Navajo weavings created for use in ceremonies. Fourth Grade: Fourth grade studied the design principle of movement in art. Students copied the movement of a photograph showing an athlete in motion. They learned how to create gesture drawings, with the aid of manikins, before completing a finished drawing that emphasized both movement and correct proportions. Third Grade: Third grade students continued their exploration of Western art by observing paintings created during the Renaissance when artists became masters of perspective and proportion. Third-graders observed and analyzed Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa before creating a watercolor painting in which Mona Lisa was transformed into a 21st century woman. Each student assigned Mona Lisa a specific occupation and drew her with the clothing, equipment, and setting relevant to her chosen profession. Students developed painting and drawing skills throughout the learning process and expressed a sense of humor and creativity. Second Grade: Students in second grade learned about symmetry after observing authentic African masks hanging in the atrium and art room of Media Elementary School. Students sketched their own symmetrical masks and mounted them on a hand-printed background of Adrinkra symbols from Ghana after discussing the School Reports 5 April 28, 2016 significance of visual symbols worldwide. First Grade: First-grade art students created self-portraits as part of a unit on portraiture. They learned about placement and proportion and used mirrors and grids to guide them in their learning process. Overall, it was a successful opportunity for the children whose drawings really reflect a true likeness to them. Library News Poem in Your Pocket—All students, K-12 celebrated this annual event this month. Students and parents, with poems in their pockets, visited a variety of participating businesses to share their poems! When poems were shared, shop and restaurantowners rewarded the poets with special treats. At Trader Joe's, students were able to read their poems over the loud speaker! The Media Upper-Providence Library filmed kids and adults reading their poems and posted them on their Facebook page. Also in honor of National Poetry Month, Media Elementary students participated in the school's 13th annual Poetry Cafe. The Library was transformed into a cafe, complete with flowers, snacks, and juice at the tables. Poets wore their favorite hats to show off during their poetry-readings. Friends and families joined in the fun. Many poetry-loving parents and grandparents brought their own poems to share and teachers read their favorite poems as well. Physical Education The students have worked on non-manipulative movements such as stretching, jumping and landing, transferring weight, balancing, rolling, twisting, and turning through gymnastic activities. They have explained and applied the basic movement skills and concepts to create and perform movement sequences and advanced skills. Additionally, the students have worked on hand-eye coordination and motor skill movements through ball games and activities such as basketball. ROSE TREE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Kindergarten Kindergarten is preparing for their Popcorn Carnival. On this day, children play carnival games like Duck Pond and Knock the Milk Cans. Each game contains a sight-word reading component. For example, after knocking down the milk cans, students must read the sight words on the cans they were able to knock down. This celebration is a culmination of all sight words learned this year. Parent volunteers were welcomed in to help the day run smoothly. First Grade First grade students have been learning about Organisms in science class. The students have planted seeds and watched them grow! They have also enjoyed the antics of guppies and snails. The class terrariums are thriving. It has been a month of exploration, investigation, documentation and FUN! Second Grade Second grade students were given the exciting opportunity to join the "10 for 10 Club" by reading all the days of spring break. Students were encouraged to read 30 minutes each day. As a member of the "10 for 10 Club", students were rewarded with their name on a School Reports 6 April 28, 2016 poster displayed in the school, 10 minutes of extra recess, a prize from their class treasure chest, a certificate, pencil, bookmark and homework pass. Many children, with the support of their families, enthusiastically participated in this reading incentive program that was created to encouraged a love of reading outside of school with the intent of creating lifelong, passionate readers. Third Grade Third grade students have just finished their PSSA’s. The children did a wonderful job using their best test taking skills and putting forth great effort. To celebrate National Poetry Month, the students chose a few poems and participated in the Poem in Your Pocket days in downtown Media. Students read their poems to local businesses in order to receive a special treat. The students are eagerly awaiting the arrival of the class chicken eggs. An embryology unit begins at the end of this month. Fourth Grade To review for the upcoming Science PSSAs, the fourth grade teachers arranged for two science experts to visit Rose Tree Elementary so as to share their knowledge with our students. Mr. Valtos, a Rose Tree father whose background is in engineering, reviewed concepts such as the scientific process and simple machines. Mrs. Watson, a Rose Tree mother whose background is in meteorology, reviewed concepts relating to weather such as the cloud types and the tools that are used to measure and predict weather. The teachers and students were thrilled to have these parents volunteer their time to share their expert knowledge, and our students enjoyed this different type of learning experience. Fifth Grade The fifth grade students have been writing opinion pieces this month. The students began by researching Scotland’s legend of the Loch Ness monster. After researching, the students took a side, and decided if the Loch Ness monster was a myth or whether it was real. They all wrote opinion/persuasive pieces on the subject. The students were almost split, 50/50, with their points of view. They ended the assignment with a strong debate and a final vote. What did they say? Was the Loch Ness monster real or was it a myth? The majority of one class said that the Loch Ness monster was real! Some of the students had a section in the local paper with their results. Library In celebration of poetry month, grades 1 – 5 created original poetry such as free verse, acrostic and cinquain. The Rose Tree Elementary Reading Olympics team, have been meeting in the library 2 times a cycle to prepare for the upcoming Delaware County Reading Olympic competition. Physical Education During the month of April, all grades focused on preparing for Field Day. The theme of our Field Day this year is the Olympics. All grades participated in activities that promote cooperation, teamwork, and respect. Grades 3, 4, and 5 participated in the Elementary Fitness Challenge. During the spring testing, the students were trying to earn awards of Excellence or Achievement, and Improvement. School Reports 7 April 28, 2016 Academically Gifted Program The third grade AGP students are in the process of creating a video tour of our solar system. The fourth grade AGP students are investing how the laws of motion apply to real life situations. The fifth grade AGP students designed bridges made out of popsicles sticks for our STEM Popsicle Bridge Challenge. The bridges were judged on their appearance and how much weight they could withstand. Music In the general music classroom, Mr. Sikorski and the students continue to build upon a strong musical foundation aided by the positive school-wide behavior plan. First grade students discovered and experienced “Call and Response” performance on instruments and through song. They continued progressing in their rhythmic vocabulary adding the 16th note rhythm (Tika-Tika) in various ways. The students discussed the coming of spring and did a variety of fun songs relating to birds, flowers, and bugs. Second grade students performed on a state of the art iPad app called “Dust Buster 2” Every second grade student learned the basics of piano through a fun interactive interface. Many students downloaded the app at home and continued beyond music class. The second graders also learned about the banjo and early American folk songs. They welcomed spring by beginning a new monthly patriotic song, “Take Me Out To The Ball Game.” Third grade students completed their third recorder performance assessment and are up to 3 pitches B, A, & G. The students discovered the compositional technique “Theme and Variation.” They used picture boxes to illustrate how music can sound the same but have slight changes to make it different. They also covered 2 of the 4 instrument families in preparation for Mr. Walls and Boyle’s instrument demonstrations for potential selection in fourth grade. Fourth grade students performed a successful National Music In School’s Month concert. The concert focused on a day in the life of a fourth grade student. They sang in 2-part harmony, followed early American dance steps, and performed on various instruments. Fifth grade students continued their trek through musical history with the blues and the British invasion of Rock and Roll music. They experienced and tried improvising on instruments as well as a story where each person could only contribute one word at a time. The students continued to work on their concert music that is to be performed in May. The chorus theater club and guitar club are continuing to rehearse after school for their upcoming spring concert. SPRINGTON LAKE MIDDLE SCHOOL The following Students of the Month for April were honored at a breakfast this morning with the parents and teachers: Team 6-1: Elizabeth Gibian and Cole Graham;Team 6-2: Grace Lensing and Quinten Perilli; Team 6-3: Nathaniel Hall and Yana Dirda; Team 7-1: Lyndsey Rappold and Michael Macdonald; Team 7-2: Marjorie Keeley and Ruari Wilmot; Team 7-3: Caden D'Amico and Leah Bornstein; Team 8-1: Daniel McLoughlin and Alexis Howells; Team 8-2: Jasleen Gill and Andrew Woolery; Team 8-3: John McCafferty and Mya McKeown Art Ms. Sycz’ grade eight students have begun to discover the unique qualities of working three-dimensionally by beginning a sculpture unit with the goal of creating a figure sculpted out of clay. Students have learned that before any construction occurs; thinking School Reports 8 April 28, 2016 is required which includes choosing a specific character that can be achieved with the type of sculpting techniques being used. Eighth grade students have reviewed the basics handling of clay including safety and storage. Students have previewed how a hollow cone form will be the foundation of their clay figures. Seventh grade students finished drawing in pencil an abstract work of art using a variety of lines and shapes using the principles of design to guide their compositions. Now that seventh grade sculptures have been dried and fired in the kiln, students have been taught how to glaze their clay animals. Students are now applying glaze carefully deciding upon the colors and being mindful of the glazing guidelines given. Grade six students are in the final stages of sculpting a clay bird figure. Students have been told to think of an environment that they would like to sculpt to place the clay bird figure. The environment can reflect nature or be whimsical. Congratulations to eighth grader, Holly Warner for placing third in the annual Mordechai Anielewicz Creative Arts Competition in the 2-D Arts Category. Presentations of awards will be held at Moore College of Art in June. Mrs. Going’s eighth graders continue to sculpt their figures in clay. The figures are coming along well and students move to the addition of the clothing. Students learn numerous techniques working with clay. They are investigating how to proportion the body and use their problem solving skills and figure out what it will take to make these clay figures resemble the references they are working from. Now that the figures look back at them, they are more motivated to complete the project and see the results of their hard work! Seventh graders have completed their Ceramics unit, creating a fish in motion on an environment. They have worked tirelessly creating unusual and extremely beautiful fish with original designs glazed the finished product shows their very strong sense of understanding color theory. Students now move to the elements of space and value. Two assignments will complete their study. Sixth graders have reviewed Color Theory vocabulary and the art of mixing color. They watched demonstrations taking them from red, blue and yellow to all of the colors and many shades from the color wheel and beyond. They were fascinated when looking at each other’s clothing and realized the major manufacturers use carefully orchestrated color schemes to attract their buyers! Students are now painting their Aztec Sun Bas Relief sculptures, mixing and developing carefully planned color schemes! Mrs. Prior’s sixth graders are learning the fundamental vocabulary and skills needed for hand building with clay. They are building an array of three-dimensional projects based on creating a box with a theme or creating a building. This project continues to reinforce the elements of art, especially shape and form. Seventh grade students are delving into their food sculptures made of clay. A presentation introducing Pop art and food sculptures created by artist Claes Oldenburg served as inspiration for this project. Eighth grade sculptors are beginning to sculpt various clay figures after being introduced to various sculptures throughout history up until now. Each student is problem solving to create a proportional figure based on their original idea. This project gives each student a unique challenge to create a sculpture-in-the-round. School Reports 9 April 28, 2016 Guidance The Guidance Department has coordinated PSSA testing for all students in the building. Materials have been prepared for 875 sixth, seventh, and eight graders to take ELA and math tests. Eighth grade will also be taking the science PSSA later this month. Lauren Shearn, a graduate student intern from West Chester University, has been working with Mrs. Griffin and the seventh grade students. She has co-facilitated groups, counseled individual students, assisted with PSSA preparation, and taught classroom guidance lessons. Language Arts Students in sixth grade Language Arts have been very busy improving the craft in their text dependent analysis essays. Students read passages using UNRAP strategies, completed comprehension questions, and then created graphic organizers. These organizers might include: webs, boxes and bullets, column comparisons, or using a more formal approach: Roman numerals and letters. Students have learned how to use text evidence to write essays analyzing different passages and themes. Students are also now comfortable identifying different types of writing and what needs to be included when writing a narrative, argumentative, or informational essay. Students in ELA classes also celebrated their independent reading with projects and book “trailers.” Mr. Evan O’Neill visited ELA classes to help students create book trailers using iMovie and Google Classroom. Students viewed each other’s trailers and shared recommendations for favorite books. April is National Poetry Month and sixth grade students have also enjoyed exploring different types of poetry. Class time has been spent reading and writing poetry and studying different poets such as Langston Hughes, Maya Angelou, and Walt Whitman. During the month of April, the seventh grade language arts students completed a novel study on The Soldier's Heart by Gary Paulsen while the ELA students completed a novel study on Call of the Wild by Jack London. They completed an anticipation guide and defended their responses regarding war, researched Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and discussed indirect characterization. The students analyzed poetry, created blended poems, and participated in a reader's theater. The students also completed the English Language Arts PSSA. In Ms. Azeff’s eighth grade Language Arts classes, students read and analyzed poetry. This study began with an exploration into the works of famous poets, such as Robert Frost, Maya Angelou, Langston Hughes, Billy Collins, William Shakespeare, Emily Dickinson, and many others. Students looked at a wide variety of poetry styles and analyzed texts to evaluate the poetic devices that were featured and assess how they were used to help develop deeper meanings in the poems. A student-led inquiry utilized a variety of poetry around the theme of growing up to identify and apply this analysis across texts. Students presented their findings to the class as a daily warm-up activity throughout the unit. As students read and analyzed poems collaboratively in class, they also applied their knowledge individually to the creation of original poetry in several styles, including odes, sonnets, limericks, found poetry, blackout poetry, and more. As the culmination of the unit, students shared their original creations in a poetry café, styled School Reports 10 April 28, 2016 after the Beats of the 1960’s. This poetry share allowed students to celebrate their writing work and get feedback from their peers, while strengthening their speaking and listening skills and fostering empathy and trust in our classroom community. Library April has arrived, and while showers have been abundant, poetry – and not rain – is what is filling the air at Springton Lake. April is National Poetry Month, and Poem in Your Pocket week is the much anticipated event whereby students may share a poem with a participating Media business to earn a treat. Teachers read poems during the morning announcements, and many of the language arts classes focus their studies on poetry during this month. The library has created several displays to highlight and promote the world of poetry, and students are encouraged to not only read, but to also try their hand at writing, poetic pieces. Preparations also continue for the upcoming Reading Olympics competition to be held at Radnor High School. SLMS has two teams gearing up for the event, the Honey Badgers and the Bookie Monsters. Students have been working hard to read and “quiz” one another on a list of 45 books in preparation for the competition, and students are putting in extra practice time to get ready for the big night. Math Our Geometry class worked on area and perimeter (Ch. 11) “with a twist.” The kids know a lot about solving for area and perimeter of polygons, but these problems involved a twist of trigonometry functions. A unit on circles is what we are starting this week. Algebra I classes are continuing their way through factoring and solving polynomials-specifically quadratics. These concepts are very important as they continue to prepare for the Keystone Exams on May 18th and 19th. A quick review of the Pythagorean Theorem and radicals as well as some measures of center are on the agenda for the next two weeks. Check out Dr. Salladino’s weekly updates and an informational letter about Keystone for future Keystone nights. Our eighth grade and accelerated seventh grade math students are finishing up a unit on exponents. Your child was introduced to general rules, or “ways” to simplifying exponential expressions. The unit ended with some practice of scientific notation and operations with scientific notation. Our next unit will be on measures of center and displaying data. The seventh grade math students completed their unit on ratios, percent, and proportional relationships. The students learned how to calculate discount, markups, and tax. The students enjoyed applying concepts they learned in class to the "real world". The seventh grade students also learned how to calculate simple interest. The students were excited to see all the different types of problems they could solve using proportions. It was wonderful to see the students realize the importance and benefits of the concepts we taught them during this chapter. Sixth grade students studied ratios and rates. Students began by writing ratios and identifying them as part-to-part, part-to-whole, or whole-to-part. Students then identified rates in the real world. Using rates, students found unit rate. Students used unit rate to identify the best buy or better deal in various real-world situations. They then explored percent as a part-to-whole ratio. Students converted between fractions and percent and School Reports 11 April 28, 2016 found percent of a number. They extended their thinking to find the whole when given the percent and part. Percent was used problems involving tax, tip, discount, grades, and other various real-world situations. Music On April 29, Springton Lake Middle School will host its third annual Jazz Festival. Beginning at 6:00 p.m., we will host seven schools featuring ten performing ensembles including the Springton Lake Jazz Lab, Jazz Band and the Penncrest Jazz Band. Physical Education All students finished their second round of lessons in the pool. All students have been swimming in accordance to American Red Cross developmental guidelines. Students have worked towards refining their skills to achieve developmental swimming levels that will take place at the end of their third and final session Students participated in the climbing unit. Students of sixth grade were introduced to climbing concepts, equipment as well as climbing styles such as bouldering, prussik climbing and vertical climbing. Seventh and eighth grade students built upon their sixth grade content by learning how to belay, a system where a team of individuals support the climber going up. Students learned proper techniques of all of the positions involved with the belay team as well as when and what to use in terms of equipment. Eighth grade students who passed certain climbing tests were able work on advance climbing techniques such as self-belaying, belaying with non-assistive devices and repelling. Classes who were not in the main gym during climbing were either in the weight room or the auxiliary gym. In the weight room, students continued to work with weight machines and cardio equipment while they were able to on apply their work to different areas of the health related components of fitness (cardiovascular endurance, muscular endurance, muscular strength, body composition and flexibility) and the skill components of fitness (agility, balance, coordination, power, reaction time and speed). In addition, students were provided opportunities to learn how different types of training would affect these varied areas of fitness. In the auxiliary gym, students applied both the health and skill related components of fitness and applied them to the multicultural unit where they participated in activities that spanned sixth of the seven continents. Students experienced the activities as well as continued to learn about not just origins of the games but some cultural background information. Science In sixth grade science, students learned about different biomes of the world and how animals and plants adapt to live in those biomes. Students studied populations and ecosystems and studied how all living and nonliving components of an ecosystem interact with each other. Students created food webs and discussed what happened when organisms were removed from a food web, and how it would disrupt an ecosystem. The seventh grade science department explained about the structure and physical properties of matter. We accomplished this by having the students perform a lab activity using the physical characteristic of density for various solid objects, by measuring their School Reports 12 April 28, 2016 mass and volume. Comparing these densities to the density of water, the students determined if a solid object would sink or float. We continued the unit on measurement by comparing the densities of various liquids (liquid density tower) and the production of Carbon dioxide gas (in a balloon) through the use of demonstrations. We explained the differences between elements, compounds and mixtures by having the students perform a lab activity on the separation of a mixture through various physical properties (size, color, magnetic attraction and solubility.) Eighth grade science covered the Water, Oxygen, & Carbon cycles as open/closed-loop systems on our planet. This is part of our Environmental Science unit. In this unit we also covered tides and phases of the moon and symbiotic relationships. To prepare for the Science PSSA we practiced open-ended questions, test taking strategies in general, and mini reviews of physics topics such as mechanical advantage, simple machines, and Newton’s 3 Laws of Motion. Social Studies Sixth grade students are currently studying the economics, government, history, and geography of the Middle East. The students have created maps and/or matrices for the Middle East that focus on the ethnic groups, religious groups, and wealth of the individual countries. The students are learning about the influence of religion, especially Islam, on the cultures and the governments of the Middle East. From Junior Scholastic, students will learn about the challenges faced by the populations of several countries in the Middle East through first-hand accounts of students in those countries. Seventh grade students have examined the abolitionist movement and the Second Great Awakening in the context of the Era of Reform. The students have participated in handson activities as a part of this History Alive Unit. Eighth grade students have been analyzing Greco-Roman artifacts from the University of Pennsylvania’s Museum of Anthropology and Archeology. The classic tales of the Iliad and Odyssey were part of the Greek Unit. Students created poems and music videos based on these works. In addition, students have been planning how to govern and defend ancient kingdoms, using teacher to make changes. Furthermore, World History students have begun a history research paper based on an Ancient Roman topic. The paper requires using primary sources and in-text citations. Special Education The students in the eighth grade learning support math are currently completing a unit on the Pythagorean Theorem and will become well versed in finding both a missing side and a missing hypotenuse in right triangles. The students will compare and contrast the travel distances from various locations using the Pythagorean Theorem considering different modes of transportation, comparing distance traveled by car with travel by air. In addition to the completing the Pythagoras unit, students will revisit eligible content for PSSA testing that was taught earlier in the year, familiarize themselves with the formula guide used during testing, and discuss test taking strategies in preparation for the test. School Reports 13 April 28, 2016 World Language Last month the best of the best eighth grade language students participated in either the National French Exam or the National Spanish Exam. The students qualified themselves earlier this school year by being top-scorers on a practice exam. PENNCREST HIGH SCHOOL English Department Eight Penncrest students are participating in the Central League Writing competition. Business Department Fourteen Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) members traveled with Mrs. Rachubinski and Miss Dinnella to Hershey, PA for the State Leadership Conference. The students attended educational workshops, networked with industry leaders, and competed against students form all across Pennsylvania in their business event. The Public Service Announcement team, made up of Seniors Bryce Haver, Alex Haver, and Christian Grant placed 1st in the state!! This is a tremendous honor and distinguished award for the entire Penncrest community. These students have now qualified to compete and represent Penncrest at the National level this summer in Atlanta Georgia. Two other students also placed at the state level. Senior Allison D'Ignazio placed 10th in Client Service and Senior Mike Arndt placed 8th in Economics! Their hard work, dedication, and commitment are to business and FBLA is outstanding. Congratulations! Science Department Penncrest Science Olympiad is competing in the State Championships at Juniata College once again. They are hopeful to advance on to the National Championship Tournament being held at the University of Wisconsin-Stout. Special Education Department Students in the Linking Learning to Life and Life Skills Programs visited the Academy of Natural Sciences. Students in the Life Skills Program volunteer with BINGO at Fair Acres twice a month. World Language Department The Pennsylvania State Modern Language Association has again awarded Penncrest with its highest award. The department has maintained its place among elite PA high schools to earn another GOLD globe for its exemplary World Language program. Congratulations to the following Latin students for their outstanding performance on the National Latin Exam: Charlotte Pearse: Cum Laude, Latin I (Beginner), Dorothy McCafferty: Cum Laude, Latin II (Elementary), Daniel Rosenberger: Gold Summa Cum Laude, Latin IV (Advanced) Art Department Seventeen Penncrest High School art students participated in the Wayne Art Center’s TEENworks Exhibition. Honorable Mention and Best in Show in six categories were School Reports 14 April 28, 2016 awarded. Two Penncrest students earned the following: Best in Show in Painting to Sarah Sweeney and Best in Show in Ceramics to Jackie Mitchell. The following Penncrest High School art students participated in the 7th Congressional District’s Annual Art Competition: Molly Adcock, Jennifer Bonner, Julian Bonsall-Shepard, Katarina Borichevsky, Tori Carroll, Brittany Colvin, Brea Demery, Gianna Goldey, Marin McPeak, Kasey Mulaney, Grace Poulathas, Jake Scott, and Samantha Taddei. The awards ceremony was held at the Darlington Arts Center in Garnet Valley, PA. Five Penncrest art students earned awards: 1st Place in Watercolor to Molly Adcock; 2nd Place in Watercolor to Marin McPeak; 3rd Place in Watercolor to Julian Bonsall-Shepard; 1st Place in Printmaking to Samantha Taddei; and, Honorable Mention in Color Drawing to Katarina Borichevsky. The exhibition runs through the end of the month. Art Major I students visited Longwood Gardens in Kennett Square, PA on a field trip. While there, students created an oil pastel landscape drawing. Students spent the day drawing gorgeous blooms from direct observation, an integral skill for any art student. While the weather did not cooperate, the Conservatory was warm and inviting, providing a great space for the students to work. Students attended a Raku Firing Workshop at the Community Arts Center in Wallingford. Students had the opportunity to glaze fire their own work in a Raku kiln. Raku is a traditional Japanese pottery technique that results in a beautiful crackled finish. Students saw first hand how the pottery is heated, exposed to the cold air as the kiln in opened, and crackles as a result of the dramatic temperature change. The finished work will be on display at the art show, May 4th at PHS. Emily Kelley, PHS Ceramics Teacher, was chosen to attend the Power of Art Conference held by the Lab School of Washington and The Robert Rauschenberg Foundation. This annual conference selects 40 educators across the country to participate in a conference about the artist. This three-day conference focuses on ways in which the arts can help in educating students with learning differences in all classrooms. Among the scheduled events are several workshops, discussions and a round table discussion with artist, Christopher Rauschenburg. Simon Youth Academy Simon Youth Foundation awarded Rose Tree Media Simon Youth Academy $4,444 in Enhancement Grant funding. The grant proposal requested funds for enrichment and graduation opportunities for our students. The Rose Tree Media Simon Youth Academy received another grant from Pennsylvania Association of School Retirees Delaware County Chapter for an educational support project in the amount of $300. The grant proposal was inspired by two RTMSYA students. Math Department Two teams of five juniors and seniors participated in Moody’s Math Challenge. The M3 Challenge spotlights applied mathematics as a powerful problem-solving tool and as a viable and exciting profession. Participating students are encouraged to explore and bolster their mathematical modeling know-how to position themselves for success. The specific real-world problem that is posed each year is entirely unknown to participants School Reports 15 April 28, 2016 until they login during Challenge weekend. Scholarship prizes total $150,000. The top two teams present their solutions to a panel of professionals in New York City. Level 1 Geometry classes completed a small project where they were instructed to find a point of equidistance to 3 locations using triangle center geometry. Students constructed perpendicular bisectors to a triangle using midpoint formula and slope formula in order to find opposite reciprocal slopes. In addition students included a written component that detailed a real application of this construction. The final product included the construction, written component, and all included math. Ten AP Calculus students participated in the final American Scholastics Mathematics Assessment (ASMA) contest. This is a series of 6 different contests that students have participated in throughout this school year. Questions cover a variety of mathematical topics including mathematical reasoning, number theory, statistics, probability, advanced algebra topics, etc. We are hoping to finish stronger than last year’s honorable mention! Health and Physical Education Department In May, Health classes will hear presentations from the PA State Police, and Women Against Rape. Music Department The Penncrest Bands and Choirs participated in the Heritage Festival in New York City. The ensembles performed at historic Riverside Church, received clinics and critique from nationally recognized composers and music educators, and competed against ensembles from as far away as Bangor, Maine and South Pasadena, California. Ratings are awarded based on a 100 point scale: 90-100 is gold, 80-90 is silver, and 70-80 is a bronze. The following are the results from the festival: Decibelles: Silver rating Concert Choir: 2nd place, Silver rating, Ambassador Choir: 2nd place, Gold rating Concert Band: 3rd place, Silver rating, Wind Ensemble: 1st place, Gold rating, Adjudicator award for outstanding ensemble, invitation to Festival of Gold next year Jazz Band: 1st place, Gold rating, Adjudicator award, Maestro awards for individual achievement for Ryan Shah and John Ho, Overall Award for Outstanding Instrumental Ensemble. The combined scores of the bands earned Penncrest the Overall Instrumental Award Success can be measured in many ways. Our students represented Penncrest with pride and class throughout the trip. Our bus driver remarked that we were one of the most polite and respectful student groups he has worked with in almost 40 years of driving for student trips. During our visit to the 9/11 Memorial, our students were particularly respectful and engaged in understanding the significance of those events. We thank our administration for their support of student travel, and look forward to presenting such opportunities in the future. Summer Programs Rose Tree Media School District summer program registration is in full swing. Since the first day of registration on March 14, the district collected 296 registrations. The most popular enrichment camps include Summer Theatre, Reading Rockets, Tennis, School Reports 16 April 28, 2016 Animation, and Lego Robotics. Over 100 students enrolled in summer physical education sessions and over 30 students enrolled in summer health sessions. School Reports 17 April 28, 2016 ROSE TREE MEDIA SCHOOL DISTRICT PRESIDENTIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS – EXECUTIVE SESSION “In accordance with the Pennsylvania Sunshine Act, executive sessions of the School Board were held on the following dates to review and discuss matters permitted under Section 8 of the Act.” March 31, 2016 Legislative Meeting April 12, 2016 Special Legislative Meeting April 28, 2016 Legislative Meeting There will be an executive session of the School Board for matters of personnel at 6:30 p.m. prior to the Legislative Session of May 26, 2016, at Penncrest High School. The Legislative meetings are recorded on tape. Presidential Announcement 1 April 28, 2016 VIII. Old Business A. 2015 – 2016 School Year Calendar – See Attachment A Resolve, the Board of School Directors re-adopt the current school calendar to reflect the change in the last days of school. The last student day is June 17 and the last teacher day is June 20. Background Revisions to the 2015-2016 School Year Calendar was discussed at the March and April 2016 Curriculum and Instruction Committee Meetings. VIII. Old Business 1 April 28, 2016 IX. New Business A. Personnel 1. Terminations a. Non-Instructional 1. William Sausman, Bus Driver, retirement effective June 30, 2016. Background Mr. Sausman joined the staff of Rose Tree Media School District in 2004. He is retiring after 12 years of dedicated service. 2. JoAnn Sausman, Secretary I, Transportation Department, retirement effective September 9, 2016. Background Mrs. Sausman joined the staff of Rose Tree Media School District in 1993. She is retiring after 23 years of dedicated service. 2. 3. Clyde Davis, Custodian, Media resignation effective April 25, 2016. 4. Mary McConville, Theme Reader, deceased, April 18, 2016. 5. Maureen Dooner, Food Service worker, resignation effective March 21, 2016. Ms. Dooner will remain on the Substitute Food Service List. Nominations a. Professional 1. Recommend Board approval for the following personnel to serve as Summer School Teachers for Summer School 2016 Remedial Courses at the rate of $113.00 per day: Carolyn Heaton Jennifer Alleva IX. New Business Elementary, 1 English Math 1 Week 3 Weeks April 28, 2016 IX. New Business A. Personnel 2. Nominations a. Professional 2. Recommend Board approval for the following personnel to serve as Summer School Teachers for Summer School 2016 Enrichment Courses at the rate of $113.00 per day: Jacqueline Baker Maria Cortese Vince Eppolito Anthony Grisillo Robin Heckman Marianne Hogue Emily Kelley Lindsay Podsobinski Sharon Prior Kimberly Riviere Megan Rozinski Jeremy Smith 3. Lisa Klein, ERC Summer School Teacher for Summer School 2016 at the rate of $207.00 per day. 4. Recommend Board approval for the following personnel to serve as Summer School Teachers for Summer School 2016 Sports Camps at the rate of $101.00 per day: Devon Hartzell Theresa Long Mark Nixon 5. New Business Field Hockey Tennis Golf 1 week 2 weeks 2 weeks Recommend Board approval for the following personnel to serve as Springton Lake Summer School Staff at the rate of $113.00 per day: Carleen Megow Mark Nixon Kelly Piecara Kimberly Sheets IX. 3 weeks 4 weeks 4 weeks 3 weeks 2 weeks 1 week 2 weeks 1 week 3 weeks 1 week 3 weeks 2 weeks 2 Ashley Turicik Megan Wasserman April 28, 2016 IX. New Business A. Personnel 2. Nominations a. Professional 6. Recommend Board approval for the following personnel to serve as ESY Summer School Teachers at the rate of $111.00 per day: Madeline Edwards Jaclyn Falzone William Harmon Charles Jacien Kristen Manderach Stacy McMorrow IX. New Business Erin Schmitz Debra Schnaars Theresa Shannon Maureen Shields Diane Stern Jodi Strevig 7. Molly Williams, ESY Extended Day Summer School Teacher for 2016 at the rate of $174.42 per day. 8. Logan Rutten, Latin Teacher, effective with the start of the 2016-2017 school year at the annual salary of $48,615.00, Bachelor’s Degree/Step 5. Mr. Rutten received his Bachelor’s Degree from Concordia College in Minnesota. He comes to us from Belt, Montana where he is serving as a High School Latin Teacher for Middlebury Interactive Languages. Mr. Rutten is assigned to Penncrest High School replacing Enoch Stevenson who resigned. NOTE: Mr. Rutten is being hired pending completion of his preemployment paperwork. 9. Molly Quinn, Science Teacher for Summer School 2016 at the rate of $113.00 per day. NOTE: Ms. Quinn is being hired pending completion of her preemployment paperwork. 10. Justin Daberkoe, Health and Physical Education Teacher for Summer School 2016 at the rate of $226.00 per day. NOTE: Mr. Daberkoe is being hired pending completion of his pre-employment paperwork. 3 April 28, 2016 IX. New Business A. Personnel 2. Nominations b. IX. New Business Non-Instructional 1. Wasyl Rowlyk, Substitute Bus Aide, effective April 29, 2016 at the rate of $15.02 per hour. 2. David DeFino, Substitute Food Service Worker effective April 29, 2016 at the rate of $11.20 per hour. Mr. DelFino is assigned to Penncrest High School. 3. Cynthia Miller, Substitute Secretary, effective April 29, 2016 at the rate of $17.13 per hour. 4. Recommend Board approval for the following Springton Lake Middle School personnel to serve as Summer Counselor’s at their regular per diem rate: Margie Gilroy Susan Howe Susan Griffin 5. Matthew Miele, Maintenance Worker, effective April 29, 2016 at the rate of $19.95 per hour. Mr. Miele is assigned to the Maintenance Department replacing Nicholas Miele who resigned. NOTE: Mr. Miele is being hired pending completion of his preemployment paperwork. 6. Clyde Davis, Substitute Custodian, effective April29, 2016 at the rate of $12.00 per hour. 7. Nicholas Boleto, Summer Maintenance, effective April 29, 2016 at the rate of $12.00 per hour. 8. Timothy Chism, Substitute Bus Aide, effective April 29, 2016 at the rate of $15.02. Mr. Chism is assigned to Transportation. 9. Terence Curley, Substitute Bus Driver, effective April 29, 2016 at the rate of $22.85 per hour. Mr. Curley is assigned to Transportation. NOTE: Mr. Curley is being hired pending completion of his preemployment paperwork. 4 April 28, 2016 IX. New Business A. Personnel 2. Nominations b. Non-Instructional 10. Recommend Board approval for the following personnel to serve as Summer Theater Staff for Summer School 2016: Patrick Murphy Jeanette Verdeur Laura Nolen Claire Wilmot Richard Birch 11. Stage Director Musical Director Asst. Director Costumer Sound Design Recommend Board approval for the following personnel to serve as Paraprofessionals for ESY Summer School 2016: Janet Ballantine Stephanie Beckett Victoria Blair Michelle Cropper Joann Dougherty Leslie Douglas Svitlana Duffy Samantha Finsterbusch Julie Gropp Patricia Impagliazzo Jessica Jacovini Jill Koechig Donna Lomas Susan McKeon Kayla Moran Summer O’Donnell Alexander Penman Eugenia Perich Lori Quindlen Christine Raymond Elise Simonian Patricia Skean Michelle Skowronek Barbara Snyders Lauren Taylor IX. New Business $37.67/hour $37.67/hour $34.00/hour $34.00/hour $34.00/hour 5 $18.32 per hour $18.32 per hour $18.32 per hour $18.32 per hour $18.32 per hour $18.32 per hour $18.32 per hour $16.49 per hour $18.32 per hour $18.32 per hour $18.32 per hour $18.32 per hour $18.32 per hour $18.32 per hour $18.32 per hour $17.40 per hour $18.32 per hour $18.32 per hour $18.32 per hour $18.32 per hour $18.32 per hour $18.32 per hour $18.32 per hour $18.32 per hour $18.32 per hour April 28, 2016 IX. New Business A. Personnel 3. General a. Classification Change 1. b. c. Unpaid Leave of Absence 1. Michelle Cunningham requests an extension of her unpaid leave of absence through June 30, 2017 for the purpose of child rearing. 2. Dana Vellios-Miller requests and extension of her unpaid leave of absence through January 27, 2017 for the purpose of child rearing. 3. Angela Colvin requests an unpaid leave of absence commencing October 14, 2016 through June 30, 2017 for the purpose of child rearing. Rescind Supplemental Contracts 1. d. New Business Marilyn Wilt, from .5 New Teacher Mentor to 1.0 New Teacher Mentor, effective November 9, 2015 at the annual salary of $872.98. Ms. Wilt is assigned to Penncrest High School. Other 1. IX. Rescind appointment of Ronni Miller as .5 New Teacher Mentor effective November 9, 2015. Supplemental Contracts 1. e. Diane Graham from Substitute Cafeteria Worker to Regular Cafeteria Worker effective March 28, 2016 at the rate of $11.77 per hour. Ms. Graham is assigned to Media Elementary replacing Dolores Taylor who was reassigned. Recommend Board approval of 6 additional Building Substitutes, one for each building, through the end of the 2016-2017 school year. 6 April 28, 2016 IX. New Business B. Overnight Trips 1. Penncrest High School – Cultural Immersion – Costa Rica Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve an overnight field trip for Penncrest students to go to Costa Rica from 4/4/17 to 4/13/17. Background This is a cultural immersion trip. Students will complete three days of community service. Substitute costs are $816 and are paid by the District. All other costs are paid by students. 2. Penncrest High School FBLA – Atlanta Georgia Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve an overnight field trip for Penncrest FBLA student to participate in the FBLA Nation Leadership Conference from 6/28/16 to 7/3/16. Background This trip is based on the outcome/results of the State Leadership Conference in April. There are no costs to the District. C. Course Enrollment Under 15 Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the proposed courses with enrollment under 15 students to run for the 2016-2017 school year. See Attachment B. Background This information was discussed at the Curriculum and Instruction Committee Meeting on April 12, 2016. IX. New Business 7 April 28, 2016 ADDENDUM IX. New Business D. Addendum Personnel 1. Communication Solution – See Attachment C Recommend Board approval of the agreement between Rose Tree Media School District and Communication Solutions Group for community engagement services, commencing April 29, 2016 through June 30, 2017 as per the attached contract. Background Communication Solutions Group will charge a rate of $170/hour. This was discussed at the April 12, 2016 Personnel Committee Meeting. IX. New Business – Addendum 1 April 28, 2016 X. Finance A. Purchasing 1. Bid Awards Recommend the following bids be awarded in the categories listed, such recommendation being the lowest bid received from a responsible bidder, kind, quality and materials having been considered. Resolve, the Board of School Directors award the following bids: a. b. Glenwood/Rose Tree Elementary – Emergency Generators Base Bid Total Electrical Construction AJM Electric $335,900 $335,900 Plumbing Construction Cook’s Service Company $43,900 $43,900 Glenwood Elementary – Classroom Renovations Base Bid General Construction L.J Paolella Construction $147,314 Electrical Construction Electri-Tech, Inc. c. $18,765 $166,079 $49,500 Base Bid $63,700 $49,500 Alternate 1 $15,300 Total $79,000 Indian Lane Elementary – Gymnasium Renovations Base Bid L.J. Paolella Construction $63,477 X. Finance Total Penncrest – Cafeteria Flooring Franco Bianco Builder d. Alternates 1-2 1 Alternate 1 $14,661 Total $78,138 April 28, 2016 X. Finance A. Purchasing 1. Bid Awards (cont’d) e. Glenwood Elementary – Asbestos Abatement Base Bid $24,066 Site Enterprises Alternates 1-2 $18,115 Total $42,181 Background This item was discussed at the April 12, 2016 Operations Committee Meeting. B. General 1. Change Orders - none 2. Budgetary Transfers Rose Tree Media School District Policy #612…(Public School code section 609) when funds are not available for a proposed appropriation, a legal transfer from one class of expenditure to another may be made in the last nine (9) months of the fiscal year by the board. Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the following budgetary transfer: FY 16-14 Fund 10 General Fund FROM: AMOUNT: Operation of Building Services – Oil $4,788.80 TO: AMOUNT: Operation of Building Services – Repairs and Maintenance $4,788.80 RATIONALE: Transfer needed to cover the costs of services. Background This item was discussed at the April 12, 2016 Finance Committee Meeting. X. Finance 2 April 28, 2016 X. Finance B. General 3. 2016-2017 Delaware County Community College Budget Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the 2016-2017 Delaware County Community College Budget. Under State law, the local sponsors’ obligation for the support of the community college’s operating budget is the total operating balance after all other sources of revenue have been deducted. Each sponsoring school district’s share of the local sponsor appropriation is equal to its proportionate share of the total real estate market valuation of all twelve sponsoring districts. The Rose Tree Media School District’s share is $1,142,447. Background This item was discussed at the April 12, 2016 Finance Committee Meeting. 4. Roofing Consultant Services RFP/Q Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve TBS Services for Roofing Consultant Services. The base fee is $41,800.00. Approval pending final review by the solicitor. Background This item was discussed at the April 12, 2016 Operations Committee Meeting. 5. Lifeworks Contract Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve a contract for a special education student to attend Lifeworks Alternative School. Background The program is required to meet the needs of the student in accordance with the requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. The tuition rate is $193.00/day (annual tuition costs= $34,470.00). X. Finance 3 April 28, 2016 X. Finance B. General 6. Audit Services RFP Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve Barbacane Thornton & Company for Audit Services for the 2015/2016 – 2017/2018 fiscal years. Barbacane’s proposal is $24,000 with a $500.00 increase in years two and three. Background This item was discussed at the April 12, 2016 Finance Committee Meeting. 7. Vanguard Contracts Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve a contract by Vanguard for three students to receive Extended School Year services from 6/27/16-8/6/16. Background The program is required to meet the needs of the students in accordance with the requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Total tuition costs are $13,920.00 dollars. 8. George Crothers Memorial School Contract Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve a contract by the George Crothers Memorial School for three students to receive Extended School Year services from 7/5/16-8/6/16. Background The program is required to meet the needs of the students in accordance with the requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Total tuition costs are $13,907.00 dollars. X. Finance 4 April 28, 2016 X. Finance B. General 9. HMC School Contract Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve a contract by HMS School for Children with Cerebral Palsy for a student to receive Extended School Year services from 6/27/16-8/4/16. Background The program is required to meet the needs of the student in accordance with the requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Tuition costs are $13,500.00 dollars. 10. Advanced Power Contract Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the contract with Advanced Power in the amount of $11,880.00. This contract covers building automation and control system support services for HVAC equipment at Springton Lake Middle School, Glenwood Elementary and Media Elementary. Background This item was discussed at the April 12, 2016 Operations Committee Meeting. 11. Camp Geronimo Contract Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve a contract by Camp Geronimo for a student to receive Extended School Year services from 6/27/16-8/19/16. Background The program is required to meet the needs of the student in accordance with the requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Tuition costs are $1,600.00 dollars. X. Finance 5 April 28, 2016 X. Finance B. General 12. Delta T Group Contract Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve a contract with Delta-T Group to provide ABA-trained and general paraprofessionals on an as needed basis. Background The rate of reimbursement is $48.00/hour for a Master-level trained ABA therapist, $26.00/hour for an ABA-trained paraprofessional, and $23.00/hour for a general PCA/paraprofessional. 13. MOU – Emergency Evacuations Resolve, the Board of School Directors approve the Memorandum of Understanding for Emergency Evacuations with Penn State University, Brandywine Campus. They will be an emergency evacuation site for Penncrest High School and the District will then reciprocate. Background This item was discussed at the April 12, 2016 Operations Committee Meeting. 14. Recommend Board approval of the agreement between Rose Tree Media School District and MTS Software Solutions to provide scanning services for personnel files at the cost of $ 3,224.00. Attachment D. Background This agreement was discussed at the April 12, 2016 Personnel Committee Meeting. X. Finance 6 April 28, 2016 Total New Teacher Days: Rose Tree Media School District Total Teacher Days: 189 + 3 2015-2016 School Calendar Emergency Days August 2015 July 2015 S M T WT F S S M T WT F S 1234 1 56789 10 11 2 3 4 5678 1213 14 15161718 9101112131415 19 20212223 24 25 1617 18 19202122 2627 28 293031 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3031 October 2015 November 2015 S M T WT F S S M T WT F S 1 2 3 1 2 3 4567 4 5 6 789 10 8 9 10 11121314 1112 13 141516 17 1516 17 18192021 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2223 24 25262728 2930 25 26 27 28 29 30 3 1 January 2016 S M T WT F S 1 2 3 4 5 6789 1011 12 13141516 1718 19 20212223 2425 26 272829 30 31 February 2016 S M T WT F S 1 2 3456 7 8 9 10111213 1415 16 17181920 2122 23 24252627 2829 April 2016 May 2016 S M T WT F S S M T WT F S 1 2 1 2 3 4567 3 4 5 6789 8 9 10 11121314 1011 12 13141516 1516 17 18192021 1718 19 20212223 2223 24 25262728 2425 26 272829 2930 31 Total Student Days 183* September 2015 S M T W T F S 1 2345 6 7 8 9 101112 1314 15 16171819 2021 22 23242526 27 282930 December 2015 S M T WT F S 1 2345 6 7 8 9 101112 13 14 15 16171819 20 21 22 23242526 27 28 29 3031 S M March 2016 T W T F S 1 2345 6789 101112 1314 15 16171819 2021 22 23242526 27 28293031 June 2016 S M T WT F S 1234 56789 10 11 1213 14 15161718 1920 21 22232425 26 27282930 March 11 Key: No School - Holiday Full Inservice Day Half Day for Students July 3 Holiday, All Buildings Closed August 25-27 New Teacher Orientation Aug.31 to Sept 3 Teacher Inservice September 7 Holiday,All Buildings Closed September 8 First Day of School K-9 September 9 School in Session for K-12 September 14 Holiday, All Buildings Closed September 23 Holiday, All Buildings Closed October 12 No School for Students Teacher Inservice November 3 No School Students - Teacher Inservice November 24 Parent Conferences K-8 SLMS 11:00 Early Dismissal No School K-5 November 25 Parent Conferences No School K-8 March 21-25 Student/Teacher Holiday March 24-25 Holiday, All Buildings Closed May 30 Holiday, All Buildings Closed June 9 PHS Graduation Teacher Inservice June 16 Early Dismissal PHS 10:15, SLMS 11:00. Elem - 12:00 PM - Teacher Inservice June 17 Last Day for Students PHS - 1015, SLMS - 11:00 Elem - 12:00 PM - Teacher Inservice June 20 Teacher Inservice Parent Conferences K-8 No School K-8 November 26, 27 Holiday, All Buildings Closed December 24-31 Student/Teacher Holiday December 24-25 Holiday, All Buildings Closed December 31 Holiday, All Buildings Closed January 1 Holiday, All Buildings Closed January 18 Holiday, All Buildings Closed January 29 Semester End, Early Dismissal for SLMS 11:50 a.m. PHS Make-up Exams only February 11 Early Dismissal Elementary Students only 12:20 p.m. *These year-end dates allow for three emergency February 12 No School for Students school closings during the 2015-2016 school year. Teacher Inservice If fewer than three emergency school closings are February 15 Holiday, All Buildings Closed needed, these days will be deducted from the end of March 10 Parent Conferences K-8 the year for students. If more than three snow days are No School K-8 used, days in spring break may be deducted to meet our necessary requirements. Course Enrollment Report April 12, 2016 Do not offer Enr Combine courses Enr Recommendation Offer Enr Recommendation Coaching/ Leadership Francophone Culture 7 1 Advanced Computer Science 4 Offer at the same time as AP Computer Science. AP Chinese 8 Offer this culminating Advanced Placement course. 4 Advanced Metal/Jewelry 12 Advanced Beginner French 12 Present students require service to complete graduation requirements. 1 Linear Algebra 6 Art III 10 Offer at the same time as Introduction to Metal/Jewelry. Combine and offer with Art II. Beginner French 14 Singers and Songwriters Web Page Design 10 1 Engineering by Design Music Tech C 5 Combine and offer with Transportation. Girls Rock! 11 Enrollment in this course traditionally increases during the summer. This new elective is an important part of the STEM initiative. 8 Offer at the same time as Music Tech A and B. Latin 9 Publications I 5 Publications II 2 Transportation, Robotics, Aviation TV Production II 11 6 Offer at the same time as Visual Design II. Offer at the same time as Visual Design II. Combine and offer with 1 Engineering by Design Combine and offer at the same time as TV Production I. Beginner Elementary Intermediate 6 10 7 The Latin electives have shrunk during the staffing hiatus. The Beginner course should grow during the summer. LETTER AGREEMENT This letter will set forth the Letter Agreement pursuant to which Rose Tree Media School District agrees to hire the Communication Solutions Group, Inc. for the purpose of providing communication and public relations services under the following terms and conditions: 1. The Communication Solutions Group shall implement a communication program consisting of any or all of the items outlined in ATTACHMENT A for an hourly billing rate of $170 per hour. 2. The Communication Solutions Group will conduct said services in full consultation with Rose Tree Media School District. In observance of this article, Rose Tree Media School District designates James Wigo, Sr., Superintendent of Schools as the person with whom the Communication Solutions Group shall obtain all necessary approvals. 3. The Communication Solutions Group will also be reimbursed for reasonable out-of-pocket expenses such as printing, postage, mileage and photocopies. These expenses will appear on an invoice, mailed to the school district each month. 4. Invoices will be mailed monthly with payment for services and expenses due within thirty (30) days of receipt of invoice. 5. This Letter Agreement will remain in force until June 30, 2017. It will commence on April 29, 2016. 6. The Communication Solutions Group, Inc. may rely in good faith upon information supplied by Rose Tree Media School District and third parties, professional or otherwise, acting on Rose Tree Media School District’s behalf or upon information obtained by the Communication Solutions Group, Inc. and upon which a reasonable person could in good faith rely. Rose Tree Media School District agrees to indemnify, defend and hold the Communication Solutions Group, Inc. harmless from any and all liabilities, losses, damages, penalties, claims, actions, suits, costs, expenses, and disbursements, including court costs and legal fees of any nature whatsoever, arising out of the Communication Solutions Group, Inc.’s reliance upon information supplied by Rose Tree Media School District or by third parties acting on Rose Tree Media School District’s behalf. 7. It is understood between the parties that both Rose Tree Media School District’s and/or The Communication Solutions Group shall have the right to terminate the contract for any reason by providing the other party thirty (30) days written notice of its intent to terminate. If the contract is terminated, the Communication Solutions Group shall be paid the monies due Communication Solutions Group accrued to the date of termination. If you approve of the foregoing, please so indicate by signing and dating this letter in the space provided below, and return one copy to our office. Our signatures on this letter signify our respective intents to be legally bound by this Letter Agreement. Very truly yours, The Communication Solutions Group, Inc. By: Date: Leza Raffel, President Agreed to this 28 day of April 2016 ROSE TREE MEDIA SCHOOL DISTRICT By: ____________________________ William O’Donnell School Board President ________