Rose Tree Media School District
308 North Olive Street
Media, Pennsylvania 19063-2493
Telephone: 610-627-6136
Fax: 610-627-6136
Grace A. Eves
Director of Management Services
James M. Wigo, Sr.
Members of the Board of School Directors
James M. Wigo, Superintendent
Grace A. Eves, Director of Management Services
March 11, 2016
March 8, 2016 Finance Committee Minutes
Chairperson: Bill O’Donnell
Board Members in Attendance: Tracy Barusevicius, Jaclyn Clancy, James
Cunningham, Nancy Mackrides, Susan Nolen, William O’Donnell and Harry Postles
Absent: Jeffrey Koenig and Elizabeth Schneider
Also in Attendance: Grace Eves, Tom Haupert and James M. Wigo, Sr.
Budgetary Comparison Report
The District has expensed 82% of expenditures and has received 88% of
revenue. The Commonwealth budget is still at an impasse. As of February, the
District received a portion of the Basic Education Subsidy. It is projected the
remainder of the Basic Education subsidy will not arrive until the Commonwealth
budget for 2015/2016 is approved. Other subsidies will continue to be received,
but may be delayed. The administration does not anticipate the need to borrow
funds to complete the 2015/2016 fiscal year without the remaining subsidies.
Action: Discussion
Advanced Staging Productions
The agreement in the amount of $6,613 is for the graduation ceremony at
Villanova. This represents for a 2.32% increase. Funding is through the
General Fund.
BCIU Tax Services Agreement
The agreement is for printing and mailing tax bills as well as other services
related to the tax bills. The rates are similar to last year. The District paid
a total of $21,090 for 15/16 tax bills.
Dedicated to Excellence
Starlite Productions
The contract in the amount of $7,500 is for the lighting for the spring
musical to be held at Penncrest. Funding is through the Student Activity
account and is at no cost to the District.
RSVP provides volunteers to support students with reading.
volunteers receive training and have submitted the necessary clearances.
They work with students at Glenwood, Indian Lane and Media Elementary
schools. There is no cost to the District.
2016/2017 Delaware County Intermediate Unit Operating Budget
The Delaware County Intermediate Unit approved its budget in March.
The Delaware County Intermediate Unit’s Operating Budget for the
2016/167 school year is $8,572,995 for an increase of $326,769, which
represents a 3.96% increase from the current year. However, the
contributions from school districts will remain the same as the current
year. Rose Tree Media's share is $77,822 which is the same amount for
the current 2015/16 fiscal year.
2016/2017 Delaware County Intermediate Unit Technical School Budget
The Delaware County Vocational-Technical School Budget was approved
in March for the 2016/2017 school year. The Budget is $12,725,006 for
an increase of $438,101 and represents a 2.88% increase over the
2015/2016 school year. The increase is due to increased retirement and
health care costs. Rose Tree Media's share is $290,608. This is an
increase from the current year’s amount of $281,951 and is due to an
increase in enrollment of Rose Tree Media students in Technical School
programs based on a three year average enrollment of 28.93 students.
The 2016/2017 Special Education Technical Programs budget is
$1,146,466 of which Rose Tree Media's share is $9,947, which is a
decrease over the current year of approximately $800.
2016/2017 Delaware County Intermediate Unit Special Education
The total Special Education Program Budget for 2016/2017 is
$20,771,074, which is an increase of 3.4% from the current year’s budget.
Rose Tree Media’s share is $466,066 which is a decrease of 27% from
last year. Last year RTMSD’s share was $592,458. Approximately 75%
of the agreement is paid for using IDEA funds.
Action: These items will be moved to the March 31, 2016 Legislative
agenda for a vote of the Board of School Directors.
Dedicated to Excellence
Advertising the Lien List
Board Policy 606 states the administration is directed to advertise the names of
property owners whose delinquent taxes have been sent to the Court House for
processing and collections. In the past, the Board has agreed to waive this
advertisement. The cost of the ad is approximately $3,000. The committee
agreed to waive the advertisement and review the policy for changes in the
Action: This item will be moved to the March 31, 2016 Legislative agenda for a
vote of the Board of School Directors.
2016/2017 Instructional Services Budget Review
The Instructional program budgets include regular, special, vocational and other
educational programs as well as the Delaware County Community College.
Other Instructional programs include the detention center, which is located within
the District. The District receives reimbursement from sending school districts for
students that are at the detention center.
1110 – Regular Instruction
1100 – 100 Salaries increased due to a .5 additional teacher have being added
during 2015/2016 due to enrollment and the salary schedule.
1100 – 200 Benefits increased for health care and retirement (retirement
increased from 25.84% to 30.03%).
1100 – 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services decreased due to
Title I transferred to function 1500.
1100 – 500 Other Purchased Services decreased due to a projected reduction in
charter school participation for regular education students.
1100 – 600 Supplies decreased due to the curriculum materials purchase cycle.
Last year’s budget was larger due to the new math curriculum.
1100 – 700 Equipment increases are due to Science and Tech Ed department
1200 – Special Education
1200 – 100 Salaries increased due to additional staff that will be hired to meet
the needs of Special Ed students.
1200 – 200 Benefits increased for health care and retirement (retirement
increased from 25.84% to 30.03%).
Dedicated to Excellence
1200 – 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services increased to meet
the needs of Special Education students.
Services include therapeutic
facilitators, behavior services, one-on-one services for nursing and aides for
Special Education students. There has been an increase in students that require
Special Education services, especially with students entering the primary grades.
Other districts also noticed an increase. There is an increase for professional
development for staff members.
1200 – 500 Other Purchased Services increased due to tuitions to meet the
needs of Special Education students which also includes out of district
placements. Some of the costs will be reimbursed by sending districts and
through IDEA.
1200 – 600 Supplies decreased because the District only pays for maintenance
on software that was purchased last year.
1300 – Vocational Education
1300 – 100 Salary reduction is the result of last year’s Early Retirement Incentive
Program. A teacher retired and the replacement teacher was hired at a lower
1300 – 200 Benefit reduction is the result of the last year’s Early Retirement
Incentive Program. A teacher retired and the replacement teacher was hired at a
lower salary.
1400 – Other Instructional Programs
1400 – 100 Salary increase is due additional summer school participation. Some
costs are offset through student registrations.
1400 – 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Service is reduced due to
historical costs being lower.
1500 – Non-Public Schools Programs
1500 – 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Service is a new line item as
this item was budgeted in function 1190 – Federal Programs in the past. The
District is required to set aside Title I funds for private schools in the area.
1700 – Community/Junior College Education Programs
1700 – 500 Other Purchased Services increased due to the increased real estate
market value of the school district, which is a factor that is used by the Delaware
County Community College.
Dedicated to Excellence
Overall expenditures have increased by 6.9% mainly due to increases in salaries
and benefits and additional equipment purchases. Expenditures and revenues
will be further reviewed as the Administration proceeds through the budget
process. This budget does not reflect changes since January. A special
Legislative meeting will be held on April 12th at the Education Center to adopt a
proposed final budget in accordance with PDE requirements. The District is
required to adopt a proposed final budget at least 30 days prior to the adoption of
the final budget in May.
Action: Discussion
Public Comment: Three members of the public were in attendance
The next Finance Committee meeting will be on Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Dedicated to Excellence