Ergod. Th. & Dynam. Sys. (2001), 21, 1239–1248 Printed in the United Kingdom c 2001 Cambridge University Press Isomorphism of hierarchical structures CHARLES RADIN and LORENZO SADUN Department of Mathematics, University of Texas, Austin, TX 78712, USA (e-mail: radin,sadun (Received 30 June 1998 and accepted in revised form 18 June 2000) Abstract. We consider hierarchical structures such as Fibonacci sequences and Penrose tilings, and examine the consequences of different choices for the definition of isomorphism. In particular, we discuss the role such a choice plays with regard to matching rules for such structures. 0. Introduction This paper concerns certain hierarchical tilings of Euclidean space, of which a well known example is a ‘kite and dart’ tiling of the plane [Gar]. Such tilings are noted for two properties: their unusual rotational symmetries (‘ten-fold symmetry’), and the fact that their global structures derive from local (‘matching’) rules. We will examine the consequences of different choices for the definition of isomorphism between such structures. To be more specific, we assume that any tiling of interest is embedded in a compact metric space of tilings on which the connected component of the Euclidean group (or sometimes just its translation subgroup) acts in the natural way, and has a unique translation invariant Borel probability measure. We consider two specific notions of isomorphism: we say the tiling spaces and are ‘topologically conjugate’ if there is a homeomorphism between the spaces intertwining the actions of the group; and we say and , of measure and are ‘measurably conjugate’ if there are subsets zero with respect to the unique translation invariant measure and invariant under the action onto intertwining the actions of of the group, and a bimeasurable map from the group. We investigate the consequences of assuming one or the other of these notions of isomorphism for such tilings. In [RaS] we analyzed the rotational symmetry of such hierarchical structures, and found a way to associate a useful invariant for measurable conjugacy; the methods used would not have allowed for topological conjugacy, although perhaps other methods might. In this paper we analyze hierarchical structures from the point of view of their other main characteristic, the fact that their global structures derive from local rules, and here we show that topological conjugacy is definitely not as broadly applicable as measurable conjugacy. % & ' ( ) ! " # $ * 4 2 3 + , - . / 0 1 5 1240 C. Radin and L. Sadun The above approach to analyzing tilings is a natural outgrowth of the way symbolic sequences or arrays are studied, through embeddings in symbolic dynamical systems. The specific matter we consider for tilings, concerning local rules, is actually better understood in that older context. So we begin with more detailed descriptions of the relevant ideas within symbolic arrays. One result of this paper is the sharpening of a remarkable result of Shahar Mozes [Moz]. Mozes showed that every substitution subshift with 2 action, satisfying mild hypotheses, is measurably conjugate via an explicit construction to a uniquely ergodic subshift of finite type. (Such a result is commonly said to provide ‘matching rules’ for the functions in the substitution subshift.) The map Mozes constructs is continuous (although not uniformly continuous) after exclusion of appropriate sets of measure zero. A natural question is whether such exclusion is an artifact of the proof or an essential feature of the theorem: can Mozes’ theorem be strengthened to give a topological conjugacy? We answer this question in the negative, exhibiting explicit substitution subshifts with 2 action which are not topologically conjugate to any subshift of finite type. After considering the simpler symbolic situation we explore the analogous questions for actions. Mozes’ proof can probably be extended without tiling dynamical systems with major difficulty to subshifts in higher dimensions and to tiling systems in which each polyhedron only appears, in any single tiling, in only finitely many orientations. However, more general tiling systems, such as the pinwheel in 2 [Ra1] and quaquaversal tilings in 3 [CoR], require a significant extension of the proof in [Moz]. This was done for the pinwheel in [Ra1] and then in general in [GoS]. In each case a measurable conjugacy is constructed, but the map is only continuous after exclusion of certain sets of measure zero. We demonstrate, as with subshifts, that these theorems cannot be strengthened to the topological category: there exist substitution tiling systems that are measurably conjugate to finite type tiling systems but which are not topologically conjugate to any finite type tiling system. In both settings, with subshifts and tilings, we give conditions, easily satisfied in natural examples, for which such a topological conjugacy is not possible. However, the two constructions are somewhat different for there are important properties of subshifts whose natural analogues do not hold for tilings. For instance, for subshifts it is well known that every topological conjugacy is a sliding block code while for tilings we show this to be false. This last point is both surprising and profound. The continuous nature of the actions allows for two kinds of small changes to a tiling. Tiles may be changed near infinity, or a small Euclidean motion may be applied to the entire tiling. Neither notion is topologically invariant since, as we show, a topological conjugacy can encode pattern information from distant regions as small Euclidean motions near the origin. This mechanism, which has no analogue in the theory of subshifts (where the translation group acts discontinuously), indicates that the nature of topological conjugacies of tilings is much subtler than topological conjugacy of subshifts. In §1 we discuss subshifts and show that many substitution subshifts are not topologically conjugate to finite-type subshifts. In §2 we explore topological conjugacy in tiling systems, giving an example of a conjugacy that is not a sliding block code. This 6 7 9 : 5 8 ; 4 > < = ? @ A C C ) > B D F G F E Isomorphism of hierarchical structures 1241 example also demonstrates that local finiteness, a property automatic for subshifts, is not a topological invariant for tilings. In §3 we return to the question of Mozes’ theorem, only now for tilings, and show there exist substitution tilings that are measurably conjugate, but not topologically conjugate, to finite-type tilings. 4 C 1. Notation and results for subshifts 0 and a finite abstract alphabet For onto restriction of functions in H I J K L subshift of) a b : c g d h e i j Q R k S l m n T U U W X Y p Z ] s t u v w x y z { | } ~ ^ _ ` 1 define the set q r be the on (any N [ V . For each o f O M \ P (always assumed non-empty) let . Let denote the shift by for all (1) F That is, is the set of functions that, restricted to cubes of size , look like elements of for some 1. . We say the subshift is ‘of finite type’ if we can define the Given any second alphabet and a ‘block map’ by . Note that ‘sliding block code (of code size )’ ; if it is also invertible is continuous and intertwines the shifts on and it is a topological conjugacy. An equivalent description of a sliding block code of size actions, such that, whenever , then is a map , intertwining the . 0 0 5 ¨ © ª « ¬ ­ ® O ¯ ° ± ² ¡ ³ ¢ ´ £ ¤ µ ¥ ¶ ¦ · ¸ ¹ º » ¼ ½ ¾ ¿ À Á  § Ã Å Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Ä Í F Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Ú Û Ü Ý Þ ß à á â Ü ã ä å æ ç ê T HEOREM 1. (Curtis–Lyndon–Hedlund [LiM]) Any topological conjugacy subshifts and is a sliding block code. è between é ë ì ð í ï î O and be the metrics on and , respectively. Since and are Proof. Let compact metric spaces, any continuous map between them is uniformly continuous. We implies , can therefore pick constants , and such that , which implies 0 . which implies 0 ó ô ö ø ñ ò õ û ÷ ú ù 5 ü ý þ ÿ Ü Ü ! " # $ The following theorem seems to be widely known but does not appear to be in the literature. subshift T HEOREM 2. Assume the subshift . Then is of finite type. ð í % & ' í is of finite type and topologically conjugate to the ð ) ( * F and is the topological conjugacy. By Theorem 1 Proof. Assume 1 are sliding block codes, say of size and , so there exists a block map both and such that . For any we can extend to , + - O 8 . 9 / 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 ; < 7 = > : ? @ A B C D E 5 S F O ] ^ _ ` a b c d e G H I J K L M N O P Q T U V W X R Y by this rule. Notice that the image of F f g is in Z [ , so, for h i j \ k l m n o p , q r maps to . 1 and let . Since is the Now fix max product of sliding block codes of size and , it is itself a sliding block code of size . is the identity when restricted to ; since , , so the map is the identity on , implying . s u t v w > x y z { | } ~ ¡ ¢ £ ¤ ¥ ¦ F § ¨ © ª « ¬ ­ ® We next define substitution subshifts and show that certain substitution subshifts are not of finite type. By Theorem 2 they cannot be topologically conjugate to subshifts of finite type, but by Mozes’ theorem they are measurably conjugate to subshifts of finite type. ¯ 1242 C. Radin and L. Sadun we define the set of ‘words’ as We begin in dimension one. Given an alphabet . We assume we are given a ‘substitution function’ such 1 for some . A word of the form is said to be a ‘letter of that 2 the set of all such words. Finally, we define level ’ for any 0, and we denote by the substitution subshift associated with the substitution as ¯ 5 ° ± ² ³ ´ µ ¸ ¶ ½ ¾ ¿ À ¹ º » ¼ · Á  à F Ä Ç Å È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Æ Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Ú for all Û Ü Ý Þ ß à 0 there exists s.t. á â ã ä å æ ç è æ ç 1 é ê ë ë ë ê ì í î ï ð ñ ò ó ô (2) It is a simple fact that every function in such a subshift can simultaneously be considered a for each value of 0. In interesting cases functions in a function with values in substitution subshift can be considered functions with values in letters of each higher level in only one way; such subshifts are said to be ‘uniquely derivable’. (This is the origin of the term ‘hierarchical’ for these structures. The same hierarchical phenomenon exists for tilings, and in a manner easier to understand, which we illustrate in Figure 2.) subshifts as long as the images of The above has a straightforward generalization to the substitution function fit together geometrically, so that one can iterate the substitution. substitution subshifts that are products of substitution subshifts, This is automatic for which we illustrate by an example below. 2 õ ö ÷ ø ù ú û ü ý þ 5 ÿ 2 C OROLLARY 1. If a contains a function such that substitution subshift 2 , and r some is topologically conjugate to a fo 1 1 1 1 finite-type subshift, then contains a periodic function. í í 9 ð $ & ! " # % ' Ü 2 - 0 1 . Consider the large words defines a word Proof. The condition on 0 1 0 1 produced when the substitution is applied repeatedly to , and consider the periodic function defined by the condition 0 1 0 1 for all . Since is topologically conjugate to a subshift of finite type, by . Taking large enough it follows Theorem 2 there is some 1 such that that contains the periodic function . \ + . ( Ü / 0 1 3 4 5 Ü 9 : ) * + , ; 2 > 6 7 8 < = \ Ü F > ? @ G A B C D H J K L Ü M V W X Y Z Q R N O S T U [ \ P I E ] ^ _ ` a b c d e 9 C OROLLARY 2. There exists a 2 substitution subshift that is measurably conjugate to a finite-type subshift, but is not topologically conjugate to any finite-type subshift. f g í h & Proof. Consider the uniquely derivable symbolic Fibonacci substitution defined, using the alphabet , by the substitution function ; let 1 be 2 be the the strictly ergodic substitution subshift thus determined. Let 2 substitution subshift which is the product of 1 with itself: + O i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x u y z { | } ~ O 5 2 2 ¡ ¢ £ ¤ ¤ ¥ ¦ § ¨ © 9 2 ª « ¬ ­ ® ¯ ° ³ ± ´ ³ µ 9 ¶ · f Î Ð º » ¼ ½ ¾ ¿ Å À Æ Á Ç Â Â È Ã É Ê Ì ¸ Ô Ò Ó 5 Õ Ö Ë Ï Ñ \ (3) Ä F ¨ 2 ¹ It follows [Moz] that 2 is uniquely derivable. Mozes’ theorem states that under rather which is uniquely general conditions (satisfied by 2 ) a 2 substitution subshift derivable is measurably conjugate to some finite-type subshift, so 2 is measurably conjugate to a finite-type subshift. Í 2 ² × Ø Isomorphism of hierarchical structures 1243 , and hence all functions in 2 , A simple calculation, however, shows that 23 , and a standard argument ([Ra2, Ra3]) using the unique contain the block derivability of 2 implies that 2 contains no periodic functions. Corollary 1 then implies that 2 is not topologically conjugate to any finite-type subshift. Ù ß Ú Û Ü Ý à á Þ â \ f ã ä å å æ ç è é é ê ë F ï f ç ò ì í ó ô î ð ñ õ ö 2. Conjugacies of Fibonacci tilings of polyhedra in Now we consider ‘tiling systems’. Given a finite collection as the space of all tilings of Euclidean -space by congruent dimensions, we define copies of elements of , that is, congruent under the connected Euclidean group. (We is non-empty.) We put a metric on as follows: assume v ÷ \ ø ù ú û ü F ý þ ÿ 1 sup (4) \ denotes the intersection of two sets: the closed ball of radius centered where at the origin of the Euclidean space and the union of the boundaries of all tiles is the Hausdorff metric on compact sets defined as follows. Given two compact in . , max , where subsets and of 5 ! " # $ % & F + ' ( ) * F , - = / 0 > ? @ A B @ D C E F G H I J 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : 2 . ; < K L M N O P Q R ` sup inf S W T U X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ (5) V e a with denoting the usual Euclidean norm of . (We assume the tiles are small enough is non-empty for any .) It is not hard to show that with this metric is so that 1 compact and that the natural representation of the connected component of the Euclidean is continuous. Finally, let be either the group of translations of or group on the connected component of the Euclidean group. A tiling system is a closed -invariant . subset of Two important properties of tiling systems are ‘local finiteness’ and ‘finite type’. For 0 and polyhedron appearing in the tiling of consider the set each of polyhedra in which intersect the open ball of radius centered at the center of mass of . Define to be the union of all such ‘neighborhoods of radius ’ for all and . A tiling system is ‘locally finite’ if, for every 0, the set is finite up to the action of . In practice, tiling systems are almost always assumed to be locally finite. to be the set of all in such that Now, in analogy to the subshifts , we define only has neighborhoods of radius which are in . A tiling system is said to for some 0. be ‘of finite type’ if We will be considering the analogue among tiling systems of the substitution subshifts. Traditionally such substitution tiling systems are defined through a substitution function as for subshifts, whereby for each letter (polyhedron) there is given a way to decompose it into polyhedra similar to those in the alphabet, all smaller by some factor 1, so that following the decomposition by a stretch about the origin by 1 one associates to each letter of a letter of level 1, and so on. For example, Figure 1 shows a substitution for a ‘chair’ tile, in this case with 1 2, and Figure 2 shows the hierarchical structure in a piece of a chair tiling. Applying the substitution to all tiles in a tiling gives an b c d f S g l h o i j m n k s v u p y q r t w x | z { S } ~ y o y o a z o s ¡ ¢ S ª £ ¤ ¥ ¦ § ¨ © s ± ² « z S 2 ¬ ­ y ® ´ v ¯ ° a ³ µ À ¼ ½ ¾ ¶ · ¸ ¹ º » ¿ Á  À Ã Ä À y Æ È É s Ê Ë Ç Å 1244 C. Radin and L. Sadun F IGURE 1. The chair substitution. Ì F I GURE 2. 63 letters of level 0, 14 letters of level 1 and 2 letters of level 2 in part of a chair tiling. Í automorphism . Notice that commutes with rotations about the origin , where is a translation by . and that We use this last property to define a generalized notion of substitution tiling system. For our purposes, a substitution tiling system is a tiling system with an automorphism and a 1 such that commutes with any rotations about the origin in and such constant for all . that A simple example of a substitution tiling is the standard Fibonacci tiling in one dimension. In this tiling the alphabet consists of two tiles (intervals), and , of length 5 2. The substitution consists of expanding about the 1 and 1 origin by a factor of , and then replacing each expanded (of size ) with a , and ) with an and a . The resulting space of replacing each expanded (of size 2 1 tilings is precisely the set of tilings by ’s and ’s arrayed in the sequence of the Fibonacci subshift 1 . This last characterization allows us to define general Fibonacci tilings, based on any two tiles and , as the set of tilings in which the pattern of ’s and ’s is the same as a sequence in the Fibonacci subshift. If this is not a substitution tiling in the is not an expansion by a constant traditional sense, as the substitution factor. However, it is a substitution tiling system in the extended sense of this paper. o Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó s 2 Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Ú Û Ü Ý Þ ß à á â ã ä y à å ê o o æ ç è é À z e ë ì í î ï ð ñ ò ó ô õ ö ÷ ø ù û 2 ú ü ý þ ÿ ` y 2 2 ` z S z 2 ! z ' z # , À - $ . % ( ) * + / & . 0 1 2 " Isomorphism of hierarchical structures 3 1245 8 4 and , T HEOREM 3. Let and be Fibonacci tiling systems, with tiles then and are topologically conjugate. respectively. If Moreover, the conjugacy is not a sliding block code. 6 7 6 = > ? @ > A 5 9 : ; < : V 6 B Y C D E F G H I J K L K M N O P Q R S T U X 6 W Z 6 e Proof. We define a map as follows. A tiling defines an element of 1 (up to translation), which in turn defines a tiling , up to translation. To fix the translation we pick a tile . This tile is a letter of level 0, which sits inside a letter 1 of level 1, which sits inside a letter 2 of level 2, and so on. We approximate the placement of the tiles in by lining up the middle of the letter in that corresponds to with the middle of . Since , the letters of level in the two . The adjustment in translation between the tilings differ in size by a constant times th approximant and the ( 1)th is then exponentially small, and we can take the limit as to obtain . Loosely speaking, the map lines up the corresponding letters of infinite level. We must show that this map is well defined, in that it does not depend on the choice is another tile, then there are two possibilities. The more common of tile . If , so the approximants to based possibility is that there is a level at which on are eventually the same as the approximants based on . Alternatively, there may be a point between and which is the endpoint of letters of arbitrarily high level. It is not hard to check that, working from either or , aligns this special point in with the corresponding special point in . The map is clearly a bijection which commutes with translations. It is continuous since a small change to a tiling , either via a small translation or by changing the tiles near infinity, results in a small change to . A small translation in turns into a small , while changing the distant tiles of changes the distant tiles of , translation in and also causes a small translation. This last point means that is not a sliding block code. If two tilings and agree exactly on a large neighborhood of the origin but disagree near infinity, then the sequence will agree near the origin, but the placement of the tiles will and of tiles of differ by a small translation. Thus there is no neighborhood of the origin where and agree exactly. à [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c ` d e 2 f z g n j k l h i m o y y p v z q a r s t u z v w x y z { | } ~ z n z à s y v q ¢ ¨ ­ ¡ ® ¯ £ ¤ ¥ ¦ § © ª « ¬ ¢ ° ¢ ¢ ² ³ ´ µ ± ­ · ¸ ¢ ´ ¹ » ¶ ¼ ½ ¾ º ¿ Á À Â È Ã È Ä Å Æ Ç » É ¢ Ê Ë Ì Í Î ¢ Ò ­ ¢ Ö ß × Ø Ú Û Ü Ý Þ Ô Õ Ï Ð Ñ ¢ Ó ´ Ù ¢ à ä å æ ç á â ã è ¢ é Let have some fixed value. There are two special Fibonacci tilings. One is . The other has , and thus closely the standard Fibonacci tiling with resembles the Fibonacci subshift 1 . By Theorem 3 any Fibonacci tiling is conjugate to each of these. In particular, we have the following. ê È ë ì í î ï ð ñ ò ó ô õ ö ÷ ø ù ú û ü ý ü þ ÿ 4 C OROLLARY 3. Every Fibonacci tiling system is a substitution tiling system. Proof. Every Fibonacci tiling system is topologically conjugate to a Fibonacci system . As noted earlier, is a substitution system with automorphism with and scale factor 1 . If is another Fibonacci tiling system and is the 1 is a substitution automorphism on . conjugacy of Theorem 3, then ´ ¢ ) » ! " # $ % & ' ( * + Unlike a sliding block code the domain of a topological conjugacy for sufficiently large. Suppose for of tiling systems cannot always be extended to 1, , 2 and example that and are Fibonacci tiling systems with , - ­ . / 0 1 2 Á 3 4 5 I ¢ 7 ¢ C 6 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B D E F G H 1246 C. Radin and L. Sadun 1. For any the system contains periodic tilings, whose period is an integral have integer length, there linear combination of 1 and . Since the tiles of with period , and so there are no maps that are no periodic tilings in intertwine translations. Since topological conjugacies of tilings are more general than sliding block codes, topological invariants of subshifts are not automatically topological invariants of tilings. For example, we have the following theorem. J K L M N È » O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ Y \ È ] ´ C ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h j È i p T HEOREM 4. There exist topologically conjugate tiling systems locally finite and is not. 6 k and l m such that o n is o q u Proof. We work in two dimensions, with being the translation group. Given two square and of unit size, with edges parallel to the coordinate axes, let be the set tiles of all tilings such that the tiles meet full edge to full edge, and such that each (horizontal) , where row of the tiling is a (one-dimensional) Fibonacci tiling. Let is a rectangle of height 1 and width and is a rectangle of height 1 and width 1. Let be the conjugacy of Theorem 3, taking the one-dimensional Fibonacci tiling with tile 1. This map is sizes 1 and 1 to the one-dimensional Fibonacci tiling with sizes and naturally extended to a map from rows of the tiling to Fibonacci-like rows made up of . Applying this to every row of a tiling defines an extended map (also the tiles of . Let be the image of this map. Near the origin (or any other called ) from into point), the rows of a tiling will appear shifted relative to one another. Since there are an infinite number of ways in which this shift can occur, is not locally finite. r t s u È v w ] x y ­ ­ z C { ] | } ~ u Á ] È ß È » u ´ ] ­ ¤ £ 4 ¡ ¢ 3. Conjugacies of tiling systems of finite type In this section tiling systems are assumed to be locally finite unless stated otherwise. A natural question, in the light of Mozes’ theorem, is whether Theorem 2 can be extended to the category of tiling systems. Certainly the proof breaks down, as conjugacies . of tilings are not necessarily sliding block codes and need not extend to spaces However, there is hope that the statement of the theorem remains true. In this section we prove a somewhat weaker result, the analogue of Corollary 1, thereby showing that there exist tiling systems that are measurably conjugate to finite-type systems but not topologically conjugate. The key is showing that topological conjugacies, while not sliding block codes, do preserve some useful geometrical information. One can model a topological conjugacy between tiling systems and —with metrics and alphabets and —by something close to a sliding block code, as follows. and First, we note that is uniformly continuous. So given 0 there is some 0 such provided . Now it is known [RaW] that given any that it follows that there is a rigid motion 0 there is an 0 such that if ‘agree to distance 1 within distance of the identity in such that the tilings and around the origin’, in the sense that they match perfectly in their polyhedra which intersect 0 such that if the ball of radius 1 centered at the origin. Furthermore, there is some and so the tilings and in agree to distance around the origin then ¥ ¦ Á u Á £ u È ] ] § µ ¶ · ¸ ¹ º » ¨ © ] ] ª « ­ ¬ ® ¯ ° ± ² ³ ´ ½ ¼ Á ¾ ¿ Á À Â Ú È Ã Û Ä Å Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ç È É Ì Í Î Ï Ð Á Ü Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ô Ö × Ø Ù Á Ý Þ ß à á â ã ä ã å æ ç è é ì ­ ´ Á ] î ï ð ] ê ë ñ ò ó ô í Á È õ ö ) È ] ÷ ø ù ú ] ] û ] ü ý þ ÿ ÿ Isomorphism of hierarchical structures 3 tilings less than È agree to distance 1 around the origin for some and from the identity. We have proven the following theorem. ] ] 1247 ­ of distance 8 T HEOREM 5. Let be a topological conjugacy of the locally finite tiling system in onto the locally finite tiling system . Given 0 there is some 0 such that around the origin then the tilings and if tilings and in agree to distance agree to distance 1 around the origin for some rigid motion of distance less than from the identity in . o $ $ V V m ! o o 6 , " - 6 / 9 % & ' ( 0 1 2 ; < = > ? @ * 6 3 4 6 : ) 6 + 8 # . 5 6 7 A B D V F ! C E ­ For any bounded connected subset open balls of radius which intersect of . ­ G ´ O P H I C $ , J K u 0, and tiling , let C L M N be the union of 8 Q be a topological conjugacy of locally finite tiling systems C OROLLARY 4. Let 0 and a bounded connected subset of there exists 0 in . Then given there is a rigid motion of distance less such that if tilings and in agree on agree on . than from the identity in such that and R S T U V $ o W $ X V 6 \ ] ! Y Z [ o ^ _ ` a b c g V m 6 e f 6 d h D V i j k l m n q m 6 v w 6 x y z { | } ~ ! o p r s t u Proof. The proof follows immediately by applying Theorem 5 to all the balls of radius which intersect , and noting that their overlapping regions lead to consistency requirements in . ´ C We say that a tiling in an 2 tiling system with alphabet has a ‘periodic frame’ and if there is some pair of linearly independent translations for which 1 agree to distance 1 about the origin for all 0 1 and 1 8, and 1 and agree to distance 1 about the origin for all 0 1 and also 1 8. r È ´ ) ­ ] ­ ¡ ¢ ] £ ¤ ¥ º ] ] ´ ® Ä Å Æ ¶ · µ ¯ ° ± ² ¸ » ¼ ½ ¦ § ¨ © ª « ¬ ¾ ¹ ] ¿ À ³ Á  à ­ Ç È Ì T HEOREM 6. If an 2 substitution tiling system contains a tiling with a periodic frame, and is topologically conjugate to a finite-type tiling system, then contains a periodic tiling. Ê É 3 m Î Ë Í 6 o Ï Î Ð V $ 0 is given and the frame is described by the defining notation above. Proof. Assume By using the substitution repeatedly if necessary we can assume without loss of generality that min is larger than any given number. So we can assume and where 1 agree on 1 0 1 1 8 and that and Ñ Ò ) È ] Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Ú Û é ê Ü Û Ý Þ ß à á ë $ ] â ´ ã ä õ ö ÷ ­ þ ] ì ] å æ ç è ø í î ï ð ñ ò ó ù ú û ü ý ÿ ô where 2 agree on 2 0 1 1 8 . Applying Corollary 2 we agree on 1 and that and agree on 2 for rigid see that and motions and within distance of the identity of . Note that, because of the overlap between them, it follows that and are pure translations and so the central lines of 1 , is of finite type this implies 1 , 2 and 2 form a parallelogram. And since that it contains a periodic tiling. But then so does . ] ´ $ ­ Á ] ! " # $ ] ] ] / 0 1 2 3 ] : % & ' ( ) 4 * + , - 5 6 7 8 . 9 A ; ] = > ­ ´ < u ? ] @ C D ] C B E T ] F G J H M N O P ) Q I K C R S L U È V W : Remark. At the end of §1 we showed that the subshift with 2 action made as a product of the Fibonacci sequences with itself could not be topologically conjugate to a finitetype subshift. Theorem 6 allows us to apply the same argument to tilings. Starting with any Fibonacci tiling system we can define the product tiling system with 2 action and Y X ] È ­ Z : ] ] [ 1248 C. Radin and L. Sadun show that it contains a tiling with a periodic frame, and therefore cannot be topologically conjugate to a finite-type tiling system since it does not contain a periodic tiling. Á » 4. Conclusion The best known tiling dynamical system is that of the Penrose kites and darts [Ra2, Ra3]. By this, one refers to both a substitution system and a finite-type system, which are in fact topologically conjugate. The fact that the conjugacy is topological has lead to interesting work in non-commutative topology [AnP, Con]. To a large extent, the interest in substitution tiling systems is due to the fact that they are conjugate to finite-type systems. Theorem 6 shows that, when dealing with substitution tilings and their conjugacy to finite-type tilings, for reasonable generality one cannot consider the tilings well defined up to topological conjugacy—although of course measurable conjugacy is sufficient. One issue we have not resolved is whether or not the notion of finite type is itself a topological invariant among tiling systems. \ ] ^ È ] ´ É È Á » _ ` Acknowledgements. We thank Klaus Schmidt for showing us the proof of Theorem 2. After this work was distributed we learned of independent work in progress [Pet], which has some overlap with ours concerning Curtis–Lyndon–Hedlund-type theorems for tiling dynamical systems. Charles Radin was supported in part by NSF grant No. DMS-9531584 and Texas ARP grant 003658-152. 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