ELIZABETH CITY STATE UNIVERSITY CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT THIS AG REEM ENT is made and entered into this _______ _____ day of _____ _________ __, ________ ___, by and between ELIZABE TH CIT Y STAT E UNIVE RSITY, Elizabeth City, North Carolina 27909, hereinafter referred to as ECSU and _____________________________________ of ___________________________________________________________________ NAME ADDR ESS hereinafter refe rred to as Service A gent . Subject to th e terms and conditions se t forth below, this A greement c onditions se t forth below, this Agreement constitutes a binding contract between the parties listed above. 1. Service Agent agrees to render the following service(s) and/or perform the following duties as specified below in a manner considered to be acceptable by ECSU and/or within accepted and established trade practice: 2. ECSU (or its representative) agrees to pay to service Agent the Sum of ___________________________________________ ($________________) by check, not later than twenty (20) working days following completion of satisfactory performance of contractua l obligations. 3. Services contracted for under this Agreement shall begin on ____________________________________________________ and end on ____________________ ________________ such period not subject to revision or extension except by mutual written consent, given and accep ted by both parties. 4. ECSU and Servic e Agent rese rve the right to ne gotiate the resc heduling of p erformanc e in the event suc h perform ance is made imp ossible by an Act of Go d, or other ca use beyon d the prud ent or reaso nable con trol of either pa rty. If no substitute date can b e agreed u pon, then b oth parties ar e relieved o f liability under said contract. 5. Service Agent hereb y agrees to indemnify and hold harmless ECSU , its agents, officers and employees, against liability, loss, damages, cost or expenses which ECSU or its agents, officers or employees may be requested or required to pay by reason of any claim, suit or p roceedin g arising out of sa id contract. Service Agent (or its duly authorized representative) hereby affirms that he/she has read, understands and accepts the provisions of the Agree ment as stated above, an d that no oth er conditio ns or prom ises, expresse d or implied , are part of this co ntract. IN WITNE SS THEREO F, by their authorized below, ECSU and Service Agent have executed this Contractual Service Agreem ent on the da y and year first written above, an d each has received a copy thereo f. (SEE ATTACHED RIDER) ___________________________________ CHANCELLOR ____________________________________ SERVICE AGENT ___________________________________ DIVISIONAL VICE CHANCELLOR ____________________________________ SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER CONTRACT REQUEST BY __________________________________________________ FOR BUDGET OFFICE USE ONLY FUNDS AVAILAB LE FUNDS NOT AVAILABLE DEPT./DIV.____________________________________________________ BUDGET ANALYST: __________________________________________ DATE: ________________________________________________________ COMPTROLLER: _____________________________________________ G/L ACCOUNT: ________________________________________________ DATE: ______________________________________________________ FEDERAL PROGRAM COOR. ______________________________________________ (where applicable) ELIZABETH CITY STATE UNIVERSITY IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER RIDER 1. This contract is entered into in compliance with State and Federal antitrust laws; 2. This contract is not assignable by Service Agent; 3. Payment under this contract is contingent upon the availability of State Funds; 4. This contract shall be governed by the laws of the State of North Carolina. __________________________ CHANCELLOR ______________________________ DIVISIONAL VICE CHANCELLOR __________________________ SERVICE AGENT