Walworth County

Walworth County
October 2015
Monday October 26, 2015, 7:00 p.m.
Government Center
National Shooting Sports Competitors’ Presentation – Leslie Reinke
National Congress – Devon Frederick
4-H Softball – Neil West
Call to order –Dan Kundert
Approval of Minutes/Correspondence – Brenda Harkness
Treasurer’s Report – Marlene Schoenbeck
 Approval of 2015-2016 budget
Sunshine Report – Letha Kuecker
UW-Extension Report – Debbie Burkman or Secretary to read hand-out
CLUB MEETING S.O.S.—Kevin Slack, Schwan's™ Fundraiser Opportunity
MIXER—Linn 4-H
 H.O.P. Update (Laurie Giorno)
 Open Awards Committee Positions – All districts except Central
 Leaders’ Banquet Planning (Caroline Cornelison & Lisa Brockman)
 Other
 Executive Board Highlights
 International Chicago Trip (Caroline Cornelison)
 Club/Committee Reports (if any)
 Key Leader Approvals (if any)
o Sara Geuder – Arts and Crafts
o Caroline Cornelison – Citizenship & International, Theater Arts
o Ashley VanShyndel--Cats
 Other
 Vice-President, Secretary, NE District, NW District
Next Senior Leaders’ Meeting – Monday, November 23 at 7:00 p.m. at the Government Center Next Executive Board
Meeting – January 13 at 7:00 p.m. at the Government Center (*SR Leaders to Lead)
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Dan Kundert, President ............................ dkundert@2farmconnect.net ................. 262-275-5155 ................. 262-749-8641
Lisa Brockman, Vice President ................. lidon90@yahoo.com ............................... ........................................414-303-1422
Brenda Harkness, Secretary ...................... brenda@stowellscatering.com............... 262-661-4580 ................. 262-492-8799
Marlene Schoenbeck, Treasurer ............... mschoenbeck@walworthbank.com ...... 262-723-4211 .......................................
Lisa Brockman, NE District Rep .............. lidon90@yahoo.com ............................... ........................................414-303-1422
Linda Giorno, NW District Rep ............... lgiorno@gmail.com ................................. ....................................... 262-903-0301
Caroline Cornelison, Central District Reptoddcaro@elknet.net .............................. 262-742-4315 ................. 262-949-0647
Donna Kundert, SE District Rep .............. dkundert@2farmconnect.net ................. 262-275-5155 ................. 262-749-8663
Bonnie Kruizenga, SW District Rep ......... btybon@gmail.com ................................. 262-882-2416 ................. 262-325-8835
Letha Kuecker, Sunshine ........................... rclmk65@elknet.net ................................ 262-723-2440 ................. 262-949-0815
Kendal Gustisha, President ...................... kgustisha@yahoo.com ............................ ....................................... 262-949-6417
Charles Dowty, Vice President................. barbdowty@gmail.com .......................... 262-723-2861 ................ 262-903-5820
Leslie Reinke, Secretary ............................. lmlreinke@elknet.net .............................. ....................................... 262-215-1794
Devon Frederick, Treasurer ...................... dnfred4@gmail.com ............................... 262-249-0679 ................ 262-215-6060
Lillie Cauffman, Reporter ......................... toddcaro@elknet.net ............................... 262-742-4315 ................ 262-949-0647
Amelia Hayden, Parliamentarian ............ ameliamath@charter.net ........................ 262-736-2707 ............... 815-980-9951
Vacant, NW District ..................................
Lindsey Cleveland, NE District Rep. ....... kellymcleveland@yahoo.com ................ ....................................... 262-501-6763
Lillie Cauffman, Central District Rep ...... toddcaro@elknet.net ............................... 262-742-4315 ................ 262-949-0647
Amelia Hayden, SW District Rep ............ ameliamath@charter.net ........................ 262-736-2707 ............... 815-980-9951
Braden Kundert, SE District Rep ............. dmtjbk1124@genevaonline.com ........... 262-248-1911 ................ 262-903-8614
Big Foot Pioneers 4-H
Sharon 4-H
Walworth 4-H
LaGrange 4-H
Richmond 4-H
Whitewater 4-H
Elkhorn 4-H
Harvesters 4-H
Lakeland 4-H
Ridge Prairie 4-H
Sugar Creek 4-H
Valley View 4-H
Flame Throwers 4-H
Linn 4-H
Springfield 4-H
Lake Beulah 4-H
Lyons 4-H
Spring Prairie 4-H
Troy Center 4-H
Listed below is a list of district responsibilities for the following countywide events:
Awards packaging and distribution, Leaders Banquet planning and decorating and the County-Wide
Cloverbuds/Exploring Workshop
Packaging &
Distribution Prep
Senior Leaders
from District
Banquet Planning
Junior Leaders from
Banquet Decorations
Walworth County 4-H Senior Leaders
Monday, September 28, 2015
Government Center
Bailey Bleser, Kieren Bieneman and Charles Dowty talked about their experiences at the National Shooting Sports
Competition in Nebraska.
Meeting was called to order at 7:15 p.m. by President Dan Kundert.
Secretary’s Report from July was distributed in the Communications. Thank you notes were read. Report was
approved by Marlene Schoenbeck and a second by Linda Giorno.
Treasurer’s Report was distributed. The Treasurer’s report was approved through a motion by Letha Kuecker and a
second by Diane Debaere.
Sunshine Report was given by Letha Kuecker
 Sympathy card to Mary Vanderveen, loss of husband, Ed Vanderveen
 Sympathy card to Laura Vanderveen and family, loss of Father-in-law, contribution made to Sharon Fire and
Rescue in lieu of flowers
 Thinking of you card to Josh York, 4-H member seriously hurt in work accident
 Thinking of you card to Bobbi York, parent of Josh
 Thinking of you card to Alice Gott, had surgery today
Thank you notes received from Aurora Lakeland Medical Association for Tille Kundert memorial and from
Vanderveen and Lee families.
UWEX – Chelsea Dertz
Important Dates:
 October 1—Enrollment officially opens in 4HOnline
 October 23—Last day to register for the Junior/Senior Leaders’ Banquet
 October 26—First New Volunteer Orientation session of the year from 5:45-6:45 p.m. in the County
Government Center
 November 2—Part 2 of the 4-H Chartering Paperwork is due in the UW-Extension office by 5 p.m
 November 6—Pre-registration for 4-H Office School ’16 closes at 5 p.m.
 December 1—Last day for re-enrolling 4-H members and leaders to sign-up for 4-H
Thank you!
A HUGE thank you goes out to all of the leaders, parents, and youth who helped to make this year’s 4-H experience at
the Walworth County Fair a positive one. Your enthusiasm, patience, dedication, service, and creativity were so very
much appreciated!
Girls Science Explorers
On August 4, our Walworth County Girls’ Science Outreach Team and 18 young ladies, now in grades 6-9, traveled to
UW-Madison and the Henry Vilas Zoo for “Science in the City.” This program provided participants with the
opportunity to learn about stem cell research and biotechnology through a series of hands-on experiments led by
UW-Biotechnology Center staff. The fast-paced zoo visit challenged participants to use their sleuth skills during a
scavenger hunt to learn interesting facts about many of the animals on exhibit. Thanks to Torell Geffers, Caroline
Cornelison, Claire Hayden, and Barb Nordmeyer for serving as chaperones and to Amelia Hayden and Lillie Cauffman
for their services as event counselors.
Chartering for 2016
The 2016 chartering process is underway for 4-H clubs/groups across the county. If your club/group is chartered,
please be aware that Part 2 of the chartering paperwork is due in the UW-Extension office no later than November 2.
November 2 is a firm deadline, as the county’s deadline to upload to state follows immediately after that. Because of
the short turn-around time between November 2 and upload to state, please be sure that EVERY item on the
chartering document has been addressed, and that all signature lines are completed. There won’t be time to try and
track things down.
If your club/group is one of the four that still has NOT submitted Part 1 of the chartering paperwork, please contact
the UW-Extension office immediately to discuss your plan for getting it turned in.
Back-to-4-H Night Planned
The annual Back-to-4-H Night event is planned for October 6 from 6-8 p.m. in the Activity Center at the fairgrounds.
This event is designed for prospective and recently new 4-H families to come and learn more about the opportunities
available through Walworth County 4-H. Thanks to the youth and adults who will be representing the following
projects that evening: poultry, cavies, rabbits, horse and pony, art, international, cloverbuds, shooting sports, foods,
flower gardening/houseplants, home environment, natural science, and robotics! Thanks also goes to Nancy Lee and
Diane Debaere who have agreed to represent the club leaders and answer families’ questions. This is a free, super
fun hands-on event!
Junior/Senior Leaders’ Banquet
The 2015 Junior/Senior Leaders’ Banquet potluck has been set for November 1 at 1 p.m. at First Evangelical Lutheran
Church, 415 Devondorf Street, Elkhorn. The program will include food, friends, a silent auction put on by the 4-H
Futures Committee, the annual 4-H slide show, and the presentation of county 4-H awards. Awards will be given out
at approximately 2 p.m. Pre-register for the banquet by 5 p.m. October 23. More info in the 4-H Newsclip. If your
club/group wishes to donate a basket or other items for the Silent Auction, please call Carol Henningfeld at 262-6427843 to let her know what you’re donating and it’s approximate value. Donated items can be dropped off in the UWExtension office the week of October 26.
4-H Officer School ‘15
This year’s 4-H Officer School has been set for Saturday, November 14 in the county Government Center.
Registration will be happening from 8:40-9:00 a.m. The program will run from 9:00 a.m.-Noon, and a pizza lunch will
be served immediately following. Pick-up and participant departure will be 12:30 p.m. All 4-H club officers AND
youth leaders are encouraged to attend. (Parents are welcome to attend with them.) A special workshop for 4-H
club leaders is also being offered. Please pre-register by November 6 at 5 p.m. Sign up by calling the Extension
office at 262-741-4951. Share your name, club, leadership role, and phone number. You can also register by
emailing this same information to deborah.moser@ces.uwex.edu.
4-H Club Pins/Date Bars
Club pins will be available for pick up in the UW-Extension office on or after October 9.
New Volunteer Orientations Set
This year, “New Volunteer Orientation Workshops” are being offered at the County Government Center at the
following times:
October 26—5:45-6:45 p.m.
January 25—5:45-6:45 p.m.
April 25—5:45-6:45 p.m.
Please let prospective new volunteers know that they should pre-register for these classes by calling the UWEX at
262-741-4951 no later than the Friday before each session. An additional workshop or two may be offered later in
the year if the need arises.
4-H Cookbooks
We still have a good supply of Walworth County 4-H Cookbooks available in the UW-Extension office! These make
great gifts for almost any occasion! Cost is $15 each. Checks should be payable to the Walworth County 4-H Futures
4-H Portfolio Workshop
A 4-H Portfolio Workshop was held on September 28 (before the Association meetings) from 5:45-6:45pm in the
County Government Center in Elkhorn. This workshop was open to any 4-Hers who have attended State 4-H
Conference and are now interested in applying for trips to Citizenship Washington Focus, National 4-H Congress, or
National 4-H Conference. 4-Hers in our county become eligible for these national trips by attending State Conference
and then completing the portfolio process.
During the 4-H Portfolio Workshop, members learned what needs to be included in the portfolio and gain ideas for
how to best showcase their years of 4-H project work, service, and leadership in a concise document. Portfolios will
be due in the UW-Extension office by November 6 at 5:00pm. Interviews for trips will be held on November 19. If you
need materials from the workshop, please contact Chelsea.
Important Enrollment Information for 4-H Club General Leaders
Please be aware of the following things as you step your club’s 4-H families through the 2015-2016 enrollment/reenrollment process.
Families must enroll/re-enroll in 4-HOnline as in the past couple of years. “See Enrolling in 4-H is a Two-Step
Process” below for an explanation of how they can accomplish this.
In order for you to “accept” your club members, you must first enroll/re-enroll in 4HOnline and be approved
by the UW-Extension office. For this reason, you are urged to enroll immediately.
Once you have been granted approval privileges in 4HOnline by the UW-Extension office, you will be able to
see the accounts of the 4-H members and leaders who are connected to your club. Do NOT accept members
until you have received their annual program fees. Once you’ve hit “accept,” the UW-Extension office will
“approve” the members and they will be official. Your club will be billed for every member that you
There is no longer a county 4-H Family Behavior Agreement. The 4-H Executive Board approved using the
state’s form only. That form is built into 4HOnline.
Any literature requested by your club’s members/leaders through 4HOnline will automatically be ordered,
and your club will be billed for it. There will be no paper literature order this year other than for 4-H record
forms. Please discuss how your club will handle literature costs with your families now, so no one is
surprised when the bill arrives later this program year. Let families know if you’ll be expecting them to
reimburse the club for literature costs, if your club will be picking up the cost of literature, etc.
Note that there is an error in the information listed in the 4-H Project Guides. That error is highlighted below
as it appears in the guides. It states that new 4-H members may enroll through 4HOnline anytime between
December 1 and March 1. It should state that they may enroll anytime between October 1 and March 1.
Here is what was included in the 2015-2016 Project Guide and Newsclip about this year’s enrollment process.
Enrolling in 4-H is a Two-Step Process:
Enrolling in 4-H requires two things: 1) Paying your individual 4-H program fees to your club and 2) enrolling as a
member in 4HOnline. Both of these things must occur by December 1 for re-enrolling members (who were
members of 4-H last year) and by March 1 for new enrollees. Check with your local club leader to find out how
much the program fees are for your club. County enrollment fees are $12 annually for members in grades 3-13 and
$6 for Cloverbuds (grades K-2). However, some clubs have additional fees to offset club expenses or cover known
annual expenses.
When you are enrolling for your project you will have the option to choose the literature that is offered for that
project. Be aware that if you order literature, it will automatically be purchased, sent to your club’s General Leader,
and then passed on to you. The cost of your literature will be added to your clubs bill for enrollment. Depending on
how your club handles literature costs you may be responsible to reimburse your club.
Re-Enrolling in 4-H:
With the start of a new 4-H year, your RE-ENROLLMENT in 4HOnline will be much faster and easier. All of the
information you entered before will remain, and you will simply need to update things that have changed (address,
email, phone number, health info, etc.). Your years in 4-H and school grade level will have automatically increased a
year. 4HOnline officially opens for Walworth County 4-H families on October 1. Re-enrolling members must sign up
no later than December 1 to be eligible to show in the Junior Department at our 2016 Walworth County
Fair. However, re-enrolling members may add and drop projects until March 1. After March 1, 4HOnline will close
down so that you will still be able to look at your account, but not make changes to it. To re-enroll on-line, follow
the directions in this packet: “Re-enroll Members/Leaders.” These instructions are also available on our website at
http://walworth.uwex.edu. Everyone that enrolled in 4-H last year is considered a “re-enrollee” this year.
Enrolling as a new member or leader:
For New family enrollment, you will need to access the website http://wi.4honline.com and follow the instructions
for “Enrolling in 4HOnline as a NEW family.” These instructions are available from your General Leader or at
http://walworth.uwex.edu. 4HOnline is easy to use and will give your family the opportunity to review and update
your information as needed. Your account will be available for viewing 24-7 year round. You may enroll members of
your family in 4-H using this system anytime between December 1* and March 1. (This time frame is the required
enrollment period in order for members to be eligible to participate in the 2016 Walworth County Fair Junior
Department.) After March 1, new families are welcome to enroll, but will not be eligible to show at the fair. To
enroll after March 1, contact the UW-Extension office at 262-741-4951 for help.
*Should say October 1
Bob Perk from Elkhorn Flying Dragons gave a presentation about bullying. October is Bully Prevention month. He
talked about verbal defense strategies and tactical communication. He is willing to do presentations to your clubs.
He has “car talks” on his website which are good starting points for parents to have discussion with their kids.
Mixer—Sugar Creek. Tossed a ball around and had to answer what your dream Halloween costume would be.
Caroline also passed around information on the Halloween Hustle put on by Health and Human Services.
Youth Building—All clubs were there for their supervision time and did a good job. Prefair judging went well. Key
Leaders were asked to do judges evaluations for the first time so that the information could be used for hiring
purposes. Letha also mentioned that she volunteered as an ambassador at the gate. Had a nice time directing fair
goers. If you have some free time you should consider doing that. Betty asked if anyone had found two pieces of
framed art belonging to a Spring Prairie member that has not been found. If anyone has any comments or concerns,
please get them to Letha or Kathie.
House of Pork—Flea Market went well yesterday. Laurie mentioned to Mr. Zimmerman that we would like to go back
to our old space at the fair if it opens up. District Reps did a great job. Laurie is looking for a fair co-chair if anyone
would be willing. Also would like to consider grilling at the fair, even if we had to hire someone, because that
sandwich would sell much better than the sliced pork sandwich. Sally said a couple people have shown interest in
the old trailer. They are asking $10,000.
Leaders Banquet—no one here to update
Cloverbud/Exploring Workshop—Linda and Bonnie. Had 11 or so kids. Was very hot. Chelsea said she saw kids at
prefair judging and they told her they had a great time. Jodi said the LaGrange kids had a great time too.
Budget Committee---Meeting on October 14th at 6:00, requests are due by October 14th at NOON.
Fall Forum—There are four people definitely going. It was decided through a motion by Rachelle Haacker and a
second by Tracy Riley to pay the $100 registration fee out of the Kermit Graf fund. Attendees would have to pay
their own lodging.
Pizza Sale—We have no pizza company as of now. It was decided through a motion by Laura and a second by Jodi to
continue the pizza sale. It was suggested to contact Schwans or another company to try something new. Champion
has been sold. Brenda and Ray and Janice Schilz will work with Chelsea to explore options.
Key Leader approvals:
Vegetables: Kerry and Sandy Jenkins, 1st Marlene and 2nd Letha
Scale Models: Keith Reimers, 1st Sally and 2nd Bonnie
Rabbits: Melissa Haney, 1st Brenda and 2nd Betty
Chelsea reminded everyone to pick up their silhouettes that are here tonight from the fair. You can keep them for
next year, or order new ones next year. Went well and we will probably do it again next year.
Chelsea is asking us to bring in bags of wrapped candy for Lakeland Nursing Home residents to pass out to trick or
treaters. Collect and bring to the October Senior Leaders meeting or drop off at the extension office prior to the
Next Executive Board meeting will be Tuesday, October 14th at 7:00 p.m.
Next Senior Leader meeting will be Monday, October 26th at 7:00 p.m.
Motion to adjourn by Betty Baerwald, Second by Sally Morgan
Meeting adjourned at 8:32 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Harkness, Secretary
Walworth County 4-H Senior Leaders Association Attendance
September 28, 2015
Big Foot Pioneers
Lake Beulah
Ridge Prairie
Spring Prairie
Sugar Creek
Troy Center
Valley View
Barb Nordmeyer
Tim Boss, Sarah Boss, Sally Morgan, Dan Morgan, Kristi Plenty, Jeff Plenty,
Jeff Kleist, Jen Kleist
Chelsea Police, Paula Polheber
Nancy Lee
Jodi Aron
Diane DeBaere
Vivian Ford, Jasmine Ford, Deanna Kundert,, Dan Kundert
Tracey Riley, Donna Sherman
Laura Vanderveen
Brenda Harkness, Betty Baerwald
Letha Kuecker, Ray Schilz, Janice Schilz, Rita VanSchyndel, Rachelle Haacker
Caroline Cornelison, Marlene Schoenbeck, Jodi Swatek
Lisa Brockman
Bonnie Kruzinga
Laurie Giorno, Linda Giorno
Bob Perk
Chelsea Dertz
Monday, October 26, 2015 - 7:00 p.m.
Government Center
National Shooting Sports Competitor Presentation – Leslie Reinke
National Congress Funding Request—Devon Frederick
4-H Softball—Neil West
ICE BREAKER—Lillie Cauffman, Rylee & Mackenzie Constable
Call to Order (Devon Frederick)
Pledges (Evelyn Harkness)
Secretary’s Report (Amelia Hayden)
*Thank you note completion
Treasurer’s Report (Braden Kundert)
*Approval of 2015-2016 signatories
UW-Extension Report (Debbie Burkman)
*Recognition t-shirt distribution
Committee Reports (if any)
 Portfolio Submission Deadline
 Ice Breaker Sign-up for 2015-2016
 Halloween Hustle Report
 Salvation Army Bell-ringing Report
 Holiday Tree Decorating and Take-down schedule
 Jr/Sr Banquet Update (decorations, speeches, installation, awards reminders)
 Other?
 Holiday Party Planning
 Kids College Workshop Teacher/Helper Sign-up
 Why Not Leadership Team Report
 Club Reports/Youth Leadership Reports
 Other?
Workshop: Decoration Construction for Junior Leaders’ Historical Society tree
Next Junior Leaders’ Meeting – November 23 at 7:00 p.m. at the Government Center
Next Executive Board Meeting – January 13 at 7:00 p.m. at the Government Center (*Senior Leaders to Lead)
Walworth County 4-H Junior Leaders’ Association Meeting Minutes
September 28, 2015
The Walworth County Junior Leaders’ Association met on September 28, 2015 in the County Government Center.
The group started out in a joint session with the Senior Leaders. During the joint session, the group heard follow-up
presentations from National Shooting Sports Competitors Kieran Bieneman and Charles Dowty. The Junior Leaders’
business meeting was called to order by Vice President Charles Dowty at approximately 7:10 p.m. Maddie Eggert and
Claire Schilz led an ice breaker. Pledges were said. The secretary’s report was read by Devon Frederick and approved
by Oliver Kozak and Mackenzie Constable. The treasurer’s report was also given by Devon and was approved by Cody
Miller and Brandan Constable. There was a total of $12, 142.67 in checking, and the CD balance was unavailable, but
had no activity since last meeting. Debbie Burkman shared that Officer School ’15 will be held on November 14 in
the County Government Center, sign-up for that event is open now to all officers and youth leaders. Charles
provided an explanation of how the election process would happen later in the evening and identified the slate of
officers being recommended by the nomination committee.
Old Business
In old business, Devon, Brandan, Oliver, Evelyn Harkness, Lillie Cauffman, Connie Haacker, and Sarah Haacker
provided a short report of their experience with the Wisconsin State Fair Pork Shoppe. Brandan and Oliver also
commented on their experiences helping with various aspects of pre-fair judging week. While a sign-up sheet for
members interested in learning more about traveling with Walworth County 4-H had been passed around in July, a
new sign-up sheet was circulated for new members to sign if interested. Finally, Oliver provided a House of Pork Flea
Market report.
New Business
In new business, members were reminded that if they had attended State Conference during the past couple of
years, they were eligible for CWF, National Congress, and National Conference and should submit a portfolio if
interested. Materials are available from Chelsea Dertz. An ice breaker sign-up sheet was passed around for the new
program year. A sign-up sheet for the Health and Human Service’s Halloween Hustle family activity area was passed
around. Lillie Cauffman moved that the group plan to decorate a tree for the annual Walworth County Historical
Society Tree Walk. Vivian Ford made the second, and the motion carried. A sign-up for putting up the tree and
taking it down will be passed around in October. The group was undecided about ringing the bell for the Salvation
Army this year. Debbie will check to see what shift lengths are available. The group is thinking that a short time slot
is most desirable. After some discussion, Evelyn moved that Junior Leaders’ would pay for ½ of each Fall Forum
youth delegate this year. Jasmine Ford made the second. The motion carried. Fall Forum is November 6-8 at the
Wisconsin Dells. Youth participants this year include: Emily Newell, Lillie Cauffman, Jalin DeLeon, Courtney Boss,
Nicole Plenty, and Emily Cadman (YLC member). Total cost per youth is $135 including lodging. Club and youth
leadership reports were given, and a committee was formed to help with Junior/Senior Leaders’ Banquet
decorations. Lindsay Cleveland and Lillie Cauffman will chair this committee as the Youth District Reps in charge.
Committee includes: Mackenzie, Rylee Constable, Vivian, Jasmine, and Brandan. Barb Dowty shared that youth need
to be confirmed for 2016 as Softball reps. It is hoped that commission members can make some club visits this year
to encourage more participation in softball. A commission meeting is set for October 20 at 6:30 p.m. for those
Next, the group conducted part of its elections. In keeping with the constitution, candidates were limited to
members who had attended at least 5 business meetings during the past year with the understanding that if offices
could not be filled drawing from this pool, other youth could be nominated and elected. Charles re-read the
proposed slate of officers identified by the nominating committee and then asked if there were additional
nominations from the floor. Rylee nominated Lillie for the position of Vice President. Mackenzie made the second.
Lillie accepted the nomination. There were no more nominations, so Cody moved to close the nominations. Rylee
made the second. The motion carried. Oliver moved to approve Devon for President, Amelia Hayden for Secretary,
and Braden Kundert for Treasurer. Cody made the second. The motion carried. Ballot voting was used for the
positions of Vice-President (Evelyn and Lillie), Reporter (Connie and Lindsay Cleveland), and Parliamentarian (Oliver,
Lillie, and Evelyn), all of which had multiple nominees either due to the nomination from the floor or the slate
proposed by the nominating committee. Following the ballot vote, Lillie was named Vice President; Lindsay was
name Reporter, and Evelyn was named Parliamentarian.
Elections Still Coming Up
Because the meeting was running late and Sherriff Picknell was present to speak, the election of District Reps,
Bowling Committee members, and Softball Youth reps was postponed until October. The present candidate for NE
District Rep is Evelyn. Candidates for Central District are Mackenzie, Maddie, Brandan, and Sydney Anderson.
Candidates for SW District are Jared and Josie Wells. Candidates for SE District are Connie and Sarah Haacker and
Theresa VanSchyndel. Candidates are needed for the NW District. Nominations from the floor will be accepted at
the next meeting with interested candidates who have made five or more business meetings in the past year getting
The meeting was adjourned by Oliver and Brandan.
Program and Closing Activities
Sherriff Picknell gave a presentation on “real world law enforcement and related careers.”
Refreshments consisted of sliced apples in caramel dip.
Next meeting will be October 26 at 7 p.m. During that meeting, we’ll be planning programs for the rest of the new
year and creating decorations for the tree walk tree.
Walworth County 4-H Junior Leaders’ Association Attendance
September 28, 2015
Big Foot Pioneers
Lake Beulah
Ridge Prairie
Spring Prairie
Sugar Creek
Maddy Eggert
Rebecca Polheber, Heather Police
Sydney Anderson
Lillian Geuder
Devon Frederick, Cody Miller, Jasmine Ford, Vivian Ford
Evelyn Harkness, Bailey Bleser, Owen Kramer, Kieran Bieneman
Connie Haacker, Sarah Haacker, Claire Schilz, Theresa VanSchyndel
Oliver Kozak, Charles Dowty, Lillie Cauffman, Mackenzie Constable,
Rylee Constable, Brandon Constable
Troy Center
Valley View
Barb Dowty, Adriane Kramer, Sara Geuder, Sheryl Anderson,
Vickie Bleser, Sandi Bieneman
Debbie Burkman