Frequently Asked Questions About the Florida PALM Project Frequently Asked Questions

Department of Financial Services
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions About the Florida PALM Project
The Florida PALM Project’s Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) are organized into three
1. General – Broad or generic questions about the Project. Examples may include questions
concerning the Project’s, organization, goals, timeline, and status
2. Agency – Questions concerning the Project that are specific to State agencies. It may
include questions associated with agency-related business processes and agency
business system integration
3. Vendors – Questions specific to vendors and procurement
Section 1: General
What is the Project’s objective?
The Project’s objective is encompassed in the Project vision and goals. The Project vision is
Implement a statewide financial management system that enforces standardization, acts
as a scalable foundation to evolve as business needs change, and positions Florida for
future innovation as it considers true enterprise-wide solution.
Four goals have been identified that are critical in realizing the Project Vision:
1. Reduce the State’s risk exposure by harnessing modern financial management
technology built on the premises of scalability, flexibility, and maintainability
2. Improve State and agency-specific decision-making by capturing a consistent and
expandable set of data
3. Improve the State’s financial management capabilities to enable more accurate
oversight of budget and cash demands today and in the future
4. Improve productivity, reduce operational complexity and increase internal controls by
enabling standardization and automation of business processes within and between
DFS and agencies
How is the Project organized?
The Project is organized into four “Tracks,” each having a specific focus and set of
responsibilities related to the Project:
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Business Process Standardization (BPS) - Responsible for developing and executing
business process standardization activities and developing functional requirements
Organizational Change Management (OCM) - Responsible for leading, delivering,
and supporting the execution of organizational change management and workforce
transition strategies, tools, programs, curriculum, training, and plans
Project Management Office (PMO) - Responsible for developing and executing
project management strategies for all Project phases and managing the Project’s
procurement activities
Department of Financial Services
Frequently Asked Questions
System and Data Strategy (SDS) - Responsible for providing technical guidance to
the project; developing and executing technical strategies; and developing technical
requirements for the financial management solution
Why do we need to replace the Florida Accounting Information Resource (FLAIR) and the
Cash Management System (CMS)?
Florida’s current accounting system was cutting edge when it was developed in the 1970s
and has continued to provide its “intended” functionality over the past 30 years with the
assistance of multiple modifications, updates, patches and even the implementation of
additional systems such as the Cash Management System (CMS). Since FLAIR’s and
subsequently CMS’ implementation however, the State’s operating budget has grown from
hundreds of millions to tens of billions, and the record keeping and reporting requirements
imposed by both State and Federal agencies have grown significantly. The current systems
(FLAIR & CMS) can no longer meet the State’s needs. Because FLAIR and CMS operate
on outdated architecture that is no longer supported, it was determined that the best possible
option was to replace both systems with a state of the art Enterprise Resource Planning
(ERP) solution. The ERP will be part of the State’s new financial management system.
What is Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)?
ERP, or enterprise resource planning, is a category of business management software that
allows an organization to use a system of integrated applications to manage the business
and automate back office functions. The Florida PALM Project is focusing on a financial
management ERP.
What is the Project Scope?
The Florida PALM Project scope includes the replacement of functionality currently provided
by FLAIR (Central, Departmental, Information Warehouse, and Payroll) and select CMS
What is the Project schedule?
The Florida PALM Project is a multi-year, multi-phase project. The initial phase, Pre-Design,
Development, and Implementation (Pre-DDI), focuses on project planning, business process
standardization and procurement of a Software and System Integrator (SSI). Following the
Pre-DDI phase will be the first DDI phase. This phase will focus on implementing a solution
in a waved rollout to agencies that includes “core functionality” (functionality currently
performed by Central FLAIR, Departmental FLAIR, Information Warehouse, and selected
CMS functions). Subsequent phases beyond what is defined for initial DDI Phase (e.g.
implementation of payroll functionality, transition from grant accounting to full grant
management functionality, and transition from asset accounting to full asset management
functionality) will include the implementation of the remaining functionality necessary to meet
the solution goals.
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Department of Financial Services
Frequently Asked Questions
Florida PALM Project Phases
A c t i vi t y
Design, Development and Implementation Phases
Figure 1: Florida PALM Project Phases
How will the procurement process work?
The intention of the Project is to use an Invitation to Negotiate (ITN) for the procurement of an
SSI. Specific requirements for procurement are governed by Section 287.057(1)(c), Florida
Statute (F.S.), however during the procurement process for the SSI, the Project will complete
the following steps:
Collaborate with State agencies that use FLAIR and/or CMS to develop the Level 2
Business Process Models to be used to help identify Business Requirements and
future integration points
Share proposed Business Requirements with State agencies that use FLAIR and/or
CMS and obtain feedback
Develop the solicitation document which includes Business Requirements and
determine the appropriate method for procurement
Release the solicitation
Conduct the solicitation
Award the contract
Begin working with the SSI to develop the design specifications for the financial
management solution and continue collaboration with State agencies that use FLAIR
and/or CMS through implementation
What is a business process model?
Business process models are a collection of one or more process flow diagrams and
accompanying narratives that describe a future state. The Project Team has collaborated
with the 34 State agencies that currently use FLAIR and/or CMS to produce Level 1 flows and
Level 2 business process models. While the Level 1 flows provided a general level of detail
focused on capturing high level concepts, the Level 2 models provided a greater level of detail
used to help identify requirements used as part of the ITN for the Software and System
Integrator (SSI).
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Department of Financial Services
Frequently Asked Questions
What are requirements and how will they be used?
Requirements are specific items that describe functionality, capabilities, and/or characteristics
that the financial management solution, proposed by the SSI applicant, must meet to so that
the SSI may be considered. They are specific to what a system must do, not how it should
do it. In this regard, a requirement is not the same as a procurement design specification. As
part of the reply, Respondents will be asked to provide information including how their
proposed financial management solution will meet each requirement.
What is a design specification?
A design specification is a qualitative and/or quantitative characteristic or set of criteria that
must be satisfied during the design of the financial management solution. Design
specifications may be based on the requirements developed in the Pre-DDI phase and are
essential in the development of a functioning financial management system.
How can I find out what specific Project acronyms or terms mean?
The Project has published a Glossary on the Florida PALM Project’s website. This reference
will be maintained throughout the life of the Project.
Will terminology used in current systems be kept in the new Florida PALM Financial
management solution?
Whenever possible, the Florida PALM Project will continue to use general naming
conventions to maintain consistent terminology from existing systems.
Will there be changes to the Chart of Accounts?
The Project will minimize changes to the Chart of Accounts and has developed requirements
that will support reporting for the following key master data elements for the Chart of
Operating Level Organization
State Fund Code
Fund Identifier
Budget Entity
Appropriation Category
Appropriation Year
General Ledger Code
Object Code
Grant Code
Project Code
State Program Code
Other Cost Accumulator
Contract number
What is the FLAIR study and how is it used?
As a result of the proviso language in Section 6 of the 2013 General Appropriations Act, the
Department procured services of an independent consulting firm with experience in planning
public sector technology projects, to complete a study (FLAIR Study) and to recommend
either enhancing or replacing FLAIR. For the FLAIR Study, the joint team of DFS and North
Highland is referenced as the FLAIR Study Team. The FLAIR Study also includes an
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Department of Financial Services
Frequently Asked Questions
inventory of agency business systems interfacing with FLAIR and an assessment of the
feasibility of implementing an ERP for the State of Florida. More information is available at:
Will the Florida PALM Project Team provide training on the new system?
Training will be provided to users and support staff for the new financial management solution
through various channels. Details will be available after the procurement activities conclude,
the SSI is selected, and an implementation plan has been has been defined.
Will the Florida PALM financial management solution provide the same level of reporting
provided by FLAIR and CMS?
The Florida PALM financial management solution is expected to provide better reporting
capabilities currently being provided by FLAIR and CMS.
Will the Florida PALM financial management solution provide the same level of
functionality provided by FLAIR and CMS?
The Florida PALM financial management solution is expected to provide better functionality
than what is currently available in FLAIR and CMS.
What is the expected release date for the SSI procurement?
The FY 2016-2017 General Appropriations Act provides that the SSI solicitation will be
released “no sooner than November 1, 2016.” It is anticipated that the ITN for the SSI will
be released in late 2016/early 2017 (calendar year).
What is the full procurement timeline?
The procurement timeline will be released in conjunction with the solicitation.
What is the scope of the payroll replacement?
Florida PALM will replace the payroll functions currently provided by FLAIR.
Will the Florida PALM financial management solution replace FFMIS applications; e.g.,
FLAIR, LAS/PBS, MFMP, and People First?
The Florida PALM financial management solution will replace functionality currently
available in FLAIR and CMS. The Florida PALM financial management solution will also
focus on maintaining and improving integration with existing FFMIS applications. There is
no intention for the Project to replace functionally currently provided by LAS/PBS, MFMP,
or People First.
Has funding been obtained for this project?
Funding is appropriated each year and can be found in the General Appropriations Act
released by the Legislature.
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Department of Financial Services
Frequently Asked Questions
Section 2: Agency
How will agencies be involved in the process and what may be expected of them?
Agencies have and will continue to be important partners in the identification, selection, and
implementation of the financial management solution. Agency involvement and expectations
will vary from one Project phase to the next and may depend on an agency’s reliance on, or
use of, FLAIR and/or CMS.
Agencies will be asked to participate in other activities during the DDI phases including but
not limited to design, testing, training, deployment, and post-implementation activities.
For information on agency activities to date, please see the Florida PALM website. To
request inclusion on communications to agencies, contact
Which agencies will be in the first wave for implementation?
The agency rollout order is not known at this time. The Project will be working with the SSI
and agencies to develop a proposed implementation schedule during DDI Phase 1.
Will the Florida PALM Project financial management solution interface with existing
agency business systems?
The Florida PALM Project financial management solution will be capable of integrating with
agency business systems at defined integration points. The proposed future integration
points and capabilities are documented in the Level 2 Standardized Business Process
Models for each Process Area.
How will confidential material be handled in Florida PALM? What if there is a federal
restriction on certain information?
Business requirements have been captured to allow the financial management solution to
address multiple levels of information security and confidentiality to ensure compliance with
federal, state, and other regulations and rules.
What are potential policy issues resulting from the implementation of the new financial
management solution and how will they be addressed?
Policy issues are topics identified during the business process standardization activities that
may require the development of authoritative guidance. The Florida PALM Project is tracking
potential policy issues as they are identified. The Project is currently working with the
Division of Accounting and Auditing and the Division of Treasury in the Department of
Financial Services to develop a plan and procedure for documenting and managing policy
issues to resolution. Policy issues that may require statute changes will be reviewed by the
Project Executive Steering Committee for final recommendations to the Legislature.
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Department of Financial Services
Frequently Asked Questions
Section 3: Vendors
What type of procurement process will be used to select the SSI?
The Project will use an ITN to select the SSI. This solicitation method is described in Section
287.057(1)(c), F.S. and is used when an agency intends to “determine the best method for
achieving a specific goal or solving a particular problem and identifies one or more
responsive vendors with which the agency may negotiate in order to receive the best value.”
Do I have to be on State contract to participate in the Florida PALM Project?
DFS will follow State of Florida procurement laws and rules when issuing procurements
related to the Florida PALM Project. Any procurements pursuant to State term contract will
use the Request for Quotes (RFQ) process as specified in each State contract. This would
require services from awarded State contract vendors. However, DFS is planning a formal
solicitation (ITN) for the SSI and this does not require a vendor to be on State term contract.
Vendors should consult the Vendor Bid System (VBS) for a list of procurements.
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