Random sets in economics, finance and insurance Ilya Molchanov University of Bern, Switzerland based on joint works with I.Cascos (Madrid, Statistics), E.Lepinette (Paris, Finance), F.Molinari (Cornell, Economics), M.Schmutz (Bern, Probability and Finance), A.Haier (Swiss Financial Market Supervision) University Austin TX, May 2015 1 Early years I I Why do people make particular choices? How to allocate assets optimally between agents? 2 50 years and 3 Nobel Prizes I Gerard Debreau (1983) (Debreau expectation of random sets) I 3 50 years and 3 Nobel Prizes I Robert Aumann and Thomas Schelling (2005) (Aumann expectation of random sets) I 4 50 years and 3 Nobel Prizes I Alvin Roth and Llloyd Shapley (2012) (allocations: choice of an element of a random set) I 5 Overview Developments over the last 10 years Lecture 1 I I Random sets and selections in economics. Market imperfections and transaction costs. Lecture 2 I I Sublinearity and risk. Financial networks. 6 I I I I A. Beresteanu, I. Molchanov, and F. Molinari. Sharp identification regions in models with convex moment predictions. Econometrica, 79:1785–1821, 2011. I. Molchanov and I. Cascos. Multivariate risk measures: a constructive approach based on selections. Math. Finance, 2015. I. Molchanov and M. Schmutz. Multivariate extensions of put-call symmetry. SIAM J. Financial Math., 1:396–426, 2010. Works in progress ... 7 Basics of random sets Definition A map X : Ω 7→ F from a probability space (Ω, F, P) to the family of closed subsets of a Polish space X is said to be a random closed set if {ω : X(ω) ∩ G 6= ∅} ∈ F for all open sets G. I In X = Rd one can take compact sets K instead of open G. 8 Examples So far most of examples involve “simple” sets scattered in space. I I I I Point process. Random geometric graphs. Collection of lines/balls, etc. Random polytopes. 9 Examples: Economics I I I Consider a game of d players with random parameters. Then the set of equilibria (pure or mixed) is a subset of the unit cube in Rd . Measurements are often represented as intervals rather than points. The reason may be not only the lack of precision or censoring, but also intentional reporting of intervals. If the underlying probability measure P is uncertain, this uncertainty can be described as a family of random elements. 10 Examples: Finance I I Each asset has two prices Sb ≤ Sa : bid and ask prices. Adding cash as one axis, this leads to a random cone. asset Sb−1 X Sa−1 1 I cash Multiasset setting leads to more complicated random cones. Example: currency exchanges with transaction costs (Kabanov’s model). 11 Examples: Finance (link-save) I Buying carrots and potatoes together brings a reduction. Potatoes Carrots 12 Example: Financial networks Here is a picture of a large network connecting major financial institutions in the world 13 Example: Financial network Holding Subsidiary I Subsidiary II Reinsurance Life Non−life Junk Investment I Objective: IntraGroup Transfers (in order to help distressed members of the group) 14 Example: Financial network, two agents I I I I Two agents A and B are assessed by a regulator. The regulator evaluates their individual exposure to risks and requests that they set aside (and freeze) necessary capital reserves. The agents want to minimise these reserves and conclude an agreement that at the terminal time (and under certain conditions) one of them would help to offset the deficit of another one. The family of allowed transactions is a random closed set in the plane. 15 Examples: financial network, two agents I I I The terminal capital is (C1 , C2 ). Transfers from a solvent company to another one are allowed up to the available positive capital. Disposal of assets is allowed. (C1 , C2 ) X (C1 , C2 ) X 16 Selections I I A random vector ξ is called a selection of X if both ξ and X can be realised on the same probability space, so that ξ ∈ X a.s. From now on we tacitly assume that all random elements are realised on the same probability space. Theorem (Zvi Artstein, 1983) A probability measure µ is the distribution of a selection of a random closed set X in Rd if and only if µ(K ) ≤ P{X ∩ K 6= ∅} for all compact sets K ⊂ Rd . 17 Games and payoffs I I I I Set K is a coalition of players. ϕ(K ) is the payoff that K receives. Payoff functional is not additive, but subadditive. Allocation is a measure µ such that µ(K ) ≤ ϕ(K ) I ∀ K. Bondareva–Shapley theorem: existence of an allocation under some conditions on ϕ (convexity). 18 Example: market entry game (non-coalitional) I Payoff for the jth player, j = 1, 2, πj = aj (a−j θj + εj ) , where I I I I aj ∈ {0, 1} is the action (enter or not) of the jth player; a−j is the action of other player(s), θj are unknown parameters εj are random profit shifters with known distribution 19 Example: market entry game — equilibria πj = aj (a−j θj + εj ) , I j = 1, 2. Set Sθ (ε) of (Nash) equilibria is random and depends on ε. ε2 {11} {01} −θ2 {10, (− θε22 , − θε11 ), 01} {00} −θ1 ε1 {10} Note that θ1 , θ2 < 0. 20 Example: market entry game - inference I I I Assume pure strategies only (the method works also for mixed strategies). The econometrician observes empirical variant of the distribution µ = (p00 , p10 , p01 , p11 ) . These frequencies are sampled from the set of possible equilibria, i.e. µ is the distribution of a selection of Sθ (ε) . Inference Estimate θ = (θ1 , θ2 ) based on this, i.e. estimate parameters of a random set by observing its selection: n o θ : µ(K ) ≤ P{Sθ ∩ K 6= ∅} ∀K ⊂ {00, 01, 10, 11} . 21 The most serious difficulty I I The family of selections is too rich. It is numerically difficult to verify inequalities µ(K ) ≤ P{X ∩ K 6= ∅} for all K . 22 Course exercise I I I ξ has normal distribution N(µ, σ 2 ). Observe numbers x1 , . . . , xn chosen (using an unknown mechanism) such that xi ≥ ξi for i.i.d. realisations ξ1 , . . . , ξn of ξ. Estimate µ and σ 2 and utilise the available information in full! 23 Castaing representation Theorem (Charles Castaing, 1977) X is a random closed set if and only if X = cl({ξn , n ≥ 1}) meaning that X is the closure of a countable family of its selections. Definition Lp (X) denotes the family of p-integrable selections of X. Expectations of selections I I Assume that X has at least one integrable selection, i.e. L1 (X) 6= ∅. The (Aumann) expectation of X EX = cl{Eξ : ξ ∈ L1 (X)}. I I The expectation is always a convex set if the probability space is non-atomic (follows from Lyapunov’s theorem on range of a vector-valued measure). Higher moments are not well defined! 25 Example: interval least squares I I I Explanatory variable x Response y ∈ Y = [yL , yU ]. y yiU yiL x xi 26 Example: interval least squares II I Regression model (for mean values). If y ∈ Y a.s., then E(y) = θ1 + θ2 E(x) . I Then (θ1 , θ2 ) = Σ(x) I −1 E(y) , E(xy ) 1 Ex Σ(x) = . Ex Ex 2 The expectations E(y) and E(xy) may take various values depending on the choice of selection y ∈ Y = [yL , yU ]. 27 Example: interval least squares III I I y is a selection of Y and xy is a selection of xY Thus, (y , xy) is a selection of y G= : yL ≤ y ≤ yU ⊂ R2 xy segment with end-points (yL , xyL ) and (yU , xyU ). xyU xy G xyL yL I y yU Identification region θ ∈ Σ(x)−1 EG . 28 Course exercises 1. How to amend the setting for the polynomial regression? 2. How to handle the case of interval-valued explanatory variable x? 29 Options (main idea) I Call price EQ (F η − k )+ and put price EQ (k − F η)+ can be expressed in terms of the expectation of the random set X. (1, η) EX Eη = 1 X (0, 0) 1 1 30 Option prices I I Let η be a non-negative random variable (relative price change). (1, η) X (0, 0) I 1 The support function of X in direction u is hX (u) = sup{hu, xi : x ∈ X} = (u1 + u2 η)+ 31 Option prices II hX (u) = (u1 + u2 η)+ I I If u = (−k, F ), then hX (u) = (F η − k)+ is the payoff from the call option. In this case: I I I I F is the forward price (deterministic carrying costs); S = F η is the terminal price; k is the strike price (buying price at the terminal time). If u = (k, −F ), then hX (u) = (k − F η)+ is the payoff from the put option. 32 Option prices III I I The expected support function EhX (u) is the support function of the expectation hEX (u). Then hEX (−k, F ) = EQ (F η − k)+ is the call price if the expectation is taken with respect to the martingale measure. (1, η) EX Eη = 1 X (0, 0) 1 1 33 Symmetries I Point symmetry with respect to ( 12 , 21 ) is equivalent to European put-call parity I Line symmetry is equivalent to put-call symmetry. 34 Multi-asset symmetry Asset prices ST 1 = F1 η1 , . . . , STd = Fd ηd Prices of basket options EQ (u0 + u1 η1 + · · · + ud ηd )+ (forward prices are included in the weights). I I I I When is the price invariant for all permutations of the weights (self-duality)? If this is the case, then η is exchangeable. However, the exchangeability property does not suffice, e.g. η with i.i.d. coordinates. When is the price invariant for u0 = 0 and permutations of other weights (swap-invariance)? 35 Convex models of transaction costs I I I I Let (Ω, Ft , t = 0, . . . , T , P) be a stochastic basis. Let Kt , t = 0, . . . , T , be a sequence of random convex sets so that Kt is Ft -measurable. Sets Kt contain the origin and are lower sets. Assume that they do not contain any line. Set Kt describes the positions available at price zero at time t. 36 Kabanov’s exchange cone model I I I Kt is a random exchange cone (e.g. generated by bid-ask exchange rates for currencies at time t). Kt is the family of portfolios available at price zero. Reflected set −Kt is the family of solvent positions at time t. EUR 1 1 USD Kt 37 Self-financing I A self-financing portfolio process satisfies Vt − Vt−1 ∈ L0 (Kt , Ft ) I so the increment is available at price zero. The set t X At = L0 (Ki , Fi ) ⊂ L0 (Rd ) i=0 is the family of attainable claims at time t. 38 No arbitrage Definition (NAS) (strict no-arbitrage) condition holds if At ∩ L0 (−Kt , Ft ) = {0} for all t = 0, . . . , T . Interpretation Starting from zero it is not possible to achieve non-zero solvent position at any time t. 39 No arbitrage and martingales (cone models) I Define the dual cone K∗t = {u : hu, xi ≤ 0 ∀ x ∈ Kt } I It describes the family of consistent price systems, if u are prices, then each portfolio available at price zero indeed has negative price. Theorem (Kabanov et al.) (NAS) condition is equivalent to the existence of an equivalent probability measure Q and a Q-martingale Mt such that Mt ∈ relative interior K∗t , t = 0, . . . , T . 40 Conditional expectation and martingales I A sequence of random sets Xt , t = 0, . . . , T , is a martingale if E(Xt |Fs ) = Xs I a.s. ∀ s ≤ t. The conditional expectation is defined as the family of conditional expectations of all selections. 41 Cores and conditional cores Definition If X is F-measurable random closed set and A is a sub-σ-algebra, then the conditional core Y = m(X|A) is the largest A-measurable random set Y such that Y ⊂ X a.s. I I The conditional core exists. If X = (−∞, ξ], then the conditinal core is the set Y = (−∞, η], where η is the largest A-measurable random variable such that η ≤ ξ. Single asset case I I Recall the sequence of exchange sets Kt and price intervals Xt = [Sbt , Sat ], t = 0, . . . , T . (NAS) (no arbitrage) condition. asset price −1 Sbt Kt −1 Sat 1 cash 43 No arbitrage and conditional cores Theorem In case of a single asset with bid-ask spread Xt = [Sbt , Sat ], the (NAS) condition holds if and only if Xt ⊆ m(Xt+1 |Ft ), t = 0, . . . , T − 1. 44