Christina School District “Public School Construction In Delaware” Presented by: Kelli Racca, AIA Director, Chief Operating Officer Christina School District 22 February 2012 “After almost a decade of focus on new building, facility owners nationwide are turning their attention to adaptive renovations and tactical expansions, with a focus on energy and operational costs. Across campuses and within classrooms, the projects echo new ways to teach and learn – and a changing conception of how schools work.” Arch Record January 2012 February 22, 2012 2 REFERENDUM VOTING RESULTS SECTION I: Bond Issue VOTES FOR VOTES AGAINST 6600 2608 SECTION II: Option A 6786 SECTION II: Option B 1916 3 HOW DO WE GET THOSE RESULTS? PLAN AND CAPTURE THE VISION Know the audience and let them get to know you and your District’s vision CAREFULLY DEFINE PROJECTS Understand the need but STAY FOCUSED on goals that can be supported by the Community – Example: Bayard Middle School Conversion ASSESS EXISTING FACILITIES AND DISCUSS NEED SUPPORTED BY DATA WHY A STUDY? Examples of the current Christina Facilities Assessment SHARE THE VISION Remember that original audience and expand the base, articulate the message ASSEMBLE THE TEAM TO MAKE IT HAPPEN Consultant Selection and Team Responsibilities DELIVER! DELIVER! DELIVER! 4 PLAN AND CAPTURE THE VISION CREATE A PLANNING TEAM Parents, Staff, Community members, Board representatives MEET REGULARLY (Quarterly, Semi-annually) Discuss property based issues like school capacities, feeder patterns, program moves, program expansions PLANT THAT “SEED” – UNDERSTANDING THE CONTENT Nurture well in advance of actual request for support of need Create Buy-in and Ownership 5 DEFINE THE PROJECT SCENARIO Christina creates a Neighborhood Schools Plan Six months of Planning in a series of Community Meetings generates Consensus and a Proposal Renovations are REQUIRED to meet the needs of the PLAN Create a 6 – 8 Middle School in Wilmington Add an Elementary School K – 5 along Route 40 Christina MUST run a Capital Referendum RAPID Planning in another series of Community Meetings generates a Team Two Projects are IDENTIFIED in the Plan Bayard School will be CONVERTED to a MIDDLE SCHOOL Porter Road Elementary will be completed 6 DEFINE THE PROJECT 7 BAYARD MIDDLE SCHOOL CONVERSION 8/7/2007 200 S. DuPont Street Building Area: Wilmington, DE Year Built: Req. ID Description 001 Site Improvements Reconfigure parking and bus drop-off areas Repair curbs, sidewalks, and paving Repair Steps and Handrails at North (Main) entrance Upgrade Exterior Lighting 002 Exterior Envelope Repaint Exterior H.M. Door and Frames 003 Roof Replacement Remove and replace flat roofing over gymnasium Repair coping and cover with new metal 004 Create Family and Consumer Sciences Room Appliances (4 stations) New Ceilings, Wall Finishes, Low Walls New Plastic laminate wall hung cabinets New Plastic laminate base cabinets Upgraded Electrical Services Upgraded Plumbing Services Install 2x4 lay-in lights Unit 138,689 s.f. 1973, 2000 QTY Price Cost LS LS LS LS 1 1 1 1 $70,000 $125,000 $50,000 $18,000 $70,000 $125,000 $50,000 $18,000 LS 1 $3,500 $3,500 Task Total/ Source $263,000 $3,500 $138,500 SF LF 7000 500 $18 $126,000 $25 $12,500 $145,325 LS SF LF LF LS LS EA 1 1600 200 200 1 1 15 $8,500 $9 $180 $200 $18,000 $22,000 $275 $8,500 $14,400 $36,000 $40,000 $18,000 $22,000 $4,125 8 SUMMARY Bayard Middle School Cost of Construction subtotal $3,664,620 Design & Doc Cont 10% $ 366,462 Construction Cont 10% $ 366,462 Construction Costs Subtotal $4,397,544 Escalation factors (4% per year) 2008-2009 - 50% of work 8% $ 175,902 2009-2010 - REMAINDER of work 12% $263,853 Total Escalation Factors $ 439,754 Total Construction Costs $4,837,298 Project Soft Costs A/E Design Fees avg per State Fee Schedule 9.5% $ 459,543 Fees/Permits (estimated) $ 100,000 FFE Allowance - Per CSD $ 500,000 Total Soft Costs $1,059,543 Major Capital Improvements Program Total Request for Bayard $5,896,842 $ 6 Million Project Budget 60% State and 40% Local Funding $ 2,400,000 was the request to the local community to support the Bayard MS Conversion 9 ASSESS EXISTING FACILITIES DISTRICT-WIDE WHY A STUDY? Identifies Physical Deficiencies Evaluates how well Programs are being served Creates proactive Planning / Budgeting Tool Identifies Large Capital Projects Identifies Small Minor Projects Incorporates Data in the Work Order Management System Provides a 5 year Master Plan 10 STUDY COMPONENTS CATEGORIES EVALUATED RATINGS Site Mechanical Urgent Exterior Plumbing High Roof Electric Medium Interior Program Low Code 11 General Findings MANY SCHOOLS ARE IN Condition 12 General Findings BUILDINGS HAVE BEEN WELL MAINTAINED BUT NEED ATTENTION Infrastructure Component Beyond their Life Expectancy 13 PRIORITY SUMMARY URGENT Safety, Code, ADA, and Infrastructure Needs where Component Failure is Imminent. 3% HIGH Work that should be Completed as Soon as Possible. 60% MEDIUM Building System Components that are Showing Signs of Wear, but where Replacement is Not Urgent. LOW Non-Urgent Items that the District should Budget for in the Future. 35% 2% 14 Typical Project Summary: 15 Typical Itemized Deficiency List: 16 DISTRICT-WIDE FACILITY SUMMARY URGENT HIGH MEDIUM LOW ELEMENTARY 0.83% 7.36% 8.54% 0.66% MIDDLE SCH. 1.45% 19.02% 5.43% 0.13% HIGH SCHOOL 0.47% 25.38% 13.43% 0.26% SPECIAL/SUPPORT 0.44% 8.60% 7.90% 0.09% TOTAL: 3.19% 60.36% 35.31% 1.14% 17 MASTER PLAN – Example - High Schools Year One Christiana Glasgow Year Two Year Three Code & Roof Stadium ADA & Code Stadium Site, Ext., Roof Temp. Modulars Temp. Modulars Renovations Security Renovations Temp. Modulars Renovations Security Renovations 18 SHARE THE VISION WIDEN THE CIRCLE • Community members listen to other community members • Planning committee members can now reach out to coworkers, neighbors, other business associates • Buy-in created in the Planning Process is INVALUABLE NOW ARTICULATE THE MISSION • Create simple slogans, Speak strong ideas, Develop marketing tools, and flyers addressing FAQ’s • Assure that civic associations, parent groups, students, etc are ALL spreading the information to supportive constituents FOCUS ON THE YES VOTE • It is more difficult the change the mindset of a non-supporter than it is to gather two supporters to counteract that Nay vote • Value your Grass Roots Volunteers’ time 19 ASSEMBLE THE TEAM TO MAKE IT HAPPEN • Consultants • Architectural /Engineering/ Construction Manager/ Haz Mat • Title 29 Procurement Process for Professional Services • Thresholds • Process • Advertisement • List Criteria and Develop an RFQ description of services that can be distributed to interested parties 20 ASSEMBLE THE TEAM TO MAKE IT HAPPEN • Screen and Interview • Select a committee – Include School Administrators if possible • Develop a Rubric for reviewing qualifications based directly on advertised criteria • Screen and rank all candidates • Develop Interview Schedule • Develop questions to be asked of each team • Interview and rank • Make Recommendation to the Board of Education for approval 21 Project Name: Evaluator’s Name: Professional Service Interview Form Questions Date: Committee: FIRM 1 FIRM 2 _________ FIRM 3 Interview FIRM 4 FIRM 5 FIRM 6 1. What tools or methods will be used to assure that the information collected is consistent across all assessment teams. Criterion: Capacity 1–15 points 2. This report will be used to develop a capital campaign at some point. What criteria would you use to prioritize the needs of the district knowing that capital dollars are so difficult to come by these days? Criterion: Expertise and Experience / Reputation 1-15 points 3. In general, by what margin (percentage) do your construction estimates typically reflect actual bids? Criterion: Demonstrated Ability 1-15 points 4. What steps do you take during the course of a project to ensure the schedule is met? Criterion: Demonstrated Ability 1-15 Overall Presentation 1 – 10 points TOTALS 22 ASSEMBLE THE TEAM TO MAKE IT HAPPEN A/E CONSULTING TEAM • Lead Consultant preferably an Architect • Sub Consultants including Site, Mech/Elec, Structural, Kitchen, Hardware, Furniture/Interiors DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVES • District Project Manager (can be out sourced but must be independent of Consultant team and Building team) • District Administrator (Supervisor or Above) • Inspection Services • Haz Mat Consultant CONTRACTOR • Site Supervisor • Sub-Contractors • Suppliers 23 REFERENDUM VOTING RESULTS SECTION I: Bond Issue VOTES FOR VOTES AGAINST 6600 2608 SECTION II: Option A 6786 SECTION II: Option B 1916 24