Walworth County November 2015 WALWORTH COUNTY 4-H SENIOR LEADER’S ASSOCIATION MEETING AGENDA Monday November 23, 2015, 7:00 p.m. Government Center *************************************************************************************** JOINT SESSION WITH JUNIOR LEADERS National Shooting Sports Competitors’ Presentation – Jack Flitcroft International Chicago Trip– Caroline Cornelison *************************************************************************************** OPENING ACTIVITIES Call to order –Dan Kundert Approval of Minutes/Correspondence – Brenda Harkness Treasurer’s Report – Marlene Schoenbeck Sunshine Report – Letha Kuecker UW-Extension Report – Chelsea Dertz Fall Forum Presentation– Caroline Cornelison, Sarah Boss, Kristi Plenty CLUB MEETING S.O.S.—Dave Reyher, Leather Crafting —Schwan's™, Fundraiser Opportunity MIXER—Elkhorn 4-H UNFINISHED BUSINESS Leaders’ Banquet Recap (Caroline Cornelison & Lisa Brockman) Silent Auction/ Quilt Raffle Wrap-up (Futures Committee and Quilt Guild Reps) Open Awards Committee Positions – All districts except Central Other NEW BUSINESS Policies and Guidelines Update (Chelsea Dertz) Music Fest Plans (Caroline Cornelison) Club/Committee Reports (if any) Key Leader Approvals (if any) Other ADJOURNMENT ANNOUNCEMENTS Next Senior Leaders’ Meeting – Monday, January 25 at 7:00 p.m. at the Government Center Next Executive Board Meeting – January 13 at 7:00 p.m. at the Government Center (*SR Leaders to Lead) SENIOR LEADERS’ ASSOCIATION OFFICERS Name Email Home Phone Cell Phone Dan Kundert, President ............................ dkundert@2farmconnect.net ................. 262-275-5155 ................. 262-749-8641 Tim Boss, Vice President ........................... bosser65@tds.net ..................................... ........................................262-215-9907 Diane DeBaere, Secretary .......................... dlccountrygirl@yahoo.com ................... 262-248-8354 ................. 262-581-6594 Marlene Schoenbeck, Treasurer ............... mschoenbeck@walworthbank.com ...... 262-723-4211 ....................................... Vacant, NE District Rep ............................ ................................................................... .............................................................. Linda Giorno, NW District Rep ............... lgiorno@gmail.com ................................. ....................................... 262-903-0301 Caroline Cornelison, Central District Reptoddcaro@elknet.net .............................. 262-742-4315 ................. 262-949-0647 Donna Kundert, SE District Rep .............. dkundert@2farmconnect.net ................. 262-275-5155 ................. 262-749-8663 Bonnie Kruizenga, SW District Rep ......... btybon@gmail.com ................................. 262-882-2416 ................. 262-325-8835 Letha Kuecker, Sunshine ........................... rclmk65@elknet.net ................................ 262-723-2440 ................. 262-949-0815 JUNIOR LEADERS’ ASSOCIATION OFFICERS Devon Frederick, President ...................... dnfred4@gmail.com ............................... 262-249-0679 ................ 262-215-6060 Lillie Cauffman, Vice President. .............. toddcaro@elknet.net ............................... 262-742-4315 ................ 262-949-0647 Amelia Hayden, Secretary ........................ ameliamath@charter.net ........................ 262-736-2707 ............... 815-980-9951 Braden Kundert, Treasurer ....................... dmtjbk1124@genevaonline.com ........... 262-248-1911 ................ 262-903-8614 Lindsey Cleveland, Reporter .................... kellymcleveland@yahoo.com ................ ....................................... 262-501-6763 Evelyn Harkness, Parliamentarian .......... brenda@stowellscatering.com............... 262-661-4580 ................ 262-492-8799 Vacant, NW District .................................. ................................................................... .............................................................. Jacob Hahlbeck, NE District Rep. ............ jackie@benchmarkwisconsin.com ........ 262-642-4095 ................ 262-757-3330 Brandan Constable, Central District Rep sbconstable@gmail.com ......................... ....................................... 262-903-5707 Jared Wells, SW District Rep .................... alicewells6@gmail.com .......................... ....................................... 262-749-1617 Theresa VanSchyndel, SE District Rep .... vanschyndelr@archmil.org .................... 262-723-6727 ....................................... COUNTY 4-H DISTRICTS Southwest Northwest Big Foot Pioneers 4-H Sharon 4-H Walworth 4-H Central LaGrange 4-H Richmond 4-H Whitewater 4-H Elkhorn 4-H Harvesters 4-H Lakeland 4-H Ridge Prairie 4-H Sugar Creek 4-H Valley View 4-H Southeast Flame Throwers 4-H Linn 4-H Springfield 4-H Northeast Lake Beulah 4-H Lyons 4-H Spring Prairie 4-H Troy Center 4-H ROTATION OF DISTRICT RESPONSIBILITIES Listed below is a list of district responsibilities for the following countywide events: Awards packaging and distribution, Leaders Banquet planning and decorating and the County-Wide Cloverbuds/Exploring Workshop Awards Packaging & Distribution Prep Senior Leaders from District Banquet Planning Junior Leaders from District Banquet Decorations County-Wide Cloverbuds/Exploring Workshop 2016 Northeast Central Northwest Central Northwest Southwest Southeast 2017 Central Northwest Southwest Northwest Southwest Southeast Northeast Year Walworth County 4-H Senior Leaders Monday, October 26, 2015 Government Center Leslie Reinke talked about her experience at the National Shooting Sports Competition. Devon Frederick asked for money for attending National Congress. Neil West talked about plans for increasing interest in the softball program by having a mini-camp, coming to club meetings and handing out pamphlets. Debbie Burkman reported on a winter workshop day called “Wild About Science” which will be held either November 21 or December 12. Meeting was called to order at 7:15 pm by President Dan Kundert. Secretary’s Report from September was distributed in the Communications. Thank you notes were read. Report was approved through a motion by Marlene Schoenbeck and a second by Linda Giorno. Treasurer’s Report was distributed. The report was approved through a motion by Linda Giorno seconded by Donna Kundert. The budget was distributed with only minor changes from last year. It was approved through a motion by Letha Kuecker; seconded by Donna Kundert. Motion carried. Sunshine Report was given by Letha Kuecker. Thinking of You card to Dennis Duesterbeck (hospitalized Oct. 10) fair board member, husband of Cathy Duesterbeck, chairperson of Futures Committee and Quilters. Thinking of You card to Jerry Rahn, owner of Wishing Well Florists, dealing with serious health issues. Anniversary Congratulations to Ken and Betty Baerwald, honor of 25th wedding anniversary (Betty is co-general leader with Spring Prairie 4-H. UWEX REPORT— Important Dates: November 1— Junior/Senior Leaders’ Banquet, First Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1:00pm November 2—Part 2 of the 4-H Chartering Paperwork is due in the UW-Extension office by 5 p.m. November 6—Pre-registration for 4-H Officer School ’15 closes at 5 p.m. November 6—4-H Trip Portfolios are due to the UW-Extension office by 5:00pm November 19—Trip Portfolio Interviews, Government Center, times TBA December 1—Last day for re-enrolling 4-H members and leaders to sign-up for 4-H 4-H Officer School ‘15 This year’s 4-H Officer School has been set for Saturday, November 14 in the county Government Center. Registration will be happening from 8:40-9:00 a.m. The program will run from 9:00 a.m.-Noon, and a pizza lunch will be served immediately following. Pick-up and participant departure will be 12:30 p.m. All 4-H club officers AND youth leaders are encouraged to attend. (Parents are welcome to attend with them.) A special workshop for 4-H club leaders is also being offered. Please pre-register by November 6 at 5 p.m. Sign up by calling the Extension office at 262-741-4951. Share your name, club, leadership role, and phone number. You can also register by emailing this same information to deborah.moser@ces.uwex.edu. Chartering for 2016 The 2016 chartering process is underway for 4-H clubs/groups across the county. If your club/group is chartered, please be aware that Part 2 of the chartering paperwork is due in the UW-Extension office no later than November 2. November 2 is a firm deadline, as the county’s deadline to upload to state follows immediately after that. Because of the short turn-around time between November 2 and upload to state, please be sure that EVERY item on the chartering document has been addressed, and that all signature lines are completed. There won’t be time to try and track things down. If your club/group is one of the five that still have NOT submitted Part 1 of the chartering paperwork, know that if it is not turned in by the November 2 deadline with Part 2, your club will automatically receive a provisional charter for 2016 and your memberfamilies will be notified. New Volunteer Orientations Set This year, “New Volunteer Orientation Workshops” are being offered at the County Government Center at the following times: January 13—5:45-6:45 p.m. April 25—5:45-6:45 p.m. Please let prospective new volunteers know that they should pre-register for these classes by calling the UWEX at 262-741-4951 no later than the Friday before each session. An additional workshop or two may be offered later in the year if the need arises. Note that the new Volunteer Workshop originally set for January 25th at 5:45 p.m. has been CANCELLED due to a scheduling conflict. 4-H Kids’ College Kids’ College is a day full of fun workshops for all ages. Try a new project, learn from the experts, and have fun with your friends! The annual event will be held on January 30. More information will be in the December/ January 4-H Newsclip. If you or someone you know would like to teach a class about ANY 4-H project, please let Chelsea know! (262) 741-4960 or Chelsea.dertz@ces.uwex.edu 2016 Bowling This year, 4-H Bowling will be at the club level. Due to an open bowling coordinator position, it will be easier for each club to organize their own outing. Please contact Chelsea if you would like sign-up sheets or score sheets. She would be happy to print those for the clubs. Here is the contact information for each of the bowling alleys that we have used in the past few years: Lake Geneva Lanes: Mike and Tom, (262) 248-4805 Delavan Lanes: Lavonne, (262) 728-9477 Cougar Lanes, Clinton: Mark, (608) 676-2279 Hawk Bowl, Whitewater: Jason, hawkbowl@hotmail.com House of Pork Susan Clark has resigned her spot as Flea Market Coordinator for the House of Pork, therefore there is a need to have a volunteer step up and take this role, along with someone to help at the fair. Being responsible for all the events is a huge undertaking and can’t be done by one person. So please consider helping out at the fair or during the flea markets. Contact Laurie Giorno at 262-903-9416. 4-H Softball The 4-H Softball Commission met on October 20 to plan their traveling softball presentation. They hope to reach each club before softball forms are due. The committee will be calling general leaders asking to attend an upcoming club meeting to speak for about 15 minutes. They will have information and be able to answer questions. Let’s get each club playing 4-H Softball this year! Back-to-4-H Night Back-to 4-H Night was held at the Activity Center on October 6. A wide variety of 4-H Project Committees hosted interactive booths at this event to promote their projects. We had 64 new, potential members attend! A huge thank you goes to all of the youth and adult leaders who volunteered their time and talents to make the event possible. LHCC Candy Collection Thank you to everyone who donated one or multiple bags of candy to the Lakeland Health Care Center Trick-or-Treat Day! The residents are very excited! If you forgot to bring a bag tonight, you can donate this Tuesday-Friday by bringing them to the UW-Extension office. Collection will end Friday at noon. Credit Cards at the Fair Entrance At the last meeting some were wondering why there was not a credit card option at the front gates of the fairgrounds. Chelsea asked the fair office and they have tried to work on this before. Their wireless internet does not reach as far as the gates, and to make the entire fairgrounds wireless would cost $35,000. 4-H Cookbooks We still have a good supply of Walworth County 4-H Cookbooks available in the UW-Extension office! These make great gifts for almost any occasion! Cost is $15 each. Checks should be payable to the Walworth County 4-H Futures Committee. UW-Extension Restructuring As you may have heard in the news, UW-Extension is facing budget cuts. These budget cuts will affect how Extension looks and behaves in the months and years ahead. Rest assured that UW-Extension will continue to be a strong organization with a local presence. When more concrete information is available, we will certainly update you. Club Meeting S.O.S. – Kevin Slack presented a fundraising opportunity with Schwan’s Co. The information is available on their website. He will try to have a salesman from Schwan’s at the next meeting to explain it better. Catalogs were distributed. He also served pizza samples. Mixer – Linn 4-H. A Halloween Quiz Bowl was set up and teams of 3 competed to test their knowledge of Halloween trivia. House of Pork – Sue stepped down from the committee. They are looking for new members. The new trailer is currently at Stuart Tank in an attempt to get the counter fixed where it split. So far they have been unable to do so. The trailer is still under warranty with United Trailer. Awards Committee – All Districts are seeking representatives except Central. No one stepped up at this meeting. Leader’s Banquet – As of Friday at noon, 141 people were signed up. Ham, milk, and water are being arranged for. Stilling looking for cake donation. Auction items were due at this meeting but will still be accepted up until Banquet time. Exec. Board – We voted to eliminate the county behavior agreement in favor of the state one since ours could not be incorporated into 4H Online. The county agreement will still be read at club meetings, but no forms will need to be signed. International trip to Chicago – On Saturday, December 12 starting at 10 am a group will travel by train from Harvard, Illinois ($8 round trip) to Chicago where they will have lunch at the French market at the train station. Then they will walk to Daly Plaza to visit the Krist Kindlmart then stop for photos at the “Bean”. Ice skating may follow. Then walk back to the train around 6 pm to be home around 8pm. Anyone is welcome to join them. Key Leader Approvals Sara Geuder –Arts and Crafts. Motion by Letha Keucker, second by Kathy Benhart. Motion carried. Caroline Cornelison- Citizenship & International, Theater Arts . Motion by Marlene Schoenbeck; seconded by Linda Giorno. Motion carried. Ashley VanSchyndel – Cats. Motion by Marlene Schoenbeck; seconded by Donna Kundert. Motion carried. Kathy Benhart is selling kringles for out-of-state exchange. Orders could be taken at this meeting. Kathy Benhart made a motion to give Devon Frederick $367 toward the National Congress trip. It was seconded by Donna Kundert and passed unanimously. Elections V.P. - Tim Boss was nominated by Caroline Cornelison, seconded by Al Iseppon. A motion to elect by unanimous ballot was cast by Letha Kuecker and seconded by Al Issepon. Motion carried. Secretary - Diane DeBaere was nominated by Caroline Cornelison, seconded by Marlene Schoenbeck. A motion to elect by unanimous ballot was cast by Lisa Brockman, seconded by Tim Boss. Motion carried. District Reps NE – will remain open since the current rep. has already served 2 terms and no one else has stepped up. NW – Linda Giorno was nominated for a second two-year term by Marlene Schoenbeck and seconded by Laurie Giorno. A motion to elect by unanimous ballot was made by Marlene Schoenbeck and seconded by Donna Kundert. Motion carried. A motion to adjourn was made by Linda Giorno and seconded by Tim Boss. Meeting was adjourned 8:40 pm. Next Senior Leader meeting will be Monday, November 23 @ 7pm. Respectfully submitted, Lisa Brockman, acting secretary Walworth County 4-H Senior Leaders Association Attendance October 26, 2015 Club Big Foot Pioneers Elkhorn Flamethrowers Harvesters LaGrange Lake Beulah Lakeland Linn Lyons Richmond Ridge Prairie Sharon Spring Prairie Springfield Sugar Creek Troy Center Valley View Walworth Whitewater Guests UWEX Attendees Barb Nordmeyer Tim Boss, Sarah Boss, Dan Morgan, Kristi Plenty, Jeff Plenty, Jeff Kleist, Jen Kleist Paula Polheber, Chelsea Police Rodney & Nancy Lee Neil West Diane DeBaere, Cindy Papenfus Donna Kundert, Dan Kundert, Deanna Kundert Laura Vander Veen Letha Kuecker, Kathie Benhardt Caroline Cornelison, Marlene Schoenbeck, Jodi Swatek, Todd Cauffman Lisa Brockman, Brenda Warrenburg Laurie Giorno, Linda Giorno Jeff Markham, Al Iseppon WALWORTH COUNTY 4-H JUNIOR LEADERS Monday, November 23, 2015 - 7:00 p.m. Government Center AGENDA This meeting will be our holiday party! Wear a holiday hat or sweater to get your name in the bucket for door prizes! …And bring a wrapped unisex gift valued at $5 if you’d like to participate in the grab bag gift exchange! A Junior Leaders’ Officer Team Meeting will be held from 5:45-6:45 p.m. preceding the meeting to go over the proposed budget and determine program plans for 2016. JOINT SESSION WITH SENIOR LEADERS National Shooting Sports Competitor Presentation – Jack Flitcroft OPENING ACTIVITIES Call to Order (Devon Frederick) Pledges (Evelyn Harkness) Secretary’s Report (Amelia Hayden) Treasurer’s Report (Braden Kundert) *Approval of 2015-2016 budget *Vote to move CD to People’s Bank UW-Extension Report (Debbie Burkman) Committee Reports (if any) UNFINISHED BUSINESS Officer School Wrap-up Holiday Tree Decorating Report, Take-down Reminders Jr/Sr Banquet Report Wrap-up Salvation Army Bell-ringing Update Other? NEW BUSINESS Holiday Care Program Donation; Volunteers to Help Pack Toys? Why Not Leadership Team Report (Braden, Amelia, Lillie C., Savannah S.) Plans for January Meeting Club Reports/Youth Leadership Reports Other? ADJOURNMENT Super Speedy Holiday Party *Holiday Game (Oliver Kozak) *Holiday Project (Jasmine/Vivian Ford) *Holiday Jokes/Riddles (Braden Kundert) *Holiday Exchange (Oliver Kozak/Brandan Constable) *Holiday Activity Involving Food (Theresa VanShyndel, Amanda Papenfus, and Jacob Hahlbeck) ANNOUNCEMENTS Next Executive Board Meeting – January 13 at 7:00 p.m. at the Government Center (*Senior Leaders to Lead) Next Junior Leaders’ Meeting – January 25 at 7:00 p.m. at the Government Center Walworth County 4-H Junior Leaders’ Association Meeting Minutes October 26, 2015 The Walworth County Junior Leaders’ Association met on October 26, 2015 in the County Government Center. The group started out in a joint session with the Senior Leaders during which they heard a follow-up presentation from National Shooting Sports Competitor Leslie Reinke and learned about a wildlife program being planned by the county’s Why Not 4-H Leadership Team members. They also heard a request from Devon Frederick for sponsorship as he travels to National 4-H Congress in November. The Junior Leaders’ business meeting was called to order by President Devon Frederick at approximately 7:10 p.m. Lillie Cauffman, Rylee Constable, and Mackenzie Constable led an ice breaker. Pledges were said. The secretary’s report was read by Lillie Cauffman and approved by Theresa VanSchyndel and Jacob Hahlbeck . A thank you note for Sherriff Picknell was passed around. The treasurer’s report was read by Devon and approved by Owen Kramer and Leo Ehlen. There was a total of $12,379.33 in checking, and the CD balance was $6174.59. Vivian Ford moved to approve Devon Frederick, Braden Kundert, Barb Dowty, and Marlene Schoenbeck as signatories on the Junior Leaders’ accounts for the 2015-2016 program year. Jasmine Ford made the second. The motion carried. Debbie Burkman reminded members that Officer School ’15 would be held on November 14 in the County Government Center. Anyone serving as a county or club officer or youth leader was encouraged to sign-up and attend. Debbie also distributed Junior Leader t-shirts to all of the members who either earned them by attending 4+ meetings last year or who purchased them. Because Junior Leaders’ had already approved sponsorship of Devon’s National Congress trip back in April, the group did not discuss his request at this meeting. Old Business In old business, members were reminded that portfolios would be due in the Extension office by November 3. Evelyn Harkness indicated that she would be submitting one. The ice breaker sign-up sheet for 2015-2016 was passed around so that more members could fill open spots. Lillie, Maddie Eggert, Rylee, and Mackenzie reported on their involvement at the Halloween Hustle event. A number of people expressed interest in ringing the Salvation Army bell for a short period of time (e.g. 2 hours or less), so Debbie will see what is available. Sign-up sheets for holiday tree decorating and take-down were passed around. Lillie gave a Junior/Senior Leaders’ Banquet decorating update, and Debbie reminded officers that many of them would have speaking parts and would also be installed at the event. New Business In new business, the group voted between having a camp-style circle dance and holding the “Super Speedy Holiday Party” that had been initiated last year, but was cancelled due to weather. The majority voted to have the “Super Speedy Holiday Party,” so a sign-up sheet was passed around to divide up responsibilities. The holiday party will be held during the regular meeting on November 23. A Kids’ College sign-up sheet was passed around for the cloverbud workshop, and members were invited to sign up to teach their own workshops as well. Club reports and youth leadership reports were given. Program Planning Next, the group divided into small groups to rotate to brainstorming stations in an effort to determine programming options for the new year. The officer team will meet with the Extension staff to slot each month’s programs based on what was brainstormed. Elections Then, the group completed its elections, voting in District Reps, Softball Commission Youth Reps, and Bowling Committee members for the coming year. Jacob was elected NE District Representative. Brandan Constable was chosen Central District Rep. Theresa was elected SE District Rep, and Jared Wells was chosen as SW District Rep. The NW District Rep position remains open because no members represented of that district have been attending Junior Leaders. 2015-2016 youth reps to the Softball Commission will be Sydney Anderson, Leo, and Mackenzie. The group elected not to have a Bowling Committee this year. The meeting was adjourned by Evelyn and second by Oliver Kozak. Closing Activities Refreshments consisted of autumn cupcakes and milk. Because time during the October meeting ran out, decorations for the holiday tree will be constructed from 12-12:45 p.m. on November 14 immediately following officer training. Next meeting—the group’s holiday party--will be November 23 at 7 p.m. in the County Government Center. Walworth County 4-H Junior Leaders’ Association Attendance October 26, 2015 Club Big Foot Pioneers Elkhorn Flamethrowers Harvesters LaGrange Lake Beulah Lakeland Linn Lyons Richmond Ridge Prairie Sharon Spring Prairie Springfield Sugar Creek Attendees Maddy Eggert Sydney Anderson Jacob Hahlbeck Amanda Papenfus Devon Frederick, Jasmine Ford, Vivian Ford Owen Kramer, J.T. Wehmeier Theresa VanSchyndel Oliver Kozak, Mackenzie Constable, Rylee Constable, Brandon Constable, Leo Ehlen, Maya Ehlen Troy Center Valley View Walworth Whitewater Guests UWEX Barb Dowty Debbie Burkman