Cooperative Extension University of Wisconsin-Extension Revised 2-1-2001 Walworth County 4-H PERMANENT PARTICIPATION RECORD NAME PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME ADDRESS (Street or RFD, City, State, Zip Code) DATE OF BIRTH CLUB PURPOSE OF 4-H WORK To help young people in the development of: Character, Leadership, Attitudes and Ideals. MEMBER PARTICIPATION RECOGNITION SYSTEM • • • • Helps you carry out the purpose of 4-H in your own life, Helps you see the many different things you can do in the 4-H Program, Gives you a method for summarizing your own 4-H achievements, and Encourages you to keep accurate and complete records. PURPOSE OF PERMANENT RECORD The purpose of the Permanent Record is to measure a 4-H member's involvement in club and community activities and as an evaluation to earn Bronze, Silver, and Gold participation pins. The Permanent Record is a 4-H member's "4-H Life History" and in the future will serve as a resource for 4-H trips, awards and scholarships, as well as school and job applications. FOR CLUB LEADER USE ONLY ACHIEVEMENT PINS EARNED BRONZE SILVER GOLD DATE DATE DATE LEADER SIGNATURE LEADER SIGNATURE LEADER SIGNATURE Page 2 LOCAL 4-H MEETINGS YEAR Number of club meetings held this year Number of meetings I attended this year Count 1 point for each meeting attended, up to 12 per year. Enter total on Line 1 of 4-H Participation Report. 4-H PROJECT SUMMARY In order to consider a project completed, you must have exhibited that project at your 4-H club or the County Fair. WHERE EXHIBITED: YEAR LIST PROJECTS ENROLLED IN CHECK IF COMPLETED C=CLUB W=WAL. CO. FAIR S=ST. FAIR O=OTHER N=NOT EXH. Continued on Page 3 Page 3 4-H PROJECT SUMMARY (cont.) WHERE EXHIBITED: YEAR LIST PROJECTS ENROLLED IN CHECK IF COMPLETED C=CLUB W=WAL. CO. FAIR S=ST. FAIR O=OTHER N=NOT EXH. Continued on Page 4 Page 4 4-H PROJECT SUMMARY (cont.) WHERE EXHIBITED: YEAR LIST PROJECTS ENROLLED IN CHECK IF COMPLETED Add additional pages if needed. PROJECTS COMPLETED/EXHIBITED Count number of projects rather than the number of items completed. YEAR Number of projects completed / exhibited this year Count 1 point for each project completed/ exhibited. Enter total on Line 2 of 4-H Participation Report. C=CLUB W=WAL. CO. FAIR S=ST. FAIR O=OTHER N=NOT EXH. Page 5 4-H COMMUNICATION ACTIVITIES Examples: 4-H public speaking, 4-H demonstrations, 4-H promotional talks, 4-H news stories, radio or TV appearances. Use only one line to report each year’s activities. PROJECT OR ACTIVITY YEAR SUBJECT OR TITLE NMBR. OF TIMES GIVEN WHERE PRESENTED/ GROUP SIZE YEAR TOTAL THIS YEAR Count 1 point for each demo, talk, radio or TV appearance, and news story. Enter total (up to a maximum of 3 points) on Line 3 of 4-H Participation Report. Page 6 COMMUNITY SERVICE, CONSERVATION, OR BEAUTIFICATION Report only when you participate with other members of your club in a group-planned activity to educate or benefit your community. DESCRIBE ACTIVITY AND HOW YOU WERE INVOLVED. YEAR TOTAL THIS YEAR Count 1 point for each activity per year. Enter total on Line 4 of 4-H Participation Report. CLUB HEALTH & SAFETY EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS Report only when you present or participate in a planned activity in your club. DESCRIBE ACTIVITY AND HOW YOU WERE INVOLVED. YEAR TOTAL THIS YEAR Count 1 point for each program per year. Enter total on Line 5 of 4-H Participation Report. Page 7 4-H MUSIC & DRAMA ACTIVITIES Report only when you participate in a 4-H group-planned activity. Count only plays and musicals presented at Music and Drama Festivals, Walworth County Reach Out, or club-organized events. DESCRIBE ACTIVITY AND HOW YOU WERE INVOLVED. YEAR TOTAL THIS YEAR Count 1 point per activity up to a maximum of 3 points per year. Enter total on Line 6 of 4-H Participation Report. Page 8 4-H OFFICES & COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS 4-H OFFICES A. List the offices you have held at local, county and state levels. B. Use letter codes to describe level of office: L=Local, C=County, S=State. Name of Office YEAR TOTAL THIS YEAR Count 2 points per office held. Enter total on Line 7 of 4-H Participation Report. COMMITTEES A. List your committee assignments for local club, county and state. B. Write in "C" for Chair or "M" for Member of each committee. Name of Committee YEAR Continued on Page 9 Page 9 4-H OFFICES & COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS (cont.) Name of Committee Committee Membership YEAR YEAR TOTAL THIS YEAR Count 1 point for each "M" - committee membership (Maximum: 3 points per year.) Enter total on Line 8 of 4-H Participation Report. Committee Chairship YEAR TOTAL THIS YEAR Count 2 points for each "C" (committee chairship). Enter total on Line 9 of 4-H Participation Report. Page 10 YOUTH LEADERSHIP – LOCAL CLUB Responsibilities for 4-H group, encouraging leadership development in younger members, helping members develop skills, planning a series of meetings, etc. YEAR PROJECT OR ACTIVITY NMBR. OF YOUTH YOU ASSISTED LIST YOUR SPECIFIC LEADERSHIP RESPONSIBILITY YEAR TOTAL PROJECTS OR ACTIVITIES THIS YEAR Count 1 point for each youth leadership project or activity. Enter total on Line 10 of 4-H Participation Report. YOUTH LEADERSHIP - MULTI-CLUB, COUNTY, MULTI-COUNTY, OR STATE 4-H PROGRAM Example: County junior project leader, camp counselor, animal species committee member, explorer counselor, State Leaders' Council, etc. YEAR LIST SIGNIFICANT 4-H LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCES BEYOND CLUB LEVEL YEAR TOTAL THIS YEAR Count 1 point per leadership contribution. Enter total on Line 11 of 4-H Participation Report. Page 11 OTHER COUNTY, STATE & NATIONAL EVENTS County / Area Events YEAR Recreation (Softball, Bowling) Spring Fling County Explorers Camp County Summer Camp Exchange Trips (In-State or Out-of-State) Officer Training Kids' College Walworth County Fair Communication Arts Festival Record Book Recognition Area Animal Science Day Favorite Foods Revue Pizza Sale Reach Out County Shoot-Off List Others: TOTAL COUNTY/AREA EVENTS THIS YEAR You must participate in at least 3 county-level events to be able to count any points. Count 1 point per event if you took part in at least 3 or more county/area events. Enter total on Line 12 of 4-H Participation Report. State/National Events YEAR State 4-H Conference Citizenship Washington Focus National 4-H Congress National 4-H Conference Wisconsin State Fair State Art or Photo Team Showcase Singers or State Drama Team List Others: TOTAL ST./NATL. EVENTS THIS YEAR Count 1 point for each state or national event. Enter total on Line 13 of 4-H Participation Report. Page 12 OTHER 4-H PARTICIPATION Include all 4-H participation not reported elsewhere. Examples: Master of Ceremonies, song leader, Bankers' Night Awards, fundraiser, special club activities (examples: roller skating, summer fun, winter fun, etc.). YEAR EVENT CONTRIBUTIONS Continued on Page 13 Page 13 OTHER 4-H PARTICIPATION (cont.) YEAR EVENT CONTRIBUTIONS Add additional pages if needed. YEAR TOTAL THIS YEAR Count 1 point per event or activity up to a maximum of 5 points per year. Enter total on Line 14 of 4-H Participation Report. Page 14 NON-4-H PARTICIPATION Report participation, special leadership roles and recognition (Examples: church choir, Scouts, FFA, sports, school newspaper, etc.). YEAR ORGANIZATION/ACTIVITY INVOLVEMENT OR RECOGNITION Continued on Page 15 Page 15 NON-4-H PARTICIPATION (cont.) YEAR ACTIVITY INVOLVEMENT OR RECOGNITION YEAR TOTAL THIS YEAR Count maximum of 1 point per year for non 4-H participation. Enter 0 or 1 on Line 15 of 4-H Participation Report. Page 16 4-H PARTICIPATION REPORT Instructions: Refer to the Walworth County 4-H Permanent Record for an explanation of categories below. List your accomplishments on your Permanent Record before entering totals on this report. No activity is to be reported more than one time. YEARLY ACHIEVEMENTS (Enter yearly point totals from your Permanent Record) YEAR 1. Nmbr. of club/unit meetings attended. (Page 2) (Maximum: 12 points/year) 2. Projects completed and exhibited. (Page 4) 3. Demo, talk, radio, TV or news story. (Page 5) (Maximum: 3 points/year) 4. Participation in community service, conservation, or beautification. (Page 6) 5. Participation in club health & safety educational programs. (Page 6) 6. Participation in 4-H music/drama activity. (Page 7) (Maximum: 3 points/year) 7. 4-H offices held. (Page 8) 8. Membership on committees. (Page 9) (Maximum: 3 points/year) 9. Chairperson of committees. (Page 9) 10. Youth Leadership at local level. (Page 10 - Required for Gold Pin.) 11. 4-H leadership responsibilities beyond club level. (Page 10) 12. Participation in other county/area events. (Page 11) 13. Participation in state or national events. (Page 11) 14. Other 4-H participation. (Page 13) (Maximum: 5 points/year) 15. Participation in non 4-H activities. (Page 15) (Maximum: 1 point/year) YEARLY POINT TOTAL(S) TOTAL POINTS (All years combined) Pin applied for: Bronze 75 points required to earn Silver 125 points required to earn Gold 200 points required to earn S:\UW Extension\4H\FORMS\Project lit 4 RB\Current Forms\PPR.doc