Walworth County 4-H 2016 SOFTBALL GUIDELINES TABLE OF CONTENTS 4-H Softball Commission ................................................................................................... 1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................1-2 1.0.0 Rules & Regulations .................................................................................................2-8 1.1.1 Objectives ........................................................................................................... 2 1.2.0 Entry/Insurance Fees .......................................................................................... 2 1.3.0 Rosters .................................................................................................................. 2 1.4.0 Eligibility .............................................................................................................2-3 1.5.0 Equipment ........................................................................................................3-4 1.6.0 Umpires ................................................................................................................ 4 1.7.0 Forfeits ...............................................................................................................4-5 1.8.0 Ejections ............................................................................................................... 5 1.9.0 Schedules ............................................................................................................ 5 1.10.0 Substitutions ....................................................................................................5-6 1.11.0 Reporting ........................................................................................................... 6 1.12.0 General Rules .................................................................................................6-7 1.13.0 Pitching Rules .................................................................................................... 7 1.14.0 Base Running..................................................................................................7-8 1.15.0 Batting ................................................................................................................ 8 2.1.1 Junior Division Coaches ............................................................................................ 8 2.1.2 Senior Division Coaches ............................................................................................ 9 3.1.0 Playing Field Locations .........................................................................................9-10 4.1.0 End of the Season Evaluation Meeting.................................................................. 10 5.1.0 Rosters......... ..........................................................................................................10-12 6.1.0 All Star and Tournament Game Schedule ............................................................ 13 7.1.0 Club Leaders ........................................................................................................13-14 8.1.0 Softball Commission Bylaws...............................................................................14-16 9.1.0 Game Schedules ...................................................................................................... 17 4-H SOFTBALL COMMISSION Mark Worland, Chair………………..……………..………………………...……….275-5230 Email: mark.worland@charter.net.......................................................C (414) 690- 5230 Neil West, Vice-Chair………………………………………………………………….378-0774 Email: neilericwest@gmail.com Barb Dowty, Treasurer……………..…………………………………..…………..C 903-5820 Email: barbdowty@gmail.com...........................................................................723-2861 Brenna Constable, Director……...…………………………..…………………..C 903-5707 Email: sbconstable@gmail.com Lance Ellsworth, Director……...……………..………………………………..… H: 723-7910 Email: lance@cattlevisions.com……………..……………………….....C: (573) 819-3626 Nancy Lee, Senior Leaders Representative………………………………………724-5330 Email: tenofus.lees@gmail.com……………………………………...........….....C 729-5728 Mackenzie Constable, Junior Leaders Rep…………………………..............C 903-5707 Email: sbconstable@gmail.com Brandan Constable, Junior Leaders Rep…………………………...................C 903-5707 Email: sbconstable@gmail.com Sydney Anderson, Junior Leaders Rep…………………………..........................749-1988 Email: ssssanderson@live.com Leo Ehlen, Junior Leaders Rep…………………………………….....................H: 742-4991 Email: ehlen5@elknet.net………………………………………………………...C: 949-9029 Chelsea Dertz, UW-Extension 4-H Youth Development Coordinator,.............741-4960 Email: Chelsea.dertz@ces.uwex.edu Note: Coaches and Umpires, please familiarize yourself with this season’s Rule Book. Please provide your most current email address and cell phone number to team and the Commission. Dear Softball Coaches: The Softball Commission Handbook has proven to be a very useful tool for coaches, Commission members, and the UW-Extension Office. We have included additional information to the handbook again this year. You will find Commission members’ names and phone numbers, game rosters, and All-Star nomination forms. Each team is required to have and use the following safety equipment: four batting helmets; mask, chest protectors, shin guards and catcher’s helmet or batting helmet worn backwards for the catcher; and a mask must be available for the umpire. The purpose of the summer softball program is to allow members to engage in a fun, physical activity that provides them the opportunity for learning softball skills, cooperation and team work, social skills, and how to deal with competition. Keeping this in mind, the Softball Commission requires that team members participating in year-end tournaments be actively involved in 50% of the season games. The Commission will round down if 5 games are played -- the player must be in 2 games. No alcohol or tobacco products will be allowed at games, or by anyone directly involved in the game. If you have any questions regarding the softball program, contact a Commission member. Sincerely, 4-H Softball Commission 1.0.0 RULES & REGULATIONS 1.1.0 Objectives 1.1.1 The fast pitch softball program is offered as a part of the 4-H program to promote exercise, sportsmanship, and good fun. 1.1.2 The 4-H Softball Commission recognizes that there are vast differences in the rates of physical, social, and emotional development of youth. We will strive to make practices and games a positive contribution to that development. With that in mind, each child’s participation becomes the most important dimension of the game. 1.2.0 Entry/Insurance Fees 1.2.1 $15.00 per club that has a player or players on a team (i.e., 1 senior league and 1 junior league = $30.00). 1.2.2 Any club with 3 or less players on a team will only be charged a $5.00 entry fee. 1.2.3 $2.00 per player for insurance and for tournament umpire fees. 1.3.0 Rosters 1.3.1 Rosters must be submitted to the UW-Extension Office by the April coaches’ meeting. 1.3.2 Rosters will be checked for grade and eligibility. 1.3.3 Rosters should list managers’ phone numbers and an alternate phone number for use when teams must be contacted by other managers. 1.4.0 Eligibility 1.4.1 4-H clubs must register by the April coaches’ meeting if they intend to have a team. Clubs may sponsor more than one team per league at their choice. 1.4.2 All clubs must pay fees by registration due date. Fees support the program. 1.4.3 Each player must be enrolled in Walworth County 4-H. Reminder: All youth listed on the roster must be members carrying at least one project and be in good standing in their 4-H club. 1.4.4 There will be two leagues: Senior League — boys and girls in grades 7-13. Junior League — boys and girls in grades 3-7. Boys and girls in grade 7 may play on the junior /or senior leagues but not both. 1.4.5 Clubs with insufficient members will be combined with other Individual clubs to form one team by the commission. Individual clubs may enter more than one team; however, interested members may play on one team only, not both. 1.4.6 No more than 3 clubs can combine without consulting the Commission. 1.4.7 Any club with 15 or more players must consider themselves their own team, unless they combine with a club, or clubs, having less than 15 players. 1.4.8 Teams must turn in a roster with their players no later than the April coaches’ meeting. It shall contain the names and grades of all players. No player changes can be made after the deadline. There will be no exceptions, per the Senior Leaders’ Association. 1.4.9 Coaches must exchange their game’s batting order and rosters prior to game time. 1.4.10 Team members participating in year-end tournaments must be actively involved in at least 2 season games. 1.5.0 Equipment 1.5.1 Home team shall furnish the 12” game ball (not soft strike ball). 1.5.2 Each team is required to have and use 4 batting helmets. 1.5.3 No hardball bats can be used. (Umpires and coaches will check all bats before the start of the game.) All bat handles must be taped. Wood, aluminum, fiberglass, and plastic bats may be used. Tee ball bats are illegal. 1.5.4 No metal spikes or cleats may be worn. Rubber baseball cleats are permitted. All players must wear shoes. No sandals will be allowed. 1.5.5 Softball teams MUST have a first aid kit. 1.5.6 Masks, chest protector, shin guards, and catcher’s helmet or batting helmet (backwards) must be worn by the catcher. Catchers gear must be worn in order to play. 1.5.7 Masks must be made available to the umpires by the home team. 1.5.8 Each team must provide a coach. 1.5.9 Players must wear shirts at all times. Look-alike shirts are strongly recommended by the Commission. 1.5.10 All teams should bring their own practice and game equipment. 1.5.11. Each team should have a scorekeeper. At the end of each inning, opposing team scorekeepers should check with each other to insure accuracy of their records. 1.5.12 Home team must have a base at first base for runners, not fielders, for safety purposes. 1.5.13. A softball bat has a barrel 2-1/4” in diameter and can be no longer than 34” and can be a little longer for width but not 35”. 1.6.0 Umpires 1.6.1 Each team must find a mutually agreeable umpire for the game. 1.6.2 Players of the teams involved cannot umpire. 1.6.3 Players from the Senior League can be used to umpire Junior League games. 1.6.4 The person umpiring shall at no time during the course of the game engage in any coaching or managerial functions. 1.6.5 An umpire has the right to eject a player, spectator, or coach for that game only for any of the reasons stated under the “Ejection” section of the rule book. 1.6.6 All umpires will consistently enforce the rules. 1.6.7 A meeting shall be held prior to each game between coaches and umpires to review the boundaries of each playing field and to clarify any rules. 1.6.8 The Commission strongly encourages all teams to select the best umpire possible for all games. 1.6.9 The umpires may call the game at any time during the game because of weather or darkness. 1.6.10. If the coaches tell the umpires that they will play a legal game under the conditions at the start of game time, then the umpire will uphold it as a legal game. 1.7.0 Forfeits 1.7.1 Forfeits will be declared for any of the following reasons: 1.7.1a A team cannot field at least 7 players within 15 minutes after the scheduled game time. 1.7.1b A team uses an illegal player or players. 1.7.2 If a team has 3 forfeits, then the Softball Commission will decide if they will be eligible to play in the tournament. 1.7.3 All forfeits must be reported to the UW-Extension Office by the Monday following the game. 1.7.4 If both teams cannot field seven(7) players, the coaches can agree to a new date and time but must be before the next regularly scheduled game. If coaches cannot agree on a date and time, the home field coach must contact Chairman, Mark Worland at (414) 690-5230 to determine their game date and field availability. 1.7.5 All players from both teams that are present and ready to play the game at start time, will be credited with playing in the game even if the game is forfeited. 1.8.0 Ejections 1.8.1 A player, spectator, or coach can be ejected for that game only, and only by the umpire, for the following reasons: 1.8.1a Use of inappropriate language. 1.8.1b Wearing of inappropriate clothing. 1.8.1c Any conduct that the umpire feels to be unsportsmanlike or inappropriate. 1.8.2 If a player, spectator, or coach is ejected, then they must leave the field or coaching area and cannot participate in any playing or coaching duties. 1.8.3 If a player, spectator, or coach refuses to leave or keeps arguing against the umpire’s position, the umpire can report their conduct to the Softball Commission and the Commission will decide if further action should be taken. 1.8.4 The umpire does not have to issue any warnings to coaches, spectators, or players before ejection occurs. All warnings are implied with the receiving of this rule book. Coaches should discuss with players. 1.9.0 Schedules 1.9.1 Senior League games are scheduled for 6:30 p.m. on Tuesdays. Junior League games are scheduled for 6:00 p.m. on Sundays. 1.9.2 The time limit for season games will be 2 hours. 1.9.3 The games can be rescheduled by mutual consent of managers. If a game is rescheduled, the UW-Extension Office must be notified. 1.9.4 If rain makes the field unplayable, the home manager should call the visiting manager before game time. Games shall be rescheduled by mutual consent of the coaches and it shall be reported to the UW-Extension Office. 1.9.5 A schedule will be compiled by the Softball Commission and a copy will be sent to each club’s General Leader and each team’s coach. 1.10.0 Substitutions 1.10.1 Juniors: All players present that want to play in the game will be put in a fixed batting order. Players who arrive after the exchange of batting orders will be added to the end of the order. All players will be batting the entire game. If a player needs to leave early, they will be dropped from the order without being penalized. 1.10.2 Seniors: All players present that want to play in the game will be put in a fixed batting order. Players who arrive after the exchange of batting orders will be added to the end of the order. All players will be batting the entire game. If a player needs to leave early, they will be dropped from the order without being penalized. 1.11.0 Reporting 1.11.1 Each team shall keep score for both teams. 1.11.2 The home score book shall be the official score book. Umpires will refer to this score book at all times. 1.11.3 Results of games must be called in / emailed to the UW-Extension Office by the home team head coach - no later than three days following the game. Message needs to include: Jr. / Sr. team, who won, date, score and identify the person calling 1.11.4 Tournament Game rosters for all Junior / Senior teams must be turned in to the UW-Extension Office on or before July 18th, or you may turn it in at the All-Star Game. 1.11.5 If a team decides not to send in the rosters, it will be the decision of the Commission as to whether the team will be allowed to participate in the tournament. 1.11.6 Forfeits and rescheduled games should also be reported. 1.11.7 Failure to report scores by calling, faxing or e-mailing the information by the third day after the game was played, will automatically result in a loss being recorded for the home team. 1.11.8 In the event of a tie in the standings at the end of the season, a play-off game will be scheduled to determine the Champion. 1.12.0 General Rules 1.12.1 The regulation game will consist of 7 innings. If there is a tie after 7 innings, full innings shall be played until a winner emerges. A game can be called official if after 5 innings the away team is winning or after 4½ innings the home team is winning. 1.12.2 UPDATED: No more than 10 players may be on the field for a team at any one time for both Juniors and Seniors. Seniors may only play 4 outfielders and 6 on base. 1.12.3 Coaches must play all the members that wish to play during the games. 1.12.4 There will be no infield fly rule in this league. 1.12.5 The softball game may be called when a team is fifteen runs ahead after the end of the fifth inning upon mutual agreement between the coaches. 1.12.6 Pitching distance for the Junior League shall be 40 feet, and the Senior League shall be 46 feet. Bases will be 60 feet apart. Measuring will be done from the back of home plate. 1.12.7 Ground rules must be established before play begins. 1.12.8 Teams must always field a full team when players are available. 1.12.9 When a ball is out of play, the base runners receive the base which they are going to and one extra base. 1.12.10 The liberal strike zone will be knees to armpits to the top of letters that crosses the front part of plate, and it doesn’t have to cross the whole plate. 1.12.11 If a player is hurt and can’t run the bases, the last player to make an out will run. 1.12.12 Fielders must be out of baseline when not trying to field a ball. be interference, for safety reasons. It could 1.12.13 A foul ball is a batted ball that is forced or stops outside the foul lines between home plate and first or third base, that bounces past first or third base in foul territory, or that first lands outside the foul lines on a fly past those bases. 1.12.14 The time limit for season games is two (2) hours. This is also under “Schedules”. 1.12.15 When runners pass each other on base paths, the trailing runner is out. 1.13.0 Pitching Rules 1.13.1 This league is a fast pitch league; there is no arch rule. No back-hand pitches are allowed in the Junior League (release must be forward). The pitches must be underhand, not overhand. No Windmill pitch will be allowed in Junior league. 1.13.2 An illegally released pitch shall be called immediately upon release; this will be called a dead ball by the umpire and a ball will be awarded to the batter. 1.13.3 Pitchers must start with 1 or 2 feet on the rubber. One foot must be in contact with the rubber upon release of the pitch. 1.14.0 Base Running Rules 1.14.1 Players are allowed to slide into all bases. If there is to be a play at 2nd, 3rd, or home plate, the runner must avoid contact or slide to ensure safety. 1.14.2 No base stealing is allowed. Base runners may advance only on a batted ball or if the catcher tries to make a play on a runner. The runner is out if they lead off before the pitcher lets go of the ball. 1.14.3 If a ball is hit and a fielder has a reasonable chance to field the ball before it hits a runner, the runner is safe. If a ball is hit and a fielder does not have a reasonable chance to field the ball before it hits a runner, then the runner is out. After a batted ball hits a runner, previous base runners go back to previous base because the play is dead if less than 2 outs. 1.14.4 Base runners may tag either first base or the extra base when going back to first base after going past it., for safety reasons. 1.14.5 When runners pass each other on base paths, the trailing runner is out. 1.15.0 Batting Rules 1.15.1 Each batter is allowed a maximum of four balls and three strikes. Four balls constitutes a walk. Three strikes called, swinging, or foul balls shall constitute an out. A foul ball after 2 strikes does not count as strike three. 1.15.2 The batter cannot advance on a dropped third strike in either league. 1.15.3 If a player uses an illegal bat and touches the ball during that at bat, whether fair or foul, the batter is then called out, and runners must go back to their previous base. 1.15.4 Bunting is not permitted in either league. If a bunt is attempted, it will be considered an out. 1.15.5 When a batter is hit by a pitch and makes an attempt to get out of the way of the pitch, even if the pitch hits the dirt, the batter will be allowed to proceed to first base. 1.15.6 After a batter throws a bat after a warning, he is out (for safety). 1.15.7 Batters will not wear catcher’s equipment when batting. They may wear kneepads. 1.15.8 Batters may not step out of the batter’s box to hit a pitched ball or hit a ball that hits the ground first. It will be called a dead ball and count as a strike, to ensure safety. 2.1.0 4-H SOFTBALL COACHES 2.1.1 Junior Division: Team 2.1.1a Elkhorn/Sugar Creek (ELK/SUG) Coach Brenna Constable 2.1.1b Linn/LaGrange/Walworth/Troy Center/Springfield/Lake Beulah/ Spring Prairie (LNN/LAG/WAL/TCR/SPF/LKB/SPP) Lance Ellsworth Jake Robers Briana Brenek Andrea Rohloff Darrel Markham Rita VanSchyndel Rachelle Haacker Dan Kundert Phone H: (262) 742-2125 C: (262) 903-5707 (414) 406-4212 (262) 365-4526 H: (262) 723-7910 C: (573) 819-3626 (262) 473-9086 (262) 642-2748 (262) 203-0242 (262) 723-3875 (262) 749-8641 2.1.2 Senior Division: Team 2.1.2a Elkhorn/Springfield/ Spring Prairie (ELK/SPF/SPP ) Coach Lance Ellsworth 2.1.2b LaGrange/Sugar Creek/ Whitewater (LAG/SUG/WWR) Barb Dowty Neil West Dan Hegeman (262) 723-2861 (262) 378-0774 H: (262) 472-0515 C: (262) 753-3196 2.1.2c Lakeland/Linn/Harvesters (LKD/LNN/HRV) Nancy Lee Joyce Smith (262) 724-5330 H: (262) 248-7734 C: (262) 206-1182 H: (262) 728-8529 C: (262) 745-5692 Briana Brenek Rita VanSchyndel Rachelle Haacker Katie Adams Phone H: (262) 723-7910 C: (573) 819-3626 (262) 365-4526 (262) 203-0242 (262) 723-3875 3.1.0 PLAYING FIELD LOCATIONS 3.1.1 DARIEN WEST PARK Highway 14, North side of Darien by fire Station. 3.1.2 LAGRANGE TOWN HALL: Take Highway H north of Elkhorn to Territorial Road, or take Highway 12 west of Whitewater to County Highway H south to Territorial Road. The field is on the northwest corner of County Highway H and Territorial Road. 3.1.3 LINN FIREMAN’S PARK: Take 120 south to Willow Road—go straight on Willow Road. Go to next intersection, turn left on Hillside. Field is on right hand side of road between the fire department and the Presbyterian Church 3.1.4 LYONS GRADE SCHOOL: Take Highway 36 to Lyons. Turn south on Mill Street (South Road). The park is located across the river at the Lyons Riverview Park. 3.1.5 SPRING PRAIRIE TOWN HALL: Take Highway 11 east of Elkhorn to Highway 120 north. Turn left (north) and go 1 1/2 miles to the corner of Highway 120 and Potters Road. The field is located on the south-west corner of Highway 120 and Potters Road. 3.1.6 TIBBETS SCHOOL: Take Highway 12 & 67 approximately 7 miles north of Elkhorn to County Highway A. Turn left (west) and go approximately 1/2 mile. The school is located on the north side of the road. 3.1.7 All Star game - Junior & Senior Teams Darien West Park 3.1.8 Tournament Playoffs — Junior & Senior Teams Darien West Park 4.1.0 End of season evaluation meeting is August 2 at 7:00pm. 5.1.0 TEAM ROSTERS 5.1.1 Junior Team Rosters 5.1.1a ELK/SUG Club Last First Grade Elkhorn Gooslin Hunter 5 Elkhorn Kraayvanger Sadie 3 Elkhorn Paur Monica 6 Elkhorn Schwent Landon 5 Elkhorn Wenzel Tyler 6 Sugar Creek Constable Mackenzie 7 Sugar Creek Crudden David 4 Sugar Creek Jacobson Emma 6 Sugar Creek Loveless Carson 6 Sugar creek Moore Hailey 6 Sugar creek Robers Emma 7 Sugar Creek Vogt Melaina 4 Sugar Creek Vogt Anthony 6 Sugar Creek Ehlen Maya 6 Sugar Creek Nelson Ava 4 5.1.1b LNN/LAG/WAL/TCR/SPF/LKB/SPP Club Last First Grade Spring Prairie Dodge Kirk 5 Spring Prairie Dodge Kaylee 7 Spring Prairie Ellsworth Kyle 5 Spring Prairie Katzman Joshua 3 Spring Prairie Thomas Robert 6 Spring Prairie Wehmeier John Tyler 6 Lake Beulah BisabarrosHudoc Xabier 5 Lake Beulah Geuder Lillian 7 Lake Beulah Geuder Zachary 7 Linn Ford Vivian 6 Linn Smith Haleigh 6 Linn Smith Elizabeth 7 Walworth Haney Anna 5 LaGrange Rohloff Eloise 4 Troy Center Markham Benjamin 4 Springfield Haacker Suzanne 6 5.1.2 Senior Team Rosters 5.1.2a ELK/SPF/SPP Club Last First Grade Ellsworth Tyler 10 Harkness Evelyn 11 Kramer Owen 7 Pearson Ryan 10 Springfield Haacker Alexander 8 Springfield Haacker Sarah 11 Springfield Haacker Connie 12 Springfield VanSchyndel Theresa 11 Springfield Regnier Sarah 12 Spring Prairie Spring Prairie Spring Prairie Spring Prairie Elkhorn Eggert Madeline 8 Elkhorn Kraayvanger Seth 9 Elkhorn Partington Abrielle 9 Elkhorn Paur Genevieve 8 Elkhorn Paur Bridget 10 Elkhorn Paur Elizabeth 12 Elkhorn Schmidt Jonah 7 Elkhorn Schmidt Noah 10 5.1.2b LAG/SUG/WWR Club Last First Grade LaGrange Pfinder Jaden 9 LaGrange Treder Sydney 9 LaGrange Treder Whitney 11 LaGrange West Mason 8 LaGrange Sugar Creek Sugar Creek Sugar Creek Sugar Creek Sugar Creek Sugar Creek Whitewater 4-H Whitewater 4-H West Hayden 9 Cauffman Lillienne 9 Dowty Charles 12 Flitcroft Cole 8 Welsh Nathan 10 Ehlen Leo 9 Nelson Joe 8 Hegeman David 7 Hegeman Mary 11 5.1.2c LKD/LNN/HRV Club Last First Grade Lakeland Adams Ty 7 Lakeland Kuehl Jason 10 Linn Ford Jasmine 8 Linn Frederick Devon 11 Linn Quast Keven 12 Linn Quast Jonathon 13 Linn Rickel Cassidy 7 Linn Rickel Alex 11 Linn Smith Aaron 10 Linn Smith Adam 13 Harvesters Acheson Gwendolyn 7 Harvesters Acheson Ben 9 Harvesters Anderson Sydney 9 Harvesters Lee Amanda 1 6.1.0 TOURNAMENT SCHEDULES 6.1.1 Junior Division Junior Potluck FUN Game— July 31 at 3:00pm Potluck dinner to follow Darien West Park Championship Game— July 24 at 3:00pm Darien West Park Rain Date Championship Game— July 31 at 3:00pm Darien West Park 6.1.2 Senior Division Senior Potluck FUN Game—July 31 at 3:00pm Potluck dinner to follow Darien West Park Playoff Game— July 26 at 6:00pm Championship Game— July 26 at 8:00pm Darien West Park Rain Date Playoff Game— August 2 at 6:00pm Rain Date Championship Game— August 2 at 8:00pm Darien West Park 7.1.0 CLUB GENERAL LEADERS Big Foot Pioneers ................... Lisa Konkel ................................................725-8012 Barb Nordmeyer .....................................745-8679 Ronda Frederick .....................................275-9882 Elkhorn..................................... Kristi and Jeff Plenty ..............................740-1108 Sarah and Tim Boss .................................723-3401 Jennifer and Jeff Kleist ...........................723-8343 Flamethrowers ..................... Chelsea Police ........................................279-7964 Harvesters ............................... Rodney & Nancy Lee ...........................724-5330 LaGrange ............................... Jodi Aron ................................................495-4559 Lake Beulah ........................... Kelly Cleveland ......................................501-6763 Colleen Henningfeld ......................... ….642-9484 Christie Pogreba .....................................642-8710 Lakeland................................. Diane DeBaere ......................................248-8354 Linn .......................................... Dan and Donna Kundert .....................275-5155 Lisa Lasch .................................................749-8374 Deanna Kundert .....................................812-3195 Lyons ...................................... Lisa Kendall .............................................661-4320 Richmond ............................... Donna Sherman ......................... ….414-861-0717 Tracy Riley ........................................ 920-988-0871 Ridge Prairie ......................... Carol Keizer ..............................................581-6320 Robin Mansfield ......................................882-1054 Sharon ..................................... Laura Vander Veen ..............................215-6480 Spring Prairie .......................... Brenda Harkness ....................................661-4580 Betty Baerwald ........................................742-3406 Stacy Jacobs .........................................742-2042 Springfield............................... Rita VanSchyndel ..................................723-6727 Rachelle Haacker...................................723-3875 Sugar Creek ........................... Jodi Swatek ..............................................215-2718 Susan Earle………………………………..642 -5746 Troy Center ........................... Alice Gott ...............................................642-5434 Lisa Brockman…………………………..414-303-1422 Brenda Warrenburg ...............................749-4621 Valley View ........................... Tammy Atkinson ....................................490-1240 Jennifer Bresler ........................................642-7915 Joanna Meadows ..................................729-2451 Walworth .............................. Mike & Geri Wells.....................................749-4509 Whitewater............................. Laurie Giorno .........................................903-9416 Linda Giorno ..........................................903-0301 8.1.0 SOFTBALL COMMISSION BYLAWS Article I – Name Revised 4/07/2014 The name of this 4-H Committee shall be: Walworth County 4-H Softball Commission. Article II – Purpose The purposes of this Committee are to cooperate with the Walworth County UW-Extension office to: •Provide Walworth County 4-H softball participants with a safe, fair, and positive playing environment by setting clear rules and regulations to participating members and their families. •Promote the Walworth County 4-H softball league through information given to leaders, written in the Newsclip, and posted on the 4-H website/Facebook. •Recruit and retain volunteers for the 4-H Softball Commission and umpires for the games. Article III – Membership Section 1 Membership on this committee is only open to any actively enrolled and fully screened Walworth County adult 4-H Leader. Volunteer leadership is open to all adults regardless of that person’s race, color, creed, religion, sex, national origin, disability, ancestry, age, sexual orientation, pregnancy, marital or parental status. All adult volunteers are required to participate in the Wisconsin 4-H Youth Protection Program prior to becoming a 4-H Volunteer. Youth may also participate in committee meetings in an advisory capacity. Section 2 With respect to participation in activities and events, there shall be youth and adult volunteers as needed to properly advise and assist in carrying on the various activities this committee chooses to pursue in fulfilling its purposes. Section 3 This 4-H group complies with all Wisconsin 4-H Youth Development Policies (http://www.uwex.edu/ces/4h/resources/policies/index.cfm); 4-H National Headquarters policies, (http://www.national4-hheadquarters.gov/library/4h_polregs.htm); and all federal and state laws. Article IV – Amendments This constitution may be amended by a 5/8 or 2/3 majority vote of the total membership at the final evaluation meeting. Article V – Committee Accountability This Committee shall be under the direction and guidance of the Walworth County UW-Extension 4-H Youth Development Staff. Article VI – Dissolution Clause Upon dissolution of this Committee, any assets must be turned over to a recognized 4-H club/unit/group, with the approval of the Walworth County Junior Leaders’ Association and county 4-H Youth Development Staff. BY-LAWS Article I – Election of Officers Section 1 Nominations for the offices of President, Secretary, and Treasurer will be accepted and acted upon at the final evaluation meeting each year. Nominees must be fully screened leaders for Walworth County. Officers are all one-year terms. Section 2 The officers shall be elected by vote at the final evaluation meeting. Section 3 All members are eligible to vote. Section 4 Ties for election of office are to be broken by a coin toss. Section 5 If an officer cannot fulfill his/her term, an appointment will be made by the standing officers to fill the role until the next election. Article II – Duties of Officers Section 1 The president shall preside at all committee meetings. Section 2 The secretary shall keep a record of all proceedings of the group and submit them to the county 4-H Youth Development staff following each meeting. Section 3 The treasurer shall receive and take care of all money belonging to the group and shall pay it out in accordance with the group’s wishes as stated in the groups’ annual budget or as voted upon and recorded in the group’s meeting minutes. The treasurer shall keep an accurate record of all money received and paid. Article III – Signatory Privileges Signatory privileges on this Committee’s account shall be reserved for the Treasurer and President. Two signatures shall be required on each check in compliance with 4-H best practices. Two youth members will be able to sign additionally. Article IV – Regular Meetings This commission will meet 4 times annually at the Walworth County Government Center, times and dates to be set from meeting to meeting. Meetings will be held as follows: Initial planning meeting, commission team sorting meeting, coaches’ meeting, and final evaluation meeting. Article V – Quorum A quorum shall consist of a minimum of five Committee members (or a 2/3 ratio of the full committee). A quorum must be present when business is transacted. Article VI – The Program Year The program year for this Committee is October 1 through September 30 each year. Article VII – The Fiscal Year The fiscal year for this Committee is defined as July 1 – June 30. Article VIII – Meeting Structure Meetings will follow a discussion format, but will have an agenda to guide discussion. Major points of business, including financial decisions, will be made in the form of motions. Article IX – Club Reporting This Committee will complete and submit the annual 4-H Charter Renewal Packet in compliance with the county deadline each fall. An EEO/AA employer, University of Wisconsin-Extension provides equal opportunities in employment and programming, including Title IX and American with Disabilities (ADA) requirements. © 2012 by the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System Developed by the Wisconsin 4-H Office, 431 Lowell Hall, 610 Langdon St., Madison, WI 53703. The 4-H name and emblem are federally protected under Title 18 US Code 707. 9.1.0 GAME SCHEDULES **** Home team is listed first **** 9.1.1 Junior Division Schedule Game Time is 6:00 pm Date Team Location 6/12 - LNN/LAG/WAL/TCR/SPF/LKB/SPP vs. ELK/SUG @ Spring Prairie 6/19- ELK/SUG vs. 6/26- LNN/LAG/WAL/TCR/SPF/LKB/SPP vs. ELK/SUG 7/10- ELK/SUG 7/17- LNN/LAG/WAL/TCR/SPF/LKB/SPP vs. ELK/SUG LNN/LAG/WAL/TCR/SPF/LKB/SPP @ Tibbets @ Linn vs. LNN/LAG/WAL/TCR/SPF/LKB/SPP @ Tibbets @ LaGrange 9.1.2 Senior Division Schedule+ Game Time is 6:30 pm 6/7 – LAG/SUG/WWR vs. LKD/LNN/HRV ELK/SPF/SPP @ LaGrange BYE 6/14- LKD/LNN/HRV vs ELK/SPF/SPP LAG/SUG/WWR @ Linn BYE 6/21- LAG/SUG/WWR LKD/LNN/HRV @ LaGrange BYE 6/28- LKD/LNN/HRV ELK/SPF/SPP 7/12- ELK/SPF/SPP vs. LKD/LNN/HRV LAG/SUG/WWR 7/19- ELK/SPF/SPP vs. LAG/SUG/WWR LKD/LNN/HRV vs. ELK/SPF/SPP vs. LAG/SUG/WWR @ Darien BYE @ Spring Prairie BYE @ Spring Prairie BYE Please have all make-up games and results of games that have been played in to the UW-Extension Office no later than July 25. Tournament pairings will be determined by the committee after the final game has been played.