Session Session Five Five Competing Competing in in aa global global world: world: aa series series of of presentations presentations by by AMAPWG AMAPWG member member delegates delegates New New Zealand Zealand and and Australia Australia Avocado Avocado Grower ’s Conference ’05 Grower’s Conference’05 20 -22 September 20-22 September 2005 2005 Tauranga Tauranga,, New New Zealand Zealand Avocado perspective Israel 2005 Presented by: Gabi Naamani Agrexco Tel-Aviv, Israel New Zealand 20-22.9.200 Avocado area in Israel (in Ha and %) Nabal 100 2% Reed 320 7% Others Ardith 180 300 4% 7% Pinkerton 540 12% Hass 1240 29% 4,400 Ha in Total Ettinger 1180 27% fuerte 540 12% Israeli Avocado along a decade Export & Domestic markets (Tons) 90,000 78,700 80,000 77,000 64,000 34,000 28,500 28,000 28,000 33,000 63,000 23,000 40,000 50,000 48,000 45,000 22,000 20,000 18,000 15,000 54,500 45,400 43,400 34,500 23,850 38,300 45,175 27,300 26,300 27,000 1996/7 1997/8 1998/9 1999/0 2000/1 2001/2 2002/3 2003/4 2004/5 2005/6* Export Domestic Projected Avocado Industry Structure Growers Table at Plants Production & Marketing Board Marketing Companies Packing Houses & Regional Organizations Growers Israeli export – by exporters (tons & %) Agre xco Top Ke de m Bachan 876 45,677 11% 7,768 18% 5,128 8,047 8,725 27,295 4,339 3,936 8% 16% 15% 16% 16% 14% 26,300 2,171 4,248 32,502 2001/2 53,430 2% 19,020 19,768 2002/3 2003/4 75% 35,985 71% 70% 2004/5 2001/2 2002/3 2003/4 67% 2004/5 Agrexco Branches sales (tons) 37,024 35,896 3,260 30,000 25,000 5,504 2,794 2,385 2,361 4,203 3,999 10,000 19,021 19,780 2,036 1,786 14,819 51% Spain 2,938 Austria Swiss 3,879 15,000 תפרצ 19,615 53% 3,468 2,935 3,353 20,000 Israe l 29,272 3,377 2,884 1,385 32,171 35,000 16,445 51% 5,000 2,804 2,311 1,272 2,096 7,677 21% 5,098 2000/1 2001/2 Scand. Be ne lux U.K. 3,835 2,674 8,017 42% 7,437 38% 2002/3 2003/4 Ge rmany 13,077 36% 99/00 Italy 2004/5* France Branches share - (%) - מכירות סניפים 227 2,157 3,260 134 2,017 251 1,869 2,385 2,794 3,377 2,361 2,884-8% 3,353 11% 4,203 14% 5,504 15% תפרצ 19,615 53% 2,935 3,999 12% 3,879 12% 547 730 1,520 1,736 1,385 2,253 2,036 1,272 3,468 2,096 2,938 3,835 19% 7,680 21% 2,674 14% 5,102 14% 1,786 2,804 15% 2,311 12% Israel Smalls Scand. 14,819 51% 16,445 51% 8,017 42% Benelux 7,437 37.6% 13,077 36.4% U.K. Germany France 99/00 2000/1 2001/2 2002/3 2003/4 2004/5* Avocado in Israel Future View Forecast of Avocado plantations (in Ha) 9000 8000 Hass Gre e ns 8100 6850 7000 3620 5600 6000 5000 4400 4000 1240 28% 4850 2820 2020 1540 45% 41% 36% 32% 3000 2000 1000 4030 3160 3310 3580 72% 68% 64% 59% 2004 2007 2010 2015 4480 55% 0 2020 Yearly planting prospect 2005-2007 – 250 Ha per year 2007-2010 – 350 Ha per year Pace is restricted by lack of plants (+/- 100 Ha per year of uprooting) New plantations - 65% Hass + Improved Practice Gradually increased crop per Ha 20 tons are forecasted on 2010 Higher Production Forecast of Avocado crops (Tons) 180,000 160,000 Hass Gre e ns 153,900 130,150 140,000 68,780 120,000 93,180 100,000 69,670 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 51,560 32,320 20,020 13,640 37,920 53,580 49,650 60,860 76,570 85,120 2015 2020 - 2004 2007 2010 Thanks for your attention ךלוה התא ןאלו תאב ןיאמ עד