College of San Mateo Course Outline Department: Astronomy

College of San Mateo
Course Outline
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Course Revision (Major)
Date: September 21 2010
Department: Astronomy
Course Title: Astronomy Laboratory
Total Semester Hours
Lab: 48
Length of Course
By Arrangement:
Short course (Number of weeks
Pass/No Pass
Grade Option (letter or Pass/No Pass)
Open entry/Open exit
Faculty Load Credit (To be completed by Division Office; show calculations.):
3 hrs/wk x 16 wk x 0.8 FLC/hr = 2.4 FLC
Prerequisite (Attach Enrollment Limitation Validation Form.)
MATH 110 or equivalent and completion of or concurrent enrollment in ASTR 100, ASTR 115,
or ASTR 125.
Corequisite (Attach Enrollment Limitation Validation Form.)
Recommended Preparation (Attach Enrollment Validation Form.)
Catalog Description (Include prerequisites/corequisites/recommended preparation. For format,
please see model course outline.)
101 ASTRONOMY LABORATORY (1) Minimum of 48 lab hours per term.
Prerequisite: MATH 110 or equivalent and completion of or concurrent enrollment in ASTR 100,
ASTR 115, or ASTR 125. Usage of planetarium for constellation identification, understanding of
right ascension and declination, and basic astronomical measurements of our moon, planets, and
stars. Occasional telescopic observations using CSM’s observatory. With ASTR 100, ASTR 115,
or ASTR 125, satisfies lab science requirements for U.C. and California State Universities. Extra
supplies may be required. (AA: Area E5a, CSU: Area B3, UC: Area 5A)
Course Outline
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Class Schedule Description (Include prerequisites/corequisites/recommended preparation. For
format, please see model course outline.)
Constellation identification, understanding of right ascension and declination, and basic
astronomical measurements of our moon, planets, and stars. Students are introduced to the basics
of telescope operation and spectroscopic analysis. Prerequisite: MATH 110 or equivalent and
completion of or concurrent enrollment in ASTR 100, ASTR 115, or ASTR 125. (AA: Area E5a,
CSU: Area B3, UC: Area 5A)
Student Learning Outcomes (Identify 1-6 expected learner outcomes using active verbs.)
Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:
• Use a planisphere to identify and determine the visibility of stars and constellations
• Analyze and explain the moon’s phases.
• Explain the operation of a typical telescope.
• Evaluate the different types of optical spectra.
• Recognize some of the more common Messier objects.
Course Objectives (Identify specific teaching objectives detailing course content and activities.
For some courses, the course objectives will be the same as the student learning outcomes. In this
case, “Same as Student Learning Outcomes” is appropriate here.)
Same as Student Learning Objectives
Course Content (Brief but complete topical outline of the course that includes major subject
areas [1-2 pages]. Should reflect all course objectives listed above. In addition, a sample course
syllabus with timeline may be attached.)
Constellation identification
Sidereal time
Right Ascension and Declination
Lunar phases
Spectral analysis
HR Diagram
Deep sky objects (including Messier objects)
Course Outline
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Representative Instructional Methods (Describe instructor-initiated teaching strategies that will
assist students in meeting course objectives. Describe out-of-class assignments, required reading
and writing assignments, and methods for teaching critical thinking skills. If hours by
arrangement are required, please indicate the additional instructional activity which will be
provided during these hours, where the activity will take place, and how the activity will be
Students perform lab experiments using their planispheres and Edmund Sky Guide to determine
rise/set times of stars, visibility during a particular season, etc. They also use the planetarium
program, Starry Night, supplied on department computers, to determine extrasolar planet
characteristics, duration of daylight on the solstices and equinoxes, etc.
Representative Methods of Evaluation (Describe measurement of student progress toward course
objectives. Courses with required writing component and/or problem-solving emphasis must reflect
critical thinking component. If skills class, then applied skills.)
Students are graded on their weekly lab reports. There should be a final exam counting for at least
20% of their lab grade.
Representative Text Materials (With few exceptions, texts need to be current. Include publication
The Night Sky planisphere, 1992 by David Chandler
The Edmund Sky Guide 15th edition, July 2001 by Terence Dickinson and Sam Brown
Note: The planisphere is copyright dated 1992 and is a standard star/constellation location device
used in astronomy labs. It is timeless, since stars’ positions don’t change. The Edmund Sky
Guide has astronomical information, found nowhere else in such a concise format. It is also
inexpensive, a concern for students.
Prepared by:
Email address:
Submission Date:
September 21, 2010
Course Outline
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