Pennsylvania’s Education for All Coalition (267) 232-0570 Communication Strategies to Build Collaboration Workshop is being offered twice on Saturday, May 4th 2013 10 to 11:30 and 12:30 to 2pm This interactive workshop builds the vital skills parents need to work more collaboratively with their IEP team. No registration is required and these workshops are provided at no cost to parents. Facilitated by Linda Carmona-Bell and Diana Neri A partnership of parents, educators, related professionals and others working together to support the education of ALL children, together in their neighborhood schools, including children of different backgrounds and abilities In Partnership with... RE A W A DEL TY N U O C THE LOCAL TASK FORCE ON THE RIGHT TO EDUCATION 610-938–9000 X4037 Pennsylvania’s Education for All Coalition Pennsylvania’s Education for All Coalition, Inc. is a partnership of parents, educators, related professionals and others who believe that children of all backgrounds and abilities should be successfully educated together in their neighborhood schools within the general education curriculum. Our Mission We work together to promote education that includes all children by providing individual technical assistance, advocacy and s up p o r t s to f a m i l ie s , assisting institutions of higher education better prepare teachers to effectively teach all children, and influencing and supporting schools, policymakers, and the community to effectively implement inclusive practices and policies. Join us! As a community, we support one another through both the challenges and celebrations on this journey to insure a successful education for ALL children. We learn from each other, work together and remain open to new ideas. Get involved! We need You - your interest, your energy, and your dedication to education for ALL children. There are several ways you can join us! On-line Community The Education for All Listserv is open to anyone interested in an honest exchange of ideas, stories and thoughts regarding inclusive education. It is not a forum for debate on the rightness or wrongness of inclusive education, but is rather a place to wrestle with the questions, seek out solutions, and exchange information. It is also a great way to stay informed on education policy and local trainings, as well as on the activities of the Education for All Coalition. Please join us on the Education for All Listserv. For more information visit MEMBERSHIP FORM Join Us! Get involved! Become a member and help make inclusive education a reality for the state of Pennsylvania. Parent Consultant Network (PCN) Become a chapter member Become a Parent Consultant The Parent Consultant Network (PCN) is a network of parents who are available to provide training and technical assistance to: parents of children with disabilities who are advocating for inclusive education schools and school districts universities and colleges that prepare future teachers Parent Consultants are trained and experienced advocates for inclusion for their own child and well-qualified professionals who are guest lecturers for college classes, in-service trainers, and supporters for other parents. They provide training and technical assistance on a variety of topics to support the inclusion of ALL children in school and in the community: Inclusive education: Values, Laws, and Best Practices Supporting Social Relationships and Facilitating Friendships Collaboration and Creative Problem Solving and more! If you are interested in receiving support or in joining the Parent Consultant Network, email Lindsey Walker at or visit Attend trainings Offer individual support Join the listserv Join the Board of Directors Other ______________________ Make a Donation $____ (Tax Deductible) Name: Organization Address: County: Phone: Email: Send to: Pennsylvania’s Education for All Coalition, Inc. The Cast Iron Building 718 Arch Street, 6N Philadelphia, PA 19106 Membership dues are $25. Please make checks payable to “Pennsylvania’s Education for All Coalition, Inc.” Thanks!